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Pages in category "Understand"
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- From this example we can understand
- Krsna consciousness movement means to understand...
- Real knowledge is to understand
- The miners understood there is no newspaper in hell
- The relative is lamenting, crying, "My father is gone." That means he never saw his father; he saw the body only. But at the time of death of his father he understands that this father is not this body; that is soul
- They are advertising as scientist, philosopher - false propaganda. They are nothing, all bokas. My Guru Maharaja used to say. In the beginning I could not understand, "Why he says everyone is boka?"
- Understand from the authorities
- Understand the attitude
- When there is a fire in a house, the neighbors understand the need, even though not expressed in the same language
- A child can see also the sunshine, but that does not mean he knows what is the sun, although the sunshine is coming from the sun. So unless you understand what is the actual sun, what is the person within the sun globe, our knowledge is imperfect
- A devotee can understand the purpose of creation, which is to give facilities to the individual living entities who want to lord it over material nature
- A devotee's relationship with the Supreme becomes manifest beyond all doubt, and he immediately understands that his position is that of eternal servant of the Lord
- A dog will dance, a cat will dance, a child will dance. There is no necessity of preliminary qualification for understanding this process, because it is from the spiritual platform. It is from the spiritual platform
- A dvija is not an ordinary man but one who has studied Vedic literature from a spiritual master and can discriminate between good and bad. It is supposed that he understands logic and philosophy. Sati put before him (Daksa) sound arguments
- A frog in a well was informed of the gigantic Pacific Ocean, and he began to puff himself up in order to understand or measure the length and breadth of the Pacific Ocean. Ultimately the frog burst and died
- A human being must be educated to understand his past life and how he can endeavor for a better life in the future
- A learned scholar, therefore, cannot understand the gopis' ecstatic feelings, which are firmly fixed upon the original form of Lord Krsna as the son of Nanda Maharaja
- A liberated person - one who has completely understood that he is not the body but a spirit soul - disregards past activities performed in ignorance and performs his present activities in such a way that they produce no reactions
- A liberated person understands that he is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord acting in accordance with the desire of the Supreme Lord, and there is no distinction between himself and the Supreme Lord, although both of them retain their individuality
- A living entity merged either in the material nature or in the spiritual nature does not give up his individuality. Real individuality is to understand oneself to be the eternal servitor of God. This information is received from the mouth of Caitanya
- A lot of migratory fish and crabs, for example, are no longer migrating to their traditional breeding grounds. So our work, our approach, is to attempt first to understand what has happened
- A materialistic rascal does not know that he is not the body but a spiritual soul within the body. However, one should understand his real position and cultivate knowledge by which to get free from bodily entanglement
- A person influenced by the external energy is called bahirmukha jana, a mundane person, because despite his perception, he cannot understand the real substance. Hearing Gopinatha Acarya say this, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya smiled, began to speak as follows
- A person may be enjoying the body of a prime minister or a president, but when he understands that he will be forced to accept the body of a dog or hog, he chooses not to leave the present body. Therefore he lies in a coma many days before death
- A person trained to the stage of understanding the Absolute Truth is a brahmana, and when such a brahmana is veda jna, he understands the purpose of Veda. The purpose of Veda is to understand the Absolute
- A person who directly applies these nine principles (hearing, chanting, remembering, etc.) in the service of the Lord is to be understood as a greatly learned man who has assimilated the Vedic literatures very well - SB 7.5.24
- A person who is addicted to the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra very easily gets the opportunity to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is no need for such a person to understand the grammatical jugglery in which Mayavadi sannyasis indulge
- A person who understands his constitutional position as a fragment of the Supreme Lord and engages himself in devotional service with all seriousness at once becomes immortal
- A responsible father never begets children like cats and dogs. Instead of being encouraged to adopt artificial means of birth control, people should be educated in KC because only then will they understand their responsibility to their children
- A sannyasi who has very nicely understood the slogan tat tvam asi and who takes his bath at the confluence of the rivers Ganges, Yamuna and Sarasvati is called a Tirtha
- A society in which there is no discussion on religious principles, what is dharma, who is God, what is a spirit soul, these questions are not inquired into, understand that society to be of cats and dogs only
- A student is to be considered perfected when he understands the identity of the holy name and the Supreme Lord. Unless one is under the shelter of a realized spiritual master, his understanding of the Supreme is simply foolishness
- A Vaisnava feels for others. A Vaisnava understands that "Those who are not Krsna conscious, those who have forgotten Krsna, they are rotting under the spell of maya. Let us do something for them"
- A Vaisnava is supposed to be a brahmana already, but a brahmana may not be a pure Vaisnava. When a person understands his pure identity, brahma janati, he immediately becomes a brahmana
- A Vaisnava, because he is Krsna conscious, he knows what is real suffering, because he understands from Krsna
- Absorbed in watching Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu dance, Srivasa Thakura could not understand why he was being touched and pushed. After he was pushed again and again, he became angry
- Acaryavan puruso veda. How one is understood that he knows spiritual science? That means who has a spiritual master
- Acaryopasanam: we have to understand through the acaryas. That is our process. That is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- According to Bhagavad-gita, one should make research by philosophical discretion into the nature of the soul. One should make research to understand with what the self is concerned. That is recommended. BG 1972 purports
- According to Indian system, if you take a straw in your mouth and if you go to see somebody, he'll understand, "He is coming to me with most humble manner," so he'll receive you - He's surrendered soul
- According to Sanskrit, the dharma, the word dharma, that is translated into "religion," and religion means a kind of faith. But it is not like that. It is a science to understand your real identification
- According to Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, the rasa dance was performed during the long period of Brahma's night, but the gopis could not understand that. In order to fulfill their desire, Krsna extended the night to cover such a great period of time
- Acintya, which is inconceivable, beyond your sense perception, don't try to argue and understand it and speculate. This is foolishness. It is not possible. Therefore we have to go to the guru
- Actually every living entity is destined to reach the Supreme Lord. Indeed, it is possible for everyone to understand his relationship with the Supreme
- Actually human life is meant for understanding spiritual values, but because everyone in this age is a sudra, no one is interested. People have forgotten life's real purpose
- Actually Vedic understanding is to follow the footsteps of the predecessor acaryas, who understand things. Then our life will be successful. We'll understand
- Actually we have given up the real problem to understand what is Brahman, what is soul. We are entrapped, involved in so many problems of so-called eating, sleeping, mating and defense. So this kind of civilization is not very correct
- Actually, in pure consciousness the living entity understands himself as the eternal servant of the Supreme Lord
- Actually, no one could see the inconceivable potency of the Lord. Only the most confidential devotees, those in pure, unalloyed devotional service, could understand
- Adhyatma-jnanam, to understand oneself as the spirit soul, that jnanam. Adhyatma-jnanam, tattva-jnanartha-darsanam
- Advaita Acarya said, "You are a reject paramahamsa, and You have accepted the renounced order of life just to fill up Your belly. I can understand that Your business is to give trouble to brahmanas"
- After all, the soul is within the body. So if the body has become unclean, or some other reason, the body has to be changed, so that is not lack of love. Therefore we have to understand actually what we are. Am I this body or something else?
- After coming to the platform of jnana, or the brahma-bhuta state, one ultimately comes to devotional service, in which he completely understands his own position and the position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After considering these by themselves, the Haryasvas could understand that the living entity encaged in his body seeks happiness, but takes no interest in how to become free from his encagement
- After death, he sees, "Yes. The body is not my son. The body is not my husband." So that is foolishness. The foolish person understands late, and intelligent person understands very quickly. That is the difference
- After hearing the discourses between the Yamadutas and the Visnudutas, Ajamila could understand the religious principles that act under the three modes of material nature. These principles are mentioned in the three Vedas
- After hearing this statement, Akrura could clearly understand that Dhrtarastra was not going to change his policy of discriminating against the Pandavas in favor of his sons
- After hearing Usa's words, Citralekha immediately replied, "I can understand your bereavement, and I assure you that if this boy is within these three worlds - the upper, middle and lower planetary systems - I must find him for your satisfaction"
- After leaving all his associates, the King surrendered himself as a disciple to the son of Vyasa (Sukadeva Gosvami), and thus he was able to understand the actual position of the Personality of Godhead
- After Lord Brahma understood the precarious condition of the earth, he first visited the demigods headed by Lord Indra, who are in charge of the various affairs of this universe, and Lord Siva, who is responsible for annihilation
- After one understands the position of maya, he can approach the Supreme Lord in pure devotional service. That is the actual purpose of philosophical speculation
- After scrutinizingly studying all the process of self-realization or transcendental realization, when one comes to the perfectional point, he understands that vasudevah sarvam iti: (BG 7.19) Vasudeva, Krsna, is everything
- After talking with his charioteer, the son of Daruka, Pradyumna could understand the real circumstances. Therefore he refreshed himself by washing his mouth and hands
- After thus expressing their feelings to each other, Lord Caitanya and Laksmi returned home. Who can understand the grave pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu?
- After understanding the awkward condition of Gajendra, who had offered his prayers, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, who lives everywhere, appeared with the demigods, who were offering prayers to Him
- After warning Dadhici in this way, Indra returned to heaven. The Asvini-kumaras, who understood Indra's desires, returned and begged Dadhici for brahma-vidya
- Aim is toward Krsna. That is very nice example. It is very ordinary. Everyone will understand it
- Ajamila, who was now a realized soul, could understand that because of his past spiritual activities in devotional service, he had gotten this opportunity to chant the holy name of Vaikunthapati in his horrible condition at the time of death
- Akrura continued, "I can thus understand that when a person becomes eligible to be delivered from the path of repeated birth, death, it is only by Your causeless mercy that he comes nearer to Your lotus feet & becomes attached to Your devotional service"
- Akrura could understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead had appeared personally for the welfare of His creation, to reestablish the principles of religion and to annihilate the demons
- Akrura could understand very well that ill-motivated Dhrtarastra was much inclined in favor of his own sons. In fact, Dhrtarastra had already usurped the kingdom and was now intriguing to dispose of the five Pandava brothers
- All members of society remain always under the Supreme Lord's control. Still, some people foolishly deny the existence of God. Self-realization means to understand one's subordinate position in relation to the Lord
- All the servants, they complained, "Sir, there is ghost." So I was chanting. He was living in several spots, especially on the gate side. So I could understand. But I would chant Hare Krsna, and I was saved. Everyone was saved
- All these conclusions are unfit to disclose in public. But if they are not disclosed, no one will understand them
- All these leaders, these scientists, these philosophers, they are applauded by the small animals, but they are also animals, big animal, that's all. The test is whether he understands the spirit soul different from the body
- All these Vedic literatures are meant to enable the human being to understand what he is, what his actual position is, and what his relationship is with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is called brahma-jijnasa
- All these wives (of the brahmanas) were very much devoted to Lord Krsna in spontaneous love, and as soon as they heard the request of the cowherd boys and understood that Krsna wanted some food, they immediately left the place of sacrifice
- All Vedic literatures are to be understood with faith and devotion, not by mundane scholarship. We have therefore presented Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Alpa-medhasam & su-medhasam, they are two words in the Vedic language. Medha means brain substance. One who has got su-medhasa, nice brain substance, they will understand something & one who has got no brain substance, they will understand something else
- Also, by inducing sannyasis to eat so much, you spoil their religious principles. Therefore I can understand that you have no advancement
- Although Antardhana could understand that King Indra was stealing the horse from his father, he did not kill Indra, for he knew that if one who is very powerful sometimes commits an abominable act, it should be disregarded
- Although Bali Maharaja was offering his body to the Lord for the Lord's third step, he was still in the darkness of ignorance. Actually the body did not belong to him, but because of his long-standing demoniac mentality he could not understand this
- Although he knew the secret, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami inquired from the Lord, "What is the meaning of this sonnet? I could not understand it"
- Although human society has different sections or subdivisions, all human beings belong to one species, and therefore we accept that they all have the ability to understand their constitutional position in connection with the SPG, Visnu
- Although in the body of a deer, Bharata, due to his rigid devotional service in his past life, could understand the cause of his birth in that body. Considering his past & present life, he constantly repented his activities, speaking in the following way
- Although Krsna did not manifest anything wonderful, Brahma could understand that the same wonderful person was present like an ordinary child, although He was the master of the whole creation
- Although Lord Caitanya was overlooking the blanket, Sanatana understood that He did not approve of such a valuable garment on his body, and therefore Sanatana decided to get rid of it
- Although mother Yasoda understood the whole philosophy of life, at the next moment she was overwhelmed by affection for her son by the influence of yogamaya
- Although one may understand that spirit soul and matter are different, their actual separation is not possible, either by philosophical speculation or by proper understanding
- Although Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya fainted, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not take notice of him. Rather, He left quickly. Who can understand the mind and intention of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although the King had been refused an interview, he was indirectly bestowed causeless mercy. Who can understand the internal potency of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although the living entity is constitutionally conversant with spiritual energy, or has the potency to understand spiritual energy, he is covered by the material energy and consequently identifies the body with the self
- Although the living entity is constitutionally conversant with the spiritual energy, or has the potency to understand it, he is covered by the material energy and consequently believes himself to be the body
- Although the Lord told Nityananda Prabhu to stay in Bengal and spread ecstatic love of God, Nityananda left to go see Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Who can understand Nityananda Prabhu's ecstatic love
- Although there is other evidence, the evidence given in the Vedic version must be taken as foremost. Vedic versions understood directly are first-class evidence
- Although they (Mayavadis) profess to understand the Vedic mantra sarvam khalv idam brahma (Chandogya Up. 3.14.1), which means "Everything is Brahman," they are unable to understand that the holy name is also Brahman
- Although they were exploiting. But nobody could understand. Everyone was feeling happy. And as soon as they left, everyone is unhappy. That distinction I can give evidence, I can, from my personal experience. Things were very, very nice
- Although we use many articles-our clothes, etc.-we know- that we are different from the things used. Similarly, we also understand by a little contemplation that we are different from the body. BG 1972 purports
- Always thinking of Krsna, devising means by which to spread the holy name of Krsna, he understands that his only business is in spreading the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world
- Amidst His relatives and friends, He appeared to be a shining full moon amidst the luminaries in the sky. Lord Balarama is the Personality of Godhead Ananta Himself; therefore He is beyond the scope of understanding by mind, intelligence or body
- Among many such persons, who are in the vanaprastha stage, one may understand the value of becoming a sannyasi, completely accepting the renounced order of life
- An advanced devotee can understand the Lord and His creative energy. As soon as one accepts the creative energy of the Absolute Truth, the six opulences of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are also understood
- An analogy will help us understand the distincion between ourselves and God - CC Intro
- Another mysterious exhibition was Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s simultaneous presence in seven groups. By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the King could understand that also
- Any religion which gives you knowledge of God and you understand what is relation with God, that is perfect religion. We have no quarrel
- Anyone who hears about the loving exchanges between Jagadananda Pandita and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or who reads Jagadananda's book Prema-vivarta, can understand what love is. Moreover, he achieves ecstatic love of Krsna
- Anyone who hears the narration of Dhruva Maharaja, and who repeatedly tries with faith and devotion to understand his pure character, attains the pure devotional platform and executes pure devotional service
- Anyone who is adopting this process is understanding very quickly the science of God
- Anyone who is in contact with the Supreme Lord by discharging devotional service is understood to have performed all different varieties of yajnas
- Anyone who understands the basic principle of Sankhya philosophy is elevated in devotional service and becomes fully Krsna conscious, or liberated, even within this material world
- Anyone would conclude that Hiranyakasipu was dead because his body was covered in so many ways, but Lord Brahma, the supreme living being in this universe, could understand that Hiranyakasipu was alive but covered by material elements
- Anything not conceived in relationship to Krsna should be understood to be illusion or maya
- Are we to assume that Arjuna is simply not sufficiently qualified to control his mind? The actual fact is that we cannot begin to understand the immense qualifications of Arjuna
- Argument is allowed but not in a challenging spirit. With a spirit to rightly understand
- Argumentative attitude is against the Vedic principles, and it is very difficult for one who adopts it to understand that the holy name of Krsna is as good as Krsna Himself
- Arjuna could understand that for a living entity it is not possible to understand the unlimited infinite. If the infinite reveals Himself, then it is possible to understand the nature of the infinite by the grace of the infinite. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna experienced in the Eleventh Chapter that to be attached to the personal form of Krsna is best because he could thus understand all other forms at the same time and there was no disturbance to his love for Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna said, O mighty-armed one, I wish to understand the purpose of renunciation (tyaga) and of the renounced order of life (sannyasa), O killer of the Kesi demon, Hrsikesa. BG 18.1 - 1972
- Arjuna said: The sun-god Vivasvan is senior by birth to You. How am I to understand that in the beginning You instructed this science to him? BG 4.4 - 1972
- Arjuna then understood that the brahmana had lost all faith in the ksatriya kings. Therefore, to encourage him, Arjuna spoke as if criticizing even his friend Lord Krsna
- Arjuna understands that renunciation in knowledge involves cessation of all kinds of work performed as sense activities. But if one performs work in devotional service, then how is work stopped? BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna, however, was struck with great wonder after visiting the transcendental world by the grace of Lord Krsna. And by the grace of Krsna he could understand that whatever opulence there may be within this material world is an emanation from Him
- Aryan means advanced. So if you claim to belong to the Aryan family, then it is your duty to study Vedic literature and understand your position and make your life successful. That is Krsna consciousness
- As a former minister for the Nawab, Sanatana could certainly understand diplomacy. He therefore thought, "Why is this landlord offering me such respect?" Thinking in this way, he questioned his servant, whose name was Isana
- As already explained in the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Absolute Truth is realized in three different phases - although they are one and the same - in terms of the knower's capacity to understand
- As Bhavananda Maharaja said. They are firmly fixed up. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam, "Let us sacrifice our life for Krsna." That is real jnana and vairagya. Bhaktya. This is to be understood, bhaktya
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15), vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah: the purport of the Vedas is to understand Him, Krsna. One who worships and serves Krsna directly has understood the truths of the Vedas
- As confirmed in the Vedic literatures, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: one has to search out a guru to understand the affairs of the spiritual world
- As described in the Patanjali yoga system, pramana-viparyaya-vikalpa-nidra-smrtyah. By intelligence only one can understand things as they are
- As everything has got some particular characteristic, similarly we living entities, we must have some particular characteristic. And what is that? That is dharma and jnana, to understand. Jnana means knowledge
- As he (a person) approaches, he sees the destination from a distant place, just as we see a city from a distance. At that time he simply understands that the city is situated at a distance. When, however, he comes still nearer, he sees the domes & flags
- As in this body the stomach is the enjoyer, the central figure of the whole cosmic manifestation, material or spiritual, is Krsna, God. He is the enjoyer. We can understand this just by considering our own bodies
- As Kamsa saw various signs of death while both awake and sleeping, he could understand that death was certain, and thus in great anxiety he could not rest that night. Just after the night expired, he busily arranged for the wrestling match
- As long as the living entity is not enlightened so that he may understand his real position, he will be attracted to materialistic life, to house, country or field, to society, sons, family, community, bank balance and so on
- As long as the soul and the body are combined, we can understand that there is life. But when they are separated, there is no manifested existence of the body or the soul
- As long as we are operating under the bodily conception of life, our activities are material, but as soon as we understand, "I do not belong to this body, aham brahmasmi, I am spirit soul," our activities will be in accordance to that realization
- As Lord Visnu, situated as Paramatma, can understand the desire of the living entity, so Lord Brahma can also understand the living entity's desire, for Visnu, as a via medium, informs him
- As one can detect the color of dye a cloth was soaked in by looking at the cloth, so, simply by understanding the different signs of these symptomatic features, one can understand the actual position
- As one can understand the different incarnations for different millenniums by referring to Vedic literatures,"the Lord replied, "one can similarly understand who is actually the incarnation of Godhead in this age of Kali."
- As soon as he (Mucukunda) remembered this prediction, he understood that the Supreme Person, Narayana, was present before Him as Lord Krsna. He immediately fell down at His lotus feet and began to pray as follows
- As soon as I understand that "I am not this body; body's acting through my consciousness," if I am firmly convinced, if I stand steadily on this conviction, that "I am consciousness," then all my designations at once go
- As soon as one understands his relationship to God, he realizes universal brotherhood, for he understands that all men and animals - indeed, all life itself - are all parts of the supreme whole and are therefore all equal
- As soon as one understands that he has nothing to do with matter, he at once ceases his material hankerings and becomes enlivened as a spiritual being
- As soon as one understands that he is qualitatively the same substance as the Lord because he belongs to the same category of spirit soul, and that his perpetual position is to serve, one attains atma-darsanam & hrdaya-granthi-bhedanam, self-realization
- As soon as one understands that he is uselessly serving maya in the material world in the form of society, friends, country and so forth, one reaches the stage called jnana, knowledge
- As soon as the people of the village had understood that the Deity was going to be installed, they had brought their entire stocks of rice, dhal & wheat flour. They brought such large quantities that the entire surface of the top of the hill was filled
- As soon as the potencies are understood to be instrumental manifestations of the transcendence, one automatically advances to the next step, and gradually the stage of full realization becomes possible for him
- As soon as the spirit soul is off, you do not care for the son's body or daughter's body or your wife's body. Then who is the lovable object? The soul. It is very natural to understand
- As soon as there is some money, they become busy in purchasing things for their children and others. Such persons are never interested in understanding the values of life - what is God, what is the individual soul, what is its relationship with God, etc
- As soon as we come to the spiritual platform, there will be no more different opinion. Then everything will go on. The first lesson of coming to the spiritual platform is to understand that - I am not this body
- As soon as you decide that you are not this body, you are transcendental to this body, then you have to understand what is the transcendental nature and what is your business, what you should do. These things will come
- As soon as you get the most valuable body, spiritual body, there will be no more change. Why don't you understand like that? So that you have to get. That is very simple
- As soon as you understand that you are not this body, you are not matter, that you are spirit soul, then immediately you become joyful
- As soon as you understand, "All this material condition of life we are simply dreaming; I am actually servant of Krsna," then you are liberated. That is Krsna conscious
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.24): One should understand what is duty and what is not duty by the regulations of the scriptures. Knowing such rules and regulations, one should act so that one may gradually be elevated
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.2), evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh: "The supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way"
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, whoever hears Vedanta philosophy from Krsna is actually aware of the real meaning of Vedanta. The Mayavadis call themselves Vedantists but do not at all understand the purport of Vedanta philosophy
- As the soul migrates, he suffers the actions and reactions of his past activities. These activities can be changed when the living being is in the mode of goodness, in sanity, and understands what sort of activities he should adopt. BG 1972 Introduction
- As we become advanced in spiritual conception of life, then we can understand what is the actual position in spiritual, transcendental life
- As you are understanding about the sun by authoritative statement of the geometry, that this sun globe is so great, but you are seeing just like a disk. So how to get the knowledge of the sun? By receiving through the ear. That's all
- As you generally understand in the Western country, the word religion is used as "a kind of faith." Faith you can change. Today you are Christian; tomorrow you can become Hindu. But religion cannot be changed
- At such a time it is to be understood that the ruler, or the government, is dead. All of these misfortunes happened due to the death of King Vena. Thus the saintly persons became very anxious for the safety of the people in general
- At that time Dhruva Maharaja became perfectly aware of the Vedic conclusion and understood the Absolute Truth and His relationship with all living entities
- At the end of the four-month Caturmasya period, Caitanya Mahaprabhu again consulted with Nityananda Prabhu daily in a solitary place. No one could understand what Their consultation was about
- At the present moment a person may consider himself to be matter, but in his liberated state he will understand that he is not matter but spirit soul, part of the infinite
- At the present moment there is no education, because education means to understand my identity. The so-called education which is going on, that is called art
- At the present moment, human beings have become exactly like animals. They do not know the meaning of apavarga, liberation. Yet there was a time when people understood that human life was meant for apavarga
- At the time of death he understands that, "My real father, the soul, which was within this body, he has now gone." Therefore our vision is always imperfect
- Atheistic men, however, never understand how everything they create is annihilated. The Supersoul is situated within them, but because of the predominance of the modes of passion and ignorance, they cannot understand the supremacy of the Lord
- Avatarana means "coming from up to down." That is called avatarana. And avatara is understood that when God or His bona fide representative comes from that sky to this material plane, that is called avatara
- Balarama could quickly understand that He was being carried away from His friends by a demon who intended to kill Him. He struck the head of the demon with His strong fist, just as the King of the heavenly planets strikes a mountain with his thunderbolt
- Balarama understood that all these boys and calves were only expansions of Krsna
- Bali Maharaja could understand the pretense of Lord Vamanadeva, who had taken the side of the demigods and come before him as a beggar
- Bali Maharaja did not agree to abide by the order of his spiritual master (to not give land to Lord Vamanadeva) when he understood that the beggar was Visnu Himself, and he at once agreed to give Him in charity the land requested
- Bali Maharaja said: My grandfather Prahlada Maharaja is the only person who understood his own self-interest
- Banasura was shocked to understand that his daughter Usa was no longer a virgin maiden. This weighed heavily on his heart, and without delay he rushed toward the palace where Usa was living
- Because both of them (Lord's energies and knowledge) are unlimited, there is no end to the energies and no end to the knowledge with which to understand the energies
- Because he (Thakur Haridasa) chanted the holy name of the Lord constantly, it is understood that in his previous life he must have passed through all the ritualistic methods of the Vedas, known as sabda-brahman. BG 1972 purports
- Because I am in ignorance, therefore I am thinking, "I am this body." So it requires a little jnana, knowledge. Then we will understand that - I am not this body; I am different from this body
- Because Mayavadis have understood what is the difference between spirit and matter, it does not mean that knowledge is perfect. They are thinking, "Now we have understood what is spirit and what... Therefore we are liberated"
- Because Ramacandra Puri was interested only in finding faults, he could not understand the transcendental qualities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. His only concern was finding faults, but still he could not find any
- Because Sanjaya could understand the feelings of his master that he wanted the fight, no compromise, ksatriya spirit: "Let my sons and my brother's sons fight." That is ksatriya spirit
- Because there is so much word jugglery in logic, one can never come to the real conclusion about the Absolute Truth by argument. The followers of the Vedic principles understand this
- Because they (the sons of Priyavrata, namely Kavi, Mahavira and Savana) completely subdued their senses, they are understood to have been great sages and saints
- Because we are always very busy in the discharge of our worldly duties, generally we do not wish to understand any philosophy except our mundane philosophy of the stomach and allied subjects
- Because you have submitted, it is not that you have to understand something dogmatic. No. Submission must be there, but at the same time, you should have clear understanding
- Before committing all kinds of sins to maintain the body, one should understand to whom the body belongs
- Before even being introduced to a foreigner, one becomes acquainted with him through his dress, bodily features and behavior and can thus understand his position. Therefore when the Yamadutas saw the Visnudutas for the first time, they were surprised
- Being engaged in Krsna consciousness, one can immediately understand one's spiritual identity, and then one can understand the Supreme Lord by means of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Being extraordinarily intelligent, the King could understand the whole affair. In his estimation, Mukunda was a most uncommon, exalted, liberated personality
- Being fully absorbed in love of Godhead, He would not understand His fatigue. But Nityananda Prabhu, catching Him, stopped His dancing
- Being the wife of a great yogi, Devahuti understood her constitutional position; therefore she is placing her problem before her son, Kapiladeva, an incarnation of God
- Bhadra said, "My father understood these feelings of mine, he personally arranged for my marriage, inviting Krsna to marry me and giving Him in dowry one aksauhini, or division of armed forces, along with many maidservants and other royal paraphernalia"
- Bhakti-rasa is a mellow different from the ordinary rasa enjoyed by mundane workers. Mundane workers labor very hard day and night in order to relish a certain kind of rasa which is understood as sense gratification
- Bhakti-yoga is the ultimate goal, but to analyze bhakti-yoga minutely one has to understand these other yogas. The yogi who is progressive is therefore on the true path of eternal good fortune. BG 1972 purports
- Bhaktisiddhanta's writing is not very easy to understand, yes; but we should try, read and read again, and simply that vibration will help us
- Bhisma understood later on that the five arrows were taken by Arjuna by trick. So still, he promised that, - Even without those five weapons, today I shall kill Arjuna
- Bhrgu Muni could understand his position and that of the Lord, and he was struck with wonder at the behavior of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Because of his gratitude, his voice choked up
- Big, big brain, scientist, they are dealing (atomic energy). Similarly, this big energy - creation, maintenance and destruction of nature - that nature is called Durga. Durga. Duh. Duh means difficult, and ga means going, or to understand
- Big, big professors, they say that "This body is everything. After the body is finished, everything is finished." But that is not the fact. That is the first spiritual education to understand, that "I am not this body." Aham brahmasmi: I am spirit soul
- Blind faith is never required, neither questions should be in a mood of challenge. Questions or answers should be just to understand. And that should be accompanied with service. This is the mood
- Both cause and effect are nothing but energies of the Lord. Therefore, O my Lord, just as a wise man, by considering cause and effect, can see how fire pervades wood, those engaged in devotional service understand how You are both the cause and effect
- Brahma could understand the misdeeds of Diti, and therefore he smiled at the whole situation. He replied to the demigods present there in words they could understand
- Brahma could understand this fact because he is svarat, almost independent in receiving knowledge
- Brahma said, "For instance, when a person mistakes a rope for a snake he is filled with fear, but as soon as he understands that the rope is not a snake, he is liberated from fear"
- Brahma said, "My Lord, I can understand that the superexcellent quality of the service rendered by the residents of Vrndavana is due to their spontaneously engaging all natural instincts in Your loving service"
- Brahmacari should go to the house of the teacher or spiritual master at the age of five years old, and he should remain there for twenty years to understand the value of life
- Brahman life begins when we understand that "I am not this material body. I am spirit soul." That is brahma-jnana. And one who has got this knowledge, he is brahmana
- Brahman realization is the beginning of liberation, and Paramatma realization is still further advancement toward the realm of liberation, but one achieves real liberation when he understands his position as an eternal servant of the SP of Godhead
- But, my dear sir, I am obliged to you because now I can understand that this material manifestation is without substance, although it appears real. I am confident that by serving your feet it will be possible for me to give up the false idea
- By all of these activities, it is definitely understood that she (Yasoda) is the emblem of all maternal affection for Krsna
- By associating with Krsna conscious person one can really understand the constitutional position of the living entity and how the living entity forgets Krsna and becomes entangled in material activities. BG 1972 purports
- By bhakti-yoga one can become directly aware of his progress in spiritual life, just as a person who eats can understand that his hunger is satisfied
- By chanting this mantra, simple mantra, without any education, without any philosophical knowledge, simply if we chant, your heart will be cleansed of all dirty things and you'll understand that you are part and parcel of Krsna
- By dint of his tapasya, Agnidhra could understand how maya acts under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By following the principles laid down by great sages and saints of the past, we can very easily understand the aim of all life. The word avarah, meaning "inexperienced," is very significant in this verse - SB 4.18.4
- By manipulating a fire-generating stick, great saints and sages can bring forth the fire lying dormant within wood. In the same way, O Lord, those expert in understanding the Absolute Truth try to see You in everything - even in their own bodies
- By material calculation all this (God's varieties of forms) may appear contradictory, but if we understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has inconceivable potencies, we can accept these facts as eternally possible in Him
- By misinterpreting tadrsih kridah, they (the sahajiyas) want to indulge in sex while pretending to imitate Lord Krsna. But one must actually understand the imports of the words through the intelligence of the authorized gosvamis
- By mystic powers gained through the practice of hatha-yoga, one can study and understand the future
- By reading Sri Caitanya-mangala one can understand all the glories and truths of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda and come to the ultimate conclusion of devotional service to Lord Krsna
- By Sanatana Gosvami it is directed that the spiritual master and the disciple must meet together at least for one year so that the disciple may also understand that, - Here is a person whom I can accept as my guru
- By seeing a result, one can understand the cause of that result
- By serving Krsna, all my objective, all my perfection is there - this conviction makes you perfect. And this is real, this is reality. There is no imposition. It is reality. Simply one has to understand
- By spreading this Krsna consciousness movement, we are seeing practical result. The most wretched, most rotten, they are coming to life, they are understanding the value of life, the aim of life, and they are trying to be elevated more and more
- By studying Srimad-Bhagavatam, we can obtain information about our eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord, understand the procedure by which the Lord can be attained and receive the ultimate realization, which is love of Godhead
- By such circumambulation, one is understood to have seen all the holy places where the Ganges water is flowing, and by following the regulative principles of Caturmasya one can very quickly be raised to the platform of devotional service
- By the description of the incarnation for the Kali millennium, Sanatana Gosvami could understand that Lord Caitanya was indeed that incarnation of Krsna
- By the grace of guru, he could understand that - I am in this condition, material condition, means suffering from threefold types of miseries, and I am uselessly wasting time for material comforts, for economic development
- By the grace of the Lord, the self-realized devotee engaged in devotional service understands his destination even while in the material body
- By the mental condition or consciousness of a person, one can understand his position in the previous life
- By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Gopinatha Pattanayaka could understand that the material benefits he had achieved were not the ultimate result of meditating upon His lotus feet
- By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the King could understand how the two of Them (Caitanya and Lord Jagannatha) were enjoying each other’s activities
- By the mercy of the Lord, all truths were revealed to Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, and he could understand the importance of chanting the holy name and distributing love of Godhead everywhere
- By the mercy of the pure devotees, whoever tastes them can understand the depths of that sweetness
- By the scientific study of material nature, the living entity and the Supersoul, one has to understand the basic principle of devotional service to the Lord
- By the woman's dress, one will understand who is she - whether she is living with her husband, whether she is widow, whether she is unmarried, or whether her husband is out of home, or whether she is prostitute. The culture is so nice, simply by the dress
- By two symptoms - personal characteristics and marginal characteristics - the great sages can understand an object
- By understanding the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one can understand the truth about Krsna. By understanding Krsna, one can understand the limit of all knowledge described in various revealed scriptures
- By your (Rupa and Sanatana's) letters, I could understand your heart. Therefore, in order to teach you, I sent you one verse, which reads as follows
- By your sense perception you cannot estimate even what is there in the moon planet or sun planet, this planet, within this universe. How you can understand the spiritual world by speculation? This is foolishness
- Caitanya advised Prakasananda Sarasvati: Always read Srimad-Bhagavatam and try to understand each and every verse. Then you will actually understand Brahma-sutra
- Caitanya continued, "Actually, My love for Krsna is far, far away. Whatever I do is actually an exhibition of pseudo love of Godhead. When you see Me cry, I am simply falsely demonstrating My great fortune. Please try to understand this beyond a doubt"
- Caitanya continues, "Such behavior exhibited in loving service between the devotee and the devotee's lovable object, Sri Krsna, is transcendental. It is not possible for a common man to understand. Common men do not even have the capacity"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu further points out that out of millions who perform such religious principles all over the universe, only a few attain perfect knowledge and understand what they are
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented himself in this way: I am a great fool & do not have knowledge of right & wrong. In order to understand the real meaning of the Vedanta-sutra, I never followed the explanation of the Sankara-sampradaya or Mayavadi sannyasis
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa from Kesava Bharati. This Kesava Bharati belonged to Sankara sampradaya. Therefore Prakasananda Sarasvati also belonged to Sankara sampradaya. So he's asking that, - I understand that Your name is Sri Krsna Caitanya
- Chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba (Narottama dasa Thakura): no one is delivered from the material conception of life unless favored by a Vaisnava. Others can never understand, neither by speculation nor by any other bodily or mental gymnastics
- Cheating and hypocrisy are not tolerated by higher authorities. If one understands what sin is, he should give it up with sincerity and regret and surrender unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through His agent, the pure devotee
- Citralekha was a great mystic yogini, and as soon as Usa identified the picture, Citralekha could immediately understand that it was of Aniruddha, a grandson of Krsna's, although neither she nor Usa had previously known his name or ever seen him
- Daytime's engagement and night's engagement is finished, then where is the engagement for atma-tattvam? Where is the engagement for understanding self-realization?
- Descriptions of Krsna's eternal pastimes are in all the revealed scriptures. But one cannot understand how they are continuing eternally
- Despite the cultivation of Vedic knowledge, which is unlimited, and the worship of different demigods by the symptoms of Vedic mantras, demigod worship does not help one to understand the supreme powerful Personality of Godhead
- Devahuti also addresses her son as Bhagavan. Bhagavan is the Supreme Person. If we could just use a little common sense we could understand that an organization requires a leader. Without a leader, we cannot organize anything
- Devahuti saw everything miraculously done, yet when brought before her husband she could understand that it was all due to his great yogic mystic power. She understood that nothing was impossible for a yogi like Kardama Muni
- Devayani was quite competent to understand her liberated husband, and therefore she decided to follow him as his faithful wife
- Devayani, the daughter of Sukracarya, understood that the materialistic association of husband, friends and relatives is like the association in a hotel full of tourists
- Development of Krsna consciousness is exhibited by proportionate material detachment, or vairagya. If one does not separate himself from material enjoyment, it is to be understood that he is not advancing in Krsna consciousness
- Devotees have no problem understanding the ultimate cause of everything, but nondevotees must face many opposing elements because everyone who wants to be a prominent philosopher invents his own way
- Dharma, generally it is understood "religion". Religion means a kind of faith. So that is not the proper meaning of dharma, "faith." Faith one may have, one may not have. But actually dharma means compulsory: it must be
- Dhrtarastra could realize two opposing factors acting before him. He could understand that Krsna was there to remove all the unnecessary burdens of the world. His sons were an unnecessary burden, and so he expected that they would be killed
- Dhrtarastra must have been very glad to understand that Arjuna was not going to fight and was instead leaving the battlefield for the begging profession. But Sanjaya disappointed him again in relating that Arjuna was competent to kill his enemies
- Dhruva said, "So how can the fruitive workers, who at most can aspire to promotion to the higher heavenly planets, understand You, and how can they be described as enjoying a happiness similar to the devotees' happiness"
- Differentiation is the result of different karma, or fruitive activities, and when we stop fruitive activities, turning them into acts of devotion, we can understand that we are not different from anyone else, regardless of the form
- Dinesh is a good technician in the matter of film making, and gramophone record making, and it is understood that in Hollywood is a good place for such kind of activities
- Disciple may understand that, "Here is a person whom I can accept as my guru," and the guru also can see that, "Here is a person who is fit for becoming my disciple." Then the business is nice
- Diti replied: My dear brahmana, I must accept your advice and follow the vow. Now let me understand what I have to do, what is forbidden and what will not break the vow. Please clearly state all this to me
- Divyam means "not ordinary." It should not be understood just like we take our birth. Krsna does not take His birth like us
- Do you understand that the soul is immortal and it is transmigrating, tatha dehantara-praptir (BG 2.13)? Do you know all this problem? Then why you have become national leader
- Don't become immediately paramahamsa - no tilaka, no kanthi & no bead bag. This isn't good. Sanketya, so that others may understand, "Here is a Vaisnava. Here is a Krsna devotee." And if he is simple, he'll chant "Hare Krsna." This chance should be given
- Don't create a situation that "I am this. I am that." Simply create a situation that you completely understand that "I have no other business than to advance in Krsna consciousness, and my only duty is to serve Krsna." This is wanted
- Don't think there is no life. There is life. Why not there life? If this planet contains so many living entities, why not in other planets? So from Vedic scripture we understand
- Don't try to be a dry speculator to understand the ultimate truth. Namanta: just become meek and humble. And try to receive the message from authorized sources
- Due to the extraordinary features of the child, Vasudeva was struck with wonder. How could a newly born child be so decorated? Vasudeva could therefore understand that Lord Krsna had now appeared, and he became overpowered by the occasion
- During the first stage of life, up to twenty-five years of age, a man may be trained as a brahmacari under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master just to understand that woman is the real binding force in material existence
- Durvasa Muni said: I am very pleased with you, my dear King. At first I thought of you as an ordinary human being and accepted your hospitality, but later I could understand, by my own intelligence, that you are the most exalted devotee of the Lord
- Each and every sloka should be very, very scrutinizingly understood. That should be the first business in the temples. We have got so many books. Simply if we make arrangement for selling, not for understanding, then it will be simply materialistic
- Each and every verse is so important that if a serious student studies each and every verse, each verse will take at least one month to understand. And there are eighteen thousand verses
- Each verse, read every day carefully. Try to assimilate, understand, & you will get more profit, every day 100 yards forward. They are so important verses. How nicely composed by Vyasadeva. In two lines the whole thing is explained. This is called sastra
- Education means brahma-vidya: to understand what is that living force within this body that is working, what is his position, constitutional position, how it is working, wherefrom it has come, so many things. That is called brahma-jijnasa
- Electrician comes - suppose the power has failed, and he manipulates and brings the power - that is technical education. But real education is different. That is to understand the atma-tattvam
- Encourage the visitors, boys & girls as well as married couples, to understand the value of life & how they can peacefully & happily live if they follow the routine worship method in the temple and establish this in their home to be happy in all respects
- Especially the transcendental forms of the Lord are beyond the reach of the impersonalists, who can only understand, through studying the Upanisads, that the Absolute Truth is not matter, or is not materially restricted
- Even a most learned scholar cannot understand the activities and symptoms of an exalted personality in whose heart love of Godhead has awakened
- Even I may become a fool number one, but if I accept . . . mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186). Mahajana, those who are authorities, if you follow the authorities, then you understand
- Even if one becomes happy in this temporary life, his happiness is an illusion because no one is allowed to stay and enjoy his happiness. These points have to be understood in the association of devotees
- Even if one does not find the soul within the heart, where he is situated, one can still understand the presence of the soul simply by the presence of consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Even if you do not ask, the food is there, we should understand. Because the animals, lower than human being, they do not go to church or to temple to ask for daily bread, but they get their bread
- Even if you read some books, you cannot understand unless you understand it from me. This is called parampara system. You cannot jump over to the superior guru, I mean to say, neglecting the next acarya, immediate next acarya
- Even learned scholars in the academic field cannot understand the transcendental bliss and ecstasy exhibited by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His pure devotees. One must be fit to understand the purport of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s activities
- Even ordinary men with little knowledge of the alphabet could read this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) and understand it. Its language is not very ornamental, and sometimes the poetry is not very sweet to hear
- Even the most learned man cannot understand the words, activities and symptoms of a person situated in love of Godhead
- Even though one may come to the platform of brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) and understand his spiritual identity by speculative knowledge, one cannot enjoy spiritual life without understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Even today in India these two classes of devotees still criticize each other, and especially in South India the followers of Ramanujacarya and the followers of Sankaracarya hold occasional meetings for understanding the Vedic conclusion
- Every day he trained the two deva-dasis how to dance. Who among the small living entities, their minds always absorbed in material sense gratification, could understand the mentality of Sri Ramananda Raya
- Every human being should understand his position. Every human being should not waste his valuable time
- Every man attached to a particular woman knows the particular characteristics of that woman during sex life. Thus Pururava understood during sexual intercourse that the Agnisthali girl was not Urvasi
- Every moment should be utilized to understand your position. Your position means to understand you are eternal servant of God, and your duty, to carry out the orders of God
- Every person is actually Brahman, spirit soul. We are not actually the body. Awareness of aham brahmasmi ("I am Brahman") is actual self-realization. According to Vedic culture, one must understand that he is Brahman, not the body
- Every Vaisnava is a spiritual master, and a spiritual master is automatically expert in brahminical behavior. He also understands the Vedic sastras
- Everyone is dying. Your father is dying, your mother is dying, your friend is dying, and still if you cannot understand, then how it will be possible to make you understand
- Everyone is working so hard. So when one becomes intelligent, then he understands that, What I am doing? I am thinking that I am master, I am proprietor, I am the head of the family, but what I am doing actually? I am acting as servant of my senses
- Everyone who actually desires to understand the Vedanta philosophy must certainly accept the explanation of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Vaisnava acaryas who have also commented on the Vedanta-sutra according to the principles of bhakti-yoga
- Everyone, and especially the brahmana and ksatriya, was trained in the transcendental art under the care of the spiritual master far away from home, in the status of brahmacarya. Modern man, however, is incompetent to understand it perfectly
- Everything is complete arrangement. That we have to understand, that who has made this complete arrangement
- Everything is given by God. You have not manufactured the fruit or flower or your body, nothing. This is Krsna consciousness, when you understand that "Everything belongs to God. Why it should be utilized for other purpose?" It should be utilized for God
- Example is better than precept. Generally, common men, if they see one example, they understand better. So how, one's mind being fixed up in the lotus feet of Krsna, he can get relief from the greatest danger, Sukadeva Gosvami is narrating one story
- Exchange, giving and taking. If you love somebody, give him to eat, and whatever he gives you, you also eat. And if you love somebody then you disclose your mind to him and try to understand him also. By these six processes the symptoms of love is there
- Experienced munis, those who are liberated souls, those who are expert in Vedic knowledge, they understand that this is avatara, or incarnation, by the symptoms, as they are stated in the scriptures
- Experimental knowledge can be achieved when one has understood the false knowledge. By experimental or proved knowledge, one can understand that he is not the body but spirit soul
- Extensively ignorant, they (lower animals) can know their desirables only by smell, and by such intelligence only can they understand what is favorable and unfavorable. Their knowledge is concerned only with eating and sleeping
- Externally Mukunda dasa was a royal physician, but internally he was the most liberated paramahamsa devotee. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu knew this very well, but ordinary men could not understand it
- Factually the only real husband of all women is Krsna, the supreme husband. Because the gopis were liberated souls, they understood this fact. Therefore they rejected their material husbands and accepted Krsna as their real husband
- Factually, bhakti-yoga is the ultimate goal, but to analyze bhakti-yoga minutely one has to understand the other processes. The yogi who is progressive is therefore on the true path to eternal good fortune
- Falling into the sea, He lost consciousness and could not understand where He was. Sometimes He sank beneath the waves, and sometimes He floated above them
- False ego means accepting this body as oneself. When one understands that he is not his body and is spirit soul, that is real ego. Ego is there. False ego is condemned, but not real ego. BG 1972 purports
- False egoism carries one from one species of life into another perpetually, and there is no rest in any species of life. The jnani understands this fact and therefore ceases to work and takes to karma-sannyasa
- First of all it is the business of brahmana to understand. So if you cannot understand, then you do the business of ksatriya. If you cannot do that, then do the business of a vaisya
- First of all try to train yourself to be free from the sinful activities. Then you'll understand what is religion
- First of all we have to understand that one who has no necessity, he's in the lowest status. One who has got necessity, he is in the higher status
- First of all you have to decide whether sex life is good or bad. First of all you have to understand this. If you think that sex life is very nice, then how can you give it up? It is not possible
- First of all you have to select who can be your spiritual master. That requires some knowledge. Or you have to behave with a person to understand, "Whether he is fit to become my spiritual master?" Then you should offer yourself to be a student
- First of all you understand what is spiritual life, then . . . in the spiritual sense also you are subordinate, because your nature is subordination
- First of all, to understand. If he says that "I don't accept any authority," that means he becomes authority. I have to follow him
- First of all, you have to die. You may manufacture some so-called ananda, but you'll die. Now, suppose we are dancing here, and if we understand that immediately death will take place, then we shall not be able to enjoy the dancing
- First of all, you have to understand what is religion. The religion is God's law. You have to understand. Religion does not mean your manufactured, concocted ideas. What God says, that is religion
- First one must understand how to get out of the clutches of maya. The only means is to become Krsna conscious
- First spiritual realization is to understand oneself that "I am not matter; I am spirit." This is the first stage of spiritual realization - when one firmly convinced. How? By knowledge
- First you must understand what actual progress is. The thing is that if you try to progress vainly, what is the use of trying? If it is a fact you cannot change your material destiny, why should you try for that
- Following the example of the gopis, the devotees sometimes worship the goddess Katyayani, but they understand that Katyayani is an incarnation of Yogamaya
- Foolish people cannot understand the situation, and this is called ignorance, illusion, or the spell of maya. Human society should very seriously understand that the body itself is the source of all miserable life
- Foolish persons accept the difficult path of karma-kanda for the sake of sense enjoyment, and those who are too much attached to sense enjoyment are called mudhas. It is very difficult for a mudha to understand the ultimate goal of life
- Foolish persons are engaged in committing all sorts of sins due to the misconception of identifying the material body with the self. But one should be intelligent enough to understand to whom the body belongs
- Foolish persons, unable to understand the spiritual activities of the Supreme Lord, consider Krsna to be a product of this material nature. This is the greatest offense any human being can commit
- For a living entity it is not possible to understand the unlimited infinite. If the infinite reveals Himself, then it is possible to understand the nature of the infinite by the grace of the infinite
- For arriving at the positive conclusions of knowledge in the Absolute Truth, the word brahma-darsanam is significant in this verse (SB 3.32.23). Brahma-darsanam means to realize or to understand the Transcendence
- For attaining spiritual existence, the human form is a chance for all to understand our eternal relation with God
- For example, one can observe the personal artistic work in a painting of a flower, and one can understand that the color adjustment, the shape and so on have demanded the minute attention of an artist
- For one who simply makes an academic study of Bhagavad-gita, the science of Krsna remains a mystery. Bhagavad-gita is not a book that one can just purchase from the bookstore and understand by scholarship alone
- For ordinary persons engaged in material activities there are many, many subject matters to understand because such persons do not understand self-realization
- For the ordinary person it is almost inconceivable how the huge material creation is resting in Him. But the Lord is giving an example which may help us to understand. BG 1972 purports
- For those who are following the impersonal way to spiritual realization, the path is difficult. They have to understand the unmanifested representation of the Supreme through such Vedic literatures as the Upanisads. BG 1972 purports
- Freedom from doubt and delusion, can be achieved when one is not hesitant and when he understands the transcendental philosophy. Slowly but surely he becomes free from bewilderment. BG 1972 purports
- From history we understand that formerly politicians used to employ beautiful girls who were trained as visa-kanya
- From Mahabharata we understand that the Pandavas, at least up to Maharaja Pariksit, he ruled over the whole world. Bharatavarsa means the whole world, and the capital was here, Hastinapura
- From my heart it entered your heart. I therefore understand that a great personality will soon take birth
- From sastra we understand that the moon planet is situated 1,600,000 miles away from the sun, and the sun is situated in the middle of the universe. And the total diameter from one circumference to the other of the universe, it is four billions of miles
- From Sri Narada Muni’s narration, it is understood that when Arjuna went to visit the holy places, he learned about the condemnation of the five Apsaras. He delivered them from their abominable condition, and from that day the lake known as Pancapsara
- From the authoritative sources of Vedic literature we have to understand both Him who is greater than the greatest and him who is smaller than the smallest
- From the Gita we can clearly understand that the forms of the demigods and the form of the Supreme Lord are simultaneously existing and that Lord Krsna is sac-cid-ananda, eternal blissful knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- From the history called the Mahabharata we understand that formerly there was only one king on this planet by the name of Maharaja Bharata. He ruled some 5,000 years ago, and the planet was named after him
- From the incident of Haridasa's passing away & the great care Caitanya took in commemorating it, one can understand just how affectionate He is toward His devotees. Although He is the topmost of all sannyasis, He fully satisfied the desire of Haridasa
- From the instructions of Uddhava, the gopis could understand that Krsna was not separate from them. As they were constantly thinking of Krsna, Krsna was also thinking of them constantly at Mathura
- From the Narada-pancaratra we understand that if one attains the stage of pure devotional service, he also attains all the opulences derived from fruitive activities, empiric philosophical speculation and mystic yogic practice
- From the scripture we understand that there are innumerable universes, and each and every universe is full with innumerable planets, and each planet is full with innumerable living entities
- From the statements of Sukadeva Gosvami we can understand that the effects of worshiping different demigods are not, as some less intelligent persons suppose, the same as the effects of worshiping Lord Visnu
- From the Vedas also we can understand that this asat, or temporary cosmic manifestation, is an emanation from the supreme sat, or fact
- From the Vedas we understand that He (God) is supplying everyone's necessities, and we can actually see that the lower animals, the birds and the bees, have no business or profession, yet they are not dying for want of food
- From the very face it will be understood. Face is the index of mind, how you are thinking. If you are thinking of Krsna always, then your face will be beautiful
- From this (asvamedham gavalambham, sannyasam pala-paitrkam, devarena sutotpattim, kalau panca vivarjayet - CC Adi 17.164) we can understand that in this age the sannyasa-asrama is forbidden because people are not strong
- From this (CC Antya 3.207) statement by Haridasa Thakura, it is understood that a pure Vaisnava never takes anyone’s insults seriously
- From this (CC Madhya 16.175) we can understand that since the Muslim governor was a drunkard (madyapa), ordinarily there would have been no chance that he would change. But Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could turn anyone's mind to Krsna consciousness
- From this instance we can understand that even a person who thinks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as an enemy gets liberation or a place in a Vaikuntha planet
- From this statement (in SB 10.5.14) we can understand that five thousand years ago not only was there enough milk, butter and curd to eat, drink and cook with, but when there was a festival it would be thrown about without restriction
- From this verse (of SB 8.5.23) we can understand the situation of Kali-yuga, through which we are now passing
- From Vedic instructions we understand that this material world is created by the glance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (sa aiksata, sa asrjata)
- Fully satisfied by the answers of the sage Maitreya, Vidura wanted to understand the remaining portions of the creative function of the Lord, and he took the clue from the previous topics
- Furthermore, due to his wisdom and study of sastras (scriptures), he can understand also that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- General people understand that retiring from ordinary duties, one becomes spiritually advanced. That is being taught here. It is not like that
- Generally people accept a powerful yogi like Durvasa Muni as wonderfully superior, but if such a person is chased by the Sudarsana cakra, we can see his real identity and understand how inferior he is because of his dealings with devotees
- Generally yoga is understood as meditation. But yoga, real meaning of yoga - to keep, to keep in touch with the Supreme - that is called yoga, to keep in touch
- Generally, people who are attached to the bodily conception of life are so absorbed in materialism that it is almost impossible for them to understand that there is a transcendental body which is imperishable and eternally blissful. BG 1972 purports
- Generally, people who are attached to the bodily conception of life are so absorbed in materialism that it is almost impossible for them to understand that there is a transcendental body which is imperishable and full of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Generally, they understand that, "By becoming religious, I shall be rich." That is fact, you can become. But what is the benefit
- Generally, they understand, "If I become religious, pious, then my life will be nice. I'll get my subsistence." Actually, that's fact
- Generally, you understand that a vedanti, a sannyasi, a brahmin may know about spiritual knowledge, about God. No, the fact is, as Krsna says: - Because you are My devotee, because you are My dear friend, you can understand the mystery of BG
- God has got many names according to different religious system. But the real name is Kristo. And you will be glad to understand that this Kristo, it is a Greek word, and it is a perverted pronunciation of Krsna
- God is omnipotent in this way. I do not know what is pains and pleasure is going on within your body. That is not possible for me to understand. Neither you can understand what pains and pleasure I am feeling. But God knows
- God is the supreme consciousness, and I am His servant. So, for our present understanding, subordinate means servant
- Govinda understood all the indications of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore he immediately delivered the remnants of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's food to Kalidasa
- Great personalities understand that a living entity entangled in this material world cannot be freed by his own efforts
- Guru is required to understand tad-vijnanam, transcendental science, not for any material understanding
- Haridasa cannot have been degraded; he must have attained liberation. This is a pastime of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's. You will all understand it later
- Haridasa Thakura told him, "There is no limit to your good fortune. No one can understand the glories of what you (Rupa Gosvami) have described"
- Haridasa Thakura, being the acarya of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, is called Namacarya Haridasa Thakura. From his personal example we can understand that chanting the Hare Krsna and becoming highly elevated in Krsna consciousness is very simple
- Having received Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's permission, Ramananda Raya hastily went to the temple of Lord Jagannatha. Who can understand the devotional service of Raya Ramananda
- He (Aurobindo Ghosh) understood that there are activities even after liberation, but he could not understand Krsna, so hard it is. Others, the so-called sannyasis, just like Ramatirtha or Vivekananda, they could not approach even, in the modern age
- He (Brahma) could understand that although the original calves and boys were still in the cave where he had put them, Krsna had expanded Himself and so the present demonstration of calves and boys consisted of expansions of Krsna
- He (Caitanya) declares that because the Vedanta-sutra was compiled by Srila Vyasadeva, it may be understood to have emanated from the breathing of Sri Narayana
- He (Durvasa Muni) could understand the influence of a Vaisnava by personal experience. Durvasa Muni was certainly a great yogi and a very learned brahmana, but despite his being a real yogi he was unable to understand the influence of a Vaisnava
- He (Duryodhana) could not accept the sound advice of Vidura, but on the contrary he insulted that great soul, who was the well-wisher of his whole family. Vidura could understand this because he was a pure devotee of the Lord
- He (King Rahugana) now wanted to understand the deep meaning of the philosophical words used by Jada Bharata, and with great sincerity, he begged his pardon
- He (King Uttanapada) could understand the great fortune of his wife Suniti and the great misfortune of Queen Suruci, for these facts were certainly very open in the palace
- He (Krsna) appears not to have understood that work in full knowledge is nonreactive and is therefore the same as inaction. He inquires, therefore, whether he should cease work altogether, or work with full knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) is like a king or president. When one says that the king or president is coming, it is understood that he is not coming alone. He comes with His secretaries, ministers and many others
- He (Lord Jesus Christ) was crucified by the nondevotees, but He sacrificed His life for spreading God consciousness. Of course, it would be superficial to understand that He was killed. BG 1972 purports
- He (Nanda Maharaj) could understand that Uddhava was a very confidential friend of Krsna's and therefore must have come with good messages
- He (omkara) is the beginning, middle and end, and He is beginningless as well. When one understands omkara as such, he becomes immortal. One should thus know omkara as a representation of the Supreme situated in everyone's heart
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) could understand that in the future there would be many people who would try to imitate Lord Caitanya because the Lord played as an ordinary brahmana, despite the fact that His devotees accepted Him as an incarnation
- He (Siva) also understood that Bhrgu Muni had created the Rbhudeva demigods by uttering the mantras of the Yajur Veda and that these demigods had driven away all of his soldiers who were present in the arena of sacrifice
- He (Svarupa Damodara) has completely understood that so-called scientific knowledge is bogus, it has no solid background. Now he's writing books on this
- He (the cleansed heart person who is free from the clutches of maya, or the materialistic way of life) understands that he is not this body - that he's a spirit soul, and that his business is therefore different from merely material concerns
- He (the liberated person) understands that everything is connected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that everything should be engaged in the service of the Lord. Therefore he does not give up anything
- He (the personalist) understands that although He (God) distributes Himself in so many ways, He has His separate personal existence
- He (the sun-god) is rotating under the order of Krsna, and Lord Krsna originally made Vivasvan His first disciple to understand the science of Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- He (Vyasadeva) has explained all these books for use of the human society undoubtedly: how to become religious, how to develop economic position, how to understand what is liberation, how to satisfy restrictedly sense gratification
- He alone, and no one else, can understand the position of his mind
- He could also understand the transcendental religious principles, which are above the modes of material nature and which concern the relationship between the living being and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He could understand the intention of Brahma, and thus He spoke in deep, thoughtful words, removing all the illusion that had arisen
- He is certainly a first-class man who awakens and understands, either by himself or from others, the falsity and misery of this material world and thus leaves home and depends fully on the Personality of Godhead residing within his heart
- He is himself a poor man. But he has no knowledge to understand it. Why he is falling down from the skyscraper and killing himself? Why? A poor man commits suicide. So if he is committing suicide, he is a poor man. He falsely thinking that he is rich man
- He would not listen to blasphemy of a Vaisnava, nor would he listen to talk of a Vaisnava's misbehavior. He knew only that everyone was engaged in Krsna's service; he did not understand anything else
- Hearing all this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was astonished. "These are actually My confidential pastimes," He thought. "How could Haridasa have understood them"
- Hearing this news, the Lord was very pleased. Who can understand the mercy of the Lord upon His devotee
- Hearing this, Svarupa Damodara could understand the full truth of the matter. He spoke sweetly to the fisherman
- Here (in material world) everything is relative. Just like if I say: "father," "father" has no meaning if there is no son. Duality. If I say: "good," so unless I have got idea of bad, I cannot understand good
- Here (SB 5.18.18) the word mayamaya is further explained in regard to how the Lord expands His mercy in different ways. parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate: (Cc. Madhya 13.65, purport) the energies of the Supreme Lord are understood in different ways
- Here is a difference between male and female that exists even in the higher statuses of life-in fact, even between Lord Siva and his wife. Lord Siva could understand Citraketu very nicely, but Parvati could not
- His (Krsna's) friends, being controlled in such a way, could not understand that for one whole year they were absent from the Yamuna's bank and were under the spell of Brahma's illusion
- His (Krsna's) killing of His mother or nurse was no different from His love for His real mother or His foster mother, Yasoda. We further understand from Vedic information that Putana was also treated as a mother and given the same facility as Yasoda
- How are these things going on so nicely if there is no controller? If we see any establishment going on very well, we immediately understand that the manager, director, or controller of the institution is expert
- How can a gross man fully engaged in materialistic activities understand the soul, which is a small particle of spirit one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair?
- How can one understand that he has already transcended the influence of the modes of material nature? The second question asks how he lives and what his activities are. Are they regulated or nonregulated? BG 1972 purports
- How many people know that he is not body? Unless we understand this first principle of knowledge, there is no question of spiritual advancement of life
- How one has become Krsna conscious, these are the symptoms, the brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na . . . (BG 18.54). We have to understand by the symptoms
- How one is God conscious, that is understood that how he is strictly following the general instruction. Otherwise it will be escaping. Somebody will say: "God is dictating me in this way, so I can do this." Then everyone can say like that
- However, let me make it understood that he should come here without weapons. He may bring with him five or seven servants
- Human beings are advanced living entities, and they have created modern civilization by utilizing dull, inert matter. This is our superiority. However, we are also prakrti as well as para prakrti. In this way, we have to understand tattva jnana
- Human civilization means to understand the supreme proprietor of everything and offer his obeisances unto Him. Just like we offer our respects and obeisances to the state ruler, or the state president
- Human life is regulated life, not animal life. In regulated life only can one understand transcendental knowledge
- Human life should be sober. He should... Therefore the first beginning of real life is to understand that "I am not this body." This is the first lesson. But where is that education? Throughout the whole world, go anywhere
- Human reason fails to understand how by serving the devotee Bhagavata or the book one gets gradual promotion on the path of devotion. But actually these are facts explained by Srila Naradadeva, who happened to be a maidservant's son in his previous life
- Human society means to understand it, that what is the basic principle of material life. If we understand it is sex, therefore we have to cut down the sex desire gradually by becoming brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa. This is the process
- Husband is understood as the enjoyer and the wife is considered as the enjoyed. But if the wife satisfies the senses of the husband, her senses are also satisfied
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) am faultless because I have written herein (CC Madhya 2.93) whatever I have understood from Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Rupa and Raghunatha dasa Gosvamis
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja) have described how the Lord again met with Sanatana Gosvami. By hearing this I can understand the Lord's desire
- I (Prabhupada) also understand that you do not move very much nowadays, therefore you cannot come in the temple, but at home you can render some valuable service for this movement.
- I (Prabhupada) understand. But I am understanding from my teacher, just like I told you, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Lord Caitanya. There are so many stalwart teachers, practically whole Hindu community
- I also understand that you do not move very much nowadays, therefore you cannot come in the temple, but at home you can render some valuable service for this movement
- I am (Prabhupada) very much pleased to understand that although you are now living away from Vrindavana, your mind is here. That is a very good sign. This is the symptom of loving affection for Krishna
- I am glad to understand that you are living and working peacefully with the others there. This is required. If we also fight and preach Krishna consciousness, what will people say?
- I am so glad to understand from you your concern about the managing of our Krsna Consciousness movement. Yes, you are my elder disciple, you are one of the leaders of our Society
- I am so glad to understand that you have decided to dedicate your life for Krishna Consciousness Movement, this is the right way of perfecting our mission of human life
- I am thinking I am matter, I am American, I am this, I am that, I am . . . but when the heart is cleansed, then I understand that I don't belong to this material world. Aham brahmasmi: I am brahma. I am the spiritual spark
- I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand. They have spoiled the whole situation by misinterpreting, by malinterpreting, and by bringing some rascal and pose as leader. The whole world is spoiled
- I am very glad to learn that you are endeavouring to understand the prime goal of life, without which the facility of human life becomes futile
- I can now understand that devotional service unto Lord Krsna is the supreme form of worship. Out of Your causeless mercy You have made my life successful simply by explaining the facts
- I did not understand him (Guru Maharaj), actually. In the beginning I could not understand him. He was speaking in so high philosophical way that it was not . . . still, I wanted to hear him. That was my only qualification
- I go there and eat the food My mother offers, but she cannot understand that I am eating it directly. She thinks that this is a dream
- I have already explained that, that this is my mission, to educate people to understand himself
- I have been asked by Srila Prabhupad to enquire who has had this document prepared without Srila Prabhupad's authority being given? It is understood from Bali Maradan that it has taken over one year to prepare this document
- I have given this example, that you cannot satisfy anyone by material service. The example is in our country. Mahatma Gandhi gave his . . . the best capacity as he understood. Still, he could not satisfy everyone. Somebody killed him
- I have guaranteed their staying in India in the matter of their maintenance and security and still they are being asked to leave the country. I cannot understand what are the legal intricacies in this connection
- I have thus summarized these pastimes in the Twenty-fifth Chapter. Hearing this summary, one can understand the whole purport of this scripture
- I infer that "I have written" is a false understanding, for my body is like a wooden doll
- I simply repeat like a parrot whatever instructions You have given me. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. Who can understand Your dramatic performances
- I understand from Bhavananda Maharaja that you are invited here to plant a garden. So when you come your questions can be discussed
- I understand now that am simply put here, as if thrown into the Atlantic Ocean. I may not in any way identify with the Atlantic Ocean, but I am subject to the tossing of the ocean. Actually I am a spiritual spark, a fragmental part of You.
- I understand so many sages go to the jungle and forest to see God - the mother replied (to Dhruva). - They undergo great penances and austerities in order to find God there
- I understand that due to financial needs you are doing Sankirtana party in order to raise funds. Regarding the solution to your getting the necessary funds as well as your request for men to lead the Sankirtana, this must be decided by the GBC
- I understand that You (Caitanya) are personally the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, Sanatana said, and with Your breathing there are many manifestations of Vedic literature
- I understand that you are feeling my absence. Krishna will give you strength. Physical presence is immaterial; presence of the transcendental sound received from the spiritual master should be the guidance of life
- I understand that you have quickly learned how to operate the Composer machine, and I am anxious to learn how things are progressing in this connection. Have you begun yet to compose Nectar of Devotion?
- I understand that you have started to firmly initiate a campus society, called OSU Yoga Society. It would have been better to name it as Bhakti Yoga Society, otherwise the society may be understood as one of the many yoga societies
- I understand that You teach Kalapa-vyakarana. I have heard that Your students are very expert in the word jugglery of this grammar
- I understand you have left and it is a thunderbolt for me. How is that?What are your demands? Or have you also been contaminated? Please tell me frankly. Where is your wife and child?
- I understood that you (Sanatana Gosvami) had eight coins with you, and I was thinking of killing you to take them," the hotelkeeper confessed. "But I can understand that you are such a good man that you don't have to offer me the money
- I was a student in the Scottish Churches College and 90% of our professors were Europeans. All of them learned Bengali just to understand the local language. Although all of them were speaking with us in English
- I've tried to present these Vedic literatures in such a way that the common man will be able to appreciate and understand them. Both you and your brother have always helped me in this mission. Now continue to help me in that way
- If a living entity simply understands that his constitutional position is to serve Krsna and he tries to act on this principle, then however conditioned he may be, the influence of maya immediately vanishes
- If a mother leaves her child in his cradle and goes away to attend to some family duties, the child immediately understands that his mother has gone away, and therefore he cries. But as soon as the mother returns and cares for the child, the child laughs
- If a person has written some theory, evolution of chemicals, and all rubbish things, it is very nice thing for the so-called dogs and camels, but those who have got eyes to see, one who has heard from Krsna, he'll understand this is nonsense
- If a person knows what gold is, then anywhere he comes upon gold, he'll understand, "Here is gold." He won't think gold is available in one shop only & if a person knows what God is, what the meaning of "God" is, then in Krsna he will find God in fullness
- If a person understands that he is not his body and that he has nothing to do with this material world, he becomes free from material entanglement. But that realization is not the perfectional stage
- If all people understand this very nice fact, that God is everyone's friend and that He is the supreme proprietor, they will become peaceful. That is explained also by Lord Caitanya
- If body says, "I have brought lamp. You can see," this is nonsense. So Bhagavad-gita is so perfectly illuminated that anyone can understand without any very advanced knowledge, simple knowledge
- If by the evolutionary process of philosophical life one happens to reach the platform of intellectual life and understands that he is not this material body but a spiritual soul, he is situated in the vijnana-maya stage
- If he (Dhruva Maharaja) were so developed as to understand honor and insult, then this understanding should have been applied in his own life
- If he (the child) repeats or he understands firmly, "My father has said. It is perfectly right," then his knowledge is perfect. The child may be imperfect, but because he receives the knowledge from the authority, father, his knowledge is perfect
- If he does not understand this (simply performing one's duties properly, without realizing his relationship with God) then even though he discharges his prescribed duties properly, it is to be understood that he is simply laboring without profit
- If he wants to know all these, there is bonafide source for understanding these problems, providing he agrees to give a submissive aural reception to the respective authorities as much as he believes in the authoritative statements of Sir Isaac Newton
- If he's animal, simply eating, sleeping, mating, what he will understand? Animal is not interested to know how the world is going on. He gets his food and sex. That's all. That is animal propensity
- If I say that "I have understood this is, this glass, this spectacle is spectacle. I have learned it from authority," that is a fact. I may be imperfect, but because I have learned from authorities, then this statement is correct
- If it is possible for a devotee to remain transcendental, it is certainly possible for the SP of Godhead to remain in His internal potency without being attached to the external potency. There should be no difficulty in understanding this situation
- If Lord Krsna rejected the company of the other gopis for Srimati Radharani, we can understand that Lord Sri Krsna has intense affection for Her
- If one actually understands dharma, he immediately becomes liberated and is transferred to the kingdom of God. Bhagavata-dharma, or the principle of religion enunciated by the parampara system, is the supreme principle of religion
- If one actually understands one's constitutional position as an eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord, he becomes detached from the service of the material world
- If one actually understands that every one of us is a servant of the Lord, where is the question of enemy or friend
- If one actually understands that omkara is the sound representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whether he chants omkara or the Hare Krsna mantra, the result is certainly the same
- If one adopts this process, hearing from the realized soul in an attitude of humbleness, then he can conquer the ajita. He can understand
- If one can hear from the proper source, and if he understands the real fact of rasa-lila, then the result will be that his heart, which is full with lusty desire, that will vanish. There will be no more lusty desires
- If one can perceive the characteristics of the Absolute Truth, we can know that he has understood the substance of the Absolute Truth by the mercy of the Lord
- If one can understand the nature of the mind (manorathena) and its thinking, feeling and willing, one can very easily understand how from the mind different types of bodies develop
- If one chants once only, it is to be understood that he has already passed all the examinations, not to speak of those who are chanting always, twenty-four hours a day. It is specifically said here (in SB 3.33.7), tubhyam: "unto You only
- If one chants the holy name of the Lord with great attachment, he can understand his position as an eternal servant of the spiritual master, other Vaisnavas and Krsna Himself
- If one desires to understand the sun as it is, one must first face the sunshine and then the sun globe, and then, if one is able to enter into that globe, one may come face to face with the predominating deity of the sun - CC Preface
- If one desires to understand the sun as it is, one must first face the sunshine, then the sun globe and, after entering into that globe, come face to face with the predominating deity of the sun
- If one does not, therefore, understand this science of transmigration but considers the body to be all in all, his intelligence is not very advanced
- If one follows all the religious principles of a particular sect and does not become advanced in understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, all such labor of love is fruitless
- If one is connected with Krsna in any of these transcendental relationships (as a supreme master, supreme friend, supreme son and supreme conjugal lover) , the course of one's material life is understood to have already ended
- If one is fortunate enough to understand the happiness and distress of the spirit soul and gets a taste for transcendental knowledge, then he will be indifferent to the happiness and distress of the body and mind and will relish a transcendental peace
- If one is intelligent enough, he will understand by association of sadhus that this material life is not happy at all, but we want happiness. That is a fact. Every one of us, we are searching after happiness
- If one is interested to understand things which is beyond this darkness, he requires a guru. To keep guru is not a fashion, just like you keep a dog or a cat as a fashion. So things should not be done like that
- If one is not able to meditate in such a way (which make one understand that one himself is the Supreme), then there are prescribed duties, as enjoined in the Vedic literature, for the brahmanas, vaisyas, and sudras. BG 1972 purports
- If one is serious about liberation from material bondage, one has to understand the distinctions between action, inaction and unauthorized actions. BG 1972 purports
- If one places himself in artificial light, it may flicker and go out. Krsna is just like sunlight. Where He is present there is no question of darkness and ignorance. The wise men, the mahatmas, understand this
- If one studies the earth, he naturally understands the by-products of the earth
- If one takes shelter of Narada instead of material teachers, this (confidential) knowledge is possible to understand. Understanding does not depend upon high parentage
- If one understands that we are small particles of the Supreme Lord and our business is to dovetail our consciousness with His consciousness, that is perfect Krsna consciousness
- If one understands the philosophy that as a living spirit soul he has an affinity for neither suffering nor enjoyment, then he is considered to be a liberated person
- If one understands what sin is, he should give it up with sincerity and regret and surrender unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through His agent, the pure devotee
- If one wants success in life, he should immediately understand from the right sources what his self-interest is and how he should mold his life in spiritual consciousness
- If our education is meant for simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending, then what is the difference? That is not education. Real education is to understand what you are. That is real education. Atma-jnana
- If people become Krsna conscious, by the transcendental will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there will be enough foodstuffs produced so that people will have no economic problems at all. One can very easily understand this fact
- If Sankarsana is understood to represent the living entities created from the body of Vasudeva, the living entities would have to be noneternal
- If somebody is interested to know what is the important thing, then he can understand this. And if he's animal, simply eating, sleeping, mating, what he will understand?
- If somebody wants to understand this Hare Krsna mantra through philosophy, through study, through Vedanta, we are not lacking. We have got books. It is not that Hare Krsna mantra is insufficient, therefore we are recommending books. No. Not like that
- If someone is being educated, one can understand that when he passes his examination, he is going to be an engineer or medical practitioner. Similarly, in this life, you can prepare yourself to become something in the next life
- If someone is one-hundred-percent engaged in the service of the Lord, he is to be understood as liberated
- If someone says, 'Place this charity in the hand of the husband of the wife of the brahmana,' when we hear these contradictory words we immediately understand that the brahmana's wife has another husband
- If the Absolute Truth is beyond measurement, one may ask, how can one realize Him? The answer is given here by the word svayambhuve: one may understand Him or not, but nevertheless He is existing in His own spiritual potency
- If the Australian people like to hear me, I invite any scientist, any philosopher to understand. But I don't think they are interested. Because they are too much materially involved with this bodily concept. They think this body is everything
- If the educational system simply teaches these processes, it does not deserve the name of education. Real education enables us to understand what we are
- If the king is saintly, and if he understands the philosophy of life, then he can turn the whole picture
- If the living entity again misses his chance in the human form to understand his position, he is again placed in the cycle of birth and death in various types of bodies
- If the living entity understands his position and surrenders to the Lord, his life becomes successful
- If the people of the world understood that the basic principle of life is spiritual identification, they would understand that the business of the spirit soul is to serve the Supreme Spirit, Krsna
- If the sun enters your room, then your room and yourself - everything - will be finished. Immediately. You will not have the leisure to understand that the sun has entered. Is it not
- If the United Nation passed resolution that, "The whole planet belongs to God; we are sons of God, so let us live peacefully as sons of God," oh, there is no quarrel. But that they will never understand. They'll simply try to divide
- If their (the logicians) judgment is impartial, they will understand that no other humanitarian activities can surpass those of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If there is distribution of prasadam then we can go everywhere, whole day program. Kirtana and distribution. So that is going on. And simply dry philosophy, what people will understand
- If there is such a place, from which, having gone, one does not return to the miserable material condition of life, what is the use of jumping like monkeys in the temporary material world & not seeing or understanding that place? What will be the profit?
- If there is the superior identity... And for understanding that superior identity we require superior knowledge, not ordinary knowledge. Divya-jnana hrde prakasito. So this is the duty of the guru, to awaken that divya-jnana
- If they do not know what is God, then how he'll understand the law of God? That means there is no religion. All cheating
- If they understand that, "I have done all these things by sinful activities, and I'll have to suffer in my next life," they'll not do. But therefore they do not believe next birth or soul. They try to forget it
- If they understand what the moon is, why do they come back here? If they knew perfectly what the moon is, they would have resided there by now
- If we become intelligent enough to understand the sastras, then our life is successful, human life
- If we can induce even one person to understand that this material world is not meant for our living, our real home is in the spiritual world, and if we can convince this philosophy to even a single person, that is the success of our missionary activities
- If we claim to be human being, born in India, it is our duty to understand the value of life from Bhagavad-gita and preach this cult to others to do real welfare activities
- If we consider the bodily defects of a Vaisnava, we should understand that we are committing an offense at the lotus feet of the Vaisnava. An offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava is very serious
- If we falsely claim that sitting here for one hour or half an hour, we have become proprietor, that is false impression. So one has to understand that we are neither proprietor nor enjoyer. God is the enjoyer, and God is the proprietor
- If we go to a jeweler and say, "Can you give me a diamond?" he will understand that this is a fool. He could charge us any price for anything. That kind of searching will not do at all
- If we neglect this facility and remain like a dog, simply engaged in eating, sleeping, sex and defense, then we remain dog. Then again we become dog. The opportunity was given to us to understand the problems of life, how to solve
- If we understand perfectly well that we are not enjoyer, Krsna is enjoyer, then that is spiritual world. This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to convince everyone that we, we are not enjoyer, enjoyer is Krsna
- If we understand that everything belongs to God, so that sense will lead me: "No, I am not enjoyer." So my sense gratification, my anger, my lust, all finished at once, at stroke, if I understand that "Nothing belongs to me; everything belongs to God"
- If we want to acquire transcendental knowledge, our first duty will be to understand that the spirit soul is eternal truth. The external ingredients, the body and the mind which develop around the spirit soul, are all relative or partial truths
- If you actually love God, then your love for insects is also there, because you understand, - This insect has got a different kind of body, but he is also part and parcel of God - he is my brother
- If you are already informed, condemned to death, and kept in a concentration camp, will you be happy? Similarly, when these people take these cows to the slaughterhouse, animal stock room, godown, they understand
- If you are poor man, then you are dishonest. People will understand that "This man is actually not honest because he does not know how to earn money by hook or crook"
- If you associate with persons addicted to so many drugs or brothel men, then you will become like that. And if you associate with the Krsna conscious men, then you become Krsna conscious; you understand what is your real position
- If you can analyze the characteristics of the living entity, then you can at least understand what is God, what is the characteristics of God. Therefore the beginning of spiritual education is to understand one's self, this self-realization
- If you can understand the Supreme, then you understand the whole thing, because Supreme is the whole, absolute
- If you don't become servant of God, then you become servant of your senses. That is your position. So those who are intelligent, so they will understand that If I have to remain a servant, why I shall remain servant of the senses? Why not of Krsna?
- If you drink more milk and milk products, then your brain will be very sharp. You will understand things very nicely, correctly. Therefore milk is very important
- If you eat, you understand that your hunger is satisfied. Similarly, actually if you follow this principle of Krsna consciousness movement, you'll see yourself that you are advancing in the matter of self-realization
- If you execute, you try to follow this system of religion, then you will directly understand: Yes, you are making progress. Just like these boys and girls, and you also join, dancing. This is directly connecting God. Otherwise they are not dogs
- If you have become so dull on account of sinful activities . . . therefore to understand properly, to have clear brain, one has to become pure: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. And then you will be, you can learn
- If you have firm faith, if you take Krsna, "Yes, Krsna is the Supreme Personality," then your examination is passed. Just like fire. You understand what is fire or not understand, but if you catch fire, it will act
- If you have understood the difference between material nature and the spiritual nature, then try to understand that as you have got experience of this material nature, there is another nature, another sky, another planetary system
- If you receive the knowledge from the authority, then you are in perfect knowledge, simply by..., not by reading the books. Therefore our method is to accept the perfect guru to understand the subject matter
- If you simply consult dictionary, you can understand what is the meaning of God. God is so cheap thing, huh? Supreme being. Are you supreme being? Supreme means the highest authority. Highest authority means nobody is equal to him
- If you simply give aural reception to the vibration, that will make him advanced, not exactly that anyone has to understand it. Yes. Just like a man is sleeping, and somebody is calling him
- If you simply understand that Krsna is the only enjoyer, then your propensity to become false enjoyer will be vanquished that, "I am not enjoyer. Krsna is the enjoyer." Then there is no question of renunciation
- If you think the major portion of the audience can understand directly English, then it is much better. I am not very much enthusiastic to speak in a place where English is not directly understood
- If you understand Sanskrit grammar, then you can read all the Vedic literature without any translation. Simply by studying. Therefore the Sanskrit scholars are first of all taught grammar
- If you understand that "This is my disease, repetition of birth, death, old age and disease," you'll have to sacrifice. Like you are sacrificing money for being cured from the diseased condition, similarly, sastra says this human life is meant for tapasya
- If you understand that you are spirit soul, you are Brahman, then, at that time, you will become free from this blazing fire of material existence
- If you understand your position, then what is your real occupation, real activities, you will understand
- If you want this, all right, go to this demigod. - Means somehow or other, this lusty person is being brought before a demigod to understand that this is not good. This is implicating
- If you want to be a medical practitioner, if you purchase books from the bookstore, medical books, and you study, that will not help you. You have to admit yourself in a medical college and study there. Then you will understand
- If you want to find out where is soul, and if you dissect the heart, then soul is gone. That is another danger. Better understand from the authority. That is knowledge. Sastra-caksusa
- If you want to stop the danger of death, then you have to understand what is that Absolute Truth. Just like I have given already the example of sunshine. If you come to the sunshine, there is no darkness
- If, after performing one's occupational duty very perfectly, one does not make progress in Krsna consciousness, it should be understood that he has simply wasted his time in valueless labor
- If, however, one understands one's position as spirit soul apart from the body, the mind can be a liberating factor. In itself, the mind has nothing to do, it is simply waiting to be trained, and it is best trained through association
- Iha, in this life, our only duty is to understand the bhagavata-dharma, how to serve God. That is the only business. There is no other business. That is the only business of human life
- Illusioned by the material energy, people are so engrossed in subject matter for sense gratification that they have very little time to understand the question of self-understanding. BG 1972 purports
- Immediately, as soon as he understands this philosophy of life that, "I am uselessly serving this material world or the society, friendship, country and so on, so on, without serving Krsna," that is called jnana, knowledge
- In animal life, the animal has no sense to understand that he is naked
- In BG 4.2 Krsna says: This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, & the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost
- In BG, SB, CC, or any Vedic literature or any other literature in any other religion, the same fact is presented: God is the proprietor. God is the only friend. If you understand this, then you'll have peace. This is the peace formula
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna recommends this process of knowledge: "This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way." (BG 4.2)
- In Bhagavad-gita, therefore, it is specifically mentioned that one should be very alert to understand the specific difficulties of birth and death
- In dream I am not attacked by the tiger, but I am thinking, "Oh, tiger is there." It is a simply dreaming condition. So as soon as you understand that, "I am not in contact with tiger. It is all a dream," then you are delivered
- In each case we must understand that there is a plan of the Lord
- In goodness you can understand things - knowledge. You can know that there is God, that this world was created by Him, and so many things, actual things - the sun is this, the moon is this - perfect knowledge
- In Krsna consciousness we can understand that the entire material creation is created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, maintained by Him, annihilated by Him and absorbed in Him. We are also part and parcel of the Lord
- In Krsna consciousness, one comes directly into communion with Krsna, and thus all directions from Krsna may be understood in that transcendental state. One is sure to achieve results by such activities and attain conclusive knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- In order to advance in spiritual understanding, one has to hear from authentic sources about spiritual knowledge. One can understand the reality of spiritual life by following strict regulative principles and by controlling the senses
- In order to fulfill their (living entities) desire to lord it over the material energy of material forms and names, they are given a chance for such false enjoyment, and a chance to understand the real position through the revealed scriptures
- In order to inquire about the ultimate goal of life, the Vedas enjoin, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: (MU 1.2.12) In order to understand the transcendental science, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- In order to know all this transcendental subject matter, it is recommended, "One must approach to the proper guru to understand this subject matter." And that is success of human life
- In order to study Radharani, Krsna lived in Her role and tried to understand Himself. This is the secret of Lord Caitanya's incarnation
- In order to understand things as they are, you require good brain, and for good brain, you require milk preparation
- In Orissa most of the brahmanas have the title Dasa. Generally it is understood that the word dasa refers to those other than the brahmanas, but in Orissa the brahmanas use the Dasa title. This is confirmed by Culli Bhatta
- In other words, unless one is already beyond liberation, one cannot relish the transcendental glories of the Lord, nor can one understand the transcendental form of the Lord
- In our present condition we cannot understand the spiritual activities and how they occur, but although they are inconceivable in the material context, we should not disregard such contradictory conceptions
- In relation with body, we think of family, community, nationality. In this way our civilization is dog civilization. That is not human civilization. Human civilization begins when one understands that he is not this body
- In that transcendental position, one can understand the SPG, Vasudeva, who in His subtler form is self-effulgent and beyond the modes of nature. O my (Pariksit's) lord, please describe vividly how that form, which covers the entire universe, is perceived
- In the beginning of Bhagavad-gita, Krsna instructed Arjuna to understand that the spirit soul is different from the body
- In the Bhagavad-gita also that is mentioned, and in the Srimad-Bhagavatam is also mentioned (that brahmacari, householder & retired - everyone has got specific duty). And one is to be understood what he is according to his quality and work, not by birth
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that anyone who factually understands the transcendental appearance and disappearance of the Lord by His inconceivable energy becomes liberated from the laws of birth and death
- In the brahmacari life the training is sufficiently imparted so that one may understand that the world as property belongs to the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that understanding prakrti, or nature, to be the cause of everything is like understanding the nipples on the neck of a goat to be the cause of milk
- In the conditioned state of material existence one cannot be spiritually realized because he identifies himself materially. The understanding of the distinction between material existence and spiritual existence is called jnana
- In the higher sense, everything is serving Krsna, and those who are highly elevated understand this
- In the human form of life, however, consciousness is more greatly developed, and consequently the human being has a chance to understand his relationship with God
- In the human society, if they do not care to understand this factual position of his soul or consciousness, then he is no better than the animal
- In the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth one works without fruitive result, meditates and cultivates knowledge to understand spirit and matter. This is necessary as long as one is not in the association of a pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world everyone is trying to become happy, and although their material attempts are baffled in every way, due to their nescience they cannot understand their mistakes
- In the preliminary stages we require to stick to the formulas of religious scripture. But we must know that the whole idea is targeted to understand my real position. That is the whole idea of all scripture
- In the same Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.55) it is also said that scientific knowledge of Sri Krsna is understood only by the process of devotional service (bhakti-yoga)
- In the second stage, which is called dasya-rati, a person appreciates his position as being everlastingly subordinate to the Supreme Lord, and he understands that he is eternally dependent on the causeless mercy of the Supreme Person
- In the superior life forms, spiritual consciousness is fully awakened. Then the living entity understands his real position and tries to escape the influence of material energy by developing Krsna consciousness
- In the uncontaminated condition, the living entity understands that he is the eternal servitor of the Supreme, and that is called Brahman realization, the spiritual perfection of the living entity
- In the Vaikuntha planets is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the original person and who can be understood through the Vedic literature
- In this age it is not possible for the fallen souls to understand and undergo all the lessons of all these various scriptures in a varna and asrama system
- In this age people are not even interested in reading Vedanta-sutra. People are so badly infected by the influence of maya that they do not even care to understand that there is life after death or that there are 8,400,000 life forms
- In this city of Delhi, it is a great city and very important city. There are very important men here. They should kindly consider this proposal that there must be a very organized school to understand this bhagavata-dharma
- In this material world one must suffer from material miseries, but rascals do not care to understand this, for they are absorbed in ignorance. A smuggler may go on with his work, even though he knows that he will be arrested and punished
- In this verse (BG 4.5) it is understood that some millions of years ago when Lord Krsna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god Vivasvan, Arjuna, in a different capacity, was also present. BG 1972 purports
- In this way Lord Krsna bade farewell to the four-headed Brahma of this universe. We may thus understand that no one can calculate the extent of Krsna's energies
- In this way, one can perfect his life by engaging in devotional service under the directions of the sastras and the spiritual master. Devahuti understands this and is thus submitting to her son just as Arjuna submitted to Sri Krsna on the battlefield
- India there are six kinds of philosophies, but they are not recognized. Rsibhih, just like Devala Rsi, Narada Rsi, Vyasadeva, Asita Rsi, Valmiki Rsi, they are recognized. Rsibhir bahudha gitam. So they have got different philosophical ways to understand
- Indra, the King of heaven, could immediately understand his mistake. Realizing he had disrespected his spiritual master, he condemned himself in the presence of all the members of the assembly
- Instead of satisfying one's own personal material senses, he has to satisfy the senses of the Lord. That is the highest perfection of life. The Lord wants this, and He demands it. One has to understand this central point of Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Preface
- Intelligence is the discriminating power to understand an object, and it helps the senses make choices. Therefore intelligence is supposed to be the master of the senses
- It (raja-vidya) is the knowledge of light, and darkness has been separated from it. If one follows this path of knowledge, he will personally understand how far he has progressed down the path of perfection - pratyaksavagamam dharmyam
- It (the soul) has akara, but you cannot see with the blunt eyes. "Then how can I understand?" Srotriyam brahma-nistham, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). You have to learn by hearing. There is no other process
- It does not mean that we are finished just because we change our bodies. Before we can get out from the influence of material nature, we have to understand where our place actually is, where we are to go
- It doesn't matter what kind of religion you are following. If your love for God has enhanced, if you understand what is God, what is your relationship with God, and what is the end of or the object of human life, then your life is successful
- It is a different commodity, material - spiritual identity, which is different from this combination of matter, this body. So it requires little training to understand. Although it is very simple fact, but their brain is very dull, material
- It is a great science to understand what is that spiritual nature and what is that material nature, and we have published about eighty books of four hundred pages each for understanding what is this material nature and what is the spiritual nature
- It is a little intelligent. Just like we can see when the advertisement, we can immediately understand, "What is this nonsense advertisement? He's smoking, and it is cool?" So contradiction. You'll find contradiction everywhere
- It is a science, and spoken by the Lord Himself, and understood by all the acaryas. Krsna says acaryopasanam. We have to understand things through the acaryas
- It is a very profound subject matter to understand, but everything is explained
- It is all right for one to understand oneself as Brahman (aham brahmasmi), but what is our relationship with the Para-brahman
- It is also stated in the Bible that human being is made under the image of God. So if you study yourself - that is called meditation - then you can understand what is God
- It is an unfortunate civilization in which these matters are not plainly discussed to make people understand the precarious condition of material existence
- It is better to refrain from comparing the Lord's position to ours, and it becomes a simple truth as soon as we understand at least a partial calculation of the Lord's transcendental position
- It is called Kali-yuga, means disagreement. "Why shall I accept your proposition? I am also independent, I can think independently." This is the general propensity. But to understand the transcendental subject matter, one has to become submissive
- It is clearly stated here (in SB 3.32.30) that this (perfect knowledge) is not possible to understand for one who has not developed devotional service in full faith. The words samahitatma and samadhi are synonymous
- It is necessary at the present moment to understand something about absolute knowledge if we want to bring the human race back to sanity. Thus intelligent persons or leaders of men should not devote their energies only for worldly betterment
- It is not an institution to make some profit. It is just to render service to the whole humanity so that they may understand the scientific knowledge of God and be benefited in this human form of life. That is our program
- It is not possible for their (scientists) so-called science to understand what is the situation of this planetary system and what is the origin of life. They do not know. They admit
- It is not possible to go back to Godhead in one life, but in the human form one should at least understand the goal of life and begin Krsna consciousness
- It is not that a wealth of education is required. One does not even have to understand the language. The only ingredient needed is bhakti, love. If one becomes a pure bhakta, he will forget all material sense enjoyment
- It is not that we have to change our process of work, but we do have to understand for whom we are working. Whatever activity we have to do we must execute, but we should not be carried away by kama, desire
- It is not very easy for the unintelligent to understand the purport of this story because it is difficult to extricate the exact meaning from the allegory. I (Pariksit) therefore request Your (Sukadeva's) Holiness to give the direct meaning
- It is rare that an important man like yourself understands the prime importance of the Krishna consciousness movement
- It is said in the Bhagavad-gita, duhkhalayam. It is the place of miseries. You cannot become happy in a place which is meant for miseries. That we have to understand
- It is said in the Srimad Bhagavatam, that substance called truth, tattva, those who are jnanis they think it is formless, and the yogis understand it as Paramatma, and the devotees understand the truth to be Bhagavan
- It is said that man is a rational animal, but from this verse we can also understand that rationality exists even in animal life
- It is said that one should become a brahmana before one can understand the Vedic statements, and this stricture is as important as the stricture that no one shall become a lawyer who has not qualified himself as a graduate
- It is said that we have to accept knowledge through saintly person. Through sastra and guru we have to understand. So Krsna is accepted by all the sadhus and acaryas
- It is stated in the puranas that the individual soul is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair. If we could somehow divide the tip of a hair into ten thousand parts, we might begin to understand how the soul is invisible
- It is the duty of a father to understand the astrological position of his children and do what is needed for their happiness
- It is the duty of a mother to chastise her beloved son, even in the case of the Supreme Lord. It is to be understood that mother Durga was justified in punishing Citraketu
- It is the duty of the human being to understand the laws of the nature, the injunction in the sastras and live very honestly according to their direction
- It is the duty of the state, duty of the parents, duty of the guardians, duty of the husband, duty of the father - everyone's duty is how to elevate a living creature who has got this fortunate human form of life to understand this paramam gatim
- It is therefore concluded that one who chants the holy name of the Lord should be understood to have performed all kinds of austerities and great sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas. He has already taken his bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage
- It is to be understood that by the chanting of this mantra om namo bhagavate vasudevaya the author or the speaker or any one of the readers of Srimad-Bhagavatam is offering respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, Krsna, the reservoir of all pleasure
- It is to be understood that one is to be considered educated in accordance with his vision of life and his activity in accordance with that vision, not by his academic degrees. This is the understanding of the word pandita from Bhagavad-gita
- It is understood from authoritative sources that an attachment for Krsna because of feelings of disgust sometimes presents a ghastly ecstasy in devotional service
- It is understood from His Holiness Babaji Advaitanandan das Bhaktibhusan that some respectable gentlemen, headed by your Honor, have selected me as the President of Sri Krishna Caitanya Sangeet College, Bhaktivedyalaya Bisramtala, at Serampur
- It is understood from London that you are a debtor there for many, many pounds, and you are also a debtor to the Society for so many pounds
- It is understood from scriptures like the Brahma-samhita that in the spiritual abode of the Lord the houses are made of touchstone and the trees are all desire trees
- It is understood from the speech of Maha-Visnu that He was very eager to see Krsna. It may be said, however, that since Maha-Visnu took away the brahmana's sons, He must certainly have gone to Dvaraka to do so. Therefore, why did He not see Krsna there?
- It is understood that a devotee who is fully surrendered unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead has already acquired the position of a brahmana
- It is understood that all the people depended on nature's gifts of fruits and flowers without industrial enterprises promoting filthy huts and slums for residential quarters
- It is understood that one must be very fortunate to hear krsna-katha as seriously as Maharaja Pariksit did. He was especially intent on the subject matter because he was expecting death at any moment
- It is understood that the sexual appetite of a woman is nine times greater than that of a man
- It is understood that you are not coming in the temple since I left London. Why is this? What you are doing now on behalf of the society?
- It is understood that you have come back from Korea. I do not know why you have come back. You wanted to organize our preaching there
- It is very clear to understand the science of God. Why you should neglect and by, mislead ourself by understanding some misleading interpretation? That is my mission. I want to establish throughout the world that krsnas tu bhagavan svayam
- It is very confidential and difficult for ordinary human beings to understand, but if by chance one fortunately understands it, he is immediately liberated, and thus he returns home, back to Godhead
- It is very difficult for a person who is too materially affected to understand the personal nature. BG 1972 purports
- It is very difficult for the Western people to understand that body is not important thing; the soul is important thing. First of all, they do not know what is soul, and then consideration of importance
- It is very difficult subject matter (how to stop accepting bodies), of course, to understand, but Bhagavad-gita teaches, yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati - BG 4.7
- It is very difficult to find a man who perfectly understands the position of the soul, the Supersoul, the atomic soul, their respective functions, relationships and all other major and minor details. BG 1972 purports
- It is very easily understood, because Krsna, or God, is also situated within your heart. If you sincerely want association of God, He is already there with you as a friend
- It is very instructive chapter, if you continue to understand this instruction of Rsabhadeva. Now we have only read one verse. The next verse is that mahat-sevam dvaram ahur vimukteh - SB 5.5.2
- It is very simple to understand. The same example. Your position, you first of all you must know what is your position. The position is, Krsna says that, "All these living entities are My part and parcel." That is your position
- It should be thoroughly understood that birth is distressful. Because we forget how much distress we have suffered within the womb of the mother, we do not make any solution to the repetition of birth and death. BG 1972 purports
- It was difficult for them (the sages) to understand the words of the Lord. They could understand, however, that the Lord was speaking in such a humble way just to show them His all-merciful favor
- Janmady asya yato 'nvayad itaratas ca: (SB 1.1.1) everything emanates from the Supreme Absolute Truth, Krsna. This much knowledge is sufficient. We can then increase this knowledge to understand just how material nature is working under Krsna's direction
- Jnana means to understand that "I am not this material body. I do not belong to this material body. I am a spirit soul. I am part and parcel of Krsna. Krsna is the Supreme Spirit, and I belong to the spiritual world"
- Jnana, or knowledge, means to understand one's constitutional position, and vijnana refers to practical application of that knowledge in life
- Just as a person born recently in a family cannot understand the situation of his distant forefather, no one within this material world can understand the position of the Supreme Lord in the spiritual world
- Just as one can understand the supply of fire in wood, the water in a waterpot, or the sky within a pot, one can understand whether a living entity is a demon or a demigod by understanding that living entity's devotional performances
- Just as the Russian and Chinese Communists think that everything belongs to the state, we think that everything belongs to God. This is merely an extension of the same philosophy, and to understand it one simply needs a little intelligence
- Just as, when you eat, you do not require to ask anyone whether you are feeling strength or your hunger is satisfied. If you eat, you understand that you are feeling energy. You don't need to inquire from anyone
- Just being hurt by the words of wife that, "I love her . . ." Later on he (Tulasi dasa) understood, - Yes, she is right. So why should I be so much attached?
- Just like the finger is part and parcel of my body. Its duty is to serve the whole body. Similarly, if we accept, if we understand that, "I am part and parcel of God," then my duty is to serve God
- Just like the policeman, he is differently dressed. One can understand that he is policeman. Similarly, we are also differently dressed so that people may understand we are Hare Krsna people
- Just like your father is a person. That is a practical knowledge. Your father's father is also a person. His father is also a person. His father is also a person. Immediately you can understand. Therefore the supreme father must be a person
- Just then Arjuna could understand the motive of the Lord by His equivocal orders, and thus with his sword he severed both hair and jewel from the head of Asvatthama
- Just to understand one has to come to the platform of Brahman. Then spiritual education begins
- Just try to understand his position. He is unaware that before him is a tiger, which is accustomed to living at the cost of another's flesh. Behind the deer is a hunter, who's threatening to pierce him with sharp arrows. Thus the deer's death is imminent
- Just try to understand sreya and preya. Preya means according to one's position, there are different subject matter of sense gratification. That is called preya. And sreya means for future goodness. Ultimate good
- Kapiladeva became very happy by seeing His mother so eager to understand about the spiritual subject matter. Therefore, thanked her, "O My dear mother, thank you very much. You are so interested in the subject matter." Because people are not interested
- Kapiladeva said to Devahuti, "Those who assemble together to understand My qualities, pastimes and form, and thus glorify Me congregationally and derive transcendental pleasure therefrom, such fortunate devotees never desire to become one with Me"
- Kardama Muni could understand Devahuti's heart; generally all women desire material enjoyment. They are called less intelligent because they are mostly prone to material enjoyment
- Kardama Muni could understand that such a great king as Svayambhuva, although traveling to inspect the condition of his kingdom, must have had some special purpose to come to his hermitage. Thus he prepared himself to fulfill the King's desire
- Kardama Muni was surprised that he could produce such a palace, and similarly his wife, Devahuti, was also astonished. How could she live in that opulent palace? Kardama Muni could understand her astonishment
- Kesava Kasmiri said "I understand that You are a teacher of grammar, and that Your name is Nimai Pandita. People speak very highly of Your teaching of beginners' grammar"
- King Barhisman admitted that the entire story, narrated allegorically, is easily understood by a person in devotional service, but those who are engaged not in devotional service but in sense gratification cannot perfectly understand it
- King means the supreme executive head of government. They could understand that, "These things are now coming." Drstva, seeing practically
- King Nabhi understood that his son, Rsabhadeva, was very popular among the citizens and among government officers and ministers
- King Pariksit continued, "How then can Brahman, the Absolute Truth, be described by your words? I do not see how it is possible to understand transcendence from such expressions of material sound"
- King Prthu found out the cause for the scarcity of food grains. He could understand that it was not the people's fault, for they were not lazy in executing their duties
- King Puranjana was appreciating the beauty of the girl as if she were the goddess of fortune, but at the same time he was careful to understand that the goddess of fortune cannot be enjoyed by anyone except Lord Visnu
- King Rahugana could understand the speeches given by the carriers, who were afraid of being punished. He could also understand that simply due to the fault of one person, the palanquin was not being carried properly
- King Vrsaparva understood that Sukracarya was coming to chastise or curse him. Consequently, before Sukracarya came to his house, Vrsaparva went out and fell down in the street at the feet of his guru and satisfied him, checking his wrath
- Knowledge means to understand that everything belongs to Krishna
- Knowledge of Vasudeva requires many births to understand
- Krsna advises that whether you understand or not, simply surrender unto Him. What Krsna taught in Bhagavad-gita, we are also teaching, without different manufactured ideas. That is our Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna consciousness is so nice that naturally it will make you beautiful, not black-faced, not morose - beautiful face. That is the sign of spiritual advancement. By the face you'll understand that - Here is a man who is spiritually advanced
- Krsna consciousness means to understand these things (that if we contaminate sinful activities it may not be manifest immediately). It is not a bogus propaganda that, "You meditate fifteen minutes & you become God," nonsense. This is not such a movement
- Krsna consciousness movement is a nice movement, it is meant for correcting the mistake of the human society. They should be interested. They should read our books and understand
- Krsna consciousness movement is nothing extra; it is simply cleansing your heart to understand things as they are. That's all. Nothing external. You have to understand that you are eternal servant of God, or son
- Krsna first of all slapped Arjuna: "You do not know what is the fact, and talking like a very learned man. Just try to understand what is truth." First thing is that, we never die
- Krsna has given you nice opportunity to preach the philosophy so you must be sure to understand it rightly
- Krsna is giving the civilization, Vedic civilization. And if we thoroughly understand it, then we are fit for going back to home. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti
- Krsna is the enjoyer, Krsna is the proprietor, and Krsna is the friend. If you know these three things, then your knowledge is full; you do not require to understand anything more
- Krsna replied, "Every one of you (Kings) must understand that anything material has its starting point, growth, maintenance, expansion, deterioration and, finally, disappearance"
- Krsna said to Uddhava, "I believe that you understand the whole situation perfectly. Therefore I am asking your opinion. What should I do? I have faith in you, and therefore I shall do whatever you advise"
- Krsna said, "You (gopis) will understand that you are always with Me and that there is no cause of lamentation in our being separated from one another"
- Krsna says that "I spoke to sun-god." So by hearing this sruti, we understand that there is also life and there is also system, the government, the chief executive
- Krsna tried to make Arjuna understand that he was not his body. This instruction was not for Arjuna exclusively, but for everyone
- Krsna wants us to have full experience through which to understand that by material gain we shall never be happy. This is Krsna's desire
- Krsna, the Supreme Lord, gives us specific orders so that we can enjoy, in such a way that, at the end, we will understand that this is not our proper life - our proper life is spiritual
- Ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi sarva-ksetresu bharata: O scion of Bharata, you should understand that I am also the knower in all bodies
- Kuntidevi continued, "My dear brother (Vasudeva), I can understand that when providence goes against someone, even one’s nearest relatives forget him"
- Kuvera was the treasurer of the demigods, a very responsible man, and Nalakuvara and Manigriva were two of his sons. And yet they became so animalistic and irresponsible that they could not understand, due to intoxication, that they were naked
- Laksmana said, "My dear Queen, my father was very affectionate toward me. When he understood that I was attracted to Krsna, he devised a plan like that devised by your father"
- Let me give an example by which people may understand Lord Krsna's eternal pastimes. An example can be found in the zodiac
- Let me offer my obeisances to Lord Sri Nityananda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose opulence is wonderful and unlimited. By His will, even a fool can understand His identity
- Let me understand what is that relationship, what is God, what I am. That freedom, that open-heartedness will make it. But if I try to understand as Christian, as Englishman, as Japanese, as Indian, then it will be difficult
- Let the logicians compare all the results of other humanitarian work with the merciful activities of Lord Caitanya. If their judgment is impartial, they will understand that no other humanitarian activities can surpass those of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Limited means if you understand that, "I am bound up. I am going round the law," that is all right. But don't say that - Beyond this limit there is nothing
- Literature or knowledge that seeks the Supreme Being can be accepted as a bona fide religious system, but there are many different types of religious systems according to the place, the disciples and the people’s capacity to understand
- Living entities other than human beings have no capacity to understand transcendental subjects
- Living entities other than human beings have no capacity to understand transcendental subjects. The human being is therefore considered to be the highest of all creations, and we must understand the nature of this higher standing
- Lord Balarama, being able to understand the destiny awaiting them (Bhimasena and Duryodhana), was not eager to go further in the matter. Therefore, instead of staying, He decided to return to the city of Dvaraka
- Lord Brahma also dies and takes birth. From Vedic literatures we understand that Lord Brahma took birth from the lotus flower generated from the navel of Visnu
- Lord Brahma could understand Maharaja Agnidhra's desire because he is as powerful as Lord Visnu
- Lord Brahma had to accommodate different places and situations for the requisite bodies of the conditioned souls. The task was meant only for Brahma, and no one in the universe can even understand how difficult it was
- Lord Brahma said to Lord Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead: But those who speculate to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead are unable to know You, even though they continue to study the Vedas for many years - SB 10.14.29
- Lord Brahma was perplexed about his creation, the lotus and the world, even though he tried to understand them for one millennium, which is beyond calculation in the solar years of human beings
- Lord Brahma, situated in that lotus, could not perfectly understand the creation, the lotus or himself. At the end of the millennium the air of devastation began to move the water and the lotus in great circular waves
- Lord Buddha appeared to stop animal-killing, ahimsa. He did not say anything more. His only mission was, "Let these rascals first of all stop this animal-killing, they'll understand further about spiritual advancement''
- Lord Chaitanya was eulogized by Rupa Goswami as the latter understood that Lord Chaitanya was there to distribute Krishna Consciousness. The only gift for the humanity at large
- Lord Krsna said, "Those who simply worship different demigods for fulfillment of their own lusty desires, are unable to understand the importance of these sages"
- Lord Narayana is celebrated as a lover of His devotees, and as soon as He understood that Lord Siva was in great danger, He appeared as a brahmacari and personally approached Lord Siva to receive him from a distant place
- Lord Siva could understand that the princes were sons of Vaisnavas, and as such Lord Siva offered prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead as follows
- Lord Siva is understood to be the master of this material energy. The material energy is manifested in three qualities, namely goodness, passion and ignorance, and therefore Lord Siva is the master of these three qualities
- Lord Siva understood that Sati, being the youngest daughter of Daksa, could present the case of Lord Siva's purity of purpose and would thus be able to mitigate the misunderstanding between Daksa and himself. But such a compromise was not attained
- Lord Siva, who is always deep in knowledge, could understand Citraketu's purpose, and he was not at all angry; rather, he simply smiled and remained silent. The members of the assembly surrounding Lord Siva could also understand Citraketu's purpose
- Madhavendra Puri understood Ramacandra Puri's position as a great fool and therefore immediately rebuked him. Such a reprimand from the spiritual master is certainly for the betterment of the disciple
- Madras is a good field because these people understand English very easily. So you will have very good chance for preaching in English
- Maharaja Pariksit understood the total situation from Sukadeva Gosvami, yet to further clarify the transcendental nature of Krsna and the gopis in the rasa dance, he expressed his surprise
- Maharaja Pariksit was a devotee of Lord Krsna from his childhood, so he had natural affection for Krsna. Sukadeva Gosvami could understand his devotion. Therefore, he welcomed the questions about the King's duty
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was intelligent enough to understand the influence of the age of Kali, characterized by increasing avarice, falsehood, cheating and violence throughout the capital, state, home and among individuals
- Maitreya Muni, who was experienced in the science of Transcendence, could understand that Vidura's mind was fully absorbed in Transcendence. Adhoksaja means that which transcends the limits of sense perception or sensuous experience
- Manusyanam sahasresu (BG 7.3), out of many, many different varieties of men, kascid yatati siddhaye, only a few person decide to understand the philosophy of life
- Many acaryas, such as Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami, used to live beneath trees every night. Superficially it appeared that they were poverty-stricken, but from their writings we can understand that in spiritual life they were richest personalities
- Many technological institution to study & understand the subtle laws of material nature, medical research laboratories to study the physiological condition of the material body, but there is no institution to study the constitutional position of the soul
- Many words used in those days could be understood only by local inhabitants, yet this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) is still so popular that no bookstore is complete without it. It is valuable for those who are interested in advancing in Krsna consciousness
- Material life means eat, drink, be merry and enjoy, with no concern for understanding one's spiritual identity and the process of spiritual advancement
- Material nature and purusa means the enjoyer. Six question. Of course, Bhagavad-gita is, each and every word and letter, is full of knowledge. But these six inquiries, if actually can understand the six items, he becomes the perfect knower
- Material nature has no power by herself. Her activity begins by the grace of the Lord. The example of a woman’s conception can help us understand this subject. The mother is passive, but the father puts his energy within the mother, & thus she conceives
- Matter does not work. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His different energies, He is working. That is Krsna. You have to understand like that. Krsna is in the background
- Mayavadi philosophers and the pancopasakas cannot in the least understand the existence of the spiritual world and the blissful variegatedness there
- Meat-eating should be stopped. In order to revive the finer tissues of the brain to understand subtle things, one must give up meat-eating
- Meditation means to attempt to understand oneself, "What I am." That is real meditation
- Men in ignorance understand a great soul to be a common man and accept a common man as a great soul. They think truth to be untruth and accept untruth as truth
- Mental speculators mislead people by establishing the energy of the Lord as absolute, but when the truth of simultaneous oneness and difference is understood, the imperfect concepts of monism and dualism cease to satisfy
- Mind is the driving instrument, and the senses are the horses. The self is thus (by sitting inside the car of material body) the enjoyer or sufferer in the association of the mind and senses. So it is understood by great thinkers. BG 1972 purports
- Misconception of life is that "I am this matter." This is ahankara, false ahankara. But I am actually not this matter; I am spirit soul. Therefore pure ahankara is aham brahmasmi, a spirit soul. That is the beginning of understanding
- Modern education, they do not know even what is soul, what is this body, how the transmigration of the soul taking place. All blunt. There is no educational institution all over the world to understand this science
- Modern material science lays no stress on this; therefore the scientists are sometimes misled in their understanding of spirit soul
- Mother Parvati could not appreciate Citraketu's position, and she cursed him, but when she understood the instructions of Lord Siva she was ashamed
- Mother Sita was very submissive, faithful, shy and chaste, always understanding the attitude of her husband. Thus by her character and her love and service she completely attracted the mind of the Lord
- Mother Yasoda did not understand that Krsna is the heaviest of all heavy things and that Krsna rests within everything - mat-sthani sarva-bhutani
- Mother Yasoda understood that a child had been born to her, but because she was very tired from the labor of childbirth, she fell fast asleep. When she awoke, she could not remember whether she had given birth to a male or a female child
- Mudha, he cannot understand. That is the difficulty. More dull-headed, less intelligent persons are coming. Just see
- Mukunda dasa externally appears to be a royal physician engaged in governmental service, but internally he has a deep love for Krsna. Who can understand his love
- My (Prabhupada) great father who was a great devotee of the Lord, called me and instructed me in the following words: My dear boy, I understand that you are trying to get yourself married again, but I would advise you not to do this
- My ambition was that I would publish BTG in huge quantity so that people may understand transcendental blessings of Lord Caitanya
- My dear friend, though Krsna might have forgotten all these things, you can understand and bring this message to Him. But during Our first meeting there was no messenger between Us, nor did I request anyone to see Him
- My dear Lord, Your pastimes are just like an ocean of nectar. It is not possible for me to conceive how great that ocean is or even to understand a drop of it
- My dear mother, the characteristics of form are understood by dimension, quality and individuality. The form of fire is appreciated by its effulgence
- My dear Sanatana, the sweet, attractive transcendental form of Krsna is so nice. Just try to understand it. Even a fractional understanding of Krsna's beauty can merge all three worlds in the ocean of love
- My dear Vidura, one who hears this narration concerning the understanding of the living entity's spiritual existence, as described by the great sage Narada, or who relates it to others, will be liberated from the bodily conception of life
- My Guru Maharaj used to lament many times for this reason and he thought if one man at least had understood the principle of preaching then his mission would achieve success
- My Lord, devotional service unto You is the only auspicious path. If one gives it up simply for speculative knowledge or the understanding that these living beings are spirit souls and the material world is false, he undergoes a great deal of trouble
- Namanta eva: "Just become submissive." Jnane prayasam: "Giving up this endeavor to understand the Supreme by one's limited knowledge and just become submissive"
- Nanda Maharaja could understand Garga Muni's purpose and that his own duty was to act according to Garga Muni's advice. Thus he said, Please tell me what is my duty. This should be the attitude of everyone, especially the householder
- Narada Muni continued: After Prahlada Maharaja, the King of the demons, heard these instructions from the saint, he understood the occupational duties of a perfect person. Thus he duly worshiped the saint, took his permission & then left for his own home
- Narada Muni had also spoken of a man who is the husband of the prostitute. The Haryasvas understood this as follows. If one becomes the husband of a prostitute, he loses all independence
- Narada Muni had asked how one could ignorantly defy one's own father. The Haryasvas understood the meaning of this question
- Narada Muni had described a woman who is a professional prostitute. The Haryasvas understood the identity of this woman
- Narada Muni had said that there is a river flowing in both directions. The Haryasvas understood the purport of this statement. Material nature functions in two ways - by creation and dissolution. Thus the river of material nature flows both ways
- Narada Muni had spoken of a physical object made of sharp blades and thunderbolts. The Haryasvas understood this allegory as follows. Eternal time moves very sharply, as if made of razors and thunderbolts
- Narottama dasa described devotional service as follows: Only if I become attached to the instructions given by the six Gosvamis, headed by Rupa Gosvami & Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, will it be possible for me to understand the conjugal love of Radha & Krsna
- Narottama dasa Thakura described devotional service as follows: When will my mind be completely freed from all contamination of desires for material pleasure? Only at that time will it be possible for me to understand Vrndavana
- Narottama dasa Thakura has sung, "When I am eager to understand the literature given by the Gosvamis, then I shall be able to understand the transcendental loving affairs of Radha and Krsna"
- Naturally a devotee has no taste for unnecessary sporting or cinema-going or enjoying some social function, because he understands that these are simply a waste of time. BG 1972 purports
- Naturally, if he comes to the temple, he'll offer some obeisances, he'll offer some flower, some fruit, mad-yaji. Even a child will offer namaskara. In this way he becomes devotee. And then he understands
- Nature is baffling your plan. That you have to understand, "Why nature is baffling me?" That is real knowledge
- Neither by that saintly person's activities, by his bodily features, by his words nor by the symptoms of his varnasrama status could people understand whether he was the same person they had known
- Nirvana means the cessation of all material desires. Sometimes desirelessness is understood to imply an end to the workings of the mind, but this is not possible
- Nityananda Prabhu also played at whirling the rod. Who can understand how They were ecstatically immersed in the deep emotions of the cowherd boys
- No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling. If one refrains from these four prohibited things, then he can develop his brain to understand. And if one indulges in these four things, his brain will never be able to understand
- No one can check your spiritual advancement. Try to understand this
- No one can destroy the eternal spirit - that is what we need to understand at the present moment. The indestructible spirit is thus above the conception of violence and nonviolence
- No one can enter into this pastime (of rasa-lila) by artificial, material means. That is the instruction of the nayam sukhapo verse, and it must be strictly understood
- No one can estimate the wonderful characteristics of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva cannot understand the intentions of the Lord
- No one can overcome the Supreme Personality of Godhead's illusory energy, which is so strong that it bewilders everyone, making one lose the sense to understand the aim of life
- No one can understand the loving intimacy between Gadadhara Pandita and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Gadadhara Pandita gave up his vow and service to Gopinatha just as one gives up a piece of straw
- No one could understand Rukmini's real mental condition. This is an instance of competitive concealment
- No one could understand what the brothers discussed between Themselves, but later all the devotees could guess what the subject matter was
- No one could understand who was coming and who was going, who was dancing and who was singing. Nor could they understand one another's language
- No one knows the purport of My verse, Caitanya Mahaprabhu said. How could you understand My intention
- No one understands his real self-interest, which lies with the spirit soul, not with the material body. Education means spiritual education. To work hard in the bodily conception of life, without spiritual education, is to live like an animal
- No, no, we shall do exactly like karmis, but not for us - for Krsna. That is the difference. Same thing they are doing. Therefore these Mayavadi cannot understand
- No, no. Your difficulty is you are not submissive. Therefore you do not understand
- Nobody wants to become old man. Why he's enforced to become old man? But they have no brain to understand what is independence, what is happiness. They have taken distress as happiness. So that is due to lack of knowledge
- Nondevotees cannot understand the exchange of transcendental mellows between the devotees and the Lord
- Nonetheless, Srimad-Bhagavatam can be understood by everyone, as well as by advanced devotees who study the Sanskrit commentaries. Why, then, will people not understand the Caitanya-caritamrta
- Nor can one understand the Absolute Truth simply by observing the rules and regulations of brahmacarya (celibacy). One only has to serve the pure devotee. That will help one understand the Absolute Truth without fail
- Not blind faith. Perfect man is perfect. Unless you understand that he is perfect, don't hear from him. That is blind. Without knowing that he is perfect, if you hear, that is your imperfectness
- Not that the man was not healthy. He has fallen diseased. You understand? When I say to become healthy, does not mean that he was not healthy
- Nothing remains unachieved when the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased with someone. By transcendental achievement one understands everything else to be insignificant
- Now America has to do the same thing to stop demonism. Then your nation will be leader. You understand; you have trust in God. Now it is your business to trust in real God and work for Him
- Now big, big scientists, they are trying to prove that life come from matter. But here we understand from Krsna, the supreme authority, that He is the origin of all life
- Now people have to understand that Krsna is God. There is no "different role" for the Vedic culture. The role is the same worldwide
- Now she (Devahuti) understood this (that she associated with a great personality like Kardama Muni), and she wanted to utilize the advantage of the association of her great husband
- Now there are so many things that it is not possible even to understand by the modern process of scientific experimental knowledge. It is not possible. And what to speak of about God? You cannot know even material objects
- Now, of course, the printing press has changed all this, but nonetheless we should always understand that the granthas, the scriptures, should be worshiped as God because they are the sound incarnation of God
- O all-pervading Supreme Person, we are dull-minded and did not understand who You are, but now we understand that You are the Supreme Person, the master of the entire universe, the unchanging and original Personality of Godhead
- O brahmana, fully in knowledge of transcendence, you have nothing to do, and therefore you are lying down. It is also understood that you have no money for sense enjoyment. How then has your body become so fat?
- O fools, just read Sri Caitanya-mangala! By reading this book you can understand all the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- O great hero, we only know that we are existing in this place. We do not know what will come after. Indeed, we are so foolish that we do not care to understand who has created this beautiful place for our residence
- O greatest of all rulers, your actual identity is impossible for us to understand. As far as we can see, your presence brings flourishing happiness to everyone. Beyond this, no one can appreciate your activities. We can see this much, and nothing more
- O King, who are respectful to everyone, Indra understood Diti's purpose, and thus he contrived to fulfill his own interests
- O Lord, cause of all causes, if Your transcendental body were not beyond the modes of material nature, one could not understand the difference between matter and transcendence - SB 10.2.35
- O Lord, whatever punishment You wish to award to these two innocent persons or also to us we shall accept without duplicity. We understand that we have cursed two faultless persons
- O my (Dhruva's) master, Lord Brahma is fully surrendered unto You. In the beginning You gave him knowledge, and thus he could see and understand the entire universe, just as a person awakens from sleep and visualizes his immediate duties
- O winner of wealth, please listen as I tell you in detail of the three kinds of understanding and determination according to the three modes of nature. BG 18.29 - 1972
- Occupational duties are described in the religious scriptures. If one analyzes them, he can fully understand their qualities & faults and then give them up completely to render service unto the S P of God. Such a person is considered a first-class man
- Of course, anyone who associates with a pure devotee derives imperceptible benefit, which is called ajnata-sukrti. One cannot understand how he is making progress, yet he makes progress by seeing the devotee of the Lord
- Of course, everyone in this material world is interested in maintaining the body for sense gratification, but by cultivating knowledge one should gradually understand that the body is not the self
- Of course, everyone thinks right cause; therefore it should be confirmed. Just like Arjuna. Arjuna fought when he understood that "This fighting is right cause, it is sanctioned by Krsna." Then it is right cause
- Oh, don't try to understand in a minute. You read all these books. But attentively, if the child has form, the father must have form. There is no doubt of it. And what is that form? That you have to understand
- Omkara is known as the maha-vakya, or supreme sound. Whatever meaning is in the supreme sound omkara is further understood in the Gayatri mantra
- Omkara is the origin, middle and end of everything, and any living entity who thus understands omkara attains the perfection of spiritual identity in omkara
- On coming out of the cave, Mucukunda saw that the human species had surprisingly been reduced in stature to pygmy size. Similarly, the trees had also been far reduced in size, and Mucukunda could immediately understand that the current age was Kali-yuga
- On the strength of this statement from the Bhagavad-gita (18.61), we can understand that in santa-rasa a devotee sees the Lord’s representation everywhere
- Once I was invited to speak in that institution, MIT. So I questioned, "Where is your department of technology to understand the difference between dead body and living body?" So I spoke on this
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "In this way My affectionate feelings for Srimati Radharani may be understood, but on analysis I find them contradictory"
- Once upon a time, however, the King of heaven, Indra, understood that Visvarupa was secretly cheating the demigods by offering oblations on behalf of the demons
- One achieves the success of life when he understands the constitutional position of his self and is undisturbed by the conditions created by material nature
- One can thus understand the specific position of Dhrtarastra in his relationship with his nephews, the sons of Pandu - he deliberately claimed only his sons as Kurus. BG 1972 purports
- One can very easily understand that the material body is temporary, for it is generated at a certain date and ends at a certain date, after undergoing the six kinds of change, namely birth, death, growth, maintenance, transformation and dwindling
- One can very easily understand that the mind is constantly flickering, changing in the quality of its thinking, feeling and willing
- One cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by exhibiting some mundane magic
- One does not even have to chant the holy name and understand the whole procedure, namely the offensive stage, offenseless stage and pure stage; if the holy name is sounded on the tip of the tongue, that is also sufficient
- One does not require to accept a guru unless he is inquisitive to understand the ultimate goal or benefit of life
- One gopi told mother Yasoda, "Although they (the demigods) are very learned and expert, they cannot understand the musical arrangements of Krsna’s flute. They simply listen attentively and try to understand, but they become bewildered and nothing more"
- One has to become freed from the sinful activities. Then one can understand. But the easiest method of becoming free from sinful activity is to accept this Krsna consciousness movement. Easiest way
- One has to go to guru and understand the meaning by parampara. You cannot make your own meaning. The meaning is already there. But if you cannot understand, then you should approach guru and understand the meaning by parampara
- One has to understand himself. That is the basic principle of spiritual life. You go to the spiritual master, our first business is inquiry. That inquiry is - Who am I
- One has to understand one's position in family or worldly life. That is called intelligence. One should not remain always trapped in family life to satisfy his tongue and genitals in association with a wife. In such a way, one simply spoils his life
- One has to understand one's relationship with Supreme Soul. If one is actually a devotee of Lord Siva, he comes to platform of spiritual realization, but if he is not intelligent enough, then he stops at that point, only realizing that he is spirit soul
- One has to understand that in the material world of duality, to think that this is good or that this is bad is simply a mental concoction. One should not imitate this consciousness; one should actually be situated on the spiritual platform of neutrality
- One has to understand the differences with intelligence. Everyone knows that his material body has developed from a spiritual spark, and similarly the universal body has developed from the supreme spark, Supersoul
- One has to understand the position of prakrti, nature, and purusa, the enjoyer of the nature, and isvara, the knower who dominates or controls nature and the individual soul. One should not confuse the three in their different capacities. BG 1972 purports
- One has to understand this (although there are many transcendental forms of the Lord, they are still one and the same God) fact with conviction, although it is incomprehensible to mundane scholars and empiric philosophers. BG 1972 purports
- One has to understand, however, that he is in all circumstances forced to serve. Either he serves the illusion or the reality. The constitutional position of the living entity is to be a servant, not a master
- One hundred years of Brahma are not the same as the one hundred years of a human being. From Bhagavad-gita we understand that Brahma's daytime of twelve hours equals 4,300,000 times 1,000 years
- One is expected to understand these three formulas of knowledge concerning the Supreme Lord - that He is the supreme enjoyer, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the best well-wisher and friend of everyone
- One may attempt to practice meditational yoga in a large city or in a society, but one must understand that this is one's own concoction and is not the method recommended in Bhagavad-gita
- One may have a very costly car, but unless a driver comes, in millions of years it will never go anywhere. Thus it is common sense to understand that matter cannot work independently
- One must be intelligent enough to understand that although one's body is temporary and will not endure for long, as long as one has a body he must undergo the pangs of material existence
- One must be serious to understand, and he must approach a qualified mahatma guru. Then his business will be . . . transaction will be very nicely done. This is Vedic process. Is there any difficulty to become mahatma and to become a qualified disciple
- One must clearly understand that this human body is the most suitable ship to take us across the ocean of nescience, the spiritual master is the best navigator, the scriptures are the rudder, and the Lord's mercy is the perfect wind
- One must first ascertain the object of life and then understand how to attain it
- One must realize perfectly that the living being is spirit soul but is tasting various types of material bodies. One may theoretically understand this, but when one has practical realization, then he actually becomes a pandita, one who knows
- One must sacrifice everything to realize Krsna, just as Arjuna did. He did not want to kill his family members, but when he understood that these family members were impediments to Krsna realization, he accepted the instruction of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- One must understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is factually the original source of both matter and spirit
- One must understand this subject (of Ramananda Raya's serving two young girls by massaging their bodies with oil) very seriously and never attempt to imitate such activities
- One name is sufficient. If you can chant one name only, that is sufficient. But that is not possible. So to understand the value of name at least we must have some numerical strength. All the Gosvamis used to do that. We follow their footprints
- One should also respect the demigods and understand how they are situated, how they act and how they manage the activities of the various departments of this material world
- One should approach the guru to understand the transcendental science of spiritual life
- One should be intelligent enough to understand or to hear katha of Krsna. Simply you have to do this. Just like you are all sitting here. It doesn't require that you have to pass M.A. examination, Ph.D. examination. God has given you the ear
- One should be prepared to understand the spirit soul and the supreme spirit, God, who are eternally related. Thus one may return home, back to Godhead, having solved all the problems of life
- One should be very much pessimistic. Otherwise, he'll have to remain in the darkness of ignorance of this material nature. One should thoroughly understand that we are in a very precarious condition
- One should conclusively understand that no one is greater than the Supreme Great. Since the Supreme Great demands, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66), every intelligent man must agree to this proposal
- One should further understand that the spirit soul, although very difficult for the materialist to perceive, is above all these conditions, and by the strength of one's discrimination, one should give up the desire for fruitive results
- One should have sufficient knowledge to understand his constitutional position as a living entity. And he must develop renouncement, vairagya. Because attachment sometimes leads me to become a tree, a mouse, a serpent in the same house
- One should inquire about the Krsna consciousness movement and open his mind in order to understand the situation of this material world. Thus the guhyam akhyati prcchati principles can be served
- One should simply try to understand that on the spiritual platform, there are many varieties of reciprocal love. Such loving exchanges should never be considered to be material
- One should therefore avoid observing a pure devotee externally, but should try to see the internal features and understand how he is engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- One should therefore be eager to understand the science of the soul (atma-tattva). Unless one comes to the platform of atma-tattva, by which one understands that the soul and not the body is oneself, one remains on the platform of ignorance
- One should therefore understand the fixed position of the spirit soul and how he is carried away by the waves of material nature to different bodies and different situations under lamentation and hankering
- One should understand himself to be part and parcel of Krsna and thus completely take shelter of His lotus feet for guaranteed spiritual success. Everyone in the material world is in the bodily conception, struggling hard for existence, life after life
- One should understand that buddhi-yoga means to work in Krsna consciousness, in the full bliss and knowledge of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- One should understand that just as the taste of sugar increases as it is gradually purified, so when love of Godhead increases from rati, which is compared to the beginning seed, its taste increases
- One should understand that Sankaracarya’s statement that Sankarsana is born as a jiva is completely against the Vedic statements
- One should understand that the activities of persons who are proud of their material experience bring only results contradictory to those such persons conceive while awake, sleeping and deeply sleeping
- One should understand that the name "Krsna" and Krsna Himself are identical. Having such faith, one must continue to chant the holy name
- One should understand that the wealth and opportunity one gets in the material world should not be squandered in sense gratification. They are meant for the advancement of Krsna consciousness
- One should understand the position of the living entity in this material world and understand how to return home, back to Godhead
- One understands the Vedanta aphorism janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1) ("the original source of everything"), and then he can become absorbed in bhava, or the preliminary stage of love of Godhead
- One who analytically studies the purpose of the Vedas understands that by karma-kanda, sacrificial activity, one comes to the conclusion of jnana-kanda, speculative knowledge
- One who can actually see that despite activities there are no karmic reactions, who understands the nature of akarma actually sees things as they are. The word akarmani refers to one who is trying to avoid the reactions of karma
- One who can rise to that position (rising their attention to the top of the head) is understood to have become perfect and to be no longer subjected to birth and death. Even if such yogis come in contact with pure devotees, they also render causeless DS
- One who can understand the nature of the living entity in the spiritual world can actually understand vedyam, or perfect knowledge
- One who chants the holy name is understood to have performed all kinds of austerities. He has studied all the Vedas, he has performed all the great sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas, & he has already taken his bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage
- One who desires to engage all these (his vital energy, his wealth, his intelligence and his words) in the service of the Lord, no matter how he is situated, is to be considered a liberated soul, or satya-drk. Such a man has understood things as they are
- One who engages in spiritual life to understand things as they are but who lacks all intentions of engaging in Krsna consciousness, simply achieves trouble for his undertaking. There is no substance to his life
- One who has not been trained cannot distinguish between gold and stone. Similarly, fools and rascals who have not learned from an expert spiritual master what is soul and what is matter cannot understand the existence of the soul within the body
- One who is expert in understanding the different processes of self-realization realizes the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is represented in the material world as well as in transcendence
- One who is fully satisfied in knowledge obtained and practically applied in life, who is always determined and fixed in his spiritual position, who completely controls his senses, stones and gold on the same level is understood to be a perfect yogi
- One who is intelligent understands that all the personal associates and devotees of Lord Caitanya are ever liberated. This means that because they are always engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, they do not belong to this material world
- One who is intelligent understands that there is a great and supreme authority above everything. That great authority appears in different incarnations to save the innocent from disturbances
- One who is not taught by a bona fide spiritual master cannot understand the Vedic literature. To emphasize this point, Krsna clearly said that it was because Arjuna was His devotee and confidential friend that he could understand the mystery of the BG
- One who is slow to understand, he is slow to forget also
- One who is spiritually advanced can thus understand the real difference between a dead body and a living body
- One who is too attached cannot understand that he is wasting his valuable life for the maintenance of his family. He also fails to understand that the purpose of human life, a life suitable for realization of the AT, is being imperceptibly spoiled
- One who is very busy, anxious with politics, sociology, humanitarianism, one who is very busy always in politics, how he can become interested or how he can understand bhagavat-tattva-vijnanam? That is not possible
- One who surrenders is understood to have learned the subject matter of the Vedas very nicely. One who adopts this Vedic process of surrender learns devotional service and is certainly successful
- One who takes to Krsna consciousness immediately becomes very dear to anyone who is simply finding out and beginning to understand what Krsna consciousness actually is
- One who truly understands "I am not this body" will actually reduce his bodily necessities to a minimum. When one increases the demands of the body while thinking "I am not this body," then of what use is that knowledge
- One who understands the purpose of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, should seriously understand the importance of the Krsna consciousness movement and seriously take part in it
- One word, if you understand, your life will be successful. Don't go further. Acaryopasanam. This is the very important thing
- One's mind can be peaceful only when one simply thinks of Krsna in full KC. This does not mean that one has to have very great thinking power: one has to understand simply the Absolute Truth, is all-pervasive by His localized aspect of Paramatma
- Only a person who has received the mercy of the Lord can understand. Without the Lord's mercy, even the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, cannot understand
- Only after realizing that we are not these bodies can we enter into real knowledge and understand what we actually are. This then, is the beginning of knowledge
- Only persons who engage in the practical activities of devotional service in full Krsna consciousness can become absorbed in full samadhi. It is possible for them to see and understand the actual fact of the entire cosmic manifestation and its cause
- Only the devotee, by his factual experience, can understand the import of this verse (SB 3.5.13) spoken by Vidura. The pure devotee of the Lord enjoys life by constantly remembering the lotus feet of the Lord by hearing krsna-katha
- Only when he comes in contact with the bona fide spiritual master can he understand his real constitutional position. He then becomes disgusted with material existence. At that time, he regrets his past experiences in material existence
- Opposition is already there, especially in the Western countries; they will never agree. So why do you marry? That is understood
- Ordinarily, the mundaners cannot easily understand their eternal relationship with Krsna. Instead, they themselves have posed as Krsna, under the false inducement of the illusory energy. This false position of supreme enjoyer gives them much trouble
- Ordinary people cannot understand the essence of sastra, nor can they understand the pure character, behavior and abilities of strict followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s principles
- Other people, they do not try to understand Krsna through Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They try to understand Krsna directly; therefore they fail to understand
- Our activities may remain the same; we simply have to understand that we are acting for Krsna and not for our personal satisfaction. In this way we can come to our original consciousness and be happy
- Our culture is faultless, this must be understood
- Our father was existing before we were existing, and it is not possible to understand by experimental knowledge that this or that man is my father
- Our incense trademark should be registered now. I understand that there is one man in Bombay who has plagiarized our Spiritual Sky label, so we are serving him the proper notice to stop this plagiarizing business
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to save the human society from this risky life and to understand what is God, how he can go back to home, how he can get eternal life. This is our business
- Our movement, this chanting Hare Krsna mantra, is so nice that what was possible after many, many births, you can get it within a few weeks. That is a fact. If you chant Hare Krsna mantra as we are doing, then you'll understand
- Our only business is how to implement the instruction of Krsna, the rascals may understand and be happy. That is our mission
- Our only request is that you are all students - you do not neglect this subject matter, this science to understand what is the soul
- Our process is descending process. We are not trying to understand by the ascending process. Inductive or deductive. We accept the statements of the Vedas. Therefore we haven't got to make much effort to understand the thing
- Our propaganda is simply meant to enable intelligent people to understand the distinction between matter and spirit and understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the whole spiritual identity. That is our mission
- Our real business, real education, is to understand, "What I am? I am not this body." But that education is lacking. So our main business is to understand that - I am not this body, and the bodily pains and pleasure, they are due to the change of season
- Our so-called scientific advancement always remains indefinitely imperfect, because it is not possible to understand the whole thing as it is
- Our system is sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhoksaje (SB 1.2.6). We want to teach people to understand himself and to understand God. That is our method
- Out of compassion Krsna creates this material world to give the living entity a chance to understand his real position
- Out of many thousands of such transcendentally realized persons, only a few can understand the theological science specifically dealing with God as a person
- Out of many thousands who are liberated, only one or two may understand what and who Krsna is. So understanding Krsna is not such an easy job
- Out of thousands and even millions of ignorant people who are wasting their time simply gratifying their senses, one may come to the platform of knowledge and understand higher values of life
- Pariksit Maharaja was cursed by a Brahmin boy that "Maharaja, you shall die within seven days, bitten by a snake." So immediately, because he was emperor, so he understood that, "I shall have to die." So he prepared himself
- Pariksit understood that within a week he would have to die, and he prepared himself. He gave up his kingdom, entrusting it to his son, Maharaja Janamejaya
- People are not God conscious, they are doing so many wrong things that is has been almost impossible to govern the people. Therefore Krsna consciousness movement is very essential to understand this fact
- People have not yet understood our philosophy, how glorious it is, and how this Indian culture could be accepted throughout the whole world
- People in general are short-living and very slow to understand self-realization or spiritual life; they are mostly unfortunate, and therefore if someone is a little bit interested in self-realization he is likely to be misguided by so many frauds
- People in general do not even understand that this world is miserable for the conditioned soul. Neither are they very interested in the Kingdom of God. They want to make this miserable world as the Kingdom of God without God
- People in general, they understand Vedantist means Sankara sampradaya
- People must be first of all gentle; then talk of Krsna and God consciousness. If he is animal, what he can understand? This is Vedic system. Dhiranam. Dhira means must be gentle, perfectly gentle. Must address all woman as "mother." Matrvat para-daresu
- People must take to Krsna consciousness to understand the aim of life, to understand God, and to fulfill the human mission
- People should clearly understand that we don't encourage laziness. We never encourage. According to your capacity you must work
- People used to understand that what is sinful and what is pious. Now people are so downtrodden, so dull, mandah, that they do not understand what is sinful, what is pious
- People who are attached to the bodily conception of life are so absorbed in materialism that it is almost impossible for them to understand that there is a transcendental body which is imperishable, full of knowledge and eternally blissful
- People who try to discuss and understand the real spiritual nature of the spiritual sky and the Vaikunthas are fortunate
- Perfection means to understand his real constitutional position, that he is not this material body; he is spirit soul, Brahman. That is perfection, perfection of knowledge, brahma-jnana
- Perfection of human consciousness is there when one understands that, "I am not this body, I am spirit soul." Aham brahmasmi. That is perfection
- Persons who have not taken to devotional service are understood to have come short of the ultimate purpose of knowledge and are not favored by Your (Krsna's) grace
- Philosophers generally try to use their mind to speculate about the nature of the soul. But with the mind they can never understand
- Please tell me why you are wandering around like a dullard. O great, saintly person, you have spoken words approved by the yogic process, but it is not possible for us to understand what you have said. Therefore kindly explain it
- Pradyumna Brahmacari was deeply eager to understand this fact. Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu revealed it to him by a practical demonstration
- Prahlada Maharaja continued: My dear friends, if you can place your faith in my words, simply by that faith you can also understand transcendental knowledge, just like me, although you are small children
- Prasuti could understand that the dangers ahead resulted not only from Daksa's having neglected her daughter (Sati), but also because of his neglecting the prestige and honor of Lord Siva
- Prasuti, being a softhearted woman, could immediately understand that the imminent danger approaching was due to the impious activity of hardhearted Prajapati Daksa
- Prince Priyavrata regularly served the lotus feet of Narada, and thus the Prince perfectly understood transcendental subjects in truth (sa-tattvah). The word sa-tattvah means that Priyavrata knew all the facts about the spirit soul
- Prthu Maharaja used to please all kinds of citizens by his extraordinary capacity to understand the mentality of others. Indeed, his dealings were so perfect that every one of the citizens was very much satisfied and lived in complete peace
- Prthu Maharaja, by the grace of Krsna, could understand that the end of his life was near, and thus he became very jubilant and proceeded to completely give up his body on the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage by practicing the yogic process
- Pure mind means to understand oneself that "I belong to Krsna"
- Putana Raksasi also was perplexed. She was not intelligent enough to understand that she was taking a sleeping snake on her lap; she thought the snake to be an ordinary rope
- Radharani and the gopis should never be accepted as ordinary women; indeed, to understand their position we need the guidance of a spiritual master
- Radharani's companion said, "Your speech is faltering, and Your chest is also heaving. By all these signs I can understand that You must have heard the blowing of Krsna's flute, and, as a result of this, Your heart is now melting"
- Rahu could understand that Mohini-murti was cheating the demons, and therefore he changed his dress, disguised himself as a demigod, and sat down in the assembly of the demigods
- Ramacandra Puri could not understand that his spiritual master, Madhavendra Puri, was feeling transcendental separation. His lamentation was not material. Rather, it proceeded from the highest stage of ecstatic love of Krsna
- Ramacandra Puri was not sufficiently expert to understand the feelings of Madhavendra Puri, but nevertheless he thought himself very advanced
- Ramananda Raya inquired, "What kind of drama are you (Rupa Gosvami) writing? We can understand that it is a mine of conclusive statements"
- Ramananda Raya was Lord's devotee & a lover of God, and although his mind could not be covered by Krsna's illusory energy, & although he could understand the mind of the Lord, which was very strong and intense, Ramananda's mind became a little agitated
- Real business of human life, to understand oneself, that is called self-realization, brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20), and find out the remedy and act accordingly. That is the mission of human life. Not like to dance like cats and dogs
- Real civilization is not concerned simply with man's animal needs but with enabling man to understand his relationship with God, the supreme father
- Real education is to understand oneself, self-realization, and with that purpose one should make progress in Krsna consciousness, that beginning with sravanam
- Real individuality is to understand oneself to be the eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord
- Real successful life is how to understand his real constitutional position as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. That is successful life
- Real understanding is described here (in SB 3.26.30) as niscayah, or proved experimental knowledge. This experimental knowledge can be achieved when one has understood the false knowledge
- Real value is to understand atma-tattvam, "What I am? Why death is imposed upon me? I do not wish to die
- Reasoning power is there in dogs & cats as well. Suppose a dog comes up to you; if you say, "Hut!" he'll understand. The dog will understand that you don't want him. So, he has some reasoning power. But what is the special reasoning power of human being
- Regarding going together with Hamsaduta on Sankirtana Party, no, there is no need of specifically helping Hamsaduta because you are now engaged in direct service to the Lord, and it must be understood that this service is your specific duty
- Regarding Randy, I understand that he is addicted to heroin intoxication, and he is taking some medicine to give it up, but I am sure that the best medicine is chanting the HARE KRISHNA mantra
- Regarding the rumor about New Vrindaban closing, do not try to divert your attention to all these rumors. Rumor is rumor. When New Vrindaban by the wish of Krishna is started, let us go on with the business. I can understand why the rumor was broadcast
- Relative means you cannot understand anything without the other. That is called relative. Suppose if I say "good man," I cannot understand a good man without having another man, bad man. This is called relative truth
- Relative understanding
- Religion - is not the exact translation of the word dharma. Religion is understood in English dictionary as a kind of faith. But dharma does not mean that. Dharma means your characteristic, which you cannot change
- Religion means to abide by the orders of God. That's all. Just like good citizen means who abides by the order of the government. That's all. There is no difficulty to understand what is good citizen
- Religion means when one understands Krsna, or God, he understands automatically that all living entities are Krsna's part and parcels. Some way or other, they have been put into this maya
- Repetition of something is necessary in order that we understand the matter thoroughly without error. BG 1972 purports
- Sage said, "None of the kings present here, even the members of the Yadu dynasty, who constantly mingle with You (Krsna), eat with You and sit with You, can understand that You are the original cause of all causes"
- Sages said, "All great mystic yogis endeavor to revive their Krsna consciousness by mature practice of the yoga system just to understand Your lotus feet"
- Samadhi means - fixed mind. The Vedic dictionary, the Nirukti, says, samyag adhiyate 'sminn atmatattva-yathatmyam - When the mind is fixed for understanding the self, it is called samadhi. BG 1972 purports
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu mad-bhaktim labhate param (BG 18.54). To understand this is the preliminary condition for entering into the kingdom of devotional service
- Sanatana Gosvami is the best example to follow, how one should approach a guru, how one should take lesson from guru, how he should understand to make his life successful
- Sanatana Gosvami said: I am born of a very low family, and I have always associated with lowly people; therefore I am the lowest of sinners. Yet You (Caitanya) are so kind that You have taught me lessons which are not even understood by Lord Brahma
- Sanatana Gosvami was minister and very opulent position, very good associates. Because he was minister, so his associates are also very big men. But he resigned. He resigned. That is vairagya. So why? To understand what is the aim of life
- Sanatana-dharma means the characteristic of the soul. That is sanatana-dharma, to understand the characteristic of the soul
- Sanatana-dharma, or Vedic dharma, is being disobeyed, distorted, and misrepresented, it has come to be misunderstood as "Hinduism." That is a fake understanding. That is not the real understanding
- Sankhya-yoga, or the analytical study of the nature of spirit and matter, is the subject matter for persons who are inclined to speculate and understand things by experimental knowledge and philosophy. BG 1972 purports
- Sannyasis in the line of Sankaracarya always think that they have performed all the duties of brahmanas and that, furthermore, having understood the essence of the Vedanta-sutra and become sannyasis, they are the natural spiritual masters of all society
- Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: "Give up all other duties and surrender unto Me." One may ask, "If this principle is very rarely understood, what is the use of it?"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya could understand the King’s position as a pure Vaisnava. The King was always thinking of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and the Bhattacarya wanted to help him approach the Lord
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya replied, "I accept that You do not understand, yet even one who does not understand inquires about the subject matter"
- Sastra means you can consult. Just like you consult dictionary, you consult encyclopedia, you consult so many authoritative books for understanding knowledge
- Sati's mother could understand how much Sati had been pained by the insult of her father. Sati had been present along with the other daughters, and Daksa had purposely received all of them but her because she happened to be the wife of Lord Siva
- Seeing all these marks, neither His father nor His mother could understand whose footprints they were. Thus struck with wonder, they could not understand how those marks could be possible in their home
- Seeing all these reverses affect devotees, one should not be disturbed; one should simply understand that in these matters there must be some plan of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Seeing Bali Maharaja's indefatigable endeavor and understanding his motive, King Indra, along with the other demigods, approached his spiritual master, Brhaspati, and spoke as follows
- Seeing Indra's transgression of etiquette, he completely understood that Indra was puffed up by his material opulence. Although able to curse Indra, he did not do so. Instead, he left the assembly and in silence returned to his home
- Selection of spiritual master means first of all you must agree, "Here is a personality where I can bow down my head. Yes." Everyone is proud. Why shall he bow down before a person unless he understands that - Here is a personality who is greater than me
- Self-realization is understanding that we are dependent on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sense perceptions, such as aural perception of the sound of a drum, visual perception of a beautiful woman, or perception of the delicious taste of a milk preparation by tongue, all come through different senses and are therefore differently understood
- She (Devahuti) had no doubt about the gifts offered by her husband (Kardama Muni); she knew that he was expert in offering such gifts, and when she understood that he was offering the greatest gift, she was very satisfied
- She (Yasoda) has forgotten that it is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who has appeared before her as a little child. This relationship of attachment is very sublime. It requires time to understand
- She could immediately understand that these sinful dacoits were about to kill a great devotee of the Lord. Suddenly the deity's body burst asunder, and the goddess Kali personally emerged from it in a body burning with an intense & intolerable effulgence
- She understood that he had been dissuaded from his daily duties of offering evening prayers, yet she desired the welfare of her children in the world
- Siddhi means to understand that "I'm not this body. I don't belong to this material world." That is siddhi
- Siddhi means to understand the spiritual identification and work for it. That is called siddhi. So the attempt for such thing is called mukti: to get rid of the material entanglement. So bhukti-mukti-siddhi. There are three stages
- Simply by considering these two verses one can understand what nectar there is in such dealings. It is exactly like freeing a mine of nectar
- Simply by hearing of the life and character of Maharaja Prthu, one can have both riches and children in enormous quantities. One simply has to read and understand the history, the life and activities of Prthu Maharaja
- Simply by intuition, Rukmini could understand that Pradyumna was her own lost son. She could also observe that Pradyumna resembled Lord Krsna in every respect
- Simply by studying the Vedas, which are variegated, one cannot come to the right path by which religious principles are understood. The solid truth of religious principles is hidden in the heart of an unadulterated, self-realized person
- Simply to come to our normal condition. That is the definition of bhakti also. Real mukti means to be situated in bhakti. That is mukti. Mukti . . . Simply to understand that "I am Brahman," that is not mukti
- Simply to understand that one is not matter but spirit soul (aham brahmasmi: "I am by nature Brahman") is not sufficient knowledge for understanding the self and his activities
- Since a devotee engages in philosophical research to understand the Supreme Person as He is his activities may thus appear to be like those of a mental speculator, but actually he is trying to understand the spiritual nature and transcendental activities
- Since Gopala Cakravarti was a ghata-patiya logician, a gross materialist, what could he understand about the transcendental devotional service of the Lord?
- Since Sanatana knew that there would be many pretenders, he asked the Lord, How can one understand the symptoms of an incarnation
- Since the opportunity of human life is temporary, what benefit can these material opulences give to a sensible man who has understood himself to be eternal?
- Since we appeared after You created this cosmic manifestation, Your activities are impossible for us to understand. We therefore have nothing to offer You but our humble obeisances
- Since we are particles of You (Lord Krsna), what can we understand about our welfare? O Supreme Lord, please give us the means of deliverance that is suitable for the brahmanas and demigods
- Sitting on his chariot, Arjuna could see all these universes. But no one could understand what was going on between Arjuna and Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- So anything understood by manipulating our imperfect senses, that is not real knowledge. So our process of understanding real knowledge is to take it from the person who has the real knowledge
- So anyway, one has to become freed from the sinful activities. Then one can understand. But the easiest method of becoming free from sinful activity is to accept this Krsna consciousness movement
- So dharma, religion, actually means to understand that origin, Absolute Truth. That is dharma. So that dharma, principles of religion, is there in every human society
- So far as reading scriptures out loud, this depends upon the circumstances. If you can understanding by reading silently, there is no need to read out loud, because this may make others feel disturbed
- So far as your wife is concerned you must be very careful. They are previously two miscarriages, so it is to be understood that she is diseased. A medical practitioner or gynaecologist should be consulted in this connection
- So far we understand from authoritative sources the dissatisfaction of the human race can be mitigated only by the acceptance of Krishna consciousness
- So if you have got any other method to understand yourself & God, you can follow. We have no objection. But our method is that. We want to test that by following some method, either call it religious or cultural, whether you have understood yourself & God
- So long one is not civilized, he is animal. And the civilization begins when one understands that he is not this body. That is the beginning of civilization
- So one has to be vipascit, learned, to understand the interest of life, self-interest. Everyone is working, especially the karmis, the jnanis, the yogis, and mixed devotees, they are working for self-interest
- So the intelligent persons, they should understand that how to stop this unlimited plan-making business. Still there is no solution. That is called athato brahma jijnasa. That is life
- So there are three kinds of miserable condition in this material world, and either of them or all of them, they are always troubling us. This is our position. We have to understand that
- So this human form of life is given to us as an opportunity to understand our position because in the human form of life we have more developed consciousness than the lower forms of life
- So we have got very short-cut criterion to understand a rascal and intelligent man. What is that? If he is a devotee of Krsna, then he is intelligent man. If he is not, then he's rascal. That's all
- So we have to understand that behind every value there is spirit, Supreme. And the Supreme Spirit is the real value. So Vedic instruction is isavasyam idam sarvam (Isopanisad 1): "Everything belongs to God."
- So we may be very intelligent scientifically or mathematically or physically, biologically. That's all right. But when we compare with the intelligence of Krsna, it is less by two cubits. It is less. That we should always understand
- So what class of men they are? What was the society? A society of murderers. So what they will understand about religion, a murderer?
- So when one comes to this position, he understands that "I am actually servant, but I am posing myself falsely as master." That is real sense
- So you encourage the visitors, boys and girls as well as married couples, to understand the value of life and how they can peacefully and happily live if they follow the routine worship method in the temple
- So, after millions of births, nature gives us this human form of life when, if we try, we can understand in which stage I am standing. Yes. Either in ignorance or passion or goodness. And to understand this there are books
- Somehow people can understand the different incarnations of Your Lordship, but they are puzzled to understand the eternal form of Krsna with two hands, moving among human beings exactly like one of them
- Sometimes a father punishes his child, and when the child is grown up and comes to his senses, he understands that the father's punishment was not actually punishment but mercy
- Sometimes avatara is understood to refer to an incarnation who assumes a material form of flesh and bone, but actually avatara refers to one who descends from higher regions
- Sometimes materialistic scholars think He (Caitanya) was diseased or crazy. Their problem is that they always engage in material sense gratification and can never understand the feelings of the devotees and the Lord
- Sometimes the mind (manah) is also understood to have a controlling deity or demigod. In this way the total mind, namely the material mind controlled by material demigods, was amalgamated with the senses
- Sometimes we are misled by misleaders; therefore we still remain in darkness in spite of cultivating knowledge. But actually, when we cultivate knowledge under the guidance of real guru, then we can understand vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma su-durlabhah
- Sometimes we hear from the Vedic literature that some personalities from the Vedic age, such as Vyasadeva and Asvatthama, are still living. Here we understand that Maru is also still living
- Sometimes we understand that I am happy, I am mad, I am a woman, I am a dog, I am a cat: these are the knowers. The knower is different from the field. BG 1972 purports
- Soul is important. You have to understand what is that soul. That is knowledge
- Soul is so minute particle: one ten-thousandth part of the top of the hair. Now how can your material science can see it or understand it? Therefore they say - No soul
- Spiritual consciousness begins when one understands that he is soul; he is not this body, he is spirit soul, aham brahmasmi. Brahman means the spirit soul. And there human civilization begins. Otherwise, anarya, anarya-justam
- Spiritual education means, beginning is, to understand that "I am not this body." Aham brahmasmi: "I am beyond this body." But in the case of Krsna or His different expansion, plenary expansion, there is no such difference
- Spiritual life begins when a person understands that he is not the body. In the material world, all our connections - whether social or political or in the field of eating, sleeping, defending, and mating - are due only to the material body
- Spiritualism (means) there where one understands that what is the constitutional position of spirit and act according to that
- Spiritually, when you understand that you are eternal servant of God, Krsna, and if you become fully convinced and do the needful, then you are liberated immediately
- Sreya means ultimate benefit of life. That one who is inquisitive to understand about the ultimate goal of life, for him there is need of guru, not a fashion
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also left that place to perform His noon duties. No one could understand His pastimes
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "O Sanatana, you must give up your intelligent tricks. Now just try to understand the description of the saktyavesa-avataras"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "The gopis entered the arena of the rasa dance in ecstasy, but after hearing Krsna's words of negligence and detachment, they understood that He was going to renounce them. Thus they began to chastise Him in anger"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught Rupa Gosvami all the conclusions He had heard from Ramananda Raya and duly empowered him so that he could understand them
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted Gopala Capala to understand the cause of his suffering. Any person who disturbs a pure devotee engaged in broadcasting the holy name of God is certainly punished like Gopala Capala. This is the instruction of Lord Caitanya
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's dancing before the Ratha-yatra car could be perceived only by pure devotees. Others could not understand. Descriptions of Lord Krsna's uncommon dancing can be found in the revealed scripture Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Sri Maitreya said: After hearing the statement of His mother, Kapila could understand her purpose, and He became compassionate towards her because of being born of her body
- Sri Maitreya said: My dear Vidura, Diti, the wife of the sage Kasyapa, could understand that the sons within her womb would be a cause of disturbance to the demigods
- Sri Maitreya said: Thus Lord Brahma, who is understood by transcendental vibration, tried to satisfy the demigods, being pleased with their words of prayer
- Sri Rupa Gosvami could understand that Lord Caitanya was none other than Sri Krsna Himself, for no one but the Supreme Personality of Godhead can distribute confidential love of the Supreme Person
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura notes in this connection (that Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura as the son of Narayani) that there is no reference to his paternal ancestry because there is no need to understand it
- Srila Madhavendra Puri was a real mahajana, but misguided people cannot distinguish the real from the unreal. But a person who is awakened to Krsna consciousness can understand the real religious path chalked out by the Lord and His pure devotees
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura, in his prayers to the Gosvamis, has explained: When I shall be eager to understand the literature given by the Gosvamis, then I shall be able to understand the transcendental love affairs of Radha and Krsna
- Srila Rupa Gosvami also compiled two important dramas named Vidagdha-madhava and Lalita-madhava, from which one can understand all the mellows derived from the pastimes of Lord Krsna
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has given us so many books, especially Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, to understand the science of devotional service. This is the greatest contribution of Rupa Gosvami: how to become a devotee
- Srila Rupa Gosvami thought, "Satyabhama ordered me to write two different dramas. Now I understand that this order has been confirmed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu"
- Srila Sanatana Gosvami wrote a commentary on the Tenth Canto known as Dasama-tippani, from which we can understand the transcendental pastimes and ecstatic love of Lord Krsna
- Srimad-Bhagavata or Bhagavad-gita, if anyone is intelligent he'll know that it is combination of religious sentiment plus philosophy. To understand religion on the basis of philosophy and logic, not blindly accepting
- Still I am rascal? - Yes. You are rascal. "Why?" Aruhya krcchrena, "Because the symptoms are there that you are a rascal." So you have to understand by the symptoms
- Such a person, who is followed by so many people without giving them charity, must be a prophet. I can surely understand this fact
- Such topics are not to be discussed freely because if they are, no one will understand them. Such are the wonderful pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Such transcendental reciprocation (between Krsna and Radharani) is not even possible to understand from the platform of material goodness. One has to actually transcend material goodness in order to understand
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: When the Lord was thus offered prayers by the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, He understood the purpose for which they had approached Him
- Sukadeva Gosvami has already stated that such calculations (to understand the material universe) would be very difficult even if one had a duration of life like that of Brahma
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "By this anyone can understand that these boys must have accumulated heaps of the results of pious activities to enable them to associate with the Supreme Personality of Godhead in such intimate friendship"
- Suppose if everyone was dead, what was the value of this apartment? Nobody would come and ask for rent. Valueless. So we have to understand that behind every value there is spirit, Supreme
- Suppose we are dancing here, and if we understand that immediately death will take place, then we shall not be able to enjoy the dancing. Immediately the anxiety will come. So here, ananda, there is no ananda
- Suppose you are going to be cured from some disease. So doctor is giving you medicine and treatment. So it is not theoretical. You understand that your fever is diminishing, you are getting strength. Then it is pratyaksavagamam, directly perceived
- Suppose you live for three thousand years, what you will gain if you remain ignorant? Better live for a few years and understand that - This material world is worse. I have to go to the spiritual world and meet Krsna
- Supreme goal is the understanding that the whole cosmic manifestation rests on the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that the S.P of Godhead is also all-pervading, even within the minutest atom, by the function of His Paramatma feature
- Svadhyayah means - reading the authorized Vedic scriptures. Even if one is not Krsna conscious and is practicing the yoga system, he must read standard Vedic literatures in order to understand. Performance of yoga alone is not sufficient
- Svarupa Damodara continued, "Associate regularly with the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, for then only will you understand the waves of the ocean of devotional service"
- Svarupa Damodara said - As soon as I saw the unique composition of this verse, I could immediately understand that You had bestowed upon him Your special mercy
- Svarupa Damodara was the limit of all learned scholarship, but he did not exchange words with anyone. He simply remained in a solitary place, and no one could understand where he was
- Svarupa-siddhi is not something artificial. When one becomes perfectly spiritually realized, then he understands what is his relationship with Krsna and he begins his service in that relationship as father, as friend, as guru or as servant, like that
- Svarupa-siddhi is not that you do all nonsense things and svarupa-siddhi. Svarupa-siddhi means when he is actually liberated, he understands what is his relationship with Krsna. That is svarupa-siddhi
- Tad-vijnanam means transcendental knowledge. Athato brahma jijnasa. And the human life is meant for tad-vijnanam, to understand
- Tattva-vidah refers to persons who have knowledge of the Absolute Truth. They can certainly understand knowledge without duality because they are on the spiritual platform
- That is Krsna consciousness, to understand laws of nature. And as soon as speak of laws of nature, we must accept that there is a law maker. Laws of nature cannot develop automatically
- That is the way of a God-gifted person. A devotee like Kardama Muni exhibited such opulence by his yogic power at the request of his wife, but when the opulence was produced, he himself could not understand how such manifestations could be possible
- That is why in our Vedic civilization to follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma is the preliminary duty of human form of life. And one who does not understand varnasrama-dharma and does not strive for it, he remains contaminated
- That religion is best which helps someone, the religionist, to develop love of God, Godhead. If you put to test all kinds of religion in this formula of Srimad-Bhagavatam, you'll understand which religion is best. You haven't got to ask anybody
- That understanding by which one knows what ought to be done & what ought not to be done, what is to be feared & what is not to be feared, what is binding & what is liberating, that understanding is established in the mode of goodness. BG 18.30 - 1972
- That understanding which cannot distinguish between the religious way of life & the irreligious, between action that should be done & action that should not be done, that imperfect understanding, O son of Prtha, is in the mode of passion. BG 18.31 - 1972
- That understanding which considers irreligion to be religion and religion to be irreligion, under the spell of illusion and darkness, and strives always in the wrong direction, O Partha, is in the mode of ignorance. BG 18.32 - 1972
- That was my qualification, whatever you may say. I was simply asking, "When Guru Maharaja will speak? When?" & I will sit down & go on hearing, & I will understand or not understand-others will disperse-I will not disperse. That he marked
- The Absolute Truth can be understood in three features - impersonal Brahman, localized Paramatma, & Bhagavan, the SP of Godhead. Here (SB 3.15.47) it is admitted that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the last word in understanding the Absolute Truth
- The Absolute Truth is described in the Upanisads and Brahma-sutra, but one must understand the verses as they are. That is the supreme glory in understanding
- The Absolute Truth is easier to understand for a devotee than for jnanis who simply speculate to understand Vasudeva. Lord Siva confirms this statement
- The advanced scientists have made no attempt to understand the living spark, the spirit, which is always the most important subject. This is our gross ignorance. This is our helplessness
- The argument of Caitanya described in this verse (of CC Adi 7.127) can be very easily understood even by a common man if he simply thinks of the activities of the sun, which has been giving off unlimited amounts of heat and light since time immemorial
- The attempt of the tillers in the paddy field to understand the cosmic manifestation and the cause behind such wonderful work can be compared to the endeavor of the frog in the well to calculate the measurement of the Pacific Ocean
- The attitude of the disciple should always be to satisfy the bona fide spiritual master. Then it will be very easy for him to understand spiritual knowledge
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta has made the following request: My dear readers, simply try to hear this description with faith and love. That will help you understand transcendental ecstasy, and at last you will achieve love of Godhead very easily
- The bearers of the palanquin could understand that the King (Rahugana) was angry and that he would chastise them
- The beginning of knowledge is to understand that we are the eternal sons and servants of Krsna. There is no difference between a son and a servant
- The Bhattacarya said, "By Your mercy I can now understand the truth about Ramananda Raya. In talking with him, You also will acknowledge his greatness"
- The body can be maintained by any kind of foodstuff, but cow's milk is particularly essential for developing the finer tissues of the human brain so that one can understand the intricacies of transcendental knowledge
- The brahmanas could understand the purpose of the Lord (Balarama), and thus they suggested that He atone in a manner beneficial to them
- The brahmanas must become learned in the sastras and very clean internally and externally by regularly bathing with water and the holy name. A brahmana must be fixed up in understanding of brahmana. One should not take it cheaply
- The brahmanas said, "Because He has appeared as a child in the dynasty of the Yadus, we were so foolish that we could not understand that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- The British government, they were very intelligent. They could understand what is what. Otherwise, how they were managing this big empire? Very intelligent, there is no doubt about it
- The citizens could understand that the king was transformed into a female every alternate month and therefore could not discharge his royal duty. Consequently they were not very satisfied
- The citizens of Indraprastha felt their hearts become joyful simply by hearing the vibration of Krsna's conchshell because they could understand that Jarasandha had been killed. Now the Rajasuya sacrifice by King Yudhisthira was almost certain
- The common man cannot argue about what is beyond the sky or beyond the universe; he must accept the versions of the Vedas as they are understood by the authorized disciplic succession
- The conclusion is, rather, that the senses, mind and intelligence in the gross stage of contamination cannot appreciate the nature of the Absolute Truth, but when purified, the senses, mind and intelligence can understand what the Absolute Truth is
- The confidential meaning of the Vedas is not easily understood by common men; therefore that meaning is supplemented by the words of the Puranas
- The degree of intimacy shared by Krsna and Subala can be understood by the fact that the talks between them were so confidential that no one else could understand what they were saying
- The demon (Vrkasura), however, wanted to become immortal by killing everyone with the touch of his hand. Lord Siva could understand this, but because he had promised, he gave him the benediction
- The demon Pralambasura had to carry Balarama, and when Balarama mounted his shoulders, the demon ran far away. Finally the demon began to expand his body to a gigantic size, and Balarama understood that he intended to kill Him
- The destination of godless atheists such as Ravana, Hiranyakasipu, Kamsa and Dantavakra is a hellish condition of life. Mandodari, the wife of Ravana, could understand all this because she was a chaste woman
- The devotee inquired whether they can wear European and American dress before the general public. From the instructions given to Prataparudra by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, we can understand that we may change our dress in any way to facilitate our service
- The devotees could not understand why Nityananda Prabhu broke the staff, why Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu permitted Him to do so, or why, after permitting Him, Caitanya Mahaprabhu became angry
- The difference between grhasthas and grhamedhis is like this. A grhastha is living a regulative life on principles to understand self-realization, and a grhamedhi, who has no vision, no idea of the aim of life
- The diseased condition in which he cannot understand his eternal relationship with Krsna is the contaminated stage, or maya. Since the gopis are on the platform of pure transcendental knowledge, their minds are always filled with Krsna consciousness
- The divine vision in this connection should be clearly understood. Who can have divine vision? Divine means godly. Unless one attains the status of divinity as a demigod, he cannot have divine vision. BG 1972 purports
- The duty of a human being is to understand that since he is essentially spirit, he must abide by the spiritual tendency and not be carried away by material tendencies
- The duty of a pure Vaisnava devotee is to act for the welfare of others. Nanda Maharaja could understand that Garga Muni had come for this purpose and that his own duty now was to act according to Garga Muni's advice
- The duty of the living entity is to understand his real identity. When he does, Krsna gives him all the facilities to come to the platform of devotional service. That is the perfection of life
- The elephant (Indra's carrier), being an animal, could not understand the value of the garland, and thus the elephant threw the garland between its legs and smashed it
- The entire system of Vaisnava activities is based on Vedanta philosophy. Vaisnavas do not neglect Vedanta, but they do not care to understand Vedanta on the basis of the Sariraka-bhasya commentary
- The extraordinary behavior of the bull made the King (Maharaj Pariksit) conclude that the bull was certainly the personality of religion, for no one else could understand the finer intricacies of the codes of religion
- The first A-B-C-D of spiritual knowledge is to understand that "I am not this body." Unless one is firmly convinced that "I am not this body," he cannot progress in the spiritual line
- The first and foremost qualification to understand the science of God or to become Krsna conscious is to understand yourself
- The first instruction is that one should understand that the soul is within the body and is transmigrating from one body to another. This is the beginning of spiritual knowledge
- The first instruction of spiritual life is to understand that "I am not this body." The example is given, very simple thing, that I am present, although I remember that I had a small body lying down on the lap of my mother
- The first step in human civilization consists of occupational engagements performed according to the scriptural injunctions. The higher intelligence of a human being should be trained to understand basic dharma
- The followers of the Vedic principles understand this (no one can attain the Absolute Truth by argument). However, it is seen here (in CC Madhya 9.49) that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu defeated the Buddhist philosophy by argument
- The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this. BG 15.10 - 1972
- The four sages were impersonalists in the beginning of their spiritual life, but afterwards, by the grace of their father and spiritual master, Brahma, they understood the eternal, spiritual form of the Lord and felt completely satisfied
- The frogs in the well, they cannot understand. You should be not a frog in the well; you should be liberal to hear from the authorities, Vedas. Then you will understand
- The goal is how to understand the spiritual side. That is the goal
- The goal of our life, at least in this human form of life, in the Aryan civilization, the goal of life is to understand our constitutional position, "What I am. What I am." If we do not understand "What I am," then I am equal to the cats and dogs
- The goddess of fortune is desirable for everyone, including human beings, but one should understand that the goddess of fortune is the exclusive property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The gopis continued, "We (gopis) can understand that family affection is very strong. Even great sages who have taken to the renounced order of life cannot give up family affection cent percent. Sometimes they think of their family members"
- The gopis said, "We must, therefore, understand that this particular gopi served Krsna with greater affectionate love than ourselves. Because of this, although He has left us, He could not leave Her company"
- The gopis, who are beyond compare in their affection for Krsna, were seen to worship Durga. The worshipers of demigods sometimes mention that the gopis worshiped goddess Durga, but we must understand the purpose of the gopis
- The governors of the various planets are certainly materially opulent and very puffed up. Such persons are unable to understand the transcendental, eternal form of the Lord
- The great associates of Vaikunthaloka, Nanda and Sunanda, could understand the mind of Dhruva Maharaja, and thus they showed him that his mother, Suniti, was going forward in another plane
- The great sage Jamadagni understood the adultery in the mind of his wife. Therefore he was very angry and told his sons, "My dear sons, kill this sinful woman!" But the sons did not carry out his order
- The great sage Narada continued: My dear King, those two - the man and the woman - supporting one another through mutual understanding, entered that city and enjoyed life for one hundred years
- The great sages were highly learned in Vedic knowledge. When they saw the male and female born of the arms of Vena's body, they were very pleased, for they could understand that the couple was an expansion of a plenary portion of Visnu, the SPG
- The Haryasvas understood the meaning of Narada's words as follows. The word "bhuh" ("the earth") refers to the field of activities
- The Haryasvas, the sons of Prajapati Daksa, could immediately understand the purport of Narada's instructions. Our Krsna consciousness movement is especially meant for such enlightenment
- The hellish planets are situated in the lower portions of this universe. Therefore they are called adho bhuvah. Ajamila could understand that the Yamadutas had come from that region
- The highest perfectional stage of understanding Vedic culture is explained in the Bhagavad-gita, in the Fifteenth Chapter (15.15), where the Lord says that the purpose of all the Vedas is to understand Him - Lord Krsna
- The human form affords one the special privilege to understand this plan, engage in devotional service and elevate oneself to the highest position of perfection by following the Lord's instructions
- The human form is meant for the understanding of Krsna consciousness (athato brahma jijnasa), for inquiring about the Supreme Brahman. In the human form, everyone has a chance to understand the Supreme Brahman
- The human form of life is a chance for one to understand his position. Therefore the most intelligent person takes to devotional service just to engage his mind, senses and body in the service of the Lord without deviation
- The human life, human brain should be sober to understand what is the problem of life, why I'm subjected to so many tribulations, how to remedy, how to find out the remedy, and that requires tapasya
- The impersonalist rascals, they cannot understand what is the nature of God. In the Bible also it is said: "Man is made after God." You can study God's quality by studying your quality, or anyone's quality
- The individual soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His Paramatma feature are both sitting within this body, which is covered by gross and subtle elements. To understand this is to attain actual spiritual culture
- The individual soul has to understand his position by the grace of the Lord and the spiritual master because the text of Bhagavad-gita cannot be understood simply by academic qualifications. One has to learn Bhagavad-gita from a realized soul
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana, being always engaged in Krsna consciousness, could therefore very easily understand the transcendental nature of the Vaikunthalokas
- The inquisitive are usually intelligent. They are always researching to understand things. They may ask, "What is God?" & then conduct scientific research to find out. They are also considered pious because their research is directed to the proper object
- The inquisitiveness of Vidura was quite fitting, for he understood that when the Supersoul, Brahma & Siva all appeared through the person of Anasuya, the wife of Atri Muni, there must have been some great purpose. Otherwise why should they have appeared
- The intelligent man should know this, that "I want permanent settlement in my life, but that is not being done." Only intelligent man can understand because intelligent means to understand that we are all eternal
- The judges can immediately understand what is the position. So this is also God's gift. Different people have got different power of the mind. That is also through Krsna
- The karmis are generally engaged in fruitive activities for material bodily comforts. The jnanis, however, are disgusted with searching after material comforts. They understand that they have nothing to do with this material world, being spirit souls
- The King (Citraketu) was overwhelmed with joy when he understood that he would have a son. Because of his great jubilation, he could not actually understand the statement of the sage Angira
- The King (Prataparudra) would understand that the Lord (Caitanya) was showing mercy to him (if Caitanya would send a piece of His clothing to the King). The King would then not do anything drastic like giving up his life or becoming a mendicant
- The King is very much attached to You, and You are feeling affection and love toward him. Thus I can understand that by virtue of the King's affection for You, You will touch him
- The King received him well, offering all respects, but Durvasa Muni, by his mystic power, could understand that King Ambarisa had drunk water without his permission
- The kings continued: "We consider our position Your (Krsna's) causeless, unalloyed mercy upon us because now we can understand that we were falsely proud and that our material opulences could be withdrawn from us within a second by Your will"
- The kings said, "We now understand that such elevation (by performing great sacrifices) to a higher material standard may sound very relishable, but actually there cannot be any happiness within this material world"
- The Krsna consciousness movement includes self-realization because one is first directed by Lord Krsna to understand that one is not the body but the owner of the body. When one understands this simple fact, he can direct himself toward the goal of life
- The Krsna consciousness movement is so purifying that as soon as people become Krsna conscious their political and national fighting will immediately be over, because they will come to their real consciousness and understand that everything belongs to God
- The Krsna consciousness movement is very, very important for the human society. It is not exactly a religious movement as it is understood in the Western countries
- The land was there before our birth, before we came to the land. How did it become our property? Such deliberation will help us understand that there is a supreme proprietor of everything - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The law of reception in the codes of the Vedic principles states that even if an enemy is received at home, he must be received with all respects. He should not be given a chance to understand that he has come into the house of an enemy
- The living being and the Supreme Lord appear in this material world under different circumstances. One can easily understand these different circumstances if one understands how the Lord's different potencies work
- The living entities are like sparks of fire, & His Lordship the SPG is considered the original great fire. When we hear this sruti-vakya, or message from the Vedas, we should understand the distinction between the Supreme Lord Krsna & the living entities
- The living entity is the smallest. Jiva Gosvami says in this connection that the living entity within the body is extremely difficult for materialistic scientists to find, although we understand from authorities that the living entity is within the body
- The Lord clearly told Arjuna (4.3) that it was because Arjuna was His devotee and friend that he could understand the principles of the Bhagavad-gita. In other words, only the Lord's devotee and friend can understand the Gita
- The Lord does not have a material body, yet He descends among human beings in His transcendental body as an incarnation. Therefore it is very difficult for us to understand who is an incarnation
- The Lord is also addressed here (in MM 1) as Bhava-lunthana-kovida, "He who is expert at plundering the status quo of repeated birth and death." A sensible man understands his position as the eternal servant of the Lord and molds his life accordingly
- The Lord says that one must worship the acarya, who is the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (acaryam mam vijaniyat (SB 11.17.27)). One should definitely understand this
- The Lord selected Arjuna as the recipient of this great science owing to his becoming the devotee of the Lord, but for the demon it is not possible to understand this great mysterious science. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord sometimes offers benedictions to the neophyte devotees who have not yet understood that material facilities will not make them happy
- The main principle is, to understand spiritual subject matter, one must be sinless
- The main purpose of the society is to understand the nature of God and our relationship with Him
- The material nature is not at all beautiful, for it is an "imitation peacock." The real peacock is a different thing, and one must have the sense to understand this
- The Mayavadi philosophers think that although all these forms are assumed by the Lord just as the devotees desire to see Him, actually He is impersonal. From Brahma-samhita, however, we can understand that this is not so, for the Lord has multiforms
- The meat-eaters, they have no brain to understand about the Absolute Truth. It is no... They simply speculate. They cannot understand. It is not possible
- The meeting of Sanatana Gosvami and Lord Caitanya teaches us that to understand spiritual subject matters one must approach a spiritual master like Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and make submissive inquiries
- The mind should be used to understand the prime necessity of human beings, and that should be presented authoritatively. BG 1972 purports
- The moon and the sun, however, because of permanent animosity toward Rahu, understood the situation. Thus Rahu was detected
- The most important thing is to understand about the spirit soul which is within the body. But at the present moment the whole world is giving simply stress on the body
- The most powerful great-grandfather Vasistha, after hearing these words of Manu, understood the discrepancy on the part of the priest. Thus he spoke as follows to the son of the sun-god
- The mundane qualities do not allow a living entity to understand his real position. The qualities of both ignorance and passion strongly bind one to the illusory bodily conception of the self
- The mystic path is a transcendental evolution in which all the above stages (work with transcendental results etc.) are part of the gradual process of spiritual development. It is necessary to mention all the above stages to understand the final stage
- The mystic yogis simply try to control the senses by practicing the eight divisions of yoga-yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, etc. - and the jnanis try by mental reasoning to understand that sense enjoyment is false
- The Nagapatnis said, "This apparent punishment of Kaliya is actually some benediction. We consider that Your great mercy is upon us because when You punish someone it is to be understood that the reactions of his sinful activities are eradicated"
- The Nawab could understand the intention of Sanatana Gosvami’s statement (from CC Madhya 19.27). He therefore left in an angry mood and ordered Sanatana Gosvami’s arrest
- The next day, Caitanya dasa, the son of Sivananda Sena, extended an invitation to the Lord. He could understand the Lord's mind, however, and therefore he arranged for a different kind of food
- The omnipotent Yamaraja is as good as Lord Brahma for while situated in his own abode or in everyone's heart like the Paramatma, he mentally observes the past activities of a living entity & thus understands how the living entity will act in future lives
- The omniscient Personality of Godhead could immediately understand the incident, and He came with His eternal consort, the goddess of fortune. The Catuhsana Kumaras immediately offered their obeisances unto the Lord
- The only hope is if you go through the sastras, Vedic literature, that is the way to understand. But at the present moment people are so engrossed with material affairs that they are not interested even to hear or to talk about Krsna consciousness
- The original commentary is given by the author himself, Vyasadeva, in the form of Srimad-Bhagavatam. To understand the actual meaning of the Vedanta-sutra, we must refer to the commentary made by the author himself
- The other class of jnanis, whose jnana is mixed with bhakti, are also of two kinds - those who are devoted to the so-called false form of the SPG and those who understand the SPG as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1), the actual spiritual form
- The others are welcomed because it is understood that in course of time, if they continue on the path to God, they will become as good as the man of knowledge
- The Paramatma gave the pandita (Kesava Kashmiri) the intelligence to understand that because he was proud of his learning and wanted to defeat even the Supreme Lord, by the will of the Lord and through the agency of mother Sarasvati he had been defeated
- The people of this age are described as mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah. In other words, they are extremely bad and slow to understand the opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The personified Vedas continued, "Because a devotee understands the all-pervasive feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is the most practical philanthropist and altruist"
- The personified Vedas continued, "One should try to understand the distinctions between the supreme eternal and the subordinate eternals"
- The police and Government men will gradually understand us and naturally their harassment will diminish. The same thing is happening everywhere. So prepare excellent literatures, that will enhance our prestige
- The practice of austerity and penance is meant for understanding the distinction between the body and the soul and how the soul can be unaffected by the pleasures and pains of the body
- The principle is to understand things in reality one has to approach Krsna as Arjuna has approached
- The process is that we cannot understand God or we cannot see God unless He reveals. So this revelation will come if we submissively hear. We may not understand, but simply by hearing, we can achieve that stage of life
- The Puranas, which are like brothers, follow in the footsteps of their mother. O enemy of the demon Mura, the conclusion is that You are the only shelter. Now I have understood this in truth
- The purport (of BG 6.41) may be understood as follows: humanity may be divided into two sections, namely, the regulated and the nonregulated. BG 1972 purports
- The purport is that as long as we are in this human form of body, our duty is to understand the soul within the body
- The purport of the Vedanta-sutra is very difficult for an ordinary person to understand, but Vyasadeva, out of his causeless mercy, has personally explained the meaning
- The purpose of Bhagavad-gita is to understand real religious life. Religion means the order which is given by God to carry out. That is religion
- The purpose of knowledge is to understand distinctly that the living entity has by chance fallen into this material existence. BG 1972 purports
- The purpose of studying the Upanisads is to understand the transcendental qualities of the Absolute Truth, as opposed to the material qualities of ignorance, passion and goodness
- The purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement is not to make Christians into Hindus or Hindus into Christians but to inform everyone that the duty of a human being is to understand his relationship with God
- The Queen (Arci) should have been afraid of being alone in the forest with the body of her husband (King Prthu), but since she was a great wife of a great personality, she lamented for a while but immediately understood that she had many duties to perform
- The queens said, "At the present moment, you (dry rivers) appear very lean and thin, so we can understand that your position is exactly like ours. We have lost everything due to being separated from Syamasundara, we no longer hear His pleasing words"
- The rajarsi used to understand what is the values of life under the instruction of brahmanas, and they execute the order of the brahmanas. The people were happy
- The real aim of human life is to attain to the spiritual sky, but as Srimad-Bhagavatam points out, most people do not know about it. Human life is meant to understand reality and to be transferred into it
- The real evolution is the history of the living entity, who is puranjana, "living within the body." Sri Narada Muni will explain this evolutionary theory in a different way for the understanding of sane persons
- The real identity of the Absolute Truth must be understood in terms of both His knowledge and His characteristics. Simply to understand the Absolute Truth to be full of knowledge is not sufficient
- The real problem of life is to understand the self. But there is no educational system throughout the whole world what is the self, what is his need, how it is constituted, how it is working
- The real progress is to understand the laws of nature and how it is being conducted under the direction of the Supreme Lord. That is real progress
- The real Vedic dharma is sanatana-dharma, or varnasrama-dharma. First of all, one has to understand this
- The remedial measures can be understood when one associates with persons who are liberated. It must be understood who is actually liberated. The liberated person is described in Bhagavad-gita
- The sages could understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is above everyone, was speaking as if He were in the wrong
- The saintly Muslim admitted that those who were supposedly conversant in the teachings of the Koran could not ultimately understand the essence of the Koran
- The saintly Muslim replied, "All that You have said is true. This has certainly been written in the Koran, but our scholars can neither understand nor accept it"
- The sastras say that being initiated in such a sampradaya (which is not bona fide) is a useless waste of time, for it will never enable one to understand the real religious principles
- The scriptural injunction is that one should humbly approach a spiritual master to understand the transcendental science
- The scriptures, however, supply the clue for understanding the real position, but men are reluctant to take lessons from the scriptures created by the Lord for different places and times
- The senses must be purified, and this is possible when one purely understands that he belongs to Krsna and that his life belongs to Krsna
- The senses must be purified, and this is possible when one purely understands that he belongs to Krsna and that his life belongs to Krsna - in other words, that his identity is to be an eternal servant of Krsna
- The Siva-jvara thus understood that without Krsna, or Narayana, no one could help him. He therefore rightly took shelter of Lord Krsna and, with folded hands, began to pray as follows
- The so-called husbands of the gopis were already enamored with the influence of the external energy of Krsna; so by dint of this very energy they could not understand that their wives had gone to dance with Krsna
- The soul in his pure state of existence should be in Krsna consciousness. When a person is not acting in Krsna consciousness, he is understood to be acting in material consciousness
- The soul is being carried by the mind, ego and intelligence. You cannot see it, but you have to understand by hearing from the authorities like Krsna
- The soul is permanent, and only the body has changed. This is a very easy thing to understand. And the last change of this body is death
- The spirit encaged by this body and mind is eternal truth & indestructible. No one can destroy the eternal spirit - that is what we need to understand at the present moment. The indestructible spirit is thus above the conception of violence & nonviolence
- The spirit soul (atma or jiva) is certainly different from the body, which is a combination of five material elements. This is a simple fact, but it is not understood unless one is spiritually educated
- The spiritual life means to understand yourself and understand God and understand your relationship with God and act accordingly. That is spiritual life. It is not difficult
- The spiritual master may be self-realized and situated in the Absolute Truth, yet we have to question him in order to understand all spiritual points
- The spiritual master must observe how inquisitive the disciple is and how eager he is to understand the transcendental subject matter. The spiritual master should study the disciple’s inquisitiveness for no less than six months or a year
- The spiritual nature is called Krsna's superior nature, and the material is called the inferior. Beyond this material nature there is a superior nature, which is totally spiritual. It is not possible to understand this by experimental knowledge
- The spiritual world, they want to become servant of the servant. That is a bigger position. So as we make advance in spiritual life, we understand this
- The srutis understood that without serving Krsna and following in the footsteps of the gopis there would be no possibility of their entering the kingdom of God and serving Krsna in the mood of conjugal love
- The stars, which are known as naksatra, are not different suns, as modern astronomers suppose. From Bhagavad-gita (10.21) we understand that the stars are similar to the moon (naksatranam aham sasi). Like the moon, the stars reflect the sunshine
- The statement of the bull, the personality of religion, was full of philosophy and knowledge, and the King was satisfied, since he could understand that the suffering bull was not an ordinary one
- The subject matter of this spiritual energy exhibited by living beings is undoubtedly very complicated for an ordinary man, who is therefore astounded by the subject. Sometimes he partially understands it through the imperfect senses
- The Supreme Lord, Rsabhadeva, understood that His kingdom was His field of activities. He therefore showed Himself as an example and taught the duties of a householder by first accepting brahmacarya under the direction of spiritual masters
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the origin of everything. Everything is emanating from Him. When one understands this fact, he becomes budha, or intelligent. And when one is actually intelligent, budha, bhava-samanvitah
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O mother of the demigods, I have already understood your long-cherished desires for the welfare of your sons, who have been deprived of all opulences and driven from their residence by their enemies
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, or Krsna, is known as bhakta-vatsala, and we find Lord Siva described as dharma-vatsala. The word dharma-vatsala refers to a person who lives according to religious principles. That is understood
- The Supreme Self and the individual self, although one in quality, are different in quantity. This analytical understanding of knowledge is perfect. Simply to understand "I am not matter; I am spirit" is not perfect knowledge
- The temple of Kanyakumari was also visited by Lord Ramacandra, and therefore it is to be understood that the temple has been existing for millions of years
- The theory of the reflection of the Supreme can be clearly understood without difficulty by any sincere common man
- The three further meanings of the verse are understood when (1) the word ca is taken to mean “in due course,” (2) the word ca is taken to mean eva and the word api to mean “censure”
- The truth should be spoken in a straight and forward way, so that others will understand actually what the facts are. BG 1972 purports
- The Vedas deal with three departments of activities. One is called karma-kanda, or activities under Vedic injunction, which gradually purify one to understand his real position
- The Vedas state that the Absolute Truth has different potencies. When one understands the characteristics of the potencies of the Absolute Truth, one is aware of the Absolute Truth
- The Vedas therefore enjoin that one should factually understand that he is not material but is actually Brahman (aham brahmasmi). This understanding cannot be fully realized unless one is engaged in Brahman activities, namely devotional service
- The Vedic culture is respected all over the world, and there are people everywhere eager to understand it. The highest perfectional stage of understanding Vedic culture is explained in the Bhagavad-gita, in the Fifteenth Chapter - 15.15
- The Vedic information is when I understand I am aham brahmasmi, I am Brahman, or the spirit soul. That is my beginning of identification
- The Vedic injunction is that one cannot understand the Absolute Truth simply by mental speculation or logical argument. One has to follow the authorities
- The Vedic mantras are not always understood. For instance, the Vedanta, which is sruti, begins with the mantra janmady asya yatah: (SB 1.1.1) "The Supreme is that being from whom everything has emanated." This is very abbreviated
- The very first step in acquiring knowledge is coming to understand that - I am not this body. I am spirit soul, and my aim of life is to get out of this material entanglement
- The very word “king” is repugnant to one who is in the renounced order of life. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu refused to see the King, but indirectly, by the Lord’s causeless mercy, the King was able to understand the Lord’s mysterious activities
- The visible things around us are expansions of the inferior energy of the Supreme Lord, but the Lord also has a superior energy - consciousness. We have to understand consciousness from higher authorities, but we can also directly perceive it
- The waves carried Him here and there like a piece of dry wood. Who can understand this dramatic performance by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The Western countries, their brain is not so sharp to clearly understand the difference between visistadvaita, suddhadvaita advaita-dvaita, dvaitadvaita or advaita. (laughs) Their brain does not allow to think very deeply
- The whole direction of the Vedic injunction is to understand that "I am not this material body; I am spirit soul." And in order to understand this factual position, there are so many directions in the dharma-sastra, or religious scriptures
- The whole process is to understand the real position of the self in relation to the Superself. BG 1972 purports
- The whole Vedic civilization is based on this basic principle that to understand the Absolute Truth
- The wife must see the tendencies of the husband and must be prepared to follow him. From Mahabharata we learn that when Gandhari understood that her would-be husband, Dhrtarastra, was blind, she immediately began to practice blindness herself
- The wise man is he who has thoroughly understood that he is spirit soul and not simply a body
- The wise man understands that this tendency (of sexual attraction) is in Krsna and that it is revealed in His relationships with the damsels of Vraja
- The wonderful festival and installation of Sri Gopalaji was arranged in one day. Certainly all this was accomplished by the potency of Gopala. No one but a devotee can understand this
- The word "separatist" must be understood carefully. The Sanskrit words in this connection are bhinna-drk and prthag-bhavah. A separatist is one who sees his interest as separate from that of the Supreme Lord
- The word atma-medhasa is used to indicate that by his (Durvasa Muni's) personal experience he would understand how great a Vaisnava the King was. When Durvasa Muni was chased by the Sudarsana cakra, he wanted to take shelter of Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- The word brahma-siddhaye means to understand oneself to be different from matter, to understand oneself to be Brahman
- The word dhira means "sober," and vira means "hero." One who is struggling against maya is a hero, and one who is sober enough to understand his position is a dhira. Without becoming sober or heroic, one cannot attain spiritual salvation
- The word mayamayam used in this verse (SB 5.18.17) should not be understood according to the interpretations of the Mayavadis. Maya means affection as well as illusion. When a mother deals with her child affectionately, she is called mayamaya
- The word rasa, used in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, is understood by different persons differently because the exact English equivalent is very difficult to find
- The word upadharayan, "considering," is very significant in this verse (of SB 8.4.11-12). This word indicates that a devotee knows what is what; he understands what is happening in material, conditional life
- The word vidanti refers to one who knows something or enjoys something. When a person is properly instructed by a spiritual master & understands transcendental bliss, he enjoys life. As stated in BG (18.54) brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati
- The word yoni is generally understood to mean jati-family, group or species. Although Vrtrasura appeared in a family of demons, it is clearly said that his knowledge of spiritual life still existed
- The words tvaritam jagmuh indicate how happy the village women were to understand that mother Yasoda had given birth to a wonderful child known as Krsna
- The yoga system, as described in Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita or as recommended in the Patanjali yoga process, is different from the nowadays practiced hatha-yoga as it is generally understood in the Western countries
- Their position is sour grapes. They try by their speculation to understand things, and being unable they say there is no God
- Their specific duties can be understood from a statement by Mother Yasoda, who said, 'Bakula, please cleanse the yellowish dress of Krsna. Varida, you just flavor the bathing water with aguru scent
- Then (after manifestation of 26 qualities) we understand, "Oh, here is actually a pure devotee." A pure devotee cannot be contaminated, just like God cannot be contaminated. But we are part and parcel, a small God
- Then as soon as relationship (sambandha) is understood, then our real activity begins. That real activities is called bhakti, and the material activities, which is not bhakti, that is maya
- Then Srila Advaita Acarya said something to Caitanya Mahaprabhu through gestures and read some poetic passages, which no one understood
- There are innumerable living entities, and all of them are individuals. This is very easy to understand: We are all individual in our thoughts and desires, and the Supreme Lord is also an individual person
- There are many mental speculator, just like Aurobindo Ghosh. So he speculated. He understood that there are activities even after liberation, but he could not understand Krsna, so hard it is
- There are many tourists eager to come to India to understand India’s spiritual life, and the devotees in our temples both in Vrndavana and in Navadvipa should make arrangements to accommodate them as far as possible
- There are processes which make one understand that one himself is the Supreme, and that sort of meditation is preferred if one is unable to engage in devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- There are two kind of men, dhira and adhira. The modern education is producing only the adhira class who are neither sober or educated. Therefore the majority of the population cannot understand how the soul is transmigrating from one body to another
- There cannot be any love in this material world. Because love is between spirit and spirit. But if we try to love the Supreme Spirit, Krsna, then we shall understand how our love can be spread in the spiritual world
- There is a bila, or hole, from which, having entered, one does not return. The Haryasvas understood the meaning of this allegory. Hardly once has a person who has entered the lower planetary system called Patala been seen to return
- There is always variety in the categories, which are understood as knowledge, the knower and the knowable
- There is another class, who are described in the Bhagavad-gita by Krsna Himself: veda-vada-ratah. They are simply unnecessarily fight on the basis of so-called Vedic knowledge. Vedic knowledge must be understood from the guru. That is injunction
- There is much advancement of material science all over the world, but regrettably, these advanced scientists have made no attempt to understand the living spark, the spirit, which is always the most important subject
- There is no bar for anyone in any part of the creation to chant and glorify the Lord by the particular name of the Lord as it is locally understood. They are all auspicious, and one should not distinguish such names of the Lord as material commodities
- There is no difference between the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, and omkara (pranava). We should be careful to understand that omkara does not indicate anything nirakara, or formless
- There is no educational system throughout the whole world how to understand the existence of soul, which is the prime necessity of understanding for the human being. A human being is not meant for wasting his time like animals
- There is no science to understand why there are varieties of life, why this tree standing in front of me in miserable condition and I am sitting in this room very comfortably. It is also a life; I am also a life. Why
- There is no way to understand what is taking place on other planets except to hear from authorized sources. In the modern civilization we accept scientists as authorities in these matters
- There is standard method how to understand this philosophy authoritatively
- There is very little difference between impersonalism and voidism. Voidism can be directly understood, but the impersonalism enunciated by Mayavadi philosophers is not very easily understandable
- There is way to understand why God is trustworthy. It's not the question of faith. It is a fact
- There is yoga, and there is yogamaya. Yogamaya means forgetfulness. First of all we have to understand what is the soul
- There must be some body; it is quite reasonable. But these rascals have no brain to understand that there is life after death. Big, big professors in European countries, they do not believe transmigration of the soul
- There should be an educational department to understand what is soul, what it is nature, how it is working, what is the future, wherefrom it is coming. So many things there. But there is no education for this prime factor
- There were signs on their (Krsna's, Arjuna's and Bhima's) bodies by which Jarasandha could understand that they were ksatriyas
- Thereafter, on the day of soma-pana, after the sacrifice was finished, Garuda, king of the birds, understanding the desire of his master, arrested Bali Maharaja with the ropes of Varuna
- These authorities should be followed if we want to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead and understand the purpose of religious life. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah - CC Madhya 17.186
- These rascal may understand this fact, that this Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentiment, so-called religious movement. It is a scientific movement to solve all the problems of life. This is Krsna consciousness
- These sankhya-yogi philosophers, they may analyze very critically. Even they can count the atoms which is composing this whole material atmosphere. But that does not mean you have understood the original force which has created all these things
- These verses (of Prarthana by Srila Narottama dasa Thakura) indicate that one first has to be purified of all material desires and all attraction for fruitive activity and speculative knowledge if one wishes to understand Vrndavana
- They (color, shape, taste and chemical reaction) are stated for each and every chemical, and we can understand the purity by the characteristic. The characteristic is also called dharma
- They (Mayavadi philosophers) unnecessarily poke their noses into the Vedanta-sutra, but they have no ability to understand it because, as the author of the Vedanta-sutra writes in his commentary, SB, it is meant for those who are pure in heart - SB 1.1.2
- They (persons who cannot understand the transcendental nature of the love affairs of the gopis and Krsna) sometimes indulge in painting licentious pictures in some modernistic style
- They (sages of Naimisaranya) understood that Lord Balarama, although a ksatriya, was now retired from the fighting business. The brahmanas and sages, who were always for peace and tranquillity, were very much pleased at this
- They (the brahmanas) could finally understand their mistake; engaged in the performance of Vedic rituals, they had neglected the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had appeared just like an ordinary human being and asked for some food
- They (the inhabitants of Dvaraka) could not understand for certain what had actually happened, and being very sorry and tired they returned to the city of Dvaraka
- They (the messages) were more confidential and could be sent or understood only through such a pure devotee as Uddhava. Since such confidential knowledge was known only to the Lord and Uddhava, it is said that Uddhava was as good as the Lord Himself
- They (those who are following the impersonal way to spiritual realization) have to learn the language, understand the nonperceptual feelings, and they have to realize all these processes. This is not very easy for a common man. BG 1972 purports
- They are making scientific researches to become happy, but these rascals, they do not know how to stop death. So what is the nice? But they have no brain to understand
- They are manufacturing their own ways of understanding Bible and ethical principles. Therefore it is becoming valueless. It is becoming valueless. No value. One cannot change the words of the authority
- They are shameless because they have not yet understood the difference between the body and the soul and instead have accepted the body of a brahmana to be a brahmana
- They cannot understand what is the meaning of this Krsna consciousness. They are such dull headed men. They have no brain to understand. They are coming down again
- They have no brain that this material body is klesada, is simply miserable. That they understood. So dull brain. That is tamo-guna. Tamo-guna means completely darkness. Just like animals
- Things which are beyond your imagination, beyond your reach, beyond your thoughts, beyond your words, beyond your sense perception, how you can understand them by your experimental so-called scientific research
- This (birth of Soma, the moon-god) appears contradictory to the Vedic information, but actually it is not, for this birth of the moon is understood to have taken place in another millennium
- This (mercy towards other living entities) means he must preach this knowledge after perfecting himself and understanding his own position as an eternal servant of Krsna. Preaching this is showing real mercy to living entities
- This (SB 7.7.18) is a very important verse in understanding the difference between the spiritual soul and the material body. The soul is eternal, as stated in Bhagavad-gita - BG 2.20
- This artificial rebellious condition of the living entity gives him all troubles, it is to be understood that he should take to his normal life as a devotee of the Lord and be relieved from the misconception of being God
- This behavior of Lord Krsna with the gopis and queens is unique in the history of self-realization. Usually people understand that for self-realization one has to go to the forest or mountains and undergo severe austerities and penances
- This body is produced by the combined efforts of the father and mother. Every human being should be obliged to his parents and understand that he cannot repay his debt to them
- This business (transmigration of soul) is going on. If we want to stop this business, we have got this opportunity, human form of life. We can understand things if we have got little intelligence
- This evening, we are talking about Radhastami. We are trying to understand the chief potency of Krsna. Radharani is the pleasure potency of Krsna. As we understand from Vedic literature, Krsna has many varieties of potencies
- This human form of life is given to us by laws of nature to understand what is God, what we are, what is our relationship with God, what is this material world, why you have come here
- This human form of life is perfected as soon as we come to the understanding of spiritual existence - that I am Brahman. Otherwise, if I do not take care of my spiritual life, then the result is that I must live as the cats and dogs do
- This illusory energy is My potency, and actually both of us - you and I - are pure spiritual identities. Now just try to understand this. I am trying to explain our factual position
- This impersonal feature, or Brahman manifestation, of the Supreme Lord is meant for persons who are essentially very advanced but still not able to understand the personal features or variegatedness of the spiritual world
- This is a very risky life, and it is the densest part of illusion. We should become very serious and understand that death is waiting. We have heard the expression, - as sure as death
- This is called Krsna consciousness, to feel the presence of Krsna everywhere. So everything requires training, undergoing the process. Then it is possible. It is not impossible. So if you also go, the training, the process, you'll also understand
- This is called visoko brahma-sampattya. When we understand our spiritual identity, then we are no more lamenting or jubilation. Equilibrium. Read the purport. It is very important verse
- This is humbleness, and this is the qualification of becoming a disciple. When one becomes humble, when actually one understands that he is fool number one, he has to go to guru to understand the value of his life, then he is intelligent
- This is Krsna consciousness movement. We don't manufacture anything. So-called yoga, so-called meditation, we don't care for all this nonsense. Our only business is how to implement the instruction of Krsna, the rascals may understand and be happy
- This is my mission, to educate people to understand himself. They are under this misconception that, "Every one of us, we are this body." That is misconception. You must know who is within the body. That is real education
- This is not some sentiment. No, it is a great science. You have to understand it nicely. Then the human form of life will be successful, and otherwise it is defeated. You may become a very great nation, but that is not the solution of the problem of life
- This is our Krsna consciousness movement. We are trying to educate people to understand the value of life, the value of spiritual life especially, Bhagavata
- This is real knowledge. The real knowledge is that when one understands convincingly that "I am part and parcel of Krsna." Krsna, or God
- This is required, philosophical talk, those who will understand. For mass of people kirtana is sufficient
- This is the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita, when the preliminary knowledge of the soul is there. And you will find that there are only a few who can understand the existence of the soul as permanent, and of the body as changeable
- This is the best humanitarian welfare activities: to make people understand scientifically what he is, what is God, what is our relationship with God
- This is the best kind of religious principle (distributing krsna-prema), to understand how to become a lover of God and distribute this knowledge, how to love God. That is the best religion
- This is the most confidential part of the Vedic scriptures, O sinless one, and it is disclosed now by Me. Whoever understands this will become wise, and his endeavors will know perfection. BG 15.20 - 1972
- This is the nature of woman. If a woman understands that her husband regards her as a favorite and is especially affectionate to her, she takes undue advantage
- This is the nucleus of United Nation, real. Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1), to understand everything belongs to Krsna. That is the basic principle of United Nation
- This is the process taught by Caitanya Mahaprabhu - to bring all the Dvaitans and Advaitans together on one platform. Everyone has to understand that he is essentially a servant of God
- This Krsna consciousness movement is just to giving him the chance to understand himself, and it is very easy
- This Krsna consciousness, is required. It is a mistake to understand that we are trying to push on Hindu culture. Where is the Hindu culture? To become a gentleman is Hindu culture? It is for everyone
- This lalasa-mayi stage of submission comes in the stage of perfect liberation, which is technically called svarupa-siddhi, when the living entity understands, by perfect spiritual advancement and revelation, his original relationship with the Lord
- This life is meant for perfection in self-realization or Krsna consciousness, their dull brain does not allow to understand this fact. Therefore I was explaining last night, su-medhasah good brain substance
- This material cosmic manifestation is but the reflection of the spiritual world. When one is actually liberated from the spell of the external energy, he can understand the constitutional nature of the Supreme Lord
- This material world is full of danger. It is dangerous place. It is the place of miseries. You cannot become happy in a place which is meant for miseries. That we have to understand
- This mere boy has blocked my intelligence. I can therefore understand that mother Sarasvati has become angry with me
- This offenseless chanting indicates that one has fully understood the transcendental nature of the holy name and has thus surrendered unto the Lord. Transcendentally the holy name of the Lord and the Lord Himself are identical, being absolute
- This process by which the Supreme Personality of Godhead is understood is known as abhidheya, practice of devotional service within conditional life
- This rascal civilization, they cannot understand that I am eternal, I am put into this condition of birth and death. No rascal understands. So-called philosophers, scientists, all of them, therefore rascals, fools. Reject them
- This repetition of birth and death, it is the blazing fire of material existence. So when one understands that "What is my position?" then he'll do this, ceto-darpana-marjanam
- This requires a great amount of knowledge (to understand how a living entity leaves his present body & what form of body he is going to take in next life) understood from BG & similar literatures heard from a bona fide spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- This science of God is not a petty thing. You see? We are going to understand the supreme cause of everything
- This soul-killing civilization is misleading us. We must know this, this very misleading civilization. Our real aim of life is to understand our spiritual identification and search out our relationship with God, Krsna. That is our real business
- This sudden development of the devotional attitude in a person must be understood as a special mercy of Krsna or of His devotee
- This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way
- This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost
- This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost
- This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost. BG 4.2 - 1972
- This system is not new, but very old (pura). Krsna says the same in BG (4.2), evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh - This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, & the saintly kings understood it in that way
- This transcendental, eternal form of Your personality can be understood only by Your mercy, through unflinching devotional service, by great sages whose hearts have been purified in the devotional way
- This understanding is wanted. Krsna is eternal, we are eternal, and the place where we will live with Him and exchange our feelings - that is eternal
- This verse (of SB 10.1.43) gives a very good example by which to understand the different positions of the eternal spiritual soul in the material world and how the soul takes on different bodies
- This verse (SB 7.4.39) clarifies the comparison of a devotee to a child. If a mother leaves her small child in his bed or cradle and goes away to attend to some family duties, the child immediately understands that his mother has gone away, and he cries
- This verse repeats the word 'eva' ('certainly') three times for emphasis, and it also three times repeats 'harer nama' ('the holy name of the Lord'), just to make common people understand
- This verse was recited by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again and again. But for Svarupa Damodara, no one could understand its meaning
- This woman was engaged for cooking rice and dhal in the kitchen, but when she got this nice baby and understood that he was Cupid, her own husband, she naturally took charge of him and with great affection began to bathe him regularly
- This word vrata (vow) is sometimes understood to refer to the sannyasa-vrata
- Those under the clutches of Maya, thinking the Lord an ordinary person, can understand that certain exalted personalities, after accumulating volumes of pious activities, are now playing with the Lord in friendship as cowherd boys
- Those who are bringing spiritual master as spiritual matter to be, to be subjected to the experimental knowledge, it is not possible. Experimental knowledge is defective, therefore we have to understand spiritual subject matter
- Those who are completely established in Krsna conscious philosophy and who therefore understand the aim of life will never take to the activities of the materialistic dog race
- Those who are free from false prestige, illusion and false association, who understand the eternal, who are done with material lust, who are freed from the dualities of happiness and distress, and who, unbewildered, know how to surrender unto the Lord
- Those who are genuinely renounced understand that they must not give up performing their prescribed daily duties in the social order, because otherwise there will be disaster, plain and simple
- Those who are less intelligent accept the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies as all in all. They do not know that the purpose of the Vedas is to understand one's own home, where the Supreme Personality of Godhead lives
- Those who are little above the bodily concept of life, they find pleasure in the mind. And farther, they find pleasure in intellectualism. And in this way the thing is very complicated. It requires very cool brain to understand all these things
- Those who are naradhama, they will escape this Krsna consciousness movement. Otherwise, anyone who is intelligent, intelligent after many, many births' experience, he'll accept. So we can understand by this crucial test, or test tube, what is what
- Those who are sleeping and unconscious are eternally conditioned, but those who are awake understand that they are eternally part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Those who have realized the Absolute Truth, they have concluded that the matter has no permanent existence and spirit soul has no annihilation. These two things would be understood
- Throughout the whole world there are schools and colleges and universities to study the physiology, psychology, biology, sociology, so many things. But there is no university, school, college throughout the whole world to understand the soul
- Thus he understood that in the future this child would deliver all the three worlds
- Thus Krsna and Balarama gave some preliminary hints of Their arrival to Kamsa, and he could understand what severe type of danger was awaiting him the next day in the sacrificial arena
- Thus one may understand the glories of the Lord through different modes of worship, as the example of the sun illustrates
- Thus the devotee can understand that since nothing is independent of Krsna's energy, everything should be dovetailed in His service
- Thus Vidura could understand that Uddhava had completely assimilated extensive love for the Lord
- Thus, we can understand that things offered by the devotees even in meditation are accepted by the Lord, and they help one achieve the desired result
- To a devotee, who has understood how to derive pleasure from exchanging devotional service with the Lord, this unlimited Brahman appears to be hellish
- To achieve understanding, such persons (who are attached to impersonalism) work very hard and undergo severe austerities, but their hard labor and austerities themselves are their only achievement, for they do not actually achieve the real goal of life
- To answer this question, we first have to understand that there cannot be any influence of chance for the living entities; chance is for nonliving entities
- To become pure or to understand the essence of purity is very confidential
- To become successful in this human form of life. The success of human form of life is to understand this thing: our relationship with God
- To help us understand the difference between the spiritual and material energies, there is a clear analysis of the two in the Second Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- To offer prayers to Him (Visnu), to become His servant and His friend, to sacrifice everything for His service - all these are varieties of devotional service. One who is engaged in such activities is understood to be educated to the topmost perfection
- To prove their philosophy, the members of the Mayavada school have given up the real, easily understood meaning of the Vedic literature and introduced indirect meanings based on their imaginative powers
- To save this fire, I wish to get out all the marbles from this house and sell it and publish some books. That will remain. - He (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) said to me. Then I understood that he is giving more stress on books
- To see personally the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His pure devotee is not an ordinary incident. When such things happen, they should be understood to be caused by previous pious activity, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- To study the Vedas and understand them, of course, requires some special intelligence
- To think of this body that "I am this body," that is required to the dog, to the man. When one understands that "I am not this body; I am spirit soul," that is humanity
- To understand a little better the principles involved, we can look at the mundane relationships around us
- To understand all this (BG 4.17) one has to associate with authorities in KC and learn the secret from them; this is as good as learning from the Lord directly. Otherwise, even the most intelligent person will be bewildered. BG 1972 purports
- To understand both the soul and the Supersoul as one yet distinct is knowledge. One who does not understand the field of activity and the knower of activity is not in perfect knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- To understand clearly why Lord Ramacandra returned, it is mentioned herewith (in SB 9.11.22) that the Lord went to that particular place where the bhakti-yogis go
- To understand knowledge of the soul, one must be trained in the mystic yoga system, or, finally, in the bhakti-yoga system
- To understand one's actual position as the eternal servitor of Krsna, without falsely claiming this material body to be oneself and without falsely claiming proprietorship over anything in the world, is the perfect stage of KC. BG 1972 purports
- To understand religion on the basis of philosophy and logic. Not blindly accepting. So this is called bhagavata-dharma
- To understand that nature is working automatically is foolishness. The nature is working under the direction of Krsna. That is real understanding. Mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram - BG 9.10
- To understand that transcendental science, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- To understand the Absolute Truth, there are four recognized sampradayas: the Brahma-sampradaya, the Rudra-sampradaya, the Kumara-sampradaya, and the Sri-sampradaya
- To understand the difference between svayam-rupa, tad-ekatma-rupa, avesa, prabhava and vaibhava, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given the following description. In the beginning, Krsna has three bodily features
- To understand the essence of purity is very confidential
- To understand the language of the mantra, nor is there any need for mental speculation nor any intellectual adjustment for chanting this maha-mantra. It is automatic, from the spiritual platform
- To understand the science of God is not very difficult. If one is simple, he can understand
- To understand the science of God, it does not depend on the Western culture or Eastern culture. One must be serious to understand. Then it is equally available
- To understand these subjects, we should be careful to approach Krsna's representative. We should not approach a bogus guru, who is like a blind man trying to lead other blind men
- To understand Vedic literature means one must have firm faith in Krsna and firm faith in guru. Not that "My guru is not so learned, so let me capture Krsna directly." That is useless
- To understand what is that spirit soul, how it is working, what is his position, that, that is real knowledge
- To understand what is the soul, to understand what is the need of the soul, why he is entrapped within this material body, how the soul can be liberated, and after liberation, what is the function of the soul - these things are our subject matter
- To understand what the ksetrajna, the knower of the body, and to understand what is this body, ksetra-ksetrajnayoh, and who is the another, real proprietor of the body, Krsna - ksetrajnam ca api mam viddhi
- To understand who is my father is beyond my perception, beyond my speculation, but if I accept the authoritative statement of my mother, this is perfect knowledge
- To understand yourself, that you are not this body, you are Brahman, and when you act factually in that Brahman stage, that is called bhakti
- To understand, you have to take the training, spiritual training. You have to understand the words which God wants to let you know about Him. These are spiritual training
- To work hard like an ass for sense gratification, that is not siddhi. Siddhi is different thing. Siddhi means to understand the spiritual identification and work for it. That is called siddhi
- Today I am a human being, but tomorrow I may become a dog, and then whatever activities I have performed in this life will be a failure. This simple truth is now rarely understood, but one who is a dhira can understand this
- Transcendental religious principle must be understood from the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly or from His special representative
- Try to understand the situation, what is Brahman, what you are. We are also Brahman. Aham brahmasmi. These things are to be known. And when we neglect to understand these things, that means we are going to the wrong way of life
- Uddhava could understand the situation, and he talked with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The verse (of CC Madhya 15.237) quoted above (from SB 11.6.46) is an excerpt from their conversation
- Uddhava said, "Although to accept the invitation offered by Narada as primary is quite appropriate, at the same time, my Lord, it is Your duty to give protection to the surrendered souls. Both purposes can be served if we understand the whole situation"
- Uddhava understood that the gopis of Vrndavana were all simply absorbed in the thought of Krsna and His childhood activities
- Unborn Lord Brahma, who is almost independent in acquiring knowledge, could understand that a portion of the SPG, in His quality of pure existence, had appeared in the womb of Devahuti just to explain the complete state of knowledge known as sankhya-yoga
- Under the circumstances it is easily understood what must have been the position of the Pandavas, who were constant companions of the Lord
- Under the instruction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they understood that "So many mass of people are suffering without Krsna consciousness. So we have to do something for them." Therefore they gave up. Not a fancy, - I become naked, that's all
- Understanding of the Supreme person is called atma-tattva-avabodhena, which means "understanding of one's real constitutional position"
- Understanding of this position (one is part and parcel of God) is called Brahman realization, spiritual realization, and it is this realization that Krsna Himself comes to this world to reestablish
- Understanding that he was remembered by Lord Krsna (while quitting this world), Vidura began to cry loudly, overwhelmed by the ecstasy of love
- Understanding the devastation of eternal time, and by constantly associating with devotees engaged in Krsna consciousness
- Understanding the exchanges of transcendental loving service with Krsna is possible only when one is actually in touch with the pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord
- Understanding the mind of Sudama Vipra, the Lord (Krsna) said, “My dear friend, I am certainly not in need of anything, but if My devotee gives Me something as an offering of love, even though it may be very insignificant, I accept it
- Understanding their minds, the Lord looks at the princesses with a merciful smile, and they become bashful, realizing that He knows their desires
- Understanding this (Krsna is all that is), the wise man will surrender immediately and not wait to take many, many births. He understands that this information is given by the Supreme Lord out of His infinite mercy on the conditioned souls
- Unfortunate people become enamored of these atheistic philosophers and consequently can never understand the real nature of the Absolute Truth. It is far better to follow in the footsteps of great souls
- Unfortunately, after so-called education also, we remain fools and rascals. Because we do not know . . . there is no educational system to understand atma-tattvam. Atma-tattvam. The human life is meant for understanding atma-tattvam
- Unfortunately, no education is there to understand this science. So in other words, it may be taken that the modern civilization is killing the prerogative of the human being. He has got a chance to understand himself and to stop
- Unfortunately, people sometimes do not have staunch faith in the words of the spiritual master who comes by the disciplic succession, and therefore they are unable to understand transcendental knowledge
- Unfortunately, the Sankarite interpretation has covered almost the entire world. Therefore there is a great need to present the original, easily understood natural import of the Vedic literature
- Unfortunately, we have no educational system to understand this spiritual science. And especially in this age, everything is godlessness. Therefore people are not happy. Our Krsna consciousness movement is only to make people happy by becoming KC
- Unless he becomes a surrendered soul, there is no hope. He will never understand
- Unless one comes in contact with a devotee it is not possible to understand the transcendental form or the spiritual world and its transcendental activities
- Unless one has developed a sense of service to Krsna, one cannot do it (engage in mangala-arati). It is not so easy. This is the proof that one has become freed from all sinful reaction. Because phalena pariciyate. We have to understand by the result
- Unless one hears the science of Godhead from the bona fide representative of the disciplic succession, as above mentioned (SB 2.7.51), for one to understand the theme of the science of Godhead will be a difficult job
- Unless one is constantly situated on that transcendental platform, it is not possible to understand the spiritual nature
- Unless one is enlightened by the spiritual knowledge, he remains only just like cats and dogs. And to understand spiritual identification, that is called dharma
- Unless the living entity is freed from the infection of the material modes of nature, he receives different types of bodies in which to enjoy or suffer, and according to the body, he is understood to have various inclinations
- Unless we cleanse our hearts of all the dirty things that you have accumulated, then we have to continue the sufferings of this material world. But if we cleanse, we understand what is our position
- Unless we understand what is the wrong on the active principle of the body, the problems cannot be solved, just like if you cannot diagnose the disease, simply by symptomatic treatment you cannot make the man healthy. That is not possible
- Unless you approach a person who is representative of Krsna and tattva-darsi, who has seen the truth, jnani, and full of knowledge, from him you can understand what is Bhagavad-gita, what is Bhagavan. Otherwise you cannot understand
- Unless you are expert in devotional service, by practical application of the instruction of Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu - rupa-raghunatha pade haibe akuti - then if we are qualified, someday we may be able to understand what is love between Krsna & Radharani
- Unless you develop Krsna consciousness, there is no rescue from the entanglement of conditioned life. This you have to understand
- Unless you understand from where the order is coming, how the order-giver is speaking, if you do not know the science, how you can talk with Krsna and receive His order?
- Upon being informed by Lord Siva, mother Parvati could understand that she was wrong in cursing Citraketu
- Upon hearing this (the sound of ankle bells), Krsna and Balarama could understand that these were not Their mothers They were following, and They would return to Their actual mothers
- Upon seeing the ecstatic loving symptoms manifest in Madhavendra Puri, the priest was struck with wonder. He could understand why Krsna had become so much obliged to him, and he saw that Krsna's action was befitting
- Upon seeing transcendental Vaisnavism in Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, everyone could understand that Lord Caitanya was none other than Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja
- Upon standing up, the Lord said, "Go on speaking! Go on speaking!" Thus He began to dance, overwhelmed with pleasure. No one could understand the strong waves of this ecstasy
- Upon the birth of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu both of them (Advaita Prabhu and Haridasa Thakura) immediately began to dance. But no one in Santipura could understand why those two saintly persons were dancing
- Using the example of a touchstone, which by its energy turns iron to gold and yet remains the same, we can understand that although the Supreme Personality of Godhead transforms His innumerable energies, He remains unchanged
- Vaisnava philosophers understand that after the body dies they are going to have a transcendental, spiritual body in which to associate with Narayana
- Varnasrama-dharma, gradually training the person how to become perfect human being and understand the goal of his life. That is our activity
- Vasudeva said, "My dear Balarama, You are Sankarsana, the master of all mystic powers; therefore I have now understood that You are eternal"
- Veda says that aham brahmasmi: "I am brahma. I am not this body. I am spirit soul." And when one understands that he is spirit soul, at once he becomes joyful. That is the sign of brahma-jnana
- Vedanta-sutra means, gives you the whole purpose of Vedas, knowledge, in small code words. So to understand these code words, one must have very big brain, or very highly standard educational qualification
- Vedic education means one has to understand his real identity as brahman or the spirit soul. Unfortunately the modern educational system is so defective that everyone is educated to accept this body as self
- Vedic knowledge coming from Krsna, and it is received by Brahma, and then Narada. Then Vyasadeva receives. Then he gives us all these Vedic literature. We understand. That's all. It is not by so-called rascal's research. Research means they are rascal
- Vedic knowledge has been kept imprisoned or concealed, but every human being needs to understand it in truth
- Vedic literatures therefore advise that we should understand our constitutional position and take to devotional service before death comes
- Vedic sastra says that to understand the divine you must have divine mercy
- Vidura said: I now understand the life durations of the residents of the Pita planets and heavenly planets as well as that of the human beings
- Vidura said: My dear brahmana Maitreya, it is very enlightening to understand that King Prthu was enthroned by the great sages and brahmanas
- Vyasadeva has already given the perfect explanation of Vedanta-sutra - the Srimad-Bhagavatam. So let people read the Srimad-Bhagavatam; then they will understand what Vedanta is
- Vyasadeva is the incarnation of Krsna. He compiled Vedanta. Why do these rascals not consider the original Vedantist, Krsna? They approach a Mayavadi instead. So how will they understand Vedanta
- We are accepting the statements of authorities in every field of our activities. From newspapers and radio we also understand that such and such events are taking place in China and India and other places all around the earth
- We are against all so-called cheating religion. The Hinduism is also a cheating religion. We are preaching Bhagavata, and Bhagavata beginning that "We have kicked out all cheating religion." What is cheating religion? That one has to understand
- We are all Brahmans. Aham brahmasmi. Every one of us, living entity, Brahman. But He is the chief Brahman. Just like you are all Americans, but your president is the chief American. Do you understand? So similarly, Krsna is the chief Brahman
- We are as if roaming in the street like street beggars, although we are all the transcendental sons of the richest personality, the Personality of Godhead. With a cool head, we could very well understand this fact
- We are keeping our faith not to a third-class person. To the supreme authority, Krsna. We have to understand first. Therefore we have discussed this point. Tad viddhi pranipatena - BG 4.34
- We are trying to educate people to understand the value of life, the value of spiritual life especially, Bhagavata
- We become more and more faithful to Krsna by understanding the siddhanta
- We can easily understand the material body, but we cannot understand the spiritual body. Therefore Rsabhadeva says: idam sariram mama durvibhavyam
- We can further understand from this vow (to stand all night with a sword to give protection to the cows) accepted by Prsadhra how essential it is to protect the cows
- We can have the facility of drinking milk, which will help us in keeping our health in order and developing very nice brain tissues to understand spiritual subject matter. Fish-eaters, they're all dull. They cannot understand finer philosophy of life
- We can see millions and millions of stars through a telescope, but we cannot approach them. We have to understand our incapabilities
- We can understand this process (of yoga) by comparing it to the electronic transmission of radio messages. With radio transmitters, sound waves produced at a certain station can travel all over the earth in seconds
- We can understand what is love. This love does not stand, but nature dictates that you love your child like this, you love your husband like this, your wife like this, your country like this, your society like this
- We can, however, simply abide by the text and understand that the present millennium is in the second half of the duration of the life of Brahma
- We cannot understand what is a spiritual body at the present moment. We have to hear from the right source, Vedic knowledge. That is Vedic knowledge
- We do not know how many births we had previously, but from the sastra we understand crores, many millions of times, we had to take birth. Therefore it is used, janma koti: not one birth or two birth or second birth or fifth birth
- We don't want to disturb the present condition of the society. No. But we try to make them understand that, "There is a great necessity of you to understand this Krsna consciousness." That is our goal
- We have failed to create peace and harmony in human society, even by such great attempts as the United Nations, because we do not know the right method. The method is very simple, but one has to understand it with a cool head
- We have got two legs, two hands, this form - this is after God's form. God has also the same form, like human being. It takes some time to understand. It is a great science
- We have no other means to understand beyond the sunlight, but we take it sunlight is very important because through sunlight the whole universe is maintained
- We have published Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Krsna, Easy Journey to Other Planets, Nectar of Devotion. So we request everyone to understand this movement by reading authoritative literatures in this connection
- We have several times discussed this point. Just like to understand the sun, somebody is studying the sun ray. He is also studying sun
- We have to choose our course of action very carefully lest the stringent laws of nature react to bind us to suffering. It is therefore necessary to understand what work to do and what work to avoid
- We have to hear about God, Krsna, from the authentic Vedic literature and from persons who understand the Vedic version properly
- We have to learn from the authorized sastras, from the Bhagavad-gita, from Srimad-Bhagavatam, from Vedas, not from the rascals. Then you'll understand. Your real affection from Krsna will be awakened, and your life will be successful
- We have to study sanatana-dharma, or varnasrama-dharma. Then we'll understand what the Vedic religion is
- We have to take instruction from those who are not blind, whose eyes are opened and who are liberated from this material bondage. One must take instruction from such persons, and then he will understand his self-interest
- We have to understand from authoritative literature. The subtle body is working, just like when you sleep your gross body is not working, but the subtle body, the mind, intelligence and ego, is working; therefore you dream
- We have to understand like this. Somehow or other, if you chant the holy name of the Lord, knowingly or unknowingly, it will have its effect
- We have to understand that if we want to continue in this artificial enjoyment, we will not be able to attain our position of eternal enjoyment
- We have to understand that this human life is not meant for the animal propensities of life like cats and dog; it is meant for some other divine purpose. We have to get rid of this material encagement and attain our spiritual life and be happy forever
- We have to understand that we receive different bodies due to our sinful actions. Now we are given a chance to execute our duty in the human form
- We have to understand that what is the aim of life. Aim of life is go back to home, back to Godhead. Unless we understand this, our life is in darkness
- We have to understand the transcendental science through Vedic knowledge. By our imperfect knowledge if we try to understand the Absolute Truth, naturally we shall find Him, we can imagine. Just like gagana-sadrsa
- We have to understand things through the acaryas. Acaryavan puruso veda. One who is not following the footsteps of the acaryas, he cannot understand anything
- We have to understand through sastra. We cannot see our past, present and future, but if we see through the sastras . . . Sastra-caksusa: "You should try to see from the sastra." Actually, we understand everything through sastra, not directly
- We have to understand what is the condition of the society. Just like in the Koran it is said by Muhammad that, "From this day you have no sex intercourse with your mother." Just find out the condition of the society
- We invite all scholars, philosophers, religionists or members of the general public to understand this movement by critical study
- We invite, therefore, all kinds of serious men for the welfare of the human society to understand this great movement and if possible take part in it and cooperate with us. That will solve all the problems of the world
- We know that this is all a well-planned trick. You know how to make jokes that cause the complete annihilation of women, but we can understand that Your real mind, words and behavior are different. Therefore please give up all these clever tricks
- We may apply our intelligence to manufacture an automobile, radio or television for sense gratification, but we have to understand that this is not knowledge. Rather, this is plundered intelligence
- We may be foolish - we do not know; we cannot understand who is the original father - but there must have been the original father. That is God. Where is the deficiency to understand this fact?
- We may not believe in the existence of soul, but that is a fact. But if we want to study the subject matter very seriously and scientifically, then it will be possible to understand
- We must utilize this human form of body properly to understand that, I am not this body; I am pure consciousness. And this pure consciousness I have to practice in such a way that in next life I get my pure conscious or into pure spiritual body
- We recommend the students to chant Hare Krsna. Atah sri-krsna-namadi. Nama means after you understand or realize nama, then you'll understand His qualities, transcendental qualities
- We require vigorous propaganda to make these fools to understand what is the real aim of life. That should be our propaganda
- We should always understand that granthas, or the scriptures, should be worshiped as God. That is sound incarnation of God. It should not be neglected. Don't neglect Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata as ordinary books
- We should be interested to understand actually "What I am," aham brahmasmi. That is real solution of all problems. This is called knowledge
- We should know that whatever we are doing in the material concept of life is illusion. We have to understand whether we are illusioned or not. And all conditioned souls are illusioned
- We should not be very much anxious about being famous. Not, "Oh, there is a great man who knows everything about spirit and who is perfect." No. We should be very sincere to understand things as they are
- We should not jump over Krsna without the help of guru. That is not possible. You must go through. Because Krsna says, "Actually one who is serious to understand higher transcendental subject matter, he must approach guru." These are Vedic injunction
- We should not mistakenly understand that He (The Lord) was born just like an ordinary living entity from the semen of Kardama Muni in the womb of Devahuti
- We should philosophically understand that if the original person benefits, the reflection also benefits. So if we decorate Krsna, we also shall be decorated
- We should take the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the spiritual master of the whole universe, to understand how one becomes a spiritual master and a disciple
- We should use this great opportunity, human life, to understand all these points which are mentioned in the authoritative books of Vedic knowledge like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita
- We should utilize this time to make solution of the life that we are repeatedly dying and again accepting another body. So how they will understand unless they come to the proper guru?
- We understand from the Brahma-samhita and Skanda Purana that Krsna is always surrounded by many thousands of goddesses of fortune. The gopis are all goddesses of fortune, and Krsna took them hand in hand on the bank of the Yamuna
- We understand that Kuruksetra is a place that still exists, and according to the Vedic version it is a dharma-ksetra, or a place of pilgrimage
- We understand that the desires for sexual satisfaction are meant for the arvak, the lowest among men. To rectify these rascals and fools is very difficult. After all, the sex desires of the common man are condemned in these verses - in SB 4.29.14
- We understand that with the breathing of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there issued forth the four Vedas, namely the Rg Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda, and also the histories like the Mahabharata and all the Puranas
- We understand there is sun in the sky. The light and heat we are feeling, that means the sun is in the sky. Similarly, our consciousness and knowledge, etcetera, are there, that means that the atma is there
- We want to create some ideal men. People will see them, and at least they will understand that "Here are the ideal men." They will be ashamed. So those who are in Krsna consciousness movement, they should be sreyan - the best men in the society
- We want to give to the whole world the spiritual enlightenment without which they are suffering. And this human form of body is especially meant for this purpose to understand our spiritual position
- We will understand that even if the Lord appears before us in the form of material energy, it is quite possible for Him to convert this energy into spiritual energy
- What is the difficulty to understand this logic, that the soul is immortal and the body is changing? What is the difficulty? Just try to understand. You have to preach immortality of the soul, transmigration of the soul
- What Krsna means, to understand, it is not so easy job. And again He said, He explains that bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah (BG 18.55). Only the devotees can understand. It is not the business of the karmis, jnanis, yogis
- What to speak of finding Krsna, materialistic scientists cannot properly understand even material objects. They are trying to go to the moon, but actually they do not know what it is
- What was but a moment for Brahma was one year on earth. Krsna continued to expand Himself in so many forms for one year, but by the arrangement of yogamaya no one could understand this but Balarama
- What was described as Kalakanya should be understood as old age. No one wants to accept old age, but Yavanesvara (Yavana-raja), who is death, accepts Jara (old age) as his sister
- Whatever it may be, I require your help to understand it. Therefore you become my guru. If I require your help to understand something, that is guru. And you say there is no need of guru. Then why you are taking trouble to teach me this nonsense
- Whatever living thing we see is simply a combination of these two energies (superior and inferior). When an advanced devotee thinks of these energies, he immediately understands that they are manifestations of the Supreme Lord
- When a living entity is liberated from the conditioned life of matter, he can understand the two different activities of material nature, namely covering and bewildering
- When a living entity, when a person comes to the understanding, without any doubt, that he's eternal servant of Krsna, then his real life begins. Unless he understands this point, he's still in the hallucination of animal life
- When a person abandons the path of devotional service and simply labors for knowledge, he has no profit other than the trouble he takes to understand the difference between matter and spirit. It is useless labor to try to get grains from empty husks
- When a person comes to his senses and understands how he is engaging in sinful activities, he returns to his conscience, which is herein (SB 4.26.11) figuratively described as the palace
- When a person is properly instructed by a spiritual master and understands transcendental bliss, he enjoys life
- When a saintly person visits their homes, one can understand that it is for no other purpose than to benefit the householders
- When a student hears spiritual subjects attentively, the spiritual master becomes very happy. Kapiladeva was very happy to see His mother eager to understand spiritual subject matters. He therefore thanked His mother for her inquiry
- When all the inhabitants of Vrndavana smelled the good aroma from the smoke of the burning Putana, they inquired from each other, "Where is this good fragrance coming from?" While conversing, they understood that it was the fumes of the burning Putana
- When all the members of the Kuru dynasty saw that their city was about to fall into the water of the Ganges, and when they heard their citizens howling in great anxiety, they immediately came to their senses and understood what was happening
- When bright young boys and girls receive proper guidance from parents and teachers who can lucidly answer their queries, they easily understand each point and gradually develop fine brains
- When Caitanya was finally seated amongst them, Prakasananda said, I think Your name is Sri Krsna Caitanya, & I understand that You belong to our Mayavadi sect because You have taken sannyasa from Kesava Bharati, who belongs to the Sankaracarya sampradaya
- When Devaki understood that Kamsa would be killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who would appear from her womb, she felt great joy
- When Devayani heard Maharaja Yayati's story of the he-goat and she-goat, she understood that this story, which was presented as if a funny joke for entertainment between husband and wife, was intended to awaken her to her constitutional position
- When Dhrtarastra's son Duryodhana understood that Vidura had thus informed the Pandavas, he was very angry. Such is the nature of politics
- When Dhruva Maharaja saw the Visnudutas, the direct associates of Lord Visnu, four-handed and nicely decorated, he could understand who they were, but for the time being he was puzzled
- When Garuda, the great devotee-carrier of Visnu, understood that Kaliya was eating the offered sacrifices, he became very angry and rushed to the island to kill the offensive serpent
- When He becomes a rascal, that is also good. That is Krsna. Rascaldom is not good, but when it is practiced by Krsna, because He is absolutely good, that rascaldom is also good. This one has to understand
- When he becomes joyful, he understands that, - I am not this material body; I am spirit soul. I am not American, I am not Indian, I'm not brahmin, I am not this, this, this, so many things . . . no, I am spirit soul. I am part and parcel of Krsna
- When he bent down to pick it (yogurt) up, he saw that the container was again full. He dropped it again, and it was again full. He could then understand that it was spiritual
- When he understands, "Oh, Vasudeva, Krsna, is the origin or everything," that is real jnana. That is real jnana
- When he was arrested and he was being judged by Alexander, the thief pleaded that "What is the difference between you and me? You are a great thief. I am a small thief." So Alexander understood it and got him released, "Yes." This is generosity
- When Hiranyakasipu understood the entire situation, he was extremely angry, so much so that his body trembled. Thus he finally decided to kill his son Prahlada
- When his intelligence and mind were fixed upon the form of the Lord, the brahmana Ajamila once again saw before him four celestial persons. He could understand that they were those he had seen previously
- When I understood that you were observing a great vow in spiritual life, I wanted to find some fault in you. When I found such a fault, I entered your womb and cut the embryo to pieces
- When I was in Columbus, I met one gentleman on the street. So as soon as he understood that I am from India, "Oh, India is very poverty-stricken." Yes. This is our advertisement
- When impersonalist philosophers refer to the Vedanta and the Upanisads, they are actually referring to these works as understood through the commentaries of Sankaracarya, the greatest teacher of Mayavada philosophy
- When Indra understood that the sacrifice which was to be offered by the cowherd men in Vrndavana had been stopped by Krsna, he became angry
- When it is not possible to understand even the material things which we daily see with our eyes, what can we say of the spiritual world and Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When it was understood that the King had indifferently left home, all the citizens, priests, ministers, friends, and people in general were greatly aggrieved
- When Junior Haridasa heard that he had been ordered not to approach Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he was very unhappy. No one could understand why he had been ordered not to come
- When King Iksvaku, thus informed by Vasistha, understood what his son Vikuksi had done, he was extremely angry. Thus he ordered Vikuksi to leave the country because Vikuksi had violated the regulative principles
- When Krsna says "I," the miscreants identify this "I" with themselves. This is a gross misinterpretation. Although Bhagavad-gita is very popular in the world, due to this misinterpretation by mundane scholars, it has not been properly understood
- When Kutila saw Krsna wearing a necklace, she could understand that the jeweled ornament had been given to Him by Radharani. She therefore became absorbed in anger and began to move her eyebrows, expressing her anger in ecstatic love
- When Lord Brahma understood that the Supreme Personality of Godhead was now within the womb of Aditi, he began to offer prayers to the Lord by reciting transcendental names
- When Lord Caitanya described the incarnation for this age of Kali, Sanatana Gosvami, who had been a government minister and was perfectly capable of drawing conclusions, directly asked of the Lord, "How can one understand the advent of an incarnation?"
- When Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu raised the question of the Muslims’ cow-killing and bull-killing, Chand Kazi came to the standard of understanding from his scriptures
- When man, who is the highest of all created beings, is fully developed in consciousness, he concerns himself not only with his own self and the world where he lives, but he tries to understand the Absolute Truth
- When Nilambara Cakravarti, Sacimata and Jagannatha Misra understood from the marks on the Lord’s lotus feet that child Nimai was not an ordinary child but an incarnation of Narayana
- When one actually awakens from material life, one understands his real position as an eternal servant of Krsna. This is called liberation. Muktir hitvanyatha rupam svarupena vyavasthitih - SB 2.10.6
- When one actually comes to understand the Vedanta, he comes to know Krsna and his relationship with Krsna
- When one awakens to his transcendental senses and actually becomes situated in knowledge, he then becomes a servant of the reality. When one comes to the platform of knowledge, he understands that in all circumstances he is a servant
- When one becomes brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20), spiritually realized, one understands that he is not the body and that working in the bodily concept of life is useless and misdirected. Then his devotional service begins
- When one comes to Krsna consciousness, when one becomes purified and understands that these senses are actually meant for satisfying Krsna, then he is a liberated person - mukta-purusa
- When one considers his body - his head, his hands and so on - one can certainly understand the difference between the spirit soul and the body. No one says, "I head." Everyone says, "My head"
- When one engages in preaching work, he must distinguish between people and understand that some people are not engaged in the devotional service of the Lord. The preacher then has to take compassion upon such innocent people
- When one is a siddha, one understands himself - that is, one understands, aham brahmasmi: "I am not this body." This is Brahman realization, the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) platform. When one attains this stage, he becomes very happy
- When one is actually situated in that understanding, he becomes eligible to enter into the confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna. There is no alternative to understand Their confidential pastimes
- When one is freed from this bewilderment and understands that the soul does not belong to any shape of this material world, one is situated on the spiritual platform (brahma-bhuta)
- When one is freed from this bewilderment and understands that the soul does not belong to any shape of this material world, one is situated on the spiritual platform - brahma-bhuta - SB 4.30.20
- When one is further advanced he can understand that there are activities in the spiritual life and that these activities constitute devotional service. Realizing this, he becomes attached to the SP of Godhead and surrenders to Him. BG 1972 purports
- When one is liberated, he theoretically understands that the living entity is not composed of material elements but is spirit soul, distinct from matter. Simply by theoretically understanding this doctrine, one can be called liberated
- When one is perfectly prepared to accept spiritual enjoyment, and completely understands the uselessness of material enjoyment, that is the perfectional point of view
- When one is promoted to the mode of goodness, one can understand that the senses and the mind are engaged in material activities only due to being covered by perverted consciousness
- When one is so liberated, he can really understand the transcendental features of the form of the Lord. Siva advises everyone to practice bhagavad-bhakti-yoga. By doing so one can become really liberated and enjoy spiritual bliss
- When one is trained in devotional service and renders service unto Him (God), gradually one's senses are purified of material contamination. When one's senses are thus purified, then one can see, one can understand, one can hear and so on
- When one is trained to become conscious of his position, he understands that he is the servitor of the Lord
- When one realizes something of his constitutional relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he understands his original position and wants to be reinstated in this position, either as friend, servant, parent or conjugal lover of Krsna
- When one thoroughly understands that he is not the material body but a spiritual soul, he is even humbler than a man of the lower castes, for he is spiritually elevated
- When one transcends the status of ecstatic love and thus becomes situated on the highest platform of pure goodness, one is understood to have cleansed the heart of all material contamination
- When one understands all of these twenty-six subjects (the twenty-four elements, the individual soul, and Lord Visnu as Paramatma), he becomes adhyatma-vit, an expert in understanding the distinction between matter and spirit
- When one understands his real identity as a spiritual being, he can understand the supreme spiritual being, Krsna, and the real happiness exchanged between Krsna and one's self
- When one understands his spiritual identity and surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme spiritual person, one becomes actually happy. When one searches for happiness in matter, one must certainly lament for bodily relationships
- When one understands that he belongs not to the material world but to the spiritual world, one is called liberated
- When one understands that purusa, the supreme controller, to be Paramatma, one is engaged in the method of yoga (dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah (SB 12.13.1)). But mother Yasoda has surpassed all these stages
- When one understands that result and cause are one and that duality is ultimately unreal, like the idea that the threads of a cloth are different from the cloth itself, one reaches the conception of oneness called bhavadvaita
- When one understands that the soul is part and parcel of the supreme soul and one thus engages in the devotional service of the supreme soul, one becomes siddha-sat-tama. One is then eligible to live in the Vaikuntha planets or Krsnaloka
- When one understands that the ultimate goal of life is to approach Krsna, he realizes Krsna within everyone's heart and helps everyone who is interested in Krsna consciousness. The perfection of life depends on one's inclination to hear about Krsna
- When one understands that, "I am part and parcel of Krsna. My duty is to serve Krsna," that is normal life. That is actually spiritual life
- When one understands the futility of the materialistic way of life, one becomes advanced in knowledge, and therefore he situates himself in the vanaprastha order, unattached to family, wife and children
- When one understands this karma-kanda elevation is not the aim of our life, our real aim of life how to go back home, back to Godhead, then these things are not required
- When one's mind, intelligence and senses are purified of material contamination, one can understand the original feature of the Absolute Truth as a person
- When Pracinabarhi was performing Vedic rituals in which the killing of animals was recommended, Narada Muni, out of compassion, advised him to stop. Pracinabarhi understood Narada properly and then left the kingdom to perform austerities in the forest
- When Pradyumna came back home after killing the Sambarasura, and as soon as he saw his father, Krsna, before him, he became so overjoyed that he himself could not understand his joy on that occasion
- When Ramananda Raya spoke to Pradyumna Misra, Pradyumna Misra could understand that Ramananda Raya was not an ordinary human being
- When Rukmini saw the brahmana, she could understand the auspicious trembling of her body and immediately became elated. She smiled and inquired whether Krsna had already come
- When Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he advised the Lord to learn Vedanta philosophy from him, but later he became a student of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to understand the real meaning of Vedanta
- When she (Kunti) inquired from her son about the purport of the conversation, Yudhisthira replied that from the talks of Vidura it was understood that there was a hint of fire in the house where they were proceeding
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu entered the room, He saw three divisions of food, and He knew that all of these were meant for Krsna. However, He did not understand the intentions of Advaita Acarya
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was thus chastising Jagadananda Pandita, Sanatana Gosvami fell at the Lord's feet and said, "I can now understand the fortunate position of Jagadananda"
- When Srikanta Sena heard the Lord say "He is distressed," he could understand that the Lord is omniscient
- When Sukracarya saw that Bali Maharaja had risked all of his possessions, he understood that this would cause havoc not only to the King but also to the family of Sukracarya, who was dependent on Maharaja Bali's mercy
- When Svayambhuva Manu saw that Dhruva Maharaja understood the philosophy of Vaisnavism and yet was still dissatisfied because of his brother's death, he gave him an explanation of how this material body is created by the five elements of material nature
- When that knowledge comes (relationships as friend, parent, child, master, etc are reflections of the relationship we have with God), we begin to understand that we are servants of Krsna and that we have an eternal love relationship with Him
- When the Bhattacarya was actually enlightened in Vaisnava philosophy, he could understand the exalted transcendental position of Sri Ramananda Raya; therefore he referred to him as adhikari
- When the black-eyed, beautiful Rukmini heard of the settlement, she immediately became very morose. However, being a king's daughter, she understood political diplomacy and decided that there was no use in simply being morose
- When the demigods sometimes come to this planet, they do not touch the ground. Puranjana could understand that this girl did not belong to the transcendental world or the higher planetary system because her feet were touching the ground
- When the distressed, inquisitive, seekers of knowledge, & who are in need of money are free from all material desires, & when they fully understand that material remuneration has nothing to do with spiritual improvement become pure devotees. BG 1972 pur
- When the goddess of fortune understands that a devotee is in favor of devotional service to Narayana, she is naturally inclined to bless the devotee with all opulences
- When the gopis saw Uddhava, they observed that his features almost exactly resembled those of Krsna, and they could understand that he was a great devotee of Krsna's
- When the gopis understood that Uddhava had a message from Krsna, they became very happy & called him to a secluded place & offered him a nice sitting place. They wanted to talk with him very freely & did not want to be embarrassed before unknown persons
- When the great sage Angira understood that the King was almost dead in an ocean of lamentation, he went there with Narada Rsi
- When the great sage Rcika returned home after bathing and understood what had happened in his absence, he said to his wife, Satyavati, "You have done a great wrong"
- When the great sages, headed by Bhrgu, saw that in the absence of King Anga there was no one to protect the interests of the people, they understood that without a ruler the people would become independent and nonregulated
- When the heroes of the Yaksas saw that all their heads were being thus threatened by Dhruva Maharaja, they could very easily understand their awkward position, and they concluded that they would certainly be defeated
- When the inferior swan hears the instructions of the other swan, he understands his real position and is again revived to his original consciousness
- When the living being is in the mode of goodness, in sanity, and understands what sort of activities he should adopt, the actions and reactions of his past activities can be changed. BG 1972 Introduction
- When the living entity becomes free from false ego, he understands his superior position as a spirit soul, part and parcel of the pleasure potency of the Lord
- When the living entity is covered by the mode of ignorance, he does not understand the individual living being and the supreme living being, and his mind is subjugated to fruitive activity
- When the Lord is described as formless in the Vedic literatures, it is to be understood that all these forms, within the experience of universal knowledge, are different exhibitions of the Lord's transcendental potencies
- When the Lord will be pleased with you, you will also understand these conclusions and will quote from the sastras
- When the material world dissolutes, the spiritual world remains. Krishna and His Kingdom, the spiritual world, are eternal. We have to understand things in this method. That is Krishna Consciousness
- When the mind is completely cleansed of all sinful reactions, one can then understand his duty in the human form of life
- When the personality of Kali understood that the King was willing to kill him, he at once abandoned the dress of a king and, under pressure of fear, completely surrendered to him, bowing his head
- When the priests were about to offer the sacrificial ingredients into the fire, Maharaja Bharata expertly understood how the offering made to different demigods was simply an offering to the different limbs of the Lord
- When the proud Devayani understood from outside sources that Sarmistha was pregnant by her husband, she was frenzied with anger. Thus she departed for her father's house
- When the truth of simultaneous oneness and difference is understood, the imperfect concepts of monism and dualism cease to satisfy
- When there is fire in a house, the inmates of the house go out to get help from the neighbors who may be foreigners, and yet without knowing the language the victims of the fire express themselves, and the neighbors understand the need
- When these impurities (material lusts and avarice) are wiped away, the candidate remains steady in his position of pure goodness, becomes enlivened by devotional service and understands the science of God perfectly. BG 1972 purports
- When they (members of Yadu family and the women) understood that it was Pradyumna who was present, they received him with great delight
- When They understood the sinister motives of the guards, They became angry, and taking up the two pieces of the broken bow, They began to beat down all of Kamsa's caretakers
- When this verse (SB 7.4.36) says vasudeve bhagavati, one should understand that Prahlada Maharaja's attachment for Nrsimhadeva was attachment for Krsna, Vasudeva, the son of Vasudeva. Prahlada Maharaja is described as a great mahatma
- When Vasistha understood that the human flesh had been served by the Raksasa, not by the King, he undertook twelve years of austerity to cleanse himself for having cursed the faultless King
- When we are actually in the liberated stage of knowledge, we can understand that our relationship with the Lord is in a particular rasa. That platform is called svarupa-siddhi, or real self-realization
- When we come to that position to understand our intimate relationship with God, or Krsna, that is called svarupa-siddhi
- When we come to that position to understand our intimate relationship with God, or Krsna, that is called svarupa-siddhi. Svarupa-siddhi. Svarupa-siddhi means realization of perfection
- When we come to the platform of truth, however, and understand that we are not these bodies, then our activities change from material activities to spiritual activities
- When we hold meeting, unless one is very obstinate, he joins and chants Hare Krsna mantra, and dances also with ecstasy. He doesn't require to understand what is Hare Krsna mantra, but because it is spiritual vibration, it appeals to the spirit soul
- When we see them (stars) glittering at night we can understand that they are reflectors of light; just as moonlight is a reflection of sunlight, other planets also reflect sunlight, and there are many other planets which cannot be seen by our naked eyes
- When we speak of a king it is naturally understood that the king is accompanied by his confidential associates, like his secretary, private secretary, aide-de-camp, ministers and advisers
- When we touch milk, it appears very cold; when we smell milk, it appears to have a very good flavor; and when we hear, we understand that it is called milk
- When we understand rightly that, "I am not concerned with all these things," then we become joyful - Oh, I have no responsibility. I have nothing to do with all these things
- When we understand that the soul, or the person, has left the body, we cry, "Oh, my friend has left." We can perceive that the body is there, but something is obviously missing. Thus one's friend is actually different from the body
- When we were walking, the question was raised that, "Why war takes place?" That is not a very difficult subject to understand, because every one of us has got a fighting spirit
- When you are elevated to that platform, dovetailing yourself with the supreme consciousness, then there is no more requisition for understanding the scriptures, the rituals or the religious process. You are transcendental to that, all these paraphernalia
- When you are liberated, you will understand in which way you are related with Krsna. That is called svarupa-siddhi. But that is attained when you are actually perfect in devotional service
- When you come to the daivi sampat, then you understand that we all are brothers, universal brotherhood. Not that "The American is my brother, and the American cows are not my brother. Let them go to the slaughterhouse." This is all defective understanding
- When you drive your car you always chant "Hare Krishna" and when I was by your side I could understand how heartily you have accepted the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. Krishna is very kind to all but He is especially kind to his sincere devotees
- When you eat you needn't require to ask anybody whether you are feeling strength or your hunger is satisfied. If you eat, you understand that you are satisfied. Similarly, if you serve God, you'll understand that, God is dictating me. I am seeing God
- When you understand that "I am not this body." We are unity: economic unity, historical unity, scientific unity - still we are fighting one another: nation to nation. There is no unity. The only cause is that they do not know that we are not this body
- When you understand that you are eternal servant of God, Krsna, and if you become fully convinced and do the needful, then you are liberated immediately
- When you understand what is sanatana, and we employ ourself in that process, that is called execution of sanatana-dharma
- When you understand your actual position, then your activities actually begin
- When you're actually on the platform of love of God, you understand your relationship with God: "I am part & parcel of God - and this dog is also part & parcel of God. And so is every other living entity." Then you'll extend your love to the animals also
- When, by mature understanding, one can realize his individuality, then the situation he accepts under false ego becomes manifest to him
- Where is the question of imperson? These nonsense impersonalist, voidist. Therefore, the principle is, to understand things in reality, one has to approach Krsna as Arjuna has approached, sisyas te 'ham (BG 2.7): Now I am Your disciple. You just teach me
- Where is the way to understand? The conclusion is, mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186): "Mahajana, great personalities, recognized acarya, what they say, you follow." That is the best system
- Where there is no sunshine, all the leaves fall down, and as soon as there is sunshine, immediately millions and trillions of leaves come out. At least in this way you have to understand how Krsna's potency is working. That is the Vedic information
- Wherever there is fire, there is heat and light. Therefore heat and light is the dharma or religion of fire. That means fire cannot change its dharma. As this dharma, as we generally understand by the word faith, that we can change
- Wherever there is the living entity, Krsna is there as friend. Su-parna, sayuja. So, from the sastra it is understood, as many material atoms are there, so many spiritual atoms are there. Now you can imagine how many living entities are there
- Whether one is a prakrta-sahajiya or a mundane opportunist or scholar, one’s labor to understand these topics by mundane means will ultimately be frustrated. One therefore has to give up all mundane attempts and try to become a pure devotee of Visnu
- Whether one is dreaming in a subtle way or a gross way, these dreams are all false and temporary. One's real business is to understand that one is soul (aham brahmasmi) and that his activities should therefore be different. Then one can be happy
- Whether or not King Daksa and his flatterers could understand the position of Lord Siva, Sati wanted to impress upon her father that he should not think her husband to be without opulence
- Whether they associated with Krsna as enemies or for sense gratification, out of fear or as pure devotees, they all got liberation. That is the result of association with God. Even if one does not understand who He is, the results have the same efficacy
- Which I could not follow, I may ask repeatedly to understand. So two sides: seva, service; and surrender. And in the middle, pariprasna. So pariprasna is required. Otherwise how one can understand? So questions are required
- While Indra, thought in this way and repented in his own assembly, Brhaspati, the most powerful spiritual master, understood his mind. Thus he became invisible to Indra and left home, for Brhaspati was spiritually more powerful than King Indra
- While she was serving her husband by massaging his legs, she could feel that his feet were no longer warm and could thus understand that he had already passed from the body. She felt great anxiety upon being left alone
- While they were thus enjoying themselves in the water, all of a sudden Narada, the great sage, happened to pass that way. He could understand that the demigods Nalakuvara and Manigriva were too much intoxicated and could not even see that he was passing
- Who can understand the influence and mercy of Lord Nityananda Prabhu? He is so powerful that He induced Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to come eat chipped rice on the bank of the Ganges
- Who will take instruction from Krsna? Tad-guna-ragi, when you understand that, Krsna is the Supreme. We have to take instruction from Him
- Whoever your husband may be, simply by understanding that you are so faithful to him, he will come to possess all opulences. I think you must be the goddess of fortune, but I do not see the lotus flower in your hand
- Why are you questioning me? Better that you question your own mind. Because you are the King of the people, you are the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore you can understand this better than I
- Why India's name should be defamed, that they are following in the same blind man's way? Therefore I repeatedly said that, - I invite you all. Come. Join. Understand
- With this mind you cannot understand. You cannot think of Krsna. With this tongue you cannot chant Hare Krsna. With these ears you cannot hear what is Hare Krsna. With these eyes you cannot see what is Krsna. But if you purify...
- Within many millions of persons one understands the responsibility of his life and tries to make it perfect. And yatatam api siddhanam. Siddha means you may try to become perfect, but that does not mean you have become perfect
- Within the mind of Nrsimhananda Brahmacari, the road could not be constructed beyond Kanai Natasala. He could not understand why the road's construction could not be completed, and thus he was astonished
- Within this world everyone is subject to lamentation for that which is lost and hankering for that which must be gained, but real gain is to understand oneself and to know one's own identity
- Without any connection with God, oh, that is not accepted as religion. Religion, generally understood - searching after God, understanding about God, relationship with God. This is religion. Atheism is not religion
- Without following the principles of the scriptures, one cannot elevate himself to the perfectional stage. One who actually, therefore, understands the purport of the sastras is considered fortunate. BG 1972 purports
- Without intelligence, nobody can understand Krsna philosophy. Dull-headed, poor fund of knowledge, they cannot understand Krsna
- Without milk you cannot develop the finer tissues of your brain, and without developing the finer tissues of brain it is not possible to understand what is God
- Without the association of devotees one cannot understand the activities of the Lord
- Yogena means "by controlling the senses and mind." Yoga indriya-samyamah. Yogena implies that one is seriously absorbed in the self and is able, by development of knowledge, to understand his constitutional position in relationship with the Superself
- You are all educated, cultured, young boys and girls, and if you understand the philosophy it will be a great help for the suffering humanity
- You are hearing again and again, yet You keep silent. I cannot understand what is actually within Your mind
- You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna Himself. You know the purport of Your activities, and the person whom You enlighten can also understand Your pastimes
- You are theologician. You write about God so that people may understand how our students are enlightened. Other so-called foolish theologicians may learn from you. You take the ideas and explain
- You can see Him (God) by His work. Just like you cannot go and see the sun. But when it arises, when it diffuses, the sunshine is there, you can immediately understand that the sun is there in the sky. The sun is always there in the sky
- You cannot expect all men to understand what is religion and what is not religion, general mass of people. So what is the position of a person or any being who does not know to make distinction what is dharma and adharma?
- You cannot understand why Krsna said to Arjuna that "You fight." First of all understand yourself. That is the first instruction the Arjuna was given
- You do not know so many things. But if you read books, authorized books, then you understand, things are there
- You go to a person who has seen the truth and you understand. Because they are not understanding Krsna directly or through the agent, they are misled, they are misinterpreting. That is their folly
- You have to become God conscious. Then you will understand what is God. It is not a so trifle thing you ask me and in one minute, you understand God. That is foolishness. You have to study the science of God. God is not so cheap
- You have to change your body.That is a fact. You believe or not believe, you are changing your body every moment. So simply you have no eyes to see, you have no brain to understand
- You have to change your desire. That is KC movement. Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam. You have to understand that - I am not this body. I am neither Indian, nor American, nor Russian. I am part and parcel of God. Therefore my business is to serve God
- You have to fight. Certainly you have to fight with your brothers, brothers-in-law and nephews, and you are lamenting. But first of all understand whether you are body or not. - That is the beginning of Bhagavad-gita
- You have to go to guru to understand. You cannot understand personally. That is not possible. Therefore our system is to see through the guru and sastra, not by these naked eyes. That is misleading
- You have to see through the sastra, sastra-caksusa. Just like you see the sun just like a disc, but when you go through the sastra, authorized books, you understand that it is fourteen hundred thousand times bigger than this earth
- You have to understand by pranipatena, by submission, not by challenging. If you challenge, then you will never be able to understand. This whole process is submission. Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja
- You have to understand that woman is never given to be independence. Independence means just like child has to be taken care, similarly, woman has to be taken care
- You have to understand the position of God. In every literature, in every scripture: "God said: 'Let there be creation.' So there was creation." So creation is the universe. So God created this universe. So if you love God, then you love the universe
- You have to understand your spiritual identification. Because you are fools and rascals, you are thinking, "I am this body," and Krsna gives instruction in the beginning that you are not this body
- You have to understand, you have to gather your knowledge from authentic scripture, not by experimental knowledge
- You have understood our philosophy very nicely, and that is a great boon for someone who is as young as yourself. The perfection of human existence is to somehow or another develop Krsna Consciousness and the sooner that one can develop his KC the better
- You have understood what is knowledge and what is honesty? And is there another way? Is there any other way? Defy it! Another way? Is there an alternative
- You haven't got to speculate just like so many theosophists and philosophers and theologists who are trying to speculate to understand what is God. Why you are speculating, wasting your time? Why not take full knowledge here?
- You may be very big speaker, nice speaker, but that is not the process - simply by speaking very nicely you can understand the Absolute Truth. Neither you can understand the Absolute Truth because you have got a very nice brain, a great scientist
- You may understand from me that the individual souls are everywhere, means, anywhere you go within this material world there are individual living entities
- You must find out a suitable person where you can question and get the proper answer, a spiritual master. That means surrender. Then question. Question is not a challenge. Question is to understand
- You require pravrtti and nivrtti to understand how you should think, how you should live, how you should eat, how you should sleep. This training is required. Why it is required? Because to get out of this material bondage
- You should try to understand whether Krsna is God or not. But He is God. There is no doubt about it. If you have the intelligence to understand what God is, then try to understand
- You understand simply these two things: that you are eternal servant of God and you have to carry out the orders of God . . . He is the supreme proprietor. He is the supreme friend
- You understand that this colorful life of material existence is not good. But what is your positive engagement? Unless you are positively engaged in another superior colorful life, you cannot give up this base colorful life
- You understand this philosophy and add water to the suffering humanity. They are suffering in the burning, blazing fire of material existence. So blazing fire can be extinguished when the water falls from the sky, not by your fire brigade
- You write to say that already two new boys, Frank and Ed, have joined our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and that is very good news. Please take very nice care of them and help them to understand our principles as far as possible
- Your position is always transcendental to the material creation, whereas the empiric attempt to understand You is material, as are its objectives and instruments
- Yudhisthira could understand the feelings of Duryodhana & he tried to restrain the queens, but Krsna indicated that Yudhisthira should not restrain them from enjoying the incident. Krsna desired that Duryodhana be fooled in that way
- Yudhisthira understood that "When such great personalities (like Bhismadeva, Lord Krsna and Vyasadeva) are giving their opinion, that it was no wrong on my part," then he agreed (to reign the kingdom)