Category:Part and Parcel
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Pages in category "Part and Parcel"
The following 116 pages are in this category, out of 116 total.
- A godless civilization detached from the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is just like a detached hand or leg. Such parts and parcels may appear like hands and legs, but they have no efficiency
- A sannyasi in the renounced order is certainly part and parcel of the complete whole, just as a shining molecular particle of sunshine is part and parcel of the sun itself. Krsna is like the sun, full of six opulences
- A woman is first impregnated by a man, and then a child is produced. As such, the child produced by the woman is part and parcel of the man. Similarly, the living entities are apparently produced by the material nature, but not independently
- According to the Mayavadi philosophers, the living entity in illusion considers himself part and parcel although he is actually one and the same as the supreme whole
- Actually, the living entities are infinitesimal parts and parcels of Brahman, and as such they are prone to be covered by the illusory energy
- Advancement of civilization means brahma-darsanam. That is advancement. Because so long we do not come to the platform of understanding that "I am spirit soul, I am part and parcel of the Supreme Spirit"
- After cleansing the rooms and floors such kind of auspicious paintings are done every morning or in every ceremony. In Bhagavad-gita is is said that they are part and parcel of religious life. In most cases these engagements are meant for the women
- All material or spiritual planes and planets are different parts and parcels of One Unit only but there are immense diversities in unity for variegatedness is the necessary paraphernalia of eternal pleasure which we are all seeking in the wrong way
- Although the blazing firewood, the sparks, the smoke and the flame cannot stay apart because each of them is part and parcel of the fire, still they are different from one another
- Although the sun is all light, the clouds, darkness and snowfall are all part and parcel of the sun. Without the sun there is no possibility of the sky's being overcast with clouds or darkness, nor can there be snowfall on the earth
- Although there is oneness, however, the Lord in His personal form still enjoys unlimitedly all the pleasures enjoyed minutely by the tiny part-and-parcel living entities
- Another meaning of the word atma may be accepted in this way: the principle who is the Supersoul in every atma, or, one may say, the soul of everyone, became manifested as Dattatreya, because the word amsa, part and parcel, is used here - SB 4.1.15
- Any person employed in government service, including the president, is a part and parcel of the entire government
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah (BG 15.7)). The small living entities are eternally part and parcel, and therefore it is not possible for them to be quantitatively as great as the Supersoul
- As far as bodily construction is concerned, there is no difference between the part and parcel living entities and the expansions of Visnumurti. BG 1972 purports
- As long as the living spiritual sparks manipulate the dead lumps of matter, the dead world appears to be a living world. Actually it is the living souls, the parts and parcels of the supreme living being, who move the world
- As requested by Lord Brahma, the Personality of Godhead will explain all about the four questions put forward by Brahma, and others also which are parts and parcels of the same questions
- Because I am part and parcel of the Supreme Self, so my establishment with the Supreme Self means I will be active for Krsna. This is the simple philosophy. As soon as I am active in Krsna consciousness, that means I am established in the self
- Because the living entity is eternally part & parcel of God, when he is liberated, he revives his original, eternal, part-and-parcel identity. The realization of aham brahmasmi (I am not this body) does not mean that the living entity loses his identity
- Because the living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme, he exists eternally. Therefore, for him there cannot be any question of birth or death. So-called birth and death occur because of the material body
- Before the creation there were no Karanarnavasayi or Garbhodakasayi or Ksirodakasayi Visnus, or was there Brahma nor Sankara. The Visnu plenary expansion and the living entities beginning from Brahma are separated parts and parcels
- By nature, the living entity is perfect, but due to the contamination of lust, he becomes vicious. That which is part and parcel of gold is also gold, and whatever is part and parcel of the Complete perfect is also perfect
- By sankhya philosophical research one comes to the conclusion that a living entity is not a part and parcel of the material world, but of the supreme spirit whole. BG 1972 purports
- Circumstantially the water becomes solid, ice, but immediately it melts, similarly, our dharma is to serve, because we are part and parcel
- Cultivation of knowledge to understand one's spiritual position is also, to a certain extent, a waste of time. Because the living entity is an eternal part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, his immediate business is to engage himself in devotional service
- Each one of us, we are part and parcel of God. So we have got some duty. Just like the part and parcel of my body has got some duty. The eyes, his duty is to see. The ear, his duty is to hear
- Even after attaining knowledge of one's spiritual identity if one doesn't come to the point of knowing that the living entities are eternal parts & parcels of the whole & can never become the whole, one has to fall down again into the material atmosphere
- Even after attaining knowledge of one's spiritual identity, if one does not come to the point of knowing that the living entities are eternal parts and parcels of the whole, one has to fall down again into the material atmosphere
- Every child is the part and parcel of the father. Similarly Krsna, the Supreme Lord, God, we all living entities, we are sons, or part and parcel of God. Qualitatively we are one. Just like a small particle of gold is also gold
- Every living entity is part and parcel spirit soul, but in contact with Maya it has developed different types of consciousness, represented by varieties of bodies, beginning from the aquatics and going to the bodies of demigods in higher planets
- Everything being a part and parcel of the Complete Whole, the neophyte student will gradually realize the hymns of Isopanisad which state that the Supreme Lord is everywhere, and he will learn the art of not committing any offense to the body of the Lord
- Everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for everything is created by Him. All living entities, being the Lord's sons, His eternal parts and parcels, have the right to use their father's property by nature's arrangement
- From the spiritual point of view we are all spiritual sparks, parts and parcels of the Supreme Spirit, God. Either materially or spiritually we are basically one, but we make friends and enemies as dictated by the illusory energy
- From this verse (SB 5.15.6) it appears that the incarnations of God are various. Some are part and parcel of the direct expansions, and some are direct expansions of Lord Visnu
- He (Kamadeva) belongs to the category of jiva-tattva, but for exhibiting special power in the category of demigods he was a part and parcel of the superprowess of Pradyumna. That is the verdict of the Gosvamis
- He (the common man) can feel that the hand, the leg, the head, the hair and the limbs are all his bodily parts and parcels, but as such the hand, the leg, the head, etc., cannot be identified with his self
- I authorize the Postmaster of Vrndavana to deliver registered insured articles, parcels and money orders addressed to me to my messenger, Sri Tamal Krsna Gosvami
- I give you one example. Just like this finger is the part and parcel of your body or my body. If this finger is separated from this body, it has no value. Similarly, we being part and parcel of God, Krsna, if we're detached from God, we cannot be happy
- I have given this example: the parts and parcel of your body. If separately the part and parcel of the body wants to satisfy itself, it will never be satisfied
- If any part of my body is engaged in giving service to the physician, that is not very palatable. But in healthy condition, when the parts and parcels of the body give service to the healthy body, that is very nice. That is pleasing
- If one does not come to the point of knowing that the living entities are eternal parts and parcels of the whole and can never become the whole, one has to fall down again into the material atmosphere
- In all circumstances, neither the material ingredients nor the spiritual parts and parcels are independent of the Personality of Godhead Vasudeva
- In the jiva category, the vibhinnamsa parts and parcels, there are also gradations
- In the Vedanta-sutras the living entity is qualified as light because he is part and parcel of the supreme light. As sunlight maintains the entire universe, so the light of the soul maintains this material body. BG 1972 purports
- Individual parts and parcels, who can travel to any part of the Lord's creation, are called sarva-gata and are suffering the pangs of material existence
- It is due to the impregnation of the material nature by the supreme father that the living entities are present. Therefore the argument that the individual living entities are not parts and parcels of the Supreme cannot stand
- Just like the finger is part and parcel of my body. Its duty is to serve the whole body. Similarly, if we accept, if we understand that, "I am part and parcel of God," then my duty is to serve God
- Just like this finger is the part and parcel of my body. So what is the duty of this finger? To abide by the order of the body. I want: "Finger, you stand like this"; the finger is standing. "You come here," "Yes." That is part and parcel
- Just like Upanisads is part and parcel of the Vedas, similarly, Puranas are also part and parcel of the Vedic literature
- Living beings are part and parcel of the Complete Whole, and if they are severed from the Complete Whole, the illusory representation of completeness cannot fully satisfy them
- Lord Brahma continued: Let there be good fortune to both of you, for you and King Indra are both part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore you should not be angry with King Indra, who is nondifferent from you
- O King Prthu, son of Vena, you are the part-and-parcel expansion of Lord Visnu. Due to the mischievous activities of King Vena, religious principles were almost lost. At that opportune moment you descended as the incarnation of Lord Visnu
- One loses his real remembrance of his position as part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead just as a man who sleeps forgets himself
- Part and parcel means helping the whole. As we have several times explained that this finger is the part and parcel of my body, so it is the duty of the finger always serve the body, whole body. It has no other occupation
- Part and parcel of gold must be gold. There is no doubt about it. But it does not mean that the small particle of gold is equal to the gold mine. That is not possible. Part is never equal to the whole
- Perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth means perfect knowledge of Krsna. If one understands Krsna, then all the departments of knowledge are part and parcel of that understanding. BG 1972 purports
- Pure soul, being part and parcel, it is naturally very pure. And Vedas says even when the soul is within the material existence, it is not mixed up. It remains always separate
- The business of the part and parcel is to serve, render service, to the whole. This is natural condition
- The consciousness of the Lord is also in the part and parcel, and according to the proportion to which that consciousness is cleared of material dirt, the living entities are differently situated
- The controlling deities of all the above-mentioned physical elements are empowered expansions of Lord Visnu. They are embodied by eternal time under the external energy, and they are His parts and parcels
- The covering capacity of Maya can be employed on the part and parcel of Brahman, not on the Supreme Brahman
- The cultivation of knowledge and the renunciation of fruitive activities may be necessary to understand one's spiritual existence in relation to the material conception of life, but they are not part and parcel of devotional service
- The difference between the two (the Supreme Lord and the living being) has been analyzed as the difference between the whole and the part and parcel
- The difference is always there between God & the part-&-parcel living entities, but by the influence of God's internal potency, the understanding is covered. We can attain that position after many, many lives of pious activities. That is stated in the SB
- The duty of the part and parcel is to render service to the whole; as much as different limbs of the body are engaged to render service to the whole body. These things are very simple to understand
- The exact position of the living entities is just like that of the sparks of a fire; they are part and parcel. The material energy is compared to the smoke. The fire is also part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- The finger is part and parcel of the total body, and its eternal function is to serve the body. Indeed, that is the very purpose for the finger, and if it cannot serve the whole body, it is diseased or useless
- The five elementary ingredients of creation, the interaction thereof set up by eternal time, and the intuition or nature of the individual living beings are all differentiated parts and parcels of the Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva
- The idea is that a living entity is always pure because he is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The impersonal cosmic situation is also Mukunda because it is the emanation of the energy of Mukunda. For example, a tree is a complete unit, whereas the leaves and the branches of the tree are emanated parts and parcels of the tree
- The influence of maya is experienced by the part and parcel spiritual entity, but it cannot influence the Supersoul, the Paramatma
- The living entities are always the parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord. They can never be equal to the inconceivable, supernatural power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The living entities, being part and parcel of the Lord, possess His qualities in a minute quantity. Therefore one should not be affected by lamentation
- The living entity, being the fragmental part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, is qualitatively one, just as the parts and parcels of gold are also gold. BG 1972 purports
- The Mayavadi philosophers, they do not accept Puranas as Vedic literature, but Srila Jiva Gosvami has proved in his Tattva-sandarbha, in the beginning, that Puranas, Mahabharata, itihasa-purana, they are part and parcel of the Vedic literature
- The Mayavadis try to imitate Sripad Sankaracarya. Pretending to be orthodox, they reject the truth that the jiva is part and parcel of Para-brahman, the Supreme Lord
- The misunderstanding that I am part and parcel of this material world and that everything in this material world is thus an object for my enjoyment - does not allow me to become a transcendentalist or a really learned fellow
- The part-and-parcel hands and legs are called the body, but the body as the whole unit is neither the hands nor the legs
- The parts and parcels are meant to serve the whole, and when they misuse their independence they are subject to the miseries of the laws of matter, just as criminals are subject to police action
- The parts and parcels of the body are nondifferent from the body, but by themselves they are only parts. That is the significance of the whole scientific system of four castes and four social orders
- The parts and parcels of the internal potency which react in contact with the external potency are called the marginal potency, or the living entities
- The process of bodily self-consciousness - the misunderstanding that I am this material body and mind and, for that matter, that I am part and parcel of this material world and that everything in this material world is thus an object for my enjoyment
- The Puranas and Mahabharata were made from related historical facts which explained the teaching of the four Vedas. There is no point in doubting the authority of the Puranas and Mahabharata as parts and parcels of the Vedas
- The results of knowledge and fruitive activities are liberation and material sense gratification respectively. Consequently, they cannot be part and parcel of devotional service; rather, they have no intrinsic value in the discharge of devotional service
- The separated parts and parcels have different positions in the estimation of material powers, and some of them are like Kala-bhairava, Smasana-bhairava, Sani, Mahakali and Candika
- The she-demon expressed her desire that the child be named after her, and the child was surnamed Jarasandha, or one who was joined by Jara, the she-demon. In fact, this Jarasandha was born as one of the parts and parcels of the demon Vipracitti
- The sparks can everlastingly remain within the original fire as its parts and parcels, but the moment the sparks become separated from the original fire, their misfortunes and miseries begin
- The SPG creates His minor parts and parcels, the jiva-tattva, beginning with Lord Brahma, the demigods and the expansions of Vedic knowledge & including all other living entities, moving and nonmoving, with their different names and characteristics
- The state considers its citizens to be its parts and parcels, and when a citizen misuses his relative independence, the state puts him under police authority
- The Supreme Lord enters the material cosmos and causes creation, maintenance and destruction in their due course, whereas the part-and-parcel living entity enters the material elements and has his material body created for him
- The Supreme Lord has two kinds of parts and parcels: the living entity is called vibhinnamsa, and the Paramatma, or the plenary expansion of the Supreme Lord, is called svamsa
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead expanded Himself into many for His ever-increasing spiritual bliss, and the living entities are parts and parcels of this spiritual bliss. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has many parts and parcels; some are called svamsas, or His personal expansions, and some are called vibhinnamsas, the living entities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always anxious to elevate the living entities, who are His parts and parcels, and for their special benefit, the Lord travels all over the world in the form of self-realized persons like you
- The unlimited sky is like the Supreme Brahman, and the tiny living entities are like the covered sky, or Brahman covered by the three modes of material nature. Originally, everyone is part and parcel of Brahman
- The word amsamsah, which refers to part and parcel of a part and parcel. There are similar verses in the Caitanya-caritamrta which indicate that the Supreme Lord's parts and parcels again expand into other parts and parcels
- There are gradations of Brahman, and no one can deny this fact. Therefore the words atmesa-brahma-sambhavan indicate that Dattatreya was directly part and parcel of Visnu, whereas Durvasa and Soma were parts and parcels of Lord Siva and Lord Brahma
- There must be some relation. Without relationship one cannot exist because he is part and parcel. Just like persons in the prison house. They are not out of government. There is relationship with the government, but that is indirect
- They offer the demigods their oblations, considering the demigods part & parcel of the whole, the SL. Therefore the SPG accepts these offerings & gradually raises the worshipers to the real standard of DS by fulfilling their desires & aspirations
- This finger is part and parcel of my body, your body, but if it becomes diseased, then it cannot act as my finger. It becomes a source of pains only
- This finger is part and parcel of my body. If you respect my body and kill my, cut my finger, shall I be happy? No. Therefore Vaisnava knows this, that "Even a small ant, he is the part and parcel of Krsna. So if I kill this ant, Krsna will be unhappy"
- Those who are busy rendering service to the parts and parcels, leaving aside the whole, only spoil time and energy, as one does when watering the leaves of a tree without watering the root
- To think falsely that one is the Supreme Soul and that one is all-pervading is not svarūpa. This is not realization of his actual position. The real position is that one is part and parcel
- To think oneself the same as the Supreme is not self-realization. Here it is clearly explained that the Supreme Lord is anadi, or purana, and He has no other cause. The living entity is born of the Supreme Godhead as part and parcel
- We are all part and parcel of God. Therefore, just like you are part and parcel of your parent, so there is some intimate relationship with your parents. It cannot be broken, even if you are absent from home for many years
- We are also expansion of Narayana, vibhinnamsa. We are called vibhinna, separated particles, part and parcel of Narayana. And Narayana has got personal expansions
- When a person forgets his constitutional position as an eternally subordinate part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and wants to be happy independently, he functions mainly in two ways
- When the senses are active, they appear to be part and parcel of the body, but when the body is asleep, their activities are unmanifest. Similarly, the whole cosmic creation appears different and yet nondifferent from the Supreme Person
- Worship of demigods may indirectly be worship of the Personality of Godhead, but it is not regulated. By worshiping the Supreme Lord, one automatically serves all the demigods because they are parts and parcels of the whole