Without this division there cannot be any systematic peaceful running of human activities. There must be a very intelligent class to guide the whole population with brahminical qualifications. There must be a class of people to give protection to the people at the time of danger and ordinarily to maintain peace and order, the ksatriyas. There must be a section to produce food and grains sumptuously for feeding both animals and humans without discrimination. Especially cows must be protected by this class. The meat eater class may not be encouraged but if they are stubbornly attached they can eat hogs and dogs or goats or lambs under certain conditions only, but not by maintaining slaughterhouses. Then human society will be very peaceful and everyone engaged in employment without producing any idle brains which only are devils workshops. If England and America as well as France and Germany can understand this philosophy there will be great theistic revolution which will counteract the atheistic philosophy of Marxism. The present communistic philosophy must be countered by revival of the principles of catur varnyam.
I understand that some philosophers in Russia are thinking of autocracy with good sense. I am also advocating this philosophy. I have explained many times, the Vedic system of autocracy or monarchy in good training of God consciousness can save the world though less political thieves have failed with Marxism but if in England people can come to Krsna Consciousness monarchy is superficially maintained, and if the next Krsna Consciousness autocrat it will be a great revolution in the political field. Such noble king is not an autocrat but is guided by Brahmins how to rule and see everyone employed in their respective duties as Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra and no one unemployed. There is no question of unwanted upheaval in society.