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- A brahmana is employed, a ksatriya is employed, a vaisya is employed. Otherwise, if they are unemployed, idle brain, then idle brain will be devil's workshop. That is happening. Because everyone is not employed
- A hardworking man thinks himself the lord of his family and estate, but actually he is a servant of desire and the employee of anger. Such service of the senses is neither pensionable nor terminable
- A person desiring liberation from material bondage must give up the association of persons interested in sex life and should not employ his senses externally
- A person possessing an agricultural field may employ another person to produce food grains from it, but because the grains are produced from the land, they are considered the property of the owner of the land
- A poet who does not know the grammatical regulative principles, who is unfamiliar with metaphorical ornaments, especially those employed in drama, and who does not know how to present the pastimes of Lord Krsna is condemned
- A poor man without any employment or occupation may undergo so many troubles in life, but if by chance the same man gets a good service under the government, he at once becomes happy
- A sudra means he becomes disturbed. He becomes disturbed: "Oh, I have no employment. How shall I eat? Where shall I go? Where shall I live?" He has no faith in Krsna
- A Vaisnava guru accepts money or other contributions, but he does not employ such contributions for sense gratification
- About our tenants; most of them are employed. So, there is good chance of their vacating when they are transferred. You should be very vigilant to see that they do not transfer occupancy to someone else and cause unnecessary harassment
- After all, our senses are employed for the satisfaction of somebody - either for ourselves or for someone else. That is kama, krodha, lobha and matsara - illusion. If we are not serving our own lusty desires (kama), we are serving anger - krodha
- After this ghastly incident, the employees of the washerman immediately dispersed, leaving the clothing. Krsna and Balarama took possession of it and dressed according to Their choice
- Any person employed in government service, including the president, is a part and parcel of the entire government
- Arjuna was also saved by the Lord, although all dangerous weapons were employed by his great opponents like Bhisma
- As ksatriyas, the proper livelihood of the Pandavas was only to rule, and not to accept any other occupation. A brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya will not accept employment for his livelihood under any circumstances
- As soon as he (the living entity) employs his energy and activities for sense gratification, this change of position is called vikara
- As the spider very easily creates the network of its cobweb and manifests its power of creation without being defeated by others, so also you (Brahma) yourself, by employment of your self-sufficient energy, create without any other's help
- Best thing is if you continue your employment at the book store, try to sell my books there if possible. Visit the New York temple regularly with your family and try to help them as far as possible
- Both (Dhaumya and Krpacarya) these learned and perfect priests, assisted by other good brahmanas, were employed by Maharaja Yudhisthira to perform the ceremony
- Both Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika belonged to the brahmana caste, but because they were employed by Muslims, their original habits degenerated into those of the Muslim community
- Daksa was the chief progenitor employed by Lord Brahma, and he was a son of Brahma, so he had a high position and was also very proud
- Desires for fruitive activities are strongly rooted, but the trees of desire can be uprooted completely by devotional service because devotional service employs superior desire. One can give up inferior desires when engaged in superior desires
- Don't you see that two men, they are working day and night, very hard. One man has become all of a sudden millionaire, and another man, he has no employment. Why? Why this distinction?
- Employing this analogy of Brahman with earth, the impersonalists especially stress the Vedic statement sarvam khalv idam brahma, "Everything is Brahman"
- Everyone is very anxious to stop the skyrocketing increase of population by employing contraceptive methods, but still birth is going on
- Everyone should be employed. And his employment will be provided from any of these groups, according to his capacity. Either as a brahmana, or as a ksatriya, or as a vaisya, or as a sudra
- Everyone thinks that his intelligence is perfect. Sometimes one employs his intelligence in the worship of Uma, the wife of Lord Siva, in order to obtain a beautiful wife
- Everyone was eulogizing Haridasa Thakura, such a great devotee. So the zamindar, the village zamindar, he became very much envious. So he employed one prostitute to pollute Haridasa Thakura
- Exactly how they can be thus employed is described in the above sixty-four items. Now, Srila Rupa Gosvami will give evidences from different scriptures supporting the authenticity of many of these points
- Having failed to set fire to Dvaraka, the fiery demon went back to Varanasi, the kingdom of Kasiraja. As a result of his return, all the priests who had helped instruct the black art of mantras, along with their employer, Sudaksina, were burned to ashes
- He (Bhurisrava) possessed one aksauhini regiment of army, cavalry, elephants and chariots, and all these were employed in the Battle of Kuruksetra on behalf of Duryodhana's party. He was counted by Bhima as one of the yutha-patis
- He (Suryadasa Sarakhela) was employed as a secretary in the Muslim government of that time, and thus he amassed a good fortune. Suryadasa had four brothers, all of whom were pure Vaisnavas
- He is beyond our sense perception, but still we have to search Him out and employ our feelings of devotion, love
- He would have to be employed, however, to kill someone other than a qualified brahmana. If all these conditions were met, then Daksinagni, accompanied by Lord Siva's ghostly companions, would fulfill the desire of Sudaksina to kill his enemy
- Hiranyakasipu could not kill his son by throwing him beneath the feet of big elephants, throwing him among huge, fearful snakes, employing destructive spells, hurling him from the top of a hill, conjuring up illusory tricks, administering poison
- His father even had five watchmen guard him day and night. Four personal servants were employed to look after his comfort, and two brahmanas were employed to cook for him
- Human activities diseased by a tendency toward sense gratification have been regulated in the Vedas under the principles of salvation. This system employs religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation
- If a person is employed according to his natural tendency, he becomes successful. He becomes successful. But if you give some employment, just like to put a cart before a horse, like that, no, that will not be successful
- If everyone is not employed, it is the duty of the government to see. He must be employed. A brahmana is employed, a ksatriya is employed, a vaisya is employed. Otherwise, if they are unemployed, idle brain; then idle brain will be devil's workshop
- If one employs this armor, whomever he sees with his eyes or touches with his feet is immediately freed from all the above-mentioned dangers
- If the enemy still goes on agitating the public, the king should try to create dissension in the enemy's camp, but if he still continues, the king should employ argumentum ad baculum - severe punishment - by putting him in jail
- If there is lack of qualified brahmanas, men without sacred thread may be employed to cleanse the floor and other things which do not require their touching or gazing upon the deity at close quarter
- If there were a servant in the office who tried to occupy the position of employer, would the employer like it? Similarly, any living entity who is trying to become God is not very much to God's liking
- If you do business or if you accept some employment, do so on behalf of the Lord. Whatever you may eat, you may offer the same to the Lord and be assured that He will return the food after eating it Himself
- If you wish to live separately you have to earn your livelihood by business, by taking some employment to maintain your home and family. But not by chanting in the street; this is not a good idea for householders
- In all cases, one should give up the result or fruits of labor; this means to employ the result of karma for some good cause. BG 1972 purports
- In every country nowadays, all over the world, there is so much unemployment. Why one should be unemployed? He must be trained up in such a way that he's employed, he's engaged. This is the duty
- In order to save her husband from the charge that he employed his wife, Sati, to kill Daksa because he could not do so due to his inferior position, she decided to give up her body
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, we have over a hundred centers, and Krsna is maintaining them all. None of our devotees are employed for independent incomes, yet they are all being maintained
- In spite of high education - M.A., Ph.D., D.A.C, and this and that - if he does not get any employment, he's street dog. What is his value
- In the beginning the mind is employed in attracting the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in the higher stages there is no question of using the mind. A devotee becomes accustomed to serving the Supreme Lord by purification of his senses
- In the Ramanuja and Madhva sects of Vaisnavism there are extensive descriptions of the sri, bhu and nila. In Bengal the nila energy is sometimes called the lila energy. These three energies are employed in the service of four-handed Narayana in Vaikuntha
- In this age, practically you see, unless there is employment, he's a street dog. That is the proof that everyone is a sudra. That is the proof
- In this Kali-yuga, the demoniac mentality is employed in manufacturing various machines to facilitate the process of sense gratification
- Instead of employing enthusiasm for attaining material goals, one should be enthusiastic about achieving the perfectional stage of devotional service
- Instead of wasting your time trying to change your economic condition or material destiny apart from Krsna consciousness, you should employ your priceless human energy for attaining Krsna consciousness, which cannot be checked
- It does not matter what one is. One must dedicate everything in the service of the Lord. If one is a learned scholar, scientist, philosopher, poet, etc., then he should employ his learning to establish the supremacy of the Lord
- It is necessary for us to learn how to employ our senses in the transcendental service of the Lord, and to utilize everything to serve His interest. This alone can bring about much desired peace
- It is the duty of the brahmana, it is the duty of the father, it is the duty of the public leader, it is the duty of the government to see that everyone is engaged, everyone is employed
- It is the duty of the king or the government to insure that the people observe the social order and that they are also employed in their respective occupational duties
- It is the duty of the king to see that everyone in the social orders - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra - is fully employed in the state
- King Prthu continued: By the grace of the Supreme Lord I have been appointed the king of this planet, and I carry the scepter to rule the citizens, protect them from all danger and give them employment according to their respective positions
- Kings are not only grhasthas, who are generally absorbed in sense gratification, but are sometimes employed to kill animals in hunting because they have to practice the killing art, otherwise it is very difficult for them to fight their enemies
- Krsna says that how the brahminical class should be educated. This should be taken very seriously by educational department of all countries. And it is the duty of the government to see that every man according to his quality is working, is employed
- Machine means unemployment. The principle should be that everyone is employed. Either brahmana, either ksatriya, either vaisya or sudra. Nobody should become idle and gossiping, and sleeping
- Maharaja Pariksit like his grandfather Arjuna, collected all illicit gold kept for the propensities of Kali and employed it in the sankirtana-yajna, as per instruction of the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Music and dancing employed in sense gratification are demoniac, but the same music and dancing, when employed in glorifying the Supreme Lord as kirtana, are transcendental, and they bring about a life completely fit for spiritual enjoyment
- Music and dancing employed in sense gratification are to be accepted as demoniac
- Music and dancing, when employed in glorifying the Supreme Lord as kirtana, are transcendental, and they bring about a life completely fit for spiritual enjoyment
- Narada compared the position of Brahma to the self-sufficiency of the spider, who creates its own field of activities without any other's help by employment of its own energetic creation of saliva
- Nirodha: the winding up of all energies employed in creation. Such potencies are emanations from the Personality of Godhead who eternally lies in the Karana Ocean. The cosmic creations, manifested with His breath, are again dissolved in due course
- No matter how many schemes we employ to adjust things in this material world, if they have no solid basis in Krishna's plan, they remain merely dreams of phantasmagoria
- No one should be unemployed. The brahmana should be employed, the ksatriya should be employed, the vaisya should be employed, and the sudra should be employed. If there was any difficulty, then it was the duty of the king to give them employment
- Not that I collect tax and I engage it in my sense gratification; I employ three hundred prostitutes for dancing before me. This is the cause of falling down of monarchy system. Therefore people are in democracy
- One has to become a gosvami and control his senses. One should not simply use his senses for sense gratification; rather, the senses should be employed just as much as required for maintaining body and soul together
- One may be employed in some business and, feeling inconvenience, resign. That resignation may be all right, but if by resigning one becomes unemployed and has no engagement, then what is the value of resigning
- One should spend all energies working in Krsna consciousness, and that will make one's life successful. Like the misers, unfortunate persons do not employ their human energy in the service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- One teacher can manage hundreds of students of different categories. This is organization. Not that "Everything I have to do. I cannot teach anybody to do it," that is not intelligence. Intelligence is that employ other to help you
- One's so-called prowess, when employed against the devotee, certainly harms he who employs it. Thus it is the subject, not the object, who is harmed
- Ordinarily destiny cannot be checked. Therefore instead of wasting your time for change your economic condition or material destiny, you employ this energy for Krsna consciousness. That cannot be checked
- Our loving propensity, when it will be properly employed, when we try to love or develop our loving propensity for God, or directly when we learn how to love God, then our loving propensity is perfect
- Personal grudge is not inhuman and as I have told many times, that individualism is the cause of personal misunderstanding. When such individualism is employed in the center of Krishna there is no harm even if there is personal misunderstanding
- Persons who are interested in going back home, back to Godhead, should not only engage in the service of realized souls but should give up the company of materialistic persons, whose only aim is to earn money and employ it in sense gratification
- Positive engagement means serving Krsna. That positive engagement means, engagement means, acting means, the employment of the senses. So when we employ our senses in the positive activities, that is liberation
- Practice means employing our senses in some particular type of work. Therefore devotional service in practice means utilizing our different sensory organs in service to Krsna
- Professor Apte, in his dictionary, describes the Brahmana portion of the Vedas as that portion which states the rules for employment of hymns at various sacrifices and gives detailed explanations of their origin, sometimes with lengthy illustrations
- Putra-hinam grham sunyam. Sarva-sunya daridrata. And if you have no money, then everything is zero. Even in spite of having a home or child or education . . . there are so many educated; if they have no employment, their life is zero
- Real happiness, that is not felt by blunt material senses. So what is that sense? That is purified senses. When our senses are purified, tat-paratvena, for the sake of Krsna, when our senses are employed for the sake of Krsna, that is purified senses
- Rupa and Sanatana Gosvami were born in a high brahmana family, but because they accepted employment under a Muslim government, they were considered Muslims
- Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis, two of Lord Caitanya's principle disciples, were formerly known as Sakara Mallika and Dabira Khasa, and they were employed by the Mohammedan government
- Samplavah, in the sense of "perfect means," is employed to denote the discharging of devotional service, and pratisamplavah means just the opposite, or that which destroys the progress of devotional service
- Sanatana Gosvami was considered to be fallen according to the Hindu social system because he was in the service of the Mohammedan government. Indeed, he had even been excommunicated from brahminical society due to his employment
- Secular state means the state must be very vigilant whether everyone is doing his duty, everyone is employed in his duty; and if everyone is not employed, it is the duty of the government to see. He must be employed
- Simply by employing yourself in devotional service you get the highest knowledge. That is vairagya
- Since the Lord is the supreme enjoyer of everything in or outside the universe, it is happiness to be employed by Him
- Sir, we belong to the lowest class of men, and our associates and employment are also of the lowest type. Therefore we cannot introduce ourselves to You. We feel very much ashamed, standing here before You
- Some of the senses are meant for acquiring knowledge, and some are meant for executing the conclusions of our thinking, feeling and willing. So practice means employing both the mind and the senses in practical devotional service
- Sometimes the Visnu mantra is called Visnu-jvara, and the Siva mantra is called Siva-jvara. We find in the sastras that sometimes the Siva-jvara and Visnu-jvara are employed in the fights between the demons and the demigods
- Sometimes these tactics are also employed in military encounters. Temporarily retreating, then coming forward with stronger force than before
- Sometimes, when one wants to become as learned as Lord Brahma, he employs his intelligence in the worship of the goddess of learning, Sarasvati
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu approved of all the methods employed in cooking and offering food to Krsna
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear Pariksit, one who employs this armor or hears about it with faith and veneration when afraid because of any conditions in the material world is immediately freed from all dangers and is worshiped by all living entities
- Srila Ramananda Raya asked which of the five introductions had been employed, and Srila Rupa Gosvami replied that he had used the introduction called the pravartaka
- Such (inferior) potencies are always employed for the satisfaction of the employer, or the enjoyer
- Such a person, who knows the purpose of the Vedic injunctions, who can employ the principles laid down in the Vedic literatures and who teaches his disciples in that way, is called an acarya
- That (service minus devotion) is not service, that is business. For example, here in Mayapur we have employed a contractor. That is not service - that is business. Is it not
- The cashier may count millions of dollars for his employer, but he does not claim a cent for himself. Similarly, one has to realize that nothing in the world belongs to any individual person, but that everything belongs to the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 pur
- The conclusion is that the Vedic process does not encourage us to endeavor to learn the Absolute Truth by employing our present senses, which are conditioned in so many ways
- The conditioned soul, the living being in material existence, seeks happiness by employing his senses in the modes of materialism, but that cannot give him satisfaction
- The covering capacity of Maya can be employed on the part and parcel of Brahman, not on the Supreme Brahman
- The demon (Hiranyaksa) employed many conjuring tricks against the Personality of Godhead (Varahadeva), who is the Lord of yogamaya. At the sight of this the people were filled with alarm and thought that the dissolution of the universe was near
- The demon father employed all his weapons to kill the devotee son, Prahlada, but by the grace of the Lord he was saved from all sorts of dangerous actions by his father
- The four social orders - the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - are natural divisions of human society, and as declared by Prthu Maharaja, every man in his respective social order must have proper employment for his livelihood
- The King of the Yavanas continued: Here is my brother Prajvara. I now accept you (Kalakanya) as my sister. I shall employ both of you, as well as my dangerous soldiers, to act imperceptibly within this world
- The necessary condition for such a change is to employ so-called matter in the service of the spirit. That is the way to treat our material diseases and elevate ourselves to the spiritual plane where there is no misery, no lamentation and no fear
- The office of visvasa-khana was a secretariat office in which only the most reliable people were employed
- The person in charge of writing is also called deula-karana-pada-prapta karmacari. He is employed especially to write a calendar called Matala-panji
- The secretariat, or visvasa-khana, is generally a very reliable and faithful servant. Whenever some confidential service was needed, these officers were employed
- The senses and the action of the senses are to be considered impure or materialistic as long as they are employed only in sense gratification. The purified senses are engaged not in sense gratification but in the service of the Lord in toto
- The state must employ revenue to advance these three items and thus educate the populace to prepare for death. The state which does so is the real welfare state
- The terminations of the atmane-pada are employed when the fruit of the action accrues to the agent of verbs having an indicatory n or a svarita accent
- The university course should be given more stress than purchasing the house or securing the land. This is a very important thing. If such courses are taken by you, then practically there is no need of my employment there
- The whole Vedic system is meant for spiritual advancement. Human energy is employed in a more exalted direction than to compete with the dog
- The word "pastime" implies employment in the activities of the Lord
- There are certain prescribed methods for employing our senses and mind in such a way that our dormant consciousness for loving Krsna will be invoked, as much as the child, with a little practice, can begin to walk
- There are men who are very expert, but some of them employing their expertness in sinful activities, and some of them employing their expertness in pious activities. That is the difference
- These talents are also acquired after austerity. It is not ordinary thing. So everything should be employed to describe Uttamasloka, Krsna
- They (mudha, naradhama, whose knowledge is carried away by maya and atheists) have to be slapped, caned and kicked severely, and they have to suffer. Just as a father has to chastise his unruly boy, so material nature has to employ certain punishments
- This is (employing one's energy in Krsna's interests) purity of purpose and the platform of pure devotional service in Krsna consciousness
- This method (the chanting of the names of Krsna) is called bhakti-yoga or mantra-yoga, and it is employed by the highest transcendentalists
- This prayer, Narayana-kavaca, constitutes subtle knowledge transcendentally connected with Narayana. One who employs this prayer is never disturbed or put in danger by the government, by plunderers, by evil demons or by any type of disease
- To all the citizens of the state, King Prthu was as good as a father. Thus he was visibly engaged in giving them proper subsistence and proper employment for subsistence
- To minimize this material work means the energy should be employed for Krsna. Minimize work this, means this side, material side. And save time and chant Hare Krsna. That's all
- Unfortunately, by the influence of maya, the conditioned soul employs the body he gets for sense gratification, forgetting that such an occupation may lead him to return to an invisible body
- Unfortunately, by the instigation of the fallen age of Kali, an unfortunate brahmana's son was employed to condemn the innocent Maharaja Pariksit, and so the King had to prepare himself for death within seven days
- Unless one is liberated from material conditioning, these four defects (illusion, committing mistakes, imperfect knowledge and cheating) must be there. Consequently every man has a cheating propensity, which is employed in business or money transactions
- We can better understand the mercy of God by an example: a government state is always supposed to be merciful, but sometimes, in order to keep law & order, the government employs its police force, & thus punishment is meted out to the rebellious citizens
- We may be imperfect, but Krsna is perfect. Therefore, whatever Krsna says, if we accept it and if we . . . Not accept blindly, but you can employ your logic and argument and try to understand, then your knowledge is perfect
- We should try to keep our friendship with everyone in the world, but we cannot sacrifice the principles of Krishna Consciousness on being employed by some relative of this world
- Whatever transcendental tactics you leaders think best for distributing the books you can employ
- When all the Pandavas lived incognito, he (Arjuna) presented himself in the court of King Virata as a eunuch and was employed as the musical teacher of Uttara, his future daughter-in-law, and was known in the Virata court as the Brhannala
- When government employs some police force, some military force, that does not means impious. That is required. Similarly, fighting or violence is not always impious. But a responsible person, he does not take violence unnecessarily
- When one engages in devotional service completely employing all the activities of the senses in the service of the Lord, the venomous quality of the senses is completely nullified
- When one is fully aware that he does not belong to any family, society, country, is eternally related to Krsna, he then realizes his energy should be employed not in the interests of so-called family, society or country, but in the interests of Krsna
- When you understand what is sanatana, and we employ ourself in that process, that is called execution of sanatana-dharma
- While alive, does this body belong to its employer, to the self, to the father, the mother, or the mother's father - SB 10.10.11
- Who can estimate where, how and when You are employing Your spiritual energy and performing Your pastimes? No one can understand the mystery of these activities