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- Haridasa Thakura used to chant the holy name of Krsna 300,000 times a day without fail
- I am the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant - one hundred times down the servant. Of who - The maintainer of the gopis, Krsna
- Lord Parasurama killed all the ksatriyas twenty-one times
- You get back four times what you give: this is the law of karma
- A person who is chanting Your holy name must have performed all kinds of penances and sacrifices according to Vedic rituals and studied the Vedic literatures many, many times after taking his bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage. BG 1972 purports
- According to the Varaha Purana, as quoted by Srila Jiva Gosvami, there is no difference between the water of the Ganges and the Yamuna, but when the water of the Ganges is sanctified one hundred times, it is called the Yamuna
- According to the Vedic system, when a girl is married, she is very profusely and gorgeously decorated with costly saris and jewelry, and during the marriage ceremony the bride circumambulates the bridegroom seven times
- Actually householders and vanaprasthas should bathe two times a day (pratar-madhyahnayoh snanam vanaprastha-grhasthayoh). A sannyasi should bathe three times daily, and a brahmacari may take only one bath a day
- Actually one has to chant twenty-four hours daily, just like Thakura Haridasa, who was chanting the Hare Krsna mantra three hundred thousand times daily. Indeed, he had no other business
- After all, at Jagannatha Puri You eat fifty-two times a day, and each time You eat hundreds of buckets filled with prasadam
- After this (during the marriage ceremony the bride circumambulates the bridegroom seven times), the bridegroom and bride look at one another and become attracted for life
- All of these seasonal times are considered extremely auspicious for humanity. At such times, one should perform all auspicious activities, for by such activities a human being attains success in his short duration of life
- Although life on the heavenly planets is hundreds and thousands of times more comfortable than life on earth, the heavenly planets are not pure (nirmalam), or free from the taint of material existence
- Although the members of the Panca-tattva plundered the storehouse of love of Godhead & distributed its contents, there was no scarcity for this wonderful storehouse is so complete that as the love is distributed the supply increases hundreds of times
- Although the volume of work has.... a hundred times, but these American disciples, they are helping me, so I haven't got to work personally so much
- Anything grown in the garden, that is hundred times valuable than it is purchased from the market
- Arati should be offered to the Deities five times daily - early in the morning before sunrise, later in the morning, at noon, in the evening and at night. This means that there should be worship and a change of dress and flowers
- Artistic jewelry and decorations giving the appearance of eyes are not imaginary. Even in recent times the Mogul emperors constructed their palaces with decorations of jeweled birds with eyes made of valuable stones
- As far as His opulence is concerned, He married 16,108 wives. Every wife had her own separate palace, and Krsna expanded Himself 16,108 times in order to enjoy them all
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.17), sahasra-yuga-paryantam ahar yad brahmano viduh: one day of Brahma equals 1,000 yugas, and each yuga consists of 4,300,000 years. Similarly, Brahma has a night of 1,000 times 4,300,000 years
- As the sun is ever increasingly unaffected by a spot of cloud, so also the unlimited Lord is unaffected by the spot of material energy manifested at times in the unlimited span of the Lord's rays of brahmajyoti
- As the sun rises and sets and the seasonal changes ensue at their appointed times by the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, so the seasonal plants, flowers, herbs and trees all grow under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- At the maximum enough food for two people, for man as well as for the cow. That person will be healthy and nourished other times he will chant Harinama. The cow will produce milk and after drinking it, the man will be healthy and nourished
- Bali Maharaja was transferred from the heavenly planet to the planet Sutala, which is hundreds of times better than heaven, as indicated by the words svargibhih prarthyam
- Because I am put into jail, "All right, it is very good. Without working, I am getting two times food. Let me remain in the jail," oh, that is not very intelligent question. You see? We must get out of the jail
- Because it is Krsna's book, if somebody purchases, if he pays something, he'll look at it, that "What this nonsense has written? Let me see." Then he will get some idea. And if he reads one line, he comes hundred times forward to Krsna consciousness
- Bhagavad-gita can be consulted in all critical times, not only for solace from all kinds of mental agonies, but also for the way out of great entanglements which may embarrass one in some critical hour
- Bharata means this planet, and Mahabharata means the complete history of the whole world. Nowadays, at the present moment, history means a chronological record, but previously, history means only the important incidences at different times
- By the grace of the Lord, simply by surrendering unto Him one can get out of this cycle of birth and death. Otherwise, one may go on in many, many lives and may many times attempt other processes for liberation
- Each Manu's period lasts seventy-two times the cycle of four ages, and one cycle of ages equals 4,320,000 solar years. Thus 4,320,000 x 72 solar years is the reign of one Manu
- Eight years I have traveled around fourteen times or more than that
- Elephant is a big animal, and at least fifty times more than cow, there is flesh. But it is not recommended. But the cow protection is recommended because it has got the miracle food, milk, and from milk you can prepare hundreds of preparation
- Enclosed please find a clipping from the Times of India regarding our New York High Court victory. Please mount this article nicely and display it at the entrance of our Temple
- Even if you live for one day or two days and simply engaged in devotional service that will be 100 times increased. Therefore ordinary men is advised not to live in holy places more than three days
- Even in the highest planet in this material world, where the duration of life and standard of enjoyment are thousands and thousands of times greater than those on earth, there is still old age, disease and death
- Even Ramakrishna Mission. They are working for the last eighty years, and I have worked only for six years. And my result is eighty times more than them. They also acknowledge. Phalena pariciyate
- Every day we see the sun to be just like a small disc, perhaps twelve inches in diameter, but in fact it is a hundred times larger than the earth. So what is the value of our direct perception through our eyes
- Every living being lives for one hundred years in terms of the times in different planets for different entities. These one hundred years of life are not equal in every case
- First he (Bharata Maharaja) enjoyed his paternal property for one thousand times ten thousand years. At the time of his retirement, he divided this property among his sons and left for Pulaha-asrama
- Five hundred years ago, the income was twelve lakhs of rupees per annum. That one lakh, one hundred thousand of rupees, I think at the present moment, the value has increased one hundred thousand times
- Following in the footsteps of her spiritual master (Haridasa Thakura), she (the prostitute) began chanting the holy name of Krsna 300,000 times a day. She chanted throughout the entire day and night
- For the Lord's service we can ask for His grace and mercy a hundred times, but for our sense gratification we cannot pray or ask anything - that is pure devotion
- From this verse (of CC Madhya 7.37) it is clear that Caitanya Mahaprabhu was chanting the holy names a fixed number of times daily. The Gosvamis used to follow in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Haridasa Thakura also followed this principle
- Haridasa Thakura constructed a cottage in a solitary forest. There he planted a tulasi plant, and in front of the tulasi he would chant the holy name of the Lord 300,000 times daily. He chanted throughout the entire day and night
- Haridasa Thakura used to chant the holy name on his beads 300,000 times daily. Throughout the entire day and night, he would chant the sixteen names of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Haridasa Thakura was fully surrendered to the lotus feet of Krsna and was always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna by chanting the holy names of the Lord 300,000 times daily as a vow
- Haridasa Thakura was the ideal spiritual master because he regularly chanted on his beads a prescribed number of times. Indeed, he was chanting the holy name of the Lord 300,000 times a day
- Haridasa Thakura, although born in a mleccha or yavana family, became Namacarya Haridasa Thakura because he performed the nama-yajna a minimum of 300,000 times every day
- Haridasa Thakura, fully surrendered to the lotus feet of Krsna, was always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna by chanting the holy names of the Lord 300,000 times daily as a vow
- He (Caitanya) described how one should worship the Lord by offering Him arati five times a day, and He described how one should offer food to Krsna and lay Him down on the bed
- He (guru) does not even say that he is the direct servant. Rather, he is the servant one hundred times removed
- Here in Vrindaban I am enjoying my disciples how they are speaking. So two times daily everyone must attend the classes. During the morning and evening times there should be no business, simply kirtana, chant, dance, and be purified
- I am so pleased that you have published. Even I have not seen them, I am pleased and obliged to you. Continue this work. Whenever there is any publication in any language, it enlivens me 100 times
- I am trying my level best to reopen the business but still it will take minimum one week to come to the normal condition. I am awfully stranded and put to much shame. Will you kindly help me as you have done so many times?
- I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it
- I have been initiated into a vow to perform a great sacrifice by chanting the holy name a certain number of times every day
- I have explained many times, the Vedic system of autocracy or monarchy in good training of God consciousness can save the world
- I have no objection if KRSNA book is made to the 6.5 x 9.5 size, but a picture book as suggested by the Japanese people looks nice in a little larger size. So I have no objection to any size
- I have traveled all over the world so many times. Because there is no varnasrama-dharma, how loose they are. That has been experimented. I have seen
- I have traveled over the world at least fourteen times. I have seen there is enough land, especially in Africa, in Australia, in America, and we can produce so much food grains that ten times of this present population can be easily maintained
- I know that you are practical. Instead of talking 100 times and doing nothing. That I want
- I offer my obeisances ten million times to the lotus feet of Sri Advaita Acarya. Please do not take offense at this
- I shall be much pleased if you kindly introduce to me some good presses who can take up the work. To print my books in U.S.A. is five to ten times more expensive than in India. I therefore want to get the books printed in a first class press in India
- I stress in every letter, "Chant Hare Krsna at least sixteen times. Follow the principles."
- I taste the bliss to which the object of love is entitled. But the pleasure of Radha, the abode of that love, is ten million times greater
- I therefore offer my respectful obeisances millions of times to Acyutananda's actual followers, whose life and soul was Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I was glad to hear from Gargamuni that you refused to set me in the N.Y. Times columns along with the other so called Swamis or yogis. We have a distinct position that we are neither cheated nor cheaters
- I will have to attend London festival this year because three times I have attended Rathayatra festival in SF and this time I have been very fervently requested to attend the London Rathayatra festival, where they are expecting 50,000 participants also
- I worked very hard. Two times lectures, cooking, and meeting and twenty-four-hours writing book, typing. Not a single moment, and still I am not wasting single moment
- If a person who has committed murder, killed somebody else, then if he is punished by death, then the sinful activities which he has committed, that is counteracted. Otherwise he will have to suffer next life very severely, four times
- If brahmananda, the bliss of merging in the Brahman effulgence, were multiplied one hundred trillion times, it would still not equal even an atomic fragment of the ocean of transcendental bliss felt in devotional service
- If I take some money from you, if I do not pay you, then I will have to pay four times next life. That you do not know. Four times, many times, with interest
- If one uses this human form of life properly, he can elevate himself to the higher planetary systems, where material happiness is many thousands of times better than on this planet
- If the devotee offers something to the Lord (Krsna), it acts for his own interest because whatever a devotee offers the Lord comes back in a quantity a million times greater than what was offered
- If the money is given in charity to a learned & fully qualified brahmana, the money is returned a hundred & a thousand times, if the money is given to a veda-paraga (one who has realized the path of the Vedas) it is returned by unlimited multiplication
- If the transcendental bliss derived from understanding impersonal Brahman, were multiplied a million times, such a quantity of brahmananda could not compare with even an atomic portion of the pleasure relished in pure devotional service - BRS 1.1.38
- If you think of Krsna twenty-four hours, Krsna will think of you twenty-six hours. (laughter) Krsna is so kind. If you do some service for Krsna, Krsna will reward you hundred times
- In addition to other duties, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the system of chanting the holy name of the Lord a fixed number of times daily, as confirmed in this verse (of CC Madhya 7.37) - tomara dui hasta baddha nama-ganane
- In complete contrast with the influence of this atmosphere on the minds of the living entities within the material world is the description of the spiritual world. The women there are hundreds and thousands of times more beautiful than the women here
- In former times, the higher social orders, namely the intelligent class (the brahmanas), the ruling class (the ksatriyas) and the mercantile class (the vaisyas), were properly trained
- In India there are many places very suitable for spiritual advancement. Still they are existing from the very, very old times, historical time
- In modern America, any girl may select a husband as she likes, although for a common girl this is actually not very good. But even in those times an uncommon, highly qualified girl who knew how to select a good husband was given the chance to do so
- In previous times, when the ruling class was degraded to the modes of passion and ignorance, the brahmanas, headed by such a ksatriya-spirited brahmana as Parasurama, killed them twenty-one consecutive times
- In the arrangement of the first line the letter 'ta' occurs five times, and the arrangement of the third line repeats the letter 'ra' five times
- In the fourth line the letter 'bha' occurs four times. This arrangement of alliteration is a pleasing ornamental use of sounds
- In the last year you have changed your engagement so many times, it is not good, better to stick to something and complete it than constantly changing
- In the material world, if one engages in chanting a material name, he will feel tired after chanting a few times. However, one can chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra all day and night and never feel tired
- In the material world, if we repeat something once, twice, thrice or four times, it finally becomes hackneyed and disgusting. However, this Hare Krsna maha-mantra can be chanted twenty-four hours daily, and one will still feel fresh and enthusiastic
- In the sixteenth incarnation of the Godhead, the Lord (as Bhrgupati) annihilated the administrative class (ksatriyas) twenty-one times, being angry with them because of their rebellion against the brahmanas (the intelligent class)
- In the temple, the rule is that you must get up before four and prepare yourself, and we have to ring the bells three hundred times, and still you are sleeping. Just see
- In the upper status of the planetary systems there are facilities thousands and thousands of times greater for material enjoyments than in the lower planetary systems
- In the Vedas these times (time of the fire-god's effulgence and when the sun is in the northern horizon) are considered auspicious for quitting the body, and they are taken advantage of by the expert mystics who have perfected the system
- In the Vedic literatures we find descriptions of many different planets where there are many, many palaces, hundreds and thousands of times better than those of which we have experience on this planet earth
- In those days if my father would spend twenty-five rupees, it was a great festival. Why not? In those days, fifty, sixty years ago, the money value was at least twenty times
- In those times the wife was so much devoted to her husband that she would voluntarily die in the fire of his cremation, unable to live without him
- Instead of working foolishly for sense gratification, if we work one hundred times, one-hundredth portion of that labor for Krsna, our life will be successful. That is the teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- It is not that they think, "Krsna is God, and therefore I love Him." In Vrndavana Krsna does not play as God; He plays there as an ordinary cowherd boy, and although at times He proves that He is the SPG, the devotees there do not care to know it
- It is said that at the end of creation the sun becomes twelve times more scorching than usual. This twelve-times-hotter temperature is called Siva-jvara
- It is stated in the Skanda Purana that during this period (Caturmasya), if someone circumambulates the temple of Visnu at least four times, it is understood that he has traveled all over the universe
- It is understood that the sexual appetite of a woman is nine times greater than that of a man
- Jarasandha, the King of Magadha, besieged the city of Mathura not only once but seventeen times in the same way, equipped with the same number of military phalanxes. Each and every time, he was defeated and all his soldiers were killed by Krsna
- Just like by evolutionary process you have come to this human form of body, you can make farther improvement. You can do to other planets. There are many, many other planets where thousand times better standard of life is there
- Laksmana said, "My dear Queen, many times I heard the great sage Narada glorifying the pastimes of Krsna. I became attracted to the lotus feet of Krsna when I heard Narada say that the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, was also attracted to His lotus feet"
- Lord Parasurama and Lord Nrsimha displayed unusual opulence by killing the disobedient ksatriyas twenty-one times and killing the greatly powerful atheist Hiranyakasipu
- Lord Parasurama, the incarnation of the Personality of Godhead, appeared in such a state of worldly affairs and killed all the miscreant kings twenty-one times
- Lord Rsabhadeva performed all kinds of sacrifices one hundred times according to the instructions of the Vedic literatures. Thus He satisfied Lord Visnu in every respect
- Lord Sri Krsna is thousands upon thousands of times more satisfied when He sees Srimati Radharani's face light up from this combination of ecstatic love than He is by direct union with Her
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, while leaving home for the north, constantly remembered Lord Sri Krsna within himself, following in the footsteps of his forefathers as well as the great devotees of all times
- Marking these and many other omens of evil times, everyone but the four sage - sons of Brahma, who were aware of the fall of Jaya and Vijaya and of their birth as Diti's sons, was seized with fear
- My dear sir, you are chanting the holy name 300,000 times daily and informing everyone of the importance of such chanting
- My Godbrothers are envious because they could not do even half of Guru Maharaja's work, and I am doing ten times. So therefore they are envious. So if an ordinary man like me can do ten times, you are Americans - twenty times, then you are successful
- My Guru Maharaja did not travel all over the world, so I have got double energy than him. So you must triple energy, four times energy than me. Then actually disciple
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that "When you get up, you beat your mind with shoes hundred times, and when you go to the bed, you beat your mind with broomstick hundred times." Then there will be no compromise
- My message is to stop the crimes of your country. This is my sum and substance. We have read the article in the Times, "Crime and How to Stop It." So if you take my advice, that can be stopped
- Narottama dasa Thakura has forbidden us to go to such places of pilgrimage because in this age, the times having so changed, a sincere person may have a different impression on seeing the behavior of the present residents of the pilgrimage sites
- No one should try to live on flesh in ordinary times simply for the sake of the palate. If anyone does so, the king or the executive head should punish him for gross enjoyment
- Nobody can change them (sruti-smrti-pramana). But these particular rules and regulations in sruti-smrti are for particular times, particular circumstances. So we have to take these rules and regulations. You cannot change them
- Nobody will marry the husband who has married sixty-four times
- Now, I purchased this for one dollar. Oh, I am getting demand. I must charge five hundred times." No. That is irreligious
- O best of the Bharatas, I (Krsna) shall now explain to you the different times at which, passing away from this world, one does or does not come back - BG 8.23
- O best of the Bharatas, I shall now explain to you the different times at which, passing away from this world, one does or does not come back. BG 8.23 - 1972
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "One who has a hundred times more qualities than Me could give pleasure to My mind"
- Once situated on those higher planetary systems (known as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, etc.), one can satisfy his senses hundreds of thousands of times better than on this planet. BG 1972 purports
- One acquires natural happiness upon seeing the moon, but when one can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's transcendental happiness increases hundreds and thousands of times
- One celestial year is equal to 6 x 30 x 12 x 1000 of our years
- One Chinese literature is 1000 times better preaching than worshiping in the temple
- One millennium means 4,300,000s of years. So multiply it, increase it by one thousand times, that is the duration of Brahmas one day. So it is beyond our mind and speculation; still, they are within the material world. So if you like, you can go there
- One should not imitate Haridasa Thakura, for no one else can chant the holy name 300,000 times a day. Such chanting is for the mukta-purusa, or liberated soul
- One should silently murmur the (dvadasaksara) mantra 108 times and offer prayers to the Lord for His glorification. Then one should circumambulate the Lord and finally, with great delight and satisfaction, offer obeisances, falling straight like a rod
- One should silently murmur the mantra 108 times and offer prayers to the Lord for His glorification. Then one should circumambulate the Lord and finally, with great delight and satisfaction, offer obeisances, falling straight like a rod (dandavat)
- Our traveling each time, lakhs of rupees, I am traveling. But one man cannot see once in life London or New York from India. I see four times in a year. So I have no problem - because Krsna is there
- Parasurama became angry at Kartaviryarjuna and killed him and rid the entire world of ksatriyas twenty-one times
- Parasurama is so old that he met both Rama and Krsna at different times. He fought with Rama, but he accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He also praised Arjuna when he saw him with Krsna
- People in general have a tendency to learn the history and narrations of different men and times, but due to a lack of knowledge in the science of Godhead, they are not apt to study the history of the incarnations of the Personality of Godhead
- Prahlada Maharaja requested Lord Nrsimhadeva to deliver his sinful father, who had so many times offended the lotus feet of the Lord
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was fasting, but he was taking thrice bathing and offering obeisances hundred times. His regular activities was not stopped. And he was taking every alternate day a little quantity of butter. That's all
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was offering obeisances flat hundred times and taking bath three times. Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, those who have gone to Radha-Kunda, you have seen, the extreme tapasya. He was very rich man's son
- Recent times have witnessed a concerted and noble effort on all fronts to bring about unity, peace, and harmony in the world, but these are possible only when people worship Lord Krsna and render Him devotional service
- Regarding your questions, how material things dissolve, I may give you one example: Material manifestation is temporary, as it is stated in Bhagavad Gita, that material manifestation at times comes into being and it at times vanquishes
- Regardless of how many times he is punished, one who is attached to sense enjoyment will commit sinful acts again and again until he is trained to refrain from enjoying his senses
- Separate times we become religious for being promoted to higher standard of life - economic development, big big scheme, plans, how to make very gorgeous city, buildings, roads, cars, slaughterhouse, scientific, how to cut throat very scientifically
- She (one gopi) praised His (Krsna's) blackish complexion, the reddish color of chewing pan enhancing His beauty hundreds of times, the curling hair on His head, the kunkuma red spots on His body and the tilaka on His forehead
- Should not the Supreme Personality of Godhead, if He is recommending to us as brahmanas to bathe so many times, should he not also take bath?
- So before she reaches twenty years, twenty times she must have taken contraceptive method. And that means her health is ruined. What she'll produce?
- So far personal association with the Guru is concerned, I was only with my Guru Maharaja four or five times, but I have never left his association, not even for a moment. Because I am following his instructions, I have never felt any separation
- Sometimes when he (the conditioned soul) is fatigued, when he is tired of material activities, he wants liberation and hankers to become one with the Supreme Lord, but at other times he thinks that by working hard to gratify his senses he will be happy
- Sparrows and pigeons have sex three hundred times daily, although they are strict vegetarians, and the lion, which is not a vegetarian, has sex once a year. Spiritual life is not a question of vegetarianism but of understanding higher knowledge
- Sparrows, the pigeons, they're having sex life three hundred times daily, you see, although they are very vegetarian. And the lion is not vegetarian, but it has got sex life only once in a year. So it is not the question of vegetarian or nonvegetarian
- Specifically in the field of religion, we have tried to establish many varieties of ephemeral physical and mental arrangements, varieties of denominations, according to various peoples, places, and times
- Sva-dharma (prescribed duties) might be violated in cases of emergency, if one is forced by circumstances, but they cannot be violated in ordinary times
- Sweet rice should be cooked with ghee, and with this preparation the husband should offer oblations to the fire twelve times
- Thakura Haridasa used to chant the holy name of the Lord three hundred thousand times daily
- That (the parama-prestha-sakhis in the ecstatic dealings of Krsna and Radha they side sometimes with Krsna and at other times with Radharani) makes the exchange of mellows more palatable
- That one, Krsna consciousness, will make this material civilization hundred times important. And without Krsna consciousness, they are all zeros
- The age of Brahma is calculated in terms of divya years, which are distinct from the solar years of human beings. The divya years are calculated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.17). Brahma's one day is equal to one thousand times the aggregate of the four yugas
- The basic principle of material enjoyment is sex. Therefore, you will find sex not only in human society but in cat society, dog society, bird society - everywhere. During the daytime, a pigeon has sex at least twenty times. This is his enjoyment
- The beautiful bodily features of the women in the higher planetary systems are thousands and thousands of times more attractive than the features of the women on earth
- The charity of Maitreya not only will help Vidura, but, due to its universal nature, will deliver all others in all times. Thus Maitreya is immortal
- The demigods named the Mauhurtikas took birth from the womb of Muhurta. These demigods deliver the results of actions to the living entities of their respective times
- The demigods said: Although You (Krsna) appear in a color which is compared to the blackish cloud, because You are the Transcendental Absolute, Your beauty is many, many times more attractive than the delicate body of Cupid
- The duration of one day of Brahma is one thousand times greater than the four yugas, aggregating 4,320,000 years. Similarly, Brahma's one night. Brahma lives for one hundred years of such days and nights
- The earth is seven times superior to the other planetary systems, namely Tala, Atala, Talatala, Vitala, Rasatala, Patala, etc. Therefore the earth cannot be situated in the Rasatala planetary system
- The gopis taste a pleasure ten million times greater than the pleasure Lord Krsna derives from seeing them
- The jackals roar four times at night without any influence but the one roar of a lion drives away many elephants
- The King was certainly most unhappy that he could not get a son, and this is why he had married so many times. Ksatriyas especially are allowed to marry more than one wife, and this King did so. Nonetheless, he had no issue
- The Lord distributes His mercy in the form of rains on the scorched earth at times of dire necessity. He supplies rain when we are practically on the verge of death for want of water
- The main thing is that whenever prasadam is offered to the Lord, everything should be very respectfully and cleanly presented and prepared. In Jagannatha Puri, the Lord eats 56 times. So the Lord can eat as many times as you can offer
- The material sound that vibrates, any sound that you produce, immediately it rotates seven times over this earth, and if you have got a machine, you can catch it. Similarly, there is process to catch the transcendental vibration from the spiritual sky
- The narrations of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam may be read thousands and thousands of times, and still, without fail, new aspects of the subject matter will be relished by the devotee
- The parama-prestha-sakhis are eight in number, and in the ecstatic dealings of Krsna and Radha they side sometimes with Krsna and at other times with Radharani, just to create a situation in which it appears that they favor one against the other
- The purpose of going to a place of pilgrimage is to get the chance to glorify the Lord. Even today, although times have changed, there are still pilgrimage sites in India
- The reason for the Japa beads is so that you can keep track of how many times you are chanting Hare Krishna mantra daily. It should be chanted a steady amount of times regularly
- The Samanta-pancaka pilgrimage site is celebrated because Lord Parasurama performed great sacrifices there after killing all the ksatriyas in the world twenty-one times
- The soul is hundreds of thousands of times finer and more powerful than intelligence. We can thus only imagine the velocity of the soul in its traveling from one planet to another
- The standard of living in the higher planetary systems is thousands and thousands of times higher than the standard of living on this planet
- The sun and planets, however, are seen in different signs and constellations at different times. This indicates that their motion is different from that of the zodiac and the wheel of time itself
- The supreme duty of the ruling king is to give all protection to law-abiding persons and to chastise those who stray from the ordinances of the scriptures in ordinary times, when there is no emergency
- The Supreme Supersoul, the Personality of Godhead, is unlimitedly able to exert His influence over all places and all times and over all living beings
- The total orbit of the sun is four times that distance, or 95,100,000 yojanas (760,800,000 miles)
- The twentieth branch of the Caitanya tree was Haridasa Thakura. His character was wonderful. He used to chant the holy name of Krsna 300,000 times a day without fail
- The vendor saw that her whole basket of fruit had become filled with jewels. The Lord is the bestower of all benedictions. If someone gives something to the Lord, he is not the loser; he is the gainer by a million times
- The Visnudutas continued: Even previously, while eating and at other times, this Ajamila would call his son, saying, "My dear Narayana, please come here"
- The water of the Yamuna is naturally very clear and pure, and thus if anyone bathes there three times, undoubtedly he will be very greatly purified externally
- The women there (in the spiritual world) are hundreds and thousands of times more beautiful than the women here in this material world, and the spiritual atmosphere is also many times better
- The wonderful characteristics of the gopis are beyond imagination. They have no desire for personal satisfaction, yet when Krsna is happy by seeing them, that happiness of Krsna makes the gopis a million times more happy than Krsna Himself
- The word jata-vedah means "fire which is produced by rubbing wood." In Vedic times, learned sages could bring forth fire from wood. Jata-vedah also indicates the fire in the stomach, which digests everything we eat and which produces an appetite
- There are 7 lower planetary systems, known as Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala lokas. All these planetary systems are scattered over the complete universe, which occupies an area of two billion times two billion square miles
- There are two kinds of Brahmas. Sometimes Brahma is an ordinary living entity, and at other times Brahma is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Brahma spoken of here is an ordinary living being
- These transcendentalists (ordinarily known as saints, philosophers, reformers, messengers, and so forth) appear in various places in the world at various times
- This (Krsna expanding Himself to 16,108 times) may seem difficult to believe, but it is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the great sages of India recognize this as scripture and recognize Krsna as God
- This comes (the distance the sun travels between each two cities of Devadhani to Samyamani) to 23,775,000 yojanas, or 190,200,000 miles. The total orbit of the sun is four times that distance, or 95,100,000 yojanas - 760,800,000 miles
- This is ideal of human civilization. The every woman should try to become maidservant of her husband, and every man should try to become the hundred times servant of Krsna. This is Indian civilization. Not that "Husband and wife, we are equal rights"
- This perfectional stage is attained by a jnani after many, many births. The jnanis, or the empiric philosophers endeavoring for liberation, are thousands of times better than the fruitive workers & out of hundreds of thousands of jnanis one is liberated
- This question was raised in Parliament also. So how we became fabulously rich? We do not do anything. I have not taught you anything magic. I simply request you, Chant Hare Krsna mantra sixteen times, please
- Those small particles which we see through the window with sunshine, they are combination of six atoms. They are not original atom. But the atomic constitution of the living entity is a thousand times smaller than the atom
- To fight sixteen thousand times to secure sixteen thousand wives is certainly possible only for the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- To kill all the sinful men is one among the tasks of the incarnation of Godhead. Lord Parasurama killed all the ksatriyas twenty-one times consecutively because they were disobedient to the brahminical culture
- To rectify this material conditioning the great sage Narada and others have at different times recommended various kinds of regulations for Deity worship
- We can produce sufficient food grains for our maintenance, and the whole world has got sufficient land. I have traveled over the world at least fourteen times
- We have information of Lord Brahma's duration of life from the BG: 1,000 times the duration of the four ages, or 1,000 x 4,320,000 years, constitute Brahma's 12 hours. Similarly, one moment of Brahma's time is equal to one year of our solar calculation
- We keep one wife, and that is very difficult for us. We have to think over hundred times, "Whether I shall accept a wife to maintain?" You see? But Krsna had sixteen thousand wives
- We see generally, "Oh, I have read Bhagavad-gita hundred times." But you ask him what is Krsna, he cannot say. Because he has not approached the acarya. This is the difficulty
- We shall always try to remain servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the . . . hundred times servant. Then it will be all right. The more you become humble, meek, the more you advance. That is real advancement
- We should always feel when we open a temple that the Deity is living and not dead stone or wood. It is a great offense. Before opening a temple it must be considered a hundred times, and after opening it cannot be closed
- We small living entities are controllers to a degree. We can control, at times, our family members, wives, children and so forth. Or we can control our office, factory, country or whatever
- What I am doing alone, now you have to do twelve times; then it will spread. Then each one takes another twelve. Then there will be no space for these rascals to flourish
- What you have said about considering a thousand times before opening a temple, that I want. Not that you should open a temple whimsically, and then close whimsically
- When Bahulasva, the King of Mithila, saw Krsna at his palace, he decided to offer his respects by bowing down before Him at least a hundred times
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fell down with a crash while dancing, He would roll on the ground. At such times it appeared that a golden mountain was rolling on the ground
- When the jiva performs all his activities under the direction of the Lord's internal, spiritual energy, he enjoys eternal transcendental bliss, which is a billion times greater than the happiness of Brahman realization
- When there is a little hope of success in these countries, it encourages me 100 times more than in other places. If they take up this Krishna Consciousness, they'll take it very seriously. This is the perfection of Communist ideology
- When you are expert in becoming the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the Lord - hundred times down, servant - then you are perfect
- While Jagannatha was waiting, Caitanya, in His ecstasy of Radharani, immediately came forward to Krsna. At such times, Jagannatha would proceed ahead very slowly. These competitive exchanges were all part of the love affair between Krsna and Radharani
- With this dress you look so beautiful. This Vedic dress is also nice, very beautiful. It increases the beauty hundred times by this dress
- Women in general are very much sexually inclined. Indeed, it is said that a woman's sex desire is nine times stronger than a man's
- You can speak something one thousand times, but don't give it in writing
- You exist internally as Parabrahman and externally as the ingredients of the material creation. Therefore, although manifested in various stages, at different times and places, and in various bodies, You are the original cause of all causes
- You have to learn how to become servant of the servant of Krsna. The more you become in the lower position - servant, servant, servant, servant, servant, hundreds times servant, servant - then more you are advanced
- You have to see through the sastra, sastra-caksusa. Just like you see the sun just like a disc, but when you go through the sastra, authorized books, you understand that it is fourteen hundred thousand times bigger than this earth
- You should have such program for worshiping the Deity that you may be engaged twenty-four hours, twenty-four hours. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya, nitya-nana, nitya-nana-srngara, dressing, decorating. Daily, new dress, or twice new dress, or four times