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Pages in category "Catch"
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- A devotee is never caught in the process of being promoted to the heavenly planets and again coming down
- A dog can swim in the water, but if a dog dives in the ocean and someone wants to cross the ocean by holding the dog's tail, he is certainly fool number one. A dog cannot cross the ocean, nor can a person cross the ocean by catching a dog's tail
- A foolish, puffed-up man defies the science of God and says that God has no meaning for him, but when he is in the grip of God's law and is caught by some disease like cerebral thrombosis, that godless man sinks into the ocean of nescience
- A man has fallen in the blind well, and he's crying, "Save me! Save me!" and when somebody comes and gives him a rope - "You catch it. I shall lift you" - but he'll not touch it, then who can save him
- A man has fallen in the dark well, crying. You give him one rope: "Catch it." But he'll not catch. Then how you can deliver? Let him suffer
- A man travels to earn his livelihood, leaving home early in the morning, catching a local train and being packed in a compartment. He has to stand for an hour or two in order to reach his place of business. Then again he takes a bus to get to the office
- A small child, when he begins to walk, he requires the help of his elder brother or sister or father or mother to catch, and one step, one step, one step, one step... But when he begins to walk independently, then he doesn't require any help
- A small child, you let him be free, he will catch up sometimes this, catch up sometimes that, catch up sometimes that. He does not know what is his real interest
- A snake and a mouse were once caught in a basket. Now, since the mouse is food for the snake, this was a good opportunity for the snake
- A visayi, a person blindly caught in a web of materialistic life, remains in the cycle of birth and death perpetually
- According to Sridhara Svami, Arjuna was obliged to catch this son of a brahmana like an animal as a part of his duty (dharma). This suggestion by Sridhara Svami is also confirmed in the later statement of Sri Krsna
- After about a week, the tiger will get the chance to catch an animal, and because it does not get fresh food daily, it will keep the carcass in some bush and eat a little at a time
- After saying this, the Asvini-kumaras caught hold of Cyavana Muni, who was an old, diseased invalid with loose skin, white hair, and veins visible all over his body, and all three of them entered the lake
- After the business of deity worship was finished, Rukmini caught hold of the hand of one of her girlfriends in her own hand, which was decorated with a jeweled ring, and left the temple in the company of the others
- All bad men, unfortunate and disturbed. This is the position. They will work so hard, catch daily passenger trains, Calcutta, Bombay, I have seen. They are actually hanging, some of them are falling down, lost life, and coming from hundred miles away
- All living beings in all the planets of this universe, including the presiding deities of all the planets, are fully under the control of the Lord. They work like birds caught in a net, who cannot move independently
- Although poor men would catch tons of fish, they would not be equal in value to one piece of coral or pearl
- Approach Visnu. Then we get the same power, same eternity, same blissfulness. Just like a motorcar is running at the speed of sixty miles, and if a cyclist someway or other catches the motorcar, he can also go at the speed of sixty miles
- As for atonement, if one has caught even a slight glimpse of devotional service, all needs to undergo prayascitta, atonement, are superseded
- As long as one cannot understand the cosmic manifestation as a representation of the three modes of material nature, he must be considered to be in the darkness of inebriety and caught in the duality of this material world
- As the chariot of air carries an aroma from its source and immediately catches the sense of smell, similarly, one who constantly engages in devotional service, in Krsna consciousness, can catch the Supreme Soul, who is equally present everywhere
- As the fish, being entangled, he struggles for existence, how to get out of the net, he's not peaceful. You will find, as soon as caught he's up in the net, 'Fut Fut Fut Fut Fut' He wants to get out
- Because I (Brahma) have caught hold of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, with great zeal, whatever I say has never proved to have been false
- Because maya is very strong, so we should be always fearful that "Maya may not catch me." Always stick to Krsna's lotus feet so maya will not be able to touch you
- Before departing from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramananda Raya fell to the ground and caught hold of the Lord's lotus feet. He then spoke submissively as follows
- Canakya says that one must catch what is right from any source. If there is a glass of poison with some nectar in it, he says, one should take out the nectar and leave the poison. In the same way, if one finds gold in a filthy place, he should take it
- Catching his hand, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took Sanatana Gosvami inside and made him sit on an elevated place next to Him
- Catching hold of His devotees, the Lord embraced them all and began to cry and cry
- Catching Jarasandha's both legs, he tore his body in two, beginning from the anus up to the head. As an elephant breaks the branches of a tree in two, Bhimasena separated the body of Jarasandha
- Catching the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Haridasa Thakura said, "My Lord, do not create an illusion! Although I am so fallen, You must certainly show me this mercy"
- Conservative means unnecessarily you catch some rules and regulation without any meaning or without any utility. That is conservative. In Sanskrit it is called niyamagraha
- Cyavana Muni was so old that he could not enter the lake alone. Thus the Asvini-kumaras caught hold of his body, and the three of them entered the lake
- Do not go near there. I forbid you. If you go, that ghost will catch you all
- Due to strong ecstasy, they (the gopis) overcame that stage of weakness (feminine shyness) and became caught up with the idea of embracing the Lord, and this thought factually made them unconscious of their surrounding environment
- Duryodhana arranged for Durvasa and his men to reach the place of the Pandavas just when the Pandavas' lunchtime was ended, so that the Pandavas would be caught without sufficient means to feed such a large number of guests
- Even an elephant in the jungle is caught by the use of a trained she-elephant who leads him into a pit. Maya has many activities, and in the material world her strongest shackle is the female
- Even an elephant in the jungle is caught by the use of a trained she-elephant who leads him into a pit. We should learn by observing these tricks of nature - CC Intro
- Even in the topmost level, the President of United States, he was also caught dealing very unfavorably, and he was forced to resign. And what to speak of others? He is not a poor man, he is not uneducated, the topmost man
- Even so-called followers of Gita, they will be caught up by this movement as rascals. Because the real purpose of Gita they do not know. Real purpose of Gita is to know Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone is dying, and everyone is trying not to die. This is the problem. Nobody wants to die, but everyone is dying. That problem this rascal scientist cannot solve. Therefore they are like dogs, and to catch their tail is like that. Yes
- Everything here in the material world is spiritual reflection covered by the material elements. So when this sound is purified or you catch up the spiritual sound, then your spiritual life begins
- Eyes - the vulture goes seven miles up to see where there is food for the stomach. Is it not? Then the wings fly there, and the jaws catch the food
- He (Darwin) does not know. He has caught up some words from this Padma Purana and tried to give his own invention. The evolution is already there
- He does not know that this (valuable things left on road for repairing road or electrical work) is all government property. He takes it away. That is stealing. And when he is caught, he is arrested, and he is punished
- I have established ISKCON centers for the purpose of catching up the Lotus Feet of Krishna by intimate connection with the spiritual master; these are my authorized centers for that purpose
- If a dog is swimming in the water and one wants to cross the ocean by catching hold of the dog's tail, certainly he is foolish. Similarly, if in distress one seeks shelter of a demigod, he is foolish, for his efforts will be fruitless
- If Krsna, attracted by the beauty of some other woman, wants to enjoy with her but is unhappy because He cannot get her, I fall down at her feet, catch her hand and bring her to Krsna to engage her for His happiness
- If one has fallen in the blind well - "Please get me up! Get me up!" - so I give him a rope: "Yes, catch it. I'll get you . . ." "No, no, I shall not catch." Without catching, there is no . . . so if you want to learn, come here. Stay. We shall teach you
- If one somehow or other hears, utters or remembers the holy name, or if it catches his mind while coming near his ears, that holy name, even if vibrated in separate words, will act
- If we have no wife or child, we have to catch some dog or other lower animal in order to serve it. That is our nature. We are compelled to do it
- If you have firm faith, if you take Krsna, "Yes, Krsna is the Supreme Personality," then your examination is passed. Just like fire. You understand what is fire or not understand, but if you catch fire, it will act
- In America we see many old men on the beach who have retired from their business to waste their time trying to catch fish. They are not very cautious, and they touch the water
- In illusion an attached person serves such family members, and by serving them he is destined to enter into a hellish condition of life. For example, a thief steals something to maintain his family, and he is caught and imprisoned
- In Jhankara, the ten men caught up with the group of Vaisnavas going to Nilacala
- In material life, we simply struggle for existence. We want to exist, and we do not want to die. Nor do we want to undergo the pains of birth, catch diseases or grow old
- In my childhood I was very naughty boy, and I used to catch my father in so many ways demanding unreasonable things, and my father used to satisfy me
- In my childhood I would not take medicine. Exactly like this, now also. So I was given medicine by force in the spoon. Two men will catch me, and my mother would take me on the lap and then force, and I shall take. I never agreed to take any medicine
- In New York I caught a cold and it continued for about one month of coughing at night without any sleep. But still I am travelling. I went from New York to London to Paris to Tehran to Bombay to Hyderabad to here
- In the so-called democracy, wherever there is a theft case the police come and take note of the case, but generally the thief is never caught, nor is any punishment offered to him
- Indeed, Amogha continued slapping his face over and over until his cheeks were swollen. Finally Gopinatha Acarya stopped him by catching hold of his hands
- Indra, the King of the demigods, threw his club at Vrtrasura, but Vrtrasura was such a great hero that he easily caught the club with his left hand and used it to beat Indra's elephant
- It (the Krsna Consciousness Movement) is a revolutionary movement. Even so-called followers of Gita, they will be caught up by this movement as rascals. Because the real purpose of Gita they do not know
- It is caught by the net of the hunter. So mother immediately jumped over it to save the children, and she was also captured. Then the father saw, "Now if I go to save them, I'll be captured. Let me go away. Let me take sannyasa. That's all"
- Kaliya took shelter within the water of the Yamuna for the following reason. Just as Garuda went to the island of the Kaliya snake, he also used to go to the Yamuna to catch fish to eat
- Kamsa was driving the chariot and controlling the reins with his left hand, but as soon as he heard the omen that his sister's eighth child would kill him, he gave up the reins, caught hold of his sister's hair, and with his right hand took up a sword
- Kamsa was the most demoniac of all the Bhoja dynasty kings. Immediately after hearing the prophecy from the sky, he caught hold of Devaki's hair and was just about to kill her with his sword. Vasudeva was astonished at Kamsa's behavior
- Kasi Misra caught hold of the Lord's lotus feet and said, "Why should You be agitated by these affairs"
- Keep bugs from the altar and Deity. You cannot allow them to disturb the Deity. Best is that you try and catch them and throw them out rather than kill them but if killing them is the only alternative, what can be done?
- King Yayati, who was very lusty, followed his wife, caught her and tried to appease her by speaking pleasing words and massaging her feet, but he could not satisfy her by any means
- Less intelligent persons do not agree to this great instruction of the Lord, as ill luck would have it, but one who is actually intelligent catches up this sublime instruction and is immensely benefited
- Like a dwarf who wants to catch the moon, I have tried my best many times, but I have never been successful
- Like a man is fallen in a dark well. He's crying, "Save me, save me," and one man drops a rope, "Please catch it, I'll save you." If you don't catch, then whose fault it is
- Maitreya said: Diti was thus informed by her husband, but she was pressed by Cupid for sexual satisfaction. She caught hold of the clothing of the great brahmana sage, just like a shameless public prostitute
- Many monkeys in India were caught and sent to Europe so that their sex glands could serve as replacements for those of old people. Those who actually descend from the monkeys are interested in expanding their aristocratic families through sex
- Maya is very strong, there is a chance of our falling down at any moment, but if we are able to catch hold of Krishna's lotus feet by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, then Krishna gives us all protection from the onslaught attack by Maya
- Maya is very strong. As soon as there is little discrepancy, immediately maya catches
- Maya means the condition in which I enjoy material sense gratification. That is called maya. Maya japatiya dhare. Japatiya dhare means catches, catches - All right, come on
- Maya, illusion, may catch us at any time, as soon as we are a little inattentive, thinking, "Now I have done my duty. Let me take a little rest." No, there is no rest. We must be always alert
- Modern-day scientists & philosophers, they propagate so many branches of knowledge, but when, on the crucial point, they are caught, they say: "I, I do not know perfectly" But if you are not in perfect knowledge, why should you take the post of a teacher
- My dear Lord, as soon as the King heard Your holy name, he was immediately overwhelmed by great ecstatic love. Catching my hand, he displayed all the symptoms of love
- No one is unhappy when a serpent is killed. It is a practice among village boys to catch a serpent by the tail and play with it for some time and then kill it
- Not many days before, say, about hundred years ago in Kashmir, if a thief was caught, burglar was caught, and he was proved that he has committed theft, the king would personally cut off, chop off his hand. The punishment was so severe
- Of course by their collecting more money and giving to Krsna, He will relieve them of all anxiety of telling lies. But not everyone is able to catch the big fish without themselves becoming wet
- One may not misunderstand that as he has caught hold of this maya, similarly, the lotus feet of Nityananda may also be something like that maya, illusion
- One may set forth some imaginary reason why the nearest tree or house did not catch fire whereas a tree or house in a distant place did, but actually the reason is destiny
- One sex to another, another sex . . . that is maya's illusion, influence. But if you stick to Krsna . . . mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te (BG 7.14). If you catch up Krsna's lotus feet very tightly, then you will not fall down
- One who knows that he is not the body is not disturbed, for he knows the soul cannot be caught, tortured, killed or buried
- One who wants to describe the transformations of ecstatic love of Krsna is like a dwarf trying to catch the moon in the sky
- People must be intelligent enough to catch up this KC movement without being carried away by any sentimental wave
- People with a poor fund of knowledge do not know the difference between the death of a devotee and the death of a nondevotee. In this connection, an example can be given: a cat carries its kittens in its mouth, and it also catches a rat in its mouth
- Providence, you do not know the purport of loving affairs, and therefore you baffle all Our endeavors. This is very childish of you. If We could catch you, We would give you such a lesson that you would never again make such arrangements
- Seeing Devayani naked in the well, King Yayati immediately gave her his upper cloth. Being very kind to her, he caught her hand with his own and lifted her out
- Seeing him, Narada Muni entered deeper into the forest to approach him. As Narada Muni passed through the forest, all the animals who were caught in the hunter's traps fled away. The hunter became very angry at this
- Seeing Vrtrasura's disposition, Indra, the King of heaven, became intolerant and threw at him one of his great clubs, which are extremely difficult to counteract. However, as the club flew toward him, Vrtrasura easily caught it with his left hand
- Simply by catching scent of that elephant, all the other elephants, the tigers and the other ferocious animals, such as lions, rhinoceroses, great serpents and black and white sarabhas, fled in fear. The camari deer also fled
- Since both of them (snake and a mouse) were caught in the basket, even if the snake ate the mouse, the snake would not be able to get out
- So those who are intelligent, they catch up this easy method of self-realization. The more you chant, then the cleansing process of the heart goes on very nicely
- Socrates, for instance, who believed in the immortality of the soul, was condemned to death, and upon being asked how he would like to be buried, replied - First of all you may have to catch me
- Some of them (the cowherd boys) went to the monkeys & silently sat down by them, & some of them imitated the dancing of the peacocks. Some of them caught monkeys by the tail and played with them, & when the monkeys jumped into a tree, the boys followed
- Sometimes a person caught in the blazing fire of material existence condemns himself, but due to his bodily conception he cannot get out of the entanglement, and thus he suffers more and more
- Sometimes, while His friends were chanting and dancing, Krsna would praise them, "My dear friends, you are dancing and singing very nicely." The boys played at catching ball with fruits such as bael and amalaka
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings: If you (living entities) simply catch hold of Krsna and take shelter of His lotus feet, you will once again get free from all the miserable material conditions
- Sukadeva Gosvami said that for any sinful action one has to atone. So immediately catches the word, this is intelligent disciple (Pariksit Maharaja), that - What is the value of this atonement? If he cannot correct himself to commit the sinful activity
- Superficially, the catching of the rat and the kitten appear to be one and the same, but actually they are not. When the cat catches the rat in its mouth it means death for the rat, whereas when the cat catches the kitten, the kitten enjoys it
- Svarupa Damodara Gosvami caught the Gaudiya Vaisnava by the neck and, giving him a little push, ejected him from the Gundica Puri temple and made him stay outside
- The Bhattacarya ran after him to strike him with a stick, but Amogha fled so fast that the Bhattacarya could not catch him
- The demons thought that the front of the snake was auspicious & catching hold of that portion would be more chivalrous. Moreover, Daityas must always do the opposite of the demigods. That is their nature. We have actually seen this in relation to our KCM
- The fingers catching a sweetmeat cannot enjoy it. The real interest is give it to the stomach and your interest is fulfilled. Immediately your fingers will be fed. This is personal interest - to enjoy through Krsna, not directly
- The glorification of the Supreme Lord can be very much appreciated by the Aryan family. Although there is no bar for others, the members of the Aryan family very quickly catch the essence of spiritual life
- The Gosvamis' esoteric logic and profound analytical philosophy have not yet caught the attention of modern thinkers, and the burden of guilt for this discrepancy must indeed fall on us
- The harassing living being must at once be caught and put to death, as shown by Maharaja Pariksit
- The human body is the boat, the instructions of Lord Krsna are the favorable winds, and the spiritual master is the navigator. The spiritual master knows well how to adjust the sails to catch the winds favorably and steer the boat to its destination
- The jnanis, they are simply trying to get out of the material world, but their attempt will be failure because they do not catch up the real spiritual work. Real spiritual work is Krsna
- The king was the supreme executive personality, and if he caught any ministers stealing like thieves and rogues, he would at once have them killed or dismissed from service
- The Lord asked him, "Where is Krsna, My life and soul? Please show Me Krsna." Saying this, He caught the doorkeeper's hand
- The Lord Jagannatha Deity was bound at the waist by a strong, thick rope made of silk. From two sides the dayitas caught hold of this rope and raised the Deity
- The material sound that vibrates, any sound that you produce, immediately it rotates seven times over this earth, and if you have got a machine, you can catch it. Similarly, there is process to catch the transcendental vibration from the spiritual sky
- The mind cannot catch You by speculation, and words fail to describe You. You are the supreme master of everyone, and therefore You are worshipable for everyone. We offer our respectful obeisances unto You
- The modern historians cannot catch up the link, and thus they unauthoritatively remark that the Puranas are all imaginary stories only
- The Pandavas then attacked the soldiers of Jayadratha and killed them all, and at last Bhima caught hold of Jayadratha and beat him very severely, almost dead
- The result is that, without their (demoniac men's) knowledge, they are gliding toward hell. Here (in BG 16.16) the Sanskrit word mohajala is very significant. Jala means net; like fishes caught in a net, they have no way to come out. BG 1972 purports
- The same gopi said, "It sounds to them like the pouring of nectar, and they immediately spread their long ears just to catch the liquid nectar of the flute"
- The Sanskrit word moha-jala is very significant. Jala means "net"; like fish caught in a net, they have no way to come out
- The significant point in this sloka is that Asvatthama was caught and bound up with ropes like an animal
- The son said, "Oh, you are most degraded! You want to marry my sister, just like a dwarf who wants to catch the moon"
- The story (Vidura's) is narrated as follows. Once upon a time the state police caught some thieves who had concealed themselves in the hermitage of Manduka Muni. The police constables, as usual, arrested all the thieves and Manduka Muni along with them
- The talking of materialistic men and impersonalist Mayavadi philosophers may be compared to the croaking of frogs. They are always speaking nonsense and thus inviting death to catch them
- There are many instances of important people's embezzling money, getting caught and being put in prison
- There is a Bengali proverb that states: "I'll catch the fish, but I will not touch the water." That type of intelligence is required
- These rascals give trouble to the people, especially in India. They are not after the vaccine. They will catch people and force them. Just see. This is going on
- These respectable gentlemen replied, "At night in Kaliya Lake a fisherman lights a torch in his boat and catches many fish"
- They (queens) overcame that stage of weakness and became caught up with the idea of embracing the Lord (Krsna), and this thought factually made them unconscious of their surrounding environment
- They are catching dust and it is turning into coin
- Thinking of their protection, he (Saubhari Muni) cursed Garuda with the following words: "Henceforward, from this day, if Garuda comes here to catch fish, then - I say this with all my strength - he will be immediately killed"
- This is called dvija, or the second birth. When you catch hold of a bona fide spiritual master just to guide you to act on the spiritual platform, then your second life begins. It is called dvija. So this life is so important that one must begin it
- This time Balarama immediately caught hold of the legs of the ass with one hand and, wheeling him (Dhenukasura) around, threw him into the treetops. While he was being wheeled around by Balarama, the demon lost his life
- Those fortunate living entities who catch the truth and surrender unto the lotus feet of Vasudeva after many, many births in the material world join the eternally liberated souls and thus are allowed to enter into the kingdom of Godhead
- Those who cannot catch the constitutional truth are again merged into the mahat-tattva at the time of the annihilation of the material creation
- Thus Murari Gupta, catching two bunches of straw in his teeth, went before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with humility and meekness
- To surpass the influence of the illusory energy is very difficult, but those who are determined to catch hold of the lotus feet of the Lord are freed from the clutches of maya
- Tomorrow (1st of August) I am going (from Bombay) to Calcutta to catch my ship M.V. Jaladuta and I am starting for U.S.A. by the 10th of August, 1965 reaching New York after a month
- Upon hearing this omen from the sky, he (Kamsa) caught hold of his sister's (Devaki) hair with his left hand and took up his sword with his right hand to sever her head from her body - SB 10.1.35
- Upon hearing this, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya became very much agitated. Catching hold of the lotus feet of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he gave this sorrowful reply
- Vamanadeva caught Bali Maharaja exactly as one catches a crow. My dear bumblebee, it is not very good to make friends with such a person
- Vasudeva began to address Kamsa by putting forward reasonable arguments. Vasudeva was a great personality because he knew how to pacify a cruel person and how to forgive the bitterest enemy. One who is fortunate is never caught, even by tigers or snakes
- Virabhadra immediately caught Bhaga, who had been moving his eyebrows during Bhrgu's cursing of Lord Siva, and out of great anger thrust him to the ground and forcibly put out his eyes
- We are entangled with the network of this fabrication of material elements. Very difficult position. Just like the fish caught up in the net of the fisherman, or maya, similarly, we are now caught up within the network created by the material nature
- We have captured the strong chain of disciplic succession. This chain is coming down from the highest platform, Krishna. Just like a rope comes down the well so that anyone who may catch the rope from any position is sure to be delivered
- We have to catch again mind: "Why you are going there? Come here. Think of Krsna." Then that is practice. That is called yoga. You cannot allow the mind
- What is the duty of the finger? The finger has to catch the foodstuff and put into the mouth. The finger cannot enjoy; it has given to the stomach. Similarly, if we are parts and parcel of Krsna, we cannot enjoy anything directly without giving Krsna
- What is the value of your independence? Can you avoid death? Suppose you are independent. What is the meaning of this independence? When death will come, will catch you by your neck and throw you away, your independence
- Whatever sound is there in this material world, the original sound is produced by God. So spiritual sound is so powerful. And we are trying to catch you directly from that sound vibration, Hare Krsna, and I am sure it is acting. Simply, sabdad anavrttih
- When a man steals some money, if he is caught and agrees to return it, he is not freed from the criminal punishment. By the law of the state, even though he returns the money, he has to undergo the punishment
- When King Indra threw his club at Vrtrasura, Vrtrasura caught it in his left hand and retaliated by using it to strike the head of Indra's elephant. Thus Indra's attack was a disastrous failure
- When Lord Nityananda Prabhu nearly fainted, all the devotees caught Him and steadied Him. At that time, the priest of Lord Jagannatha brought a garland that had been offered to the Deity and offered it to Nityananda Prabhu
- When Maharaja Pariksit was on his way to conquer the world, he saw the master of Kali-yuga, who was lower than a sudra, disguised as a king and hurting the legs of a cow and bull. The King at once caught hold of him to deal sufficient punishment
- When one catches some disease, it is often very difficult to ascertain the cause of the disease, where it originated and how it is maturing. The suffering of a disease, however, does not appear all of a sudden. It actually takes time
- When one indulges in illicit sex life, as defined by the sastras, either by thinking, planning, talking about or actually having sexual intercourse, or by satisfying the genitals by artificial means, he is caught in the clutches of maya
- When one is in want, he begs, borrows or steals. If begging is unsuccessful, he borrows. If he cannot pay, he steals, and when he is caught, he is insulted. This is the law of material existence
- When Pradyumna was thrown into the sea, a big fish immediately swallowed him. Later this fish was caught in the net of a fisherman, and the fish was later sold to the Sambara demon
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu enters the Gundica garden, you (King Prataparudra) should also go there and read the five chapters of Srimad-Bhagavatam about Lord Krsna's dancing with the gopis. In this way you can catch hold of the Lord's lotus feet
- When the border of Her (Radharani) sari and the cloth veiling Her face are caught, She externally appears offended and angry, but within Her heart She is very happy. Learned scholars call this attitude kuttamita
- When there is a fire in a village, the fire sometimes jumps over one house and burns another. Similarly, when there is a forest fire, the fire sometimes jumps over one tree and catches another. Why this happens, no one can say
- While carrying the Deity of Lord Jagannatha, some of the dayitas took hold of the shoulders of the Lord, and some caught His lotus feet
- While Lord Krsna was speaking to Sudama Vipra, He ate one morsel of chipped rice from his bundle, and when He attempted to eat a second morsel, Rukminidevi, the goddess of fortune herself, checked the Lord by catching hold of His hand
- Without hesitation, she (hunchback) caught the rear part of His cloth, began to pull it. She smiled flirtatiously & admitted that she was agitated by lusty desires. She forgot that she was on the street & before the elder brother of Krsna & His friends
- Yasoda was caught between auspiciousness and inauspiciousness
- You can catch it as iron rod, but touch anywhere it will burn. It has got the quality of fire. Similarly, if you always keep yourself in Krsna consciousness then you become spiritualized. You'll act spiritually. No more material demands
- You cannot realize the Absolute Truth simply by your mundane arguments and by your logical strength, neither you can catch up the right thing by reading different scriptures
- You see the cranes. They have got big beaks. Why? Because they have to catch fish from within the water, so the beak must be very long. So there is facility