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Pages in category "Sunshine"
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- A child can see also the sunshine, but that does not mean he knows what is the sun, although the sunshine is coming from the sun. So unless you understand what is the actual sun, what is the person within the sun globe, our knowledge is imperfect
- A great soul may forgive offenses, but Krsna does not excuse offenses to the dust of that great soul's feet, just as one can tolerate the scorching sunshine on one's head but cannot tolerate the scorching sunshine on one's feet
- A mystic yogi can enter into the sun planet simply by using the rays of the sunshine. This perfection is called laghima
- A strong government is compared to the scorching sunshine in the autumn season, the lilies are compared to unwanted persons like robbers, and the lotus flowers are compared to the satisfied citizens
- Above the rays of the sunshine by a distance of 100,000 yojanas (800,000 miles) is the moon, which travels at a speed faster than that of the sun
- According to modern science, the sunshine reaches earth from a distance of 93,000,000 miles. If we calculate according to this modern information, 93,000,000 miles can be considered the radius of Bhu-mandala
- According to modern scientists, the material world rests on the sun's effulgence. Due to the sunshine, all planets are rotating and vegetables are growing. We also have information that the moonshine helps vegetables and herbs grow
- According to this verse (SB 4.8.78) and other Vedic literatures, such as Bhagavad-gita, the resting place of Brahman is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as the resting place of the sunshine is the sun globe
- Actually there are only two energies. All of the planetary systems and universes are resting on the energies of Krsna. Just as all the planets in the solar system are resting in the sunshine, everything within the creation is resting on Krsna-shine
- Actually, this large lizard was King Nrga, and when questioned by the Supreme Personality of Godhead he immediately bowed down before the Lord, touching to the ground the helmet on his head, which was as dazzling as the sunshine
- Akhanditam means not exactly "fragmented" but "constitutionally always infinitesimal." No one can separate the molecular parts of the sunshine from the sun, but at the same time the molecular part of the sunshine is not as expansive as the sun itself
- All the domes of the city palaces as well as the pinnacles of the airplanes were decorated with ornamental work in gold, and, being reflected by the sunshine, they were all glittering
- All the planets rest on the sunshine, and because of the heat of the sun, they all revolve in their orbits. On each and every planet, the trees and plants grow and change colors due to the sunshine
- All the planets, resting on the sunshine, are nondifferent from the sun. The entire material world is completely dependent on the sun, being produced by the sun, and the cause, the sun, is inherent in the effects
- Although God is situated in His dhama paramam, His energies are distributed everywhere. Nor is He different from His energies, inasmuch as the sunshine and the sun are nondifferent
- Although sunshine is not different from the sun, still, if you simply study scientifically, scientifically, what is the molecules, what are these rays, where this brilliant illuminative thing . . . so many things you can go on studying
- Although the Arctic region is not visible to ordinary persons, the sun shines there without impediment
- Although the sunshine and the sun globe are actually one and the same, still there is a distinction, for one is the energy and one is the energetic source
- Although the sunshine that spreads all over the universes appears very great to the less knowledgeable, greater than the sunshine is the sun itself, and greater than the sun is the sun-god
- Although the sunshine was scorching hot, Vrsabha felt it to be like the moonshine
- An analogy can be given with the sun globe and the sunshine: to remain in the sunshine does not mean one has gone to the sun globe. The temperature of the sun globe is different from the temperature of the sunshine
- An expression of disappointment was made by Indra, the King of heaven. When he saw the sun-god, Indra told him, "My dear sun-god, your sunshine is very glorious because it reaches unto the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, the master of the Yadu dynasty
- As far as the sun and moon shine with the stars and as far as the clouds pour rain, all the land throughout the universe is in your possession
- As honey and butter become melted even in slight sunshine, so softhearted persons become easily melted
- As long as the sunshine is present the sun is present, and if the sun were not present the sun's energy would also not be there. The energy and the energetic must both exist
- As stated in Bhagavad-Gita, we can remember Krishna when drinking water, when seeing the sunshine and moonshine, when smelling a flower, when hearing the transcendental sound vibration, when chanting Vedic mantras
- As sunshine dissipates the darkness of this material world, the effulgence emanating from the body of the Lord immediately dries up the darkness in the heart of the conditioned soul
- As the demigod in the sun is a person and is perceived by his all-pervading energy, the sunshine, similarly, the Lord, although in His eternal abode, is perceived by His all-pervading, diffusive energies. BG 1972 purports
- As the sun and the sunshine, they are together shining, there is light, similarly, when we are again posted in our own constitutional position, and Krsna is like the sun and we are shining particles, then our life is successful
- Atmosphere of this country is so surcharged that you cannot receive the sunshine properly, but the sunshine distributes its shining everywhere the same. Similarly, according to the country, according to the circumstances God is manifested differently
- Because these living entities do not wish to keep their individual existences, they are combined and allowed to remain in Brahmaloka like so many atomic particles of sunshine emanating from the sun
- Because we need drinking water, by God's arrangement the sunshine evaporates the water from the ocean, takes it high in the sky, and then distributes clear, distilled water. Just see how God is providing everything that everyone needs
- Before the sunrise even takes place, the light of dawn destroys the fear of the dangers of the night, such as disturbances by thieves, ghosts and Raksasas, and when the sunshine actually appears, one engages in his duties
- Being in love with the Godhead is compared to the sunshine emanating from the sun; this shining makes the devotee's heart more and more lovely. The heart of such a devotee is situated in a transcendental position beyond even the mode of goodness
- Being the rays of the sun, the sunshine is nondifferent from the sun. Similarly, all the planets, resting on the sunshine, are nondifferent from the sun
- Beyond Puskaradvipa there are two islands, one always lit by the sunshine and the other always dark. Between them is a mountain called Lokaloka, which is situated one billion miles from the edge of the universe
- Both the sun and the sunshine are very brilliant. The Lord is like the full shining sun, and the living entities are like the small particles of that sun which constitute the all-pervasive sunshine
- Brahma said, "Accept my humble obeisances until the annihilation of this material world. As long as there is sunshine within this material world, kindly accept my humble obeisances"
- Brahman means His (Krsna's) effulgence, bodily rays. You may ask, "What is that bodily rays?" You can see every day. Everyone has got bodily rays according to his quality. You see the sun, the bodily rays, the sunshine
- Brahman means the greatest, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead is greater than the greatest, just as the sun globe is greater than the sunshine, which is all-pervading in the universe
- Brahminical culture also, similarly, it is just like sunshine. It is meant for everyone. But the people must be intelligent enough to take it. Unfortunately, this system, although India was observing very rigidly, now it is slackened, or practically nil
- By "the same perfection" we must always remember the example of the sun and the sunshine
- By God's arrangement, the sunshine evaporates the water, took it on the high sky, and then distributes clear, distilled water
- By realizing the impersonal Brahman, one simply realizes the effulgence emanating from the transcendental body of Krsna. This effulgence is compared to the sunshine
- Cloud has no separate existence beyond the sunshine, it is also a product of the sunshine. Similarly, this maya, illusion, is also a creation of God. And because it is creation of God, it can be dissolved by the mercy of God
- Consciousness is the proof of the presence of the soul, as sunshine or light is the proof of the presence of the sun. BG 1972 purports
- Diamond also illuminating, but it is not original. Original luminous is sun, & the illumination expanded by diamond is not so valuable as the sunshine. Similarly, Brahma, although we see him so powerful, he has little power derived from the Supreme Lord
- Don't think that you are simply here in this planet, and there is no living entity. It is wrong conception, foolish conception. So the president of the sun planet, He is the original person from where this sunshine and heat is coming
- Due to a poor fund of knowledge, the Mayavadi philosophers cannot go beyond the Brahman effulgence, which may be compared to the sunshine
- Due to a poor fund of knowledge, the Mayavadi philosophers cannot go beyond the Brahman effulgence, which may be compared to the sunshine - CC Preface
- Due to sunshine, the seasonal changes are taking place, and the varieties of trees, plants are growing. Everything is going on. The moon is also working under sunshine. And due to the moon, there are waves in the sea
- During the autumn, the lotus flowers in the lakes grow in large numbers because of the absence of lilies; both the lilies and the lotus flowers grow by sunshine, but during the autumn season the scorching sunshine helps only the lotus
- Each of them (the spiritual planets) is self-illuminating and more powerfully dazzling than (if we can imagine) the total sunshine of millions of mundane suns
- Effulgence means minute particles of the soul assemble together, just like the sunshine is the combination of molecular shining parts. Similarly, we spiritual sparks, when we simply congregate one place, that is called brahmajyoti
- Eka, the sun is one, but the sunshine means combination of many small atomic particles. Similarly, God is one, and we, part and parcel of God, we are many. Try to understand this. This is authoritative statement
- Everything depends on the strength of the recipient. For example, due to the scorching sunshine many vegetables and flowers dry up, and many grow luxuriantly. Thus it is the recipient that causes growth and dwindling
- Everything is resting on the energy. Just like the sunshine - sunshine is the energy of the sun globe. So all these planets within this universe, they are resting on sunshine
- For her (Laksmana) dowry, he (Duryodana) first gave 1,200 elephants, each at least 60 years old; then he gave 10,000 nice horses, 6,000 chariots, dazzling just like the sunshine, and 1,000 maidservants decorated with golden ornaments
- For millions and millions of years sunshine has been emanating from the sun, and yet the sun is as it is. Similarly, all material and spiritual energies are coming from Krsna. As a result of knowing this, one becomes a devotee of Krsna
- For one who is powerful like the sun or the fire, there is no consideration of purity or impurity. The sunshine can sterilize an impure place, whereas if someone else were to pass such a place he would be affected
- From Bhagavad-gita we understand that all these stars (naksatras) are like the moon, in that they reflect the sunshine (BG 15.12). They are not independent luminaries
- From distant place, we see the sun globe also glowing. And the sunshine is also glowing. Similarly, Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan, they are one, the glowing or the light, but still, there is difference
- From the Brahman energy the creation appears, just as a cloud appears in sunshine. From the cloud comes rain, from the rain comes vegetation, and from the vegetation come fruits and flowers, which are the basis of subsistence for many other forms of life
- From the sun-god the glaring effulgence, the sunshine, is coming
- God is everywhere, but still, He has got His kingdom, abode. He has got His association, everything. Just like the sun. The sunshine is all over the universe, but it has got his own planet, his own residence, localized, everything
- God is infinite, and we are infinitesimal, very small particle. Just like sun. Sun is very big, but the sunshine, it is a combination of very minute, bright articles, atoms. Everyone knows. It is a combination of, I mean to say, dazzling, bright
- God is not cheap. We cannot see anything, not to speak of God, without sunshine. Without sunlight we are blind. At night, we cannot see anything, and therefore we use electricity because the sun is not present
- Gradually the whole water will be dried up, and there will be no water. And in that situation all living beings will die. Then the sunshine will be more, by heating, the temperature will increase, and then everything will be burned into ashes
- Had you been in the sun, you would have been immediately blown up, burned into ashes. But you are in the sunshine, the energy of sun. So Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is situated as the supreme fire, and whatever we are experiencing, that is His energy
- Haridasa Thakura gave an example comparing the power of the holy name to sunshine
- Haridasa Thakura said that as the sun begins to rise, it dissipates the darkness of night, even before the sunshine is visible
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) indirectly said, "You are explaining the meaning foolishly." Later He said, - The verses of Vedanta-sutra are just like sunshine, but your explanations are like clouds that cover them
- He (God) is full of all energies, He is all-pervasive in spite of His residing in Goloka Vrndavana, just as the sun, although situated in a particular place within the universe, is present by its sunshine throughout the universe
- He is never Narayana, just as a molecular portion of sunshine is never the sun itself. The living entity is nothing but a fragmental part of the Absolute Truth; therefore at no stage of perfection can a living entity become the Supreme Personality of God
- Here as soon as there is little sunshine, oh, today, "Good morning." Today is very good morning. In London, Lennon's gardener, he was meeting, I was walking. He was Mr. Johnson or something
- Here is a nice example. You have seen the sunshine entering your room through a hole of your window, & you will find so many atomic demonstration. So these brahmandas, the so many universes, they are emanating from the breathing of Maha-Visnu in that way
- I have given this example already - you did not hear attentively - that the sunshine, the sun disc, and within the sun
- If country does not get the facility of sunshine, it is considered that that country is condemned. It is shastric injunction. Any country which does not get the full facility of sunshine, it is to be considered condemned
- If it rains heavily during daytime and at night you see the stars, then there will be scarcity of rain. There will be scarcity of rain and scarcity of food grains. Best thing is at night there must be heavy rain, and daytime, there should be sunshine
- If one desires to understand the sun as it is, one must first face the sunshine and then the sun globe, and then, if one is able to enter into that globe, one may come face to face with the predominating deity of the sun - CC Preface
- If one desires to understand the sun as it is, one must first face the sunshine, then the sun globe and, after entering into that globe, come face to face with the predominating deity of the sun
- If one has learned how to see Krsna, one can see Him in the sunshine
- If one were an inhabitant of the sun, what interest would he have in the sunshine? That would be most insignificant for him
- If we drink this nectar (bhagavad-gita), very soon the brilliant sunshine of transcendental knowledge will dispel the darkness of ignorance caused by our unwanted material desires
- If you can capture the sunshine of Krsna, and if you make it brighter, or if you go to the brighter side - sunshine is always there, similarly bright side of Krsna is always there - that side is the association of the devotees
- If you capture the association of KC, you get sunshine, that Krsna’s shining. This is the process of Krsna consciousness. But unfortunately there are some people, they do not want it, or they have no knowledge. But this process is like that
- If you go by airplane, jet plane, above the cloud, you'll find the sunshine is without any cloud. The cloud cannot cover the whole sun. Similarly, maya cannot cover the supreme whole. Maya can cover the small particles of Brahman
- If you go little over this planet, earth planet, by aeroplane, and if there is full sunshine, you don't see anything except sunshine. But that does not mean there is nothing beyond sunshine. But my eyes are dazzled by the sunshine
- If you want sunshine, then you have to wait til morning, when by the grace of God, by the order of God, sun will rise: you'll get sunshine. Not by your scientific method
- If you want to go into the sun planet, you have first to go into the sunshine; then you remain in the sunlight. It is not that when you reach the sun planet you will no longer be in the sunlight
- If you want to stop the danger of death, then you have to understand what is that Absolute Truth. Just like I have given already the example of sunshine. If you come to the sunshine, there is no darkness
- Illumination of the sunlight, sunshine, is coming from the sun planet. The sun planet is localized. We can see it. And the bodily effulgence of the sun planet is distributed all over the universe
- Impersonal Brahman is also subordinate to the complete. Brahman is more explicitly explained in the Brahma-sutra to be like the rays of the sunshine. The impersonal Brahman is the shining rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 Introduction
- In daytime you see the sunshine and at night you see the moonshine. So if you see the sunshine and moonshine and if you remember Krsna's instructions that "This sunshine, moonshine, I am," so where is the difficulty?
- In our material experience we can understand that everything is ultimately produced of sunshine, but that does not mean everything is sunshine. Rather, other things cover the sunshine and creates a shadow
- In that (spiritual) realm there is no need of sunshine, moonshine, fire or electricity for illumination. Indeed, whatever illumination appears in the material world is only a reflection of that supreme illumination
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, love of Godhead is compared to sunshine, and this shining makes the devotee's heart more and more lovely. The heart of such a devotee is situated in a transcendental position, beyond even the material mode of goodness
- In the Gayatri mantra, we chant om bhur bhuvah svah. The word bhur refers to Bhu-mandala. Tat savitur varenyam: the sunshine spreads throughout Bhu-mandala. Therefore the sun is worshipable
- In the material world, sunshine, moonshine or different kinds of artificial light are required to dispel darkness, especially at night, for by nature the material world is dark
- In the months of April and May the rays of Maharaja Priyavrata's brilliant sun were as pleasing as the rays of the moon, and in October and November, both morning and evening, that sun provided more warmth than the sunshine
- In the morning there is no full sunshine, but there is some glimpse of light. That is not real light. Real light is full sunshine
- In the spiritual sky there is no need of sunshine, moonshine, fire or electricity, because all the planets are self-luminous. BG 1972 purports
- In the spiritual world there is no need of sunshine or moonshine, for the whole spiritual sky is illuminated by the internal potency of the Supreme Lord. That supreme abode can be achieved only by surrender and by no other means. BG 1972 purports
- In the sunshine there are innumerable radiant molecules. Similarly, the fragmental parts of the Supreme Lord are atomic sparks of the rays of the Supreme Lord, called by the name prabha or superior energy. BG 1972 purports
- In this planet also, different places have got different opulence. Just like in India you will find throughout the whole year brilliant sunshine, and in Western countries, in London, hellish - always moist, raining, and cloudy
- In this verse (CC Adi 2.17) from SB (11.6.47), vata-vasanah refers to mendicants who don't care about anything material, including clothing, but who depend wholly on nature. Such sages do not cover their bodies even in severe winter or scorching sunshine
- In this verse (SB 5.16.1) it is stated that the planetary system known as Bhu-mandala extends to the limits of the sunshine
- In this world, in this temporary material world, the spiritual energy is there. That is prominent. But it is covered by the material energy. Just like there is sunshine - sunshine, nobody can check - but it is sometimes covered by cloud
- In Vaikuntha, the spiritual sky, there is no need of sunshine, moonshine, electricity or fire. Every planet there is self-effulgent like the sun
- In western medicine, sunshine is recommended for all kinds of diseases, and according to the Vedas a diseased man should worship the sun for cure. Similarly, if we associate with Krsna in Krsna consciousness, our maladies are cured
- Instead of associating with nondevotees, if you associate with these devotees, then you get that sunshine, or the light and heat from Krsna. That is the process. Same way: if you somehow or other you go up the cloud, then you get this full sunshine
- It (sunshine) is also light, and the sun globe is also light, heat. But this heat and light is not sufficient knowledge of the complete heat and light there. That is the difference between Brahman realization and God realization
- It is because of My supremacy that the wind blows, out of fear of Me; the sun shines out of fear of Me, and Indra, sends forth showers out of fear of Me. Fire burns out of fear of Me, and death goes about taking its toll out of fear of Me
- It is confirmed in the Isopanisad that the presence of the Lord is perceived everywhere by the liberated soul, just as the sunshine and the reflection can be perceived everywhere although the sun is situated far away from the surface of the globe
- It is said at the time of destruction, first of all there will be no rain, no rain for hundreds of years. So everything will dry up and die, practically by continuous sunshine
- It is understood that in a higher planetary system in this material world, the mud on the banks of the Jambu-nadi mixes with jambu juice, reacts with the sunshine in the air, and automatically produces huge quantities of gold
- Jiva Gosvami says, although the sun is the only light, the sunshine which is exhibited in seven colors, & darkness, which is the absence of sunshine, are not different from the sun, for without the existence of the sun such differentiations cannot exist
- Just as everything in the material world exists in the sunshine, which is the energy of the sun, so everything exists on the basis of the spiritual and material energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just as no one can check the sunshine from spreading all over the universe, no one could check the influence and reign of King Prthu, which would remain undisturbed as long as he lived
- Just as one can understand the three aspects of the sun - the sunshine, the sun itself and the sun-god - one can also understand the three aspects of the Supreme Absolute Truth - Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- Just as sunshine is spread throughout the solar system. And just as the sun disc is covered by the glaring effulgence of the sunshine, the transcendental form of the Lord is covered by the glaring effulgence called brahmajyoti
- Just as the sunshine is composed of so many atomic particles, so the brahma-jyotir is composed of so many spiritual sparks
- Just as the sunshine is nondifferent from the sun, the cosmic manifestation is also nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Personality is therefore all-pervasive within this material creation
- Just as the sunshine is spread all over the universe, the energy of the Lord is spread all over the creation, and everything is resting in that energy
- Just as the sunshine is spread all over the universe, the energy of the Lord is spread all over the creation, and everything is resting in that energy. BG 1972 purports
- Just as there is no chance that darkness can exist in the sunshine, in a pure Krsna conscious person there can be no existence of maya
- Just like mirage, the desert: animal does not know that there is no water; it is simply reflection by sunshine. There is some reflection. There is no water. So a man does not run after such false water, but animal runs, and they lost in the running after
- Just like the light, illumination - there is a source of light, the sunshine, illumination. The source is the sun globe. Similarly, the brahmajyoti, what is the source? Krsna says, brahmanah aham pratistha: I am the source. From Me it is coming
- Just like the sunshine is open to everyone, but if you do not take advantage of it, that is your fault
- Just like within the sunlight, sunshine, there are innumerable planets. We are seeing daily. Similarly, there are innumerable universes in the brahma-jyoti. Yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-koti
- Just like you associate with the sun immediately, er, sunshine - you become warm - similarly, by associating with God, you become God conscious
- Krsna & His energy are non-different, yet the energy is not Krsna. The sun & the sunshine are not different, but the sunshine is not the sun. The sunshine may come through our window and enter our room, but this is not to say that the sun is in our room
- Krsna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness
- Krsna is just like sun. If you want that "In the sunshine or in the sun globe I shall inject darkness," it is not possible. It will be a failure
- Krsna is present in everyone's heart, localized. This is impersonal expansion. Just like sunshine is impersonal expansion of the sun rays, so similarly, Brahman effulgence is the impersonal expansion of Krsna's bodily rays
- Krsna is so kind. Because you cannot see without sunshine, without light - this place (material world) is dark - therefore in daytime there is sunshine; at night there is moonshine. Everything is arranged there
- Krsna says that, "I am expanded in My impersonal feature everywhere. But I am not there." It is very simple to understand. Just like the sunshine
- Krsna wants everyone to be happy and peaceful and prosperous, but they do not want it. Sunshine is open to everyone, but if someone wishes to remain in darkness, what can the sunshine do for him
- Krsna's energy and Krsna Himself are not different (sakti-saktimatayor abhedah). The sun, for example, is energetic, and the sunshine is energy
- Krsna's impartiality is compared to that of the sun. The sun does not consider, "Here is a poor man, here is a low-class man, and here is a hog. I shall not distribute my sunshine to them." No
- Laksmana said, "The whole city of Dvaraka was profusely decorated on that occasion. There were so many flags and festoons and gates all over Dvaraka that the sunshine could not even enter the city"
- Light is, of course there is light in the sunshine and there is light in the sun-globe, but the source of light is coming from the sun-god
- Lord Parasurama was covered with a black deerskin, and his matted locks of hair appeared like the sunshine
- Lord Siva said, "On a cloudy day, to the common man's eyes the sun appears to be covered. But the fact is that because the sunshine creates the cloud, the sun can never actually be covered, even though the whole sky may be cloudy"
- Los Angeles is very pleasant with clear sky and plenty of sunshine
- Materially, we can directly perceive the sunshine spreading itself according to different names and activities, but ultimately the sun is one. Similarly, sarvam khalv idam brahma: everything is an expansion of the Supreme Brahman
- Maya means absence of Krsna. Shadow means absence of light, sunshine. So if you always keep in Krsna consciousness, there is no shadow of maya
- Maya means energy - and another meaning is "illusion." So foolish persons accept the energy as the energetic. That is maya. Just like sunshine
- Modern science believes that it is by sunshine that the entire cosmic manifestation is maintained, and actually one can see how the actions and reactions of sunshine maintain order throughout the universe
- My dear Lord, the impersonal Brahman spreads everywhere, like the sunshine or the sky. And that impersonal Brahman, which spreads throughout the universe and in which the entire universe is manifested, is You
- Neither darkness nor reflection has an independent existence. Darkness comes when the sunshine is blocked. For example, if one stands facing the sun, his back will be in darkness
- No one can separate the sunshine energy from the energetic sun. Therefore material energy may appear separate from the Lord, but transcendentally it is nondifferent from the Lord
- Now I am in Dallas and the climate here is very suitable with plenty of good sunshine. I shall remain here for a few days and if my health improves there will be no need for my going back to India
- O rivers, wives of the ocean, we see that the ocean does not give you happiness. Thus you have almost dried up, and you no longer bear beautiful lotuses. The lotuses have become skinny, and even in the sunshine they are devoid of all pleasure
- On both sides of every path (in Dvaraka) there were bushes, and at regular intervals there were large trees that shaded the avenues so that the sunshine would not bother the passersby
- One cannot say that because the planets are resting on the sunshine, these planets are also the sun. Similarly, the impersonal or pantheistic view that everything is God is not a very intelligent proposal
- One has to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the impersonal Brahman effulgence just as one has to approach the sun through the sunshine
- One may be in the sunshine, but he is not on the sun itself. Those who live in this material world are living on the bodily rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they cannot see Him personally in the material condition
- One may see the sunshine entering through a window into his room, but this does not mean that one knows everything about the sun. Impersonal understanding of the Absolute Truth is like that
- One of the cowherd boys said, "Yes, what you say is true. This animal’s upper lip appears to be just like the sunshine, and its lower lip is just like the reflection of red sunshine on the ground"
- One who has gone through the sunshine in jet planes or in space ships has not necessarily gone to the sun globe
- One who studies the sunshine only is the preliminary student. One who understands the sun's surface is further advanced. And one who can enter into the sun planet is the highest. BG 1972 purports
- Ordinary students who are satisfied by simply understanding the sunshine - its universal pervasiveness and the glaring effulgence of its impersonal nature - may be compared to those who can realize only the Brahman feature of the Absolute Truth BG 1972 p
- Rahu is inimical toward both the sun and the moon, and therefore he always tries to cover the sunshine and moonshine on the dark-moon day and full-moon night
- Real eye is the sun, because without sunshine we cannot see. In this planet or any planet you go, as soon as there is sunshine you can see; otherwise you cannot see
- Rotating means it must turn. Because sunshine is very great, and all other planets they are very small. So as soon as it is rotating, it must come to be face of the sunshine
- Sattva-guna means everything is clear, prakasa. Just like now the sky is covered with cloud; the sunshine is not clear. But above the cloud there is sunshine, everything clear. And within the cloud there is not clear
- Since darkness stands in the absence of the sun, it is therefore relative to the sun. The spiritual world is compared to the real sunshine, and the material world is compared to the dark regions where the sun is not visible
- Since the energy of the Lord is not different from Him, in fact everything that exists is Krsna in His impersonal feature. Sunshine, sunlight and heat are not different from the sun, and yet simultaneously they are distinct energies of the sun
- Since the energy of the Supreme Lord is nondifferent from Him, this material cosmic manifestation is also nondifferent from Him, although it appears different. The sunshine is not different from the sun itself, but it is simultaneously also different
- Since the sunshine is the luster of the sun planet, by seeing the sun one automatically sees the sunshine
- Since there is no sunshine in those subterranean planets, time is not divided into days and nights, and consequently fear produced by time does not exist
- So Bhagavad-gita, in each and every verse the things are very, very clear, as clear as the sunshine. So there is no question of interpretation. Our this publication of Bhagavad-gita, we have therefore mentioned: Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Softness of the heart is compared with honey, with butter and with nectar. And the condition of the mind is compared with sunshine
- Sometimes the colors of sunshine are represented separately; otherwise the sunshine is observed mainly as bright light
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "The Brahma-sutra, compiled by Srila Vyasadeva, is as radiant as the sun. One who tries to interpret its meaning simply covers that sunshine with a cloud"
- Srila Rupa Gosvami said, In your presence, which is just like brilliant sunshine, I am as insignificant as the light of a glowworm"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the sunshine Purana by Vyasadeva to open the eyes of the conditioned souls. It is the sound representation of Lord Krsna
- Such (internal, marginal and external) energy is simultaneously one with and different from the Lord, just as the sunshine is simultaneously one with and different from the sun planet
- Such are the symptoms of pure devotees when they are chanting. All the pure devotees are as bright as sunshine, and their bodily luster is very effulgent. In addition, their performance of sankirtana is unparalleled
- Sun is fixed up. Everyone can see that it is lying in one insignificant corner of the sky, but his sunshine is distributed all over the universe, and everything, all planets, all vegetation, all seasonal changes, they are depending on the sunshine
- Sunshine enters your room. Sunshine is the energy of the sun. But because the sunshine enters your room, you cannot say that the sun has entered
- Sunshine is making the whole thing very hot, and the moonshine making them pleasing. So God's arrangement is so nice that everything is going on nicely. There is brain behind it. Why there is sunshine, why there is moonshine, everything described
- Sunshine is not the perfect realization of the sun. It is partial realization. Brahmeti paramatmeti. The full realization is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah
- Sunshine is spreading all over the universe. It is impersonal. But the quality of the sunshine is heat and light. The heat and light means energy. So as in the material calculation, the heat and light is the cause of all creation
- Tatam idam means, "I am expanding everywhere." Here is also God. Where you are sitting, there is God. Everywhere. God is all-pervading, exactly like the sunshine
- That atma is present within this body, that is understood by the presence of consciousness. Just like we are here in this room, but this light is the reflection of the sunshine. We understand there is sun in the sky
- That is the benefit of Krsna consciousness. Sun is never infected. Rather, the infected area becomes sterilized by the sunshine. This is the process. That is explained. Tejiyasam na dosaya. One who is very powerful, he has no fault
- The Absolute Truth can be compared to the sun, which is appreciated in terms of two relative truths: reflection and darkness. Darkness is the absence of sunshine, and a reflection is a projection of sunlight into darkness
- The atom is described as an invisible particle, but when six such atoms combine together, they are called a trasarenu, and this is visible in the sunshine pouring through the holes of a window screen
- The bodily effulgence of Krsna generates millions of universes. In this solar system the sun produces many planets, and because of sunshine the planets are warm and the seasons change
- The brahma-jyotir is the beginning of the spiritual world, and beyond the brahma-jyotir are the Vaikuntha planets. In other words, the brahma-jyotir stays outside the Vaikuntha planets, just as the sunshine stays outside the sun
- The brahmajyoti - spiritual effulgence - is just like the sunshine; as the sunshine is full of molecular shining particles, so the brahmajyoti is full of minute portions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The brahmajyoti is the beginning of the spiritual world, and beyond the brahmajyoti are the Vaikuntha planets. In other words, the brahmajyoti stays outside the Vaikuntha planets, just as the sunshine stays outside the sun
- The Brahman is the sunshine, light, and Paramatma is the sun globe, and Bhagavan is the sun-god. This is . . . the sun is one example. From this example we can understand the Absolute. Where is the difficulty
- The city gateway, the household doors & festooned arches along the roads were all nicely decorated with festive signs like plantain trees & mango leaves, all to welcome the Lord. Flags, garlands & painted signs & slogans all combined to shade the sunshine
- The climate here in London is not at all suitable for me. There is no sunshine
- The conclusion is that the sunshine and the sun-god cannot be separated, nor could King Prthu and his ruling strength be separated. His rule over everyone would continue without disturbance. Thus the King could not be separated from his ruling power
- The demigod of fire, Agni, presented him with a bow made of the horns of goats and cows. The sun-god presented him with arrows as brilliant as sunshine
- The desert is heated by scorching sunshine, and if we want to reduce the desert temperature, we need huge amounts of water - millions and millions of gallons. What effect will one drop have
- The example is given in this connection (although we cannot see God, He can see us) that the sunshine is present when the sun is present, but when the sun is not present, or when we cannot see the sun, this does not mean that the sun is lost
- The example is given that the sunshine is soaking urine. Can you imitate that, you drink urine? If Christ has done something, he is Lord Jesus Christ, he might have done it for some purpose, but we cannot follow that. We have to follow what he has ordered
- The example of the sun and the sunshine is given. The sunshine is not the sun, but still the sunshine is not separate from the sun
- The example of the sun is very significant. The sun is so kind that he distributes his sunshine everywhere, without consideration. Dhruva Maharaja requested Narada Muni to be merciful to him
- The example of the sunshine and the material manifestation is very appropriate in understanding the living entity's contact with the material world. In the morning the sun rises, and the heat and light gradually expand throughout the whole day
- The factual meaning of the aphorisms of the Vedanta-sutra is as clear as sunshine. The Mayavadi philosophers simply try to cover the sunshine with the clouds of interpretations imagined by Sankaracarya and his followers
- The field or the earth is not exploding with the vegetation. It is due to the sunshine. Therefore it is coming out. It is the real cause. Similarly, accepting that chunk, the total material energy, it is agitated by the glance of Maha-Visnu
- The Fourth Chapter also tells how Sanatana Gosvami was tested in the sunshine of Jyaistha (May-June) and was then empowered and sent back to Vrndavana
- The glowing particles, molecules of the sunshine, is not equal in quantity with the sun globe, but in quality it is the same. Similarly, we living entities, we are minute particles of that supreme spirit soul, Krsna, or God. Therefore we are also shine
- The impersonal Brahman is more explicitly explained in the Brahma-sutra as the rays. As there is the rays of the sunshine, sun planet, similarly, the impersonal Brahman is the shining rays of the Supreme Brahman or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Katha Upanisad (2.2.15) also confirms that in the spiritual world there is no need of sunshine, moonshine or stars (na tatra suryo bhati na candratarakam), for the whole spiritual sky is illuminated by the internal potency of the Supreme Lord
- The living entity is constitutionally part and parcel of the Supreme Lord; the Lord can be compared to the sun, and the living entities can be compared to molecules of sunshine
- The living entity is just like a molecular particle of sunshine, whereas Krsna may be compared to the blazing, shining sun itself. Lord Caitanya compared the living entities to blazing sparks from a fire & the Supreme Lord to the blazing fire of the sun
- The living entity is like sunshine. There is heat and light in the sun, and there is heat and light in the sunshine, and thus they are qualitatively one. But one should not forget that the sunshine rests on the sun
- The living entity is subjected to many tribulations brought about by air, water, fire, extreme heat, extreme cold, sunshine, excessive eating, unhealthy food, maladjustments of the three elements of the body (kapha, pitta and vayu), and so on
- The Lord is spread everywhere, just like the sunshine, by virtue of His Brahman feature. This example is very easy to understand
- The Mayavadi philosopher teaches the philosophy of tat tvam asi, saying, "You are the same as God." He forgets that tat tvam asi applies in terms of the marginal position of the living entity, who is like sunshine
- The moon is situated 100,000 yojanas above the rays of the sunshine. Day and night on the heavenly planets and Pitrloka are calculated according to its waning and waxing
- The mud on both banks of the River Jambu-nadi, being moistened by the flowing juice and then dried by the air and the sunshine, produces huge quantities of gold called Jambu-nada
- The original energy is exhibited in varieties, exactly as the sunshine, the original energy emanating from the sun, exhibits itself in variety as light and heat
- The planets rest in the sunshine, but the sunshine itself has no particular resting place. When one reaches a particular planet, then he has a resting place
- The president of the sun planet, He is the original person from where this sunshine and heat is coming. He is the person. And the population there, they are made so that their bodily effulgence is the heat and light
- The process for making the heart even more sterilized by the sunshine of love is called bhava. A description of bhava is given by Rupa Gosvami
- The process of uncovering is like this: the rays of sunshine are luminous, and the sun itself is also luminous. In the presence of the sun, the rays illuminate just like the sun
- The shadow is maya. It has no existence. It is simply impeding the sunshine; therefore it is shadow. Maya means which has no existence of its own accord
- The soldiers, their upper and lower garments waving in the breeze, naturally looked very beautiful, and in the light of the glittering sunshine their shields, ornaments and sharp, clean weapons appeared dazzling
- The soul is existing, spreading its influence all over the body, just like the sun is existing, spreading the sunshine all over the universe. Similarly, God is existing, spreading His consciousness all over the universe, all over the creation
- The sun can absorb water from a urinal or from stool, and the sun is not polluted; rather, due to the influence of the sunshine, the polluted, contaminated place becomes disinfected and sterilized
- The sun has the ability to shine powerfully, and the moons reflect the sunshine and therefore look brilliant. In the Caitanya-caritamrta Krsna is described to be like the sun
- The sun is described in the Brahma-samhita as the eyes for all the planets. Yac caksur esa, esa sakala-grahanam caksuh. The sun is the actual eyes for all the planets, because unless there is sunshine you cannot see
- The sun is equal toward all, and one simply has to take advantage of it. The sunshine is available, but if we close our doors and want to keep ourselves in darkness, that is our decision
- The sun itself and the small particles of sunshine and of a blazing fire and the small particles of fire
- The sun may appear covered by a cloud, but actually it is the eyes of the tiny people below the cloud that are covered, not the sun. If those tiny people rose above the cloud in an airplane, they could then see the sunshine and the sun without impediment
- The sun, by its sunshine, is spread all over the universe, and all the planets rest on the sunshine
- The sun-god is a person who, although not visible to our eyes, is seen from the higher planets by the demigods, whose eyes are suitable for seeing through the glaring sunshine that surrounds him
- The sunlight, physically, they are very small, shining, molecular. Very small, atom-like. They are combined together. It looks that it is one, sunshine. But they are mixture of molecular parts, very small. They are all shining. This is scientific
- The sunshine also touches filthy places and sanctified places, and both are actually produced by the sun, but in any case the sun is aloof from all filthy things. Similarly, the Lord exists everywhere
- The sunshine in itself is illumination, but that illumination is different from the sun. Yet the sun and the sunshine are not differently situated, for without the sun there can be no sunshine, and without sunshine there is no meaning to the word sun
- The sunshine is a combination of countless trillions of small shining particles, and each particle has its individual identity as an atom
- The sunshine is all-pervading over the universe. It is not imagination. We get from Vedic information. It is said, yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-koti (Bs. 5.40). This is brahma-jyotir
- The sunshine is all-pervading, but the sun also has a localized aspect, the sun planet, and you can see it. Not only is there a sun planet, but within the sun planet is a sun-god, whose name is Vivasvan. We get this information from Vedic literature
- The sunshine is combination of many millions and trillions of small shining particles. That is sunshine. But each particle has got individual identity. They are not homogeneous
- The sunshine is combination of small atomic molecular parts, shining parts. They are also different. They are not combined together. That is scientific. Similarly, we are also sparks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The sunshine is impersonal (Brahman), the sun itself is localized (Paramatma) and the sun-god residing within the sun is a person - Bhagavan
- The sunshine is important because of the presence of the sun globe. It is not that the sun globe is important because of the all-pervasiveness of the sunshine. Forgetfulness and misunderstanding of this fact is called maya
- The sunshine is light, the sun globe itself is light, and the sun-god is also light. However, the sunshine is not identical with the sun-god, Vivasvan. This is the meaning of simultaneously one and different - acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
- The sunshine is the imitation of the brahmajyoti that is coming out of the body of the Supreme Lord
- The sunshine is there open, but if you close your door, if you want to keep yourself in airtight darkness, that is your business
- The sunshine may be compared to the all-pervasive brahma-jyotir effulgence, the localized sun-disc may be compared to the localized aspect of the Supersoul, and the sun god who resides within the sun may be compared to the Personality of Godhead
- The sunshine may expand all over the universe, but the source of the sunshine, namely the sun planet or the deity known as Surya-narayana, is the basis of such radiation
- The sunshine sterilizes and purifies polluted and dirty places. Similarly, a devotee may engage in so many material activities, but because he has no desire for sense gratification, they never affect him
- The sunshine which we daily see, it is not a homogeneous mixture. There is molecules, very small, shining particle. So we are like that, a very small... As there are atoms, material atoms - nobody can count - similarly, we are atomic sparks of God
- The sunshine, sunrise and sunset, means decreasing our life. It is very nice example. The sun's business is to take away a portion of your span of life. But he cannot take away the portion of the life of a devotee. Because a devotee is going to live
- The sunshine, the sun disc and the inner affairs of the sun planet cannot be separated from one another, and yet the students of the three different phases are not in the same category. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord has arranged for sunshine and moonshine. But in His abode, as described in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.6), there is no necessity for lighting by sunshine, moonshine or electricity because everything is self-effulgent
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the cause of all causes, just as a less intelligent person cannot understand that beyond the covering of the clouds there is bright sunshine
- The whole system of the material world is going on under the heat and light. The sunshine is diffusing unlimited quantity of heat and light, and on this heat and light the whole material existence is there. That is scientific estimate
- There are many people who are just like owls and never open their eyes to see the sunshine. These owlish personalities, who are inferior even to the Mayavadi sannyasis, cannot see the brilliance of Krsna’s favor upon the maha-bhagavata devotee
- There are so many living entities, and they are all part and parcel of God. Just like the sunshine, the sun globe and the sun-god. The sun-god is within the sun globe, and the inhabitants of the sun globe, they are all very glowing, luminous
- There are various theories regarding consciousness. Here in Bhagavad-gita the example of the sun and the sunshine is given. BG 1972 purports
- There is a nice example regarding the sun and the sunshine. The sun, by its sunshine, is spread all over the universe, and all the planets rest on the sunshine. But all the planets are different from the sun planet
- There is insufficient sunshine, and there are always clouds in the sky, snowfall and severe cold. These assure that such places are inhabited by demoniac people who are accustomed to all kinds of forbidden, sinful activity
- There is no such mention that the jiva is as good as the Supreme Lord. It is never stated. Amsa, minute particles. Just like the sun and the sunshine. Sunshine is combination of minute luminous molecular parts
- There is the sun-god, the sun itself and the sunshine which is the shining effulgence of that original sun-god. Similarly, the spiritual effulgence (brahmajyoti), impersonal Brahman, is nothing but the personal effulgence of Krsna
- There is the sunshine, the sun disc and the sun god. One who is in the sunshine cannot claim that he is on the sun itself, and one who is situated in the sun is, from the point of view of vision, better situated
- These expanded living entities (the vibhinnamsa expansions, the marginal potencies of the Lord) are innumerable, just as the minute molecules of sunshine are innumerable expansions of the sun
- These siddhas, those who are self-realized, athato brahma jijnasa... Even if he thinks that "I am the supreme," That is also light. Just like if you come to the sunlight, sunshine, that is also light, but that is not perfection
- These three divine aspects (of the Absolute Truth: Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan) can be explained by the example of the sun, which also has three different aspects, namely the sunshine, the sun's surface and the sun planet itself. BG 1972 purports
- These universes are understood to be floating in the air that Maha-Visnu exhales. They are like atomic particles that float in sunshine and pass through the holes of a screen
- They (senses) can only act under certain conditions. For example, our eyes. As long as the sunshine is there, our eyes are useful to a certain extent. But in the absence of sunshine, the eyes are useless
- They (the cowherd boys) decided: Dear friends, this is certainly an animal sitting here to swallow us all. Its upper lip resembles a cloud reddened by the sunshine, and its lower lip resembles the reddish shadows of a cloud - SB 10.12.20
- This acintya-bhedabheda philosophy adjusts that, "God and the living creatures, they are simultaneously one and different." They are one in quality, just like the energy and the energetic, the sun globe and the sunshine
- This hexatom is visible in the sunshine which enters through the holes of a window screen. One can clearly see that the hexatom goes up towards the sky
- This is the way to understand how the Supreme Brahman (by His favor). Krsna, is present everywhere, just as the sunshine is present because of the sun-god in the sun globe
- This King Prthu will be as powerful as the sun-god, and just as the sun-god equally distributes his sunshine to everyone, King Prthu will distribute his mercy equally
- Those small particles which we see through the window with sunshine, they are combination of six atoms. They are not original atom. But the atomic constitution of the living entity is a thousand times smaller than the atom
- Those who are impersonalists can merge into the sunshinelike brahma-jyoti, whereas those who are in love with the Supreme Person enter into the supreme abode of the Lord, Goloka Vrndavana
- To enter the sun planet, one must go through the sunshine. Similarly, when the Lord or His devotees enter the Vaikuntha planets, they go through the brahmajyoti
- Tomorrow I am going to Dallas because the weather here in Los Angeles is not good for my health. It is too cold and cloudy. So I am going to Dallas to get some sunshine. If the weather there is not suitable, I may come at once to Caracas
- Understanding of the sunshine is not real understanding of the sun globe or sun planet or the sun god. That is not perfect understanding
- Unless there is sunshine - you may be very proud of your tiny eyes - you cannot see. Therefore real eye is the sun, not your these balls, tiny balls. But still, we are so proud: "Can you show me God?" What, nonsense
- Unless there is sunshine, what is the value of your eyes? So but still, we are so fool, we are thinking, - Can you show me God?
- Vasudeva said - The sunshine cannot cover the sun globe, nor can the material energy - being an emanation from You (Krsna) - cover You
- Visnu said: By practicing the breathing exercises of the yoga system, both you (Prsni) and your husband (Sutapa) could tolerate all the influences of the material laws: the rainy season, the onslaught of the wind, and the scorching heat of the sunshine
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that in the months of April & May the rays of Priyavrata's brilliant sun were as pleasing as the rays of the moon, and in October & November, both morning and evening, that sun provided more warmth than the sunshine
- We also find here (in SB 3.29.40) that the sun shines under the direction of the Lord, and the cloud pours forth showers of rain under the direction of the Lord. All natural phenomena are under superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- We are minute particles, just like the sun and the sun rays. The sunshine, the sun rays, they are also combination of molecules of some shining material. So that sunshine is not different from the sun, but at the same time, sunshine is not the sun
- We can study what is the nature of the Absolute Person by studying the sun. The sun globe is localized. The sunshine is spread all over the universe, & within the sun globe there is the sun-god, Vivasvan. Similarly, the original planet is Goloka Vrndavana
- We cannot say that the sunshine is false and that the sun is true. If the sun is true, the sunshine is also true. Similarly, we do not say that the material universe is false. It may be temporary, but it is not false
- We cannot see anything in the darkness of night, not even our own selves, but when there is sunshine we can see not only the sun but everything within the world as well
- We have often given the example of impersonal understanding being like the understanding of the sunshine
- We may see an airplane rise in the sky, but after a while it passes out of our sight due to the dazzling sunshine. The airplane is there, but we cannot see it
- What is the easy way? Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita, "I am the taste of water." Is there anyone who has not tasted water? He also says, "I am the light of the sun." Is there anyone who has not seen sunshine? Then why are people saying, - I have not seen God
- What is the sunshine? It is very small atomic particles of shining material. This is sunshine, combined together. Similarly, we are also a small particle of the rays, bodily rays of God. We are living entities, very minute particle
- What is this diamond? The diamond is made by the interaction of sunshine. All these valuable stones, they are products of sunshine
- Whatever we see in this universe is but an expansion of the potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as the sunshine and heat all over the universe are expansions of the sun
- When a bumblebee enters the opening of a lotus flower and drinks its honey, it is fully protected by the petals of the lotus. The bee is undisturbed by sunshine and other external influences
- When a devotee is purified like the sun, from his pure heart there is a diffusion of ecstatic love which is more glorious than the sunshine
- When the material manifestation appears very wonderful, this is due to a perverted reflection of the supreme sunshine, the Absolute Truth, as confirmed in the Vedanta-sutra. Whatever one can see here has its substance in the Absolute
- When the sun passes from the eastern to the western hemisphere, the results of the interactions due to the sunshine in the eastern hemisphere remain, but the sunshine itself is visible in the western hemisphere
- When the sunshine is covered by the spell of a cloud, or by maya, then darkness, the imperfection of perception, begins
- When there is no sunshine the leaf falls down. As soon as the sunshine is there the colorful fruits and flowers and leaves come out. Everything is due to the sunshine. Similarly, the supreme sun is Krsna
- When there is spring season, the sunshine is available, all at a time, they (trees) become green. So as the sunshine is working in this material world, similarly the ultimate bodily rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the origin of all creation
- When there is sufficient sunshine, the mind remains clear and transparent - in other words, the sun-god helps the mind of the living entity to become situated on the platform of paramahamsa
- When we take into account that the moon is 100,000 yojanas, or 800,000 miles, above the rays of the sunshine, it is very surprising that the modern excursions to the moon could be possible
- Where there is no sunshine, all the leaves fall down, and as soon as there is sunshine, immediately millions and trillions of leaves come out. At least in this way you have to understand how Krsna's potency is working. That is the Vedic information
- Wherever the sunshine is there, there is sun. Similarly, wherever the energy of God is there, there is God. So in that way, everything is God
- While the energy works, the energetic remains aloof, just as the sunshine spreads everywhere while the sun itself remains apart. Similarly, there is energy working throughout the cosmic manifestation
- Within the sunshine all the planets have grown, and in each and every planet, due to the sunshine the vegetables are growing. There are leaves. When there is no sunshine the leaf falls down
- Without the sun, how can there be sunshine? Therefore we say "sunshine," and not just "shine." Similarly, "consciousness" means Krsna consciousness. This requires a little intelligence to understand
- You are seeing just like a small ball, but actually this big thing, sunshine, is coming from it. Is it not? So which is important, the sunshine or the globe?
- You can become immediately out of the scope of maya if you always remain surrendered to Krsna. Maya will not touch you. Just like if you remain always in the sunshine, there is no question of night
- You can see Him (God) by His work. Just like you cannot go and see the sun. But when it arises, when it diffuses, the sunshine is there, you can immediately understand that the sun is there in the sky. The sun is always there in the sky
- You can simply understand that it is of the same quality, namely, as the sunshine has light and heat, the sun globe has also light and heat. So although the quality is the same, the quantity is different
- You cannot say that sunshine is not the sun. But at the same time, it is not the sun. It is the sun and not the sun - both. That is our philosophy. Acintya-bhedabheda - inconceivable
- You cannot say that sunshine is not the sun. Without the sun, where is the sunshine
- You have to perform yajna. If you don't perform yajna, then there will be no sunshine. Therefore, in the Western countries, there is very difficult to get sunshine. This is the natural sequence
- You know: due to the heat in the sunshine the planets are rotating, resting on the sunshine. Similarly, there is a shining effulgence from the body of God, Krsna. That is called brahmajyoti, impersonal Brahman
- You needn't become God. You, simply if you become in the light of God, you become joyful. Just like from the darkness of night, if you simply come to the sunshine, immediately your position is changed. It does not require that you have to become the sun