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Pages in category "German"
The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.
- Actually there is no difference between mystic perfection and materialistic perfection. A German scholar once said that the so-called yoga perfections have already been achieved by the modern scientists, and so he was not concerned with them
- Actually these four books: Krishna, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad-gita, if these four books are translated and distributed widely in German language, alone they are sufficient to give everyone the whole contents of Krishna Consciousness subject matter
- All of you there push on this movement in Germany which is the best country in Europe. The most intelligent class of men are there. Try to convince them about our philosophy. The German scholars are especially inclined toward Indian philosophy
- American, or Indian, or German, or Englishman; cat or dog, or bee or bat, man or wife: all these are designations. In spiritual consciousness we become free from all such designations
- As far as possible though, you all should try to learn a little German. One should learn the local native language if one desires to live there
- As you have got some rudimentary knowledge in German, try to make it more perfect so that you can see how things are going on
- He (a German scholar) intelligently went to India to learn how he could understand his eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord by means of bhakti-yoga, devotional service
- He (my German Godbrother, Sadananda) told me that "In my childhood, in the First World War, the ration was controlled. Only children, we could get fat, butter." He showed his wristwatch - This quantity only, once in a week
- He (one German scholar who became a devotee) came to India not to learn the methods of the yogis’ mystic powers but to learn the path of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord, as mentioned in the great scripture Srimad-Bhagavatam
- He has written a very nice, authorized book on Lord Caitanya in German language, and it is very big, paperback, five hundred pages. It is approved by the Sweden University, and he has sent me. So even a German gentleman, he is taking so much interest
- Here in Europe also the two wars was arranged by the German people, they were envious of the English people. So these wars are not right wars, righteous war
- I already informed him that he will act as the editor of the German Back To Godhead. So when you go please set up everything in a cooperative mood. The workers there are very sincere, and upon your joining them, they will be very much encouraged
- I am American, I am Indian, I am German, I am this, I am that - this body. This is my country. I shall sacrifice everything for my country and society. - So in this way, the illusion increases
- I am going today to New York and after one week I shall start for San Francisco. Some San Francisco boys who know German language are eager to help you and join you with Mrdanga
- I am in due receipt of three copies of the new German edition of Caitanya Caritamrta Chapter 7 & 8. It is very nice. The printing is very good
- I am thinking, "I am Indian," you are thinking you are German, and the dog is thinking, "I am dog," and cat is thinking, "I am cat." So this bodily consciousness, bodily concept of life, will keep us conditioned within the material nature
- I am very anxious to see our Bhagavad-gita in German so as soon as it is completed, kindly send me a copy
- I am very much pleased to hear that your German BTG distribution has gone up to 50,000 last issue, and I very much approve of your ideas for improving it more and more
- I have received the German magazine and it appears very nice. Of course I could not read a single letter, but that doesn't matter. It was looking very nice
- I have seen your German devotees, they are very enthusiastic and steady workers. So if you get some good souls to join, then there will be no difficulty for selling the books
- I have seen your poetry and it is very nice. Try to write more and to have it published. If you like, I can send you more topics to write poetries about and to versify into the German language
- I know that this nuclear weapon was already discovered by the German people, and Hitler, it is said that he did not use it. Because he knew it that - If I throw this nuclear weapon there will be devastation
- I want that our books and magazines in German language be printed profusely and distributed all over Germany, so if you cooperate with Hamsaduta and Krishna das to do this very nicely, I think that will be your great credit
- I would like to know whether or not you have collected the money for that German book you took here from me. You can please send one set of Srimad-Bhagavatams to this address, to Sri Vamana dasa: Walther Eidlitz - Bavergrand 18A-III - Uppsala - Sweden
- If a man also becomes similarly proud that, "I am big American," "big German," what is the difference? But that is actually going on, and therefore they are fighting like cats and dogs
- If Syamasundara requires the copy of Bhagavad-gita, for translating it into German. So if he wants it you may hand over the copy, original copies, from my closet, and he will translate into German
- In Germany they are now printing a very fine German edition of Back To Godhead
- In this life one may think that he is very happy being an American, Indian, Englishman or German, but in the next life one has to accept another body among 8,400,000 species
- It is a great credit for you and all the German devotees and Lord Caitanya will bless you with devotion to His lotus feet. I am very anxious to see our Bhagavad-gita in German so as soon as it is completed, kindly send me a copy
- It is very good news to hear that the German government has granted you a 5 year visa and that your Sankirtana activities are expanding. This is all very encouraging
- One German friend, my Godbrother, he said, in the First World War, all manpower went to the active field. So the sister, generally women, left
- One German scholar who became a devotee of Godhead in India said that material science had already made laudable progress in duplicating the mystic powers of the yogis
- One of my German Godbrothers, he told me in 1935 that in the last world war, many people became atheists
- One, my German Godbrother, he said that during the First World War . . . perhaps some of you know. The politician created war and there was war. So people went to church. People means all women, because men were all in the active field
- Overflood Europe with German books. I think that the German people are the heart of Europe, and your march will be followed by Bhagavan dasa in French language
- Recently, when I was in Los Angeles, one German scientist came there. He has written one book, Chemical Evolution, and he has got Nobel Prize. Now he's touring for lecturing on his theory
- Regarding my going to Germany, I am actually very much eager to go there and speak in the Indo-German branches about the importance of our Krishna Consciousness Movement
- Regarding the German situation, it is an attempt to suppress our movement there. We have become very popular there and now the Christian church, as well as the police are very much feeling pressure that "now this movement is increasing"
- Second World War was in 1939. That was also German and Englishmen, like that. But actually, this was also World War, this Battlefield of Kuruksetra, because all the kings of the world, they joined either this party or that party
- See that the French and German BTGs are nicely done—that is my ambition
- Some of us are thinking that "I am American," some are thinking "We are Indian," some are thinking "German," or this or that - "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Christian," "I am white," "I am black." In so many ways our consciousness is polluted
- The best news of all is that soon we shall have our own press for printing Krishna Consciousness literature in the German language. Our life and soul is kirtana and presenting literature to the public at large
- The German people declared war against the English to ruin them, but the result was that both parties were ruined. Although the Allies were apparently victorious, at least on paper, actually neither of them were victorious
- The Germans are very intelligent, and they will be the future preachers. So give them nice translations of my books and you will have tremendous success in Germany
- The Germans, they could not do business throughout the whole British Empire. We know, Indians. So they were very much envious of these British people, and therefore they started two big wars, world war
- The jivatma may introduce himself as an Indian, American, German and so on, but the Paramatma has no such material designations, and therefore He has no material name
- The Krsna consciousness movement is very eager to present Vedic literature in modern languages, especially Western languages such as English, French and German
- The last two disastrous war was waged only for this (demoniac) industry. This is the cause. German, they are actually in Europe very intelligent, and their machine products and other things, they make very nice things
- The modern civilization is based on bodily designation - American, India, German - but our proposition is to become free from these artificial designations, & unless one becomes free from these artificial designations there can't be any God-consciousness
- The songs which I have recorded there I have heard today on the record, and they are very nice, especially the Prayers to the Six Goswamis. It has come out very successful on the whole. I hope the German people will like the Bengali tunes
- The two wars was arranged by the German people, they were envious of the English people. So these wars are not right wars, righteous wars. No. They are play of the diplomats, politicians
- There was one Mr. Badhuri in Benares. He was a great astrologer. So he told me that from Benares the Germans have taken three books: one is Akasa-patola, one is Kapota-vahi and his Khapoda-vahi. Khapoda-vahi, this aeroplane
- They must translate as it is, they must not deviate. Anyway, our motto should be to somehow or other express the objectives of Krishna Consciousness to the German-speaking people
- This German Bhagavad gita is a very important achievement and the credit goes to you for your dedicated efforts. Thank you very much
- We are printing Krishna literature almost in all languages of Europe, in English language, in Spanish language, in French language, in Swedish language, in Dutch and German language, and then Italian, we are publishing, and it is being sold like hotcakes
- We have got good reputation all over the world. The German rascals, they wanted to minimize our value, but he failed
- We must have close cooperation between America and Germany for the successful publication of our BTG regularly in French, German and English languages
- Whatever German books you have lying with you ready for printing should be immediately printed. This work should be given priority as our society's well-being there depends upon it
- Whatever you speak, the GBCs & older devotees, they're taking back to so many different countries & translating into so many languages - Spanish, French, German, Italian. The devotees all over the world are just waiting to hear every word that you speak
- When students come to America for a higher education, they do not consider the fact that the teachers may be American, German or of other nationalities. If one wants a higher education, he simply comes and takes it
- When the First and Second World Wars began, it was not for pleasing Krsna. The Germans wanted that their sense gratification not be hampered by the Britishers. That means it was a war of sense gratification
- You can make my program for lecturing in the Indo-German society, taking it that I shall be going there in the month of August. I know there are many Sanskrit scholars in Germany, but unfortunately I have no practice to speak in Sanskrit
- You can show them the full set of books that we are going to print in the German language, and use all of the professors quotes to show how authoritative our books are amongst the scholarly circle throughout the world
- You have done the right thing, printing Bhagavad-gita in German language, and I very much appreciate that you have done this great service