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Pages in category "Assets"
The following 83 pages are in this category, out of 83 total.
- A life is called miserly because one cannot properly utilize the assets of the human form of life
- A man becomes attached to a woman because of her service, her beauty and many other assets, and similarly a woman becomes attached to a man for his giving her a nice place to live, ornaments, dress and children
- A person who begins a spiritual life in Krsna consciousness, his asset will go with him. Never mind, in this body we may be little uncomfortable. A spiritually advanced man, or a person in Krsna consciousness, is never in discomfort
- Although a miserly man wants to guard his money very carefully, his family members take away all his assets forcibly, even though he is very vigilant
- Among the uncommonly good souls there are still gradations, and the best good soul is one who accepts an insignificant asset of a person and magnifies that good quality
- Anyone who has a natural tendency for rejecting sense-gratification is considered to be advanced or liberated in spiritual life. Your appreciation of Maya as false and Krishna as the only reality is a great asset
- Anyone who has taken his birth in India, they can fulfill the mission of human life. They have got very good asset. But unfortunately, they have rejected all this asset. They are now enamored by the glamour of material civilization
- Anything done on account of the Lord is a permanent asset and accumulates in the form of unseen piety for gradual promotion to the unalloyed devotional service of God
- As the Age of Kali advances, duration of life, memory, mercy, religiousness, and all other such assets decrease. So no one has any assurance of long life in this age
- Because we are distributing this, the most valuable asset of the world, so cheaply, don't neglect it. Take it. Don't minimize the value because we are distributing free
- Bhakti-yoga itself is so powerful that even an impious man with no assets in karma-yoga or an illiterate with no assets in jnana-yoga can undoubtedly be elevated to the spiritual world if he simply adheres to bhakti-yoga
- Bhakti-yoga process, if you can execute one percent, oh, it becomes asset, and next life you are guaranteed, because you will be given the facility of executing bhakti-yoga further. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, in every sastra
- By ignorance we take this spot life as permanent settlement, & we think "We shall live here permanently & make arrangement to live here permanently, % make assets for my children, for my nation." But we do not know cycle of transmigration is not fixed up
- Even if one does not understand the language, still, just by hearing, he acquires some piety. His assets lead him to a pious life, even if he does not understand - it has such power
- Even if one falls down due to immaturity or bad association, his devotional assets are never lost. There are many examples of this - Ajamila, Maharaja Bharata, and many others
- Even if one has no assets of favorable austerity, if he nevertheless takes shelter of the mahatmas, who are engaged in chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord, he is sure to make progress on the path back home, back to Godhead
- Even though a person who has no assets in pious activities performs some good deed, it will have no result. Thus the weapons of the demons had no tangible effects upon Prahlada Maharaja because he was a devotee undisturbed by material conditions
- Everything is there. Especially in India, we have got so much asset for understanding God. Simple thing. Everything is there ready made. But we won't accept
- I have come with this body given by God, open-handed, without any asset. And I shall pass away from this world leaving this body open-handed. So actually nothing belongs to me. It is simply maya, illusion
- If money and education are not engaged in the service of the Lord, these valuable assets must be engaged in the service of maya
- If one by chance, even without his knowledge, he offers his obeisances to Lord Visnu or receives the favor of a Vaisnava, a devotee of the Lord, he at that time acquires the asset necessary to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If one has no connection with Nitai, Balarama, then even though one is a very learned scholar or jnani or has taken birth in a very respectable family, these assets will not help him
- If you can execute cent percent, then the whole life is perfect. But even if you do not come to the perfectional point, whatever you have done, that is your permanent asset. Next life you begin from that point
- If you can finish the process of Bhakti in this life, cent percent, that is very nice. If not,... Suppose you have finished fifty percent. Still it is permanent asset. It will never be lost
- If you can purify your consciousness in touch with Krsna, or God, that is your success. And if you can execute even certain percentage, that is your permanent asset. It will go with you
- If you train woman from the very beginning how to become chaste and faithful to the husband, they can become a very good mother, very good asset in the family
- In course of time (he who comes to the shelter of a great Vaisnava) falls down because of immature understanding, he is not actually fallen, for his having engaged in Krsna consciousness is a permanent asset
- In family life, father, mother, wife and children are assets, but if the wife or mother accepts another husband in the presence of her husband or son, then, according to Vedic civilization, she is considered an enemy
- In the Bhagavad-gita also it is said that whatever qualification and whatever asset you have got, just immediately engage to Krsna’s service. And whatever you do, little, that is your asset. Vigata-viklava isvarasya mahi
- In the material world the topmost pleasure is sex, because there is no other idea. So all people, even so-called yogis, svamis and . . . ultimately they are coming down to sex. Whatever they have got asset, the culmination is sex
- In the material world, we have experience that we do not carry our assets from one life to another. I may have millions of dollars in the bank, but as soon as my body is finished, my bank balance is also
- In these ways (by driving cars, spending time in nightclubs or tasting abominable food in restaurants), the plundering senses take away all the assets that the conditioned soul has acquired with great difficulty
- It is directly perceived; su-sukham, & very easy to perform; avyayam, never to be destroyed. Whatever you do, that is your asset. If you do one percent, that is your asset. Actually it is so. So our request is that you take up this chanting and be happy
- Krsna said, "You give up all this business." Mam ekam saranam vraja: "You do everything for Me. That's all. Don't utilize the assets of the world for your sense gratification, neither you give it up as mithya
- Krsna said, Don't utilize the assets of the world for your sense gratification, neither you give it up as mithya. Why mithya? I've created. Why it should be mithya? Mithya means false. Whatever God has created, that is not false, everything
- One may ask, "After giving up material enjoyment, how can one live?" The Gosvamis lived by dipping into the ocean of the transcendental loving affairs between Krsna and the gopis. Since that was their asset, they could live very peacefully
- One should properly use the assets of life and not squander them for purposes that have no permanent value
- One should try to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead by one's assets. There are many forms of service to the Supreme Lord, and anyone can render service unto Him according to the best of his ability
- One thinks himself very clever throughout his life if he is able to leave behind him a great asset of wealth for his children, and to achieve this temporary benefit he takes the risk of all sinful activities
- Only one who renders devotional service to the Lord can attain this stage of indifference to the false and temporary assets of material nature
- Sanatana composed: I am poor in love of Godhead, and I have no asset for hearing about devotional service. Nor do I have any understanding of the science of devotional service, nor any cultivation of knowledge, nor any righteous activities to my credit
- Since it is necessary for householders to increase their financial assets for various expenditures, Krsna was found somewhere engaged in matters of economic development
- So Prahlada Maharaja, therefore, taking courage, that the material qualifications are not assets to approach God, but it is only devotional service, service attitude. "Krsna, or God, I love You. I can sacrifice You... I can sacrifice everything for You
- Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat: even a slight attempt to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead is a permanent asset
- The colorful greenery of the newly grown grass, the seasonal flowers, the frog's umbrellas, the butterflies, and the other variegatedness of the rainy season perfectly represent a well-to-do family absorbed in vanity over their personal assets
- The devotees pray to Lord Caitanya, to eliminate their stock of passion and ignorance, the most conspicuous assets of this yuga
- The extravagant are practically asleep to introspection, and thus they are unable to derive any permanent value from the assets of the human form of body
- The human form of body is achieved by the conditioned soul after many, many births and is a very valuable asset
- The human form of life is a great asset, for in this life one can fulfill the goal of existence. Unfortunately, however, because of a lack of education and culture, people are victimized by the false happiness of sex life
- The only thing he (a person) can carry with him is his asset of devotional service; that alone is never vanquished
- The people in general in this age of Kali are too much interested in matter, which is temporary. Because of ignorance they are unable to evaluate the assets of life and be enlightened in spiritual knowledge
- The present attempts to enter into the heavenly planets by the modern scientists will certainly prove futile because such scientists are not on the level of Arjuna. They are ordinary human beings, without any assets of sacrifice, charity or austerities
- The utterance of the word om signifies separation from one's monetary assets. In other words, by uttering this word one becomes free from attachment to money because his money is taken away from him
- There is a vast amount of editing work. It is not an easy job. We have to print so many books and if he becomes an expert editor it will be a great asset to our mission, and he has got the capacity
- These are the human assets - qualities which make a human being distinct from the animals.These things will decline (in Kali-yuga). There will be almost no mercy, there will be almost no truthfulness, memory will be shortened, duration of life shortened
- They (grhamedhis) are posted in good positions, and since they know that they are using up their assets of pious activities, they again and again perform activities of sense gratification
- They (those who are introspective) are practically asleep to introspection, and thus they are unable to derive any permanent value from the assets of the human form of body. But one who has developed introspection is as grave as the sea
- This human form of life is a most valuable asset for the living entity who can ultilize it for solving the problems of life; therefore, one who does not utilize this opportunity properly is a miser. BG 1972 purports
- This is not the case with KC (as in the world without completely construct the building it's useless), for even if one does not come to the perfectional point, whatever work he does is his permanent asset, & he can begin from that point in his next life
- This simple method (chanting Hare Krsna and following regulative principles) will help. Even if he cannot strictly follow, still, whatever he has done, that is his asset. And it will give me more and more chance. So it is not actually lost
- To get birth in a Vaisnava family is greater asset than to take birth in rich family. Rich family means there is no economic problem. But on account of richness one may fall down, but if one takes birth in a Vaisnava family there is no more fall down
- Uncontrolled, sensuous persons play with the assets of the body and accumulate wealth. But the strength of the body should be used for self-realization, not for sense gratification
- Unless one feels pleasure, how is it possible that he can engage himself in such a process as Krsna consciousness? This is due only to the chanting of Hare Krsna. This is our single asset - the Hare Krsna mantra
- Whatever little money you save, put it in this. - And when it is filled up, it becomes a big amount. Similarly, these people, abodha-jata, rascals, if they little appreciate, "Oh, these people are nice," that is one asset
- Whatever service you render to Krsna, that becomes your permanent asset, permanent bank balance, never to be spoiled. Such nice thing
- When death will come, your all asset, your so-called children, your family, your bank balance, your friends, your country, your leadership, your pride and everything will be taken. That will be taken by Krsna
- You are certainly welcome to come and live with us and try to understand our philosophy. If a personality like you will join this institution, it will be a great asset
- You have got assets. You have got parentage. Everything you have got. Now do something. You have come. It is a good association. Satam prasangan mama virya-samvidah (SB 3.25.25). (break) But they have dedicated their life to Krsna