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Pages in category "Pair"
The following 66 pages are in this category, out of 66 total.
- A loving, chaste wife and loving husband desire all welfare for each other in separation and do not care for personal happiness. Desiring only each other's well-being, such a pair certainly meet again without delay
- A petari is a kind of big basket that is carried in pairs on the ends of a rod balanced over the shoulders. The man who carries such a load is called a bhari
- According to Sridhara Svami, His (Visnu's) three pairs of opulences are complete riches and complete strength, complete fame and complete beauty, and complete wisdom and complete renunciation
- After binding her son, mother Yasoda engaged herself in household affairs. At that time, bound up to the wooden mortar, Krsna could see a pair of trees before Him which were known as arjuna trees
- All of these demigods and demons assembled on the battlefield with a fighting spirit and attacked one another with great strength. All of them desiring victory, they fought in pairs, hitting one another severely with sharpened arrows, swords and lances
- Although the path was very rough, they (the cows) ran toward their calves (Krsna's calf expansions) with great anxiety, each running as if with one pair of legs - SB 10.13.30
- I (Brahma) worship the primeval Lord, Govinda. Ganesa always holds His lotus feet upon the pair of tumuli protruding from his elephant head in order to obtain power for his function of destroying all obstacles on the path of progress in the three worlds
- I am anxious to know what happened to the other two pairs of Deities. These two pairs of Deities are immediately required for Paris and Berlin
- I am very much thankful to you for your sending me the sweater, two pairs of shoes and a cap also. Thank you very much
- I beg to inform you that immediately I want one pair of Radha-Krishna Deities in London
- I beg to inform you that the two pairs of Radha Krishna Deities have arrived in Bombay from Jaipur. So out of the four Deities, two of Krishna and two of Radharani, one Deity of Radharani is broken by the hand
- I have no objection to your worshiping my murti for Guru Puja. But for placing in the temple there must be a pair of murtis, (my Guru Maharaja must be there) as in Krsna-Balarama Mandir, and they must be permanently installed
- Ideal pair amongst my disciples
- If one says that such and such an object is a pair of spectacles, and if he teaches his disciple in that way, there is no mistake as to the identity of the object. The spiritual master is he who has captured the words of a particular disciplic succession
- If you can arrange with their cooperation to exchange 1000 record albums for 20 pairs of Murtis, it will be a great service to the society
- In the evening the report of the preaching work was submitted to the Lord, and He was glad to learn that Nityananda and Haridasa had attempted to deliver such a stupid pair of fellows
- In the same way, the yogi should concentrate his mind on the Lord's nipples, which resemble a pair of most exquisite emeralds and which appear whitish because of the rays of the milk-white pearl necklaces adorning His chest
- In the wake of the olfactory sense came the wind-god, who presides over that sense. Thereafter a pair of eyes appeared in the universal form, and in them the sense of sight
- In the wake of this sense came the sun-god, who presides over it. Next there appeared in Him a pair of ears, and in them the auditory sense and in its wake the Dig-devatas, or the deities who preside over the directions
- In your letter dated January 24, you informed me that two pairs of Murtis were to be received by the 5th of February, but I have not heard anything whether any one of the pairs has already been dispatched
- It is my ambition that Indian Vaisnavas may contribute at least one pair of Murtis, following your nice example, and we can establish them in each and every center of our Society
- One cowherd boy said, "Once His (Krsna's) mother, being disturbed by His stealing butter, tied Him to a wooden mortar, and the child pulled it toward a pair of trees known as yamala-arjuna and caused them to fall"
- Out of the six questions - ksetra, ksetra-jna, prakrti, purusa, jnanam, jneyam - He is answering the first two, pair
- Saubhari Rsi was engaged in austerity, deep in the water of the River Yamuna, when he saw a pair of fish engaged in sexual affairs
- Sethji wants to contribute two Pair of Deities provided the freight is paid by somebody else. So I agree to this proposal. Kindly arrange to send at least two Pairs of Radha Krishna Deities, brass, as per specification given to you before
- Sometimes two would pair off to fight in the water. One would emerge victorious and the other defeated, and the Lord would watch all this fun
- Sri Baladeva appeared as Sri Nityananda Prabhu during the advent of Lord Caitanya, and the great Lord Nityananda Prabhu exhibited His causeless mercy by delivering a pair of extremely fallen souls, namely Jagai and Madhai
- Such a loving, chaste wife and loving husband desire all welfare for each other in separation and do not care for personal happiness. Desiring only each other's well-being, such a pair certainly meet again without delay
- The demigods and demons came before each other and reproached one another with words piercing to the heart. Then they drew near and began fighting face to face in pairs
- The eyes, nostrils and ears are pairs of gates situated in one place. The mouth, genital & rectum are also different gates. Being placed into a body having these nine gates, the living entity acts externally in the material world and enjoys sense objects
- The gardens (of King Indra's city) were visited by pairs of chirping birds and singing bees. The entire atmosphere was celestial
- The hands of the gopis, which resembled red lotus flowers, arose from the water in pairs to obstruct the bluish flowers
- The King's residence was surrounded by gardens wherein there were varieties of trees brought from the heavenly planets. In those trees there were pairs of sweetly singing birds and almost-mad bumblebees, which made a very relishable buzzing sound
- The naughty child (Krsna) dragged the pestle up to a pair of very high arjuna trees in the yard of Yasodamayi, and when the pestle was stuck between the pair of trees, they fell down with a horrible sound
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is superbly adorned with a pearl necklace, a crown and pairs of armlets, bracelets and anklets
- The yogi then meditates upon the beautiful face of the Lord, which is adorned with curly hair and decorated by lotuslike eyes and dancing eyebrows. A lotus surrounded by swarming bees and a pair of swimming fish would be put to shame by its elegance
- There is a history behind the pair of arjuna trees. In their previous lives, the trees were born as the human sons of Kuvera, and their names were Nalakuvara and Manigriva. Fortunately, they came within the vision of the Lord
- There is no doubt about Lord Krsna's being the Supreme Lord, otherwise how was it possible for Him to overturn a cart with His leg when He was only three months old, to uproot a pair of arjuna trees, so high that they touched the sky
- There is similar dance, just like ball dance in your country. But the specific significance of this dance was that Krsna bifurcated Himself in so many boys as many girls there were, and they began to dance in pair
- There were five pairs of Murtis, one pair being donated by Dalmia-Jayan Trust and the other four pairs being donated by the Birla Trust
- There were pairs of varied birds & in a lake there were ducks & swans, all vibrating very sweet sounds. Thus the park was magnificently beautiful because of the foliage, the clear water, the lotus flowers & the sweet singing of various kinds of birds
- They are an ideal pair amongst my disciples
- Today Gurudasa and his wife Yamuna are going there. You wanted some married couple. They are the best pair and if required they can remain in Delhi to organize things nicely
- We know from Srimad-Bhagavatam that Ajamila, an innocent son of a brahmana, was walking down a road and saw a sudra pair sexually embracing. This attracted the boy, and later on the boy became a victim of all debaucheries
- We must be fully equipped, and the preaching work by pairs of husband and wife will be an unique example to the world
- We want to show ideal householder life also. If one pair of nice Krishna Conscious householders are there, so many people derive benefit out of their behavior
- What about the other two pairs of Murtis? Are they already delivered to you? If so, you can dispatch them similarly for Los Angeles
- When some men go there to Calcutta from here, they will take one big pair of marble Deities for installation there; the brass Dieties from Gorakhpur will be installed in Mayapur
- When the large Deities are installed, the small Deities should be worshiped as Vijaya Vigraha which means this pair of Deities may go outside the Temple
- While wandering in the forest, the hunter saw a pair of kulinga birds. Of the two, the female was captivated by the hunter's lure
- You need not send the Murtis by air cargo to London because some devotee here has contributed a Radha-Krishna Murti pair imported from Jaipur. It is 42" high and very nice. So Krishna has saved us in this point
- You should arrange for them to be sent to New York from where they will be distributed to the appropriate centers. In New Vrndavana we will require seven pairs of Deities for the proposed seven temples
- You will be pleased to know that now I have got 24 branches - perhaps you have seen the list in our "Back to Godhead." Our Indian Vaisnavas are helping me by contributing each one pair or more Radha Krishna Murtis for our different Temples
- Your form is composed of transcendental goodness. You are known as tri-yuga because in Kali-yuga You appeared as a concealed incarnation and because You always fully possess the three pairs of opulences