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Pages in category "Reach"
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- A class of common men claim that one can accept many different paths & still reach the same place, & they maintain that the Supreme Absolute Truth may be worshiped either as the Goddess Kali, or Goddess Durga, or Lord Siva, Ganesa, Rama, Hari, or Brahma
- A devotee who dances in ecstasy but after dancing and crying appears to be attracted to material affairs has not yet reached the perfection of devotional service, which is called asaya-suddhi, or the perfection of existence
- A man travels to earn his livelihood, leaving home early in the morning, catching a local train and being packed in a compartment. He has to stand for an hour or two in order to reach his place of business. Then again he takes a bus to get to the office
- A man who transcends the limited knowledge of a brahmana and reaches the knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, becomes a person in Krsna consciousness - or, in other words, a Vaisnava
- A material assessment may be gradually extended, and the attempt may reach to the highest limit of Brahmaji, who is the topmost living being within the universe and has a duration of life unimaginable to the material scientist
- A person engaged in devotional service may accept any one of the transcendental relationships, which are known as mellows. When such a person reaches the perfectional stage, he returns home, back to Krsna, in his pure spiritual identity
- A person gradually reaches this stage (of anartha-nivrtti) by regularly performing the primary principles of devotional service under the guidance of the spiritual master
- A person who accepts the path of DS is not bereft of the results derived from studying the Vedas, performing austere sacrifices, giving charity, or pursuing philosophical and fruitive activities. At the end he reaches the supreme abode - BG 8.28
- A Vaisnava is already a brahmana; in fact, the highest stage of brahminical perfection is reached when one becomes a Vaisnava
- Absolute Truth is vision from three angles of vision. Those who are trying to understand the Absolute Truth by the ascending process, they can reach up to the impersonal Brahman. Those who are trying to find out the Absolute Truth within himself
- According to modern science, the sunshine reaches earth from a distance of 93,000,000 miles. If we calculate according to this modern information, 93,000,000 miles can be considered the radius of Bhu-mandala
- According to some opinions, Rsyamuka is a chain of mountains beginning at the village of Hampi-grama in the district of Belari. The mountain chain begins along the bank of the river Tungabhadra, which gradually reaches the state of Hyderabad
- According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, a person freed from the three modes of material qualities, namely goodness, passion and ignorance, and situated in transcendence can reach the highest perfection of life without change of body
- According to the Vedic system, one within the institution of varna and asrama must leave his family life after he reaches fifty years of age - pancasad urdhvam vanam vrajet
- According to Vedic culture, one should leave home as soon as he has reached fifty years of age; one should not live at home and go on producing children
- After being situated in this yoga practice and vibrating the sacred syllable om, the supreme combination of letters, if one thinks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and quits his body, he will certainly reach the spiritual planets - BG 8.13
- After crossing these provinces (Brahmavarta, Kuruksetra, Matsya, Sarasvata, the province of the desert and the land of scanty water) He (Lord Krsna) gradually reached the Sauvira and Abhira provinces, then west of these, reached Dvaraka at last
- After hearing the instructions of Narada, the Haryasvas, the sons of Prajapati Daksa, were firmly convinced. They all believed in his instructions and reached the same conclusion
- After one makes further progress (in devotional service by following regulative principles), he attains the state called bhava, which is permanent. When such love of God increases, it reaches the highest stage of love of Godhead
- After passing a few days on the bank of the River Yamuna, Vidura, the self-realized soul, reached the bank of the Ganges, where the great sage Maitreya was situated
- After penetrating through the impersonal Brahman, when one comes to the platform of associating with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one reaches the ultimate goal in studying the Upanisads
- After practicing the sitting postures and other regulative principles of the system, one finally reaches the stage of samadhi - absorption in the Supreme
- After qualifying as a dvija one may study the Vedas, and after becoming well versed one becomes a vipra. A vipra, or a qualified brahmana, thus realizes the Absolute and makes further progress in spiritual life until he reaches the Vaisnava stage
- After reaching his own camp, Arjuna, along with his dear friend and charioteer (Sri Krsna), entrusted the murderer unto his dear wife, who was lamenting for her murdered sons
- After reaching home, the two queens (Asti and Prapti) explained their awkward position following Kamsa's death. The King of Magadha, Jarasandha, was mortified on hearing of the pitiable condition of his daughters
- After reaching Mathura, Subuddhi Raya received information of the Lord's itinerary. He became very unhappy because he was not able to contact the Lord
- After reaching Mathura, they started visiting the different forests of Vrndavana and came to Govardhana Hill. They visited all twelve forests (vanas) and at last came to the town of Vrndavana
- After reaching Patada, he met a landholder and submissively requested him to get him across that hilly tract of land
- After reaching Prayaga, Sanatana Gosvami, following the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, went to Vrndavana along the public road
- After reaching Satyaloka, the devotee is specifically able to be incorporated fearlessly by the subtle body in an identity similar to that of the gross body, and one after another he gradually attains stages of existence
- After reaching that abode, he (the self-realized devotee) never comes back to this material world
- After reaching the beach, Lord Ramacandra fasted for three days, awaiting the arrival of the ocean personified
- After reaching the shore of the ocean of milk, the demigods worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, the master of the whole universe, the supreme God of all gods, who provides for everyone & diminishes everyone's suffering - SB 10.1.20
- After reaching the stage of devotional service, a person does not have to execute any process of atonement mentioned in the ritualistic section of the Vedas. He is already sinless
- After reaching Vrndavana, where everyone lives eternally, very peacefully and happily, they encircled Vrndavana, drew all the carts together in a half circle, and in this way constructed a temporary residence
- After retiring from active life and accepting the vanaprastha (retired) order, one should travel everywhere to places of pilgrimage in order to purify himself. Vidura completely discharged this duty, and at last he reached Kusavarta, or Hardwar
- After saying this, Akrura immediately started driving the chariot, and by the end of the day they reached the precincts of Mathura
- Akrura, the son of Svaphalka, meditated on Sri Krsna on his journey from Mathura. He reached Vrndavana by the end of the day. Akrura passed the whole journey without knowing how long it took. When he reached Vrndavana, the sun was setting
- All different kinds of sacrifice are performed just to satisfy Lord Narayana with a view to reach Him, and the best sacrifice recommended in this age of Kali is sankirtana-yajna, the mainstay of the devotional service of a narayana-para devotee
- All people interested in Krsna consciousness should follow the regulative principles, gradually raise himself, one after another, and reach the highest successful transcendental platform of understanding Radha and Krsna
- Almost reached the point of loving service
- Although constantly chanting about His transcendental qualities, the thousand-hooded Lord Sesa has not yet reached the end of the Lord's activities
- Although my party from London has reached there in Bombay, I am unable to join you there in Bombay because there was no arrangement for my passage. Therefore, if my disciples there can do the work, then I do not require to go to Bombay
- Although one is being carried away by the waves of the river of time, one may eventually reach the shore
- Although such men (who have reached more than eighty years of age still go to nightclubs and pay heavy fees to drink wine and associate with women) are too old to enjoy anything, their desires have not ceased
- Although the impersonalists also reach that spiritual sky after giving up the subtle and gross material bodies, they are not placed in the spiritual planets
- Although you cannot go there, it is far, far beyond your reach, but you can understand that the sunshine is coming from the sun globe. There is no doubt about it. Similarly this vibration, this shining, is coming from Krsna, Goloka
- Ambika is the wife of Lord Siva and is the most exalted of chaste women. She doesn’t live outside the association of her husband. After reaching Ambikavana, the cowherd men of Vrndavana first bathed themselves in the river Sarasvati
- Amsuman, the grandson of Maharaja Sagara, was ordered by the King to search for the horse. Following the same path traversed by his uncles, Amsuman gradually reached the stack of ashes and found the horse nearby
- Anantadeva, who was calmly holding all the planets on His hood, was moving in this way and that due to the transcendental vibration from Krsna's flute, which penetrated through the covering of this universe and reached to the spiritual sky
- Any materially elevated person can be condemned to an abominable species of life if he is not careful. It is a misconception that after reaching the human body one is never degraded
- Anyone who attains the supreme perfection, being engaged in My personal devotional service in the eternal abode, reaches the highest perfection of human life and does not have to come back to the miserable material world
- Anyone who can reach Brahmaloka, or Satyaloka, by dint of spiritual perfection and practice is qualified to attain three different types of perfection
- Anyone who with great attention hears this narration concerning the activities of Prahlada Maharaja, the killing of Hiranyakasipu, and the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nrsimha-deva, surely reaches the spiritual world
- Are set forth (the two different ways of reaching the spiritual sky) exactly according to the version of the Vedas
- As long as Draupadi had not taken her meals, food could be served to any number of guests, but the rsi (Durvasa Muni), by the plan of Duryodhana, reached there after Draupadi had finished her meals
- As soon as he (a living entity) reaches the spiritual sky, by cutting through the false, perverted tree of this material world, he becomes liberated. Then there is no chance of his coming back here. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as one attains this knowledge (uselessly serving maya), he reaches the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage, Brahman realization, and he becomes prasannatma, happy. One may ask, - Why should I serve Krsna
- As soon as one is grown up, reaching youthful time, the sex desire is very strong, very strong
- As soon as one reaches the boundary of Vrndavana, he should immediately smear the dust of Vrndavana over his body without thinking of his material position and prestige
- As soon as one understands that he is uselessly serving maya in the material world in the form of society, friends, country and so forth, one reaches the stage called jnana, knowledge
- As the dust on the lotus flower exhibits the exquisite beauty of the flower, all the gopis applied the dust of kunkuma on their lotuslike faces. These beautiful gopis took their different presentations and very soon reached the house of Maharaja Nanda
- As the Lord Himself confirms in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.15), one reaches the highest perfection when he attains the fortune of realizing the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As the river flows on till she reaches the sea, similarly pure devotional service flows by the association of pure devotees till it reaches the ultimate goal, namely, transcendental love of God. Such a flow of devotional service cannot stop
- At that time Paramananda Puri came from South India. Traveling along the banks of the Ganges, he ultimately reached the town of Nadia
- At that time, after traveling in many parts of the world, Maitreya, a great devotee of the Lord and a friend and well-wisher of the great sage Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa, reached that spot out of his own perfect accord
- Atheists very vaguely explain that these varieties of existence occur simply by chance, but the theists who believe in the injunctions of the Vedas must reach all their conclusions under the direction of the Vedas
- Balarama gradually reached the asrama of the sage Pulaha and from there went to the rivers Gandaki and Gomati. After this He took His bath in the river Vipasa. Then He gradually came to the bank of the Sona River
- Because he (a mature student) was first trained in conquering his senses, he retires from household life and becomes vanaprastha as soon as the strong waves of youthful life are past and he reaches the verge of old age at fifty years or slightly more
- Because the impersonalists who reach the param padam of the impersonal brahmajyoti do not enter into the Vaikuntha planets, they come down again to this material world and are given shelter in one of the material planets
- Becoming Krsna conscious is the topmost stage in understanding of religious principles. One who reaches this stage performs the arcana process in devotional service
- Becoming one with the brahmajyoti does not represent mature knowledge. Only by surrendering unto the Lord completely and developing one's sense of spiritual service does one reach the highest perfectional stage
- Before Bali Maharaja's arrows could reach him, Indra, King of heaven, who is expert in dealing with arrows, smiled and counteracted the arrows with arrows of another type, known as bhalla, which were extremely sharp
- Before reaching there (the residential planet of God), the mystic passes over the Milky Way to reach Brahmaloka, and while going there he first reaches Vaisvanara-loka, where the demigod controls fire
- Before reaching to that point of frustration, if you take to Krsna consciousness, then you reach the real standard of happiness, because everything belongs to Krsna
- Beginning with the abdomen and proceeding through the heart, they (mystic yogis) reach the top of the head and pass through the brahma-randhra, the hole at the top of the skull
- Bhagavan is the last word in the realization of the Absolute Truth; one should reach up to that platform of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead & engage in the devotional service of the Lord. That is perfection of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagavan, the S Personality of Godhead, beyond the sense perception. This impersonal concept of the Absolute Truth is in negation of the material duality. But that is not absolute knowledge. Absolute knowledge is that when we reach bhagavantam adhoksajam
- Bhagavatam relates Krsna's pastimes with the gopis in the Tenth Canto. And in order to reach the position to understand the transcendental nature of Lord Krsna's pastimes with the gopis, the Bhagavatam promotes the student gradually in nine other cantos
- Bhagiratha mounted a swift chariot and drove before mother Ganges, who followed him, purifying many countries, until they reached the ashes of Bhagiratha's forefathers, the sons of Sagara, who were thus sprinkled with water from the Ganges
- By cultivation of mystic powers, which ultimately helps the performer to reach any planet of the universe or beyond one can achieve the highest perfection, provided one is able to reach the stage of narayana-smrti, or constant remembrance of God
- By dint of one's personal endeavor one may go nearer to the Lord, but without the Lord's mercy one cannot reach the ultimate point. Such understanding of the Lord is possible only by devotional service, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - BG 18.55
- By discharge of religious duties, one can achieve the highest perfection, provided one is able to reach the stage of narayana-smrti, or constant remembrance of the Personality of Godhead
- By fixing your attention in this way, worrying how He will be pleased with me, you will naturally very soon reach the supreme highest perfection of life which is pure Krishna Consciousness
- By fulfilling the process of evolution from the aquatics to the animal platform, a living entity eventually reaches the human form. The three modes of material nature are always working in the evolutionary process
- By good fortune one of these souls may somehow or other be delivered from the ocean of nescience, just as one of the many big logs in a flowing river may by chance reach the bank
- By penance only can one even approach the Personality of Godhead, who is within the heart of every living entity and at the same time beyond the reach of all senses
- By performance of religious rituals one ultimately reaches the supreme goal of knowledge by understanding that Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the cause of everything
- By systematic nurturing, the creeper will grow to such an extent that it will 2) reach the effulgent sky, the brahmajyoti, and go farther and farther and reach the spiritual sky, where there are innumerable spiritual planets called Vaikunthalokas
- By systematic nurturing, the creeper will grow to such an extent that it will penetrate the coverings of the universe, as we have heard in the previous verses, reach the effulgent sky
- By the constant hearing of the messages of the Bhagavad-gita, and later of Srimad-Bhagavatam, one is assured herein by Srila Sukadeva Gosvami that he will reach the Personality of Godhead
- By the empiric process, one can possibly distinguish the metaphysical subjects from the physical objects; but unless such seekers of truth can reach the personal feature of the Absolute Truth, they gain only dry, impersonal knowledge
- By the speculation of empiric philosophy, which discerns matter from spirit one can achieve the highest perfection, provided one is able to reach the stage of narayana-smrti, or constant remembrance of the Personality of Godhead
- Collect the money for your ticket there and then immediately go to Africa to help there. I think that will be nice. Make sure that you follow all of the rules and regulations, & chant at least 16 rounds daily. That will make you out of the reach of Maya
- Conceivable dualism and monism are conceptions of the imperfect senses, which are unable to reach the Transcendence because the Transcendence is beyond the conception of limited potency
- Consecutively two days, attack. Actually I would have died on the ship before reaching your country. I could not understand that was heart attack. The pain was so severe, I thought, "I am now dying." And it was done two nights
- Despite all dangers he reached Cintamani's house, & the prostitute, being very astonished, said, - How is it you have come tonight? Oh, you're so attracted to this skin! If you just had this much attraction for Krsna, it would certainly be to your benefit
- Don't try to understand by false argument, dry argument, which is beyond your conception, beyond your reach. Simply waste of time. Then how to know? Now, srotavya. You have to hear. That is the only means
- Duryodhana arranged for Durvasa and his men to reach the place of the Pandavas just when the Pandavas' lunchtime was ended, so that the Pandavas would be caught without sufficient means to feed such a large number of guests
- Especially the transcendental forms of the Lord are beyond the reach of the impersonalists, who can only understand, through studying the Upanisads, that the Absolute Truth is not matter, or is not materially restricted
- Even Anantadeva, who has thousands of faces, could not reach the end of describing the transcendental bliss of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes
- Even before reaching Andhatamisra, the sinful living being is subjected to various extreme miseries. These afflictions are so severe that he loses his intelligence and sight. It is for this reason that learned sages call this hell Andhatamisra
- Even if one reaches the post of Indra, Candra, or any other demigod, he must be dissolved at a certain stage. A devotee is never interested in such temporary pleasure
- Even if the impersonalist reaches the highest platform of spiritual realization, he falls down again to material attachment because of not being situated in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord
- Even if we are nonviolent and hurt no one, there will be trouble. However, if somehow or other we manage to reach the shore, we will find peace
- Even the demigods are not able to understand the SPG. They can speculate to the limits of their imperfect senses and can reach the opposite conclusion of impersonalism, of something not manifested by the 3 qualities of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone has some prescribed duties to perform, but the perfection of such duties will be reached only if the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is satisfied by such actions
- Everyone is planning for future happiness, thinking that somehow or other, if he can reach a certain point, he will be happy. In actuality, however, when he comes to that point, he sees that there is no happiness
- Everyone is trying to reach the goal of complete happiness materially; because people do not know what complete happiness is, they are materially diverted toward different interests
- Everyone, therefore, should try to take this process of Krsna consciousness and reach the highest perfection of life
- Fallen women or professional prostitutes, ignorant manual laborers, and the merchant class - all shall attain perfection and reach the Kingdom of God, if they actually take shelter of the devotional service of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna
- Finally Jagadananda Pandita reached Mathura, where he met Sanatana Gosvami. They were very pleased to see each other
- Finally the procession reached the house of the Kazi, who went upstairs out of fear of the masses. The great crowds assembled at the Kazi's house displayed a violent temper, but the Lord (Caitanya) asked them to be peaceful
- First the soul has covered consciousness, then he reaches the stage of budding consciousness, then blossoming consciousness, and finally fully blossomed consciousness
- Following any of the above-mentioned 3 methods (the path of knowledge, the practice of the eightfold system or by bhakti-yoga), one is sure to reach the supreme goal sooner or later. This was asserted by God in the 2nd Chapter (of BG). BG 1972 purports
- Following the course of the Ganges, they (Sri Rupa Gosvami and Anupama) reached Allahabad, or Prayaga-tirtha, but because Sanatana Gosvami had come there by a different road, they did not meet him there
- Following the rules and regulations of worship, they (worshipers of demigods) are satisfied. They are motivated by small desires and do not know how to reach the supreme goal, but a devotee of the Supreme Lord is not misguided. BG 1972 purports
- For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquility - Bg. 6.7
- For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquillity. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same
- For one who reaches that supreme abode (of Krsna), penances, austerities, yogic meditations, and so on are no longer required, and for one who does not reach it, all penances and austerities are a useless waste of time
- From the evolutionary point of view, perfection is reached when the living entity attains the platform of a brahmana
- From the Kesaracala Mountains, the Ganges falls to the peak of Gandhamadana Mountain and then flows into the land of Bhadrasva-varsa. Finally it reaches the ocean of salt water in the west
- From the movement of the different kinds of ornaments on their bodies (the gopis), they were looking still more beautiful. In this way, they all reached the house of Nanda-Yasoda and blessed the child: "Dear child, You live long just to protect us"
- Generally, even though people are interested in understanding the truth, they take to speculation and reach at most the conception of impersonal Brahman. But very few men actually know the Personality of Godhead
- Generally, those who are impersonalists and inimical to the Supreme Personality of Godhead get entrance only into the impersonal Brahman, when and if they reach spiritual perfection
- Great thinkers in the Western countries must look to the people of India if the message of Godhead, of genuine spiritualism, is to reach their ears
- Grhastha life is married householder life. Then upon reaching the approximate age of fifty, one may take the vanaprastha order - that is, he leaves his home and children and travels with his wife to holy places of pilgrimage
- Having thus reached a decision, they all went to the place of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There, although ready to speak, they could not even utter a word
- He (Dhrtarastra) knew very well that his sons were equally blind in the matter of religion, and he was sure that they could never reach an understanding with the Pandavas, who were all pious since birth. BG 1972 purports
- He (Vidura) passed through very wealthy provinces like Surat, Sauvira and Matsya and through western India, known as Kurujangala. At last he reached the bank of the Yamuna, where he happened to meet Uddhava, the great devotee of Lord Krsna
- He could marry sixteen million and still not reach the limits of His perfection. That is Krsna
- He must swim over the ocean (of material existence) very patiently and intelligently under the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu or His representative. Then, one day, he will reach the shore and return home, back to Godhead
- He reached Jagannatha Puri in twelve days but could eat only for three days on the way
- He took permission from all the devotees and then departed. Traveling on the forest path, he soon reached Varanasi
- He wore armor and was decorated with bows and arrows, and he was very beautiful. While following the animals and killing them, he reached the northern part of the forest
- His (Baby Pradyumna's) eyes were just like the petals of lotus flowers, and his arms were long, reaching down to his knees; any woman who happened to see him was captivated by his bodily beauty
- His (Lord Caitanya's) arms are long enough to reach His knees, His eyes are just like lotus flowers, His nose is like a sesame flower, and His face is as beautiful as the moon
- However, because they (so-called renouncers) cannot reach the point of devotional service, they fail to achieve the goal and again come back to material activities, such as philanthropic work, political agitation, etc
- I am fortunate, you are fortunate, but we have got many equals and many greater than. But when you reach somebody where you find nobody is equal to Him and nobody is greater than Him, that is real Bhagavan. This is a logical conclusion, who is Bhagavan
- I am glad to inform you that we have reached Hawaii in due time on Monday afternoon and immediately we met the devotees who came to receive us and I have come directly to Govinda dasi's residence
- I am gradually realizing that my attempt in this country to spread Krishna Consciousness has now taken some root, and I am sure this will grow more and more 'til it reaches the Lotus Feet of Krishna in Goloka Vrindaban
- I am taking three Sannyasis on world tour. We shall reach to Hawaii first and I shall let you know then definitely what our plans are for coming to Tokyo
- I have already placed order with them (Dai Nippon Printing Co.) for different books and magazines to the extent of $52,000. Most of these books will be carried to India for making propaganda there on or before the World Sankirtana Party reaches there
- I have been informed through one of my disciples that one application for negotiating a house owned by the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi has not yet reached your Washington office
- I have been invited by Australia & I am seriously considering visiting Moscow on my way to Europe, so my reaching at L.A. may take some more time, but I am always remembering about L.A. because I was very peacefully doing my translating work there
- I have not heard anything from you since I have come back to India. Vinod Kumar who was supposed to reach U.S.A. on visitor's Visa is not granted the same. Please see if it is possible for him to get Immigration Visa
- I reached Boston as scheduled on December 21st, and there was a good reception by the devotees for Krishna's servant. The newspaper article published remarked on this occasion that "in the Logan Airport there has never been anything like this."
- I shall go by the staircase and reach the upstair at the end of the day when office will be finished, - then you can do that. But if you are intelligent, you shall take the advantage of the elevator; within a minute you go there
- I think you should very quickly join us & take advantage of your propensity to perfect your life by taking up very seriously & full-time this KC process, which is the recommended & most effective means in this Age to reach the highest platform of life
- I was very gratified to receive your wonderful invitation. The invitation only reached me however after the event had passed. This was due to the fact I was touring in various places
- I will reach India by July 26th to arrange for our grand festival in Vrindaban
- If a man's and woman's attachment is not to each other but to Krsna, then both of them are equally eligible to get out of the material entanglement and reach the abode of Krsna
- If anyone has reached the stage where he must become free from this material contamination, then he has to seek the association of devotees, wherein Krsna consciousness is exclusively cultured. One can thereby become freed from all material association
- If by the evolutionary process of philosophical life one happens to reach the platform of intellectual life and understands that he is not this material body but a spiritual soul, he is situated in the vijnana-maya stage
- If he (the bhakti-yogi) is completely free from all desires for material enjoyment, he should then reach the cerebral hole and give up his material connections, having gone to the Supreme
- If he (the yogi) is reluctant to maintain any connection with the material world, he can, in less than a second, reach the transcendental abode of Vaikuntha and appear there completely in his spiritual body, which will be suitable for him
- If I do not know what is the cause of my material bondage, then how we can take remedy? This is the cause, pumsah striya mithuni-bhavam etam. Desire is there. As soon as one is grown up, reaching youthful time, the sex desire is very strong, very strong
- If one can reach the platform of understanding by service to the Supreme Lord Krsna, he has no longer to execute different types of penances and sacrifices as recommended in revealed scriptures. BG 1972 purports
- If one carries out all the injunctions for purification in the sastras, what does it avail him if he is not Krsna conscious? (SB 1.5.17) So the purificatory process is necessary for reaching this point of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- If one reaches the transcendental platform of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes well acquainted with everything, material and spiritual. This is confirmed in another Vedic mantra: tam eva viditvati mrtyum eti
- If one understands Krsna from the Bhagavad-gita and becomes situated in Krsna consciousness, engaging himself in devotional service, he has reached the highest perfection of knowledge offered by the Vedic literature. BG 1972 purports
- If one wishes to engage in devotional service to the Supreme in order to be purified and to reach the goal of life - the transcendental loving service of God - then he should find out what the Lord desires of him. BG 1972 purports
- If somehow or other we are able to give up this false dress (of matter), we can reach that spiritual kingdom. If once we can attain that spiritual world, return is not necessary - yam prapya na nivartante
- If the yogi is reluctant to maintain any connection with the material world, he can, in less than a second, reach the transcendental Vaikuntha and appear there completely in his spiritual body which will be suitable for him in the spiritual atmosphere
- If we are at all interested in reaching that supreme abode, the process, as indicated here (in BG 8.22), is bhakti. Bhaktya means devotional service, submission to the Supreme Lord. The root word for bhaktya is bhaj, which means - service
- If we attempt to reach conclusions by dint of our own speculative powers, however, we are subject to fall into error
- If we get right information from the right person, that is perfect knowledge. If you want to reach to the conclusion by speculation, that is imperfect - inductive process. That will never become perfect
- If we some way or other able to give up this false dress, then we reach that spiritual kingdom, God's kingdom
- If you can reach that (without any motive) love of Godhead, then you'll feel, "Oh, I am so fortunate." Otherwise we remain unfortunate
- If you take advantage of the elevator, you reach immediately hundredth floor within a minute, but if you go step by step, step by step, it will take hours
- If you want to reach to the ultimate conclusion simply by arguments and speculation, that is not possible
- If you want to reach to the ultimate goal of life, where only blissful life, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah, eternal body of knowledge and bliss, then you have to become sura
- Immediately after giving up his (Prsadhra's) body in the fire, he reached the spiritual world, as mentioned in Bhagavad-gita (mam eti), as a result of his devotional situation
- In a moment the car reached the door of the Gundica temple. Upon seeing the uncommon strength of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the people were struck with wonder
- In BG the PG says the following words: O son of Prtha, even those who are faithless and are of lower birth - including fallen women or professional prostitutes, ignorant manual laborers all shall attain perfection and reach the Kingdom of God
- In India there is always a kind of spiritual rivalry between the Mayavada and Bhagavata schools, and thus when the news of the Lord reached Prakasananda he knew that the Lord was a Vaisnava sannyasi, and therefore he minimized the value of the Lord
- In order to reach to the very substance, one must proceed gradually by developing knowledge of the categories
- In that mountain valley flows a river named Nirvindhya. On the bank of the river are many asoka trees and other plants full of palasa flowers, and always the sweet sound of water flowing from a waterfall. The husband and wife reached that beautiful place
- In the beginning, the Vedic purpose is pursued in three ways (trayi) - by karma-kanda, jnana-kanda and upasana-kanda. When one reaches the complete, perfect stage of upasana-kanda, one comes to worship Narayana, or Lord Visnu
- In the creation of the Lord there are many wonderful things we can see with our own eyes every day and night, but we are unable to reach them equipped by modern materialistic science
- In the Gita practically the same instruction is imparted as in the four prime verses of the Bhagavatam, but due to wrong and fashionable interpretations by unauthorized persons, one cannot reach the ultimate conclusion
- In the meantime, the other inhabitants of Vrndavana, headed by Nanda and Upananda, had already reached Mathura by going through the forest, and they were awaiting the arrival of Krsna and Balarama in a garden
- In this age of Kali, an age characterized by ignorance and chaos, liberation is out of the reach of practically everyone
- In this way (By the grace of the spiritual master and Krsna) the seed of the bhakti-lata sprouts and grows up and up through the whole universe until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and reaches the spiritual world
- In this way Madhavendra Puri started for Vrndavana with the burden of sandalwood, and after some days he again reached the village of Remuna and the Gopinatha temple there
- In this way Sanatana Gosvami reached Vrndavana. Later Rupa Gosvami came and met him
- In this way the two brothers Rupa and Anupama reached Bengal, but when they arrived there Anupama died
- In this way, after consulting with the brahmanas, the King reached this decision, for according to brahminical opinion, drinking water may be accepted as eating and also as not eating
- Indeed, by following the instructions of the acaryas one is always freed from all material contamination, and thus one's life becomes successful, for one reaches the goal of life
- Indeed, They began chanting the holy name of Krsna on that very spot, and in this way, dancing and dancing, Advaita Acarya and Nityananda Prabhu reached Jagannatha Puri
- It appears that by following path of jnana-yoga, or empiric philosophical speculation, one reaches the impersonal Brahman, whereas by executing devotional service in Krsna consciousness one enriches his faith in and devotion to the Personality of Godhead
- It is clearly recommended in this age that if one quits his body at the end of this life chanting the mahamantra, Hare Krsna, he will reach the spiritual planets. BG 1972 purports
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that the impersonal way of self-realization is more troublesome because it reaches the goal in an indirect way, although the impersonalist also becomes obsessed with the personal feature of the Lord after a long time
- It is for this reason (controlling the senses and reaching spiritual perfection) that the great liberated souls also desire to be associated in hearing and chanting the activities of the Lord
- It is good to feel inadequate, and to try harder to please Krishna with better service. But one should never feel, oh, I have seen Krishna, and so I am reached perfection - this is not Krishna Consciousness
- It is impossible to go directly to the university without prior schooling. In spiritual life, however, although there are strict regulations, by the Supreme Lord's grace one can bypass many intermediary stages and reach the top, or "doctorate" level
- It is my ambition that I want to establish at least 108 centers; beginning from Hamburg, crossing over the Atlantic to your country, USA, then the Pacific, covering Hawaii and reaching to Tokyo, Japan
- It is not enough to take only the first steps toward liberation. We must strive to reach the final goal within this very life-time
- It is not possible to reach the moon by any material vehicle like a sputnik, but persons who are attracted by material enjoyment can go to the moon by pious activities
- It is not that it (chanting Hare Krsna) is recommended only for Kali-yuga. Actually, it is recommended for every age. There have always been many devotees who have chanted and reached perfection in all ages. That is the beauty of this KC movement
- It is recommended that one should take to bhakti-yoga and keep himself engaged twenty-four hours a day in Krsna consciousness, which places one beyond the reach of the modes of material nature
- It is understood that he (one who chant the holy name of God offenselessly) has already performed all sorts of rites. It is the so-called brahmanas who actually have to undergo different kinds of austerities before reaching that point of purification
- It seemed as though the trees were determined to stop people from going into outer space to reach the heavenly kingdoms. The Pracetas became very angry when they saw the surface of the globe covered in this way
- It was Hanumanji who jumped over the sea in one leap and reached the shore of Lanka from the shore of Bharata-varsa. When Lord Ramacandra chose to go there, He paved the way with stones, although by His will the stones were able to float on the sea
- Just below the abdomen and navel, is the mani-puraka-cakra. When upper space is further searched out in the heart, one reaches the anahata-cakra, and further up, when the life air is placed at the root of the palate, one reaches the visuddhi-cakra
- Just like God's love for the gopis and God's enmity for Kamsa, they're reaching the same result. Both of them are going to the spiritual world. Just like Putana and Mother Yasoda
- Kanistha-adhikaris are actually materialistic devotees who are simply trying to transcend the material boundary to reach the spiritual plane
- Keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life and in the end reach the Supreme destination
- Keeping elephants is very expensive; to keep many elephants, therefore, the kingdom must be very rich, and Hastinapura, as Akrura saw when he reached it, was full of elephants, horses, chariots and other opulences
- King Puranjana collected taxes in the city known as Pancala and thus was able to engage in sexual indulgence. Being completely under the control of women, he could not understand that his life was passing away and that he was reaching the point of death
- Krsna consciousness means we are trying to reach that platform of real love, exchange of love
- Krsna hints of this (material world is darkness, but the spiritual world is light) in the Fifteenth Chapter of BG: That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. One who reaches it never returns to this material world - 15.6
- Kurma-ksetra is situated on the line of the Southern Railway in India. One has to go to the railway station known as Srikakulam Road. From this station one goes eight miles to the east to reach the holy place known as Kurmacala
- Kuyoginah, or less intelligent mystics, can by mental speculation reach the point of the impersonal Brahman, but they cannot find the Supersoul, who is sitting within each living entity
- Like a staircase, yoga has different steps for reaching the topmost floor, and according to one's position upon the staircase, he is understood to be situated in karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga or bhakti-yoga
- Lord Caitanya made this process (of reaching the highest perfection of knowledge) very easy: He asked people simply to chant Hare Krsna & to engage in the devotional service of God & eat the remnants of foodstuff offered to the Deity. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that if we chant or associate with the chanting of the holy names of Krsna, we will reach the highest perfectional stage of life
- Lord Krsna here confirms that the conditioned soul can reach the highest perfectional stage by surrendering to Him. One must give up all other responsibilities
- Lord Krsna says that in order to reach to that stage (developed consciousness) of perfection, you should work. Your work should not be stopped
- Lord Maha-Visnu's helmet was bedecked with valuable jewels, and His beautiful earrings enhanced the beauty of the curling hair on His head. Lord Maha-Visnu had eight arms, all very long, reaching to His knees
- Lord Siva was so afraid of him that his body trembled, and he fled from the land to the sky and from the sky to other planets, until he reached the limits of the universe, above the higher planetary systems
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu does not belong to the mundane plane of the three qualitative modes. He belongs to the transcendental plane beyond the reach of the imperfect sense perception of a living being
- Love for Krsna, Kesava, as previously described, reaches the supreme state of being composed of mellows when its ingredients are fulfilled
- Maha-Visnu appeared beautiful with His raised nose, broad forehead, attractive ears and reddish lips. His arms, reaching to the knees, were very strongly built. His shoulders were high, His chest was very broad, and His neck was shaped like a conchshell
- Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, as soon as Dhruva Maharaja reached Alakapuri, he immediately blew his conchshell, and the sound reverberated throughout the entire sky and in every direction. The wives of the Yaksas became very much frightened
- Man may discover so many wonderful vehicles of journey, but even if he reaches the moon by his much advertised spacecraft, he cannot remain there
- Many philosophers and great rsis, or mystics, try to distinguish the Absolute from the relative by their tiny brain power. This can only help them reach the negative conception of the Absolute
- Maybe you go by the yoga process, maybe you go by the philosophical process, maybe you go by the ritualistic process, maybe you go by penances & by study. But unless you reach to this point of KC, your attempt not failure, but there are different degrees
- Men are accustomed to reaching conclusions according to their capacity for understanding, but the Supreme Lord is not subject to our limited capacity for understanding
- Modern man has struggled very hard to reach the moon, but he has not tried very hard to elevate himself spiritually. BG 1972 Introduction
- Modern scientists are very eager to reach the moon by material arrangements, but they cannot conceive of the highest planet of this universe
- Modern scientists have invented airships which are material, and the yogis make a still finer material attempt to travel by mindships. The yogis can reach any distant place very quickly with the help of mindships
- Most of them (brahmanas) approach the impersonal Brahman manifestation of Krsna, but only a man who transcends the limited knowledge of a brahmana & reaches the knowledge of the SPG, Krsna, becomes a person in KC-or, in other words, a Vaisnava. BG 1972 p
- Moving about in the ocean for many, many years, the mighty Hiranyaksa smote the gigantic wind-tossed waves again and again with his iron mace and reached Vibhavari, the capital of Varuna
- My attempt in this country to spread Krishna Consciousness has now taken some root, and I am sure this will grow more and more 'til it reaches the Lotus Feet of Krishna in Goloka Vrindaban
- My dear Yudhisthira (Partha), when all the activities one performs with his mind, words and body are dedicated directly to the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one reaches oneness of activities, called kriyadvaita
- Narada reached the cottage of Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa on the banks of the Sarasvati just as Vyasadeva was regretting his defects
- Negative cognition of an object beyond the reach of sense perception is the way of indirect knowledge, which is not altogether imperfect but which produces only fragmentary knowledge in the form of impersonal spiritual realization and monism
- No one can understand the Absolute Truth in all perfection. That is not possible for the infinitesimal living entities. But the highest point of understanding by the living entity is reached by discharge of devotional service, not otherwise
- No one should try to reach any conclusion about the Vedas without receiving instructions from members of Vyasadeva's disciplic succession, who believe in the Personality of Godhead and His diverse energies as they are explained in Sri Isopanisad
- Not knowing about devotional service, the living entity wanders about this ocean, just as a man tries to swim to reach the shore. Our struggle for existence is similar to this. Everyone is trying to get out of the ocean of material existence
- Now on this staircase (process) there are so many people who have reached the first floor, the second or third floor, etc., but unless one reaches the top floor, which is the understanding of Krsna, he is at a lower stage of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Now that loving propensity can attain its perfection, and as soon as you reach that perfectional point, you become happy. This is the formula for happiness
- Now when they actually saw Krsna and Balarama passing on the street and saw Them sweetly smiling, the ladies' joy reached the point of ecstasy
- Nowhere in authentic scriptures is it said that one will ultimately reach the same goal by doing anything or worshiping anyone
- O my Lord, let me say this much. As far as Your opulences are concerned, they are all beyond the reach of my mind, body and words
- O Vidura, they reached the hermitage of the sage, who had just completed his vows of austerity on the very day foretold by the Lord
- O Vidura, while searching in that way about his existence, Brahma reached his ultimate time, which is the eternal wheel in the hand of Visnu and which generates fear in the mind of the living entity like the fear of death
- On reaching the Bay of Bengal, there is tilting of the ship & little rolling also. The roughness increased gradually on the upper Bay of Bengal & I felt sea sickness. There was vomiting tendency & dizziness and I felt uncomfortable the whole day & night
- Once a person resolves to accept only those things conducive to devotional service, the Lord's internal potency helps him reach goal
- One after another he (the devotee who reaches Satyaloka) gradually attains stages of existence from earthly to watery, fiery, glowing and airy, until he reaches the ethereal stage
- One can achieve the result of wise philosophical speculation by discharging devotional service & unless one reaches the point of understanding the Personality of Godhead by his mental speculation, all his research work is said to be simply a labor of love
- One can be free from all sinful reactions after reaching a place of pilgrimage, but one can have the same benefit at home or at any place simply by chanting the holy name of God. For a pure devotee, there is no need to go to the holy place of pilgrimage
- One can certainly reach there (God's abode) after leaving this present body, and one must prepare himself to go back to Godhead by practicing devotional service. That guarantees a passport for going back to Godhead, and Kunti adopted it
- One can know the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu only by reaching, in knowledge, a conclusive decision about Sri Krsna, strengthened by bona fide study of the conclusions of the acaryas
- One cannot reach the eternal abode of the Lord without being free from the misconception of material identification, and the Bhagavad-gita gives us the clue how to achieve this stage of perfection
- One cannot reach the real point of factual knowledge without being helped by the right person who is already established in that knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- One cannot reach this conclusion (that Lord and his Holy Names are identical) unless one is offenseless in chanting the holy name
- One goes through Bhavanipura before reaching a well-known place named Jankadei-pura, or Janakidevi-pura
- One has to fix his mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead constantly. When one is accustomed to thinking of one of the innumerable forms of the Lord - Krsna, Visnu, Rama, Narayana, etc. - he has reached the perfection of yoga
- One has to go about a mile northeast of this station to reach Sitala. The temple was a thatched house with walls made of dirt
- One has to penetrate the impersonal effulgence to see the face of the Supreme Lord (ISO 15). If one desires to reach the source of the sunshine, he has to travel through the sunshine to reach the sun and then meet the predominating deity there
- One has to surpass the brahminical stage and reach the vasudeva stage to understand the Personality of Godhead Krsna
- One is assured herein (SB 2.2.37) by Srila Sukadeva Gosvami that he will reach the Personality of Godhead and render Him transcendental loving service in the spiritual planet of the name Goloka Vrndavana, which resembles a huge lotus flower
- One must continue to follow scriptural injunctions even after one is fixed up in determined certainty that devotional service is the only means for reaching the perfection of life
- One reaches the stage of astonishment (vaicitri), which awakens transcendental madness. Udghurna and citra-jalpa are two among the many divisions of transcendental madness
- One should enter the renounced order with full knowledge (jnana-vairagya), for the perfection of life is possible for one who renounces this material world in that way. This elevated stage can be reached very easily, as supported by the statements of SB
- One should first take shelter of Gaura-Nityananda in order to reach, ultimately, Radha-Krsna
- One should give up all other processes of self-realization and simply execute devotional service in Krsna consciousness. That will enable one to reach the highest perfection of life. BG 1972 purports
- One should not simply acquire knowledge without reaching the goal of life or the basic principle for acquiring knowledge-bhakti-yoga
- One who aspires to reach the culmination of yoga and has realized his self by rendering service unto Me should never associate with an attractive woman, for such a woman is declared in the scripture to be the gateway to hell for the advancing devotee
- One who follows this direction, being freed from the ten kinds of offenses, becomes successful in Krsna consciousness and ultimately reaches the platform of loving service to the Personality of Godhead
- One who has reached such an understanding (that there is no difference between the holy name of the Lord and the Lord Himself) should be very much respected by neophyte devotees
- One who has reached the point of surrendering to the instructions of Krsna (mam eva ye prapadyante) is liberated, free from krsna-maya
- One who is surrendered to the Supreme Person (Krsna) is a successful transcendentalist. To reach this goal of life through Brahman and Paramatma realization takes many, many births: Bahunam janmanam ante. BG 1972 purports
- One who knows that the position reached by means of renunciation can also be attained by works in devotional service and who therefore sees that the path of works and the path of renunciation are one, sees things as they are. BG 5.5 - 1972
- One who reaches an intermediate stage but does not make any substantial progress beyond it, merely remaining satisfied with that particular stage of his development, may be called by that particular name, as, for instance, karma-yogi, jnana-yogi
- One who reaches the perfectional stage of devotional service becomes so satisfied that he does not want anything more, and thus he always engages in pure devotional service
- One yojana is calculated to be eight miles, and he has to pass along a road (to reach Yamaraja) which is as much as 792,000 miles. Such a long distance is passed over within a few moments only
- Only by surrendering unto the Lord completely and developing one's sense of spiritual service does one reach the highest perfectional stage
- Other devotees do not reach the abode of the Lord directly, but the pure associates of the Lord have no attraction for the opulence of any planets of the material world
- Our present attempts to remove the difficulties of the material world - through the pretensions of erudite scientists, great statesmen, and mahatmas - do not reach the spiritual, transcendental plane, but simply garb the body and mind
- Our whole party is leaving Surat on the 4th January and we shall reach Bombay on the morning of the 4th. From Bombay I shall fly to Calcutta
- Out of Your causeless mercy You have told me of the glories of Lord Krsna. No one can reach the end of the opulence, qualities and forms of the Lord
- Pana-nrsimha, or Panakal-narasimha, is located in the district of Krishna, in the hills known as Mangalagiri, about seven miles from a city known as Vijayawada. One must climb six hundred steps to reach the temple
- Param & the param dhama mentioned in several places in the Bhagavad-gita are one & the same thing. One who goes to the param dhama does not return to the material world. This freedom is not possible even by reaching the topmost loka of the material world
- Param bhavam ajanantah: such a conclusion (considering the Supreme Personality of Godhead an ordinary living being) is reached by the unintelligent because they are unaware of the transcendental qualities of the Lord
- People become awestruck when they learn that the life span on Brahmaloka is many millions of years. One has to undergo severe austerities and renunciation, accepting the sannyasa order of life, in order to reach Brahmaloka
- Perfection is reached after many births. Just like aquatics, plants, trees, reptiles, birds, beasts, then uncivilized human body, then civilized form of body, and especially the Vedic style of body. That is considered to be the highest perfectional body
- Performing kirtana in this way, circumambulating through every nook and corner of the city, they finally reached the door of the Kazi
- Persons who are falsely under the impression of being liberated, without devotional service to the Lord, may reach the goal of the brahmajyoti
- Persons who try to reach the ultimate goal of life must expertly observe the Supreme Absolute Person and the living entity, who are one in quality in their relationship as part and whole. This is the ultimate understanding of life
- Please take care of the bill of Lading for clearing the Mrdangas. I think the ship Jaladuta must be reaching New York by this time
- Sanatana Gosvami went to Vrndavana by the main road, and when he reached Mathura he met Subuddhi Raya. Then he returned to Jagannatha Puri through Jharikhanda (Jharkhanda), the Madhya Pradesh jungle
- Sannyasa, or any purificatory process, is to help reach the ultimate goal of becoming Krsna conscious, without which everything is considered a failure
- Sannyasa, or any purificatory process, is to help reach the ultimate goal of becoming Krsna conscious, without which everything is considered a failure. BG 1972 purports
- Scientists, for instance, may speculate about distant stars and planets, but they can never come to any conclusions without experience. One may go on speculating throughout his life and never reach any conclusions
- Seeing the circumstances, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu finally became calm so that the boat was able to reach the shore of Adaila and land there
- She then reached her father's house, where the sacrifice was being performed, and entered the arena where everyone was chanting the Vedic hymns
- Simple attainment of goodness is also a material mode; one has to surpass this stage of material goodness and reach the point of purified goodness, or vasudeva-sattva. This vasudeva-sattva helps one to enter into the kingdom of God
- Simply by remembering such activities (of God), one can defy the pleasure derived from nirvana and reach the transcendental abode of the Lord to associate with Him, eternally engaged in His blissful loving service
- Since the ultimate goal of life is self-realization, there is no difference between the conclusions reached by the two processes. BG 1972 purports
- Sisumara or Dhruvaloka can never be reached by anyone but the Vaisnavas, as will be described by the following slokas
- Siva could foresee that as soon as Sati reached her father's house, he, Daksa, being too puffed up because of bodily identification, would be angry at her presence, and although she was innocent and faultless, he would be mercilessly angry towards her
- So before she reaches twenty years, twenty times she must have taken contraceptive method. And that means her health is ruined. What she'll produce?
- So to cross the ocean of illusion one should patiently cultivate devotion to the Lord, and in this way one can gradually reach the other side
- Some people have the impression that when the soul reaches the platform of human life, it never goes down again. This is incorrect. BG 1972 purports
- Some people who saw the Lord in His sankirtana party considered Him to be actually Narayana, and this report reached the camp of the great sannyasi Prakasananda
- Some scholars argue that simply by following the principles of varna and asrama one can gradually rise up to the perfections reached by practicing devotional service, but this argument is not accepted by the great authorities
- Some so-called philosophers, they say that "We can adopt any process. It leads to the same goal." That's all right, provided you make progress. Then you'll reach to the same goal
- Somehow or other Sanatana Gosvami reached Varanasi and met Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at the house of Candrasekhara. By the order of the Lord, Sanatana Gosvami was cleanly shaved and his dress changed to that of a mendicant, or babaji
- Sometimes a person melts and manifests these transcendental symptoms (standing of the hairs on end, etc.) yet at the same time is not well behaved in his personal transactions. This indicates that he has not reached complete perfection in devotional life
- Sometimes a person melts and manifests transcendental symptoms yet at the same time is not well behaved in his personal transactions. This indicates that he has not yet reached complete perfection in devotional life
- Sometimes, after flowing down from the mountains during the rainy season, small rivers fail to reach the sea; some reach the sea and some do not. Similarly, the worshipers of the demigods may or may not reach You
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's visit to Vrndavana and His activities there are unlimited. Even Lord Sesa, who has thousands of hoods, cannot reach the end of His activities
- Sri Isopanisad advises us not to bother with any destination within this dark material universe, but to try to get out of it and reach the effulgent kingdom of God
- Sridama, Subala & Stoka Krsna said, "Some have fallen down, & some are very ripe even in the trees. It is a very nice place, but because of a great demon, Dhenukasura, it is very difficult to go there. No one can reach the trees to collect the fruits"
- Sridhara Svami, the original commentator on Srimad-Bhagavatam, explains that one can reach the perfection of life simply by devotional service (kevalaya bhaktya); one need not be dependent on any other process
- Such a worshiper of the demigods may come to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but others, who take the demigods as all in all, cannot reach the ultimate goal
- Such activities (jnana and yoga) help one to reach the stage of bhakti-yoga after many, many years
- Such foolish theories (that one will ultimately reach the same goal by doing anything or worshiping anyone) are offered by self-made "spiritual masters" who have no connection with the parampara, the bona fide system of disciplic succession
- Such philosophers cannot imagine that they can reach beyond nirvana and the Brahman effulgence to the Vaikuntha planets of the spiritual sky. Because in simple renunciation there is no conception of spiritual planets and spiritual activities
- Sukadeva Gosvami informed the King that Uddhava, being instructed by SPG, who is the source of all Vedic knowledge & the SM of the three worlds, reached the pilgrimage site of Badarikasrama & engaged himself there in trance to satisfy the Lord
- That abode of Mine (Krsna's) is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. And anyone who reaches it never comes back to this material world. (BG. 15.6) This verse gives a description of that eternal sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. One who reaches it never returns to this material world. BG 15.6 - 1972
- That padam avyayam or eternal kingdom can be reached by one who is nirmana-moha. What does this mean? BG 1972 Introduction
- That very night, she (Citralekha) traveled in outer space and within a very short time reached the city of Dvaraka, which was well protected by Lord Krsna. She entered the palace and found Aniruddha sleeping in his bedroom on a very opulent bed
- That very second I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) started for Vrndavana, and by His (Nityananda's) mercy I reached there in great happiness
- The abode of the Lord is not a myth, as is thought by the unbelievers or ignorant people, but one cannot reach there by any material means like a sputnik or space capsule
- The Absolute Personality of Godhead has His transcendental abode, known as Goloka, where He remains and engages in His pastimes, yet by His inconceivable potencies He can simultaneously reach every part of His creative energy
- The Absolute Truth is avan manasa-gocara. By logical arguments how you can reach? That is not possible
- The Alakananda branch (of the Ganges) flows through Brahmalaya, crosses over many mountains, including Hemakuta and Himakuta, and then reaches Bharata-varsa, where it flows into the southern side of the ocean of salt water
- The anthropologists say that 40,000 years ago Homo sapiens had not appeared on this planet because evolution had not reached that point
- The atmarama stage, is possible when the Lord bestows His mercy upon a devotee for his advanced devotional activity. It is the highest perfectional stage because one cannot reach it unless one has attained pure love of God
- The atmosphere there (in the spiritual world) is self-illuminating, and thus there is no need of a sun, a moon, fire, electricity and so on. One who can reach that abode does not come back to the material world with a material body
- The attempt to reach the moon is another example of spoiling energy because even if the moon is reached, the problems of life will not be solved
- The best course is to seek shelter of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and be saved from the struggle for existence in this material world, in which one repeatedly takes birth and dies. To reach this understanding is the ultimate goal of life
- The bhakti-lata has no shelter in the material world, nor has it shelter in Brahma-loka, although Brahma-loka is beyond the material world. The bhakti-lata grows until it reaches the spiritual sky, where Goloka Vrndavana is situated
- The body must be controlled in order for us to reach the highest perfection, and without regulative principles, it is not possible to perfect our lives
- The branch (of the Ganges that divides into four branches on Dhruvaloka) known as Bhadra flows onto Mount Meru, Mount Kumuda, and the Nila, Sveta and Srngavan mountains before it reaches Kuru-desa, where it flows into the ocean of salt water in the north
- The branch of the Ganges known as Caksu falls onto the summit of Malyavan Mountain & from there cascades onto the land of Ketumala-varsa. The Ganges flows incessantly through Ketumala-varsa and in this way also reaches the ocean of salt water in the West
- The Buddhist philosophical perfection is to reach that Viraja. When this material existence is completely finished, it is called viraja, according to Vedic language
- The Caksu branch (of the Ganges that divides into four branches on Dhruvaloka) flows through Malyavan-giri and, after reaching Ketumala-varsa, mixes with the ocean of salt water in the West
- The companions of the Lord (Caitanya), who reached the temple a little after Him, heard of the Lord's transcendental feats and of His being carried away by the Bhattacarya. The pilgrims at the temple were still gossiping about the incident
- The controversy on this subject (chanting the names of the gopis or Krsna's name) reached a point that after this incident Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to take sannyasa because He was not taken very seriously in His grhastha-asrama
- The covering of this universe is far, far greater than this space which we are now in. The outside of the universe is ten times the space within, so one has to penetrate that covering, and then reach Viraja, the Causal Ocean
- The culture of knowledge reaches perfection only when the knower comes to the point of surrendering unto the Supreme Lord, Vasudeva
- The culture of spiritual knowledge necessitates the help of the body and mind; therefore maintenance of the body and mind is required if we are to reach our goal
- The demigods and their followers are all annihilated at the period of devastation, but one who reaches the kingdom of God gets a permanent share in eternal life. That is the verdict of Vedic literature
- The demon Vrkasura approached Lord Siva to place his hand on Lord Siva's head. Lord siva was so afraid of him that his body trembled, and he fled from the land to the sky and from the sky to other planets, until he reached the limits of the universe
- The denizens of heaven, who live in the planetary systems beginning from Svarloka, cannot see Lord Visnu in Svetadvipa. Unable to reach the island, they can simply approach the beach of the milk ocean to offer transcendental prayers to the Lord
- The desire to lord it over material nature is the cause of ignorance, and when that desire is completely extinguished and the desires are dovetailed with those of the Supreme Lord, one has reached the perfectional stage
- The devotee more or less depends on his transcendental enthusiasm, patience and firm conviction. These things will surely help him to reach perfection
- The devotee, thus surpassing the gross and the subtle forms of coverings, enters the plane of egoism. And in that status he merges the material modes of nature (ignorance and passion) in this point of neutralization and thus reaches egoism in goodness
- The devotees experience the above-mentioned state of affairs (reaching the Vaikuntha planets) by attainment of spiritual forms for activity in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The easy method is suggested in my book which is called Bhakti-yoga easy to be performed by any layman in any part of the world. By such pratice of Bhakti-yoga one can reach even the spiritual sky which is far far away from this material sky
- The example given by them (Mayavadi philosophers) is that you rise up to a upper place with a wooden stair, and as soon as you reach there, you throw it away, so that you'll not be able to come back again
- The example of the boat disturbed by whirling wind is suitable in this respect. The diverted mind of the pantheist can never reach the perfection of self-realization, due to the disturbed condition of the selection of object
- The fearless devotee of the Lord penetrates each one of them and ultimately reaches the absolute atmosphere where everything is of one and the same spiritual identity
- The formal processes are necessary for those who are expected to reach the stage of complete liberation, but Sri Sukadeva Gosvami was already in that status by the grace of his father
- The goal of human perfection is stated here (in CC Madhya 6.230) in brief. One has to surpass all the planetary systems of the material universe, pierce through the covering of the universe and reach the spiritual world, known as Vaikunthaloka
- The goal of life is to reach Visnu, but instead of reaching Visnu, people are bewildered by the external manifestation of the material energy
- The gopis said, "If out of fear of these naughty boys we keep our stock of butter & yogurt high on the ceiling, hanging on a swing, although it is beyond Their reach They arrange to reach it by piling all kinds of wooden planks over the grinding machine"
- The heat of this fire (that Lord Anantadeva produces) reaches even Maharloka, and then the residents of Maharloka travel to Brahmaloka
- The heavenly planets are inhabited by demigods like Indra, Candra, Varuna and Vayu and the pious souls reach there after performance of many virtuous acts on earth
- The highest standard of bodily comfort is achieved by a fruitive worker who by pious activities reaches the plane of heaven, or the kingdom of the creative gods with their delegated powers
- The influence of material nature cannot reach beyond the Viraja, or Causal Ocean, as confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 2.9.10
- The inhabitants of earth may be able to reach the moon, but the inhabitants of heaven can reach even the fiery sphere called the sun
- The Krsna conscious person not only penetrates the covering of this universe, but after he reaches that Causal Ocean, which is the neutral position, he continues
- The Krsna consciousness movement basically is trying to reach this science of the soul - not any dogmatic way, but in complete scientific and philosophical understanding
- The Krsna consciousness movement can give directions for management by which everyone can partake in Krsna conscious activities and reach the ultimate goal, which is known as svartha-gatim
- The Krsna consciousness movement is progressing successfully in the Western countries at the present moment because the youth in the West have reached the stage of vairagya, or renunciation. They are practically disgusted with material pleasure
- The learned brahmana (Sudama) gradually reached his own home. But there he saw that everything was wonderfully changed
- The Lord (Ramacandra) built a floating bridge of stones on the Indian Ocean and reached Lanka, the kingdom of Ravana, who had kidnapped Sita. Later on Ravana was killed by Him, and Ravana's brother Vibhisana was installed on the throne of Lanka
- The Lord is compared to the sky because the sky is vast yet within the reach of all, not only of human beings but even of the animals. The Supreme Lord, in His Paramatma feature, exists as the best well-wisher and friend
- The Lord is explained here (in SB 3.19.25) to be adhoksaja, beyond the reach of all material calculation. Aksaja means "the measurement of our senses," and adhoksaja means "that which is beyond the measurement of our senses."
- The loving affairs exhibited in Dvaraka are the elevated form. The superelevated position is reached in the manifestations of the pastimes of Vrndavana. The attitude of Lord Caitanya is certainly superelevated
- The magistrate specifically punished the muni (Manduka Muni) to death by being pierced with a lance. When he was just to be pierced, the news reached the king, and he at once stopped the act on consideration of his being a great muni
- The Mayavadis, who hold the view that Absolute is impersonal and formless, contend that a realized soul has no need to talk. But the Vaisnavas, devotees of Krsna, contend that when one reaches the stage of realization, he really begins to talk - CC Intro
- The means of jnana and yoga and other allied disciplines are not independent in delivering a performer. Such activities help one to reach the stage of bhakti-yoga after many, many years
- The mental speculators can reach the point of buddhi-yoga after many, many lifetimes of speculation, but the intelligent person who begins from the platform of intelligence above the mind makes rapid progress in self-realization
- The mental speculators can reach up to the standard of impersonal Brahman realization, but, factually, complete knowledge of transcendence is beyond the knowledge of impersonal Brahman. Thus it is called the supreme confidential wisdom
- The mind is so speedy that in one second you can reach Mayapura, 15,000 miles away - within a second
- The mixture of ecstatic ingredients becomes tasty and, being within the perception of the devotee, reaches the highest platform of wonder and deep bliss
- The modern trend of material civilization is to increase the temperature of the feverish material condition, which has reached the point of 107 degrees in the form of atomic energy
- The next day, the Bhattacarya went to visit the temple of Lord Jagannatha, but before he reached the temple, he went to see Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The nondevotee class cannot understand the dynamic nature of His knowledge because they are satisfied to reach up to His eternal form of knowledge
- The other day while taking my morning walk from the backside of your land I reached on the main road. So much land is still vacant without any utility. If you can spare all these lands on lease terms we can immediately use them properly
- The other two (karma-yoga, jnana-yoga) are incompetent in helping one reach the Vaikunthalokas, although they can, however, conveniently take one to the effulgent brahmajyoti
- The paramahamsa makes his nest in the lotuslike face of the Lord and always seeks shelter at His lotus feet, which are reached by the wings of Vedic wisdom
- The pastimes of Lord Caitanya are unlimited and endless. Even Sahasra-vadana, Lord Sesa, cannot reach the limits of His pastimes
- The people in general can be reached very well by the distribution of our literatures and by the propagation of Sankirtana in the streets. These are our two mrdangas for reawakening the sleeping conditioned souls
- The perfection of yoga is reached when you are in samadhi, always thinking of the Visnu form of the Lord within your heart, without being disturbed
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Ramacandra attempted to bridge the Indian Ocean to reach the island of Lanka, but Sri Hanumanji, the unalloyed devotee of the Personality of Godhead, could cross the ocean simply by jumping over it
- The personified vedas continued, "The perfection of human life is based on knowledge and renunciation, but it is very difficult to attempt to reach the stage of knowledge and renunciation while in family life"
- The plant grows so nicely from Brahmaloka to Viraja to the spiritual sky, and even when that plant reaches the spiritual sky, it is not satisfied with any Vaikuntha planet
- The Pracetas considered such a place to be like a continuous festival. From this description it appears that the Pracetas reached Sivaloka, which is supposed to be situated near the Himalaya Mountains
- The rsis, the four Kumaras, reached Vaikuntha by becoming lighter than the lightest and thus passing over the space of the material world
- The sannyasi reaches the paramahamsa stage when he finishes his preaching work and sits down in one place, strictly for the sake of advancing in spiritual life
- The secondary information of the kingdom of God explains that anyone able to reach that kingdom by adoption of the civilization of the soul proper, or, in other words, by the method of bhakti-yoga, attains the highest perfection of life
- The self-effulgent Vaikuntha planets, by whose illumination alone all the illuminating planets within this material world give off reflected light, cannot be reached by those who are not merciful to other living entities
- The senses have their utility for the service of the Lord, and if properly engaged they can reach the highest perfection by being directly engaged in the service of the Lord in His personal presence
- The seven walls surround Vaikuntha, with seven gates, just like a building may be located there, but you have to pass through seven gates and courtyards, with walls surrounding, to reach there. Gardens, houses, everything is there between the walls
- The showers of various weapons and arrows released to kill the soldiers of the demigods did not reach them because the demigods, acting quickly, cut the weapons into thousands of pieces in the sky
- The spiritual knowledge acquired by the sannyasis and the eightfold perfections achieved by the mystics are all within easy reach of the transcendentalist. Therefore, the transcendentalist does not desire to achieve any profit, adoration, or distinction
- The story of the deliverance of brahmana is as follows. A brahmana who was touring all over the country, traveling from one place of pilgrimage to another, reached Navadvipa and became a guest in the house of Jagannatha Misra
- The supreme religion is that which teaches its followers how to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is beyond the reach of experimental knowledge. Such a religious system begins with tan-nama-grahana, chanting of the holy name of the Lord
- The surface of the world was practically covered by very tall trees. It seemed as though the trees were determined to stop people from going into outer space to reach the heavenly kingdoms
- The transcendental forms of the Lord are beyond the reach of the impersonalists, who can only understand, through the studies of the Upanisads, that the Absolute Truth is not matter and that the Absolute Truth is not materially restricted
- The two different ways of reaching the spiritual sky and getting emancipation from all material bondage, namely either the direct process of reaching the kingdom of God or the gradual process through the other higher planets of the universe
- The Vaisnavas, who are devotees of Krsna, contend that when one reaches the stage of realization, he really begins to talk. "Previously we only talked of nonsense," the Vaisnava says. "Now let us begin our real talks, talks of Krsna"
- The Vedas give the direction tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: (MU 1.2.12) in order to reach the perfection of life or to understand the real constitutional position of the living entity, one must approach the spiritual master
- The Vedic literature directs us not to be captivated by the dark regions (tamah) but to try to reach the shining regions of the Absolute - yogi-dhama
- The very wide mouth of the Ganges near present-day Diamond Harbor was called Mantresvara. Through the Ganges, the boat (who was carrying Lord Caitanya and the Muslim governor) entered the Rupa-narayana River and reached the village of Pichalda
- The village of Benapola is situated in the district of Yasohara (Jessore), which is now in Bangladesh. Benapola is near the Banagano station, which is at the border of Bangladesh and may be reached by the Eastern Railway from Sealdah Station in Calcutta
- The Western countries have reached the summit of material civilization, but people are still dissatisfied. Real satisfaction is Krsna consciousness
- The whole aim of life is to achieve the favor of Visnu. Om tad visnoh paramam padam. That is the Rg-Veda mantra. To reach Visnu
- The whole process of creation is an act of gradual evolution and development from one element to another, reaching up to the variegatedness of the earth as so many trees, plants, mountains, rivers, reptiles, birds, animals and varieties of human beings
- The whole process of sacrifice, either by yoga system or by jnana system or by observing the rules and regulation of the social system, everything is meant for reaching to that point. What is that? To surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The word atma also means "to endeavor." In every practice there is some endeavor, and the ultimate endeavor is the endeavor to reach the highest perfectional stage of devotional service
- The word upagatesu is also significant. All the members of Vrsni and Bhoja directly reached the abode of the Lord
- The worshipers of demigods are motivated by small desires and do not know how to reach the supreme goal, but a devotee of the Supreme Lord is not misguided
- Then from within the pillar came a fearful sound, which appeared to crack the covering of the universe. O my dear Yudhisthira, this sound reached even the abodes of the demigods like Lord Brahma
- Then, when the devotee satisfies the spiritual master and Krsna, this seed of devotional service grows into a plant that gradually reaches up to the spiritual world. An ordinary plant requires shelter for growing
- There are also planets where no sunlight reaches, and there are living entities who must live there due to their past deeds
- There are different lokas or higher planets scattered all over the sky, both material and spiritual. A person can reach them by dint of his work in the present life, as stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.25). No forceful entrance is allowed there
- There are many foolish propagandists who say that worship of the demigods is also a way to reach the supreme goal, but in the authorized statements of Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita this is not accepted
- There are many pseudo worshipers who become religionists only for the sake of name and fame. Such pseudo religionists do not wish to get out of this universe and reach the spiritual sky. They only want to maintain the status quo in the material world
- There are many who make as their destination different demigods, and by rigid performance of the strict respective methods they reach different planets known as Candraloka, Suryaloka, Indraloka, Maharloka, etc. BG 1972 purports
- There are those who are still attracted to Krsna's impersonal brahmajyoti effulgence, which is the all-pervasive aspect of the Absolute Truth and which is unmanifest and beyond the reach of the senses. BG 1972 purports
- There are three purposes in the Vedas. One is to understand our relationship with Krsna (sambandha), another is to act according to that relationship (abhidheya), and the third is to reach the ultimate goal (prayojana)
- There are two stages: one who is practicing yoga to reach to the perfectional platform, and one who has attained the perfectional platform
- There is a river known as Vaitarani between the material and spiritual worlds, and one must cross this river to reach the other side, or the spiritual world. This is an extremely difficult task
- Therefore, when Bhrgu Muni reached his father, Lord Brahma, because Bhrgu wanted to test whether Brahma had the quality of goodness, he purposely did not offer his respects to his father, either by offering obeisances or by offering prayers
- These (signs of tears in the eyes and standing of the hairs on the body) are natural consequences and are the preliminary symptoms of the bhava stage, which occurs before one reaches the perfectional stage of prema, love of Godhead
- These transcendental (Vaikuntha) planets are worshipable because the PG personally rules them. It is said here (SB 3.15.26) that the sages reached the transcendental spiritual sky by dint of their mystic power. That is the perfection of the yoga system
- They (impersonalist sannyasis) undergo severe penances and austerities to reach the platform of impersonal Brahman, but because there is no pleasure there, they again descend to enjoy material variety
- They (materialistic men) want to make a plan to become happy in a place where there is no happiness. For false happiness they try to reach other planets, either by Vedic rituals or by spacecraft
- They (the gross materialists) are creating a great commotion about reaching the closest celestial body, Candraloka, or the moon, but even after much mechanical research they have only very scanty information of this moon
- They (the marriage party) reached the town of Bhojakata, and the marriage ceremony was peacefully performed
- They also saw that the bathing ghatas and their staircases were made of vaidurya-mani. The water was full of lotus flowers. Passing by such lakes, the demigods reached a place where there was a great banyan tree
- They are (the forms of worship of the superior) all nicely described in the Second Chapter, but in the Third Chapter further development is prescribed after one has actually reached the stage of Visnu worship
- They claim that one can approach the Supreme Lord either through fruitive activities, speculative knowledge, meditation or austerity and that any one of these methods will enable one to reach the perfectional stage
- They'll never reach the right conclusion about what is life, what makes this body move, what is death. Because they're missing the essential point, the spiritual element
- Things which are beyond your imagination, beyond your reach, beyond your thoughts, beyond your words, beyond your sense perception, how you can understand them by your experimental so-called scientific research
- This concentration of the mind upon the lotus feet of the Lord is called samadhi. Until one reaches the stage of samadhi, or trance, he cannot understand the nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This conclusion (voidism or impersonalism) is useless for a Krsna conscious person. Only rarely by philosophical speculation can one reach the conclusion of worshiping Vasudeva, Krsna. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita itself
- This movement is especially meant to enable a human being to reach the real goal of life. To go back home, back to Godhead. That is the real goal of life
- This practice goes on while one is living, and the perfection is reached when one can place himself on the top of the head and then break through. Then he can transfer himself to whatever higher planets he likes. That is the perfection of the yogi
- This spiritual platform, to reach, requires gradually process of cultivation, and there is no difficulty to reach the spiritual platform. But first of all, the training of the mind is practiced by the yoga system. Yoga means to control the mind
- This spiritual subject matter, which is transcendental to the hankerings of the material body and mind, is our supreme need. Unless we reach this transcendental plane of activities, we cannot achieve real peace
- This time, the cows immediately forgot their position as soon as they saw the calves below Govardhana Hill, and they ran with great force, their tails erect and their front and hind legs joined, until they reached their calves
- Those who are too attached to seeking material possessions and material enjoyment cannot reach yoga-samadhi, absorption in Krsna consciousness
- Those who are truly vipascit, learned, are those who have reached the platform of understanding and observing the Supreme Personality of Godhead in any condition of life. premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti - BS 5.38
- Those who are trying to understand the Absolute Truth by philosophical speculation, they can reach up to the impersonal Brahman effulgence of the Absolute Truth. Similarly, those who are trying to find out the Absolute Truth within the heart
- Those who have reached the highest perfectional stage of mystic power and can see everything in the past, present and future are called tri-kala-jnas
- Those who try the impossible are irrational and overambitious. Everyone has to proceed gradually, placing each step securely before taking the next one. In this way one will ultimately reach the goal
- Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My devotee, under My protection, reaches the eternal and imperishable abode by My grace. BG 18.56 - 1972
- Three multiplied by nine equals twenty-seven, and when again multiplied by three it becomes eighty-one. One has to transcend all such mixed materialistic devotional service in order to reach the standard of pure devotional service
- Thus Lord Siva could understand his position and that of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has unlimited potencies. Having reached this understanding, he was not at all surprised by the wonderful way Lord Visnu had acted upon him
- Thus the great sages, Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara, upon reaching the above-mentioned Vaikuntha in the spiritual world by dint of their mystic yoga performance, perceived unprecedented happiness
- To be fixed in one's intelligence one has to worship Pradyumna, who is reached through the worship of Brahma. These matters are explained in Vedic literature
- To become president or prime minister is not easy; one must work very hard (aruhya krcchrena) to achieve the post. And even though one may reach his goal, at any moment one may be kicked down by material nature
- To enable people to reach the stage of activities that are not tinged by fruitive results, great saints first engage people in fruitive activities
- To reach Akaihata, one has to go from the Byandel junction station to the Katwa railway station and then go about two miles, or one has to get off at the Danihata station and from there go one mile
- To reach the platform of perfection takes many, many lives (bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate (BG 7.19)). Nonetheless, even without undergoing severe austerities, one can attain perfection by Your (Krsna's) mercy
- To reach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the highest goal, there are two processes: one process is by gradual development, and the other process is direct. BG 1972 purports
- To say nothing of Lord Brahma, even Lord Ananta, who has thousands of heads, cannot reach the end of the Lord's transcendental qualities, even though He is continuously chanting their praises
- Tomorrow (1st of August) I am going (from Bombay) to Calcutta to catch my ship M.V. Jaladuta and I am starting for U.S.A. by the 10th of August, 1965 reaching New York after a month
- Tomorrow we go to Fiji for some time, and the laying of the foundation stone of our new temple there, then on to Hawaii, and by about June 1st, we should reach Los Angeles. After that we are planning to visit Detroit, New York Rathayatra
- Traveling on the bank of the Sarayu River, He (Balarama) gradually reached Prayaga, where there is a confluence of three rivers - the Ganges, Yamuna and Sarasvatira
- Try to reach as many sincere souls as possible through your Sankirtan Party. This will be the greatest service you can render to Krishna and your fellow men. Krishna gave you good intelligence so now you must continue to utilize them fully in His service
- Unless a wise jnanavan, jnani, does not reach to the platform of understanding the personality, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his intelligence is still not very much purified
- Unless and until one reaches the stage of the purest quality of goodness - other words, until he transcends the plane of material speculation - it is not possible for him to know that everything emanates from the Personality of Godhead Vasudeva
- Unless one begins by performing activities as recommended in the sastras, one cannot reach the stage of liberation, or activities that produce no reactions
- Unless one is fixed in the normal condition of service, neither the Lord nor the living being can become fully satisfied. This defect was felt by him when Narada Muni, his spiritual master, reached him. It is described as follows
- Unless one surpasses the field of activities in service to the limited, one cannot reach the unlimited
- Upon reaching mother Saci, Kala Krsnadasa first offered his obeisances and delivered the food remnants (maha-prasadam). He then informed her of the good news that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had returned from His South Indian tour
- Upon reaching the shelter of Lord Sesa, the SPG, Citraketu saw that He was as white as the white fibers of a lotus flower. He was dressed in bluish garments and adorned with a brilliantly glittering helmet, armlets, belt and bangles
- Varuna continued: On reaching Him you will be rid of your pride at once and will lie down on the field of battle, surrounded by dogs, for eternal sleep
- Vidura was purified of all passion by wandering in sacred places, and at last he reached Hardwar, where he met the great sage (Maitreya) who knew the science of spiritual life, and he inquired from him
- Vidura, the best amongst the Kuru dynasty, who was perfect in devotional service to the Lord, thus reached the source of the celestial Ganges River (Hardwar), where Maitreya, the great, fathomless learned sage of the world, was seated
- Virtuous persons who reach Brahmaloka by dint of their pious work become masters of various planets after the resurrection of Brahma
- Walking and walking, Madhavendra Puri finally reached Jagannatha Puri, which is also known as Nilacala. There he saw Lord Jagannatha and was overwhelmed with loving ecstasy
- We are always thinking that by changing our situation we will overcome our mental agitation, and we are always thinking that when we reach a certain point, all mental agitations will disappear
- We are very much attached to this material world, but according to the Vedic system, renunciation is compulsory, for when one reaches the age of fifty, he renounces his family life
- We are worshiping Govindam, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the original person. So this sound, govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami, is reaching Him. He is hearing. You cannot say that He is not hearing. Can you say? No
- We can safely harbor the firm conviction that soon the message of peace will reach their ears
- We have actually seen, especially in the Western countries, that men who have reached more than eighty years of age still go to nightclubs and pay heavy fees to drink wine and associate with women
- We have discussed about brahmastra. It is almost similar to the modern nuclear weapon or bomb, but it is made with chemicals, but this brahmastra is made of mantra. That is the subtle way. Modern science has not reached to that point of subtle existence
- We must forget whether we are Christian, Moslem or Hindu, and we must understand that we are living entities whose constitutional position is to render service to the supreme living entity. When we reach that stage of understanding, we are liberated
- We must know that the goal of our voyage is to reach the Absolute Truth, Visnu, the all-pervading Godhead. Sri Krsna confirms this goal of life by saying that everything must be performed for the satisfaction of Visnu, or Yajna
- We require to be trained in the service of Krsna under the guidance of representative of Krsna, training. In this way, when we are fully trained, we shall reach that stage, oh, that "I am protected by Krsna." Krsna gives you assurance
- We should first try to see the lotus feet of Krsna, and when we are practiced in this way, we can look at His thighs, His waist and His chest. Then we can reach His smiling face
- We want to reach the intelligent class of men and so this college program is of first rate importance
- What is beyond our imagination, beyond our mental cultivation, beyond the reach of our senses, we have to accept authority. Exactly in the same way, just like we have to accept somebody as our father simply on the version of mother
- What is the possibility of his (frog in the well) ever understanding the depths and far reaches of the great ocean
- When a person reaches this brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) platform, he sees all living entities equally and becomes a pure devotee of the Supreme Lord
- When a sannyasi thus becomes completely independent, peaceful and equipoised, he can select the destination he desires after death and follow the principles by which to reach that destination
- When anuraga reaches its highest limit and becomes perceivable in the body, it is called bhava. When the bodily symptoms are not very distinct, however, the emotional state is still called anuraga, not bhava
- When astasiti, eighty-eight years reached, his (Ajamila's) death was imminent. Kala means death. So he did not know that time and tide waits for no man. When time will come, death, then all this my paraphernalia will be taken away
- When Dhruva Maharaja reached his mother, his lips were trembling in anger, and he was crying very grievously
- When four or five symptoms (of transcendental transformations) are exhibited, the dipta (blazing) stage has been reached. When five, six or all eight symptoms are simultaneously manifest, that position is called uddipta - inflamed
- When he (Madhavendra Puri) was crying in separation, “I could not achieve Krsna! I could not reach Mathura!” this was not ordinary material lamentation
- When he (the hunter) reached the sages, he tried to bow down before them, but he saw that there were so many ants that he could not bow down without crushing them. Thus he slowly cleared away the ants with his cloth
- When Lord Balarama reached the precincts of the city of Hastinapura, He did not enter but stationed Himself in a camp outside the city, in a small garden house
- When Madhavendra Puri reached the temple of Gopinatha, he offered his respectful obeisances many times at the lotus feet of the Lord. In the ecstasy of love, he began to dance and sing without cessation
- When one actually reaches the platform of frustration in an attempt to discharge karma-bandha-phansa, he inquires about the real value of life, which is called brahma jijnasa
- When one comes to the stage of jnanamayi, one realizes the transcendental opulences of the Personality of Godhead. But when one reaches pure love, one realizes the transcendental form of the Lord as Lord Krsna or Lord Rama. This is what is wanted
- When one develops pure love for the Lord, he derives an ocean of transcendental happiness from the association of the Personality of Godhead. To qualify oneself to reach this stage of life is the highest perfection
- When one goes to a transcendental planet it is necessary to change both the finer and gross bodies, for one has to reach the spiritual sky completely in a spiritual form
- When one perfectly understands the Absolute Truth he is called a brahmana. And when the brahmana reaches further perfection, he becomes a Vaisnava, or a devotee
- When one reaches a finer version of ignorance, he falsely thinks of himself as the Supreme Lord. That egoistic conviction of the conditioned soul is the last snare of the illusory energy which controls the entire material world
- When one reaches the age of fifty, he should give up family life. At that time one's child should be grown up so that the father can leave the family responsibilities to him. The husband and wife may then go abroad to live a retired life and travel
- When one reaches the lotus feet of Lord Krsna at Goloka Vrndavana, the watering process of hearing and reading, as also chanting of the holy name in the pure devotional stage, fructifies
- When one reaches the topmost position of material opulence, the tendency for renunciation is natural. There are two tendencies in this material world - bhoga - sense enjoyment and tyaga - renunciation of this material world
- When one thinks of Krsna constantly, love for Him manifests within the heart. Even though one may be ignorant, one can reach the far shore of the ocean of transcendental love by Lord Krsna's mercy
- When one understands that result and cause are one and that duality is ultimately unreal, like the idea that the threads of a cloth are different from the cloth itself, one reaches the conception of oneness called bhavadvaita
- When one's faith reaches the stage of transcendental knowledge, the performer of sacrifices should be considered more advanced than those who simply sacrifice material possessions without such knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- When Prthu Maharaja and his wife, Arci, abandoned their material bodies in the material fire, they immediately developed their spiritual bodies and entered into spiritual airplanes, which could penetrate the material elements and reach the spiritual sky
- When Rupa Gosvami reached Mathura, he met Subuddhi Raya on the banks of the Yamuna, at a place called Dhruva-ghata
- When Sanatana Gosvami reached Benares, he understood that the Lord was there, and he became overjoyed. He was informed by the people that the Lord was staying at the house of Candrasekhara Acarya, and Sanatana went there
- When Sati, with her followers, reached the arena, because all the people assembled were afraid of Daksa, none of them received her well
- When situated in the material quality of goodness, one tries to purify himself by performing various penances and austerities. When one reaches the platform of a real brahmana, he aspires to merge into the existence of the Lord
- When such a person reaches the perfectional stage, he returns home, back to Krsna, in his pure spiritual identity
- When Sudama Vipra reached Krsna's palace, Krsna received him very well, and both He and His wife washed the feet of Sudama Vipra, showing respect to the brahmana
- When Svarupa Damodara and the other devotees reached the spot and saw the condition of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they began to cry
- When the contamination is completely removed and the senses act in the purity of unalloyed Krsna consciousness, we have reached sad-indriya, or eternal sensory activities
- When the devotees finally reached the lion gate, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard the news and personally went to meet them
- When the devotees from Bengal reached Lake Narendra, Svarupa Damodara and the others met them and offered them the garlands given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- When the empiric philosopher tries to approach the Absolute Truth, he can reach only as far as the impersonal feature of Godhead, without knowing anything about the Lord's transcendental pastimes
- When the King's chief palanquin carriers reached the banks of the River Iksumati, they needed another carrier. Therefore they began searching for someone, and by chance they came upon Jada Bharata
- When the living entity actually develops love of Godhead, he has reached the ultimate goal, prayojana. In other words, one who becomes fully Krsna conscious has attained the perfection of life
- When the news reached the palace that Dhruva Maharaja was returning, his mother, Suniti, out of her great compassion & due to being the mother of a great Vaisnava, did not hesitate to take the other wife, Suruci, & her son, Uttama, on the same palanquin
- When the yogi is once situated in that transcendental position (asamprajnata-samadhi), he is never shaken from it. Unless the yogi is able to reach this position, he is unsuccessful. BG 1972 purports
- When the yogi reaches the ajna-cakra, between the two eyebrows, he is able to penetrate the brahma-randhra, or the hole in his skull, and go to any planet he desires, up to the spiritual kingdom of Vaikuntha, or Krsnaloka
- When there is no diminishing of this ecstatic love and when it is freed from all kinds of doubt, the devotee has reached the stage called steady love for Krsna
- When they reached the place called Balagandi, Lord Jagannatha stopped His car and began to look left and right
- When Vasudeva reached the house of Nanda Maharaja, he saw that all the cowherd men were fast asleep - SB 10.3.51
- When we reach that stage, love of God, love of Krsna, then we love everyone because Krsna is everyone. Without coming to that central point, our love on the material conception of life - equality, fraternity, brotherhood - are all simply cheating process
- When we reach the higher standard of purification, if we see the smiling face of the Lord or hear the rasa dance pastimes of the Lord, then we can relish His activities
- When will there be surrender to God? When one loves God - when one reaches the platform where he thinks, "O Lord, I love You; I can sacrifice everything for You." That is the basic principle of religion
- When you (Jagadananda Pandita) reach Mathura, you should remain with Sanatana Gosvami and offer respectful obeisances to the feet of all the leading men there
- While going to Visnukanci, He visited Sivakanci. Lord Balarama took His bath in the river Kaveri; then He gradually reached Rangaksetra. The biggest Visnu temple in the world is in Rangaksetra, and the Visnu Deity there is celebrated as Ranganatha
- While sitting and chanting, the Lord saw that the governor of the province, Sri Ramananda Raya, had reached the banks of the river (Godavari) accompanied by his associates, which included many brahmanas
- While the earth and the personality of religion were thus engaged in conversation, the saintly King Pariksit reached the shore of the Sarasvati River, which flowed towards the east
- Without diverting his attention, he (Mucukunda) began to travel north. Eventually he reached the mountain known as Gandhamadana, where there were many trees, such as sandalwood & other flowering trees, whose fragrance made anyone who reached them joyful
- Without faith, you cannot reach the kingdom of God. Your experimental knowledge, your so-called defective reasons and arguments and philosophy, that will not be applicable in the transcendental field. You have to believe
- Without personal service, one would go on speculating like the impersonalists and dry speculators life after life and would be unable to reach the final conclusion
- Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; this is very nice if you can do it. But first of all we should not be disturbed by any circumstances. If you do become disturbed then this means you are still deficient in reaching the point
- Yoga process is authorized, but Arjuna says that it is too difficult. So-called yogis are simply making farce. They do not reach to the perfectional point of yoga. Therefore Krsna said, anyone who is thinking of Him within his heart is first class yogi
- Yoga system is very difficult for this age. But if you think that this fractional practice of yoga, a hundredth, or one percent . . . that is not possible to reach to the perfectional stage
- Yogis go to a secluded place, and by controlling all the senses and the mind and concentrating everything on the form of Visnu, they reach samadhi. That is called perfection of yoga
- Yogis who attain oneness through meditation according to the Patanjali yoga system also reach Siddhaloka. This is a verse (of CC Adi 5.39) from the Brahmanda Purana
- You can begin to reach that stage of revelation by training your tongue. What is that? Chant Hare Krsna and taste Krsna prasadam. Very simple method. You try it and see. Otherwise it is not possible
- You may rest assured that if you traverse this path of self-realization perfectly, surely you shall be freed from fearful material contamination and shall ultimately reach Me
- You were to start for London by the beginning of November, if Miss B gives us her cooperation and Kirtanananda is successful in his mission you will reach there timely
- Your (Balarama) unlimited potency is beyond the reach of our minds and words. And, my dear Krsna, You are the master of all mystic yogis