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Pages in category "Call"
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- A devotee named Chota Haridasa used to sing for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Bhagavan Acarya called him to his home and spoke as follows
- A family man has a responsibility to perform five kinds of sacrifices, called panca-yajna, in order to get relief from all kinds of unavoidable sinful reaction incurred in the course of his affairs
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Paura-jana - The seven elements that constitute the body, Pautra - Patience and gravity, Prajvara - A kind of fever called visnu jvara
- A great Indian scientist, busy in the planmaking business, was suddenly called by invincible eternal time while going to attend a very important meeting of the planning commission, and he had to surrender his life, wife, children, house, land, wealth etc
- A Krsna conscious person knows that whatever he has is not under his control. If we do not believe in God, we must believe in some power beyond us which is controlling us at every step, call that power God or nature or whatever
- A life is called miserly because one cannot properly utilize the assets of the human form of life
- A little scratching of nail again means three, four days so much suffering. So you cannot violate. That is breaking the laws of nature, breaking the laws of God. That is sinful. Either you take it as disease or sinful activities or whatever you call
- A man, sleeping, but he is not sleeping. He's awakened. But a man is calling, "Mr. Such-and-such, wake up, wake up." But he's as if sleeping. So people who do not want to realize, there is no realization. Otherwise, it is very simple
- A person who establishes a temple or matha to take advantage of people’s sentiments by using for his livelihood what people contribute for the worship of the Deity cannot be called a gosvami or acarya
- A person who is a householder but is initiated by a sannyasi has the duty to spread Krsna consciousness at home; as far as possible, he should call his friends and neighbors to his house and hold classes in Krsna consciousness
- A person who is able to attain this transcendental qualification is called jivan-mukta, liberated, even though he is apparently in material conditions. This liberation is achieved by one who constantly engages in the transcendental loving service of God
- A rich man's son, he has forgotten that his father is very rich, or his father has left immense property. But forgetting his real position, he's loitering in the street, hungry. You can call him, "All right, you take some food." That is not real benefit
- A section of the population, especially male, did not marry at all. Instead of allowing their semen to be driven downwards, they used to lift the semen up to the brain. They are called urdhva-retasah, those who lift up
- Above the luminary planets, called also the heavenly places of the universal directorate demigods, are the Mahar, Janas and Tapas planetary systems
- According to Bhagavad-gita, the sum total of the twenty-four elements described herein (in SB 3.26.11) is called the yonir mahad brahma
- According to the Vedic civilization, a wife cannot call her husband by name. In the present civilization the wife calls her husband by name, but in Hindu civilization she does not. Thus the inferiority and superiority complexes are recognized
- According to Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, simply calling the name of his son was not sufficient. He remembered Narayana. But according to sastra, the holy name of the Lord, if one chants even neglectfully, he also gets the chance of being liberated
- Acting just like ordinary boys, They played like roaring bulls as They fought each other, and They imitated the calls of various animals
- Acting on the new information, Kamsa immediately called for the Kesi demon & asked him to go to Vrndavana immediately to kill Balarama & Krsna. In actuality, Kamsa asked Kesi to go to Vrndavana to be killed by Krsna and Balarama and thus get salvation
- Actual fact is there is no love in this material world. That is false propaganda. What they call "love" here is lust only, desire for personal sense-gratification
- Actually the tiny human brain is unable to conceive of the activities of the Lord, which are therefore called inconceivable. Yet the frog-philosophers still try to give some imaginary explanation
- Adherence to the philosophy of the Mayavadis, belief in the fruitive results of the karma-vadis, and belief in plans based on materialistic desires are called avirodha-priti
- Advanced materialists who perform sacrifices can reach the planet called Vaisvanara, a fiery planet similar to the sun
- After doing so (eating some particle of vegetable sticking to the pot), the Lord asked Draupadi to call for her guests, the company of Durvasa
- After his (an envious person's) death, he is taken to hell by Yamaraja, those living entities who were hurt by him appear as animals called rurus to inflict very severe pain upon him
- After offering obeisances to Kasi Misra, the King returned to his palace and called for both Gopinatha and the eldest prince
- After seeing the holy place called Praskandana, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to Dvadasaditya. From there He went to Kesi-tirtha, and when He saw the place where the rasa dance had taken place, He immediately lost consciousness due to ecstatic love
- After the birth ceremony, Nanda Maharaja decided to go to Mathura to pay the annual tax to the government of Kamsa. Before leaving, he called for the able cowherd men of the village and asked them to take care of Vrndavana in his absence
- After the Burdwan railway station there is another branch line, which is called the Loop Line of the Eastern Railway, and there is a railway station of the name Mallarapura. Eight miles east of this railway station, Ekacakra village is still situated
- After the end of the battle, Krpacarya again became a member of the royal assembly, and he was called during the birth of Maharaja Pariksit for recitation of auspicious Vedic hymns to make the ceremony successful
- After the seven palm trees had departed for Vaikuntha, everyone was astonished to see that they were gone. The people then began to say, "This sannyasi called Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu must be an incarnation of Lord Ramacandra"
- After this, King Prataparudra came down from the top of his palace to the ground and called for Kasi Misra and the inspector of the temple
- After thus performing pastimes in the garden for some time, they all went to a lake called Narendra-sarovara and there enjoyed sporting in the water
- Ajamila had named his son Narayana, and because he loved the boy very much, he would call him again and again. Although he was calling for his son, the name itself was powerful because the name Narayana is not different from the Supreme Lord Narayana
- Ajamila remembered the holy name of the Lord, Narayana, by merely calling the name of his son Narayana, and that gave him a complete opportunity to achieve the highest perfection of life
- Ajamila was a great sinner during his life, but at the time of death he accidentally called for his youngest son, whose name was Narayana, and the attendants of Lord Visnu came to relieve him from the bonds of Yamaraja, the superintendent of death
- Ajamila was already sinless, and because he chanted the name of Narayana he remained sinless. It did not matter that he was calling his son; the name itself was effective
- Ajamila was attached to his son, so naturally he wanted to call somebody to save him, so he called his affectionate son, whose name was Narayana. This is the opportunity
- Ajamila was very much attached to the youngest son, whose name was Narayana. So, unconsciously he was chanting the holy name of Narayana, although he never meant that he's calling real Narayana. He's asking his son
- Ajamila, for example, was extremely sinful, but while dying he merely chanted the holy name, and although calling his son, he achieved complete liberation because he remembered the name of Narayana
- Akrura called Dhrtarastra Vaicitravirya sarcastically because he was not actually begotten by his father. He was the son of Vyasadeva
- All of Them (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Advaita Gosani) are prabhus (predominators or masters), and They are sometimes called Caitanya Gosani, Nityananda Gosani and Advaita Gosani
- All of these three classes (women, sudras and brahma-bandhu) are called less intelligent; they have no access to the study of the Vedas, which are specifically meant for persons who have acquired the brahminical qualifications
- All phenomenal manifestations, as well as the effulgence of the body of Vasudeva, are His impersonal features, whereas He eternally exists in His transcendental form called sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah distinct from all conceptions of the material ingredients
- All such expansions, both svamsas and vibhinnamsas, are emanations from the original Personality of Godhead. Svamsa expansions are called visnu-tattva, whereas the vibhinnamsa expansions are called jiva-tattva. The different demigods are jiva-tattva
- All the demigods are called tri-pistapa, and the same word tri applies to Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Visnu
- All the devotees of Lord Krsna are called acyutatma because they follow in the footsteps of Prahlada Maharaja
- All the expansions of Lord Krsna are actually residents of the spiritual world. But when they descend into the material world, they are called incarnations (avataras)
- All the neighboring inhabitants would be frightened by his presence, and they would call, "Here comes Vena! Here comes Vena!" So from the beginning of his life he was fearful to the citizens
- All these energies (sri, bhu and nila) act in relation with the living beings, and thus they are together called jiva-maya
- Although Ajamila completely forgot Narayana, he was calling his child, saying, "Narayana, please come eat this food. Narayana, please come drink this milk." Somehow or other, therefore, he was attached to the name Narayana. This is called ajnata-sukrti
- Although Ajamila engaged in sinful activities, he never chanted the holy name of Narayana to counteract them; he simply chanted the name Narayana to call his son. Therefore his chanting was effective
- Although Ajamila fell down from his standard of devotional service, but he got the opportunity of chanting Narayana. Ante narayana smrtih (SB 2.1.6). When we are afraid of something, we chant, we call somebody who is very dear. This is very psychological
- Although Ajamila was calling for his son, he chanted the holy name of the Lord, Narayana, and simply by a glimpse of the chanting of the holy name, he immediately achieved the association of Lord Visnu's order carriers
- Although all these Mayavadi sannyasis who called themselves Narayana were actually unaware of the position of Narayana, due to their austerities Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu enabled them to understand Him to be Narayana Himself
- Although Caitanya Mahaprabhu was inside the house, He could understand that Sanatana had arrived at the door, and He asked Candrasekhara to call the man who was sitting there. "He is a Vaisnava, a great devotee of the Lord," Caitanya Mahaprabhu said
- Although calling the name of his son, he nevertheless uttered the four syllables na-ra-ya-na. Simply by chanting the name of Narayana in this way, he sufficiently atoned for the sinful reactions of millions of lives
- Although every living being is a part and parcel of the Lord, still one who is a pinprick to the Lord is called an asura, and one who is a voluntary servitor of the Lord is called a devata, or demigod
- Although Hiranyakasipu performed this austerity for a long, long time, he was nonetheless known as a Daitya and Raksasa. even great saintly persons could not perform such a severe type of austerity. Why then was he called a Raksasa and Daitya?
- Although His (God's) material energy is utilized to create the material world, this does not mean that He is covered by that energy. Those who are covered by the material energy are called conditioned souls
- Although the contaminated Ajamila was calling for his son, by concentrating his mind on the holy name of Narayana he remembered the Narayana he had very faithfully worshiped in his youth
- Although these elite karmis do not associate with the pure devotees of the Lord, they call themselves spiritualists. Actually, they harbor the desire to gratify their carnal desires
- Although they (those who manufacture imaginary methods of worship) will call themselves devotees of Lord Caitanya, they will also give up the worship of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and fall down into material activities
- Although when Ajamila uttered this vibration (Narayana) he intended to call his son Narayana, Lord Narayana took it seriously and immediately gave him promotion to Vaikunthaloka, despite his background, which was full of sinful activities
- Although you (Parvati) cursed the King (Citraketu), he was not at all afraid or sorry. He offered respect to you, called you mother & accepted your curse thinking himself faulty. He did not say anything in retaliation. This is the excellence of a devotee
- Always engaged in taking care of the child and calling his name, Narayana, Ajamila could not understand that his own time was now exhausted and that death was upon him
- Among the Muslims was a grave person who was wearing a black dress. People called him a saintly person
- An ideal householder is required to call for any unknown hungry man to come and dine before he himself goes to take his meals. He is required to call for such a hungry man thrice on the road
- An ideal husband and wife are generally called Laksmi-Narayana to compare them to the Lord and the goddess of fortune, for it is significant that Laksmi-Narayana are forever happy as husband and wife
- Animals and unintelligent men are called vimudha, or ignorant, bewildered, whereas an educated person is called vidvan. The real vidvan is one who tries to understand his own position within this material world
- Another request I have to you is that there have now been two instances of when somebody does not agree you try to get them out by calling the police. This is never to be done. This is the mistaken policy of Shayasundar, but do not follow this principle
- Another thing, why are you always calling on the telephone? Are you such important men that you have to call all over the world? We are poor men sons, what can I do? But, why are you always calling on the telephone?
- Anyone who places the Lord and the demigods on the same level is called a pasandi, or atheist
- Anyone who voluntarily cooperates with Krishna's desire He responds to his call very eagerly. Krishna descends to teach us Bhagavad-gita begging our cooperation and anyone who cooperates with Him becomes blessed
- Arjuna, who apparently had not left Dvaraka because he had to fulfill his promise to the brahmana, was called at night when the brahmana’s wife was to give birth to the child
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, there are two separate identities, called the inferior and superior natures, which both belong to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- As long as one is engaged in researching the solution of the problems of life, his knowledge is called jnana, or purified knowledge, but on realizing the actual solution of life, one becomes situated in the devotional service of the Lord
- As one changes an old garment, so the individual living being also changes his body, and this change of body is called death
- As soon as even temporary things are engaged in His (God's) service, they take on permanent values. The process of such engagement in the service of the Lord is what the sages call cikitsitam, or - well treated
- As soon as He saw Lord Jagannatha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began to chant and dance. Afterward, accompanied by His devotees, the Lord enjoyed sporting in the lake called Narendra-sarovara
- As soon as nature calls, we die and give up our post. Then we have to take the post of a dog, a cat, a demigod, a human being or whatever
- As soon as one understands that he is uselessly serving maya in the material world in the form of society, friends, country and so forth, one reaches the stage called jnana, knowledge
- As soon as you encroach on God's Property, calling it your own, material nature, the police action, will be there: "You are not the proprietor." You can simply have what is allotted to you by God
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, mahatmanas tu: those who are great souls are under the spell of spiritual energy, and their symptom is that they fully engage in Krsna consciousness for the service of the Lord. Therefore they are called mahat
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, kamam hrd-rogam. Materialistic life means that one is afflicted by a formidable disease called lusty desire
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, whoever hears Vedanta philosophy from Krsna is actually aware of the real meaning of Vedanta. The Mayavadis call themselves Vedantists but do not at all understand the purport of Vedanta philosophy
- As stated in the Vedic scriptures, the first-class process is to call the bridegroom to the home of the bride and hand her to him in charity with a dowry of necessary ornaments, gold, furniture and other household paraphernalia
- As the director of different kinds of clouds, Indra called for the Samvartaka. This cloud is invited when there is a need to devastate the whole cosmic manifestation
- As there is puffed rice, so there is another preparation of rice called kha-i, or fused rice, which, along with bananas, is taken as a very auspicious presentation
- As you have elevated yourself from animal consciousness, animal body, to this beautiful human body, similarly, you have to still more elevate yourself to higher standard of life. They are called demigods
- At the age of four or five years, on an auspicious day called vidyarambha marking the beginning of primary education, there is a ceremony worshiping Lord Visnu, and after that the teacher gives the child a long chalk pencil
- At the present moment there are no facilities for householders, therefore you can come alone and in a short while when the householder facilities are better than you can call for your wife
- At the present moment there is great opposition to the Hare Krsna movement, which is being called a "brainwashing" movement. But actually the so-called scientists, philosophers and other leaders in the Western countries have no brains at all
- At the present moment, in the materialistic concept of life, everyone is servant of the senses. Everyone acts by the dictation of the senses; therefore they can be called, in other words, as godasa, servant of the senses
- At the time of death, there is no question of such a person being called by the constables of Yamaraj
- Balarama said, "It is clear that they do not want a peaceful settlement, for they are factually warmongers. With great pride they have repeatedly insulted Me by calling the Yadu dynasty ill names"
- Because a son delivers his father from punishment in the hell called put, the son is called putra. According to this principle, when there is a disagreement between the father and mother, it is the father, not the mother, who is delivered by the son
- Because Ajamila was extremely afraid of the ropes of Yamaraja, he chanted the Lord's name with tearful eyes. Actually, however, he never meant to chant the holy name of Narayana; he meant to call his son
- Because at the time of death he (Ajamila) chanted the name of Narayana, although he was calling not for the Supreme Lord Narayana but for his son named Narayana, he was saved from the hands of Yamaraja
- Because He was raised by Maharaja Nanda, Krsna was not a ksatriya but a vaisya. Vaisyas are generally called guptas, and the word gupta can also be used to mean "hidden"
- Because human life is a combination of matter and spirit soul, the whole process of Vedic knowledge is directed at liberating the spirit soul from the contamination of matter. The knowledge concerning this is called atma-tattva
- Because of chanting the name of Narayana for the purpose of calling his (Ajamila's) son, whom he had named Narayana, he became advanced, even though he was involved in sinful activities
- Because the Mayavadi sannyasis teach Vedanta philosophy to their students or disciples, they are customarily called jagad-guru. This indicates that they are the benefactors of all people
- Because the remark (Duryodhana's calling him a son of a sudrani) was an actual fact, it was unpalatable talk to Vidura, and it was accepted as a direct insult
- Because unpalatable truth is not tolerated. If we call a black man black, he will be angry because it is unpalatable. So we have to present our case very carefully
- Because we are part and parcel of God, we may be called as sample God. Just like in Christian Bible also it is said that man is made after the form of the God
- Because we have material bodies, we take on so many designations; thus we call ourselves a man, a parent, an American, a Christian, Hindu, etc. These designations should be abandoned if we at all want to become free
- Before the birth takes place, or before father and mother unite, there is a ceremony called garbhadhana-samskara, which must be adopted. This garbhadhana-samskara is especially recommended for higher castes, especially the brahmana caste
- Beginning from that indra (one worm called indra-gopa) up to this Indra (king of heaven), everyone is bound up by the fruitive resultant action of his karma. This is called karma-phala
- Beginning from the lower right hand up and down to the lower left hand with lotus, wheel of a chariot, conchshell and club respectively - is called Janardana, or the plenary portion of the Lord who controls the general mass
- Beginning from the sky, the first material manifestation to the gross vision, down to the earth, everything is called Brahman. Sarvam khalv idam brahma: "There is nothing but the Lord, and He is one without a second
- Being overwhelmed with great pleasure, all the devotees hastily went to see the Lord (Caitanya). They met Him on the banks of the celebrated lake called Narendra-sarovara
- Besides these eleven expansions of Lord Siva there are eight forms of Rudra called earth, water, fire, air, sky, the sun, the moon and soma-yaji
- Between the Dolayatra ceremony and the rasa-lila ceremony there is an important ceremony called Siva-ratri, which is especially observed by the Saivites, or devotees of Lord Siva
- Bhagavan possesses all opulence. If one possesses Bhagavan within his heart always, does he not automatically possess all opulence also? In that sense a great devotee like Narada can be called bhagavan
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Says: My dear mind, you are trying to imitate Haridasa Thakura and chant the Hare Krsna mantra in a secluded place, but you are not worth being called a Vaisnava because what you want is cheap popularity
- Bhava is the permanent characteristic of the living entity, and the crucial point of progress for bhava is called the marginal state of love of Godhead. When the bhava state becomes deeper and deeper, learned devotees call it love of Godhead
- Bhima was sent to call them (the disciples of Durvasa Muni) from the river. Bhima said, Why are you delaying, sirs? Come on, the food is ready for you
- Brahma acquired knowledge directly from the Supreme Lord within the heart; therefore he is sometimes called svarat and aja
- Brahma is the creator of the three worlds, namely the lower planets, called the Patalalokas, the middle planets, called the Bhurlokas, and the upper planets, called the Svarlokas
- Brahmaji refuses to be called this (Supreme Lord), and he directly offers his respectful obeisances unto Lord Vasudeva, or Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, as he has already offered the same respects to Him in the Brahma-samhita
- Brahmanas, ksatriyas & vaisyas are called twice-born because for these higher classes of men there is one birth by parental conjugation & there is another of cultural rejuvenation by spiritual initiation from the bona fide acarya, or spiritual master
- By no means could he find any fault in the character of Haridasa Thakura. Therefore he called for local prostitutes and began a plan to discredit His Holiness
- By systematic nurturing, the creeper will grow to such an extent that it will 2) reach the effulgent sky, the brahmajyoti, and go farther and farther and reach the spiritual sky, where there are innumerable spiritual planets called Vaikunthalokas
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu knew it very well that all the rascals, they will call them vedanti and do all nonsense. So don't become falsely a vedanti. Real vedanti means if you simply know Krsna and surrender unto Him, then you become a vedanti, real vedanti
- Calling all the boys in confidence and telling a reasonable story, Nityananda Prabhu instructed them as follows
- Capatis, dhal, rice and ordinary vegetables are called raw foods, as are fruits and salads. But puris, kachoris, samosas, sweet balls and so on are called cooked foods
- Certainly I shall call you for the World Samkirtan Party as soon as you are quite fit to walk. I hope that Tamal Krsna will correspond with you and your husband in this connection
- Citti, wife of the sage Atharva, gave birth to a son named Asvasira by accepting a great vow called Dadhyanca. Now you may hear from me (Maitreya) about the descendants of the sage Bhrgu
- Closing the door of the temple, he went to the village with the pot of sweet rice. He called out in every stall in search of Madhavendra Puri
- Consciousness is the sign of the living entity, or the soul. The existence of the soul is manifest in the form of consciousness, called jnana-sakti
- Daksa was so hardhearted that he was unworthy to be called an Aryan or brahmana. Thus his ill fame still continues. Daksa means "expert," and he was given this name because of his ability to beget many hundreds and thousands of children
- Dear King (Prthu), Indra's powers are already reduced due to his attempt to impede the execution of your sacrifice. We (the priests) shall call him by Vedic mantras which were never before used, and certainly he will come
- Dear Lord, O killer of the demon Madhu, we can now clearly see that Jarasandha was not at fault in the least; it is actually by Your causeless mercy that we were bereft of our kingdoms, for we were very proud of calling ourselves rulers and kings
- Degraded men are actually no better than animals. The only difference is that animals have four legs and such men have only two. These two-legged, animalistic men used to call Jada Bharata mad, dull, deaf and dumb
- Depending on differences in consciousness, sacrificial activities are sometimes called karma-kanda, fruitive activities, and sometimes jnana-kanda, knowledge in the pursuit of truth. It is better when the end is knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Devotees call Her (Radharani) Madana-mohana-mohani - the attractor of the attractor of Cupid
- Devotees with perfect knowledge are called maha-bhagavatas, or first-class devotees. There are three classes of devotees, namely the prakrta, madhyama, and maha-bhagavata
- Dharma, which we call religion generally, you cannot manufacture by your concoction. It is stated by the Supreme Lord. That is dharma
- Different demigods, or directors, such as Candra, Varuna and Vayu, are called adhikari-devata. The demigods are departmental heads
- Due to misuse of this independence some of the living entities have become implicated in the conditions of cosmic creation and are therefore called nitya-baddhas, or eternally conditioned souls
- Due to the great crowds in Prayaga, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to a place called Dasasvamedha-ghata. It was there that the Lord instructed Sri Rupa Gosvami and empowered him in the philosophy of devotional service
- Durbhiksa means these brahmacaris, sannyasis, they should go to every householder's house and take some alms. When this is refused, that means we are calling durbhiksa, scarcity of food grain. It should be given
- Duryodhana not only attacked Vidura's birth, but also called him an infidel because he seemed to support Yudhisthira, whom Duryodhana considered his enemy. He desired that Vidura be immediately put out of the palace and deprived of all his possessions
- Each had a bugle made of buffalo horn and a stick and a flute, and each called his respective calves by their particular names. The cowherd boys were so proud of Krsna's wonderful activities that, while entering the village, they all sang His glories
- Either any yoga system, any spiritual life is called yoga. Yoga means to link. We are part and parcel of the supreme absolute, Brahman or Bhagavan, whatever you call, Paramatma, it doesn't matter. But yoga means linking
- Empowered incarnations are of two types - primary and secondary. The primary ones are directly empowered by the S P of Godhead and are called incarnations. The secondary ones are indirectly empowered by the S P of Godhead and are called vibhuti
- Empowered representatives (of God) are called saktyavesa-avataras, or incarnations invested with transcendental power of attorney
- Evam parampara-praptam, rajarsayah. The Bhagavad-gita, it meant for the rajarsis. King, but they are saintly person. Therefore they are called rajarsi. Raja and rsi, both, combined together, rajarsi. So all the kings in those days, they were all rajarsis
- Even before reaching Andhatamisra, the sinful living being is subjected to various extreme miseries. These afflictions are so severe that he loses his intelligence and sight. It is for this reason that learned sages call this hell Andhatamisra
- Even if he has some desires, one engaged in the service of the Lord is never frustrated. Those engaged in His service are called sakama and akama
- Even in communistic country, they call "classless society," but they are also creating a managerial class. They cannot do without that. They could not avoid it, managers. Why manager? Make classless society, all worker. That is not possible
- Even those who are liberated from this material contamination, they are called mukta-jiva, liberated soul. And there are nitya-mukta. Nitya-mukta and nitya-baddha. Nitya means eternally, and mukta means liberated
- Eventually Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu arrived at a lake known as Pampa, where He took His bath. He then went to a place called Pancavati, where He rested
- Every devotee in his perfectional stage has a spontaneous attraction to the Lord. This attraction is sometimes called the "lusty desire" of the devotee. The lust is the devotee's excessive desire to serve the Lord in a particular capacity
- Everyone has to perform yajna according to the Vedic hymns. As stated in the Upanisads, fire, the altar, the auspicious full moon, the period of four months called caturmasya, the sacrificial animal, and the beverage called soma are necessary requisites
- Everyone is sleeping in the darkness of Kali-yuga, but when there is a great acarya, by his calling only, everyone takes to the study of the Vedas to acquire actual knowledge
- Everywhere there is a class of men who are interested in economic development, business, industry and money-making; they are called vaisyas
- Fallen conditioned souls are not worthy to be called brahmanas, but in Kali-yuga they claim to be brahmanas, and if a person actually tries to attain the brahminical qualifications they try to hinder his progress. This is the situation in the present age
- Family, society and friendship are flickering, and so they are called asat. It is said that as long as we are attached to this asat, temporary, nonexisting society and family, we are always full of anxieties
- Firm faith and confidence are called sraddha
- First she (Sati) said, "You call Lord Siva inauspicious because he associates with demons in crematoriums, covers his body with the ashes of the dead, and garlands himself with the skulls of human beings
- Following the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Govinda, His personal servant, called for all the poor beggars, who were unhappy due to their poverty, and fed them sumptuously
- For many reasons, this beautiful son of yours (of Nanda's) sometimes appeared previously as the son of Vasudeva. Therefore, those who are learned sometimes call this child Vasudeva - SB 10.8.14
- For particular reason or circumstances we call it (Christian religion, Hindu religion, Muslim religion), but religion is one. That means to abide by the laws of God
- For twenty-four years, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained at home, and whatever pastimes He performed during that time are called the adi-lila
- Foreseeing disturbances, she (mother Yasoda) called for the brahmanas to counteract this heaviness (of Krsna), and then she engaged in her other household affairs - SB 10.7.19
- Formerly the varna-sankara population was checked by the observation of the reformatory method called garbhadhana-samskara, a child-begetting religious ceremony
- Formerly, the brahmanas well conversant in Vedic mantras could show the potency of the mantras, but in this age, because there are no such brahmanas, all such sacrifices are forbidden. The sacrifice in which horses were offered was called asvamedha
- From Lord Brahma down, all the living entities engaged in the service of the Lord are extraordinary and are called vibhuti
- From the history called the Mahabharata we understand that formerly there was only one king on this planet by the name of Maharaja Bharata. He ruled some 5,000 years ago, and the planet was named after him
- From the original quadruple expansions, twenty-four forms are manifested. They differ according to the placement of the weapons in Their four hands. They are called vaibhava-vilasa
- From the sastras we learn that there is a stone or jewel called a touchstone that can transform iron into gold. Although the touchstone turns iron into gold many times, it remains in its original condition
- From these conclusions we can know the limit of the truth of Lord Nityananda. But what glory is there in calling Him Ananta?
- Gavayas are sometimes called camaris, and they are considered very sacred. In India there are still gypsies or forest mercantile people who flourish by trading kasturi, or musk, and the bunches of hair from the camaris
- Generally, those who are expert in writing drama choose to call Cupid the ideal dhira-lalita, but we can more perfectly find in the personality of Krsna all the characteristics of dhira-lalita
- Get our society immediately registered. Call men from U.S.A. or anywhere else and go on, vigorously preaching in the university campuses as you have sent me the photos. I think that place is the best for pushing on our Krishna Consciousness movement
- God has no name, but by His qualities we give Him names. If a man is very beautiful, we call him "beautiful." If a man is very intelligent, we call him "wise.' So the name is given according to the quality
- God is all-attractive. Otherwise how He can be God? God cannot be attractive for you and not for me. This is very accurate word. God has no name. That's a fact. But we coin His name according to His dealings. Just like we call God Yasoda-nandana
- Good intelligence means becoming Krsna conscious. In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said: krsna ye bhaje se bada catura. Unless one is Krsna conscious, he cannot be called an intelligent person
- Gopala stayed in a village called Annakuta-grama on Govardhana Hill. The villagers who lived in that village were mainly from Rajasthan
- Government's duty is that whether he is acting as Christian. This is government's duty. Not that you are acting like a something else, and you are calling yourself Christian
- Governor has got his own house, government house. At the same time, when he goes on tour he has got a particular place called the circuit house. He stays there. Similarly, the whole creation is Krsna's property
- Gramya means ordinary deals, ordinary dealings, social etiquette. They call me Panditaji, but actually I do not know what is the aim of my life, what is my constitutional position
- Having made their plot, the Buddhists brought a plate of untouchable food before Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and called it maha-prasadam
- He (a brahmana) has full knowledge, and he knows how to apply knowledge in life. He has full faith in the authority of the Vedas, a quality called astikyam
- He (Balarama) called the Yamuna to come nearby. But the Yamuna neglected the order of Balaramaji, considering Him intoxicated. Lord Balarama became very much displeased at the Yamuna's neglecting His order
- He (Balarama) then proceeded toward Malaya Hill. This hill is very great, and it is said to be one of seven peaks called the Malaya Hills
- He (Garga Muni) informed Nanda Maharaja that the son of Rohini would be very pleasing to His family members and relatives and therefore would be called Rama. In the future He would be extraordinarily strong and therefore would be called Baladeva
- He (God) expands Himself by His different energies, as well as by His plenary portions. In a corner of the spiritual sky of brahmajyoti a spiritual cloud sometimes appears, and the covered portion is called the mahat-tattva
- He (Kamsa) then called for Akrura, one of the descendants in the family of Yadu, in which Krsna was born as the son of Vasudeva. When Akrura came to see Kamsa, Kamsa very politely shook hands with him
- He (Krsna) always has a transcendental body. But fools and rascals, who are called mudhas, consider Him one of them, and therefore they deride Him
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) could not get any opportunity in the palace (of his father Hiranyakasipu), so when he was coming to school, at the tiffin hour he would call his small friends, five years old, and he would preach this Bhagavata-dharma
- He (Sahadeva) began to cry and call out, "Mother Madri! Where are you now? Father Pandu! Where are you now? I am very sorry that you are not here to see these footprints of Krsna!" This is another instance of devotional service in compassion
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) went on to tell the Lord - I do not wish to suffer, but these material miseries are forced upon me. I neither know where I've come from nor where I'm going, but people are calling me educated
- He (Sanatana Goswami) went on to tell the Lord: "When they call me a great scholar, I am satisfied, but in truth I am such a great fool that I know not what I am." Sanatana Gosvami was actually speaking for all of us, for this is our present situation
- He (Sankaracarya) was born of a widow; therefore he was not accepted in the society. So when his mother died, he called for the neighbors to help him for the funeral ceremony. Nobody came to help him, because he was considered a bastard
- He (Sudama Vipra) called himself a brahma-bandhu, meaning - one born in a brahmana family but not brahminically qualified
- He (the yogi) has simply to desire to leave the material world both in finer and in grosser forms and then move the vital force to the topmost part of the skull and leave the body from the hole in the skull called the brahma-randhra
- He (Vidura) was practically insulted by Duryodhana's calling him a son of a sudrani, although it was not out of place to talk loosely in the case of one's grandmother
- He (Yudhisthira) had no dependence on his brothers, who had all along been helping him. This stage of complete independence from everything is also called the purified stage of fearlessness
- He has asked me to help his son, so you can call this boy as advised by Mr. Chopra in the letter and you can help him by sending him to Gorakhpur
- He is interested in worshiping Radha-Modanmohan deity and very very anxious to stay at Hyderabad. If there is not great difficulty, I think he may be called back
- He wants to live in our Mayapur Center. You can call him, talk to him and if he is useful give him shelter. He is very much anxious to live in our place
- He would sometimes distribute gifts to the citizens to satisfy them. (This is called prinana.) He would sometimes call meetings and satisfy the citizens with sweet words. (This is called upalalana)
- Hearing these calls, Sivananda Sena quickly went there, offered obeisances to Nakula Brahmacari, and sat down near him
- Her worship (aradhana) consists of fulfilling the desires of Lord Krsna. Therefore the Puranas call Her Radhika
- Here (SB 3.23.3) are some of the qualities of a great husband's great wife. Kardama Muni is great by spiritual qualification. Such a husband is called tejiyamsam, most powerful
- Here we are discussing about science of God, maybe very small number of men we are sitting, but we are all, because we are human being we are able to discuss. But we cannot call a cat or dog and sit down here and understand the science of God
- Here you can talk with Mukunda and others about the World Samkirtan Party. There is good possibility. Simply it requires some good organization. Therefore you are called
- Hiranyakasipu, however, did not like his son to talk about devotional service; therefore he immediately called Prahlada’s teacher, Sanda
- His (Ajamila's) repeated chanting of the holy name of Narayana while calling his son may be called pure chanting. Because of this pure chanting, Ajamila unconsciously accumulated the results of bhakti
- His (Atri Muni's) very inquiry about whom he had called indicates that he was in doubt about the constitutional position of the Lord. Therefore he prayed to all three, "Kindly let me know who is the transcendental Lord of the universe
- His (judge's) brother is calling the same man "brother." And the same man, when he goes to the court, he is called "My lord." So these names are in connection with his service. Similarly, Krsna is the Supreme Lord. So He can have many millions of names
- His (Krsna's) acts, even when He acts in human society, are all transcendental, for they are all accentuated by the spiritual energy of the Lord, which is distinguished from His material energy. As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, such acts are called divyam
- Holding the pot of sweet rice, the priest called, "Will he whose name is Madhavendra Puri please come and take this pot! Gopinatha has stolen this pot of sweet rice for you"
- How could such a misbehaved person as Daksa be a mahatma? A mahatma is supposed to have all the good qualities of the demigods, and thus Daksa, lacking those qualities, could not be called a mahatma; he should instead be called duratma, a degraded soul
- How you can deny the living force behind this gigantic mechanical arrangement? Call it material world, material machine or whatever you may call. How you can deny? At least from your practical experience you cannot deny
- Human life is meant for earning values. This life is called arthadam, or that which can deliver values. And what is the greatest value of life? It is returning home, back to Godhead, as indicated in the Bhagavad-gita
- I (Prabhupada) am sure if he sees me it will not be difficult to convince him about this Krsna Consciousness philosophy because after all he is your son. I do not know his present address, otherwise I would have called him here directly
- I always remember you for your kind personal attention upon me, and most probably, if you are not engaged otherwise, I shall call you when I return back to the States
- I am always at your service and whenever you shall call me I shall come to your place and enjoy your good company. Please try to open a center there as soon as possible
- I am at your service. I have dedicated my life for this. Whenever you call me, whenever you invite me, I can go anywhere. Why Arlington Church? I can go to any place. Because it is my duty to give you, to deliver you this message of SB and Bhagavad-gita
- I am calling upon you the big leaders to push this idea forward, namely, to attract some educated men to join us
- I am cutting throat of one poor animal under my protection. If somebody cuts my throat, how much I am unhappy. And I'm doing the same business and I'm human being? How can I call myself a human being? I have no sense even of compassion
- I am pleased to learn that you are now together, all six. So please try to start the temple as soon as possible and call me for your service. Offer my blessings to Yamuna as well as to Malati and her husband and the little child
- I am servant of the establishment, but I'm given some power to control over certain departments. So simultaneously, I am servant and controller. As controller, I can be called isvara, isvara, god, as controller. But I am not controller, Supreme Controller
- I am very glad you want to start your own press, but one thing is that you cannot close it once it is begun. When your own press is very sound and established beyond doubt, then you may call back Yogesvara
- I am very much anxious to go to London, but I do not know why you are delaying to call me. The legal documents being submitted, there is no impediment to rent a nice house
- I call, "Father," father immediately replies, "Yes, my son." But when the soul of the father is not there, this body of the father whom I am seeing as father, although he is there, still he cannot reply. This is the distinction
- I do not mind for the severe cold there, but if you think that my service will be helpful to you, you can call me, I shall go
- I don't belong to this material world and so nice division, - either you call brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, or American, Indian. "No. Purely I am spirit soul, and my business is to serve Krsna." Then you will be able to control your senses
- I offer my obeisances and meditate upon Lord Krsna (Vasudeva), the Personality of Godhead, whose invincible potency influences them (the less intelligent class of men) to call me the supreme controller
- I shall be going to Calcutta, and there I shall call you and you may remain with me for some time for translating under my direction
- I shall call so many people, "Come and live with me and be trained up." I am just writing one advertisement. We shall have to publish it
- I think there is a chance of my going to Vancouver and if I go there, I may call some of you there to open a branch
- I think we are just now typing up the tapes of those conversations we held in Mayapur, and we shall be publishing them as a book. It will be called Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers. I shall send you a copy as soon as they are ready to distribute
- I was astonished when a yogi came here, having advertised in India that you can be a yogi even though you may be addicted to drinking. This is not the yoga system. This is not standard. You can call it yoga, but it is not the standard yoga system
- I will give you a practical example: a man is deaf and he is calling wife
- I wish to die without a doctor. I may be seriously, but don't call doctor. Chant Hare Krsna. Don't be disturbed. Everyone has to die. Let us die peacefully, without doctor
- If I find Montreal quite suitable, I shall call you and some other students to assemble there to practice Samkirtan in a systematic way
- If I say, "Your majesty, your honor, your lordship," they are all false. Real honor is when I call you that you are servant of God or servant of Krsna. That is real honor
- If no one responds to his call, the householder can accept his own lunch. Thus the householder’s life is also a kind of austerity. Because of this, the householder’s life is called the grhastha-asrama
- If one form or feature is differently manifested according to different emotional features, it is called vaibhava-prakasa
- If one is not very much sophisticated and overburdened by material contamination, then he must respond to our call. The only thing is that we as preachers must be very, very pure, sincere and serious
- If other parts are cut off from the body, a man can continue his life, but if the mouth is cut off, one cannot live. This most important part of the body of the Lord is called the sitting place of the brahmanas, who are inclined to the Vedic wisdom
- If somebody wants to create, then at once we shall call him a fool. We have got test tube. Very boldly we shall say. Now let them prove that he can create
- If someone calls us, we hear the sound because of the air circulation, and we approach that sound or the place from which the sound comes
- If the son of a brahmana does not become like a brahmana, he may be called a ksatriya, vaisya or sudra, according to his qualifications. The basic principle for dividing society is not a person's birth but his qualities and actions
- If we are not fully engaged then the mind is free to do its fickle business of rejection and acceptance for sense gratification. Maya will immediately enter - we do not even have to call her - the moment we are not absorbed in Krsna's devotional service
- If we call all the dogs of your country, "Come here. We shall talk about God," no, there is no possibility of understanding. But in the human form of life there is possibility
- If you are born in a brahmana family but if you do the work of a carpenter, then everyone will call you a carpenter. Who will call you a brahmana? No
- If you are qualified medical practitioner, you have passed the medical examination, that is your quality. But you must practice also as a medical man; then people will call you as physician
- If you decide to remain as brahmacari, then I may call you back for my personal assistance when I return to the States. I was very much pleased with your service. May Krishna bless you more and more
- If you do not like your daughter being in Paris with the devotees, you can call her back. I have no objection. But, our mission is that everyone should be given the chance to become Krsna conscious
- If you pass your law examination, don't go to the court, don't practice, nobody will call you lawyer. Suppose you know how to deal with electrical fittings. But if you do not do any business, if you sit down at home, nobody will call you electrician
- If you remain unclean within the heart, simply by washing your external body and cleansing your cloth, that is not complete cleanliness. That may be called hygienic, but real cleanliness is internally and externally
- If you simply give aural reception to the vibration, that will make him advanced, not exactly that anyone has to understand it. Yes. Just like a man is sleeping, and somebody is calling him
- If you want something from any officer, simply call President Nixon, and he will say, "All right, look after this man." Everything is taken care of. Just try to have friendship with God, and everyone will be your friend
- If you, from the very beginning, if you think, "What will be, this school will do me? They're learning A-B-C-D." There is no faith. You may call it blind faith, but that is required
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15) they (men who dont believe in God's incarnations) are called not only miscreants but also fools and the lowest of mankind, and it is said that their knowledge has been plundered by illusion due to their atheistic temperament
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that when the Lord descends to this material world, He comes as a person by His own energy, atma-maya. He is not forced by any superior energy. He comes by His own will, and this can be called His pastime, or lila
- In general, there are many types of miseries that take advantage of the delicate human body and give us pain. Miseries inflicted by other living entities are called adhibhautika. For example, bedbugs can make us miserable while we are sleeping
- In His (Lord Caitanya's) youth He was celebrated as Nimai Pandita, and in the neighborhood villages He was called by that name, although His real name was Visvambhara
- In his commentary on the Visnu-sahasra-nama, called the Namartha-sudha, Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana, commenting upon this verse (of CC Adi 3.49), asserts that Lord Caitanya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to the evidence of the Upanisads
- In his inspired state, Nakula Brahmacari said, "Sivananda Sena is staying some distance away. Two or four of you go call him"
- In India especially we see hundreds and thousands of temples that were constructed by the wealthy men of society who did not want to be called thieves and be punished
- In India there is still a class of servants, called sudras, whose maidservant wives are called sudranis. Sometimes people who are very lusty establish relationships with such maidservants and sweeping women
- In India, the young men called the elderly members of the village by the name caca or kaka - uncle, and men of the same age called each other dada - brother. The relationship was very friendly
- In Kali-yuga, the first attack of the venomous snake strikes against the God-made varnasrama-dharma, & thus a person properly qualified as a brahmana is called a sudra, & a sudra by qualification is passing as a brahmana, all on a false birthright claim
- In Nabadwip Dhama there is a railroad station called Samudragarh, and it is said that sometimes the ocean was there. So, on the Pacific Ocean, if you can establish New Nabadwip, that will be a great achievement
- In New York in 1968 when I was in the hospital they tried to operate my brain, but I left the hospital tactfully. Therefore I say that you never call a doctor for me or send me to the hospital
- In New York, when we started this movement, so in the morning, at seven o'clock, we used to hold our class, and there was little sound, immediately the tenants from upwards, they'll come down and complain. Sometimes they will call for police
- In other words, those who are after material enjoyment and those who are against the supremacy of the Lord are called avaisnava, and their company should be strictly avoided
- In our lives we think we are enjoying some rasa, some relationship. Our children are calling us father, and we are enjoying our relationship with our wife, but all of these relationships are like shadows, although people have no information of this
- In Sanskrit it is called silpa-naipunya. That is not jnana. Real jnana is atma-darsanam. That is jnana. So... But we are wasting our time temporary, silpa-darsanam. But atma-darsanam we want. That is real jnana
- In such a ceremony, called utthana, which is performed when a child is due to leave the house for the first time, the child is properly bathed - SB 10.7.4
- In the Bhagavad-gita, mad-dhama (My abode) is mentioned several times, according to the version of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna there exists the unlimited spiritual sky, where the planets are called Vaikunthas, or the abode of God
- In the Brahma-samhita it is clearly stated that the Lord, although residing always in His abode called Goloka, is the all-pervading Brahman and the localized Paramatma as well by dint of His superior spiritual energies. BG 1972 purports
- In the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the principles of creation are described, and thus the First Canto may be called "Creation." In the Second Canto, the post-creation cosmic manifestation is described
- In the Gautamiya Tantra all the verses are called prayers. Again in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, there are hundreds of prayers to the Lord. So a devotee should select some of these prayers for his recitation
- In the highest region of the spiritual sky is the planet called Krsnaloka, which has three divisions, namely Dvaraka, Mathura and Goloka, or Gokula
- In the material world, sometimes one gives an exalted title to an utterly worthless thing; in Bengal this is known as giving a blind child a name like Padmalocana, which means “lotus-eyed.” One may foolishly call a blind child Padmalocana
- In the material world, the planetary systems are arranged in three spheres, called triloka, or Svarga, Martya and Patala, and all of them constitute only one fourth of the total sandhini energy
- In the Middle Ages, after the disappearance of Lord Caitanya's great associate Lord Nityananda, a class of priestly persons claimed to be the descendants of Nityananda, calling themselves the gosvami caste
- In the middle of the summit of Meru is the township of Lord Brahma. Each of its four sides is calculated to extend for ten million yojanas (eighty million miles). It is made entirely of gold, and therefore learned scholars and sages call it Satakaumbhi
- In the morning, when Srivasa Thakura saw all this paraphernalia (such as red flower, a pot of wine etc.) in front of his door, he called for the respectable gentlemen of the neighborhood and showed them that at night he was worshiping Bhavani
- In the name of civilization, we have increased so many unwanted things, unnecessarily. This is called anartha
- In the paravyoma, the spiritual sky, there are many spiritual planets, called Vaikunthalokas. There are millions of these gigantic planets, and unless we take shelter of one of them, we will fall down again into the material atmosphere
- In the present civilization the wife calls her husband by name, but in Hindu civilization she does not. Thus the inferiority and superiority complexes are recognized
- In the same charitable spirit he (Karna) gave in charity his natural bangles and earrings to Indradeva, who, being very much satisfied with him, gave him in return a great weapon called Sakti
- In the spiritual world the SP of Godhead has all the dealings of love, displaying the symptoms called sattvika, sancari, vilapa, murccha and unmada. Thus when Lord Ramacandra was separated from Sita, all these spiritual symptoms were manifested
- In the Vedas also it is stated that the eternal living entities are covered by different modes and that they are called tricolored - red, white and blue - living entities
- In the Vedic age a man was sometimes called upon to beget sons in the womb of a lesser man's wife for the sake of better progeny. In such an instance, the woman is compared to an agricultural field
- In their elevated condition, the brahmanas are called Vaisnavas. There are two types of brahmanas - namely, brahmana-pandita and brahmana-vaisnava
- In these families (well-situated brahmana families or well-to-do mercantile families) the worship of Lord Krsna is regularly performed and the child gets the opportunity to imitate the process of worship called arcana
- In this connection (a poverty-stricken person getting money and being inclined to do philanthropy) there is an instructive story called punar musiko bhava, "Again Become a Mouse."
- In this temple there is guru and there is Krsna, and we call people to take the mercy of guru and Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- In tiffin hours, the hours when the teachers were absent from the classroom, the students called Prahlada Maharaja, wanting to play with him
- In Treta-yuga, the performance of yajna began (tretayam yajato mukhaih). Therefore this verse (of SB 9.14.49) says, trayi treta-mukhe. Ritualistic ceremonies are generally called fruitive activities
- In Vrndavana we find that devotees chant Radharani's name more often than Krsna's. Wherever we go in India we will find devotees calling - Jaya Radhe
- In Western countries, in comparison to our country, every home is aristocratic. At least their standard of living is so high. So what we call aristocratic, that is a common affair
- Indians were called by the Muslims on the other side of the River Sind, or Sindu, and they pronounce Sind as Hind. Therefore they called India as Hindustan, means on the other side of Sindu, or Hindu River. Otherwise, it has no Vedic reference
- Indra was ultimately relieved of all the reactions of his sinful deeds by strictly worshiping Lord Visnu. Then he was called back to the heavenly planets by the brahmanas and reinstated in his position
- Industrialists, businessmen or karmis are called mudhas in the sastras. They work very hard, accumulate money, and are satisfied to see that this money is plundered by their sons and grandsons
- Insulted, he had to give up that body, and in the sixth manvantara, called the Caksusa manvantara, he was born of the womb of Marisa as Daksa
- Into that universal lotus flower Lord Visnu personally entered as the Supersoul, and when it was thus impregnated with all the modes of material nature, the personality of Vedic wisdom, whom we call the self-born, was generated
- Is there any snow-storm in New Vrindaban also? If not, I can go whenever you call me there because here I have no serious business just now
- Isvara means controller, powerful. Even the demigods, they are also isvaras. You are also isvara. I am also isvara. Isvara means controller. Anyone who has got little control, he can be called isvara. That is the dictionary meaning
- Isvara means controller. So anyone controls, he can be called isvara. But there are isvaras over isvaras. You go on searching, isvara over isvara over isvara. When you come to the point there is no more other isvara, then He's God. That is definition
- It is (Srimad-Bhagavatam) called brahma-sammitam because it is the sound representative of Lord Krsna - like the Bhagavad-gita
- It is a Vedic system for a householder to call brahmanas and Vaisnavas to eat at ceremonial performances in his house because the brahmanas and Vaisnavas can immunize him from sinful activities
- It is by their kindness, of the previous acaryas that they let us sit between them just like a father calls for a child to sit down next to him
- It is contradictory to be violent and at the same time call oneself a religious person. Such hypocrisy is not approved by Narada Muni and the disciplic succession
- It is especially significant that Lord Siva is a pure devotee of Lord Vasudeva. Vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh: "Amongst all Vaisnavas, Lord Siva is the topmost." Lord Siva has a sampradaya, a Vaisnava disciplic succession, called the Rudra-sampradaya
- It is not because Krsna is an intimate friend of Arjuna that he is flattering Him by calling Him the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth. Whatever Arjuna says in these 2 verses (of BG 10.12-13) is confirmed by Vedic truth. BG 1972 purports
- It is not possible to have cent per cent knowledge of Krsna. Not even Narayana Himself is capable of that. Yet those who follow Krsna's instructions fully are sometimes called Bhagavan
- It is not that because Krsna is Arjuna's intimate friend Arjuna is flattering Him by calling Him the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth
- It is not that I disobey my real Spiritual Master and call someone else as Spiritual Master. That is wrong
- It is not that Lord Krsna’s pastimes are nonexistent. They are going on exactly as the sun is shining perpetually, but when the sun is present before our eyes, we call it daytime (manifest), and when it is not present, we call it night - unmanifest
- It is not the system, Vedic system, to call the husband by name, as in the Western country the husband is called by his name. No. Out of respect, the wife does not call the husband by his real name
- It is only that I can call Spiritual Master someone who is teaching me purely what my initiating Spiritual Master has taught. Do you get the sense?
- It is said that Arjuna is an empowered incarnation of Nara-Narayana. He is even sometimes called Nara-Narayana. The Nara-Narayana incarnation is also one of Lord Visnu's plenary expansions
- It is said, visnu-bhaktah smrto daiva asuras tad-vipanyayah: "Devotees of Lord Visnu are called demigods, whereas nondevotees are called asuras
- It is very appropriate to compare a powerful king like Prthu to a lion. In India, ksatriya kings are still called singh, which means "lion."
- Jantu means animal. Although he's living entity, he's not called jiva soul. He's called jantu. Jantur dehopapattaye. Jantu. This material body is developing for the jantu, animal
- Just to keep the word of Lord Brahma, Lord Nrsimhadeva pierced Hiranyakasipu's body with His nails, which were not weapons and were neither living nor dead. Indeed, the nails can be called dead, but at the same time they can be said to be alive
- Kamsa also advised his friends to arrange to worship Lord Siva by offering animal sacrifices and performing the sacrifice called Dhanur-yajna and the sacrifice performed on the fourteenth day of the moon, known as Caturdasi
- Kamsa called all his counselors together & narrated the incidents that happened the night before. All the counselors of Kamsa were demons & eternal enemies of the demigods, so they became depressed upon hearing their master speak of the night’s events
- Kamsa called for his expert elephant trainers, as well as for the wrestlers Canura, Mustika, Sala, Tosala, etc., & he told them, “My dear friends, try to hear me attentively. At Nanda's place in Vrndavana there are two brothers, Krsna & Balarama
- Kardama Muni could understand Devahuti's heart; generally all women desire material enjoyment. They are called less intelligent because they are mostly prone to material enjoyment
- Karma means these people, these worldly people are working hard, they are called karmis, because they are expecting some good result for sense enjoyment. That is called karma
- King Ugrasena then called for a meeting of all important kings and chiefs. He also invited Satrajit, and before the whole assembly Krsna explained the incident of the recovery of the jewel from Jambavan
- KKG predicts that in the future those who manufacture imaginary methods of worship will gradually give up the worship of Radha-Krsna, & although they will call themselves devotees of LC, they will also give up His worship & fall down
- Krsna appeared before him with four hands, as visnu-murti, with a garland called Vaijayanti hanging from His neck down to His knees. He looked lustrous, His face was beautifully smiling, and He wore nice jeweled earrings on His ears
- Krsna consciousness is open to all. Just like we are calling everyone, "Come and chant Hare Krsna." It is open to all. There is no question of becoming poor or rich
- Krsna is eternal, we are eternal, and our dealings with Krsna is also eternal. But sometimes it becomes interrupted by the maya, which is called svapna
- Krsna is so kind upon His devotee. Ajamila was a devotee. Later on he fell down. But Krsna is so kind that He gave him the dictation that "You keep your son's name as Narayana," so that he'll be able to call the holy name Narayana by calling his son
- Krsna is the SP of Godhead, the cause of all causes, the reservoir of all rasas, or relationships, which are called neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parenthood, conjugal love, comedy, compassion, fear, chivalry, ghastliness, wonder and devastation
- Krsna next inquired from the citizens as to the location of the place of sacrifice. Kamsa had arranged for the sacrifice called Dhanur-yajna, and to designate this particular sacrifice he had placed a big bow near the sacrificial altar
- Krsna once went to the heavenly planet to present an earring to Aditi, the mother of demigods, & His wife Satyabhama also went with Him. There is a special flowering tree called the parijata, which grows only in the heavenly planet & she wanted this tree
- Krsna said, "They are called atmarama, which means they are absorbed in the thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and so do not care whether one loves them or not. But another class comprises ungrateful men. They are called callous"
- Krsna would be dressed by Mother Yasoda, and when she would see a boy standing at the door, she would call him
- Krsna yei bhaje sei bada catura: "Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness, he's first-class intelligent person." All other: fools, rascals. You can call them. There is no harm
- Krsna's arca-murti or Deity, or idol, whatever you call, and we are offering flowers and fruits and cooked foodstuff, whatever we can get by the mercy of Krsna. And we offer it, Krsna, You have kindly sent this foodstuff
- Krsna's name is given according to His office. Just like a person at home, he is "father," and in the court he is "my lord," the same man. Same man, high-court judge, his wife is calling him by name, - John
- Kumari Kunti, at her father's house, used to minister all kinds of services to all great brahmanas, and being satisfied with her good reception Durvasa Muni blessed her with a power to call any demigod she desired
- Kunti refused to allow her husband to adopt such life (renounced order of life), but at last Maharaja Pandu gave her permission to become a mother of sons by calling some other suitable personalities
- Laksmana said, "Victory of Lord Krsna was accomplished at noon, during the moment called abhijit, which is astronomically calculated as auspicious"
- Learned scholars call this hell Raurava. Not generally seen in this world, the ruru is more envious than a snake
- Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Bhagavan or Paramatma
- Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan - SB 1.2.11
- Let the sharp moralist accuse me of being illusioned; I do not mind. Experts in Vedic activities may slander me as being misled, friends and relatives may call me frustrated, my brothers may call me a fool, the wealthy mammonites may point me out as mad
- Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are also sometimes called isvara, but the supreme isvara is Lord Visnu, Lord Krsna. As stated in Brahma-samhita, isvarah paramah krsnah: (BS 5.1) the Supreme Lord is Krsna, Lord Visnu
- Lord Caitanya is the Supreme Absolute Truth. To call Him Ksirodakasayi Visnu does not add to His glory
- Lord Caitanya says, "I was lying asleep in the ocean of milk, but I was awakened by the call of Nada, Sri Advaita Prabhu." Here the Lord refers to His form as Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- Lord Jesus Christ called himself the "son of God," and so is a representative of the Supreme. Similarly, Mohammed identified himself as a servant of the Supreme Lord
- Lord Kapila was very much satisfied by His mother's questions because the answers stimulate one's desire for liberation from the conditional life of material existence. Such questions are called apavarga-vardhanam
- Lord Krsna replied, "My dear brahmana, go back to your home and call a meeting of all the men. In that meeting, just try to remember Me"
- Lord Krsna says to Arjuna: if you think that people may call you bad names but that you will save your life by fleeing the battlefield, then My advice is that you'd do better to die in the battle. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Siva is described here as bhuta-rat. The ghosts and those who are situated in the material mode of ignorance are called bhutas, so bhuta-rat refers to the leader of the creatures who are in the lowest standard of the material modes of nature
- Lord Siva used to call Sati "the daughter of King Daksa," and because this very word reminded her about her family relationship with King Daksa, she at once became ashamed because Daksa was an incarnation of all offenses
- Lord Visnu was sitting on Garuda, a big aquiline bird, and was carrying in His hand a disc, Brahma was sitting on a swan and had in his hand kusa grass, and Lord Siva was sitting on a bull and carrying in his hand a small drum called a damaru
- Losing one's individuality is not the aim of bhakti-yoga or of the devotees of the Lord. There are five types of liberation, one of which is called sayujya-mukti, or being merged into the existence or body of the Lord
- Mad emotional talks include ten divisions, called prajalpa and other names. An example of this is the ten verses spoken by Srimati Radharani called The Song to the Bumblebee
- Maha-bhagavatas are called nitya-siddhas, or souls liberated from birth. But there are also others, who may not be liberated from birth but who develop a tendency for devotional service by association, and they are called sadhana-siddhas
- Mahesvara Visarada was a classmate of Nilambara Cakravarti’s. He lived in the Nadia, district in a village called Vidyanagara, and had two sons named Madhusudana Vacaspati and Vasudeva Sarvabhauma. His son-in-law was Gopinatha Acarya
- Man can give some vague explanation of the laws by which such phenomena are made possible, but actually the tiny human brain is unable to conceive of the activities of the Lord, which are therefore called inconceivable
- Manu is the original father of mankind and in Sanskrit, mankind is called manusya. Humanity in different bodily qualities is distributed throughout the various planetary systems
- Material benedictions are not always exactly worthy of being called benedictions
- Material nature in this connection is called Brahman because it is a perverted reflection of the spiritual nature
- Materialistic persons who are very fond of money and great families worship different demigods to attain their desires, especially goddess Durga, Lord Siva and Lord Brahma. Such materialistic persons are called sriyaisvarya-prajepsavah
- Matrvat para-daresu. From the very beginning of life, all women they are treated as mother. That is the system, Vedic system. Everyone will call a woman as "Mother." Never mind whether she is younger or older. It doesn't matter
- Mayavadi philosophers think that since the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, has become everything, He has no separate existence. Their philosophy is called advaita-vada. Actually, however, their philosophy is not correct
- Mayavadi sannyasis address each other as Narayana. Whenever they see another sannyasi, they offer him respect by calling om namo narayanaya - I offer my respect unto you, Narayana
- Merry peacocks danced just like actors and actresses, and merry cuckoos called their mates very nicely
- Morning is the best time to hold spiritual services. The great sages offered the speaker of the Bhagavatam an elevated seat of respect called the vyasasana, or the seat of Sri Vyasadeva
- Mother Yasoda called for the brahmanas, and through her children she gave many cows in charity for the occasion of Krsna's birthday. In this way she performed the birthday ceremony of Krsna at home
- Mundane rascals, who cannot understand the absolute nature of the Personality of Godhead, sometimes call Lord Sri Krsna immoral, but they do not know that His seemingly immoral activities, which are not kept secret, afford pleasure to the devotees
- Murari Gupta could not be called even a brahma-bandhu because he was born of a vaidya family and according to the social structure was therefore considered a sudra
- My dear Lord, these common people, my neighbors, because I am minister, and I'm supposed to be educated, I know little Sanskrit, Arabian language, they call me pandita, learned man, very scholar and versed. I, to tell You frankly, I do not know what I am
- My dear servants, who are as good as my sons, just see how glorious is the chanting of the holy name of the Lord. The greatly sinful Ajamila chanted only to call his son, not knowing that he was chanting the Lord's holy name
- My dear son, you have slept a long time. Now please get up. Your playmates are calling you to play. Since you must be very hungry, please get up and suck my breast and dissipate our lamentation
- My Guru Maharaja used to say... One who was not interested in hearing, he used to call him a dandavat-class. Dandavat-class of men. That means simply he knows how to make dandavats, that's all
- My Guru Maharaja was also alone. And why not? All these rascals, why shall I call him intelligent?
- My intention of calling him is that he expressed a strong desire to live with me in Montreal, so I wish to keep him with me at least for some time and train him to act as secretary
- My Spiritual Master sometimes called me such names as fool and rascal and I remember that day always and feel transcendental pleasure
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: No one under the jurisdiction of the material modes can understand Your (Krsna's) transcendental qualities, which existed before the creation; therefore You are called the Supreme Transcendence
- Narayana never becomes poor, and therefore He can never be called daridra-narayana
- Near Garbhavasa is a place called Bakulatala, where Sri Nityananda Prabhu and His boyfriends used to take part in sporting activities known as jhala-jhapeta
- Nescience, however, is compared to the disease called jaundice, which is caused by bilious secretions. Attacked by jaundice, the tongue of a diseased person cannot palatably relish sugar candy
- Nescience, or maya, may be called 'bandhu' because she entangles everyone in the material world. Therefore by using the word 'bandhu-han,' mother Sarasvati says that Lord Krsna is the vanquisher of maya
- Nobody is doing his duty, and everyone is simply puffed up by calling himself a brahmana (intellectual) or a ksatriya (soldier or statesman)
- Non-Aryan means not civilized, and Aryan means civilized. This is the distinction. Now people are very much fond of calling themselves as civilized, Aryan, belonging to the Aryan family. Where is the Aryan civilization
- Nondevotees have different ideas of creation, maintenance and annihilation, and they are called vadis and prativadis - proponents and counterproponents. It is understood from the statement of Mahabharata that there are many munis, or speculators
- Not knowing that eternal time is passing away imperceptibly and that their measured duration of life is diminishing every second, without any solution to the big problem, namely repetition of birth and death, disease and old age. This is called illusion
- Not understanding the importance of Krsna, she (Mother Yasoda) could only seek shelter of Narayana for Krsna's safety and call the brahmanas to counteract the situation
- Nothing here is permanent; therefore everything is called illusory. Actually we do not understand this; we take all this as permanent. The fact is, however, that only Krsna is permanent. Krsna's material energy is not permanent
- Now rascals have manufactured other methods they call meditation, but these are not actually meditation
- Nowadays I have practical experience that the draft board of your country is calling for boys to join the army, but they are not willing. They are not willing because they are not trained as ksatriyas, warriors. They are trained as sudras, laborers
- Nowadays India, like the rest of the world, has also given up the real religious system - sanatana-dharma, or varnasrama-dharma. In India they have accepted a hodgepodge thing called "Hinduism." So there is trouble
- O Suta Gosvami, there are those amongst men who desire freedom from death and get eternal life. They escape the slaughtering process by calling the controller of death, Yamaraja
- Of course to call a thief a thief is not faultfinding, but to call an honest person a thief is very much offensive for one who is making advancement in spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- Of course, anyone who associates with a pure devotee derives imperceptible benefit, which is called ajnata-sukrti. One cannot understand how he is making progress, yet he makes progress by seeing the devotee of the Lord
- Offenders against the lotus feet of Lord Visnu cannot advance in spiritual knowledge. They are called mayayapahrta-jnana, or those whose knowledge has been stolen by the influence of illusion
- Old age is the notice of the arrival of death served by cruel time, and no one can refuse to accept either summon calls or the supreme judgment of eternal time
- On Battlefield of Kuruksetra there were great fighters called maharathas. Just as military men in modern days are given titles like lieutenant, captain, commander, & commander-in-chief, formerly there were titles like eka-ratha, ati-ratha, & maha-ratha
- On Krsna’s word, Nanda Maharaja at once called for the cowherd men and asked them to collect milk and all kinds of milk products to present to the King in the ceremony
- On the eastern side of the temple is a ghata known as Kadamba-khandi on the bank of a river called the Yamuna
- On the ninth day after the birth of a child the mother would come into the regular rooms (from maternity home) in the ceremony called niskramana. Of the ten purificatory processes, niskramana is one
- On this earth there are such places as Vrndavana and Ayodhya, which are called dhamas. In the dhama, there is no influence from Kali-yuga or any demon
- Once a woman selling fruit was calling, "O inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, if you want to purchase some fruits, come here!" Upon hearing this, Krsna immediately took some grains and went to barter as if He needed some fruits - SB 10.11.10
- Once Durvasa Muni became a guest of Maharaja Kuntibhoja, and Kunti served the Durvasa Muni. He was very pleased, and he gave her one benediction that - You can call any demigod by your sweet will. As soon as you desire, the demigod will come
- Once the Lord desired to go early in the morning with all His cowherd boyfriends to the forest, where they were to assemble together and take lunch. As soon as He got up from bed, He blew His buffalo-horn bugle and called all His friends together
- One cannot be happy by simply executing pious or impious activities. Such activities simply cause entanglement and transmigration from one body to another. Narottama dasa Thakura calls this karma-bandha-phansa
- One cannot call himself a devotee, but servant he can call himself always
- One day Jagadananda, Svarupa, Govinda, Kasisvara, Sankara, Damodara and Mukunda all went to bathe in the sea. They could hear Haridasa singing from a distant place as if calling them in his original voice
- One day, a fruit vendor came before the house of Nanda Maharaja. Upon hearing the vendor call, "If anyone wants fruits, please come and take them from me!" child Krsna immediately took some grains in His palms and went to get fruits in exchange
- One may atone for sinful life and vanquish all sinful reactions by chanting the holy name, although this is not called atonement
- One may foolishly call a blind child Padmalocana, but such an appellation does not bear any meaning
- One moon is sufficient to eradicate all darkness. There is no need of millions of stars. Krsna consciousness is so beautiful. You call any intelligent person, we are prepared to convince him. He must be little intelligent. That's all
- One often sees that just before leaving his body a man may call for his beloved son to give him charge of his wife and other paraphernalia
- One should be intelligent enough to know how to utilize material assets for the purpose of spiritual realization. That is called karma-yoga or jnana-yoga. Whatever we have we should use as service to the Supreme Person
- One should not foolishly think that the individual infinitesimal soul is the cause of the gigantic manifestation of the universal form. The universal form is called the virat-rupa because the Supreme Lord is within it in His plenary portion
- One week ago the secretary of Mr. Klein's APTKO record company called our temple and said that the check is ready for you, please come and pick it up. In response to this, Rsi Kumar went to that APTKO Co. and they wanted to give him a check for $1,900
- One who adopts this method (fully surrendering unto God) very skillfully attains perfection of life at once. And this perfection of human life is called brahma-gati, or the progressive march in spiritual existence
- One who deserves to approach the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna is called the maha-paurusika. Anyone who hears Srimad-Bhagavatam attentively from its bona fide reciter is sure to become a sincere devotee of the Lord, who is able to award liberation
- One who is expert in devotional service calls such symptoms raty-abhasa, a mere glimpse of attachment
- One who is very rich becomes mad because of his wealth and is therefore called sriya-unmattasya
- One who takes advantage of such an arrangement is called a demigod or civilized man. The cow is meant to help maintain such a high standard of living
- Only in the conjugal mellow are there two ecstatic symptoms called rudha (advanced) and adhirudha (highly advanced). The advanced ecstasies are found among the queens of Dvaraka, and the highly advanced ecstasies are found among the gopis
- Only persons who perform activities in KC are actually entitled to be called Brahman, because they are actually endeavoring to reach the Krsna planet. Such persons have no misgivings about Krsna, and thus they are factually Brahman. BG 1972 purports
- Organization of the European centers and the World Samkirtan Party later on--for these two reasons I called you in London
- Originally in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, the ocean is divided like the watery ocean into east, west, north and south, while the sub-sections within these different divisions are called waves
- Originally, Krsna's energy is spiritual, and the energy known as the living entity is also spiritual. However, there is another energy, called illusion, which consists of fruitive activity. That is the Lord's third potency
- Our authority comes from Parampara system. If the Guru was not satisfied with Bon Maharaja and called him back, and since then, he gave up connection with Gaudiya Math and started his own institution, then how he becomes authority?
- Our temporary bodies are given to us according to our karma, and we must remain in our given bodies to enjoy the pains and pleasures of life. Our bodies cannot be called false; they are only temporary
- Outside the garden, when it was time to pull Jagannatha's car, all the workers called gaudas tried to pull it, but it would not move forward
- Parasara having stopped the sacrifice, Pulastya, the father of demons, appreciated his brahminical temperament and gave the blessing that in the future he would be a great speaker on the Vedic literatures called the Puranas, the supplements of the Vedas
- Pariksit Maharaja, he was learned, very highly elevated king, very pious king, so he called for all the sages to assemble and give him advice, "Now what is my duty? I am now at the point of death
- People have taken advantage of this dress, vesopajibhih. In India still, although poverty-stricken, if a person simply by dressing in saffron cloth goes to a village, he has no problem. Everyone will call him, invite him, give him shelter, give him food
- People thought, "What is the use of calling a brahmana for puja part? There is no necessity. Stop it." So naturally the brahmanas were obliged to accept to the business or occupational duties of the ksatriyas or the vaisyas or even sudras
- People will think that "We are advancing, and this man is calling we are becoming ass?" Yes, you are ass, because you do not know your real interest of life. You are an ass
- Persons who worship Lord Visnu are called demigods, and persons who do not do so are called asuras, or demons
- Philosophers who support stopping all activities are called sunyavadi. By nature's own way, our activities are to be gradually diverted to devotional service
- Pious activities that awaken one’s dormant Krsna consciousness are called bhakty-unmukhi sukrti
- Pious activities that bestow material opulence are called bhogonmukhi sukrti
- Pious activities that enable the living entity to merge into the existence of the Supreme are called moksonmukhi sukrti
- Prahlada Maharaja, what he did do, as soon as there is tiffin hour, all the teachers gone, he would immediately call all the class friend and stand up on the bench and speak on bhagavad-bhakti
- Prahlada, although he was a boy, he used to take opportunity for preaching KC among his friends. So in the tiffin hours, when the boys were left free to play, so Prahlada Maharaja used to call them - My dear friends, sit down. Let us talk about KC
- Prthu Maharaja can also be called Prabhupada, or, as described herein (SB 4.23.18), prabhu. Another question may be raised in this connection
- Purposely raise a controversy (nondevotees) to defeat the eternity of the transcendental body of the Lord. This is due to the defect called the cheating propensity of the imperfect living entities
- Pursuit of the systematic philosophic process called Sankhya is called knowledge and self-revelation
- Ramanujacarya and Madhvacarya break the teeth of the Mayavadi philosophers, who can therefore be called Vidantis, toothless
- Real honor is when I call you that you are servant of God or servant of Krsna. That is real honor
- Regarding our sankirtana party members dressing up as hippies in order to increase book distribution this is not a very good plan. I am instructing Bali Mardan Maharaja that this should be stopped, that we should not give anyone cause to call us hippies
- Regarding the book on Kapila's philosophy, you can call it "the Sankhya Philosophy of Kapila, (the Son of Devahuti)". You can give the roman transliteration for the sanskrit and the English translation and then the lecture
- Regulated activities prescribed in the Vedas are called the karma-kandiya conception of life, and householders are generally recommended to follow the rules just to enjoy material prosperity both in this life and in the next
- Regulated human life according to the Vedic principles, which are based on the system of knowledge called Sankhya philosophy, is the real way of enjoyment of the necessities of life
- Retirement at the end of life is compulsory. Maharaja Nabhi, although still a king retired from family life and went with his wife to a place called Badarikasrama in the Himalayas, where the Deity Nara-Narayana is worshiped
- Sarasvati is the goddess of music and learning, and in one hand she holds a musical instrument called a vina
- Save and except the Lord, no one can be called the enjoyer, but the living entity falsely desires to become the enjoyer. This is the origin of false ego
- Self-realization is obstructed by such undue affection for family, and if anyone is at all able to forget such a relation, he is called undisturbed, or dhira
- Sex life should be restricted to persons who are married. A person whose sex life is restricted in marriage is also called a brahmacari
- She (Kunti) called for the demigod Vayu (air), and thus Bhima was born. She called for Indra, the King of heaven, and thus Arjuna was born. The other two sons, namely Nakula and Sahadeva, were begotten by Pandu himself in the womb of Madri
- She received a mystic power by which she could call any demigod. To examine the potency of this mystic power, the pious Kunti immediately called for the sun-god
- She told the sun-god, "I was simply examining the effectiveness of this mystic power. I am sorry I have called you unnecessarily. Please return and excuse me"
- Simply by chanting the name of Narayana to call his son, Ajamila attained salvation. This means that Narayana is not an ordinary mundane name; it is nonmaterial. The word anama indicates that the names of the Supreme do not belong to this material world
- Simply by passing the examination, if he sits down at home, then he cannot be called a medical practitioner. He must work as a medical man
- Since the king is the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is sometimes called nara-deva, that is, the Lord as a human being. According to the Vedic injunctions, he is worshiped as God on the material platform
- Since the living being is spiritual in constitution, he can be happy only in the spiritual sky, where there are unlimited spiritual spheres called Vaikunthas
- Since they can go from one planet to another, they are called siddhas; that is to say they have acquired all mystic and yogic powers
- Sisupala achieved oneness with the Lord (Krsna) by merging in the impersonal glare of His body, called the brahmajyoti
- So Bhagavad-gita is the right book to understand about that brahma, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or the Absolute Truth, whatever you call. The Absolute Truth is known in three phases: Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- So if you have got any other method to understand yourself & God, you can follow. We have no objection. But our method is that. We want to test that by following some method, either call it religious or cultural, whether you have understood yourself & God
- So long one continues this bodily concept of life, he is animal. Either you call I am bhangi, or you call I am brahmana, you are animal. This is the verdict of the sastra
- So many Ph.D.'s, they are loitering. Therefore they become Communists and this, what is called? Naxalites. Educated young boys, they have no job
- So many ways he (a man) is attracting. Therefore somebody is calling him "father," somebody "husband," somebody this, somebody this. So if there is one name (of God), that is Krsna, "all-attractive." He attracts all. This is the meaning of Krsna
- So the devotee is sometimes called bhagavatam, and the book which is in relationship with devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also called Bhagavatam
- Some devotees call this exhibition of ecstasy (for seven praharas, or twenty-one hours) by the Lord (Caitanya) sata-prahariya bhava, or "the ecstasy of twenty-one hours," and others call it mahabhava-prakasa or maha-prakasa
- Some of them (the government officials and irresponsible politicians) are convinced that after life everything is finished. This atheistic theory was conceived long ago by a philosopher called Carvaka
- Some of them (the vaisyas) are called tila-vanik, or grain raisers, some are called gandha-vanik, or merchants in spices, and some are called suvarna-vanik, or merchants in gold and banking
- Someone may call himself independent, but he is still dependent on someone higher. The Personality of Godhead, however, is absolute; there is no one higher than or equal to Him
- Sometimes these big leaders take up the guise of a sannyasi and call themselves mahatmas, but their only business is conquering their political enemies
- Sometimes they (materialistic persons) become babajis or collect money on the plea of worshiping the poor, whom they call daridra-narayana, or for social and political upliftment
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu exclaimed, "Visnu! Visnu! Do not call Me the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A jiva cannot become Krsna at any time. Do not even say such a thing!"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu next went to a holy place of pilgrimage called Soro-ksetra. He took His bath in the Ganges there and started for Prayaga on the path along the banks of the Ganges
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommended that one learn Srimad-Bhagavatam from the mouth of the self realized person called bhagavatam. Bhagavata means "in relationship with the Personality of Godhead"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then took His bath in a lake called Govinda-kunda, and while He was there, He heard that the Gopala Deity had already gone to Ganthuli-grama
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then turned His attention to three persons - Mukunda dasa, Raghunandana and Sri Narahari - inhabitants of the place called Khanda
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then went to Setubandha (Ramesvara), where He took His bath at the place called Dhanus-tirtha. From there He visited the Ramesvara temple and then took rest
- Srila Jiva Gosvami has explained in his Sandarbha that the word madira means intoxicating. If one's eyes become intoxicated upon seeing the Deity, he may be called madireksana
- Srila Jiva Gosvami quotes the Vedic version in this connection & establishes that Narayana, the Personality of Godhead is known as kaivalya & the means which enables one to approach God is called the kaivalya-pantha or the only means of attainment of God
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has accordingly composed a nice verse (see Adi 5.224) that describes the beautiful boy called Govinda standing by the bank of the Yamuna with His flute to His lips in the shining moonlight
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is considered to be the transcendental sound form of God, and the twelve cantos are divided in accordance with the transcendental form of God. The First and Second Cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam are called the two lotus feet of the Lord
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is recognized Vedic wisdom, and the system of receiving Vedic knowledge is called avaroha-pantha, or the process of receiving transcendental knowledge through bona fide disciplic succession
- Strong, puffed-up cotton pads called tulis were spread out from the throne to the car, and the heavy Deity of Lord Jagannatha was carried from one pillowlike pad to the next by the dayitas
- Such a person actually has nothing to do with his material body or the material world. Those who are not in Krsna consciousness are called karmis and jnanis, and they hover on the bodily and mental platforms and thus are not liberated
- Such a relationship (gosvamis who professionally create some disciples who do not care for them) is condemned by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, who calls such spiritual masters and disciples a society of cheaters and cheated
- Such engagements (construction of Visnu's temple) are called krsnarthe akhila-cesta, variegated activities performed to please Krsna. A philanthropist's opening a school building and a devotee's constructing a temple are not on the same level
- Such entities are called conditioned souls, for they are conditioned by the three modes of material nature. Therefore the words gunair vicitrah are used here - in SB 3.26.5
- Such manifestations of the Lord's potencies are eternal and are called nirguna, or free from all tinges of the modes of material nature, even up to the mode of material goodness
- Such people are called karmis, or gross materialists. Among the karmis are some vikarmis, people who act without the guidance of Vedic knowledge
- Such things may be called false. But the Vaisnava cannot take this material world to be false simply because of its temporary nature, its manifesting and again dissolving
- Sudama Vipra was born in a family of brahmanas, and he was a learned scholar and a class friend of Krsna’s, yet he considered himself unfit to be strictly called a brahmana
- Sukracarya forbade Emperor Yayati to call Sarmistha into his bedroom, but Yayati could not strictly follow his instruction
- Suppose I have got some dress, black dress. Somebody calls, "You black dress," is that cause of anger? Somebody calls you black dress. So this is simply my false identification with the dress that I become angry
- Suppose one is suffering from some disease. He is lying in bed, eating, passing nature's call uncomfortably, and taking bitter medicines. He always has to be kept clean by the nurses; otherwise there is an obnoxious smell
- Svayambhuva Manu is the leader of mankind, and he has given a book called Manu-samhita to guide human society. Herein (SB 8.1.16) he directs us to follow the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His different incarnations
- That by which one can attain loving service to the Lord I have described in detail as the execution of devotional service, called abhidheya
- That does not mean any one of us is free from the miserable condition of this material world. Nobody. Therefore this material world is called duhkhalayam asasvatam
- That dog also doing, jumping, always. "Bow! Bow! Bow! Ra-ra-ra-ra-ra!" What is called? Active foolishness. They remain foolish, but still, they are active. That means they are simply creating dangerous position. That's all
- That is explained in the Visnu Purana, where it is clearly stated that the individual parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord are subject to being covered by the external energy, called illusion, or maya
- The abode of the Lord is the highest manifestation of transcendental opulence, His abode can therefore be called nidhanam
- The age of Kali is called the fallen age. In this fallen age, because the living beings are in an awkward position, the Supreme Lord has given some special facilities to them
- The airs of life are called prana, apana, udana, vyana and samana and are also differently qualified as naga, kurma, krkara, devadatta and dhananjaya
- The area resounded with the notes of overjoyed birds. Intoxicated bees wandered there, intoxicated peacocks proudly danced, and merry cuckoos called one another
- The basis of such activity is sense gratification, either personal or extended. Only when a person gratifies the senses of the Supreme Lord can he be called a mahatma, or broadminded person
- The beautiful girls are called goddess of fortune. Actually, woman is considered as goddess of fortune, representative of goddess of fortune. We are misusing for sense gratification
- The beginning of Krsna consciousness and devotional service is hearing, in Sanskrit called sravanam. All people should be given the chance to come and join devotional parties so that they may hear
- The Bhagavatam is called the essence of life, the ripened fruit of the Vedas, because the Bhagavatam gives you directly what is needed in your life
- The body (the total body and the individual body are of the same composition) may figuratively be called - the original tree - SB 10.2.27
- The Brahma-samhita informs us that the spiritual world, and especially the planet Goloka Vrndavana, where Krsna lives, is full of surabhi cows (surabhir abhipalayantam (BS 5.29)). The surabhi cow is also called kamadhenu
- The brahmana also called him lubdha, which means "greedy." In other words, a king or an executive head of state should not occupy the exalted post of president or king if he is greedy and self-interested
- The British started the first concentration camp. They took these "Afrikaners" as they call them, Europeans. They put them on an island called St. Helena. That was actually the first concentration camp, by the British
- The calves, being disturbed, would immediately begin running here and there, and the children would be dragged over clay and cow dung. To see this fun, Yasoda and Rohini would call all their neighborhood friends, the gopis
- The city called Apana represents engagement of the tongue in speech, and Bahudana is the variety of foodstuffs. The right ear is called the gate of Pitrhu, and the left ear is called the gate of Devahu
- The conclusion is that one who can control these six items - speech, mind, anger, tongue, belly and genitals - is to be called a svami or gosvami. Svami means master, and gosvami means master of the go, or senses
- The controlling demigods are most obedient to Lord Visnu, although they also want material sense enjoyment, and that is why they are called demigods, or almost godly
- The cows also, who had been away in the pasturing ground, returned in the evening and called their respective calves. The calves immediately came to their mothers, and the mothers began to lick the bodies of the calves
- The demigods are called sakama devotees, or devotees with material desires in mind, while the pure devotees are called niskama devotees because they have no desires for their personal interests
- The demigods in the higher planets are called devas because they are all devotees of Lord Visnu
- The demons are considered highly elevated in knowledge, but because they do not use their good intelligence for the service of the Lord, they are called demons. The demigods, however, act very intelligently to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The demons who were born from the body of Brahma were called Yaksas and Raksasas because some of them cried that Brahma should be eaten and the others cried that he should not be protected
- The devotee said, "When a devotee dances in ecstatic love, there are manifestations of symptoms which are called sattvika. Sattvika means that they are from the transcendental platform"
- The devotees are situated in liberation (brahma-bhuyaya kalpate (BG 14.26)), and therefore they cannot be called back to their material homes and materialistic activities
- The devotees celebrated the festival of Janmastami, Krsna's birthday, which is also called Nanda-mahotsava, the festival of Nanda Maharaja. At that time Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees dressed themselves as cowherd boys
- The devotees engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord never accept the sayujya-mukti, or merging in the rays of the Lord called the brahmajyoti
- The devotees have full knowledge of the spiritual world, the Personality of Godhead and His transcendental association in unlimited spiritual planets called Vaikunthalokas
- The devotees of Lord Visnu are also His expansions. They are called vibhinnamsa
- The different planetary systems are described in the Second Canto as different parts of the universal body of the Lord. For this reason, the Second Canto may be called The Cosmic Manifestation
- The different rasas are also divided into two kinds of ecstasy, called yoga and viyoga, or meeting and separation. In friendship and parenthood, the feelings of meeting and separation are various
- The duration of the illusory play of material creation is called a kalpa, and we have already discussed the creation's taking place in kalpa after kalpa
- The duties of humankind in terms of the statuses and social orders were established to be observed by the civilized man. Those who traditionally follow these principles are called Aryans, or progressive human beings
- The earth was formerly called Ilavrta-varsa, but gradually as time passed it was divided by national boundaries
- The elderly brahmana said, "If I do not give my daughter to the young brahmana, he will call Sri Gopalaji as a witness. Thus he will take my daughter by force, and in that case my religious principles will become meaningless"
- The energy which acts as material nature in a combination of twenty-three ingredients is not the final source of creation. The Lord enters into the elements and applies His energy, called Kali. In all other Vedic scriptures the same principle is accepted
- The eternally free living entities are called nitya-mukta, for they never come in contact with the material energy. However, some living entities are conditioned in this material world, and thus they think themselves separated from the Supreme Lord
- The eternally liberated souls are called nitya-muktas, and they have nothing to do with the material creation
- The exchange of produce by banking and transportation is a branch of this type of living. The vaisyas are divided into many subsections: some of them are called ksetri, or landowners, some are called krsana, or land tillers
- The expansions (Krsna's expansions) execute differential activities. When the Lord, however, appears in His person as Lord Sri Krsna, His other plenary portions also join in Him by His inconceivable potency called yogamaya
- The expansions of differentiated parts and parcels, called jivas or living entities, are assisting hands of the Lord, and all of them are meant for rendering a particular pattern of service to the Lord
- The face of the Lord is the embodiment of beauty. What they call beautiful nature is but His smile, and what they call the sweet songs of the birds are but specimens of the whispering voice of the Lord
- The final pastimes of the Lord, occurring in His last twenty-four years, are called madhya (middle) and antya (final). All the devotees of the Lord refer to His pastimes according to these divisions
- The food is prepared in four divisions, called carvya, cusya, lehya and peya-prasada that is chewed, prasada that is licked, prasada tasted with the tongue, and prasada that is drunk
- The general activities of all the mothers of the cowherd boys were to kiss them, to embrace them, to call them by their names and sometimes to mildly chastise them for their stealing habits
- The general populace calls me highly educated, - Sanatana Gosvami told the Lord, - and I am such a fool that I actually believe them
- The gigantic sky is the material body of the Lord, called the virat-rupa, and all material creations are resting on the sky, or the heart of the Lord
- The goddess of fortune, Laksmi, and all-powerful demigods like Brahma and Siva are engaged in the worship of Visnu or Lord Krsna; therefore who can be more powerful than Mukunda (Lord Krsna) to be factually called the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- The gopis are like food grains in the field, and when the cloud pours rain on those grains, it appears that Krsna is nourishing the hearts of the gopis by calling down His pastime rain of mercy
- The hellish planets are situated in the lower portions of this universe. Therefore they are called adho bhuvah. Ajamila could understand that the Yamadutas had come from that region
- The higher classes are called dvija, twice-born. Whenever there is a question of birth, there must be a father
- The Hindus call themselves followers of the Vedas. Some say they follow the Sama Veda, and some say they follow the Rg Veda
- The householder should come out of his home during noontime and call out for anyone who is hungry to please come and take the food. Only if no one comes in answer to his call can the chief of the household take his meals
- The Hyderabad temple has been completed on Janmastami August 18, and the temple is called the Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohana Mandir
- The idea of this family planning is that sense pleasure should not be curtailed, but birth control should be accomplished by artificial measures. Such methods of birth control are called bhruna-hatya, or killing the child in embryo
- The impersonal Brahman, which is the glowing effulgence of the body of the Supreme Lord, may be called the immediate cause, but the cause of all causes, or the remote cause, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth is also a form of the Lord called avyakta-murti
- The Indian system calls for varna and asrama - four social orders and four spiritual orders. Brahmacarya (celibate student life), grhastha (married life), vanaprastha (retired life) and sannyasa (renounced life) - these are the spiritual orders
- The intelligent class of men are called brahmanas, and those who have realized the Absolute Truth in His supreme personal feature are called Vaisnavas. But both of them accept foodstuffs which are the remnants of sacrifice
- The jnanis, who try to become one with the Supreme by mental speculation, are called mukti-kami, or those who desire liberation from material existence
- The karmis, jnanis and yogis have their particular mentalities in the modes of nature, and therefore they are called itara or nondevotees. These itaras, including even the yogis, sometimes harass the devotees of the Lord
- The King had called him to carry his palanquin, but when the King heard from paramahamsa Jada Bharata about the supreme philosophy, he expressed surprise and asked Jada Bharata how he had attained such great liberation
- The king is called narendra, or the best amongst the human beings. How then could a king like Maharaja Pariksit be condemned by an inexperienced, puffed-up son of a brahmana, even though he had attained the powers of a qualified brahmana?
- The King therefore called for Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and Ramananda Raya, and he spoke the following submissive words to them
- The Krsna consciousness movement issues a supreme call to all kinds of religionists, asking them with great authority to join this movement, by which one can learn how to love God and thus surpass all formulas and formalities of scriptural injunction
- The living being is invited to live in the sanatana existence of the Lord, and the process which can help a living being to approach the Lord's abode, where the liberated activity of the soul is exhibited, is called sanatana-dharma
- The living being under the condition of material nature, called mahat-tattva, misidentifies himself as being different from the Lord
- The living entities are called marginal energy, and the material cosmic manifestation is the action of the external or material energy. Then there is the spiritual world, which is a manifestation of the internal energy
- The living entities are constitutionally eternal servitors of the Lord, but some of them, because of misusing their independence, do not wish to serve; therefore they are allowed to enjoy the material nature, which is called maya, or illusion
- The living entities are therefore called jivatma, and the Supreme Lord is called Paramatma. Both the Paramatma and the jivatma are within this material world, and therefore this material world has a purpose other than sense gratification
- The living entities who are within the universe are called conditioned souls; that is, they are not free to move everywhere
- The living entities, who are called marginal energy, perform material activities when acting under the inferior external energy. And when they engage in activities under the internal spiritual energy, their activities are called Krsna conscious
- The logic of this statement (the beginning of Dvapara-yuga in this context means just prior to the beginning of the Kali-yuga), according to Srila Jiva Gosvami, is comparable to that of calling the upper portion of the tree the beginning
- The Lord is the father of all living beings, who are countless in number; therefore only a few of them are called to associate with the Lord in His transcendental pastimes as the Lord of Dvaraka on this earth
- The Lord then understood that the holy place called Radha-kunda was no longer visible. However, being the omniscient S P of God, He discovered Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda in two paddy fields. There was only a little water, but He took His bath there
- The Lord then, by His plenary portion as Maha-Visnu, lies down within the water of the mahat-tattva, and the water is called the Causal Ocean - Karana-jala
- The Lord used to call Uddhava for consultation when the city was attacked by Jarasandha and others and when He executed great sacrifices as part of His routine royal work as Lord of Dvaraka
- The Lord, from within, gave Ajamila the opportunity to name his youngest son Narayana so that in affection he would constantly call "Narayana! Narayana!" and thus be saved from the most fearful and dangerous condition. Such is the mercy of Krsna
- The lowest stage is the karmis. Karmis means those who are working very hard for sense gratification. They are called karmis. And the next stage is the jnani. Wiser than the karmis, they try to realize the value of life, what is the value of life
- The material body is called dvitiya, or "the second." One who is absorbed in this second element or second exhibition of the spirit is afraid of death
- The materialistic advancement of civilization is called "the civilization of the demons," which ultimately ends in wars and scarcity
- The materialistic person can also be called a tapasvi, which means someone who is always suffering from material pains. One can get rid of all these material pains only when he takes shelter of the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra
- The Mayavadi philosophers offer lip service to Vedic authority but try to escape the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies. They concoct some idea of a transcendental position and call themselves Narayana, or God
- The Mayavadi Vedantists do not care to read these Vaisnava Vedanta-bhasyas. They simply read Sariraka-bhasya and call themselves Vedantists
- The Mayavadis call themselves Vedantists but do not at all understand the purport of Vedanta philosophy. Not being properly educated, people in general think that Vedanta means the Sankarite interpretation
- The members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness cannot even call themselves brahma-bandhus. Therefore our only means for satisfying Krsna is to pursue the injunctions of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The mind belongs to the mode of goodness and therefore is called devamaya, or godly. Perfect purification of the mind is made possible when one is fixed in the conviction of being the eternal servitor of the Lord
- The most prominent Mayavadi scholar, Sadananda Yogindra, has written a book called Vedanta-sara, in which he expounds the philosophy of Sankaracarya, and all the followers of Sankara’s philosophy attribute great importance to his statements
- The Muslim Kazi called him (Haridasa Thakura) forth and said, - You are a Muhammadan, born in a great Muhammadan family, yet you are chanting this Hindu Hare Krsna mantra. What is this
- The Muslims called India "Hindustan," which means "the land on the other side of the river Sind, or 'Hind.'" Otherwise, "Hindustan" has no Vedic reference. So this "Hindu dharma " has no Vedic reference
- The Nawab called him (Buddhimanta Khan) one day & took little water from his pot and sprinkled, & it was the law, "He has become Muhammadan." So he went to a bhattacarya, "So what is the atonement? Now I have become Muhammadan." Just see the conception
- The next day, it was declared that a male child (Krsna) had been born to Yasoda. According to Vedic custom, Nanda Maharaja called for learned astrologers and brahmanas to perform the birth ceremony
- The nondevotees are actually materialistic, but in contact with some pure devotee, they sometimes may manifest some symptoms of ecstasy. Devotional scholars call these dried-up symptoms
- The object of love is Krsna, and the container of that love is the devotee of Krsna. Learned scholars call them alambana - the foundations
- The ones who said that he (Brahma) should be eaten were called Yaksas, and the ones who said that he should not be protected became Raksasas, man-eaters
- The original Narayana took notice of it: "Oh, this man is calling Narayana." Immediately sent His personal assistant to take him back to home, back to Godhead. Ante narayana-smrtih
- The other class of men, those who are liberated and are situated in the transcendental position above intelligence, are really happy and are called paramahamsas
- The other, greater part of His (God's) creation, namely the Vaikuntha world, is neither created nor annihilated; otherwise the Vaikuntha-dhama would not have been called eternal
- The parts and parcels of the internal potency which react in contact with the external potency are called the marginal potency, or the living entities
- The personal expansions are called the visnu-tattvas, and the differential expansions are called the jiva-tattvas. And in such expansional activity, Lord Baladeva is the first personal expansion of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The personified Vedas continued, "Both the Lord and the living entities are called nitya, eternal, and so are qualitatively one, yet the singular nitya, or the Supreme Lord, is the controller, whereas the plural nityas are controlled"
- The place called Panihati was located on the bank of the Ganges. After hearing that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had arrived, all kinds of men assembled both on land and on the water
- The planetary systems above the earth are especially meant for the higher intellectuals, called demigods
- The practice of sacrifice called pancagni-vidya, recommended in the Katha Upanisad, enables one to achieve Brahmaloka, but if, in Brahmaloka, one does not cultivate Krsna consciousness, then he must return to earth. BG 1972 purports
- The prakrta-sahajiyas are not even worthy of being called Vaisnavas. They think that only caste gosvamis should be called Prabhupada. Such ignorant sahajiyas call themselves vaisnava-dasa-anudasa, which means the servant of the servant of the Vaisnavas
- The predominator of the gopis, Govinda, the principal Deity of Gokula, always enjoys Himself in a place called Goloka, in the topmost part of the spiritual sky
- The President of the US, is considered to be the supreme man in the country, but as soon as there is some disturbance in Central Europe, he immediately has to call a meeting of his cabinet to consider how to deal with the situation
- The principles of renunciation are four: (1) to avoid illicit sex life, (2) to avoid meat-eating, (3) to avoid intoxication and (4) to avoid gambling. These four principles are called tapasya, or austerity
- The process (offering sacrifices to Lord Shiva) is still current in India in a place called Vaidyanatha-dhama, where demons offer animal sacrifices to the deity of Kalabhairava
- The process by which one can return home, back to Godhead, is bhakti-yoga, sometimes called sanatana-dharma
- The process of being liberated from the misconception of material identification is called, in different stages, fruitive activity, empiric philosophy and devotional service, up to transcendental realization
- The process of creation and annihilation is called anadi, or without reference to date regarding the time the creation first took place, because the duration of even a partial creation is 8,640,000,000 years
- The program you have outlined is very nice, however I cannot go on long time procession because I am called by nature, I can go at most one hour
- The proprietor of the house, he will take his meals, and before taking his meals, he will stand outdoors and call, "If somebody is hungry, please come. Still there is food here." And if there is no response, then he'll take. This is the Vedic system
- The real tattva, or truth, consists of Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.11): "Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan"
- The scriptures call them incarnations as devotees (bhakta-avatara). The position of being such an incarnation is above all others
- The second stage is called raga-bhakti, in which the mature devotee automatically takes to the various services of the Lord out of sincere attachment
- The senses are called hrsika, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is called Hrsikesa
- The senses cannot work if the mind is absent. Therefore we call "attentively, concentrating your mind." So mind is above the senses
- The seventy-five percent expansion of His (God's) radiation is called His internal energy, whereas the twenty-five percent expansion is called the external energy of the Lord
- The sinful activities for which we are suffering at the present moment are called mature
- The so-called brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and vaiśyas have forgotten their traditional activities, and in the absence of these activities they are called śūdras
- The so-called happy materialistic person is constantly having to endure the threefold miseries of life, called adhidaivika, adhyatmika and adhibhautika. Actually no one can counteract these threefold miseries
- The Supreme Lord induces the time factor to act in different ways, but He is never partial. Rather, His activities are glorious, and therefore He is called Urusrava
- The Supreme Lord is known as aja, or unborn. Similarly, the material nature is called aja. Both these terms, aja and aja, mean "unborn"
- The Supreme Lord is the reservoir of all the qualities of the living entities. The conditioned souls in the material world reflect only part of those qualities, and therefore they are sometimes called pratibimbas
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has many parts and parcels; some are called svamsas, or His personal expansions, and some are called vibhinnamsas, the living entities
- The symptoms of various ecstasies that become manifest at that time are called vilasa
- The theory of illusion can be applied only when the living entity identifies himself with the body. As far as the cosmic manifestation is concerned, it cannot be called false, although it is certainly temporary
- The transcendentalists call the Absolute Truth that in which there is no duality. In the Absolute Truth there is no duality - everything is on the same level. One who knows this in truth is called tattvavit
- The twelve qualities of a first-class brahmana are stated in the book called Sanat-sujata
- The twenty-four elements, beginning from earth, water, fire and air, are all material energy, called Maha-brahman, or the great Brahman, the material nature. BG 1972 purports
- The two plays are called Vidagdha-madhava and Lalita-madhava. Both of them wonderfully describe ecstatic emotional love of God
- The unworthy sons of the royal orders are called ksatra-bandhavas, as the unworthy sons of the brahmanas are called dvija-bandhus or brahma-bandhus. Maharaja Pariksit was greatly encouraged by the presence of Sukadeva Gosvami
- The upper three planetary systems are called sattvika planets because they provide facilities for a long duration of life and relative freedom from disease and old age, as well as a sense of fearlessness
- The vasudeva manifestation, or the status of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is called pure goodness, or suddha-sattva
- The Vedas are called apauruseya, for they are not written by any man or demigod, including the first living creature, Brahma. Brahma is not the creator or author of the Vedas
- The Vedas are called apauruseya, or not imparted by any created being. Before the creation the Lord was there (narayanah paro 'vyaktat), and the words spoken by the Lord are vibrations of transcendental sound
- The Vedic knowledge is mother and the spiritual master is the father. So the second birth. Therefore, they are called dvija, twice born
- The Vedic mantra omkara, or pranava, consisting of the letters a-u-m, can call each of these three methods (of getting a son by semen, by initiation or by yajna) into existence
- The Visnudutas continued: Even previously, while eating and at other times, this Ajamila would call his son, saying, "My dear Narayana, please come here"
- The water was so clear that it seemed like the mind of some great soul. There may be many great souls - jnanis, yogis and bhaktas, or pure devotees, are also called great souls - but they are very rarely found
- The wheel in the hand of the Lord, called the Sudarsana cakra, has one thousand spokes. The yogi is advised to meditate upon each of the spokes. He should meditate upon each and every one of the component parts of the transcendental form of the Lord
- The whole Vedic process is to alleviate that darkened condition. Ultimately, when the senses and mind of the conditioned being are fully purified, he comes to his original position, called Krsna consciousness, and that is liberation
- The wise also know that a senamukha is three times what a patti (One chariot, one elephant, five infantry soldiers and three horses) is. Three senamukhas are known as one gulma, three gulmas are called a gana, and three ganas are called a vahini
- The word apurva is very significant. The resultant actions of karma are called apurva. When we act piously or impiously, immediate results do not ensue. We therefore wait for the results, which are called apurva
- The word daksayani means "the daughter of King Daksa." Sometimes, when there was relaxed conversation between husband and wife, Lord Siva used to call Sati "the daughter of King Daksa"
- The word daksayani means "the daughter of King Daksa." Sometimes, when there was relaxed conversation between husband and wife, Lord Siva used to call Sati: the daughter of King Daksa
- The word dhira is very significant in this connection. A person who is not disturbed even in the presence of cause of disturbance is called dhira
- The word ratha means "chariot." So if a warrior could fight against one chariot, he was called eka-ratha, and if he could fight against thousands of chariots he was called maha-ratha
- The word sphitam is also used, which indicates that He (Krsna) left His gigantic universal form called the virat-rupa, not His primeval, eternal form, because there is hardly any possibility of His changing His form of sac-cid-ananda
- The word visvan is significant in the verse (SB 2.6.21). One who travels perfectly in every field of activity is called the purusa or ksetrajna. These two terms, ksetrajna & purusa, are applicable to both the individual self and the Supreme Self, God
- The words krpanasya jijivisoh are significant. There are two classes of men. One is called the krpana, and the other is called the brahmana
- The world or the cosmic creation is not false, as maintained by the Mayavada school. It simply has no permanent existence. A nonpermanent thing cannot be called false altogether. But the conception that the material body is the self is certainly wrong
- The years of the demigods are equal to 360 years of humankind. As will be clarified in the subsequent verses, 12,000 of the demigods' years, including the transitional periods which are called yuga-sandhyas
- Then, Lord Krsna blew His conchshell, called Pancajanya; Arjuna blew his, the Devadatta; and Bhima, the voracious eater and performer of Herculean tasks, blew his terrific conchshell called Paundram. BG 1.15 - 1972
- There are different periods in your country called summer, winter, fall, spring. They are coming by rotation. Similarly, there is rotation of time which is divided into four millenniums called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, and Kali-yuga
- There are four stages within sannyasa life, and paramahamsa is the highest order. The Srimad-Bhagavatam is called the paramahamsa-samhita, the treatise for the highest class of human beings
- There are many devotees of Lord Mahabhairava (Siva), or Kalabhairava, in the province of Bihar, formerly called Magadha
- There are many embodied souls, 8,400,000 of species of life. Out of that, this civilized form of life, especially those who are followers of Vedic regulations, they are called the Aryans or the advanced civilized persons
- There are many places of pilgrimage in India, and especially prominent are Badari-narayana, Dvaraka, Ramesvara and Jagannatha puri. These sacred places are called the four dhamas. Dhama refers to a place where one can immediately contact the Supreme Lord
- There are many psuedo-devotees of Lord Siva who want to indulge in smoking ganja (marijuana) and similar intoxicating drugs, forgetting that by so imitating the acts of Lord Siva they are calling death very near. BG 1972 purports
- There are other forms of suffering called adhibhautika, which are sufferings imposed by other living entities
- There are other friends who are still more confidential. They are called priya-narma, or intimate friends. Counted among the priya-narma friends are Subala, Arjuna, Gandharva, Vasanta and Ujjvala
- There are personalities like yourself, Bhisma, Karna, Krpa, Asvatthama, Vikarna and the son of Somadatta called Bhurisrava, who are always victorious in battle. BG 1.8 - 1972
- There are regular scriptural injunctions for different persons engaged in different occupational duties, and one who follows them is called svadharma-stha, or faithful in one's prescribed duties
- There are seven kinds of routine yajnas performed by followers of Vedic rituals, they are called agnistoma, atyagnistoma, uktha, sodasi, vajapeya, atiratra and aptoryama. Anyone performing such yajnas regularly is supposed to be situated with the Lord
- There are so many things that which does not depend on our so-called scientific advancement of knowledge. It depends completely something else. Supreme controller. So that is God. They may call it nature, but they do not know nature, what is nature
- There are some philosophers, called nondualists, who because of their impersonal conception think that varieties are false
- There are sufferings called adhidaivika, over which we have no control whatsoever. These are caused by the demigods or acts of nature, and include famine, pestilence, flood, excessive heat or excessive cold, earthquakes, fire and so on
- There are tall trees with straight branches that appear to call the sweet birds, and when herds of elephants pass through the hills, it appears that the Kailasa Hill moves with them. When the waterfalls resound, it appears that Kailasa Hill does also
- There are twenty types of religious scriptures called dharma-sastras, beginning with the Manu-samhita and parasara-samhita
- There are two kinds of benefit: one is called preyas and one is called sreyas. Preyas means immediately very pleasing. The sense satisfaction, very pleasing immediately. But sreyas means ultimate goal
- There is a book called Aquarian Gospel in which it is stated that Lord Jesus Christ lived in the temple of Jagannath. Without being His devotee, how could he live there and how the authorities could allow a non-devotee to live there
- There is a book called Riyaja Us-salatina, whose author, Golam Husen, says that Nawab Hussain Shah belonged to the family of Mukka Seriph. To keep his family’s glory, he took the name Seriph Mukka. Generally, however, he is known as Nawab Hussain Shah
- There is a class of men who are interested in administration and in ruling others. In the Vedic system these martially spirited men are called ksatriyas
- There is a hereditary class of brahmanas called the smarta-brahmanas who are of the opinion that even if such persons who are chanting the holy name of the Lord are accepted as purified, they still have to perform the Vedic rites
- There is a king in the sun planet. We may call him sun-god or something like, but there is a predominating personality. He has got his personal effulgence, body. Just like fire has got effulgence, heat and light, similarly, he is the fiery god
- There is a station, railway station, called Kurukshetra near Delhi, about hundred miles away from Delhi. So these are facts. Why there should be interpretation?
- There is also a planet called Sivaloka, or Sadasivaloka, which is situated in a marginal position between the spiritual and material worlds. If, after being situated in Brahmaloka, one becomes more qualified, he is promoted to Sadasivaloka
- There is another class who are neither intelligent nor martially spirited nor endowed with the capacity for economic development but who simply can serve others. They are called sudras, or the laborer class
- There is no room for personal whims; we must always be guided by the pleasure of the Lord. Such action is called yogah karmasu kausalam (BG 2.50), or actions performed which are linked with the Supreme Lord. That is the art of doing a thing perfectly
- There is not a single Hindu temple here at least in New York or all the places so far I have traveled in this country. Regarding management of the temple is concerned for the present I have called for one of my disciples from Delhi
- There is one boy, "D.D.D.," I call him. He is always engaged in making arati, in worshiping Jagannatha. His father sent him some toys. He did not take it. So I asked him, "Why you are not taking the toys?" And he said, - It is maya
- There was a physician and his servant. So one day the physician was called by some person to treat his horse...
- Thereafter, calling all the Vaisnavas, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed maha-prasadam as if sprinkling nectar. At that time the mock fight between Advaita Acarya and Nityananda Prabhu became more and more delicious
- Therefore (that love which has the highest taste in the gradual succession of desire manifests itself in the form of conjugal love) I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) call it madhura-rasa. It has two further divisions, namely wedded and unwedded love
- These activities (prayers for material benediction) are generally called purusartha. But actually the ultimate goal is to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is called pancama-purusartha, the ultimate goal of life
- These are all called anubhava, subordinate signs of ecstatic emotion. They are visible in a person in whose heart the seed of love of God has begun to fructify
- These are the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, "When one's intelligence is fully attached to My lotus feet but one does not render practical service, one has attained the stage called santa-rati, or sama"
- These effects of bhakti-yoga are called anartha-nivrtti. Things which are artificially acquired gradually disappear along with the progress of bhakti-yoga
- These kings were called rajarsis, kings who were also great sages
- These Mayavadi rascals will say that, "The demigods are also maya, Krsna is also maya, everything is maya." Therefore we call them Mayavadi: everything maya; krsna-bhakti is maya. They say it is good for raising oneself to the platform of impersonalism
- These symptoms are called bhava. In The Nectar of Devotion, various bhavas, ecstatic conditions of a devotee, are fully described. These bhavas are visible in the activities of a perfect devotee
- They (devotees) are very clean in their habits and take bath twice and thrice. And they are so hopeful of their future life - so much so that people call them bright-faced. So apart from God consciousness, there are these practical results and others
- They (kings) were trained in such a way that they were not ordinary men but were called naradeva. Naradeva refers to Bhagavan in the form of a human being
- They (Raghunatha dasa’s father and uncle) used to call him (Nilambara Cakravarti) Dada Cakravarti, addressing him as an elder brother brahmana. Raghunatha dasa, however, was almost the same age as Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- They (the chanters of the Holy Name) are called aryah because they have already finished all these requirements, and they must be among the Aryans or those who have qualified themselves to become Aryans
- They (Yaksas and Raksasas) are born of the mode of ignorance, and therefore, because of their behavior, they are called Raksasas, or man-eaters
- They are called demigods because although their standard of life is far more advanced in culture, enjoyment, luxury, beauty, education and duration of life, they are always fully God conscious
- They are calling themselves as Christian, but they're not following the example of Lord Jesus Christ. But they should follow, everyone
- They call all woman, "Mother." "Mother, give me some alms." And they come back to guru's place. Everything belongs to guru. This brahmacari life. This is tapasya
- They do not inquire, "I do not want to die. Why is death enforced upon me?" Nor do they have any solution to this problem. But still they call themselves scientists. What kind of scientists are they
- They have no brain to become brahmana or to become ksatriya or vaisya, they are called sudras. And sudra's business is to serve the other upper three classes, laborer, worker classes, and satisfied with some service
- They may be insulting me indirectly by calling me something that I (Sanatana Gosvami) am not. I know that I have no knowledge about myself as I am, but still, some of the materialistic fools address me as learned. This is undoubtedly a joke and an insult
- Thinking that some bad planet had attacked Krsna, mother Yasoda picked up the crying child and allowed Him to suck her breast. Then she called for experienced brahmanas to chant Vedic hymns and perform an auspicious ritualistic ceremony - SB 10.7.11
- This (governor going to inspect a prison) may be called a pastime because he is going by his free will. It is not that he has become subject to the laws of the prison
- This (maintaining the status quo) is called material civilization of material attachment. Devotion for Lord Krsna means negation of all material attachments as detailed above
- This absolute dependence on the lotus feet of the Lord is called pure devotional service, and it is directly hinted at within this passage
- This arca-vigraha, sometimes called the arca incarnation, is not different from Him - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This earth planet is called Bharata-varsa because it was ruled by King Bharata. Another significant word used in this verse is bahv-ascaryam, "many wonderful things
- This energy (time) is called Kali and is represented by the dark destructive goddess generally worshiped by persons influenced by the mode of darkness or ignorance in material existence
- This example is sometimes given for persons who vibrate sounds simply for death. One may have a very nice tongue that can vibrate sound like the frogs, but that kind of vibration is simply calling death
- This fan is moving. If you disconnect the electric power, then the fan will move for a moment. That movement is not due to the electric current. That is force - what is it called, physically, this force? Momentum. But as soon as it stops, no more movement
- This is called anuvraja. Anu means to follow. It is best to follow the instruction of the bona fide spiritual master, even in visiting temples and the holy places of pilgrimage
- This is called duskrtinah. Duskrtinah, mean one has got merit, it is being spoiled for doing something wrong
- This is called yajna-bhaga. Every demigod has an allotment of yajna-bhaga, which he accepts as prasadam
- This is his great fortune. Ajamila gave the youngest son the name Narayana. Naturally father, mother becomes affectionate to the youngest kiddie. So by way of calling the young child, he was chanting -Narayana
- This material body doesn't endure eternally, everything in relation with this temporary body, such as the wife, children, society and country, changes along with the change of body. This is called samsara or repetition of birth, death, old age & disease
- This material world is called dvaita, or duality. The Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Antya 4.176) says - In the world of duality - that is to say, in the material world - so-called goodness and badness are both the same
- This misuse of intelligence by the conditioned soul is called madness. One's full intelligence should be applied to get free from the material clutches
- This perfectional stage (purified senses are always engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord) of sense engagement is called bhakti-yoga
- This practice (Demons eating meat and flesh without discrimination) is still prevalent in India, and those who eat meat and fish are generally called demons and Raksasas
- This preparatory stage (to the renounced order of life) is called vanaprastha-asrama, or retired life for traveling and visiting the holy places on the surface of the earth
- This process of turning the senses from material attachment to the loving transcendental service of the Lord is called pratyahara, and the very process is called pranayama, ending in samadhi, or absorption in pleasing the Supreme Lord Hari by all means
- This science (the process of calculating the asta-varga (eight divisions)) is known especially by persons who are called hora-sastra-vit, or those who know the astrological scriptures
- This stage of life (to be absorbed in devotional service of God) is called acyuta-bhava-siddha, or perfection by dint of devotional service
- This stage of life is called yukta-vairagya, as enunciated by Srila Rupa Gosvami. Knowledge and renunciation, therefore, do not mean dry speculation and renunciation of activities. Rather, one must start speaking and acting only in relationship with Krsna
- This statement by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- Those in the mode of ignorance are called Raksasas, those in the mode of passion are called asuras, and those in the mode of goodness are called suras, or demigods
- Those who approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead with desires for material enjoyment are called sakama, and those devotees who have no material desires for sense gratification but serve the Supreme Lord out of spontaneous love are called akama
- Those who are associated with the Lord in the Vaikuntha planets achieve all the bodily features of the Lord and appear to be the same as Lord Visnu. Such liberation is called sarupya-mukti, which is one of the five kinds of liberation
- Those who are attached to the means of bhakti-yoga are factually self-controlled and can all of a sudden give up their homely or bodily attachment for the service of the Lord. This is called the paramahaṁsa stage
- Those who are captivated by such alluring glances of the Lord are put under the direction of the controller of sinners called Yamaraja. The Lord smiles affectionately, displaying His teeth
- Those who are desirous of gaining material profits by working are called karmis, or fruitive workers. All living entities within this material world have come under the spell of maya
- Those who are from the very beginning of their self realization attached to devotional service are called sevanistha. Sevanistha means simply attached to devotional service
- Those who are qualified in goodness, they can be called as brahmin. Those who are qualified with passion, they can be called a ksatriya. Ksatriya means the politicians, administrators. brahmin means highly learned scholars, philosophers, theosophist
- Those who are situated on the mouth are called brahmanas, those who are situated on the arms are called ksatriyas, those who are situated on the waist are called vaisyas, and those who are situated on the legs are called sudras
- Those who are trying to enjoy the senses to the utmost are called karmis, above them are the jnanis, who try to conquer the urges of the senses, and above them are the yogis, who have already conquered the senses
- Those who do not believe in the existence of the ocean of milk because they have experience only of the salty water in the ocean should know that the world is also called the go, which means the cow
- Those who do not know this principles (religious principles) but who simply attach their faith to the Vedic rituals are called veda-vada-ratah
- Those who do not strictly follow the principles of revealed scriptures are generally called sahajiya, those who have imagined everything to be cheap, and who have their own concocted ideas, and who do not follow the scriptural injunctions
- Those who have actual spiritual interest are called sat, or devotees. Satam prasangat
- Those who live within the spiritual expansion of the Lord are called liberated souls, whereas the residents of the external expansion are called the conditioned souls
- Those who see everything in the Lord or everything of the Lord and also see in everything an eternal relation of the Lord, so that there is nothing within their purview of sight except the Lord, are called the maha-bhagavatas
- Those who try to meditate on the form of the Lord are called munis, or less intelligent, whereas those who render actual service to the Lord are called bhakti-yogis. The thought process described below (in SB 3.28) is for the education of the muni
- Those who utilize the energies of the worker are called capitalists, and those who actually perform the work are called laborers. In actuality they are both capitalists, and the workers are in the modes of passion and ignorance
- Through the mystic yoga practice called pranayama, the yogi controls the airs within the body to maintain the body in a healthy condition. In this way, the yogi comes to the point of trance and tries to see the Supersoul within the core of his heart
- Thus charity given in the proper place is called sattvika. And above this charity in goodness is transcendental charity, in which everything is sacrificed for the sake of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Thus I (the young brahmana) have called upon a great personality in this transaction. I have asked the Supreme Godhead (Saksi-gopala) to be my witness. The entire world accepts the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Thus Lord Nityananda has unlimited incarnations. In transcendental emotion He calls Himself a servant of Lord Caitanya
- Thus people began running here and there, calling in all directions, "Sivananda! Whoever is Sivananda, please come. Nakula Brahmacari is calling you"
- Thus wondering, she called Isana, the servant, and had the place cleaned again. She then offered another plate to Gopala
- To distinguish themselves clearly from the Tattva-vadi branch of Madhva's descendants, the Vaisnavas of Bengal prefer to call themselves Gaudiya Vaisnavas
- To explain an unclear word, men generally join it with other words. Such an attempt is called udghatyaka
- To preach, such sannyasis may accept the symbols of sannyasa, such as the danda and kamandalu, or sometimes they may not. Generally the Vaisnava sannyasis, being paramahamsas, are automatically called babajis, and they do not carry a kamandalu or danda
- To talk with a person is not mixing. You see? Mixing means, intimate mixing, there are six symptoms. When you eat, when you call him to eat, when you give, when you take, when you talk your heart, when you hear his heart. These are called intimate mixing
- Together these are called the cit potency, and they are present in full in the Supreme Lord. For the living entities, who are part and parcel of the Lord, the pleasure potency in the material world is sometimes displeasing and sometimes mixed
- Twenty-four forms of the localized Personality of Godhead are worshiped in different parts of the planetary system, and in each system there is an incarnation of God having a different Vaikuntha planet in the spiritual sky, which is called the paravyoma
- Vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh: Lord Siva is the best of all devotees. Therefore all devotees of Lord Krsna are also devotees of Lord Siva. In Vrndavana there is Lord Siva's temple called Gopisvara
- Vasudeva called for his family priest and learned brahmanas, and the sacred thread ceremony of Krsna and Balarama was duly performed
- Vasudeva satisfied Lord Visnu by performing different kinds of sacrifices, such as Jyotistoma and Darsa-purnamasa. Some of these yajnas are called prakrta, and some of them are known as saurya-satra or vaikrta
- Very sorry, these (respectable) gentlemen (who came to see the paraphernalia for worshiping Bhavani in front of the door of Srivasa Thakura) called for a sweeper to cleanse the place and purify it by sprinkling water and cow dung there
- Vidura was certainly very mortified by the death of his brother and sister-in-law, and the only remedy to mitigate such lamentation was to go out to pilgrimage. Thus Maharaja Yudhisthira had no chance to call back Vidura, his surviving uncle
- Vipra means one who is fully conversant with Vedic knowledge. He is called vipra. For spiritual elevation there are gradual evolutionary stages. So vipra stage is just before becoming a qualified brahmana
- Vipratve sutram eva hi (SB 12.2.3): in Kali-yuga, simply by putting on a thread worth two paise, one becomes a brahmana. Such brahmanas were not called for by Nanda Maharaja
- Visnu is the root of the tree called the cosmic manifestation. Foolish people do not know that their self-interest is in realization of Visnu
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, he gives his commentation that he (Ajamila) remembered real Narayana after reference to the context. When he called for his child Narayana, he remembered real Narayana
- Vrtrasura was formerly Citraketu Maharaja, a great devotee. Because he derided Lord Siva, the foremost of all devotees, he had to accept the body of a demon called Vrtra, but then he was taken back to Godhead
- Vrtrasura, who addresses the Lord as follows, "My dear Lord, by leaving Your transcendental service I may be promoted to the planet called Dhruva-loka (the Pole Star), or I may gain lordship over all the planetary systems of the universe"
- Vyasadeva, a brahmana, was called to beget Pandu and Dhrtarastra. Satyavati belonged to a family of fishermen, but Parasara, a great brahmana, begot in her Vyasadeva
- Walking and walking, Sanatana Gosvami finally arrived at a place called Hajipura. That evening he sat down within a garden
- We are calling them by names, "rascal,'' but I am not a scientist. I never studied astronomy, astrology, or anything. But why I am telling? What power I have got? But I am challenging on the words of a superior answer
- We are preachers, and we do not expect our audience or candidates completely respondent to our call. If everyone is trained then what is the use of our preaching. I receive daily so many odd letters, still we have to reply them properly
- We are sometimes in difficulty. Not sometimes. Always, we are in difficulty, but we call it sometimes, because to get over the difficulty, we make some attempt, and that attempt - making is taken as happiness
- We call everyone rascal. That is an harsh word. But actually that is the fact. They do now know what is what
- We can drive this machine called the body for so many years; then it becomes old, and we have to change it for another machine. This is the process of birth and death
- We cannot be called Bhagavan because our power is very limited, not purna. Therefore we become saguna. Krsna does not become saguna. The Mayavada theory, that God, when He incarnates, He becomes saguna, that is wrong theory
- We have been accustomed to say like that, "Black Mr. Such-and-such," "White Mr. Such-and-such." Similarly, religion is one, but due to our sophisticated mind, we call it "Christian religion," "Hindu religion," - Muslim religion
- We have been contaminated by this material affection. So one has to come out of it. That is the process of self-realization, liberation, whatever you call. The process is to come out of this contamination
- We have fallen into this horrible whirlpool of the tossing waves of life, & thus, my Lord, I (Prahlada) pray at Your lotus feet to call me back to Your eternal abode as one of Your servitors. This is the summit liberation of this materialistic way of life
- We learn from the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam that the inhabitants of the planet called Siddhaloka can travel in space from one planet to another without impediment. They showered flowers on the earth when Lord Kapila, the son of Kardama, appeared
- We offer our all respect to Jesus Christ. Yes. We call "Lord." We offer our sincere respects to him. That is all right. His teaching is all right. He gives you the message of God. We are doing the same thing. So therefore he is bona fide
- We should know that even these sinful men (who are sometimes called Kiratas) can be delivered from their sinful condition to the topmost Vaisnava platform by the mercy of a pure devotee
- We should understand that this cosmic manifestation which we call nature is a great machine and that behind this machine there is God, Krsna
- What is the use of calling that I am spiritual master? If you have not accepted him, spiritual master, what is the use? False propaganda
- What is the use of working alone. Working conjointly is better. Therefore I have instructed him to call you when he returns to the United States. He has assured me that his college programs are very organized and he is very enthusiastic to increase
- What the Upanisads call the transcendental, impersonal Brahman is the realm of the glowing effulgence of the same Supreme Person
- What to speak of stopping death, no one can enhance the short period of life even by a fraction of a moment. The only hope of suspending the cruel slaughtering process of Yamaraja is to call him to hear and chant the holy name of the Lord
- What we call stone, wood and metal are energies of the Supreme Lord, and energies are never separate from the energetic
- What you call evil, that quality is also there in God. But God, being absolute, there is no evil; everything is good. God is good
- Whatever is created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, satyam param, cannot be called mithya
- When a citizen agitates the public against the king, the duty of the king is to call him and try to pacify him with sweet words, saying, "You are very important in the state. Why should you disturb the public with some new cause for agitation?"
- When a touchstone touches iron, it turns the iron to gold. Parvata Muni called Narada Muni a touchstone because by his touch the hunter, who was the lowest among men, became an elevated and perfect Vaisnava
- When Ajamila chanted this holy name of the Lord, Narayana, he did not chant knowingly; actually he was calling his youngest son, whose name was Narayana
- When Ajamila named his son Narayana, all the reactions of his sinful life were neutralized, and as he continued calling his son and thus chanting the holy name of Narayana thousands of times, he was actually unconsciously advancing in Krsna consciousness
- When an actual fact is unknown to a certain person, this is called ignorance or lack of knowledge. This is not applicable to God, however, because He knows Himself perfectly
- When an ordinary living entity abandons his present body, he passes through the rectum. It is therefore painful. When one is called by nature to evacuate, one also experiences pain
- When Brahman is mixed with the three qualities goodness, passion and ignorance, there results the material expansion, which is sometimes called saguna Brahman and which consists of these twenty-five elements
- When He (Advaita prabhu) performed the sraddha ceremony for His father, He first of all called Haridasa Thakura and offered him food
- When King Dhrtarastra was sitting among friends and relatives, Akrura began to address him, calling him Vaicitravirya. Vaicitravirya means "the son of Vicitravirya"
- When King Prataparudra returned to Jagannatha Puri, he called for Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. When the Bhattacarya went to see the King, the King offered him respects and made the following inquiries
- When Krsna and His devotees meet, it is technically called yoga, or linking up with the Lord
- When Krsna is more grown-up, in the middle age of pauganda, His nails become finely sharp, and His chubby cheeks become lustrous and round. On the two sides of His waist above His belt there are three distinct lines of folded skin, called tribali
- When Krsna says, because He is the Supreme Lord, He says that, "He is a mudha. He is a rascal." Just like father can immediately call his son rascal or spiritual master can say, because superior position, a rascal
- When Krsna was born, the same principle was followed. Astrologer was called for, and there were good astrologers. And the great astrologer, a famous astrologer who came to see Krsna's birth affair, he was Garga Muni
- When Mukunda was called for, he submitted, "My dear sir, I have something to do that is not yet finished. Later I shall accept the prasadam, so You two Prabhus should now please enter the room"
- When one becomes frustrated with all kinds of material advancement, one desires the opposite type of liberation, which is called apunar-bhava, or no rebirth
- When one can cut the knot of attachment to the material world, his understanding is called knowledge
- When one is completely self-realized and acts according to that position, he can be called prabhu. The spiritual master is addressed as "Prabhupada" because he is a completely self-realized soul
- When prasadam is being served, the spiritual master is supposed to call each and every disciple to come eat
- When Prthu Maharaja became spiritually powerful by the enhancement of his spiritual knowledge (jnana) and renunciation of material desires, he became a prabhu, or master of his senses - sometimes called gosvami or svami
- When Ravana, the master of the Raksasas, saw the disturbances created by the monkey soldiers, he called for Nikumbha, Kumbha, Dhumraksa, Durmukha, Surantaka, Narantaka and other Raksasas and also his son Indrajit
- When Sanatana Gosvami approached Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he said, - The people in my neighborhood are calling me a pandita, and I am very unhappy because of this
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu arrived at a place known as Atharanala, near Jagannatha Puri, He sent Balabhadra Bhattacarya to call for His devotees
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu departed for South India, King Prataparudra called Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya to his palace
- When that body is a little differently manifested and its features are a little different in transcendental emotion and form, it is called tad-ekatma
- When the border of Her (Radharani) sari and the cloth veiling Her face are caught, She externally appears offended and angry, but within Her heart She is very happy. Learned scholars call this attitude kuttamita
- When the doorman informed Lord Krsna, It is four-headed Brahma, Lord Krsna said, Oh, four-headed. Call others. Show him. This is Krsna's position. For Krsna the four-headed Brahma is insignificant, to say nothing of four-headed scientists
- When the gopis understood that Uddhava had a message from Krsna, they became very happy & called him to a secluded place & offered him a nice sitting place. They wanted to talk with him very freely & did not want to be embarrassed before unknown persons
- When the Lord married 16,108 wives at Dvaraka, He expanded Himself into many forms. These expansions and the expansions at the rasa dance are called prabhava-prakasa, according to the directions of revealed scriptures
- When the Lord reached Alalanatha, He sent His assistant Krsnadasa ahead to call for Nityananda Prabhu and other personal associates
- When the son of King Prthu was informed by Atri of King Indra's trick, he immediately became very angry and followed Indra to kill him, calling, "Wait! Wait!"
- When the superior energy is in contact with the inferior energy, an incompatible situation arises; but when the superior marginal energy is in contact with the superior energy, called Hara, it is established in its happy, normal condition
- When the teachers went home to attend to their household affairs, the students of the same age as Prahlada Maharaja would call him to take the opportunity of leisure hours for play
- When there is no one else to receive obeisances, one may be called 'anamra,' or one who offers obeisances to no one
- When they all arrived at a bridge called Atharanala, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, hearing the news of their arrival, sent two garlands with Govinda
- When they reached the place called Balagandi, Lord Jagannatha stopped His car and began to look left and right
- When this temporary manifestation is annihilated, its cause, the eternal existence of the spiritual world, continues as it is, and therefore the spiritual world is called sanatana-dhama, the eternal abode
- When we discuss Krsna with a sadhu, the discussion becomes very pleasing, and we develop some taste, which is called rasa, or mellow. Rasa is the enjoyment we derive from drinking something very nice when we are thirsty
- When will that moment come when You will call me to the shelter of Your lotus feet, which are the ultimate goal for liberation from conditional life?
- While dancing, they (the devotees) appear madly intoxicated with ecstasy, as if drinking the beverage called madhuri-pura. Some of them cry, some of them dance, and some of them, although unable to dance publicly, dance within their hearts
- While dying, Ajamila chanted the holy name of the Lord, intending to call his son Narayana. Nevertheless, he attained the spiritual world. What then to speak of those who chant the holy name with faith and reverence
- While the discussion was going on, baby Krsna cried. Without remonstration, mother Yasoda picked the child up on her lap and called the learned brahmanas to chant holy Vedic hymns to counteract the evil spirits
- Why Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed his life? Just to show that the human society must be God conscious. But unfortunately, people do not take care. They are following, they are calling themselves as Christian, but they're not following the example
- Why then was he (Hiranyakasipu) called a Raksasa and Daitya? It is because whatever he did was for his own sense gratification. His son Prahlada Maharaja was only five years old, and so what could Prahlada do?
- Why this man is dead? They may explain, these rascals, in so many ways, but actual, any simple man can understand that there was something, either you call it soul or something else, that is now missing
- With the materialistic mind one can reach the best planet in the universe, but no one can enter into the kingdom of God. Senses are called spiritually purified when they are not involved in sense gratification
- Yes, to call one another prabhu is all right, but not to become prabhu. To accept others as prabhu, and remain as servant is the idea. But because somebody is calling you prabhu, one should not become a prabhu, and treat others as servants
- You are making arrangements for me but also I think you should make arrangements for calling your wife. The husband and wife must live together for helping one another in developing Krishna Consciousness
- You can call him Hrshikesh, and the same name will be continued after his initiation also. In the meantime, let him be trained up in our line of activities to observe the rules and regulations and chant Hare Krishna jointly with you
- You can call it, "This is Negro law," "This is white law," "This is black law . . ." No. That is not very scientific. God is great, we are all subordinates, and we have to obey the orders of God. That is religion
- You can call sermon, because there is prayer song and there is, I mean to say, recitation from scriptures
- You have made promise when you took initiation that there will be no illicit sex connection. If still you are unable to fulfill that promise to your spiritual master, then what is the use of calling yourself devotee and disciple? That is simply pretending
- You have to go and lecture all the universities, calling these rascals fools. That will be our mission. They do not know anything and talking all nonsense. That's it. There was nobody to challenge till now
- You may call it "Hindu religion" or "Muslim religion" or "Christian religion," but in any case, real religion is that which teaches how to love God
- You may call it species according to Darwin's theory, but we don't accept this Darwin's theory. That is not very intelligent. So we don't speak of species, but we call form
- You may call the Vedas Hindu, but "Hindu" is a foreign name. We are not Hindus. Our real identification is varnasrama. Varnasrama denotes the followers of the Vedas, those who accept the human society in eight divisions of varna and asrama
- You may name your daughter Mitra dasi, I have no objection. You may call your children as you like, but you should always inform my secretary to make sure the name is entered on our list to avoid repetition
- Yuktatama indicates the topmost of all yogis - the devotees, who can also be called yogesvara. In this verse (SB 4.22.22), yogesvara-upasana means to render service to a pure devotee