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Pages in category "Devour"
The following 56 pages are in this category, out of 56 total.
- After death such demons are put into the hell known as Sarameyadana. On that planet there are 720 dogs with teeth as strong as thunderbolts. Under the orders of the agents of Yamaraja, these dogs voraciously devour such sinful people
- Another gopi told her friends, "Just see! The flames of the forest fire are coming to devour us. Please close your eyes and I shall immediately save you from this imminent danger"
- Being condemned by the curse of Vasistha, King Saudasa devoured the brahmana, exactly as a tiger eats its prey. Even though the brahmana's wife spoke so pitiably, Saudasa was unmoved by her lamentation
- Brahma created Rudra to help him in his creative endeavor, but from the very beginning Rudra began to devour the whole creation, and thus he had to be stopped from such devastating activities
- Brahma, disgusted with the Rudra generations and afraid of being devoured by the increase of population, asked Rudra to stop producing such an unwanted generation and take to penance for attaining the favor of the Supreme Lord
- He (Parasara) considered, "Demons are so made that they devour living creatures, men and animals, but why on that account should I withdraw my brahminical qualification of forgiveness?"
- However ignorant one may be regarding the path of good fortune and the path down to the darkest region of ignorance, everyone is aware of the influence of eternal time, which devours all the effects of our material activities
- I may dream that I am in a great storm, or that I am being pursued, or that someone is taking my money, or that I am being devoured by a tiger, but actually these are all creations of my mind
- If one is so hungry that he could devour one pound of foodstuffs, then instead he should consume only half a pound and supplement this with four ounces of water; one fourth of the stomach should be left empty for passage of air in the stomach
- If one thinks, "According to one's previous fruitive actions, one's material body is created by the father and mother, and the same body is annihilated by another agent, as another animal is devoured by a tiger," this is not proper understanding
- If somebody comes, he says, "Take this elephant, I give you free," will you take? Will you accept? You know that elephant will devour you, your all your means or income and all family income, because you cannot maintain elephant
- If you dig on the northern side, there is a big black snake that will devour you if you attempt to dig up the treasure
- In the middle of the night, while they were taking rest, there was suddenly a great forest fire, and it quickly appeared that the fire would soon devour all the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- Instead of helping their followers to cross the ocean of nescience, such svamis and yogis fall prey to maya, represented by the fair sex, woman, and are thus devoured by the sharks in that ocean
- It was during this time that Lord Sri Krsna, with the help of Arjuna, allowed the fire-god, Agni, to devour the Khandava forest for his satisfaction
- Kamsa, who was from the very beginning the greatest rascal, decided to persecute the brahmanas and Vaisnavas, being entrapped by the shackles of all-devouring, eternal time
- Krishna tells Arjuna, His disciple, that "It is lust only . . . which is the all-devouring, sinful enemy of this world." In the Vedic language, their word for materialistic "love" as we call it at present day; "kama" lust for material desire, not love
- Some soldiers fought on the backs of vultures, eagles, ducks, hawks & bhasa birds. Some fought on the backs of timingilas, which can devour huge whales, some on the backs of sarabhas, and some on buffalo, rhinoceroses, cows, bulls, jungle cows and arunas
- Subsequently, the Lord entered the kingdom of Ravana to kill him, like a fire devouring a forest. May that Supreme Lord, Ramacandra, give us all protection
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued speaking to Maharaja Pariksit: My dear King, sleep is exactly like a python. Those who wander in the forest of material life are always devoured by the python of sleep
- Sukadeva Gosvami says: Svayambhuva Manu was thus in a trance, chanting the mantras of Vedic instruction known as the Upanisads. Upon seeing him, the Raksasas & asuras, being very hungry, wanted to devour him. Therefore they ran after him with great speed
- The ants had devoured Hiranyakasipu's skin, fat, flesh and blood because he had been there for a long time. Then Lord Brahma and the demigods spotted him, resembling a cloud - covered sun, heating all the world by his austerity
- The beauty of Srimati Radharani's eyes forcibly devours the beauty of newly grown blue lotus flowers, and the beauty of Her face surpasses that of an entire forest of fully blossomed lotuses
- The Blessed Lord said: It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material modes of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring, sinful enemy of this world. BG 3.37 - 1972
- The body should be properly cared for. Because the body is temporary, not permanent, one cannot expose the body to being devoured by a tiger or killed by an enemy. All precautions should be taken to protect the body
- The demon Mura in his onslaught was like a big snake attacking Garuda. His angry mood was very severe, and he appeared ready to devour the three worlds
- The flames increased as the wind blew very quickly, & it appeared that everything movable & immovable would be devoured. All the cows & boys became very frightened, and they looked toward Balarama & Krsna the way a dying man looks at the picture of God
- The gopis have fallen into the great ocean of separation and are being devoured by the timingila fish of their ambition to serve You. The gopis are to be delivered from the mouths of these timingila fish, for they are pure devotees
- The great sage of the name Pulastya is the father of all demoniac descendants. Once upon a time Parasara began a sacrifice in which all the demons were to be burnt to death because his father had been killed and devoured by one of them
- The mystic yoga process is compared to a black snake that devours the living entity and injects him with poison
- The ocean deity replied, "This great demon (Pancajana) generally remains deep in the water in the shape of a conchshell. The son of Your teacher might be within the belly of the demon, having been devoured by him"
- The sons and grandsons generated by Rudra were unlimited in number, and when they assembled together they attempted to devour the entire universe. When Brahma, the father of the living entities, saw this, he became afraid of the situation
- The Supreme Lord, Visnu, who sits in everyone's heart, appearing as Yajnapati, observed that the Raksasas and demons were going to devour Svayambhuva Manu
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself creates and devours the living beings through other living beings
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world
- The thieves and rogues of modern democracy seek election by misrepresentation of votes, and the successful rogues and thieves devour the mass of population
- The universal form of Krsna, which is a temporary manifestation, and the form of time which devours everything, and even the form of Visnu, four-handed, have all been exhibited by Krsna. Krsna is the origin of all these manifestations. BG 1972 purports
- They (mlecchas, or lowborn people who have not undergone the purifying process of samskara) will devour the citizens with their atheistic activities
- They began to say, "Our dear Krsna! O S. Personality of God! Our dear Balarama, reservoir of all strength! Please try to save us from this all-devouring and devastating fire. We have no shelter other than You. This devastating fire will swallow us all"
- Through taxation, such men exploit the citizens as much as possible, & in this way they devour the citizens of the state instead of benefiting them. We therefore cannot expect a government to be efficient if it is headed by such unclean mlecchas & yavanas
- Thus being advised by his demoniac ministers, Kamsa, who was from the very beginning the greatest rascal, decided to persecute the brahmanas and Vaisnavas, being entrapped by the shackles of all-devouring, eternal time
- Thus Nanda Maharaja was relieved of the imminent danger of being devoured by the snake
- Too much sense gratification means creating disease. For example, some nice eatable. But if you, because it is very nice rasagulla, therefore I shall devour one dozen, that's not very good. That will create indigestion immediately
- When the Khandava forest was being devoured by the fire-god, Agni, there was a demon of the name Maya who was saved by Arjuna from the devastating fire. For this reason, that former demon became a great friend of Arjuna
- With his fearful, deathlike teeth, he seemed to be trying to devour the entire universe. Thus assuming a gigantic body, the great demon Vrtrasura shook even the mountains and began crushing the surface of the earth with his legs
- Yoga, the mystic process, is compared to a black snake that devours people by the impersonal cultivation of kaivalya. However, if one takes to bhakti-yoga, he becomes quickly successful
- Your stepmother, Suruci, being maddened upon the death of her son, will go to search him out in the forest, but she will be devoured by a forest fire