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Pages in category "Born"
The following 694 pages are in this category, out of 694 total.
- A boy is born of a medical practitioner, he has got greater chance of becoming, becoming a medical student, medical practitioners. But simply by getting birth as a son of medical practitioner is not sufficient. He has to take education
- A child is born and the material nature is killing this child every moment. The child has grown, two years old. That means material nature has already killed this child for two years. How you can stop this?
- A child is born ignorant. If the father, mother, guardians do not give him education, then his life is spoiled. The child has no fault. It is the fault of the guardians
- A child is born. There will be some puja, patha, and then there will be horoscope made immediately, in what moment this child is born, what will be his feature. All the brahmanas made immediately horoscope
- A devotee always prays, For my misdeeds, may I be born again and again, but my only prayer is that I may not forget Your (The Lord) service
- A dog thinks that he is the body. He cannot think that he is not the body, he is the soul. That is not possible. Because he is born, he is entrapped in such a body, they cannot think that the animal, the cat and dog, is different from the body
- A few living entities are born in the human species, and others are born as animals. Although both are living entities, their relationships are impermanent
- A human being is born due to union of the father and mother, but a civilized human being has another birth by contact with a spiritual master, who becomes the actual father
- A living entity appears to be born because of the birth of the material body, but actually the living entity is eternal; he is not born, and in spite of his being situated in a material body, he is transcendental and eternal. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity is never born or never dies. What is this birth and death? This is the change of the body
- A male child will be born if the husband is sexually stronger than the wife, but if the female is stronger, a female child will be born
- A man born in any family is not barred, but he must be cleansed. That cleansing process must be adopted
- A person born a sudra is not barred from such spiritual initiation, provided he is approved by the spiritual master, who is duly authorized to award a disciple the right to be a brahmana if he finds him perfectly qualified
- A person who always chants the holy name of the Lord is already beyond the ocean of nescience, and thus even a person born in a low family who engages in chanting the holy name of the Lord is considered to be beyond the study of Vedanta philosophy
- A person who is born into a responsible family - such as a ksatriya, or a government servant - but who neglects to execute his prescribed duties according to religious principles falls down at the time of death into the river of hell known as Vaitarani
- A person who is condemned by a brahmana or is always fearful to other living entities is not favored either by those who are already in hell or by those in the species in which he is born
- A politician or so-called nationalist who is inordinately attached to the land of his birth will certainly be reborn in the same land after ending his political career
- A rich man gets his son born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but the child who came as the rich man's son deserved such a place, and he is placed there by the will of the Lord
- According to astronomical calculations. Therefore we, we follow the astrology according to the constellation. The child born, everything has connection, the constellation of the star has influence on the child
- According to Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita, anyone, including so-called low born men, who may take shelter unto the Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna or His devotees, is sanctified by initiation proces
- According to the Vedic system, the garbhadhana-samskara, or the ceremony for giving birth to a child, is observed. When the parents engage their minds in the lotus feet of the Lord & in such a state the child is born, naturally good devotee children come
- According to Vedic culture, a wife is considered the property of her husband, and a son born by illicit sex is called dvaja. The common word still current in Hindu society for such a son is dogla
- According to Vedic scripture, whenever a child is born there are some ceremonies known as jata-karma and nama-karana, in which learned brahmanas, immediately after the birth of the child, make a horoscope according to astrological calculations
- According to Vedic system, there is purificatory process. Janmana jayate sudrah: "By birth everyone is born a sudra." A sudra means without any knowledge and simply full of lamentation
- After a child is born, he grows, and his body develops, but if the child is born dead - if the spirit soul is not present - the body will not develop. Therefore the spirit is the basis for the development of matter, and not vice versa
- After being born, Daksa, by the superexcellence of his bodily luster, covered all others' bodily opulence. Because he was very expert in performing fruitive activity, he was called by the name Daksa, meaning "the very expert"
- After having qualified brahmanas recite auspicious Vedic hymns, he (Nanda Maharaja) arranged to have the Vedic birth ceremony celebrated for his newborn child according to the rules and regulations - SB 10.5.1-2
- After Rukmini there were seven other principal wives, and the names of the sons of these eight principal queens have already been mentioned. Besides the sons born of these eight queens, Lord Krsna had ten sons by each of the other queens
- After the creation of Brahma, the two kinds of demigods were born: demigods like the four brothers Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara, who are representatives of renunciation of the world
- After the garbhadhana purificatory process, there are certain other samskaras like simantonnayana, sadhabhaksanam, etc., during the period of pregnancy, and when the child is born the first purificatory process is jatakarman
- All human beings, although they are born sudra, he can be made a brahmin by the process. Samskara means by reformatory process, bhaved dvijah. Dvija means second birth
- All men are forced to act helplessly according to the impulses born of the modes of material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment. BG 3.5 - 1972
- All of them (cows) were full of milk, due to having their first-born calves with them, and they were very tame and peaceful
- All the kings and other great personalities born in those yugas had now departed from memory into obscurity. This is the way of time as it moves through past, present and future
- All the living entities injected within the womb of the mahat-tattva are divided in all universes with the incarnation of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, and all of them lie down with the Lord until Brahma is born
- All the living entities, although born under the glance of the Supreme Lord, still take their different bodies according to their past deeds and desires. BG 1972 purports
- All the universes are born with the exhalation of the Lord as He lies on Sesa Naga, and all of them are annihilated with His inhalation. Due to these functions of creation, maintenance, and annihilation, the Lord is celebrated by the name Jagan-nivasa
- All these different social divisions are born, with their occupational duties and living conditions, from the SP of Godhead. Thus for unconditional life and self-realization one has to worship the Supreme Lord under the direction of the spiritual master
- Although a medicinal herb, being born in the forest, does not belong to the same category as a man, if beneficial it is kept very carefully. Similarly, if someone outside one's family is favorable, he should be given protection like a son
- Although because of God's disappearance Kamsa would harass her more and more, thinking that the child born of her was hidden somewhere, she did not want the transcendental child to be harassed and killed. Therefore she requested Lord Visnu to disappear
- Although Bharata received the body of a deer, by constant repentance he became completely detached from all material things. He did not disclose these things to anyone, but he left his mother deer in a place known as Kalanjara Mountain, where he was born
- Although born of his dead father, King Prthu would still remain just like fire. Just as fire is not easily approached, King Prthu would be unapproachable by his enemies, even though they would appear to be very near him
- Although he (Arjuna) was born in royal family, but he was not a Vedanti or vast scholar in Vedic literature. No. But he was bhakta. That is the qualification. He was a devotee
- Amongst the karma-kanda experts, the expert jataka-vipras were good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time (lagna)
- Amongst the karma-kanda experts, the jataka expert vipras were good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time (lagna)
- Any living being, beginning from the Brahmas (there are innumerable Brahmas in innumerable universes) to the insignificant ant, are all born in darkness, and they require factual light from the Lord to see Him directly
- Any living being, beginning from the Brahmas (there are innumerable Brahmas) to the insignificant ant, are all born in darkness & they require factual light from the Lord to see Him directly, just as the sun can be seen only by the direct light of the sun
- Anyone born through the material energy must be subject to the four material deficiencies: bhrama (the tendency to commit mistakes), pramada (the tendency to be illusioned), vipralipsa (the tendency to cheat) and karanapatava (imperfect senses)
- Anyone materially born is subject to bewilderment. This pastime is therefore called brahma-vimohana-lila, the pastime of bewildering Brahma
- Anyone who is born in India should attempt to broadcast the message of Bhagavad-gita and Krsna. That is the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Anyone who will take shelter in Me, whether a woman, or a merchant, or one born in a low family, can yet approach the supreme destination. How much greater then are the brahmanas, the righteous, the devotees, and saintly kings! BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna met Ulupi at Haridvara and was attracted by that girl, who belonged to Nagaloka, and thus Iravan was born. Similarly, he met Citrangada, a daughter of the King of Manipura, and thus Babhruvahana was born
- As a result of this combination (between Hidimba and Bhima), Ghatotkaca was born, and he fought very valiantly with his father against the Kauravas
- As a result of this couplement, she (Prtha) became pregnant, and Karna was born by her. By the grace of the sun, she again turned into a virgin girl, but being afraid of her parents, she quitted the newly born child, Karna
- As explained in the Second Chapter, the living entity is eternal. There is no specific date at which the jiva was born. Nor can anyone trace out the history of jivatma's manifestation from God. Therefore it is beginningless. BG 1972 purports
- As far as spiritual advancement is concerned, materialists, politicians and sudras are generally disqualified. Bhattacarya therefore requested that Lord Caitanya not neglect Ramananda Raya, who was highly advanced spiritually although he was born a sudra
- As for future development, all living entities undergo six basic changes. They are born, they grow, they remain for some time, they reproduce, they dwindle, and finally they vanish.
- As soon as a man is born, he dies at every moment. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as he (Sambara) learned that Pradyumna had been born, he took the shape of a woman and kidnapped the baby from the maternity home less than ten days after his birth
- As soon as he is born and grows up, he begins to acquire a good bank balance, a wife and children and then begins to think that his problems are solved and that he will live very happily. Actually his problems are not solved
- As soon as one child is born, he is separated from the former life, and he is connected with another new life, new body
- As soon as there is a child born, milk immediately required. Old man, milk is life. Diseased person, milk is life. Invalid, milk is life. So therefore Krsna is teaching by His practical demonstration how He loves this innocent animal, cow
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.19), bhutva bhutva praliyate: the living entities in the material world must be repeatedly born and destroyed. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is neither bhutva nor praliyate; He is eternal
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.41): The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy
- As the discus began to revolve in the Lord's hands and the Lord contended at close quarters with the chief of His Vaikuntha attendants, who had been born as Hiranyaksa, a vile son of Diti, there issued from every direction
- At least one is sure to have a chance in the next life of being born again as a human being, either in the family of a great cultured brahmana or in a rich aristocratic family that will give one a further chance for elevation (in KC). BG 1972 purports
- At that time (Draupadi's svayamvara) it was not known that Karna was a ksatriya. He was born the son of Kunti before her marriage, but that was a secret
- At that time (of Krsna's birth) Vasudeva was in the transcendental position, and he became completely free from all fear of Kamsa. The newborn baby was also flashing His effulgence within the room in which He appeared
- At the same time, the living entities are born from the transcendental body of the Lord
- At the time of His (Krsna's) appearance, Lord Krsna came out of the mind of Devaki and appeared within the prison house of Kamsa, by the side of Devaki’s bed. At that time, by the spell of yogamaya, Devaki thought that her child had now been born
- Because Brahma is the firstborn living being, naturally he is supposed to know everything about creative functions
- Because by chance I was born blind, - he (Dhrtarastra) thought, "I could not inherit the throne of the kingdom, and instead it went to my younger brother. Now he is dead, so at least my sons should get the throne." This is the materialistic propensity
- Because he (Janaka) was born in an unusual way, the son was called Janaka, and because he was born from the dead body of his father (King Nimi), he was known as Vaideha
- Because of different reactionary activities, one man is born in a rich family, and another is born in a poor family, although both of them are born in the same place, at the same moment and in the same atmosphere
- Because the killing of babies was going on and had already become known, Nanda Maharaja was very much afraid for his newborn child. Thus he appointed the local cowherd men to protect his home and child
- Before beginning the worship of Lord Visnu, the woman should hear the story of how the Maruts were born
- Before the present family in which one has taken birth, one must have been born in other families. Thus when a Vaisnava takes birth in a family, by the grace of the Lord he purifies not only that family but also the families of his previous births
- Beginning from me (Brahma) down to you and Bhava (Siva), all the great sages who were born before you are all covered by the universal form of the Lord at all times, namely past, present and future
- Being born in a family of those who execute yoga or devotional service, one remembers his spiritual activities executed in his previous life
- Being ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva prepared to take his son (Krsna) from the delivery room, and exactly at that time, a daughter was born to Nanda and Yasoda. She was Yogamaya, the internal potency of the Lord
- Being thus successful in her mission (breaking Kandu's vows and austerities), Pramloca returned to the heavenly planets, leaving the newborn child to the care of the trees. Fortunately, the trees accepted the child and agreed to raise her
- Being very dear to the devotees and sadhus, I am attained through unflinching faith and devotional service. This bhakti-yoga system, which gradually increases attachment for Me, purifies even a human being born among dog-eaters
- Born directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he dedicates his activities to the welfare of the entire universe, for he knows the purpose of the universal creation
- Brahma became entangled in Krsna's maya. After all, Brahma was born materially. As mentioned here (in SB 10.13.15), ambhojanma janih: he was born of ambhoja, a lotus flower
- Brahma is also named Aja, "he who is unborn." Whenever we think of someone's birth, there must be a material father and mother, for thus one is born
- Brahma is born out of the lotus stem grown from the navel abdomen of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is Krsna's plenary expansion; therefore Brahma and Siva, who is born of Brahma, and all other demigods must offer their respectful obeisances. BG 1972 purports
- Brahma is the first living being within the universe, and from him all other demigods and living creatures are born
- Brahma is the original source of all scientific knowledge. He is born directly from the transcendental body of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is never seen by any creature of this material universe and therefore always remains unmanifested
- Brahma takes his birth from the abdomen of the Lord Himself. A lotus flower grows from the abdomen of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, and Brahma is born there
- Brahma, the first-born living being, went along with Marici and other sages to the place of Kardama's hermitage, which was surrounded by the River Sarasvati
- Brahma, the firstborn living being, is born out of the abdominal lotus flower of the Maha-Visnu plenary expansion of Lord Krsna. The abdominal lotus flower is part of the Lord's bodily limbs, and Brahma is born out of the lotus flower
- By chance, the great Rsi Sardban met Janapadi, a famous society girl of heaven, and the Rsi Sardban discharged semina in two parts. By one part immediately a male child and by the other part a female child were born as twins
- By fermentation in the laboratory many germs are born, but this is due to the presence of the soul. The material scientist thinks that eggs are lifeless, but that is not a fact
- By his (Drupada) first offering, Dhrstadyumna was born, and by the second offering, Draupadi was born. She is the sister of Dhrstadyumna, and she is also named Pancali. The five Pandavas married her as a common wife, and each of them begot a son in her
- By his (Vidura's) pious activities in the devotional service of the Lord he was able to always remember the lotus feet of the Lord, and thus he became washed of all contamination of a sudra-born life
- By the semen of Vasudeva in the womb of Devaraksita, nine sons were born, headed by Gada. Vasudeva, who was religion personified, also had a wife named Sahadeva, by whose womb he begot eight sons, headed by Sruta and Pravara
- Caitanya recited a verse from SB which was delivered by Narada to indicate the path of bhagavata cultivation. Narada Muni pointed out that the four divisions of human society, as well as the 4 orders of life, are born out of the gigantic form of the Lord
- Caste system means a man is born in a brahmana family, and if by habit he is fifth-class man, and he is accepted first-class man on account of birth. Similarly, a person, very intelligent, he can be adaptable to all first-class habit
- Children begotten under the rules and regulations of the scriptures generally become as good as the father and mother, but children born illegitimately mainly become varna-sankara
- Citraketu, the husband of these millions of wives, was endowed with a beautiful form, magnanimity and youth. He was born in a high family, he had a complete education, and he was wealthy and opulent
- Civilized human beings should strictly follow the varnasrama institution. If one is born a brahmana, he is trained nicely as a brahmacari, and then he becomes a grhastha, a householder
- Compared to certain species of fish being born in the rivers and rivulets, migrate to the great ocean. They (impersonalists) cannot stay in the ocean indefinitely, for their urge for sense gratification brings them back to the rivers and streams to spawn
- Consequently he (a devotee) should be called svami or gosvami, even though he may not be born in a gosvami family
- Cyavana: A great sage and one of the sons of Bhrgu Muni. He was born prematurely when his pregnant mother was kidnapped. Cyavana is one of the six sons of his father
- Daksa was first born during the reign of Svayambhuva Manu, but because of offending Lord Siva he was punished by having the head of a goat substituted for his own head
- Dear King Pariksit, the doors inside and outside the house closed as before. Thereafter, the inhabitants of the house, especially the watchmen, heard the crying of the newborn child (Yogamaya) and thus awakened from their beds - SB 10.4.1
- Death is already born along with your birth. From the very day you took your birth, you began to die. Suppose you are twenty-five years old; that means you have already died twenty-five years
- Devahuti was conscious that she was born as the daughter of an emperor. She was sufficiently educated and cultured, and at last she got Kardama Muni, a saintly person and a great yogi, as her husband
- Devahuti was too sexually excited, and therefore she discharged more ova, and nine daughters were born
- Devaki said "You are not to be killed by any female child. That was the prophecy. You are to be killed by a male child, so please do not kill her. My dear brother, you have killed so many of my children who were just born, shining like the sun"
- Devaki wanted to save her brother (Kamsa) from this terrible, sinful act (the killing of a helpless, newborn child). Therefore she told him - Don't be so atrocious as to kill a female child. Let there be all good fortune for you
- Dhruva Maharaja - he was pious, born in a very pious family, and by family quarrel he went to worship the Supreme Lord Visnu in the forest, aspiring material opulence
- Diti worshiped Lord Visnu for almost one year, adhering to a great vow. Because of such strength in spiritual life, the forty-nine Maruts were born
- Due to some of his past misdeeds he has been born in that way. But that is not the prime responsibility. The prime responsibility is that everyone is open to accept Krsna consciousness
- Due to the extraordinary features of the child, Vasudeva was struck with wonder. How could a newly born child be so decorated? Vasudeva could therefore understand that Lord Krsna had now appeared, and he became overpowered by the occasion
- Dyuman was also known as Satrujit, Vatsa, Rtadhvaja and Kuvalayasva. From him were born Alarka and other sons
- Education means to purify the knowledge, because we are all born animals. Abodha-jata. Abodha. Abodha means one who has no knowledge
- Either you are born in a very big family or nation, or either you have got a very advanced academic education, at the time of death your work will be judged and you will get another body according to that work
- Eternally Krsna is playing with the cowherd boys. Not that these children are being born
- Even if a person is born in a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra family, he is a mleccha or yavana if he does not strictly follow the regulative principles or if he eats meat
- Even if he (the living entity) is born as a worm living within the intestine or abdomen in the midst of urine and stool, still he is satisfied. This is the covering influence of maya
- Even if I am a rich man, a beautiful man, an educated man, born in an aristocratic family, etc., I still cannot avoid death, old age, and disease
- Even if one is born a mleccha, if he becomes a devotee he is to be considered the best of the brahmanas and a learned pandita
- Even if one is born a sudra, if he is actually engaged in the occupation and pure behavior of a brahmana, he becomes a brahmana
- Even if one is born in a non-brahmana family, if he has the brahminical qualifications he should be accepted as a brahmana, as confirmed by Srila Narada Muni and the great saint Sridhara Svami. This is also stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Even if the living entity is born with a silver spoon in his mouth he will not be happy so such plans for economic development are simply cheating processes
- Even if you are born very lowest, you can go. Krsna is open to everyone. Simply you become qualified, that's all
- Even one is born in low grade family, he has got the facility of joining this Krsna consciousness movement and everyone has the capability to understand it, every human being
- Even saintly persons like Bhrgu, born previously, could not perform such severe austerities, nor will anyone in the future be able to do so. Who within these three worlds can sustain his life without even drinking water for one hundred celestial years?
- Even though a man is a sudra serving a bad master, he has to carry out the order of the master, even though it shouldn't be done. Despite these flaws, 1 should continue to carry out his prescribed duties, for they're born out of his own nature. BG 1972 p
- Even though a person is born in a brahminical family and is very expert in performing sacrifices, he cannot be accepted as a guru if he is not a strict Vaisnava
- Even though born in a brahmana family, one cannot engage in Vedic rituals without being initiated and having a sacred thread
- Even though he may be born in a family of dog-eaters, he is recognized by learned scholars. But although a person may be a learned scholar in Vedic knowledge, he is not recognized if he is an atheist
- Even though one living entity becomes connected with another because of a relationship based on bodies that are perishable, the living entity is eternal. Actually it is the body that is born or lost, not the living entity
- Every endeavor is covered by some sort of fault, just as fire is covered by smoke. Therefore one should not give up the work which is born of his nature, O son of Kunti, even if such work is full of fault. BG 18.48 - 1972
- Every living entity is born ignorant, misunderstanding this material body to be his self. This conception of life is due to ignorance, and on the basis of this ignorance we create enmity or friendship
- Every living entity, beginning from Brahma, the first-born living being within the material world, down to the insignificant ant, desires to relish some sort of taste derived from sense perceptions. These sensual pleasures are technically called rasas
- Every place within a radius of one hundred miles from where a devotee is born becomes sanctified
- Everyone is born a sudra, completely dependent. Samskarad bhaved dvijah: but when he is initiated by purificatory processes, he is called twice-born. This initiation process means he surpasses the ordinary birth
- Everyone is born sudra by birth. It is not that by birth one becomes brahmana; otherwise the sastra would not have stated like this, that janmana jayate sudrah, "By birth everyone is sudra."
- Everyone is born sudra, and by undergoing the reformation process, he becomes twice-born. The father is the spiritual master, and the mother is Vedic knowledge
- Everyone is born sudra. But if one does not accept the samskaras, he remains a sudra, not that sudras are not allowed to take samskara
- Everyone is born sudra. Just like this child. This child is dependent completely. Just like animal is dependent, the child is also dependent. So they say, Vedic learned scholars, they say janmana jayate sudrah - Prema-vivarta
- Exhausted by the labor of childbirth, Yasoda was overwhelmed with sleep and unable to understand what kind of child had been born to her - SB 10.3.53
- Expert jataka-vipras (good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time) were present during the birth of Maharaja Pariksit
- Factually, the creation is not effected by Brahma, because Brahma himself is created by Lord Visnu. And Lord Siva is created, or born, of Brahma
- Father is born by his father, and his father is born by his father. How can you deny it? He may not know the grandfather, great-grandfather or more than that, but there must have been some person
- Finally, when Brahma is born again in another millennium, they (the jivas) are again manifest. In this way the jivas are captivated by the material world. BG 1972 purports
- Fire, which is born for the sake of accepting oblations in ritualistic ceremonies, is the mouth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- First of all, Brahma learned to control the universe; then he became qualified as Brahma. Although he was born Brahma, he still had to be educated
- First-born living being, unlike all the others, has no material father, and thus he is called self-born, or svayambhu. He goes to sleep with Narayana at the time of devastation, and when there is another creation, he is born in this way
- Following the instructions of the great sage Jaigisavya, Visvaksena compiled an elaborate description of the mystic yoga system. From Visvaksena, Udaksena was born, and from Udaksena, Bhallata. All these sons are known as descendants of Brhadisu
- Fools and rascals of modern society have no knowledge of the extent of the responsibility of the government. Animals are also citizens of the land in which they happen to be born, and they also have the right to continue their existence
- Fools think of Krsna just like ordinary man. But He is different. He is different from everything of this world because everything of this world is born. You will trace out the history, the birthdate. But you cannot
- For everyone who is born in the land of India has a natural spiritual inclination and is taught the basic principles of spiritual life; they merely need to be a little more educated in the Vedic principles
- For upkeep of the human society in order, according to the quality and work, there must be division. But that is not that division as we are thinking at the present moment in India - a man is born in the brahmana family, he is brahmana. No
- Forget taking sannyasa order for the time being. Unless your child is born, there is no question of taking sannyasa. We shall consider the matter further when your child is born. So now you should take care of your wife
- From Angirasi, the wife of the Vasu named Vastu, was born the great architect Visvakarma. Visvakarma became the husband of Akrti, from whom the Manu named Caksusa was born. The sons of Manu were known as the Visvadevas and Sadhyas
- From Atri's tears of jubilation was born a son named Soma, the moon, who was full of soothing rays. Lord Brahma appointed him the director of the brahmanas, drugs and luminaries
- From bhakti-lata the son Drdhacyuta is born, and from Drdhacyuta the next son, Idhmavaha, is born
- From Brahma came Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, then Rudra, and then the seven sages, and in this way all the brahmanas and ksatriyas are born out of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- From Brahma, Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana, and Sanatkumara came out, then Rudra, and then the seven sages, and in this way all the brahmanas and ksatriyas are born out of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- From Brhadratha, Kusagra was born; from Kusagra, Rsabha; and from Rsabha, Satyahita. The son of Satyahita was Puspavan, and the son of Puspavan was Jahu
- From Budha, through the womb of Ila, a son was born named Pururava, who was described in the beginning of the Ninth Canto
- From Citrakrt was born a son named Santaraja, a self-realized soul who performed all kinds of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies and therefore did not beget any progeny. The sons of Raji were five hundred, all very powerful
- From His (Krsna's) navel, the stem of a lotus flower grows, and on that lotus flower the first creature, Brahma, is born. Within the stem of that lotus flower are fourteen divisions of planetary systems, which are created by Brahma
- From Kusa, the grandson of Ksatravrddha, was born a son named Prati. The son of Prati was Sanjaya, and the son of Sanjaya was Jaya. From Jaya, Krta was born, and from Krta, King Haryabala
- From Lord Brahma, I myself am born as a representation of false ego known as Rudra. By my own power I create all the other demigods, the five elements and the senses
- From Mahadhrti was born a son named Krtirata, from Krtirata was born Maharoma, from Maharoma came a son named Svarnaroma, and from Svarnaroma came Hrasvaroma
- From Maharaja Drupada, Draupadi was born. Maharaja Drupada also had many sons, headed by Dhrstadyumna. From Dhrstadyumna came a son named Dhrstaketu. All these personalities are known as descendants of Bharmyasva or as the dynasty of Pancala
- From Manu, two sons (Priyavrata and Uttanapada) and three daughters (Akuti, Devahuti and Prasuti) were born, and from them all the population in different planets has sprung up until now
- From Manu, two sons and three daughters were born, and from them all the population in different planets has sprung up until now
- From Maru was born a son named Prasusruta, from Prasusruta came Sandhi, from Sandhi came Amarsana, and from Amarsana a son named Mahasvan. From Mahasvan, Visvabahu took his birth
- From Mrkanda, Markandeya Muni was born, and from Prana the sage Vedasira, whose son was Usana (Sukracarya), also known as Kavi. Thus Kavi also belonged to the descendants of the Bhrgu dynasty
- From Santanu, through the womb of his wife named Ganga, came Bhisma, the exalted, self-realized devotee and learned scholar
- From Siradhvaja, mother Sitadevi was born. Siradhvaja's son was Kusadhvaja, and the son of Kusadhvaja was Dharmadhvaja
- From Sumati, a son named Devatajit was born by the womb of his wife named Vrddhasena
- From Suratha came a son named Viduratha, from whom Sarvabhauma was born. From Sarvabhauma came Jayasena; from Jayasena, Radhika; and from Radhika, Ayutayu
- From the status of pure consciousness, the false ego is born because of misuse of independence. We cannot argue about why false ego arises from pure consciousness
- From the womb of Matrka, the wife of Aryama, were born many learned scholars. Among them Lord Brahma created the human species, which are endowed with an aptitude for self-examination
- From this ocean of milk the moon was born, but the fish in the milk ocean could not recognize that the moon was not another fish and was different from them
- From Your (Krsna's) navel a lotus flower grows, and from that lotus Brahma, the creator of this universe, is born. Since Brahma is the cause of this universe, You are the cause of all causes
- Garga Muni indirectly disclosed, This child was originally born as the son of Vasudeva, although He is acting as your child. Generally He is your (Nanda Maharaja's) child, but sometimes He is the son of Vasudeva
- Garga Muni intimated to Nanda Maharaja that the female child was born of Yasoda and that Krsna was born of Devaki & they were exchanged. Also, the female child, Durga, had informed Kamsa that the child who would kill him was already born somewhere else
- Gautama Muni asked him that "Go to your mother, who is your father. Just try to understand & let me know." Then he went to his mother. Mother said - My dear boy, I do not know who is your father. I had many friends. I do not know by whom you are born
- Generally a pregnant mother is sent to the hospital, and as soon as her child is born he is washed with an antiseptic, and this concludes everything
- Generally if a son is to be begotten, the husband impregnates the wife, and in due course of time the son is born. But in the case of Lord Brahma's birth, Garbhodakasayi Visnu did not impregnate Laksmiji
- Generally, a man is born as an ordinary being, and by the purificatory processes he is born for the second time. When he sees a new light and seeks direction for spiritual progress, he approaches a spiritual master for instruction in the Vedas
- Generally, according to the law of karma, if one enacts pious deeds, he is awarded in the next life by birth into a very aristocratic family, or into a very wealthy family, or he becomes a great scholar, or he is born very beautiful
- God is unborn - indicates that He is different from the material world. We have no such experience of the unborn. This city was born - history is filled with dates
- God is unborn; this indicates that He is different from this material world because in the material world we have no experience that anyone is unborn. Everyone is born. Not only everyone, everything is born
- Gosvami Giridhara, one of the SB commentators, remarks that Agnidhra was born when Priyavrata was infatuated by lusty desires. This may be accepted as a fact because sons are begotten with different mentalities according to the time of their conception
- Haridasa Thakura was born in a Muslim family and was later recognized as a great Vaisnava, but nevertheless the brahmanas were very critical of him
- Haridasa Thakura, although born in a mleccha or yavana family, became Namacarya Haridasa Thakura because he performed the nama-yajna a minimum of 300,000 times every day
- Hariscandra begged Varuna, "My lord, if a son is born to me, with that son I shall perform a sacrifice for your satisfaction." When Hariscandra said this, Varuna replied, "Let it be so"
- Having equipped himself with austere penance, adoration, mental concentration and absorption in devotion, accompanied by dispassion, and having controlled his senses, Brahma, the self-born living creature, evolved great sages as his beloved sons
- Having gone through all the miserable, hellish conditions and having passed in a regular order through the lowest forms of animal life prior to human birth, and having thus been purged of his sins, one is reborn again as a human being on this earth
- Having uprooted all relationships with his sister because of intense selfishness, Kamsa, who was sitting on his knees, grasped the newborn child by the legs and tried to dash her against the surface of a stone
- Having uprooted all relationships with his sister because of intense selfishness, Kamsa, who was sitting on his knees, grasped the newborn child by the legs and tried to dash her against the surface of a stone - SB 10.4.8
- He (a child) is born in a pure family. That's all right. But there are other ceremonies, reformatory ceremonies, and this thread ceremony is also one of the ceremonies
- He (a devotee) prays to the Lord, My dear Lord, it does not matter where I am born, but let me be born, even as an ant, in the house of a devotee
- He (a living entity) takes the body as himself, his bodily expansions as his kinsmen, and the land from which his body is born as worshipable
- He (Arjuna) was born in the month of Phalguna (February-March), and therefore he is also called Phalguni
- He (Bhaumasura) then came out of the city with a great number of elephants who had all been born and brought up on the seashore. All of them were highly intoxicated
- He (Brahma) is the first living creature and is born from the lotus which grows from the abdomen of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Garbhodakasayi Visnu. Therefore he is called Svayambhu, self-born
- He (Canakya Pandita) was living in a cottage, not accepting any salary. And as soon as Maharaja Candragupta wanted some explanation,immediately resigned. This is the standard of persons who are born in India
- He (Cupid) was born as the son of Krsna and celebrated by the name Pradyumna. Because he was begotten by Lord Krsna directly, his qualities were most similar to those of Krsna
- He (Nanda Maharaja) wanted to go immediately to Mathura to pay the taxes due and also to offer some presentation for the sake of his newborn son
- He (Pradyumna) married the daughter of his maternal uncle, Rukmi, and from that marriage Aniruddha was born
- He (Samba) exactly resembles the son of the Personality of Godhead. In a previous birth he was born as Karttikeya in the womb of the wife of Lord Siva, and now he has been born in the womb of Jambavati, the most enriched wife of Krsna
- He (Sankaracarya) was born of a widow; therefore he was not accepted in the society. So when his mother died, he called for the neighbors to help him for the funeral ceremony. Nobody came to help him, because he was considered a bastard
- He (Svayambhuva Manu) was afraid that he would take one son and that because of this his son-in-law Ruci might be sorry. Thus when he heard that a daughter was born along with the boy, he was very glad
- He (Vasudeva) could immediately understand (by seeing a newborn child decorated so nicely with valuable garments & gems) that the Supreme Personality of Godhead had appeared, not as an ordinary child but in His original, fully decorated, four-handed form
- He (Vasudeva) requested, - Don't kill your sister. Save her, and I promise that all the sons born of her will be brought to you, and if you like you can kill them
- He is born dependent because part and parcel of God. His constitutional position is dependent. Just like child. A child declares independence. What is the meaning of that independence? Danger. That's all. Simply inviting dangers
- He says especially to people born in India (CC Adi 9.41) - Anyone who has taken his birth as a human being in India, Bharatavarsa, should make his life successful and work for the upliftment of the whole world
- He was the conqueror of all atirathas (those who could fight with one thousand charioteers). From him, by the womb of Uttara, the daughter of Viradraja, you were born
- He was very submissive and meek, and immediately after his birth he bowed down and inquired, "Sirs, what shall I do?" The great sages replied, "Please sit down (nisida)." Thus Nisada, the father of the Naisada race, was born
- He would also take gifts to the homes of Vaisnavas born in sudra families. Then he would hide and in this manner eat the remnants of food they threw away
- He's human being born. Making him animal by culture. Instead of making him more cultured towards the spiritual life, making him redirected again to animal life. This is the civilization, Western civilization
- Here we have got six temples already, and they are nicely being managed by the American Vaishnavas under strict discipline, without their being born in any Hindu family
- Herein (SB 1.12.4) the word prajah is significant. The etymological import of the word is "that which is born"
- His father was engaged in austerity, and because he (the brahmin boy) born of such powerful father, he had also the power, austerity, & srutaujas. Srutauja means "by education." If one man is educated, highly educated, talented scholar, he has got power
- His stepmother did not like the King's patting her stepson, so she dragged him out, saying that he could not claim to sit on the lap of the King because he was not born out of her womb. The little boy felt insulted by this act of his stepmother
- How the human being is born is described by Kapiladeva. The human being develops in the mother's abdomen and suffers there and comes out again
- I am a Sannyasi and my expenses for propagting the transcendental message is borne by the philanthrophist every where
- I am Calcutta born. What Calcutta was in our childhood days and what is now, I know everything. How we were happy during British days and what is now position, I can speak from my personal experience
- I therefore (Vyasadeva) question you (Narada Muni) about the root cause of my dissatisfaction, for you are a man of unlimited knowledge due to your being the offspring of one (Brahma) who is self-born (without mundane father and mother)
- I was born 1st September 1896 in Calcutta as the third son of my father, the late Gaura Mohon Dev, and mother, the late Rajani Devi, in the family of one of very respectable Gold merchant aristocracy of Calcutta
- I was born in an inferior family, and my body is most abominable. I always engage in low work. Therefore, I am the lowest, most condemned of men
- I was born September 1, 1896, Tuesday at about 4:00 in the afternoon. My rasi is Metthuna
- If a child is born, I shall educate him in such a way that this birth will be his last. Next he is going to back to home, back to Godhead, - then produce a child. Otherwise don't produce. This is spiritual contraceptive. This is real father and mother
- If a dead child is born, the form of the child may be preserved some by chemical process, but it will not develop. The developing process is stopped immediately
- If a human being is born in an aristocratic family or a higher status of life, if he performs wonderful activities, if he is youthful, it is to be understood that he is especially favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If a person is born in a sudra family but has all the qualities of a spiritual master, he should be accepted not only as a brahmana but as a qualified spiritual master also. This is also the instruction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If one has developed the qualities of a sudra or a candala, regardless of where he was born, he should be accepted in terms of those symptoms
- If one is able to factually answer the questions about the science of Krsna, he is the spiritual master, regardless of where he is born or what he is - whether he be a brahmana or sudra or American, Indian or whatever
- If one is born a sudra, he must continually return to the ocean of Puyoda to eat horrible things. Thus even a born sudra is expected to become a brahmana; that is the meaning of human life. Everyone should improve himself
- If one is engaged in brahminical service or occupational duties, he must be considered a brahmana despite the family in which he is born. That is the verdict of all the sastras
- If one is exhibiting the symptoms & qualities of a brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya & serving in a brahminical, ksatriya or vaisya occupation, even if he is not born a brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya he should be considered such according to his qualifications
- If one takes to Krsna consciousness, even if he is born in a family of a cobbler (muci), he becomes greater than a brahmana - suci
- If someone born a sudra possesses the characteristics of a brahmana and someone born a brahmana does not, that sudra should not be known as a sudra, and that brahmana should not be known as a brahmana - Mahabharata, Vana-parva, 177.20
- If someone born in a family of dog-eaters is a pure devotee with no motives for enjoyment through fruitive activity or mental speculation, he is very dear to Me
- If the child is born dead, then this body will never grow. You can apply any chemicals or any science; the body will remain the same
- If the qualities of one group are found in the men of another, those men should be recognized by their qualities, by their symptoms, not by the caste of the family in which they were born
- If we acquire the qualities of a brahmana and work as a brahmana, we become a brahmana. If we act as a dog and do the work of a dog, we become a dog. Nor should one think that simply because one is born as a brahmana, one is automatically a brahmana
- If you (Arjuna) think that the soul (or the symptoms of life) is always born and dies forever, you still have no reason to lament, O mighty-armed
- If you enquire, "Oh, when the child is born?" you say, say, "One week." That means he has died one week. We are taking that he is living one week, but actually he has died one week. That is wonderful, that still he is living, he has not died
- If, however, you think that the soul is perpetually born and always dies, still you have no reason to lament, O mighty-armed. BG 2.26 - 1972
- If, some way or other, the living spark is gone . . . suppose a dead child is born. It will not grow. It will not change. So this is very simple thing, that on this living being the matter grows, not from matter living being comes in
- Immediately child is born, there is another reformation ceremony; that is called jata-karma. Jata-karma means immediately learned scholar, brahmins, astrologer, will come and they will make the horoscope of the child
- In a previous birth Samba was born as Karttikeya
- In a Vedic society, even before the child is born, when the mother is pregnant, many recommended ritualistic ceremonies are performed
- In any life in which one is born, as a householder, or even as an animal, one must have some children, some resources or some possessions, but a devotee is not anxious to possess anything. He is satisfied with whatever is obtainable by God's grace
- In Bhagavad-gita the material conception of life is condemned in so many places. One who thinks the country in which he is born is worshipable, or one who goes to holy places and yet ignores the sadhus there, is likened unto an ass
- In Jagannatha Puri there was a young boy who had been born of an Orissan brahmana but had later lost his father. The boy's features were very beautiful, and his behavior was extremely gentle
- In material nature the superior nature is mixed by the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and thereafter all living entities are born of this material nature. BG 1972 purports
- In My last birth I (Lord Caitanya) was born in the family of cowherd men, and I gave protection to the calves and cows. Because of such pious activities, I have now become the son of a brahmana
- In our next birth we get such desirable positions only by good work. Otherwise, it would not so happen that two persons born in the same place at the same time are seen differently placed according to previous work
- In the Agni Purana the description of vibhava is given as follows: "The basis from which ecstatic love is born is called vibhava, which is divided into two - basic and impetuous"
- In the Brahma-samhita (5.27-28) it is stated: Then Gayatri, mother of the Vedas, having been manifested by the divine sound of Sri Krsna’s flute, entered the lotus mouth of Brahma, the self-born, through his eight earholes
- In the BS (5.27-28) it is stated: the lotus-born Brahma received the Gayatri mantra, which had sprung from the song of Sri Krsna’s flute. In this way he attained twice-born status, having been initiated by the supreme, primal preceptor, Godhead Himself
- In the dress of brahmanas’ wives, celestial ladies like the wives of Lord Brahma and Lord Siva also came to see the newborn child
- In the hellish condition within the womb, the living entity is very much afraid of being born again
- In the hellish condition within the womb, the living entity is very much afraid of being born again, but when he is out of the womb, when he is in full life and good health, he forgets everything and commits again and again the same sins
- In the line of royal succession in the family of Maharaja Yudhisthira, all the kings, without exception, were the wisest men of their times, and so also it is foretold about Maharaja Pariksit and his son Maharaja Janamejaya, who was yet to be born
- In the material world there are six kinds of changes. First is birth, then growth, & then that which has been born & has grown stays for some time, produces some by-products, & then dwindles & finally vanishes. These six changes are called sad-vikara
- In the morning it appears as if the sun is born from the eastern horizon, but actually it is not. The sun is neither rising nor setting; it is as it is in its position. All risings and settings are due to the rotation of the earth
- In the present age of darkness, which is known as the Kali-yuga, the age of quarrel, hypocrisy, and ignorance, virtually everyone is born a sudra
- In the previous chapter (SB 2.4) it has been established that Brahmaji, the firstborn living entity, received knowledge directly from the Supreme Lord, and the same knowledge was imparted to Narada, the next disciple
- In the second chapter of the Vedanta-sutra’s second khanda, Acarya Vedavyasa has refuted the conception that the living beings were ever born (natma sruter nityatvac ca tabhyah). Because there is no creation for the living entities, they must be eternal
- In the Vedic literatures we find that in this age (of Kali-yuga) everyone is born a sudra; therefore everyone requires to be educated as to his real identity
- In the Vedic system, as soon as a child is born, especially a male child, the father calls for learned brahmanas, and according to the description of the child's horoscope, the child is immediately given a name. This ceremony is called nama-karana
- In the womb of his wife, Rati, Vibhu begot a son named Prthusena. Prthusena begot a son named Nakta in the womb of his wife, named Akuti. Nakta's wife was Druti, and from her womb the great King Gaya was born
- In the womb of his wife, Rsikulya, King Bhuma begot a son named Udgitha. From Udgitha's wife, Devakulya, a son named Prastava was born, and Prastava begot a son named Vibhu through his wife, Niyutsa
- In this cosmic manifestation there are four kinds of living entities - jarayu ja - those born from embryos, anda ja - those born from eggs, sveda ja - those born from perspiration, and udbhijja - those born from seeds
- In Varaha Purana it is said, Narayana is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and from Him Brahma was born, from whom Siva was born. BG 1972 purports
- In Vedic society, even before the child is born, when the mother is pregnant, many recommended ritualistic ceremonies are performed. before the birth of the child there is the garbhadhana ceremony
- Indirectly, Devahuti requests her husband (Kardama Muni) to remain at home a few days more, or at least until a male child is born
- Into that universal lotus flower Lord Visnu personally entered as the Supersoul, and when it was thus impregnated with all the modes of material nature, the personality of Vedic wisdom, whom we call the self-born, was generated
- It appears that Advaita Acarya had two different houses, one at Santipura and one at Navadvipa. When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was born, Advaita Acarya was residing not at His Navadvipa house but at His Santipura house
- It does not matter whether a person is a vipra (learned scholar in Vedic wisdom) or is born in a lower family, or is in the renounced order of life - if he is master in the science of Krsna, he is the perfect and bona fide spiritual master. BG 1972 pur
- It doesn't matter whether a person is born as a sudra, a woman or a vaisya; if he associates with devotees repeatedly or always (sadhu-sangena), he can be elevated to the highest perfection. Narada Muni is explaining this in relation to his own life
- It is also stated in the Vedas that if a girl is highly qualified or beautiful, she can be accepted in marriage even though born in a lower family. Thus it is not birth that is important, but qualification
- It is clear from the word catur-bhujam that Krsna first appeared with four hands, as Lord Visnu. No ordinary child in human society has ever been born with four hands. And when is a child born with fully grown hair
- It is customary among Hindus that at the time a child is born, especially a male child, the parents distribute great charity in jubilation
- It is here (in SB 9.6.4) specifically explained that Iksvaku was born simply from the sneezing of Manu
- It is implicit in this statement that a person born into a family of dog-eaters is generally not fit for performing yajna, or sacrifice
- It is learned that this rsi (Bharadvaja), while taking bath in the Ganges, happened to meet Ghrtaci, one of the beautiful society girls of heaven, and thus he discharged semen, which was kept and preserved in an earthen pot and from which Drona was born
- It is not a fact that those who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth are free from the material miseries of birth, old age, disease and death. The conclusion is that one cannot be happy by simply executing pious or impious activities
- It is not that a child is born smoking. No. He is born searching after milk. The milk is essential; the smoking is not essential. But we are practicing by bad association, so we can give it up also by good association. It is a question of association
- It is not that because one is very rich or learned or was born in an aristocratic family one will be able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. This is impossible
- It is said that a married couple must have a son, otherwise their family life is void. But a son born without good qualities is as good as a blind eye. A blind eye has no use for seeing, but it is simply unbearably painful
- It is said that even a cobbler or person born in the family of a cobbler can be elevated to the position of a brahmana (suci) if he takes to Krsna consciousness
- It is said that in the year 289 of the Age of Kali, the Alvar of the name Tondaradippadi was born
- It is stated in the Vedic literature that by birth everyone is born a sudra, that by accepting the purificatory process one becomes twice-born, that by studying the Vedas one becomes a vipra, which is the preliminary qualification for becoming a brahmana
- It is to be concluded that Acyutananda was born sometime in the year 1428 (A.D. 1506). Before the birth of Acyutananda, Advaita Prabhu’s wife, Sitadevi, came to see Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at His birth
- It is understood that Hiranyaksa, the second child conceived, was delivered first, whereas Hiranyakasipu, the child who was behind him, having been conceived first, was born second
- It may be argued that because the living entities are born of the material nature they are all equal and independent
- It should be noted that the child is born crying and suffering. After birth the same suffering continues, and he cries
- It was already known to Maharaja Pariksit that everything we see is born out of the energy of the Lord, as we have all learned in the very beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- It was in your dynasty that Hiranyaksa was born. Carrying only his own club, he wandered the globe alone, without assistance, to conquer all directions, and no hero he met could rival him
- Jayadeva was born during the reign of Maharaja Laksmana Sena of Bengal, in the eleventh or twelfth century of the Saka Era. His father was Bhojadeva, and his mother was Vamadevi
- Just as a child is connected to his mother by the umbilical cord, so the first-born living creature, Brahma, by the supreme will of the Lord, is connected to the Lord by a lotus stem
- Just as a person born recently in a family cannot understand the situation of his distant forefather, no one within this material world can understand the position of the Supreme Lord in the spiritual world
- Just as being born the son of a big man affords one a chance to become a big man, so being born the son of a brahmana gives one a chance to become a brahmana
- Just like a boy born in a medical man's family, so he has got a chance, better chance, to become a medical man. Similarly, a boy born in a brahmin family, he has got better chance to become a brahmin
- Just like Ekalavya was born in a Candala family but he had the tendency of a Ksatriya. Similarly Visvamitra Muni was born in a family of Ksatriyas but his tendency was of becoming a Brahmana
- Just like I have already described, my body, your body, has a history of janma, or birth, a date of birth. So janma adi means birth and sustenance and death. We have got this body produced, or born, at a certain date
- Kaliya said, "My dear Lord, I (Kaliya) am born as a serpent; therefore, by natural instinct I am very angry. How is it then possible to give up my acquired nature without Your mercy? It is very difficult to get out of the clutches of Your maya"
- Kaliya said, "My dear Lord, I have been born in such a species that by nature I am angry and envious, being in the darkest region of the mode of ignorance"
- Kamsa attempted to kill all the babies born of Devaki and Vasudeva, although he knew that if Visnu were born, He would not be killed
- Kamsa got up from his bed very quickly and exclaimed, “Now the cruel death of my life is born"
- Kamsa had previously excused Devaki because he thought that a woman should not be killed, especially when pregnant. But now, by the influence of maya, he was prepared to kill a woman - not only a woman, but a small, helpless newborn child
- Kamsa immediately got up from bed, thinking, "Here is Kala, the supreme time factor, which has taken birth to kill me!" Thus overwhelmed, Kamsa, his hair scattered on his head, at once approached the place where the child had been born - SB 10.4.3
- Kamsa was so cruel that he did not listen to the pitiful prayers of his sister Devaki. He forcibly grabbed the newborn child to rebuke his sister and attempted to dash her on the stone mercilessly
- Kamsa was waiting to hear the news of the child's birth, and the gatekeepers immediately approached him and informed him that the child was born
- Kamsa, a representative of the demons, was always ready to kill Krsna, or God, whereas Vasudeva represents a transcendentally situated person to whom Krsna is born - Vasudeva is the son of Vasudeva
- Karna: Born of Kunti by the sun-god prior to her marriage with Maharaja Pandu, Karna took his birth with bangles and earrings, extraordinary signs for an undaunted hero
- Kasyapa begot many children, both demigods & demons, by those wives. From his first wife, Aditi, all the twelve Adityas were born; one of them is Vamana, the incarnation of Godhead. This great sage, Kasyapa, was also present at the time of Arjuna's birth
- Kasyapa, Prajapati, the creator of the living entities, gave his twin sons their names; the one who was born first he named Hiranyaksa, and the one who was first conceived by Diti he named Hiranyakasipu
- Knowing that she was pregnant, the co-wives of the wife of Bahuka conspired to give her poison with her food, but it did not act. Instead, the son was born along with the poison. Therefore he became famous as Sagara ("one who is born with poison")
- Kovidah means expert learned scholars, and abhijata, they will immediately make horoscope and tell about this newly born child, what is going to happen in his life in future. That is called astrologer
- Krishna is so kind that although I left my few children born out of this physical body, Krishna has sent many nice beautiful obedient children for propagating my mission
- Krpacarya is the son of the great Rsi Sardban and was born in the family of Gautama. The birth is said to be accidental
- Krsna further indicates that of all good families to be born into - families of successful merchants or philosophers or meditators - the best is the family of yogis. One who takes birth in a very rich family may be misled
- Krsna indirectly praised the fatherhood of Nanda Maharaja and motherhood of Yasoda as most glorious because although He and Balarama were not their born sons, Nanda and Yasoda actually enjoyed Their childhood pastimes
- Krsna is dear only to the devotees, and He can only be achieved by devotional service. If a lowly born person is a devotee, he automatically becomes free from all contamination
- Krsna is not some "extraordinary person who was also born." He is not born. So how can I decide He is an ordinary man
- Krsna is the original Narayana, the original source of the entire cosmic manifestation. Brahma, or the first living being born just after the creation, is the direct son of Narayana, who as Garbhodakasayi Visnu first entered the material universe
- Krsna may be spiritual, but there are other spiritual bodies. We have spiritual bodies like Krsna's, but they are born. They are not exactly born; it is like the sparks of the fire
- Krsna said, "My dear Srutadeva, when a person is born as a brahmana, he immediately becomes the best of all human beings"
- Krsna spoke Karma-mimamsa philosophy, "Every living being is born according to his past karma and leaves this life simply taking the result of his present karma"
- Krsna spoke Karma-mimamsa philosophy, "Everyone is born in different types or species of life according to his past activities, and he gets his next birth according to the activities of this life"
- Krsna's navel is just like a lotus, and from Krsna's navel grew the stem of the lotus upon which Brahma, the creator of this universe, was born
- Kuru had four sons-Pariksi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and Nisadha. From Sudhanu, Suhotra was born, and from Suhotra, Cyavana. From Cyavana, Krti was born
- Last day I cited one example that a great yogi just like Visvamitra, he practiced yoga and he rose to the highest platform, but still, he failed to control his senses. He came in contact with Menaka, a society woman of the heaven, and Sakuntala was born
- Later on these sages appeared in Goloka Vrndavana when Krsna advented Himself there, and they were born as gopis or girl friends of Krsna. In this way they attained the perfection of spiritual life
- Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who has unlimited, wonderful opulences. By His mercy, even a person born as the lowest of men can spread the science of devotional service
- Like Haridasa Thakura, he's sometimes called Yavana-Haridasa. He's not yavana. He is hundred times, thousand, million times better than brahmana. But because he is born in a Muhammadan family, he was, another name
- Lord Brahma is described as bhagavan adi-purusah. The reason he is called bhagavan is that he fully represents the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is the first-born creature in this universe
- Lord Brahma says, "O infallible one! I am born in the modes of passion, and therefore I have been falsely proud of being the creator of this material world. My false pride was just like dense darkness, and in this darkness I had become blind"
- Lord Brahma was born out of the transcendental body of Lord Visnu, and Lord Siva was born out of the body of Brahma. Lord Visnu, therefore, is the supreme cause
- Lord Brahma, the creator of the cosmic manifestation, is known as Svayambhu, or one who is born without father and mother. The general process is that a living creature is born out of the sex combination of the male father and the female mother
- Lord Brahma, who is celebrated as atma-yoni, having been born without a mother, was struck with wonder. Thus he took shelter of the lotus flower
- Lord Caitanya accepted Haridasa Thakura as His disciple, although Haridasa happened to be born of a Muhammadan family, and Lord Caitanya later on made him the acarya of the chanting of the holy name of the Lord
- Lord Caitanya has said those born in India have the special responsibility to spread Krsna Consciousness all over the world
- Lord Krsna knew the mystery of Jarasandha's birth. Jarasandha had been born in two different parts from two different mothers. When his father saw that the baby was useless, he threw the two parts into the forest
- Lord Narayana is not born of anything material. Matter is generated from matter, but He is not born of matter. Brahma is born after the creation, but since the Lord existed before the creation, the Lord has no material body
- Lord Siva is addressed as abhava, which means "one who is never born," although generally he is known as bhava, "one who is born
- Lord Siva was deep in meditation, but when Parvati agitated him for sense pleasure, he agreed to the proposal, and as a result Kartikeya was born
- Lord Siva was deep in meditation, but when Parvati agitated him for sense pleasure, he agreed to the proposal, and as a result Kartikeya was born. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Visnu, the Supreme Self (atma), is the source of everything, as explained in the Vedanta-sutra: janmady asya yatah. Because Brahma was born directly from Lord Visnu, he is called atma-yoni
- Madayanti bore the child within the womb for seven years and did not give birth. Therefore Vasistha struck her abdomen with a stone, and then the child was born. Consequently, the child was known as Asmaka ("the child born of a stone")
- Maharaj Prahlada says, "My dear friends who are born into atheistic families, if you can please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, then there is nothing more rare in this world"
- Maharaja Nimi refused to take birth again in a material body because he considered the material body obnoxious. The great sages then churned Nimi's body, and as a result of this churning, Janaka was born
- Maharaja Nimi, who was expert in the science of spiritual knowledge, gave up his body. Vasistha, the great-grandfather, gave up his body also, but through the semen discharged by Mitra and Varuna when they saw Urvasi, he was born again
- Maharaja Pariksit or even the Personality of Godhead appear in certain constellations of good stars, and thus the influence is exerted upon the body thus born at an auspicious moment
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, whose enemy was never born, performed his daily morning duties by praying, offering fire sacrifice to the sun-god, and offering obeisances, grains, cows, land and gold to the brahmanas
- Maitreya said: I have heard that after giving up the body she had received from Daksa, Daksayani (his daughter) took her birth in the kingdom of the Himalayas. She was born as the daughter of Mena. I heard this from authoritative sources
- Maitreya told Vidura: O great soul, from Dambha and Maya were born Greed and Nikrti, or Cunning. From their combination came children named Krodha (Anger) and Himsa (Envy), and from their combination were born Kali and his sister Durukti - Harsh Speech
- Mamata was perplexed, but the demigods gave the child the appropriate name Bharadvaja, which indicated that the child born illegitimately should be maintained by both Mamata and Brhaspati
- Manu had begun that sacrifice for the sake of getting a son, but because the priest was diverted by the request of Manu's wife, a daughter named Ila was born. Upon seeing the daughter, Manu was not very satisfied. Thus he spoke to his guru, Vasistha
- Marici, Atri, Angira, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrgu, Vasistha, Daksa, and the tenth son, Narada, were thus born (from Brahma)
- Marrying and begetting a child is considered to liquidate one's debts to the family in which one is born
- Materially born persons cannot fully understand Krsna. Even the demigods cannot understand Him
- Mayavati could understand that her former husband, Cupid, born as Pradyumna, had grown into such a nice young man, and she also gradually became captivated and lusty
- Mother Yasoda understood that a child had been born to her, but because she was very tired from the labor of childbirth, she fell fast asleep. When she awoke, she could not remember whether she had given birth to a male or a female child
- My dear King, Brahma, the firstborn, on being questioned by Narada, exactly apprised him on this subject, as it was directly spoken by the Lord to His own son, who was impregnated with Vedic knowledge from his very birth
- My dear Lord, by Your mercy You have made me dance in many ways. For example, I was offered the sraddha-patra, which should have been offered to first-class brahmanas. I ate from it even though I was born in a family of meat-eaters
- My dear lord, I am very impudent for not accepting your instructions, but this is not my fault. It is due to my having been born in a ksatriya family
- My Lord (Caitanya), please do not touch me (Sanatana Gosvami). I fall at Your lotus feet. I am the lowest of men, having been born of a low caste. Besides that, I have infections on my body
- My Lord, You may say that there is no law that a father must die in the lifetime of his son and that a son must be born in the lifetime of his father, since everyone lives and dies according to his own fruitive activity
- Nanda Maharaja also arranged for worship of the demigods and forefathers (for the Vedic birth ceremony celebrated for his newborn child) - SB 10.5.1-2
- Nanda Maharaja replied: My dear Vasudeva, I know that you are very much aggrieved because the cruel king Kamsa has killed all your sons born of Devaki. Although the last child was a daughter, Kamsa could not kill her
- Nanda Maharaja wanted to see his newborn child happy. That was his purpose. Therefore he wanted to satisfy Lord Visnu, and to satisfy Lord Visnu it was necessary to satisfy His devotees, such as the learned brahmanas, magadhas and sutas
- Narada asked Brahmaji: O chief amongst the demigods, O firstborn living entity, my respectful obeisances unto you. Please tell me that transcendental knowledge which specifically directs one to the truth of the individual soul and the Supersoul
- Narada told Kamsa, "Actually, the daughter was born to Yasoda, the wife of Nanda Maharaja, and Vasudeva exchanged his son for the daughter, so you were misled. Krsna is the son of Vasudeva, as is Balarama"
- Narayani eternally eats the remnants of the food of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura was born of her womb
- National - means those who are born in that particular land. So there are animals also. They are also national. But because they are imperfect, either the Communist or capitalist, they do not accept the animals as nationals
- Neither I nor all the sages born before you know fully the omnipotent Personality of Godhead. So what can others, who are born after us, know about Him
- No earthly child is born with four hands, decorated with ornaments and nice clothing, fully equipped with all the signs of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- No one can expect justice or equality of treatment from once-born (spiritually uncultured) lower-class men
- Nobody is born first class, but we can make first class if he agrees to become first class. Two things required: he must agree, and the teachings are there. Then he becomes first class
- Not only are they (materialists) born ignorant, but they act on the platform of ignorance, thinking that they are getting material benefits in the shape of skyscraper buildings, big cars, honorable positions and so on
- Not that because he is born in that dog-eater's family he cannot become a brahmin. No. This is not the Vedic injunction
- Now what actually happens to the unsuccessful spiritualist? Sri Krsna specifically explains: "The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people" - Bg. 6.41-42
- O brahmanas, the rsi, who was born in the family of Angira Muni, hearing his son crying, gradually opened his eyes and saw the dead snake around his neck
- O great hero (Kamsa), one who takes birth is sure to die, for death is born with the body. One may die today or after hundreds of years, but death is sure for every living entity - SB 10.1.38
- O greatest of all good men, by the combination of Kali and Harsh Speech were born children named Mrtyu (Death) and Bhiti (Fear). From the combination of Mrtyu and Bhiti came children named Yatana (Excessive Pain) and Niraya (Hell)
- O King Bali, never in your dynasty has the low-minded King been born who upon being requested has refused charity to brahmanas in holy places or a fight to ksatriyas on a battlefield
- O King, best of the Bharata dynasty, from Vivasvan, by the womb of Samjna, Sraddhadeva Manu was born. Sraddhadeva Manu, having conquered his senses, begot ten sons in the womb of his wife, Sraddha. The names of these sons were Iksvaku, Nrga, Saryati
- O Maharaja Dusmanta, a son actually belongs to his father, whereas the mother is only a container, like the skin of a bellows. According to Vedic injunctions, the father is born as the son. Therefore, maintain your own son and do not insult Sakuntala
- O muni (Vyasadeva), in the last millennium I (Narada Muni) was born as the son of a certain maidservant engaged in the service of brahmanas who were following the principles of Vedanta
- O my mother, I'm a fool. Kindly excuse me for whatever offenses I've committed. Your forty-nine sons have been born unhurt because of your devotional service. As an enemy, I cut them to pieces, but because of your great devotional service they didn't die
- O never-born, O blue-throated one, not only my relatives but also other women, dressed in nice clothes and decorated with ornaments, are going there with their husbands and friends
- O scion of Bharata (Arjuna), O conquerer of the foe, all living entities are born into delusion, overcome by the dualities of desire and hate. BG 7.27 - 1972
- O son of Marici, because you are a great personality you are equal toward all the demons and demigods, who are born either from your body or from your mind and who possess one or another of the three qualities - sattva-guna, rajo-guna or tamo-guna
- O Vidura, it is not at all wonderful that you have so accepted the Lord without deviation of thought, for you were born from the semen of Vyasadeva
- Of course, Arjuna knew everything, but for our education he said to Krsna, - Krsna, we are contemporaries, and since we were born at practically the same time, how can I believe that You spoke this philosophy so long ago to the sun-god
- Of course, as soon as she is married she can attempt to get a child, but she must surrender to her husband, confident that her child will develop and be born in due time
- On the forest path of material life, first a person is bereft of his father and mother, and after their death he becomes attached to his newly born children. In this way he wanders on the path of material progress and is eventually embarrassed
- Once before when Sivananda Sena had visited Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at His residence, the Lord had told him, "When this son is born, give him the name Puri dasa"
- Once upon a time in Dvaraka, a brahmana’s wife gave birth to a child. Unfortunately, however, just after being born and touching the ground, the child immediately died. The brahmana father took the child and went directly to the palace of the King
- One civil surgeon is a Bengali in London. Civil surgeon. You have heard this Aurobindo? His father was a medical practitioner in England, and he was born there
- One day Brahma, the self-born, the first living creature, felt as if the object of his life had been accomplished. At that time he evolved from his mind the Manus, who promote the welfare activities of the universe
- One may be rich, learned, beautiful or highborn. One who has all these assets should know that they are all meant for the advancement of Krsna consciousness
- One may not necessarily be born again as a human being, or in America, or in India, or even on this planet. There is no certainty; it all depends on our work
- One should not be jealous, whether he is born in a family of gosvamis or has the title of gosvami awarded to him. As soon as anyone becomes envious, he falls from the platform of paramahamsa
- One should understand that Sankaracarya’s statement that Sankarsana is born as a jiva is completely against the Vedic statements
- One who has attained the qualifications of a brahmana, regardless of where he was born, should be accepted as a brahmana
- One who has got conception of his personal self with this body made of three elements, one who thinks that the land in which he is born or the relatives who is connected with this body, "They are all, everything," then that man is no better than ass & cow
- One who is subject to death cannot measure the glories of the SPG, Trivikrama, Lord Visnu, any more than he can count the number of atoms on the entire planet earth. No one, whether born already or destined to take birth, is able to do this
- One's social standing, according to the Vedic system, is determined by one's qualifications. This is very practical. Suppose a man is born the son of a high-court judge. This does not mean that he himself is also a high-court judge
- Only Narayana Himself or His bona fide representative can preach the cult of Vaisnavism, or devotional service. When a Vaisnava is born, he delivers both his maternal and paternal families simultaneously
- Our practical experience is that we are born. Krsna is not born. We have to understand this. Understanding this is to be firmly convinced He is the cause, but is not caused
- Out of seven manasa-putras of Brahmaji and out of the seven great brahmana sages, Atri was one. In his family the great Pracetas were also born
- Out of these three qualities - goodness, passion & ignorance - the ignorance & passion are base quality, and goodness is first-class quality. So the human life means we are born either in the base qualities. . . Nobody is born in the first-class quality
- Over and over again Vasudeva glanced at his child, and he considered how to celebrate this auspicious moment: “Generally, when a male child is born,” he thought, “people observe the occasion with jubilant celebrations
- People are willing to give up their lives for the land where they were born, but they do not know that land, body, wife, children, country and society really have nothing to do with them
- Please tell me whether the original Personalities of God, who incarnated Themselves at the request of Brahma (who is born out of the lotus flower) & who increased the prosperity of the world by elevating everyone, are doing well in the house of Surasena
- Prahlada Maharaja prayed: How is it possible for me, who have been born in a family of asuras, to offer suitable prayers to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- Rathitara had no sons, and therefore he requested the great sage Angira to beget sons for him. Because of this request, Angira begot sons in the womb of Rathitara's wife. All these sons were born with brahminical prowess
- Regarding Narada, it is understood that because his previous life was very pious and his association very good, he was born as Narada. Others were also born in their own capacities, according to their backgrounds
- Regarding the baby Acarya das, yes, the name is approved by me and it is a very nice thing that he was born with umbilical cord wrapped like sacred thread
- Regarding your question about my birth. I was born September 1, 1896, Tuesday at about 4:00 in the afternoon. My rasi is Metthuna
- Regardless of the community in which one was born, if one develops the qualities of a brahmana he should be accepted as a brahmana, and he then may be offered the order of sannyasa
- Rsyasrnga performed a son-giving sacrifice on behalf of Maharaja Dasaratha, who had no issue, and then Maharaja Dasaratha had sons. From Romapada, by the mercy of Rsyasrnga, Caturanga was born, and from Caturanga came Prthulaksa
- Rudra is stated to be the son of Brahma. So Brahma is the son, or born out of the lotus flower from the abdomen of Visnu. Visnu is expansion of Krsna. In this way Krsna is the origin of everything. That is a fact
- Rupa Gosvami said, "As far as philosophical knowledge or pious words are concerned, I don't see any opportunity for me to execute such activities. But above all, I am not even born of a nice family"
- Sacidevi and Jagannatha Misra, with the newborn child, were honored by Sita Thakurani. Similarly, while Sita Thakurani was returning home, she was also honored by Sacidevi and Jagannatha Misra. That was the system in respectable families of Bengal
- Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are never born, but They can manifest Themselves in various incarnations before the eyes of pure devotees. This is the conclusion of all Vedic literature
- Satyavati, however, pacified Rcika Muni with peaceful words and requested that her son not be like a fierce ksatriya. Rcika Muni replied, "Then your grandson will be of a ksatriya spirit." Thus Jamadagni was born as the son of Satyavati
- She (Kunti) called for the demigod Vayu (air), and thus Bhima was born. She called for Indra, the King of heaven, and thus Arjuna was born. The other two sons, namely Nakula and Sahadeva, were begotten by Pandu himself in the womb of Madri
- Since born one is taken care, he thinks "Now, I have got so comfortable life." And again becomes old, disgusted, so he cannot live disgusting, therefore Krsna is so kind: "All right, change body again"
- Since Murari Gupta was born in a physician's family (vaidya-vamsa), he practiced as a physician, and with whatever income he earned he maintained his family
- Since the eighth son of Devaki was to kill Kamsa, one might ask what the need was for Vasudeva to deliver the first-born child. The answer is that Vasudeva had promised Kamsa that he would deliver all the children born of Devaki
- So not only in America, everywhere, it is not easy that one man is born immediately very rich and one man is born in very poor family or very ugly family. There is distinction. There is some superior authority. It is not accident
- So one who has got this sacred thread, he is called dvijah, twice-born. Twice-born. Once born by the father and mother, and the next birth is given by the spiritual master and Vedic literature
- Somaka had one hundred sons, of whom the youngest was Prsata. From Prsata was born King Drupada, who was opulent in all supremacy
- Some of them are born as exalted personalities, some are ordinary human beings, and some are extremely abominable, for in Bharata - varsa one takes birth exactly according to one's past karma
- Sometimes a child is born despite contraceptive methods, and therefore the parents kill the child in the womb
- Sometimes a child is born even to an impotent father and sterile mother, and sometimes a potent father and fertile mother are childless
- Sometimes a Vaisnava born in a village, he purifies the whole village. These are statement in authentic scriptures
- Sometimes we get news from newspaper that a child is born. He is speaking about his previous birth. Perhaps you know. Sometimes it may be possible in extraordinary cases. But it is a fact. It is a fact that in my previous life I had also another body
- Son is born by the semina, and the disciple is born by Vedic knowledge
- Spiritual nature, however, is unborn, and at once we can see the difference. The material nature is born. You have to understand; if Krsna is unborn then He is spiritual, not like one of us
- Sri Suta Gosvami said: O God, although we are born in a mixed caste, we are still promoted in birthright simply by serving and following the great who are advanced in knowledge
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has analyzed the wonder of Vasudeva upon seeing his extraordinary child (Krsna). Vasudeva was shivering with wonder to see a newborn child decorated so nicely with valuable garments and gems
- Such are the criticisms that must be borne by the servants of Narada Muni in the disciplic succession
- Sukadeva answered Pariksit, "My dear King, this person was born in the very great family of King Iksvaku, in which Lord Ramacandra was also born, and he happened to be the son of a great king known as Mandhata"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O Maharaja Pariksit, descendant of Maharaja Bharata, I shall now describe the dynasty of Puru, in which you were born, in which many saintly kings appeared, and from which many dynasties of brahmanas began
- Sukadeva Gosvami says, "Accepting them as their born sons, they lifted them into their arms and began to embrace them, resting the children's bodies upon their own"
- Superficially it appears that a child is born due to the combination of the father and mother, but the ultimate cause of both the father and the mother is Krsna
- Suppose one is born in a nice brahmin family, a Vaisnava family, he gets chance immediately by his father's example, by his mother's example, by his family tradition. So naturally he gets the chance
- Suta Gosvami said, "When the second millennium overlapped the third, the great sage (Vyasadeva) was born to Parasara in the womb of Satyavati, the daughter of Vasu"
- Svado ’pi sadyah savanaya kalpate. One may be born in a family of dog-eaters, but he can perform sacrifices simply by chanting the maha-mantra
- That a person was born by the churning of the thighs of King Vena proves that the spirit soul is individual and separate from the body
- That boy was born partially in the dynasty of irreligion. His grandfather was death personified, and the boy grew up as his follower; he became a greatly irreligious person
- That is the benediction of worshiping Your lotus feet. To ignorant devotees like me, You are the causelessly merciful maintainer, just like a cow, who takes care of the newly born calf by supplying milk and giving it protection from attack
- The administrative demigods and past forefathers of the family come to see a newly born child & such an occasion is specifically accepted as the proper time for distributing wealth to the right persons productively for the spiritual advancement of society
- The asuras, they do not want to be purified. They want to remain in the degraded stage of life. That is the difficulty. Otherwise it doesn't matter what he is, which family he's born. It doesn't matter
- The beautiful girl Sakuntala was born by their (Visvamitra Muni and Menaka) conjugation. When Sakuntala was born, Visvamitra lamented. - Oh I was just trying to cultivate spiritual knowledge, and again I have been entrapped
- The body is born and is destined to be vanquished today or tomorrow. Therefore the body is not as important as the soul. One who knows this is actually learned. For him there is no cause for lamentation in any stage of the material body
- The body is born at a certain time, and immediately the influence of time acts upon it. From the date of the birth of the body, the influence of death is also acting; the advancement of age entails the influence of time on the body
- The body is born in a particular land. Therefore I am national. - Bhauma ijya-dhih. They're sacrificing so much their energy for the particular land because by accident he's born in this life in that land
- The body is born, it grows, it stays, it produces by-products, then it begins to decay, and at the last stage it vanishes. Therefore the field is a nonpermanent material thing. However, the ksetra-jna, the knower of the field, its proprietor, is different
- The body is the representation of all these factors, and there are changes of the body, which are six in number: the body is born, it grows, it stays, it produces by-products, then begins to decay, and at the last stage it vanishes. BG 1972 purports
- The body of Garbhodakasayi Visnu is described as sprouting the lotus stem within which all the planets of the universe remain, and at the top of the stem is the lotus flower on which Lord Brahma is born
- The body we have now is dated. At a certain date I was born of my father and mother, and now this body will stay for some time
- The brahmana also accused the King of being ksatra-bandhu, which refers to a person born in the family of ksatriyas, or the royal order, but lacking the qualifications of a royal personality
- The brahmanas said,O son of Prtha, this child shall be exactly like Iksvaku, son of Manu, in maintaining all those who are born. & as for following the brahminical principles, especially in being true to his promise, he shall be exactly like Rama
- The child conceived first is born later, and the one conceived later is brought forth first
- The descendants of Irreligion and Falsity, born one after another, are Bluffing, Cheating, Greed, Cunning, Anger, Envy, Quarrel, Harsh Speech, Death, Fear, Severe Pain and Hell
- The desires and life symptoms displayed by all living entities are simply reflections of the desires and life symptoms of the supreme father. In other words, our desires are born because He has desires
- The devotee has that much mental strength, and he prays to the Lord: "May I be born again and again, but let me be born in the home of Your pure devotee so that I may again get a chance to develop myself
- The different forms of Krsna are distributed throughout the universe to give pleasure to the devotees. It is not that devotees are born only in India. There are devotees in all parts of the world, but they have simply forgotten their identity
- The father is training, mother is training. Are you not born foolish? In the Bhagavata says, abodha-jatah: "born foolish." Everyone is born rascal. So if he does not take help from the authorities how he can make progress?
- The father, after the child is born, must take care of the child and work hard to provide for its education. Therefore the Vedic literature says, bahu-duhkha-bhajah: (SB 7.9.45) after sex, legitimate or illegitimate, there are so many troubles
- The forefathers of the flute, the bamboo trees, shed tears of pleasure. His mother, the river on whose bank the bamboo was born, feels jubilation, and therefore her blooming lotus flowers are standing like hair on her body
- The four sages (Kumaras) were the first-born sons of Brahma. Therefore all other living entities, including Lord Siva, are born later and are therefore younger than the four Kumaras
- The gopis were born not of any highly cultured family but of cowherd men, yet they developed the highest love of Krsna, who is the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the Supreme Brahman
- The governor then submissively asked, "Why was I born in a Muslim family? This is considered a low birth. Why didn't supreme Providence grant me a birth in a Hindu family"
- The great sage named Agastya married the first-born daughter of Malayadhvaja, the avowed devotee of Lord Krsna. From her one son was born, whose name was Drdhacyuta, and from him another son was born, whose name was Idhmavaha
- The great sage Narada said: When a living entity is born to engage in the DS of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme controller, his birth, all his fruitive activities, his life-span, his mind and his words are all factually perfect
- The great sage Rcika was very angry, but somehow or other Satyavati pacified him, and at her request he changed his mind. It is indicated here (in SB 9.15.11) that the son of Jamadagni would be born as Parasurama
- The heart is situated within the chest, and although instrumentally the son is born with the aid of the genitals, he is actually born from within the heart
- The heavenly society girl named Pramloca kept the lotus-eyed daughter of Kandu in the care of the forest trees. Then she went back to the heavenly planet. This daughter was born by the coupling of the Apsara named Pramloca with the sage Kandu
- The husband, according to Vedic instruction, is required to please the wife with sufficient food, ornaments and clothing. Then, if they are satisfied with their mutual dealings, good children are born. In this way the entire world can become peaceful
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana said, "By the will of the supreme authority and according to the results of our own work, we may take our birth anywhere. It doesn’t matter where we are born, but our only prayer is that we may simply be engaged in KC"
- The institution of varna and asrama prescribes many regulative duties to be observed by the father - There are, dasa-vidha-samskara, reformatory - how it is scientific, just to bring the born child to the standard of civilization
- The knower of the body is never born and never dies, and he is full of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The Kumaras are described herein (in SB 4.22.6) as the elder brothers of Lord Siva. When the Kumaras were born out of the body of Lord Brahma, they were requested to get married and increase the population
- The living being grows little by little within the womb, is born, then continues growing, becomes a child, boy, youth, adult, old man, then finally dwindles and meets death, despite all the good wishes and hopeful pipe dreams of fiction writers
- The living entity is never born and never dies. Because he is eternal, his activities are eternal, although they are performed in different types of bodies
- The living entity is satisfied in any abominable condition. Even if he is born as a worm living within the intestine or abdomen in the midst of urine and stool, still he is satisfied. This is the covering influence of maya
- The Lord (Krsna) is described in the Third Canto (SB 3.2.15) as follows: paravareso mahad-amsa-yukto hy ajo 'pi jato bhagavan. Although unborn, the Lord, the master of everything, appears like a born child by entering the mind of a devotee
- The Lord is so merciful that not only does He fulfill the desires of a devotee who is driven by ignorance and desires for material benefit, but He also gives such a devotee all protection, just as a cow gives milk to a newly born calf
- The Lord's potencies are innumerable. As He lies down in the water of devastation, I am born as the total universal energy from the navel lake in which the lotus sprouts
- The mass of people, especially in this age of Kali, are all born sudras, basically lowborn, ill-trained, unfortunate and badly associated. They themselves do not know the highest perfectional aim of life
- The materialistic theory that there is no soul and that a child is born simply by material combination of the sperm and ovum is not very feasible. It is unacceptable
- The menstrual period prolongs at least for 5 days, so after this 5 days, one can have sex life provided he desires to get a child. And as soon as the wife is pregnant, no more sex life, until the child is born and is grown up at least for 6 months
- The modern English law of primogeniture, or the law of inheritance by the firstborn, was also prevalent in those days when Maharaja Yudhisthira ruled the earth and seas
- The most important demigods (devas) are Brahma, Siva & Visnu. In the beginning of the creation there is Lord Visnu, & from Lord Visnu, Brahma is born. From Lord Brahma, Lord Siva is born, & these three gods take charge of three modes of material nature
- The mother and other relatives are awaiting the child, and as soon as he is born, the mother feeds him, and everyone takes care of him. The living entity soon forgets his position and becomes entangled in bodily relationships
- The motorcar civilization, it was born. And now the time has come it is dwindling, and it will be finished. Just like railway, railway no more interest, anybody. But when it was invented, it was very important. Now it is useless
- The Muslim Kazi called him (Haridasa Thakura) forth and said, - You are a Muhammadan, born in a great Muhammadan family, yet you are chanting this Hindu Hare Krsna mantra. What is this
- The Nagapatnis said, "My Lord, although he (Kaliya) is born in a species of life which is fostered by the most abominable mode of material nature, accompanied with the quality of anger, this king of the serpents has achieved something very, very rare"
- The offspring of any living being is born after the father impregnates the mother with semen, and the living entity floating in the semen of the father takes the shape of the mother's form
- The once-born man is unfit to chant the Vedic hymns, and therefore there is no practical utility of chanting the original hymns
- The personified Vedas stated that persons born after the creation of this material world cannot understand the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by manipulating their material knowledge
- The physical nature is constantly changing. Material bodies generally pass through six stages: they are born, they grow, they remain for some duration, they produce some by-products, they dwindle, and then they vanish. BG 1972 purports
- The poetic compositions of Bhavabhuti, or Srikantha, include Malati-madhava, Uttara-carita, Vira-carita and many similar Sanskrit dramas. This great poet was born during the time of Bhojaraja as the son of Nilakantha, a brahmana
- The purport of this expression by Vasudeva is this: although he had eight sons born in the womb of Devaki, unfortunately they were all gone. He could not even keep his one son Krsna with him
- The sages began to think within themselves: Because he was born from the womb of Sunitha, Vena is by nature very mischievous. Supporting this mischievous king is exactly like maintaining a snake with milk. Now he has become a source of all difficulties
- The same message also declared that she (Draupadi) was born to kill many a ksatriya. By dint of her blessings from Sankara, she was awarded five husbands, equally qualified
- The Sankara-sampradaya awards the sannyasa order only to caste brahmanas, or born brahmanas, but in the Vaisnava system even one not born in a brahmana family may be made a brahmana according to the direction of the Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- The scholar may be born an extraordinary man due to his previous good work, but this conception of Krsna is due to a poor fund of knowledge. Therefore he is called mudha. for only foolish persons consider Krsna to be an ordinary human being. BG 1972 pur
- The scorpion lays its eggs in piles of rice, and sometimes it is said that the scorpion is born out of rice. But the rice is not the cause of the scorpion. Actually, the eggs were laid by the mother. BG 1972 purports
- The Siddhas, the inhabitants of Siddha-loka (where all are born with fully developed mystic powers), and the Caranas, the inhabitants of a similar planet, pray to Krsna as follows
- The signs pointed out by Vidura in the body of Dhrtarastra were signs of apaksaya, or dwindling of the material body before the last stroke of death. The body is born, it develops, stays, creates other bodies, dwindles and then vanishes
- The social and the scriptural rules and regulations were followed. So when a child is born the astrologer is called. Still that system is followed. But due to this Kali-yuga the astrologer has also become a false, and this has become a formality
- The son of Carupada was Sudyu, and the son of Sudyu was Bahugava. Bahugava's son was Samyati. From Samyati came a son named Ahamyati, from whom Raudrasva was born
- The son of Jayadratha, by the womb of his wife Sambhuti, was Vijaya, and from Vijaya, Dhrti was born. From Dhrti came Dhrtavrata; from Dhrtavrata, Satkarma; and from Satkarma, Adhiratha
- The son of Maharaja Khatvanga was Dirghabahu, and his son was the celebrated Maharaja Raghu. From Maharaja Raghu came Aja, and from Aja was born the great personality Maharaja Dasaratha
- The son of Mahinara will be Dandapani, and his son will be Nimi, from whom King Ksemaka will be born. I have now described to you the moon-god's dynasty, which is the source of brahmanas and ksatriyas and is worshiped by demigods and great saints
- The son of Romapada was Babhru, from whom there came a son named Krti. The son of Krti was Usika, and the son of Usika was Cedi. From Cedi was born the king known as Caidya and others
- The son of Sankalpa was known as Sankalpa, and from him lust was born. The sons of Vasu were known as the eight Vasus. Just hear their names from me: Drona, Prana, Dhruva, Arka, Agni, Dosa, Vastu and Vibhavasu
- The son of Satadyumna was named Suci. From Suci, Sanadvaja was born, and from Sanadvaja came a son named Urjaketu. The son of Urjaketu was Aja, and the son of Aja was Purujit
- The son of Srutasrava was Sisupala, whose birth has already been described (in the Seventh Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam). Vasudeva's brother named Devabhaga had two sons born of his wife, Kamsa. These two sons were Citraketu and Brhadbala
- The son was in the womb of Sivananda's wife, and when Sivananda returned home the son was born
- The sons born of Krodhavasa were the serpents known as dandasuka, as well as other serpents and the mosquitoes. All the various creepers and trees were born from the womb of Ila. The Raksasas, bad spirits, were born from the womb of Surasa
- The speculation business is useless in spiritual advance. It may help Darwin to come to the conclusion that man is born from monkey. Because he is from monkey, he thinks others also from monkey
- The spirit soul is never born, nor can he ever die. He has no past, present, or future, because he is eternal. And although very old, he is always fresh and does not become annihilated even after the annihilation of the body
- The supply source is God Himself, for even Brahma is also subject to this regulation of the supreme creator. In the beginning of the creation, Brahma is born first without any father and mother because before him there were no other living beings
- The system of karma-yoga obliges one to remain in Devi-dhama and repeatedly be born and die, changing his material covering according to the standard of karma he performs
- The ten-month-old living entity has these desires even while in the womb. But while he thus extols the Lord, the wind that helps parturition propels him forth with his face turned downward so that he may be born
- The theory of the asuras is that the living entities are born of material nature, or prakrti, in touch with the purusa
- The three sons born of Anasuya - Dattatreya, Durvasa and Soma - were born as partial representations of these three demigods. Atma is not in the category of the demigods or living entities because He is Visnu
- The transcendental qualities are conducive to liberation, whereas the demonic qualities make for bondage. Do not worry, O son of Pandu, for you are born with the divine qualities. BG 16.5 - 1972
- The two parts were thrown in the forest, where a great she-demon used to live, and she was glad to have some delicate flesh and blood from the newly born child. Out of curiosity she joined the two parts, and the child became complete and regained life
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy - BG 6.41
- The untrained descendants of the twice-born families are no more like their forefathers, and thus they are counted amongst the sudras, or once-born men
- The Vedas enjoin that one is born as his own son. The son is nondifferent from the father, and this is admitted in every revealed scripture
- The very example of Devahuti was that when she was not married, she was under the care of her father, Svayambhuva Manu and he gave her to Kardama Muni in charity. She was under the care of her husband in her youth, and then her son, Kapila Muni, was born
- The water is the same, but at one time it brings happiness and at another time it brings distress. When a son is born, he brings happiness, but when he dies, he brings distress. In either case, the son is the same
- The whole universe is born out of the lotus stem which sprouted from the navel of the Lord. Lord Brahma sat on the top of this lotus stem to create the whole universe
- The word anuvratah is significant. A person who follows the ksatriya principles by protecting society from thieves and miscreants is called a ksatriya, not the one who is simply born a ksatriya
- The word kalah is significant. Although the child was born to kill Kamsa, Kamsa thought that this was the proper time to kill the child so that he himself would be saved
- The word nrnam indicates that lower animals are not expected to engage in the devotional service of the Lord. But in perfect human society everyone should engage in the ds of the Lord. It does not matter whether one is born poor or rich, black or white
- The word papa-yonayah means - born into a lower class
- The word purusa is significant in this verse (SB 3.6.31) because the ksatriyas are expected to represent the purusa Lord in giving protection to the prajas, or all those who are born in the land and water. Protection is meant for both man and the animals
- The words nirmanthanaj jatah indicate that by the rubbing of the aranis a son was born
- The Yamadutas replied: That which is prescribed in the Vedas constitutes dharma, the religious principles, and the opposite of that is irreligion. The Vedas are directly the SPG, Narayana, and are self-born. This we have heard from Yamaraja
- There are changes of the body, which are six in number: the body is born, it grows, it stays, it produces by-products, then it begins to decay, and at the last stage it vanishes
- There are four types of living entities born within this material world. Some are born by way of an embryo (jarayu ja), by way of eggs (anda ja), perspiration (sveda ja) and, like the trees, by way of seeds - udbhijja
- There are many debts which are imposed upon a child just after his birth. There are debts to the family in which one is born, debts to the demigods, debts to the Pitas, debts to the rsis, etc
- There are many historical instances by which we can understand that from ksatriyas many brahmanas have been born and that from brahmanas many ksatriyas have been born
- There are many insignificant living entities, like cockroaches, that sometimes give us pain, and there are also other living entities who are born on different kinds of planets and who give us (adhibhautika) miseries
- There are many instances in which a born brahmana took initiation from a person who was not born in a brahmana family. The brahminical symptoms are explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam - 7.11.35
- There are many instances of one's being born a ksatriya or vaisya or even lower and, in the eighteenth year, attaining elevation to the brahminical platform by the process of initiation
- There are many other evidences, if you believe in sastra: Krsna married 16,108 wives, and He provided each one of them with a big palace, and each one of them had 10 children, and from the 10 children there were many other children born
- There are ten kinds of samskaras, reformation. And how much careful this Vedic civilization is, that a child will be born and he is taken care of since the day of the, I mean to say, joining, conjugation of the father and mother
- There are two kinds of children born of good fathers: one is educated in Krsna consciousness so that he can be delivered from the clutches of maya in that very life
- There is a chain of continuation from one life to another, from previous lives to this life, and from this life to future lives. This is also sometimes proved by saying that a man is a born poet, a born scientist or a born devotee
- There is a history behind the pair of arjuna trees. In their previous lives, the trees were born as the human sons of Kuvera, and their names were Nalakuvara and Manigriva. Fortunately, they came within the vision of the Lord
- There is a need of such vipras (good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations) in the social structure, and it is the duty of the state to maintain them comfortably
- There is a very nice verse by Canakya Pandit: "No one is anyone's friend, no one is anyone's enemy. It is only by behavior that one can understand who is his friend and who is his enemy." No one is born our enemy, and no one is born our friend
- There is no need to check the growth of population if the children are born as human beings with all precautions regarding their birth. So-called birth control is not only vicious but also useless
- Thereafter, in due course of time, a son was born to the King. Hearing news of this, all the inhabitants of the state of Surasena were extremely pleased
- These four laws of material nature are that as soon as you've accepted this body, then you must accept death. Anything which is born must meet death also. Birth, death. And in the via media there is old age and disease
- These sages (advanced sages who were captivated by the beauty of Lord Ramacandra and who desired to become women in order to embrace the Lord) appeared in Gokula Vrndavana when Krsna advented Himself there, and they were born as gopis, or girl friends
- They (advanced sages who were captivated by the beauty of Lord Ramacandra and who desired to become women in order to embrace the Lord) were born as gopis, or girl friends of Krsna. In this way they attained the perfection of spiritual life
- They (low family born) have to await their next birth in a family of brahmanas so that they can perform the Vedic rituals. But actually that is not the case. Such a man does not need to wait for the next birth to become purified. He is at once purified
- They (the brahmanas) began to talk among themselves: "To hell with our being born brahmanas! To hell with our learning all the Vedic literatures! To hell with our performing great sacrifices and observing all the rules and regulations"
- They (the counselors of Kamsa) were not very experienced or learned, they began to give instructions to Kamsa as follows, Dear sir, let us now make arrangements to kill all children who were born within the last ten days in all towns, counties & villages
- They (the demons) conclude that as a child is simply the result of sexual intercourse between man and woman, this world is born without any soul. BG 1972 purports
- They (the Kumaras) refused (to get married and beget children), and at that time Lord Brahma was angry. In that angry mood, Rudra, or Lord Siva, was born. Thus they were intimately related
- They (the Mayavadis) do not know that at present everyone is born a sudra
- They (the watchmen and the others in the prison house) awakened when they heard the crying of the newborn child, Yogamaya
- They (Vidura and Akrura) pacified her (Kunti), saying that her sons were extraordinarily powerful; she should not be perturbed about them, since they were born of great demigods like Yamaraja, Indra and Vayu
- They have been given a chance to come to this naughty place, this Earth; and so, being born in a particular place, they have a particular kind of body - and they are mad after it
- Things are born or created under certain conditions, they stay for some time, and, if they continue to live, they grow, procreate, gradually dwindle and finally vanish
- This (thinking the body & the land where it was born is all in all) is the basic principle behind nationalism, socialism and communism
- This chapter describes the dynasty in which the great and learned scholar Janaka was born. This is the dynasty of Maharaja Nimi, who is said to have been the son of Iksvaku.
- This child is born out of my womb, and this is the last phase of his life, to come into this womb of any animal or man - no more material body - That should be the responsibility of father and mother. That is the direction of Bhagavata
- This human form of life is very rare. It is a great opportunity. Therefore Prahlada says - My dear friends, you are born as civilized human beings, so although your human body is temporary, it is the greatest opportunity
- This is animal consciousness, "There is no origin." There must be origin. My origin is my father, cause, I am born by my father. Common sense. Then his father, then his father, his father, go on, go on, although you do not know, but this is a fact
- This is called jata-karma. Just after the child is born, this astrologer will come and he will see the moment, the astronomical situation, and make a horoscope, and then immediately his future activities and everything will be clearly made
- This is especially true for boys; if the mother is not good, there cannot be good sons. The learned Kasyapa could foresee the character of the sons who would be born of the condemned womb of Diti
- This lack of Krsna consciousness is called ignorance. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (5.5.5) it is called parabhavas tavad abodha jatah. Everyone is born ignorant. The Bhagavatam therefore says that we are all born ignorant within this material world
- This person who is born in the sva-paca family, candala family, he is called papa-yoni. Yoni means mother, and bija means father. Bija may be nice, but if the yoni is not nice, that is called varna-sankara
- This should not be misunderstood (the Lord entering the womb of Aditi). One should not think that the Lord became the son of Aditi the way an ordinary child is born because of sexual intercourse between man and woman
- This theory also cannot be accepted, because both the material nature and the Supreme Personality of Godhead are eternally existing. Neither the material nature nor the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be born
- This we can experience, that as soon as the spirit is entered into the womb of the mother, they develops skin and the child develops body. So this is very practical, that first of all, not that simply by sexual intercourse a child is born
- Those who are born in such families (aristocratic families) may take advantage of the facilities and try to elevate themselves to full Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are born into this family of Yadu are all My eternal associates. Dear wife, you should not consider that My associates are ever separated from Me; they are My personal expansions, as such, you must know that they are almost as powerful as I am
- Those who are born with divine qualities follow a regulated life; that is to say they abide by the injunctions in scriptures & by the authorities. 1 should perform duties in the light of authoritative scripture. This mentality is called divine. BG 1972 p
- Those who are elevated to the higher planets again come back into the same family for which they had too much attachment; they are born, and the fruitive activities continue again until the end of life
- Those who are not brahmanas-stri, sudra, vaisya and dvija-bandhu... Dvija-bandhu means born in higher family, brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya, but does not take care of the real values of life or does not know what is spiritual life
- Thus all living creatures within this material world, including Brahma, all the demigods and all the Raksasas, are to be considered modern. This means that they were all born recently
- To become a pure devotee of Lord Krsna, two things are very much essential, namely having a chance to be born in the family of a devotee and having the blessings of a bona fide spiritual master. By the grace of Lord Krsna, Pariksit had both opportunities
- To save the people from the danger of an unregulated government, the sages churned Maharaja Nimi's material body, from which, as a result, a son was born
- To say nothing of the spiritual advancement of persons who see the Supreme Person face to face, even a person born in a family of dog-eaters becomes immediately eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices if he once utters the holy name of the S P of Godhead
- To support the word adbhutam, meaning "wonderful," the decorations and opulences of the newborn child are fully described - herein SB 10.3.9-10
- Turmeric mixed with oil and vermilion makes an auspicious ointment that is smeared over the body of a newborn baby or a person who is going to marry. These are all auspicious activities in family affairs
- Two birds are born, two eggs: one male, one female, from the very beginning. We are also born brother and sister. But human society does not allow sex between brother and sister. Still formality is there. Human life is advanced
- Under the influence of material desire, the entity is born sometimes as a demigod, sometimes as a man, sometimes as a beast, as a bird, as a worm, as an aquatic, as a saintly man, as a bug. This is going on. BG 1972 purports
- Under the regulative principles of the Supreme, such mischievous persons (who are envious of God) are thrown into the darkest region of material existence and are born of asuras, or atheists
- Unless one comes to this point of understanding atma-tattva, one remains in the darkness in which he was born. Under the circumstances, no one can understand the plan of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Upon your recommendation, I am accepting the following twice born brahmanas; Koshalendra Das Adhikari, Jyoti Das Adhikari. Enclosed please find their threads sanctified by me
- Vasudeva did this in order that his poor wife might be saved. And Vasudeva thought, "When Devaki's son is born, Kamsa may have a change of heart." But Kamsa was such a great demon that he killed all the sons of Devaki
- Vasudeva expressed his sorrow due to not being able to give protection to his own sons born of Devaki. He was thinking that religious principles, economic development and the satisfaction of his senses were therefore all lost
- Vasudeva is that state from which Krsna, Vasudeva, is born, so Lord Siva is the greatest devotee of Lord Krsna, and Sati's behavior is exemplary because no one should tolerate blasphemy against Lord Visnu or His devotee
- Vasudeva saw that wonderful child born as a baby wearing bracelets, earrings and similar other ornaments all over His body, and beautified by an abundance of hair on His head
- Vasudeva saw that wonderful child born as a baby wearing the jeweled necklace of kaustubha stone, dressed in yellow silk, appearing dazzling like a bright blackish cloud, wearing a helmet bedecked with the vaidurya stone, valuable bracelets
- Vasudeva saw that wonderful child born as a baby with four hands, holding conchshell, club, disc and lotus flower, decorated with the mark of Srivatsa
- Vasudeva thought: Even if a son is born and I deliver him to Kamsa, Kamsa may die at his hands, for by providence anything could happen. It is very difficult to understand how things are managed by providence
- Vasudeva was so steadily equipoised that he did not seem in the least agitated when delivering his first-born child into the hands of Kamsa to be killed
- Vasudeva was very anxious about Krsna's safety. He knew that Kamsa and his followers were trying to kill Krsna by sending various kinds of demons. They had already resolved that all children born within ten days of the birthday of Krsna should be killed
- Vasudeva was very much disturbed by fear of becoming a liar by breaking his promise. Thus with great pain he delivered his first-born son, named Kirtiman, into the hands of Kamsa - SB 10.1.57
- Vedic astrology reveals whether one has been born in the vipra-varna, ksatriya-varna, vaisya-varna or sudra-varna, according to the three qualities of material nature
- Vedic knowledge means the instruction given by Krsna to the first living being, Lord Brahma. Janmady asya yatah. From Krsna everything is born, everything is emanated
- Very nice example. We are changing bodies. When you were born, there was no beard - clean shaved or no hair. So that body has changed. It is not the same body. In which body you came out of the womb of your mother, that was a small body
- Very simple philosophy. Because we are part and parcel of Krsna. If Krsna is born, then I am born. If Krsna is not born, then I'm . . . I am not born. Krsna is aja, so we are also aja
- Visnu said: I gave you the benediction that I would take birth as your son three times. First, I was known as Prsnigarbha, born of Prsni & Sutapa, next birth I was Upendra, born of Aditi & Kasyapa, and now I am born as Krsna from you, Devaki & Vasudeva
- Visnu said: I know you are very concerned about Me and afraid of Kamsa. Therefore I order you to take Me immediately to Gokula and exchange Me for the daughter who has just been born to Yasoda
- Visrava had two wives. The first wife was Idavida, from whom Kuvera, the master of all Yaksas, was born, and the next wife was named Kesini, from whom three sons were born - Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhisana
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks here that this Vaikuntha planet, like Srimad-Bhagavatam, appears & is said to be born or created, but both SB & Vaikuntha eternally exist beyond the material universes, which are enveloped by eight kinds of coverings
- Vrddhasarma married the daughter of Sura named Srutadeva, from whose womb Dantavakra was born
- Vrddhasarma, the King of Karusa, married Kunti's sister Srutadeva, and from her womb Dantavakra was born. Having been cursed by the sages headed by Sanaka, Dantavakra had formerly been born as the son of Diti named Hiranyaksa
- We are born ignorant. And if we are educated more, more, more into the platform of ignorance, then our life is all defeat
- We are born, every one of us born and nourished by this material nature. This is a fact, one can see. So who is the father? The mother is there, material nature, and we are children there
- We are not meant for death, neither we are meant for birth. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita. Na jayate na mriyate va: "The spirit soul is never born, neither he dies." Nityah sasvato
- We are now all engaged in enmity among ourselves because of this one subject matter - the container of nectar. Although we have been born in the same family, we are becoming increasingly inimical
- We do not accept Darwin's theory. According to Darwin's theory, homo sapiens came later on, but we see that the most intelligent personality, Brahma, is born first
- We have experience, all of us, that we are born, and we have a cause; our father is our cause. If someone poses himself as God, he has to prove that he is unborn and uncaused
- We have got this body produced, or born, at a certain date. It keeps, sustains, for a certain period - say fifty years, sixty years or a hundred years, utmost - and then again it is destroyed
- We have got very good experience about this materialistic way of life, hard struggle for life. But the human society, it is also stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, human being, they are born of the quality of passion
- We have to make program. Because this is most misleading. The whole human society is affected by this misleading theory - life is born out of matter
- We offer them the sacred thread although they are born, according to Vedic culture, in the families of other than Brahmanas or even than the Sudras
- We receive knowledge from the authorities, and out of such many acaryas, or authorities, who have appeared and disappeared . . . we don't say born and die. No
- We should not mistakenly understand that He (The Lord) was born just like an ordinary living entity from the semen of Kardama Muni in the womb of Devahuti
- What we have to make an asura a deva. That is our process. Krsna consciousness means that it is not that if a man is born in an asura family he cannot be deva. No. He can be deva
- When a child is born his form is small, but in the course of time that form changes into a larger form, the body of a boy, and then the body of a young man
- When a child is born, it is to be understood that his particular type of body is the beginning of another set of activities, and when an old man dies, it is to be understood that one set of reactionary activities is finished
- When a child is born, maya, or the illusory energy, is so strong that he is immediately overpowered into considering his body to be his self
- When a child is born, the parents immediately see to its maintenance. This tendency for maintenance of offspring is present not only in human society, but in animal society as well
- When a ksatriya or brahmana adopts the occupation or duty of a vaisya (krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam (BG 18.44)), he is certainly counted as a vaisya. On the other hand, if one is born a vaisya, by his activities he can become a brahmana
- When a man is born, his horoscope is made, and when a man dies, how does he go, where he is going, what is his situation, by astronomical calculation they can say
- When a person is born even in human society, he remains a sudra. Sudra means almost like animal. Now he has to be reformed. That is called samskara. Then twice-born
- When Aghasura was killed & the demigods were looking on the incident with great surprise, Brahma, who was born of the lotus flower growing out of the navel of Visnu, also came to see. He was surprised how a little boy like Krsna could act so wonderfully
- When Brahma was born, there was no one to instruct him; therefore the Supreme Lord Himself instructed Brahma in Vedic knowledge through Brahma's heart
- When he (Kanu Thakura) was about twelve days old, Sri Nityananda Prabhu took him to His home at Khadadaha. It is ascertained that Kanu Thakura was born some time in the Bengali year 942 - A.D. 1535
- When He (Krsna) appeared before Devaki and Vasudeva, He was not born as an ordinary child; He appeared in His original form, and then He transformed Himself into an ordinary child. BG 1972 purports
- When I think of Lord Krsna - how He was born in the prison house of Vasudeva although He is unborn - this bewildering incident gives me distress
- When Krishna appeared on the earth Pradyumna appeared as His son born of Rukmini. The immediate expansion of Krishna is Baladeva who appeared as elder brother of Krishna and Baladeva expands Himself further as Sankarsana, Vasudeva, Pradyumna, Aniruddha
- When one knows of Krsna's birth and activities in truth, the result is: tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna (Bg. 4.9) - when he leaves this material body, he is not born again but goes directly to Krsna
- When Sakuntala approached him (Maharaja Dusmanta) with her newly born child, Maharaja Dusmanta refused to accept them as his wife and son
- When Saradvan met Urvasi, he discharged semen, which fell on a clump of sara grass. From this semen were born two all-auspicious babies, one male and the other female
- When the living entity is born in a species of lower animals, he completely forgets his relationship with the Lord and therefore remains always busy in the matter of eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating
- When the living entity is born with this material world - especially as a human being - he has several obligations unto the demigods, unto the saintly persons and unto living entities in general
- When the parents engage their minds in the lotus feet of the Lord and in such a state the child is born, naturally good devotee children come; when the society is full of such good population, there is no trouble from demoniac mentalities
- When the passion of the woman is greater, there is a chance of a girl's being born. When the passion of the man is greater, then there is the possibility of a son
- When Vasudeva was born, the demigods from the heavenly kingdom sounded kettledrums. Therefore Vasudeva, who provided the proper place for the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, was also known as Anakadundubhi
- When Vasudeva was convinced that the newborn child was the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, he bowed down with folded hands and began to offer Him prayers
- When Vasudeva, who is also called Anakadundubhi, was looking at his newborn baby, he was so happy that he wanted to give many thousands of cows in charity to the brahmanas
- Where there is no disagreement between husband and wife, all material opulence is present, and good children are born
- Whether they are born through an embryo, eggs, perspiration or seeds, all living entities in the 8,400,000 species of life are parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and each therefore is an individual spiritual spark and soul
- While playing on the bank of the Ganges, Adhiratha found a baby wrapped up in a basket. The baby had been left by Kunti because he was born before she was married. Because Adhiratha had no sons, he raised this baby as his own
- Why one is being born through the mother of a cat or through the mother of dog or a human being or a king or a demigod? Through mother you have to come out. That is called yoni
- Why one is born as a street dog and there is no food, and crying, barking, and somebody is capturing and eating and no protection? Why? Why kama-haitukam
- Why one is born in high family, rich family? Why other is poor family, or one is born in lower animals, one is born as demigods? What is that reason? The reason is karanam guna-sango 'sya
- Why the cow is not national? She's also born in the land, so she's as important a national as you are. Krsna has given her the grass to eat. She's not interfering with your food. Why? What right you have got to kill?
- Why there are dissimilarities? One man is born millionaires; another man is born, he cannot even have full meals twice a day, although he's struggling very hard. Why this discrimination
- Why we should treat the animals as different? Because there is no KC. I have got my consciousness that, "The human beings in America are my brothers, or my countrymen. They should be given all protection." And why not cows? They are also born in America
- With Saudasa's permission, Vasistha impregnated Saudasa's wife, Madayanti. Because Madayanti bore the child for many years but still could not give birth, Vasistha struck her abdomen with a stone, and thus a son was born. The son was named Asmaka
- Within Vasudeva's heart, affection for his son and knowledge of the Supreme Lord's transcendental nature both awakened In the beginning Vasudeva thought - Such a beautiful child has been born, but now Kamsa will come and kill Him
- Worship of demigods is discouraged herein because even the greatest demigods like Brahma and Siva only represent part of the opulence of the Supreme Lord. He is the origin of everyone born, and no one is greater than Him. BG 1972 purports
- Yato va imani bhutani jayante. "The Supreme Absolute Truth is that from which everything is born." He is the prime eternal among all eternals. He is the supreme living entity of all living entities, and He alone is maintaining all life. BG 1972 purports
- Yes, train up the brahmanas very carefully. Many Indians and foreigners criticize us how we can create brahmanas. They are under the impression that brahmanas are born like horses and asses are born
- Yoga means to get out of this embodiment, and it means to know oneself. This body is born of the parents. Similarly, as pure soul, you are also the source of its birth
- Yogamaya and Krsna were born simultaneously, and Vasudeva replaced Yogamaya with Krsna and took Yogamaya away. When she was brought to Mathura and Kamsa attempted to kill her, Yogamaya slipped out of his hands. She could not be killed
- You (Brahma) are the father of all living entities and the source of their subsistence because they are all born of you. Please order us how we may be able to render service unto you
- You have to act like a brahmin, and you have to acquire the qualification of a brahmin. Then you can become a brahmin. There is no impediment. Never mind wherever you were born. That doesn't matter
- You may think that, having been born in America, you are very happy. But you cannot remain an American for long. You will have to be kicked out of that place
- Your external energy, called deva-maya, at once captures the newly born child, and immediately false identification, which is the beginning of the cycle of continual birth and death, begins
- Yudhisthira, who was born without any enemy, was unfairly defeated in gambling. But because he had taken the vow of truthfulness, he went off to the forest