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- A devotee never takes dangerous position as very reverse position or very calamitous position. He welcomes. Because a surrendered soul, he knows either danger or festival, they are all different demonstration of Krsna. Krsna is absolute
- A festival takes place there (in the village named Chatrabhoga) every year during the month of Caitra (March-April). The festival is known as Nanda-mela. At the present moment the Ganges does not flow there
- A householder should lead such a life that he gets full opportunity to hear and chant. He should worship the Deity at home, observe festivals, invite friends in and give them prasada. A householder should earn money for this purpose
- Accompanied by His personal devotees, Caitanya went to the festival known as Laksmi-vijayotsava. There He discussed the superexcellent love of the gopis. Just by hearing about them, He became very pleased and danced in great ecstatic love for the Lord
- According to the varnasrama system, the brahmanas are always honored first. Thus at the festival, the brahmanas and their wives were first offered the remnants of food, and then the others - ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- Advaita Acarya then held a festival that lasted two or three days. Thereafter, they all made a firm decision to go to Jagannatha Puri
- After hearing Nilambara Cakravarti's prediction, Sacimata and Jagannatha Misra observed the name-giving festival in great joy, inviting all the brahmanas and their wives
- After many, many days, the great powerful sage Kasyapa Muni arose from a trance of meditation and returned home to see the asrama of Aditi neither jubilant nor festive
- After this, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all the devotees saw the Ratha-yatra, the car festival ceremony. Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself danced in front of the car, and after dancing He entered a garden
- After thus killing the most formidable demon Hiranyaksa, the Supreme Lord Hari, the origin of the boar species, returned to His own abode, where there is always an uninterrupted festival. The Lord was praised by all the demigods, headed by Brahma
- Akrura thought, "Anyone who is able to see Him by eyes smeared with love of Godhead enjoys a festival of seeing. Today I shall be able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- All the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu participated in all these festivals - the Dipavali festival, the Rasa-yatra, and Utthana-dvadasi
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, people are nevertheless afraid and whenever there is a religious festival, they gather together by the thousands. We have actual experience of this
- An old man - grandfather - is suffering, so better to kill him. And there - in Africa there is a class of men who make a festival by killing their great-grandfathers. Is it not
- Another book, Narottama-vilasa, compiled by Sri Narahari dasa, mentions Acyutananda’s presence during the festival at Khetari
- Anyone who has seen the festival of Haridasa passing away, anyone who has chanted, danced here, anyone who has offered sand on the body of Haridasa, and anyone who has joined this festival to partake of the prasadam will achieve Krsna's favor very soon
- Arrange the festival in such a way that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu may freely go with His devotees to visit the Deity without difficulty
- As in the previous year, the Lord, with all the devotees, saw the Ratha-yatra festival and the Hera-pancami festival as well
- As soon as they heard that a festival was going to be held, all kinds of brahmanas and other gentlemen began to arrive. Thus there were innumerable people
- At Jagannatha Puri, Haridasa Thakura passed away. The incident was very wonderful because the Lord Himself performed the festival of Thakura Haridasa's departure
- At that time (when Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was dancing in front of the car during the Ratha-yatra festival) the boy (Acyutananda) was only six years old
- At the end of the festival Minaketana Ramadasa went away, offering his blessings to everyone. At that time he had some controversy with my (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami's) brother
- At the end of the festival Minaketana Ramadasa went away, offering his blessings to everyone. At that time he had some controversy with my brother
- At the time of departure, the Lord requested all the devotees, "Please come here every year to see the Ratha-yatra festival of Lord Jagannatha's journey to the Gundica temple"
- At the time of the Ratha-yatra festival, Lord Jagannatha goes to the Gundica temple from His original temple and stays there for one week. After one week, He returns to His original temple
- Being invited to that festival, I also joined & surrounded by women, I began musically singing the glories of the demigods. Because of this, the prajapatis, the great demigods in charge of the affairs of the universe forcefully cursed me with these words
- Best way to maintain enthusiasm is by regular chanting with the devotees together in the temple and by having festivals. So you should immediately have one festival then everyone will be busily engaged. I can give you one festival for every day
- Bhugarbha reports that you say the asrama will not be completed for the opening festival. The program was already postponed because the asrama was not finished
- By such (in every festival or ceremony one offer oblations to the fire and give sumptuous food for the brahmanas to eat) activities, a householder may be elevated to the heavenly planets and similar places in the higher planetary systems
- Dipavali is a particular festival observed on the New Year's Day of the Hindu calendar
- Due to competition one program should not be diminished for another. San Francisco Jagannatha festival is established for many years, and it must be maintained and increased in the same grand style
- During the day the devotees discussed subject matters concerning Krsna, and at night there was a great festival of congregational chanting at the house of Advaita Acarya
- During the festival at the installation ceremony, some people sang and some danced. All the milk, yogurt and clarified butter in the village were brought to the festival
- During the last Magha-sankranti festival, you cooked varieties of vegetables, condensed milk, cakes and sweet rice for Me
- During the Ratha-yatra festival, when Lord Jagannatha comes out of the temple, I (Sanatana Gosvami) shall give up this body under the wheel of His car
- During the Ratha-yatra sankirtana festival these two brothers (Srivallabha Sena and Srikanta Sena) were members of the party led by Mukunda. In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (174) it is said that the gopi whose name was Katyayani appeared as Srikanta Sena
- During the time of Ratha-yatra, all the devotees arrived from Bengal to visit the car festival as they had done previously
- Even today in India, this (Dipavali) festival is generally celebrated very gorgeously in the month of Kartika by fireworks and lights, especially in Bombay
- Even today in India, this festival (the incident of Krsna's breaking the pot of yogurt and being bound by mother Yasoda) is generally celebrated very gorgeously in the month of Karttika by fireworks and lights, especially in Bombay
- Every twelfth year there is a Kumbha-mela, a great festival, and all the holy men from all over India assemble there. The brahmana wanted to take advantage of the Magha-mela and bathe there
- Every year on the date of Ananta-caturdasi there is a festival to commemorate the passing away of Haridasa Thakura. At the same place, Deities of Nityananda Prabhu, Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Advaita Prabhu were established about one hundred years ago
- Everyone was unhappy for a fortnight because they could not see the Deity of Lord Jagannatha. Upon seeing the Lord at the festival, the devotees were very happy
- Family life affords the conditioned soul a festival of momentary sex pleasure, and thus he is completely unable to get out of the material clutches
- Following the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the devotees used to visit Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu every year. They would see the Gundica festival at Jagannatha Puri and then return home after four months
- Formerly he (Paramesvara dasa) was Arjuna, a friend of Krsna and Balarama.He was the fifth among the twelve gopalas.He accompanied Srimati Jahnava-devi when she performed the festival at Khetari
- Formerly the Jagannatha Deity used to come to the temple of Radhavallabha from Mahesa during the Ratha-yatra festival, but in the Bengali year 1262, due to a misunderstanding between the priests of the two temples, the Jagannatha Deity stopped coming
- From the statements of previous chapters, it appears that the festival of Govardhana-puja was performed just after the dark-moon night of the month of Karttika
- Having been welcomed by His brother Bharata, Lord Ramacandra entered the city of Ayodhya in the midst of a festival
- Having dressed up like cowherd boys, all the devotees carried pots of milk and yogurt balanced on rods over their shoulders. Thus they all arrived at the festival grounds chanting the holy name of Hari
- Hearing about the festival, all kinds of learned scholars, brahmanas and priests went there. Lord Nityananda Prabhu honored them and made them sit on the raised platform with Him
- Here (in SB 10.12.35) the word anti means - near, indicating that even in the higher planetary systems near Brahmaloka, like Maharloka, Janaloka and Tapoloka, the festival of glorification of Lord Krsna was going on
- Here Syamasundara has arranged a gorgeous festival beginning 21st till 27th August. Just see the program
- His beautiful features, His cheeks and His playful smiles all combined to form a constant festival for the eyes, and the blinking of the eyes became obstacles that impeded one from seeing that beauty
- However, when the month of Kartika came, they both told the Lord, "Now it is very cold. It is better that You wait to see the Dola-yatra festival and then go. That will be very nice"
- I (Sanatana Gosvami) see that I will get nothing auspicious by staying here. Kindly give me orders allowing me to return to Vrndavana after the Ratha-yatra festival
- I am forwarding a copy of this letter to Gurudas, so during Ratha Yatra festival you must meet together and make a decision of this World Samkirtan Party
- I am free to come to Calcutta for holding our festival, but these things should be decided amongst all of you leaders in India, including Gurudasa, Giriraja, Tamala, Bhavananda, Gargamuni
- I am going to San Francisco on Wednesday 5th July, and on July 9th there will be Sri Sri Jagannatha Deva Rathayatra maha festival. I don't know how successful it will be, but the program is settled
- I am so glad to learn that you are active in preaching Krishna Consciousness in London. You all 3 couples are expert in the matter of preaching Krishna Consciousness, and your last effort in the matter of performing Ratha Yatra festival was so successful
- I am so much satisfied with your successful performance of Rathayatra festival and I am awaiting to see similar festivals in all our other centers, including one in the prospective London center
- I am so pleased that you are arranging for the Rathayatra Festival very nicely, and similarly in London, Buffalo, and what to speak of San Francisco, they are arranging. In San Francisco it is going to be unique thing in this world
- I am very much pleased to hear that all the preparation for Rathayatra Festival are very nice. Regarding the Jagannatha deities, They can be placed on the altar, that is sufficient
- I am very pleased to learn that you are planning for a nice Rathayatra Festival in Boston. Please do it nicely, and take many nice photographs for publication in BTG
- I am very, very glad that you are planning your three-day festival in Central Park next summer. That will be especially triumphant celebration for me
- I had no objection of your coming to India. But if you can stay there in England and continue your festival program, that will be best. It is a very nice program. You should increase it as much as possible
- I have become old, and you are also old, although not so old as I am. We may pass away, but my disciples will carry on this festival yearly, and so it will be remembered forever our eternal relationship with Jagannathaji and Radha-Govindaji
- I have been in extensive touring and then I came back to Bombay on the 16th March, 1971 and then on 24th March we held a very successful Hare Krishna Festival at Cross Maidan here in Bombay, and it lasted for eleven days
- I have instructed that these copies be displayed in our international literature display at our festival in March. Please continue with the nice work
- I have just received invitation today from Harivilas prabhu inviting me to come to one Hare Krsna Festival in Paris around that time also, so I am considering very seriously
- I have seen the pictures of your recent Festival, and it is very, very nice. I have enjoyed the pictures so nicely that I am looking always to them; although I have seen three, four times, still I am not satisfied
- I propose to perform a name-giving ceremony. We should observe a festival and call for the brahmanas because today is very auspicious
- I shall be arriving there (in Vrndavana) approximately the 15th (of October) and can remain for about three weeks before going to Delhi, where we will hold our second annual Hare Krsna Festival and Bhagavata-dharma Discourses
- I shall be stopping in New York for two or three days on my way to London for the Ratha-yatra Festival there. I am not yet certain when I shall be arriving in New York, but it will be some time in the early part of July
- I thank you all very much for making the Rathayatra festival so successful. Please convey my gratitude to all the boys and girls who participated in this great transcendental service
- I therefore request you & Gaurasundara to come to San Francisco during Rathayatra festival with sufficient mangos & you will see the Rathayatra & I have got some serious talks with Gaurasundara & yourself for organizing New Navadvipa
- I think it is best that you come to Mayapur for the Gour Purnima Festival and we can talk in detail about the temple and preaching in Fiji and your part in it. If you can come to Mayapur that will be nice
- I very much approve of your enclosed brochure, and I am pleased by your festival plan for the colleges all over the state. Actually, this roving Sankirtana and college program is the most appropriate plan for spreading Krishna Consciousness and preaching
- I want at least 25 devotees to stay there regularly for taking prasadam, occasionally holding festivals also for distributing prasadam to anyone who visits the temple. I am hoping that you can give me your considerate opinion as to how it can be done
- I want to see my disciples all over the world introduce two items, opening Radha-Krsna temples and Ratha-yatra festivals. Do this under the protection of Guru-Gauranga
- I will be seeing you all there in New Vrndavana after I visit the Rathayatra festivals and some other temples here in America
- I will expect your tickets when we arrive in Paris and I will be very pleased to attend the gorgeous Melbourne Ratha-yatra festival
- I will have to attend London festival this year because three times I have attended Rathayatra festival in SF and this time I have been very fervently requested to attend the London Rathayatra festival, where they are expecting 50,000 participants also
- I will reach India by July 26th to arrange for our grand festival in Vrindaban
- If I go to London I shall see that the Rathayatra Festival is also performed there, and I have written to Shyamasundar expressing my great desire like this. But everything depends on Krishna's disposal
- If one has the proper means and wealth, he should occasionally invite the devotees of Caitanya who are engaged in preaching all over the world and hold a festival at home simply by holding congregational chanting for at least three hours in the evening
- If one has the proper means and wealth, he should occasionally invite the devotees of Lord Caitanya who are engaged in preaching all over the world and hold a festival at home simply by distributing prasadam and talking about Krsna during the day
- If possible Jayananda's picture should be hung in the ratha of Lord Jagannatha, and in all of our temples a day may be set aside for holding a festival in his honor, just as we do on the disappearance day of the other great Vaisnavas
- If we can introduce successfully this Rathayatra Festival not only in San Francisco but also in New York and also in Montreal, then it will be a great success of my mission in this country
- If we perform many festivals in all of our centers around the world, many times during the year, then the general populous will become very much favorably inclined toward us
- If Yamuna wants to come for that Festival here, she may come here for a few days to lead kirtana before my lectures, then return
- If you come during the Rathayatra festival in San Francisco it will be a great pleasure for me. Brahmananda is also coming. So we shall have to chalk out the future program of our activities
- If you like, you can come to India and live with me for some time. During Sri Caitanya's appearance day festival, if you like you can come and live with me. Then everything will be alright
- In Calcutta we are holding a huge "HK Festival" in which 35 to 40,000 people are attending daily for hearing discourses on SB & BG. We are distributing prasadam also. It is so much enlivening to see how the people are being so receptive to this message
- In childhood I used to take my ratha with my little friends, about 60 years ago. Again I am reviving the same attempt with my young disciples. I have become old, and you are also old. We may pass away, but my disciples will carry on this festival yearly
- In connection with your using your efforts to make television shows, no, that is not important now. Don't waste time in this way. Better to have nice festivals like Rathayatra festivals
- In every festival the brahmanas are to be fed first, and when the brahmanas are pleased they bless the festival by chanting Vedic mantras or the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In London our Ratha yatra festival has been held up, and I think behind this obstruction there is some communal feeling. The local religious sect is not always happy on account of our movement being so fast growing
- In Orissa, this Ratha-yatra festival is known as Jagannatha's journey to Gundica. Whereas others speak of it as the Ratha-yatra festival, the residents of Orissa refer to it as Gundica-yatra
- In the accounts of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's dancing in front of the car during the Ratha-yatra festival, Acyutananda's name is to be found many times. It is stated that in the party of Advaita Acarya from Santipura, Acyutananda was dancing
- In the book Stavavali (Vraja-vilasa-stava 74) the following verse is found - With humility caused by great fear, Indra took hold of the lotus feet of Krsna and, performed His coronation festival by bathing Him with the waters of the heavenly Ganges River
- In the spring you may lead a very big procession on Lord Caitanya's birthday. This is a good plan to celebrate this great spring festival out of doors
- In the year 1973 there was a gorgeous Ratha-yatra festival in London, England, and the car was brought to Trafalgar Square
- In this age of Kali the simple performance of sankirtana-yajna - the holding of festivals as initiated by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness - should be introduced in every town and village
- In this way, at Advaita Acarya's house all the devotees met and passed some days together in a greatly festive mood
- In those days if my father would spend twenty-five rupees, it was a great festival. Why not? In those days, fifty, sixty years ago, the money value was at least twenty times
- It is a fact that the hippies are our best clients. I had very good response in San Francisco during Rathayatra festival
- It is a Vedic principle to observe a festival in connection with Narayana and brahmana
- It is mentioned that Mahesa Pandita joined the festival performed by Sri Nityananda Prabhu at Panihati. Narottama dasa Thakura also joined in the festival, and Mahesa Pandita saw him on that occasion
- It is my desire that three places at the present moment namely San Francisco (New Puri), New Vrndavana and New Navadvipa should be especially organized for three great festivals; namely Janmastami, Rathayatra and Lord Caitanya's Birthday
- It is the duty of the common man to take advantage of these temples and festivals observed in the holy places of pilgrimage by following in the footsteps of great devotees (anuvraja)
- It is the Vedic system to observe all kinds of festivals, including birthday festivals, marriage festivals, name-giving festivals and festivals marking the beginning of education, by especially inviting brahmanas
- It is very good news that you have now received permission for the Rathayatra festival and Murari and Shyamasundar are constructing the Ratha
- Jagadananda Pandita said, "The most suitable place for you (Sanatana Gosvami) to reside is Vrndavana. After seeing the Ratha-yatra festival, you can return there"
- Jambavan, king of the bears, also joined in the ceremony. Sounding his bugle in all directions, he declared a great festival for Lord Vamanadeva's victory
- Maharaja Prataparudra, the greatly powerful king of Orissa, was always very busy with heavy state responsibilities, yet he made it a point to sweep the temple of Lord Jagannatha at Puri once a year during the festival of the Lord
- Make a festival and feed all My associates yogurt and chipped rice. Hearing this, Raghunatha dasa was greatly pleased
- Many hundreds and thousands of people gather for this festival. The temple where Abhirama Thakura worshiped has a very old history. The Deity in the temple is known as Gopinatha. There are many sevaita families living near the temple
- My Guru Maharaja was also inclined toward his bolder preachers. Therefore I am requesting that both of you, with your party, join me very soon at the Hare Krishna Festival in Bombay Cross Maidan
- Narendra is a small lake still existing in Jagannatha Puri, where the Candana-yatra festival takes place. Up to the present date, all the Bengali devotees who visit the Jagannatha temple first take their bath in this lake
- Not only in Vrndavana; we have seen wherever we held that Hare Krsna festival, thousands of men were coming, even the so-called educated
- Now let us discuss the offenses in Deity worship. The following are offenses: (a) to enter the temple with shoes or being carried on a palanquin, (b) not to observe the prescribed festivals, (c) to avoid offering obeisances in front of the Deity
- Now that the all-pervading, unlimited Lord Krsna, the master of the cosmic manifestation, had arrived within the estate of Maharaja Nanda, various types of musical instruments resounded to celebrate the great festival - SB 10.5.13
- Observe many festivals, that will keep both public and devotees alive. Temple means festivals and festivals means chanting and distribution of Prasadam
- Observing the various types of festivals, such as Sri Janmastami, Rama-navami and Nrsimha-caturdasi, is also included in the process of Deity worship. In other words, it is compulsory for householder devotees to observe these festivals
- On the full-moon day of Vaisakha (April - May), the disappearance festival of Paramesvari Thakura is observed in this temple
- On the morning of the next day, one should wash oneself, and after worshiping Lord Krsna as before, one should cook as one cooks for festivals as stated in the Grhya-sutras
- Once the heart is cleansed, we should invite Lord Sri Krsna to sit down, and we should observe the festival by distributing prasadam and chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Once there was a sankirtana festival to glorify the Supreme Lord in an assembly of the demigods, and the Gandharvas and Apsaras were invited by the prajapatis to take part in it
- One should (23) attend arati and festivals, (24) see the Deity, (25) present what is very dear to oneself to the Deity, (26) meditate on the Deity, and (27-30) serve those related to the Lord
- One should not desire to be elevated even to a place in the heavenly planetary systems if it has no propaganda to expand the glories of the SP of Godhead, no trace of Vaisnavas, pure devotees of God, and no festivals for spreading Krsna consciousness
- One should not fail to observe the various festivals for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such as Janmastami and Ratha-yatra
- One should observe all festivals in the temple. (32) One should not fight or quarrel before the Deity
- One will also be relieved of all sinful reactions, he will conquer all his enemies, and the duration of his life will increase. Because this narration is auspicious in all respects, learned scholars regularly hear and repeat it on every festival day
- One year ago, I already accepted the invitation of Philadelphia temple for their Rathayatra and they are holding it on the same date as you. So, I may not be able to come there for the festival, but I can come there for a few days
- Our Bombay Hare Krsna Festival has been a grand success. More than 15,000 people attended each night and joined in the kirtana and arati, and listened very attentively to my discourses
- Our festival has gone very nicely here in Mayapur. About 400 American and European devotees have come for the celebrations this year
- Out of His causeless mercy the Lord personally covered the body of Haridasa Thakura with sand and personally begged alms from the shopkeepers. Then He conducted a great festival to celebrate the passing away of Haridasa Thakura
- Paramesvara dasa accompanied Srimati Jahnava-devi when she performed the festival at Khetari
- Please keep consulting with Bali Mardan on financial matters. It is possible that I may stop at Honolulu sometime in July on my way to Rathayatra Festival, Australia
- Pundarika Vidyanidhi initiated Gadadhara Pandita for the second time, and on the day of Odana-sasthi Pundarika Vidyanidhi saw the festival
- Raghava Pandita said to Lord Nityananda, "For You, Sir, I have already offered food to the Deity, but You are engaged in a festival here, and so the food is lying there untouched"
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, who was a householder at this time, met Nityananda Prabhu. According to His advice, he executed this festival of dadhi-cida-prasada
- Regarding Festival in Calcutta, I shall attend. Even though I go to Moscow by the 1st May 1971 for a fortnight only, still I shall be able to come back by the 14th of May 1971 and attend your festival in due course
- Regarding our prospective Indian tour in February of 1971, we must now settle up the things during the Rathayatra festival because all important European devotees will collect together in London
- Regarding Rathayatra Festival in London, it is my great desire that you must perform it
- Regarding the Ratha Yatra Festival, keep it always gorgeously alive, but do not change the principle. The principle should go on as usual
- Regarding your proposal of a Rathayatra festival as Bhaktivinode Thakura suggested, you may kindly send me a note telling in which book the above statement is there. I shall be very glad to see the article you have written in this connection
- Religious festivals
- Satyaraja Khan was allotted the service of supplying silk ropes for the Jagannatha Deity during the Ratha-yatra festival
- Seeing Krsna is described here (in SB 9.24.65) as nitya-utsava, a daily festival. The inhabitants of Vrndavana saw Krsna almost every moment
- Seeing the hole in the nose of the Deity, they set the pearl there and, being very pleased, held a great festival
- Signs of decoration in special festivals were also collected from the gifts of nature, such as the plantain trees, the mango trees, fruits and flowers
- Since you have gone to San Francisco, the center is improving daily, beginning from Rathayatra Festival, and you are also selling BTGs nicely. This means Krishna is giving you the opportunity to serve Him
- So far the leaflets sent by you which you want to publish during the Delhi festival, that is approved by me and you can do the needful
- So it is very good news that the atmosphere of London ISKCON is swelling in preparation of Rathayatra festival
- Sometimes animal sacrifices are performed very gorgeously with grand arrangements for worshiping the goddess Kali, but such festivals, although performed in the name of yajna, are not actually yajna, for yajna means to satisfy the SP of Godhead
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees participated in all the festivals, including Rasa-yatra, Dipavali and Utthana-dvadasi
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu desired to meet all the devotees of Bengal every year. Therefore He ordered them to come to see the Ratha-yatra festival every year
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, although requesting all the devotees to go back, allowed two people to follow Him. He requested all the devotees to come to Jagannatha Puri and meet Him during the car festival
- Srila Rupa Gosvami, however, stayed at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and when the Dola-yatra festival took place, he saw it in great happiness with the Lord
- Subhadra, Jagannatha and Balarama combined together are present before you to reclaim you all from your miserable condition of life. That is the purport of this Ratha-yatra Festival
- Subhananda, who formerly lived in Vrndavana as Malati, was one of the kirtana performers who danced in front of the Ratha-yatra car during the Jagannatha festival
- Such festivals are proving very successful, and so we are thinking of extending such programs
- Take to this chanting of Hare Krsna mantra. There is no loss. There is no expenditure. We don't charge anything. We have arranged this Ratha-yatra festival by begging from door to door
- That is very encouraging to me, now you are sannyasis and GBC men and I leave it to you to hold this Bhagavata-dharma discourse and Hare Krsna festival all over your country widely, and this will be the success of our movement
- The anniversary of Sundarananda’s disappearance is regularly celebrated, and people from the neighboring areas gather together to observe this festival
- The city gateway, the household doors & festooned arches along the roads were all nicely decorated with festive signs like plantain trees & mango leaves, all to welcome the Lord. Flags, garlands & painted signs & slogans all combined to shade the sunshine
- The communists by dry philosophy have spread practically all over the world. We are holding festivals, feasting, philosophy and salvation---why shall we not spread our influence and overthrow them
- The devotees celebrated the festival of Janmastami, Krsna's birthday, which is also called Nanda-mahotsava, the festival of Nanda Maharaja. At that time Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees dressed themselves as cowherd boys
- The Dipavali festival takes place on the dark-moon night in the month of Kartika (October-November)
- The first part (of Lalita-madhava) deals with festivities in the evening, the second with the killing of the Sankhacuda, the third with maddened Srimati Radharani and the fourth with Radharani's proceeding toward Krsna
- The first part (of the Lalita-madhava) deals with festivities in the evening, the second with the killing of the Sankhacuda, the third with maddened Srimati Radharani, the fourth with Radharani’s proceeding toward Krsna
- The followers of varnasrama-dharma - they never tried for economic development. You'll find in India, still, millions of people taking bath in the Ganges during Kumbha-mela. Have you have been to the Kumbha-mela festival
- The Gundica temple is situated two miles northeast of the Jagannatha temple. At the time of the Ratha-yatra festival, Lord Jagannatha goes to the Gundica temple from His original temple and stays there for one week
- The Hera-pancami festival takes place five days after the Ratha-yatra festival
- The houses were all illuminated by hundreds and thousands of lamps placed in different corners of the cornices, walls, columns, bases and architraves, and from far away the rays of the lamps appeared to be celebrating the festival of Dipavali
- The Kimpurusas are descendants of a daughter of Daksa. When Maharaja Yudhisthira performed a horse sacrifice yajna, the inhabitants of these countries were also present to take part in the festival, and they paid tributes to the Emperor
- The Krsna consciousness movement has established its center in Mayapur, the birthsite of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to give men the great opportunity to go there and perform a constant festival of sankirtana-yajna
- The ksatriya spirit is displayed during marriage festivals, and there is nothing wrong in such fighting
- The ladies or men who observe festivals in the temples of the Lord just to have a look at the transcendental form are a thousand times more glorious than those who are nonbelievers in the transcendental form of the Lord
- The learned brahmanas, who had no other source of income, were completely dependent on the vaisya community for their maintenance, and they received gifts on such festive occasions as birthdays and marriages
- The Lord said, "Using the car festival as an excuse, Krsna goes there with Subhadra and Baladeva"
- The main instructions are to go on, to push on and preach and distribute books. If possible you can also hold a festival which is also part of preaching. I will be looking forward to seeing you and your bullock cart party in Mayapur
- The Netrotsava festival, performed gorgeously in the early morning of the Nava-yauvana day, constitutes the life and soul of the devotees
- The next day marked the performance of the festival of Netrotsava. This great festival was the life and soul of the devotees
- The nine Visnu temples known as Naya-tripati (Nava-tirupati) are situated in & around Alvar Tirunagarai. This is a town about seventeen miles southeast of Tirunelveli. All the Deities of the temples assemble together during a yearly festival in the town
- The Nrsimha temple (in Puri) is a nice temple just outside the Gundica temple. In this temple there is a great festival on the day of Nrsimha-caturdasi. There is also a Nrsimha temple at Navadvipa where the same festival is observed
- The overall effect of our festival here was appreciated by everyone, more than 10,000 persons took part and received Prasadam
- The place is named Hantugada because Srila Nityananda Prabhu used to perform the dadhi-cida festival of distributing chipped rice with yogurt prasadam there and He took the prasadam kneeling down
- The Pracetas considered such a place to be like a continuous festival. From this description it appears that the Pracetas reached Sivaloka, which is supposed to be situated near the Himalaya Mountains
- The prasadam sent by the King had been offered at the Balagandi festival, included uncooked milk products and fruits. It was all of the finest quality, and there was no end to the variety
- The private programs you held in homes in Allahabad were very nice. I would also like you to arrange a suitable place for us to have a tent at the Kumba Mela. We shall go there and have a nice festival
- The Rathayatra Festival was performed with great pomp. More than 500 people followed the procession to the beach, and there were about two dozen cars. The devotees distributed thousands of capatis
- The Rathayatra Festival you will perform from the 20th of July to the 27th of July
- The Sixth Chapter describes how Raghunatha dasa Gosvami met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and performed the chipped rice festival in accordance with Nityananda Prabhu's order
- The Vedic principles recommend that in every festival or ceremony one offer oblations to the fire and give sumptuous food for the brahmanas to eat
- The village of Akaihata is very small. In the month of Caitra, on the day of Varuni, there is a festival commemorating the disappearance day of Kala Krsnadasa
- The whole atmosphere would change into a greatly festive celebration. In a festive mood, the wives of the Lord would sometimes sprinkle water on the His body with a syringelike instrument, and the Lord would similarly wet the bodies of the queens
- The wonderful festival and installation of Sri Gopalaji was arranged in one day. Certainly all this was accomplished by the potency of Gopala. No one but a devotee can understand this
- The word pancami means "the fifth day" and is used because this (the Hera-pancami festival in the Gundica temple, five days after the Ratha-yatra festival) takes place on the fifth day of the moon
- Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His personal devotees returned to Nilacala with great eagerness to see the Hera-pancami festival
- There are many social functions for keeping a prestigious position in society. In different countries and societies there are various festivals and rituals
- There is no special other program, this (roaring kirtana and offering feast to the Deities with special preparations) is standard, and that is our festival
- There is Rathayatra Festival propogation, and Tamala Krishna wishes that all branches on the Western Coast may conjointly perform this ceremony very pompously. I do not know if you have got any news already, but if you have, please cooperate fully
- There must always be activity. Not that we have a nice house for comfortable living. We simply want to bring people back home, Back to Godhead. That is the purpose of our temples, of our books, and our festivals, and preachings
- These goddesses of fortune (in Vaikunthaloka), accompanied by their friends, always create a festive atmosphere of transcendental mirth. Always singing the glories of the Lord, they are not silent even for a moment
- They (Nilambara Cakravarti, Sacimata and Jagannatha Misra) decided that on that very same day, which was very auspicious, they should observe a festival for His (child Nimai's) name-giving ceremony
- They were executed in holy places according to the proper time by priests who were all young and faithful. In this way Lord Visnu was worshiped, and the prasada was offered to all the demigods. Thus the functions and festivals were all successful
- This festival program is very very important and it is especially effective for the mass of people
- This is a very feeling festival. So I thank you very much. You have come here. And try to understand our philosophy. You are all educated boys and girls
- This Janmastami day is the most opulent festival day for the devotees, and it is still observed with great pomp in every Hindu house in India
- This Narada Muni song is in your country tune & I think it will attract many more men to join the Kirtana so you should practice this standard Kirtana more conveniently so that during your Rathayatra festival you can have this singing with the procession
- This ratha yatra festival is very dear to me from my very childhood days, so I very much appreciate your holding this festival in Chicago
- Thus I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have described the pastimes of Lord Nityananda Prabhu in relation to the celebrated festival of chipped rice and yogurt
- To have a look at the Lord is a great festive occasion undoubtedly, as it was considered by the metropolitan ladies of Dvaraka. This is still followed by the devout ladies of India
- Today we are holding our annual Ratha Yatra festival in San Francisco, They are expecting 25,000 people to participate. There are three raths each 45 feet high and weighing 10 tons. Mass prasadam will be distributed
- Tomorrow will be the function of Hera-pancami or Laksmi-vijaya. Hold this festival in a way that it has never been held before
- Try to cooperate with Tamala Krishna as far as possible in preparing for the Rathayatra Festival. Tamala is now managing all the Western Coast centers, so please help him to make the Festival a grand success
- We are having a very big festival there on Janmastami when we will open our Krsna Balarama temple by installing the deities
- We are holding festivals, feasting, philosophy and salvation-why shall we not spread our influence and overthrow them? Regarding your plan to travel around the world staging such Hare Krsna Festivals-yes, do it, you have my blessings
- We are in London for holding our 4th annual Rathayatra Festival of Lord Jagannath. The procession will begin from Marble Arch and finish in Trafalgar Square, where I shall be speaking to more than 10,000 persons and holding fire yagna
- We have celebrated a very, very nice Rathayatra festival here in London, and in the Trafalgar Square itself I initiated nearly 30 new devotees with fire yajna before 25,000 persons, mostly Englishmen
- We should concentrate our energy in constructive work. The constructive work is preaching. So this Rathayatra festival is one of the items of our preaching work, and therefore it was introduced in both San Francisco and London
- We sometimes hold Hare Krsna festivals and invite life members and friends to participate in the feasting by accepting prasada
- When Akrura went to Vrndavana to take Krsna and Balarama away to the festival arranged by Kamsa, upon seeing the marks of the Lord's lotus feet on the ground of Vrndavana, he fell down and began to groan
- When all the other devotees returned to Bengal after the Ratha-yatra festival, Sanatana Gosvami stayed under the care of the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to dance before the car during the festival, He always sang the following two lines
- When Jagannatha starts His car festival, He gives assurance to the goddess of fortune that He will return the next day. When He does not return, the goddess of fortune, after waiting two or three days, begins to feel that her husband has neglected her
- When Lord Krsna passed over the public roads, all the ladies from the respectable families of Dvaraka went up to the roofs of their palaces just to have a look at the Lord. They considered this to be the greatest festival
- When the shopkeepers of many other villages heard about the festival, they arrived there to sell chipped rice, yogurt, sweetmeats and bananas
- When we held Krsna festival in Bombay, Calcutta, twenty-thousand, thirty-thousand people come. By nature. We cannot expect this big assembly in other countries. That is my experience. But India, because it is Bharata-varsa, it is very easy
- Whenever the Krsna consciousness movement holds a sankirtana festival in a big city like Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Ahmedabad or Hyderabad, thousands of people come to hear
- While Lord Jagannatha is on His Ratha, and for the duration of the festivities for eight days following, bhuni kicrie may be offered along with other preparations
- Whoever sees Lord Krsna sees a festival. His face and body are fully satisfying for everyone to see, but the devotees are angry at the creator for the disturbance caused by the momentary blinking of their eyes
- You all 3 couples are expert in the matter of preaching Krishna Consciousness, and your last effort in the matter of performing Ratha Yatra festival was so successful. So I am sure by your combined effort in London, there will be a great successful center
- You have given me all happy news. The festival success is very encouraging to me. So go on with your festivals
- You have mentioned the idea of having a pandal in Madras between the Mayapur and Vrndavana festivals. This will be nice, if it is practical. If you can arrange it co-operatively with the other leaders, then I shall also come there at that time
- You write to say that you are expecting 50,000 people to participate in the festival this year. That is very encouraging. So all of you work very fervently to make the festival a grand success and Krishna will surely bless each and every one of you
- Your idea for holding Jagannatha festival in the big cities is approved by me, do it
- Your program for traveling on the West coast holding festivals at schools and communes is approved by me. Especially you must try to convince these students to join us
- Your progress in translating work is very nice. It is actually most important of all that this translating of books is going on at the same time as the festivals. I have seen the photographs of your festival blocking the traffic