bit | bits
- VedaBase query:bit or bits not "little bit"
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Pages in category "Bit"
The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total.
- A clear explanation is given in the beginning of the Isopanisad, in which it is stated that the Supreme Lord is so complete that although unlimited energies, their transformations emanate from Him, Krsna's personality is not in the least bit transformed
- After hearing the story about how His staff had been broken, the Lord expressed a little sadness and, displaying a bit of anger, began to speak as follows
- After the plant (of devotional service) has grown some bit, an animal may come and either eat or destroy it. When green leaves of a plant are taken by some animal, the plant generally dies
- Although the attraction of the gopis for Krsna appears to be lusty, it is not in the least bit material
- Although the earth assumed the shape of a cow by her mystic powers in order to be saved from being killed by the King, the King was aware of this fact and would not hesitate to cut her to pieces, just like small bits of grain
- Any woman desires a child. So when she is married, it is supposed that she will get a child. But if she wants immediately child after being married, that is not possible. She must be patient, then in due course she will be pregnant and there will be child
- As dogs are negligible animals and serve the master faithfully for bits of bread, a man serves a master faithfully without sufficient rewards
- Either a bug is biting, or there is a pain in the stomach or some other malady. Whatever the case, the suffering goes on
- Even a leaf, a flower, a bit of fruit, or a little water, which are all available in every part of the world, can be offered by any person (to God), regardless of social position, and will be accepted if offered with love. BG 1972 purports
- I do not know if I will be able to come to Toronto after that, as I have been traveling all over the world over the past few months and it is a bit straining
- I have been traveling all over the world over the past few months and it is a bit straining. Now I am thinking to sit down for a while in Los Angeles for translating work
- I have given this example in many times. Just like a king and a bug is sitting on the same throne. The bug is biting and the king is ruling. It is not that because the bug is there on the throne, he is king, or the king is sitting with the bug, he is bug
- I now beg all of you for one bit of charity. Please give Me permission to leave for a tour of South India
- I think your programme is bit strenuous. We should not work strenuously. Whatever can be done easily, that will be better
- Isana may continue as cook there. He should always be kept engaged. He is a bit crazy but he is a very good soul
- King Nrga said, "My Lord (Krsna), You are the supreme witness. You are aware of every bit of work done by the living entities - past, present and future"
- King Pariksit was a bit astonished to understand that the killing of the Aghasura demon was not discussed for one year, until after the boys attained the pauganda age
- Krsna said, "The words which have affected you (Rukmini) so much are not factual. I wanted to irritate you a bit, and I was expecting you to make counter answers to those joking words. Unfortunately, you have taken them seriously"
- O best of the brahmanas, my body is filled with dirty things, and my vision has been bitten by the serpent of pride. Due to my material conceptions, I am diseased
- Once the great King Anga arranged to perform the great sacrifice known as asvamedha. All the expert brahmanas present knew how to invite the demigods, but in spite of their efforts, no demigods participated or appeared in that sacrifice
- That supreme controller is observing every bit of one's activity, and He rewards or punishes everyone by giving one a suitable body made by material nature (bhramayan sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya - BG 18.61
- The Acarya continued, "If one receives but a tiny bit of the Lord's favor by dint of devotional service, he can understand the nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- The air on which the universes and the planets within the universes exist is nothing but a bit of the breath of the unchallengeable virat-purusa
- The dead King (Suyajna), while fighting in anger, bit his lips to show his prowess, but nonetheless he was killed by providence (vidhina). This proves that we are controlled by higher authorities
- The demon (Hiranyaksa) now began to strike the Lord with his hard fists, but Lord Adhoksaja slapped him in the root of the ear, even as Indra, the lord of the Maruts, hit the demon Vrtra
- The great authority Sukadeva Gosvami remarks that Krsna almost always passed His time with Rukmini, and Rukmini was a bit proud to be so fortunate that Krsna never left her even for a moment. Krsna, however, does not like any of His devotees to be proud
- The kings, known (in prehistoric days) as rajarsis, were so perfectly educated as ksatriyas, or protectors of the citizens, and so greatly advanced in spiritual life, that there was not a bit of trouble for the citizens
- The snake of separation bit Laksmidevi, and its poison caused her death. Thus she passed to the next world. She went back home, back to Godhead
- This very fact means that although the attraction of the gopis for Krsna appears to be lusty, it is not in the least bit material
- We are trying our bit to educate people how to revive his original God consciousness. Then he will be happy. Our principle is how to make people happy
- When Krsna was fighting with the Kaliya snake by dancing on his heads, Kaliya bit Krsna on the leg. At that time Garuda became infuriated and began to murmur
- When the King entered the palace, conchshells and kettledrums were sounded, priests chanted Vedic mantras, and professional reciters offered different prayers. But in spite of all this ceremony to welcome him, the King was not the least bit affected