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- I am always glad to hear from my beloved disciples, but I am finding difficulty to reply so many letters daily, so I want to encourage the disciples to refer their questions as much as possible to the GBC men and other senior students
- In Vrndavana you'll find so-called babajis, they have imitated the dress of Rupa Gosvami - half loincloth - but a bidi in the mouth. What is this nonsense?
- A child or a man, you weigh him. When he's alive you will find one weight, and when he's dead you will find another weight. That is practical. It will be heavier. Why heavier? Because there is no more spirit soul
- A day may come when the people of this earth will be able to travel in outer space and see the variegatedness of these millions of planets with their own eyes. In every planet there is as much material variegatedness as we find in our own planet
- A devotee does not find fault with the behavior of the Lord in any circumstances
- A diseased man who is taking very bitter medicine and who is lying down in bed, eating there and passing stool and urine there, unable to move, may find his life so intolerable that he thinks, - Let me commit suicide
- A human being, if he does not come on the spiritual platform, he remains animal. That is the difference. Therefore Bhagavad-gita, you will find the first beginning of teaching - dehino 'smin yatha dehe
- A mahatma or paramahamsa is very rare to find
- A person born a sudra is not barred from such spiritual initiation, provided he is approved by the spiritual master, who is duly authorized to award a disciple the right to be a brahmana if he finds him perfectly qualified
- A person foolishly thinks that the material body has grown from a combination of chemicals, although he cannot find them. The Vedas inform us, however, that chemical combinations do not constitute the living force
- A sudra, actually those who are by qualification sudra . . . sudra means lamentation, simply changing. They accept something, and then they find it's useless, and they lament. The so-called scientists, philosophers, they're all sudras
- A very nice example: just like Jesus Christ. So what was his fault? But the sura-dvisam, the envious person, killed him. And if we find, if we analyze, what is the fault of Jesus Christ, there is no fault. The only fault he was preaching about God
- A vivid description of these raghavera jhali (of CC Adi 10.28) is to be found in Chapter Ten of the Antya-lila portion of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
- A woman who finds a man with superior qualities may accept such a man as her husband
- Acaryopasanam. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186). If we follow the footprints of the acaryas, then we find there is no distinction between Vedanta and Bhagavad-gita
- Actually Bhagavan, this word is applicable to Krsna. Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita you will find, whenever Krsna is speaking, Vyasadeva has written, sri bhagavan uvaca. Real Bhagavan is Krsna. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam - SB 1.3.28
- Actually the Mayavadi philosophy was started with Vivekananda. Because I don't find in the Christian faith that they are Mayavadis. Their belief is service to God. Of course, they are somewhat Mayavadis
- Actually we find that when flowers grow from the earth, they appear with different colors and aromas, which they have certainly gathered from the earth, although in the earth we cannot see them
- Actually, one who is guided by Jesus Christ will certainly get liberation. But it is very hard to find a man who is actually being guided by Jesus Christ
- After comparing all these mystic yoga-siddhis to materialistic perfections, we find that the materialistic scientists try for the same perfections
- After hearing Usa's words, Citralekha immediately replied, "I can understand your bereavement, and I assure you that if this boy is within these three worlds - the upper, middle and lower planetary systems - I must find him for your satisfaction"
- After marrying they see it is very great responsibility. "Now let me take sannyasa." That's all. Why you marry? Because he finds that after marriage there are so many difficulties. So irresponsible man
- After taking his dinner and having his thirst and hunger satisfied, King Puranjana felt some joy within his heart. Instead of being elevated to a higher consciousness, he became captivated by Cupid, and was moved by a desire to find his wife
- After trying this process for many, many births & remaining unattached to material contamination, placing themselves continually in trance & executing many types of austerities, many mystic yogis were unable to find the end of the path of God realization
- All over the civilized world we find some process or form of religion - when man is devoid of any such religion or of transcendental traits, he is nothing but a beast
- All people will find Him (Krsna) attractive. Who is not attracted? just give an example: "This man or this living entity is not attracted to Krsna." Just find such a person
- All the inhabitants of the various planets, being unable to find any other shelter, were obliged to seek shelter at the lotus feet of the supreme friend - Krsna
- All the Puranas are historical facts described only in relation with the Supreme Lord in different ages and times as well as on different planets also. Therefore, we do not find any chronological order
- All these grhasthas, you will find they are accumulating money, they are enjoying sex life, then daughter's sex life, son's sex life, grandson's sex life. They are busy
- Allured by the Bhattatharis, Krsnadasa went to their place early in the morning. The Lord also went there very quickly just to find him
- Although being assured of his father's treasure, the poor man cannot acquire this treasure by such knowledge alone. Therefore the astrologer had to inform him of the means whereby he could actually find the treasure
- Although He's cause of everything, but He hasn't got to work. Na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate. That is Vedic information; in the Upanisad you'll find. He has nothing to do
- Although it is contradictory to say that the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His incarnation is poverty-stricken, we find in the revealed scriptures that when the Lord incarnated as Vamana, He begged some land from Maharaja Bali
- Although it is not only in western India that people were contaminated by association with Muslims, it is a fact that the farther west one goes in India the more he will find the people to be fallen from the Vedic culture
- Although Maharaja Pariksit gave Kali permission to live in four places, it was very difficult for him to find the places because during the reign of Maharaja Pariksit there were no such places
- Although marriage by personal selection or by agreement took place in the past, we find no such thing as divorce by disagreement
- Although Prahlada was only five years old, by advancement in knowledge he was imparting perfect instructions to his classmates. Some may find these instructions unpalatable
- Although the arca-murti, the worshipable Deity form of the Lord, appears to be made of material elements, it is as good as the spiritual forms found in the spiritual Vaikunthalokas
- Although they (the Yamadutas) had gone to arrest Ajamila, following Yamaraja's order, they found themselves unsuccessful because of the order of some higher authority. Therefore they were unsure of whether there were many authorities or only one
- Although we find in the neophyte devotee some bad behavior due to his past experience, so we should not take him as nondevotee
- Although we find in the neophyte devotee some bad behavior, so we should not take him as nondevotee. Sadhur eva sa mantavyah (BG 9.30). He is sadhu - if he sticks to Krsna consciousness. And the bad habits which are visible now, it will disappear
- Although You are never disturbed by such changes and alterations, the living entities are disturbed by them, and therefore they find the cosmic manifestation to be different or separated from You. My Lord, You are always independent
- Ambikavana is somewhere in Gujarat Province, and it is said to be situated on the river Sarasvati. Yet we do not find any Sarasvati River in Gujarat Province, although there is a river named Savarmati
- Amongst the papers you will find one copy of literature of my Srimad-Bhagavatam and if you have no objection to mail such literatures then I can send you copies as many as you may desire
- An expert in the study of soil can find out where gold is and then dig there. He can then analyze the stone and test the gold with nitric acid. Similarly, one must analyze the whole body to find within the body the spirit soul
- An individual tree does not produce flowers of different colors or fruits of different tastes. There are demarcated classes, as we find them among humans, animals, birds and other species
- An intelligent man will find the original cause of everything. Material combinations and permutations may be a matter of fact in worldly dealings, but actually the living force, the soul, has nothing to do with them
- And where? Pranipata. Where you will find a person that "He is... Here is a person where I can surrender"? Then that means we have to make a little test where to surrender. That much knowledge you must have
- Another explanation of these verses (CC Madhya 20.108-109) can be found in Adi-lila, Chapter Two, verse 96
- Any rich man, any powerful man, any king, any lord, oh, he has got so many associates. So how Krsna can be alone? Krsna is never alone. Therefore you will find always Krsna with the gopis, Krsna with the cowherds boy, Krsna with Arjuna
- Anyone has relative position. Everyone will find somebody is greater than him, somebody is lower than him. He's not absolute, Nobody
- Anyone may chant the Hare Krsna mantra, without consideration of the time and place. Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, it is very difficult to find a suitable place according to the recommendations of Bhagavad-gita
- Anyone who comes in contact with the Society automatically becomes a devotee. We have actual experience that many karmis and others come to the Society and find a very pleasing and peaceful atmosphere in the temples of ISKCON
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of recognized devotees, such as Brahma, Siva, the Kumaras, Manu, Kapila, King Prahlada, King Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja & their followers in disciplic succession, very easily finds the door of liberation open
- Anyone who hears the narrations of the His pastimes in Dvaraka will certainly find it very easy to traverse the path of liberation and taste the nectar of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna. And thus he will be engaged in Lord Krsna's devotional service
- Anyone, whether an ordinary materialistic person or a pure devotee, can understand the behavior of Caitanya’s devotees if he studies it minutely. One will thus find that the devotees of Caitanya are not at all attached to any kind of material enjoyment
- Anyone, you will find somebody lower than him and higher than him. But nobody can say that, "I am the supreme." That is not possible
- Anywhere you go, all over the world, the division is already, because there are three qualities of nature, and any man you find, he must be under one quality. So according to that quality, he is divided as a brahmin, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra
- Apart from all argument, logic and negative or positive processes, when Lord Sri Krsna was present as the Supreme Personality of Godhead at Vrndavana, no one could find a limit to His potencies by studying His characteristics and activities
- Api cet suduracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak, sadhur eva sa mantavyah (BG 9.30). He is sadhu. He is saintly man. Even if you find some defect in his character, because he is sticking to Krsna consciousness, he is saintly
- Arjuna selected Krsna as his guru. He did not go to anyone else, because he knew, - I can't find any other means to pacify me. You are the only one
- Arjuna was in a relationship with the Lord as friend. Of course there is a gulf of difference between this friendship and the friendship found in the material world. This is transcendental friendship which cannot be had by everyone. BG 1972 Introduction
- As a matter of fact, we will see that we are no longer in ignorance or in passion, but are situated in the mode of goodness. What is that position? We will find ourselves joyful in every circumstance of life. We will never feel morose
- As far as scriptures are concerned, we find different scriptures describing the Absolute Truth in different ways. If we analyze all of them, there will be bewilderment
- As for good qualities, it is very difficult to find anyone in state administration with any good qualities. The administrators simply sit in their administrative posts and say no to every request, as if they were paid to say no to the citizens
- As in the material world we find that the criminal department is far, far smaller than the civil department, so this material world, which is considered the criminal department, is one fourth of the entire creation of the Lord
- As indicated in Bhagavad-gita, whenever we find someone extraordinary preaching the bhakti cult, we should know that he is especially empowered by Lord Visnu, or Lord Krsna
- As one makes progress in Krsna's service, however, he will find it pleasing. This is indicated by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita: yat tad agre visam iva, pariname 'mrtopamam, atma-buddhi-prasada-jam - BG 18.37
- As soon as one becomes a devotee of the Lord he finds so many obstacles. But those obstacles will not hinder one or be impediments on the path
- As soon as the general public finds a little fault in the behavior of a sannyasi, they advertise it like wildfire. A black spot of ink cannot be hidden on a white cloth. It is always very prominent
- As soon as they see the Lord in His different forms, the devotees become saturated with love, for they do not find any difference between the Lord and His form in the temple, as do the atheists
- As soon as we find anyone does not surrender to Krsna, does not understand Krsna, he is rascal. Anyone. It doesn't matter. That is the first test. Then you come to the details
- As soon as we find anything extraordinary, we should understand that such an extraordinary manifestation is the special grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As soon as you find there are equals, or as soon as find there is greater, then you are not God. God - the great. He must be greater than everyone
- As the fish, being entangled, he struggles for existence, how to get out of the net, he's not peaceful. You will find, as soon as caught he's up in the net, 'Fut Fut Fut Fut Fut' He wants to get out
- As the lusty man finds pleasure in the vagina, similarly, this sort of literature, nonsense literature, are enjoyed by persons who are just like crows, not, what is called, swan. Swan will not go to that place
- As the materialists cannot find the soul and the Supersoul within the heart, similarly, for want of sufficient knowledge, they cannot see that the Supreme Soul is the cause of the universe
- As the white clouds no longer bear the burden of water in the autumn sky, the student finds that the troubles of drawing water for the master become a burdenless job if the student, by the grace of his master, attains to spiritual knowledge
- As we cannot find our self within this matter, although I'm here, that we can distinguish, the distinction between dead body and living body, something minus. That something is spirit
- As we find herewith in the description of its opulence, Dvaraka was surrounded by flower gardens and fruit orchards along with reservoirs of water and growing lotuses
- As we have explained several times, we find no such word as “Hindu” in the Vedic literature
- As you begin to study the Sanskrit words, in each word you will find a treasure house of different understanding
- At the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam the sages of Naimisaranya asked, My dear Sir, kindly tell us whether the principles of religion have gone with the Lord, after His departure for His own abode. How can we find such principles after His departure
- At the present moment all over the world, hardly you will find such ideal men on top of society. So this class of men is essentially required if we want to keep peace and harmony with one another
- At the present time, as we travel all over the world, we see that in some countries human beings have many material facilities but no facilities for spiritual advancement. We find everywhere the defects of one-sided facilities & a lack of full facilities
- Attached persons do not know that even if one goes to the highest planet, Brahmaloka, destruction exists there also. In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that one can even go to Brahmaloka, but still he will find the pangs of birth, death, disease and old age
- Axiomatic truth. How it is truth? You may not have sufficient intelligence, but if you go deep into the matter you will find it is all truth: "Yes, it is all right." That is called Vedic injunction
- Be happy and chant Hare Krsna and take Krsna Prasadam, and in this way you shall find your life becoming more and more perfect and you will meet Krsna face to face very soon, rest assured
- Because a Krsna conscious person does not have to accept a future gross body, his recorded desires are fulfilled in a dream. We therefore sometimes find things in a dream never experienced in our present life
- Because he (Svayambhuva) loved her (Devahuti) just as a father should, he himself left his state on a golden chariot, with only his wife, to find her a suitable husband
- Because of disturbances created by the demoniac kings, the sacrificial fire had been almost stopped in the houses of brahmanas, but now they could find the opportunity to start the fire peacefully - at the time of Krsna's birth
- Because Paramananda Puri was a sannyasi, he was called Puri Gosvami. By careful scrutiny, therefore, one will find that gosvami is not the title for a certain caste; rather, it is properly the title for a person in the renounced order
- Because so-called philosophers and scientists are unable to find the real cause, they foolishly say that everything happens by chance
- Because the Lord is the supreme cause, everything is one with Him, but when we consider varieties, we find that one thing is different from another
- Because the Lord's pastimes in the material world are always performed with His associates, not with others, He has to find some devotee who will play the part of an enemy
- Because they could find no reason for their falling down, they were puzzled. When they saw child Krsna bound up to the wooden mortar by the ropes of mother Yasoda, they thought that it must have been caused by some demon
- Because we are always accustomed to accept what is immediately very pleasing, but sometimes we'll find that we are not getting which is immediately very pleasing, but we should not be disappointed. We shall stick to Krsna
- Because we do not know what is spirit, and we think spirit is something just opposite to this matter, and matter we find manifestation, form, therefore spirit should be formless. That is their conclusion
- Because we have been put into some awkward position of this material existence, therefore we are . . . although constitutionally we are joyful, we do not find anything joyful
- Before me, ten years before, whole world, foreigners, there was not a single Krsna conscious. Whole history. Now you'll find thousands. Why? I have given them Krsna
- Before my birth, the land was there. And after my death, the land will be there. If you trace out history, go on tracing, when the land was not there, you'll never find. Therefore the land is God's. The earth belongs to God. Everything belongs to God
- Being very much aggrieved, sometimes one goes to a sinful person for help, but he has no means to help because he has no intelligence. Thus the living entity is disappointed. This is like running after a mirage in the desert in an effort to find water
- Bhagavad-gita is a well-read book all over the world. In any country you will find edition of Bhagavad-gita by the language of the country. So in this Bhagavad-gita we find that Krsna is giving instruction about what is dharma, religion
- Bhagavan possesses all opulences, the totality of knowledge, wealth, power, beauty, fame and renunciation. When we find someone who possesses these opulences in full, we are to know that he is God
- Bhagavata said that tarko 'pratisthah srutayo vibhinna - Simply by argument you cannot establish what is Absolute Truth, and if you consult different scriptures, you will find difference of opinion, or difference of procedures, rituals
- Bhagavata-dharma is not a concocted sectarian belief, for it entails research to find how everything is connected with Krsna
- Bhakti-yoga is the only means for liberation. We find this conclusion also in Caitanya-caritamrta in a discussion between Lord Caitanya and Ramananda Raya regarding a human being's liberation from this material world
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura sang: My dear Lord, I cannot remember when I somehow or other fell into this ocean of nescience, and now I can find no way to rescue myself
- Birds, beast, you will find the pigeons, the dogs, they are enjoying sex at least four times in a hour. So there are men also like that. So here in this material world the sex life is this top pleasure. But it is very abominable
- By a scrutinizing analysis, we find that everyone is controlled by something else. No one, therefore, can be the true controller but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is supported by the sastras
- By an analytical study of the truth of Lord Caitanya, one will find that He is not different from the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna; no one is greater than or even equal to Him
- By chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, consisting of names of the Supreme Lord, we find that the name has all the potencies of the person. The Lord's activities are many, and according to His activities He has many names
- By impartially judging, one can find that the internal potencies of the Supreme Lord who are engaged in conjugal love with the Lord are the best of all devotees
- By no means could he find any fault in the character of Haridasa Thakura. Therefore he called for local prostitutes and began a plan to discredit His Holiness
- By researching into the origin of life, important scientists are finding some chemical compositions or cellular combinations, but actually no one knows the original source of life within this material world
- By your own example you have to keep all the devotees enthusiastic and that is done by strict adherence to the regulative principles. Hope this finds you in good health
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given the example: stool is impure, rejectable. Everyone knows. Veda says: "No, cow dung is pure." And you examine it; you'll find it is pure. That is Vedic knowledge
- Canakya says that one must catch what is right from any source. If there is a glass of poison with some nectar in it, he says, one should take out the nectar and leave the poison. In the same way, if one finds gold in a filthy place, he should take it
- Chant Hare Krsna and you become purified, more, more. And day will come when you find that you are completely pure from all material contamination and you become eligible to enter into the kingdom of God, and that makes a solution of all problems
- Children has also some troubles of life. Now, if one of the children requests the mother, "You have given birth to me, but I find my life very troublesome. Better you again put me in your belly." Is it a good proposal? It is not at all a good proposal
- Combination of fools and rascals and sudras cannot bring about peace and prosperity in this world. Therefore we find periodic upheavals in society in the forms of battles, communal riots and fratricidal quarrels
- Come here, sit down, and you'll find happiness. Practical. If is practical. So if you expand this Krsna consciousness movement, you'll find whole world full of happiness
- Contrasting these statements of a great politician in the modern age with those of Maharaja Pariksit, we find a vast difference
- Darwin has taken the idea of evolution from this Padma Purana. You won't find any philosophy, any doctrine in the world which is not found in the Vedic literature
- Demons habitually find fault with the demigods, brahmanas and innocent, to whom they are a constant source of fear
- Different limbs of the body may act in different ways, but the ultimate objective is to maintain the entire body. Similarly, if we work for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we will find that we satisfy everything
- Don't you find, when there is a kirtana performance, that the more innocent a person is, the sooner he begins? Immediately, the child begins to clap, begins to dance. This is within him; and it is very simple, this Krsna consciousness
- Due to disturbances created by the demoniac kings, the sacrificial fire had been almost stopped in the houses of brahmanas, but now they could find the opportunity to start the fire peacefully
- During World War II it was reported that many wives of the German soldiers went to church to pray for their husbands' safe return, but when they found they had been killed in battle, they became atheistic
- Eighteen years He lived in Jagannatha Puri. Every night there was kirtana, but there was no lila-kirtana you'll find, no lila-kirtana. Hare Krsna, that's all. No lila. But does it mean that Caitanya Mahaprabhu avoided lila-kirtana?
- Enclosed please find a clipping from the Times of India regarding our New York High Court victory. Please mount this article nicely and display it at the entrance of our Temple
- Enclosed please find also the letter-proposal from Syamasundara, suggested by me to relieve me from these decisions regarding husband and wife. Kindly distribute this proposal to all the 12 GBC men in the world
- Enclosed please find clippings of our New York Rathayatra which was held last Sunday. You can show these to your friend Mr. Choudhary and others. I always remember Mr. Choudhary and his good wife
- Enclosed please find herewith a copy of our latest issue of Back to Godhead containing the selection from Srimad-Bhagavatam as you had kindly suggested. We are making it a regular feature each month
- Enclosed please find one mantra and thread duly chanted upon by me. Hold a fire ceremony and distribute Prasadam
- Enclosed please find one set of japa mala, as a sample. I want to purchase similar style beads, as good, if not better, quality and in large numbers. These beads are available in Calcutta and especially in Navadvipa they have got the best quality beads
- Enclosed please find the copy of the letter to Gaura Govindas das asking him to come to Bombay. Why he has not yet come?
- Enclosed you will find one letter from Austin temple. So that is in your zone. He has so many questions, and these types of enquiries should be answered locally. So you can reply this letter and send me a copy also so that I can see how you are answering
- Enclosed you will find one photograph of the Deities there in L.A. recently sent to me. Why is Krishna without a flute? What is the difficulty to make for Krishna a flute? You can take a twig and wrap it in golden lace with a pearl drop hanging
- Enemy, of course, even the greatest man, you will find some enemy. This is the nature of this world. Even the most perfect man will have some enemy
- Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, it is very difficult to find a suitable place according to the recommendations of Bhagavad-gita. The Hare Krsna maha-mantra, however, may be chanted at any place and any time, and this will bring results very quickly
- Even a hog, who lives by eating stool, finds himself happy, although a person in a higher mode of life sees that the hog is eating stool. How abominable that life is
- Even he (the President of the United States) is required to do so many things. If he does not do anything, he is no longer the supreme man. In Vedic literatures, however, we find that God has nothing to do - na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate
- Even if a devotee has no engagement, he will find some work to do for Krsna's satisfaction. Nor does such a person like anything which is not connected with Krsna
- Even if he (spirit soul) goes up to the Svargaloka, he will find no permanent abode for his hankering soul. The hankering soul must be satisfied by the perfect scientific process of perfect devotional service
- Even if we are nonviolent and hurt no one, there will be trouble. However, if somehow or other we manage to reach the shore, we will find peace
- Even if we change our body, still we can find out our means of living by that inherent intellect. That is advertised as intuition. But this intuition is previous experience only
- Even if we find some discrepancies in the life of a devotee... Just like these European, Americans. They're devotees. They are pure devotee of Krsna. How? They have no other desire. They simply want to satisfy their spiritual master and Krsna
- Even if we go to Brahmaloka, the highest planet, through some sort of mechanical contrivance by maybe traveling for forty thousand years, we will still find the material inconveniences of birth, death, disease and old age. BG 1972 Introduction
- Even if you find some defects in him due to his former habits, but he is simply engaged in Krsna's service, unflinching devotion, he is sadhu. He is sadhu, in spite of some defects. We must admit, even in fire there are some defects
- Even in the tailor's shop you will find in the window some woman and some man. (Manu Smrti, 5.56): pravrttir esa bhutanam nivrttis tu mahaphalam So this attachment is already there
- Even in the transcendental life of Lord Krsna, we find that when He was a child He was very fond of playing with His friends of the same age, the cowherd boys. He would not even go home to take His dinner
- Even in this age we find some so-called scholars commenting on Bhagavad-gita who are envious of Krsna
- Even still in India, you'll find this satisfaction by Krsna consciousness. A poor man, practically very meager income, but he's satisfied. He's satisfied in this way: he thinks, "Krsna has given me this much. I must be satisfied
- Even the biggest political leaders have been heard to say that the hungry man or woman finds no meaning in God and religion
- Even the great sages and saints cannot see You (God). What is my profit? I (Dhruva) left my home to find merely some scraps of glass and rubbish, and instead I have found a very valuable diamond. Now I am satisfied. I have no need to ask anything of You
- Even the lion, although so powerful, must endeavor with great difficulty to find another animal to eat, and similarly everyone in this material world must work with great difficulty to continue his life
- Even though one may celebrate himself as a learned follower of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and even though one may attempt to preach the holy name of the Lord all over the world, if he is not favored by Caitanya he will find fault with the pure devotee
- Every moment. You inquire by, by communication you'll find in some country, there is always sunrise and some country there is always... Any country, you'll find. Similarly, krsna-lila, Krsna's pastimes, are going on in some of the universes
- Every scripture is made according to the time, atmosphere, persons - so many things there are conditional. Therefore we sometimes find differences in one scripture from another
- Everyone in the flames of material miseries can find the path of liberation in You (Krsna)
- Everyone is condemned in this material world. But first-class condemned, second-class condemned, third-class condemned. So you'll find this first class, second class, third, you cannot stop it
- Everyone is dualistic: he's controller and controlled. But if you find somebody that He's only controller, not controlled, that is God
- Everyone is earning money simply for sense gratification. And there are so many advertisement for sense gratification. If you go to the city, you will find all the shops, cinema, hotel and wine shop and this shop or that shop
- Everyone is God's son, and everything belongs to God. If one finds opportunity in some place, let him have it. I think if this is adopted by the United Nation, immediately the face of the world will change
- Everyone is Krishna's part and parcel and wherever we find it convenient we will pick up a person to be trained in Krishna Consciousness who is interested in going back to Home, back to Godhead
- Everyone is trying to become master. Even in the cats' and dogs' society you will find one dog is trying to predominate by barking that "I am better than you." So this is called struggle for existence
- Everyone is violating this first commandment, what to speak of other commandments. Everyone. So it is very difficult to find a real Christian
- Everything that we find here can also be found there (spiritual sky) in reality. Here in the material sky everything is an imitation, or shadow, of that which exists in the spiritual sky
- Everything the Lord did in Vrndavana was for the pleasure of His associates there. The Lord created these pastimes to attract the dry speculators and the acrobats of the so-called hatha-yoga system who wish to find the Absolute Truth
- Everywhere in this world we find so many factions. But we must, in Krsna consciousness, do the needful and cooperate
- Everywhere we find this same misunderstanding. As soon as one is in the bodily conception of life, one is nothing but an animal like a cat or a dog - sa eva go-kharah - SB 10.84.13
- Exactly as a lamb cannot enjoy life in the presence of a lion, without our desire it is not even possible for the demigods in heaven, headed by King Indra, to find enjoyment in life, what to speak of ordinary human beings
- Factually you'll find our these disciples, young boys and girls, they are not practicing in a secluded place the yoga system. They are chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Find a person with authority
- Find out from the bank manager what the balance of these two accounts are and send the information to me immediately. Also, what is the progress with the municipal affairs?
- Finding it impossible, and not wishing to take an active part on behalf of either party, He (Balarama) left Dvaraka on the plea of visiting various holy places of pilgrimage
- Finding the self within
- Finding their father so deluded in an act of immorality (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter), the sages headed by Marici, all sons of Brahma, spoke as follows with great respect
- First consideration is self-realization. Therefore you'll find Vedic civilization very simple because they took it main business, self-realization
- First qualification of sadhu is titiksavah. Titiksavah and karunikah: at the same time, kind. These two examples we find in the character of Lord Jesus Christ
- Foolishly active is more dangerous than less active. Because if one is dangerous, it is better not to become very much active, because . . . just like this monkey. You will find always very active, but nobody likes them
- For example, from earth a tree grows, and from the wood of the tree, fire is ignited. In that igniting process we first of all find smoke, and the next stage is heat, and then fire
- For example, in the business world we find such institutions as the stock exchange and chamber of commerce
- For God there is nothing evil. Just like the sun, there is no darkness. But for us there is light and darkness. Just like if you keep the sun back side, you will find darkness, your shadow. And if you keep yourself in front, sun, there is no darkness
- For sex they (hogs) have no discrimination whether it is mother or sister or anyone. You'll find that. We have to take lessons from nature's study
- From all points of view, if we make an analytical study of the Vedic literatures, we will find that the ultimate summit of knowledge is to surrender unto Krsna
- From that great lotus flower, Brahma was generated, but Brahma certainly could see nothing but the lotus. Therefore, thinking You to be outside, Lord Brahma dove into the water and attempted to find the source of the lotus for one hundred years
- From the description of his chastisement by a Muslim magistrate, which is found in the Sixteenth Chapter of the Adi-khanda of Caitanya-bhagavata, we can understand how humble & meek Haridasa Thakura was and how he achieved the causeless mercy of the Lord
- From the description, it appears that the sun moves. According to modern astronomers, the sun is fixed in one place, surrounded by the solar system, but here we find that the sun is not stationary: it is rotating in a prescribed orbit
- From the Vedic literature we can find evidence that this material manifestation, which appears to us to be very wonderful and great, is under the complete control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- From Vedic literature we find that the first creature within the universe is Lord Brahma
- From Vedic literatures we can understand that this material world is only a partial manifestation of the complete creation of God. The larger portion of God's creation is found in the spiritual world of the Vaikunthas
- Gautama and Kanada find that atomic combination is the cause of everything, and impersonalists like Astavakra discover that the spiritual effulgence of Brahman is the cause of all causes
- Generally one bequeaths all accumulated wealth to family & retires from family activities to progress in spiritual knowledge. However, we find the behavior of Rupa Gosvami to be exemplary; he gave fifty percent of his wealth for spiritual purposes
- Generally people are anatmavit, bodily conscious, mass of people or class of people also. Hardly you will find a person at the present moment atmavit, self-realized. Everyone is, "I am this body." "I am Indian," "I am American," - I am Canadian
- Generally the goddess of fortune does not remain steadily in one place. Her name is Cancala, which means "one who is not steady." We find, therefore, that a man who is very rich may become the poorest of the poor. Another example is Ravana
- Generally when we find someone more qualified than ourselves, we become envious of him; when we find someone less qualified, we deride him; and when we find someone equal we become very proud of our activities
- Generally you will find, whenever we speak something, we give evidence from the sastra in Sanskrit, in all our books. That is the way of proving that whatever I am speaking, it is fact
- Generally, in the Upanisads the Supreme Absolute Truth is described in an impersonal way, but the personal aspect of the Absolute Truth is mentioned in the Isopanisad, where we find the following verse - CC Intro
- Generally, those who are expert in writing drama choose to call Cupid the ideal dhira-lalita, but we can more perfectly find in the personality of Krsna all the characteristics of dhira-lalita
- Generally, we see tree downwards, root, but in the reflection you will find the roots upward
- God (Krsna) is asamordhva, which means that no one is equal to or superior to Him. If we find someone who has no superior, we can accept him as God. God can be defined as one who has no superior and who has no equal. This is the Vedic version
- God has given different food for different person. You will find even food grains, rice - first-quality rice, second-quality rice. Why nature has produced? Because there are persons who cannot eat third-quality rice
- God has given you independence. If you do something wrong, against the will of God, then you must suffer. Therefore we find so many varieties of living entities, in different grades of life. That is due to misuse of independence
- God is also present. He spreads heat and light, and therefore we find so many varieties of manifestation
- God is one, and to realize Him, the path is one. There cannot be two paths. Just like suppose in India. So India is from here to the eastern side? Yes. This is an example. But you cannot find in the western side. Just like Columbus
- God is one, but people understand the Absolute Truth from different angles of vision. The unintelligent see contradictions in Him, but sober devotees find no contradictions
- God's arrangement is so nice that everyone has got his particular body according to his work. It is so nice arrangement. You see. You'll find millions of persons, and everyone you'll find different from the other. You won't find two similar persons
- God's position is not like this - as once we think that we are supreme, we'll immediately find someone superior. This is our position
- Gopinatha Acarya continued, "Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is celebrated as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Those who are ignorant in this connection find the conclusion of knowledgeable men very difficult to understand"
- Gross materialists, who depend on the limited strength of experimental thought, mental speculation and materialistic science, find great difficulty in entering the anti-material worlds
- He (Allen Ginsberg) is also searching after, therefore he comes. Whenever he finds opportunity, he comes to me. He's searching after Krsna
- He (an acarya) knows that all suffering is due to the absence of devotional service to the Lord, and therefore he always tries to find ways to change people’s activities, making them favorable for the attainment of devotion. That is the qualification
- He (devotee of God) will never command the Lord to appear. This is a sign of pure devotion. Therefore in this verse (of SB 8.6.13) we find the word ati-cira-ipsita-artham, meaning that the devotee aspires for a long, long time to see the Lord
- He (King Satrajit) was conscious that he had offended Krsna very grievously and that he had to find a remedial measure so that Krsna would again be pleased with him
- He (Krsna) reciprocates by pretending to be dependent on me, my slave, just to give us opportunity to find the real object of our loving propensity and to take pleasure by pleasing and serving Him
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) allotted some place for Kali but in fact Kali could not find such places in the world at all because Maharaja Pariksit was strictly vigilant to see that there were no places for gambling, drinking, prostitution and animal slaughter
- He (one European gentleman) said that "I find in this temple there is God." "Why? Why you conclude like that?" "That in every temple I saw, that the god, deity, is doing something. But here I see the God is enjoying. He has nothing to do"
- He (Parasurama) is advised to go from one holy place to another to find saintly persons and thus gradually be released from sinful reactions
- He (Sanatana Gosvami ) was always mixing with materially inclined people, particularly with Muslims, meat-eaters. Although he was in intimate touch with them, by Krsna’s mercy he came to find such association distasteful. Therefore he left them
- He (the mendicant devotee) does not require to live in a comfortable house, but should find a cave in the hills and not be afraid of jungle animals, keeping faith in God, who lives in everyone's heart
- He (the poorest man) lives peacefully still, in the village, although he hasn't got very gorgeous dress and motorcar. But he's peaceful. You'll find still. Sometimes, about ten years ago, I was in Ahmedabad. I saw one poor man, pulling cart, hand cart
- He (thief) spent all night placing different bags in different places, but his conscience bothered him so that he could not take anything from them. In the morning, when the other pilgrims awoke, they looked around for their bags and couldn't find them
- He (who is ignorant of the spirit soul) goes outside to search for happiness, just as a deer without knowledge of the water beneath the grass goes out to the desert to find water
- He has taken to the shelter of Krsna, therefore his all past business is finished. Although, due to past habit, sometimes you find some mistake, it is not to be taken
- Here (in SB 10.13.14) we see that He (Krsna) took personal care to find the calves of His friends. This was Krsna's causeless mercy
- Here (in SB 3.22.17) we find the word harmya-prsthe. Harmya means "a very big palatial building." Svad vimanat means "from his own airplane." It is suggested that private airplanes or helicopters were also current in those days
- Here (in SB 4.29.53) is an allegory in which the King is advised to find a deer that is always in a dangerous position. Although threatened from all sides, the deer simply eats grass in a nice flower garden, unaware of the danger all around him
- Here I find the second Romaharsana-suta, who did not stand to show honor when he saw Lord Balarama
- Here in this narration we find that although Banasura was a great devotee of Lord Siva, when he faced death by Krsna, Lord Siva was not able to save him. But Lord Siva appealed to Krsna to save his devotee, and this was sanctioned by the Lord
- Here in this world also, you find two things: friendship and hostility. Just like modern political atmosphere, sometimes there is conference of friendships, and sometimes there is fight with lethal weapons
- Here in this world we find that the object of love and the lover both are the cheater and the cheated in their reciprocal dealings. That is our experience
- Here is a nice example. You have seen the sunshine entering your room through a hole of your window, & you will find so many atomic demonstration. So these brahmandas, the so many universes, they are emanating from the breathing of Maha-Visnu in that way
- Here there is no sun, but if you inquire, you will find somewhere it is sun rising; some time it is twelve o'clock at day; somewhere it is ten o'clock at day; somewhere it is eight o'clock at night. Everything is there at this time
- Here we find love between mother & son, love between wife & husband, love between master & servant, love between friends & friend, love between the master & the dog or the cat or the cow. Same thing. These are only reflection of the spiritual world
- Here you will find the students, although they are not exercising the bodily asana, pranayama, it is automatically being done because the mind is the center of all activities. So mind is always engaged in Krsna. That is bhagavata-dharma
- Herein (CC Adi 17.104) we find, however, that after hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s order, the astrologer immediately began his calculations. This was not a facade: he actually knew how to ascertain one’s past life through astrology
- Hog is sometimes trying to drink the milk from the breast of the mother and sometimes trying to have sex. You'll find it. This is hog life
- How is it that we are finding it very easy to spread Krsna consciousness among the Europeans and Americans
- How to take perfect knowledge? Tad viddhi. First of all you try to learn. Tad viddhi. How to learn? Where to learn? Pranipatena, fully surrendered. If you find somebody that he is somebody important where you can surrender fully, from him
- However burden you may feel, as soon as you perform krsna-kirtana, you'll find immediately refreshed. So one who has got taste for this kirtana, he has no problem
- However you may be great in the estimation of others, you will find somebody is greater than you, and somebody is lower than you, and somebody is equal to you. But so far the greatest Absolute PG is concerned, na tasya samah adhikas ca drsyate
- However, becoming zero is not possible, nor is it necessary. We are in trouble in our material condition, but when we get out of our material condition we can find real life, eternal life
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by whose mercy even a person in the lowest form of life can find direction in transcendental devotional service to the Lord - CC Madhya 20.1
- I (Prabhupada) appreciate your humble attitude, and I have a good report of your activities from Jagadisa prabhu. Please go on increasing in KC and you will find all spiritual understanding and happiness not only for you, but for whomever you meet
- I am fortunate, you are fortunate, but we have got many equals and many greater than. But when you reach somebody where you find nobody is equal to Him and nobody is greater than Him, that is real Bhagavan. This is a logical conclusion, who is Bhagavan
- I am glad that you are finding the work of the GBC to be very nice. That is required. Everything should be done in a spirit of cooperation and Krsna's work will go on unhampered. That is our only desire
- I am happy that you and your very good wife, Satyabhama, are finding such satisfaction in executing your Krishna Consciousness activities and such pleasure will only increase more and more as you continue to advance further
- I am sending you therefore one copy of Gayatri mantra on a small tape along with specific directions for performing the ceremony. Also enclosed you will find one sacred thread duly sanctified by me and it is for Dharmaraj
- I am so happy to know that you are finding Krsna Consciousness to be the sweetest thing in life, and actually it is so
- I am very glad that you and all the others are finding that your Krishna Consciousness is increased by following our new schedule of regular activities in the Temple
- I am very pleased that you are finding your life becoming more and more beautiful. Krishna Conscious life is our natural life
- I asked Mukunda to find out an apartment. He found this apartment, 26 Second Avenue. One storefront down and one living quarters up. So I found it very convenient. Down I would lecture and hold kirtana
- I do not think you will find any more these politics at our Boston center or elsewhere. So please go there and help print our Society's literature, this is a great opportunity for rendering service to Krsna and the humanity at large
- I don't find any difference between India and this South Africa, because the same trees are there, same grass is there, the same road is there, the same . . . So similarly, in every planet, without going we can understand, if we are sane men
- I give you special permission as follows: You find out of 24 hours at least one hour conveniently for chanting Hare Krishna with great attention, either by the Deities or any place, without being disturbed by anyone else
- I have given the example that the Vedas say cow dung is pure. This is axiomatic truth. Now if you analyze cow dung you'll find all the antiseptic properties are there. This is axiomatic
- I have got a particular lust within me, and when I find somebody corroborating with that particular lust, oh, I accept him, that leader
- I have requested that these type of matters be brought before the GBC instead of me. I am trying very hard to find time to write my books, so I want to be relieved from so many questions
- I have seen, especially in Kanpur, even within the lane there are so many temples, Radha-Krsna temple, Visnu temples, Siva temple. So all over India you will find the temples
- I hereby accept the two devotees you recommended for second initiation and enclosed find two sacred threads and two gayatri mantras
- I must offer you my heartiest blessing because it is due to your endeavor that we are finding our Bhagavad-gita to be published by a great publisher. And through your grace also we are going to publish Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- I sent Bhavananda there to Bombay to do the needful, and he was silent and went away. Enclosed also find my reply to Giriraja's letter. Now I want that both of you shall go to Bombay immediately for finishing up this conveyance matter immediately
- I shall not expect to find some perfect circumstances of occupational duty which will cause me to be automatically Krishna conscious
- I suggest, since Jayapataka is engaged in temple work, that both you and Tamal find some time and recruit some members
- I thank you very much for your assurance that I will find London a most flourishing center for our world Sankirtana movement
- I understand that due to rain New Vrindaban is not very dry now, but I hope it will be nice by the 18th of May when I wish to go there. Herewith you will find my program in this part of the country, and please do the needful
- I was never attracted, even in my childhood, by insignificant things or irreligious principles. I did not find anything more substantial than the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- I'll cite one story. It is very interesting story. If you go to India, you'll find one nice temple in Orissa. It is called the temple of "Witness-Gopala," Saksi-Gopala, Witness-Gopala. This Gopala was situated in a temple at Vrndavana
- I've written many books already which are full of different aspects of this deep philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. I request you to study them carefully & you'll find a treasure house of scientific information in relation to the ultimate goal of life
- If a logician makes his judgment impartially, he will surely find that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the maha-vadanyavatara, the most magnanimous incarnation
- If a man finds a woman who is from an inferior family but who has good qualities, he can accept such a brilliant wife, as advised by Sri Canakya Pandita
- If a new temple site in Los Angeles is absolutely required to be moved in a bigger place, that should be your first business. For my place you may find a place near the temple, and it should be independent of any other tenants
- If a person becomes God conscious, Krsna conscious, so he will find many enemies
- If Ananta, with His one thousand hoods, tried to describe even one day's pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He would find them impossible to describe fully
- If anyone is interested to study the science of God, you'll find it in the Vedic literature, how Krsna expands by His plenary portion in different names of God
- If anyone is proud of his education, let him come and study our books, understand this philosophy, and I'm sure he'll find satisfying. Don't take it as something sentimental, religious. It is a scientific, educational movement
- If anyone understands our philosophy, he will make his own conversion and find a way to do it. So if there is no prohibition, then go on preaching our philosophy. That will be all effective
- If Ganesa, Lord Siva's son and the expert scribe of the demigods, tried for millions of millenniums to fully describe one day of the Lord's pastimes, he would be unable to find their limit
- If he (Svarupa Damodara) would find that there were no incompatibilities in the rasas, or transcendental mellows, he would then allow the poet to approach Lord Caitanya and recite his poetry
- If he (the conditioned soul) does not find the ultimate goal, he again goes down to material activities and engages himself in various philanthropic and altruistic works, which all fail to give him satisfaction
- If I don't find any suitable person lovable, then I turn my love to some hobby, to some animal, like that, because the love is there. So this is dormant. Our love for Krsna is dormant
- If I find someone overpowered by false pride, in order to show him My causeless mercy I withdraw all his opulences
- If I want to inquire about God, shall I go to the storekeeper or drug shop or a motor shop? No. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). If you want to know the transcendental science, then you must find out a guru. That is injunction
- If one cannot find anything to serve, he goes and buys a cat or dog and serves it. Why is this? It is because service is our nature. We are simply lacking the knowledge of where to direct the service
- If one carefully scrutinizes and studies the Puranas, he will find that Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the only object of worship
- If one criticizes or finds fault with such an empowered personality, one is to be considered an offender against Lord Visnu and is punishable
- If one does not conduct research to find the supreme cause, but instead falsely engages in frivolous, temporary activities, what is the use of demanding recognition as an important scientist or philosopher?
- If one finds himself entangled in worldly connections, one should behave outwardly like a worldly man but remain inwardly faithful for spiritual realization. That will help one on the progressive march of life
- If one is actually serious to understand the problems of life, he will surely find the right answers in this movement
- If one is actually serious to understand the problems of life, he will surely find the right answers in this movement. Please read carefully our book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and you will find yourself getting enlightenment to the fullest extent
- If one is suffering, that is his own fault. Just like in the hospital you'll go, you'll find so many patients are starving. Does it mean the patients are starving for want of food? No. He must starve; otherwise he will not be cured. That is destiny
- If one is thoroughly trained in household life, he finds all facilities for human life-eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Everything is there if it is executed according to regulative principles
- If one studies further to find out who is running the powerhouse, one will find a human being
- If one takes account of only one universe, he will find so many combinations of wonderful things within, because there are innumerable planets, innumerable residences and places of demigods
- If one wants to benefit the entire world, he will certainly find persons like hogs and pigs who will put forward many impediments. That is natural
- If one wants to have transcendental pleasure, he must find a person with authority. It is also stated in the Bhagavatam that simply by hearing from an authoritative source, with the ear and the heart, one can relish the pastimes of the Lord
- If Sacisuta is finding difficulty to cope with his God-brothers in the temple, he can travel with the Sankirtana party. That will be very nice. Anyway, both of you may not leave us. Each and everyone of you is very important assistant for me
- If Sesa Naga Ananta personally were to make the pastimes of Lord Caitanya into sutras, even with His thousands of mouths there is no possibility that He could find their limit
- If someone inquires into Vedic literature to determine the process of transcendental realization, or consults the Puranas, one will find that in all of them the conclusion is that the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna is the only object of worship
- If the hog is offered some nice preparation made of condensed milk or ghee, he won't like it; he would prefer obnoxious, bad-smelling stool, which he finds very relishable
- If the raw material is taken from God's stock, then how the paper becomes yours? This is God consciousness. This is . . . everything we'll find that nothing is our
- If there are millions of water pots you'll find in each pot the sun is reflected. Similarly, there may be innumerable living entities. There is no count. Jivasya asankhya. In the Vedic language it is said that living entities, there is no count
- If we actually find a spiritual master, bona fide spiritual master, and if we can make him satisfied by my service, then my path for realization of God is guaranteed
- If we analyze our life, we will find that it is full of suffering. Why then are we coming here? The conditioned souls are not very bright. We should inquire, "Why am I suffering?" If there is a remedy, we must take advantage of it
- If we analyze the nirukti, or semantic derivation, of the word "Krsna," we find that na signifies that He stops the repetition of birth and death, and krs means sattartha, or "existence." Krsna is the whole of existence
- If we analyze, what is the fault of Jesus Christ, there is no fault. The only fault he was preaching about God. And still he'd find so many enemies. He was cruelly crucified
- If we compare the sentiments in an impartial mood, we find that the conjugal sentiment is superior to all others in sweetness
- If we consult different scriptures, then we'll find that one scripture is speaking something, another scripture is speaking something else. - Just like cow-killing. Take it for example
- If we do not accept Krsna as authority and take His words as they are, we cannot derive any benefit from Bhagavad-gita. It is not dogmatic; it is a fact. If we study scrutinizingly what Krsna says, we will find that it is right
- If we do not accept Krsna the supreme authority and so not take His words as they are, then we cannot derive any benefit... It is not dogmatic. It is actually fact. It is not dogmatic. If you study scrutinizingly what Krsna says, you'll find it is right
- If we examine all persons, we will find that everyone has a beginning, but when we approach a person who has no beginning, He is the Supreme Person
- If we examine how much time He devoted to killing and how much time He devoted to protecting, we shall find that He devoted more time to killing
- If we find it suitable that by marrying one will be able to serve better, than by not marrying, then one must marry; that is our principle
- If we go deep into the water, we find aquatics; if we go into the sky, we find so many birds. How is it possible to conclude that other planets have no living entities
- If we go further toward a hill, we shall find that there is something distinct - a hill. And if we go all the way to the hill itself, we shall find many people working there, many houses, streets, cars, and so many varied things
- If we go to the ocean, there also we shall find a form, like that of a big circle. Without form there is nothing; everything has form, even that which is supposedly impersonal
- If we have to constantly move until we find the situation where there is no personal difficulty in relationships then we may never get down to our real work
- If we scrutinize the characters who took part in the Battle of Kuruksetra, we may find that Maharaja Yudhisthira was no less a pious king than Lord Ramacandra, and by character study Maharaja Yudhisthira was a better moralist than Lord Krsna
- If we scrutinize the religious systems meant for worship of demigods or anyone else but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we will find that they are full of envy and therefore impure
- If we scrutinizingly study the life of Krsna, you will find in the history of the world than Krsna there was no richer person than Krsna, no powerful person than Krsna, more learned and person of knowledge, philosophy, than Krsna
- If we study each and every living entity, we will find that he will defy offers of a more comfortable position. Although King Puranjana was attacked from all sides, he was unwilling to leave the city
- If we trace our father's father back, we will find that he was also a person, and that his father was a person, and so on all the way back to Lord Brahma, who was the first created person in this universe
- If you (Usa) can identify him from your dream, I (Citralekha) shall bring you peace of mind. Now, let me draw some pictures for you to inspect, and as soon as you find the picture of your desired husband, let me know
- If you analyze every part of the body, then you will find that there is no life. This is called education. This is called scientific knowledge
- If you analyze the whole ocean you will find it is salty. But the difference is the Atlantic Ocean contains millions & trillions of tons of salt, but the drop of water contains a grain of salt. Similarly, whatever propensities you've, that is in also God
- If you analyze the whole population, you will find that we are simply a crowd or assembly of so many animals, that's all. This is fact. Because we not know beyond this body. So you cannot expect any peace and prosperity in the animal society
- If you are chanting within this room and if you find nobody is coming to participate in the kirtana, don't be disappointed. There are many germs, worms, cockroaches, within this room - they are being benefited
- If you are indeed interested in logic and argument, kindly apply it to the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. If you do so, you will find it to be strikingly wonderful
- If you are sober & actually thoughtful, you will find that "This is not my life. But I am falsely thinking that I am enjoying life." Therefore frustration. Next stage is frustration. Everyone, frustrated because we are in this material world
- If you argue that, "Cow is an animal. So animal stool is impure. How the cow stool can become pure?" that is puzzling, but it is ordered by the Vedas, it is fact. You analyze cow stool, you find all antiseptic matter
- If you argue, "Why it (cow dung) is pure?" then you come to a modern chemical analysis, and you will find the cow dung is full of antiseptic properties. It has been examined in Calcutta by one doctor, Raj Mohan Bose
- If you carefully study our movement around the world, you will find that actually we are solving all of the so-called problems of life
- If you chant Hare Krsna mantra, then your first vision of your self, your constitutional position, will be visible just like a line of the moon. But if you go on continuing, you will find one day it is full moon and brilliant, very soothing, and nectarine
- If you consult different scriptures, you'll find different contradictory statements. Your scripture may be different from my scripture.And if you consult philosophers, you'll find one philosopher is differing from another philosopher
- If you divide all people, you will find one class of men, they are not interested with this opulence of material happiness. They are seeking - philosophers, learned scholars, scientists, religionists, reformers. Their business is different
- If you do not allow to touch the water, the ground, you take it in the middle, you will find crystal, distilled water. You will find. And as soon as it comes down on the ground, it becomes muddy, the purity lost
- If you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find new and new encouragement. That is spiritual. If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you find a nondevotee eager to listen submissively you can show your mercy to elevate him to Krishna Conciousness, but a nondevotee who is already poisoned by the serpent of the demon class swami or yogi is very difficult to be dealt with
- If you find a person (one who is coming in disciplic succession & fully convinced about the Supreme Absolute Truth), surrender & try to please him, serve him & question him. Surrender unto him is surrender to God. Question to learn, not to waste time
- If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you find some Christian person who is intelligent to understand philosophy then you may argue that if God is unlimited, how He can be confined to having only one son?
- If you find somebody diseased, still, spiritual consciousness is not hampered. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, ahaituky apratihata (SB 1.2.6). Apratihata means without any impediment
- If you find somebody who has no competitor, equal, and who has no superior, then He is God. The definition of God can be given in two words: one who has no superior and has no equal
- If you find something stated in the Vedas, that you have to accept. That's all. Axiomatic truth. And because the Vedas were particularly studied by the brahmins, high-class qualified brahmins, therefore they are also accepted as authority
- If you find this work of transcribing from recorded tapes interesting, you will have ample opportunity to work on this. There are many tapes like this in New York, Boston, and maybe in other places also
- If you find time you can visit our Krishna Balarama Temple in Vrindaban at Raman Reti which has now become the best attraction in Vrindaban
- If you get knowledge, automatically tapasya will follow, and then you make your advancement in spiritual life. So to get knowledge is the first item for anyone who is hoping to find the perfection of his life
- If you go by airplane, jet plane, above the cloud, you'll find the sunshine is without any cloud. The cloud cannot cover the whole sun. Similarly, maya cannot cover the supreme whole. Maya can cover the small particles of Brahman
- If you have got sufficient appetite, any kind of foodstuff, you'll find it is very nice. But if you are offered very palatable foodstuff and you are not hungry - you have no appetite - useless
- If you keep yourself faced to the sunlight, you will never see the darkness, and as soon as you turn your back to the sun, then immediately you find in your front a huge shadow of your own body. This shadow is Maya
- If you love somebody and he's not there, you find everything vacant. So Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu felt this way about Krsna - lover and beloved
- If you read simply Mahabharata, which is meant for the sudras and the woman class and the less-intelligent persons born in higher class society, you will find in Mahabharata so sublime literature
- If you remain pure by following the instructions of your Spiritual Master there is no chance for maya to enter into the program. So I do not think you will find any more these politics at our Boston center or elsewhere
- If you rightly judge this movement, you will find it very sublime
- If you search out through the whole botanical garden, hardly you will find two thousand, three thousand species. Or even find ten thousand. Still, what it is? There are two millions. Jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa-vimsati. This is knowledge
- If you soberly analyze this body, what is this body? Actually, it is lump of matter. It is a combination of bone and blood, flesh, urine, stool, nails and hairs. Otherwise, what you can find in it?
- If you study every item, you will find that although you have created by the modern scientific advancement a little comfort of life, side by side, we have created many discomforts
- If you study the whole situation, creation of the Lord, you will find everything is complete, perfect. That is philosophy. Everything is complete. There is no necessity. Our only necessity is that we take advantage of Krsna's arrangement
- If you talk to whatever small number of followers I have, you will find that they talk better than any great philosopher, better than any scientist or politician. That is the quality of my students. What's the point in talking nonsense?
- If you touch the bone of an animal, you become immediately impure. You have to take bath. But this bone of animal, conchshell, is taken to the Deity room. It is so pure. So from our human consciousness we find contradiction in the Vedic instruction
- If you want to be benefited, then you must take the shelter of mahajana, great personalities. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. If you are perplexed that "Who is mahajana? How can I find him?" that is also explained in the sastra
- If you want to be immortal, these things are to be followed: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. Then you can think of immortality, gradually. That is called tapasya. Tapasa brahmacaryena. Every sastra, you'll find
- If you want to learn by studying scriptures, Vedic literature, you will find different scriptures, - Sama, Yajur, Rg, Atharva, then different Puranas. There are eighteen Puranas, Mahabharata. That is also impossible; means you cannot understand
- If you want to speak to a friend a thousand miles away, you have to go there and find him, or he has to come. The process is there. By electricity (telephone), immediately he comes. Is it not be possible?
- If you want to taste what is God, you first of all try to cure your disease. Our disease, material disease, is the lusty desire. Lusty desire is so strong that you will find it is existing amongst the so-called religionists performing religious rituals
- In a book one may sometimes find a small running insect smaller than a period. This is Krsna's craftsmanship. Anor aniyan mahato mahiyan (Katha Upanisad 1.2.20): He can create something greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest
- In a desert an animal simply searches in vain for water. Of course there is no water in the desert, and the animal simply sacrifices his life in an attempt to find it
- In a film spool, you will find so many bodies. One hand is like this, one hand is like this, one hand is like this, and when they are taken together, it moves like this. This is the film
- In all directions of Dvaraka City, wherever one would turn his eyes he would find green parks and gardens, each of them filled with trees and plants laden with fruits and flowers
- In all our literatures you'll find full of quotation from Vedic literature to prove it
- In all Vedic literatures we find that the attainment of this loving relationship between the living entity and the Supreme Lord is the goal of devotional service
- In another prayer it is said, "This is Your (Krsna's) business, because You are the supreme author of universes. You have no partiality. If anyone finds any partiality in Your characteristics, he is surely mistaken"
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15) it is said, mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca: the SPG in His localized aspect gives intelligence to the individual soul as far as he is able to grasp it. Therefore we find the individual soul in different high & low positions
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.8) also it is said that the Lord appears just to give protection to the devotees and to annihilate the nondevotees. The nondevotees are found in the material world, not in the spiritual world
- In brahminical culture, you will find even he is very poor brahmana, no source of income, no fixation of foodstuff even, but he is happy. He is happy by his knowledge. He'll satisfy himself
- In Caitanya-caritamrta you'll find the Vaisnava is paramahamsa. Vaisnava has no saffron cloth. Vaisnava is white cloth because Vaisnava is paramahamsa, above. But we don't claim the position of Vaisnava. We want to remain servant of Vaisnava
- In daily life we find that when a madman commits murder, he is excused even by a high-court judge
- In earth we can find all the qualities of material nature. The same can be applied to the rasa known as madhurya-rasa, or conjugal love
- In every field of activities we find some controller. How can I deny that there is no controller of this creation? There is
- In every field of activity we find some finite controller, so how can we deny the existence of an infinite controller in this creation? It is not without reason therefore that Caitanya Mahaprabhu particularly uses this word Jagadisa, Lord of the universe
- In His (Caitanya's) whole life these (when Sacimata, was searching for something, Caitanya jokingly said, "Maybe your daughter-in-law has taken it.") are the only joking words we find in relation to women (with His wife). He was very strict
- In His letter Krsna advised Kalayavana that he should immediately go and find some dark well for his residence, because there was a black snake named Krsna who was very eager to devour all such sinful frogs
- In humble submission the devotee finds such sweet transcendental pleasure that no more he is interested in the nonsense material world and no more he is affected by the influence of the inferior energy, the maya
- In India higher caste you will find this sacred thread. Sacred thread means when he is accepted, when he is given the second birth, this thread ceremony, there is a thread ceremony
- In India still you will find hundreds and thousands of men are going to take bath in the Ganges in the morning. They might have only one cloth and one napkin, still, they will take twice bath
- In India, by this propaganda that "There is no God in temple," by this false propaganda, the temples are not closed. Still in Vrndavana you'll find five thousand temples
- In India, especially in the villages, you'll find cleanliness. He has got one cloth, poverty-stricken, one cloth, not very white. Due to dirt, it is black. But that one cloth should be washed daily, still, one cloth
- In law court two lawyers are fighting, but the lawyer who is giving evidences from the law book, he is accepted by the judge. And therefore, generally you will find, whenever we speak something, we give evidence from the sastra
- In London the civil officer, or civil servant is a Bengali gentleman. That means they are finding difficulty in having their own men for responsible posts. They are no more
- In Maharaja Yudhisthira's time, you will find from SB that people were so happy that there was no excessive heat or excessive cold, and nobody was anxious; everyone was free. That is the first duty of the government, to see every citizen is happy
- In many instances we find that when a mother is moved by affection for her sons, milk flows from her breasts
- In many yoga societies we find that people sit cross-legged and very straight, then close their eyes to meditate, and so fifty percent of them go to sleep because when we close our eyes and have no subject matter for contemplation, we simply go to sleep
- In New York City, great hordes of people travel from one island to another by ferry boat or wait for subways in order to go to the office for the purpose of finding food. How is this an advancement over animal life
- In no other philosophy will you find such a clear conception of God. So I request you to kindly study with seriousness our books, and you may compare Krishna consciousness with other philosophies
- In order to find this source (of happiness), however, we need some knowledge of what that happiness is
- In ordinary life we find one person king in one subject and another in another subject. This knowledge, however, is sovereign over all others, and all other knowledge is subject or relative to it
- In other literatures also there are slight information, but in the Vedic literature you'll find described information of the spiritual world
- In other temples he (the European gentleman) saw the deity engaged in similar activities (as he saw in the previous temple of Goddess Kali), but when he came to the Radha-Krsna temple, he said - I find that in this temple there is God
- In our daily experience we find so many transformations of matter from one form to another, but we do not lament such changing features
- In our daily experience we find so many transformations of matter from one form to another, but we do not lament such changing features. the force of divine energy is uncheckable, and thus there is no cause of grief
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we never offer the sannyasa order to a person whom we do not find to be qualified in terms of the prescribed brahminical principles
- In our Krsna consciousness movement when one is found to be regularly following these principles (no illicit sex, gambling, meat-eating & intoxication), he is given the first initiation (hari-nama), and he regularly chants at least sixteen rounds a day
- In pure devotional service there is not even a pinch of jnana or karma. Consequently, when Vaisnavas distribute charity, they do not need to find a brahmana performing the activities of jnana-kanda or karma-kanda
- In real meditation, we ask, "Where am I? What am I?" We cannot find the answers to these questions by any material effort, and because of this all the universities are setting these questions aside
- In return for Indra's benediction that ditches in the earth would be filled automatically, the land accepted one fourth of the sinful reactions for killing a brahmana. Because of those sinful reactions, we find many deserts on the surface of the earth
- In SB it is stated that man's fear is due to his material conception of life & to his forgetting his eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord. Consequently he finds himself having only perverted memories. This occurs due to the spell of material energy
- In SB we find the seed for spiritual communism. There Narada Muni explains that in this material universe - whether one be in a lower, middle or higher planetary system or even in outer space - all natural resources are manifested by the Supreme Lord
- In society one will find many sannyasis, vanaprasthas, grhasthas and brahmacaris, but if all of them properly live in accordance with their duties, they are understood to be sadhus
- In some of the Puranas it is described that Durga is also Radharani. In the Brahma-samhita you'll find it
- In spiritual separation there is neither inebriety nor ineffectiveness, as one finds with material separation
- In spite of so much hard labor, at the end we find disappointment. Bha means bhaya, or fear. In material life, one is always in the blazing fire of fear, since no one knows what will happen next
- In the animal life they are after seeking where is food. Then, as soon as the body is strong, then "Where is sex? Find out the opposite sex." You'll find in the hogs' life very prominent, all these things
- In the Battle of Kuruksetra, we find that Lord Krsna wanted Maharaja Yudhisthira to be the supreme emperor of this planet. He never wanted Duryodhana to take the post
- In the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, when Krsna was speaking the Bhagavad-gita, the speech which He delivered, although He is not present now in our vision, you cannot find in the whole world such attractive speech of wisdom. Nobody can say
- In the beginning, Maitreya Rsi narrated the activities of the sons of Pracinabarhi. These sons went beside a great lake, which was like an ocean and fortunately finding Lord Siva, they learned how to satisfy the SPG by chanting the songs composed by Siva
- In the Bhagavad-gita you will find that Krsna says that to study or to follow the rules and regulations of the Vedas actually means to come to the understanding of Krsna consciousness. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam also
- In the Bhagavad-gita you will find the word is vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyam (BG 15.15). That means to follow the Vedic way of life means to become Krsna conscious
- In the Bhagavad-gita you'll find sanatanah, and Krsna is also addressed in the Eleventh Chapter as sanatanas tvam. And there is another place, or spiritual world, which is also called sanatana
- In the Bhagavatam we find that Mahabharata was specifically compiled by Vyasadeva for stri-sudra-brahma-bandhu
- In the bhakti-yoga, in the beginning, it will taste bitter. Therefore they do not come. But if they take to bhakti-yoga, then the material disease will be cured and they will find it is very sweet
- In the Bible, which is also sastra, one will find the same advice: one should cease materialistic life and return to the kingdom of God
- In the Buddhist sastras Lord Buddha advises that one achieve nirvana by giving up the materialistic way of life. In the Bible, which is also sastra, one will find the same advice: one should cease materialistic life and return to the kingdom of God
- In the course of preaching they (Nityananda Prabhu and Haridasa Thakura) found Jagai and Madhai, two maddened drunken brothers, who, upon seeing them, began to chase them
- In the darkness of night a snake can find its eatables simply by hearing the frog's very pleasant cry. The snake can understand, "There is the frog," and he captures the frog simply because of its sound vibration
- In the desert or in very scorching heat, summer season, you can find before your car there is water, reflection. So this is called illusion
- In the life of Maharaja Ambarisa, we find that the great Maharaja first engaged his mind on the lotus feet of Krsna. In this way his intelligence became purified. Maharaja Ambarisa also used his other senses in the service of the Lord
- In the material conception of life, we find someone a demigod, someone a human being, a dog, a cat, etc. This is material vision, not actual vision. This material differentiation is due to a material conception of life. BG 1972 purports
- In the material existence we find so many species of life-animals, insects, men, and so on. All are arranged by the superior power. They are not accidental. BG 1972 purports
- In the material platform, if you serve somebody, you will find tired, satiated. You won't like. But if you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find yourself more energetic. You'll like to serve more and more. That is the test
- In the material science they are trying to go to the moon planet or other planets also by certain standard of speed in the Sputnik. They are finding it difficult even to go to the moon planet, which is the nearest planet to the earth
- In the material sky, even if we approach the highest planet (Brahmaloka), we will find the same conditions of life, namely birth, death, disease and old age. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the material world it is not possible to find this kind of love, for it exists only between Krsna and His intimate devotees, such as the gopis
- In the material world we find that one who has much opulence is not very much inclined to give it up, but Krsna is not like this. He can renounce everything and remain complete in Himself
- In the modern age, people from earth have tried to go to the moon, but they have not been able to find anyone there, what to speak of meeting the moon's predominating deity
- In the Ninth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita you will find that this is the process by which you can understand practically whether you are making actually progress in spiritual life
- In the ordinary management of affairs in the material world, we find some official or director, & above him there is a secretary, & above him a minister, & above him a president. Each of them is a controller, but one is controlled by another. BG 1972 pur
- In the prayers of Queen Kunti we find mention of this inconceivable potency of Krsna
- In the present age of Kali it is not possible to find expert mantra chanters; therefore all the sacrifices recommended in the Vedas are forbidden in this age
- In the present social status, we find that we are existing in these four divisions (brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras), but there is no cooperation. Everyone is dissatisfied
- In the sastra it is said, kalau sudra-sambhavah. In the Kali-yuga almost everyone is a sudra. You'll find they're interested in accepting some service
- In the sastras we find many brahmanas and ksatriyas who acted as demons and have been described as demons. According to the verdict of the sastras, one has to be understood according to his symptoms
- In the scriptural injunctions we find what sort of work should be performed and what sort of work should not be performed. Those who do not care for those injunctions engage in work not to be done, and such persons are generally materialistic. BG 1972 p
- In the spiritual sky you will find happiness, real happiness. In the material sky there is no happiness. How it can be happiness, because the four things are there, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
- In the spiritual world the men are so beautiful, and imagine the women also still more beautiful, very attractive. But there is no sex. That is the feature, you'll find it
- In the Srimad Bhagavad-gita we find that religion means devotional service, or Krsna consciousness. Krsna says, "Give up all other religious principles and simply become a soul surrendered unto Me." This is religion
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that the Absolute Truth is realized by different person according to different angle of vision. Just like if you see from a distant place one mountain, you find something cloudy
- In the transcendental world a devotee is never envious of another devotee on account of his excellence but on the contrary if a devotee finds some excellence in other devotees he eulogizes the devotee admitting his own subordinate position
- In the Vedas it is said that cow dung is pure, although it is the stool of an animal. We accept: "Yes, it is pure." And actually you'll find, yes, it is pure. If you analyze, you'll find all antiseptic properties
- In the Vedic histories we find that there were many, many exalted emperors and kings who practiced austerities and penances. Dhruva Maharaja, Ambarisa & Yudhisthira were all great kings and were most opulent, but at the same time they were great sages
- In the Vedic injunctions we find that the Supreme Soul, or the root cause of everything, has to be searched out because nothing exists independently of the Supreme Soul. Therefore the material manifestation is also a transformation of His potency
- In the Vedic literature (Mundaka Up. 1.1.9) we find that the Absolute Truth knows everything perfectly, but we also learn that not only does He know everything, but He also acts accordingly by utilizing His different energies
- In the Vedic literature we find that His whole embodiment is spiritual. He has His eternal form called sac-cid-ananda-vigraha. He is full of all opulence. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vedic literature we find that in the spiritual kingdom there is no need of sun or moon because the effulgence of the Supreme Lord is there. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vedic literature we find that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has multipotencies. Since all such potencies are emanations from Him (Krsna), there is no difference between Him and His potencies
- In the Vedic literature you find that two birds are sitting on the same tree. One bird is eating the fruit of the tree, and the other bird is witnessing. That witnessing bird is Krsna, and the eating bird is myself
- In the Vedic literature you will find that God has expanded Himself into many, just like the father expands himself into many children. The children is nothing but expansions of the body of the father
- In the Vedic literature, we find the creation described in relationship to Maha-Visnu. As stated in the Brahma-samhita - BS 5.38
- In the Vedic literatures we find descriptions of many different planets where there are many, many palaces, hundreds and thousands of times better than those of which we have experience on this planet earth
- In the Vedic literatures we find that in this age (of Kali-yuga) everyone is born a sudra; therefore everyone requires to be educated as to his real identity
- In the Vedic scriptures we find that if one has taken to the devotional service of the Lord in Krsna consciousness, he can very easily uproot the deep-rooted desire for fruitive activities
- In the Vedic system we sometimes find that both brahmanas and ksatriyas and even vaisyas come in the disciplic succession of the same rsis
- In the Western countries, while engaged in propagating the Krsna consciousness movement, we were brought great unhappiness because we could not find tulasi leaves
- In the world there are many revealed scriptures. There are Vedas, Puranas, the Bible, the Koran & there are so many religious scriptures also & if you go on reading them, although the aim is one, still, you will find some discrepancy from one to another
- In this age it is very difficult to find qualified brahmanas who can perform sacrifices as prescribed in the Vedas
- In this age it is very difficult to find such a head of state who is expert in killing the undesirables. Modern heads of state sit very nicely in their palaces and try without reason to kill innocent persons
- In this age of Kali, practically everyone is a sudra (kalau sudra-sambhavah), and finding anyone who is a brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya is very difficult
- In this age of Kali, the process of hearing krsna-katha is the most effective means to gain release from unwanted family affection and thus find permanent freedom in life
- In this age of overpopulation it is not always possible to find a secluded place, but this is not necessary in bhakti-yoga
- In this chapter we find Maharaja Ambarisa offering prayers to the Sudarsana cakra and we find how the Sudarsana cakra became merciful to Durvasa Muni
- In this Kali-yuga, everyone is a sudra. You hardly find a real brahmana or real ksatriya or vaisya. Because they are after service
- In this material world we find almost everyone has forgotten God
- In this material world we find that everything is temporary. It comes into being, stays for some time, produces some by-products, dwindles and then vanishes. That is the law of the material world. BG 1972 Introduction
- In this planet also, different places have got different opulence. Just like in India you will find throughout the whole year brilliant sunshine, and in Western countries, in London, hellish - always moist, raining, and cloudy
- In this verse (CC Adi 17.253) we find the word dvija, indicating that the student was a brahmana. Actually, in those days, only members of the brahmana class became students of Vedic literature
- In this verse (of CC Adi 13.5) we find the moon described as candra-gana, which is plural in number. This indicates that there are many moons. In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.21) the Lord says, naksatranam aham sasi: “Among the stars, I am the moon”
- In this verse (SB 10.9.20), we find na lebhire, na lebhire, na lebhire. Yet mother Yasoda is in the supermost exalted position, and thus Krsna has become completely subordinate to her
- In this verse (SB 3.15.38) we find the word acaksataksa-visayam. The Supreme Lord cannot be seen by ordinary eyes, but He now became visible to the eyesight of the Kumaras. Another significant word is samadhi-bhagyam
- In this verse (SB 4.1.15) we find the words atma-isa-brahma-sambhavan. Atma means the Supersoul, or Visnu, isa means Lord Siva, and brahma means the four-headed Lord Brahma
- In this verse (SB 4.25.11) it is said (na anurupam) that the King (Puranjana) could never find a place suitable for his purposes
- In this verse (SB 6.11.18), therefore, we find the words manasvinam pada-rajah prapatsye: "I shall receive the dust of the lotus feet of great devotees." The word manasvinam refers to great devotees who always think of Krsna
- In this way (one need only work to produce grains and take care of the cows. The wood found in the jungles may be used for constructing cottages) the economic problem of humanity can be solved
- In this world also, we find somebody is more powerful than others. But that does not mean he is God. God is supreme, all-powerful
- In trance, you'll find yogi picture, their trance, they are in meditation, completely silent, stop breathing and seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, within the heart. This is actual yoga system
- In Vedic literatures we find that there is a controlling deity of the water; similarly, there is a controlling deity of the trees
- In Vrndavana you'll find all the devotees, they're chanting more Radharani's name than Krsna's. Wherever you'll go, you'll find the devotees are addressing, "Jaya-radhe." You'll find, still, in Vrndavana. They are glorifying Radharani
- In Vrndavana you'll find just early in the morning exactly one and a half hours before sunrise, all temples will ding-dang, ding-dang, like this. And people will automatically rise up and go to see the first ceremony. It is very nice
- In Vrndavana you'll find they are different. Somebody will say "Hare Krsna," another will say: "Sita Rama." There will be competition. There is no difference. Both of them know that - Either I worship Rama or Krsna, They are the same
- In Western countries, younger generation go to so many svamis and yogis who come from India. But there also they are frustrated. But here they are finding the real substance. That you can ask any one of them; they will explain how they have come
- In your country there are at least fifty different editions of the Bhagavad-gita, written by different men. Similarly, in England, in Germany, in France and in all other countries, you will find hundreds of editions of the Gita. So, who can be more famous
- Indeed, in all parts of the world, in every country where we preach the sankirtana movement, we find that people very easily accept the Hare Krsna maha-mantra without hesitation
- India you will find in the bazaars. There is crowd, and the cows enter there, and they eat the vegetables to their heart's content. But he is not punishable. Still the cow is not punishable
- Indirectly he (Narada Muni) asked them the (Haryasvas) to find within the cores of their hearts the situation of the Supersoul, Lord Visnu, for then they would truly be experienced
- Indra became most repentant, understanding that because of his opulence he had forgotten to respect his spiritual master. He left the palace to beg pardon from his spiritual master, but could not find Brhaspati anywhere
- Indra's purpose was to cheat Diti as soon as he could find some fault in the way she discharged the vows of the ritualistic ceremony. However, he wanted to be undetected, and therefore he served her very carefully
- Information means we have in Vedic literature. In other literatures also there are slight information, but in Vedic literature you'll find described information of the spiritual world. So Bhagavad-gita is the nutshell, cream of all spiritual knowledge
- Instead of finding time to hear about Krsna, the householders, after working hard in offices and factories, find time to go to a restaurant or a club
- Isvara means controller. So here in the material world we find that I am controller; I am controlled by somebody else. Then that controller is controlled by somebody else. So controller over controller over controller over...
- It appears from this verse (of SB 8.6.31) that politics, diplomacy, the propensity to cheat, and everything that we find in this world in individual and social negotiations between two parties are also present in the upper planetary systems
- It is a common sense affair. The God has given you independence. If you do something wrong, against the will of God, then you must suffer. Therefore we find so many varieties of living entities. In different grades of life
- It is a little intelligent. Just like we can see when the advertisement, we can immediately understand, "What is this nonsense advertisement? He's smoking, and it is cool?" So contradiction. You'll find contradiction everywhere
- It is also stated (in SB 3.15.20) that in the Vaikuntha world the consorts of the residents are many, many times more beautiful than we can find in this material world, even in the higher planets
- It is clear that although the daughter (Devahuti) was mature in age and qualities, she did not go out and find her husband independently
- It is confirmed in SB: O great sage, out of many millions of liberated persons and persons who have achieved success in mystic yoga, one who is completely devoted to the SP of Godhead and who is filled with peace is very hard to find - SB 6.14.5
- It is easy to find so-called mahatmas (great souls) with long beards and mustaches who tell everyone that they are one with God and that when they die they will wake up and become God, but these are not really mahatmas
- It is not a fact that jungles and trees attract clouds and rain, because we find rainfall over the sea. Human beings can inhabit any place on the surface of the earth by clearing jungles and converting land for agricultural purposes
- It is not that only human being has got the soul, not others. No. Actually if we make analysis what is the symptoms of possessing soul, you will find everywhere. Even in plants' life you will find
- It is not that we are to search out a spiritual master whimsically. We should be very serious to find a person who is actually in knowledge of the subject
- It is psychologically very natural that a prostitute does not care for her paramour as soon as he loses his money. Similarly, when the citizens find that a government is incapable of giving them full protection, they leave the country
- It is recommended in this verse (SB 3.20.4) that one find a person who knows the science of God, or a tattva-vit. Tattva-vit means "one who knows the Absolute Truth"
- It is said in Kali-santarana Upanisad: After searching through all the Vedic literature, one cannot find a method of religion more sublime for this age than the chanting of Hare Krsna
- It is said in the Brahma-samhita that the mental speculator may fly through the sky of speculation with the velocity of the mind or the wind for thousands of millions of years, and still he will find it inconceivable
- It is said that all of Madhvacarya's books were taken away, but later they were found with the help of King Jayasimha, ruler of Kumla. In discussion (of sastra), Pundarika Puri was defeated by Madhvacarya
- It is said that at the present moment in Kali-yuga everyone is a sudra (kalau sudra-sambhavah), and it is very difficult in this age to find qualified brahmanas, for they are very rare. There is practically not a single qualified brahmana in this age
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 6.14.4) that a devotee of Narayana is so rare that one can only find him out of millions and millions of people
- It is stated in the Visnu Purana that whatever we find, anywhere and everywhere, is the distribution of the energy of the Supreme Lord
- It is still more difficult to find a man who has actually derived full benefit from knowledge of the soul, and who is able to describe the position of the soul in different aspects. BG 1972 purports
- It is the duty of the acarya, the spiritual master, to find the ways and means for his disciple to fix his mind on Krsna. That is the beginning of sadhana-bhakti
- It is the most valuable thing of your life, chanting Hare Krsna. And you'll practically find the result. It is not bluff
- It is the sign of advancement in KC that the devotee does not care for nice varieties of material engagements based on sense gratification but he finds increasing pleasure in those places where the service of the Lord is being carried out with enthusiasm
- It is very difficult to find a few human beings who believe in the scriptures and the existence of God, or, for that matter, in proper behavior
- It is very difficult to find a few human beings who believe in the scriptures and the existence of God, or, for that matter, in proper behavior. Those who do believe in the value of these things are known as arya
- It is very difficult to find a man who perfectly understands the position of the soul, the Supersoul, the atomic soul, their respective functions, relationships and all other major and minor details. BG 1972 purports
- It is very difficult to find the origin of the cosmic manifestation; therefore material scientists conclude that nature is the ultimate cause of all manifestations
- It is very easy to analyze your whole body, and you'll find that that there is no life in these material ingredients, that life is different from this bodily combination. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita: apareyam itas tv viddhi me prakrtim para
- It is very simple truth. Just I am this body. I am seeking happiness. So why I am seeking happiness? The... If you simply discuss on this point, then you'll find that a man is reasonable. Why I am seeking after happiness? What is the answer? That's a fact
- It may be then argued in this connection (BG 16.20) that God should not be advertised as all-merciful if He is not merciful to demons. In answer to this question, in the Vedanta-sutra we find that the Supreme Lord has no hatred for anyone. BG 1972 pur
- It sometimes happens that prasadam is mixed with a larger quantity of food and then distributed, but in this case we find that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya kept the jagannatha-prasadam separate. He kept it aside particularly for the satisfaction of Caitanya
- It was so crowded (in Vidya-vacaspati's house) that people could not even find a place to walk; therefore they made room by clearing out the jungles near the village. Many roads were automatically excavated & many people also came by boat to see the Lord
- Just as a simple spark from a fire can't harm the fire, so my bewildering potency was completely unsuccessful in thwarting Your (Krsna's) superior illusory power. Therefore I find myself to be most insignificant & think of myself as a most useless person
- Just begin Krsna conscious, and you will find, without sex, you will be happy
- Just like a diamond or a valuable stone, you'll find a different color. Sometimes you'll find red, sometimes you'll find green, sometimes you'll find some other color, the same stone. Similarly, Krsna when appears, He appears in different colors
- Just like he is not well dressed, but anyone who will, he'll immediately find he's cleansed. That is wanted. Cleansed dress. Dress is not important... One can become clean with simply loincloth. It doesn't require dress
- Just like horse, when working very hard, you'll find some foams coming out of the mouth, we sometimes also, when we are very tired after working very hard, the tongue becomes dry and some foam comes
- Just like if you stand on the shore of a lake, you will find all the trees reflected in the water downwards. Real tree is on the shore of the lake, and the reflection is downwards. The upper part of the tree has gone down
- Just like in our Society, the International Society for KC, we are many persons from many countries. We are various countrymen combined together, but you will find that every one of us not conscious of this body; otherwise we could not work so unitedly
- Just like in the material world also, you will find unlimited atomic existence, similarly, in the spiritual also, there are unlimited spiritual atoms. And one of the atoms is myself and yourself or the ant or the elephant
- Just like the sun is covered by the glaring disk. You will find if you look into the sun disk you will find one circle is moving like that. Similarly, in the Upanisad also, we find that the Supreme Lord is hidden within the brahma-jyotir
- Just try to study this life, how much painful it is. This is the human body & what to speak of the dog's body, cat's body? You study very minutely. You'll find, from the beginning of my life in the womb of my mother up to the death point, simply miseries
- Kali-yuga means that people will be more and more unhappy. The first thing is that the duration of life will decrease, alpa-ayusa. And manda, all bad men. Hardly we'll find any good men
- Kaminam, those who are very lustful, what is their pleasure spot? That vagina, that's all. That urinal. That is their pleasure. Is urinal, is very nice place? But he's sophisticated. He finds, "Oh, this is very nice place." This analytical study
- Kamsa advised his constables, "As soon as Krsna is born, tell me. I shall immediately kill Him." He was always thinking of Krsna in this way, negatively. Similarly, we will find so many so-called religionists whose only purpose is to kill Krsna
- Kanai Natasala is about two hundred miles from Calcutta on the Loop line of the Eastern Railway. The railway station is named Talajhadi, and after one gets off at that station, he has to go about two miles to find Kanai Natasala
- Kapittha is a flower which is known in Indian vernacular as kayeta. We do not find an English equivalent for the name of this flower, but its fruit is generally not accepted by human beings; it is eaten by monkeys in the forest
- Kara was the surname of Makaradhvaja. At present this surname is generally found in the Kayastha community
- Karttikeya addressed King Mucukunda, "Time and tide wait for no man. Now even if you return to your home, you will find no one living there"
- Kaviraja Gosvami said: If you are indeed interested in logic and argument, kindly apply it to the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. If you do so, you will find it to be strikingly wonderful
- Keeping one's money very secretly is an old practice, for we find this practice present even during the reign of Maharaja Prthu
- King Puranjana began to search for a suitable place to live, and thus he traveled all over the world. Even after a great deal of traveling, he could not find a place just to his liking. Finally he became morose and disappointed
- King Puranjana had unlimited desires for sense enjoyment; consequently he traveled all over the world to find a place where all his desires could be fulfilled. Unfortunately he found a feeling of insufficiency everywhere
- Krishna Consciousness movement will be very famous there and you will find many interested persons to become devotees, just like at Mexico
- Krsna is describing Himself. You try to understand from the statement of Krsna with your logic, argument, science and everything. You will find complete answer
- Krsna is therefore sometimes called Yogesvara, the master of all yogis. In the Vedic literature we find that the yogi Saubhari Muni expanded himself into eight
- Krsna said, "Everywhere you (the gopis) go you will find that all these animals are loitering to find their prey. I think, therefore, that you are taking a great risk in coming here in the dead of night. Please turn back immediately, without delay"
- Krsna said, "Therefore I think your mothers, your fathers, your elder brothers and even your sons, and what to speak of your husbands, must be very anxious to find you"
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, "All are pursuing the path of realizing Me, but those who have adopted courses without any bhakti find their endeavor very troublesome." Krsna cannot be understood unless one comes to the point of bhakti
- Krsna says that either on this planet or in other planets in the outer space, three qualities or 3 modes of material nature is working - modes of goodness, modes of passion and modes of ignorance. Everywhere you'll find these 3 classes of living entities
- Krsna says, "All are pursuing the path of realizing Me, but those who have adopted courses without any bhakti find their endeavor very troublesome." Krsna cannot be understood unless one comes to the point of bhakti
- Krsna says, api cet su-duracarah. Even though you find in some devotees some bad behavior, not standard, but because he is a devotee, he is constantly engaged in Krsna consciousness, therefore he is sadhu
- Krsna spoke all these words five thousand years ago. Apart from taking account of millions of years, because nature's law is the same, so even in those days, five thousand years ago, you'll find the demonic people as they are now
- Krsna's appearance does not mean that He has become different. The nice example is set here by Baladeva Vidyabhusana: just like a valuable stone. You take in your hand, you find sometimes yellow, sometimes red, sometimes white, like that
- Krsna, He is the enjoyer, He is the proprietor, and He is the real friend. In the Vedic scripture you'll find, He's such a nice friend that I am transmigrating from one body to another, and Krsna is also transmigrating in the same body, Supersoul
- Ksatriyas were allowed to hunt in the forest to learn the art of killing, because that was necessity for the ksatriyas. Ksatriyas, if . . . if the king, if he finds somebody is doing wrong, he can immediately chop off his head if he likes
- Learn to kill. No nonviolence. Learn to kill. Here also, as soon as you'll find, the ksatriya, a thief, a rogue, unwanted element in the society, kill him. That's all. Finish. Kill him. Bas. Finished. So other will see, "Oh, the ruler is very strong"
- Learned scholars find no contradictions in the devotees' concentration upon the spiritual form of the Lord
- Let us (Rupa & Sanatana) submit one piece of information before You, dear God. It is not at all false but is full of meaning. It is this: If You are not merciful upon us, then it will be very, very difficult to find more suitable candidates for Your mercy
- Life is not finished by this body. It is a chance, it is a chance only. Just like you are going somewhere and you, on the way you find so many stations, some of them not very good and some of them very nice. Similarly, this human form of life is a station
- Looking at a mountain from a distance, we may see a hazy cloud, and if we come nearer, we may see something green. If we actually climb the mountain, we will find many houses, trees and animals
- Lord Krsna clearly says in the Bhagavad-gita that no one in human society is dearer to Him than a devotee who constantly engages in His service by finding ways to preach the message of Godhead for the real benefit of the world
- Lord Krsna is the source of all incarnations, and all others are His parts or partial incarnations. We find that the whole and the part behave as superior and inferior
- Lord Siva said, "In the Brahma-samhita we also find it stated that although You (Krsna) always remain in Your abode, Goloka Vrndavana, You are present everywhere"
- Maharaja Bharata engaged the son of Mamata, Bhrgu Muni, to take charge of performing this yajna (asvamedha-yajna and gomedha-yajna). Now, however, such brahmanas are impossible to find
- Maharaja Bharata lamented that although the sun was going to set, due to the poor animal's absence, he could not find anything auspicious
- Maharaja Pariksit gave license to Kali to live in four places as mentioned hereinbefore, but by his very expert government the personality of Kali could hardly find the places allotted him
- Maharaja Yudhisthira could not find in the palace his two uncles, namely Dhrtarastra and Vidura, along with Gandhari, the daughter of King Subala. He was anxious to see them and therefore asked Sanjaya, the private secretary of Dhrtarastra
- Maharaja Yudhisthira said: O godly personality (Narada), I do not know where my two uncles have gone. Nor can I find my ascetic aunt who is grief-stricken by the loss of all her sons
- Manifesting a full effulgence and a fearsome countenance, Lord Nrsimha, being very angry and finding no contestant to face His power and opulence, then sat down in the assembly hall on the excellent throne of the king
- Material life means that men are after women and women are after men. We find this not only in human society but in bird, dog, cat and demigod society
- Material science has tried to find the ultimate source of creation very insufficiently, but it is a fact that there is one ultimate source of everything that be. This ultimate source is explained rationally and authoritatively in the beautiful Bhagavatam
- Materialistic scientists do not know where to find the soul within the body with their material instruments, but this verse (SB 6.1.31) clearly explains that the soul is within the core of the heart - hrdaya
- May it please Your Excellency, enclosed please find one copy of my letter addressed to Sri Jai Prakash Narayanji. I wish that both of you may sit together and agree to join together to work on the basis of the instructions given in the Bhagavad Gita
- Maya is always trying to attack us, and as soon as she finds some opportunity she tries to inflict her poisonous effects
- Meditation? That you can see from the result. You'll find so many persons meditating, but see their life. Phalena pariciyate. One has to be judged by the result
- Men without faith in God and His revealed word find no good in this world, nor in the next
- Milk means cow's milk, because you'll find in this book that krsi-go-raksya. Go means cow. Cow protection, cow's milk, is important, not other animal's milk
- Monkey's business is simply waste of time. He's very busy. You'll find always busy. So the busy fool is dangerous
- Monkey's business is simply waste of time. He's very busy. You'll find always busy. So the busy fool is dangerous. There are four classes of men: lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy fool and busy fool. So first-class man is lazy intelligent
- Mostly they (people in Madras) are vegetarian, strictly vegetarian. Actually, in southern India, they maintain the Hindu culture. You'll find big high-court judges, they have got tilaka
- My dear brahmana, as far as your daughters are concerned, they will find their own suitable husbands and go away to their respective homes. But who will give me solace after your departure as a sannyasi?
- My dear Dhruva, please, therefore, turn your attention to the Supreme Person, who is the infallible Brahman. Face the SPG in your original position, and thus, by self-realization, you will find this material differentiation to be merely flickering
- My dear King, O protector of the citizens, henceforward be very careful to execute My orders and not be misled by anything. Anyone who lives in that way, simply carrying out My orders faithfully, will always find good fortune all over the world
- My dear Lord, I have served the senses in so many ways, even though abominable. But I find still they are not satisfied, and neither the senses are very kind to me. Because I have served so faithfully, still they are dictating and I am doing
- My dear Sanatana, Haridasa Thakura said, embracing him, "no one can find the limits of your good fortune"
- My devotees take great care and respect in rendering Me service. They offer obeisances to Me with all their bodily limbs. They worship other devotees and find all living entities related to Me. For Me they engage the entire energy of their bodies
- My last request to you both is that if you find such difficulty to live with your God-brothers, you can live with me
- My sweetness is wonderful, infinite and full. No one in the three worlds can find its limit
- Naimisaranya is a place in India still existing.This place is situated near Lucknow in the northern India provinces, a very nice place, sanctified place. Still people go and find peace for spiritual meditation
- Narada Muni assured the hunter, 'If you listen to my instructions, I shall find the way you can be liberated'
- Narada replied: I have come to you to find my own path and to inquire from you. I have seen that there are many boars, deer and rabbits on the path. They are lying on the forest floor half-dead and flopping about. Who has committed these sinful acts?
- No one is thinking of Krsna and how Krsna will be happy. Rather, everyone is thinking in terms of his own happiness: "How shall I be happy? How will my children, my community, my society, and my nation be happy?" Everywhere we shall find this
- No poetry, no science, no philosophy, no religion, no culture, no knowledge we have today can be said to be superior to that we find 5,000 years or more ago in India
- Nobody can claim that "I am the only rich," or "Nobody is richer than me." That is not possible. But if you find somebody who is the richest - nobody is richer than him - then he is God
- Nobody is being guided by Jesus Christ. Their claim is false. It is very hard to find a man who is actually being guided by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ's guidance is available, but nobody is caring for him
- Not finding any recourse in material happiness, the devotee then engages himself absolutely in pure devotional service
- Not guru finds you. You have to find out guru. Guru is there. Guru is there. But if you want to be cheated, then you find out. And if you want to be cheated, the cheaters will... Guru-krsna-krpa
- Not that everyone is of the same type. You cannot find. There is not... Because the world is being conducted by the three modes of nature, you cannot find all men of the same category
- Now it is very difficult to find brahmanas and saj-janas, and thus every village and town is so disrupted that there is no peace and happiness anywhere
- Now there is a crowd of people here, and these invitations are causing much disturbance. In addition, the Lord is always ecstatic and emotional. I do not find the situation here very good
- Now you are advanced in laboratory analyzing. Take this breathing, blood, skin, bone. So many things are there, ingredients. Analyze each one of them. Would you find life? Common sense, that this is not life. Life is beyond this, beyond this material
- Nowadays they are educated, but they must have a good service. That means he's a sudra. Without finding a master, his education has no value. So therefore in the sastra it is said, - In this age, Kali-yuga, everyone is sudra
- Nowhere in the material world do we find a human being with four hands. In Vaikunthaloka there is no occupation but the service of the Lord, and this service is not rendered with a purpose
- O My dear King, I do not like living in this waterpot with such great difficulty. Therefore, please find some better reservoir of water where I can live comfortably
- O my Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, will I again be able to be a servant of Your eternal servants who find shelter only at Your lotus feet?
- O respectful brahmanas, as far as I (Rsabhadeva) am concerned, no one is equal or superior to the brahmanas in this world. I do not find anyone comparable to them
- Of whatever we find, good or bad, the origin is Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Old history you will find that India, they had got their own ships for exporting spices to Greece and other countries of Europe. The history is there. And they were supplying muslin cloth, even just before the British period, Muslim period
- On the beach you find sometimes on the border of the water, the water is covering the land, & sometimes the land is open. This is called marginal position. Similarly, we are marginal energy. We can remain under the water, or we can remain open also
- On the spiritual platform there are none of the differences we find in cause and effect. Since all the forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are spiritually supreme, They are equally controllers of material nature
- On this planet we find many businessmen, politicians and others who are simply interested in material happiness. They attempt to earn money by all means, not considering whether such means are pious or impious
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "One more qualified than Me is impossible to find in the world. But in Radha alone I feel the presence of one who can give Me pleasure"
- Once the sons of Kuvera fell in the wrath of Narada for being intoxicated, but afterwards they regained their original forms by the grace of the Lord Sri Krsna. We shall find this story in the Tenth Canto
- Once we accept the inconceivable energies of the Supreme Lord, we will find that there is no duality at all. The expansion of the energy of the Supreme Lord is as true as the Supreme Lord
- Once we think that we are the most inferior, we'll immediately find that someone is inferior to us; and once we think that we are supreme, we'll immediately find someone superior. This is our position
- One can find many great souls amongst yogis and jnanis, but a truly great soul, a pure devotee of the Lord, who is fully surrendered to the Lord, is very rarely found
- One cannot be unattached to the sense objects unless he finds better engagement in devotional service. param drstva nivartate. One can cease from material activities only when one actually engages in devotional service
- One cannot offer prayers to the Lord with mundane words. One must become spiritually advanced by controlling the mind and senses. Then he can find suitable words to offer in prayers to the Lord
- One cannot trace out the history of when the conditioned soul first desired to lord it over material nature, but in Vedic literature we always find that the material creation is meant for the sense enjoyment of the conditioned soul
- One friend of Nanda, speaking about Krsna's auspicious bodily symptoms, said, "My dear King of the cowherds, I can find 32 auspicious symptoms on the body of your son! I am wondering how this boy could have taken his birth in the family of cowherd men"
- One has to be freed from all contamination, and at the same time he has to find a person who knows the science of Krsna. Krsna helps a sincere person
- One has to be intelligent enough to find the actual person to be consulted; then one's attempt to progress by traveling to different holy places will be successful
- One may argue, "When we analyze the body we find a head, hands, legs, a belly, blood, bones, urine, stool and so on, but after everything is considered, where is the existence of the soul?" A sober man, however, avails himself to Taittiriya Upanisad 3.1.1
- One may become a Christian from Hindu, or from a Hindu to Christian. Generally, we find these changes. But a dharma does not mean like that. Dharma means which you cannot change. It is the constitutional part of your life
- One may sometimes think that the monkeys in Vrndavana are envious, because they cause mischief and steal food, but in Vrndavana we find that the monkeys are allowed to take butter, which Krsna Himself distributes
- One may view a mountain from a great distance & thus perceive it from 1 angle of vision. As he comes closer, he may see trees & foliage of the mountain, & if he begins to climb the mountain, he will find so much variegatedness in trees, plants & animal
- One must be considered bereft of the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu when he criticizes the Krsna consciousness movement now spreading all over the world or finds fault with this movement or the leader of the movement
- One must find some time for hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. This is Vedic culture
- One must find the soul by analysis, saying, "This is not it. This is not it." Thus one must separate spirit from matter
- One person is more intelligent or opulent than another. If we analyze things in this way, we will come to the demigods, and among them we will find that the most important demigod is Lord Brahma
- One process is to find the root of the tree, and next to water the root. The real student of sankhya philosophy finds the root of the material world, Visnu, and then, in perfect knowledge, engages himself in the service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- One should also find representatives of Vidura who have no desire in life save and except to serve the Personality of Godhead
- One should be allowed to remain in so-called material enjoyment while simultaneously advancing in knowledge to experience the misery of this false material happiness. Then, without help from others, one will find material enjoyment detestful
- One should not accept the sannyasa order of the Mayavada school, which has practically no meaning. We find many Mayavadi sannyasis simply loitering in the street thinking themselves Brahman or Narayana and spending all day and night begging
- One who does not accept a bona fide spiritual master cannot be an authority. This is clearly explained here (in SB 3.19.33). If one wants to have transcendental pleasure, he must find a person with authority
- One who has actually understood Him (God) surrenders unto Him after many, many births. We find all these qualifications in the Pracetas. They underwent severe austerities and penances within the water, and they did not take any food for a very long time
- One who is extremely degraded and sinful cannot find the accurate path to realization by studying the Vedas. It is a waste of time even to explain the meaning of the Vedas to such persons, who are devoid of proper up-bringing and discipline
- One who is foolish about the transcendental science of the Lord will find it difficult to understand how Lord Visnu can equally manifest Himself in every society of living entities
- One who is ignorant of scientific knowledge of the spirit soul does not look inside the body to find happiness in the soul
- One who is in the modes of goodness, his foodstuff is different from the person in the modes of ignorance. Therefore we find so many varieties of foodstuff, varieties of taste. This is all within this material world
- One who is smaller or weak, he is enjoyed by the stronger. That is the nature, you will find. The goat, the cows, they are animals. We are also animals, or living entity. But those who have got hands, they eat the animals who have no hands
- One who takes sex life to be supreme finds action in Krsna consciousness confusing. Either due to his own personal consideration or due to his having taken instructions from others or conferring with them
- One who works for the satisfaction of the Lord only, however difficult such work may be, is working under the principles of buddhi-yoga and finds himself always in transcendental bliss. BG 1972 purports
- One will find that by reading one page after another, an immense treasure of knowledge in art, science, literature, philosophy and religion will be revealed, and ultimately, by reading this one book, KRSNA, love of Godhead will fructify
- Only one who is especially qualified can be allowed to marry more than one husband. In this age of Kali, to find such an equipoised woman is very difficult
- Only sacrifice recommended in this age is the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra because in this age it is not possible to accumulate the needed funds for performing sacrifices, not to speak of finding expert brahmanas who can chant the mantras perfectly
- Our bread is provided, whether we go to church or not. That is not a problem, for no one is dying in the streets of starvation, nor do we find a bird, beast, or even an ant dying of starvation. Food is there, and one need not bother about it
- Our fund of knowledge is very poor. We cannot present history of this present world more than three thousand years. But in the Vedic scripture we find history, millions and millions of years. That is the beauty of Vedic literature
- Our only appeal is that all book sellers, all publishers, may come forward and cooperate with us and distribute the transcendental literature in the unique form. They will find something sublime, and we'll be benefited
- Our point is, wherever you go, you'll find a first-class man who is truthful. Now, wherever you find a truthful man, you can classify him as a brahmana & train him to serve the social body in that capacity, as a spiritual teacher & advisor. That is wanted
- Our point is: just try to study this life, how much painful it is. This is human body, what to speak of dog's body, cat's body? You study very minutely, you'll find, from the beginning of life in the womb of my mother up to death point, simply miseries
- Our workers are all dedicated souls and they are engaging in activities on the spiritual platform. If sometimes you could find the time, perhaps we could meet together and we can talk
- Out of his (living entity's) desire only, he dreams of a golden mountain, and when the dream is over he sees something else in his presence. He finds in his awakened state that there is neither gold nor a mountain, and what to speak of a golden mountain
- Out of many millions of such wise men, one may actually become liberated (mukta), and out of many millions of such liberated persons, a pure devotee of Lord Krsna is very difficult to find
- Out of millions and millions of people, it is very difficult to find one who is actually Krsna conscious; this position of Krsna consciousness is so rare
- Pariksit considered that less intelligent men might find the personality of Kali to be very powerful, but that those who are self-controlled would have nothing to fear. The King was powerful like a tiger and took care for the foolish, careless persons
- People are often frustrated with national food policies, but from the Vedic scriptures we find that if there are sufficient cows and grains, the entire food problem is solved
- Perfection is something totally different from what we find in the material world. Perfection means that there is no mistake, no illusion, no cheating, no imperfection. Therefore it is stated bhagavan uvaca, for Bhagavan is all-perfect
- Persons who, due to being initiated by another sect of religious faith, do not find devotional service as the common platform for approaching the Supreme Personality of Godhead, also cannot understand Krsna consciousness
- Persons with a small fund of intelligence, finding themselves equal in quality with God, foolishly think that they are equal in quantity also. Their intelligence is called avisuddha-buddhayah-unpolished or contaminated intelligence
- Philosophers and scientists conduct scholarly research to find the original cause, but they should do so scientifically, not whimsically or through fantastic theories
- Philosophy means finding the ultimate cause. As Vedanta-sutra very reasonably says, athato brahma jijnasa: human life is meant for understanding the ultimate cause
- Please find a poem presented to me in Bombay by one French boy, Darsha. If you like, you can publish it in Back to Godhead
- Please find enclosed two invitation cards for the opening of our London temple: one is for you and one is for Sri. J. Dalmia. Please hand it over to him conveniently
- Please read carefully our book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and you will find yourself getting enlightenment to the fullest extent. There is no doubt of this
- Prasannatma means jubilant. You'll find all our boys and girls, they're always jubilant. Unless they are jubilant, they cannot dance in this way. It is not dancing dogs
- Probably we may also make a program for observing the birthday ceremony here. So you will find that just like in your country in Christmas day you all observe the birthday of Lord Christ, similarly, Krsna, the birthday of Krsna, will be observed in India
- Provided such a friend does not find fault with the guest because of bodily identification and thereby become angry towards him
- Ramacandra Puri could find no faults in the character of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, for He is situated in a transcendental position as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Regarding the complaints against yourself you have mentioned, I do not find any complaints. But even if there should be such complaints, you must remain pure, and automatically the complaints will vanish
- Regarding the condensation of KRSNA book, I have read it and it is very nice. Try to work on it as time permits; and in the meantime, you can have some xerox copies made, then later on we shall find opportunity to print it
- Religion means also science. But they have taken religion as faith, "I believe." Religion means, actually, religion means . . . just like in the dictionary you find. Religion means to learn how to obey the supreme controller. That is religion
- Rest of the world, they know God is great, but they do not know how great is God. That you will find in the Vedic literature. And that is our duty. That is kirtana, hari-kirtana
- Rukmini was so elated by the brahmana's message that she wanted to give him in charity everything she possessed. However, finding nothing suitable for presentation, she simply offered him her respectful obeisances
- Sankarsana is expansion of Narayana. Narayana is expansion of another Sankarsana, and that Sankarsana is expansion of Baladeva. And Baladeva is expansion of Krsna. You'll find in the sastras
- Sanskrit is very nice language. From one verbal root, you can manufacture many words; therefore it is difficult to make Sanskrit dictionary. It is very difficult. The so-called Sanskrit dictionaries available in the market, you won't find all the words
- Sastra-caksusa. Sastra . . . From authoritative statement of sastra you'll see. Don't see by your blunt eyes, rascal, this consciousness. Then you'll never find the actual fact
- Sati accused her father: You are just the opposite. Although Lord Siva has so many good qualities and no bad qualities at all, you have accepted him as bad and found fault with him
- Satyabhama was so beautiful and qualified that Satrajit, in spite of being asked for her hand by many princes, was waiting to find a suitable son-in-law. By the grace of Krsna he decided to hand his daughter over to Him
- Scientists may promise they can help us in the future, but we may ask them, "What are you giving us right now, sir?" A real scientist will not say, "Just go on suffering as you are suffering now, & in future we shall find some chemicals to help you." No
- Sex philosophy. This is their education. So how can you expect gentlemen? It is not possible. From the very beginning there is no culture, animal culture. Just like dog: as soon as he finds another female dog, he wants to have sex. This is education
- She (Devahuti) expressed her desire for a suitable husband corresponding to her character, age and quality, and the father (Manu) himself, out of affection for his daughter, took charge of finding such a husband
- She was amazed to find herself surrounded by a thousand maids in the presence of her husband and to witness his yogic power
- Simply working hard for sense gratification without any discrimination whether it is mother or sister or any . . . that is hog civilization. That the hog has no discrimination you'll find
- Since I (Visnu) am the Supreme Person without a second and since no one is equal to Me, another personality like Me is not possible to find
- Since the day of Emperor Bharata, this planet is know as Bharatavarsa, but in course of time, the human race divided, therefore we find so many other names
- Since they (the Mayavadis') think that reading Vedanta philosophy is the only function of a sannyasi and they did not find Caitanya Mahaprabhu engaged in such direct study, they criticized the Lord
- Since they find duality in the existence of Vaikuntha life, they are contaminated and should be removed from this place to the material world, where the living entities have three kinds of enemies
- So don't become grhamedhis, simply having a wife and few children. That, cats and dogs they have also got. That is not required. You find inconvenience to live alone as brahmacari - all right, you take to a wife. Live with wife. Live responsibly
- So far as getting yourself married is concerned, I have no objection. Be sure that you can meet the obligations of Grihasta order of life and then when you find a nice girl you may marry with my blessings
- So far scriptures are concerned, you'll find different scriptures describing in a different way. So that also, you'll be bewildered
- So practice. So here this Krsna consciousness movement is bringing them to the practice. Therefore you find, so nice, boys and girls, they're practiced. As soon as they're neglectful to the practice - falls down
- So we, of course, we are not so advanced, but we have got many examples of advanced devotees. Still there are in India. You will find in Vrndavana and other places. Actually, they have no means - simply depending
- So when you further advance you'll find there is no distinction between black and white. Just like a flower is coming out, there are many colors. So it is coming from the same source
- So-called scholars and learned men manufacture their own teachings and give their opinions. In the West especially, we find much philosophical speculation and mental gymnastics, but such philosophy can never be perfect
- Some foolish persons have manufactured the term daridra-narayana, indicating that the poor man should be accepted as the representative of Narayana. But in Vedic literature we do not find that poor men should be treated as representatives of Narayana
- Some friend asked me to join your institution for preaching the cult of Bhagavad-gita; but if you find it difficult to accept my service, then I shall go on organizing my society separately
- Some of the gopis, they left their sons also and went to Krsna. From material point of view this is immoral. So you'll find in such a way that what is from material point of view immoral, it is the most magnificent morality in relationship with Krsna
- Sometimes Caitanya's Vedic movement of distributing the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is heard. People seriously eager to find real light should take advantage of this movement instead of looking toward the light of mental speculators and atheist
- Sometimes great sages and ascetics enter the Himalaya Mountains in order to find seclusion from the turmoil of the world. It appears that all the Pracetas, the sons of Pracinabarhi, entered the depths of the ocean to perform austerity in a secluded place
- Sometimes He (Caitanya) threw Himself into the ocean, and He wandered about like a madman. Of course, this is not possible for ordinary living entities. However, if we become bhaktas, we will find intelligence behind everything in the creation
- Sometimes I (Banasura) feel a great tendency to fight with my arms, and I go out to find a suitable warrior. Unfortunately, everyone flees, knowing my extraordinary power
- Sometimes members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness - especially in the Western countries - find it difficult to approach people to distribute books because people are unfamiliar with the traditional saffron robes of the devotees
- Sometimes the asuras are killed by the Supreme Lord, but this killing is also good for them, for in Vedic literature we find that anyone who is killed by the Supreme Lord becomes liberated. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes the conditioned soul is absorbed in finding residential quarters or apartments and getting a supply of water and riches to maintain his body
- Sometimes the critics of SB find it difficult to find Radharani's holy name in that book, but the secret is disclosed here in the word aradhita, from which the name Radha has come. Of course, the name of Radharani is directly mentioned in other Puranas
- Sometimes the declaration of Govinda Himself may seem contradictory to mundane creatures, but the mundaner will never find any contradiction in the words of God's devotees. The devotees are especially protected by God so that they may remain infallible
- Sometimes the tables turn, and we find that the dog controls the master. This happens because actually no one is the controller, and everyone is controlled. Unfortunately we are forgetful of this situation, and this forgetfulness is called maya
- Sometimes the Visnu mantra is called Visnu-jvara, and the Siva mantra is called Siva-jvara. We find in the sastras that sometimes the Siva-jvara and Visnu-jvara are employed in the fights between the demons and the demigods
- Sometimes there appears to be scarcity, and sometimes we find that grains and fruits are produced in such a huge quantity that people cannot finish eating them. So this is a question of Krsna's glance
- Sometimes we find a small full-stop-like creature moving on the page of the, on a leaf of the book. You cannot see it, but it is moving. That small creature also has got heart
- Sometimes we find that little insects are attracted by the brightness of fire and thus enter into it
- Sometimes we find that our Western students fail to chant even these sixteen rounds, and instead they bring many austere books and a worshiping method that diverts their attention in so many ways
- Sometimes we'll find in our society, all intelligent class, and they fight each other
- Sometimes when you open your book you find. They are called bookworm, they're very small, but it is moving. And because it is moving, from biological study we must conclude that it has got a heart
- Sometimes you will find in Greek mythology the gods of the water, gods of the thunderbolt. These are not imagination. Actually they are facts
- Soon we shall be instituting Bhakti-sastri examinations and all brahmanas will have to pass. So utilize whatever time you find to make a thorough study of my books. Then all your questions will be answered
- Squeezing material nature is not the process for finding out real pleasure. If we are searching for real pleasure, we have to take to Krsna consciousness
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself has certified: The more one goes to the western side, the more he will find people disinterested in spiritual life. He will find them behaving against the Vedic standards
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "These are remnants of food that Krsna has eaten and thus turned to nectar with His lips. It surpasses heavenly nectar, and even such demigods as Lord Brahma find it difficult to obtain"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the son of Sacidevi, then suddenly and playfully disappeared from everyone's sight, and it was impossible for anyone to find Him
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung, anadi karama-phale, padi' bhavarnava jale, taribare na dekhi upaya: Due to my past fruitive activities I have fallen into the water of material existence, and I cannot find any way to get out of it
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung: Because of my past fruitive activities, I have now fallen into an ocean of nescience. I cannot find any means to get out of this great ocean, which is indeed like an ocean of poison
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung: I feel a burning sensation constantly, day and night, and thus my mind cannot find satisfaction
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura says, samsara-visanale, divanisi hiya jvale, judaite na kainu upaya: "we are always suffering from material pangs, and our hearts are burning, but we cannot find any way out of it
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has very nicely analyzed the different kinds of disturbing symptoms, and although it is very difficult to find the exact English equivalents for many Sanskrit words used here, his analysis will now be presented
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura gives herein a good example. When a father finds his child deeply asleep but the child has to take some medicine to cure some disease, the father pinches the child so that the child will get up and take the medicine
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the greatest contribution of Vedic literature. In the Vedic literature we find a desire tree. Whatever knowledge you want to derive, there is in the Vedic literature, and SB is described as nigama-kalpa-taror galitam phalam
- Sripada Sankaracarya has tried to mislead the readers of the Vedanta-sutra by misinterpreting the words ananda-mayo ’bhyasat, and he has even tried to find fault with Vyasadeva
- Still, in India, although it is fallen so much, in the interior village you'll find the social divisions are maintained and they live very peacefully. Very peacefully. Those who have gone into the interior village, they have seen
- Successful means one who understands that I am not this body. You ask, you take census, in this Nairobi city, you will find that 99.9%, or more than that, people do not know what he is
- Sudama thought. "I do not find any cause other than the all-merciful glance of my friend Lord Krsna, the chief of the Yadu dynasty"
- Suppose in an assembly one finds a hundred-dollar note that has fallen from someone's pocket. If one takes that note and puts it in one's own pocket, one is a thief because that note does not belong to him. This is called bhoga, false enjoyment
- Surrender to authority and know Him by signs. Don't surrender to a fool or a rascal. Find one who is coming in disciplic succession, one who is fully convinced about the Supreme Absolute Truth
- Svarupa Damodara replied, "It is the nature of a girl afflicted by love to become immediately angry upon finding any neglect on the part of her lover"
- Take Krsna consciousness diligently, put your arguments, logic, understanding, and you will find it is sublime. That is the basic principle of my movement
- Tapo divyam: (SB 5.5.1) like other great spiritual authorities, Rsabhadeva orders that this human life is meant for austerity aimed toward realizing God. Therefore in our Vedic civilization we find so many rules and regulations
- Tell him, I looked for him a long time, but I could not find any trace of him. He jumped in with his shackles, and therefore he was drowned and washed away by the waves
- Thank you very much for your kind appreciations of our Krishna Consciousness movement. I am so glad to hear that you have taken to devotional service and are finding it more and more enlivening
- That exchange of Krsna's feelings you can find in this Gaudiya-Vaisnava philosophy, that Mother Yasoda is treating Krsna as very insignificant. - He's my child. If I don't give Him protection, He will die
- That is a good plan, if Saurabha can find someone who will finance our Juhu project. But you must be very careful in this regard, and do not make any final agreements without consulting me in the matter
- That is a sacred place. If you go simply on the Ganges side on the bank of the Ganges, Yamuna, you will find immediately purified your mind. Immediately. Or on a seaside where there is nobody disturbing. These are sacred places
- The acarya's duty is to find the means by which devotees may render service according to references from sastra. Rupa Gosvami, for example, in order to help subsequent devotees, published such devotional books as Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- The aim of the analytical study of the material world is to find the soul of existence. The soul of the material world is Visnu, or the Supersoul. Devotional service to the Lord entails service to the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The Apsaras, denizens of the heavenly planets, are generally known as dancing girls. The girls in the heavenly planets are exquisitely beautiful, and if a woman on earth is found to be very beautiful, she is compared to the Apsaras
- The archaeological investigation has found so many relics, and in the Vedic literature we also find the mention of all the island, sapta-dvipa, seven islands. Seven islands means Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australia and Oceania
- The astrologer Sarvajna advised the poor man: Don't dig on the southern side of your house to find the treasure, for if you do so you will be attacked by a poisonous wasp and will be baffled
- The author admits herein (CC Madhya 2.11) that these symptoms (ecstatic transformations of the body) are not to be found anywhere but in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The basic principle of material enjoyment is sex. Therefore, you will find sex not only in human society but in cat society, dog society, bird society - everywhere. During the daytime, a pigeon has sex at least twenty times. This is his enjoyment
- The beauty of Krsna, especially the beauty of His face, is described in SB 9.24.65. At the end of the Ninth Canto, in the Twenty-fourth Chapter, we find a hint of Krsna's beauty. Now we are proceeding to the Tenth Canto, which is considered Krsna's head
- The beginning is to take shelter of guru. Then the student must be very inquisitive, sad-dharma-prccha. Sadhu-marga-anugamanam. You'll find all these things, instruction, in the Nectar of Devotion
- The best course, therefore, is to complete our KC and return home, back to Godhead. That will save us. Otherwise, if we come back again for another life in Kali-yuga, we shall find difficult days ahead, and we shall have to suffer more and more
- The birds and beasts arise early in the morning and busy themselves trying to find food and sex and trying to defend themselves; at night they look for shelter, and in the morning they fly to a tree to find nuts and fruits
- The Blessed Lord said: O Partha, when a man gives up all varieties of sense desire which arise from mental concoction, and when his mind finds satisfaction in the self alone, then he is said to be in pure transcendental consciousness. BG 2.55 - 1972
- The body is also a creation. The body has the same mechanical nature you will find in the whole universe. The same mechanical arrangement will be found anywhere you go, even in animals
- The body is not the self. The self is different. If you analyze this body, what you will find? Suppose we are breathing. What is this breathing? It is air only. Now, when the breathing is stopped, a man is dead
- The building there is complete, we are making it an ideal asrama. So if you go back there, you must find a suitable engagement. It is not a place simply for sleeping
- The business is: "They are claiming all kinds of sinful conditioned souls." Their only business is. Because in this age, Kali-yuga, you cannot find any perfectly pious man or saintly person. Everyone is addicted to so many sinful activities
- The business of club that a young woman should be there, and there should be wine and cards for playing gambling. And whenever they get holiday, they, you won't find him at home
- The central idea is that if the boy and girl were on an equal level the marriage would be happy, whereas inequality would lead to unhappiness. Because care is no longer taken in marriage, we now find many divorces
- The child also suffers when he is forced to go to school when he does not want to. The child does not want to study, but the teacher gives him tasks anyway. If we carefully analyze our lives, we will find that they are full of suffering
- The Christian religion has a history of 2,000 years, and the Mohammedan religion has a history of 1,300 years, but if we try to trace out the origins of Vedic religion, we will not be able to find a beginning
- The conditioned souls use the duration of life between birth and death only to engage in the same hackneyed activities - eating, sleeping, mating and defending. In the lower animal species, we find the same activities
- The demonic are always present, and they find fault even in saintly persons. But a saintly person never becomes angry, even if there is very great provocation
- The devotee tries to come directly in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whereas the yogi tries to find the Supersoul within the heart by meditation. Thus, both directly and indirectly, yoga means bhakti-yoga
- The devotee's desirable qualities are described to be twenty-six in number. They are stated as follows: No one can find fault in his character and he is magnanimous, mild and always clean, internally and externally
- The dirty things are stocked within our heart. Just like in the water, in a pond sometimes you will find all of a sudden one bubble comes from within. Phat! That means the dirty things are within, stocked
- The dramatic actor Madana-mohana has opened a shop of scents that attract the women of the world to be His customers. He delivers the scents freely, but they make the women all so blind they cannot find the path returning home
- The duration of Kali-yuga is 432,000 years, and although only 5,000 years of it have passed, already we find so many difficulties, and the more we grow into this Kali-yuga, the more the times will be difficult
- The duty of the guru is to find the means, according to the time, the circumstances and the candidate, by which one can be induced to render devotional service
- The duty of the guru is to find the means, according to the time, the circumstances and the candidate, by which one can be induced to render devotional service, which Krsna accepts from a candidate who wants to be successful in going back home, BTG
- The ears are equally imperfect. We cannot hear a sound vibrated a long distance away unless we put a telephone to our ear. Similarly, if we analyze all our senses in this way, we will find them all to be imperfect
- The elder gopis said, "when we go to milk the cows, we find no milk, and we have to return with empty pots. If we warn Krsna and Balarama about doing this, They simply smile so charmingly that we cannot do anything"
- The Emperor Manu, as the great ruler of the world, could have engaged an agent to find a suitable husband for his daughter
- The entire subject matter of Krsna consciousness is not of this material world. All, it is of spiritual world, but they have no information of the spirit and the spiritual world. Therefore, sometimes they find it very difficult to understand
- The first symptom of one who is liberated is that he is very happy. It is not possible to find him morose. Nor does he have any anxiety
- The fish then said: O King, I am a large aquatic, and this water is not at all suitable for Me. Now kindly find some way to save Me. It would be better to put Me in the water of a lake that will never reduce
- The followers of Maharishi are not intelligent class of men. If you have any advancement in the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, you can test any follower of Maharishi, you will find he is nil
- The followers of varnasrama-dharma - they never tried for economic development. You'll find in India, still, millions of people taking bath in the Ganges during Kumbha-mela. Have you have been to the Kumbha-mela festival
- The ghost is certainly very difficult to talk about, but I am going to find an exorcist and ask him if he can release me from it
- The glories of Lord Nityananda's transcendental attributes are unfathomable. Even Lord Sesa, with His thousands of mouths, cannot find their limit
- The gopis said, "Krsna must have picked some flowers in this spot to satisfy Radharani, because here, where He stood erect to get the flowers from the high branches of the tree, we find only half the impression of His feet"
- The hog is interested in eating stool. If the hog is offered some nice preparation made of condensed milk or ghee, he won't like it; he would prefer obnoxious, bad-smelling stool, which he finds very relishable
- The intelligent person who is expert in finding the self within the body must understand the eight external energies
- The land which is known as Vrndavana, it has also got unlimited potency. Still, as I have several times mentioned, if you go to Vrndavana you'll find unlimited potency of spiritual atmosphere still
- The leader of the dacoits captured a man-animal for sacrifice, but he escaped, and the leader ordered his followers to find him. They ran in different directions but could not find him
- The living entities (jivas) are minute samples of the Supreme Lord, and being so they therefore find in their activities the desire for eternal existence, for complete knowledge, and for happiness
- The living entity is suffering due to his ignorance of the hidden treasure of his Supreme Father, Krsna. That treasure is love of Godhead, and in every Vedic scripture the conditioned soul is advised to find it
- The living entity is the smallest. Jiva Gosvami says in this connection that the living entity within the body is extremely difficult for materialistic scientists to find, although we understand from authorities that the living entity is within the body
- The living entity traps himself in a network of his own fruitive activities and then can find no way to release himself. Thus he is always bewildered, and repeatedly he dies
- The living entity, in whatever species of life he appears, finds a particular type of satisfaction in that species, and he is never averse to being situated in such a condition
- The Lord (Krsna) is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), and Devaki is also sac-cid-ananda-vigraha. Therefore no one can find any fault in the way the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, appeared from the womb of Devaki
- The Lord can be easily pleased by spotless devotees who resort exclusively to Him for protection, though the unrighteous man finds it difficult to propitiate Him
- The Lord expertly removes the shroud of illusion for the neophyte devotee by depriving him of his material assets, and thus the devotee finds himself alone in the midst of his so-called relatives
- The Lord resides in His Vaikuntha planet. No one can estimate how far away this planet is situated. It is said, however, that anyone trying to reach that planet by airships or by mindships, traveling for millions of years, will find it still unknown
- The material senses are compared to snakes; indulgence in material happiness will surely kill our spiritual identity. Therefore a sane man should be ambitious to find the real source of happiness
- The materialistic persons, they are sleeping in the matter of spiritual understanding. So therefore the activities which we find in daytime of the materialistic person, actually that is night
- The Mayavadi philosophers say that, for the benefit or for the facility of the neophyte progressing in the spiritual knowledge, we have to imagine some form of the Brahma. That is not the fact. We do not find these things in the Vedic literature
- The miserable condition of life is this body. When I get another body, sometimes we find that on top of the very tall bamboo or tall mountain, I am just now, I'm falling down
- The mistake is continuing forever, because you'll find the varieties of living entities ever existing. Therefore the mistake is permanent. So when it is permanent, it is not mistake; it is intelligence
- The modern education is to teach people to become flies, only stool. Not here, Krsna consciousness. But you make it a honeycomb. Those who are after, seeking after honey, they will find, "Here is something." You see?
- The more people will be materialistic, the world will be burdened. Therefore there must be war, pestilence, famine, to clear these rascals, clear out. You'll find these things. In Europe, every ten years, twenty years, there is a fight, war
- The most intelligent man is he who tries to find the cause of his personal existence and that of the whole cosmic creation and thus tries to find the ultimate cause
- The Muhammadans, they have got Koran. They can help also, because that is also authority. But you will find that one scripture is differing from the average there is no difference
- The only effective solutions (of the three miseries) are those mentioned in Bhagavad-gita, and we have to adopt them in our practical lives for our own benefit. The three miseries of material nature are not found in the pastimes of the Supreme Lord
- The owners of such factories are engaged in finding a market for their industrial products, and the laborers are engaged in extensive production involving huge mechanical arrangements. "Factory" is another name for hell
- The paramahamsas are generally found among both the impersonalists and the devotees, but according to Srimad-Bhagavatam (as clearly stated by Kuntidevi), pure bhakti-yoga is understood by the paramahamsas
- The pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are wonderful and unlimited. Even personalities like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Sesa Naga cannot find their end
- The peacocks can be compared to persons who are very much harassed in the materialistic way of life. If they can find the association of a person engaged in the loving devotional service of the Lord, they become enlightened and dance just like peacocks
- The person who is Krsna conscious has the supreme guide; therefore, he has no fear. For example, as long as a child is under the care of his parents he has no fear. But as soon as he becomes free, he finds many impediments
- The personified Vedas continued, "Samadhi, or meditation, means that one has to find the Supersoul within himself. One who is not free from sinful reactions cannot see the Supersoul"
- The point is that in the material world it is very difficult to find a sane living entity. The prevailing atmosphere of insanity in this world is all caused by the infection of material consciousness
- The practical difficulty is to find a husband for each and every girl
- The predominating deities of other planets, such as Brahma, Indra and Candra, could not find any way to save Lord Siva from the impending danger. Wherever Lord Siva went, they remained silent
- The purpose of the Upanisads, Vedanta-sutra and Srimad-Bhagavatam is one and the same. If one studies Srimad-Bhagavatam carefully, he will find that all the Upanisads and the Vedanta-sutra are nicely explained therein
- The real principle of religious faith is situated in the mode of pure goodness, but because the heart is tainted, we find different types of religious principles. BG 1972 purports
- The real purpose of philosophical research is to find the ultimate goal of life. BG 1972 purports
- The religious life you cannot find in animal society. In the human society, either he may be Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddha, Jews, anything, there is a kind of religious principles. So that is the beginning of human life - religion, dharma
- The result is that people in general are puzzled how to fix their minds in the service of the Lord; they are always disturbed about finding the real path of self-realization
- The revealed scriptures give directions directly to this end, but because the bewildered living entities are blinded by the glaring reflection in the darkness, they are unable to find the truth of the revealed scriptures
- The root cause (of divorce) is that "As soon as I don't find satisfaction, then I don't want." That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam: dam-patyam ratim eva hi
- The sage Rsabhadeva told his sons that once they purified their existence they would have unlimited happiness. We are all intended to attain peace and happiness, but whatever peace and happiness we find in this material world is limited
- The same incident sometimes happens in New York temple. When there is a shortage of funds, sometimes they find money accidentally without knowing the source
- The science of God is for persons who are not envious. That is religion. In the Bhagavata you will find in the beginning it is said, Here the religion of Bhagavata is not a cheating religion
- The scientists are now studying atoms, and they are finding that electrons, protons, and other particles act in so many ways. Why are these particles active? Because Krsna is present there. This is real scientific understanding
- The scientists, they are finding original of everything as matter, chemical, chemical evolution, the modern theory of originality
- The serpent first entered the body of Krsna personally and mixed with the Brahman effulgence. This merging is called sayujya-mukti. But from later verses (of SB 10.12) we find that Aghasura attained sarupya-mukti
- The six qualifications: proprietor of all opulence, all-famous, all strength, all beauty, all knowledge, and all renunciation. Anywhere you find all these six qualifications in full, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The soul is within this body. He is transmigrating from one type of body to another. This is fact. If we ponder over it, we shall find it is fact. So we take it as it is. That is our method of knowledge. Very simple
- The spiritual world is real, and the material world is similar to it. I.e., in the desert we sometimes find a mirage, but although the water in a mirage is false, this does not mean that there is no water in reality; water exists, but not in the desert
- The spot where we now find Sri Radha-kunda was an agricultural field during the time of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. A small reservoir of water was there, and Sri Caitanya bathed in that water and pointed out that originally Radha-kunda existed in that location
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam is one Purana. And in one Purana you find eighteen thousand verses, and each and every word is so meaningful that you study throughout your whole life, oh, still you'll find refreshed
- The students are still intelligent to find what is the best information about God and how to approach him. It is unfortunate that they are without proper guidance, but that is the condition of all persons in the world without exception
- The sun ray is a small molecular, glazing atom, the sun ray. You have got experience of sun ray, but what is the sun ray? It is not homogeneous. It is heterogeneous. When you can analyze the sun ray, you'll find small particles of molecules
- The sunlight is so extensive, all over the universe. Where you'll find that place? That means that place is beyond the sky. That is also stated, Beyond this material nature there is another, spiritual nature
- The Supreme Absolute Truth, Brahman, is immutable, and when we find a by-product - the living entity or this cosmic manifestation - it is a transformation of the Supreme's energies, or a by-product of the Supreme
- The Supreme Lord is very great, and we are very small. He is all-pervading and infinite, and we are finite and infinitesimal. Even if we analyze the creation, we will find that not everyone is on the same level
- The Supreme Lord, Personality of Godhead, is the oldest of all, but whenever you'll find, you'll find just like a young man. Adyam purana purusam nava-yauvanam ca. Nava-yauvanam means just a fresh youth
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, who is known in the Bhagavad-gita as Purusottama - the greatest of all personalities - personally came and declared that the institution of varnasrama-dharma was founded by Him
- The test of any scripture is how one is developing love of God. Phalena pariciyate. If you find that following some religious principles you are developing your love of God, then it is perfect
- The third man who sees the hundred-dollar bill may pick it up, find the man who lost it and deliver it to him
- The torturing business of the demons is going on. Going on. As soon as the demons finds somebody little weak, they will torture. Weak in their way. A devotee is not weak, but they think that, These devotees, they are weak
- The Vedic scriptures make no mention of such a thing as "Hinduism." but they do mention sanatana-dharma, the eternal and universal religion, and also varnasrama-dharma, the natural organization of human society. That we can find in the Vedic scriptures
- The wealthy are generally accepted as the most important personalities in this material world, but when we compare a material man of wealth to one wealthy in devotional service to Radha and Krsna, the latter is found to be the greatest capitalist
- The woman was protected on all sides by a five-hooded snake. She was very beautiful and young, and she appeared very anxious to find a suitable husband
- The word bhagavad-gunanukathana-sravana-vyagra-cetasah, meaning "always eager to find the place where the glories of the Lord are being heard and chanted," is significant in this verse - SB 4.29.39-40
- The word panditam means learned, and budhah means well-versed. In the Tenth Chapter we also find the word budhah in the verse budha bhava-samanvitah - BG 10.8
- The word rasa, used in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, is understood by different persons differently because the exact English equivalent is very difficult to find
- The words etad abhyasatadrtah indicate that if one takes these instructions from a spiritual master with great reverence (adrta) and practices them accordingly, he will find this bhakti-yoga process to be very, very easy
- The world is created in such a way, that no one can become supreme. Regardless of what position we place ourselves in, we will find that someone is inferior to us and that someone is superior
- The worshipful Brahma first laughed at their stupidity (they wanted to copulate wih Lord Brahma), but finding the shameless asuras close upon him, he grew indignant and ran in great haste out of fear
- Their (the scientists') personal petrol, it is sure to finish. That they don't care. So after finishing the personal petrol, if he is going to accept the body of a dog, then what is the use of finding petrol in moon planet?
- Then, without help from others, one will find material enjoyment detestful. Those whose minds are changed by others do not become as renounced as those who have personal experience
- Theoretical knowledge of love of God can be found in many places and in many scriptures, but what that love of Godhead actually is and how it is developed can be found in Vaisnava literatures
- There (on Yamaloka) he searched for the brahmana's baby, but was unable to find him. He then immediately went to the planet where the King of heaven, Indra, lives
- There are always atheistic class of men. Even Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. The only fault was that he was preaching God consciousness. So these class of men, you will find always they are existing. During Krsna's time, there was Kamsa
- There are eight transcendental symptoms found in the body during ecstasy, and all of them are possible only by a mixture of the above-mentioned five ecstatic divisions (vibhava, anubhava, sattvika-bhava, vyabhicari-bhava & sthayi-bhava)
- There are impure and pure everything; similarly this devotional service is pure and impure also. What is pure? That definition you will find in our Nectar of Devotion. That definition is anyabhilasita-sunyam: without any motive
- There are inhabitants in Africa and inhabitants in Europe, America, Australia, and the quality of man are different. Similarly, as we find different qualities of men on this planet, in other planets also there are different qualities of human being
- There are innumerable planets. Each planet is different from the other. You see on one tree there are millions of leaves, but you cannot find two leaves of the same size. This is God's creation. So how you can expect the same atmosphere in other planets?
- There are many men who claim to be God. In India, for instance, at any time, one has no difficulty in finding at least one dozen people claiming to be God. But if you ask them if they are the proprietor of everything, they find this difficult to answer
- There are many scriptures in the world. The Hindus have got the Vedas; the Christians have got the Bible; the Muslims, they have got Koran. Now, if you read all these scriptures, you will find something contradictory. Just like animal killing
- There are many universities, especially in the United States, and many departments of knowledge, but they are not discussing these points. Where is the department for this knowledge that we find given by Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-gita
- There are philosophers groups, scientists groups, religious persons groups, hippies groups. So similarly, in everywhere you will find groups. That is natural. So Krsna also said that if you want to enter this group, yanti deva-vrata devan, you can do so
- There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that "You are God. I am God." Then who is God? Everyone is God? No. Therefore you will find in the Vedic literature definition of God
- There are so much heaps of cow dung, still, we find it pleasure to go through it. And in the Vedas it is said - Cow dung is pure
- There are some envious people who cannot tolerate the expansion of KCM all over the world. They find fault with the preacher who has spread this movement and do not praise him for the excellent service he has rendered in fulfilling Caitanya’s mission
- There are some foolish critics who say that Europeans and Americans cannot be offered sannyasa, but here (in CC Adi 7.163) we find that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to preach the sankirtana movement all over the universe
- There are some yogic schools. In America you'll find. They do not believe in God. But it is not actually... The yoga principle does not deny the existence of God. God is there
- There are two kinds of research to find the original cause of creation. One conclusion is that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the all-blissful, eternal, all knowing form, is indirectly the cause of this cosmic manifestation
- There are two parties - namely, the theists and the atheists. The theist, who accepts the Supersoul, finds the spiritual cause through mystic yoga
- There are Vedas, Puranas, the Bible, the Koran, and there are so many religious scriptures also. And if you go on reading them, although the aim is one, still, you will find some discrepancy from one to another
- There is a valuable jewel stone. If you turn, you will find many colorful manifestations, although that stone is one. Similarly, although God is one, He can manifest Himself in many forms. That is the prerogative of God
- There is no doubt that your poetry is full of ingenuity, and certainly it has satisfied the Supreme Lord. Yet if we scrutinizingly consider it we can find both good qualities and faults
- There is no existence of any other world wherein we can find a better position than here - this material world
- There is no question of not believing. Because as I find that you are stronger than me and he is stronger than you, oh, similarly, there are many degrees of strength. Now, these degrees of strength is Krsna. So you can understand Krsna
- There is no very strict rules, regulation. You can chant anywhere, either in this room or outside the room or on the road, street, bus. Wherever you find opportunity, you chant simply Hare Krsna and see the result
- There is one copy of Caitanya Caritamrta (No. 18) which is received from Calcutta with Bengali titles. This may immediately be sent to Gaurasundara by mail. You will find it on the shelf in my room
- There was a great row, and eventually, one by one, they (the pilgrims) began to find the bags in various places. After they were all found, the thief explained: Gentlemen, I am a thief by occupation
- There was one Ravana. In the dress of a sannyasi he kidnapped Lord Ramacandra's wife. And nowadays you will find many Ravanas like that. You see? The so-called sannyasis, their business is to . . . this tendency is always there
- Thereafter (after Krsna entered the forest along with Balarama, tending the calves), while pasturing atop Govardhana Hill, the cows looked down to find some green grass and saw their calves pasturing near Vrndavana, not very far away - SB 10.13.29
- Therefore I do not find a greater person than he who has no interest outside of Mine and who therefore engages and dedicates all his activities and all his life - everything - unto Me without cessation
- These are all incarnations of Lord Krsna, yet we always find that they act as devotees
- These descriptions are in the Vedic literature. Whenever we find that a demigod occupies a position apparently more elevated than that of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is just to draw the devotee's attention to that particular demigod
- These symptoms (eating, sleeping, mating and defending) you will find among the animals. They are also sleeping according to their own ways, and they are defending
- These things you will find in animal's body also - blood, muscles, flesh, bones, stool, urine, nails, hair, like that. So these are the ingredients of the material body
- They (atheists) go to enjoy, fifty thousand dollars, hundred thousand dollars, squeezing - they do not find any pleasure. Simply squeezing, squeezing. Moghasa mogha-karmanah. That is not the process to find out real pleasure
- They (lower than fourth class population) are the unwanted population known as varna-sankara, and as stated in Bhagavad-gita, an increase of varna-sankara population creates a hellish society. This is the society in which Americans now find themselves
- They (Mayavadi philosophers) reason that in the material world we experience that everything is created. If we trace the history of anything, we find a creator. Therefore there must be a creator of this huge cosmic manifestation
- They (people) are finding peace in sankirtana, and therefore they are acknowledging the supreme benefit of this (Krsna consciousness) movement. This is the blessing of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- They (statements of SB) are correct to the point, without any mistake, without any illusion. That is called sastra. There cannot be any mistake. Just like in the SB you'll find that in the beginning of this age Lord Buddha will appear
- They are passing M.A., B.A. examination, and so many titles, academic career. Mayayapahrta-jnanah. This kind of knowledge has no value. The value is already taken away. Therefore you will find highly educated person: he is committing sinful life
- They are studying now atomic energy. Still they are finding difficulty. Dividing, dividing, dividing. Because they cannot find out that there is God, there is Krsna
- They are thinking by learning Sanskrit they will become perfect. In the Bhagavad-gita I don't find that "You learn Sanskrit, then you become perfect." "You surrender unto Me, then you become perfect." That is wanted
- They are very much proud, advancement of material civilization, but instead of gold, we find plastic
- They work like asses day and night to find bread, and if they go to church, there also they pray, "Give me bread." They are concerned only with the bread problem
- This (CC Madhya 9.29) is the eighth verse of the Sata-nama-stotra of Lord Ramacandra, which is found in the Padma Purana
- This (CC Madhya 9.33) verse from the Brahmanda Purana is found in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta (1.5.354), by Rupa Gosvami. Simply by chanting the name of Krsna once, one can attain the same results achieved by chanting the holy name of Rama three times
- This (to find local boy, well acquainted with English language and train him to preach to the general less educated public) is the best system and do not be hopeless because you are sure to find such a helper very soon
- This awakening of knowledge is under the full control of the Lord, and we find in the practical world different grades of knowledge in different persons. This awakening of knowledge is neither an automatic nor a material interaction
- This body is a bag made of blood, bones, marrow, muscles, and stool, urine, pus, nails, hair, like that. Everyone can understand. If you analyze this material body, what ingredients you will find? These things you will find
- This dogmatism, fanaticism - "Oh, why I shall chant Hare Krsna? I am Christian. I am Jews" - this is fanaticism. If you find actually ecstasy by chanting Hare Krsna, why should you not?
- This is missionary work, not that "Whenever I find some opportunity, go to some solitary place and sleep." This is not missionary life
- This is simple definition of God. You will find everyone relatively controller and controlled. But go on searching out where is that person that He is controller but not controlled. That is isvarah. That is isvarah paramah, the supreme isvara
- This is the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita, when the preliminary knowledge of the soul is there. And you will find that there are only a few who can understand the existence of the soul as permanent, and of the body as changeable
- This is the highest type of devotional activity, this preaching work. So I am very glad that you are working in this way, and I think that you will find no impediments to advancing yourself very rapidly in spiritual life
- This kunape, this bag of three elements, kapha pitta vayu, or, take it, the skin, muscle, veins, bones, urine, stool, blood - what you will find if you dissect this body? They are all material things
- This material world is existing on this mithuni-bhava. So tamo-dvaram yositam sangi-sangam. Therefore you'll find in the Vedic way of life, sex indulgence is restricted
- This mood (the unwedded conjugal mood) is unbounded in the damsels of Vraja, but among them it finds its perfection in Sri Radha
- This mood is unbounded in the damsels of Vraja, but among them it finds its perfection in Sri Radha
- This place is situated near Lucknow, a very nice place, sanctified place. Still people go and find peace for spiritual meditation. In that tract of land, Naimisaranya, from time immemorial this place was especially recognized for spiritual meeting
- This same instruction (of BG 18.66) is found throughout all Vedic literatures
- This Srimad-Bhagavata . . . Sri means very beautiful. So every sloka you'll find very, very beautiful. Five thousand years ago these verses were written. There is no comparison. Nobody can write such verses even up to date. It was written by Vyasadeva
- This verse (CC Madhya 20.106), quoted from the Naradiya Purana, is found in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu - 1.2.103
- This verse (CC Madhya 20.142) is found in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta (1.451). The Brahma mentioned herein is not a living entity
- This verse (CC Madhya 20.373) is found in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta - 1.18
- This verse (CC Madhya 20.380) is found in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu - 2.1.63
- This was His situation day and night. Unable to find peace of mind, He passed His nights with great difficulty in the company of Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya
- Those who are actually advanced in consciousness - in other words, those who are Krsna conscious - can find the Supersoul, who by His own spiritual potency is situated within the heart
- Those who are actually advanced will find that the original cause is the potter, who supplies the earth and moves the wheel. Material nature may be a helping factor in the creation of this cosmic manifestation, but it is not the ultimate cause
- Those who are after killing animals, they will find some clue that "Here in the Vedas the animal-killing is sometimes recommended." But that animal-killing is not a, I mean to say, instigation that "You go on killing animals"
- Those who are interested in yoga, you will find in the authorized books, yoga indriya-samyamah: The aim of yogic power, yogic success, is to control the senses
- Those who are little above bodily concept of life, they find pleasure in mind. And farther, they find pleasure in intellectualism. Those who are meat-eaters, they are very dull. They cannot understand. For them the subject matter is very, very difficult
- Those who are little above the bodily concept of life, they find pleasure in the mind. And farther, they find pleasure in intellectualism. And in this way the thing is very complicated. It requires very cool brain to understand all these things
- Those who are of the opinion that the devotees of the Lord are satisfied with mere sentiments can find in the inquiries of Maharaja Pariksit good lessons as to how inquisitive a pure devotee is to know things in their true perfection
- Those who are trying to understand the Absolute Truth by philosophical speculation, they can reach up to the impersonal Brahman effulgence of the Absolute Truth. Similarly, those who are trying to find out the Absolute Truth within the heart
- Those who are unfortunate will find time to hear ordinary social and political topics, but when they are invited to attend an assembly to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are reluctant to attend
- Those who engage in the service of Krsna are not interested in any of the planets of this material world because they know that no matter to which planet one elevates himself, he will still find the four principles of material existence
- Those who have no faith and are always doubtful make no progress at all. Men without faith in God and His revealed word find no good in this world, nor in the next. For them there is no happiness whatsoever. BG 1972 purports
- Those who have no faith even after hearing about Krsna and the excellence of devotional service, who think that it is simply eulogy, find the path very difficult, even if they are supposedly engaged in devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Those who pursue the four Vedic goals (religiosity, economic development, sense gratification, and liberation), even up to impersonal liberation, find themselves imprisoned by their senses and enslaved by their desires
- Throughout the night, we all walked about in search of You. After hearing from this fisherman, we came here and found You
- Thus Gopinatha Acarya took Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to His residential quarters and showed Him where to find water, tubs and waterpots. Indeed, he arranged everything
- To achieve success in this way (by the association of pure devotees), one must first find the proper spiritual master and receive training under his direction. Then one can achieve faith in the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- To designate into certain type of varna, there are symptoms. That symptoms, yadi anyatra vidhisyeta, if it is found somewhere else, one should ascertain by the symptoms. This is the sastra injunction
- To find freedom from the conditional life of material existence, one has to take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord, not in the manner in which the impersonalists indulge, but in devotional service, chanting and hearing of the activities of the Lord
- To this very day, Lord Ananta continues to chant the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and still He finds no end to them
- To understand God, to understand Krsna, is not very easy job; very, very difficult job. Therefore we don't find anyone is interested in Krsna. Anywhere you go, all over the world, you make a statistic: nobody is interested in Krsna
- Today I have had a dream, and according to that dream I have come here and found You
- Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti: we accept another body immediately after death. It is said just like go forward, when the first step, you find it is secure, you take up the second step
- Unable to find any other source of deliverance, they (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) all approached Govinda to take shelter at His lotus feet
- Unable to find the door, I kept hitting the four walls with My face. My face was injured, and it bled, but I still could not get out
- Unfortunate people find enough time to hear idle social and political conversations, but when invited to attend a meeting of devotees to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam they suddenly become reluctant
- Unfortunately, in Vrndavana & Navadvipa it has become fashionable among sahajiyas, in their debauchery, to find an unmarried sexual partner to live with to execute so-called DS in parakiya-rasa. Foreseeing this, Srila Jiva Gosvami supported svakiya-rasa
- Unless one can find a person transcendental to the four basic defects, one should not accept advice and become a victim of the material condition
- Unless one finds a superior engagement he will not be able to give up his inferior engagement
- Unless you find somebody where you can fully surrender, don't accept guru. That is cheating
- Upananda said, "My dear friends! Now we should leave here for another place because we are continually finding that great demons are coming here to disturb the peaceful situation, and they are especially attempting to kill the small children"
- Upon hearing the sound, the other leaders of the demons were afraid. None of them could find the origin of that sound in the assembly
- Upon your recommendation, I am accepting the following twice born brahmanas; Koshalendra Das Adhikari, Jyoti Das Adhikari. Enclosed please find their threads sanctified by me
- Upon your recommendation, I have accepted Laureen Cogan for first initiation and her spiritual name is Lohanga-dasi. I am also accepting for second initiation, Jagatkarta dasa and Kamarikanta dasi. Enclosed find one sanctified brahmin thread
- Use brown or unrefined sugar if you can find it
- Vasudeva Datta initiated Sri Yadunandana Acarya, the spiritual master of Raghunatha dasa, who later became Raghunatha dasa Gosvami. This will be found in the Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, Sixth Chapter, verse 161
- Vedic knowledge says sometimes contradictory. Just like cow dung, stool of an animal, is pure. And if you analyze, you will find it is pure. So our process of acquiring knowledge is from the Vedas
- Very recently an archaeologist published findings indicating that Lord Christ, after being buried, was exhumed and that he then went to Kashmir
- Vibhuti is, is mentioned by Lord Caitanya. That vibhutimat sattvam, saktyavesa, there are many, many. We find in the history so many extraordinary, powerful men come and go. They are called vibhuti of the Supreme Lord
- Vidura said: O great sage (Maitreya Rsi), everyone in this world engages in fruitive activities to attain happiness, but one finds neither satiation nor the mitigation of distress
- Visvanatha said, "Sannyasis become attracted by philanthropic work, such as opening educational institutions, hospitals or monasteries, churches or temples of demigods, they find only trouble from such engagements, not only in this life but in the next"
- Vultures or hawks can go very high in the sky, but can see a small body on the ground very clearly. This means that their eyesight is so keen that they can find an eatable corpse from a great distance
- Vyasadeva, after writing so many books, he could not find peace of mind. So he was sitting, morose, & his spiritual master, Narada, came there, asked him, - My dear Vyasa, you have done so much in writing for the welfare of society. Why you are not happy?
- Water now, in this season, the summer season, you will find very pleasant. The same water, in the winter season, it becomes pinching. So water as it is - neither pinching nor the source of pleasure. But it is due to this body
- We (gopis) become excited by lusty desires and come to You, giving up all shame and fear. But now You are angry with us. You are finding fault with our violating religious principles and leaving our homes and husbands
- We accept also, "God created." But in the Vedic literature you will find how God created
- We also find here (in SB 3.29.40) that the sun shines under the direction of the Lord, and the cloud pours forth showers of rain under the direction of the Lord. All natural phenomena are under superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- We are attached to the love of this material world, but we are all disappointed. From everyone's experience, you'll find
- We are describing all inauspicity, even without the comet. Where do you find the auspicity?
- We are searching for a friend to give us peace and tranquillity. That friend is Krsna, God. Just make friendship with Him; you'll find everyone to be your friend
- We are sure that you will find this process (of chanting Hare Krsna and reading our books) very pleasing and very effective
- We are trying in India to establish some centers and the response of the people here has been very favorable towards our movement which they have found to be a great stimulus to the revival of Krsna consciousness
- We can find that instead of becoming a great preacher of Krishna Consciousness, this gentleman has become artificially a head of a mundane institution. To become a very important man in the mundane estimation is not success in Krishna Consciousness
- We can see there are so many varieties of life, and each of them is a living entity. But if you consult Vedic literature, you'll find exactly the number
- We cannot become the Supreme. At least, we don't find in authorized Vedic literature that a living entity can become as powerful as God. No. It is not possible
- We cannot find the right knowledge from the imperfect senses
- We find a monkey is also lord in his jurisdiction. You have not seen the groups of monkeys. In India we have seen, in Vrndavana. Every monkey has a group, and he has followers, about twenty, fifty, like that, and they sometimes fight
- We find at the last stage of the Gita's instructions that Krsna is asking Arjuna whether he is now in purified consciousness. BG 1972 Introduction
- We find different types of faith in this world, and there are different types of religions due to different types of faith. BG 1972 purports
- We find evidence in many places that the curse of a great saint or devotee is not a curse but a benediction
- We find great shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Ramanujacarya because his lotus feet are the strongest fort to combat the mayavadi philosophy
- We find in modern warfare that attacks are made upon innocent citizens who are without fault. According to the law of Manu, such warfare is a most sinful activity
- We find in pictures, that Rudra is always sitting in meditation for the attainment of the favor of the Lord
- We find in Vedic history that if a ksatriya king was irresponsible, sometimes a consulting board of brahmanas maintained by the monarchy would dethrone him. Considering all these points, it appears that the post of monarch is a very responsible one
- We find it a vast ocean. But this vast ocean is nothing but a drop of water in the universe. There are so many, thousands or millions of vast oceans in the sky. So therefore the sky becomes the biggest
- We find it necessary and unavoidable in business dealings to speak lies - not to mention the volumes of lies that are spoken by members of the legal profession
- We find it, description, in the Samhitas, in the Vedas, in the Rg Veda: om tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah. And the explanation of Vedanta-sutra, Srimad-Bhagavatam, there it is explained: janmady asya yatah
- We find lusty desire among the gopis, among Krsna. But Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends: There is no better mode of worship than it was conceived by the vrajavadhu, damsels of Vraja, Vrndavana, parakiya-rasa
- We find nowadays, big, big philosophers write volumes of book, simply theorizing without any understanding of the spirit soul
- We find periodic upheavals in society in the forms of battles, communal riots and fratricidal quarrels. Under these circumstances, not only are the leaders unable to lead the people toward liberation, but they cannot even give them peace of mind
- We find practically there is so much love between a boy and girl, and just after two years, oh, divorce: "Go to hell." Because there is no love. It is simply lust
- We find so many faults in such welfare activities. They are opening hospitals for the human being, but the poor goats and cows, daridra-narayana - they are also daridra-narayana according to the definition - but they are being killed
- We find so many learned scholars, they do not surrender to Krsna, then what is their position? Krsna says: "Yes, mayaya apahrta-jnana." They are learned, so-called learned, but their knowledge has been taken away by maya
- We find so many living entities within the ocean, if we go deep. Surface acquaintance with the ocean is not sufficient; one must have complete knowledge of the aquatics living in the ocean depths. BG 1972 purports
- We find Sri Vasudeva Datta Thakura and Srila Haridasa Thakura to be many millions of times more advanced even when compared with Lord Jesus Christ
- We find that even an illiterate person who has lost all intelligence is elected God, and although he has a temple, it has meat-eating sannyasis, and many polluted activities go on there
- We find that Haridasa Thakura strictly followed his regulative principle of chanting 300,000 names. Thus when the prostitute became restless, he informed her that first he had to finish his chanting and then he would be able to satisfy her
- We find that King Priyavrata had to be persuaded by Lord Brahma to accept the post of emperor of the entire universe. Similarly, his father, Svayambhuva Manu, felt relieved to entrust the universal government to Priyavrata
- We find that materialists are generally devotees of many demigods, especially Lord Siva and mother Durga. They do not actually want spiritual happiness, for it is almost unknown to them
- We find that one man is working very hard day and night. Hardly he is getting his morsel of food. Another man, simply by going, sitting in the office, earning thousands and thousands. Why? Because the difference of the field of activities
- We find that people are generally interested with economic development, sense gratification, that's all
- We find that the joy of the gopis nourishes the joy of Lord Krsna. For that reason the fault of lust is not present in their love
- We find that there have been many great heroes in history, but they could not escape from the cruel hands of death. Even the greatest hero cannot escape from the ruling power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead when Krsna comes as death
- We find the behavior of Rupa Gosvami to be exemplary; he gave fifty percent of his wealth for spiritual purposes. This should serve as an example for everyone
- We find the Brahma-samhita boldly declaring the Lord's Supreme Personality
- We find the creation begins from the person. In the Vedas it is said, sa aiksata. Sa asrjata. Aiksata, "By the glance, He looked over, God looked over, and He created." The reference is to the person
- We find the word bhagavan used twice in this verse (SB 5.4.3). Both King Indra and Rsabhadeva, the incarnation of the Supreme Lord, are described as bhagavan. Sometimes Narada and Lord Brahma are also addressed as bhagavan
- We find the words utpadya tesu purusah (in SB 9.24.66). Therefore it is to be concluded that the Absolute Truth is purusa, a person
- We find these two characters in the life of Lord Jesus. He was very much tolerant, at the same time kind to the people in general. You see
- We find very wonderful qualities even in such material things as jewels and drugs. Indeed, their qualities often appear inconceivable. if we do not attribute inconceivable potencies to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we cannot establish His supremacy
- We have experience that the reflection of an object in a glass is not real. It may appear real, but when we go to touch it we find that there is only glass
- We have got 102 centers, and each center you'll find hundred, two hundred, 250 devotees like that. You see the picture. No, no. First picture. All these young boys and girls, how they are happy, you can see from the picture
- We have heard that although powerful kings like Maharaja Prthu and Maharaja Gaya achieved proprietorship over the seven dvipas, they could not achieve satisfaction or find the end of their ambitions
- We have to see. Instead of criticizing in that adverse way, we have to follow the acarya. Acaryopasanam. So you'll find Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they have accepted in that way
- We may find some mailboxes on the street, and if we post our letters in those boxes, they will naturally go to their destination without difficulty. But any old box, which is not authorized by the post office, will not do the work. BG 1972 purports
- We may find some repetition in the descriptions of the qualifications of a devotee, but this is just to give an illustration that a devotee must acquire all these qualifications. Without good qualifications, one cannot be a pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- We must find the supreme will in every action of the cosmic situation. That is the instruction of Isopanisad
- We put this philosophy (Krsna consciousness) to your judgement, and you judge it scrutinizingly with your all intellects, and you'll find it sublime. And if you find it sublime, then why not put it to the world?
- We request everyone to become devotee and Krsna conscious so that you will find everywhere the artistic work of Krsna
- We see the flowers and fruits are coming every season. Why once? This dogmatic, we have to accept? Our experience is that by nature's way we find the same flower is coming again in the same season
- We see varieties of living entities, varieties of trees, varieties of everything. Anywhere you go, you simply find varieties. Some of them you like, some of them you do not like. these varieties are due to 3 material modes of nature, sattva, raja, tama
- We should inquire where this electricity comes from. This is intelligence, and if one inquires in this way he will eventually find the powerhouse itself
- We should not be astonished to find contradictions in the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Actually there are no contradictions. That is the meaning of His being supreme
- We should not forget the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra under any circumstances. It will help us in the greatest danger, as we find in the life of Gajendra
- We should not think that we are here and that all the other planets are vacant. From experience we can see that no place on earth is vacant of living entities. If we dig deep down into the earth, we find worms
- We simply ask our Western students to chant at least sixteen rounds a day, but sometimes we find that they fail to chant even these sixteen rounds, & instead they bring many austere books & a worshiping method that diverts their attention in so many ways
- We will also find that Lord Brahma's father, Visnu, is also a person. Everyone is a person, and Krsna is the supreme person
- Whatever little beauty we find in this material world, that is a perverted reflection of Krsna's beauty
- Whatever spiritual culture they have got, still they are happier than others. In India still in village you'll find a man with practically no income but he has got his happy home, good wife, a cottage, little bread, but he is happy
- Whatever we find in this material world is born of the Absolute Truth, but here it is pervertedly reflected in time
- Whatever we find within our experience within this conditioned life is situated in the Supreme Lord, who is the ultimate source of everything
- Whatever we find within our experience within this conditioned life is situated in the Supreme Lord, who is the ultimate source of everything - CC Intro
- When a chair is produced out of wood, it is said that a by-product is produced. The Supreme Absolute Truth is immutable, & when we find a by-product - the living entity or this cosmic manifestation - it is a transformation, or a by-product of the Supreme
- When a father finds his child deeply asleep but the child has to take some medicine to cure some disease, the father pinches the child so that the child will get up and take the medicine
- When a hundred-dollar note is found, the person who acts most properly is the one who takes it and says, "Someone has lost this note. Let me find its owner." Upon returning that note, one renders real service
- When a man finds a woman and they unite, this attachment becomes even more firmly established - tayor mitho hrdaya-granthim ahuh
- When a man gives up all varieties of desire for sense gratification, which arise from mental concoction, and when his mind, thus purified, finds satisfaction in the self alone, then he is said to be in pure transcendental consciousness
- When an expert physician treats a patient, he tries to find the original cause of the disease and is not diverted by the symptoms of that original cause. Similarly, a devotee is never disturbed by reverses in life
- When he (Arjuna) was unable to find the baby even after searching all possible planets, he then attempted to throw himself into a fire, since he had promised the brahmana he would do so if unable to bring back his baby
- When he (Maharaja Yudhisthira) could not find his uncle and aunt in the palace, naturally his doubts arose, and he conjectured that they had gone down to the water of the Ganges
- When He (The Lord) desires to fight with someone, He has to find an enemy, but in the Vaikuntha world there is no enemy. Therefore He sometimes comes to the material world as an incarnation in order to manifest His fighting spirit
- When he heard the sound, he tried to find the speaker, searching on all sides. But when he was unable to find anyone besides himself, he thought it wise to sit down on his lotus seat firmly and give his attention to the execution of penance
- When he learned that the dog had not been supplied food in his absence, he was very unhappy. He then immediately sent ten men to find the dog
- When Krsna was present, He proved that He is all-great. Therefore He's God. If you accept that God is great, and if you find somebody who is great in everything, then He is God. How can you deny it
- When one awakens his spiritual knowledge, he becomes uninterested in such elevation and engages himself fully in jnana-yajna to find the objective of life
- When one finds himself in reversed conditions one is said to be in a state of lamentation, in this condition one becomes questioning, thoughtful, tearful, regretful and heavy-breathed. His bodily color changes, and his mouth becomes dry
- When one is unsuccessful in achieving his desired goal of life, when one finds no fulfillment in his present occupation, when one finds himself in reversed conditions and when one feels guilt - at such a time one is said to be in state of lamentation
- When the body becomes old, a perfect yogi can find a young, able body. Giving up his old body, the yogi can enter into the young body and act as he pleases. Being a plenary expansion of Lord Vasudeva, Lord Rsabhadeva possessed all these mystic yoga powers
- When the bridegroom finds the bride very beautiful, the attraction between them immediately becomes very strongly fixed
- When the conditioned soul finds by culture of knowledge that material necessities are unwanted things, he becomes detached from such unwanted things. This stage of knowledge is called vairagya
- When the King (Anga) left, it was certain that he was staying somewhere else, but because the citizens did not know how to find him they were frustrated like the less intelligent mystics
- When the servant forgot to feed the dog and the dog disappeared, Sivananda, being very anxious, sent ten men to find it. When they could not find it, Sivananda observed a fast
- When unable to find the baby on those planets, he (Arjuna) went down to the Rasatala planet, the lowest of the planetary systems
- When unable to find the baby there (Indraloka), he went to the planet of the fire demigod, then to the planet of the Nirrti demigod, and then to the moon planet. Then he went to Vayuloka and Varunaloka
- When we are beset by some problem for which we can find no reason, there is no alternative than to surrender to the Supreme Lord and offer Him our respectful obeisances. Then our position will be secure. This was the means adopted by mother Yasoda
- When we are under the spell of sattva-guna, rajo-guna or tamo-guna, we become affected. But Krsna, when you find that rajo-guna is exhibited in His pastimes, but He is not under the influence of that rajo-guna
- When we come to spiritual activities, we find that these are also divided into two: namely, understanding of one's own self (or one's constitutional position), and the truth regarding the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- When we consider impartially all the unlimited pastimes of the Lord, we find that His pastimes as a human being on this planet - wherein He sports as a cowherd boy with a flute in His hands and appears youthful and fresh like a ballet dancer
- When we consider their bodily and mental conditions, we find that the character of such candidates (candidates for devotional service) is impure and their minds are agitated
- When we find a by-product - the living entity or this cosmic manifestation - it is a transformation, or a by-product of the Supreme. It is like milk being transformed into yogurt
- When you can analyze the sun ray, you'll find small particles of molecules. Similarly, brahmajyoti is also spiritual atoms combined together. Just like the sun rays, different material molecules combined together, similarly, brahmajyoti is also like that
- When you find vibhutimat sattvam, a very powerful man, a powerful elephant, you should . . . you know that - There is Krsna. This power is Krsna
- When you see a tree on the bank of a river or bank of a reservoir of water, you find the reflection of the tree - just the opposite number. So similarly, this world, it is described there (in BG), the obverted tree. That means the real tree is there
- When you take chili from the market you see how much, what is the degree of its hotness. If it is very hot, oh, it is very good chili. If you find a chili sweet like sugar, oh, you'll reject it
- Whenever he (Prahlada Maharaja) found an opportunity, when the teacher was out of the classroom, he used to say - My dear friends, let's chant Hare Krsna; this is the time to begin Krsna consciousness
- Whenever he would find something to be disapproved of by his father, he would immediately reject it as poison, even though it may have been nectarean
- Whenever one fully surrenders unto the Supreme Lord, one finds that He is sitting within one's heart. He can give us direction how to get out of dangers or how to approach Him in devotional service
- Whenever there is some chance, just preach this (Hare Krsna and the science). Whenever there is chance. But you should always know that you will find enemies, but you don't be afraid. Go on with your work
- Whenever we find a description of ideal chaste women, mother Sita is among them. Mandodari, the wife of Ravana, was also very chaste. Similarly, Draupadi was one of five exalted chaste women
- Whenever we'll find disturbance, you must know there is atheistic population. And peaceful country or a godly persons, they are never disturbing
- Whenever you find time please read my books
- Where do religious principles find shelter
- Where do you find void? This void philosophy is another illusion. There cannot be any void
- Wherever one goes on earth, he finds the same visa and customs systems operating, and on all the material planets one can similarly see the principles of birth, old age, disease, and death operating
- Wherever you find a suitable place you can go, always keeping sure to follow the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds
- Whichever position one can find himself suitable, he can accept that. But the main business is krsna-tattva-vetta, and preach the cult all over the world, sei guru haya. Guru means preacher, to enlighten. One who can enlighten, he is guru
- While discussing the subject of this body and the owner of the body, the soul and the Supersoul, we shall find three different topics of study: the Lord, the living entity, and matter. BG 1972 purports
- While Hiranyakasipu looked all around to find the source of the sound, that wonderful form of the Lord, which could not be ascertained to be either a man or a lion, emerged from the pillar
- Who can estimate the transcendental fortune of the residents of Vrndavana? They were personally seeing the S. P. of Godhead face to face, He whom many yogis cannot find even after undergoing severe austerities, although He is sitting within their hearts
- Who will say to the tiger, "Sir, I am a philanthropist and have come to you to give you food, so take my body"? No one. Therefore the tiger has difficulty finding food
- Why assume, "Here is the son of a truthful man; therefore he is truthful, a brahmana "? That is a misconception. You have to find the truthful men all over the world and train them as brahmanas. That we are doing
- Why Lord says? In the Vedic scripture also we'll find, parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate: (Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.8) "There are different kinds of nature of the Supreme." Svabhaviki jnana-bala-kriya ca
- Why the young people go to the university? Why in the university you'll find all the students are young boys and girls? Why
- Why you are serving me? If I had been an ordinary person, why...? You would have not... Because you accept that "You are devotee," therefore you serve. So as soon as we find a devotee, immediately serve him
- With a fearful heart, Durvasa Muni went here and there seeking shelter, but when he could find no shelter, he finally approached Lord Brahma and said, "O my lord, O Lord Brahma, kindly protect me from the blazing Sudarsana cakra sent by the S P of God"
- With every sense you analyze, you will find, not only your eyes, your all other senses, they are imperfect. Imperfectness of senses
- With His thousands of mouths He sings the glories of Lord Krsna, but although He always sings in that way, He does not find an end to the qualities of the Lord
- With sacrificial performances the conditioned souls will never be in difficulty in keeping body & soul together. Ultimately they can purify their existence. They will find natural promotion into spiritual existence, the real identity of the living being
- With tears in their eyes the citizens offered respectful obeisances and informed the sages in full detail that they were unable to find the King anywhere
- With this letter you can go to Vrndavana and live there under the direction of the President. If both of us find it suitable, then we have no objection
- Within the heart. If you push your hand within his heart, you'll find he has got all desires for material enjoyment. That is called phalgu vairagya. On the surface there is no water; sand. But within, oh, there is flow of water, going on
- Without jnana, without willing, nothing is produced. So whenever you find something produced, you must know behind that production there is that will, the supreme will, the supreme knowledge
- Without transcending these three modes, a person will find himself securely in their clutches, and thus he will think that all his activities are divinely inspired
- Women are by nature endowed with many artistic tendencies, and from the Vedic age we find that high grade women and girls were highly qualified in sixty-four arts
- Worldly men are all engaged in sense gratification. But even such men will find in this Vedic literature a remedial measure for their material diseases
- Yes, you come to Vrndavana. We have got nice place there, and we shall accommodate you. Real spiritual life you'll find in Vrndavana, in Navadvipa
- Yes, you may wear any clothing that you find comfortable; no, it is not very good to use yeast in preparing prasadam. It is better to prepare bread in the process as you have seen done in the temple
- Yes, you will find defects. But if the devotees stick to Krsna consciousness principle, these defects will soon become finished
- Yet because I have been satisfied by the activities of your vow, O goddess Aditi, I must find some means to favor you, for worship of Me never goes in vain but certainly gives the desired result according to what one deserves
- Yogurt can be prepared in the temple, it is not very difficult. Boil the milk at night, put a little yogurt in it, and next morning you will find it full of yogurt
- You apply your arguments and you will find, "Yes. I was a child." So that body is no longer existing; I am existing. Therefore the conclusion is, we must conclude logically, that body may be finished but I will exist. That is the eternality of the soul
- You are not learned, but you are talking just like a learned man." That you will find. Dr. Frog, speaking like a very great philosopher
- You are talking just like a very learned man, but your center of activity is the body. So this is not a symptom of a learned man. So if we take this crucial test of learning, we shall find hardly a learned man in this world
- You bring any so-called followers of yoga society student and try to compare with any one of our student, you'll find he is far, far advanced. We challenge
- You can find out some rich man, but you cannot find out the richest man. Every day you will find so many competitors. So as soon as you find the richest man, nobody can surpass him, then he is God
- You can see this flower. Every flower is so beautiful, nicely constructed symmetrically. You'll find two flowers, the small fiber coming out exactly in the same way. There is no question of accident
- You cannot avoid the natural occurrence of various social divisions. Nature's caste system will remain. Take, for example, the brahminical quality of truthfulness. All over the world, wherever you go, you'll find at least one person who is truthful
- You cannot easily find such a mahatma who clearly understands Krsna
- You cannot expect that wherever you are going you'll find favorable situation to talk. That you must understand. But you'll have to preach; you have to create favorable situation. That is your duty
- You cannot find fault in him. Cannot find fault. But even though if you find some fault, but if you find that he is strictly, he's engaged in the service of the Lord, Krsna says he is sadhu
- You cannot find in our group many thousands of people, only selected, fortunate people. Anyone can become fortunate, provided he agrees that, - There is God, and I must submit to God
- You could not abolish the truthful class of men even if you wanted to. You'll find truthful men everywhere. You simply have to train them
- You find scientifically it is designed by God or Lord Brahma: "This is brain department, this is arms department, this is belly department, this is leg department." All of them required. You cannot avoid any one of them
- You just dissect your body, what you'll find? You'll find there is blood, there is flesh, there is nerves, there is intestines, there is stool. Is that the ingredient of your so much intelligence?
- You mention about the well-renown psychologist at Harvard who is interested in finding about man's true nature. Man's true nature is to render service. Originally the living entity was meant for rendering service to Krsna
- You must all find time to write some articles for publishing in Back to Godhead. That is culture
- You practically make experiment. You take cow dung and apply anywhere, you'll find it is pure. Immediately purified
- You read Bhagavad-gita. It was spoken four hundred millions of years ago, and then again, five thousand years ago. Still, if you read Bhagavad-gita daily, you will find it fresh. You will never find it old. As Krsna is never old
- You study any part of your body, you will find that the part of body belongs to you. You'll say: "It is my leg, my hand, my hair, my nose." So many things "my." Then where is the "I"? That is called jnana, knowledge. Everything is "my," but where I am?
- You study Caitanya's behavior, character - He's ideal. Throughout His whole life you'll not find a spot. You read Caitanya-caritamrta. Find out some fault, that "Here is Caitanya . . . Sri Krsna Caitanya is faulty." No. That is susila. And that is sadhu
- You take any literature, any Vedic literature, religious literature, you'll find that the whole literature, whole knowledge, is aiming at Krsna. That is the purport of all Vedas and religious scripture
- You take millions of buckets of water from the ocean, you'll find not a drop is lost. And you put millions of buckets of water again, not a drop is increased. Purnasya purnam adaya purnam evavasisyate
- You try to trace out the history of the world, you'll find always persons who are for Krsna or God, they have been persecuted. Jesus Christ was crucified; Haridasa Thakura was caned in twenty-two marketplaces; Prahlada Maharaja was tortured by his father
- You will find at the time of death, in coma, his eye drops are coming out. He is thinking, "I made so many things so nicely to live comfortably, and now I am losing everything." Great distress
- You will find different methods, different ways. Although they are one, may be one, but according to country and place and people, the methods are different. Therefore we sometimes argue that - Our scripture says like that; your scripture says
- You will find even in the lower animals, they are eating one another. That is the law of nature
- You will find herewith two certificates of my bona fides in the matter of my becoming the teacher of Caitanya Cult. I have got my books also. So if I am appointed as teacher I think the whole problem is solved
- You will find in the Bhagavad-gita. Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is sitting in everyone's heart. Not only human being, even animals, everyone. So that feature is called Paramatma
- You will find many healthy persons in India subsisting only on these vegetarian foodstuffs, and they have good brain also
- You will find many so-called bhaktas crying, falling down on the ground. But immediately after, he is smoking bidi. So why this is going on? Because they do not follow the injunction of Srila Rupa Gosvami
- You will find so many yogis; they can play jugglery, magic, but they are not devotees. They will not surrender to Krsna
- You will find that one who is very experienced medical practitioner, he gives you a prescription, and you visit him again and again, he gives you the same prescription, unless you are cured
- You will find that the more you involve yourself, the more you will understand our philosophy and then automatically you will be able to preach it nicely
- You will find that they talk better than any great philosopher, better than any scientist or politician. That is the quality of my students. What's the point in talking nonsense?
- You will find the so-called sannyasis - not bhaktas - they undergo severe austerities, penances, but after some time they come to the worldly atmosphere. Because they could not get any place, therefore they come down
- You will find today's text. It has given very nice example, that the prostitute changes her dress to attract people. Similarly, we are changing our dress for sense gratification. Yes
- You will get the statement there (in Pumsavana) how the husband and wife is advised to worship Narayana, Laksmi-Narayana. Therefore you will find in Hindu culture, every family, Laksmi-Narayana worship, the husband and wife
- You write your realization, what you have realized about Krsna. That is required. It is not passive. Always you should be active. Whenever you find time, you write
- You'll find big, big businessmen, they have got very, very long project, "How to do this? How to do this? How to increase this factory? How to make it world-renowned?" and so on, so on, so on. There is no limit of anxiety
- You'll find everyone either sinful or lowest of the mankind or rascal or puffed-up with false knowledge. But the basic principle is: no God. So the only solution is let them first of all become God conscious. Then all solution
- You'll find in our temple, we are cooking so many nice preparations. Perhaps you have tasted some of them. But we are not preparing tea or coffee or meat - nothing. These are anarthas. What is the necessity?
- You'll find in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu evidences (Gosvamis making research from the Vedic literature) . . . nana-sastra-vicaranaika-nipunau sad-dharma-samsthapakau. What was the purpose? The purpose was to establish real religious principle
- You'll find in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, wherever Srila Rupa Gosvami has stated something, immediately he has given reference from the sastras. He did not manufacture anything which is against the sastras. That is rupanuga, rupanuga-vaisnava
- You'll find in the Pacific Ocean in your front, the waves are constantly coming. It is never satiated. So Krsna's incarnation are also like that: incessantly coming, one after another. advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam
- You'll find Krsna always with cows. Here is Krsna's picture, you see how He's loving the cow and the calf. He's personally teaching from His childhood, from His boyhood. So we should follow
- You'll find many critics, many enemies, because you are making progress in Krsna consciousness. So the demons are always against this Krsna consciousness movement
- You'll find nowadays impersonalists, voidists, so many brahmanas, they have no idea what is the . . . what is God, who is God. That is called avaisnava. Vaisnava knows what is Visnu, what is God. But avaisnava, non-Vaisnava, they do not know
- You'll find so many, I mean to say, major portion, people, will say, - No, we do not know what is Krsna
- You'll find that when the dogs, they have sex life, they have no shame. So, many lusty people stand there and see. Seeing means they are willing, "If I could enjoy in the street like this." And sometimes they do
- You'll find that when the dogs, they have sex life, they have no shame. So, many lusty people stand there and see. Seeing means they are willing, "If I could enjoy in the street like this." And sometimes they do. This is going on
- You'll find that your material disease is being cured by spiritual foodstuff. That is practical. Therefore it is spiritual
- You'll find, in the recent history, every twenty-five years there is a big war, slaughter, mass slaughtering of the people. How nature will tolerate?
- You'll find, therefore, in the comments of Bhagavatam by different acaryas, even there are some discrepancies, they are accepted as arsa-prayoga. It should remain as it is
- You'll find, throughout the whole instruction of Bhagavad-gita, not that blindly. There is submissive presentation: "Krsna, I cannot understand this." That is allowed
- Your enthusiastic response to my instructions is very encouraging. Actually the disciple is supposed to find relief from all his problems just by carrying out the orders of the spiritual master
- Yudhisthira continued, "We know very well that the great mystics who always engage in meditation to capture You (Krsna) do not find it easy to obtain such grace, nor can they draw any personal attention from You"