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Pages in category "Safe"
The following 104 pages are in this category, out of 104 total.
- A pure devotee, without embarrassing himself by trying for elevation in so many ways, stays in the safest position as a servant of Krsna, and thus his life is eternally safe without a doubt
- A pure Vaisnava should be very careful to engage in his specific duty without criticizing others. This is the safest position. Otherwise, if one tends to criticize others, he may commit the great offense of criticizing a Vaisnava
- A sudra is elected as president, he is not fighting, he is in a safe place, and he is simply directing, "You go and fight. Let me see how you are fighting." No. The king, the ksatriya, he will come forth in the front of fight
- All along he is thinking these things are like soldiers of security to safeguard his happy life, but they are described as "fallible soldiers'' because they will not help us at all
- Although they may be very carefully maintained, no one can guarantee that there will be no danger even on the safest road. BG 1972 purports
- Always chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. That will save you. That Krsna chanting and hearing, that will keep us safe
- Always remain engaged in the service of Krishna. That is the sure and safe method to be safe from the grip of Maya
- Always think of Krsna, then there is no question of falling down. Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). These four things, if strictly done, he is safe. Always think of Krsna, become His devotee, offer Him obeisances & worship Him
- Anyone who is narayana-parayana, he does not fear whether he is going to hell or heaven, because wherever he goes he is with Narayana, he is safe
- Anyone who is narayana-parayana, he does not fear whether he is going to hell or heaven, because wherever he goes he is with Narayana, he is safe. It doesn't matter whether it is hell or heaven
- As indicated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.16), one does not escape material miseries even if he is elevated to Brahmaloka. Similarly, one is not very safe even if he is promoted to Sivaloka, because the planet of Sivaloka is marginal
- As soon as one has a land sufficient to produce, he is safe. His food problem - that is the real problem - is solved
- As soon as you become Krsna conscious, everything is finished. But don't commit again. Stick to Krsna consciousness. Then you are safe
- Because Yogamaya had the ability to create such a (beautiful and safe) atmosphere, the Lord ordered her to go to Nanda-gokula
- Being assured by Lord Krsna, all the inhabitants of Vrndavana entered beneath the great hill along with their property and animals, and they all appeared to be safe
- Bhagavata is the only guide. Read Bhagavata, repeatedly whole life. Safe. Always. Always, whenever there is time, read, read, read
- By taking shelter of Lord Krsna, one comes under the safest protection. Thus when the Pandavas took shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna, all of them were on the safe side of the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- Don't think that we are safe and that You can therefore leave us. Our life is always under Your mercy, for we have no shelter other than Your lotus feet. Kindly don't leave us - This is Kunti's prayer
- During World War II it was reported that many wives of the German soldiers went to church to pray for their husbands' safe return, but when they found they had been killed in battle, they became atheistic
- Even if I do not like to kill any animal, still, while walking we are killing many animals, many ants on the street, unwillingly. So that is also taken into account. You cannot kill even an ant. So the karma-kanda is not very safe
- Even in offensive stage, if you go on chanting and try to be, try to become safe from offensive condition... Dasa-vidha-nama, ten kinds of offenses, if we avoid, that is the process of auspicity
- Everyone wants akuto-bhayam: "I must be very safe and sound in every respect, in my social position, so far my health is concerned, anything." Everyone wants that security. But there is no security. That is called struggle for existence
- Everything was safe, but on the first voyage it was drowned, and all important men of your country, they lost their life. So danger there must be, because you are in a dangerous position
- Hare Krsna mantra has got the power to neutralize the resultant action of your all sinful activities. That's a fact. But don't accumulate again sinful activities. Then you are safe
- He is being killed within the womb, & he enters another womb; there also he may be killed again. This is the law of nature going on. But they do not know; do not care. They think that, "This child is being killed - I am safe." But you may also be put into
- I am lower than you. I am the lowest of the all creatures. I am simply trying to execute the order of my spiritual master. That's all. That should be the business of everyone. Try best. Try your best to execute the higher order
- I am very glad to learn that you have the Prahlada pictures in your safe custody because I want to print up many small books with text accompanied by illustrations, and the first one may be of Prahlada Maharaja
- If instead of serving maya under different names, one turns his service attitude toward the Supreme Lord, he is then safe, and there is no more difficulty
- If one never for a moment forgets Krsna, he is safe even if by chance he falls down by committing sinful acts
- If we are in Krsna consciousness, even if we are in the midst of mayic activities, it will not affect. So everything is there, but if you change your consciousness, then you are safe
- If we follow the regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds, that is our safe position. I think this instruction you will follow. That is my desire
- If you dedicate your life for yajna . . . yajna means for Visnu. Yajnarthe karma means . . . yajna-purusa is Visnu. If you work for Visnu, then you are safe. Otherwise you are becoming complicated
- If you fall from the instruction, how you can remain eternal? You have to stay on the platform. Then eternally you are safe. If you fall down from the platform, then it is your fault
- In execution of my devotional service there may be so many dangers, but because I have taken shelter of Krsna's lotus feet, I am safe
- In our New Vrindaban, because the cows feel very safe, they give us sufficient milk. That is our experience. So you keep things in order according to the Vedic injunction, you get sufficient food
- In spite of valuable medicine administered by a competent physician, sometimes a patient dies; or in spite of having a big safe boat, sometimes a man drowns
- In the Vaikunthas there are airplanes, but they make no tumultuous sounds. Material airplanes are not at all safe: they can fall down and crash at any time, for matter is imperfect in every respect
- In this material world everyone is suffering - the birds, the beasts, the trees, the animals, the plants, and even Brahma and Indra. Indra is also not safe; he is always in anxiety about competitors who may come
- It (soft cow dung) does not know that when it dries out, it will be thrown into the fire too. We may laugh because President Nixon is in trouble, and we may think ourselves very safe because we have a big bank balance, but actually no one is safe
- It is My vow that if one only once seriously surrenders unto Me, saying "My dear Lord, from this day I am Yours," and prays to Me for courage, I shall immediately award courage to that person, and he will always remain safe from that time on
- Nanda-gokula, the residence of King Nanda, was itself very beautiful, and when Yogamaya was ordered to go there and encourage the devotees with fearlessness, it became even more beautiful and safe
- Narada Muni encouraged Maharaja Yudhisthira by saying, "You are already on the safe side because you, along with your entire family, have become a pure devotee of Krsna"
- Naturally a child, he thinks, "I am safe now with my mother." But the Kali-yuga is so cruel that even with mother you are not safe. And still you say it is a place of happiness? This is called illusion. It is not place
- Of the four orders of human society - the student, or brahmacari order, the householder, or grhastha order, the retired, or vanaprastha order, and the renounced, or sannyasi order - the householder is on the safe side
- On the other hand, anyone who takes to the process of devotional service and has faith that the lotus feet of the Lord are safe boats to cross that ocean is certain to cross very easily and comfortably
- One can be safe from the clutches of repeated birth and death by Your mercy only. My dear Krsna, You are the supreme pure one, the Supersoul and the master of all yogis. What can I (Queen Kunti) say? I can simply offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- One may think, "The Pacific Ocean is such a vast mass of water, with many large waves, but although I am standing only a few yards from it, I am confident that I am safe
- One should act unhesitatingly to execute the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - that will keep him safe under all circumstances. BG 1972 purports
- One should think always in danger without Krsna. This is the first step. And by taking shelter of Krsna's lotus feet, one should always feel safe
- One's position is safe only in so far as he does not falsely declare himself to be God or proprietor. It has become fashionable to claim to be God, and fools accept such claims, but from the Vedic literatures we understand that God is not so cheap
- Our friends, relatives and so-called wives and children are not only fallible, but also bewildered by the outward glamor of material existence. As such, they cannot save us. Still we think that we are safe within the orbit of family, society or country
- Our only shelter is Krsna. Krsna, krsna, krsna, krsna, krsna, krsna, raksa mam. Very dangerous position. The foolish people, they are thinking that "We are very happy and we are very safe." But nobody is safe
- Our proposal is, that is first-class religion which teaches the followers to go back home, back to Godhead. It does not matter whether it is Christianity or Muhammadanism. Just like if I want to return to India, I shall see which plane goes faster & safe
- She (Kunti) indirectly says to Krsna, - Do not leave us. Don't think that we are now safe. Without Your protection, we are always unsafe
- Simply to merge into the Brahman effulgence is not very safe. Because we want ananda. So in impersonal zero standard there cannot be any ananda
- Small child sleeps very sound on the lap of the mother because it thinks, "Now I am safe." And the mother is killing child. This is the advancement. Has been many cases, a polluted woman has killed his child on account of paramour
- Such a sinful man (Ajamila), if simply by chanting once at the time of his death - that was also desiring his youngest son - he could get so much benefit, those who are chanting always the holy name of God, they should be always in safe condition
- Superficially, it appears that in the USA there is sufficient provision of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, but actually nobody is safe even in his good apartment. I have got practical experience in New York
- Suppose a snake comes here and it has a jewel on the head. So you'll be all safe? No. He's dangerous. So that is going on. So-called educated scientist, degrees, what they're doing? Atom bomb, kill men
- Tatha dehantara-praptih. This is the crucial point, dehantara-praptih. One has to accept another body. So if you can find out a means so that you do not accept another body, then you are safe
- The authorities of the temple should be so careful that it does not turn into something else besides temple. Then you are safe. The maya cannot touch you
- The best way to be absorbed in Krsna consciousness is to be always dovetailed in His (Krsna's) service, and this will make one's path to the spiritual kingdom safe, certain, and direct. BG 1972 purports
- The Deity worship program is meant for us to keep us safe. If we neglect Deity worship, we shall also fall
- The laws of prakrti (nature) are very stringent. No one should think that he has the freedom to kill animals and not suffer the consequences. One cannot be safe by doing this
- The material world is full of dangers (padam padam yad vipadam (SB 10.14.58)). For example, if one is on the ocean one may have a very strong ship, but that ship can never be safe; because one is at sea, at any time there may be dangers
- The modern scientists, however, are conditioned souls liable to so many errors and mistakes; therefore the safe side is to accept the authentic version of Vedic literatures, like Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is accepted unanimously by the great acaryas
- The opportunity is offered. If you don't take, that is your misfortune. We are offering, "Every one of you can become safe, safely protected by the father, Krsna"
- The rabbit, when he's in face to face of some ferocious animal, the rabbit closes the eyes. He thinks he is safe. Similarly, simply by trying to cover our sufferings by artificial means, that is not solution. That is ignorance
- The safe course is to say no. Although it is a falsehood, it protects one completely, it draws the compassion of others toward oneself, and it gives one full facility to collect money from others for oneself
- The safest path in life is to follow such great personalities, especially those mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The symptoms of a really Krsna conscious person are that he knows that Krsna is the supreme master, he always thinks himself in danger without Krsna, and by taking shelter of Krsna's lotus feet he always feels safe
- The Titanic was safe, but on its first voyage it sank, and many important men lost their lives. So danger there must be, because we are in a dangerous position. This material world itself is dangerous
- The true variegatedness which exists in the Absolute Truth is a product of His inconceivable energy. Indeed, it can be safely concluded that this cosmic manifestation is but a by-product of His inconceivable energies
- Then another person, who may be a greater logician, will nullify these conclusions and establish another thesis. In this way the path of argument will never be safe or conclusive
- There are so many dangers in this material world that one may fall down from an exalted position at any time. Yet if one keeps himself always pure and steady by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, he will be safe without a doubt
- There is a Bengali proverb: Dry cow dung is used for fuel, and it is said that when the dry cow dung is being burned, the soft cow dung is laughing, saying, - Oh, you are being burned, but I am safe
- There is no need of manufacturing. We are very safe because we don't manufacture. We simply repeat, parrotlike, what Krsna has said
- They (people of the world) avariciously base their undertakings on the perishable conceptions of "my" and "mine." As long as they do not take shelter of Your safe lotus feet, they are full of such anxieties
- This Krsna consciousness movement is very safe and easy. We have only to execute the order of God and fully surrender unto Him. We have only to execute the order of the spiritual master, preach Krsna consciousness and follow in the path of the Vaisnavas
- This mukti the sayujya-mukti, means to become one with the Supreme, it not very safe, because there is, there is want of ananda and knowledge. Simply to become one, that will not help
- Those who are being initiated, they are being freed from the resultant action of past sinful life. But they should be careful not to commit again sinful activities. Then they are safe
- Thousands of followers, especially Western youths, are taking part in this Hare Krsna movement, and how safe and happy they feel can be understood from the expressions of gratitude in their hundreds and thousands of letters
- We are not orphans. We are taken care of by our rich father, very wise father, very rich father, able father. We are not forlorn orphans. We have got respectability. And we offer our respect to father. We depend on father. We are safe
- We are very safe because we don't manufacture. We simply repeat, parrotlike, what Krsna has said. That's all, finished
- We have seen in India, a madman lies down on the street. That is not in your country? But he thinks that he's safe. He's not safe. Similarly, we are, because we are mad, by the influence of maya, we are not safe
- We have to train up the mind until we get the another body. That is the art of living. So if you train up your mind simply to think of Krsna, then you are safe. Otherwise there is chance of accidents
- We may think very..., that we are very safe and we are making good advancement in economic development, but there is no solution for these four problems, as enunciated by Bhagavad-gita, janma, mrtyu, jara, vyadhi
- We should not think that the only apprehended culprit is President Nixon and that we are safe
- We want liberation, but not liberation in the impersonal existence. That is not very safe. We must enter into the spiritual varieties of life
- We want liberation, but not liberation in the impersonal existence. That is not very safe. We must enter into the spiritual varieties of life. That is Krsnaloka; that is Vaikunthaloka, especially Krsnaloka
- When Hiranyakasipu received benedictions from Lord Brahma, he thought that he was safe, since he received the benediction that he would not be killed either by an animal or by a human being
- When we passed through the sea on the ship, although we are on the sea, quite safe, still, when there is some storm, when there is some disturbance on the ocean, we also become very much disturbed, because that situation is foreign to us
- While offering her prayers to Krsna, Kunti says, - Krsna, You are thinking that now we are safe, but I don't think we are safe. We are always in danger. If You think we are safe, who will give us protection
- Why should we go to research? Everything is there. Our position is very safe. We get the perfect knowledge without wasting our time. We take from Krsna, that's all. Finish