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- A brahmacari is supposed to take idhma to ignite the fire used in performing sacrifices. By spiritual instruction a brahmacari is trained to ignite a fire and offer oblations in the morning. He is supposed to go to the spiritual master to take lessons
- A businessman riding in a motorcar sits in the car, supervises its running and advises the driver. He knows how much gasoline is used up, and he knows everything about the car, but still he is apart from the car and is more concerned with his business
- A faithful wife cannot live without her lord, the husband, and therefore all widows used to voluntarily embrace the burning fire which consumed the dead husband
- A significant word used in this verse (SB 4.7.46) is trayi-gatra, which means that the transcendental form of the Lord is the Vedas
- A waterpot made of earth can be used to carry water for some time, but ultimately the pot is nothing but earth
- A waterpot made of earth can be used to carry water for some time, but ultimately the pot is nothing but earth. Therefore there is no difference between the pot and its original ingredient, earth. It is simply a different transformation of the energy
- According to Acarya Baladeva Vidyabhusana, the Sanskrit word kala used herein (BG 8.23) refers to the presiding deity of time. BG 1972 purports
- According to Srila Jiva Gosvami and Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, the word used here is nirvana-vilambitani, that which minimizes the value of liberation
- According to the Bharati-vrtti, three technical terms used are prarocana, vithi and prahasana. Thus Rupa Gosvami also mentioned vithi, which is a technical term for a certain type of expression
- According to the Sabda-kosa dictionary, the affix ni is used in the sense of (1) certainty, (2) counting, (3) building, and (4) forbiddance, and the word grantha is used in the sense of wealth, thesis, vocabulary, etc
- According to the Visva-kosa dictionary, the word maya is used in the sense of false pride and also in the sense of compassion
- According to Vedic civilization, to live in the forest is residential quarter in goodness, to live in the forest. Therefore, formerly, great sages and saintly persons, they used to go to the forest and live there
- According to Vedic mathematical calculations, the following enumeration system is used: units, tens (dasa), hundreds (sata), thousands (sahasra), ten thousands (ayuta) and hundred thousands (laksa)
- After bathing, Candrasekhara gave him (Sanatana Gosvami) some good cloth. When Lord Caitanya was informed that Sanatana did not accept new garments but later accepted only some used garments from Tapana Misra, He was very glad
- After offering the used articles to the singers and reciters, Vasudeva and his wives, dressed with new ornaments and garments, fed everyone very sumptuously, from the brahmanas down to the dogs
- After wandering in the forest, Rohita returned to the capital of his father (Hariscandra). He purchased from Ajigarta his second son, named Sunahsepha. Then he offered Sunahsepha to his father, Hariscandra, to be used as the sacrificial animal
- All acquisition of knowledge in science, philosophy, fine arts, nationalism, economic development, religion and great activities are being spoiled by being used as dresses for dead men
- All the chief devotees, headed by Candrasekhara (Acaryaratna), used to extend invitations to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu periodically
- All the golden plates and utensils which were used in the sacrifice were also thrown in the dustbins, and all such heaps of gold remained unclaimed property for a long time, till Maharaja Yudhisthira collected them for his own purposes
- All the paraphernalia used in the service of the Lord is transcendental, beyond the three qualities of this material world
- All the temples of Vrndavana were certainly started by the Six Gosvamis. Later the worship in the temples was entrusted to some householder disciples of the Gosvamis, and since then the hereditary title of gosvami has been used
- Also used here (in SB 3.25.2) is the word varimnah, meaning the most worshipful of all yogis
- Although born of a brahmana family, this rascal, bereft of intelligence because of the prostitute's association, earned money somehow or other, regardless of whether properly or improperly, and used it to maintain the prostitute's sons and daughters
- Although He (Krsna) is the oldest of all living entities, He has His eternal form as a fresh youth. The exact words used in this connection in Srimad-Bhagavatam are vijnanam ajnana-bhidapamarjanam
- Although He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is the oldest of all living entities, He has His eternal form as a fresh youth. The exact words used in this connection in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.2.35) are vijnanam ajnana-bhidapamarjanam
- Although we use many articles-our clothes, etc.-we know- that we are different from the things used. Similarly, we also understand by a little contemplation that we are different from the body. BG 1972 purports
- Although Your explanation is correct, it should not be used, because there is ambiguity in the word 'mukti-pada'
- An important word used in this connection is parama-sammatah, which indicates that the progeny created by Svayambhuva Manu and his sons was approved of by great authorities
- Anasaktasya visayan yatharham upayunjatah. Everything can be used to the extent that it can be engaged in Krsna's service
- Another gate on the western side was known as Nirrti. Puranjana used to go through this gate to the place known as Vaisasa, accompanied by his friend Lubdhaka
- Another meaning of the word atma may be accepted in this way: the principle who is the Supersoul in every atma, or, one may say, the soul of everyone, became manifested as Dattatreya, because the word amsa, part and parcel, is used here - SB 4.1.15
- Any tune can be used. When it is in relationship with Krishna, that makes it bona fide
- Api added to the word 'nirgranthah' is used for exposition. Thus I have tried to clarify seven meanings - of the atmarama verse
- Arani wood is used to ignite a sacrificial fire without matches or any other flame. Just as fire appears from arani wood, the Supreme Lord appears when there is friction between devotees and nondevotees
- Art, literature, poetry, painting, etc., may be used in glorifying the Lord
- Arundhati and Syama Dasi shall be in charge of composing at least four hours alternately. In this way, the machine should be used from 7:00 in the morning till 10:00 at night
- As far as envy is concerned, it can be used only upon the non-devotees
- As far as the word atmarama is concerned, the Lord (Caitanya) explained that the word atma is used to indicate: (1) the Supreme Absolute Truth, (2) the body, (3) the mind, (4) endeavor, (5) conviction, (6) intelligence, and (7) nature
- As for the word maya, when used in reference to the dealings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees, this word means affection
- As he is changing different types of body during this duration of life, similarly, after this annihilation of this body, just like old garment or old shirt cannot be used - it is thrown away; another new shirt is taken - the soul accepts another body
- As indicated in this verse (SB 7.5.54) by the word krta-ksanaih, at the opportune moment when it was possible to preach about Krsna consciousness, Prahlada Maharaja used the time as follows
- As Krsna says in BG 7.14, daivi hy esa guna-mayi mama maya duratyaya: "This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome." The same word duratyaya, meaning "very difficult," is used here - in SB 7.9.43
- As mentioned above, the word 'ca' can be used to mean 'aggregate.' According to this meaning, all the atmaramas and munis engage in Krsna's service. Besides 'aggregate,' there is another meaning of the word 'ca'
- As old garments, old shirts and coats, we change, similarly, when this body becomes old enough not to be used, we change to another body. Tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). This is real knowledge
- As soon as one's accumulation of pious activities is used up, one has to leave the enjoyment of a higher standard of material prosperity in the heavenly planets, immediately come down again to these lower planets, where the duration of life is very short
- As you generally understand in the Western country, the word religion is used as "a kind of faith." Faith you can change. Today you are Christian; tomorrow you can become Hindu. But religion cannot be changed
- At the present moment those who belong to the Visnu Svami-sampradaya of Vaisnavas come from Rudra, Lord Siva. To become a devotee of Lord Krsna, Vasudeva, is very, very difficult. The word especially used in this connection is duraradhyam
- At Varanasi there was a Maharashtriyan brahmana who used to come daily to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This brahmana was simply astonished to see the Lord's personal beauty and ecstatic love for Krsna
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya used to cook all kinds of vegetables gathered from the forest, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very pleased to accept these preparations
- Balarama said, "Consider the exalted position of the Yadu dynasty. They have forcibly used both the assembly house and the parijata tree of the heavenly planets, and still you think that they cannot order you (Kurus)"
- Bali Maharaja lamented that although Indra was very learned, he did not know how to use his intelligence properly, for instead of asking Vamanadeva to allow him to engage in His service, Indra used Him to beg Bali Maharaja for material wealth
- Because grantha is also used for the purpose of collecting riches, the word nirgrantha also indicates a poor man, bereft of all riches, who is attempting to collect riches
- Because he (Sukracarya) used his power of mystic yoga for family affairs and not to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead, this exercise in the magic of yoga was no better than the affairs of he-goats and she-goats
- Because He was raised by Maharaja Nanda, Krsna was not a ksatriya but a vaisya. Vaisyas are generally called guptas, and the word gupta can also be used to mean "hidden"
- Because the sex-urge is so strong in young persons, and because they are used to mixing freely with one another, I encourage my students to get themselves married
- Because we have used perverted sex, we have got a very bad idea. But actually sex is there in the original. Otherwise there is no question of madhurya-rasa
- Before taking a bath there are other auspicious substances, such as turmeric mixed with mustard seed oil, which are smeared all over the body. All kinds of auspicious substances were used to bathe Devahuti from top to toe
- Being enlivened because of drinking the nectar, the demigods, who are always at the shelter of the lotus feet of Narayana, used their various weapons to counterattack the demons in a fighting spirit
- Brahmananda Bharati gave it up and accepted a loincloth of saffron color, as used by Vaisnava sannyasis. For some time he lived with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Jagannatha Puri
- By His (Lord Krsna's) grace they could not even touch a hair on my (Arjuna's) head. Similarly, Prahlada Maharaja, the supreme devotee of Lord Nrsimha-deva, was unaffected by the weapons the demons used against him
- By His symptoms, by the historical fact, by the evidence of the Vedas, He is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, when Krsna is speaking, the very words are used, sri bhagavan uvaca
- By such drinking they (the descendants of Vrsni and Bhoja) became delirious and bereft of sense, so much so that they forgot their relationship with one another and used harsh words which touched the cores of each other's hearts
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu called him (Sanatana Gosvami) in and ordered him to change his dress so that he would look like a gentleman. For his garment, he used an old cloth of Tapana Misra's. Later, he exchanged his valuable blanket for a torn quilt
- Candrasekhara is a good man, but out of foolishness he used bad words to you. You please forgive him and me by your good qualities
- Celestial musicians and their wives sang in chorus about the pure reputation of the Emperor (Svayambhuva Manu), and early in the morning, every day, he used to listen to the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with a loving heart
- Christian missionaries, they constructed so many churches. But those churches are now being closed. In London, I have got specific knowledge, hundreds of churches are no more being used as church. Some of them are being used as godown
- Covered by the material body, the spiritual identity is lost, and the word mumuhe is used here (in SB 3.26.5), indicating that they have forgotten their own spiritual identity
- Cow dung is, according to Vedic injunction, is pure. In India it is actually used as antiseptic
- Daksa used the word nirapatrapa, which also can be used in two senses. One sense is "one who is stunted," and another sense is "one who is the maintainer of persons who have no other shelter
- Dear King (Prthu), Indra's powers are already reduced due to his attempt to impede the execution of your sacrifice. We (the priests) shall call him by Vedic mantras which were never before used, and certainly he will come
- Demons and Raksasas are accustomed to eat meat, fish and similar nonvegetarian foods. Demons like Ravana, Kamsa and Hiranyakasipu, although born of brahmana and ksatriya fathers, used to take meat and flesh without discrimination
- Dhira means intelligent, cool-headed, not rascal. So this very word is used, dhira. Dhira means cool-headed, not disturbed
- Dhira means one who is not disturbed. That requires training. In great dangerous position, one is not disturbed, that is not ordinary thing. Therefore the word has been used, dhira. Dhira and adhira
- Disciple means who accept discipline. If there is no discipline, where is disciple? And "disciplic succession." We have used this word. Not that discipline is finished by one man, no. It will continue to go by succession
- Durvasa Muni used the word nr-samsasya to indicate that the King was cruel, but Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura interprets it to mean that the King's character was glorified by all the local people
- Duryodhana knew very well that Vidura was a great soul and well-wisher, but unfortunately he used strong words to hurt his innocent uncle
- Duskrtinah means one who has got merit, but the merit is being engaged for sinful activities. Just like the atomic bomb. One who has manufactured this, he has got merit, certainly, great scientist. But how he has used his merit? To kill men, that's all
- Every verse in the Vedic literature, especially in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, is a Vedic mantra. Here the words yathanukirtayanti are used to recommend that this literature be presented as it is
- Everything can be used properly for peaceful condition, and when you become peaceful, no disturbance, then you can very happily chant Hare Krsna and your life becomes successful. This is our program. We don't want to stop anything
- Feeling separation from the Lord, the three used to meet and glorify the holy qualities of the Lord. Thus they were absorbed in ecstatic love
- Following the orders of Maharaja Prataparudra, the temple superintendent, named Tulasi, brought one of Lord Jagannatha's used cloths
- For the common man the statements of the Vedas appear to be contradictory. But in spite of such contradiction, because we Hindus accept the Vedas as authority we accept cow dung as pure and allow it to be used even in the kitchen
- For those who worship Krsna, the word sujata-rucirananam is used
- Formerly people used these pearls, the valuable stones, silk, gold, silver, and decorated the body with nice manufactured ornaments. The beautiful for body. But where are those things gone
- Four pieces of kadi made one ganda, and twenty such gandas equaled one pana. This kadi was also used as a medium of exchange; therefore Sivananda Sena paid for the dog with dasa pana, or eighty times ten pieces of kadi
- From the farms we should get sufficient foodstuffs and these can be sent to be used at our restaurants
- Garga Muni used the word sama, meaning "equal," because he wanted to treat Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead who had become Nanda Maharaja's son
- Garuda was asked by the Lord to leave that place because the snake Vasuki, who was to be used as the rope for churning, could not go there in the presence of Garuda. Garuḍa, the carrier of Lord Viṣṇu, is not a vegetarian. He eats big snakes
- Gavayas, the species of cow mentioned herein (SB 3.21.44), bear a bunch of hair at the end of their tails. This bunch of hair is used in temple worship to fan the Deities
- Generally we understand by seeing or by hearing. Hearing is there, but here it is recommended tongue, especially. Why tongue is used? Because if you simply chant Hare Krsna by your tongue and taste Krsna prasadam, you will understand Krsna
- Glorifying the Lord is the medicine for this material disease. Material disease means repetition of birth and death. To stop this repetition of birth and death, this is the only remedy. And this is used by liberated persons
- Go to gurukula. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. This abhigacchet, this form of verb is used when it is called vidhi-lin, must! There is no option. I may go or I may not go. No. One must. That is human life. That's the instruction of Vedic sastra
- Gold, jewels, pearls and valuable stones were used in the luxurious royal ceremonies
- Gradually, even the mind, which he used as a means to attract the Lord, as one attracts a fish to a hook, withdraws from material activity
- Guru means heavy. Therefore Vedic injunction is tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). You must. Abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not optional, that I may go or I may not go. No, you must. This is Vedic injunction
- Gurukrpa Maharaja is arranging to send you monthly $10,000 which can be used to continue the construction in Mayapur
- Hariscandra had no sons, but on the advice of Narada he worshiped Varuna and in this way got a son named Rohita. Hariscandra promised that Rohita would be used to perform a Varuna-yajna
- He (Murari Caitanya dasa) would remain submerged in water for two or three days, but he would feel no bodily inconvenience. Thus he behaved almost like stone or wood, but he always used his energy in chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- He (Sridhara) spent fifty percent of his income to worship the Ganges, and the balance he used for his subsistence
- Hearing, chanting remembering, worshiping - all these are used in the process of attaining the highest perfection by understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Henceforward the policy for using diacritic markings is that I want them used everywhere, on large books, small books and also BTG
- Here (in BG Chapter 11.52) the word sudurdarsam is used, indicating that Krsna's two-handed form is still more confidential. BG 1972 purports
- Here (in) again the word tattvatah, "in truth," is used. One can understand the science of Krsna in truth by becoming a devotee. He who is not a devotee, who does not strive for Krsna consciousness, cannot understand
- Here it is, the bhagavan word is, used; therefore I give you a little definition of bhagavan. So bhagavan uvaca. Now, because He is complete in knowledge, therefore His instruction is valuable
- Here two words are used very significantly-yatha-silam and yatha-ruci
- Hindus, Mohammedans, they used to live very peacefully. It is not a fact that Mohammedans were always aggressive. Otherwise, how they could rule over India for eight hundred years?
- Hiranyakasipu thought: I have used many ill names in chastising this boy Prahlada and have devised many means of killing him, but despite all my endeavors, he could not be killed. Indeed, he saved himself by his own powers
- Hiranyakasipu, being a demon, would always consider Lord Visnu and His devotees to be his enemies. Therefore the word para-paksa ("on the side of the enemy") is used here - in SB 7.5.6
- How is everything being done? The word "inconceivable" has been used. It is not within the power of one's small brain to comprehend; unless one accepts the inconceivable power and energy of the Lord, one cannot make any progress
- I am not much fond of the idea of changing things to accommodate the public. Better to change the public to accommodate us. Therefore I suggest wherever there is Sanskrit used, there should be English spelling in brackets
- I cannot close my eyes when there are big management difficulties, so when I see things going wrong, money mispent, things not used properly, then I have to take part
- I don't know what kind of photos you used, but they are looking especially nice. All of you are such fine looking Vaisnavas. So be blessed and go forward in Krishna Consciousness
- I purchased one motorcar in 1925, Buick car. Not for personal use, but for using it as a taxi. My one nephew, he was a good driver, so my father, "Why don't you give him? He can do that, we can use it our own car, also taxi"
- I remember the words of my Guru Maharaja when he told me that wherever there was money it should be used to print books, not that we shall have big big temples and then fight in the court
- I think it would be very nice if you would make nice silver jewellery for the Radha-Damodara Deities and in this way your talent will be used in the most perfect way
- If by the grace of the Lord we get such opulences as material wealth, fame, power, education and beauty, it is our duty to consider that they are all gifts of the Lord and must be used for His service, not for our sense enjoyment
- If one blasphemes the Vedas and brahmanas, naturally one goes down to the status of atheism. The exact word used in Sanskrit is nastika, which refers to one who does not believe in the Vedas but manufactures some concocted system of religion
- If one has money, it should not be squandered away on nothing. It should be used to push forward the Krsna consciousness movement so that all of human society will become happy, prosperous and hopeful of being promoted back home, back to Godhead
- If things are to go on as they ought to, how can a head of state be indifferent to such activities (indifference to the activities of the material world)? In answer to this question, the word sreyah, auspicious, is used here - SB 4.20.14
- If you actually serious to know about spiritual subject matter, then you must have to, abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not that without, I can go, I can have spiritual knowledge without having accepted a spiritual master
- If you want to give me some cloth according to your desire, please give me an old cloth you have used
- In answering King Pariksit's question, Sukadeva Gosvami used the word atmane, which indicates the stage of brahminical qualification in which one is allowed to study the Vedic scriptures known as the Upanisads
- In Ayur-veda, cow dung dried and burned into ashes is used as toothpowder. It is very antiseptic toothpowder
- In Bengal the word ghoda-dimba is used, which means "the egg of a horse." Since a horse never lays an egg, the word ghoda-dimba actually has no meaning
- In Bhagavad-gita we have studied that sex life for begetting a good child is Krsna Himself. Sex life is not condemned provided the process is used in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- In Bhagavad-gita, when meditation is recommended, the word mat-parah, which means "pertaining to Me," is used. Any Visnu form pertains to Lord Krsna because Lord Krsna is the original Visnu form
- In due course of time, the impregnated material energy was manifested first as the total material ingredients. Everything takes its own time to fructify, and the word kala-coditat, "influenced by time," is used herein - in SB 3.5.27
- In his early life, Bilvamangala Thakura was an impersonalistic monist, and he used to meditate upon the impersonal Brahman effulgence. Later he became a devotee of Lord Krsna
- In liberated stage, oneness with Supreme Lord means that one has no realization other than happiness. But the individual still exists, otherwise this word upalabdha, indicating individual realization of transcendental happiness, would not have been used
- In modern times, girls and ladies have ornaments made of plastic instead of gold, and plastic utensils are used instead of golden ones, yet people are very proud of their material wealth
- In other places, the following offenses (to Deity worship) are listed: (h) to worship the Deity with a stale or used flower, (i) to spit while worshiping the Deity, (j) to advertise one's glory while worshiping the Deity
- In our childhood, we have seen gold mohor, guinea. They were used in practical use. And silver coins, gold coins, we saw. But now it is, everything, paper. So we are so advanced that there is no more gold and silver
- In some readings, the word darah is not used, but the word used then is rayah, which means "wealth." In India there are still wealthy persons who are recognized by the state as raya
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.25.38) the Lord says: The word mat-para is only used to refer to persons who are satisfied with the idea of becoming My adherents alone
- In Teluk Anson one retired principal of college has offered a house which can be used as temple, already started very big
- In that lake, Lord Krsna and Srimati Radharani used to sport daily in the water and have a rasa dance on the bank
- In that verse (of SB 1.1.1), the two terms param and satyam are used, and Lord Caitanya indicates that these words reveal Krsna's principal feature
- In the beginning, Brahma first received the Vedic knowledge from the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the core of the heart. In both instances the same process was used in transmitting the message to Lord Brahma
- In the Bhagavad-gita, the Sanskrit word mam is frequently used. This word means "unto me." Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, says, "unto Me" - Krsna. We cannot interpret this in a different way
- In the Chandogya Upanisad it is stated, etas tisro devata anena jivena. In this verse of the Chandogya Upanisad the word anena is used to distinguish the atma and Paramatma as two separate identities
- In the conditioned state of life, the body is used as our dress, and as one needs different dresses during the summer and winter, we conditioned souls are changing bodies according to our desires
- In the rainy season some of the roads are not frequently used and become covered with long grasses, and thus it becomes very difficult to see the road. Similarly, in this age the transcendental scriptures are not properly studied by the brahmanas
- In the second verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam the word susrusu is used. This word indicates that one should be anxious to hear the transcendental message
- In the Vedic language it is said asamordhva. Asama. Asama means "no equal." Nobody is equal. Urdhva. Urdhva means "greater." Asamordhva. In the Bhagavad-gita also this language is used. Nobody is equal or greater than God
- In the Vedic literature, whenever the words "Brahman" or "Para-brahman" are used, they are to be understood to refer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is their real meaning
- In the worship of the Lord certain paraphernalia is used, such as conchshell, water, fragrant flowers, prayers and hymns, and there is circumambulation and the offering of obeisances as well
- In this greatly beautiful city of Dvaraka, Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, had many residential quarters. The great kings and princes of the world used to visit these palaces just to worship Him
- In this verse (SB 11.5.3) also the word bhajanti is used. Therefore, bhajanti is applicable to the Supreme Lord only, whereas the word "worship" can be applied to demigods or to any other common living entity. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse (SB 4.23.30) the word bhagavattamah is very significant, for the word bhagavat is used especially to refer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as the word bhagavan ("the Supreme Personality of Godhead") is derived from the word bhagavat
- In this verse (SB 4.27.14) the word vilumpanti ("plundering") is used. Everything is being plundered from the very beginning of our lives
- In this verse (SB 5.5.26) the word vivikta-drgbhih, meaning without envy, is used
- In whatever form the Supreme Lord Visnu appears, He is always affectionate toward His devotees. Thus the word mayamayam is used here (SB 5.18.17) to mean "very affectionate toward the devotees."
- Indra was certainly very advanced in knowledge, but instead of asking Vamanadeva for engagement in His service, he used the Lord to beg for material possessions that would lie finished at the end of one age of Manu
- Indra, the King of the demigods, threw his club at Vrtrasura, but Vrtrasura was such a great hero that he easily caught the club with his left hand and used it to beat Indra's elephant
- Instead of giving more importance to the better type of engagement, namely, devotional service to the Lord, he (Vyasadeva) had more or less improperly used his valuable time, and thus he was despondent
- Instead of the word avadhuta, the words haya dhuta, meaning that the heart or consciousness is cleansed, are used. When the consciousness is cleansed, one can understand what and who Krsna is
- Intelligence must always be very fresh; therefore the word apraudham ("very young") is used here - SB 4.25.21
- Interplanetary travel by the denizens of higher planets is easy. In many statements in Bhagavatam, we have observed that the demigods from heaven used to visit this earth to attend sacrifices performed by influential kings and emperors
- It is explained in the Tenth Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita). You know, all, Krsna as param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan. Arjuna is addressing Krsna as person, bhavan. This bhavan sabda, this word is used, "person"
- It is the etiquette among sannyasis, those on the fourth platform of spiritual life, to offer respects by saying om namo narayanaya ("I offer my respectful obeisances unto Narayana"). This greeting is used especially by Mayavadi sannyasis
- It is understood that the chanters have already studied all the Vedic literature. The specific word used here is anucuh, which means that because they have already completed all those recommended acts, they have become qualified to be spiritual masters
- It is used in connection with devotional service, which must be executed for the satisfaction of Krsna. That is the purport of the word 'kurvanti'
- Kaca, the son of the learned celestial priest Brhaspati, had been a student of Sukracarya, from whom he had learned the art of reviving a man who has died untimely. This art, called mrta-sanjivani, was especially used during wartime
- King Indra is described here (in SB 4.19.10) as bhagavan, which is generally used in reference to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this case, however, King Indra is addressed as bhagavan because he has so much power in his hands
- King Indra used his thunderbolt to cut off the heads of both Bala and Paka in the presence of all their relatives and followers. In this way he created a very fearful atmosphere on the battlefield
- King Puranjana lay down with his wife, Puranjani, and begot a large number of children, and there is no mention in these verses that he used contraceptive methods
- Krishna Consciousness is the only truth that exists. Without Krishna Consciousness everything is illusion. You must not waste this life away thinking that everything belongs to you. Everything belongs to Krishna and it must be used in His service
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as admitted by Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita; therefore wherever the word brahma is used, it must refer to Krsna, not to the impersonal Brahman effulgence. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate
- Krsna willingly asked Ugrasena to rule over Himself & Balarama because They were his subjects. The word praja is used both for progeny and for citizens, so Krsna belonged to the praja, both as a grandson of Ugrasena's and as a member of the Yadu dynasty
- Less intelligent men cannot understand the position of the eternal servant of the Lord. Because the word "servant" is used, they become confused; they cannot understand that this servitude is not the servitude of this material world
- Lord Brahma, the creator of this particular universe, is known as the prajapati because he is the grandfather of all who have taken birth. Thus praja is used in a broader sense than it is now used
- Lord Nityananda Prabhu then obtained an external garment used by the Lord by requesting it from Govinda
- Lord Siva said, "The words param brahman have been used in the Bhagavad-gita to identify You (Krsna)"
- Lord Siva wanted to see the Mohini-murti, which was captivating the entire world, and Lord Visnu was gravely thinking of how to captivate Lord Siva also. Therefore the word bhava-gambhiram is used here - in SB 8.12.14
- Love is a word which is often used in relation with man and woman. And love is the only word that can be properly used to indicate the relation between Lord Krsna and the living entities
- Maharaja Pariksit used two important words: visanna and visesa-jna. Visanna means "morose." Materialistic people invent many ways and means to become fully satisfied, but actually they remain morose
- Maharaja Pariksit, the grandson of the Pandavas, was from his very childhood a great devotee of the Lord. Even while playing with dolls, he used to worship Lord Krsna by imitating the worship of the family Deity
- Manisinam, meaning "thoughtful," is particularly used here (SB 2.3.1). A manisinam person, like Maharaja Pariksit, must take to the lotus feet of Lord Krsna
- Many professional singers used to sing about the glories of King Puranjana and his glorious activities. When it was too hot in the summer, he used to enter a reservoir of water. He would surround himself with many women and enjoy their company
- Many trees are useful because they produce fruits and flowers, but many other trees are unnecessary. They could be used as fuel and the land cleared and used for agriculture. When the government is negligent, less grain is produced
- Many words used in those days could be understood only by local inhabitants, yet this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) is still so popular that no bookstore is complete without it. It is valuable for those who are interested in advancing in Krsna consciousness
- Material opulence can be the cause of degradation and also the cause of elevation, according to the purposes for which it is used
- Material possessions can be accepted as far as they can be used in devotional service
- Material possessions can be accepted as far as they can be used in devotional service. Anukulyena krsnanusilanam (CC Madhya 19.167). Anukulyasya sankalpah pratikulyasya varjanam. In preaching, many things considered material are needed
- Materialistic class of men are undoubtedly very, very intelligent, but their intelligence is being used wrongly. Duskrtinah mudhah. Mudhah means rascal, ass
- Meditation is very profusely used in your country especially. But what is the meditation? When you fix up your mind to find out God, Krsna, within your heart, that is called meditation, not thinking some foolish objective is meditation
- Milk is compared to Visnu. As soon as milk touches a sour substance, it becomes yogurt, or Lord Siva. Although yogurt is constitutionally milk, it cannot be used in place of milk
- My body could not be used in the service of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore although it took birth in the land of India, this body has been useless
- My dear Lord, the garlands, scented substances, garments, ornaments and other such things that have been offered to You may later be used by Your servants
- My father used to say, "If you do not allow the servants to steal, so don't keep." Don't keep servants. "A servant who does not steal, he is not a gentleman. He must steal"
- Narada composes various poems to glorify Lord Ananta, and therefore the word samslokayam asa (praised by selected poetry) is used in this verse SB 5.25.8
- Next there appeared (from the ocean of milk) the Apsaras (who are used as prostitutes on the heavenly planets). They were fully decorated with golden ornaments and lockets and were dressed in fine and attractive clothing
- Now here is one word used, marginal potency. Marginal potency, the exact Sanskrit word is tatastha. Just like at the end of the land, the sea begins. So there is a marginal land
- O King of heaven, a brahmana named Kausika formerly used this armor when he purposely gave up his body in the desert by mystic power
- O son of the Pandu dynasty, when Mandara Mountain was thus being used as a churning rod in the ocean of milk, it had no support, and therefore although held by the strong hands of the demigods and demons, it sank into the water
- Of the many inhabitants of this city, there are two persons named Nirvak and Pesaskrt. Although King Puranjana was the ruler of citizens who possessed eyes, he unfortunately used to associate with these blind men
- Of words having the same form and case termination, the last one is the only one retained. For example, the word "ramah" is used to stand for "ramas ca, ramas ca, ramas ca, etc"
- On the northern side was the gate named Devahu. Through that gate, King Puranjana used to go with his friend Srutadhara to the place known as Uttara-pancala
- On the western side was a gate named Asuri. Through that gate King Puranjana used to go to the city of Gramaka, accompanied by his friend Durmada
- One adjective used in this connection (to pradhana) is nitya, which indicates eternality
- One by one, Bali Maharaja used a lance, prasa, tomara, rstis and other weapons, but whatever weapons he took up, Indra immediately cut them to pieces
- One cannot force a person to become a scholar, but sometimes force is used in the beginning. A child is forced to go to school and read and write according to the instructions of his teachers. Such is the difference between vaidhi and spontaneous bhakti
- One day Lord Krsna as the naughty child disturbed His mother Yasoda, and she began to tie up the child with ropes just to punish Him. But no matter how much rope she used, she found it always insufficient
- One devotee said, "I am nicely educated, but my education has simply been used in government service. I have not considered formidable time, stronger than anything else, which creates and annihilates everything"
- One should "observe," or systematically see. This means that one must follow the previous acaryas, the perfected teachers. Anupasyati is the exact Sanskrit word used in this connection. Anu means "to follow," and pasyati means "to observe"
- One who is deficient in knowledge cannot be called arya. At the present, however, the word arya is used to refer to those who are godless. This is the unfortunate situation of Kali-yuga
- One who is not fortunate, his intelligence is used how to go to hell
- One who is practiced to control his senses . . . senses are not to be stopped. They are to be used at proper time, but not at the dictation of the senses
- One word used here (SB 4.12.14) is very significant - avicalendriyah, which means that he was not disturbed by the agitation of the senses nor was his sensory power diminished, although in years he was a very old man
- One word used in this verse (SB 3.23.8), nija-dharma-dohan, is very significant
- One's lifetime, one's home and everything one has, if not properly used in the service of the Lord, are all sources of material conditions of perpetual suffering under the threefold miseries - adhyatmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika
- Our endeavor, our energy, should be used solely and wholly for understanding what is Bhagavata-dharma, or Krsna consciousness, not for anything else. It may be very revolutionary, but this is a fact
- Parasurama then used his axe with great force to cut off Kartaviryarjuna's arms, just as one might lop off the hoods of a serpent
- Pariksit was enthroned on the seat of Maharaja Yudhisthira prior to his departure back to Godhead. Concerning Maharaja Pariksit, the specific word used, vinayinam, is significant
- People from the three worlds used to come visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Anyone who saw Him received the transcendental treasure of love for Krsna
- People, they try to understand (the science of Krsna) which is impossible to understand by their own effort. That is a great mistake. Therefore this very word is used, durbodham. What is religion & what is God, that is very, very difficult to understand
- Poetic skill used with due consideration is very pure, and with metaphors and analogies it is dazzling
- Pranava or the omkara transcendental sound used in the beginning of every Vedic hymn to address the Supreme Lord also emanates from Him. BG 1972 purports
- Raghunandana is constantly engaged in serving Lord Krsna in the temple. Beside the entrance of the temple is a lake, and on its banks is a kadamba tree, which daily delivers two flowers to be used for Krsna's service
- Raghunatha dasa used to run away from home again and again to go to Jagannatha Puri, but his father kept binding him and bringing him back
- Regarding dishonest means being used I have never advised or taught anyone like that. That is not my idea
- Regarding frozen vegetables, they are not bad, but if they are twice boiled, then they should not be used
- Regarding salesmanship, it is a great art. It can be used for selling KC also. I am very much engladdened that you are so much enthusiastic, and you may know it that Krishna will help such enthusiastic devotees. May Krishna bless you all round
- Rjubhir yoga-margaih. A very suitable word used here is rjubhih, or very easy
- Rohita returned to the capital of his father. He purchased from Ajigarta his second son, named Sunahsepha. Then he offered Sunahsepha to his father, Hariscandra, to be used as the sacrificial animal and offered Hariscandra his respectful obeisances
- Sa mahatma sudurlabhah: that mahatma, that great soul, is very rarely to be found. Durlabhah means "very rarely found," but the word used is sudurlabhah - very, very rarely to be found
- Salilaih refers to any water - whatever is available - but it must be very clear and collected purely. That water can be used
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya lived on the southern side of the Jagannatha Temple. His home was practically on the beach and was known as Markandeya-sarastata. At present it is used as the monastery of Gangamata
- Sastra says, na grham grham ity ahuh: "Simply a house is not grha." There must be the housewife. That means wife. Grhini grham ucyate. In Hindi this word is used, garbhali means if there is no wife, that is not grha
- Similarly in the east there were two sets of gates named Nalini and Nalini, and these were also constructed in one place. Through these gates the King, accompanied by a friend named Avadhuta, used to go to the city of Saurabha
- Since everyone in this material world is searching for sense gratification, grhasthas are required to be trained as mahat, great mahatmas. Therefore Nanda Maharaja specifically used the word mahad-vicalanam - in SB 10.8.4
- So far envy is concerned it can be used only upon the non-devotees
- So long one is not a devotee, one who is not on the transcendental platform, this equal vision is not possible. It is crippled, all crippled. Therefore bhakti-yoga should be animitta, ahaituki. These words are used
- So this is called varnasrama-dharma. The word dharma is used. Dharma means occupational duty. Dharma does not mean some religious sentiment. No. Natural division and the occupational duty
- Some gopis undid their hair and kept it in front of them as dresses to cover the lower portions of their bodies and used their hands as bodices to cover their breasts
- Some of the people of Vrndavana, including Lord Krsna's father, Nanda Maharaja, used to perform sacrifices to propitiate King Indra, the king of heaven, because he is the controller of rains
- Some of the prominent devotees like Advaita Acarya used to invite Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to take His meals at their homes. The Lord accepted such invitations accompanied by His devotees
- Sometimes he used to go to his private home with one of his chief servants (the mind), who was named Visucina. At that time, illusion, satisfaction and happiness used to be produced from his wife and children
- Sometimes mother Yasoda used to ask Krsna to bring her a wooden plank for sitting. Although the wooden plank was too heavy to be carried by a child, still somehow or other Krsna would bring it to His mother
- Sometimes the word yoga is used to refer to the gymnastic performances of different bodily postures which help mental concentration
- Sometimes these colors (sukla-raktas tatha pitah) are used to designate the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- Sometimes they used to snatch His clothing or snatch away the flowers from His hands. Sometimes one would try to induce another to decorate his body for him, and failing this, they were ready to fight, challenging one another to combat in wrestling
- Sometimes, for the sake of amusement, they used to decorate their faces in strange ways. Another business of the friends was that each of them wanted to defeat Krsna
- Speaking before Dhruva Maharaja, He used the word vedaham because when Dhruva Maharaja demanded material benefits, the Lord was present within his heart and so knew everything
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would regularly visit the temple of Jagannatha every day, and at that time Govinda, His personal servant, used to carry His waterpot and go with Him
- Sri Sanatana Gosvami used to discuss Srimad-Bhagavatam in an assembly of twenty or thirty learned brahmana scholars
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Visvarupa, who was engaged as the priest of the demigods, had three heads. He used one to drink the beverage soma-rasa, another to drink wine and the third to eat food. O King Pariksit, thus I have heard from authorities
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura states that the word vyavahita ("improperly uttered") is not used here (CC Antya 3.59) to refer to the mundane vibration of the letters of the alphabet
- Srila Jiva Gosvami remarks that the word hi used in this connection positively affirms this truth (it is the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master that matters in becoming a brahmana), and there is no doubt about this factual position
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has sung in his prema-bhakti-candrika, 'krodha' bhakta-dvesi jane: anger should be used to punish a demon who is envious of devotees
- Srila Ramananda Raya used highly technical terms when he discussed this subject (five kinds of introductory scenes) with Srila Rupa Gosvami
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has very nicely analyzed the different kinds of disturbing symptoms, and although it is very difficult to find the exact English equivalents for many Sanskrit words used here, his analysis will now be presented
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that when Lord Siva was offering obeisances unto Lord Visnu, Lord Visnu arose and embraced him. Therefore the word srivatsankena is used here - in SB 8.12.41
- Srimati Radharani again enquired from Krsna, "Where did You pass Your night?" The exact Sanskrit word used in this connection was yaminyamusitah
- Stealing is there in Krsna. Does it mean that it is bad? No. It is good. Because it is connected with Krsna. Otherwise how people are worshiping a thief? When it is used materially, when I steal something for sense gratification, I am beaten with shoes
- Subuddhi Raya used to spend his savings to supply yogurt to Bengali Vaisnavas who came to Mathura. He also gave them cooked rice and oil massages. When he saw a poverty-stricken Vaisnava, he would use his money to feed him
- Such entities are called conditioned souls, for they are conditioned by the three modes of material nature. Therefore the words gunair vicitrah are used here - in SB 3.26.5
- Sukadeva answered Pariksit, "He (Mucukunda) was so powerful that even demigods like Indra used to ask him to help in fighting the demons, and as such he often fought against the demons to protect the demigods"
- Sukracarya first cursed Yayati to become old so that he could no longer indulge in sex, but when Sukracarya saw that Yayati's emasculation would make his own daughter a victim of punishment, he used his mystic power to restore Yayati's masculinity
- Supreme Absolute Truth is a purusa. Purusa means enjoyer, man. Man is supposed to be the enjoyer. He's not woman. Woman is supposed to be enjoyed. Therefore this very word is used: purusa. And purana, the oldest man
- The animals gathered were not meant to be killed and eaten. The real purpose of a sacrifice was not to replace a slaughterhouse but to test a Vedic mantra by giving an animal new life. Animals were used to test the power of Vedic mantras, not for meat
- The animals wander naked, so man is also trying to become naked, nudyism. This is life. So their extra intelligence is being used like that - very, very abominable condition of the human society
- The brahmana, therefore, did not exert himself for more material happiness; instead, he used his time for advancement of Krsna consciousness. Externally he appeared very poor because he had no rich clothes and could not provide rich clothes for his wife
- The bricks, stone and wood used in the construction of the temple are spiritual, just as the Deity, although made of stone, is not stone but the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself
- The club and the wheel are the Lord's symbols of punishment for the demons and miscreants, and the lotus flower and conchshell are used to bless the devotees
- The construction fund should only be used for construction items like cement and iron and the party's name should be mentioned
- The cowherd friends used to please Krsna by sitting together with Him on couches or on swings, by lying together on their beds, by joking together and by swimming in the pool
- The demon used the word abhavaya, which means "for killing." Sridhara Svami comments that this "killing" means liberating, or, in other words, killing the process of continued birth and death
- The denizens (of heaven) used to drink nectar to become immortal, but actually they were not confident of their immortality. On the other hand, the boys who were playing with Krsna had no fear of the demons. They were free of fear
- The devotees arise in the morning, here in New Vindavan they are getting up by four o'clock. But in your country the people are not accostumed to this, and it will take a little time to get them used to it
- The difference (between Lord Siva and Lord Visnu) is like that between milk and curd. Curd is nothing but milk, and yet it cannot be used in place of milk
- The eleventh incarnation of the Lord took the form of a tortoise whose shell served as a pivot for the Mandaracala Hill, which was being used as a churning rod by the theists and atheists of the universe
- The English word "worship" cannot be used in the same sense as bhaja. Worship means to adore, or to show respect and honor to the worthy one. But service with love and faith is especially meant for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The exact word used in this connection is brahma-vidam, which means those who know the Supreme very well. An expert brahmana is able to give reformatory facilities to the subcastes - the ksatriyas and vaisyas. Sudras observe no reformatory performances
- The exact words used in this connection in the Bhagavad-gita are mayaiva vihitan hi tan. This means that without the sanction of the Supreme Lord, no demigod can award any benediction to his worshiper
- The fifth gate situated on the eastern side was named Mukhya, or the chief. Through this gate, accompanied by his friends named Rasajna and Vipana, he used to visit two places named Bahudana and Apana
- The following verse appears in Gita-govinda (1.11): His (Krsna's) soft legs and hands, just like the most beautiful moon, are used on the bodies of the gopis. When He embraces different parts of their bodies, He is so beautiful
- The forms which Krsna assumed were each and every one full Visnu. The specific word used in this connection is satya-jnananantananda: satya means truth; jnana, full knowledge; ananta, unlimited; and ananda, full bliss
- The gopis and inhabitants of Vrndavana used to see the luster of lotus flowers everywhere, and they could hardly withdraw their eyes from such a vision
- The great sage Agastya used to live there, and Lord Balarama visited him and offered His respects by bowing down before him
- The higher castes should always look after the maintenance of the sudras, and they should provide them with old and used garments
- The human body may be used in two ways - for going to the darkest regions of ignorance or for going forward, back home, back to Godhead
- The impious trees are useless jungles only, and they can only be used to supply fuels
- The informal language used between lover and beloved is indicative of pure affection
- The Kali had to face so many difficulties to find out such place, because there was no place where illicit sex was going on, there was no place where unnecessarily animals are killed, there was no place where wines and intoxication used
- The life of a paramahamsa devotee is used entirely for Krsna, just as the life of a person attached to the material world is used simply for women and money
- The living entity never possesses anything exactly in the same proportion as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, this mayat affix cannot be used to mean that the individual living entity is quantitatively equal with the Lord
- The Lord comes to deliver the devotee, but the devotee is already delivered. Therefore the word vidambanam, meaning "bewildering," is used in this verse (SB 1.8.29) because this appears contradictory
- The Lord is also all-pervading like the sun, and as such the word pratyak is used in this verse (SB 2.6.40-41). Nothing is excluded from the existence of the Lord's potential expansions
- The Lord used the stone (govardhana-sila) for three years, and then in the heart of Raghunatha dasa God awakened devotional service to the stone. The Lord then gave the stone to Raghunatha dasa, accepting him as one of His most confidential servants
- The man born in the family of candala, he is able to deliver his whole dynasty. Whole dynasty, sa kulam. This very word is used here, pranam punati. He personally becomes purified. There is no doubt about it
- The Mandaracala Hill was used as the churning rod, and the shell of Lord Tortoise, the incarnation of Godhead, became the resting place (pivot) of the hill in the seawater
- The money belongs neither to the one party nor to the other. The money is always money, but in different situations it can be used as an enemy or a friend
- The most significant word used in this verse (SB 6.1.33) is siddha-sattamah, which means the best of the perfect
- The offenses in Deity worship are: (z) to avoid offering fresh fruits to the Deity according to the season, (aa) to offer food to the Deity which has already been used or from which has first been given to others
- The particular word used in this connection, anatmanam, signifies those who have no control over the mind & senses & who therefore speculate & want to become one with the Lord. Such persons cannot have the pleasure of seeing the eternal form of the Lord
- The particular words used here (in BG 18.66), ma sucah, "Don't fear, don't hesitate, don't worry," are very significant. BG 1972 purports
- The phrase brahma jijnasa is used to indicate an inquisitiveness to know the original source of our existence in this material world. No philosopher, scientist or politician actually knows wherefrom we have come
- The point is that these drawings should be realistic. Not that you make Krishna a cartoon character and therefore laughing stock. And hippy ideas shouldn't be used either
- The prefix "nih" may be used for a sense of ascertainment, gradation, construction or forbidding. The word "grantha" means "riches," "thesis" and "composition"
- The pure devotee knows that he is a servant of Krsna eternally. He knows that everything can be used in the service of the Lord
- The purification of the material senses and perception of the transcendental form, name and quality of Krsna are combined together in one word, pratyag-aksaja, which is used here in SB 3.21.33
- The real purpose of these stamps is to make Radha-Krishna picture seen by so many people. Other pictures for other stamps can also be used. The cover picture for KRSNA book is nice for one. Some may even say "KRSNA book" as advertisement
- The results of our activities must be used to serve the interest of the Lord, and not for any other purpose. Only by serving the Lord's interest can we perceive the atma-bhuta interest mentioned herein
- The Sanskrit word maha is derived from the affix mahat. This affix is used when there is a great number or quantity, so maha-yoga indicates that there were many great yogis and devotees meditating on the form of Lord Visnu
- The Sanskrit word sanatana (eternal) is used. The fragmental portion is eternal. BG 1972 purports
- The senses of the individual being are not his own; the devotee knows that such senses belong to the Supreme Lord and that they can be properly used when they are employed for the service of the Lord
- The servants of Gopinatha became very pleased to hear that in the summer all the sandalwood pulp would be used to anoint the body of Gopinatha
- The seven musical notes-sa, r, ga, ma, pa, dha and ni-are used in musical instruments, but originally they come from the Sama Veda
- The simile used here (in BG 6.34) is appropriate: one cannot capture the blowing wind. And it is even more difficult to capture the turbulent mind. BG 1972 purports
- The southern gate of the city was known as Pitrhu, and through that gate King Puranjana used to visit the city named Daksina-pancala, accompanied by his friend Srutadhara
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam has used the suitable word, dharma projhita. That means to kick out the so-called religious principles, economic development, sense gratification, and liberation. According to Bhagavata, these are all cheating processes
- The technical term used is saguna. They (the monist philosophers) speak of saguna Brahman and nirguna Brahman
- The technical terms used in the astronomical calculations given by the Jyotir Veda are difficult to translate into English
- The term karma-yoga is often used in Bhagavad-gita - , and herein (in SB 4.22.51) Maharaja Prthu is giving a practical example of what karma-yoga actually is
- The Transcendence is compared to milk, and the emanations are compared to yogurt. Yogurt is nothing but milk, but at the same time it is different from milk. Yogurt is a milk preparation, but it cannot be used in place of milk
- The transcendental form of the Lord is greater than both the impersonal Brahman and localized Paramatma. Therefore whenever the word "Brahman" is used in the Vedic literature, it is understood to refer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The two gates named Khadyota and Avirmukhi were situated facing the eastern side, but they were constructed in one place. Through those two gates the King used to go to the city of Vibhrajita accompanied by a friend whose name was Dyuman
- The use of pan, haritaki, betel nuts, various spices used in pan-making, tobacco, LSD, marijuana, opium, liquor, coffee and tea is indulged in to fulfill illicit demands
- The Vedic literature gives the knowledge that can lead one to understand the Absolute Truth - Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan. Guru-kula, or the reformatory educational institution, should be used only to understand Vedic knowledge
- The very word grnanti, which is used in this verse (in SB 3.33.7), means to be already established in the perfectional stage of ritualistic performances
- The very word satya-krt is used (in SB 7.1.11) to establish that everything created by the Lord is factual, never false. The creation may be temporary, but it is not false
- The way of Vedic civilization is that whatever was used in household affairs had to be valuable. In case of need, such items of value could be exchanged immediately. Thus one's broken and unwanted furniture and paraphernalia would never be without value
- The whole world is simply mismanaged for want of Krsna consciousness. Pramattah, the word used, pramattah, mad. Nunam pramattah kurute vikarma: (SB 5.5.4) All people mad and engaged in misdeeds only for sense gratification
- The word "api" is used in the sense of possibility, question, doubt, censure, aggregation, appropriate application of things, and extravagance
- The word "ca" ("and") is used to connect a word or sentence with a previous word or sentence, to give the sense of aggregation, to assist the meaning, to give a collective understanding, to suggest another effort or exertion
- The word 'api' is then used in the sense of ascertainment, and then the word 'eva' can be uttered four times with four words
- The word 'ca' can also be used to indicate the certainty that only saintly persons are engaged in rendering devotional service to Krsna. In the combination 'atmarama api,' 'api' is used in the sense of censure
- The word 'ca' is for emphasis, and the word 'api' is used to indicate an aggregate. Thus it is to be understood that even dull creatures (birds and illiterates) can also be situated in endurance and engage in Krsna's devotional service
- The word 'ca' may be used in place of 'api,' which gives emphasis to something. Thus it means that without sincere endeavor in devotional service, one cannot attain love of Godhead
- The word 'dhrti' is also used when one is fully perfect in knowledge. When, due to having obtained the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one has no material miseries, he attains maha-purna, the highest level of perfection
- The word 'nirgrantha,' when combined with 'api' used in the sense of certainty, indicates a person who is a hunter by profession or who is very poor
- The word 'nirgranthah' can be used as an adjective, and 'api' can be used in the sense of certainty. For instance, ramas ca krsnas ca means that both Rama and Krsna enjoy walking in the forest
- The word 'pandita-mani' can be used to indicate that Krsna is honored even by learned scholars. Nevertheless, because of affection for His devotees, Krsna appears like an ordinary human being and may therefore be called martya
- The word abhidhyayet, which is used in this verse (SB 4.8.44), indicates that unless one's mind is fixed, one cannot meditate
- The word acyutamsam is specifically used here (in SB 10.2.18), signifying that the Lord is always present with His plenary expansions and opulences. There is no need to think of the Lord artificially as yogis do
- The word acyutamsam is used because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is Sad-aisvarya-purna, full in the opulences of wealth, strength, fame, knowledge, beauty and renunciation. The Supreme Godhead is never separated from His personal opulences
- The word advayam, "without a second," which is used in this verse (in SB 3.27.11), indicates that although the Supreme Personality of Godhead is represented in everything, including the atoms, He is not divided. His presence in everything is explained
- The word alam is used to mean "ornament," "sufficiency," "power" and "restraint." Here (SB 6.3.24) the word alam is used to indicate that there is no need of any other process, for the chanting of the holy name of the Lord is sufficient
- The word alam, which is used in this verse (SB 6.3.24), indicates that simply uttering the holy name of the Lord is sufficient. This word is used with different imports
- The word anavasara is used when Sri Jagannathaji cannot be seen in the temple. After the bathing ceremony (snana-yatra), Lord Jagannatha apparently becomes sick. He is therefore removed to His private apartment, where no one can see Him
- The word apratipurusam, used in this verse (SB 4.4.2), means "one who has no equal." Lord Siva has no equal in the material world in regard to equality towards everyone. His wife, Sati, knew that her husband was equal towards everyone
- The word atikramam used herein indicates that in offending a devotee one neglects the Supreme Lord Himself
- The word atma-medhasa is used to indicate that by his (Durvasa Muni's) personal experience he would understand how great a Vaisnava the King was. When Durvasa Muni was chased by the Sudarsana cakra, he wanted to take shelter of Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- The word avajananti, used in this verse (SB 11.5.3) of Srimad-Bhagavatam, is also found in the Bhagavad-gita: avajananti mam mudhah. BG 1972 purports
- The word badaila, meaning "increased," is very significant in this verse (CC Madhya 3.42). It is a sophisticated word used by the grhasthas in Bengal
- The word baddha-sauhrdah - "bound in friendship" - is particularly used here. Karmis, jnanis and yogis cannot be bound in devotional service. Karmis fully engage in the activities of the body. Their aim of life is to give comfort to the body only
- The word bhagavan is sometimes used in relation with some of the great devotees of the Lord, like Sukadeva Gosvami
- The word bhajete is significant here (in BG 6.47). Bhajete has its root in the verb bhaj, which is used when there is need of service. BG 1972 purports
- The word bhakti can be used in ten different ways. Out of these ten, there is sadhana-bhakti, or occupational devotional service. The other nine are called prema-bhakti, love of Godhead
- The word brahma-tejasa, used in this verse, is significant. In those days, brahmanas were so powerful that simply by desiring and by chanting a Vedic mantra, they could accomplish very wonderful effects
- The word brahmani used in this verse (SB 4.22.25) is commented upon by the impersonalists or professional reciters of Bhagavatam, who are mainly advocates of the caste system by demoniac birthright. They say that brahmani means the impersonal Brahman
- The word darsaniyatamam, which is used in this verse (SB 3.28.16), means that the Lord is so beautiful that the devotee-yogi does not wish to see anything else. His desire to see beautiful objects is completely satisfied by the sight of the Lord
- The word dharma is meant for human beings and is never used in connection with beings inferior to human beings, such as animals
- The word duratyaya is particularly used in reference to a brahmadanda, or curse by a brahmana. A curse by a brahmana is very strong; therefore it is called duratyaya, or insurmountable
- The word gata-vyathāḥ, used in this connection, means "without fear." Satī did not care that she was going alone; therefore she was almost fearless
- The word hetu is used to indicate the reason or cause. Generally people are engaged in transcendental activities for three reasons: some want material happiness, some want mystic perfection and some want liberation from material bondage
- The word iti used here in this verse completes the synonyms and thus indicates Bhagavan
- The word kurvanti is used to mean "working for others." There is another word similar to this which is used when one's activities are done for one's own personal sense gratification
- The word kurvanti is used when activities are performed for the satisfaction of the Supreme. Thus in this verse (SB 1.7.10) the word can only indicate the rendering of transcendental service to the Lord
- The word mahan-manah is used in this verse (SB 4.24.20) to indicate that the reservoir of water was as calm and quiet as the mind of a great devotee
- The word mahatma to describe the qualifications of Daksa is used sarcastically
- The word manima (in CC Madhya 13.14) is used to address a respectable person in Orissa. Lord Jagannatha was being respectfully addressed by Sri Caitanya in this way
- The word matra is explained in the Medini dictionary as follows: matra karna-vibhusayam vitte mane paricchade. The word matra, in its different imports, is used to indicate the decoration of the ear, possession, respect, and the possession of a covering
- The word maya is also used in connection with love. Out of maya, love, a father has affection for his child. Therefore the word mayinah (in SB 10.12.38) indicates that Krsna, out of love, appeared as the son of Nanda and assumed the form of a human child
- The word maya is used both in the sense of delusion and mercy. Herein (SB 1.8.44) the word maya is used in the sense of the Lord's mercy upon Kuntidevi
- The word maya is used in the sense of illusion
- The word mayamayam used in this verse (SB 5.18.17) should not be understood according to the interpretations of the Mayavadis. Maya means affection as well as illusion. When a mother deals with her child affectionately, she is called mayamaya
- The word mitra is used metaphorically. Mitra means the sun globe, and mitra also means friend
- The word moha used here (in SB 3.25.24) means the false understanding that one is rich or poor
- The word pakhanda used in this verse (SB 4.19.11) is sometimes pronounced pasanda. Both of these words indicate an imposter who presents himself as a very religious person but in actuality is sinful
- The word pancami means "the fifth day" and is used because this (the Hera-pancami festival in the Gundica temple, five days after the Ratha-yatra festival) takes place on the fifth day of the moon
- The word param is used in the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam, in the phrase param satyam, to refer to the summum bonum, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The word paramesthinam is sometimes used in connection with Brahma. Paramesthi means "the supreme person." As Brahma is the supreme person within this universe, Krsna is the Supreme Personality in the spiritual world
- The word rasa, used in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, is understood by different persons differently because the exact English equivalent is very difficult to find
- The word sadhv-alankrta used in this verse (SB 4.26.12) indicates that one must be absorbed in knowledge gathered from the instructions of saintly persons
- The word sadyah, "immediately," is used, and Sridhara Svami also remarks that one can immediately become eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices
- The word samprasanne, which is used in this verse, means "being satisfied." A person should act in such a way that the Lord is satisfied by the activity; it is not that he himself is to be satisfied
- The word san is also used in the sense of charity; therefore when everything is given up in charity unto the Lord, the Lord reciprocates by giving Himself unto the devotee. This is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.11): ye yatha mam prapadyante
- The word santah is used to refer to persons who have developed love for Krsna
- The word sarva-saundarya-sangraham is used. No one can say that the body of the Lord is wanting in beautiful parts. It is completely purnam
- The word sauhrda-ghnam ("a breaker of friendship") is used. Because Narada Muni and the members of his disciplic succession disrupt friendships and family life, they are sometimes accused of being sauhrda-ghnam, creators of enmity between relatives
- The word sphitam is also used, which indicates that He (Krsna) left His gigantic universal form called the virat-rupa, not His primeval, eternal form, because there is hardly any possibility of His changing His form of sac-cid-ananda
- The word srjami is significant herein (BG 4.7). Srjami cannot be used in the sense of creation. because, according to the previous verse, there is no creation of the Lord's form or body, since all of the forms are eternally existent. BG 1972 purports
- The word su-duracarah used in this verse is very significant, and we should understand it properly. When a living entity is conditioned, he has two kinds of activities: one is conditional, and the other is constitutional
- The word suduracaro used in this verse (BG 9.30) is very significant, and we should understand it properly. When a living entity is conditioned, he has two kinds of activities: one is conditional, and the other is constitutional. BG 1972 purports
- The word sveccha is used here (in SB 4.8.57) to indicate that He appears out of His supreme will
- The word tejah used here (in BG 16.1-3) is meant for the ksatriyas. BG 1972 purports
- The word tu is specifically used here (in BG 11.54) to indicate that no other process can be used, can be recommended, or can be successful in understanding Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The word ucitaharah used in this verse (SB 4.26.11) is important. Ucita means "appropriate." One must eat appropriately and not take after food as hogs take after stool
- The word upa, meaning "more or less," is used in many ways, as in the word upapati, which indicates a husband "more or less," that is to say, a lover who is acting like a husband. Upa also means "greater," "smaller" or "nearer
- The word used among the Vaisnavas for offering respect is dandavat. This word means "falling down like a stick"; one should offer respect to the superior Vaisnava by falling down straight, with his body just like a stick
- The word used here (in NBS 14) is bhojanadi, which indicates the four propensities of eating, sleeping, defending, and mating. As the devotee does not eat anything that has not been offered to Krsna, so he does not sleep more than is absolutely necessary
- The word used here (in SB 4.8.51) is eka-bhutena, which means with great attention and concentration. If one concentrates on the descriptions of the bodily features of the Lord, one will never fall down
- The word vastu-nisthayoh, which is used, indicates that both the yogis and Sankhyites have faith in the reality, but are arguing about it from the different viewpoints of material and spiritual identities. Parabrahman, or brhat, is the common point
- The word visate, used in the verses of the Bhagavad-gita, is thus meant for the devotees who are not at all anxious for any kind of liberation. The devotees are satisfied simply in being engaged in the service of the Lord, regardless of the situation
- The word yoga-maya is used in this verse (SB 3.15.26). Yoga-maya-balena vikuntham
- The words arabdhan eva mean "as if achieved by past deeds," but in the case of Prthu Maharaja there was no question of reaction to past deeds, and thus the word eva is used here (SB 4.21.11) to indicate comparison to ordinary persons
- The words lingad vinirgame, which are used here (in SB 3.27.28-29), mean "after being freed from the two kinds of material bodies, subtle and gross
- The words prakrteh param are used in this verse (SB 4.22.51) because everything within this material world is created by the external, material energy of the Lord, but the Lord Himself is not a creation of this material energy
- The words used against Lord Siva by Daksa can also be understood in a different way, in a good sense. For example, he stated that Siva is yaso-ghna, which means "one who spoils name and fame
- The words used here (in SB 3.32.26), paramatmesvarah puman, are all transcendental, and they refer to Supersoul. Supersoul is also described as purusa
- The words used in this connection in Srimad-Bhagavatam are bhagavan api
- The words used in this regard (in SB 6.16.25) are sakala-satvata-parivrdha. The word satvata means "devotees," and sakala means "all together."
- There are innumerable universes, somewhere or other the fish incarnation must be manifesting His pastimes without cessation. In this verse, the particular word dhatte ("eternally accepted," and not the word dhitva, "accepted for the occasion") is used
- There have been many attempts by the demons to hurt or kill the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but He cannot be injured by any material means because He is always in transcendence. Therefore the words pare brahmani are used here - in SB 7.5.41
- There is never any deterioration of the Supreme Lord's original transcendental quality. Therefore the word sattvaya is used here (SB 5.18.25), meaning pure goodness on the transcendental platform
- There is no happiness in material life. It is impossible to have happiness here. In this condition, we do not know the meaning of happiness. That's why this very word is used, manisinah - thoughtful
- There was (five thousand years ago) no limit to how extensively milk, butter, curd and other such products were used in human society
- There was a great Mayavadi sannyasi named Prakasananda Sarasvati, who used to teach Vedanta philosophy to a great assembly of followers
- These are the different meanings of the word "krama." It is used in the sense of potency, systematic arrangement, step, moving or trembling
- These are two kinds of vision. The conditioned soul sees the flower for his own enjoyment, and the devotee sees the flower as an object to be used in the service of the Lord
- These two words are used frequently in Vedic literature - brahmana and krpana. Krpana means "miser" and brahmana refers to a liberal, broad-minded person
- These words (Acyuta and Hrsikesa) are used in these verses (of SB 9.4.18-20). Acyuta-sat-kathodaye, hrsikesa-padabhivandane. The words Acyuta and Hrsikesa are also used in Bhagavad-gita
- These words are used in the Vedic language: isvara, paramesvara; atma, paramatma. So there is one Paramatma. That Paramatma is Krsna. We are atma, living being, & Krsna is also living being. But we are not equal to Krsna. Krsna is the chief living being
- These words om tat sat are used to perfect all activities. This supreme om tat sat makes everything complete. BG 1972 purports
- They (devotees and associates of the Lord) are transcendental instruments in the hands of the Lord and can be used in any way the Lord desires. The pure devotees also enjoy such pastimes of the Lord because they want to see Him happy
- They (Krsna's friends) used to sit together and advise one another what to do, sometimes inducing one another to be engaged in welfare work
- They (those who are elevated to the higher planetary systems) are like the modern astronauts who go to the moon; as soon as their fuel is used up, they are obliged to come back down to this earth
- They are also used especially for enjoyment by the denizens of the heavenly planets so that they can go from one planet to another. On other planets which are called Siddhalokas, the denizens can travel from one planet to another without airplanes
- Thinking of the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu, he left the general path and proceeded with great haste on the one not generally used
- This became a perplexing problem for him because his wife kept requesting him to kill Subuddhi Raya. Finally the Nawab sprinkled a little water on Subuddhi Raya's head from a pitcher that had been used by a Muslim
- This Brahmaloka is eternal, whereas the Satyaloka planetary system is not eternal. And to distinguish between the two, the adjective sanatana has been used in this case
- This earth planet is called Bharata-varsa because it was ruled by King Bharata. Another significant word used in this verse is bahv-ascaryam, "many wonderful things
- This forgetfulness of spiritual identity is present in the jivas, or souls, who are conditioned, being subject to be covered by the energy of material nature. Jnana-guhaya is another word used. Guha means "covering
- This grhastha life is a concession for sex life. Otherwise, there is no need of grhastha life. But everything can be used to make the best use of a bad bargain. That is another thing
- This invention of atomic bomb, certainly it requires good brain. But Bhagavad-gita says that this genius, or this brain, intelligence, has been wrongly used
- This word abhigacchet, it is a form of verb which is used where the sense is "You must! You must!" There is no exception. You cannot say that "I may go to a spiritual master or I may not go. I can study at home." No. You must
- Those in the three higher social orders - namely, the brahmanas (the instructive order), the ksatriyas (the administrative order), & the vaisyas - all used to lead the life of Vaisnavism, or centering every action upon the Supreme Deity, Visnu
- Three words have been used in this connection to describe the achievement of Devahuti: atmanam, brahma-nirvanam and bhagavantam
- To such men, who cannot approach other demigods or Visnu, Lord Siva gives shelter. Therefore the word nirapatrapa can be used in that sense
- Two significant words used in this verse (SB 4.18.3) are asmin and amusmin. Asmin means "in this life," and amusmin means - in the next life
- Two words are used in Sanskrit literature; one is grhastha, and the other is grhamedhi
- Two words used in this verse (SB 3.26.9) are sat and asat. The cosmic manifestation is asat - it does not exist - but the material energy of the Supreme Lord is sat, or ever existing
- Unless situated by the side of the Supreme One, zero is always zero; one may add one hundred zeros, but the value will still remain zero. Unless one's material assets are used in Krsna consciousness, they may play havoc and degrade the possessor
- Unless the dirt within the core of one's heart is cleansed away, one cannot become a pure devotee. Therefore the word su-durlabhah ("very rarely found") is used in this verse
- Upon learning that his elder brother (Sanatana) had been arrested by the Nawab, Rupa Gosvami sent information that ten thousand coins were being held in the custody of a grocer in Gauda (Bengal) and that this money could be used as ransom for his brother
- Usira is a kind of root which when soaked with water has a very, very cooling effect. It is especially used in the scorching heat of the sun
- Vasistha could immediately understand that part of the flesh had already been taken by Vikuksi, and therefore he said that it was unfit to be used in the sraddha ceremony
- Vasuki, being a great snake, would be natural food for Garuda, the chief of birds. Lord Visnu therefore asked Garuda to leave so that Vasuki could be brought to churn the ocean with Mandara Mountain, which was to be used as the churning rod
- Vibhuti, as used in this verse (of BG 10.19), refers to the opulences by which He (the Supreme Lord) controls the whole manifestation. BG 1972 purports
- Vipra-sasana is a word generally used in the Orissa province to indicate the quarters where brahmanas live
- Visa-kanya means a girl, from the childhood, is injected poison, little by little. When she is grown up, whole body is poisonous. So the politician used to engage such girl to kill his opponent politician
- Vrndavana-dhama is made of transcendental touchstone. Its entire surface is the source of all valuable jewels, and the cintamani stone is used to decorate the lotus feet of the maidservants of Vrndavana
- We are followers, rupanuga. We are followers of the Gosvamis. So their behavior, sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih kalavasani-krtau. The whole time, 24 hours, was used in Krsna consciousness by chanting Hare Krsna mantra regularly on fixed up big beads
- We are spirit soul and God is the Supreme Soul. All the souls have come, emanated from Him. He is the Supreme Soul, and Paramatma. The exact word used in the Vedic language, Paramatma, Parabrahma, Paramesvara
- We do not find in Vedic literatures that they (people at King Puranjana's time) ever used contraceptive methods, although they were begetting hundreds of children
- We do not know how many births we had previously, but from the sastra we understand crores, many millions of times, we had to take birth. Therefore it is used, janma koti: not one birth or two birth or second birth or fifth birth
- We find the word bhagavan used twice in this verse (SB 5.4.3). Both King Indra and Rsabhadeva, the incarnation of the Supreme Lord, are described as bhagavan. Sometimes Narada and Lord Brahma are also addressed as bhagavan
- Whatever income he (Kholaveca Sridhara) had, he used fifty percent for the worship of mother Ganges, and with the other fifty percent he provided for his necessities
- Whatever income he (Sridhara Kholaveca) had, he used fifty percent for the worship of mother Ganges, and with the other fifty percent he provided for his necessities
- When he used to throw dice in jest, he would chant Hare Krsna while throwing the dice
- When it (the body) is dirty or when it is old enough, not to be used, then we change to another body, and this body we leave. This is the whole instruction of all Vedic literature
- When Mandara Mountain was being used as a churning rod in the ocean of milk, it had no support, and therefore although held by the strong hands of the demigods and demons, it sank into the water
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took His rest after lunch, the son of Tapana Misra, named Raghu, used to massage His legs
- When Srila Ramananda Raya inquired which of these five Srila Rupa Gosvami had used to accomplish the technical introduction to his drama Lalita-madhava, Rupa Gosvami replied that he had used the introduction technically called udghatyaka
- When Tapana Misra gave Sanatana Gosvami a used dhoti, Sanatana immediately tore it into pieces to make two sets of outer cloth and underwear
- When the demon used the phrase "in my presence," the implied meaning was, "In spite of my presence, You (the Personality of Godhead) are completely able to take away the earth
- When the sun sets, it does not mean the sun is finished. Of course, some of the former theosophists and scientists, they used to think that this is. . . at night the sun is dead. That is not fact. The sun is not visible to our limited eyes
- When there is in the sastra nirakara, this word is used, nirakara means He (Krsna) has no prakrta-akara, material form. Not that He has no form. That is poor fund of knowledge. He is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha - Bs. 5.1
- Whenever an acarya is seen, one should immediately bow down before him. Prthu Maharaja did this properly; therefore the words used here are prasrayanata-kandharah. Out of humility, he bowed down before the Kumaras
- Whenever the word yoga is used it should be understood to refer to that which is transcendental. In the transcendental stage all activities are always present, and they are glorified by prayers of great sages like Bhrgu
- While in the water they sometimes formed one circle and sometimes many circles, and while in the water they used to play cymbals and imitate the croaking of frogs
- While living, the cows give important service by giving milk, and even after death they give service by making available their skin, hooves, and horns, which may be used in many ways
- With his sharp club, the demon, who was roaring like a lion, attacked Garuda, the lord of the birds, who are born from eggs. But the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the original person, used His disc to cut off the head of that enemy also
- Word kama-mudha, meaning one who has lost his sense or is infatuated by lust of attraction for sense gratification, is used. Kama-mudhas are bereft of Krsna consciousness and devotional service and are infatuated by a strong desire for sense gratification
- Yesterday I received your gift of one shawl. This shawl is very nice, and it will be used when I go to some meeting in my dress garments
- Yesterday we had a very successful meeting in the University of Nairobi; the exact words used in the newspaper report as follows: ISKCON SWAMI EXPLAINS PHILOSOPHY
- Yogurt is a preparation of milk, but still yogurt cannot be used as milk. Similarly, Lord Siva is an expansion of Krsna, but he cannot act as Krsna, nor can we derive the spiritual restoration from Lord Siva that we derive from Krsna
- You do not know about Krsna, that is a different thing. But if you want to solve your problems, you must approach the guru. That is the Vedic instruction. This verb is used when you must: no excuse, gacchet, vidhilin
- You must secure one letter from Temple University stating that our Nectar of Devotion is being used as a text. This will be very helpful in introducing our literature in all the big Universities all over the country