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- A brahmana can serve the Lord by using his intelligence, and the ksatriya can serve the Supreme Lord by using his military arts, just as Arjuna served Krsna. Arjuna was a warrior; he had no time to study Vedanta or other highly intellectual books
- A brahmana does not stock anything for his future use. Similarly, ksatriyas may collect taxes from the citizens, and they must also protect the citizens, enforce rules and regulations, and maintain law and order
- A brahmana or sannyasi is qualified to ask charity from others, but if he takes more than necessary he is punishable. No one can use more of the Supreme Lord's property than necessary
- A chemist can manufacture water in the laboratory by mixing hydrogen and oxygen, but in reality the living entity can only work under the direction of the Supreme Lord. Indeed, all materials used by a chemist are supplied by the Lord
- A child is required, progeny is required, for that sex life is good. But they are using sex life for pleasure and killing the child - and implicated in sinful activities and therefore suffering
- A child may take a hundred dollar bill from his father and try to keep it although he may not know how to use it. The father may beg the child - Dear boy, kindly give it to me
- A devotee in this material world uses all material opulences for the service of the Lord because he is planning how to serve the Lord with these opulences, as advised by the Lord Himself
- A devotee named Chota Haridasa used to sing for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Bhagavan Acarya called him to his home and spoke as follows
- A foolish person may desire to be promoted to the heavenly planets as a result of his pious activities, but even the demigods from the heavenly planets want to come to Bharata-varsa and achieve bodies that may be very easily used to cultivate KC
- A human being who does not use his developed consciousness but instead acts like an animal surely undergoes punishment in many different hells
- A mystic yogi can enter into the sun planet simply by using the rays of the sunshine. This perfection is called laghima
- A person who establishes a temple or matha to take advantage of people’s sentiments by using for his livelihood what people contribute for the worship of the Deity cannot be called a gosvami or acarya
- A sudra does not know how to use money to render transcendental loving service to the Lord
- A tethered cow goes as far as the rope; similarly, one who uses the inductive method to search for ultimate knowledge will fail
- A waterpot is made of earth and is temporary. Actually there is no waterpot; there is simply earth. However, as long as the waterpot can contain water, we can use it in that way. It cannot be said to be absolutely false
- According to spiritual communism, all properties on the surface of the globe belong to the SP of Godhead. The population has a right to use goods only after offering them to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the process of accepting prasada
- According to the Vedic scriptures the contraceptive method should be restraint in sex life. It is not that one should indulge in unrestricted sex life and avoid children by using some method to check pregnancy
- According to Vedic civilization, a pot in which wine was kept, it is impure forever. It is impure forever. You cannot use for any other purpose, it is so abominable
- Actually, a brahmacari should contribute whatever he has got to Krishna, through the Spiritual Master. The Spiritual Master does not accept anything for his personal use, but he employs everything for Krishna's service
- Advaita Acarya was a disciple of Madhavendra Puri, and consequently some people think that He was referring to Madhavendra Puri by using the word madhava (in CC Madhya 3.114). But actually this is not the fact
- After death you have to change the body. As you are changing from childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood, similarly this old body, when it is no more usable, that means death
- After the rainy season, the farmers begin to rebuild the partitioning walls of the paddy fields so that the water will be conserved, just as yogis try to use their conserved energy for self-realization
- All debauch. Because they're getting good fat salary. What they'll do? They do not know how to use it. Wine, woman, restaurant, dance - finish
- All necessities grown on earth - namely fruits, flowers, trees, grains, animals and animal by-products - were created for use in sacrifice for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- All property belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all living beings, who are sons of the Supreme Lord, have the right to use the Supreme Father's property, but one cannot take more than necessary
- All the activities of their senses are engaged in the service of God. Because of such devotion, the Lord gives Himself to His devotees as if they could use Him for any purpose they might desire. Of course, devotees have no purpose other than to serve
- All the three altars should be of the same style. I am enclosing the copy of the style which I have approved for all three altars. This style is nice, the one which you had chosen for Lord Ramacandra's altar, so you can use this style for all three
- All the wives of Lord Krsna were completely absorbed in thought of Him. Krsna is known as Yogesvara, the master of all yogis, and all the wives of Krsna at Dvaraka used to keep this Yogesvara within their hearts
- All thoughts of obtaining happiness by using the material senses have a false background and therefore have no meaning
- Although according to the material conception Narayana, Rukmini-ramana and Krsna are one and the same, in the spiritual world one cannot use the name Rukmini-ramana or Narayana in place of the name Krsna
- Although Devaki was crying like a very poor woman, actually she was not poor, and therefore the word used here (in SB 10.4.7) is dinavat. She had already given birth to Krsna. Therefore, who could have been richer than she
- Although each and every queen had thousands of maidservants engaged for her service, the queens were all personally attentive in serving Krsna. Each one of them used to receive Krsna personally when He entered the palace
- Although he (the devotee) should use his common sense in the matter of defending, he is sure that without being protected by Lord Krsna no one can defend himself, however expert he may be in the art of defense
- Although I claim, "It is my hand, and I shall use it," when it is paralyzed I cannot do anything. Therefore, I should understand that although I possess this hand by the grace of Krsna, I am not its controller. This is Krsna consciousness
- Although it is nature's law that one has to live by eating other living entities (jivo jivasya jivanam), one must use discretion. Fruits, flowers, vegetables, rice, grain and milk are made for human beings
- Although Lord Baladeva appeared before the birth of Lord Krsna and is therefore Krsna's worshipable elder brother, He used to act as Krsna's eternal servitor
- Although such instruments (telescopes) are needed because the vision of the so-called scientists is imperfect, the instruments themselves are also imperfect. The upper planets cannot be appraised by imperfect men using imperfect man-made instruments
- Although the duskrtis have brain power and merit, their merit and brain power are used for abominable activities
- Although the living entity is the master of many other senses, when he has to go somewhere, do something or touch something, he has to use his blind legs and hands
- Although we do not know the details of how the body works, we are using this body, which actually belongs not to us but to Krsna. This is the real fact. The body consists of the senses and the mind, and therefore the senses and mind also belong to Krsna
- Although we use many articles-our clothes, etc.-we know- that we are different from the things used. Similarly, we also understand by a little contemplation that we are different from the body. BG 1972 purports
- Although you are claiming, "It is my hand. I shall use it," but when it is paralyzed, you cannot do anything. Therefore I may have possessed this hand by the grace of Krsna, but I am not the controller. That is Krsna consciousness
- Analogy is not proof; sastra is proof. Foolish people cannot understand or accept, so we use analogy
- And when there was need of giving charity, he used to distribute money exactly as the cloud distributes rain. The distribution of rain by clouds is so sumptuous that it is compared to the distribution of wealth by a great, munificent person
- Anger has got some utilization; not that I should not be angry. I should use my anger on some particular occasion
- Anyone can understand. Vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya. As our garments, coats & shirts, when they are old, rotten, no more usable, so we throw it away and get a new garment, shirt, coat. Similarly, the soul is changing garment from childhood, from babyhood
- Are you using that paper which has been supplied to you? Good qualification of devotees?
- As far as damah (self-control) is concerned, it is not only meant for other orders of religious society, but it is especially meant for the householder. Although he has a wife, a householder should not use his senses for sex life unnecessarily. BG 1972 p
- As far as your future films are concerned I do not think it is possible for the BBT to continue financing these films. BBT is strictly for construction of temples and printing books. My idea is that you can use the original capital that BBT gave you
- As for introduction, you may use the Introduction I have already written and printed in Teachings of Lord Caitanya' I think it will also be suitable for Caitanya-caritamrta
- As God knows where to use anger, similarly, devotee should also know where to use anger. "I am not angry. You can beat me with shoes, I am not angry." That is not devotional
- As long as one is attached to the enjoyment of material resources, he hears from the right ear and uses the five senses to elevate himself to the higher planetary systems like Pitrloka. Thus The right ear is here (SB 4.25.50) described as the Pitrhu gate
- As mentioned above, the word mayat is also used in the sense of "transformation"; sometimes it is also used to mean "by-product"
- As much as possible try to increase our preaching programs by using all the mass media which are available. We are modern day Vaisnavas and we must preach vigorously using all the means available
- As one has to take bath after using the toilet, so one has to wash himself with water after sexual intercourse, especially when at a forbidden time
- As soon as there is scarcity of food grain, so many so-called association will come out, "Give us grain. We have to feed such and such person, such and such village." So it is not going to the village. It is collected, and they use at their own
- As such, he (Prahlada) used to shed tears and lie down on the floor as though unconscious
- As the children, a child of the family has got right to take advantages from the father, similarly if everyone is part and parcel of God, if everyone is child of God, then everyone has got the right to use the property of the father
- At the last stage, when the gross body becomes old and invalid, the living entity is reluctant to give it up, despite the fact that it is no longer usable
- At the present moment, our senses are contaminated. I am thinking, - I am American, so my senses should be used for the service of my country, my society, my nation
- At the time of death, atheists' attempts to use their so-called scientific knowledge and philosophical speculation to deny the supremacy of the Lord cannot work
- Atomic bomb, the nuclear weapon, is not used when there is fight between two dogs. It is not so insignificant. When the fight is very severe
- Because God has given you the seas and oceans of salt, you cannot make it use more than is necessary. If you think that, "There is so much salt, let me eat it," no, you cannot do. Any action
- Because I wanted to use my hand in so many ways, Krsna has given it to me: "All right, take this hand and use it." So it is a gift from Krsna
- Because such politicians, philosophers and scholars are interested in using Bhagavad-gita as a vehicle for adjusting things materially, for them constant thought of Krsna, or Krsna consciousness, is impossible
- Because we are all sons of Krsna, therefore every one of us has the right to use (the) father's property. But we should not encroach upon others. This is the formula of peace
- Better if we try to push on this Krishna Consciousness Movement and use our energy, education, scientific knowledge, etc. to simply convince the present generation that everyone is servant of God. Then our mission will be successful
- Bhagavata-dharma does not consider everything in the world to be false. Because everything emanates from the Supreme, nothing can be false; everything has some use in the service of the Supreme
- Bhakti means the process of connecting with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As soon as we use the word bhakti, means the process of devotion, there must be bhakta and Bhagavan
- Brahmacarya means celibacy, not to use the semina unnecessarily, discharge. Therefore the students are advised, or they are trained up. The students are sent to gurukula to be trained up as brahmacari
- By keeping yourself always in the fire of Krsna, or Krsna consciousness, you are transferred to the spiritual world. Very nice example, this iron rod, red hot. You cannot use it for any other purpose. It is simply for burning
- By regulative practice one can control the mind, and this is the purpose of the yoga system (abhyasa-yoga-yuktena (BG 8.8)). But there is a chance of failure with the yoga system, especially in this age, because the yoga system uses artificial means
- By so-called development of industrial enterprises, they are now using pots of gutta-percha instead of metals like gold, silver, brass and copper. They are using margarine instead of purified butter, and one fourth of the city population has no shelter
- By such activities, he earns his claim to enter into the kingdom of God. The exact word used in this verse is dayabhak. Dayabhak refers to a son's becoming the lawful inheritor of the property of the father
- By the aggregate use of the word 'ca,' it is indicated that all the atmaramas and saints serve and worship Krsna
- By the Grace of Lord Sri Krishna your one of the very important business magnet and I may inform you on the authority of great Acharyas and books of knowledge that it is our duty to make the best use of our money so long it is with us
- By using intelligence he (the common man) can distinguish and separate his self from other things that he sees
- By using the word bhrtya-bhrtyanam, Lord Siva pointed out that although Citraketu provided one example of tolerance and excellence, all the devotees who have taken shelter of the Lord as eternal servants are glorious
- By using the words tomara avatara (“your incarnation”), Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirms that Haridasa Thakura is the incarnation of Lord Brahma
- Canakya Pandita says, san-nimitte varam tyago vinase niyate sati: everything within this material world will be destroyed, and therefore one should use everything for good purposes
- Coconut, you collect, and each one of you use at least two coconuts daily, drinking water and the pulp. It is very digestive and nutritious. The pulp is very nutritious and digestive
- Concerning our use of analogy. We do not bring in imperfect analogy, but we follow the instructions of the Sastras strictly. Our authority is on the basis of Sastra, not analogy
- Concerning the print of the painting "showing Bhagavad-gita being worshiped," I do not consider this suitable for using in our books
- Cowherd friends said, "Rather, he (Raktaka) has left them in a faraway pasture and has not even bothered to use his stick to control them"
- Dasa means servant, and go means senses. And if you are master of the senses, then you are gosvami. Every word has meaning. So without being fit, we should not use this word as personal designation
- Death is already there, and you are utilizing atomic energy for death, that's all. So what is your credit? You use atomic energy that you'll not die. Then it is control
- Described in the Bhagavad-gita: while others, such as yogis, try to control their senses by force, devotees, even though possessing full sensory powers, do not use them because they engage in higher, transcendental activities
- Despite being furnished so well by the Father, the duskrti still performs unsanctioned actions. One is foolish if he persists in being punished, and one is low on the human scale if he does not use this human form of life to understand Krsna
- Dharmaviruddhah kama, that is all right, but if you use sex life for sense gratification and becomes implicated in so many sinful activities, then how he'll be happy? A sinful man cannot become happy. That is not possible
- Dhiras tatra na muhyati. That is yoga practice. That is yoga practice, controlling. "When there will be need, I shall use it"
- Does it mean, because lion is designated as the king of animals, it has got any use? Has it got any use for any purpose? Similarly, these political leaders, they may be lion, but who respects them? These dogs, hogs, camels and asses, that's all
- Don't beget children if you have no responsibility. But they think that "We'll have sex life, but we shall avoid this responsibility. So then let us use contraceptive."
- Dressing like human beings on pilgrimage, they all used to come to Jagannatha Puri to visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- During those eighteen years, all the devotees of Bengal used to visit Him at Jagannatha Puri every year. They would remain there for four continuous months and enjoy the company of the Lord
- Durvasa Muni was a very learned brahmana equipped with mystic power, but because he was not a gentleman, he did not know how to use his power. He was therefore extremely dangerous
- Eating, sleeping, sex life and fear are the four bodily necessities but to utilize the full duration of life a person desiring to advance in spiritual consciousness must reduce these activities. That will give him an opportunity to fully use his lifetime
- Either you take metal or this wood or water or food grains, whatever you are taking, using, you are exploiting the resources of material nature, but material nature is the agent of God. Material nature is an energy of God
- Electric energy sometimes working for cooling, sometimes working for heating. But to the engineer of electric energy, who is generating, for him there is no such distinction. But those who are using it, they are thinking it is hot, it is cool
- Even now in the Indian villages surrounding Vrndavana, the villagers live happily simply by giving protection to the cow. They keep cow dung very carefully and dry it to use as fuel
- Even the dog knows how to use sex life. It doesn't require a Freud's philosophy. But the rascal human society, they are thinking that "Here is a big philosopher. He is writing about sex"
- Eventually one will become exasperated by using one's senses. Ultimately one will become senseless. Therefore Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66): "Don't act like this. Your senses are meant for serving Me
- Every endeavor requires land, capital, organization, and labor. Just as, in business, one requires a place to stay, some capital to use, some labor, and some organization to expand, so the same is required in the service of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Every grass and herb has its use and serves some function, although we may not know what it is. So in Bhagavad-gita Krsna has made some provision whereby the yogi doesn't have to worry about snakes
- Every living entity has got these propensities: intoxication, sex intercourse. Vyavaya amisa. Amisa: meat-eating, fish eating. They're there already. One does not require to be educated, how to eat meat, how to drink, how to use sexual intercourse
- Every living entity is supposed to be the king of his body because the living entity is given full freedom to use his body as he likes
- Every person should use the sandal pulp. Because in India, it is tropical country. So this is a good cosmetic. Still, those who can afford during very warm day of summer season, if you apply pulp of sandalwood on your body, you feel no warm. It is cool
- Every woman belongs to Krsna. How you can use Krsna's property? That is the disease, that we are trying to enjoy Krsna's property
- Everyone knows how to eat, how to use sex. Nobody requires any university education
- Everyone, especially the householder, commits five kinds of sinful activities: When we receive water from a water pitcher, we kill many germs that are in it. Similarly, when we use a grinding machine or eat food, we kill many germs
- Everything belongs to God. You are sons of God. You have got the right to use father's property, but do not take more than you need. That is punishable. These things are stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Stena eva sa ucyate
- Everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for everything is created by Him. All living entities, being the Lord's sons, His eternal parts and parcels, have the right to use their father's property by nature's arrangement
- Everything has its use, and how to use it properly, that is all described in the Bhagavad-gita. And if you take instruction of Krsna and ultimately surrender to Him, that is success of life
- Everything is manufactured by God. So everyone has right - not only human being; even the animals - everyone has got the right to live and use things as much as he requires
- Everything, what is there in this earthly planet, that belongs to God. We are sons of God. Let us enjoy God's property. The son has got right to use. But I should not encroach upon your property or my property
- Five thousands years ago everyone had an ample stock of milk, and by using it in many varied milk preparations, people would keep good health in natural ways and thus enjoy life in Krsna consciousness.
- Following the instructions formerly given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the King anchored the boat to the fish's horn, using the serpent Vasuki as a rope. Thus being satisfied, he began offering prayers to the Lord
- Food is not bad. One who cannot digest, it is bad for him. This is the conclusion. What is food for one is poison for another. If you cannot use sex power how to use it for better purposes, you should not use sex
- For a devotee, everything in the world is very pleasing because he knows how to use everything in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- For a Krsna conscious person, to waste even a moment of life without Krsna consciousness is a great dangerous action. Not only . . . anyone who is interested for higher level of position, he should be very careful of using every moment of life
- For example, at present we are using a dictaphone. The materialist who invented this machine intended it for businessmen or writers of mundane subject matters
- For example, the sons used to offer their obeisances, they were silent, submissive and gentle, and they were always ready to carry out Krsna's orders, even at the risk of life
- For one using a material process, Krsna is considered to be a great historical personality and very learned philosopher. But He isn't an ordinary man. BG 1972 purports
- For the Mayapur festival ghee will be supplied by each and every devotee who comes. Everyone should bring one tin of ghee. It can be brought for personal use
- Formerly there were powerful brahmanas who could make such experiments using Vedic hymns, but now, because of the Kali-yuga, brahmanas are not so powerful. Therefore the killing of cows and bulls for rejuvenation is forbidden
- Formerly, even quite ordinary persons used to know how to fix the mind upon the remembrance of the Lord, and so the brahmana was doing this
- Formerly, in every household, yogurt and butter were kept for use in emergencies
- From the Bhagavatam we understand that Lord Buddha is the incarnation of Krsna who appeared when materialism was rampant and materialists were using the pretext of the authority of the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- From the river Ganges if you take, say, one pound of water, and if you pour it again, one pound, then what is the loss and gain? But you become, by using the Ganges water in that way, you become a devotee of the Mother
- From your letter it appears you have found a nice place for a center there. Yes, we can use everything in Krsna's service and when Krsna gives us a nice big house that does not mean we use it for our eating and sleeping, but we work harder in His service
- Fruits, flowers, vegetables, land, ocean, mine, jewels. So we can use it as much as we require. We cannot collect it and keep it in stock for my future son, grandson, this son, that son. No. This is Krsna consciousness
- Furthermore, one who is engaged in the ultimate occupational service should never use material gain to cultivate sense gratification
- Generally yogis sit on tigerskin or deerskin because reptiles will not crawl on such skins to disturb their meditations. It seems that in God's creation there is a use for everything
- Generally, those who are exalted personalities lie down when they feel intoxicated, whereas those who are mediocre laugh and sing during intoxication, and those who are lowly use vulgar language and sometimes cry
- God is not cheap. We cannot see anything, not to speak of God, without sunshine. Without sunlight we are blind. At night, we cannot see anything, and therefore we use electricity because the sun is not present
- Having the opportunity to use his one thousand arms, he rushed toward Krsna, simultaneously working five hundred bows and two thousand arrows. Such a foolish person could never measure Krsna's strength
- He (A brahmana) uses that intelligence to preach Krsna consciousness for the benefit of the public, and therefore he is magnanimous
- He (a devotee) keeps everything. But he gives preference to Krsna. Suppose I like this thing but Krsna says, "No, you cannot use it." Then I shall not use it. It is for Krsna's sake. Krsna says positively, - I like these things
- He (a sannyasi, a Vaisnava or a learned person) has no desire to use sandalwood pulp for sense gratification, nor does sense gratification make him hate mud
- He (Dasaratha) could pierce his target with his arrow by only hearing the sound, without seeing the object. So this is a finer military science than that of the gross material military weapons used nowadays
- He (Samba) struck each of the six charioteers with six separate arrows. He used another four arrows to kill the charioteers' horses. Then he used one arrow to kill the driver and one arrow for Karna as well as the other celebrated fighters
- He (The demigod Pusa) could not use his teeth for eating, since he had laughed at Lord Siva, deriding him by showing his teeth. In other words, it was not appropriate for him to have teeth, for he had used them against Lord Siva
- He (the foolish embodied living entity, inept at controlling his senses and mind) is like a silkworm that uses its own saliva to create a cocoon and then becomes trapped in it, with no possibility of getting out
- He is big leader, and if it is common knowledge that he is using such intoxicants, the others will follow his example and there will be havoc throughout the society. That would be a catastrophe
- He is simply using that better intelligence for animalism. This is the meaning. He has no education how to utilize the better intelligence. Therefore he is utilizing only in animalism
- He now took a trident which was as rapacious as a flaming fire and hurled it against the Lord, the enjoyer of all sacrifices, even as one would use penance for a malevolent purpose against a holy brahmana
- He said, "My dear Lord (Krsna), in my previous life I was named Vidyadhara and was known all over the world for my beauty. Because I was a celebrated personality, I used to travel all over in my airplane"
- He uses his mind & five senses to acquire knowledge, and these bring about the different bodies and different conditions. Using the senses under the control of the external energy, the living entity suffers the miserable conditions of material existence
- Henceforward the policy for using diacritic markings is that I want them used everywhere, on large books, small books and also BTG
- Here (in SB 10.3.33) is an instruction about how to use one's senses to create progeny. According to Vedic principles, before creating progeny one must fully control the senses. This control takes place through the garbhadhana-samskara
- Here is a lame man; here is a blind man. All right, combine together and use them. That is wanted
- Here the use of the verb "bhavet," which is in the imperative mood, tells us that this certainly must be done. Noncompliance would be abandonment of duty
- How can I give up anger? But I use anger only for Krsna. So we do not leave anything, but we utilize everything for Krsna. That is our Krsna consciousness philosophy
- "Human being must use discretion, that 'If I can live in this way, why shall I kill one important animal?' That is human intelligence." In this way you have to preach
- I am especially interested in the land which I asked from you within the vicinity of Caitanya Math. This is in pursuance of the desire of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. It is not for my personal use or satisfaction of personal whims
- I am given the hand to use it for my purpose, for my eating, for my collecting. But actually it is not my hand
- I am glad also that you have a new gosala. Let other farms see what is our behavior for the cows and how we derive benefit from them and that will be the living example to persons who are using cow flesh rather than cow milk
- I am in due receipt of your letter along with Dai Nippon. I cannot understand why they should increase the price & supply goods not to the former sample! You use your best discretion & do the needful
- I am in receipt of your letter, undated. Regarding the booklet, "A Guide to the Care of Srimate Tulasi devi," yes, the book is very nice. It is approved. But one thing is that no sprays can be used, not at all
- I am in the renounced order, and therefore I must lie on the floor. For Me to use a bedstead, quilt or pillow would be very shameful
- I am not the proprietor of this body. Krsna is the proprietor of the body. I wanted a certain type of body to use it for my sense gratification. He has given it and I am not happy. Therefore I shall learn how to use this machine for the proprietor
- I am the soul, which is eternal, after using the body for some time I have to accept another body (tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13)), according to the laws of nature, unless I render some service with the body for advancement in devotional service
- I am using (Prabhupada)
- I can give you very nice thing, but you keep it locked up in your treasury and never use it, then what will you be? You have to sow it and pour water, and see that it is nicely growing
- I can understand that your energy and experience are being put to good use there in Australia. That is the secret to success, utilizing our God-given energy to please Krishna
- I don't think that Hayagriva is at fault. He has not changed the meaning or the philosophy in any way. But if you like to use the original manuscript, then if it is possible, you can use it
- I have already informed you that I received only one document, which I have received from Gargamuni Swami. I received no sale deed. You may take one certified copy and use that
- I have not received the Bengali Bhagavata Darsana yet. We want first class printing - offset method is cheaper and good. You may use Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura's translation of the Siksastakam
- I have read the headline prayer. It is nicely written, correctly spelled, which shows that you are a very intelligent girl and you can use your talent and intelligence for serving the Lord
- I have received a very nice letter from England, sent to Mukunda, by an Indian gentleman named Laksmidasa. If it is possible, maybe you can make an editorial column, with letters to the editor or to our various centers, and use it in that way
- I have the very same Gandiva bow, the same arrows, the same chariot drawn by the same horses, and I use them as the same Arjuna to whom all the kings offered their due respects
- I know that this nuclear weapon was already discovered by the German people, and Hitler, it is said that he did not use it. Because he knew it that - If I throw this nuclear weapon there will be devastation
- I never said they should not use their beads. That is our business. They must be taught how to respect their beads. How they can learn unless they use them?
- I think you know all the procedures by now and you may give them the Gayatri as I have already prescribed by using the tape record of the mantras and performing the fire sacrifice
- I want that all you boys use your American intelligence cooperatively in spreading this Sankirtana movement
- I wanted that you Americans use your talents in spreading this cult, and I can see that you are doing that
- If a civilized man kills animals regularly in a slaughterhouse to maintain his so-called civilization, using scientific methods and machines to kill animals, one cannot even estimate the suffering awaiting him
- If a man does not use his life to reawaken the relationship he has with his real Father, he is to be considered fallen in the human scale
- If electricity current is everywhere, so wherever you touch current, you'll feel, "Here is current." Similarly, the Krsna current in impersonal form is everywhere. It is the technician who knows how to use that current. That's all
- If He (Caitanya) had not done so (giving up the company of Junior Haridasa), pseudo devotees would have taken advantage of Junior Haridasa’s fault by using it as an excuse to live as devotees and at the same time have illicit sexual connections
- If he takes money from others & utilizes it for his sense gratification, then he goes to hell. Then it is finished. Then he is a cheater; actually he is a criminal. You cannot take money, a farthing, from anyone, & use it for your own sense gratification
- If I can go to America within fifteen hours for preaching facility, why shall not I use the aeroplane?
- If I think, "If I get a machine in which I can directly suck blood of other animal," "All right," Krsna says, "you take the machine of a tiger's body and use it." So this is going on. Therefore His name is Hrsikesa
- If materialists were to use their dry tongues to chant the holy name of the Lord - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - as exemplified by Lord Caitanya, they would taste sweet nectar and enjoy life
- If one does not want more than one or two children, he should voluntarily stop sex life. But one should not strictly use any contraceptive method and at the same time indulge in sex life
- If one has no money, no intelligence, he can use his words. He can go to the people, and he can say: "Please chant Hare Krsna." So this preaching work, the service of Krsna, is not, blocked by any disqualification if one is ready to serve
- If one uses this human form of life properly, he can elevate himself to the higher planetary systems, where material happiness is many thousands of times better than on this planet
- If someone feels cheated by our men because they are using dubious methods of distribution and collecting money our purity may be doubted and reputation spoiled
- If the chili becomes sweet and sugar becomes hot, that is adharma. Try to understand this. So first of all, who can give us dharma? That is stated in the sastras, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam
- If the human form of life is also utilized for this purpose (food, sleeping comfort, sex life and defense), pravrtti-marga, then it is, as I was talking in the park, it is just like using sandalwood for burning fuel
- If the man is habituated to commit sinful activities throughout the whole week, what is the use of his going to the church and confessing and give some bribe or... You take in any, any field. So it is very intelligent question. There is practically no use
- If the so-called scientific physician is able to prolong one's life for a few minutes through the use of oxygen or other medicines, he thinks that he is very successful in his attempts, although ultimately the patient will die
- If this is considered thoughtfully (person without God consciousness steal God's property) and if one comes to real knowledge, he will realize that if we do not understand God, whose property we are using, whatever we possess is stolen property
- If this movie is made in a more scholarly way, the field is very good. They will use it in every college class all over the country
- If this pencil belongs to me, the etiquette is - My students sometimes ask, "Can I use this pencil?" "Yes, you can." Similarly, if I know that everything belongs to Krsna, I will not use anything without His permission. That is honesty & that is knowledge
- If we do not know what is the value of sandalwood, if we use it for cooking and burning . . . similarly, if we use this human form of life exactly like the cats and dogs, simply for sense gratification, then we are committing suicide
- If we get opportunity, preaching facilities for going on car, on airplane, using typewriter, dictaphone, microphone, we must use it. Because this is Krsna's property, it must be used for Krsna. This is our philosophy
- If we hear from those who are actually self realized, then the nectarean rivers, like those which are flowing on the moon planet, will flow into our ears. This is the metaphor used in the above verse
- If we think that we can use whatever wealth we have amassed for our own sense gratification, we are acting out of kama, lust. But if we come to understand that everything we have belongs to Krsna, we are liberated
- If we utilize our human form of life properly, then we stop the cycle of birth and death. And if we do not use this human form of life properly, again we go to that cycle of birth and death
- If we want blazing fire, we must use dry fuel
- If we want to be aloof from the contamination of this material world, then everything, whatever we use, whatever we need, it must be in relation with Krsna. Then we can keep ourself aloof from the contamination. That is the liberated condition
- If you are actually religious, then don't spoil your money for sense gratification. Use it for sat karyam. Sat karya means for service of Krsna
- If you are less intelligent, then you'll be cheated by this false God. So everyone has got intelligence, individuality, power of understanding, so you should try to use them, and then you can understand
- If you are studying Vedas, if you are Vedantist, then ultimate knowledge will depend how you have understood Krsna. If you do not understand Krsna, what is the use of your studying Vedanta and Vedas? It is useless
- If you cannot use sex power for better purposes, you should not use sex
- If you go (to Mayapur), then I shall arrange to give you a very nice room completely for your use and you can peacefully engage in your painting work and read Srimad-Bhagavatam as well as join in with the devotees for regular kirtana, arati, and prasadam
- If you simply are proud of these heaps of stones and woods and iron, that is not civilization. Civilization is that the living entity who is using these resources, to know what is the actual business
- If you start trading business, then so many problems will be there. You should produce just enough for our own use. Trading leads to envy and jealousy and cheating, then everything is lost
- If you use smaller pieces of camphor this may alleviate the problem, or perhaps you are not using the right kind of camphor. Here we are using camphor for aratrik twice daily and there is no such problem
- If you want to kill your enemy, you'll kill your enemy, not others. Other innocent people will not be killed. But nowadays, for defending, we are using atom bomb. So many thousands of innocent men are being killed
- In a village of a limited area one may use different wells for different purposes, but when one goes to a river where there is water constantly flowing in waves, that water can serve all his purposes
- In BG the word asamsaya is used to describe the devotee. There God Himself gives this instruction: Now hear, O son of Prtha (Arjuna), how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt
- In Bhagavad-gita it is very simply stated (BG 2.22): You are covered by a dress, by a shirt. When this shirt is unuesable, you change it. Similarly, this body is just like a shirt and coat. When it is no longer workable, we have to change it
- In case you do not like this arrangement, then you may keep the temple as your private property and as my disciple I will give you guidance. But you may not use the ISKCON name to collect funds or to take loans
- In connection with your using your efforts to make television shows, no, that is not important now. Don't waste time in this way. Better to have nice festivals like Rathayatra festivals
- In every way, it does not prohibit that we should not use our senses. No. We shall use our senses when it is required, not according to the dictation of the senses. That should . . . we should be in that platform
- In his commentary to this verse (SB 6.4.27-28), Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura uses the word durvijneyam, which means "very difficult to realize." The pure stage of existence is described in Bhagavad-gita in BG 7.28
- In his description of Krsna's beauty, Lord Siva uses the words carvayata-catur-bahu sujata-rucirananam, indicating the beautiful four-armed form of Narayana, or Visnu. Those who worship Lord Krsna describe Him as sujata-rucirananam
- In Indian villages, still they use cow dung for smearing over the floor, and it becomes very nice, fresh and purified. That is injunction of the sastra, that cow dung is pure
- In material existence we have so many objects of sense gratification, which we need for the maintenance of the body, we should use all of them without attachment, for the purpose of satisfying the senses of Krsna; that is actual renunciation
- In modern civilization also, they say sometimes that a nation is calculated how far he is civilized by the conjunction of amount of soap. The soap-using nation means that cleansed. So cleanliness is still considered as the civilized status of man
- In order to encourage the king (Maharaja Pariksit), who had only seven remaining days of life, Srila Sukadeva Gosvami asserted that there is no use in living hundreds of years without any knowledge of the problems of life
- In Orissa most of the brahmanas have the title Dasa. Generally it is understood that the word dasa refers to those other than the brahmanas, but in Orissa the brahmanas use the Dasa title. This is confirmed by Culli Bhatta
- In other words, because of the scorching heat, the swans are leaving the lakes. This metaphor is used to describe the condition of the devotees separated from Krsna
- In our childhood, we have seen gold mohor, guinea. They were used in practical use. And silver coins, gold coins, we saw. But now it is, everything, paper. So we are so advanced that there is no more gold and silver
- In reply to Jayadvaita's questions, henceforward the policy for using diacritic markings is that I want them used everywhere, on large books, small books and also BTG
- In some of the Bhagavatam readings, the word duhitṟh is used instead of duhatih. But in either case, the meaning is the same
- In some parts of India there are still such mystical witches, who can sit on a stick and use it to fly from one place to another in a very short time. This art was known to Putana
- In that dress He used to take care of the calves near the house, and sometimes He played with cowherd boys of about the same age
- In the beginning he did not know how to use the senses. Therefore he decided, "I shall not fight. I shall not fight." That is his material calculation
- In the beginning of Caitanya-caritamrta, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami writes: "I offer my respects to my spiritual masters." He uses the plural here to indicate the disciplic succession
- In the beginning of the Caitanya-caritamrta, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami writes, "I offer my respects to my spiritual masters." He uses the plural here to indicate the disciplic succession - CC Intro
- In the beginning the mind is employed in attracting the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in the higher stages there is no question of using the mind. A devotee becomes accustomed to serving the Supreme Lord by purification of his senses
- In the darkness, if we want to perceive a certain object, we cannot use just our eyes; we have to rely on some other means to aid our perception. So, in the darkness, the object cannot be known to us in its entirety
- In the present context of material advancement one uses lipstick at a cost of fifty cents, and there are so many unwanted things which are all products of the material conception of life
- In the previous verse (SB 4.20.7) two significant words are used: asamsaktah, meaning "without attachment," and budhah, meaning "fully cognizant of everything."
- In the rainy season some of the roads are not frequently used, and they become covered with long grasses
- In this connection Narayana Rsi has used one particular word - rasa. In devotional service this rasa is the via medium or the basic principle for the exchange of dealings between the Lord and the living entity
- In this material world, everyone is generally using his senses for sense gratification. That is maya, illusion, and that is the cause of one's bondage
- In this place the son of Maharaj Nanda used to live with His father, who was king of all cowherd men
- In this state of mind one tries to hide his mind by looking away in different directions, by unnecessarily trying for something which is impossible, or by using words which cover one's real thoughts
- In this verse (BG 10.8) the word budha is used, which indicates a wise man or one who is learned. What is his symptom? He knows that Krsna is the fountainhead of everything, of all emanations
- Instead of using his higher intelligence to cultivate God consciousness, so-called intelligent men misuse their intelligence to produce many unnecessary and unwanted things
- Instead of utilizing this life to get liberation, if one uses it simply for the purpose of maintaining his so-called family and performs foolish and unauthorized action, he is compared to a man who has lost his wealth and who, upon losing it, laments
- Instead of working uselessly, if we use our legs for going to the temple then it is spiritualized work. And instead of going to the cinema, if we go and see Deity then it is spiritual eyes
- It (our religion) is not self-denying. We are using everything, why self-denying? We simply use whatever absolutely necessary, that’s all
- It appears that mother Yasoda and Rohini could not be separated from Krsna and Balarama even for a moment. They used to pass their time either by taking care of Them or by chanting about Their pastimes. Thus mother Yasoda and Rohini looked very beautiful
- It has already been admitted that all the King's property belonged to the brahmanas and that Prthu Maharaja was simply using it for the welfare of the state. If it were actually the property of the brahmanas, how could it be offered again to them
- It has become a fashion to keep a guru as if he were a dog or a cat. This is of no use. We must inquire about that portion of God's creation which is beyond this darkness
- It is all right to use our father's property, but at the present moment we are not acting as our Father's sons; we are maya's sons
- It is alright that you have purchased machinery and are using on the farm but if you can do without as much as possible that is better
- It is better to use one's time for advancement in the spiritual life of Krsna consciousness. One should not waste his valuable life as a human being. It is better to utilize this life for developing KC, without ambitions for so-called happiness
- It is not advisable to repair and use the rejected Jagannatha deities of Boston. Better to make a new set and install them
- It is not easy to understand Bhagavan, or God. God is not the exact word of Bhagavan; therefore we use the word "Godhead." - Back to Godhead
- It is not possible to understand the truth about the pastimes of the Lord simply by using our own logic, argument and academic education
- It is not that senses should be stopped. No. It should be controlled. "When I require, I shall use it; otherwise not." That is master of senses. "I shall not act impelled by the senses. Senses should act under my direction"
- It is not that we should use any words we choose. There are many prayers in the Vedic scriptures and also in the Bible and Koran
- It is said that a great devotee brahmana would sometimes address the Supreme Personality of Godhead as master, and sometimes he would joke with the Lord, using different kinds of familiar words
- It may be temporary, but the earthen pot is taken into use for bringing water, and we continue to see it as an earthen pot. Therefore, although the earthen pot is temporary and different from the original earth, we cannot say that it is false
- It simply expands its jurisdiction of pious and impious activities by using the senses. The result is that the living entity remains in the material world to enjoy and suffer pleasures and pains due to material activity
- Just as we wish to use our senses for sense gratification, the senses also require strength from the body in reciprocation
- Just like a thief, he has got good brain. A rogue, he has got good brain, but he's applying for mischievous activities, for making people unhappy. That is not the right use
- Just like in a house, rented house, you are living. If the proprietor of the house, landlord, eject you, you cannot live there. You cannot use it. Similarly, we can use this body as long as the real proprietor of the body, Hrsikesa, allows me to stay here
- Just like in hospital there are blankets. It is written there, "Hospital Property." So long you are in the hospital, you can use it. But you cannot take it outside. Then you are criminal
- Just like in our country the camaras, they take away and take the skin for preparing shoes and eat the flesh and use the bone. So we request those who are flesh eaters, that "Wait up to the natural death. Why you are killing?"
- Kapiladeva uses the word mam to emphasize that the Personality of Godhead is the ultimate feature of the Absolute Truth
- Karmi is working so hard, day and night; he is expecting that "I shall get some money out of it and I shall enjoy." And sannyasi, he is working in the same way, day and night, but he is not expecting the profit for his personal use. For Krsna
- Kasi Misra then told Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Everything belongs to You. What is the use of Your begging? By Your own will You can take whatever You like"
- Krishna has His own plan for using your country-men for this movement. So, accept Krishna's mercy and do the needful. It is not just my desire, it is the desire of Lord Caitanya, then my Guru Maharaja, then it is my desire
- Krsna continued, "Just as one extracts and uses fire after manipulating ordinary wood, after dealing with these demoniac princes I shall bring forth Rukmini, like fire, from their midst"
- Krsna continues, "That very hole is still there, and you can use it to set the pearl you desired to give Me"
- Krsna is so merciful that if we want to use our senses in a certain way, He will give us the chance to do so. The senses are not ours; they are Krsna's, but Krsna gives us the opportunity to use them according to our desires
- Krsna is sometimes called vanamali. Vana means forest and mali means gardener, so vanamali refers to one who extensively uses flowers and garlands on different parts of His body
- Krsna is very kind. He has given us little independence; thus people interpret fully independent. But according to our proportionate existence we have to use that independence
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami wants to point out that nothing could compare to the Lord’s mercy toward Maharaja Prataparudra; therefore he uses the word dekha (just see) and caitanyera krpa-mahabala - how powerful is the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Krti. Krti means meritorious. But duskrti: badly meritorious. They are using their brain for something atrocious, simply planning how to do harm to others. That is called duskrtina
- Kurus said, "They (the Yadus) should not have used such royal paraphernalia in our presence, but we did not check them due to our family relationships. Now they have the audacity to order us to do things. Well, enough of their impudence"
- Life is meant for the right cause, or sat - that which exists for all time. In the material world, nothing is sat, or eternal, but the bad bargain of the material world can be used for the best purpose
- Living entities, beginning from Brahma, the highest demigod, down to the lowest ant, have right to use natural resources. Narada Muni points out that we can use these resources as much as we require, but if we take more than required, we become thieves
- Logic we use to convince someone who doesn't accept the authority; the basic principle is authority
- Lord Brahma then turned towards Maharaja Prthu and informed him that since he was thoroughly aware of the path of liberation, what was the use in performing more sacrifices?
- Lord Buddha is the incarnation of Krsna who appeared when materialism was rampant and materialists were using the pretext of the authority of the Vedas
- Lord Visnu and Laksmi are always situated in everyone's heart, but this does not mean that everyone is Narayana, especially not those in poverty. This is a most abominable term to use in connection with Narayana
- Love of Krsna's service can only be attained by working for Krsna. In such work, we should leave no resource unused. Whatever is there, whatever we have, should be used for Krsna. We can use everything: typewriters, automobiles, airplanes, missiles
- Making a show of devotional paraphernalia, they (materialistic persons) may also collect money from the public and use it to cure the disease of some family member or near relative
- Materialistic scientists and philosophers generally use such words as maybe and perhaps because they do not have actual knowledge of complete facts. Therefore their instructing others is an example of cheating
- Milk is necessary for the performance of yajna. Sages know how to use milk to elevate human society to the perfection of life
- Mistaking the rope for a snake does not mean that the rope or the snake is false, and therefore this example, used by the Mayavadis to illustrate the falsity of the material world, is not valid
- Modern science can communicate using material discoveries such as radio, television and computers, but the science invoked by the austerities of Sri Brahma, the original father of mankind, was still more subtle
- Mostly, people are bhogis; that is, they are trying to use everything to enjoy sense gratification. But still there are those who are baffled in sense gratification and who therefore say, - No, no, we don't need these things
- Mundane scientists and philosophers use the words "perhaps" and "maybe" because they cannot arrive at a proper conclusion. They are simply speculating, and mental speculation cannot be perfect
- My idea in forming the GBC is that I may be spared from the management and use my time for translating books
- My proposal is that you engage yourself in editorial work. Or if you like, you can learn elementary Sanskrit, and when I come there we shall see how it can be put to use
- Nanda Maharaja was a big protector of cows, and Lord Sri Krsna, as the most beloved son of Nanda Maharaja, used to tend His father's animals in the neighboring forest. By His personal example Lord Krsna wanted to teach us the value of protecting cows
- Narada Muni took advantage of their (the Haryasvas) good behavior and culture to properly direct them not to be involved with this material world, but to use their culture and knowledge to end their material affairs
- Narada Muni uses the word japah, which indicates that the mantra to be chanted is very confidential. One may ask, "If it is confidential, why is it mentioned in the writing of Srimad-Bhagavatam?"
- Narada tells there of his previous life and how he developed to the stage of ecstatic love. He was engaged in the service of great devotees and used to hear their talks and songs
- Nature has given the fertile brain, but they are misusing it, duskrtina, only for sense gratification. The brain was given to understand God, but the rascal is using for illicit sex, meat-eating, drinking, and gambling
- Nescience, or maya, may be called 'bandhu' because she entangles everyone in the material world. Therefore by using the word 'bandhu-han,' mother Sarasvati says that Lord Krsna is the vanquisher of maya
- Never use this china clay. Never. No respectable gentleman will use china clay. Still. So if a poor family is in need of money, immediately he can take one Benarsee sari, or some metal utensils to the pawn maker. He'll immediately offer some money
- Nima is used for many purposes, especially to brush the teeth. In Indian villages ninety percent of the people use nima twigs for this purpose
- Nima wood is so antiseptic that the Ayurvedic science uses it to cure leprosy. Medical scientists have extracted the active principle of the nima tree, which is called margosic acid. Nima is used for many purposes, especially to brush the teeth
- Not a single paisa for personal use. Everything is utilized for propagating God consciousness. So in this way everything can be utilized. After all, it is God's property
- Now the scientists have given them contraceptive. "Don't marry, and use contraceptive." This is scientific advancement. And the contraceptive-user of girls, they're never beautiful
- Now using good sense, they said (Kurus), "O Lord Balarama, reservoir of all pleasures, You are the maintainer and support of the entire cosmic situation. Unfortunately we were all unaware of Your inconceivable potencies"
- Of course we may take money for Krsna using any method of beg, borrow and steal, but more advanced understanding of Krsna consciousness process is that by telling the truth in a very palatable way, that is the most successful system
- Of what use are persons who are puffed up with material opulence and prestige if they are bereft of the association of saintly persons and devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- Oh, I have studied high technical education. - But if you do not get a service for using your education, then you are a street dog. Is it not
- Oh, just see the activities of this servant-maid Sarmistha! Disregarding all etiquette, she has put on my dress, just like a dog snatching clarified butter meant for use in a sacrifice
- Ojah means power of sense. A man who can use his senses very nicely, he is called ojah
- Once he (Indra) raped the wife of Gautama Muni by using his disappearing art, and similarly by becoming invisible he stole the horse of Maharaja Prthu
- One can perceive one's self-identification and feel positively that he exists. He may not feel it very abruptly, but by using a little intelligence, he can feel that he is not the body
- One devotee exclaimed, "Oh, I cannot see the district of Mathura! Even though by simply hearing the name of Mathura the hairs of my body are standing up, I cannot see the place. So of what use are my eyes?"
- One has to become a gosvami and control his senses. One should not simply use his senses for sense gratification; rather, the senses should be employed just as much as required for maintaining body and soul together
- One has to learn to use a typewriter by following the R.P. of the typing book. One has to place his fingers on the keys in such a way & practice, but when one becomes adept, he can type swiftly and correctly without even looking at the keys
- One has to learn to use a typewriter by following the regulative principles of the typing book. One has to place his fingers on the keys in such a way & practice, but when one become adept, he can type swiftly & correctly without even looking at the keys
- One has to use his intelligence to understand what is real happiness. Foolish man cannot understand what is real happiness
- One is mistaken if he thinks that by applying modern machines such as tractors, grains can be produced. If one goes to a desert and uses a tractor, there is still no possibility of producing grains
- One living entity is the food for another living entity. So when a person eats another living entity, it is not unnatural. This is nature's law. But when you come to the human form of living entity, you must use your discrimination
- One may speak very nicely with ornamental language or one may be expert at controlled grammatical presentation, but if one's words are not engaged in the service of the Lord, they have no flavor and no actual use
- One must forget these designations (Indian, American, Hindu, Muslim, Christian and so on) and use this consciousness only for the service of Krsna. Therefore if one takes advantage of the Krsna consciousness movement, his life is certainly successful
- One should be intelligent enough to know how to utilize material assets for the purpose of spiritual realization. That is called karma-yoga or jnana-yoga. Whatever we have we should use as service to the Supreme Person
- One should endeavor to go back home, back to Godhead. Otherwise there is no difference between human life and the lives of jungle animals and birds. Animals and birds also have freedom, but because of their lower birth, they cannot use it
- One should not cover himself with a blanket. (17) One should not talk enviously of others before the Deity. (18) One should not praise others before the Deity. (19) One should not use slang before the Deity
- One should not use the body for any other purpose (than advancing in devotional service). One must know that if he uses the body for any other purpose he is simply wasting time, for as soon as the time is ripe, the soul will automatically leave the body
- One should use one's reason to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for that is the perfection of human life
- One should worship the brahmanas & Vaisnavas by offering them all kinds of endowments & sweet words, & if one has no means to offer anything, he must at least use sweet words to pacify them. The Lord personally exhibited this behavior towards the Kumaras
- One who has developed his faith in Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Spirit Soul, can both describe and hear the rasa-lila. Sukadeva also uses the word anusrnuyat. One must hear from the disciplic succession
- One who is interested in being happy on this planet as well as after death generally wants to be elevated to the Pitrlokas. Such a person can use the right ear for hearing Vedic instructions
- One who is sufficiently intelligent should use the human form of body from the very beginning of life - in other words, from the tender age of childhood - to practice the activities of devotional service, giving up all other engagements
- One who uses sex life not for sensual pleasures but only to beget children according to the reformatory method is also accepted as a brahmacari
- Only by approaching the Lord's abode, the Vaikunthaloka, does one not take birth again in this material world. The grhamedhis, or materialistic persons, however, do not like to use this advantage
- Only by Krsna's mercy can one who is interested in His transcendental loving affairs understand them. If one tries to understand these transcendental topics simply by using one's material brain substance, the attempt will be futile
- Only Svarupa Damodara Gosvami knew the purpose for which the Lord recited that verse. According to the Lord’s attitude, he used to quote other verses to enable the Lord to relish mellows
- Originally I allowed that Gargamuni could start the incense business. I thought that the Ramakrishna Mission, they are doing and the incense we are using, so if we make some and sell it, then what is the harm
- Other devotees of the Lord - headed by Advaita, Nityananda Prabhu, Mukunda, Srivasa, Vidyanidhi, Vasudeva and Murari - used to visit Jagannatha Puri and remain with the Lord for four continuous months. The Lord enjoyed various pastimes in their company
- Otherwise, he may adopt many artificial means to satisfy the demands of the genitals, and he may not use any restraint
- Our business is very thankless task. We say any man who is not a devotee, he is rascal. We say generally. It is very harsh word, but we have to use it. As soon as we see that he is not a devotee of Krsna, then he's a rascal
- Our good standing will be diminished if we join with groups who permit the use of intoxicants, etc. We should not compromise on this point, if we wish to remain pure and strong
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is: we don’t stop activities. Don't think that we are creating some lazy fellow. No. We have got our activities. Just like our activities, this propagation of Krsna consciousness, so we are using everything
- Out of all these confidential friends, Sridama is considered to be the chief. Sridama used to put on a yellow-colored dress
- Pariksit Maharaja said that although one may cleanse himself in the process of atonement, if he again commits the same sinful acts, what is the use
- Parvati, who is the powerful material nature personified, is under his (Lord Siva) full control as his wife, yet he does not use her even to build a residential house
- People are after these books, they are hankering for them. We don't need to take cheating method. I never had to use any cheating method when I first began. I simply presented the real thing
- Persons who are impelled by lust and desire go to the demigods to derive some material benefit. Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura uses the very specific words nasta-buddhayah, meaning “persons who have lost their sense or intelligence
- Philosophers generally try to use their mind to speculate about the nature of the soul. But with the mind they can never understand
- Please bring to me only those sinful persons who do not use their tongues to chant the holy name and qualities of Krsna, whose hearts do not remember the lotus feet of Krsna even once, and whose heads do not bow down even once before Lord Krsna
- Prahlada Maharaj says that even in his childhood, when he was loudly speaking the glories of the Lord, he used to dance just like a shameless madman
- Radha said, "Of what use are the eyes of one who does not see Krsna's face, which resembles the moon, is the birthplace of all beauty & the reservoir of the nectarean songs of His flute? Oh, let a thunderbolt strike his head! Why does he keep such eyes"
- Regarding telephone at Seksaria House or anywhere else, don't try to use telephone unnecessarily
- Regarding the insurance money, if you are able to use it immediately, without waiting for two years, it will be a great boon. The best use of this money is for the constructing of so many living quarters in New Vrindaban
- Regarding using our Temple for marriage ceremonies for the Hindu community, if they contribute something to the Temple they can use the Temple and perform the marriage with their own priest
- Regarding your suggestion for a book especially for use in college courses, if possible you can pick it up from my other books, articles and speeches. You have the idea, so you can do it, just suitable for them
- Regardless of one's circumstances, favorable or unfavorable, one should use everything to serve the Supreme Lord. That is the perfect way to use one's intelligence
- Rukmi continued, "You (Krsna) are carrying away my sister (Rukmini) just like a crow stealing clarified butter meant for use in a sacrifice. You are proud of Your military strength, but You cannot fight according to regulative principles"
- Rupa Goswami took sannyasa and gave 50% in charity, 25% for family use, and he kept 25% for emergency
- Sanjivani means giving life. Even a dead man can get life by drinking that medicine. It is a strong tonic. It is still used in Ayurvedic medicine, and some of the biggest manufacturer of Ayurvedic medicine, they prepare, and it has a good sale
- Sat-sanga means you have to take the knowledge and use it for practical purpose. That is sat-sanga. So our this Krsna consciousness movement is trying to give the sat-sanga, opening centers all over the world
- Science and philosophy also should be applied in the service of the Lord. There is no use presenting dry speculative theories for sense gratification
- Scientists cannot purify the sea water and use it profusely. Why they are depending on rain? Let them purify it and take so much water
- She (Rukmini) dropped her hand bangles and the fan she was using to fan the Lord. Her hair became disarrayed, and she fainted and fell suddenly, appearing like a banana tree knocked down by high winds
- Silken bead bag. I thank you very much for it. I am now using it for my chanting beads, so it is a welcome gift
- Similarly, the dictaphone or any other machine must be used. Our vision is that Krsna is everything. Krsna is the cause and effect, and nothing belongs to us. Krsna's things must be used in the service of Krsna. That is our vision
- Simply money is not the end; there must be culture. Take that culture, Vedic culture, and use it by American money, then the whole world will be paradise, Vaikuntha
- Since Mayavadi sannyasis declares that Narayana and an ordinary human being are on the same level, they sometimes use the term daridra-narayana (poor Narayana), which was invented by a so-called svami who did not know anything about Vedanta philosophy
- Since our money and possessions do not last but will somehow or other be taken away, as long as they are in our possession it is better to use them for charity to a noble cause
- So he (the brahmana) was not at all sorry for his poor material position, and he used to live very peacefully. He was very openhearted, and sometimes he went to hear some lectures delivered by great realized souls
- So many living entities. So we are very small particle, and we have come here in this material world. Just like the Europeans especially, they go to other countries for colonizing to use the material resources for their sense gratification
- Some foolish person says that, "If you are advanced in spiritual consciousness, why you are using material?" But the foolish person do not know that I or you there is nothing material. Material means when you forget the center, then it is material
- Sometimes it is misunderstood that by using the word raghunatha he (Krsnadasa Kaviraja) wanted to offer his respectful obeisances to Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, for it is sometimes stated that Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami was his initiating spiritual master
- Sometimes the conditioned soul is very aggrieved by the chastisement of his enemies and government servants, who use harsh words against him directly or indirectly. At that time his heart and ears become very saddened
- Sometimes, being fully absorbed in thought on the pastimes of the Lord, he used to imitate such pastimes
- Srila Ramananda Raya used to act in that way because he thought of himself in his original position as a maidservant of the gopis
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has discussed the significance of the words nandas tu. The word tu, he says, is not used to fulfill the sentence, because without tu the sentence is complete
- Stringed instruments are Vedic, but the real Vedic instrument is mrdanga and karatala. Anyway, you have to do according to the time and circumstances if you use these other instruments. So you have got my approval and you can go on
- Such mercy (Krsna's) is further described as cin-matram, completely spiritual. The use of the word matram indicates absolute spirituality, with no tinge of material qualities
- Sudama thought, "If it is the same place where I used to live, then how has it so wonderfully changed?"
- Sukadeva Gosvami has used the word sraddhanvita for one who is trained in spiritual life. Sraddha, or faith, is the beginning
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "Maharaj Ambarisa was able to offer very nice prasadam to Krsna because he was a king and had no scarcity of finance. He used to offer Krsna the most royal dishes and would then taste the remnants as Krsna-prasadam"
- Sukadeva Gosvami uses two specific words, bhaktim and param. Bhaktim param means execution of devotional service above the neophyte stage. Those who are simply attracted to temple worship but do not know the philosophy of bhakti are in the neophyte stage
- Suppose a man does not use sex. It does not mean he has become impotent. If he likes, he can have sex life a thousand times. But he has voluntarily avoided it. Param drstva nivartate: (BG 2.59) he has a higher taste
- Suppose one is using the two words halam riktam. Now the syllable ha in the word halam and the syllable ri in riktam are separately pronounced, but nevertheless the holy name will act because one somehow or other utters the word hari
- Sutra means codes. Just like they have got code book. One word, it is meaning so many other things. Businessmen, they have got codes. When they send cable to their customer or to their principle, they use some codes
- Thank you very much for the offer of the use of your place in Allahabad during the Kumbha. Yes, most probably we are going. I shall let you know later on
- That intelligence (why to accept repetition of birth, death, old age disease and so many miserable conditions) can be developed in human form of life, and if we do not do, then the same example: just you use the sandalwood for burning purpose
- That is very good news that they are going to use our Bhagavad-gita as it is in the high schools
- That which is created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be false, but using it for enjoyment is. Everything is meant to be enjoyed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- The (Bhetnama) room is his for his lifetime only, it is not that anyone coming after him or his sons or family after his demise can use the room
- The 108 Upanisads contain all knowledge about the Absolute Truth. Sometimes people ask why Vaisnavas use 108 prayer beads for chanting the holy names. We think it is because there are 108 Upanisads containing full knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- The advanced devotee who has actually realized the transcendental features of the Lord will not commit the mistake of creating a rasabhasa situation by using one name for another
- The American government is spending millions of dollars to stop the use of LSD and other such intoxicants, but the government has failed. How is it that simply by passing laws or giving lectures one can make people give up these things? It is not possible
- The author of CC, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, uses the words prema-vivarta to refer to one who reads the book or hears about Jagadananda Pandita’s loving dealings with Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In either case, such a person very soon achieves love of Krsna
- The bearer of this letter, Krishnagraja das, is going to Delhi on a mission to see the Home Member. So, give him all help in this connection. If you have got the Hare Krishna film, please make it available for his use
- The best examples of this subordination are Sarana, Gada and Subhadra. They were all members of the Yadu dynasty, and they used to always think themselves protected by Krsna
- The best use of the tongue and of sound vibration is to chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. That will protect one from the hands of cruel death
- The Bhattatharis used to increase their numbers by using women to allure outsiders
- The brahmacaris and I use very simple clothes here. I am sending you a photograph to show how I live here. I am making the Americans wear brahmacari robes, and shave up. If a brahmacari from India dresses like an American he will not be appreciated
- The brahmana said, "The present King, Ugrasena, is envious of the brahmanas!" The exact word used in this connection is brahma-dvisah. One who is envious of the Vedas, of a qualified brahmana or of the brahmana caste is called brahma-dvis
- The brothers had one young sister, Rukmini. She was beautiful and chaste and was meant to be married to Lord Krsna. Many saintly persons and sages like Narada Muni used to visit the palace of King Bhismaka
- The child does not know that the money actually belongs to the father, nor does he know that he had best hand it to his father, for he simply does not know how to use it
- The children in a family all have the right to accept privileges from the father. Similarly, if everyone is part and parcel of God, if everyone is a child of God, then everyone has the right to use the property of the father
- The city of Dvaraka thus fully displayed all opulences. The heroes in the dynasty of Yadu used to think themselves the most fortunate residents of the city, and actually they enjoyed all transcendental facilities
- The club of the Lord is very dear to Him because He uses this instrument to smash the bodies of the demons and mix their blood
- The conditioned souls use the duration of life between birth and death only to engage in the same hackneyed activities - eating, sleeping, mating and defending. In the lower animal species, we find the same activities
- The confidential treatment of the weapon brahmasira was explained to Arjuna, and Dronacarya was promised by Arjuna that he would use the weapon if necessary when he (Dronacarya) personally became an enemy of Arjuna
- The degraded form of family restriction by use of contraceptives, etc., is the grossest type of material contamination. Materialists who use these devices want to fully utilize the pleasure potency of the coating on the genitals by artificial means
- The demon (Vrkasura), however, being very sinful, immediately decided that he would use the benediction to kill Lord Siva and take away Gauri (Parvati) for his personal enjoyment
- The demons are considered highly elevated in knowledge, but because they do not use their good intelligence for the service of the Lord, they are called demons. The demigods, however, act very intelligently to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The denizens of heaven use this gold for various kinds of ornaments. Therefore all the inhabitants of the heavenly planets and their youthful wives are fully decorated with golden helmets, bangles and belts, and thus they enjoy life
- The digging of reservoirs of water for public use is a great work of charity, and retiring from family life after fifty years of age is a great act of penance performed by the sober human being
- The disciple follows strictly and in this way learns how to control his senses. Then, by using his pure intelligence, he gradually becomes a lover of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as confirmed by Srila Rupa Gosvami - adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah
- The exact words he (Narottama Das Thakura) uses are: "I have given up the pure status of consciousness because I wanted to enjoy in the temporary, material manifestation; therefore I have been entangled in the network of actions and reactions
- The exact words used in this connection are vardhayan kama-devam. In Vrndavana, as the boyfriend of many gopis, and in Dvaraka, as the husband of many queens, Krsna increased their lusty desires to enjoy with Him
- The goldsmith uses a small hammer and taps the gold many times, but the blacksmith uses a large hammer and with one stroke his job is finished. This is the blacksmith's method: we take the big hammer of bhakti-yoga and finish all material life
- The great sages, thus manifesting their covert anger, immediately decided to kill the King. Vena was already as good as dead due to his blasphemy against the SPG. Thus without using any weapons, the sages killed King Vena simply by high-sounding words
- The host here Srimad Mahanta Deenabandhudas is offering his house and press in Vrndavana for our use. He is prepared to give both these things to us as a charitable gift
- The Hrsikesa name is there in the Bhagavad-gita. Hrsikesa means hrsikanam adhisvaram. So practically, the senses which you are using, the real proprietor is Aniruddha, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The human form of body is valuable. One can use this body to go to the higher planetary systems, to Pitrloka, or he can remain in this lower planetary system, but if one tries he can also return home, back to Godhead
- The idea is that the ax-handle is made of wood, and so without the assistance of the wooden tree, the hatchet is useless. Similarly, we can use our materialistic knowledge to defeat the atheistic philosophy of the scientists
- The idea is that those who will later on accept service, they cannot be accepted by us for schooling, we cannot help them. They must be the sons of rich and important men who will not be taking education simply to use it for eating and sleeping
- The incident in which the great witch attempted to kill the child but was killed herself is certainly wonderful. Therefore this verse (SB 10.6.44) uses the word adbhutam, meaning - specifically wonderful
- The inhabitants of Krauncadvipa are divided into four castes, called the Purusas, Rsabhas, Dravinas and Devakas. Using the waters of those sanctified rivers, they worship the SPG by offering a palmful of water at the lotus feet of Varuna
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana used to say, "Krsna is always manifest before us with a complexion like a blackish cloud"
- The inventor used his brain to make this complicated machine, and his brain, as well as the ingredients, were supplied by Krsna
- The Jain sannyasis, they never use cars. Now they have begun. Because I am traveling all over the world, now the Jains, they are also. But our philosophy is different. We are preaching Krsna consciousness
- The karmis and jnanis are generally devotees of Lord Siva, but they do not properly understand his real purpose in life. Sometimes so-called devotees of Lord Siva imitate him in using poisonous intoxicants
- The karmis think that the resources of the world, that is given by nature for our enjoyment. This is the modern theory of economic development. Everyone is thinking like that, that by nature we have got the gold mine, so we shall take it & use it & enjoy
- The King of heaven, Indra, could steal anything without being visible to the proprietor, and he could kidnap anyone's wife without being detected. Once he raped the wife of Gautama Muni by using his disappearing art
- The king, or the living entity, uses these two gates to see things properly, but he cannot see unless accompanied by a friend whose name is Dyuman. This friend is the sun
- The king, or the ruler of the body, who is the living entity, uses all these doors (two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, one mouth, the rectum and the genitals) to enjoy different types of material pleasures
- The knowledge coming from the supreme source, that is called avaroha-pantha, and the knowledge which is being sought after by using our imperfect senses, that is called aroha-pantha
- The ksatriya can serve the Supreme Lord by using his military arts, just as Arjuna served Krsna. Arjuna was a warrior; he had no time to study Vedanta or other highly intellectual books
- The ksatriya kings were mostly staunch Vaisnavas, worshiping Lord Visnu in either the Radha-Krsna or Laksmi-Narayana form; still, for their material welfare they used to worship goddess Durga
- The land is in your possession, you can cultivate as you like. Similarly, this body is land, & I am the tiller. I am the krsaka, or agriculturist. So by using the land, I can become spiritually advanced or I can become materially advanced. It is up to me
- The Lord said, "Using the car festival as an excuse, Krsna goes there with Subhadra and Baladeva"
- The Lord's different potencies remain tightly under His control. In fact, the Lord actually has only one potency - namely, the internal potency - which He employs for different purposes. The situation is similar to how one uses electricity
- The material purpose is not true, but spiritual purpose is true. Therefore anything, you use it for the ultimate truth, Absolute Truth, that is realization of truth. This is Vaisnava philosophy
- The Mayavadi philosophers interpret that the word yan-maya, or cin-maya, indicates that the living entity is always equal to the Supreme. But one has to consider whether this affix, mayat, is used for "sufficiency" or for "transformation"
- The Mayavadi philosophers say, brahma satyam jagan mithya: "The Supreme Truth is real, whereas the world is false" - but Vaisnavas do not use the word mithya (false), because God, the Supreme Brahman, is truth, and nothing false can emanate from the truth
- The Mayavadi sannyasis also study the Vedanta-sutras, but use their own commentary, called Sariraka-bhasya, written by Sankaracarya. BG 1972 purports
- The Mayavadis are also fond of using the example of the water pot, maintaining that when a pot is not filled with water it makes a sound, but that when it is filled it makes no sound. But are we waterpots? How can we be compared to them?
- The Mayavadis are fond of using the example of the waterpot, maintaining that when a pot is not filled with water it makes a sound, but that when it is filled it makes no sound - CC Intro
- The modern civilization is that if you can use your senses more and more, then you are civilized. Then you are enjoyer. So Vedic civilization is different. Their aim is different
- The most intelligent person uses every moment of his life to render loving service to the Lord
- The mystic power of an inferior person who tries to use it against a person of great power is unable to accomplish anything; instead, the power of that inferior person is diminished - SB 10.13.54
- The new program of preaching on Sankirtana using one basic verse from BG is an excellent idea. We should always be eager to find out such nice ways to spread this Movement. This will automatically bring joy to the devotees as well as to the nondevotees
- The offenses in Deity worship are: (q) to show someone favor before the Deity, (r) to use harsh words before the Deity, (s) to wear a woolen blanket before the Deity, (t) to blaspheme someone before the Deity, (u) to worship someone else before the Deity
- The offenses in Deity worship are: (v) to use vulgar language before the Deity, (w) to pass air before the Deity, (x) to avoid very opulent worship of the Deity, even though one is able to perform it, (y) to eat something not offered to the Deity
- The parts of the body, such as the senses, are the creation of the mahat-tattva, and when they are assembled by the will of the Lord, the material body comes into existence, and the living entity is allowed to use it for further activities
- The population has a right to use goods only after offering them to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the process of accepting prasada. Unless one eats prasada, he is certainly a thief
- The process is that give up the idea of sense enjoyment. That is required. That is real renunciation. "I shall not use it for my sense gratification. I shall utilize it for Krsna's service." That is Krsna consciousness
- The proprietor is Paramatma. I am given the chance to use it, so my senses, so-called my senses, that is not my senses. I have not created my hand. The hand is created by God, or by Krsna, through the agency of this material nature
- The purified sense means instead of using the senses for this so-called material happiness, one has to utilize the senses for happiness of Krsna. That is purified sense
- The real proprietor is Krsna. You are not proprietor. You have been given the facility to use it for . . . use it not for your sense gratification, but for the satisfaction of the Lord. Then your life is perfect
- The residents of Siddhaloka, being naturally endowed with the powers of yogis, can go from one planet to another by their natural mystic powers without using airplanes or similar machines
- The rest of the clothes were offered to the cowherd boys, who also used them as they desired. What they did not use remained there. Krsna, Balarama and the boys then proceeded along the main road
- The result of advancement in spiritual knowledge is not material improvement, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised Gopinatha Pattanayaka how to use material opulence without incurring reactions to sinful life
- The right ear is used for karma-kandiya, or fruitive activities. As long as one is attached to the enjoyment of material resources, he hears from the right ear and uses the five senses to elevate himself to the higher planetary systems like Pitrloka
- The sadhu or teacher shows no mercy in using sharp words to sever the student's mind from material attractions. By speaking the truth uncompromisingly, he is able to sever the bondage
- The saintly brahmana said: To cover my body I use whatever is available, whether it be linen, silk, cotton, bark or deerskin, according to my destiny, and I am fully satisfied and unagitated
- The same mantra, when chanted loudly for being heard by all others, is called kirtana. The maha-mantra can be used for japa and kirtana also
- The sample that you sent me of the new design for the BBT logo is approved by me. For the sake of consistency, you can also use it on the cover jacket
- The Sanskrit word kama is used to indicate lust, desire or sense satisfaction. Sri Krsna instructs that we should not work for the satisfaction of kama or our own lust. The whole teaching of Bhagavad-gita is based on this principle
- The significant word used in this connection is yan-maya, or cin-maya. In Sanskrit grammar, the word mayat is used in the sense of "transformation," and also in the sense of "sufficiency"
- The situation is similar to how one uses electricity. The same electricity can be used for both heating and cooling. Such contradictory results are due to the expert handling of a technician
- The skin of deer is specially used in yoga-asana because it has got some medical effect that snakes do not come. If you sit down on that particular skin, the snakes and reptiles will not come there. That is the purpose. You'll not be disturbed
- The so-called religionists were falsely using the Vedas to justify such violent acts as meat-eating, and Lord Buddha came to lead the fallen people away from such a false interpretation of the Vedas
- The son of Satyabhama's nurse, used to live with Krsna as His brother-in-law, and sometimes as brother-in-law he used to play jokes with Krsna
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has manufactured water, earth, air, fire and the sky, and one can use these and take a salary (tena tyaktena bhunjithah). However, one cannot claim proprietorship. This is perfect communism
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is never inclined toward a dangerous person who uses his mystic power for some personal design. By the laws of nature, such misuse of power is ultimately dangerous not for society but for the person who misuses it
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, using His disc, which was sharp like a razor, at once cut off Rahu's head. When Rahu's head was severed from his body, the body, being untouched by the nectar, could not survive
- The temperature in the moon planet is 200 degrees below zero. It is very cold. So therefore they use a certain kind of vegetable juice, which is called soma-rasa. Beverage. Just like you drink in your country beers and liquors
- The tongue is sevonmukha-jihva - it is controlled by service. One whose tongue is engaged in tasting material things and also talking about them cannot use the tongue for absolute realization
- The unmarried girls used to pray with great devotion to goddess Katyayani, addressing her as follows
- The use of the word 'ca' in different places produces different meanings. Over and above them, there is another meaning that is very important
- The use of the word manisaya is very appropriate, for it indicates that since both Narada Muni and Lord Brahma are authorized to give instruction, Priyavrata should neglect neither of them but should use his intelligence to follow the advice of both
- The Vaisnava philosophers use a very appropriate example, comparing this material world to an earthen pot. When we see an earthen pot, it does not at once disappear and turn into something else
- The washerman continued, "They (government men) will arrest You and punish You (Krsna & Balarama), and You will be in difficulty. I have practical experience of this fact. Anyone who unlawfully wants to use the King's property is very severely punished"
- The water used to wash the lotus feet of Krsna and Balarama can purify even the greatest demigods, such as Lord Brahma
- The wealth of the world actually belongs to Krsna, and every living entity, man and animal, has the birthright to use God's property for his maintenance
- The wealth of the world should be used for the welfare of all living entities, for that is the plan of Mother Nature. Everyone has the right to live by utilizing the wealth of the Lord
- The word 'vacala' is used to refer to a person who can speak according to Vedic authority, and the word 'balisa' means 'innocent.' Krsna spoke the Vedic knowledge, yet He always presents Himself as a prideless, innocent boy
- The word jnana-ghanaya is especially used here (in SB 8.3.12) to refer to those whose knowledge has become solidified by dint of their searching for the Lord through speculative philosophical understanding
- The word jugglery they (the Mayavadis) use in an attempt to amalgamate knowledge, the knowable and the knower simply reveals them to be unintelligent
- The word mahatmanah is used here to indicate Maha-visnu, and His real manifestation is Lord Krsna, who is called parama, as confirmed in the Brahma-samhita
- The word urdhva-retasah is very significant. Urdhva-retah refers to one who can control sex life and who instead of wasting semen by discharging it, can use this most important substance accumulated in the body to enrich the brain
- The words explicitly used here (in SB 3.25.43) are yuktena bhakti-yogena
- The words grhamedhisu karmasu mean "in household duties." Another word is also used: sarvatmananurupam. The purport is that a wife should not only be equal to her husband in age, character and qualities, but must be helpful to him in his household duties
- Then, as the Supersoul, He enters each body and influences the qualities of creation, maintenance and annihilation, using sattva-guna for maintenance, rajo-guna for creation and tamo-guna for annihilation
- There are nine different processes for worshiping the Lord, and one may accept one or all of them. We should use very selected words and surrender unto Krsna, but we should not say things which do not please Him
- There are two kinds of men in this world. One is karmi, and one is jnani. Karmis are trying to use up all the money of the world and utilize it for sense gratification. They are karmis, sarva-kamo
- There is a blazing fire of maya, and we have to inform the people, even if we must use broken language. That is no fault. But by Krishna's Grace this problem will soon be solved
- There is a class of devotees called Gauranga-nagari, who stage plays of Krsna's pastimes using a vigraha, or form, of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is a mistake that is technically called rasabhasa
- There is an herb found in the jungles which expert persons know how to use to revive the consciousness of one who is bitten by a snake. Simply by smelling that herb one becomes immediately relieved of the poisonous effects of the snakebite
- There is distinction even in wood. There are so many jungle wood, we can use it for cooking. But the sandalwood is so valuable
- There is no misuse by God or His devotee. There is no question of . . . that the devotee or God should not be angry; but they know how to use it. That is the difference. As God knows where to use anger, similarly, devotee should know where to use anger
- There is no objection to using electricity. But we should not be dependent upon it
- There is no prohibition against meeting the proper needs of the senses, but unnecessary sense enjoyment is detrimental for spiritual advancement. Therefore the senses should be restrained from unnecessary use. BG 1972 purports
- There is no use in again describing here the activities of the Lord. It would simply be repetitious and would increase the size of this book
- There is no use interpreting Bhagavad-gita; it is eternal
- There is no use trying to counteract them (happiness or distress). The best thing is that one should endeavor to achieve salvation, and this prerogative is given only to man because of his developed condition of mental activities and intelligence
- There is nothing material. Everything is spiritual, but we do not know how to use it. Therefore it is material. When you forget Krsna, when you forget the proprietorship of Kṛsna upon everything, that is material
- There was devotee, Nityananda's contemporary, he used to whip. And his whipping means as soon as he whips, the man becomes a devotee
- These (in SB 10.5.4) are sastric injunctions concerning how one can purify everything according to Vedic civilization. Unless purified, anything we use will infect us with contamination
- These foolish scientific men, "You can speak, but if you use microphone, then I'll kill you." Yes. The Gopala Banh's policy. They would not say: "Not allow." But in a different way
- These roads (not frequently used) are exactly like a brahmana who is not accustomed to studying and practicing the reformatory methods of the Vedic injunctions - he becomes covered with the long grasses of maya
- These three principles (adhibhutam, adhidaivam, and adhyatmam) act as prominent features, namely as raw material, its regular supplies, and its use in different varieties of material creations for sense enjoyment by the bewildered entities
- These young boys and girls from Europe and America, they have been, they are being taught, "Use the tongue for Krsna. Chant Hare Krsna, and eat Krsna prasadam." And as practical result, although they are very young, still, they have realized God, Krsna
- They (grhamedhis) are posted in good positions, and since they know that they are using up their assets of pious activities, they again and again perform activities of sense gratification
- They (Krsna's son) were very silent and steady, and they used to restrain coughing and laughing before the Lord
- They (so-called educated men) use their lives improperly and simply waste them thinking about the material welfare of their relatives, countrymen, society and so on
- They (the members of the Yadu family) were able to use such force because they were certain of the indulgence and protection of the Supreme Lord Krsna. The Lord is provided with the best things in the universe by His pure devotees
- They broke all the pots made for use in the sacrifice, and some of them began to extinguish the sacrificial fire. Some tore down the boundary line of the sacrificial arena, and some passed urine on the arena
- They have developed a civilization on that animal propensities, means "I am this body, and the best use of my life is to gratify senses." This is animal. "I am this body." Body means the senses. "And to satisfy the senses is the highest perfection"
- They severed one another's heads, using weapons like bhusundis, cakras, clubs, rstis, pattisas, saktis, ulmukas, prasas, parasvadhas, nistrimsas, lances, parighas, mudgaras and bhindipalas
- This body means combination of senses, but above the senses there is the mind. If the mind is disturbed, the senses cannot act. If the mind is in disorder, then the man is called mad, because he cannot use his senses properly
- This godless civilization means people have lost even common sense. Even common sense. Otherwise, you may, if you use in a harsh word, that they have become fools and rascals, that's all. They have lost their common sense
- This human life was meant for understanding Visnu, God, but they did not use it. So thus, try to understand how much important is this Krsna consciousness movement, how we are trying to save the whole human society from their irresponsible life
- This is an opportunity, this human form of life, this particular type of tongue which you can use. In other type of tongues you can chew, you can taste the blood and the flesh, and so many things. But you cannot chant Hare Krsna
- This is knowledge, that everything belongs to Krsna, or God. We can use them as much as we like
- This is the golden opportunity with these nice American bodies. You have high intelligence, opulences, birth in the families of the rich nation. Use this opportunity for making life successful and go back to Krishna, back to Home
- This is very instructive verse (SB 7.9.19). The whole world is planning to give relief to the suffering humanity, but foolish people, do not know you may do your best, but if it is not sanctioned by Supreme Lord, all these measures will not be of any use
- This Krsna consciousness movement is also concerned with the soul, and therefore we have used the word "consciousness" because consciousness belongs to the soul. Consciousness is the symptom of the soul's presence
- This mantra of Sri Isopanisad uses the very appropriate word yathatathyatah, indicating that the Lord rewards the living entities just in pursuance of their desires
- This material body, although temporary, has a special use. The living entity is given a chance from the beginning of the creation to evolve different kinds of material bodies according to the reserve desires he has accumulated from time immemorial
- This material world, there is different type of use. As soon as you use it for your sense gratification, you'll be affected with material disease. And if you use it for Krsna consciousness, it will elevate you to the liberated condition
- This opportunity (of a beautiful human form of life) should be used to attain an even better life, and this can be actualized by practice of penance
- This verse (SB 3.25.38) uses the words na nanksyanti, indicating that the transcendental opulences will never be destroyed
- This verse (SB 7.1.28-29) uses the word maya-manuje. When Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears in His original spiritual potency (sambhavamy atma-mayaya (BG 4.6)), He is not forced to accept a form made by material nature
- This verse (SB 8.3.2) uses the word paresaya, which indicates that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped by exalted demigods. Paresaya means paramesvara
- This verse uses the word prasantah. A devotee is always sober. He is never disturbed by any conditions
- This whole material world is false. We don't say false. We say it is temporary, and so long it is in use, you utilize it for Krsna. That even this material world will be utilized for Krsna consciousness, this is our proposal. We don't reject anything
- Those great sages who have completely taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord can at once sanctify those who come in touch with them, whereas the waters of the Ganges can sanctify only after prolonged use
- Those who are extravagant are calm and quiet in sleep, such grave persons use the full advantage of the human form of life
- Those who are impersonalists, they cannot have varieties of enjoyment; therefore they come down again on this material platform & use their intellect for philanthropic or humanitarian work. Again they become entrapped by philosophy & knowledge and so on
- Those who collect contributions on behalf of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness should be very careful not to use even a farthing of the collection for any purpose other than the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Those who do not believe in the activities of the Lord cannot explain how things happen. Using words like "accident," they take shelter of ideas that are unbelievable
- Through logic and sophistry one can never understand how the Supreme Lord created this unlimited cosmos, but the demoniac atheists will never tire of using these methods
- Thus (by using the words dvitiya-sri-laksmir iva in CC Adi 16.41) it appears as if the wife of Lord Siva had another husband
- To be without money is not very satisfactory, for in that position one cannot fulfill one's desires. In other words, by using the word om one becomes poverty-stricken
- To become dhira means not to use this, very important, very useful body, human body. To pass as cats and dogs. That is very dangerous. It is a great loss
- To cover my body I use whatever is available, whether it be linen, silk, cotton, bark or deerskin, according to my destiny, and I am fully satisfied and unagitated
- To describe the direct meaning of the Vedic literatures is glorious, but to describe them in one’s own way, using imperfect senses and imperfect knowledge, is a disastrous blunder
- To describe the Vedic literatures in one's own way, using imperfect senses and imperfect knowledge, is a disastrous blunder. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fully deprecated the attempt to describe the Vedas in this way
- To forbid such habits of the prakrta-sahajiyas, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has excluded their material intelligence by using the word visvasa - faith
- To kill the demons Krsna does not need to come. When He comes, He does so because He is requested by His devotees like Vasudeva and Devaki, as Kuntidevi indicates by using the word yacitah, meaning - being prayed for
- To use another analogy, the quantity of salt present in a drop is never comparable to the quantity of salt present in the complete ocean, but the salt present in the drop is qualitatively equal in chemical composition to all the salt present in the ocean
- Today I (Kardama Muni) am very much pleased with you (Devahuti) for your great devotion and most excellent loving service. Since the body is so dear to embodied beings, I am astonished that you have neglected your own body to use it on my behalf
- Today I am using your beadbag. It is very nice, I thank you very much for it
- Try to finish the temples in New Vrindaban as quickly as possible using whatever materials you have
- Under the shadow of a banyan tree in an uninhabited forest I (Narada Muni) began to meditate upon the Supersoul situated within, using my intelligence, as I had learned from liberated souls
- Unless one is very sincere and serious, he should not take up the order of sannyasa. One should not use this order as a means to cheat the public. It is better not to take up sannyasa in this age of Kali because provocations are very strong in this age
- Unless we remain Krsna conscious, we are liable to be punished for all these (killing ants while walking on the street, cooking, taking water, using mortar and pestle to crush spices) unknowingly committed sinful acts
- Use brown or unrefined sugar if you can find it
- Use Mr. Nair's letter that he wanted to give us the land at concession because we had no money at the time
- Using such unkind words, Sarmistha rebuked Devayani, the daughter of Sukracarya. In anger, she took away Devayani's garments and threw Devayani into a well
- Using the example of a touchstone, which by its energy turns iron to gold and yet remains the same, we can understand that although the Supreme Personality of Godhead transforms His innumerable energies, He remains unchanged
- Vedas are called sruti. Sruti means this is not experimental knowledge. This knowledge is acquired by hearing, that's all. If you have got nice receptive power through the ear, then your life can be successful. You don't require to use any other sense
- Vedic civilization is different. As Narada Muni says the learned, astute person will use this life to gain what he has missed in countless prior lives - namely, realization of self and realization of God
- Vrtrasura not only assured King Indra that the thunderbolt was invincible, but also encouraged Indra to use it against him as soon as possible
- We (the Kurus) have allowed the Yadu dynasty to use the royal insignias like the whisk, fan, conchshell, white umbrella, crown, royal throne, sitting place and bedstead, along with everything else befitting the royal order
- We are creating so many sinful reaction of life by our body, deha, and vag, by words. Suppose you are innocent, and if I call you by bad names and use my words without any restriction, "You rascal fool" and so on, so on, so that is also sinful
- We are in Krsna consciousness. That does not mean we shall not use this electricity, we shall not take an apartment or we shall not sleep. Something unnatural we have to do. Why? Everyone abides by the law. We have to abide by the law
- We are not proprietor. We have got the right to use them, the things which are given by God to us. We shall have the right to use them, but we are not proprietor. So that is real knowledge
- We are now dictating into a microphone and recording on a dictating machine, and thus we are finding how the machine can be connected to the Supreme Brahman. Since we are using this machine in the service of the Lord, it is Brahman
- We are now utilizing instruments without fulfilling the desire of Aniruddha, or the Hrsikesa. That means we are using it for sense gratification unlawfully. Therefore we are becoming implicated in sinful activities
- We are spoiling our life instead of using it to advance in Krsna consciousness
- We are trying to distribute this knowledge from authoritative books like Srimad-Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, and as far as possible, we are using our all talents in this, and we welcome you. And take advantage, participate with us
- We are using electric power, but behind this power are the powerhouse and the engineer. Rascals do not understand this
- We are using mrdanga, karatala, that is enough. We are not musicians. We are Krsna bhaktas. Therefore we do not stress so much importance on these different musical talents
- We are using so many things made of skin. But as far as possible, you avoid. There are many shoes without skin, nowadays they are available. First of all try to understand the philosophy
- We consider the creator, who has put eyelids on the eyes we use for seeing You, to be simply a fool
- We do not know that no portion belongs to us; everything belongs to Krsna. For practical purpose, even if we accept that the whole world belongs to Krsna, God, and we are sons of God, we have got right to use the property of father, so you can use
- We don't condemn. We don't say that don't manufacture this microphone. Yes. Microphone-use. But use it for declaring glories of the Lord. Then it is fully utilized. That is our process, Krsna consciousness
- We don't want monkey renouncement; we want real renouncement. We don't use anything for my personal comfort; everything for Krsna. That is called renouncement
- We have a tongue, and if we use this tongue to chant Hare Krsna, we shall immediately come directly in touch with Krsna, because the name Krsna and the person Krsna are not different
- We have to give more stress on our spiritual side than the scholastic side. But at the same time, if our books are presented in a scholarly way, that will be very nice. So you use the best part of discretion and do the needful
- We have to prepare our mind in such a way that we should always think of Krsna. Then that is meditation, real meditation. And practical. There is no use thinking of something void. That you cannot concentrate. That is not practical
- We Kurus, can't allow them (the Yadus) to do any more of these things, nor shall we allow them to use these royal insignias. Best to take all these things away; it is improper to feed a snake with milk, since merciful activities simply increase his venom
- We limited living entities have to use a particular part of the body for a particular purpose, but there is no such distinction for Krsna
- We may use a crude example to illustrate the difference between a devotee's death and an ordinary man's death
- We must be dependent on God. Therefore in your Christian Bible also you go for your bread: "God, give us our daily bread." So you are dependent. So it is better to remain dependent on God than to use your so-called little freedom
- We shall never use this artificial fertilizer on our farms. It is forbidden in the sastras. If you plant easily grown crops once in the year, then the earth will not become exhausted. Don't overuse the land
- We shall use our hand in cleansing the temple, in playing the instruments, karatala, for chanting. So, ear for hearing Krsna's pastimes, nose for smelling the flower offered to Krsna
- We should always appreciate this opportunity. By the grace of the Lord we are opening many branches, and we should use this good fortune to chant the holy name of the Lord and serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly
- We should always be very careful to avoid utilizing any of the facilities available for our own sense gratification, but we should use everything for the satisfaction of Krsna only
- We should use all our intellect as well as possible, and at the same time we should remember Krishna always
- We should use this great opportunity, human life, to understand all these points which are mentioned in the authoritative books of Vedic knowledge like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita
- We sit down, don't use any chair, any couches, unnecessarily, carpet. What expenditure? We have no expenditure for personal self. And still you are faulty? What can be done
- We work with our hands, but they are not our hands but God's, for when the power to use the hand is withdrawn by God, the hand becomes useless
- What is the difference between our activities and others' activities? We are using everything: table, chair, bed, this tape recorder, typewriter. So what is the difference? The difference is that we are using everything for Krsna
- What is the profit by doing such business, by bringing petrol from moon planet and use it here and drive motorcar? Why they (astronauts) are taking so much trouble?
- What is the use in becoming a scientist or a philosopher if we cannot say what our next life will be? A realized student of KC can very easily say what his next life is, what God is, what the living entity is and what his relationship with God is
- What is the use of a bowman's arrow or a poet’s poetry if they penetrate the heart but do not cause the head to spin
- What is the use of using sex life unnecessarily? Therefore only for begetting nice child one should have sex life. This is ideal life. Not that you use sex life, contraceptive method. This is all demonism
- What is the use of working alone. Working conjointly is better. Therefore I have instructed him to call you when he returns to the United States. He has assured me that his college programs are very organized and he is very enthusiastic to increase
- What kind of means you will have to use at that time will be revealed by Krsna. If one has Krsna's mercy, no one can check him
- What we have renounced? We have renounced... We are using the motorcar, we are using this machine, we are eating, we are sleeping in nice room - what is the renouncement? Only renouncement is no connection with woman
- What, then, is the use of fruitive activities - which are naturally painful from the beginning and transient by nature - if they are not utilized for the devotional service of the Lord? How can they be very attractive
- When a man is properly mature, he can marry according to the rules and regulations of the sastras and use his genitals for begetting nice children. That is legal and religious
- When insignificant persons use rough words to cast false, angry accusations against saintly persons, their fruitless words do not disturb the great personalities
- When King Indra threw his club at Vrtrasura, Vrtrasura caught it in his left hand and retaliated by using it to strike the head of Indra's elephant. Thus Indra's attack was a disastrous failure
- When Krsna and Balarama were in the forest, mother Yasoda used to send Them some fruits, sweetmeats and rice mixed with yogurt. Krsna would take them, sit down on a slab of stone on the bank of the Yamuna, and call His friends to join Him
- When Krsna saw Balarama finally defeated by Sridama, who was using only a small stick, Krsna became filled with pleasure and began to look upon Sridama with great wonder
- When one comes to that standard of life, that he is not dictated by the senses but he uses senses when it is properly required . . . senses are not to be stopped. That is not prescribed
- When one is enlightened in Krsna consciousness, he can use these (the acceptance of the body, of others as kinsmen and of the land of one's birth as worshipable) for the service of the Lord. That is a very suitable proposition
- When one is harassed by the invalidity of old age, various diseases manifest at the gates of the body. Sometimes one has to take enemas and sometimes use a surgical nozzle to accelerate the passing of urine
- When someone's wealth falls into the hands of his enemy, the money becomes the enemy's friend. Then the enemy can use it for his own purposes. Indeed, he can even use it to harm its previous owner
- When the demigods are bereft of their chariots, when they forget how to use weapons Your Majesty (Kamsa) does not kill them - SB 10.4.35
- When the nectar was produced the demons would take it from them and use it for their own purposes (demons intentions). The demigods, of course, had similar intentions
- When the son of the brahmana (Asvatthama) saw that his horses were tired, he considered that there was no alternative for protection outside of his using the ultimate weapon, the brahmastra (nuclear weapon)
- When there are ample earthly flats to lie on, what is the necessity of cots and beds? When one can use his own arms, what is the necessity of a pillow? When one can use the palms of his hands, what is the necessity of varieties of utensils?
- When there is emotion caused by seeing something very dear, one can speak very swiftly and use kind words. When there is emotion caused by seeing something detestable, one cries very loudly
- When there was no so-called advancement of civilization, people used to eat on utensils made of silver, gold, at least metal. Now they're using plastic. And still, they are proud of advancement of civilization
- When this hand becomes paralyzed, I am claiming, "my hand" - I cannot use it because the power of the hand is withdrawn by the proprietor
- When we are in this material world we using our senses in abnormal way. So when we cure the senses, we get into normal condition. That is spiritual life
- When we use our senses for sense gratification, we are in maya, illusion, but when we use our senses for the gratification of the master of the senses, that service is called bhakti
- When you use bodily necessities in excessive proportion, that is called kama
- While Krsna was joking with Rukmini in Dvaraka, she was full of distress, fear and lamentation. She had also lost her intelligence. She dropped her hand bangles and the fan she was using to fan the Lord
- While walking on the street we unknowingly kill so many ants, and in the course of our other ordinary dealings - while cooking, while taking water, while using a mortar and pestle to crush spices - we kill so many living beings
- Why should one think that his state belongs to only a small number of people? In fact this is all the property of God, and every living entity has a right to use this property because every living being is a child of God, who is the supreme father
- With electricity, the current is everywhere along the line, so wherever you touch you will feel it. Similarly, the Krsna current in His impersonal form is everywhere, and it is the technician who knows how to use the force
- With our senses we can perceive some things, but not everything; for example, we can use our eyes to see, but not to taste. Consequently, You (Krsna) are beyond perception by the senses - SB 10.3.15-17
- Within this body everyone is a king because he uses his different gates according to his own will. Although he is very much proud of his power to see or hear, he is nonetheless dependent on the assistance of nature
- Without your rascal philosophy, everyone knows how to use sex life. But they are thinking this is advancement
- Yadu, the son of Maharaja Yayati, explained that he was unable to give up his youth, for he wanted to use it to attain the renounced order in the future
- Yasoda thought, "I am now unable to smell the head of my child (Krsna) and feed Him with my breast milk as I used to do when He was here in Vrndavana"
- Yes, occasionally devotees may be pictured with full head of hair instead of sikha. You should use your own discretion; the garb can be Vedic or "American.'' There is no harm
- Yes, you may wear any clothing that you find comfortable; no, it is not very good to use yeast in preparing prasadam. It is better to prepare bread in the process as you have seen done in the temple
- You are advanced devotee and you should use your intelligence to convince the professors that they should use my books in the colleges. This will be the greatest service
- You can kill one insignificant animal, like pigs or goats. It has not very much use. You kill it in your home, before your children and family, and eat. The government may not have any objection. But why should you maintain slaughterhouses?
- You can show them the full set of books that we are going to print in the German language, and use all of the professors quotes to show how authoritative our books are amongst the scholarly circle throughout the world
- You can simply use what is given to you. You cannot claim other's property. Just like in animal life, animal life, they do not claim that "This is my country." The birds, they do not claim, but they live very peacefully
- You can take action according to the necessity of business, because we must use our full intelligence in any matter
- You can train the child spiritually. That is possible. Therefore it is said, tasyaiva hetoh prayeteta kovido: use this priceless human form to attain what you could not attain in so many millions of lower forms
- You have all got good intelligence, now use it to full capacity for Krishna's service and cooperate together. That will please me very much
- You have asked what is meant by illicit sex. Sex should be used only in marriage for begetting nice children to raise in Krsna Consciousness. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that I am sex life performed according to religious principles
- You have got the tongue and you have got the ear. Chant Hare Krsna and use this instrument to hear. Finished. All perfection is there
- You have high intelligence, opulences, birth in the families of the rich nation. Use this opportunity for making life successful and go back to Krishna, back to Home
- You have to collect the ointment of love for Krsna. And if you apply that ointment on your eyes, then . . . Just like we use surma for clear vision, similarly, when the love of Krsna surma is applied on the eyes, these eyes, you'll see Krsna
- You have written something irregular, not knowing the regulative principles, but the goddess of learning, Sarasvati, has used your words to offer her prayers to the Supreme Lord
- You may get books, as many as possible, from Karandhar, at cost price and sell them profusely for as much price as you like and all profits above cost price you may use to buy the church
- You may take bank mortgage for 20-30 lacs extra and use it for construction, that is approved by me. I just want to see that things are done, that's all
- You say my apartment will be ready by mid-March but without an elevator, how can I use it
- You should think like that (you are so fortunate to have this opportunity to sit and chant the Holy Names without the Maya distractions of the outer world), and use your time in the prison house to the greatest advantage for spiritual advancement
- Your report on the library party is very encouraging, especially regarding the use of Bhagavad-gita as a text for College courses
- Your senses are all imperfect. No senses are perfect. You can use the senses under certain condition only. I'm claiming, "This is my hand," and as soon as there is some nervous disability it is paralyzed, finished
- Your study aids that you are using to help the children learn the meaning of Bhagavad-gita slokas fully seem to be alright. You must see that the meaning of the verse is in no way altered or changed. Simplification is alright but do not change anything