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Pages in category "Painting"
The following 72 pages are in this category, out of 72 total.
- A person whose body is decorated with the pulp of sandalwood, with paintings of the holy name of the Lord, is delivered from all sinful reactions, and after his death he goes directly to Krsna-loka to live in association with the S P of Godhead
- After cleansing the rooms and floors such kind of auspicious paintings are done every morning or in every ceremony. In Bhagavad-gita is is said that they are part and parcel of religious life. In most cases these engagements are meant for the women
- After the bathing ceremony of Lord Jagannatha, during the fortnight before the Ratha-yatra ceremony, the body of Lord Jagannatha, having been washed, needs repainting. This is known as anga-raga
- After the bathing ceremony of Sri Jagannatha, which takes place just a fortnight before the Ratha-yatra ceremony, the body of the Lord Jagannatha Deity is repainted, and this takes just about a fortnight to complete. This period is called Anavasara
- All the cows, bulls and calves were smeared with a mixture of oil and turmeric and painted with minerals like red oxide, yellow clay and manganese. They wore garlands of peacock feathers and were covered with nice colored cloths and gold necklaces
- Although they are different mixtures of different materials (sky, air, electricity, water and earth), such mixtures do not take place automatically, just as a mixture of colors does not take place automatically without the touch of the living painter
- Another four items of devotional service: (1) marking one's body with sandalwood pulp , (2) painting one's body with the holy names, (3) covering one's body with the remnants of the Deity covers, (4) accepting caranamrta, the water which washes the Deity
- Another gopi said, "Their ears raise up and they become stunned. They do not appear alive but like painted animals. Krsna's flute-playing is so attractive that even the animals become enchanted, and what to speak of ourselves"
- Art, literature, poetry, painting, etc., may be used in glorifying the Lord
- Artistic painting with sandalwood pulp and colored sandalwood were also to be found on the body of Krsna
- As already discussed, there are eight kinds of representations of the original form of the Lord. These representations can be produced by the use of clay, stone, wood, paint, sand, etc., depending upon the resources of the devotees
- Dancing they have got - Krsna dancing, always. Painting they have got, singing they have got, arts, literature. We have got eighty books like this, four hundred pages. Pure life - no meat-eating, no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling. Finished
- Devotees engage in the temple in the service of the Lord as arca-vigraha, a form made of material objects such as stone, metal, wood, jewels or paint. All of these are called sthula, or physical representations
- For devotees, paintings and decorations are still adored, and the servitor of the master is paid more respects for the satisfaction of the Lord
- For example, one can observe the personal artistic work in a painting of a flower, and one can understand that the color adjustment, the shape and so on have demanded the minute attention of an artist
- I am also pleased to hear something about Kirtanananda's party, and if you have them, kindly send me one photo of these painted busses, how they look, so I may be inspired by seeing them
- I am glad to hear also that you have made my rooms very nicely painted and cleansed. Now I shall be coming there by early October and I want to stay in those rooms, so you may prepare them for me very nicely and decorate with flowers, etc
- I am so pleased to see the picture. And you have improved very much in your painting capacity also by serving Krishna so faithfully by the talent which Krishna has endowed you with
- I think Krishna will give you strength more and more. Do not stop your work, go on painting as far as possible
- I was thinking that the paintings should be produced at the rate of one per day. That was my thought. But if it is not practical, there is no cause for lamenting
- If Jadurany wants to paint the picture of Bali Maharaj, it should be like this: 1) The hall must be very nicely decorated, a princely hall, 2) in one side of the hall, the royal throne should be presented as vacant
- If we paint a picture of a flower, we have to arrange many facets, and still the picture will not be absolutely perfect. Yet the flower created by Krsna has come out perfectly. What rascal can say that there is no brain behind it
- If you paint a very nice flower, how much labor you require. Still, it cannot be so beautiful as the natural flower. So don't think the natural flower has come accidentally. No. It was done by the machine manipulated by Krsna. That is Krsna understanding
- If you paint one flower, you have to take the brush, color, and you cannot do as nice. So Krsna has also to do the same thing, but the energy is so fine and quick, svabhaviki jnana-bala-kriya ca. Krsna's energies will go on
- If you simply wash the cage very nicely and cover it and paint it and the bird within the cage is crying, starving... What is this civilization? Similarly, we spirit soul, we have been encaged within this body
- In Bhagavad-gītā it is stated that oṁkāra is the letter form of the Lord. Similarly, there are statue forms and painting forms of the Lord
- In every transformation, the last finishing touch is the glance of the Lord, who acts as a painter does when he mixes different colors to transform them into a particular color. When one element mixes with another, the number of its qualities increases
- It appears like miracle because your brain cannot accommodate how quickly all these things come. You have got poor brain; you cannot accommodate. You are thinking, - I have to paint this, simply painting I have to take so much time
- It is not an artistic paint, but it is taken from the Vedic literature, what is the original form of Krsna. Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. That is original form
- It is recommended in the Vedic scriptures that a deity may be made from different kinds of material elements: it can be painted, made of metal, made of jewels, made of wood, earth or stone or can be conceived within the heart of the worshiper
- One man paints a little different from your face; another man paints . . . but on the whole, it is the same. In that way Krsna is not depending on the painting but on the features of His description as it is in the sastra
- One should not confuse the painter, the painting and the easel. This material world is nature, and the enjoyer of nature is the living entity, and above them both is the supreme controller, the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Radha and Krsna are transcendental to such artistic work, they do not depend upon our painting of them for their beauty. But they should be painted as nicely as possible if there is at present some deterioration of the painting
- Radharani's friend told her, "I see that the decoration on Your forehead is very nicely made, and so it appears that Krsna was not too disturbed in painting it. Otherwise, he could not have painted such exact lines!"
- Regarding the artist you have written about, if he can paint improved paintings, we shall publish. Yes, you can bring him to Bombay when you come
- Salagrama sila is a black stone ball, round, with eyes and nose painted with gopicandana with a golden crown on and placed on one small srngasana
- Such descriptions (of Lord's bodily features given by Narada Muni) should be accepted, and if they are painted, that is not imaginative painting
- Suppose your painting is there. Can I not say that, "Here is Mr. Such-and-such"? What is the wrong there?
- The Absolute is personal, but He is independent. He does not require to personally take a brush and colors to paint the flowers, for His potencies act so wonderfully that it appears as if flowers have come into being without the aid of an artist
- The artist's work is clearly exhibited in a painting of different blooming flowers
- The bodily luster and beauty of Rukmini appeared as if painted by an artist perfectly presenting beauty following the descriptions of great poets
- The city gateway, the household doors & festooned arches along the roads were all nicely decorated with festive signs like plantain trees & mango leaves, all to welcome the Lord. Flags, garlands & painted signs & slogans all combined to shade the sunshine
- The criss-cross pattern is simply decoration. After mopping the floor nicely, this kind of painting with colored rice powder is still prevailing in Hindu families of S. India. It is called alipana
- The flags mentioned above were all painted with the picture of either Garuda or Hanuman, the two great servitors of the Lord
- The form of the Lord, though represented by material qualities such as stone, wood or oil paint, is not actually material. That is the absolute nature of the Supreme Lord
- The form of the Lord, though represented by material qualities such as stone, wood, or oil paint, is not actually material. That is the absolute nature of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, knows very well how to demonstrate the qualities of His devotees. Therefore, acting like an artistic painter, He does so in various ways and considers this His personal profit
- There are many authorized, standard versions of paintings of Garbhodakasayi Visnu reclining, so you may see these, exactly how it is done. Ananta and G. Visnu are practically the same size
- There are many so-called gentlemen, they write books on Krsna lila, paint picture." This is very nice. Krsna is advocating illicit intermingling." They take it as support of their sinful activities
- There are many unauthorized pictures painted by so-called imaginative artists, but we don’t want such pictures in our temples
- There is necessity of seeing beautiful pictures of Krsna & His devotees & His Pastimes, in order to attract them (people) to the spiritual process. So this is a great service, & there is urgent need for paintings
- They (persons who cannot understand the transcendental nature of the love affairs of the gopis and Krsna) sometimes indulge in painting licentious pictures in some modernistic style
- They (the gopis) remained standing still, as if they were painted pictures. All the gopis decided that Krsna was not returning immediately, and with greatly disappointed hearts they returned to their respective homes
- This is the Vedic statement, that "The Absolute Truth is so perfect, He has got so many potencies, that everything is being done so perfectly." Just like one artist. If he wants to paint one picture, one flower, he has to give his attention
- We should understand whatever we see to be the energy of the Supreme Lord and should not differentiate between the Lord and His arca form made from clay, metal, wood or paint
- When Krsna is killing Putana, that picture they will not paint, or killing Kamsa, or... Krsna has got so many pictures. These pictures these rascals will not paint. They will simply paint the picture, His confidential dealings with the gopis
- When we ask (about rose flower coming out artistically painted), the answer is that, "It is nature." But if we go deep into the matter, what is this nature? Nature means a working instrument, that's all, an energy
- When you have no other engagement, at that time you can attempt to paint pictures if you have got taste for such artistic work
- When you paint one picture, I can see, everyone can see that you are working. But this painting or this working of the actual rose flower, that is also being worked out by several energies. Don't think that is has coming out automatically
- Within & outside of the houses there were varieties of artistic paintings, done with rice pulp, & scented water was sprinkled everywhere, even on the roads & streets. Ceilings & roofs were decorated with different kinds of flags, festoons & green leaves
- You are painting one very nice flower. You have to take your brush, the color and the plate, so many things, and you are taxing your brain how to make it beautiful. But you see one rose flower in the garden they are coming out very artistically painted
- You are talking and painting about Krishna, so that your mind, hand, and attention are all absorbed in Krishna samadhi, and tongue chanting Hare Krishna. This is first class samadhi, and the highest position of the greatest yogi
- You can paint pictures by taking hints from the authority. That is going on. So if you are intelligent, you can make almost like that
- You should also describe how one should render service to the spiritual master and paint one's body in twelve places with urdhva-pundra (tilaka), as well as how one should stamp one's body with the holy names of the Lord or the symbols of the Lord