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Pages in category "Lodge"
The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total.
- All the children lodged complaints with Sacimata about the Lord's fighting with them and stealing from the neighbors' houses. Therefore sometimes she used to chastise or rebuke her son
- All the gopi friends of Yasoda & Rohini enjoyed the naughty childish activities of Krsna & Balarama in Vrndavana. In order to enjoy further transcendental bliss, they all assembled and went to mother Yasoda to lodge complaints against the restless boys
- All those princesses were lodged in different apartments, and the Lord simultaneously assumed different bodily expansions exactly matching each and every princess. He accepted their hands in perfect rituals by His internal potency
- Along with our temple, we shall have to construct some residential quarters for the students. And the students will remain with us. There will be no charge for their fooding or lodging. They will remain as brahmacari and go to their schools, colleges
- Although Krsna cheated the young unmarried gopis and made them stand naked before Him and enjoyed joking words with them, and although He treated them just like dolls and stole their garments, they were still pleased with Him and never lodged complaints
- Although this material world is prison house - all criminals are here, revolt, to a person are here, those who do not care for God - but still, their fooding problem, their lodging problem is there by arrangement of God. Everything is there
- Aniketanah means "without lodging." He (a sannyasi) should not have his own house, but should depend completely on the Supreme Lord for his food and lodging. He should travel
- At Navadvipa, Paramananda Puri took his board and lodging at the house of Sacimata. She provided him with everything very respectfully
- I want to increase my work. Brahmananda Swami and Gopala Krishna were suggesting that I go to some other place in India, but if Tamala Krishna flies 10,000 miles to lodge some complaint against Jayatirtha what can I do?
- If they have objection they must lodge it with their GBC, and differences must be discussed openly amongst ourselves, not secret meetings. We are Vaisnava devotees, not politicians
- If You (Krsna) insist on putting this proposal to us (the gopis), which is impossible to perform, then certainly we will have to go to Nanda Maharaja and lodge a complaint against You
- If you (the gopis) do not come here and if you lodge complaints with My (Krsna's) father (Nanda Maharaja), I shall not care anyway, for I know My father is old and cannot take any action against Me
- In Russia, they cannot speak anything against the government, and they have got so many protests to lodge. So many. But they cannot speak. If you speak, immediately he's sent to the concentrated camp
- One day while Krsna was playing with His small playmates, including Balarama and other sons of the gopas, all His friends came together and lodged a complaint to mother Yasoda. "Mother," they submitted, "Krsna has eaten earth" - SB 10.8.32
- One thing is that they must be fully engaged. Don't make a hotel for free boarding and lodging. Everyone must be full-time engaged and the best engagement for them is to sell books
- Regarding the Government's plans to construct a three crore tourist lodge, why not give the money to us, and we can construct? If this money is used for four such buildings as we have got plus a temple
- Report of the brahmanas, the police came and broke these drums. It was not the fault of the Muhammadans. The brahmanas lodged complaint against Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So he has to take step
- The brahmanas, the priests, have been against this Krsna consciousness movement since it began with Lord Caitanya. When Lord Caitanya started this movement, the priestly class lodged complaints to the Kazi, the magistrate of the Muhammadan government
- The cow and bull never placed any complaint before the King (Maharaj Pariksit) for being tortured by the personality of Kali, although everyone lodges such complaints before the state authorities
- The Gurukula standard should be free education, boarding, and lodging. People shall voluntarily contribute as far as possible. That should be introduced
- This is to introduce our life member, Sri Narinder Natha Bagai. Please try to help Mr. Bagai in every respect during his visit to your Temple, and provide him with boarding and lodging free of charge
- This is to introduce Srimati Lalita Bose, who is our friend and well-wisher. Wherever in our centers she goes, she should be received free of boarding and lodging at least for three days
- We (the Krsna consciousness movement) arrange for their lodging and board so that they (everyone who is serious about progressing in Krsna consciousness) can peacefully cultivate Krsna consciousness and return home, back to Godhead, even in this life
- When Krsna was sitting before mother Yasoda, all the elder gopis began to lodge complaints against Him so that Krsna could hear
- When the neighboring people saw the naughty behavior of Lord Caitanya, out of love for Him they lodged complaints with Sacimata and Jagannatha Misra