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Pages in category "Particle"
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- A living entity is called anu, an atomic particle of the supreme soul, and his brain is also atomic. It cannot accommodate unlimited knowledge. This does not mean that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, has a limited brain
- A sannyasi in the renounced order is certainly part and parcel of the complete whole, just as a shining molecular particle of sunshine is part and parcel of the sun itself. Krsna is like the sun, full of six opulences
- After doing so (eating some particle of vegetable sticking to the pot), the Lord asked Draupadi to call for her guests, the company of Durvasa
- After the death of Dantavakra, just as at the time of Sisupala's death, in the presence of all the persons standing there a small particle of spiritual effulgence came out of the demon’s body and very wonderfully merged into the body of Lord Krsna
- All the bhaktas who have basically accepted that "God is great; I am small, very small particle. Therefore, as the small serves the great, my real duty is to serve God," this is liberation
- Although when a pure devotee speaks the articulation of his voice may resemble the sound of this material sky, the voice is spiritually very powerful because it touches the particles of saffron dust on the lotus feet of the Lord
- An expert geologist can understand where there is gold and by various processes can extract it from the gold ore. Similarly, a spiritually advanced person can understand how the spiritual particle exists within the body
- Anor aniyan mahato mahiyan (KU 1.2.20). Krsna is mahatah, greater than the greatest, and we are the smaller than the smallest. But the particle is the same, as particle of gold is also gold, but the particle of gold is never equal to the gold mine
- As a small particle of fire can kindle a great fire with fuel, so the Lord killed all these great demons, beginning from His (Krsna's) babyhood in the house of Nanda Maharaja
- As explained before, the particles of Brahman are like sparks blissfully dancing within a fire, but there is a chance of their falling from the fire to smoke, although smoke is another condition of fire
- As explained in the previous verse (SB 7.7.22): "A spiritually advanced person can understand how the spiritual particle exists within the body, and thus by cultivating spiritual knowledge he can attain perfection in spiritual life"
- As iron has the power to burn when made red-hot in the association of fire, so the body, senses, living force, mind & intelligence, although merely lumps of matter, can function in their activities when infused with a particle of consciousness by the SPG
- As the sun and the sunshine, they are together shining, there is light, similarly, when we are again posted in our own constitutional position, and Krsna is like the sun and we are shining particles, then our life is successful
- As the sun is situated in one place, but is illuminating the whole universe, so a small particle of spirit soul, although situated in the heart of this body, is illuminating the whole body by consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- As the wind can carry away but a drop of the water in the ocean, a living entity can touch only a particle of the ocean of love of Krsna
- Atomic particles of the spirit whole are compared to the sunshine molecules. BG 1972 purports
- Be causelessly merciful to Me by giving Me a place with the particles of dust at Your lotus feet so that I may engage in the service of Your Lordship as Your eternal servant
- Because of the impact on the ground of the legs of the demons and demigods and the wheels of the chariots, particles of dust flew violently into the sky and made a dust cloud that covered all directions of outer space, as far as the sun
- Because these living entities do not wish to keep their individual existences, they are combined and allowed to remain in Brahmaloka like so many atomic particles of sunshine emanating from the sun
- Because we are part and parcel of God - God is fully independent - so we have got also little particle of independence. As soon as we misuse that independence, disobey the words of God, we become sinful
- BS 5.35: "I worship the Personality of Godhead, Govinda, who by one of His plenary portions enters the existence of every universe and every atomic particle and thus manifests His infinite energy unlimitedly throughout the material creation"
- By the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, clouds appeared on the sea, pouring torrents of rain, and breezes blew, carrying particles of water from the sea waves, to give the demigods relief
- By the symptoms the expert gold miner finds out that, "Here is gold, gold mine." Because in the within the soil, or with the soil you find some gold particles. That is the way
- Eka, the sun is one, but the sunshine means combination of many small atomic particles. Similarly, God is one, and we, part and parcel of God, we are many. Try to understand this. This is authoritative statement
- Even if one is able to count such atomic particles (contained in the whole universe) or is able to roll up the sky like one's bedding, even then one is unable to estimate the extent of the prowess and energy of the Supreme Lord
- Even the smallest intoxication, that is also dangerous. Just like fire. Even a small particle of fire is dangerous. If you neglect it, "Oh, it is a small particle..." No. You must extinguish it. It may come out very great fire
- Expansion feature also two kinds: svamsa, vibhinnamsa, His (Krsna's) personal expansion and separated expansion. We are all separated expansion, vibhinnamsa, a small particle
- God is infinite, and we are infinitesimal, very small particle. Just like sun. Sun is very big, but the sunshine, it is a combination of very minute, bright articles, atoms. Everyone knows. It is a combination of, I mean to say, dazzling, bright
- Great scientists may be able to count all the atoms of the universe, all the stars and planets in the sky, and all the particles of snow, but who among them can count the unlimited transcendental qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- He (King Nrga) said that he had been very charitably disposed and had given away so many cows that the total was equal to the number of particles of dust on the earth, stars in the sky or drops of water in a rainfall
- His (Krsna's) song is so sweet that even one particle of its sound can inundate the entire world. If such a particle enters one's ear, one is immediately bereft of all other types of hearing
- How can a gross man fully engaged in materialistic activities understand the soul, which is a small particle of spirit one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair?
- How, then, could an ordinary living being with very little intelligence describe such pastimes? Nevertheless, I am trying to touch but a particle of them just to rectify myself
- If a material thing can have so much effect, immediately, the spiritual atom cannot do that? That is called science. Similarly, the biggest spiritual identity, Krsna, He can become all-pervading. We are particle spiritual, spark
- If I am realized then this material composition of this body is disbursed and I am the spirit soul, small particle, I am immediately promoted to the spiritual sky. That is the highest perfection
- If the living entities are simply satisfied with being identical with You as spiritual particles, then they will be happy being controllers of so many things
- If they are accepted, however, as particles of the eternally existing spiritual entity - as part of You, who are the supreme spirit whole - we must conclude that they are always under Your control
- If we divide the tip of a hair into a 100 parts and then take 1 of these parts and divide it again into a 100 parts, that very fine division is the size of but one of the numberless living entities. They are all cit-kana, particles of spirit, not matter
- If you go by airplane, jet plane, above the cloud, you'll find the sunshine is without any cloud. The cloud cannot cover the whole sun. Similarly, maya cannot cover the supreme whole. Maya can cover the small particles of Brahman
- In comparison to the vastness of space, these material lumps are like dust particles in the air. Because God has kindly made these lumps of matter complete in themselves, they are perfectly equipped with all necessities for floating in space
- In due course of time, when these yogis attain the perfection of controlling the mind, they will still be unable to taste even a particle of dust from the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - SB 10.12.12
- In His form as Karanodakasayi Visnu the Lord impregnates material nature by His glance. The transcendental molecules of that glance are particles of spirit, or spiritual atoms
- In modern science also, the atom is accepted as the ultimate indivisible particle of which the universe is composed
- In that gigantic pot my body is of insignificant measurement, and even though one of the many universes is created by me, innumerable universes are coming and going from the pores of Your body, just as atomic particles are seen flickering in the sunlight
- In the Bhagavatam it is stated - There are innumerable particles of spiritual atoms, which are measured as one ten-thousandth of the upper portion of the hair. BG 1972 purports
- In the city of King Puranjana, the branches of the trees standing on the bank of the lake received particles of water carried by the spring air from the falls coming down from the icy mountain
- In the Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (7.28) Dhruva Maharaja said: I came to search out some particles of colored glass, but instead I found a very valuable gem like You. I am satisfied, and I do not desire to ask anything of You
- In the material way, suppose you take a piece of paper and tear it into particles and throw it all over. The original paper has no existence. This is material
- In time, great scientists may be able to count all the atoms of the universe, all the stars and planets in the sky, and all the particles of snow
- In Vrndavana, spiritual cows are always supplying spiritual milk. Not a single moment is wasted there - in other words, there is no past, present or future. Not a single particle of time is wasted
- It is calculated that if a second is divided into 1687.5 parts, each part is the duration of a truti, which is the time occupied in the integration of eighteen atomic particles
- It is described that after the appearance of the Lord, when Dhruva Maharaja thought and compared his determination to his final reward, he realized that he had wanted a few particles of broken glass but instead had received many diamonds
- It is not the semen of the man that creates life within the womb of a woman; rather, the living entity, the soul, takes shelter in a particle of semen and is then pushed into the womb of a woman. Then the body develops
- It is stated that just as the atoms and particles of dust are floating within the air along with the birds and their number cannot be calculated, so innumerable universes are floating within the pores of the transcendental body of the Lord
- It is the living entity's constitutional position to be an eternal servant of Krsna because he is the marginal energy of Krsna and a manifestation simultaneously one with and different from the Lord, like a molecular particle of sunshine or fire
- It may be possible for a material scientist to estimate the number of atomic particles which make up this earthly planet, but the scientist cannot enumerate My unlimited names, forms and activities
- Just as atomic particles of dust pass through the openings of a window, so the networks of universes pass through the pores of the skin of the purusa
- Just as the shining particles of the sun's rays always exist with the sun, the living entities exist eternally as parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just as the sunshine is composed of so many atomic particles, so the brahma-jyotir is composed of so many spiritual sparks
- Just like gold mine and a small particle of gold. So small particle has. . . It will be called gold, and it has got some value. But not as good as the gold mine. This is the difference between God and ourself
- Just like you see here millions of planets or stars within this universe. This universe is a small particle only. There are many universes like this. This is only one-fourth manifestation of the planets, other three-fourth is there in the spiritual sky
- King Nrga said, "Your (Krsna's) body is full of transcendental bliss & knowledge, & You are eternal. You are the master of all mystic powers; therefore You are known as Yogesvara. Kindly accept me as an insignificant particle of dust at Your lotus feet"
- Krsna's another name is Acyuta. Acyuta means He never falls down. We, a small particle of the acyuta, although by nature we are acyuta, but due to our weakness we are prone to fall down in this material world
- Krsna's constitutional position and the living entity's constitutional position are the same qualitatively. The only difference is that the living entity is eternally an atomic particle of the Supreme Spirit
- Krsna, the SPG, is partially realized in His impersonal brahmajyoti effulgence and as the all-pervading Supersoul dwelling within everything, including the particles of atoms. But Krsna is only fully realized by His pure devotees. BG 1972 purports
- O King, as small particles of sand sometimes come together and are sometimes separated due to the force of the waves, the living entities who have accepted material bodies sometimes come together and are sometimes separated by the force of time
- O My Lord, O Krsna, son of Maharaja Nanda, I am Your eternal servant, but because of My own fruitive acts I have fallen into this horrible ocean of nescience. Now please be causelessly merciful to Me. Consider Me a particle of dust at Your lotus feet
- Of course, we cannot divide the tip of a hair into such fine particles, but spiritually such small particles can exist. Spiritual strength is so powerful that a mere atomic portion of spirit can be the biggest brain in the material world
- Offering my obeisances unto Caitanya, let me describe a particle of His opulence and sweetness. He is most valuable for a fallen conditioned soul bereft of spiritual knowledge, and He is the only shelter for those who do not know the real goal of life
- One is "Sir such-and-such" or "Lord such-and-such," and big scientist, big philosopher. Why? Because that spark of God's parcel, part and parcel, is there. As soon as that particle is gone, this body is useless
- One may say that varieties arise from the planet earth itself. However, although the universe may temporarily appear to be the truth, it ultimately has no real existence. The earth was originally created by a combination of atomic particle
- One particle of that transcendental, blissful nectar is the life and soul of the ear, which is like a cakora bird that lives in hope of tasting that nectar
- One ten thousandth part of the top of the hair. So how you can see? But that small particle is giving you living force. This knowledge we get from Bhagavad-gita, and that is the fact. You cannot get life by analyzing this material body
- One who is learned knows that the small particle of spirit is there in the ant and in the elephant. Therefore he sees the elephant and the ant on the same level, on spiritual vision, not on this external vision. This is called self-realization
- Our consciousness exists because we are part and parcel of the supreme consciousness. For example, a spark is only a tiny particle of the fire, yet the spark is also fire
- Owing to a gross material conception of things, most men in this age cannot imagine how such a small particle can become both so great and so small. So men look at the soul proper as wonderful either by constitution or by description. BG 1972 purports
- Part and parcel of gold must be gold. There is no doubt about it. But it does not mean that the small particle of gold is equal to the gold mine. That is not possible. Part is never equal to the whole
- Philosophers & scientists may be so advanced that they can count the atomic composition of the cosmic atmosphere or all the planets and stars in the sky, or even the shining molecular particles of the sun or of the stars and other luminaries in the sky
- Real fact is that I am spiritual particle, and the whole spirit is Krsna, or God. Therefore, as part and parcel of God, it is my duty to serve God. That is spiritual life, bhakti-yoga
- Receiving orders from the above authorities and the Vaisnavas of Vrndavana, especially from Haridasa, the priest of Govindaji, I, Krsnadasa Kaviraja, have tried to describe one small particle of one drop of one wave of the ocean of Caitanya's pastimes
- Red-hot iron can burn, but it cannot burn the original fire. Therefore the consciousness of the small particle of Brahman is fully dependent on the power of the Supreme Brahman
- Rohini said, "Our only ambition is to bear on our heads life after life the dust particles attached to the lotus feet of Lord Krsna. The goddess of fortune also desires to keep that dust on her breasts, along with fragrant saffron"
- Self-realization means knowing our identity as small particles. The small particle of spirit soul is within every one of us, but it is not possible to see with material eyes
- Since neither Visnu nor the living entity are of the material creation, someone may inquire, Why were the small particles of spirit created at all?
- Since the soul is actually a spiritual particle, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, it is due to illusion (vivarta-vada) that a human being, like an animal, identifies the body with the self. This is a proper example of vivarta, or illusion
- Since we are particles of You (Lord Krsna), what can we understand about our welfare? O Supreme Lord, please give us the means of deliverance that is suitable for the brahmanas and demigods
- So many living entities. So we are very small particle, and we have come here in this material world. Just like the Europeans especially, they go to other countries for colonizing to use the material resources for their sense gratification
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu prayed: O Krsna, If You kindly pick me up and fix me as one of the particles of dust at Your lotus feet, that will save me
- Srila Ramananda Raya objected, "It is not alkali at all. It is a particle of camphor he (Rupa Gosvami) has put into the nectar of his exalted poetic expression"
- Tat tvam asi means that the living entity is a spiritual particle of the supreme spirit, but this is not the chief motif of the Vedanta or Vedic literatures. The chief sound representation of the Supreme is omkara
- The atom is described as an invisible particle, but when six such atoms combine together, they are called a trasarenu, and this is visible in the sunshine pouring through the holes of a window screen
- The brahmajyoti - spiritual effulgence - is just like the sunshine; as the sunshine is full of molecular shining particles, so the brahmajyoti is full of minute portions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The brahmanas, because of Lord Krsna's accepting a little particle of food, felt sumptuously fed, even while they were in the water
- The dimension of the spirit is one ten-thousandth portion of the tip of the hair - very small particle, smaller than the atom. This atom enters into the father's semina, and the semina is injected in the mother's womb
- The example given in this verse is that when the wind blows, particles of dust float in the air. Gradually lightning occurs, and then torrents of rain follow, and thus the rainy season creates a situation of varieties in the forest
- The fine and immeasurable anti-material particle is always indestructible, permanent and eternal. After a certain period, however, its encagement by material particles is annihilated
- The God is also eternal, and we are also eternal. We are part and parcels of God. Just like gold and fragments of gold; both of them are gold. Although I am fragment, a particle of gold or the spirit, still, I am spirit
- The great sage continued: My dear Vidura, Kuvera presented the great King Prthu with a golden throne. The demigod Varuna presented him with an umbrella that constantly sprayed fine particles of water and was as brilliant as the moon
- The highest scientific advancement of the material scientists is atomic energy. But the material scientist is not able to have an estimation of the particles of atoms contained in the whole universe
- The impersonalists, they do not develop body. They simply remain as spirit particle. That is their idea. But we Vaisnava, we want to serve Krsna, therefore we require hands, legs and mouth and tongue, everything. So we are giving such body
- The individual particle of spirit soul is a spiritual atom smaller than the material atoms, and such atoms are innumerable. BG 1972 purports
- The jiva particle is estimated in the Vedic literature to be one ten-thousandth the size of the upper portion of a hair. It is therefore infinitesimal
- The jiva-tattvas are infinitesimal potential particles of the Lord, and therefore they require the protection of the Lord at all times. And to the eternal servitors of the Lord, the Lord is pleased to give all protection at all times
- The learned man who knows perfectly well that the anti-material particle is indestructible knows that it cannot be annihilated by any means
- The living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme, as gold particles are part of a gold mine. Thus the living entity, in his spiritual position, is as good as gold, as good as Krsna in quality
- The living entity in his original position is pure spirit. He is just like an atomic particle of the Supreme Spirit. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is just like a molecular particle of sunshine, whereas Krsna may be compared to the blazing, shining sun itself. Lord Caitanya compared the living entities to blazing sparks from a fire & the Supreme Lord to the blazing fire of the sun
- The living entity is one 10,000th part of the tip of a hair, but the Lord is so inconceivably small that He enters into the heart of this particle. Therefore He is called smaller than the smallest. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is situated between the two energies of the Lord, and because he belongs to the superior energy of the Lord, he has a particle of independence. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord asked Draupadi to bring up the cooking pots to see if there was any particle of foodstuff left, and on Draupadi's doing so, the Lord found some particle of vegetable sticking to the pot.The Lord at once picked it up and ate it
- The Lord is present in every particle of all existence, and He can manifest His presence in anyone
- The Lord said again and again, "Only by great fortune may one come by a particle of the remnants of food offered to the Lord." The servants of the Jagannatha temple inquired, "What is the meaning of this"
- The Lord says that His nature is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge, and the living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme, as gold particles are part of a gold mine. BG 1972 purports
- The material manifestation's ultimate particle, which is indivisible and not formed into a body, is called the atom. It exists always as an invisible identity, even after the dissolution of all forms
- The nonmaterial particle, which is the living entity, influences the material particle to work. This living entity is always indestructible
- The other forms of liberation maintain the individuality of the particle soul and involve being always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The perfection of science will occur when it is possible for the material scientists to know the qualities of the anti-material particle and liberate it from the association of nonpermanent, material particles
- The position is that we are part and parcel of God. If God is good, we are also good. Just like gold and particle of gold. If gold is valuable, the little particle, it may be less valuable, but it is valuable
- The principle is also applicable to the anti-material universe as well as to the anti-material particle. When the material universe is annihilated, the anti-material universe exists in all circumstances
- The pure devotional service in Vrndavana is like the golden particles in the river Jambu
- The purusa-avataras are also in the category of bhagavat-tattva because each and every one of them is identical with the original form of the Personality of Godhead. The living entities are His infinitesimal particles and are qualitatively one with Him
- The residents of Vrajabhumi think, The Lord is glorified by particles of His transcendental mercy and affection, and we, the residents of Vrndavana, have not the slightest anxiety due to His merciful existence
- The scientists are now studying atoms, and they are finding that electrons, protons, and other particles act in so many ways. Why are these particles active? Because Krsna is present there. This is real scientific understanding
- The small particle, the soul, which is measured as one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair, when it is placed in the womb of the woman by the man, then the body grows. That is the seed
- The small particles of soul are just like sparks of the larger soul. The greatest soul is the Supersoul, but the Supersoul is quantitatively different from the small soul
- The smallness or greatness of different souls is described in the Varaha Purana as svamsa-vibhinnamsa. The svamsa soul is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the vibhinnamsa souls, or small particles, are eternally small particles
- The summum bonum Krsna is one without a second. He Himself has expanded Himself in various parts, portions and particles as svayam-rupa, and jivas, all provided with innumerable energies just suitable to the respective persons and personalities
- The sun is identified with every inch of the sun rays and every molecular particle of the rays. Similarly, the Lord (Krsna) is distributed by His different energies
- The sun itself and the small particles of sunshine and of a blazing fire and the small particles of fire
- The sun ray is a small molecular, glazing atom, the sun ray. You have got experience of sun ray, but what is the sun ray? It is not homogeneous. It is heterogeneous. When you can analyze the sun ray, you'll find small particles of molecules
- The sunshine is a combination of countless trillions of small shining particles, and each particle has its individual identity as an atom
- The sunshine is combination of many millions and trillions of small shining particles. That is sunshine. But each particle has got individual identity. They are not homogeneous
- The sunshine which we daily see, it is not a homogeneous mixture. There is molecules, very small, shining particle. So we are like that, a very small... As there are atoms, material atoms - nobody can count - similarly, we are atomic sparks of God
- The Supreme Transcendence, the summum bonum, eternally and simultaneously exists in four transcendental features: His personality, His impersonal effulgence, particles of His potency (the living beings), and the principal cause of all causes
- The test of a perfect devotee is that he sees Govinda everywhere in this universe, even in every atomic particle (anda-ntara-stha-paramanu-cayantara-stham). This is the perfect vision of a devotee
- The two stages of executing devotional service are 2) second, attaining sincere attachment for serving the particles of the dust of the lotus feet of the Lord
- The word sanatana means "eternal," and the word amsa means "particles." God, Krsna, is very great. No one is equal to Him or greater than Him
- There are so many cities in the stars and planets, upwards. So many universes, so many seas, mountains, skyscraper, houses, we cannot see. Because in the universe these are all simply insignificant particles only
- There is peace even if we are an inch out of the water. Tava pada-pankaja-sthita-dhuli sadrsam vicintaya (Siksastaka 5). If somehow or other we become one of the particles of dust at Krsna's lotus feet, we will be liberated
- These innumerable universes are produced from the pores of the Maha-Visnu's body. As innumerable particles of dust pass through the tiny holes in a screen, similarly from the pores of the Maha-Visnu's body innumerable universes emanate
- These universes are understood to be floating in the air that Maha-Visnu exhales. They are like atomic particles that float in sunshine and pass through the holes of a screen
- They (the inhabitants of the topmost planetary systems) do not have to learn and practice the mystic processes of yoga perfection and achieve the power of becoming small like a particle -anima-siddhi-, or lighter than a soft feather -laghima-siddhi
- This description of a living body confirms the scientific discovery that energy exists in two forms. When one of them, the anti-material particle, is separated from the material body, the latter becomes useless for all purposes
- This form (the second manifestation of the purusa) is the source and indestructible seed of multifarious incarnations within the universe. From the particles and portions of this form, different living entities, like demigods, men and others, are created
- This is a false theory, that chemical can create life. It is nonsense. Life is never created. Life is already there. God is already there, and the part and particles, molecules, of life, was already there
- This is bhakti-marga, devotional service, to become very humble, meek, always pray to Krsna, "Kindly consider me as one of the particle of the dust of the lotus feet of Your Lordship," this very simple thing
- This is their (material scientists) business, to discover the inferior particles and neither have they discovered the superior particle which is one ten-thousandth the tip of a hair. Simply they are wasting their time
- This Krsna consciousness movement is bhagavata-dharma, to teach throughout the whole world that God is great and we are small particle part and parcel of God, our duty is to serve God, that is bhakti
- Those small particles which we see through the window with sunshine, they are combination of six atoms. They are not original atom. But the atomic constitution of the living entity is a thousand times smaller than the atom
- To create this cosmic manifestation, Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, expands His external energy and thus enters everything in the universe, including the atomic particles. In this way He exists in the entire cosmic manifestation
- Twenty-seven layers of garbage. Underneath, the soul is there. What he will do? He is a small particle, soul, and he is covered with so many material elements. To come out of it is very, very difficult
- We are also expansion of Narayana, vibhinnamsa. We are called vibhinna, separated particles, part and parcel of Narayana. And Narayana has got personal expansions
- We see that a strong wind will mingle together clouds, atomic particles of dust or broken pieces of cotton, & after the strong wind subsides, all the clouds, particles of dust and pieces of cotton are again separated, scattered in different places
- What is Your glory? Unlimited universes pass through the pores of Your body just like particles of dust passing through the opening of a window
- What then can we describe about the great fortune of the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi (if yogis are unable to taste even a particle of dust from Krsna's lotus feet), Vrndavana, with whom the SPG personally lived and who saw Him face to face - SB 10.12.12
- When Maha-Visnu exhales, the spiritual seeds of the universes emanate from Him in the form of molecular particles like those that are visible, three times the size of an atom, when sunlight is diffused through a small hole
- When one realizes this position that, "I am eternal servant of Krsna, particle, part and parcel of Krsna. My duty is to serve Krsna," then it is called self-realization
- When the cloud of maya is gone, the particles again become brilliant and shining. As soon as the living entity is covered by the ignorance of maya, or darkness, he cannot understand his relationship with the Supreme God
- When the particles of dust were followed by drops of blood being sprinkled all over space, the dust cloud could no longer float in the sky
- When the particles of water from the waves of the Yamuna, the lakes and the waterfalls touched the bodies of the inhabitants of Vrndavana, they automatically felt a cooling effect. Therefore they were practically undisturbed by the summer season
- When you can analyze the sun ray, you'll find small particles of molecules. Similarly, brahmajyoti is also spiritual atoms combined together. Just like the sun rays, different material molecules combined together, similarly, brahmajyoti is also like that
- Who can describe completely the prowess of Visnu? Even the scientist, who might have counted the particles of the atoms of the universe, cannot do so
- Within the jurisdiction of the time element, everyone enjoys or suffers the result of his own karma. As, when the wind blows, small particles of dust fly in the air, so, according to one's particular karma, one suffers or enjoys material life
- Your position is that small particle, but spirit can expand. This expansion in the material world is being done in contact with matter. And in the spiritual world, that expansion can be done in spirit
- Your real dimension is mentioned there that you are a spiritual atom. The measurement is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. That is the seed, or basic principle. Now, on that small particle of spirit soul we have developed this body