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Pages in category "Purified"
The following 443 pages are in this category, out of 443 total.
- A boy is born in a brahmin family, but unless he's educated, unless he's purified, he cannot be allowed to perform the sacrificial rites. That means he's dependent on these other processes
- A brahmana means purified. So those who are going to be sacred-threaded today, they should remember that they are being accepted as sucih, as brahmana
- A Brahmin is called suci. A Brahmin means a purified person. Not that by birth one becomes pure. No. The purificatory process. There are purificatory processes
- A child begotten by a ksatriya in the womb of a lower-class woman is called a svada, or dog-eater. All such offspring are considered extremely sinful, but the holy name of the SPG is so strong that all of them can be purified simply by chanting
- A man in the renounced order of life must be purified by the process; thus he will feel the presence of the Lord everywhere and will have nothing to fear, such as being without any company
- A person is liberated by such knowledge, and thus he remembers My exalted position, which is above the conditions of material life. Such a devotee is fully purified by offering prayers in full knowledge. This is the source of devotional service to Me
- A person who has heard a good deal about the path of devotional service, but who is not attached to it, who is not Krsna conscious, is like a pot of liquor. Such a person cannot be purified without at least a slight touch of devotional service
- A person who is not purified by the prescribed process of samskara is called asamskrta
- A purified materialist who has performed many sacrifices, undergone severe penances and given the major portion of his wealth in charity can reach such planets as Dhruvaloka
- A sinful person goes to a holy place of pilgrimage to be purified. In a holy place, there are many saintly people and temples of Lord Visnu
- A thief asked: "So may I take some of your these ornaments? You are so rich." "No, no, no. My mother will be angry. I cannot..." Krsna as a child. So he became more and more eager for Krsna. And then, by Krsna's association, he had already become purified
- A veda-vadi cannot be purified from material contamination unless he becomes a tattva-vadi, that is, one who knows tattva, the Absolute Truth. Tattva is also experienced in three features-brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate - SB 1.2.11
- According to one's development in consciousness, one realizes his spiritual identity, and thus when one's existential position is purified fully, he becomes situated in brahmananda, which is ultimately unlimited
- According to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s instructions, one should not wait to purify himself before chanting the Hare Krsna mantra. Whatever our condition may be, we should begin chanting immediately
- According to the heart's situation. the semen takes the form of a body. Therefore according to the Vedic system, when one begets a child his heart should be purified through the ritualistic ceremony known as garbhadhana
- According to the injunction of Yajnavalkya, an authority on religious principles, one is considered contaminated by the reactions of great sinful activities when one has not been purified according to the methods of the dasa-vidha-samskara
- According to Vedic injunction one should purify such wealth by giving cows and gold in charity to the brahmanas. A newborn child is also purified by gifts of grain in charity to the brahmanas
- Actually God is everywhere. But so long I am not purified, I have to see God as they are prescribed in the sastra. Here the Deity, He is God, but because I have no power to see God, therefore I see that - Oh, it is made of wood. It is made of metal
- Actually I began my this Krsna consciousness movement - not that they came in a very purified condition. That we, every one of you, know, that those who came to me, they according, they have been trained from childhood
- Actually I began my, this Krsna consciousness movement, and it was not that those who came were in a very purified condition
- After some five thousand years, Krsna came again as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu just to teach the entire world how to surrender unto Him, unto Sri Krsna, and thus be purified
- All these rivers (Brahmaputra, Sona, Candravasa, Tamraparni, Avatoda, Krtamala, Vaihayasi, Kaveri, Veni, etc.) are transcendental. Therefore one can be purified by remembering them, touching them or bathing in them. This practice is still going on
- Although Hiranyakasipu was purified as soon as he came in contact with the Lord's lap and the Lord saw him, Prahlada Maharaja still wanted to hear from the Lord's own mouth that his father had been purified by the Lord's causeless mercy
- Although such persons may chant the holy name of the Lord, they are not yet properly purified. Such people should be respected within one's mind, but their association should be avoided
- Always thinking of Me as being situated within the body of your husband, Kasyapa, go worship your husband, who has been purified by his austerity
- Any lowborn person can be purified by the guidance of a pure devotee of the Lord, for the Lord is extraordinarily powerful
- Anyone can be purified if he takes shelter of a pure devotee and molds his character according to the pure devotee's direction. Then, even if one is a Kirata, Andhra, Pulinda or whatever, he can be purified and elevated to the position of a maha-paurusya
- Anyone who takes shelter of the lotus feet of a pure devotee by accepting the pure devotee as his spiritual master can be at once purified
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness in all sincerity, even if he is not very advanced in good behavior, is purified
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness is understood to be fully purified. He is at least engaged in the process of purification, and if he sticks to the principle of Krsna consciousness he will very soon be fully purified
- Anyone who, disregarding the pure Ganges, wishes to be purified instead by the filthy water flowing in a drain, cannot be successful. Similarly, one can successfully attain pure knowledge of the Absolute only by hearing from the pure Absolute Himself
- As confirmed in SB 2.4.18 : Kiratas, Hunas, Andhras, Pulindas, Pulkasas, Abhiras, Sumbhas, Yavanas and members of the Khasa races, and even others who are addicted to sinful acts, can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord
- As far as bodily affairs or social activities are concerned, although a person is purified on the spiritual platform, it is sometimes seen that he acts in terms of his bodily relationships
- As it is said, nitya-siddha krsna-prema sadhya kabhu naya: (CC Madhya 22.107) krsna-prema can be awakened in a purified heart
- As long as one is engaged in researching the solution of the problems of life, his knowledge is called jnana, or purified knowledge, but on realizing the actual solution of life, one becomes situated in the devotional service of the Lord
- As long as such a purified stage is not attained, devotees in transcendental service to the Lord are tainted with fruitive activities, the search for mundane knowledge, etc. BG 1972 purports
- As our consciousness is purified by this process of chanting Hare Krsna, all our material miseries will disappear
- As soon as bhakti is present, everything is purified (sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam (CC Madhya 19.170)). Therefore Brahma's crying was a form of bhakty-anubhava, a transformation of transcendental ecstatic love
- As soon as I understand that "I am not this body, I am spirit soul, and my symptom is consciousness," and that consciousness, as it is purified by this process, the whole material miseries will be over
- As soon as one is purified of material contamination, he is again attracted by Krsna sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam - CC Madhya 19.170
- As soon as you associate with the Lord, you become purified. Because Lord is all-pure. Just like if you associate with fire, you become warm. Similarly, if you constantly associate with the Lord, you remain purified
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, people who are not purified take to devotional service with four purposes. A person who is distressed because of material conditions becomes a devotee of the Lord and approaches the Lord for mitigation of his distress
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita, premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena (BS 5.38). When one has purified eyes, he can see that Sri Vrndavana and the original Goloka Vrndavana planet in the spiritual sky are identical
- As stated in the Narada-pancaratra, sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam: (CC Madhya 19.170) when the mind and senses are purified, one's total existence is purified, and one's designations are also purified
- As stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 9.5.16), yan-nama-sruti-matrena puman bhavati nirmalah: simply by hearing the holy name of the Lord, one is immediately purified
- At present we are existing in these material bodies, but if we take to the process of KC, our consciousness will be purified. Although American and European, the young students who are voluntarily practicing KC are very pleased to practice it
- At such a time (when a devotee is perplexed) the Supersoul immediately appears, provided the devotee is purified in heart by following the directions of the spiritual master
- At the present moment our existence is not purified, impure. Therefore we are suffering. Just like when one's physiological condition becomes infected, he suffers from fever and other symptoms of disease
- Aupanisadam purusam: He (Krsna) is known by the Upanisads. This means that when one is purified by Vedic knowledge, one is then allowed to enter into devotional understanding
- Bali Maharaja regularly maintained devotion for the Lord, and because he was purified, the Lord appeared before him
- Because the impersonalists and the voidists are not sufficiently purified in their spiritual activities, arcana is not meant for them
- Being a responsible king, Prthu Maharaja recommends that everyone take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus be immediately purified
- Being unpurified, neglecting to discharge human duties properly, and being influenced by the modes of passion (rajas) and ignorance (tamas), unclean people (mlecchas), posing as members of the government (rajanya-rupinah), will swallow the citizens
- Bhagavata side is very difficult. Unless one is purified from the pancaratriki side, it is very difficult to go to the bhagavata side. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given this simple process: chanting Hare Krsna, kirtana, and hearing the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Bhakti means sravanam kirtanam visnoh, chanting and hearing about Lord Visnu. Impersonalists cannot be purified, for they do not offer personal prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bhakti-yoga, devotional service, is so powerful that simply by taking to the bhakti-yoga according to the rules and regulation one is supposed to be purified
- Bhava-bhakti is the platform of purified goodness. By such purified goodness, one’s heart melts in devotional service. Bhava-bhakti is the first seed of love of Godhead. This emotional stage is there before one attains pure love
- Both the servant and the master are already purified because neither of them is in touch with the impurities of material existence. They are already equal in quality because both of them are the purest. However, there is a difference in quantity
- Brahmana means the intellectual class of men who knows hygienic rules, keeps himself always purified and engaged in studying Vedic literatures for understanding this world, God, himself, the interrelation
- Buddhi means intelligence; and avisuddha, not purified. Why not purified? Because they have no shelter. So in spite of their so much austerity, penance, Vedanta reading and jugglery of words, they come back again to the hospital. That's all
- By birth by the father and mother, everyone is sudra. But if he is purified, if he gets association of a spiritual master, if he approaches . . . for second birth one has to approach the spiritual master, the bona fide spiritual master
- By constant hearing of the holy name, their (persons who have no intelligence or no faith in the subject matter) hearts will be purified, and then they will be able to understand the transcendental position of the holy name
- By pious activities in the mode of goodness one is purified; therefore the sages, who are free from all illusion, are situated in happiness. Similarly, activities in the mode of passion are simply miserable. BG 1972 purports
- By practicing bhakti-yoga, if the performer is not purified from the material contamination, he must be a pseudodevotee. For such an imposter there is no remedy for being freed from material entanglement
- By purificatory ceremonies, birth is purified; by austerity, the senses are purified; and by worship and charity offered to the brahmanas, material possessions are purified - SB 10.5.4
- By so-called development of industrial enterprises, they are now using pots of gutta-percha instead of metals like gold, silver, brass and copper. They are using margarine instead of purified butter, and one fourth of the city population has no shelter
- By the process of initiation by the spiritual master, a person is accepted as a brahmana in his purified state of chanting the holy name of the Lord
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is an ideal teacher by His personal behavior, and so also are all His disciples. Thus this brahmana, being purified in association with Caitanya Mahaprabhu, followed these principles in submitting his request to the higher authority
- Candalas means the dog-eaters. In the human society, the division of higher class and lower class is determined by the standard of eating. So first-class men, just like brahmin, Vaisnava, they eat very purified prasadam
- Certainly others who were fighters on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra were purified by the onslaught of Arjuna's arrows, and while seeing the lotuslike face of Krsna, so pleasing to the eyes, they achieved the abode of the Lord
- Ceto-darpana-marjanam bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam (CC Antya 20.12) (Siksastaka 1). Unless the core of a materialistic person's heart is purified, he cannot get rid of the pangs of bhava-maha-davagni, the blazing fire of material existence
- Common men go to pilgrimage sites to get themselves purified of all sins. The places of pilgrimage become overburdened with the sins of others. When such (great) sages visit overburdened places of pilgrimage, they sanctify the places by their presence
- Consciousness cannot be killed, for the symptom of the living entity is consciousness. The material consciousness simply has to be purified
- Cow dung is accepted as purified and antiseptic. A person can keep stacks of cow dung in one place, and it will not create a bad odor to disturb anyone. We can take it for granted that in the spiritual world, stool and urine are also pleasantly scented
- Deity worship creates a situation of purity because we are all impure. So therefore Deity worship is required. But, if there is no facility one will be . . . purified simply by chanting. Ceto-darpana-marjanam - CC Antya 20.12
- Devotional service to the Supreme Lord means engagement of all the senses in His service. In such service there are two important features: First, one must be purified of all designations
- Enthusiasm is a symptom of the living entity; it cannot be stopped. It is just like a powerful engine: if you utilize it properly, it will give immense production. Therefore enthusiasm should be purified
- Even if he be distressed or degraded, any person who chants the holy name of the Lord, having heard it from a bona fide spiritual master, is immediately purified
- Even if one does not understand a single word of the mantras of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the vibrations themselves have such power that simply by chanting one will be purified
- Even if one is not born in a brahmana family, or even if he is born in a family of candalas, if he simply takes to Krsna consciousness he is immediately purified
- Even in the material world, cow dung is accepted as purified and antiseptic. A person can keep stacks of cow dung in one place, and it will not create a bad odor to disturb anyone
- Even the aborigines and uncivilized human beings like Kiratas, Hunas, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Abhira, Sumbha, Yavana and Khasa, as well as many other human beings in the lower species, can all be purified simply by taking shelter of the pure devotees
- Even those who take advantage of karma-kanda and jnana-kanda, but are not at least slightly devoted cannot be purified simply by following these other paths
- Everyone can be, sudhyanti, they can be purified. But if you take the real process, this is Krsna consciousness process
- Everything here in the material world is spiritual reflection covered by the material elements. So when this sound is purified or you catch up the spiritual sound, then your spiritual life begins
- First, the holy name is vibrated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When someone hears from Him directly, he is purified. When another person hears from that person, he also is purified. In this way the purification process is advanced among pure devotees
- For Krsna consciousness everyone can be purified, even the non-Aryans. It is without any check. Ahaituky apratihata. Apratihata means without any material check
- For the sections of society known as kartabhaja and satima, the mother of the child was immediately purified after the quarantine by the throwing of hari-nuta, small pieces of sweetmeat, in sankirtana
- From Pururava's rubbing of the aranis came a fire. By such a fire one can achieve all success in material enjoyment and be purified in seminal birth, initiation and in the performance of sacrifice, which are invoked with the combined letters a-u-m
- From the muci platform if you want to become suci, really brahmana, purified, then you have to take to Krsna conscious
- Further purified devotee
- Ganges water is considered to be pious. So he thinks by cooking meat in the Ganges water, it has become purified. You see? This is our mentality
- Generally, people are interested in material comforts and they make God as the supplying agent. This kind of devotion is not purified. It is contaminated by material desires
- He (Kasyapa Muni) wanted both her (Diti) and her sons (Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu) to be purified so that they would be fit to become pure Vaisnavas
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) says that one can be perfectly purified if one either glorifies Krsna, meditates upon Him, or simply sits before the Deity of Krsna and sees Him, thinking, - How nicely dressed is Krsna. How nicely dressed is Radharani
- He (the chanter) has to purify himself so that the holy names will be perfectly effective
- He (Vyasadeva) saw that the sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas were means by which the people's occupations could be purified. And to simplify the process he divided the one Veda into four, in order to expand them among men
- He (Yudhisthira) had no dependence on his brothers, who had all along been helping him. This stage of complete independence from everything is also called the purified stage of fearlessness
- He prepares cakes, sweet rice, condensed milk and everything else with great attention, and the cooking conditions are purified so that the food is first class and delicious
- He was yesterday mleccha and yavanas, but he has changed his body, and after changing if he's initiated, then dehantara. Sudhyanti, he's purified
- He whose heart is purified can see that the whole cosmic manifestation is but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but he whose heart is contaminated sees things differently. By sat-sanga, or association with devotees, one becomes perfectly pure in heart
- Here (in SB 3.2.20) the word parthastra-putah is significant. Those who saw the beautiful face of the Lord on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra were purified first by Arjuna when he made his onslaught with arrows
- Here in Vrindaban I am enjoying my disciples how they are speaking. So two times daily everyone must attend the classes. During the morning and evening times there should be no business, simply kirtana, chant, dance, and be purified
- Here it is said, prito 'ham: "Never mind you are born in the family of asura, but because I am pleased, you are all-purified. You don't be disappointed." It is only we require to please Krsna
- How can You be purified, therefore, by the dust of the path traversed by the brahmanas, and how can You be glorified or made fortunate by the marks of Srivatsa on Your chest?
- How to spread this KC movement? First of all you have to undergo the austerities. You must be purified, tapasa brahmacaryena samena. Then you have to engage your body, intelligence and words for spreading the KC all over the world
- However sinful maybe, never mind what is the magnitude of the sinful activities, sudhyanti: he can be purified by the pure devotee. So that is real knowledge
- Ideal purified family, a brahmana
- If he (A purified materialist) becomes still more qualified there (in Dhruvaloka), he can penetrate still higher orbits and pass through the navel of the universe to reach the planet Maharloka, where sages like Bhrgu Muni live
- If he (sannyasi) entertains the idea of sense gratification, especially in relationship with a woman, the only atonement is to commit suicide at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna. Only by such atonement can his sinful life be purified
- If one becomes Krsna conscious, the process of devotional service, sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23), diminishes one's polluted life of material existence, and one is purified and protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If one is not purified by the process of the seed-giving ceremony, or garbhadhana-samskara, he is immediately classified amongst the sudras because only the sudras do not undergo this purificatory process
- If one is purified by following Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's orders - that is, by chanting the holy name of Krsna - one must certainly be eager to render service to the Lord. This is the test
- If one remains kriya-hina even after being purified by initiation - in other words, if one fails to actually apply the principles of purity in his life - he remains an unpurified mleccha or yavana
- If one simply chants the Hare Krsna mantra and does not commit sinful activities and offenses, one’s life is purified, and thus one comes to the fifth stage of perfection, or engagement in the loving service of the Lord - prema pum-artho mahan
- If the disciple follows the principles instructed by the spiritual master, he remains purified and is not contaminated by the material infection
- If the mind is purified by practice of transcendental loving service to the Lord and is constantly engaged in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord, there is no more chance of the mind's producing another material body after death
- If this pure mentality is there (the holy name has to be chanted to please God) then even though a person is born of a low family, such as a dog-eater's, he is so glorious that not only has he purified himself, but he is quite competent to deliver others
- If you accept this tapasya, or austerity, for God realization, then your existentional position will be purified
- If you are serious, you can keep yourself pure anywhere. It doesn't matter whether you stay in America or India. But you must know how to keep yourself purified. That's all
- If you have got a name, another alternative name of God, then you chant that. Our only request is that you chant the holy name of God. If you have got any name of God, you can chant. You'll be purified. That is our propaganda
- If you prepare in this life, then you can go to Vaikuntha. There is no impediment. Simply you have to be purified. This bhakti-marga is the process of purification
- If you prepare nice foodstuff with all these ingredients (pulses, grains, wheat, milk), and offer to Krsna, then it's purified. Then you are free from all sinful activities. Otherwise, even if you kill vegetable, you are sinful because it has got life
- If you remain a killer of animals, then you cannot be purified
- If you want really release from these four principles of material way of life, then you have to purify your existence. You purify yourself, then you will be allowed to enter into the purified spiritual sky, & you'll get a place in one of the planets there
- If, by this process (chanting Hare Krsna), we can kindle the fire of knowledge, all of the reactions of our activities will be reduced to ashes, and we will be purified
- In all the villages through which the Lord passed and in all the places He rested on His journey, everyone was purified and awakened to ecstatic love of God
- In our KCM, Deity worship helps to keep us externally purified and Samkirtan helps to keep us internally purified. We shall execute both of these processes simultaneously. And by your exemplary character, the general mass of people will be benefited
- In Sanskrit literature every word has got particular meaning, particular thought. Therefore it is called samskrta, most performed and purified literature. Samskrta means purified, just like we offer samskara at the time of initiation, purification
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.29.15) it is stated that if one approaches the Supreme Lord even out of lust, anger or fear (kamam krodham bhayam), he is purified
- In the Krsna consciousness nothing has to be eradicated. Everything has to be purified. This is the Krsna consciousness process
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam also it is said: You should undergo penances in this life by which your existence will be purified, and, as a result, you will be able to enjoy unlimited transcendental bliss. (SB 5.5.1). BG 1972 purports
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is explained that if you begin this chanting (ajanato stuti-karane), then automatically you'll be purified and you'll be able to offer prayers in purification. That system will automatically help you
- In the Third Chapter (of BG), verse thirteen, Sri Krsna explains that only the remains of sacrifice are purified and fit for consumption by those who are seeking advancement in life and release from the clutches of the material entanglement. BG 1972 pur
- In this Kali-yuga, mandah sumanda-matayo (SB 1.1.10), everyone is fallen, manda-bhagya. So this human life should be utilized for understanding the Vedic knowledge, divya-jnana; then he'll be purified
- In this regard (in SB 7.10.22), Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that although Hiranyakasipu was already purified, he had to take birth on a higher planetary system to become a devotee again
- In this way (by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and read Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam) one purifies himself of the baser material modes (tamo-guna and rajo-guna) and, becoming freed from the greed of these modes, can attain complete peace of mind
- In this way (by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra offenselessly) one is purified, and his devotional service causes the arousal of his dormant love of God
- Internal cleanliness, one must rise early in the morning, evacuate, then after taking bath must chant Hare Krsna mantra, see the mangala-aratrika. In this way one has to purify himself internally and externally
- It doesn't matter whether, what you are. Chant Hare Krsna and you'll be purified. Then you'll understand everything, what is God, what you are, what is your relation. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- It is customary in Hindu society for parents to give their children names like Krsnadasa, Govinda dasa, Narayana dasa and Vrndavana dasa. Thus they chant the names Krsna, Govinda, Narayana and Vrndavana and get the chance to be purified
- It is foolish to try to stop the activities of consciousness, but they can be purified when they are dovetailed with the Supreme. This consciousness is divided into three modes of self-identification according to the proportion of purity
- It is mentioned that Brahma washed the feet of Krsna with his tears, and here (in SB 10.13.62) the word sujalaih indicates that his tears were purified
- It is not possible to experience Krsna by our these material blunt senses. It is not possible. We have to make purified
- It is not that anybody can speak the Bhagavatam or the Gita and we will have to hear it. No. Sanatana Gosvami especially prohibits us: we should not hear of the Supreme Lord from one who is not purified
- It is said in the Caitanya-bhagavata, yateka vanik-kula uddharana haite pavitra ha-ila dvidha nahika ihate: there is no doubt that all the community members of the suvarna-vanik society were again purified by Sri Nityananda Prabhu
- It is said in the smrti-sastras that men who are punished by the king on the principle of a life for a life are purified of all their sins, so much so that they may be eligible for being promoted to the planets of heaven
- It is stated that their (persons) intelligence, whether high or low, is not even purified
- It is understood by the words atma-sammatan that both Prthu Maharaja and Arci underwent the garbhadhana purificatory process before begetting children, and thus they begot all their sons according to their desires and purified mental states
- It is very difficult for one to surrender fully unto the Personality of Godhead without being purified by devotional service. The example of the learned brahmanas and their wives is vivid
- Jnani has been eulogized. So even I am not jnani, even I am a needy person, if I take to Krsna and ask Him, that process is also recommended because ultimately, when I shall be purified, I shall know my real nature
- Just as the Ganges is sacred because its water emanates from the toes of Narayana, so whenever water or anything is in touch with devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is purified and spiritualized
- Just like diseased condition is impurified. It requires to be purified by medical treatment to get out of the disease
- Just like in infectious condition, those who are vaccinated, given injection, he is supposed to be purified. He cannot be attacked or infected by the disease. Similarly, in spiritual life also one has to remain purified
- Kalau, in this age, you cannot find a man perfectly purified or anyway. That is not possible. Therefore you chant Hare Krsna, and that will help you, the process of purification
- King Pratiha personally propagated the principles of self-realization. In this way, not only was he purified, but he became a great devotee of the Supreme Person, Lord Visnu, and directly realized Him
- Kirata, Huna, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Abhira, Sumbha, Yavana and the Khasa races and even others addicted to sinful acts can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord, for He is the supreme power. I beg to offer my obeisances unto Him
- Kiratas, Hunas, Andhras, Pulindas, Pulkasas, Abhiras, Sumbhas, Yavanas and members of the Khasa races, and even others addicted to sinful acts can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord, for He is the supreme power
- Kiratas, Hunas, Andhras, Pulindas, Pulkasas, Abhiras, Sumbhas, Yavanas and members of the Khasa races, and even others addicted to sinful acts, can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord, due to His being the supreme power
- Kiratas, Hunas, Andhras, Pulindas, Pulkasas, Abhiras, Sumbhas, Yavanas, members of the Khasa races, and even others addicted to sinful acts can be purified by taking shelter of devotees of the Lord, for He is the supreme power
- Krishna Consciousness movement is means to solve the actual problems of the world, So therefore it should be taken up very seriously. You yourself should be purified by following the rules and regulations very strictly by chanting Hare Krishna
- Krsna continued, "If one happens to meet a great devotee, a mahatma who is a representative of the Personality of Godhead, one is immediately purified"
- Krsna is the name of God, but if you think that "Krsna is Indian name or Hindu name. Why shall I chant it?" no, you have got your God's name, so you chant that. You chant that. We recommend that you chant. God's name must be. Then you'll be purified
- Krsna-kirtana is so nice that even without sacred thread, because he is regularly chanting, he is to be supposed to be purified. That is the recommendation given by Jiva Gosvami
- Krsna-prema is described in the Brs (1.41) - When the heart is completely softened & devoid of all material desires & when one’s emotional feelings become very strong, one becomes very much attached to Krsna. Such purified emotion is known as pure love
- Liberation does not mean stopping activities; it means being purified of illusory activities and becoming transcendental to relations with the gross and subtle bodies
- Lord Caitanya said to Amogha - "Why have you allowed the candala of jealousy to sit here also? In this way you have contaminated a most purified place, your heart."
- Lust is there in everyone, because everyone is actually a lover of Krishna. It just has to be purified by proper training
- Mahatmas, they'll travel so that the householders, who are cripple-minded and full of sinful activities, they'll go there and make them purified. This is the idea of sannyasa
- Mayavadi philosophers, they cannot understand. They are thinking that "Why these people are taking so much trouble, dancing, jumping?" They cannot under . . . therefore they feel displeasure. They feel disturbance, because they are not purified
- Monist philosophers do not accept the philosophies of the Vaisnava acaryas, which are known as suddhadvaita (purified monism), suddha-dvaita (purified dualism), visistadvaita (specific monism), dvaitadvaita (monism and dualism) and acintya-bhedabheda
- My dear boy, I therefore wish all good fortune for you. You should go to the bank of the Yamuna, where there is a virtuous forest named Madhuvana, and there be purified. Just by going there, one draws nearer to the SPG, who always lives there
- My dear King, as a pot containing liquor cannot be purified even if washed in the waters of many rivers, nondevotees cannot be purified by processes of atonement even if they perform them very well
- My dear sir, you are the foremost devotee. Simply seeing you and hearing you chant the holy name of Krsna has purified my consciousness. Now I want to chant the holy name of the Lord
- My entire home has been purified by your arrival. Kindly order me. What can I do for you? I am your servant
- My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition
- My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition. I had no idea to spend money and energy of our society in a way which is not our real spiritual life
- Narada describes his previous life to his disciple Vyasadeva. He says that while engaged as a boy servant for those purified devotees during the four months of their stay, he was intimately associating with them
- Narada Muni saw that the boys known as the Haryasvas were already purified because of living in that holy place and were practically ready for liberation
- Narada visited Kamsa, who was not at all on the level of the demigods, & allowed Kamsa to see him. Kamsa also saw Krsna, what to speak of Narada Muni But unless one sees the Lord or His devotees with purified eyes, one cannot derive the actual benefit
- Narayana has His own eternal form, which is not created by the material energy. Simply by worshiping the form of the Lord, one is purified
- Narayana-paranmukha and narayana-parayana - just the opposite. One is Narayana, attached to Narayana, and one is detached to Narayana. So Narayana detached cannot be purified simply by performing or executing the ritualistic ceremony
- Narottama dasa sings: When will Lord Nityananda have mercy upon me, and when will all my desires for material enjoyment become insignificant? When shall I be purified by giving up all contaminations of material enjoyment?
- Neither karmis nor jnanis are purified. In the words of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Thakura, they are kukarmis and kujnanis - bad fruitive actors and bad speculators
- Nobody dies if he does not smoke or drink. Nobody dies. So artificially we learn it, so by good association we can give it up. So when we are purified out of all the bad habits, then we become fixed up in spiritual knowledge
- Not only by touching the body of the Supreme Lord, but simply by hearing about His pastimes, chanting His glories, touching His feet and offering worship - in other words, by serving the Lord somehow or other - one is purified of material contamination
- Not only is the chanter of the maha-mantra purified, but the heart of anyone who happens to hear the transcendental vibration of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is also cleansed
- Not only the yavanas and khasadayah but even those born in still lower families can be purified (sudhyanti) by the grace of a devotee of Lord Krsna, for Krsna empowers such devotees to perform this purification
- Nothing belongs to the living entity, but he claims that everything belongs to him. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends that this false intelligence be purified
- Now, when these senses are used for other than God's purpose, that is bondage, conditioned life. When the senses are purified and it is used for God's purpose, that is natural life
- O my Lord, You always dwell in the vision and hearing of Your pure devotees. You also live in their lotuslike hearts, which are purified by devotional service
- Of all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the chief. She is a jewel mine of ecstatic love and the source of all purified transcendental conjugal mellows
- One can purify the mind either by the breathing process or by the chanting process, just as one can purify gold by putting it in a fire and fanning it with a bellows
- One cannot be purified merely by undergoing austerity, penance, brahmacarya and the other methods of atonement I (Sukadeva Gosvami) have previously described
- One cannot engage in the devotional service of the Lord without being purified of all contamination
- One doesn't even have to understand what this Hare Krsna is. One only has to hear to be purified. Unless one is purified, one cannot understand God
- One is purified of material contamination. This is the result of touching the Supreme Lord
- One is supposed to be purified after taking bath and chanting Gayatri, but the maha-mantra is so powerful that one can chant loudly or softly, in any condition, and he is protected from all the evils of material existence
- One may or may not know the value of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, but if one somehow or other chants it, he will immediately be purified, just as one who takes a potent medicine will feel its effects
- One who is brought under the lotus feet of the Lord by the endeavor of the Lord's servant, the spiritual master, is certainly immediately purified, however lowborn he may be. He becomes eligible to return home, back to Godhead
- One who is engaged in the service of the Lord, purified, unalloyed . . . unalloyed means no motive. No motive. Anyabhilasita-sunyam (Brs. 1.1.11). Other motives, completely zero
- One who is purified of material contamination and returns home, back to Godhead, does not return to this material world
- One who remembers the Supreme Personality of Godhead always, he remains always purified, suci. Another meaning of suci is brahmana, purified
- Only in such a purified stage does the Lord, who is seated in everyone's heart with the individual soul, give instruction so that the devotee can reach the ultimate destination of going back home, back to Godhead
- Originally you are good. You have become bad on account of the material association. Therefore devotion means to be purified. This is a purificatory process from material contamination
- Our existence is now polluted, and it must be purified (sattvam suddhyet). The human life is meant for this purification, not for thinking of happiness in terms of the external body, which is the cause of material bondage
- Our only request is that you chant the holy name of God. If you have got any name of God, you can chant. You'll be purified
- Our senses are all blunt in the matter of receiving transcendental subject matter, but they are purified in due course of time by constant engagement in the service of the Lord
- Pavitram means very pure. Because unless we are purified, we cannot be free from these four miserable conditions especially, namely birth, death, old age, and disease
- People generally go to the Ganges to be purified of the effects of sinful life, but here is an example of how foolish persons enter the Ganges to become involved in sinful life. It is not that everyone becomes purified by entering the Ganges
- Persons who are peaceful, equipoised, cleansed and purified, and who know the art of pleasing all other living entities, keep friendship only with devotees of the Lord; they alone can very easily achieve the perfection of going back home, back to Godhead
- Persons who are purified by the process of chanting and hearing become immediately eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices
- Persons who have Visnu tilaka on their forehead, are to be understood as the devotees of Lord Visnu in this world. Their presence makes the world purified, and anywhere they remain they make that place as good as Vaikuntha
- Pradyumna Misra replied, "I came simply to see you. Now I have purified myself by seeing Your Honor"
- Prahlada further confirms that if one's mind is always absorbed in thought of Krsna, that very qualification will purify one and keep one purified always
- Punya-sravana-kirtana refers to the process of devotional service. Even if one does not understand the meaning of the Lord's name, pastimes or attributes, one is purified simply by hearing or chanting of them. Such purification is called sattva-bhavana
- Pure devotees chant the Hare Krsna mantra, and simply by hearing this chanting from a purified transcendental person, one is purified of all sinful activities, no matter how lowborn or fallen one may be
- Pure goodness is transcendental; in purified goodness one can understand the real nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Pure love for Krsna is eternally established in the hearts of living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and chanting, the living entity naturally awakens
- Purified life is meant to please the Lord, and all sacrifices performed in purified life are called Krsna consciousness
- Ramananda Raya replied, "My Lord, although You have come to correct me, a fallen soul, my mind is not yet purified simply by seeing You"
- Real devotee, santah, saintly persons, their eyes are purified by the ointment of love of Godhead
- Real service of the Lord begins when the senses are purified. One does not have to stop the activities of the senses, but the false ego of identifying with the body has to be removed
- Regarding persons attached to the impersonal Brahman, Srimad-Bhagavatam says, "My dear Lord, those who think of themselves as liberated by mental speculation are not yet purified of the contamination of material nature"
- Rsabhadeva advised His sons, tapo divyam putraka yena sattvam suddhyed: "One should engage in penance and austerity to attain the divine position of devotional service. By such activity, one's heart is purified
- Samskrta means purified, samskara, just like we offer samskara at the time of initiation, purification
- Sattva means my existence. At the present moment my existence is not suddha, purified. Just like if your health is contaminated, then you get some disease
- Seeing such a misleading creation as a sinful task, Brahma did not feel much pleasure in his activity, and therefore he purified himself by meditation on the Personality of Godhead. Then he began another term of creation
- Sense enjoyment must be there (in Krsna consciousness), but that is spiritual sense enjoyment, purified sense enjoyment. We are training people in that way, that we don't stop your sense enjoyment, but enjoy it in its purified state
- Simple attainment of goodness is also a material mode; one has to surpass this stage of material goodness and reach the point of purified goodness, or vasudeva-sattva. This vasudeva-sattva helps one to enter into the kingdom of God
- Simply by hearing or chanting the verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, one can be purified. Whatever knowledge exists in the world is present in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Simply by hearing, by attending lectures in the different centers of the Krsna consciousness movement, where topics of Krsna from Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam are discussed, they (mudha-dhi) will be purified of their sinful inclination
- Simply by receiving the glories of the Lord through purified transcendental ears, the devotees of the Lord are immediately freed from strong material desires and engagement in fruitive activities
- Simply chanting, that will help us also. It will take time. But if we avoid the offenses, then it will be very quickly purified. The action will be there
- Since Ajamila had not undergone atonement for his sinful acts, he was to be taken to Yamaraja to be purified
- Since God is supremely pure, one cannot rise to the highest perfectional stage of love of God without being purified. In the BG (10.12), when Arjuna accepted Krsna as the Supreme Lord, he said, pavitraḿ paramaḿ bhavan: You are the purest of the pure
- Since the Krsna consciousness movement is full of vasudeva-katha, anyone who hears, anyone who joins the movement and anyone who preaches will be purified
- Since the Lord is transcendence and His attributes are transcendental, such discourses increase the receptive mood of the purified audience
- Sinful men take their baths in the waters of the Ganges and Yamuna at places such as Prayaga, Vrndavana and Mathura. In this way they are purified, but their sinful actions and reactions remain at the holy places of pilgrimage
- So anyone who is always chanting the holy name of God and keeps himself purified, he is suci. Suci means the first-class purified intelligent class of men
- So even one is in offense, still, if he continues hearing and chanting, he will be purified. It is so nice thing. This is kevala bhakti
- So long we are in this material encagement we are supposed to be impurified. Because we are not purified, therefore we have to accept birth, death, old age and disease
- So many scriptures are there, so many teachers are there, so many rules and regulations are there. They are not meant for the animals, because they cannot be purified. They must have to come to this position by evolution of human being
- So these material eyes has to be purified. Then spiritual eyes begins
- So this consciousness, though lying dormant in those who are materially contaminated, is found in every living entity. And, when purified, this is called Krsna consciousness
- Spiritual life means curing the contamination of material disease. That is spiritual life. And when you are purified, you relish the spiritual taste
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared five hundred years ago, but it cannot be said that now the potency of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is less than it was in His presence. By hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu through the parampara system, one can be purified
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then informed all His devotees, "Please hear about Mukunda's love of Godhead. It is a very deep and pure love and can only be compared to purified gold"
- Sri Maitreya said: After Lord Visnu was glorified by all present, Daksa, his consciousness purified, arranged to begin again the yajna which had been devastated by the followers of Lord Siva
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has sung in a celebrated song, visaya chadiya kabe suddha habe mana: "When my mind will be purified after leaving the contamination of material sense enjoyment, I shall be able to visit Vrndavana"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.5.1) recommends: One must practice austerity so that his existential position will be purified and he will achieve unlimited blissful life
- Such a soul (who is purified of all material coverings) then remains in his original, spiritual identity, a state that is possible to achieve only by understanding Krsna in truth through the practice of Krsna consciousness
- Such Bhagavatam discourses (from professional speakers) are not purified from the contamination of the material qualities. But the discourses between the saints of Naimisaranya and Sri Suta Gosvami are on the transcendental level
- Such brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas, purified by their family traditions and by their behavior, should worship the Lord, study the Vedas and give charity. In this system, they should follow the principles of the four asramas
- Such sinful persons (Kiratas, Hunas, Andhras, Pulindas, Pulkasas, Abhiras, Sumbhas, Yavanas, members of the Khasa races, and even others) can certainly all be purified if they chant the holy name of the Lord under the direction of a pure devotee
- Such transcendental literatures, even though imperfectly composed, are heard, sung and accepted by purified men
- Such transcendental literatures, even though imperfectly composed, are heard, sung and accepted by purified men who are thoroughly honest
- Such transcendental literatures, even though imperfectly composed, are heard, sung and accepted by purified men who are thoroughly honest - SB 1.5.11
- Temple worship is necessary for the beginners so that by following the regulative principles such devotees become more and more purified
- Thank you very much for the Tulasi leaves offered to Lord Caitanya's lotus feet. If one is fortunate enough to receive such holy prasadam then all sinful reactions are immediately purified within the heart
- That is the process of cleansing your heart. If you cleanse your heart, then you will understand what Bible says, what Veda says. It requires to be purified
- The brahmanas recited auspicious Vedic hymns, which purified the environment by their vibration. The experts in reciting old histories like the Puranas, the experts in reciting the histories of royal families, and general reciters all chanted - SB 10.5.5
- The Canadians think, "This is my land." But this, when it is purified, it is this land God's land. Then it is purified. And so long you falsely claim "It is my land," that is cause of all trouble
- The conclusion is that if one takes to Krsna consciousness with all seriousness, he is to be understood as already purified, and Krsna is ready to give him protection by all means
- The conclusion is, rather, that the senses, mind and intelligence in the gross stage of contamination cannot appreciate the nature of the Absolute Truth, but when purified, the senses, mind and intelligence can understand what the Absolute Truth is
- The difference between animal life and human life is that human life, existence, is more purified. He has got better consciousness than the animals
- The difference between conditional life and liberated life occurs when we purify the mind and the consciousness. When they are purified, one becomes transcendental to material happiness and distress
- The different qualities of the material modes of nature can be purified through association with persons who are of transcendental nature. BG 1972 purports
- The energy of our senses is meant to be diverted, not stopped. The senses are to be purified, so that they serve the Lord instead of disturbing His settled harmony. The entire cosmic harmony is a settled fact by the will of the Supreme
- The existence of the conditioned soul can be purified only by the method of engaging mind and speech in the service of the Lord
- The first excellence is that before Lord Krsna's appearance in the Yadu family, the river Ganges was known as the purest of all things; even impure things could be purified simply by touching the water of the Ganges
- The four principles of the Vaisnava philosophic doctrine are suddha-advaita (purified oneness), dvaita-advaita (simultaneous oneness and difference), visista-advaita and dvaita
- The Ganges River is known by many names, such as the Bhagirathi and the Jahnavi. It purifies Dhruvaloka and the planets of the seven sages because both Dhruva and the sages have no other desire than to serve the Lord's lotus feet
- The general mass of people, although sudras and less, can be purified by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra. Then they can understand the exalted philosophical statements of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The gopis, and in fact any householders, knew the process for being purified by chanting Vedic hymns. The gopis executed this process first to purify themselves and then to purify the child Krsna
- The Hare Krsna movement offers everyone a chance to be purified, regardless of birth or family
- The holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is so powerful that if once heard without offenses, it can purify the lowest of men
- The identification of oneself with one's material possessions in the conditional stage must be purified, and one must identify himself in relationship with the Supreme Lord
- The infection they (Lord Siva's followers and devotees) had created was to be first purified by the method of offering purodasa oblations
- The intelligence of the Mayavadis is not purified; therefore even though they practice austerities for self-realization, they cannot remain within the impersonal brahmajyoti. Consequently, they fall down again into this material world - SB 10.2.32
- The Kazi was a Muslim mleccha, or meat-eater, but because he several times uttered the holy name of Lord Krsna, automatically the reactions of his sinful life were vanquished and he was fully purified of all material contamination
- The living entity must be living, always existing with desires, ambitions and so on. These should be purified, however, so that one can desire spiritually and be spiritually ambitious, without material contamination
- The Lord is the supreme purifier (param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12)). The more one is purified and the more he wants to know about the Supreme, the more the Lord reveals to him
- The Lord said, "I wish to touch you just to be purified, for your purified activities do not exist in Me"
- The lowest of men, who are called candalas, are less than sudras, but they also can be purified simply by hearing the holy name of the Lord, not to speak of personally seeing the Lord
- The material association has to be purified, and that dormant, natural love for Krsna has to be revived. That is the whole process. BG 1972 purports
- The more one is interested in hearing and chanting, the more he is purified of material contamination
- The most simple man taking center of the pure devotee can be purified by proper guidance. BG 1972 purports
- The path of renunciation is recommended for acceptance by one who is fully accomplished and fully purified in his existence. This stage is described also in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.5) as daivi sampat
- The people must eat sumptuously - not voraciously and make them fit for working and chanting. In this way, they will be purified and everything will be nicely organized
- The percentage of Krsna-conscious people can be increased; that will depend on your purified preaching activities
- The personified Vedas continued, "They (Krsna conscious persons) are so purified that any place they go becomes a holy place of pilgrimage, and the water which washes their feet is able to deliver many sinful persons loitering within this material world"
- The Pracetas were already purified due to the Lord's presence before them, and they could therefore offer the proper prayers with folded hands
- The present law is the law of all scripture - that if anyone is purified he can enter into the temple. Actually, that is the position
- The prostitute, now purified, fell at the lotus feet of Haridasa Thakura and confessed that Ramacandra Khan had appointed her to pollute him
- The purified stage of acquiring knowledge becomes the basis of devotional service to the Lord
- The purified, absolute vision of Bhagavad-gita is compared to the River Ganges. Ganges water is so pure that it can purify even the asses and cows
- The real philosophy is, the sense activities must be there, but purified. That is real life. Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam (CC Madhya 19.170). Purified. Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate. We cannot stop sense activities
- The relation of the Lord with Arjuna is undoubtedly praiseworthy for devotees like Bhismadeva, but the relation of the gopis with the Lord is still more praiseworthy because of their still more purified loving service
- The renounced order of life can be accepted upon being purified by the discharge of the prescribed form of duties which are laid down just to purify the heart of materialistic men. BG 1972 purports
- The residents of Maharloka, where the purified living entities or demigods possess a duration of life calculated to be 4,300,000,000 solar years, have airships by which they reach Satyaloka, the topmost planet of the universe
- The sages who came to meet Maharaja Pariksit were not very much interested in getting themselves purified like common men
- The same propensities are there, but when it is applied for Krsna, then it is purified, and when it is applied for personal self, it is impure. This is the difference
- The senses are there. It cannot be wiped out. Simply it is purified
- The senses can then become uncontaminated, being constantly in touch with bhakti-rasa. When the purified senses are employed in the service of the Lord, one becomes situated in bhakti-rasa life
- The senses must be purified, and this is possible when one purely understands that he belongs to Krsna and that his life belongs to Krsna
- The senses must be purified, and this is possible when one purely understands that he belongs to Krsna and that his life belongs to Krsna - in other words, that his identity is to be an eternal servant of Krsna
- The so-called mlecchas and yavanas of the Western countries are more purified than offensive Mayavadis or atheistic impersonalists
- The specific rivers mentioned in the sastras are also energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and people who regularly bathe in them are purified
- The very same energy (God's internal energy) then acts to help the purified living being make progress on the path of self-realization
- The water emanating from the perspiration of Your lotus feet, namely the Ganges, purifies everyone, including the forefathers, the fire-god and all other demigods
- The water of the Ganges is purified because it pours forth from the lotus feet of the Lord
- The water of the Ganges is purified because it pours forth from the lotus feet of the Lord. Similarly, Bhagavad-gita is as good as the water of the Ganges because it is spoken from the mouth of the Supreme Lord
- The water of the Yamuna is naturally very clear and pure, and thus if anyone bathes there three times, undoubtedly he will be very greatly purified externally
- The whole Vedic process is to alleviate that darkened condition. Ultimately, when the senses and mind of the conditioned being are fully purified, he comes to his original position, called Krsna consciousness, and that is liberation
- The whole world can be purified. But the secret is that one who is chanting, he must be very pure
- The word vacah, or vibration, means the Vedic vibration. The origin of creation is sound vibration, and if the sound vibration is clear and purified, perfect knowledge and perfect activities actually become manifest
- The worshipers of different demigods are certainly purified of the contamination of the lower qualities of nature and are thereby elevated to the higher planetary systems or heavenly planets known as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, etc
- The Yamadutas, the order carriers of Yamaraja, mistakenly considered Ajamila sinful. They did not know that although he was sinful throughout his entire life, he was purified by constantly chanting the holy name of Narayana
- The yogi alone goes beyond this circle of Sisumara & attains the planet (Maharloka) where purified saints like Bhrgu enjoy a duration of life of 4,300,000,000 solar years. This planet is worshipable even for the saints who are transcendentally situated
- Then (after giving up his bodily conception of life) he takes the arrow of his purified life, and with the help of the bow - the transcendental chanting of pranava, or the Hare Krsna mantra - he throws himself toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There are many instances throughout the world in which even a purified person, being attracted by a prostitute, spends all the money he has inherited
- There are many philosophical speculators (jnanis) belonging to the Mayavada school who consider themselves liberated and call themselves Narayana. But their intelligence is not purified unless they engage in Krsna’s devotional service
- There are many worshipers who are purified by different processes of worship - such as the Vaisnavas or the Aryans - who also worship the Supreme Lord according to their convictions and spiritual understanding
- There are no material reactions resulting from the activities of a Krsna conscious person. Therefore, purified activities, which are generally called sadacara, can be easily performed by acting in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- There is a hereditary class of brahmanas called the smarta-brahmanas who are of the opinion that even if such persons who are chanting the holy name of the Lord are accepted as purified, they still have to perform the Vedic rites
- There is another statement as follows, "When shall I be freed from the mode of ignorance? And being thus purified, when shall I attain the stage of serving Krsna eternally"
- These (brahma-bhuta) living entities have been described as vimukta-maninah, meaning that they falsely consider themselves liberated although their intelligence is not yet purified
- These are other great rivers that are very prominent: Rodhasvati, Saptavati, Susoma, Satadru, Candrabhaga, Marudvrdha, Vitasta, Asikni and Visva. The inhabitants of Bharata-varsa are purified because they always remember these rivers
- These examples (Lord Caitanya following injunction of sruti, smrti and chanting Hare Krsna) are evidence that the smrtis are directly based on the srutis. So introduce this Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Everyone will be purified
- These hippies, they are also giving up all work, that is sannyasa, but there is no guide. There is no guide. And because they have no guide, therefore their intelligence is not being purified. Simply there is a propensity for renunciation
- They (intellectual persons) are being trained as complete brahmanas, the highest intellectuals, the most purified persons in society. If there is one brahmana in a whole family, then the whole family - the whole society-becomes sanctified
- They (Jaya and Vijaya) were purified because of chanting the holy name of Krsna. It is to be understood that even a blasphemer can be freed from sinful activities by chanting the holy name of the Lord
- They (mudha-dhi) can be raised to the status of light. Punya-sravana-kirtanah. Simply by joining the kirtana - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna... - and by hearing about Krsna from Bhagavad-gita, one must be purified, especially if he also takes prasada
- They can be purified by association of Vaisnava. Yad-apa, yad-apasrayasrayah. Upasraya means just like a person who is a devotee of Krsna and if anyone takes shelter of such devotee, he can be purified. This is called parampara system
- They have gone on the radio, that means they have purified the whole atmosphere. That is the way to introduce, the transcendental sound vibration will act. Utilize this approach
- This (the clear and purified sound vibration) is enacted by the chanting of the maha-mantra, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- This has to be purified: not to become the servant of the senses, but to become servant of the master of the senses. Then you also become master of the senses. That purificatory process is called devotional service, bhakti
- This is indicated in this verse (SB 6.4.26) by the word suci-sadmane. Suci means purified
- This is superficially contradictory. In one place it is said that "The stool of an animal is impure. As soon as you touch, you have to be purified," and another place it is said that "Cow dung is pure." So according to our knowledge, this is contradictory
- This man Ajamila did not undergo atonement. Therefore because of his sinful life, we must take him into the presence of Yamaraja for punishment. There, according to the extent of his sinful acts, he will be punished and thus purified
- This mantra is secondary. Of course, one who has purified himself by Hare Krsna, this mantra (Gayatri) is not very important. But, according to the tradition of Vaisnava smrti, it is offered better, better, to make the position still confirmed and better
- This realization (since the Supreme Lord spreads throughout one's body and since the individual soul is a part of the Supreme Lord) was achieved by Lord Brahma after he was purified, and it is possible for everyone
- This transcendental, eternal form of Your personality can be understood only by Your mercy, through unflinching devotional service, by great sages whose hearts have been purified in the devotional way
- This, this is transcendental sound vibration. If you chant, then the foolish ignorance will gradually dissipate. You'll come to real knowledge. You'll be purified
- Those who are constantly engaged in meditating on the lotus feet of the Lord are certainly purified of the material contamination of the senses and are thus able to see the Supreme Lord face to face
- Those who are thinking that "I am now liberated simply by some volumes of philosophical speculation," so Bhagavata says, "No, your intelligence is not yet purified because you have not yet approached Krsna"
- Those who are too sinful and have thus been born in the lower classes are allowed to enjoy sinful activities fully, for thus there is a chance that these activities will become detestful to them, and they will get the opportunity to be purified
- Those who have given up devotional service to engage in severe austerities for other purposes are not purified in their minds, despite their advanced austerities, because they have no information of the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Though a person be even the most sinful man, he can at once be purified by systematic contact with a pure Vaisnava
- Through pravrtti activities one suffers from material entanglement, but by nivrtti activities one is purified and becomes fit to enjoy eternal, blissful life
- Thus a sober and faithful person who knows the religious principles is temporarily purified of all sins performed with his body, words and mind
- Thus he purified himself externally and internally. He took his bath and ate bulbs, seeds, leaves, flowers, roots, fruits and grasses and drank water. In this way he underwent severe austerities. Eventually he became very skinny
- To take advantage of the methods of atonement, one must be at least somewhat devoted; otherwise there is no chance of one's being purified
- Ultimately, if the consciousness is purified, one comes to his original position and goes back home, back to Godhead
- Unless a wise jnanavan, jnani, does not reach to the platform of understanding the personality, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his intelligence is still not very much purified
- Unless one is engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, mere renunciation of activities cannot make one happy. The sages, purified by works of devotion, achieve the Supreme without delay. BG 5.6 - 1972
- Unless one is favored by Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, there is no need to go to Vrndavana, for unless one’s mind is purified, he cannot see Vrndavana, even if he goes there
- Unless one is purified, one cannot take to the principle of Krsna consciousness nor become engaged in chanting the holy name of the Lord, Hare Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Unless one is purified, the transcendental senses are not manifest; therefore to purify the senses one must take to Krsna consciousness and engage the senses in the service of the Lord. Then there will be real happiness and liberation
- Unless one receives transcendental knowledge in disciplic succession, there is no question of his becoming purified of this contamination which is created in the heart by the three modes of material nature
- Unless the intellect is purified and spiritualized, even the most erudite philosopher and the greatest mystic yogi will become perplexed in trying to understand Lord Krsna
- Unless there is spiritual potency in chanting, how they are becoming so purified?
- Upon being purified, Brahma could see the supreme form of the Lord. The impersonal Brahman cannot have heads, noses, ears, hands and legs. This is not possible, for these are attributes of the Lord's form
- Vasudeva anointed his eyes with black cosmetic, smeared butter over his body and then, along with his eighteen wives, headed by Devaki, sat before the priests to be purified by the abhiseka ceremony
- Vidura was purified of all passion by wandering in sacred places, and at last he reached Hardwar, where he met the great sage (Maitreya) who knew the science of spiritual life, and he inquired from him
- Vyasa inquired about this, and the young ladies replied that his son (Sukadeva) was purified and when looking at them made no distinction between male and female, but the sage made such distinctions
- We are hankering after perpetual happiness, continued happiness. So Rsabhadeva advised, "My dear boys, you take to austerity." Tapo divyam yena suddhyet sattvam. - After you are purified, then brahma-saukhyam anantam, then you get unlimited happiness
- We are impure because we are compact in designations: Oh, I am Christian-I am Hindu-I am American-I am Indian-I am white-I am black. These are all designations. If you simply know that "I am servant of Krsna. I am servant of God," then you are purified
- We are lacking in God consciousness on account of being impure. So by chanting, glorifying the Lord's name, you will be purified
- We are presenting ideal living on Vedic principles of purified life
- We are temporarily engaged in different activities, but all of these activities can be purified when we give up all temporary activities and take up the activities which are prescribed by the Supreme Lord. That is called pure life. BG 1972 Introduction
- We are trying to create some sadhu so that in different parts of the world they will preach Krsna consciousness, and people will be able to associate with them, and they will become purified. This is KC movement, that sadhu-sanga. It is very essential
- We forget this material nonsense. That's all. But don't forget ourself. Our identity is there. We are all servants of God, Krsna dasa. And this is real ego. So ego is not dissolved. Ego is there, but it is purified
- We have got impure existence, this material body. When we get our spiritual body, that is called purified
- We have practical experience that any person who is chanting the holy names of Krsna in course of time feels some transcendental pleasure and very quickly becomes purified of all material contamination. This is actually seen. BG 1972 purports
- We have to be purified. Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12). Because Krsna is pure, we cannot approach Krsna impurely. But if we think of Krsna always and meditate upon Krsna, then we shall be purified
- We have to understand very clearly that sound is the beginning of the creation of all material objects for our sense gratification. Similarly, if sound is purified, our spiritual necessities also are produced from sound
- We should try to avoid the ten offenses in chanting the holy name, but anyone who chants Hare Krsna sincerely is purified
- We should try to make it (one's own occupation) purified. How is it purified? We should not take the fruitive result of our work. That is meant for God
- What a wonderful description he has given of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya! Anyone in the three worlds who hears it is purified
- What for we are accepting initiation? In any condition, in any condition we shall be purified by chanting Hare Krsna, ceto-darpana-marjanam (CC Antya 20.12), if we chant really
- When a conditioned soul is awakened to Krsna consciousness and renders service by using his tongue to chant the Lord's holy name & taste the remnants of the Lord's food, the tongue is purified, and one gradually comes to understand who Krsna really is
- When a conditioned soul is purified, he is called a devotee
- When a particular type of occupation is performed for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, all the defects in that particular occupation are purified. BG 1972 purports
- When a purified yogi associates with devotees, he engages in Lord Krsna's devotional service, being attracted by the Lord's transcendental qualities
- When Aghasura, by that sporting association, as maintained in the spiritual world, was purified of all contamination, he attained sarupya-mukti and vimukti by the grace of Krsna. For Krsna this was not at all wonderful
- When an ordinary living entity describes the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he purifies himself by touching one drop of that great ocean
- When an unalloyed devotee chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, he is also purified of all material contamination because the name of the Lord and the Lord are identical
- When he (the living entity) is purified he gives up his bodily conception of life and his false identity as belonging to a certain community, a certain nation, a certain society, a certain family and so on
- When Lord Caitanya induced them (the Mayavadi sannyasis) to chant Hare Krsna and excused them for their offenses, they were purified, and therefore there was no objection to taking lunch, or bhagavat-prasadam, with them
- When one acts in Krsna consciousness for the satisfaction of the senses of Krsna, any action, whether of the body, mind, intelligence or even the senses, is purified of material contamination
- When one asks questions about the pastimes and characteristics of Lord Vasudeva, Krsna, three varieties of men are purified: the speaker or preacher, he who inquires, and the people in general who listen - SB 10.1.16
- When one is freed from all the results of sinful activities, one will be purified, and with a healthy mind, completely cleansed, he will increasingly make progress in Krsna consciousness
- When one is fully purified, he realizes that his constitutional position is to be the eternal servant of God. BG 1972 purports
- When one is purified by intelligence, he keeps himself in the mode of goodness. Thus one becomes the controller of the mind and is always in trance
- When one is purified by knowledge, he keeps himself in the mode of goodness. Thus one becomes the controller of the mind and is always in trance. BG 1972 purports
- When one is purified by these rules and regulations, he worships You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although manifested in many forms, You are one
- When one is purified he is attracted by Krsna and begins to serve Krsna instead of serving maya. This is his natural position
- When one's mind, intelligence and senses are purified of material contamination, one can understand the original feature of the Absolute Truth as a person
- When our senses are purified of material contamination, they become atindriya, transcendental senses, and when the transcendental senses are engaged in the service of the master of the senses, Hrsikesa, one can derive real transcendental pleasure
- When our senses are purified, they are freed from all material stages, namely anna-maya, prana-maya, mano-maya and vijnana-maya, and they become situated in the highest stage - ananda-maya, or blissful life in Krsna consciousness
- When such a materialist is purified, he can rise to the orbit of the pole star (Dhruvaloka). Within this orbit, which is called the Sisumara-cakra, are situated the Aditya-lokas and the Vaikuntha planet within this universe
- When the drops of water from the tips of the Lord's shoulder hairs were sprinkled upon the bodies of the inhabitants of the higher planets, they felt purified
- When the false ego is purified, one takes everything in the right perspective. That is the state of liberation
- When the mind is engaged at the lotus feet of Krsna, the intelligence is purified, and then the intelligence gets inspiration from the Supersoul (dadami buddhi-yogam tam). Thus the living entity makes progress toward liberation from material bondage
- When the results of work are purified, when connected with devotional service, one becomes perfect in seeing the self within, and that is self-realization. BG 1972 purports
- When the senses are purified and engaged in Krsna's service, one achieves the highest perfection. Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate (CC Madhya 19.170). The Krsna consciousness movement is a movement of bhakti-yoga
- When the senses are purified by the discharge of pure devotional service (hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate (CC Madhya 19.170)), the pure senses can see Krsna without covering
- When the soul is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is exhibited
- When the teeth grew in again, Varuna came, said to Hariscandra, "Now you can perform the sacrifice." But he then said, "O King, when the sacrificial animal becomes a ksatriya & is able to shield himself to fight with the enemy, then he will be purified"
- When the temple was cleansed, it was purified, cool and pleasing, just as if the Lord's own pure mind had appeared
- When this (material) consciousness is purified, tat-paratvena nirmalam . . . nirmalam means completely cleanse. That is the bhakti platform
- When we are free from designation, sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam, when we are purified, then we can unite in the service of the Lord, Krsna. That is real unity. That is Vaikuntha platform
- When we are free from designation, sarvopadhi-virnirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam, when we are purified, then we can unite in the service of the Lord, Krsna. That is real unity
- Where is this training is given that "We are spirit soul. This body is temporary, and the spirit soul business is this, so that spirit soul may be purified, no more he accepts this material body"? Where is that education?
- Wherever exalted devotees stay, not only they and their dynasties but the entire country is purified
- Who were previously accustomed to the culture of mlecchas and yavanas - they are getting purified and reformed when the propagators of the Caitanya cult in the Western countries are spreading the sankirtana movement
- Whoever chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is immediately purified due to the transcendental position of devotional service
- Whoever follows Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s instructions will certainly be purified, and one who sincerely chants the holy name offenselessly is already more than a brahmana
- Whoever takes shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His pure devotee is elevated to the spiritual order and purified from material contamination. This is also confirmed by Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 9.32
- Why do you take the trouble of learning Sanskrit? Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, mam hi partha vyapasritya ye 'pi syuh papa-yonayah. Papa-yoni means low-grade birth. So anyone can be purified if they take to the shelter of Krsna
- Why have you allowed the candala of jealousy to sit here also? In this way you have contaminated a most purified place, your heart
- With great attention, he sustained the Ganges on his head, for the water of the Ganges is purifying, having emanated from the toes of Lord Visnu
- With my mind fixed on Your lotus feet, I am no longer disturbed by persons who blaspheme me, claiming that my activities are not purified. I do not mind their accusations, and I excuse them out of compassion, just as You exhibit compassion
- With the materialistic mind one can reach the best planet in the universe, but no one can enter into the kingdom of God. Senses are called spiritually purified when they are not involved in sense gratification
- Within his mind, in his original, purified, self-realized position, he (an advanced devotee) serves Krsna in Vrndavana in his particular way. He serves Krsna twenty-four hours a day, all day and night
- You (Diti) should not lie down without having washed both of your feet or without being purified, nor with wet feet or with your head pointed west or north. You should not lie naked, or with other women, or during the sunrise or sunset
- You descend to propagate the transcendental science of devotional service unto the hearts of advanced transcendentalists & mental speculators, who are purified by being able to discriminate between matter & spirit. How can we women know You perfectly?
- You have to be purified. It does not take much time. Within six months you will realize your progress. But you have to follow the regulative principles. Then it will be all right. Just like these boys and girls are doing
- You may perform the religious, ritualistic ceremonies, but if your heart is not cleansed, simply by performing these ritualistic ceremonies you'll not be purified
- You practically make experiment. You take cow dung and apply anywhere, you'll find it is pure. Immediately purified