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Pages in category "Stool"
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- A diseased man is accustomed to eat bitter medicine, not very palatable, & so many things, passing stool & urine. As soon as they inform that after being cured there is also passing of stool & urine & eating, but that is palatable, he cannot understand
- A diseased man who is taking very bitter medicine and who is lying down in bed, eating there and passing stool and urine there, unable to move, may find his life so intolerable that he thinks, - Let me commit suicide
- A diseased man: he's lying down on the bed and eating there, passing stool there, passing urine there, and he cannot move, and very bitter medicine. So many inconvenience. He's lying down. So he's thinking of committing suicide
- A fortunate child in the womb of his mother prayed to Krsna as follows: "O enemy of Kamsa, I am suffering so much because of this material body. Now I am trapped within a mess of blood, urine and liquid stool, within the womb of my mother"
- A hog generally lives in a very filthy state, eating stool, but if one tries to separate it from its condition and give it a nice place, the hog will be unwilling
- A hog, he is working day and night to find out where is stool. He likes stool. He eats stool and becomes very fatty. He enjoys
- A learned man never laments over a subject which appears and disappears as a matter of course. The material body, which we get from the womb of our mother, becomes transformed after some time into ashes, earth, or stool, as the case may be
- A man in material existence and attached to ku-visaya or su-visaya is in the same position as that of a worm in stool. After all, whether it be moist or dry, stool is stool
- A patient who is suffering for, suppose from birth, he cannot understand that there is activities after being cured of this disease. He cannot understand. He thinks activity means lying down on the bed and drinking all bitter medicine and pass stool
- According to our karma, we are sometimes taking birth in a higher planetary system as demigods and sometimes taking birth as cats and dogs or as germs in stool
- According to religious principles, stool, urine, wash water, etc., must be left at a long distance
- According to religious principles, stool, urine, wash water, must be left at a long distance. Attached bathrooms, urinals, may be very convenient amenities of modern civilization, but they are ordered to be situated at a distance from residential quarters
- According to Vedic principles, bones and dung are generally considered very impure. If one touches a bone or stool, he must take a bath immediately. That is the Vedic injunction
- According to Vedic system, even after passing my own stool, evacuating, I have to take bath. And what to speak of others' stool. That is the system. So stool is impure. One, after touching stool, he must take bath
- Actually, such a husband is only a dead body, but due to not being attracted to Your transcendental form, a woman will have to accept this combination of stools and urine for her husband
- After death, one has to enter into the womb of another mother. That is also a very fearful stage. One becomes packed in a bag, and this bag is filled with stool and urine, and one has to remain packed in this airtight bag for nine months
- After death, such persons (who have no good behavior, cleanliness or regulated life) are thrown into the hell called Puyoda, where they are put into an ocean filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things
- After death, such persons are thrown into the hell called Puyoda, where they are put into an ocean filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things. Sudras who could not improve themselves fall into that ocean and are forced to eat those
- All the soldiers of Saryati were immediately obstructed from passing urine and stool. Upon perceiving this, Saryati spoke to his associates in surprise
- All these things (bones, blood, skin, veins, stool, urine) are available. Why don't you put together and bring life? "That we shall do in future." Just see. What is the proposal?
- Although these things were very difficult to give up, Maharaja Bharata was so exalted that he gave them up just as one gives up stool after evacuating. Such was the greatness of His Majesty
- And within him there are muscles, bones, blood, intestinal worms, stools, mucus, bile, and similar things
- Animals like dogs and hogs enjoy sense gratification by eating stool
- Another place it is stated that "Cow dung, although it is the stool of an animal, it is pure." Even if you apply in an impure place, it becomes purified
- As Kesi's last breath came, his eyeballs bulged in their sockets and he passed stool and urine simultaneously. Thus the vital force of his life expired. When the horse was dead, his mouth became loose, and Krsna could extract His arm without difficulty
- As you will not eat stool, you will like halava, you have got rationality, then hog has got rationality. He'll not eat halava, he'll eat stool. So where is the want of rationality? Why don't you eat stool? That is rationality
- At death, he sees the messengers of the lord of death come before him, their eyes full of wrath, and in great fear he passes stool and urine
- At the last stage of his life Sri Madhavendra Puri became an invalid and was completely unable to move, and Isvara Puri so completely engaged himself in his service that he personally cleaned up his stool and urine
- Bali Mardan says that taking milk is also the same as eating meat, therefore you can eat meat. Therefore does it mean that because what I eat all turns to stool, then I should eat stool?
- Beautiful woman is simply a lump of matter composed of blood, stool, urine and similar other disgusting ingredients. This is the actual fact, but in a state of illusion, man becomes attracted by illusory beauty and becomes a victim of maya
- Because a hog has a certain type of body, his sense gratification comes from eating stool, the very thing that is most obnoxious to you. At once, after evacuating, you leave to get free from the bad smell - but the hog is waiting
- Because he is disturbed by the germs in his foul bed, which is contaminated by his urine and stool, the poor child continues to cry. He is unable to take any remedial measure for his relief
- Because that stool and urine is also useful. Cow is so important. They'll eat and they'll pass stool and urine. That is also important. If they supply milk, it is well, very good. Otherwise the stool and urine is also important
- Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant worm in the stool, they are coming down and going up, coming down. This is going on. This is called samsara-cakra, cycle of birth and death
- Beginning from Lord Brahma down to the worms in the stool, gradually, according to your work, according to your desire, you manufacture your different types of body and enjoy and suffer. That's all
- Bleeding from the mouth and passing stool and urine, his (Aristasura's) eyes starting from their sockets, he passed to the kingdom of death
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "Conchshells and cow dung are nothing but the bones and the stool of some living entities, but according to the Vedic version they are both considered very pure"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given the example: stool is impure, rejectable. Everyone knows. Veda says: "No, cow dung is pure." And you examine it; you'll find it is pure. That is Vedic knowledge
- Caitanya-caritamrta author (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami), he describes himself that "I am lower than the worms in the stool"
- Can we create intelligence by mixing stool, urine, bones and blood? Nonetheless people still think - I am this body
- Concerning the outhouses, if they are not approved then you can have a septic tank, or pass stool in the open field. I was doing that. I never liked to go to the nonsense toilet so I was going in the field
- Cow dung is accepted as purified and antiseptic. A person can keep stacks of cow dung in one place, and it will not create a bad odor to disturb anyone. We can take it for granted that in the spiritual world, stool and urine are also pleasantly scented
- Cow dung is full of antiseptic properties. It has been analyzed. So the Vedas gives us injunction both ways that stool is impure but this stool is pure
- Cow dung is so beneficial. That they are avoiding. And they are associating dog stool. The dog mentality
- Cow dung is stool. In one place it is said stool is impure; in another place it is said cow dung is pure. Now, one may argue, "What is this, contradiction?" But you have to believe it. That is Veda
- Cow dung is the stool of an animal, and according to smrti or Vedic injunction, if one touches the stool of an animal he has to take a bath to purify himself. BG 1972 Introduction
- Cow dung is the stool of an animal. Even if we touch my own stool, I take bath. But cow dung, it is said, it is pure. If there is anywhere impure, you smear the cow dung; it will be pure
- Deity worship means to be very, very clean. You should try to bathe twice daily. The Deities should never be approached without having bathed first and changed to clean cloths after passing stool, etc
- Deriving its nutrition from the food and drink taken by the mother, the fetus grows and remains in that abominable residence of stools and urine, which is the breeding place of all kinds of worms
- Devotees sometimes compare the color of gold to that of bright golden stool
- Does it mean that such a great intelligent man is combination of urine, stool, blood, bone? So why don't you create another intelligent man with these ingredients?
- Don't make it a stool society. You see? Make it a honey society. At least, give chance, those who are seeking after honey. Don't cheat people. So they'll come
- Due to the other power (of maya avaranatmika), a conditioned soul feels satisfied even if he is rotting in the body of a pig or a worm in stool. To release a conditioned soul from material bondage is very difficult because the spell of maya is so strong
- Each of us has a tongue, and suppose we want to eat stool. We may say, "Krsna, I want to taste stool," and Krsna will say, - Yes, take this body of a hog and eat stool
- Emperor Bharata was so attracted by the beauty of the lotus feet of Krsna that even in his youthful life he gave up all kinds of attachments to family, children, friends, kingdom, etc., as though they were untouchable stools
- Even a hog, who lives by eating stool, finds himself happy, although a person in a higher mode of life sees that the hog is eating stool. How abominable that life is
- Even if he (the living entity) is born as a worm living within the intestine or abdomen in the midst of urine and stool, still he is satisfied. This is the covering influence of maya
- Even if one tries to separate a worm from stool, the worm will be unwilling to leave. It will return to the stool
- Even in the matter of evacuating stool, the refuse is controlled, so how can the living entity claim to be independent?
- Even in the stool, the worms in the stool, he's also thinking, "I have got so much stool to eat." This same mastership. - I am the monarch of all I survey. I have got so much stool
- Even my stool, I pass in the WC, and immediately I wash and become purified. Oh, this is my stool, personal, and what to speak of other stool? So stool is impure. But the Vedas say that the stool of cow is pure
- Even the pig will not agree, that "Come on to the heavenly kingdom. You were the king." "No, no, I don’t like to go. This is very nice place, with stool and dirty water and these pigs. It is very nice life." This is maya. This is maya
- Every living entity, according to karma, his past desires and activities, gets a particular type of body, from that of Brahma to that of a microbe or germ in stool
- Everyone desires comfort for his body and tries to make a suitable situation for this purpose, forgetting that the body is meant to be eaten by dogs, jackals or moths and thus turned into useless stool, ashes or earth
- External energy is not affecting Krsna. The urine and stool is affecting . . . there are some worms, they are very much attracted with the stool. You see? They are also creatures of Krsna
- Fallen into a pool of blood, stool and urine within the abdomen of his mother, his own body scorched by the mother's gastric fire, the embodied soul, anxious to get out, counts his months and prays
- First of all you said that the stool of any animal is impure, and again you say the cow dung, the stool of another animal, is pure. - It is fact - it is pure
- Foolish persons, forgetting the laws of nature, become overly infatuated with the body. They forget that the material body, even though very much advanced in civilization, up to the position of the demigods, will finally turn into ashes or stool
- From food value, the stool is very valuable. It contains all hypophosphates and so on, so on. The doctors, they have analyzed. But that does not mean because it has got very big food value the human being will agree to take stool
- From the spiritual point of view, when a person is too absorbed in material enjoyment, he is exactly like a worm in stool. Although such a position is utterly miserable to the eyes of liberated souls, the materialistic enjoyer is greatly attached to it
- Generally they pass stool in the field. The cow's, cow dung and man's stool and everyone's stool, they are wrapped together in the rainy season. It became fertile
- Go-raksya. There must be protection to the cow. This is Krsna consciousness. Even the cows pass urine and stool, that is beneficial. And if it gives milk, then there is no question
- God will give you a particular type of body and you enjoy. Just like the hog, he is enjoying. He is enjoying. What he is enjoying? Enjoying stool. It is very good for him enjoyment. But it is not for enjoyment for you
- God, or Krsna, is so affectionate that we have come here in this material world simply to pass stool and urine, still. He's attending. Just imagine what merciful is Krsna
- Gold is actually a type of stool. A person with a bad liver generally passes yellow stool. The color of this stool attracts a materialistic person, just as the will-o'-the-wisp attracts one who needs heat
- Gopal Banh said: "You can pass stool, but you cannot pass urine. If you pass urine, then I shall kill you." Passing stool without passing urine, how it is possible? "So you have come to pass stool. That you can do here, but don't pass urine"
- Gu means stool
- Have you not seen how a man is controlled by a dog? In the street the dog stops, passes stool, and his master will stand and wait. Is it not
- He (a dog) also eats, and the human being also eats. He eats the stool and we eat very nice, palatable foodstuff. That sleeping propensity is there, sex life is there, and he is also afraid of enemies. Where is the difference
- He (a hog) will accept stool, because his body is meant for that purpose, and he will not like any palatable foodstuff. He will like that stool. This is the spell of maya
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) considers himself unqualified, lower than the worms in stool, and more sinful than Jagai and Madhai. A pure Vaisnava actually thinks of himself in this way
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) was a vastly learned scholar and a first-class devotee, yet he still referred to himself as the lowest of mankind, lower than the bacteria in the stool
- He (Lord Caitanya) emphasized that Raghunatha dasa's life of material comfort as a very rich man's son with a very beautiful wife and many servants to attend him was like a ditch of stool
- He (Rsabhadeva) could tolerate people's throwing stool and dust upon Him and beating Him. His body was transcendental and consequently did not at all suffer pain. He was always situated in His spiritual bliss
- He (the dog) is passing stool and urine, and the master is thinking, "I am master." But he is being controlled. That is maya. He has become servant of the dog, but he is thinking, - I am master
- He constantly remembers his sinful activities and suffers terribly in that river, which is full of stool, urine, pus, blood, hair, nails, bones, marrow, flesh and fat
- He is eating stool and becoming fatty, and as soon as there is sex desire, without any discrimination he enjoys many she-hogs, never mind sister or mother. Because the life is so made that he will enjoy in this way
- Hiranyakasipu thought that, "Yamaraja is the superintendent of death. He comes to take, so I shall make such policy that he may not come to me." What is that policy? "So bring some stool. I shall smear over my body, and out of bad smell, he'll not come
- His (Krsna's) urine is also good. That is a different thing. If this is an argument that, "Because Krsna is good, He should not pass urine and stool," that is no argument
- Hog civilization means there is no restriction of eating, up to the stool. The hogs eat up to the stool. So when in the human society there is no restriction of eating, that is hog society
- Hogs very readily eat stool, and they do so without discrimination. They have no idea of tapasya, penance
- Hogs work hard day and night simply eating stool, and because stool contains chemicals, hypophosphates, the hog gets strength, becomes very fat and enjoys sex. In any case, human life is meant not for imitating the life of a hog but for tapasya, austerity
- Hypophosphate is the very nice medicine for weak health. But that . . . just try to understand that such important medicinal value we are producing in our stool, what to speak of other things. So that is mystic power
- I (Krsnadas Kaviraja Gosvami) am more sinful than Jagai and Madhai and even lower than the worms in the stool
- I have given this example many times: just like stool, the upside and downside. Downside is moist and upside is dry. If somebody says, "This side is very nice," what is this nonsense? It is stool
- I have seen that in Calcutta in Chaurangi Square there is a statue of Sir Asutosa Mukherji. Throughout the year the crows pass stool on his face, and the stool becomes caked on
- I was walking near the cowshed, heaps of, piles of cow dung was there. So I was explaining to my followers that if such heaps of animal, I mean to say, man stool was heaped up here, nobody would come here
- If a man is to be punished to remain in hell and eat stool and urine, then first of all he practices habits on the planet of Yamaraja, and then he is given a particular type of body, that of a hog, so that he can eat stool & think that he enjoys life
- If it (stool) becomes too much blocked, if it is not possible to be cleared, then the modern medical science, they cut the abdomen and cut the part and clear it, and again stitch it. That is appendicitis, so far I know
- If kama-haitukam, lusty desire, is the only cause for birth, production, then why there is one production street dog, cat or pig or a worm in the stool, and why one is born as demigod, as Indra or Candra, Varuna? Why? A Brahma? Who makes this arrangement
- If one argues how it is that in one place it is said that the stool of the animal is impure and another place it is said that the cow dung, which is also the stool of an animal, it is pure, so it is contradictory
- If one argues that since cow dung is pure, the stool of a learned brahmana is still more pure, his argument will not be accepted. Cow dung is accepted, and the stool of a highly posted brahmana is rejected
- If one is intelligent, he can think of his wife's body as nothing but a lump of matter that will ultimately be transformed into small insects, stool or ashes
- If one wants the body of a hog so that one may eat stool, Krsna will give one that kind of body also
- If somebody asks, "Oh, you are so nice girl, why you are passing stool and urine?" is that any argument? I am just speaking on the argument's sake
- If we are confident about Krsna's goodness, why should we bother about Krsna's stool and urine? Why not directly Krsna?
- If we argue, "How is that, that animal stool is impure, even human stool is impure. How cow dung, which is stool of another animal, is pure? It is contrary." But actually, we accept
- If we want to attain a body like Brahma's, we can get it. If we want a body like a worm in stool, we can get it. Or, if we want a body like Krsna's, we can get that also. That is our real body of sac-cid-ananda
- If you argue that, "Cow is an animal. So animal stool is impure. How the cow stool can become pure?" that is puzzling, but it is ordered by the Vedas, it is fact. You analyze cow stool, you find all antiseptic matter
- If you argue, "How it (Cow dung) has become pure? It is an animal stool," but the Vedas, because the knowledge is perfect, that even in argument we cannot prove how animal stool becomes pure, but it is pure
- If you don't improve yourself in Krsna consciousness, then you again become stool worms
- If you forget, you go down to the cats and dogs and ants and germs and so many things, become a worm of the stool. He will give you all facilities. This is called karma-cakra, cycle of work. As you desire, so God gives you facility
- If you make your consciousness rosy, then your next life is rose flavor. And if you make your consciousness stool, then your next life is condemned
- If you say that everything is food, then why don't you eat stool? One man's food, another man's poison. That is . . . what is to be eaten, what is not to be eaten, that is discrimination
- If you soberly analyze this body, what is this body? Actually, it is lump of matter. It is a combination of bone and blood, flesh, urine, stool, nails and hairs. Otherwise, what you can find in it?
- In a dead body you take all these ingredients (bones, flesh, urine and stool), again manufacture a similar man. But that is not possible. So this is our ignorance
- In another place it is said that the stool of the cow is pure, and if cow dung is applied in some impure place, it will be pure
- In different societies there are different ways of dealing with the human body at the time of the funeral ceremony. In some societies the body is given to the vultures to be eaten, and therefore the body ultimately turns to vulture stool
- In either case, either ku-visaya or su-visaya, these are material activities. As such, they are compared to stool. In other words, such things are to be avoided
- In his youth, King Bharata gave up his attractive wife and children, as well as his beloved friends and opulent kingdom, just as one gives up stool after passing it
- In India you have got the community, Parsee community. They do not burn, neither they bury. They throw and the vultures immediately comes and eat. Then the body turns into stool
- In the beginning you may come in this material world as Brahma, and gradually, by your propensities, you may glide down to become the insect of stool. That responsibility is yours, ours. That is not God's responsibility
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 5.205) Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami thinks of himself in such a humble way: I am a worse sinner than Jagai and Madhai and am even lower than the worms in the stool
- In the last great war, people in concentration camps sometimes ate their own stool, so there is no wonder that in the Yamasadana, the abode of Yamaraja, one who had a very enjoyable life eating others' flesh has to eat his own flesh
- In the Vedas it is said that cow dung is pure, although it is the stool of an animal. We accept: "Yes, it is pure." And actually you'll find, yes, it is pure. If you analyze, you'll find all antiseptic properties
- In the Vedas it is stated that the stool of animal is impure, and if one touches stool, he must take bathing. But in the Vedas it is also stated that the cow dung, which is also the stool of an animal, that is pure
- In the Vedic instruction we see that the cow dung, it is the stool of an animal also, lower animal than the man, and it is pure, it is said. So you have to accept pure
- In this verse the three words krmi-vid-bhasma are significant. After death, the body may become krmi, which means "worms," for if the body is disposed of without cremation, it may be eaten by worms; or else it may be eaten by animals be turned into stool
- In this way a living entity becomes devoid of his real intelligence and becomes perpetually lost in the cycle of birth and death. Thus he goes up and down from a microbe in stool to a high position in the Brahmaloka planet
- In your country the dog is protected, & the cow is killed. The dog is passing stool & urine in the street, he is considered the best friend of man, & the cow is all pure, stool, urine, and milk, but they are taken to the slaughter house & killed for food
- In your previous lives as cats and dogs and hogs, you simply were busy for inquiring, 'Where is stool?' 'Where is food?' 'Where is sex?' 'Where is this and that' Now, because you have got human body, better consciousness, now you inquire about Brahman
- Inside cleanliness is very important thing. If the bowel is not clear, if the stools are congested . . . the appendicitis disease. Those who are constipated, gradually inside their stool becomes dry, and it becomes a block to the intestine
- Is that any good argument that, "Because we are very good, we shall not pass stool and urine"? Or "Because you are very good, therefore your urine and stool also will be very good"? Is that any argument?
- Isvara Puri, the spiritual master of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, performed service to Madhavendra Puri, cleaning up his stool and urine with his own hand
- It is not God's desire that a human being become a pig, but he develops such mentality to eat everything. So God allows him to do everything, to eat everything up to stool in the body of a pig. That is God's concession
- It is said in the Vedas that the digested foods are ultimately divided into three. The solid portion becomes stool, and the semiliquid portion turns into flesh. The liquid portion turns yellow and is again divided into three
- It is up to you to decide whether you are going to get a body which will be able to dance with Krsna, to talk with Krsna, to play with Krsna. You can get it. And if you want a body how to eat stool, urine, you will get it
- It is very miserable condition. We had to remain there in packed-up condition like this in a bag, and it is suffocating. At that time, the skin is very tender. There are many worms and germs within the belly, mixed up with stool and urine; they bite
- Kaviraja Gosvami, who has written this immortal Caitanya-caritamrta, he is presenting himself: "I am lower than the worms in the stool" Just see. He is not hypocrite. He is feeling like that: "Oh, what is my value?"
- King Arhat did not care for the fact that although Lord Rsabhadeva acted like a madman, His stool and urine were nonetheless aromatic, so much so that they nicely scented the countryside for miles around
- King Bharata - after whom India is called Bharata-varsa - was also a pure devotee, and at an early age he left his household life, his devoted beautiful wife, his son, friends and kingdom just as if they were stool
- Krsna dasa Kaviraja Gosvami, the author of a literature, Caitanya-caritamrta, unique in the world, he said that, I am lower than the worm in the stool
- Krsna has given stool for the pigs and so nice foodstuff, fruits and grains and milk, for the human being. Not that every food is for everyone. No. What is called? - One man's food, another man's poison
- Krsna is smeared with all stools and urine of the cows, Krsna enjoys. He is showing that even the stool and urine of cow is valuable, what to speak of its milk. Cow is so important. Personally, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is teaching us
- Krsna says, "You come to Me. You'll be happy. I shall give you all protection." No, Sir, I am not going. I shall become a hog, and I shall eat stool. That, that is my advancement of material civilization
- Krsna's business in the neighborhood was not only to steal but sometimes to pass stool and urine in a neat, clean house. When caught by the master of the house, Krsna would chastise him, saying, You are a thief
- Let Krsna pass any amount of stool and urine. We have nothing to do with that. So let there be external energy
- Like this cow dung. You may think that, "This is contradiction. In one place (in Vedas) it is said that stool of an animal is impure, now here it is again said that cow dung is pure." So if you like, you can make analysis
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu emphasized that Raghunatha dasa's life of material comfort as a very rich man's son with a very beautiful wife and many servants to attend him was like a ditch of stool
- Lord Caitanya said: "The stool and urine of the maintained child appear like sandalwood pulp to the mother. Similarly, when the foul moisture oozing from the sores of Sanatana touches My body, I have no hatred for him"
- Lord Krsna as Paramatma, Supersoul, lives everywhere. He lives in the heart of a hog also. The hog eats stool, but that does not mean that because the Supreme Lord is in the heart of the hog, He is also subjected to such punishment
- Lord Krsna said, "A person who takes away a brahmana's property, whether it was originally given by him or by someone else, is condemned to live for at least sixty thousand years as a miserable insect in stool"
- Lord Rsabhadeva remained in that condition, the public did not disturb Him, but no bad aroma emanated from His stool & urine. Quite the contrary, His stool & urine were so aromatic that they filled eighty miles of the countryside with a pleasant fragrance
- Lord Rsabhadeva was transcendentally blissful. His stool and urine were so completely different from material stool and urine that they were aromatic
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "The mercy of Lord Krsna is stronger than anything else. Therefore the Lord has delivered you from the ditch of materialistic life, which is like a hole into which people pass stool"
- Lord Sri Caitanya specifically drew attention to the mercy of Krsna. That mercy is more powerful than anything else, for it had saved Raghunatha dasa from the strong bondage of materialistic life, which the Lord compared to a hole where people pass stool
- Maharaja Prthu is likened to the sun (arka-vat). Sometimes the sun shines on stool, urine and so many other polluted things, but since the sun is all-powerful, it is never affected by the polluted things with which it associates
- Man is attached to many miserable conditions, but nevertheless he accepts his condemned position as one of happiness. Sense enjoyment is so strong for such a person that he cannot give it up, exactly as a worm in stool cannot give up the stool
- Material activities may be either pious or impious, but because they are all material, they are compared to stool
- Material nature displays wonderful workmanship by creating varieties of bodies for the living beings according to their propensities for sense gratification. The living entity who wants to taste stool is given a body that is suitable for eating stool
- Materially, everything is one man's food, another man's poison. Therefore there is no distinction - "This is good; this is bad." The stool is very bad, bad smell for you, but it is food for the pig
- Maya immediately orders a fully fit body. He wants to eat stool, "All right, here give him this body." He wants to drink fresh blood, "All right, give him this body." He wants to harm people without any offence, "All right, give it to him."
- Modern medical science cut the abdomen and cut the part and clear it (stool), and again stitch it. That is appendicitis, so far I know - I am not medical man. There are so many diseases that is due to this non clearance of the intestines. You see?
- Mucukunda continued, "After death the body of even a king is eaten by an animal & therefore turned into stool or is cremated in a crematorium, turned into ashes or is put into an earthly grave, where different kinds of worms, insects are produced of it"
- Mucukunda continued, "The royal body was advertised as the king of human society - that royal body decomposes under the influence of inevitable time & becomes fit for being eaten by worms & insects or being turned into ashes or the stool of an animal"
- My dear faultless Vidura, in that rainfall there was blood, mucus, pus, stool, urine and marrow falling heavily before Dhruva Maharaja, and there were trunks of bodies falling from the sky
- My dear Raghunatha dasa, your father and his elder brother are just like worms in stool in the ditch of material enjoyment, for the great disease of the poison of material enjoyment is what they consider happiness
- No argument that "Such stool is impure. Even my spiritual master's stool is also impure. How is that that animal cow dung is pure?" But because it is in the Vedas it is said pure, you have to accept
- Not only are they (men who indulge in hunting) pierced with arrows by the agents of Yamaraja, but they are also put into the ocean of pus, urine and stool
- Not only did they (Lord Siva's followers and devotees) pollute the entire sacrificial arena by their very presence, but they disturbed the whole situation by passing stool and urine
- O demigods, these demoniac soldiers have taken birth uselessly. Indeed, they have come from the bodies of their mothers exactly like stool. What is the benefit of killing such enemies from behind while they are running in fear?
- On account of our abominable activities, from Brahma, we come down to become the worm of stool. This is called karma, ksetra
- On one day a year the ordinary sweepers cleanse the statue with their brush in the morning, & in the evening some big men come & garland him with flowers. Then after that evening they go away, & again the next morning the come to pass stool on his face
- On one side of where the child is floating is the heat of gastric fire, and on the other side are urine, stool, blood and discharges. After seven months the child, who has regained his consciousness, feels the horrible condition of his existence
- One chemical analyzer in Calcutta, Dr. Lal Madhav Ghosh, he tested. He found all antiseptic properties, although it (cow dung) is stool. So that is the nature of Vedic injunction. You accept it. You are benefited. You save the time
- One gentleman was arguing with me... He was supporting Rama-Krishna Mission. He said, "Even stool I consider God. It is God"
- One intelligent person, he thought, "I shall be free from the touch of Yamaraja by one tactics." What is that? "Stool is very obnoxious. Nobody comes to stool. So let me smear my body, whole body with stool so that Yamaraja will not come and touch me"
- One man's food, another man's poison - That is going on everywhere. But for that reason one cannot accept poison as food. Is it not? Just like stool is food for the pigs. But that does not mean stool is food. It may be food for a certain class of animal
- One may argue, "When we analyze the body we find a head, hands, legs, a belly, blood, bones, urine, stool and so on, but after everything is considered, where is the existence of the soul?" A sober man, however, avails himself to Taittiriya Upanisad 3.1.1
- One may get indigestion due to eating too many milk preparations - (…) sweet rice, and so on. But even though there is indigestion or diarrhea, another milk preparation - yogurt mixed with black pepper and salt - will immediately cure these maladies
- One of my students told me that in the last war in the concentrated camp, the human being, they also ate their stool out of hunger. You see? There was no food, so they ate their own stool
- One should then give up the material body by blocking the air hole (through which stool is evacuated) with the heel of one's foot and by lifting the life air from one place to another in the six primary places
- One who wants to eat the flesh and blood of other animals may be given a tiger's body equipped with suitable teeth and claws. But the human being is not meant for eating flesh, nor does he have any desire to taste stool, even in the most aboriginal state
- Our birthplace, even it is hell, it is better than heaven. That is maya. Just like hog. Hog is living most abominable condition of life, with stools and filthy water, but still, he is thinking he's living in heaven
- Persons who have no discrimination in the matter of foodstuff and who eat all sorts of rubbish are compared to hogs. Hogs are very much attached to eating stools. So stool is a kind of foodstuff for a particular type of animal
- Puru thought - I should have accepted my father's proposal before he asked, but I did not. Therefore I am not a first-class son. I am second class. But I do not wish to become the lowest type of son, who is compared to his father's stool
- Sanatana replied, "There is no danger. The Nawab has gone to the south. If he returns, tell him that Sanatana went to pass stool near the bank of the Ganges and that as soon as he saw the Ganges, he jumped in"
- Sannyasis who first consider that the body is subject to death, when it will be transformed into stool, worms or ashes, but who again give importance to the body and glorify it as the self, are to be considered the greatest rascals
- Secretions within the body transform into other secretions like blood, urine and stool, but if there are disturbances in the metabolism, the secretions turn into kapha (mucus) by the influence of the air within the body
- See that the cows are healthy & strong. Even if a cow doesn't give milk, feed her and just by her stool and urine she will be valuable. Cows are not to be touched for any reason, still they must be protected, not protected only under a certain condition
- Seeing him (Emperor Rsabhadeva) like a madman, wandering naked with long hair and a long beard, less intelligent children and men in the street used to spit on him and urinate on his body. He used to lie in his own stool and never move
- Simply by giving protection to the cow, the villagers live so peacefully. Even the urine and stool of cows have medicinal value
- Since the body itself is ultimately meant to become stool or earth, what is the meaning of the paraphernalia related to the body, such as wives, residences, wealth, children, relatives, servants, friends, kingdoms, treasuries, animals and ministers?
- Slaughterhouses means the Hindus, they do not purchase meat from Muslims' shop. That is impure. The same thing: stool this side and that side. They are eating meat, and Hindu shop is pure, Muslim shop is impure
- So-called rascals, they think that this is body, this is life, combination. There are many theories. One of the theories is the combination of this matter - these bones, blood, skin, veins, stool, urine, so many things - that combination makes the life
- Some of them are frustrated; they don't want it. There will be frustration - after all, it is hard work. Hogs, too, are working hard day and night, thinking, "Where is stool? Where is stool?" That is their business
- Sometimes he (Dvivida) would pass urine and stool on their (saintly persons and sages) sacred sacrificial arenas. He would thus pollute the whole atmosphere
- Sometimes it so happens that in the last war in the concentrative camp, the human being was obliged to eat his own stool. So this is called karma
- Sometimes people threw stones, stool and dust at Him (Rsabhadeva), and sometimes people passed foul air before Him. Thus people called Him many bad names and gave Him a great deal of trouble, but He did not care about this
- Sometimes some animal wants to eat something, another animal wants to eat another thing, but that is pravrtti. Just like the hog: he is satisfied with stool. That is also eatable. And an enlightened human being, he is satisfied with nice halava
- Sometimes the living entity is interested in the yellow stool known as gold and runs after it. That gold is the source of material opulence and envy, and it can enable one to afford illicit sex, gambling, meat-eating and intoxication
- Sometimes within the water there are many stools and other dirty things which are washed away from neighboring mills and factories, but still thousands of men take baths in the Ganges water, and they are very healthy as well as spiritually inclined
- Sometimes, being angry, Krsna passes urine and stool in a neat, clean place in our (the gopis of the neighborhood's) houses. But now, our dear friend Yasoda, this expert thief is sitting before you like a very good boy - SB 10.8.31
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave His verdict that those addicted to the materialistic way of life are like worms that are living in stool but cannot give it up
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura has sung, "Such an ambition for a cheap reputation may be compared to the stool of a hog because such popularity is another extension of the influence of maya"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the ripened fruit of that desire tree. Just like God has given our food, nice milk, fruits, food grains, sugar, rice, wheat, so many nice things. So we are not meant for eating stool
- Stool, in one place it is said that, "It is impure. If you touch, then you have to take your bath." In another place it is said - This stool, particular, the cow dung, is pure
- Stool, urine, wash water, etc., must be left at a long distance. Attached bathrooms, urinals, etc. may be very convenient amenities of modern civilization, but they are ordered to be situated at a distance from residential quarters
- Such hadis (who engage in public sanitary activities like picking up stool and sweeping the street, sometimes they are untouchable, especially when engaged in their profession) also have the right to become devotees
- Sudras who could not improve themselves fall into that ocean (filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things) and are forced to eat those disgusting things
- Take the case of a hog. Of course, here in New York City no hog is seen. But in villages in India one sees the hog. Oh, how miserable his life is, living in a filthy place, eating stools and always unclean
- That is human life, not that to work hard like hogs and dogs throughout the whole day for find out some stool, where it is. That is not human life. So people are being educated to work very hard. That is not human life
- The air enters into water, mud, stool and whatever else is there; still it does not mix with anything. Similarly, the living entity, even though situated in varieties of bodies, is aloof from them due to his subtle nature. BG 1972 purports
- The best devotee sees, "Nobody is envious of God. Everyone is better than me." Just like Caitanya-caritamrta's author, Krsnadasa Kaviraja. He says, - I am lower than the worm in the stool
- The body is a bag of stool, urine, blood and bones If one believes that intelligence comes out of stool, urine, blood and bones, he is a fool
- The body is a combination of skin, bone, muscle, blood, semen, urine, stool, heat, breath and so on, which all come from earth, water, fire, air and sky
- The body of a tiger is made for killing and eating raw meat. Similarly, the hogs are made in such a way that they can eat stool. And as human beings our teeth are made for eating vegetables and fruits
- The bull and the cow are the symbols of the most offenseless living beings because even the stool and urine of these animals are utilized to benefit human society
- The cats and dogs, they are busy, "Where is food? Find out some food." The pig is finding out, "Where is stool? Where is stool?" Here (in USA) I do not know whether you have got experience. In our country, in the villages, there are so many pigs loitering
- The child thus falls on the ground, smeared with stool and blood, and plays just like a worm germinated from the stool. He loses his superior knowledge and cries under the spell of maya
- The color of gold is compared to the will-o'-the-wisp or yellow stool; therefore one should not be allured by gold-manufacturing gurus but should sincerely approach a devotee like Jada Bharata
- The conchshell and cow dung are bone and stool of two living beings. But because they have been recommended by the Vedas as pure, people accept them as such because of the authority of the Vedas
- The conditioned soul has a body full of dirty things - bones, blood, urine, stool and so forth
- The Deities should never be approached without having bathed first and changed to clean cloths after passing stool, etc. Keep teeth brushed after each meal, fingernails clean and trim
- The devotee must be clean, inside and outside, both. Outside cleaning by taking bath, washing the body with oil or soap or soda, and inside, materially, there will be no unclean things, stool, unnecessary stool
- The devotee never thinks that he is a great bhakta. Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, the author of Caitanya-caritamrta, has stated, purisera kita haite muni se laghistha: "I am lower than the worms in stool." (CC Adi 5.205) This is the Vaisnava conception
- The dog is passing stool and urine in the street, and he is considered the best friend of man; the cow is all pure, stool, urine and milk, but they are taken to the slaughter house and killed for food
- The dog-eater human being is considered the lowest of the human society, similarly, in the animal society, the animal which eats stool is considered the lowest. So the gradation of human being is also calculated according to the eating process
- The evacuating channel separately became manifest, and the director named Mitra entered into it with partial organs of evacuation. Thus the living entities are able to pass stool and urine
- The fallen person continued, "There are so many insects and worms, surrounded by the stools left by different kinds of diseased persons. And after visualizing this horrible scene, my eyes have become sore, and I am becoming nearly blind"
- The hog is interested in eating stool. If the hog is offered some nice preparation made of condensed milk or ghee, he won't like it; he would prefer obnoxious, bad-smelling stool, which he finds very relishable
- The hog is very happy by eating stools, and having constant sexual intercourse with the she-hog and just getting fat. The hog gets very fat, because of the spirit of enjoyment which is there - although, for him, it is sensual enjoyment
- The hog is whole day working to find out stool. And as soon as he gets some stool, little strength, immediately sex life, without any discrimination. This kind of life is described in the sastras as hog civilization
- The human life is meant for inquiring, "Where is God?" That is human life. Not "Where is stool?" That is hog's business. So we should not encourage this hog civilization
- The ingredients of panca-gavya are milk, yogurt, ghee (clarified butter), cow urine and cow dung. All these items come from the cow; therefore we can just imagine how important the cow is, since its urine and stool are required for bathing the Deity
- The living entity is satisfied in any abominable condition. Even if he is born as a worm living within the intestine or abdomen in the midst of urine and stool, still he is satisfied. This is the covering influence of maya
- The living entity who wants to taste stool is given a material body that is quite suitable for eating stool - that of a hog
- The Lord (Caitanya) specifically indicated that ordinary men who are very happy with material comforts and family life are in no better position than worms in stool
- The luminaries in outer space disappeared due to the sky's being overcast with masses of clouds, which were accompanied by lightning and thunder. The sky rained pus, hair, blood, stool, urine and bones
- The man refused to believe her, not knowing that she had lost all her beauty due to the violent purgative that caused her to pass stool day and night
- The master is present - Krsna. He will give us an appropriate body and remind us, - My dear living entity, you wanted to eat stool. Now you have the proper body in which to do so
- The material body, even if possessed by a great king, is ultimately transformed into stool, worms or ashes. When one is too attached to the bodily conception of life, he is certainly not very intelligent
- The men in Vedic society who engage in public sanitary activities like picking up stool and sweeping the street are called hadis. Sometimes they are untouchable, especially when engaged in their profession
- The mischievous demon Balvala began to shower torrents of stool and urine and other impure substances on the arena of sacrifice. After this onslaught, the demon himself appeared with a great trident in his hand
- The modern education is to teach people to become flies, only stool. Not here, Krsna consciousness. But you make it a honeycomb. Those who are after, seeking after honey, they will find, "Here is something." You see?
- The modern people, they do not know. They do not know it that material condition cannot be changed. Take, for example, the pig. His body is meant for eating stool. So you cannot induce him to eat halava. That cannot be. He'll not accept it
- The most intelligent men in this material world think they are these combinations of blood, bone, urine and stool. If this is so, why can't other intelligent men be made with these ingredients, which are so readily available
- The sages said, "The demon (Balvala) occasionally comes here and profusely throws upon us contaminated, impure things like pus, blood, stool, urine and wine; he pollutes this sacred place by showering such filth upon us"
- The same thing: stool this side and that side. They are eating meat, and Hindu shop is pure, Muslim shop is impure. These are mental concoction
- The stool and bone of any living entity are considered to be impure according to Vedic literatures, yet the Vedic literatures assert that cow dung and conchshells are pure
- The stool of his body was fragrant like the smell of fragrant flowers, and a saintly person would recognize him as a paramahamsa, one in the highest state of human perfection. One who is not able to make his stool fragrant should not imitate Rsabhadeva
- The sun can absorb water from a urinal or from stool, and the sun is not polluted; rather, due to the influence of the sunshine, the polluted, contaminated place becomes disinfected and sterilized
- The swine accepts any kind of foodstuff, including stools, and a human being who has developed such indiscriminate taste must be prepared for a degraded life in the next life
- The two brothers, Sakara Mallika & Dabira Khasa, very humbly submitted that due to their abominable activities they were now bound by the neck & hands & had been thrown into a ditch filled with abominable, stoollike objects of material sense enjoyment
- The urine may be bad, the stool may be bad, but because you passed urine or stool, you are not bad. Is it clear? Krsna has got this external energy. That does not make Krsna bad. Try to understand it
- The Vedas enjoin that a conchshell, although the bone of an animal, and cow dung, although the stool of an animal, are very much sanctified
- The Vedas says the stool of an animal is impure, but in another place it says that the stool of the cow animal is pure. So apparently we find contradiction. But still, because we accept the authority of the Vedas, therefore we accept the statement also
- The Vedic injunctions warn, nayam deho deha-bhajam nrloke kastan kaman arhate vid-bhujam ye (SB 5.5.1). One should not enjoy sex life like hogs, and eat everything, even to the limit of stool
- The woman made a date to see him, and before seeing him she took a purgative, and that whole day and night she simply passed stool, and she preserved that stool in a pot. The next night, when the man came to see her, she appeared very ugly and emaciated
- Theism means to have faith, full faith in the Vedic knowledge. That is called theism. That I have given you several times the example: Just like the cow dung is the stool of an animal, but the Vedic literature confirms that cow dung is pure
- There are bugs, worms, mosquitoes, stool, urine and so many things attacking the new body. These are the threefold miseries, yet we think that we have made such progress
- There are three ends of the body, either to become stool, or to become ashes, or to become earth. Those who are burying the body, just like the Christian, Mohammedans do, the body becomes earth
- There are three, how do you say, transformation of this body. One transformation is ash. Another transformation is stool. Another transformation is earth. And we are so much busy about this ash, stool and earth. Just see how foolish we are
- There is always the chance that he may be put into the Puyoda Naraka, the hell named Puyoda, where one is forced to eat stool, urine, pus, mucus, saliva and other abominable things. It is significant that this verse (SB 5.26.23) is spoken about sudras
- These things you will find in animal's body also - blood, muscles, flesh, bones, stool, urine, nails, hair, like that. So these are the ingredients of the material body
- They (nondevotees) are such fools that they do not know what will happen to them in their next life. Although they see varieties of living creatures eating abominable things - pigs eating stool, crocodiles eating all kinds of flesh, and so on
- They (pigs) are seeking. The inquiry is for stool. They may take it as food, but after all, it is stool. So according to the body, the different foods are there. That is also described (in BG): sattvika-ahara, rajasika-ahara, tamasika-ahara
- They (pigs) are simply finding out where is stool. In the village the children, they pass stool here and there, and the men, they go to the field and pass, evacuate. So the all these pigs are always loitering there
- They are accepting this bag of skin and bones as self. You see? This is a bag made of skin and bone, and this... Is spirit soul so cheap thing that it is a bag of skin and bone and some stools and urine, combination? That is nonsense
- Thinking about this (how to avoid Yamaraja) some time, he decided, "Let me smear my body with stool. Then Yamaraja will not touch me." However, this is simply foolishness
- This body is a bag made of blood, bones, marrow, muscles, and stool, urine, pus, nails, hair, like that. Everyone can understand. If you analyze this material body, what ingredients you will find? These things you will find
- This is superficially contradictory. In one place it is said that "The stool of an animal is impure. As soon as you touch, you have to be purified," and another place it is said that "Cow dung is pure." So according to our knowledge, this is contradictory
- This kind of hard labor (of Western people) is described in the sastras as the life of pigs and stool-eaters
- This kunape, this bag of three elements, kapha pitta vayu, or, take it, the skin, muscle, veins, bones, urine, stool, blood - what you will find if you dissect this body? They are all material things
- This material nature, external energy is Krsna's. Undoubtedly, it is Krsna's. But that worm class of living entities, they are attracted by it. You see? We should not be attracted because we are not going to be worms of the stool
- This material world means all the living entities, they have come here for satisfying their senses. And in different grades of life they are satisfying their senses. Either as Brahma or the worm in the stool
- Those who are following strictly the Vedic principles, they will accept that the stool of cow, or cow dung, is pure
- Through proper deliberation, one should give up attraction to his wife's body because that body will ultimately be transformed into small insects, stool or ashes
- To us everything material, without connection to Krsna, is to be rejected as stool, otherwise we will waste valuable time needed to solve the real problems of life, namely, birth, death, disease, and old-age
- Veda says that the stool of cow is pure. Now, you will say, - Oh, this is contradictory. Sometimes it is said pure, and sometimes . . . this cow is also animal
- Vedas says cow dung is pure. That is neglected. Dog stool is pure. This is their intelligence. They give signboard - Littering illegal
- Vedic knowledge says sometimes contradictory. Just like cow dung, stool of an animal, is pure. And if you analyze, you will find it is pure. So our process of acquiring knowledge is from the Vedas
- Vedic principles are accepted as axiomatic truth, for there cannot be any mistake. That is acceptance. For instance, in India cow dung is accepted as pure, and yet cow dung is the stool of an animal
- Vit means stool. Sva-vid-varaha-ustra. Ustra means camel, and khara means ass. So these grhamedhis they have been described as the sva, vid-varaha, ustra, khara. Bhagavata is very strong (laughs) in criticizing
- Vrtrasura insulted the demoniac soldiers by comparing them to the stool of their mothers. Both stool and a cowardly son come from the abdomen of the mother, and Vrtrasura said that there is no difference between them
- We are all infected by Your illusory energy; therefore we are very attached to the body, which is full of stool and urine, and to anything related with the body. Except for devotional service, there is no way to give up this attachment
- We are creating our next body in this life. So if we become sinful, or if we act only sinful activities, then we get next body a very lower class of body, even as the germ in the stool. And if we act nicely, piously, then we get better body
- We can take it for granted that in the spiritual world, stool and urine are also pleasantly scented
- We can take it for granted that in the spiritual world, stool and urine are also pleasantly scented. Indeed, the entire atmosphere became very pleasant due to Lord Rsabhadeva's stool and urine
- We should rather take it (out of his humility KK Gosvami refers himself lower than the bacteria in the stool) as evidence that out of humility a pure devotee never thinks he is elevated. He always thinks he is in the lowest status of spiritual life
- When a child passes stool and urine that touch the body of the mother, the mother never hates the child. On the contrary, she takes much pleasure in cleansing him
- When dead, the bodies of all the rulers known as kings and great leaders will be transformed into worms, stool or ashes
- When Lord Caitanya manifested His maha-prakasa, He called all the devotees one after another and blessed them, while Mukunda Datta stood outside the door
- When one is advanced in consciousness, he doesn't want to enjoy anything of this material world, any way. He doesn't desire either to become the king or Lord Brahma or the worms of the stool
- When Rsabhadeva saw that He was simply being disturbed by traveling throughout the world, He decided to lie down in one place like a python. Thus He ate, drank, & He passed stool & urine and smeared His body with them so that people would not disturb Him
- When the living entity is in the body of a hog, he eats stool. When the living entity is in the body of a crow, he eats all kinds of refuse, even pus and mucus, and enjoys it
- When the man asked how she could be so separated (from her beauty), the woman said, "Come on, and I will show you." She then showed him the pot filled with liquid stool and vomit
- When the part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead unfortunately wants to enjoy independently, without Krsna, he is put into the material world, where he begins his life as Brahma and is gradually degraded to the status of an ant or a worm in stool
- Where is the difficulty in understanding God? There is no difficulty. If one is actually sane, if one has a brain that is not made of stool, one can understand God at every step
- While living one may be proud of one's body, thinking oneself a very big man, minister, president or even demigod, but whatever one may be, after death this body will turn either into worms, into stool or into ashes - SB 10.10.10
- While lying down, He (Rsabhadeva) ate and drank, and He passed stool and urine and rolled in it. Indeed, He smeared His whole body with His own stool and urine so that opposing elements might not come and disturb Him
- While one is living, whatever the external condition of the body may be, within there is only stool, urine and various kinds of worms
- Why killing cows? It is delivering such a nice nutritious food, milk. Not only milk. According to Vedic system, the cow is so important, even the urine, even the stool of cow is important
- Why there are so many discrepancies and nonequality? Somebody is very rich, somebody is very poor. Somebody is eating stool, and somebody is eating nice prasadam, halava. It is all due to the living entity's karma
- Why we accept Vedas as authority? Because there is the perfect knowledge. I have discussed so many times the authority of the Vedas, accepting cow dung as pure although animal stool is impure
- With your reason you can say, - First of all you said that stool is impure, and as soon as you touch you must take your bathing; otherwise you remain impure. So another stool, cow stool, you say pure? This is contradiction
- Within this decorated bag are bunches of muscles, bundles of bones, and pools of blood, always mixed with stool, urine, mucus, bile and polluted air and enjoyed by different kinds of insects and germs
- Worms cannot get out of stool by their own endeavor; similarly, those who are overly attached to material existence cannot get out of materialism and suddenly become Krsna conscious
- Yet although the body will be turned into worms, stool or ashes, foolish persons, just to maintain it, commit many sinful activities. This is certainly regrettable
- You are not this body, but you wanted a body like that (false competitor of Krsna) to enjoy. Just like a pig is given a body. He wanted to enjoy stool. Possessing a human body, nobody can eat stool
- You are the most abominable of the man-eaters. Indeed, you are like their stool. You resemble a dog, for as a dog steals eatables from the kitchen in the absence of the householder, in My absence you kidnapped My wife, Sitadevi
- You can argue that "It is stool of an animal. How it becomes pure?" So Vedic knowledge means don't argue. You have to accept it
- You cannot argue that, - One place you say that this stool is impure, and another place you say this (cow dung) is pure. This is contradiction
- You cannot argue, - It is stool of an animal. In one place you have condemned that if you touch the stool of an animal, you have to take bath thrice, and now you say cow dung, which is also stool of an animal, it is pure. Where is your argument
- You just dissect your body, what you'll find? You'll find there is blood, there is flesh, there is nerves, there is intestines, there is stool. Is that the ingredient of your so much intelligence?
- You just take the worm from the stool, put it here: "No, no, no, here is my enjoyment. I shall do it" This mastership mentality is there in Brahma, and the mastership mentality is there in the worm of the stool