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Pages in category "Language"
The following 225 pages are in this category, out of 225 total.
- Language (BG and SB)
- Language (BG Lectures)
- Language (CC and Other Books)
- Language (Conversations 1968 - 1975)
- Language (Conversations 1976)
- Language (Conversations 1977)
- Language (Letters 1955 - 1970)
- Language (Letters 1971 - 1972)
- Language (Letters 1973 - 1977)
- Language (Other Lectures)
- Language (SB Lectures)
- Prabhupada's usage of the English language
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that "Suppose you are in a foreign country. You do not know the language. But when there is fire, you get friends without any language."
- Sanskrit is the mother of all languages
- Simple Bengali language
- Study my books and reproduce the purports in your own language
- When there is a fire in a house, the neighbors understand the need, even though not expressed in the same language
- A material desire is explained as a desire to enjoy the material world to its fullest extent. In modern language, this is called economic development
- A student was supposed to study grammar carefully for twelve years in the beginning of his life, because if one is expert in the grammar of the Sanskrit language, all the sastras are open to him
- According to the Sanskrit language, religion is not a kind of faith, but it is a prescribed form of duty to be discharged by the respective divisions of human society, ultimately rising to the platform of KC or God consciousnes
- Acyutananda is learning Hindi & when he is well versed in the language probably he will be able to translate all the Puranas available in Hindi into English
- Advaita Acarya had written a sonnet in equivocal language with an import that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could understand but others could not
- After seven years, it (the book Sri Krsna-vijaya) was completed (in 1402 Sakabda). This book was written in plain language, and even half-educated Bengalis and women could read it very clearly
- Although Dhruva Maharaja was a small boy, he wanted to offer prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in suitable language. But because he was inexperienced, he could not adjust himself immediately
- Although this is figurative language, it conveys the meaning behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The full significance of His appearance will be explained in later chapters
- Although this is figurative language, it conveys the meaning behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The full significance of His appearance will be explained in later chapters (of CC) - CC Intro
- An old woman in Vrndavana stated, "In the language of the Kashmere Province, and with the parrots and other birds, as well as in most common languages, Krsna is so expressive"
- An old woman in Vrndavana, present at the time of Krsna's pastimes, once stated in surprise: "How wonderful it is that Krsna, who owns the hearts of all the young girls of Brajabhumi, can nicely speak the language of Brajabhumi with the gopis"
- Anyone serious about studying the Sanskrit language should first learn grammar. It is said that simply to finish studying Sanskrit grammar takes at least twelve years
- Arjuna said: What are the symptoms of one whose consciousness is thus merged in Transcendence? How does he speak, and what is his language? How does he sit, and how does he walk? BG 2.54 - 1972
- Arsapreyoga means there may be discrepancies but it is all right. Just like Shakespeare, sometimes there are odd usages of language, but he is accepted as authority. I have explained all these things in my Preface to First Canto
- As They (Ksna and Balarama) grew up They began talking with Their parents and others in childish language, and thus They gave great pleasure to all the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- Because Lord Brahma had finally descended from Satyaloka to Bhuloka, Narada Muni, Prince Priyavrata and Svayambhuva Manu came forward to offer him objects of worship and to praise him in highly qualified language, according to Vedic etiquette
- Because they had very good tendency for learning Sanskrit to know so many things. That was their research. They knew it that in Sanskrit language there are so many wonderful things
- Being empowered by his wife, Pradyumna immediately went before Sambara and challenged him to fight. Pradyumna addressed him in very strong language, so that his temper would be agitated and he would be moved to fight
- Best thing is to open centers in Malaysia and Singapore, recruit many Chinese-speaking devotees, translate our books into Malaysian and Singapore language, then with a party go to China later on
- Bhagavad-gita is a well-read book all over the world. In any country you will find edition of Bhagavad-gita by the language of the country. So in this Bhagavad-gita we find that Krsna is giving instruction about what is dharma, religion
- By the agency of the material energy, this same Lord Sankarsana creates all the universes. The dull material energy - known in modern language as nature - is not the cause of the material universe
- Caitanya said: O Lord of the universe, I do not desire material wealth, materialistic followers, a beautiful wife or fruitive activities described in flowery language. All I want, life after life, is unmotivated devotional service to You - Siksastaka 4
- Concerning the idea of exchanging our books for Russian books, unless we find sellers in India for Russian books (in English language), what will be the value of getting their books
- English is a foreign language to me also, but I try to speak it, not to be a big scholar, but to be a servant of Krishna. So do not be disturbed if you feel that your language ability is not yet very expert
- English is not my mother language, but I have tried to learn it, and I am doing my business. That's all. Similarly, you can learn any language. You can learn Sanskrit. You can pronounce very nicely. It requires learning. That's all
- Even if one does not understand the language, still, just by hearing, he acquires some piety. His assets lead him to a pious life, even if he does not understand - it has such power
- Even if transcendental literature is written in faulty language, it is acceptable if it is written by a devotee
- Even ordinary men with little knowledge of the alphabet could read this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) and understand it. Its language is not very ornamental, and sometimes the poetry is not very sweet to hear
- Even there is no language, there is a stage of satisfaction. That stage is Krsna consciousness. As soon as one comes to the stage of Krsna consciousness, he'll be satisfied. And unless he comes to that stage, he'll always be disturbed
- Everyone will understand. Hare Krsna. That is proved. We are going to Africa. We are going to Canada, Europe, America. Everyone chants Hare Krsna. That is the language. When a young man and young woman loves one another, there is no question of language
- For financing this publication department of Hindi language, side by side recruiting Life Members must be done. I have written a letter in this connection to Ramananda, and a copy is enclosed herewith
- For lecturing, any one of our members can speak. Simply one has to memorize the purports and then speak in one's own language
- For our arriving devotees they should all be coming on student visas for learning Sanskrit and Hindi languages and thus they can stay for 3 years
- French language also, very important, we must translate & bring books. "Bring books" means we have got already book. Simply translate it in the particular language & publish it. That's all. Idea is already there. You haven't got to manufacture idea
- Generally, those who are exalted personalities lie down when they feel intoxicated, whereas those who are mediocre laugh and sing during intoxication, and those who are lowly use vulgar language and sometimes cry
- God is the Supreme Spirit, and what in your Christian language it is called Holy Ghost, so we call atma, or the Supreme Spirit
- He (a common man) may be a very great scholar and may be expert in presenting literature in flowery language, but this is not at all helpful in understanding transcendental literature
- He has written a very nice, authorized book on Lord Caitanya in German language, and it is very big, paperback, five hundred pages. It is approved by the Sweden University, and he has sent me. So even a German gentleman, he is taking so much interest
- He is very influential man and has rendered sincere service to my Guru Maharaja by translating many Goswami literatures in Telugu language, as well as in English. With his cooperation there is possibility of opening a branch in Bombay
- His (Maharaja Prthu's) words, which were nicely composed in highly metaphorical ornamental language, were pleasing to hear and were not only mellow but also very clearly understandable and without doubt or ambiguity
- I (Prabhupada) am attempting to present Srimad-Bhagavatam in the English language by the order of my spiritual master, Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- I (Prabhupada) think for the Japanese to pronounce Sanskrit language is easier than to pronounce English language; but this mantra is universal, anywhere you go everyone will be able to chant this mantra
- I am going today to New York and after one week I shall start for San Francisco. Some San Francisco boys who know German language are eager to help you and join you with Mrdanga
- I am very much enthusiastic about expansion of our branches, but if it is dependent upon learning of Spanish language, don't take this adventure. We should serve Krishna in whatever talents we have already got
- I had some difficulty with language difficulty to preach, but still I could see how pious they were and eager to listen anyway. That is the only qualification, if someone is eager for spiritual improvement
- I have already explained in a previous letter, if we can establish a bona fide language school then our American and European disciples can acquire student visas for coming to India. This will solve our visa problem
- I have consulted persons who know the French language, and they do not very much appreciate her translations. So what can I do? The best thing is that she may go on translating and send her articles to Montreal in care of Gopala Krishna Brahmacari
- I have heard with great pleasure how in only one month's time you have distributed 50,000 Bhagavad gita As It Is in the Japanese language. I think there has never been a case in history when so many religious books were distributed in such a short time
- I have just returned from Dallas Gurukula school, and the young students there require to learn Sanskrit language. So I think you may purchase minimum fifty copies of the primary Sanskrit book for learning Sanskrit language
- I have noted that you also have the aptitude for Bengali language, so you can learn this nicely and then you will be able to preach in Bengal in the native language. It would be very effective. Also, you can chant the Gita-Gan in Bengali
- I have noticed how you are producing so many of our books now in the Spanish and Portuguese language. This is very good
- I have seen your poetry and it is very nice. Try to write more and to have it published. If you like, I can send you more topics to write poetries about and to versify into the German language
- I know something about my body or I know something about this world. Similarly, there is another atma, supreme atma, who knows everything of this universe. He is sometimes called God or the Paramatma or Krsna, according to different language
- I may inform you that immediately you begin translation work of our Srimad-Bhagavatam in French, as well as Bhagavad-gita as it is, in French, and begin our Back To Godhead in French language
- I request you to simply translate into the French language our Back To Godhead and send the matters to Jaya Govinda for composing. In due course of time you will get the magazines, by selling which you try to pay part of the composing machine
- I shall be glad to know if you can translate our literature into Hindi with the help of friends in Varanasi. Varanasi is the learning site for Hindi language. Can you take charge of this translation work? Then it will be a great service to the Lord
- I want that our books and magazines in German language be printed profusely and distributed all over Germany, so if you cooperate with Hamsaduta and Krishna das to do this very nicely, I think that will be your great credit
- I wish to publish with your firm less expensive editions of our existing English language books, keeping as far as possible to the high standard we have established, and also to print Hindi language books
- If one has money, instead of constructing costly temples, one should spend his money for the publication of authorized books in different languages for propagating the Krsna consciousness movement
- If our books were translated into Japanese language, it will be a great help to us and to you also because it will be another opportunity for printing books. So, why not give us a good translator who can regularly translate all our books into Japanese?
- If someone studies these two texts (Laghu-hari-namamrta-vyakarana and Brhad-dhari-namamrta-vyakarana) in vyakarana, or grammar, he learns the grammatical rules of the Sanskrit language and simultaneously learns how to become a great devotee of Lord Krsna
- If the demigods cannot find adequate language to express the glories of the Lord, then what to speak of others? Consequently reciters like the suta and magadha felt inadequate to speak about King Prthu
- If we have got solid financial base there from the Hindu community, then we can go to all parts of Japan and open up centers and distribute our literature in Japanese language
- If you publish some book in Oriyan language, that book will give you good support. So now you have an opportunity, you are there and Krishna will help. Gradually we will help. Krishna is so kind, He is always ready to help
- In 1936, my Spiritual Master left this world leaving a message for me that it would be better for me to preach in English language
- In English language there is the word, "If you love me, love my dog." So the spiritual master is the "dog" of God; therefore if the spiritual master is patted, God is very much pleased
- In our school at Dallas, the students are learning English and Sanskrit, and through these two languages they are studying all our books, such as Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita As It Is and The Nectar of Devotion
- In plain language it is advised that an exalted saintly person avoid the association of those who are materially inclined
- In Sanskrit language, dharma does not mean like that, "A kind of faith." No. Faith is blind. Today you are Hindu, tomorrow you are Christian, today you are Christian. So this faith-changing is not dharma
- In Sanskrit language, the consonant alphabets are divided into two divisions, namely the sparsa-varnas and the talavya-varnas
- In the language of Bhagavad-gita, the spirit soul is called ksetrajna, the knower or tiller of the field, whereas the body and mind, the coverings of the spirit soul, are called ksetra, or the field
- In the language of the Bhagavad-gita, people who are engaged in gross sense gratification are mudhas - asses. The ass is a symbol of stupidity. Those who simply engage in the profitless pursuit of sense gratification are worshiping avidya
- In the Sanskrit language the king is also called naradeva, which means "God in human form." His duty is like that of Krsna
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated - If anyone wants to understand the science of Krsna, he should associate with pure devotees. When discussions take place among pure devotees, the potency of spiritual language is revealed
- In the Vedic literature, you won't find something different in Bhagavad-gita and some things different in Isopanisad or something is different in the Vedas. No. They are the same thing is explained in different languages in different scriptures
- In this age the brahmanas are neither well versed in the Sanskrit language nor very pure in practical life. But by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra one can attain the highest benefit of sacrificial performances
- In this material world it is called dual world, duality. Everything cannot be understood absolutely. Rather in ordinary language, relative world
- It (the Srimad-Bhagavatam) is powerful reading matter in the Sanskrit language, and it is now rendered into English elaborately so that simply by a careful reading one will know God perfectly well
- It appears from this statement (a person who knows the languages of different countries, especially Sanskrit language - is called a wonderful linguist) that Krsna can also speak and understand the languages of the animals
- It doesn't require that one has to learn Sanskrit. We have got so many disciples. It is not that they first of all learned Sanskrit. They heard. It may be in Sanskrit language or in English. It doesn't matter. Let him hear the real fact. That is wanted
- It is a technical science of spiritual values, and thus we are concerned with the techniques and not with the language
- It is also encouraging to note that one educated boy is wanting to translate some of our literature into Tamil language, so encourage him
- It is necessary that the priests & pujaris must be enlightened both in Theism & Sanskrit language. They shall be primary teachers of the Bhagwat Gita in different temples. Both these temples and their management have to be reformed in the present context
- It is not that a wealth of education is required. One does not even have to understand the language. The only ingredient needed is bhakti, love. If one becomes a pure bhakta, he will forget all material sense enjoyment
- It is very good news that your wife has taken to learn the Japanese language. So you should train your wife like that instead of fighting and creating misunderstanding. You must tolerate such misunderstandings
- Janardana will require this manuscript to translate into the French language for publication, so it is important business
- Just like I am translating all the books, similarly, any book of knowledge can be translated into different languages. Not that one has to learn Sanskrit
- Just try to increase more and more our output of such books and magazines in many languages--otherwise how will preaching go on in these places?
- Khana was a woman, very intelligent. Wife . . . I think she was wife of Varahamihira. He was very great astrologer, and she learned from her husband, and then she explained in common language. That is Khanara Vacana
- Knowledge we have received by disciplic succession from my Guru Maharaja, from my spiritual master. Sanskrit is the language, but mostly we derive knowledge from Vedic revealed scriptures. And this is also one of them, the SB
- Krsna speaks in all languages, and He speaks so perfectly that everyone thinks that He speaks only in his language. He could speak with the birds even. There is a Sanskrit word, babhudak. This means one who can speak all languages
- Let us produce magazines in English and Hindi languages and perhaps at some later time we may be able to print in local languages our BTG also. But for that there must be many, many subscribers
- Lord Caitanya taught Sanatana Gosvami in the line of disciplic succession. Sanatana Gosvami was a very learned scholar in Sanskrit and other languages, but until instructed by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu he did not write anything about Vaisnava behavior
- Lord Caitanya's movement still awaits for being preached all over the world. And to broadcast anything all over the world, English language is the only medium of circulation. I shall be very much pleased if you kindly cooperate with this world movement
- Maharaja Prthu's speech was very beautiful, full of metaphorical language, clearly understandable and very pleasing to hear. His words were all grave and certain
- Maharaja Prthu's speech was very beautiful, full of metaphorical language, clearly understandable and very pleasing to hear. His words were all grave and certain. It appears that when he spoke, he expressed his personal realization of the Absolute Truth
- Maharaja Prthu's words, which were nicely composed in highly metaphorical ornamental language, were pleasing to hear and were not only mellow but also very clearly understandable and without doubt or ambiguity
- My dear Lord, these common people, my neighbors, because I am minister, and I'm supposed to be educated, I know little Sanskrit, Arabian language, they call me pandita, learned man, very scholar and versed. I, to tell You frankly, I do not know what I am
- My Guru Maharaja, he had magazines in six languages: English, Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, and one Bengali daily
- My idea in the beginning was that instead of learning yourself the Japanese language, if you could convert one Japanese man that would be better for him to head up the preaching after learning from you and then you would be free to organize everything
- My students have been sent to India specifically to study in the Bengali, Sanskrit, and Hindi languages, because we have to present to the world so many English translated authentic literatures on Vaishnavism
- My suggestion is that either in Calcutta or in Delhi we must have our own press with good equipments so that we may be able to broadcast the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in all the important languages specially in Hindi and in English
- Near the Bindu Madhava temple is a big banyan tree, & it is said that after eating, Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to rest beneath the tree. Gradually, due to changes in language, the name became Yatana-vata. The local people still call that place Yatana-vata
- No one could understand who was coming and who was going, who was dancing and who was singing. Nor could they understand one another's language
- Now I am encouraging my young disciples to all try to learn at least one Indian language, like Hindi or Bengali
- Now I have taken your husband (Pradyumna dasa) with me, and he shall always remain with me from now on to learn perfectly sanskrit language exactly as it is understood by our line of acaryas from Krishna Himself
- O Lord of the universe, I (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) do not desire material wealth, materialistic followers, a beautiful wife or fruitive activities described in flowery language. All I want, life after life, is unmotivated devotional service to You
- Once when Krsna and His cowherd friends were enjoying friendly conversation, Krsna began to address His associates in casual language. At that time Krsna's servant Patri was also enjoying the conversation
- One may speak very nicely with ornamental language or one may be expert at controlled grammatical presentation, but if one's words are not engaged in the service of the Lord, they have no flavor and no actual use
- One thing is that their difficulty is language. Indians are there, they can speak on the local language
- One thing is, I have got many tapes of my speaking in Bengali language, and if you and Satchidananda can co-operatively transcribe them for printing there?
- One thing, I must warn you in this connection that these records are distributed amongst teenagers, therefore the language and presentation should be suitable for their understanding. I think you will understand me right in this connection
- Our preachers are very much enthusiastic but in India they have got a language difficulty. If you cooperate with us along with other learned devotees, we can immediately take up preaching work in India with great enthusiasm
- Our presenting this matter in adequate language, especially a foreign language, will certainly fail, and there will be so many literary discrepancies despite our honest attempt to present it in the proper way
- Our real interest is in the western countries. The trouble in India is we cannot preach. There are language difficulties and the people think they already know everything
- People can hold meetings to glorify the Lord in their respective languages and with melodious songs, and if such performances are executed in an offenseless manner, it is certain that the participants will gradually attain spiritual perfection
- Prahlada, who was truly the supreme learned person, then addressed his class friends in very sweet language. Smiling, he began to teach them about the uselessness of the materialistic way of life. Being very kind to them, he instructed them as follows
- Print as many books in as many languages and distribute throughout the whole world. Then KC movement will automatically increase. Now the educated learned scholars, they are appreciating our movement by reading books, by taking practical result
- Read Srimad-Bhagavatam, assimilate it and preach in your own language. Or repeat whatever there is in the purport
- Religion means to abide by the laws of God. In the Sanskrit language it is said, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB 6.3.19). Dharma, or religion, means the codes of God
- Rupa Gosvami says that a person who knows the languages of different countries, especially the Sanskrit, which is spoken in the cities of the demigods - as well as other worldly languages, including those of the animals - is called a wonderful linguist
- Rupa Gosvami's calculation is that laughter in ecstatic love can be broken down into six divisions. These divisions, according to different degrees of smiling, are called in the Sanskrit language smita, hasita, vihasita, avahasita, apahasita, & atihasita
- Sanskrit is a perfect language and is therefore very glorious. After studying, if one can remember the subject matter, he is gifted with good memory. BG 1972 purports
- Sanskrit is very nice language. From one verbal root, you can manufacture many words; therefore it is difficult to make Sanskrit dictionary. It is very difficult. The so-called Sanskrit dictionaries available in the market, you won't find all the words
- Sanskrit language is very difficult language. One has to learn the grammar portion of it only for twelve years. Then he becomes expert grammarian. And when one becomes nice grammarian, he can read any literature, different department of knowledge
- Sanskrit language means it is so reformed that each and every word has significance. Not that like your English language, "B-U-T but, P-U-T put." No, not like that
- Scarcity of language which you are now feeling in this connection (presenting Krsna Consciousness Movement in the circle of educated people) will be fulfilled by Krsna by the process of your eagerness to serve Him
- She (Devahuti) was overwhelmed with ecstatic love, and she could not reply; then, with faltering language, just like an attractive wife, she spoke the following words
- Simply you have to open your feelings of love of Godhead. Then He's pleased. It does not depend on the particular type of language or poetic ideas. No
- So far Krsna Consciousness philosophy is concerned, it is now tested by my last three years' experiment that this philosophy will be accepted in any part of the world irrespective of caste, creed, color, and language
- Sometimes they will advertise, "Our customers are our masters." Is it not? But in spite of the flowery language - "Our customers are our masters" - this is business, because nobody is a qualified customer unless he pays. But service is not like that
- Soul is permanent, all-pervading, and eternal. He cannot be explained by any human language, nor can he be perfectly conceived of by any human mind. He remains always unchangeable, and knowing all these facts, one should not lament over his disappearance
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remembered a line in the Orissan language and ordered Svarupa Damodara to sing it
- Sri Krsna told Arjuna in very gentlemanly language that he was not a learned man. In essence, He said, - You are not a pandita. Just try to understand that the real life is the life of the soul
- Srila Srinivasa Acarya describes in his prayers to the six Gosvamis that they were all highly learned scholars, not only in Sanskrit but also in foreign languages such as Persian and Arabic
- Study our books very carefully under the guidance of Amarendra Prabhu and preach our philosophy from Bhagavad Gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam in your scientific language
- That we are experiencing, that Krsna consciousness is not checked anywhere. We have got branches all over the world. Any country, there is no language difficulty. Wherever we chant Hare Krsna, they join
- The child cries, but when the woman who is the child's mother comes and picks him up, at once he is pacified. He has no language to express all this, but his relationship with his mother is a law of nature
- The citizens began to speak in ecstatic language to receive the Lord, just as wards welcome their guardian and father
- The ekapad-vibhuti manifestation of the material energy of the Lord is just like one of the many mistresses of the Lord, by whom the Lord is not so much attracted, as indicated in the language of the Gita
- The grama-kavi, mundane poet, even a so called great poet like Shakespeare cannot help us in writing transcendental literature. If you want to look at his verse technique for improving your use of language you may, but it is risky
- The impersonalist, voidist, they have no conception of God. Voidists - "Ultimately everything is zero," and the impersonalists, "God has no form." Both are the same thing, in a different language
- The informal language used between lover and beloved is indicative of pure affection
- The Krsna consciousness movement is very eager to present Vedic literature in modern languages, especially Western languages such as English, French and German
- The language and tone used by Balarama are simply abusive, and due to the influence of this age it appears that the shoes befitting the feet want to rise to the top of the head, where the helmet is worn
- The language is immaterial, but the subject matter is important
- The Mayavadi philosophers have presented their arguments in such attractive, flowery language that hearing Mayavada philosophy may sometimes change the mind of even a maha-bhagavata, or very advanced devotee
- The meaning is the same (Prakrit and Sanskrit), but the native language is different. It was spoken to Krsna by Madhumangala as he read Him a letter from Srimati Radharani
- The Mexican public is very sympathetic, so produce voluminously Spanish language literature
- The offenses in Deity worship are: (v) to use vulgar language before the Deity, (w) to pass air before the Deity, (x) to avoid very opulent worship of the Deity, even though one is able to perform it, (y) to eat something not offered to the Deity
- The oneness of understanding that the Supreme Lord is spiritual and that in full spiritual realization one can understand what He is - Supreme Personality of Godhead - is called kaivalya, or, in the language of Patanjali, realization of spiritual power
- The program as we have followed with good success is to find out some local boy who is well acquainted with the English language and train him to preach to the general less educated public
- The real platform of unity is Krsna consciousness. Our members, although they speak different languages from different countries, but still they are united
- The soul goes to another body and we foolishly worship the dead body, which is useless. This is called bhutejya. In Sanskrit language it is called bhutejya. Ghost worship
- The sun planet is predominated by fire. There are living entities also, and there is one principal living entity who is called the sun-god, Surya Narayana. Or, in the language of the Bhagavad-gita, he is called Vivasvan
- The transcendental qualities of Krsna as follows: 07) a wonderful linguist; 8) truthful; 9) talks pleasingly; 10) can speak fluently in all languages; 11) highly learned; 12) highly intelligent; 13) a genius; 14) artistic; 15) extremely clever; 16) expert
- The two types of fever described in this verse (SB 4.29.23-25) can be explained in contemporary language as pneumonia and typhoid. When there is an extreme fever in the body, there is typhoid and pneumonia, and they are described as Prajvara
- The Vedic hymn known as kama-gayatri describes the face of Krsna as the king of all moons. In metaphorical language, there are many different moons, but they are all one in Krsna
- The Vedic promises of elevation to higher planets for a better standard of materialistic life are compared to flowery language because in a flower there is certainly an aroma but that aroma does not last for a very long time
- There are many schools of grammar in the Sanskrit language, the most famous of which are the systems of Panini and the Kalapa and Kaumudi grammars
- There is a book in the Oriya language called Caitanya-carita-mahakavya, in which there are many narrations about Sikhi Mahiti. One narration concerns his seeing an ecstatic dream
- There is a song in the Bengali language which states, "I constructed this home for happiness, but unfortunately there was a fire, and everything has now been burnt to ashes." This illustrates the nature of material happiness
- They (those who are following the impersonal way to spiritual realization) have to learn the language, understand the nonperceptual feelings, and they have to realize all these processes. This is not very easy for a common man. BG 1972 purports
- They appreciate the musical mellow very much although they are no conversant with the language. And without understanding the language they give a aural reception to the keertan in a devout manner
- They are (market literatures) full of subject matter described in decorative language full of mundane similes and metaphorical arrangements. Yet with all that, they do not glorify the Lord
- This (CC Madya 2.42) is a verse in a common language called prakrta, and the exact Sanskrit transformation is kaitava-rahitam prema na hi bhavati manuse loke/ yadi bhavati kasya viraho virahe saty api ko jivati
- This (to find local boy, well acquainted with English language and train him to preach to the general less educated public) is the best system and do not be hopeless because you are sure to find such a helper very soon
- This book production is real progress. It is very good news to hear that you are producing so many books in the European languages. This is most pleasing to me
- This knowledge by which we can gain release from suffering is possible in the human form of life, not in the animal form. To give us knowledge, to give us proper direction, there are scriptures written in various languages in all parts of the world
- Those who speak the Telugu language consider this holy place (Kurmacala) very important. This statement is reported in the government gazette known as Ganjama Manual
- Thus (because the European and American devotees are helping me considerably) we have expectations of finishing the great task (of presenting Srimad-Bhagavatam in the English language) before my passing away. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga
- To understand the language of the mantra, nor is there any need for mental speculation nor any intellectual adjustment for chanting this maha-mantra. It is automatic, from the spiritual platform
- Transcendental sound is not ordinary language, although it appears to be written in ordinary language. Evidence from the Vedic literature should be accepted as final authority
- Try to understand that within this body there is the soul. The body is called in Sanskrit language, deha. And the soul, which possesses this body, just like I am possessing this body, you are possessing your body. We are all individual persons, soul
- Unfortunately, modern politicians & other leaders stress the bodily comforts of life (yasyatma-buddhih kunape tri-dhatuke (SB 10.84.13)) & concentrate on the activities of this ism and that ism, which they describe in different kinds of flowery language
- Uttama-sloka means the Supreme Lord who is described by transcendental literature or very fine, scholarly language. He's called Uttama-sloka
- Uttama-sloka means the Supreme Lord who is described by transcendental literature or very fine, scholarly language. He's called Uttama-sloka. Uttama-slokasya urukramasya. That will save all conditioned souls from being implicated in the clutches of maya
- We are giving people an immense treasury of transcendental literature, translated into all the important languages of the world
- We are not manufacturing ourself. What we have heard from the parampara system, from higher authorities, we are presenting simply in our own language, and the evidence is this Vedic verse. This is perfect literature
- We are not only preaching the cult by chanting and dancing, but also by presenting in the English language the books of the bhakti cult, especially Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam all over the world
- We had previously received copies of the Swahili language publication of Topmost Yoga System from Brahmananda Swami and it is very nicely done. This printing and distribution of our literature is most important aspect of our propaganda work
- We have got tremendous business. Village to village, distribute these books and sankirtana. You don't require language. Chant Hare Krsna and distribute the... Bas. And prasada distribution. It doesn't matter who is doing
- We require that men of all tongues may know of the great message of Krishna and your rendering our books in the Spanish language will be a tremendous service to our Krishna Conscious movement
- We simply invite persons to come and chant with us. It doesn't matter what he is, what is his language, what is his religion. We don't take into account all these things
- We want our men to come to India to learn the Sanskrit language so that we can study the Vedic literature. So you must arrange for a teacher to coach these boys in Sanskrit
- We work so that men of all languages and cultures may join us in chanting Hare Krishna and for this we need so many literatures in so many different languages. So please try for this
- Whatever you speak, the GBCs & older devotees, they're taking back to so many different countries & translating into so many languages - Spanish, French, German, Italian. The devotees all over the world are just waiting to hear every word that you speak
- When a child cries, what does he long for? His mother. But he has no language to express this. By nature he has his body, born of his mother's body, so there is an intimate relationship with the mother's body. The child won't like any other woman
- When all the animals fled, the hunter wanted to chastise Narada with abusive language, but due to Narada's presence, he could not utter anything abusive
- When I first came to America I never imagined that this movement would spread so far and wide. I thought that my Guru Maharaja has ordered me to try to spread his teachings in the English language, so let me try
- When Lord Krsna, in friendly terms and sweet language, impressed Akrura about the real fact and Akrura understood that nothing could be concealed from the knowledge of Sri Krsna
- When Sanatana Gosvami left his government post and came to Caitanya Mahaprabhu for the first time, he asked the Lord, "What is education?" Although Sanatana Gosvami knew a number of languages, including Sanskrit, he still inquired about real education
- When the servants fell down before the lotus feet of the goddess of fortune, they almost fell unconscious. They were chastised and made the butt of jokes and loose language
- When the Vedas are not accepted through the authoritative disciplic succession, the casual readers of the Vedas are misled by the flowery language of that system of knowledge
- When there is fire in a house, the inmates of the house go out to get help from the neighbors who may be foreigners, and yet without knowing the language the victims of the fire express themselves, and the neighbors understand the need
- Yes if you (Kirtiraja Prabhu) can arrange for the translation of my books in Polish language that will please me very much
- Yes, you may write some of the stories in simplified version for the children. That is very nice. The story of characters cannot be changed or anything made up, but simply the language may be changed
- You are knowing so many languages and you can be of great service in this respect, so why don't you join our Bombay centre and help to propagate Krishna Consciousness in Hindi and other languages
- You are proficient in the Russian language. If that is the case, then your service may be very much required, and so if I go to Russia at all in the near future, then I shall call for you and you shall accompany me to Moscow
- You can show them the full set of books that we are going to print in the German language, and use all of the professors quotes to show how authoritative our books are amongst the scholarly circle throughout the world
- You can sing prayers in Sanskrit, but prayers in English can be also pronounced because the Lord accepts the motive not the pronunciation of the language
- You cannot understand Krsna simply because you are a learned Sanskrit scholar. You are a rascal. Krsna is not so easy to be understood by scholarship or Sanskrit language. Don't commit this mistake. Krsna is understood by a person to whom Krsna reveals
- You plan to have travelling parties go out village to village preaching and distributing my books in Telegu language is very important. Do it nicely
- You read them (Teachings of Lord Chaitanya) very carefully, word to word, and immediately begin translation into French language so they may be published in French BTG as well as in future they may be published in a book
- Your desires and your propensities will be according to your society. Just like in English language it is said: "A man is known by his company." So we have to change our company
- Your representation that Sanskrit is the origin of Indo-European languages, is quite right, but our main concern is how we can impress people about the importance of Krishna Consciousness