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Pages in category "Achieve"
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- A boy, a girl or a man, a woman in relationship of love but it breaks as soon as the lusty desire is not fulfilled. So here there is no question of love. It is all lusty desire. Real love can be achieved when it is exchanged with Krsna or God
- A brahmana may be extremely fortunate in having achieved brahma jnana, but the Pandavas were so exalted that the Parabrahman, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, was living in their house like an ordinary human being
- A child may insist on having something and cry like anything to get it, disturbing the whole neighborhood, and then immediately after achieving the desired thing, he laughs
- A foolish person may desire to be promoted to the heavenly planets as a result of his pious activities, but even the demigods from the heavenly planets want to come to Bharata-varsa and achieve bodies that may be very easily used to cultivate KC
- A living entity, by his past experience, remembers the real happiness of his original, spiritual existence, but since he has forgotten himself he seeks spiritual or permanent happiness in matter, although this is impossible to achieve
- A mahatma, or great soul, is very rarely seen because such transcendental realization is achieved only after many, many births. Once it is attained, however, there is no longer any illusion or lamentation or the miseries of material existence
- A man tries to be happy by achieving the fruits of his own honest labor, but actually he becomes more and more entangled. One cannot get out of this entanglement unless he has perfect knowledge, or devotional service
- A person who follows the Ratha-yatra car when the Rathas (Deities) pass in front or from behind, even if born of a lowly family, will surely be elevated to the position of achieving equal opulence with Visnu
- A person who neither rejoices upon achieving something pleasant nor laments upon obtaining something unpleasant, who is self-intelligent, unbewildered, is to be understood as already situated in Transcendence. BG 5.20 - 1972
- A short life in the land of Bharata-varsa is preferable to a life achieved in Brahmaloka for millions and billions of years because even if one is elevated to Brahmaloka, he must return to repeated birth and death
- A wife is always trained to be chaste and faithful to her husband, for this helps her achieve deliverance from any abominable material condition
- Abhidheya is acting actually. Sambandha is understanding. So if you do not come to the platform of acting, abhidheya, then simply understanding will not help you. And acting also with the aim to achieve
- Acarya means, just like Gosvamis, they would read all the scriptures and take the essence of it and give it to his disciple that, "You act like this." Because he knows what to give, how to manipulate, so that his ekantatah sreyas will be achieved
- According to our authorities who have achieved this goal, there are many, many acaryas
- Achieve real knowledge
- Achieve the loving service
- Achieving such material success in yoga (eight yogic perfections) is not the perfection or the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is described here (SB 3.21.12): Kardama Muni saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His eternal form
- Actual blissful life, manifested in genuine spiritual laughing, crying & dancing, is the symptom of real advancement in Krsna consciousness, which can be achieved by a person who always voluntarily engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Actual happiness is how you learn to love God. Then you get happy. That can be achieved without any material advancement. Anywhere you can have, without any expenditure, without any effort, without any education
- Advanced devotees manifest many bodily transformations, which are symptoms of ecstasy, but one should not imitate them to achieve cheap adoration from the public
- Advises (Brahma) us, as the supreme spiritual master of all living beings, that one should simply surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord in order to achieve all success
- After achieving such great success and a reputation which spread throughout the universe, he (King Prthu) at last obtained the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After attainment of such knowledge & such detachment from material sense gratification, one’s advancement in the eight opulences attained through mystic yoga practice, such as the anima, laghima & prapti siddhis, is also achieved without separate effort
- After delivering charge of his (Sagara Maharaja's) kingdom to Amsuman and thus being freed from all material anxiety and bondage, Sagara Maharaja, following the means instructed by Aurva Muni, achieved the supreme destination
- After executing prescribed duties (in relationship to God), when one attains the highest goal of life, love of Godhead, he achieves prayojana-siddhi, or the fulfillment of his human mission
- After heavy rain showers, the fields and forests in all directions appear green and healthy. Thus they resemble a man who has undergone severe austerities for some material gain and has achieved his end, for such a man is strong, hearty, and good-looking
- After inquiring about proper self-knowledge from the son of Vyasadeva, who will be a great philosopher, he will renounce all material attachment and achieve a life of fearlessness
- Ahimsa means that people should be trained in such a way that the full utilization of the human body can be achieved. BG 1972 purports
- Akrura continued, "The Ganges water not only sanctifies the three worlds but is carried on the head of Lord Siva. The ancestors of Bhagiratha, sanctified by this water, achieved the heavenly planets"
- All of these great sages (the four kumaras) became great devotees, for without devotional service to the Personality of Godhead one cannot achieve success in any activity of spiritual value
- All such activities (practicing of different sitting postures) lead to achieving perfect mental equilibrium to control the senses. When one is accomplished in the practice of meditation, he ceases all disturbing mental activities. BG 1972 purports
- All the benefits of practicing austerities, penances, mystic yoga, and so on will be totally achieved simply by the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra
- All the people of the world, they are struggling hard for existence, simply calculating that, - This much I have achieved today, and this much I'll achieve tomorrow. In this way my bank balance will be increased more and more
- All Vedic conclusions should be ultimately to realize Vasudeva, Krsna. Bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19). This realization is achieved after many, many births of philosophical speculation, mystic yogic exercise or fruitive activities
- Although Ajamila was calling for his son, he chanted the holy name of the Lord, Narayana, and simply by a glimpse of the chanting of the holy name, he immediately achieved the association of Lord Visnu's order carriers
- Although in all cases Visnu is the chief Deity on the sacrificial altar, the performers of fruitive rituals aim to satisfy various demigods to achieve in return some material prosperity
- Although in the order of householder life, he (Srutadeva) never took great pains to earn anything for his livelihood; he was satisfied with whatever he could achieve without much endeavor, and somehow or other he lived in that way
- Although Indra searched vigorously with the assistance of the other demigods, he could not find Brhaspati. Then Indra thought, "Alas, my spiritual master has become dissatisfied with me, and now I have no means of achieving good fortune"
- Although Narada Muni was his (Dhruva Maharaja's) diksa-guru (initiating spiritual master), Suniti, his mother, was the first who gave him instruction on how to achieve the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although the yogis sit in meditation upon Lord Visnu, who is residing in Vaikuntha, a devotee of Krsna is so proud that he does not consider such meditation to be very valuable. This feeling of pride is due to one's having achieved the highest goal
- Although this body's mortal, we can get, we can achieve a great success. And what is that? To take the dust of the lotus feet of a bhagavata
- Although Visvamitra was born in a ksatriya family, by austerities and penances he achieved the position of a brahmana
- Amongst all the Vaikunthalokas, there is one supreme loka called Goloka Vrndavana, which is the abode of Krsna and His specific associates. Pariksit was destined to achieve this particular loka, and the great rsis assembled there could foresee this
- Amongst great personalities, Maharaja Prthu was the chief by virtue of his fixed position in relation to spiritual enlightenment. He remained satisfied as one who has achieved all success in spiritual understanding
- An advanced devotee is attracted by the service rendered by an eternal servitor of the Lord. This attraction is called spontaneous attraction. Technically it is called svarupa-upalabdhi. This stage is not achieved in the beginning
- Any occupational activity which does not help one to achieve attachment for hearing and chanting the transcendental message of Godhead is said herein to be simply a waste of time
- Any person upon whom the brahmanas and Vaisnavas are pleased can achieve anything which is very rare to obtain in this world as well as after death. Not only that, but one also receives the favor of the auspicious Lord Siva and Lord Visnu
- Anyone who follows these six principles of devotional life is sure to achieve success. Similarly there are six principles which we should avoid
- Anyone who hears about the loving exchanges between Jagadananda Pandita and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or who reads Jagadananda's book Prema-vivarta, can understand what love is. Moreover, he achieves ecstatic love of Krsna
- Anyone who knows the temporary situation of this material world and is expert in achieving a permanent situation in the spiritual world, is understood to be the most learned scholar
- Anyone who takes part in this movement, regardless of what he is, can gain the topmost result achieved by a perfect sannyasi, namely brahma jnana (spiritual knowledge). Even more important, he can advance in devotional service
- Anyone who tries to prove that the Vedic literatures aim at anything else (except understanding our relationship with the Absolute SPG, acting according to that understanding, & achieving love of Godhead) is of necessity a victim of his own imagination
- Arjuna, as a result of piercing the adhara-mina, or the fish within the cakra, achieved the valuable gain of Draupadi
- As a government officer is sometimes accepted as the entire government although he is actually but a departmental manager, so the demigods, having achieved power of attorney from Visnu, act on His behalf, although they are not as powerful as He
- As already explained, the four divisions of society - namely the intelligent class of men, the ruling class, the mercantile class, and the laboring class - are meant to achieve one goal in life: self-realization, or cultivation of the human spirit
- As for the python, however, by the association of Krsna and His devotees, Aghasura also achieved the same facility of eternal life
- As it is said, traivargikas te purusa vimukha hari-medhasah. Those interested in trivarga - that is, in dharma, artha and kama - are religious for the sake of achieving a material position with which to gain better facilities for sense gratification
- As material opulence can be achieved by ordinary material means, it can also be achieved by subtle means through mantras. By chanting mantras, Saubhari Muni arranged for material opulence, but this was not perfection in life
- As soon as the body is finished, all material achievements are also finished. No one takes with him anything he has achieved materially in this world
- As stated in BG (12.5), kleso 'dhikataras tesam avyaktasakta-cetasam. Persons who do not ultimately accept the SPG and take to devotional service, but who instead are attached to impersonalism and voidism, must undergo great labor to achieve their goals
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam: What to speak of persons who are intelligent enough to study the Vedas - even less intelligent persons like women, laborers, the Huna, Sabara, and the birds and beasts can achieve the highest perfectional stage of life
- As the king of a country thinks of diplomatic ways to achieve his object, Rukmini, being the daughter of a king, was diplomatic in suggesting how this unnecessary and undesirable killing could be avoided
- As the result of real yoga practice there are eight kinds of perfection: 2) he can achieve anything he likes, he can create even a planet, he can establish influence over anyone, etc
- As we do not expect fire (in our apartment or house) but it takes place, similarly, even I do not try for my material happiness, whatever ordained, whatever I am destined to achieve, that will come. That is the answer of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- At least 5000 years ago, Sukadeva ascertained the existence of Maru in Kalapa-grama and said that Maru, having achieved a yoga-siddha body, would continue to exist until the end of Kali-yuga. Such is the perfection of mystic power
- At the present moment modern educated persons, they do not know that there is something like moksa and it can be achieved, and there is process, and the whole Vedic sastra is trying to educate us for getting moksa
- Atonement is certainly unnecessary when one has achieved spontaneous love and, above that, attachment with love, which are signs of increasing advancement in kadacitki. Even in the stage of abhasa-rupa bhakti, all the reactions of sinful life are uprooted
- Bala means this Balarama, the spiritual strength. The spiritual realization can be achieved by the grace of Lord Balarama
- Bali Maharaja was indeed a fully surrendered devotee, but even some demons who were not at all devotees but merely enemies of the Lord attained the same exalted position achieved by many mystic yogis
- Banasura's fighting with Krsna and later being saved by the grace of Lord Siva is confirmation of the statement in the Bhagavad-gita that the worshipers of demigods cannot achieve any benediction without its being sanctioned by the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Because a particular living entity wants to enjoy a particular material facility, the Lord inspires him with a strong desire to achieve that benediction from that particular demigod, and so he successfully receives the benediction. BG 1972 purports
- Because his (one's) uncontrolled mind and senses are going with him, he cannot achieve anything, even by giving up household life and staying in the forest
- Because Lord Krsna is the original Supreme Person, any question about Him is original and perfect. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that the highest perfection of life is to achieve the transcendental loving service of Krsna
- Because of his self-realization, he was able to fix his mind upon the Transcendence (Parabrahman, Vasudeva), and thus he ultimately achieved the position of an associate of the Lord
- Because of the influence of the various modes of nature, the living entities have various tendencies or propensities, and therefore they are qualified to achieve various destinations
- Because there are three main stages of realization, the Supreme Absolute Truth is not attained in one birth. Bahunam janmanam ante (Bg. 7.19). If one is fortunate, he can achieve the ultimate in one second
- Because this exchange (Yadu's youth for the old age of his father Yayati) would delay his complete engagement in devotional service, he did not want to accept his father's old age, for he was eager to achieve freedom from disturbances
- Being situated on the spiritual platform, automatically you achieve your original status, constitutional position, brahma-bhutah prasannatma (BG 18.54). Then you are able to enter into the kingdom of God, or the spiritual world
- Beyond this (attain one of the Vaikuntha planets) there is nothing to be desired or achieved by the perfect yogi
- Bhagavata recitation must not be a business. If done in the right way, not only does the reciter achieve perfect satisfaction, but the Lord also is very satisfied with the reciter and the audience, and thus both are liberated from material bondage
- Both brahmana (Srutadeva) and King (Bahulasva) ultimately achieved the supreme goal of being transferred to the spiritual world
- Both Prthu Maharaja's airplane and the airplane carrying Queen Arci were passing out of the vision of the ladies of the higher planetary systems. These ladies were simply astonished to see how Prthu Maharaja and his wife achieved such an exalted position
- Brahma said, "My dear Lord, there are many instances in the history of human society where a person, after failing to achieve the transcendental platform, engaged himself in devotional service with his body, mind and words"
- Brahma, born out of the lotus flower, could not see the world, although he was situated in the whorl. He therefore circumambulated all of space, and while moving his eyes in all directions he achieved four heads in terms of the four directions
- Brahmaji believed in this art of bhakti-yoga; he believed in the instruction of the Lord to execute tapa, & he discharged the function with great penance & thus achieved the great success of seeing the Vaikunthalokas & the Lord also by personal experience
- Brahman identification may help one become joyful without material attachment or detachment and to achieve the platform of equanimity, but after this stage one has to take to devotional service
- Brhaspati informed Indra, "Ordinarily, Bali and his forces could not achieve such strength, but it appears that the brahmana descendants of Bhrgu Muni, being pleased with Bali Maharaja, endowed them with this spiritual power"
- By adopting the mood of the associates and friends of Radharani and following in their footsteps, one can ultimately achieve the perfectional stage of being transferred to Goloka Vrndavana, the transcendental abode of Krsna
- By austerities, by worship of the Lord, and by distribution of charity we can purify the possession of wealth. We can purify our self by studying the Vedas in order to understand the Absolute Truth and achieve self-realization
- By cultivating philosophical knowledge one can understand his spiritual position and thus be liberated, and by performing sacrifices and pious activities one can achieve sense gratification in a higher planetary system
- By devotional service one can achieve the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although He is not visible or understandable to materialistic persons
- By dint of perfection in yoga one can become lighter than the lightest and heavier than the heaviest; one can go wherever he likes and can achieve opulences as he likes. There are eight such perfections
- By hearing the narration of Dhruva one can fulfill desires for wealth, reputation and increased duration of life. It is so auspicious that one can even go to a heavenly planet or attain Dhruvaloka, which was achieved by Dhruva, just by hearing about him
- By his piety, Vidura achieved the advantages of the pious Kauravas. After leaving Hastinapura, he took shelter of many places of pilgrimages, which are the Lord's lotus feet
- By offering even water, newly grown grass, or flower buds at Your lotus feet, those who maintain no mental duplicity can achieve the most exalted position within the spiritual world
- By performing sacrifices and pious activities one can achieve sense gratification in a higher planetary system, but the devotional service of the Lord is so rare that even by executing hundreds and thousands of such sacrifices one cannot obtain it
- By pleasing the spiritual master, who is both brahmana and Vaisnava, one pleases the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased, then one has nothing more to achieve either in this world or after death
- By practicing this remembering, without being deviated, thinking ever of the Supreme Godhead, one is sure to achieve the planet of the Divine, the Supreme Personality. BG 1972 Introduction
- By seeing Your Lordship, whom we have desired to see for a very long time, we have achieved our ultimate goal in life
- By serving her devotee husband, Kardama Muni, Devahuti shared in his achievements. Similarly, a sincere disciple, simply by serving a bona fide spiritual master, can achieve all the mercy of the Lord and the spiritual master simultaneously
- By the blessings of Krsna, Yogamaya was able to achieve the reputation of being the daughter of mother Yasoda, who also became famous by the blessings of Krsna. Yasoda means "one who gives fame"
- By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Gopinatha Pattanayaka could understand that the material benefits he had achieved were not the ultimate result of meditating upon His lotus feet
- By the yoga system of puraka, kumbhaka and recaka or by directly fixing the mind on the sound vibration of Krsna or on the form of Krsna, the same purpose is achieved
- By transcendental engagement, one achieves all transcendental qualities automatically, by the grace of the Lord, and thus his liberation is complete in itself, without his making extraneous endeavors to acquire knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- By virtue of such attraction (of Krsna), one can give up fruitive activities and all endeavors for liberation and can even abandon the intense desire to achieve success in yoga mystic power
- By worshiping the demigods one may get results, but, as described in Bhagavad-gita, antavat tu phalam tesam tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam: (BG 7.23) whatever great benedictions one may achieve from the demigods are all temporary
- By worshiping the fire and the brahmanas, a householder can achieve the desired goal of residing in the higher planets, for the sacrificial fire and the brahmanas are to be considered the mouth of Lord Visnu, who is the Supersoul of all the demigods
- By worshiping the Supreme Lord, Somadatta achieved the most exalted post, a residence on the planet to which great mystic yogis are elevated
- By your principles of devotion to your husband, you have achieved and can enjoy transcendental gifts very rarely obtained by persons proud of aristocracy and material possessions
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in His teachings to Rupa Gosvami, said: brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva, guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija (CC Madhya 19.151). One can achieve the seed of bhakti-lata, devotional service, by the mercy of guru and Krsna
- Caitanya was appreciated by Rupa Gosvami as the most munificent man of charity because love of Krsna, which is very difficult to achieve, was distributed freely by Him. BG 1972 purports
- Certainly others who were fighters on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra were purified by the onslaught of Arjuna's arrows, and while seeing the lotuslike face of Krsna, so pleasing to the eyes, they achieved the abode of the Lord
- Chanting of Hare Krishna is not meant for achieving any other better thing than Krishna. But when we chant Hare Krishna without any offense, we relish Krishna, the Reservoir of all pleasure
- Complete enjoyment cannot be achieved separate from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Concentration in Krsna consciousness can be achieved by persons who are following the rules and regulative principles
- Conditioned souls are generally bereft of intelligence because of profound desires for sense gratification. They do not know what benedictions to ask. Therefore nondevotees are advised in the sastras to worship the demigods to achieve material benefits
- Dear King Dhruva, neither your forefathers nor anyone else before you ever achieved such a transcendental planet
- Despite his life of failure, he (Dhrtarastra) achieved the greatest of all success in self-realization by the forceful instructions of a pure devotee of the Lord (Vidura), who is the typical emblem of a sadhu
- Devahuti, as the wife of Kardama Muni, achieved an invaluable gift from her husband because she was very faithful to him
- Devotional service is so powerful. When a devotee achieves what he wants to accomplish, it is not by his own mystic power but by the grace of the master of mystic power
- Dhrtarastra, due to his wrong conception of life, had already spoiled eighty percent of his achieved energy, so it behooved him to utilize the remaining days of his miserly life for the ultimate good
- Dhruva Maharaja achieved this position even in one life, and he was very wise and conscientious. Why, then, was he not very pleased?
- Dhruva Maharaja attained an exalted position at the age of only five or six years, after undergoing austerity for six months. Alas, a great ksatriya cannot achieve such a position even after undergoing austerities for many, many years
- Dhruva Maharaja thus surpassed the seven planetary systems of the great sages who are known as saptarsi. Beyond that region, he achieved the transcendental situation of permanent life in the planet where Lord Visnu lives
- Dhruva Maharaja took to meditation in the forest to achieve material benefit but ultimately became spiritually advanced and did not want any benediction for material profit. He was simply satisfied with the association of the Supreme Lord
- Dhruva Maharaja's demand was to achieve an abode even greater than Lord Brahma's
- Different persons achieve different types of mukti-sayujya, salokya, sarupya, samipya and sarsti - according to their own intense desire, which is called bhava
- Diti knew that because of his (Siva's) being quickly angered he might spoil the pregnancy she had so unlawfully (by untimely sexual intercourse) achieved
- Don't show your face to me! Go anywhere else you like. If I die seeing your face, I shall not achieve the destination of my life
- Either you stay in India or you stay in America, the bodily comforts or sense gratification, that will be achieved either in India or America. What you are destined to achieve, you will have it
- Even after millions and millions of births one cannot achieve a sense of devotional service, but if, somehow or other, one desires to attain devotional service, the association of a pure devotee will render it possible
- Even if I don't try, I will be supplied with whatever I am to achieve because of my past work and my particular type of body. Your real concern, therefore, should be to seek out the higher goal of human life
- Even if one goes to the topmost planet, one cannot achieve eternal life. Only by arriving in Vaikunthaloka can one live an eternally blissful life
- Even if one has material desires, one can undoubtedly achieve what he wants by rendering service to the Lord
- Even if one wants some material benefit from serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead, this can be achieved extremely easily, without hard labor
- Even if they are officially engaged in devotional service, they cannot achieve the highest perfectional stage. Most probably they will slip, after some time
- Even Lord Sri Krsna praised his (Rantideva's) acts of charity and hospitality. He was blessed by the great Vasistha Muni for supplying him cold water, and thus he achieved the heavenly planet
- Even on this planet of our present residence, one cannot achieve a good position within the social order without being qualified with proportionate good work
- Even ordinary devotees cannot have such pure attachment for Krsna. Therefore, how is it possible for success to be achieved by persons whose hearts are contaminated by the actions and reactions of fruitive activities
- Even the impersonalist cannot achieve the desired merging into the existence of the Supreme without being favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Even the very question (asked by Maharaja Pariksit to Sukadeva Gosvami) is so nice that it is the best subject matter for hearing. Simply by such questioning and hearing, one can achieve the highest perfectional stage of life
- Even up to the limit of being liberated from the miseries of material life and being endowed with all-auspicious spiritual existence (one should surrender to God in order to achieve success). Lord Brahma is known as the pitamaha, or the father's father
- Every human being should try to become very important. That importance can be achieved by culture, and not by simply "I belong to this nation. I belong to this family. I am the son of such big father." No. You must be also qualified
- Everyone achieves . . . whatever facilities he has got in his life, it is all from Krsna. Without Krsna, nobody can have anything, either demonic or devotional
- Everyone desires to achieve the ultimate goal of life, but in modern civilization the great scientists think that man's life has no plan. This gross ignorance is very dangerous and makes civilization very risky
- Everyone engages in work with his hands, legs and other senses just to achieve a certain goal according to his concocted ideas
- Everyone has achieved a certain type of body given by material nature according to the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone in human society is engaged for the ultimate benefit of life, but persons who are in the bodily conception cannot achieve the ultimate goal, nor can they understand what it is
- Everyone in this material world engages in achieving the fruits of his labor
- Everyone in this material world is struggling hard in order to achieve blissful life. Unfortunately, people do not know how to achieve it. Atheists do not believe in God, and certainly they do not please Him
- Everyone is hankering after peace of mind and self-satisfaction, but these can only be achieved by becoming a pure devotee of the Lord
- Everyone is uneducated. Everyone is born rascal and fool. He should be enlightened, elevated, by vijnana-vidhuta. Vijnana-vidhuta-vibhramah. This can be achieved when one is interested in the matter of self-realization. If one is interested. Atma-tattvam
- Everyone wants the eternal life of bliss and knowledge. In the material world an eternal life of bliss & knowledge is progressively realized in the upper planets but after reaching there one is inclined to achieve progress along the path back to Godhead
- False devotees who have very little knowledge of such conclusions (artificially shedding tears will deliver them) fail to achieve pure devotion for want of zeal in accepting the favorable directions for devotional service given by self-realized devotees
- First of all thing is the, what is the aim of practicing yoga? So to achieve that end, that purpose, you have to control the mind, because mind is very flickering, going here, there, there, there
- First of all you have to come to the stage of tranquillity. Evam prasanna-manasah. Prasanna-manasa means always jubilant. That can be achieved by this process: bhagavad-bhakti-yogatah, by devotional service, no by no other process
- For a devotee, the process of merging into the Brahman effulgence is considered to be hellish, and yogic power or the preliminary perfection of yogic power, to be able to control the senses, is automatically achieved
- For a perfect yogi, there are eight kinds of superachievements: one can become lighter than air, one can become smaller than the atom, one can become bigger than a mountain, one can achieve whatever he desires, one can control like the Lord, and so on
- For spiritual life, one must be elevated to the pure stage of love. That stage of love can be achieved by practice of devotional service, performed with the present senses. BG 1972 purports
- For those who have achieved the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of the pure devotees, what is impossible to do, and what is impossible to give up?
- Four kinds of impure devotees who engage themselves in the transcendental service of the Lord achieve their respective goals. BG 1972 purports
- Freedom from doubt and delusion, can be achieved when one is not hesitant and when he understands the transcendental philosophy. Slowly but surely he becomes free from bewilderment. BG 1972 purports
- Freedom is achieved when we are constantly in touch with the supreme spirit, Krsna
- Freedom is achieved when we are in constantly touch with the supreme spirit, Krsna. That supreme spirit is Krsna. So this assembly which we are trying to conduct is just to keep in touch constantly with Krsna
- From King Hasti came three sons, named Ajamidha, Dvimidha and Purumidha. The descendants of Ajamidha, headed by Priyamedha, all achieved the position of brahmanas
- From Pururava's rubbing of the aranis came a fire. By such a fire one can achieve all success in material enjoyment and be purified in seminal birth, initiation and in the performance of sacrifice, which are invoked with the combined letters a-u-m
- From the Lord's personal activities, human society should learn how to give protection specifically to the brahmanas and cows. Then the protection of religious principles, fulfillment of the aim of life and protection of Vedic knowledge can be achieved
- From the son of Manu named Dhrsta came a ksatriya caste called Dharsta, whose members achieved the position of brahmanas in this world. Then, from the son of Manu named Nrga came Sumati. From Sumati came Bhutajyoti, and from Bhutajyoti came Vasu
- From these three one achieves the highest goal of life - ecstatic love of Krsna. This is the greatest mercy of Lord Krsna. The evidence is Kalidasa himself
- Generally a conditioned soul has the determination for material profit, but when these desires for material profit are satisfied through performance of yajna, one gradually achieves the spiritual platform. Then his life becomes perfect
- Going to the higher planetary system means to achieve higher standard of life, but that does not mean solution of material problems
- Great personalities and sages have unanimously recommended that to purify the dust of material contamination accumulated in the heart and to clear the path of liberation and thereby achieve transcendental bliss, one must please Lord Visnu
- Great sages are therefore recommended to worship the form of the Lord in order to achieve that highest transcendental pleasure
- Great vows of austerity are undertaken by sages to achieve success in self-realization. Human life is meant for such tapasya, with the great vow of celibacy, or brahmacarya. In the rigid life of tapasya, there is no place for the association of women
- Having acquired a good sitting place in a secluded environment, the yogi begins to purify the atma - body, mind and soul. The yogi should not think, - Now I will try to achieve some wonderful powers
- He (a grhasta) prefers to live in family life rather than as a mendicant or sannyasi, but his chief aim is to achieve self-realization, or to come to the standard of Krsna consciousness
- He (Agnidhra) asked the girl whether she had achieved such beauty just to break the penances and austerities of others. He thought that Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, might have been pleased with him and might have sent her to become his wife
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) was feeling separation of Govinda, Krsna, so intensely that He was thinking one moment as twelve years. So these are mahabhava. Great transcendental ecstasy can be achieved simply by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra
- He (Caitanya) also advised Prakasananda Sarasvati to always chant Hare Krsna, And, by doing so, you will very easily be liberated. After liberation you will be eligible to achieve the highest goal of life, love of Godhead
- He (Dhrtarastra) did everything in his power to achieve so-called success in his planned projects, but he was frustrated from the beginning to the end so far as his material activities were concerned
- He (Kardama Muni) willingly gave love of God, and he recommended that she (Devahuti) accept it and enjoy it because he had already achieved it
- He (Krsna) showed such great mercy that even Aghasura, the most sinful miscreant, was elevated to being one of His associates and achieving sarupya-mukti, which is actually impossible for materially contaminated persons to attain - SB 10.12.38
- He (Narada Muni) had many other disciples, but he was very pleased with Dhruva Maharaja because in one lifetime, by dint of his severe penances and austerities, he had achieved Vaikuntha
- He (Narada Muni) was very pleased with Dhruva Maharaja because in one lifetime, by dint of his severe penances and austerities, he had achieved Vaikuntha, which was never achieved by any other king's son or rajarsi throughout the whole universe
- He (Priyavrata) could perform such wonderful activities because of the power he had achieved by worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Priyavrata) thus achieved relief from the most dangerous, poisonous ocean of material desires
- He (self realized person) knows perfectly well that he is not this body, but is the fragmental portion of Krsna. He is therefore not joyful in achieving something, nor does he lament in losing anything which is related to his body
- He (Siva) stressed worshiping Lord Krsna, or Govinda, three times in this verse (Bhaja Govindam) and especially warned his followers that they could not possibly achieve deliverance, or mukti, simply by word jugglery and grammatical puzzles
- He (spirit soul) wants to get out of the covered walls of the greater universe. He wants to see the free light and the spirit. That complete freedom is achieved when he meets the complete spirit, the Personality of Godhead
- He (the brahmana friend of Lord Krsna) was very peaceful and had achieved supreme control over his senses. This means that the brahmana was a perfect devotee, because unless one is a perfect devotee he cannot achieve the highest standard of knowledge
- He (the materialist) goes to a sadhu or so-called svami to take advantage of an easy method for achieving material opulence
- He (the self-realized person) is not joyful in achieving something, nor does he lament in losing anything which is related to his body. This steadiness of mind is called sthira-buddhi, or self-intelligence. BG 1972 purports
- He is not separated from us by time or space but is present everywhere. Seated on His carrier, Garuda, He is worshiped by means of mystical yogic power by those who have achieved freedom from agitation. Let us all offer our respectful obeisances unto Him
- He thus remains steadfast and never works to achieve another material body under the influence of the three modes of material nature
- He who has not attained perfection of knowledge, as indicated in the Vedanta-sutra (janmady asya yatah), or, in other words, he who fails to understand Krsna, the cause of all causes, becomes baffled in achieving the ultimate goal of life. BG 1972 pur
- He who is transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman. He never laments nor desires anything. He is equally disposed to all the living entities, and in that state he achieves pure devotional service unto Me (Krsna) - BG 18.54
- Here (in BG 8.28) Krsna says that the purpose of all Vedic instructions is to achieve the ultimate goal of life - to go BT Godhead. All scriptures from all countries aim at this goal. This has also been the message of all religious reformers or acaryas
- Here (in SB 3.32.1) Lord Kapiladeva is speaking about the grhamedhis, who have made their aim the materialistically prosperous life, which they achieve by sacrificial ceremonies, by charities and by good work
- Hiranyakasipu, had achieved such great power in the material world that he could subdue practically all the planetary systems in the universe, including the heavenly planets (Svargaloka)
- His (Dhruva's) father was Uttanapada, his grandfather was Manu, and his great-grandfather was Lord Brahma. So Dhruva wanted a kingdom even greater than Lord Brahma could achieve, and he requested Narada Muni to give him facility for achieving it
- His Lordship Kapila, the incarnation of the Lord, instructed His mother fully about the personal form of the Lord, and thereby she realized the personal form of the Lord and was able to achieve a place in the Vaikunthaloka where Lord Kapila predominates
- His Lordship Kapila, the incarnation of the Lord, instructed His mother fully about the personal form of the Lord, and thereby she realized the personal form of the Lord and was able to achieve a place in the Vaikunthaloka where, Lord Kapila predominates
- How can that spiritual enjoyment be achieved? One should absorb himself in serving the SG, who gives the pleasure of liberation. We should turn our attention to achieving the lotus feet of Krsna, who can give us liberation from this material world
- How did they (cowherd boys) achieve this position? Krta-punya-punjah: by many, many lives of pious activities
- How was the great emperor Pariksit, who was a highly intelligent and great devotee, born in that womb? How did his death take place, and what did he achieve after his death?
- How wonderful it is that simply by residing in Mathura even for one day, one can achieve a transcendental loving attitude toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead! This land of Mathura must be more glorious than Vaikuntha-dhama, the kingdom of God
- Human life is meant for tapasya, or austerity. By the austerity of voluntarily stopping sex life at home and going to the forest to engage in spiritual activities in the association of devotees, one achieves the actual purpose of human life
- Human life is meant for understanding position of Visnu, and his position, what is the relationship with Visnu, and how to achieve the highest success of life. Sambandha, abhidheya, prayojana
- I (Prthu) think that upon the execution of my duties as king, I shall be able to achieve the desirable objectives described by experts in Vedic knowledge. This destination is certainly achieved by the pleasure of the SPG, who is the seer of all destiny
- I (Sukadeva) heard from reliable sources that King Sudyumna, the son of Manu, having thus achieved femininity, remembered his familial spiritual master, Vasistha
- I advise you to recite these prayers, which are as effective as great austerities. In this way, when you are mature, your life will be successful, and you will certainly achieve all your desired objectives without fail
- I am completely assured that personalities like you are the only friends for persons who are blazing in the fire of material existence. I therefore ask you how in this material world we can very soon achieve the ultimate goal of life
- I am dying without achieving the shelter of Krsna, and therefore I am greatly unhappy. Now this condemned foolish rascal has come to instruct me about Brahman
- I do not endeavor to get anything, but am satisfied with whatever is achieved in its own way. If I do not get anything, I am patient and unagitated like a python and lie down in this way for many days
- I have thus explained the Lord's meeting with Vallabha Bhatta. By hearing of this incident, one can achieve the treasure of love for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I shall accept thousands of teachers except Krsna. This is my determination - Then how you can be happy? The happiness can be achieved only by accepting Krsna.
- I want to occupy a position more exalted than any yet achieved within the three worlds by anyone, even by my fathers and grandfathers. If you will oblige, kindly advise me of an honest path to follow by which I can achieve the goal of my life
- If a man gets some ministership in the government by worshiping a political leader, he considers that he has achieved a great boon. All of them are therefore kowtowing to the so-called leaders or "big guns" in order to achieve temporary boons. BG 1972 p
- If a person is posted under the guidance of such a bona fide spiritual master, it may be accepted without any doubt that the desiring person has achieved the grace of the Lord
- If anyone wants even material happiness, he can worship the Supreme Lord without deviation, and persons who are desirous of liberation can also worship the Supreme Lord and achieve their goal of life
- If anyone wants to satisfy his enquiries about higher transcendental subject matter, then this cannot be automatically achieved or performed. He must find out a spiritual master. That is the way
- If even a fallen candidate is given a chance to take birth in a respectable and noble family, one can hardly imagine the status of one who has achieved success
- If Krsna's enemies could get freed from material contamination and become one with the Supreme, then certainly His dear friends like the gopis can achieve such freedom and much more
- If men want to live in harmony and peace, they must take to Krsna consciousness, for they cannot achieve the highest standard while absorbed in the bodily concept of life
- If Narada Muni, the greatest devotee of Lord Krsna, could bless him or show him the path, then he would be able to occupy a more exalted position than any person within the three worlds. Thus he wanted help from Naradaji to achieve that position
- If one achieves the favor of the Supreme Lord, it is to be understood that he has finished all kinds of austerities and penances and has attained efficiency in their execution
- If one adheres to the regulative principles under the order of the spiritual master, he very easily achieves the ultimate goal of his life
- If one always thinks of something, he certainly gets a related body after death. Maharaja Agnidhra was always thinking of Pitrloka, the place where his wife had returned. After his death he achieved that same planet, probably to live with her again
- If one chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra but his life is still full of sinful activities, it will be very difficult for him to achieve the platform of loving service to the Lord
- If one could achieve success without the sanction of the Lord then no medical practitioner would fail to cure a patient
- If one desires unalloyed devotional service, one must associate with devotees of Sri Krsna, for by such association only can a conditioned soul achieve a taste for transcendental love
- If one does not understand this (that the demigods and himself are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord), he achieves different planets where the demigods reside. This is not the same destination the devotee reaches. BG 1972 purports
- If one engages in devotional activities - he can achieve the highest goal of life with freedom from miserable conditions. Considering this, one should cease from material desires
- If one gets the opportunity to take birth in these families (of Devotees or Brahmanas, rich families, royal families), he can achieve the facilities of a Krsna conscious atmosphere without difficulty
- If one is not accustomed to abiding by the life of renunciation and self-abnegation from the beginning, one should try to get into the habit at a later stage of life as recommended by Sukadeva Gosvami and that will help one to achieve the desired success
- If one lives a family life following in the footsteps of Lord Krsna's family members, one can achieve all four of these principles of success simultaneously by making Krsna the center of all activities
- If one misses this opportunity (attach mind to Krsna), one does not know where he is going, how long he will remain in the cycle of birth and death, and when he will again achieve the human form of life and the chance to return home, back to Godhead
- If one possesses more and more, a benediction itself may become a curse, for just as achieving material opulence in this material world requires great strength and endeavor, maintaining it also requires great endeavor
- If one realizes that the individual soul is subordinate to the supreme spirit soul, he achieves self-realization
- If one takes to devotional service and at the same time desires to merge into the existence of the Supreme Lord, he can achieve that
- If one takes to devotional service and at the same time desires to merge into the existence of the Supreme Lord, he can achieve that. If someone desires at all to merge into the existence of the Supreme, he has to execute devotional service
- If one wants to meditate upon something void or impersonal, it will take a very long time before he achieves success in yoga practice. We cannot concentrate our mind on something void or impersonal
- If philosophical speculation is directed by Sastra and Guru, and if the goal of such philosophical attempts is to achieve Visnu, then that philosophical speculation is not mental speculation
- If someone is killed by the wheel of the Lord and is thus fortunate enough to see the arms of the Lord, that is sufficient for his liberation. Such good fortune is not achieved even by the great sages
- If someone somehow or other comes in contact with devotional service, he achieves the civilized human form of body with developed consciousness and thereby becomes capable of executing further progress in devotional service
- If such persons (demoniac persons) are fortunate enough to be guided by a spiritual master who can direct them to the path of Vedic wisdom, they can get out of this entanglement and ultimately achieve the supreme goal. BG 1972 purports
- If the American boys and girls engaged in the Krsna consciousness movement want to advance in Krsna consciousness to achieve the supreme benefit of loving service to the Lord, they should refrain from indulging in this facility for sex life
- If the Lord is pleased with someone, what is left for him to achieve? If one has been recognized by the Lord, even if he does not ask the Lord for anything, the Lord, who is within everyone, supplies him whatever he wants
- If they (those Krsna conscious men who have no faith) are engaged in devotional service officially, for some ulterior purpose, they cannot achieve the highest perfectional stage. Most probably they will slip, after some time. BG 1972 purports
- If this vow or ritualistic ceremony is observed according to the description of sastra, even in this life a man will be able to achieve all the benedictions he desires from the Lord
- If we become successful in Krsna consciousness, we achieve the greatest success of life, but even if we fall down, oh, there is no loss. Because we are going to get birth in sucinam, in nice brahmana family, or rich mercantile family where it is supposed
- If we do not live according to the injunctions of the sastras, the Vedas, we shall never achieve success in life, to say nothing of happiness or elevation to higher statuses of living
- If we remain pure and teach others purely, then we will achieve all success and the whole world listen to us and be delivered from their very dangerous condition
- If we simply practice avoiding material sense gratification, controlling the senses is automatically achieved
- If you get pure water, then thirst is quenched, "Oh, I am satisfied." Because taste is there in the clear water, not in colored water. Similarly, Krsna says, super - sense gratification, can be achieved by your transcendental sense, not by covered sense
- If you simply try to understand what's God by reading scriptures, you cannot achieve. You must approach a guru. Just like a medical book, it can be available in the market. If you purchase 1 medical book and study & you become doctor, that isn't possible
- If you want success of your life, then try to achieve your lost loving relationship with God. Then your life is successful
- Imperceptible auspiciousness achieved in this connection should be continued all over the world. The members of the Krsna consciousness movement should perform sankirtana-yajnas one after another
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3) it is stated, manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye: out of many millions of people, one may attempt to achieve success in life. This success is explained here - in SB 8.13.13
- In former days Lord Siva and other demigods took shelter of the lotus feet of Sankarsana. Thus they immediately got free from the illusion of duality and achieved unequaled and unsurpassed glories in spiritual life
- In his own book, known as Narada Pancaratra, Bhagavan Narada has very vividly described how to work to achieve the ultimate goal of life - devotion - through knowledge and through execution of the mystic yoga system
- In hopes of achieving naiskarmya, freedom from material action, many highly elevated sannyasis stopped their activities, yet they failed and returned to the material platform to act as materialistic persons
- In many sastras (scriptures) it is said that simply by hearing, remembering, glorifying, desiring, seeing, or touching the land of Mathura, one can achieve all desire
- In order to achieve real peace, one should see everything and every living entity, including Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, as nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In order to get out of this blazing fire of material existence, which is a combination of rajas-tamah-sattva-guna, one has to take to this devotional service, and that can be achieved only by hearing from munibhir mahatmabhih, those who are munis
- In order to spiritually advance or to achieve the mercy of the Lord, one must be self-controlled in the following manner: he must be restrained in sense gratification and must follow the rules and regulations of religious principles
- In other words, if a devotee becomes very opulent, it is to be understood that his opulence is a gift of the SPG. Such opulence will never be vanquished, whereas the opulence achieved by one's fruitive activity may be vanquished at any moment
- In politics there are different methods of achieving success: first repression (dama), then compromise (sama), and then asking for a gift - dana
- In Satya-yuga, Lord Narayana was worshiped by meditation (krte yad dhyayato visnum). Indeed, everyone always meditated upon Lord Visnu, Narayana, and achieved every success by this process of meditation
- In spite of achieving the power to control in all directions and in spite of enjoying all types of dear sense gratification as much as possible, Hiranyakasipu was dissatisfied because instead of controlling his senses he remained their servant
- In spite of your destiny, if you try for Krsna consciousness, you can achieve spiritual success. Otherwise, why did Prahlada Maharaja urge his friends, kaumara acaret: Take Krsna consciousness up from your very childhood
- In the Age of Kali one can achieve spiritual progress only by chanting the holy name of the Lord
- In the beginning one has to discharge devotional service according to regulative principles, but gradually, as devotional service becomes one’s life and soul, one achieves the most exalted position of ecstatic love for Krsna
- In the Bhagavad Gita Krsna has definitely stated that "from the topmost planet down to the lowest, all are places of misery where repeated birth and death take place"--so what kind of paradise can they (communist) achieve
- In the Bhagavad-gita (9.20-21) Lord Krsna states: those who seek sense enjoyment by adhering to the principles of the three Vedas achieve only repeated birth and death
- In the Brahmanda Purana it is said that all the results of traveling on all the pilgrimages within the three worlds can be achieved simply by touching the holy land of Mathura
- In the Buddhist sastras Lord Buddha advises that one achieve nirvana by giving up the materialistic way of life. In the Bible, which is also sastra, one will find the same advice: one should cease materialistic life and return to the kingdom of God
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that a fortunate person, by the mercy of the spiritual master and Lord Krsna, achieves the path of devotional service. This was perfectly applicable in the case of Maharaja Pariksit
- In the marriage selection assembly of Draupadi, Duryodhana had also been present, and along with other princes he had been very much captivated by the beauty of Draupadi, but he had failed to achieve her
- In the material world, opulences are achieved by materialistic persons by dint of their labor. One cannot enjoy material prosperity unless he works very hard to achieve it
- In the mundane world they (the inhabitants of Satyaloka) have nothing to achieve, and in the transcendental world they are full in themselves. Then why do they come to the mundane world?
- In the previous chapter (SB 3.27) it has been clearly stated that the desired result of yoga is not to achieve some wonderful mystic power
- In the scriptures it is instructed that one may worship a certain demigod if he is desirous of achieving some material gain
- In the spiritual world there is no need of sunshine or moonshine, for the whole spiritual sky is illuminated by the internal potency of the Supreme Lord. That supreme abode can be achieved only by surrender and by no other means. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vedic rituals there are recommendations for performing different types of sacrifice in order to achieve the greatest benefit in life
- In the Visnu-rahasya also, it is stated, "Any person within this world who is engaged in the worship of Visnu can very easily achieve the ever-blissful kingdom of God, known as Vaikuntha"
- In this age (of Kali) there is no use in meditation, sacrifice and temple worship. Simply by chanting the holy name of Krsna - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - one can achieve self-realization
- In this chapter I have spoken about three topics: Jagadananda Pandita's visit to Vrndavana, Caitanya’s listening to the song of the deva-dasi at the temple of Jagannatha, & how Raghunatha Bhatta achieved ecstatic love of Krsna by the mercy of Caitanya
- In this connection (SB 2.7.49) detailed information is available in the Bhagavat-sandarbha of Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhupada. Once achieving the spiritual existence, the devotee is eternally situated there, as already discussed in the previous verse
- In this material world people are engaged in different activities simply to achieve a little success in sense gratification
- In this philosophy (Mayavada), which is certainly very inauspicious for people in general, I (Lord Siva) have misrepresented the real meaning of the Vedas and recommended that one give up all activities in order to achieve freedom from karma
- In this philosophy, which is certainly very inauspicious for people in general, I (Siva as Sankaracarya) have misrepresented the real meaning of the Vedas and recommended that one give up all activities in order to achieve freedom from karma
- In this verse Madhavendra Puri teaches how to achieve ecstatic love for Krsna. By feeling separation from Krsna, one becomes spiritually situated
- In this way (becoming more tolerant than the tree and humbler than the grass) chants the holy name of the Lord, very soon he achieves the platform of transcendental loving service to the Lord, and tears appear in his eyes
- In this way (by practicing the brahminical activities), if he (the person who is situated in the mode of goodness) engages himself in the loving service of the Lord as an actual brahmana, his aim to achieve the final interest of life is attained
- In this way, the child passes through his childhood, suffering different kinds of distress, and attains boyhood. In boyhood also he suffers pain over desires to get things he can never achieve. And thus, due to ignorance, he becomes angry and sorry
- In this world, human society is mad after temporary things such as the material opulence of possessing land, family & enjoyable paraphernalia. To achieve such temporary things, they worship the demigods or powerful men in human society. BG 1972 purports
- In this world, there is nothing so sublime and pure as transcendental knowledge. Such knowledge is the mature fruit of all mysticism. And one who has achieved this enjoys the self within himself in due course of time. BG 4.38 - 1972
- In Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura's eight stanzas of prayer to the spiritual master, it is clearly stated that simply by satisfying the spiritual master one can achieve the supreme success in life
- In your own heart, through your intellect, you will always see Me, the supreme self-effulgent soul dwelling within the hearts of all living entities. Thus you will achieve the state of eternal life, free from all lamentation and fear
- Indeed, unless one is completely truthful, one cannot achieve Your (Visnu's) favor, which therefore cannot be achieved by hypocrites - SB 10.2.26
- Indian independence was achieved not by Gandhi's non-violence method but (by) Subhas Bose's violence method. And he wanted to explain nonviolence from Bhagavad-gita. Just see, another foolishness
- Indra said, "In the material world there is regular competition between different types of living entities to become supreme leaders of society, and after being frustrated in achieving the supreme positions of leadership, foolish persons claim to be God"
- Instead of trying to unite human society through pacts for sense gratification that can never be achieved, it is clearly desirable to teach people how to become Krsna conscious and return home, back to Godhead. This is true now and, indeed, at any time
- It (bhagavata-dharma) is a great science. It is not sentiment. And anyone can achieve this benefit in this human form of life. Anyone
- It is a characteristic of love of Godhead that by nature it induces transcendental symptoms in one's body and makes one more and more greedy to achieve the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord
- It is a fact that persons who are trying to understand the Supreme Truth by their personal endeavors of mental speculation or mystic powers of yoga achieve the same goal as others who are personally killed by the Lord
- It is a fact that without the sanction of God, nothing can be achieved. Tavat tanur idam tanupeksitanam. We have discovered many methods by which to counteract distress, but when freedom from such distress is not sanctioned by God, these methods will fail
- It is a foolish imagination that we can go to other planets in the present body. If we want to go to Devaloka, the planets of the demigods, we must achieve the required qualifications, and the same is true if we want to go back to the kingdom of God
- It is actually a fact that if one meets a saintly person completely engaged in transcendental duties and achieves his favor, then one's life mission becomes complete
- It is also explained that whatever one desires which is obtainable by fruitive activities, even if one wants to be elevated to higher planets, can be achieved simply by execution of devotional service
- It is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita that the less intelligent want to achieve material benefits and therefore worship different kinds of demigods, but they actually get the benedictions from the demigods through the permission of Visnu, or Krsna
- It is also stated that one who commits offenses in chanting the Hare Krsna mantra does not achieve love of Godhead, even after chanting for many years
- It is better to take the right path, even at the risk of death. Human life is meant for finishing all kinds of miseries of material existence, and life should be so regulated that one can achieve the desired goal
- It is clearly stated (in BG) that the demoniac people, life after life, are put into the wombs of similar demons, &, not achieving the mercy of the SG, they go down and down, so that at last they achieve bodies like those of cats, dogs & hogs. BG 1972 p
- It is confirmed in SB: O great sage, out of many millions of liberated persons and persons who have achieved success in mystic yoga, one who is completely devoted to the SP of Godhead and who is filled with peace is very hard to find - SB 6.14.5
- It is not a question of simply accepting God as the center of everything and peace will be achieved, but the question is how to live in God
- It is not always possible to have the same success as great personalities like Bhaktivinode Thakura achieved. So in all circumstances you should try to follow the footprints of authorities but never to imitate them
- It is not good to be falsely puffed up, saying that by one's own effort one has become opulent, learned, beautiful and so on. All such good fortune is achieved through the mercy of the Lord
- It is not that everything is the same. There are varieties of life, varieties of planets, and varieties of success in spiritual realization. And all these can be achieved only when we have finished the Caturmasya-like period of life
- It is said in the Vedas, one should awake and achieve what is due him in this human form of life. BG 1972 purports
- It is said that a jewel is very valuable, but when it is on the hood of a serpent, it is dangerous despite its value. Similarly, when a materialistic nondevotee achieves great success in learning & austerity, that success is dangerous for all of society
- It is said, tretayam yajato makhaih: in Treta-yuga, if one performed yajnas, he would get the results of those yajnas. By performing visnu-yajna specifically, one could even achieve the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is the duty of everyone to worship devoutly only the Personality of God to achieve his desired goal. The impersonalist, instead of speculating or meditating, can directly execute the routine devotional service and thus easily obtain the desired goal
- It is the purpose of the Vedanta-sutra to reestablish the living entity's lost relationship with the Supreme Lord Krsna and to enable him to execute devotional service and ultimately achieve the highest goal of life, love of Godhead
- It is the statement of Prahlada Maharaja that unless one is able to accept the dust from the lotus feet of a pure Vaisnava there is no possibility of achieving the platform of devotional service. That is the secret
- It is through the processes of devotional service, chanting and hearing of the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that one can achieve this concentration - on God
- It is very difficult to achieve the spiritual abode of Hari, in the Vaikuntha planets, but you are so fortunate that you are already destined to go to that abode by worshiping Him as the supreme abode of all living entities
- It is very easy to understand through this important verse (BG 9.25) that by simply worshiping the demigods one can achieve the heavenly planets, or by worshiping the pita achieve the pita planets. BG 1972 purports
- It is very easy to understand through this important verse (BG 9.25) that if by practicing the black arts achieve the ghostly planets, why can the pure devotee not achieve the planet of Krsna or Visnu? BG 1972 purports
- Jarasandha thought, "That if I can achieve immortal reputation by sacrificing this perishable body, I must act for that purpose; the life of a ksatriya who does not live for the benefit of the brahmanas is certainly condemned"
- Jnana and vairagya can be achieved simply by becoming a devotee of Vasudeva. That is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Just as a worshiper of the sun achieves the sun or a worshiper of the demigod of the moon achieves the moon. Similarly, if anyone wants to worship a demigod like Indra, he can attain that particular god's planet. BG 1972 purports
- Just as by executing various pious activities one achieves different positions in heavenly life, by acting impiously one achieves different positions in hellish life
- Just like if you have achieved the quality of a medical practitioner, then your work shall be a medical practitioner. Similarly, if one has achieved the quality of a brahmin or Vaisnava, then his activities should be like that
- Kardama Muni continued: I have achieved the blessings of the Lord in discharging my own religious life of austerity, meditation and Krsna consciousness
- Karmis are engaged in performing very costly sacrifices in order to be promoted to the higher planetary systems. Similarly, yogis are engaged in achieving a similar goal by accepting the tedious practices of mystic yoga
- Karmis entangled in material activities face many difficulties in the practice of mystic yoga and other endeavors to achieve that same freedom
- King Pururava was greatly attached to Urvasi. Yet despite his faithfulness to her, she had left him. Now, considering that the King was wasting his rarely achieved human form of life, Urvasi frankly explained the nature of a woman
- Krsna consciousness is so nice that if one is perfectly situated in Krsna consciousness, then his condition will be like this, that yam labdhva caparam labham manyate nadhikam tatah. Achieving that stage, he'll forget for any other profit
- Krsna said, "By the mercy of the spiritual master and by his blessings, one can achieve peace and prosperity and be able to fulfill the mission of human life"
- Krsna said, "Fortunately, you (gopis) have developed loving affection for Me, which is the only way to achieve the transcendental position of association with Me"
- Krsna said, "Therefore I give Myself to him (devotee), and I favor him so that he can achieve the highest success of life"
- Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, has complete knowledge of Krsna’s opulences, but she could not achieve the association of Krsna by dint of such knowledge. The devotees in Vrndavana, however, actually enjoy the association of Krsna
- Laulyam, that eagerness, is not achieved even after many, many births. That is the price. Therefore it requires a little intelligence. "Oh, such a valuable thing? I can purchase only by eagerness? Why not become eager immediately?" That is intelligence
- Living entities who are wandering within this universe in different species of life can very easily achieve the greatest benediction only by Your mercy.”
- Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Indra, Lord Caitanya or Ramanujacarya, whose capabilities are certainly far above ours. Even a sudra, who is in the lowest stage of life according to the material qualities, can achieve the same success
- Lord Caitanya recommended that the greatest achievement of human life is to achieve the grace of the Lord, love of God
- Lord Caitanya said that by the mercy of the spiritual master one can achieve the causeless mercy of the Lord, and by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can attain the mercy of the bona fide spiritual master
- Lord Krsna said, "All living entities achieve higher or lower bodies and create enemies, friends or neutral parties only because of their different kinds of work"
- Lord Krsna said, "Today we have achieved the desired goal of life because we now see face to face all the exalted, liberated sages and ascetics, whom even the great demigods in the heavens desire to see"
- Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, descends to this material universe by the agency of His internal potency and personally exhibits the principles which, if followed, can lead one to achieve the ultimate goal of life
- Lord Rudra, or Lord Siva, is the original acarya of the Vaisnava sampradaya called the Rudra-sampradaya. Rudra-gitena indicates that under the disciplic succession of Lord Rudra, the Pracetas achieved spiritual success
- Lord Sri Caitanya says that in the Vedas the subject matters are only three, namely to establish the relation of the living entities with the SPG, perform the relative duties in devotional service and thus achieve the ultimate goal, back to Godhead
- Maharaja Ambarisa, the most fortunate personality, achieved the rule of the entire world, consisting of seven islands, and achieved inexhaustible, unlimited opulence and prosperity on earth
- Maharaja Priyavrata considered hellish the opulences he had achieved
- Material enjoyment achieved by dint of one's fruitive activities differs from material enjoyment given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Material enjoyment entails money, beauty and the reputation they bring, which can all be achieved by the mercy of the goddess of fortune. The goddess of fortune, however, never remains alone
- Material existence causes discontent in regard to fulfilling one's lusty desires and achieving more and more money. This is the cause for the continuation of material life, which is full of repeated birth and death
- Materialistic activities are always mixed with three kinds of miserable conditions - adhyatmika, adhidaivika and adhibautika. Therefore, even if one achieves some success by performing such activities, what is the benefit of this success
- Materialistic persons who can achieve such huge quantities of gold are not interested in Krsna consciousness
- Maya is so strong that in spite of achieving this great boon of the human form of life, we are influenced by temporary material happiness, and we forget our goal of life
- Mayapur Chandrodaya temple, is meant for transcendental United Nation. What the United Nation has failed, that will be achieved here by the process recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Mayavadi philosophers cannot imagine how this oneness (with paraphernalia of Visnuloka) can be achieved even in different varieties. Their idea of oneness is that there is no variety. Therefore they have become impersonalists
- Men with developed consciousness do not waste time making excursions, real or imaginary, to the moon. Such intelligent persons do not endeavor to achieve temporary sense enjoyment
- Misled by blind leaders, the followers who themselves are blind have failed to achieve the desired success. But here is a method, called by the name Krsna consciousness, which is directly offered by Krsna
- Modern scientific improvements also enable us to enter into stone, because they provide for excavating so many subways, penetrating the hills, etc. So , the mystic perfection of trying to enter into stone, has also been achieved by material science
- Mother Yasoda, Rohini, Maharaja Nanda and the cowherd men became so happy that as they embraced Krsna they thought they had achieved their ultimate goal of life
- My dear demigods, with patience and peace everything can be done, but if one is agitated by anger, the goal is not achieved. Therefore, whatever the demons ask, agree to their proposal
- My dear friend, the profits derived from fruitive activities, austerities, the culture of philosophical knowledge, renouncement, the practice of mystic yoga, charity and all similar auspicious activities are automatically achieved by My devotees
- My dear King, Bali Maharaja donated all his possessions to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vamanadeva, but one should certainly not conclude that he achieved his great worldly opulence in bila-svarga as a result of his charitable disposition
- My dear Vidura, by following the principles instructed by Kapila, Devahuti soon became liberated from material bondage, and she achieved the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as Supersoul, without difficulty
- My Guru Maharaj used to lament many times for this reason and he thought if one man at least had understood the principle of preaching then his mission would achieve success
- Mystic power should be achieved to enable one to give up the material conception, but when one actually engages in devotional service, one does not need to practice the mystic yoga system
- Narada Muni asked Pracinabarhisat: My dear King, what do you desire to achieve by performing these fruitive activities? The chief aim of life is to get rid of all miseries & enjoy happiness, but these two things cannot be realized by fruitive activity
- Narada Muni continued: By devotional service one cannot achieve such intense absorption in thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as one can through enmity toward Him. That is my opinion
- Narada Muni continued: Lord Brahma was very much satisfied by Hiranyakasipu's austerities, which were difficult to perform. Therefore, when solicited for benedictions, he indeed granted them, although they were rarely to be achieved
- Narada says, "Ultimately these attractions become freed from all material contamination, and gradually the worshiper develops spiritual love and achieves that ultimate goal of life which is desired by the pure devotee"
- Narada spoke as follows: "First I may inform You (Krsna) that King Yudhisthira has all material opulences which are possible to achieve in the highest planetary system, Brahmaloka"
- Neither of these (who simply speculate and meditate and those who have no philosophical basis) can achieve the highest goal of life-or, if they do, it will take them many, many years
- No one can achieve wealth, opulence, good birth, a beautiful body or nice education without the mercy of the Supreme Lord
- No one laments the loss of a certain bulk of chemicals and stops discharging his prescribed duty. On the other hand, in modern science and scientific warfare, so many tons of chemicals are wasted for achieving victory over the enemy. BG 1972 purports
- Not attaining ananda, or bliss, they (brahma-bhuta living entities) come down to the material world to enjoy. This is certainly a falldown for one who is actually liberated. The bhaktas consider such a falldown equal to achieving a place in hell
- Not by merely abstaining from work can one achieve freedom from reaction, nor by renunciation alone can one attain perfection
- Not by merely abstaining from work can one achieve freedom from reaction, nor by renunciation alone can one attain perfection. BG 3.4 - 1972
- Nothing remains unachieved when the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased with someone. By transcendental achievement one understands everything else to be insignificant
- Now I have come to understand the sublime goal of life and the process of achieving it. Nevertheless, I think that there is something more ahead, and My mind is desiring to have it
- Now you have decided to undertake the mystic process of meditation under the instruction of your mother, just to achieve the mercy of the Lord, but in my opinion such austerities are not possible for any ordinary man. It's difficult to satisfy the SPG
- Now you have got the formula how to achieve very quickly the supreme perfectional stage, and it is up to you if you will practice it seriously or not
- Nrsimhadeva, please cease Your anger now that my father has been killed. Since even saintly persons take pleasure in the killing of a scorpion or a snake, all the worlds have achieved great satisfaction because of the death of this demon
- O best among those performing austerities, where did you get this wonderful beauty that dismantles the austerities performed by others? Where have you learned this art? What austerity have you undergone to achieve this beauty, my dear friend?
- O chief of all the saintly kings of the Pandu dynasty who are strictly in the line of Lord Krsna! It is not at all astonishing that you give up your throne, which is decorated with the helmets of many kings, to achieve eternal association with the P of G
- O King (Sukadeva Gosvami), it is finally decided that everyone, namely those in the renounced order of life, the mystics, and the enjoyers of fruitive work, should chant the holy name of the Lord fearlessly to achieve the desired success in their pursuits
- O King Citraketu, I can observe that your mind is not pleased. You seem not to have achieved your desired goal. Is this because of you yourself, or has it been caused by others? Your pale face reflects your deep anxiety
- O King Pariksit, after only one week of repeatedly practicing the mantra received from the spiritual master, Citraketu achieved the rule of the planet of the Vidyadharas as an intermediate product of his spiritual advancement in knowledge
- O Lord, You are worshiped by all demigods like Brahma, the four Sanas and even the King of heaven. You are the ultimate rest for those who are really aspiring to achieve the highest benefit of life
- O lotus-eyed Lord, although nondevotees who accept severe austerities and penances to achieve the highest position may think themselves liberated, their intelligence is impure - SB 10.2.32
- O my Lord, devotees who engage in the transcendental loving service of Your lotus feet have no difficulty in achieving anything within the realm of the four principles of religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation
- O my Lord, Jagadisa, I (Caitanya) do not pray for benedictions by which to achieve material wealth, popularity or beauty. My only desire is to serve You. Kindly engage me in the service of the servant of Your servant - CC Antya 20.29, Siksastaka 4
- O people of the world, worship the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in all respects. Only in this way will you achieve the nectarean treasure of ecstatic love for Krsna
- O SPG, the best of all persons to whom prayers are offered, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You because without rendering six kinds of devotional service unto You - who can achieve that which is meant for the paramahamsas?
- O Supreme Lord of lords! O master of the universe! One can achieve piety simply by hearing about Your transcendental pastimes. O Supreme Narayana, who are praised by select verses, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- Of course hardly anyone is interest in achieving his real self interest, love of Krsna, but our presentation is so scientific that learned persons are appreciating it all over the world
- Of course, one can derive great amounts of temporary happiness by achieving such yogic materialistic perfections
- Omkara is there, and one may chant Omkara and achieve impersonal realization. But we are Vaisnavas and we are seeking the supreme perfection. Therefore we are chanting the supreme Name - Krsna
- On taking such a birth, he again revives the divine consciousness of his previous life, and he tries to make further progress in order to achieve complete success, O son of Kuru. BG 6.43 - 1972
- Once one achieves the supreme gain, which encompasses all other gains, what is there still to be achieved
- Once one is advanced in devotional service, his spiritual assets are never lost under any circumstances. Whatever spiritual advancement he has achieved continues. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- One achieves the success of life when he understands the constitutional position of his self and is undisturbed by the conditions created by material nature
- One can achieve elevation to the higher planetary systems like the heavenly kingdom by executing one's prescribed duties and by performing sacrifices
- One can achieve the nucleus of the devotional service of the Lord by the mercy of the spiritual master and the Personality of Godhead. The spiritual master is the manifested representative of the Lord to help one achieve ultimate success
- One cannot achieve such (cleanse the dirt from one's heart) purification merely by observing vows and performing Vedic ritualistic ceremonies
- One cannot achieve the mercy of the goddess of fortune unless one prays both to her and to the supreme enjoyer, the Personality of Godhead
- One cannot reach the eternal abode of the Lord without being free from the misconception of material identification, and the Bhagavad-gita gives us the clue how to achieve this stage of perfection
- One devotee said, "This night I was dreaming of collecting various flowers from the garden, and I was thinking of making a garland to offer to Krsna. But I am so unfortunate that all of a sudden my dream was over, & I could not achieve my desired goal!"
- One has to surrender unto the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, Hari, or Krsna, in order to achieve real success
- One is welcome to live in Vrndavana and Navadvipa for the rest of his life in order to achieve the highest success by the very simple method of chanting the holy name of the Lord and taking prasada. Thus one may return home, back to Godhead
- One lady told another, "My dear friends, we must accept the activities of the gopis to be the highest form of piety; otherwise, how could they have achieved the opportunity of seeing Krsna both morning and evening"
- One may argue that one may achieve the ultimate goal of life - realization of the Supersoul - by practicing the yoga system and ritualistic performances according to the Vedic principles, even without staunch devotion to the spiritual master
- One may increase his ambition for sense gratification and even achieve what he desires for the gratification of his senses, but because this is on the material platform, he will never achieve satisfaction and contentment
- One must achieve the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the mercy of the spiritual master
- One must be freed from all designations. When one identifies himself with the material world, his senses are impure. But when one achieves spiritual realization and identifies himself as a servant of the Lord, his senses are purified immediately
- One need not externally change his dress. By following the mood of the associates and friends of Radharani, one can ultimately achieve the perfectional stage and be transferred to Goloka Vrndavana, the transcendental abode of Krsna
- One should awake and achieve what is due him in this human form of life. This knowledge and method is distributed by the sannyasis; hence charity is to be given to the renouncer of life. BG 1972 purports
- One should be satisfied with whatever he achieves by his previous destiny, for discontent can never bring happiness. A person who is not self-controlled will not be happy even with possessing the three worlds
- One should cease from materialistic activities and take up spiritual activities. Then the solution to the problem will be achieved. Spiritual activities are activities performed according to the order of Krsna
- One should execute his prescribed duties to the best of his ability and avoid duties not allotted to him. One should be satisfied with as much gain as he achieves by the grace of the Lord, and one should worship the lotus feet of a spiritual master
- One should hear Srimad-Bhagavatam from a person who has no connection with material activities, or, in other words, from a paramahamsa Vaisnava, one who has achieved the highest stage of sannyasa
- One thinks himself very clever throughout his life if he is able to leave behind him a great asset of wealth for his children, and to achieve this temporary benefit he takes the risk of all sinful activities
- One who achieves the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead certainly surpasses all material wealth, even that of the demigods in the heavenly planets
- One who acts in the mode of goodness is religious and happy, one who acts in passion achieves mixed misery and happiness, and one who acts under the influence of ignorance is always unhappy and lives like an animal
- One who actually satisfies the Supreme Personality of Godhead during one's lifetime becomes liberated from the gross and subtle material conditions. Thus being freed from all material modes of nature, he achieves unlimited spiritual bliss
- One who does not accept the glories of the Panca-tattva but still makes a show of devotional service to Krsna can never achieve the mercy of Krsna or advance to the ultimate goal
- One who does not possess elevated qualities & behavior cannot possibly achieve My favor simply by performance of sacrifices, severe austerities or mystic yoga. But I always remain equipoised in the heart of one who is also equipoised in all circumstances
- One who engages in spiritual life to understand things as they are but who lacks all intentions of engaging in Krsna consciousness, simply achieves trouble for his undertaking. There is no substance to his life
- One who gives full attention and respect to hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam achieves unflinching faith in the Supreme Lord, the giver of salvation
- One who has attained perfection in yoga becomes master of the eight mystic perfections: to become smaller than the smallest, lighter than the lightest, to become bigger than the biggest, to achieve anything one desires, to control everything, etc
- One who is actually deriving benefit from hearing the rasa-lila dance surely achieves the transcendental position. He surely loses all traces of lust in his heart
- One who is fortunate, after reading Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, he'll have a strong faith in Krsna. If you have failed to achieve this status of faith, then there is no question of progress
- One who knows the codes of Lord Krsna can achieve this end (to fulfill the mission of human life) without any difficulty
- One who must receive the results of work has some designated duty, but one who has nothing to achieve within the three planetary systems certainly has no duty. BG 1972 purports
- One who understands this (comfort in life is but illusion) factually is learned, and such a learned person can sacrifice any amount of material happiness to achieve the desired goal known as brahma-sukham, or absolute happiness
- One's real desire should only be to achieve the stage of loving transcendental service to the Lord
- Only a liberated, highly evolved soul can utter the Lord's name purely and thus achieve the highest realization, untainted love of Godhead
- Only by the association of pure devotees can one develop a taste for Krsna consciousness, and when he tries to apply Krsna consciousness in his life, he can achieve everything up to the stage of bhava and prema
- Only by the grace of spiritual master we can achieve the grace or mercy of Krsna. This is the meaning of this Vyasa-puja, offering obeisances by parampara system
- Only by the grace of the divine personalities, the pure devotees of the Lord, can one achieve pure devotion, which is the highest perfection of human life. Only a pure devotee of the Lord can show one the right way of progressive life
- Only by the practice of bhakti-yoga can one achieve the favor of the Lord & see Him face to face (premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti (BS 5.38)). One cannot see the Lord by other methods, such as karma, jnana or yoga
- Only the most fortunate persons can achieve such success in life. Those who are simply academic students of the Vedic scriptures cannot appreciate how such a development takes place
- Other transcendentalists may achieve impersonal Brahman realization, for this is easier than understanding Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Our aim is amrtatva, how to become immortal. That is our aim of life. So we have to achieve that goal of life. We should not be disturbed with this temporary distress and pleasure
- Our human life, the ultimate goal of human life is to achieve immortality. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti
- Our request is that such a great science, for the human society, for understanding the problems of life, how to solve it, how to achieve the greatest success in life... We have got this in the Bhagavad-gita. Why should we neglect it
- Our satisfaction is never achieved, as the small rivulets, lakes and ponds are never filled with water in the dry season. Due to rainfall, the grass, trees and other vegetation look very green
- Out of compassion, the great sage Vyasadeva thought it wise that this would enable men to achieve the ultimate goal of life. Thus he compiled the great historical narration called the Mahabharata for women, laborers and friends of the twice-born
- Out of love for her, Arjuna’s eyes brightened, and he looked at her with glittering eyes. Arjuna decided that somehow or other he would achieve Subhadra as his wife, and his mind became agitated on account of this strong desire
- Out of the five kinds of liberations, achieving the same planet where the Lord resides and living with the Lord there is called salokya liberation
- Out of these five muktis (sayujya, sarupya, salokya, samipya and sarsti), which can be achieved by any person engaged in devotional service to the Lord, the one which is known as sayujya is generally demanded by Mayavadi philosophers
- Param padam, or the Vaikuntha planets, can be achieved only by devotional service
- Paramatma realization is but partial realization of Vasudeva, and if one is successful in that attempt, one realizes Vasudeva in full. But by ill luck most yogis are stranded by the powers of mysticism achieved through the bodily process
- Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva, "How had he achieved so much power that instantly, by his glance, Kalayavana was burned to ashes? How did he happen to be lying down in the cave of the hill?" He put many questions before Sukadeva
- Peace of mind, or in other words the healthy state of mind, can be achieved only when the mind is situated in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- People are after dharma, artha, kama and moksa. Generally they perform religious activities to achieve some material gain, and they engage in material activity for sense gratification
- People are embarrassed by many material desires, they worship Siva, Brahma, the Kali, Durga, Ganesa and Surya to achieve different results. However, one can achieve all these results simultaneously just by worshiping Lord Visnu
- People in general are always anxious to have peace of mind or peace in the world, but they do not know how to achieve such a standard of peace in the world. Such peace in the world is obtainable by performances of sacrifice and by practice of austerity
- People visit the temple of Nara-Narayana at Badarikasrama just to learn how the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His incarnation as Nara-Narayana engages in austerities to teach the people of the world how to achieve self-realization
- Perfection of desires may be achieved when one desires to serve the Lord, and the Lord also desires that every living entity banish all personal desires and cooperate with His desires. That is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita
- Perfectional stage can be achieved in 2 ways: one may achieve this by gradual progress in devotional service, or one may become perfect by the causeless mercy of Krsna, even though he has not executed all the details of devotional service
- Persons who chant the holy name of Your Lordship must have executed all kinds of austerities and fire sacrifices and achieved all the good manners of the Aryans
- Persons who do not ultimately accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead and take to devotional service, but who instead are attached to impersonalism and voidism, must undergo great labor to achieve their goals
- Persons who have no material desires, like the Kumaras, who are self-satisfied sages, worship You to be liberated from material contamination. In other words, they accept the process of bhagavata-dharma to achieve shelter at Your lotus feet
- Placing Your feet on my head, give me the benediction that I may achieve the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu without difficulty. I pray for this benediction
- Please explain to me (Pariksit) that Narayana armor, by which King Indra achieved success in battle, conquering the enemies who were endeavoring to kill him
- Please hear faithfully this description of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's ecstatic emotions. Thus you will come to know of His ecstatic love, and ultimately you will achieve love of Godhead
- Prabodhananda Sarasvati said that if one achieves the grace of Lord Caitanya he becomes so great that he does not care a fig even for the demigods, he thinks of monism as hellish, and for him the perfection of controlling the senses is as easy as anything
- Prahlada Maharaja achieved the spiritual ecstasies described herein (in SB 7.4.40) by his advancement in spiritual understanding
- Prahlada said, "As such, what is the use of elevating yourself by the results of fruitive activities, which are automatically achieved in all events by the modes of material nature"
- Prthu Maharaja, although a saktyavesa-avatara incarnation, still behaved exactly as a devotee in order to achieve the position of prabhu. Furthermore, svarupa-sthah means "complete liberation
- Ravana and Hiranyakasipu underwent a severe type of bodily torture to achieve the end of sense gratification. Sometimes modern politicians also undergo severe types of austerities to achieve some political end. This is not actually tapasya
- Real happiness is achieved by spiritual existence or by cessation of the repetition of birth and death
- Real knowledge which can help society achieve the real aim of human welfare
- Regarding those unable to take to the Deity worship in the temple, there is the following statement in the Agni Purana. Any householder devotee unable to worship the Deity must at least see the Deity worship, and in this way he may achieve success also
- Regulative principles are required for persons who have not achieved such a position of spontaneous love. Brahma is also a devotee of the Lord, but he is an ordinary devotee subject to following regulative principles
- Remaining fixed in devotional service gives one the utmost in self-satisfaction. Actually self-satisfaction can be achieved only by pure devotees, who have no desire other than to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Rohini said, "We do not want to enjoy such material opulences, nor do we desire to achieve the yogic perfections, nor the exalted post of Lord Brahma
- Rupa Gosvami praised Him (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) as maha-vadanya, a greatly munificent personality, because He was freely distributing to everyone love of Godhead, which is achieved by wise men only after many, many births
- Sadhana means the activity by which we can attain, we can achieve that goal of life. This is called sadhya-sadhana. The Darwin theory, although they are giving some idea of progressive evolution, but he does not know what is the goal of life
- Sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), by association of sadhu one can achieve advancement in spiritual life. And in all sastras it is recommended that associate
- Sama, equilibrium of mind, is achieved by one who has concluded that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original source of everything. And when one can control his senses, that is called dama
- Samadhi is not an artificial bodily state; it is the state achieved when the mind is virtually absorbed in thoughts of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Samadhi means particularly concentrated attention, so one who has achieved the qualification of always meditating on the Personality of Godhead is to be understood to be always in trance and enjoying brahma-nirvana, or brahmananda
- Sambandha, what is our connection with God. That is called sambandha. And then abhidheya. According to that relationship we have to act. That is called abhidheya. And why do we act. Because we have got the goal of life, to achieve the goal of life
- Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami appointed two learned brahmanas to perform certain Vedic religious rituals that would enable them to achieve complete freedom for the devotional service of Krsna. These preliminary activities are known as purascarya
- Santi, peace, real peace, can be achieved simply by understanding that God is the proprietor and God is the enjoyer of everything
- Saubhari Muni became very dissatisfied with material opulence and thus left everything and reentered the forest in the vanaprastha order and achieved final success
- Seeing You in the form of Lord Visnu, Your symptoms and form being transcendental, Your legs extending from the lower planets, Lord Brahma achieved transcendental bliss
- Self-control is actually achieved not by artificially stopping the senses from material enjoyment, but by becoming factually attached to the Supreme Lord by engaging one's unalloyed senses in the transcendental service of the Lord
- She (Putana) approached the house of Nanda Maharaja with the purpose of killing Krsna by smearing poison on her breast, yet when she was killed she attained the highest position, achieving the status of Krsna's mother
- She (Suniti) never desired that her son (Dhruva Maharaja) remain at home comfortably without ever undertaking austerities and penances to achieve the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Simply by chanting and hearing of the transcendental name, form, etc., of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, one can achieve the cessation of unlimited miserable conditions
- Simply by discharging devotional service in Krsna consciousness everything can be achieved; then what shall I do? Tasmad aham nico ’pi
- Simply by remembering the names of all these Vaisnavas, one can attain the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Indeed, simply by remembering their holy names, one achieves the fulfillment of all desires
- Simply by satisfying the spiritual master one can achieve the supreme success in life, and in spite of executing all ritualistic performances, if one cannot satisfy the spiritual master, one has no access to spiritual perfection
- Simply by such glorification (of Supreme Lord's name, fame and attributes) one not only becomes purified, but also achieves the results of pious activities
- Simply hearing submissively will free one's heart from all the faults of ignorance, and thus one will achieve deep love for Krsna. This is the path of peace
- Simply we can waste our time by so-called meditation, but real meditation is not achievable at the present age. In this age of Kali, simply by chanting Hare Krsna you can attain the perfection. So these are the prescription. We have to follow
- Since he (King Kulasekhara) is a maha-jana, an authority in the line of devotional service, it is our prime duty to follow in his footsteps in order to achieve the highest devotional platform
- Since one may easily achieve the highest success by chanting the holy name of the Lord, one may ask why there are so many Vedic ritualistic ceremonies and why people are attracted to them
- Since the entire material universe is impermanent, whatever is achieved within the darkness of material existence is also impermanent. The question is how to obtain real and permanent life
- Since the Supreme Lord is all-inclusive, if anyone worships Him with unflinching faith, he has automatically achieved all other opulences and performed all other duties
- So how I can find out the real guru by whose words I'll be nicely directed and achieve? - That is not very difficult. You read Bhagavad-gita. You'll understand
- So this endeavor to go there (to some planets) by so-called scientific advancement is simply defeat, because you will not be allowed, neither you can go there. And actually it is happening so. What they have achieved so far? Nothing
- Somehow or other, if one meets a saintly person and achieves his favor, then the entire mission of one's human life is fulfilled. In our personal experience we have actual proof of this statement of Manu
- Sometimes these unfortunate people (the people of this age who have no gold) want to be promoted to the heavenly planets to achieve fortunate positions, as described in this verse, but pure devotees of the Lord are not at all interested in such opulence
- Spiritual realization is not achieved in one birth. If one is fortunate, he can achieve in one second. But generally, it takes many, many years and many, many births to realize what is God, what is the Absolute Truth
- Sri Caitanya is the most magnanimous incarnation and His mercy is very easily achieved. Therefore one must first take shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chanting sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is prema pum-artho mahan, to achieve love of Godhead. That is the verdict of all sastras
- Sri Ramananda Raya and Srila Narottama dasa Thakura actually achieved the most elevated stage of the renounced order
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada says, Persons without attainment of the highest perfectional stage of loving service cannot achieve any auspiciousness simply by artificially laughing, crying, or dancing without any spiritual understanding
- Srila Viraraghava Acarya comments, yathesta-gatir ity arthah: by worshiping Visnu, a devotee can get whatever he likes. Maharaja Citraketu wanted only to return home, back to Godhead, and therefore he achieved success in that way
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.6) explains that one has to achieve real satisfaction (yayatma suprasidati), but atma - the body, mind and soul - all become completely satisfied only if one develops devotional service to the Absolute Truth
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.5.1) recommends: One must practice austerity so that his existential position will be purified and he will achieve unlimited blissful life
- Srimad-Bhagavatam teaches us how to reestablish our eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord, how to act in that relationship, and, lastly, how to achieve the highest benefit from it
- Stability of mind can be achieved by one who has concluded that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original source of everything. And when one can control his senses, that is called sama
- Steady in the Self, being freed from all material contamination, the yogi achieves the highest perfectional stage of happiness in touch with the supreme consciousness - Bg. 6.28
- Success of mystic performances is achieved only by the help of the devotional attitude
- Such (transcendental) knowledge in Krsna consciousness can be achieved by a faithful person who believes firmly in Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Such a chanter (who thinks that the holy name is imaginary) of the name of the Lord cannot achieve the desired success in the matter of chanting the holy name
- Such a mystic becomes so joyful by constant execution of the regulative principles of devotional service that he thereby achieves the special favor of the Supreme Lord. Yamaraja, the mighty superintendent of death, is afraid to go near such a devotee
- Such a soul (who is purified of all material coverings) then remains in his original, spiritual identity, a state that is possible to achieve only by understanding Krsna in truth through the practice of Krsna consciousness
- Such constant remembrance of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna by the devotee who has achieved transcendental bliss vanquishes all his miseries without delay
- Such French edition was my great ambition and now that you have achieved success, I request you all to improve it continually so the French speaking people will have opportunity to take advantage of our Krishna Consciousness movement
- Suffering is the nature of this material world, and whatever enjoyment we are trying to achieve is simply illusion. After all, we have to suffer the miseries of birth, old age, disease and death
- Sukadeva Gosvami achieved the desired goal of life simply by reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam. Prahlada Maharaj became successful in his devotional service by always remembering the Lord
- Sukadeva Gosvami clearly states that by worshiping Lord Siva one achieves one reward whereas by worshiping Lord Visnu one achieves a different reward
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Having considered the instructions of his bad ministers, Kamsa decided to persecute the saintly persons, the brahmanas, as the only way to achieve his own good fortune - SB 10.4.43
- Supreme transcendental knowledge is not possible to achieve by the process of imperfect speculation as performed by the so-called learned mundane wranglers
- Surrendering unto the lotus feet of Krsna means achieving complete purification. Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita - BG 18.66
- Tapasya means voluntary acceptance of bodily pains to achieve some higher end of life. Ravana and Hiranyakasipu underwent a severe type of bodily torture to achieve the end of sense gratification
- That (accepting there is God and business is surrender to Him) is not very easy thing; people will not agree to this. Therefore training required, association required. But the method is so simple it can be achieved in one second
- That common platform (for religious unity) can be achieved in transcendental devotional service. This is the verdict of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- That is the real knowledge (of the relationship of the living being with the Supreme Lord) which can help society achieve the real aim of human welfare
- That very SB I (Sukadeva) shall recite before you because you are the most sincere devotee of Lord Krsna. One who gives full attention and respect to hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam achieves unflinching faith in the Supreme Lord, the giver of salvation
- The activities (the path of knowledge, the practice of the eightfold system or by bhakti-yoga) whereby he can reestablish the lost link and achieve the highest perfectional stage of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The advice of experienced transcendentalists is that the body be fully engaged for achieving the ultimate goal of life - svartha-gatim
- The amount of transcendental bliss that Raghunatha dasa enjoyed simply by offering water and tulasi is impossible to achieve even if one worships the Deity with sixteen kinds of paraphernalia
- The association of a bona fide spiritual master like the sage Maitreya can be of absolute help in achieving transcendental attachment for the direct service of the Lord
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta has made the following request: My dear readers, simply try to hear this description with faith and love. That will help you understand transcendental ecstasy, and at last you will achieve love of Godhead very easily
- The bad leader (in the forest of material existence) is diverted intelligence. Intelligence is meant for Krsna consciousness, but due to material existence we divert all our intelligence to achieve material facilities
- The benediction of being able to approach the Lord can be achieved after many, many births, yet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has awarded this benediction to everyone, even to the fallen souls who have no heritage of anything in spiritual life
- The Bhagavata says that "Either you enquire..." You go to astrologer, "What is in my fate? Whether I am getting such and such things or not?" You enquire or not enquire, if you are destined to achieve that thing, it will come automatically
- The Bhagavatam enjoins that even without practicing Deity worship one can achieve the complete success of human life by any of the other devotional processes, such as simply offering oneself at the God’s feet for His protection
- The Bhagavatam enjoins that even without practicing Deity worship one can achieve the complete success of human life by any of the other devotional processes, such as simply offering oneself at the Lord’s feet for His protection
- The Britishers are achieving their sense gratification; we cannot. All right, fight. So there was no question of pleasing Krsna
- The causeless mercy You have shown to me, a fallen demon, was never achieved even by the demigods or the leaders of the various planets
- The child prince (Dhruva) decided to go into the forest to perform severe penances in order to achieve his objective
- The conclusion is that God's sanction is the immediate cause for all happenings, good or bad. Any successful man should feel grateful to the Lord for all he has achieved
- The conditioned soul, due to madness only, engages his full energy and intelligence in sense gratification, and to achieve this end of life he willfully commits all sorts of misdeeds
- The demigods continue: After performing the very difficult tasks of executing Vedic ritualistic sacrifices, undergoing austerities, observing vows and giving charity, we have achieved this position as inhabitants of the heavenly planets
- The desired result of yoga is not to achieve some wonderful mystic power
- The development of religious principles, economic development and sense gratification can then be achieved without difficulty
- The devotees attain to the highest stage of knowledge and renunciation and achieve the Vaikunthalokas, the planets in the spiritual sky
- The devotees or worshipers of the demigods may achieve only partial benefits, which are also perishable, just as the demigods themselves are
- The difference between the two living beings is that the one, the Personality of Godhead, provides for all other living beings, and by knowing Him one can achieve eternal peace (Katha Upanisad)
- The difficulty was that Citraketu, having become a great devotee of Lord Visnu, Sankarsana, was somewhat proud at having achieved Lord Sankarsana's favor and therefore thought that he could now criticize anyone, even Lord Siva
- The distinction can be made when a human being becomes inquisitive & asks - I do not want to die, nor do I want to suffer. I want to live very happily and peacefully. Is there a chance for this? What is the method or science by which this can be achieved
- The ecstatic trance they achieved simply by mentally embracing Krsna is impossible to achieve even for great yogis constantly engaged in meditation on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Emperor (King Bharata), at an early age, retired for spiritual perfection but failed to achieve success. BG 1972 purports
- The facilities and benedictions which one achieves by association with a pure devotee are incomparable. They cannot be compared to anything - neither elevation to the heavenly kingdom nor liberation from material energy
- The foolish politicians may go on holding peace and summit conferences for hundreds of years, but they will fail to achieve success
- The fruitive actor enjoys only the fruits of his own activities, but a devotee, being under the guidance of the Supreme Lord, simply advances in devotional service to achieve the ultimate goal of life - to go back home, back to Godhead
- The goal of life cannot be achieved unless one practices the process. Now, being merciful upon Me, please explain that means by which this goal can be attained
- The gopis are so fortunate that during the rasa-lila Krsna personally embraced them with His arms and kissed them face to face. Certainly it is not possible for any women in the three worlds to achieve this except the gopis
- The great sage Narada instructed the tenets of this transcendental literature to Savarni Manu in order to teach those inhabitants of Bharata-varsa who strictly follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma how to achieve the devotional service of the Lord
- The greatest common understanding for all yogis is complete detachment from matter, which can be achieved by different kinds of yoga
- The harsh words used by Suruci to her stepson were true because unless one is favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead one cannot achieve any success in life
- The heavenly planets are just below Brahmaloka, but as stated by the Supreme Lord, Krsna, abrahma-bhuvanal lokah punar avartino 'rjuna: (BG 8.16) even if one achieves Brahmaloka, he must still fall to the lower planetary systems again and again
- The highest goal of life can be achieved as long as one's body is stout and strong. We should therefore live in such a way that we keep ourselves always healthy and strong in mind and intelligence
- The highest personality in this material universe is no more significant than an ant for a devotee. Such a stage can be achieved by the mercy of Lord Caitanya, who preached pure devotional service in this age. BG 1972 purports
- The highest standard of bodily comfort is achieved by a fruitive worker who by pious activities reaches the plane of heaven, or the kingdom of the creative gods with their delegated powers
- The holy name of Krsna is so powerful that by chanting even one name, one very easily achieves these transcendental riches
- The human being, after attaining complete perfection, may achieve a large percentage of the qualities of the Lord (say up to seventy-eight percent), but it is never possible to surpass the Lord or to become equal with Him
- The human body is most rarely achieved, and although temporary like other bodies, it is meaningful because in human life one can perform devotional service. Even a slight amount of sincere devotional service can give one complete perfection
- The human form of body is achieved by the conditioned soul after many, many births and is a very valuable asset
- The human form of life is a chance to achieve the highest boon of life, namely to get out of the entanglement of repeated birth and death. The intelligent take care of this important gift by strenuously endeavoring to get out of the entanglement
- The human life is meant for achieving this end (associating with God). The Lord has assured us in the Bhagavad-gita many times that going back to Godhead, His eternal abode, is the highest achievement
- The impersonalist attains only the sky, and does not achieve any tangible transcendental bliss, whereas the devotee attains to the planets where real spiritual life prevails
- The impersonalists endeavor very strenuously to achieve the impersonal brahma-jyotir, but unfortunately, being bereft of a relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they come down again to the material world
- The individual soul is advised by the direction of the Supersoul to surrender to Him and thus be happy. Thus he can become immortal and be transferred to the spiritual kingdom, where he will achieve the highest success of an eternal, blissful life
- The inhabitants of this earth also desire heavenly enjoyment, but when they somehow or other achieve imitation pleasures like sex and intoxication, they completely forget the service of the Supreme Lord
- The instances described by Arjuna during his friendly dealings with Lord Sri Krsna are instructive for all who may be convinced by the lessons that one can achieve all favors simply by pleasing the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- The karmis, in order to achieve success within this material world, worship the various demigods
- The kingdom of heaven, which he (Bali Maharaja) achieved by dint of his material power, was considered most insignificant in comparison with the kingdom of God.
- The Krsna consciousness movement actually started with only forty rupees, but now it has more than forty crores worth of property, and all this opulence has been achieved within eight or ten years
- The Krsna consciousness movement is establishing various farms, especially in America, to show how to be happy and content with minimum necessities of life & to save time for self-realization, which one can very easily achieve by chanting the maha-mantra
- The Krsna consciousness movement is for achieving jnanam and vairagyam
- The Lord in His incarnation of Dhanvantari very quickly cures the diseases of the ever-diseased living entities simply by his fame personified, and only because of him do the demigods achieve long lives
- The Lord is seated in everyone's heart, and He knows the devotee's motive and arranges everything achievable
- The Lord is the master of material nature, & the conditioned souls are under the stringent rules of material nature. Unless one understands these bare facts, it is not possible to achieve peace in the world either individually or collectively. BG 1972 p
- The Lord never takes away material opulences achieved because of devotional service, although He sometimes takes away opulences achieved by pious activities. He does this to make a devotee prideless or put him in a better position in devotional service
- The Lord says, "In other words, I wish to help him become more and more advanced in spiritual life. Such a person is to be understood as having already achieved sarsti"
- The Lord spoke Bhagavad-gītā, and thereby Arjuna achieved self-realization, and even today anyone who follows the path of Arjuna can also attain the same benefit as Śrī Arjuna. The scriptures are meant for this purpose
- The mercantile community, the royal order and great sages were free to move about in order to achieve their desired benedictions. Similarly, the transcendentalists, when freed from the encagement of the material body, also achieve their desired goal
- The muni's sense organs, breath, mind and intelligence were all restrained from material activities, and he was situated in a trance apart from the three (wakefulness, dream and unconsciousness), having achieved a transcendental position
- The muni's sense organs, breath, mind and intelligence were all restrained from material activities, and he was situated in a trance apart from the three, having achieved a transcendental position qualitatively equal with the Supreme Absolute
- The Nagapatnis said, "My Lord, although he (Kaliya) is born in a species of life which is fostered by the most abominable mode of material nature, accompanied with the quality of anger, this king of the serpents has achieved something very, very rare"
- The Nagapatnis said, "Nor do such persons desire to rule the planets above this earth, such as Siddhaloka; nor do they aspire for the mystic powers achieved by the yoga process
- The narration of Kapiladeva and His mother, Devahuti, is so perfect and transcendental that even if one only hears or reads this description, he achieves the highest perfectional goal of life, for he engages in loving service of God's lotus feet
- The one Supreme Personality of Godhead reveals Himself to different thinkers as the Supreme person or impersonal Brahman or Paramatma. Impersonalists merge into the impersonal Brahman, but that is not achieved by worshiping the impersonal Brahman
- The opportunity for this purification is the special feature of human life; in other lives, this is not possible. Such purification can be achieved very easily by radha-krsna-bhajana, devotional service rendered to Radha and Krsna
- The other four liberations are: to be promoted to the same planet as God (Vaikuntha), to associate personally with the Supreme Lord, to achieve the same opulence as the Lord and to attain the same bodily features as the Supreme Lord
- The path of fruitive work (karma-kanda), even when decorated by religious ceremonies meant to elevate one’s material condition, is a cheating process because it can never enable one to gain relief from material existence and achieve the highest goal
- The people of the world are looking for some way of being happy and making solution to their problems, and we are presenting the best and easiest method of making final solution of all the discrepancies of life and achieving the highest bliss
- The people of this age are inclined toward industrial enterprises for comfortable living, but they refuse to endeavor to execute devotional service, by which they can achieve the ultimate goal of life by returning home, back to Godhead
- The perfectly realized soul has no conception of how the material body is moving or acting, just as an intoxicated person cannot understand whether or not he has clothing on his body, because he has achieved his real identity
- The person who fails to achieve self-realization is given a better chance in his next life due to his sincere efforts in this life
- The personified Vedas continued, "Even after much laborious austerity, penance and regulation, they (mystic yogis) achieve the same destination as persons inimical toward You (the Lord)"
- The point may be raised that if the demigods are different parts of the body of the Supreme Lord, then the same end should be achieved by worshiping them. BG 1972 purports
- The practice of sacrifice called pancagni-vidya, recommended in the Katha Upanisad, enables one to achieve Brahmaloka, but if, in Brahmaloka, one does not cultivate Krsna consciousness, then he must return to earth. BG 1972 purports
- The presiding deity of that planet, who is the son of Simhika, is the most abominable of all asuras, but although he is completely unfit to assume the position of a demigod or planetary deity, he has achieved that position by the grace of the SPG
- The principles of religion are not the dogmas or regulative principles of a certain faith. Such regulative principles may be different in terms of the time and place concerned. One has to see whether the aims of religion have been achieved
- The process is that we cannot understand God or we cannot see God unless He reveals. So this revelation will come if we submissively hear. We may not understand, but simply by hearing, we can achieve that stage of life
- The profits derived from fruitive activities, austerities, the culture of philosophical knowledge, renunciation, the practice of mystic yoga, charity and all similar auspicious activities are automatically achieved by My devotees
- The pseudo devotee, who is anxious to achieve material gains, cannot attain the highest perfectional stage because the Lord is in knowledge of his motive
- The purpose of Sankhya is to detach oneself from material contamination. This can be achieved simply by devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The real aim of life is how to get satisfaction, full, complete satisfaction. And that satisfaction, complete satisfaction, can be achieved only by prosecution of devotional service. There is no other method
- The real purpose of controlling the mind by the prescribed method of clearing the passage of the life air is achieved immediately if one fixes his mind directly on the lotus feet of Krsna
- The real purpose of the yoga system is to achieve the favor and shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but this purpose is covered by the illusory energy of yogamaya
- The real success or fulfillment of the mission of human life can be achieved in India, Bharata-varsa, because in Bharata-varsa the purpose of life and the method for achieving success are evident
- The same perfection (achieving love of Godhead) is recommended by Kardama Muni to his wife. His wife belonged to a very aristocratic royal family
- The self-realization can be achieved in the age of Kali simply by chanting the holy names, Hare Krsna. This is also confirmed in Visnu Purana
- The self-realization that was achieved in the Satya-yuga by meditation, in the Treta by the performance of different sacrifices, and in the Dvapara by worship of Lord Krsna can be achieved in the Age of Kali simply by chanting the holy names, Hare Krsna
- The self-realization which was achieved in the Satya millennium by meditation, in the Treta millennium by the performance of different sacrifices, & in the Dvapara millennium by worship of Krsna, can be achieved in the age of Kali by chanting Hare Krsna
- The sincere followers (of sanatana-dharma) are advised to accept a voluntary life of renunciation in order to achieve the desired goal of life
- The spiritual knowledge acquired by the sannyasis and the eightfold perfections achieved by the mystics are all within easy reach of the transcendentalist. Therefore, the transcendentalist does not desire to achieve any profit, adoration, or distinction
- The spiritual master must be bona fide, and one who wants to have self-realization must approach and take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master to achieve real success
- The success of human form of life is to understand this thing: our relationship with God. And we should act in relationship with God. Then our success of life will be achieved. This is the main purpose of Krsna consciousness movement
- The success of one's life is measured by one's material happiness in this life and liberation in the next. Such success can be achieved only by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Supersoul gives the individual soul all facilities to achieve whatever he desires to enjoy in this material world. Suffering is a reaction to the living entity's propensity to try to lord it over the material world
- The Supreme Lord is achieved by devotion; one's devotion and sincere desire to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead are the only qualifications
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead declares that one who does not accept the proper treatment to detach the mind from material engagement can hardly achieve success in self-realization. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is known as Akincana-gocara, for He can be achieved by a person who does not put his faith in material possessions
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped by the great demigods, controllers of universal affairs. When He is satisfied, nothing is impossible to achieve
- The things which we possess during our duration of life are first achieved and then let out along with all of our other temporary possessions. Therefore the best use of possessions during our lifetime is to dedicate it to the service of the Lord
- The transcendental pastimes of the S P of Godhead, Krsna, are so powerful that simply by hearing, reading and memorizing this book, Krsna, one is sure to be transferred to the spiritual world, which is ordinarily very difficult to achieve
- The transcendental position is achieved in full Krsna consciousness when one is fully dependant on the good will of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The transcendentalist does not desire to achieve any profit, adoration, or distinction. He desires no gain whatever, except to be engaged in the transcendental service of Godhead - because simply by such service, he gains all
- The ultimate goal of yoga is to come in contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Unless this point is achieved, one's so-called yoga practice is simply labor without any benefit
- The Vedas said, "My dear Lord, yogis meditate upon Your localized features, and thus they achieve the spiritual perfection of being merged in the impersonal brahma-jyoti. Persons who treat You as an enemy achieve the same perfection without meditating"
- The Vedic civilization is for self-realization. It is meant for the intelligent person, the person who will not just work like an ass but who will try for that thing which he did not achieve in so many other lives - namely, self-realization
- The very purifying potency of pilgrimages or worship of different demigods is also achieved by the grace of saintly persons
- The whole aim of life is to achieve the favor of Visnu. Om tad visnoh paramam padam. That is the Rg-Veda mantra. To reach Visnu
- The words arabdhan eva mean "as if achieved by past deeds," but in the case of Prthu Maharaja there was no question of reaction to past deeds, and thus the word eva is used here (SB 4.21.11) to indicate comparison to ordinary persons
- The yajna-patnis were the wives of ordinary brahmanas engaged in fruitive activities. Although the brahmanas were learned and advanced in Vedic knowledge, they could not get the mercy of Krsna-Balarama, but their wives got complete perfection in bhakti
- The yogi, in addition to living in a secluded place, should also be free from desires and should not think that he is performing yoga to achieve some material powers. Nor should he accept gifts or favors from people
- The yogis strive very hard to achieve success in becoming smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, or in creating a planet like earth or, as scientists, by inventing so many wonderful machines
- The younger brothers of Lord Ramacandra were at home enjoying the personal presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but the Lord ordered Them to go out and achieve victory all over the world
- Then (when one is frank, free from reservations and open), by performing his particular occupational duty under the guidance of a proper spiritual master, he can achieve the highest success in life
- Then what about the material necessities of life? Prahlada Maharaja replies - You are after sense gratification, but sense gratification is automatically achieved by contact with this body
- There (in the Priti-sandarbha) are also discussions of the transcendental state one achieves after attaining the devotional platform, which is the exact position of love of Godhead; the marginal symptoms of transcendental love, and how it is awakened
- There are eight perfections in the astanga-yoga system. One who has attained them can become lighter than the lightest and greater than the greatest, and he can achieve whatever he likes
- There are many classes of human beings: the fruitive workers, the empiric philosophers, the mystic yogis, and ultimately, the unalloyed devotees. For all of them, one and the same process is applicable for achieving the desired success
- There are many stages of reaction: reaction in the making, reaction fructifying, reaction already achieved, and reaction a priori. But knowledge of the constitutional position of the living entity burns everything to ashes. BG 1972 purports
- There are other opulences which the yogis can achieve by their mystic power. They are also material. A devotee does not aspire for all these material pleasures, although they are available to him simply by wishing
- There are two kinds of strength, daiva and purusakara. Daiva refers to the strength achieved from the Transcendence, and purusakara refers to the strength organized by one's own intelligence and power
- There have been many instances in which demons, after achieving material opulences, have become extremely proud, so much so that they have transgressed the laws and regulations given in the authoritative sastras. Hiranyakasipu acted in this way
- There is a proverb in Sanskrit literature that enthusiastic persons achieve the favor of the Goddess of Fortune. In the Western part of the world there is tangible example of this slogan
- There is another mystic perfection which is known as prakamya (magic). By this prakamya power one can achieve anything he likes. For example, one can make water enter into his eye and then again come out from within the eye
- There may be some difficulty in understanding that both the gopis and Kamsa achieved the same goal, so this point should be clearly understood, because the attitudes of Kamsa and Sisupala were different from that of the gopis
- There was nothing Sati could not achieve either from her relationship with her father or from her relationship with the greatest of the demigods, but still, for some reason, she was dissatisfied
- There, on that hill, Sukracarya brought to life all the dead demoniac soldiers who had not lost their heads, trunks and limbs. He achieved this by his own mantra, known as Samjivani
- Thereafter, being unable to achieve the desired destination, he retired from such searching and came back again to the top of the lotus. Thus, controlling all objectives, he concentrated his mind on the Supreme Lord
- Therefore, the term dharma applies only to vaisnava-dharma, or bhagavad-dharma, by following which one automatically achieves all good qualities and advancements in life
- These four Kumaras, as siddhesvaras, had achieved all the yogic perfectional achievements, and as such they could travel in outer space without machines
- These histories (of Parasurama and Visvamitra) confirm the statements in sastra that a brahmana may become a ksatriya, a ksatriya may become a brahmana or vaisya, and a vaisya may become a brahmana, by achieving the required qualities
- These liberations are sarsti (achieving opulences equal to those of the Lord), sarupya (having a form the same as the Lord's), samipya (living as a personal associate of the Lord) and salokya (living on a Vaikuntha planet)
- These numberless plants and creepers resemble persons who dry up in severe penances for some material gain but then achieve their objectives and become luxuriously fat, nourished by sense enjoyment
- They (less intelligent persons) fall down to material existence and do not achieve the desired goal of life
- They (less intelligent persons) fall down to material existence and do not achieve the desired goal of life. BG 1972 purports
- They (materialistic fathers and mothers) are not unhappy when their children become spoiled, useless citizens, but they lament when they join the Krsna consciousness movement to achieve the ultimate goal of life
- They (the four kumaras) were inquisitive and were always asking Suta Gosvami about Krsna. Thus they achieved the association of a pure devotee and became pure devotees themselves
- They (the inhabitants of the topmost planetary systems) do not have to learn and practice the mystic processes of yoga perfection and achieve the power of becoming small like a particle -anima-siddhi-, or lighter than a soft feather -laghima-siddhi
- They (yogis) strive very hard to achieve success in becoming smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, or in creating a planet like earth
- They have only one aim in life-sense gratification-and in order to achieve this end they make plans for economic development. Misguided men think that religion should be maintained because it contributes to economic development
- This (chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and rendering service unto the tulasi plant) is the way to achieve success in Krsna consciousness
- This (Godhead) is a great destination, and it is achieved by the grace of a Vaisnava. Chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba: no one has ever gone back to Godhead without being favored by a Vaisnava
- This (realizing topics regarding the Supreme Godhead) cannot be achieved by the association of mental speculators or academic scholars, for it is realized knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- This (stopping samsara) can be done only when one is Krsna conscious, or has achieved the service of the lotus feet of the Lord. Otherwise one must rot in this material world and accept a material body subject to birth, death, old age and disease
- This boy was known as Srngi, and he achieved good training in brahmacarya by his father so that he could be as powerful as a brahmana, even at that age
- This detachment (a devotee naturally hates the association of so-called society, friendship and love) is not dry but is due to achieving a higher status of life by relishing transcendental mellows
- This detachment is not dry but is due to achieving a higher status of life by relishing transcendental mellows
- This grace of the Lord was achieved by Devahuti by the good will and satisfaction of her husband. She served her husband, who was a great devotee and saintly person, with great sincerity, love, affection and service, and Kardama Muni was satisfied
- This great hero Banasura, born of Maharaja Bali, was a great devotee of Lord Siva and was always ready to render service unto him. Because of his devotion, Banasura achieved a great position in society, and he was honored in every respect
- This human form of body is achieved bahu-sambhavante, after achieving many, many other lower forms of life
- This human form of life is achieved after a evolutionary process, going through different species of life. This is the opportunity to understand your spiritual identity and your relationship with God
- This indicates the efficiency achieved through execution of matured devotional service, or prema, love of Godhead. This state of prema is achieved by the gradual process of development from faith to love
- This is an instance of feeling happiness because of achieving a desired goal
- This is the only process recommended for relief from sinful reactions. Even if one chants the holy name of the Lord with improper pronunciation, he will achieve relief from material bondage if he chants without offenses
- This knowledge, which is achieved by the mercy of the spiritual master, places one on the supreme transcendental platform
- This liberation (from the darkness of ignorance in material existence) is not achieved by mental speculation, but by seeing the light emanating from the lustrous toenails of the Lord
- This material nature is very powerful. You cannot protect from the onslaught of material nature. Therefore Prahlada Maharaja advising us that you try to achieve the permanent. The permanent is the soul. God is permanent
- This natural transcendental pleasure (citi-sakti) is the ultimate goal of yoga and is easily achieved by execution of devotional service, or bhakti-yoga. Bhaktiyoga will be vividly described in the Seventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- This news spread all over the country, and when Krsna heard that one could achieve the girl Satya only by defeating the seven bulls, He prepared Himself to go to the kingdom of Kosala
- This old man was instructed by Narada to follow in the footsteps of Nanda Maharaj, and thus success was achieved by him
- This realization (since the Supreme Lord spreads throughout one's body and since the individual soul is a part of the Supreme Lord) was achieved by Lord Brahma after he was purified, and it is possible for everyone
- This request indicates that persons who are attached to fruitive activities, desiring promotion to the comforts of higher planetary systems, cannot achieve their ultimate goal of life without the sanction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This same concentration (on God) can be achieved by other recommended processes (other than the yoga process), and therefore anyais ca, other methods, also can be applied
- This spiritual subject matter, which is transcendental to the hankerings of the material body and mind, is our supreme need. Unless we reach this transcendental plane of activities, we cannot achieve real peace
- This statement (of SB 6.16.58) is confirmed in Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 9.41). Lord Caitanya said: Everyone born in India, especially as a human being, can achieve the supreme success through the Vedic literature and its practical application in life
- This statement is an instance of lamentation due to one's being unable to achieve his desired goal
- This transcendental vision (of Krsnaloka) is like the reception of television from the moon via a mechanical system for receiving modulated waves, but it is achieved by penance and meditation within oneself
- This ultimate gain (of achieving permanent happiness and eternal life) is possible to achieve in the human form of life
- This verse (SB 1.1.2) of Srimad-Bhagavatam rejects as cheating processes all religious activities that aim at achieving materialistic goals, including dharma, artha, kama and even moksa, or liberation
- This verse (SB 5.17.3) proves that for one who has achieved the platform of pure devotional service, nothing else is important, even so-called liberation - kaivalya
- Those conditioned souls, who are full of material desires, achieve various situations in different planetary systems, and in this way they live within this material creation
- Those who are after material enjoyment (bhukti) worship the demigods and achieve their planets and thus enjoy material happiness
- Those who are associated with the Lord in the Vaikuntha planets achieve all the bodily features of the Lord and appear to be the same as Lord Visnu. Such liberation is called sarupya-mukti, which is one of the five kinds of liberation
- Those who are bereft of all good sense, or those whose intelligence is withdrawn by the deluding energy of maya, aspire to achieve all sorts of material enjoyment in life 1) by pleasing the various demigods
- Those who are bereft of all good sense, or those whose intelligence is withdrawn by the deluding energy of maya, aspire to achieve all sorts of material enjoyment in life 2) by advancing in material civilization under the heading of scientific progress
- Those who do not directly worship the Supreme Godhead, Krsna, but who attempt to achieve the same goal by an indirect process, also ultimately achieve the supreme goal, Sri Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Those who realize the self, or become brahma-bhuta, are only preparing themselves for the platform of joyfulness. That joyfulness can be actually achieved only when one comes into contact with Krsna
- Those who seek the smaller values of life and thus take up yoga for selfish motives are not very noble, and even if they achieve success, they still remain inferior
- Through sayujya-mukti, which is generally demanded by asuras, one merges into the existence of the Lord, but although one sometimes thus achieves the goal of the theory of monism, one falls down again to struggle in material existence
- To achieve success in any subject, it is necessary to establish a relationship with a master of that subject and to work favorably in that particular line
- To achieve success in life, one should follow the example of Lord Brahma, the first living creature in the beginning of creation
- To achieve success in this way (by the association of pure devotees), one must first find the proper spiritual master and receive training under his direction. Then one can achieve faith in the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- To achieve that success (associating with God in any one of the five transcendental rasas), he (a mahatma) engages all activities-mental, bodily and vocal, everything-in the service of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna. That is called full KC. BG 1972 purports
- To achieve the contact of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna is a great science
- To achieve the elevated position of realizing that they are equal in quality with You, they always meditate on You within their hearts. But although such exalted saintly persons may see You constantly within their hearts, they still cannot see Your face
- To achieve the highest success in life by becoming a gosvami and then a pure devotee of the Lord, one must follow the instructions known as Upadesamrta, which have been given by Srila Rupa Gosvami
- To achieve the ultimate goal of sreyas, or good fortune, one should engage everything, including his life, wealth and words, not only for himself but for others also
- To achieve this stage of life (detachment from material illusion) one must be firmly convinced about spiritual existence and its permanent effects
- To achieve vairagya it requires tapasya. But the one thing is there, vasudeva parayana
- To achieve Visnuloka is very difficult, but by your austerity you have conquered. Even the great rsis and demigods cannot achieve this position
- To attain such (mystic) perfection, one must undergo a certain process - hatha-yoga - and through this yoga system the practitioner achieves some uncommon mystic power
- To become nirguna means to achieve eternal peace, fearlessness, religiousness, knowledge and renunciation. All these are symptoms of becoming free from the contamination of the material qualities
- To become president or prime minister is not easy; one must work very hard (aruhya krcchrena) to achieve the post. And even though one may reach his goal, at any moment one may be kicked down by material nature
- To chant the holy name and dance in ecstasy is so easy and sublime that one can achieve all the benefits of spiritual life simply by following this process
- To chant the holy name of the Lord means to achieve all auspicity
- To find out different information from different scriptures, it is very difficult, but if we become in the line of disciplic succession, all the experience is at once achieved
- To the impersonalist, achieving the brahma-bhuta stage, becoming one with the Absolute, is the last word. But for the personalist, or pure devotee, one has to go still further to become engaged in pure devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- To understand the Lord and His activities, one must free his mind from all contamination of the material world, and this one can achieve by simply chanting the Lord's holy name. Thus one becomes free from all material bondage
- Today my birth, my family and my activities have all become successful. Today I have achieved the fulfillment of religious principles, economic development, satisfaction of the senses and ultimately devotional service to Lord Krsna
- Transcendental activities of the Lord are so arranged in writing by the great sages that simply by hearing of those narrations one becomes perfectly self-realized, and the proper use of the ear and the tongue is also achieved
- Universal consciousness is factually achieved by coordinated service of all concerned to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and that alone can insure total perfection
- Unless one achieves at least the brahminical qualifications, one cannot understand the Vedic hymns. Mahabharata is also a division of the Vedas, but it is meant for women, sudras and dvija-bandhus, the worthless children of the higher section
- Unless one comes to the platform of bhakti-yoga, self-realization or realization of the Absolute Truth cannot be achieved
- Unless one is self-satisfied, he cannot be free from the miserable conditions of material existence. Therefore it is essential to render service to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas to achieve the perfection of self-satisfaction
- Unless this covering (hiranmaya-patra) is removed so one can perceive the real face of the Personality of Godhead, factual realization of the Absolute Truth can never be achieved
- Until Bali Maharaja achieves the position of King of heaven, he shall live on the planet Sutala, which was made by Visvakarma according to My order
- Utterance of the holy name while one engages in sense gratification is an impediment on the path toward achieving ecstatic love for Krsna
- Veda mantra. Sa jnata na vrtti. Vedanta-sutra-sabdat. Simply by transcendental vibration of sound, everything can be achieved
- Vedic civilization concerned itself with how to achieve self-realization, and for this purpose one was recommended to have a small income to maintain body and soul together
- Vedic scripture, advises you manusyam artha-dam apiha dhirah. But if you are dhira - dhira means sober, intelligent - then how you shall utilize it? You should try to utilize your this human form of life to achieve the highest substance very soon
- Very simple thing. Antar bahir, within and without, if you have learned to think of Krsna, antar bahir yadi haris tapasa, then where is the use of tapasya? It is already achieved. Because you are thinking always, externally and internally, Krsna
- Vidura considered himself less pious, and therefore he decided to travel to all the great places of pilgrimage in the world in order to achieve greater piety and advance nearer to the Lord
- Vidura inquired from Maitreya: O brahmana, you formerly spoke about the sons of Pracinabarhi and informed me that they satisfied the Supreme Personality of Godhead by chanting a song composed by Lord Siva. What did they achieve in this way?
- Visvamitra, the son of Maharaja Gadhi, was as powerful as the flames of fire. From the position of a ksatriya, he achieved the position of a powerful brahmana by undergoing penances and austerities
- Vrndavana is the most sacred place within this cosmic universe, & people seeking to achieve spiritual emancipation by entering the kingdom of God may make a home at Vrndavana and become serious students of the 6 Gosvamis, who were instructed by Caitanya
- We (Jamadagni and Parasurama) are all brahmanas & have become worshipable for the people in general because of our quality of forgiveness. It is because of this quality that Lord Brahma, the supreme spiritual master of this universe, has achieved his post
- We are after sense pleasure, but our perfection of sense pleasure can be achieved only when we reciprocate our pleasure with Krsna. Therefore, His name is Govinda, the Supreme Original Personality of Godhead
- We are all trying to achieve peace and freedom from these (three categories) miseries, at least unconsciously, and in the higher intellectual circles there are attempts to get rid of these miseries by ingenious plans and designs
- We are dancing, we are chanting, we are eating, and we have love also between husband and wife, between boys and girls. We allow everything. But everything is targeted to achieve to the highest goal of life, Visnu, or Krsna
- We are presenting the best and easiest method of making final solution of all the discrepancies of life and achieving the highest bliss, which is eternal
- We can achieve whatever benediction we want simply by becoming devotees of Vasudeva
- We can become famous for such shows, and at the same time utilize them for giving people good information about what is the real goal of life and how to achieve it
- We can exhibit our opulences simply by desiring to do so. This can be achieved only by great personalities who are renounced, self-realized souls
- We demigods can only aspire to achieve human births in Bharata-varsa to execute devotional service, but these human beings are already engaged there
- We first have to establish a relationship with the institution. We have to abide by the direction of our instructors there and work favorably according to their direction. This is essential in order to achieve the ultimate desired success
- We have heard that although powerful kings like Maharaja Prthu and Maharaja Gaya achieved proprietorship over the seven dvipas, they could not achieve satisfaction or find the end of their ambitions
- We have to follow the footprints of great saints and sages, those who have achieved success by this indication of Bhagavad-gita. Don't follow your whims. Take the standard advice. Just try to become Krsna conscious
- We have to practice this detachment. So this practicing, there are many recommendations, vairagya. There are recommendations. Tapasya, this is called tapasya. To achieve vairagya it requires tapasya
- We must have faith. And we see that many faithful, great acaryas and devotees of the Lord, they achieved success by this faith. Why shall I not follow them? Therefore the Vedic literature says that you have to follow the footprints of great acaryas
- We should know in perfect consciousness that human life is bestowed upon the conditioned soul to achieve spiritual success, and the easiest possible procedure to attain this end is to chant the holy name of the Lord
- We train our children in KC, just be keeping them always attending regular program & associating with Krsna devotees, teaching them spiritual realization by giving the idea that sacrifice & tapasya to achieve life's highest goal is a nice way of life
- What cannot be achieved through the performance of Vedic rituals can be easily achieved through the chanting of the Lord's holy name. To chant the holy name and dance in ecstasy is so easy and sublime
- What happens to this person who does not achieve the pure, I mean to say, highest perfection of success, but half finished or one-fourth finished? Then what happens to them? I don't think that anyone can eradicate my doubts except You
- What is difficult to achieve for determined men who have taken refuge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's lotus feet
- What is difficult to achieve for determined men who have taken refuge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's lotus feet? His feet are the source of sacred rivers like the Ganges, which put an end to the dangers of mundane life
- What is not possible to achieve in thousands of lives can be achieved in one moment if there is an opportunity to meet a saintly person
- What was achieved in the Satyayuga by this meditational process, and in the following yuga, the Tretayuga, by the offering of great sacrifices, and in the next yuga, the Dvaparayuga, by temple worship
- What was achieved in the Satyayuga by this meditational process, would be achieved at the present time, in this Kaliyuga, by simply chanting the names of God, hari-kirtana, Hare Krsna
- Whatever is achieved by meditation in Satya-yuga, by the performance of yajna in Treta-yuga or by the worship of Krsna's lotus feet in Dvapara-yuga is also obtained in the Age of Kali simply by chanting the glories of Lord Kesava
- Whatever you may be, if you chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra offenselessly, then everything is achieved, without any difficulty
- When a devotee revives his loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it should be understood that he has been successful in achieving the desired goal of his life. At that time everything is automatically done by the mercy of the holy name
- When a disciple becomes perfect in spiritual advancement, the spiritual master feels very, very happy, that "I am a nonsense, but this boy, he has followed my instruction and he has achieved the success. That is my success"
- When a person is fully satisfied due to attaining knowledge, transcending all distress, or achieving his desired goal of life in transcendental devotional service to God - at that time his state of endurance or steady mind is called dhrti
- When Bhrgu Muni offered oblations in the fire, immediately many thousands of demigods named Rbhus became manifested. All of them were powerful, having achieved strength from Soma, the moon
- When chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, in the beginning one may commit many offenses, which are called namabhasa and nama-aparadha. In this stage there is no possibility of achieving perfect love of Krsna by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- When Dhruva Maharaja went to perform austerities, he was very determined to achieve a post never dreamed of by his forefathers
- When it is chanted by a pure devotee of the Lord in love, it has the greatest efficacy on hearers, and as such this chanting should be heard from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, so that immediate effects can be achieved
- When one achieves ecstatic love of Godhead, he attains the complete perfection of life
- When one achieves the grace of the Lord, the result is that sarva-duhkhani, all distresses, are destroyed. When situated in the transcendental position, one is freed from the two kinds of material diseases - hankering and lamentation
- When one achieves the paramahamsa platform, he is no longer under the regulative principles of the Vedic injunctions
- When one becomes situated in the transcendental position by various philosophical researches, it is called samprajnata-samadhi. BG 1972 purports
- When one fails to achieve his desired goal of life and repents for all his offenses, there is a state of regret called visada
- When one has achieved perfection in chanting the Holy name of God he is always joyful, even death does not disturb him, what to speak of other things
- When one is unsuccessful in achieving his desired goal of life one is said to be in a state of lamentation, in this condition one becomes questioning, thoughtful, tearful, regretful and heavy-breathed. His bodily color changes, and his mouth becomes dry
- When one is unsuccessful in achieving his desired goal of life, when one finds no fulfillment in his present occupation, when one finds himself in reversed conditions and when one feels guilt - at such a time one is said to be in state of lamentation
- When one transcends these various planetary systems (Devaloka, Pitrloka and Niraya) and enters Vaikunthaloka, he achieves the ultimate resort of the Vaisnavas. Vaisnavas have nothing to do with the other planetary systems
- When Prahlada Maharaja heard how Bali Maharaja, his grandson and descendant, had been released from bondage and had achieved the benediction of the Lord, he spoke as follows in a tone of greatly ecstatic devotion
- When Prahlada was offered some material benefit, he stated - My Lord, my father achieved all kinds of material benefits, and even the demigods were afraid of his opulence, but still, in a second, You have finished his life and all his material prosperity
- When the demons achieve sayujya-mukti and leave behind their sinful activities, they are blessed by Visnu's garland, which is red like blood
- When the living entity comes to his real consciousness, he approaches Krsna with a frank and open heart to achieve His shelter. At such a time he prays to Krsna to be engaged in His transcendental loving service
- When the living entity feels spiritual separation from Krsna (krsna-viraha), he has achieved the prime success of life. When one becomes disinterested in material things, he is simply experiencing the other side of attraction for material things
- When the senses are purified and engaged in Krsna's service, one achieves the highest perfection. Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate (CC Madhya 19.170). The Krsna consciousness movement is a movement of bhakti-yoga
- When the yogi engages himself with sincere endeavor in making further progress, being washed of all contaminations, then ultimately, achieving perfection after many, many births of practice, he attains the supreme goal
- When there is a river, one can take drinking water, wash his clothes, bathe and so on, for that water will serve all purposes. Similarly, if one worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, all his goals will be achieved
- Whenever a devotee worships Lord Siva, he prays to Lord Siva to achieve the favor of Krsna, and he does not request material profit. In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.20) it is said that generally people worship demigods for some material profit
- Whether from material actions or from the fruitive activities recommended in the Vedic literatures - an intelligent man should cease from the desire for fruitive actions, for by such endeavors one cannot achieve the ultimate goal of life
- While in material existence (bhavam asritah), a person fully competent to distinguish wrong from right must endeavor to achieve the highest goal of life as long as the body is stout and strong and is not embarrassed by dwindling
- Whosoever may adopt the specific principle of accepting Krishna the PG, he will be able to achieve the highest transcendental goal of life, - never mind what he is either a born untouchable, a fallen woman, a laborer or a man dealing in rupees annas pies
- With this attitude, Prsadhra became a great saint, and when he entered the forest and saw a blazing forest fire, he took this opportunity to burn his body in the fire. Thus he achieved the transcendental, spiritual world
- Without activity, consciousness alone cannot help us. All activities may be divided into two classes: one class may be for achieving a certain goal, and the other may be for avoiding some unfavorable circumstance
- Without austerity and penance and without sacrificing one's riches, one cannot achieve the mercy of the Supreme Lord
- Without increasing love of Godhead, one cannot achieve the perfectional stage of the transcendental position
- Women of Mathura have now achieved the opportunity of being embraced by Him (Krsna). They are His beloveds & therefore He has relieved the burning in their breasts. If you (bumblebee) go there & sing your songs to those women, they will be very pleased
- Words, mind and ego, with their respective controlling demigods, have failed to achieve success in knowing the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, we simply have to offer our respectful obeisances unto Him as a matter of sanity
- Yadu replied: My dear father, you have already achieved old age, although you also were a young man. But I do not welcome your old age and invalidity, for unless one enjoys material happiness, one cannot attain renunciation
- Yogis are generally attracted to the by-products of mystic yogic power, for they can become smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, achieve anything they desire, have power even to create a planet, or bring anyone under their subjection
- Yogis try to concentrate their minds upon the form of the Supersoul, Visnu, within the heart, but this same objective is easily achieved when one's mind is absorbed in the Deity worshiped in the temple
- You (Prthu) already have an inclination to glorify the lotus feet of the SPG. Such attachment is very difficult to achieve, but when one has attained such unflinching faith in the Lord, it automatically cleanses lusty desires from the core of the heart
- You are not even attached to the goddess of fortune, who is worshiped by the great demigods like Brahma, who pray to achieve her mercy
- You are successfully carrying on the Sankirtana Movement and Krishna is giving you encouragement by mercifully giving some money also. So rest assured that Sankirtana Movement is specifically benedicted by Lord Caitanya for achieving all kinds of success
- You have achieved a great blessing from my Guru Maharaja
- You have achieved poetic imagination and ingenuity by the grace of your worshipable demigod. But poetry not well reviewed is certainly subject to criticism
- You have become my disciple so I must request you to chant 16 rounds and follow the regulative practices of devotional service, and you may know it for sure that very quickly you will achieve the supreme perfectional stage of your life
- You have personally seen how the King of Cedi (Sisupala) achieved success in yoga practice, although he hated Lord Krsna
- You try to understand this simple fact, that without God consciousness, you may prescribe so many things - they will be all failure, all failure. And God consciousness cannot be achieved without being pure. This is the problem
- Your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my first duty is to serve him. How could I leave his service?