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Pages in category "Scope"
The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total.
- A woman attracts a man, and in that way the scope of material activities, involving house, wealth, children and friendship, increases, and thus instead of decreasing one's material demands, one becomes entangled in material enjoyment
- Although the mental scope of even demigods like Brahma was unable to comprehend the unlimited glories of the Supreme Lord, they were all able to perceive the transcendental form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by His grace
- Amidst His relatives and friends, He appeared to be a shining full moon amidst the luminaries in the sky. Lord Balarama is the Personality of Godhead Ananta Himself; therefore He is beyond the scope of understanding by mind, intelligence or body
- As controller every one of us has got some scope or facility to control. At least we are controlling our cats and dogs. In that controller sense everyone is god. But we are not supreme controller. The supreme controller is called Godhead
- As soon as we go out of the scope of this Krsna consciousness, there will be so many talks. And that will mislead you. That is maya. And if you stick to the Krsna consciousness, there is no secrecy, there is no duplicity, there is no diplomacy
- Balarama said, "Tell Him He should not leave the house today." This shows how Balarama, Krsna's elder brother, took care of Krsna with parental love, within the scope of fraternal affection
- By God's arrangement there is sufficient scope for the production of milk and grains for human beings all over the world
- He (the living entity) is helpless, being in the grip of these modes (of material nature), but when he can see his real position, then he can attain to the transcendental platform, having the scope for spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- Here is a very good scope for doll making and exhibit. And the place is very nice
- I (Prabhupada) have worked alone, now you are so many. Our scope is unlimited, resources unlimited, so we must be exceptionally enthusiastic and sober-minded and responsible for working in that spirit
- I am very glad that your wife Mona is gradually understanding Krishna Consciousness. Women are generally less intelligent. Give her time & scope & she will turn out a very good assistant for your life. Convey my blessings for her
- I am very much serious that you all boys & girls should expose these Nixons and remove them, there is ample scope for protest in this Sankirtana Movement & you yourselves be president, that is my hope for saving the misled mankind from total chaos
- I give the name and address of Bhagavan. His father's name and everything. Why you are being misled? Where is the scope for searching out where is Bhagavan? Here is Bhagavan
- I have come to this country with the same purpose in view and as far as I see it here in America there is very good scope for preaching the cult of Lord Caitanya
- I think especially that England is the best field in the world for distributing our books, as good or better than USA, so I want that you all should be very active to increase the scope there
- I wish that instead of wasting your time for 2 or 3 years for taking a degree, you may increase your scope of activities for recruiting such boys and training them in Krishna Consciousness
- If you engage yourself in pious activities, in Krsna consciousness activities, where is the scope of dong nonsense work? Therefore it is stopped. Automatically it is stopped
- It is clearly stated, vaikuntha-lila. Lila means "pastimes." Unless the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, has transcendental activities, where is the scope for thinking of these pastimes
- Many people have mentioned the nice prasadam distribution program in our New York Temple. I have heard also that on Sundays there are 500 people attending. So there is tremendous scope for preaching
- Mass of people may be poor, but we want to approach respectable persons. They are not poor. They will pay. Why third-class printing, fourth-class matter? Our first-class matter, first-class printing. We have got better scope than Gita Press
- Speculation comes when you do not accept what Krsna says. If you accept Krsna, what Krsna says, then there is no scope of speculation
- Srila Jiva Gosvami states in his Bhagavat-sandarbha (16) that by His potencies, which act in natural sequences beyond the scope of the speculative human mind, the ST, the summum bonum, eternally and simultaneously exists in four transcendental features
- The highest perfection of mystic power is called kamavasayita. This is also magic, but whereas the prakamya power acts to create wonderful effects within the scope of nature, kamavasayita permits one to contradict nature
- The perfection of love of God by a devotee actually situates him on the spiritual platform.These things are made possible by the Lord's inscrutable and inconceivable energy, which material science has not the scope to calculate
- The scope of the Krishna Consciousness Movement is Universal. The process for regaining one's original spiritual status or eternal life full with bliss and knowledge, is not abstracted dry theorizing
- There is ample scope for working but unfortunately we have simply wasted time by quarreling with one another
- There is good scope for distributing Gujarati and Hindi books in Fiji, but if there is mismanagement then what can be done
- There is no lamentation when one is in pure consciousness, for he knows that he is a small part, a spiritual spark protected by the Supreme Lord. Where then is there scope for lamentation
- There is no scope of studying all the living beings. There is no such scope. You have limited scope. So your seeing power is limited. How you can decide from the limited seeing power
- They want if you can say the truth, but don't say the unpalatable truth. But that is social etiquette. When you speak about spiritual life there is no such scope
- Those who are impersonalists and who have no knowledge of spiritual senses can only discriminate within the scope of the material senses and thus cannot understand spiritual exchanges or spiritual-sensual activities
- We have been taught by our Guru Maharaja, twenty-four hours engagement with Krsna. So maya has no scope to enter in our mind. She always remains aloof: "Oh, here is fire. I cannot touch"
- We have sacrificed our life for Krsna's service, where is there scope for sleeping and gossiping? You can see in my example, not a single moment is wasted
- When one is afraid of something, he can still think of past and future. But when there is this kind of ecstatic apprehension, there is no scope for such thinking
- You can become immediately out of the scope of maya if you always remain surrendered to Krsna. Maya will not touch you. Just like if you remain always in the sunshine, there is no question of night
- You can come to our Vrindaban Temple. You have got enough scope for engaging yourself in journalism and peaceful living. If you are in difficulty then by showing this letter you can take a railroad ticket from our president of our Calcutta temple