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Pages in category "Fixed"
The following 377 pages are in this category, out of 377 total.
- Fixed (BG and SB canto 1)
- Fixed (CC)
- Fixed (Conv. 1967 - 1973)
- Fixed (Conv. 1974 - 1975)
- Fixed (Conv. 1976)
- Fixed (Conv. 1977)
- Fixed (Lectures, BG)
- Fixed (Lectures, Other)
- Fixed (Lectures, SB cantos 1 - 3)
- Fixed (Lectures, SB cantos 4 - 12)
- Fixed (Letters 1955 - 1969)
- Fixed (Letters 1970 - 1973)
- Fixed (Letters 1974 - 1977)
- Fixed (Other books)
- Fixed (SB cantos 2 to 3)
- Fixed (SB cantos 4 to 5)
- Fixed (SB cantos 6 to 12)
- A body is given to us by the superior power, and the duration of life is also fixed up. Even the greatest scientist, he cannot increase a moment's time for his life
- A person fixed in spiritual knowledge will not be attracted by the allurement of material nature in the form of beautiful women and the sex pleasure enjoyed in their association
- A person fixed in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord, Hari, the Lord of the highest auspiciousness, swims in the ocean of nectar. For him what is the use of the water in small ditches?
- A pure devotee of the Lord automatically develops all godly qualities, and some of the prominent features are as follows: 3) fixed, self-controlled, a balanced eater, sane, mannerly, prideless, grave, sympathetic, friendly, poetic, expert and silent
- Above all, the mendicants who take a vow to refrain from sex life no longer feel sexual urges when fixed in the transcendental service of the Lord
- According to authorized Vedic Scriptures liberation means to be fixed up in one's original position. The original position is that each and every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- According to Patanjali, when one is fixed in constant realization of the supreme form of the Lord, one has attained the perfectional stage, as attained by Kardama Muni
- According to your karma, you have been fixed up that, "You shall eat like this, you shall sleep like this, you'll have sex life like this, and you will be able to defend like this, not more than that." That is not possible. That is called destiny
- Actually, all Vedic culture is aiming at understanding Lord Visnu. In the Rg Veda one mantra says that any advanced saintly person is always aspiring to be fixed in meditation upon the lotus feet of Visnu
- Actually, the sun is always in its fixed position, but owing to our defective, insufficient senses, we calculate the appearance and disappearance of the sun in the sky. BG 1972 purports
- Adbhuta-rasa is described in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (4.2.1): When one’s general attachment is fixed in wonder, it is called adbhuta-bhakti-rasa
- Advaita Acarya jokingly said, "My dear Nityananda, I invited You, and indeed I have received the results. You have no fixed caste or dynasty. By nature You are a madman"
- After being initiated by the Supreme Lord to execute tapasya, he (Brahma) was fixed in his determination to do it, and although he could not find anyone besides himself, he could rightly understand that the sound was transmitted by the Lord Himself
- After being initiated by the Supreme Lord to execute tapasya, he was fixed in his determination to do it, and although he could not find anyone besides himself, he could rightly understand that the sound was transmitted by the Lord Himself
- After fixing his bow and arrow, the cruel boy used to go to the forest and unnecessarily kill innocent deer, and as soon as he came all the people would cry, "Here comes cruel Vena! Here comes cruel Vena!"
- After traveling for six years, the Lord fixed His residence at Jagannatha Puri and stayed there for the eighteen remaining years of His life. During these eighteen years He mainly chanted Hare Krsna with His devotees
- Akrura said, "Although the minds of those who are devotees of the demigods are fixed on a particular demigod, because You (Krsna) are the Supersoul of all living entities, including the demigods, worship of the demigods indirectly goes to You"
- All the different kinds of worshipers of multidemigods can attain the highest perfectional benediction, which is spontaneous attraction unflinchingly fixed upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by the association of the pure devotee of the Lord
- All the Vedic literatures aim at devotional service to the Personality of Godhead, and as soon as one is fixed upon this point, he at once becomes liberated from conditional life
- Although bereft of his riches, fallen from his original position, defeated and arrested by his enemies, rebuked and deserted by his relatives and friends, Bali Maharaja, being fixed in his vow, did not give up his truthfulness
- Although I have committed an offense by insulting you, I know that there is no loss or gain for you due to my insult. You are fixed in your determination, but I have committed an offense
- Although rebuked and cursed by his spiritual master, Bali Maharaja, being fixed in his vow, did not give up his truthfulness
- Although suffering the pain of being bound and although rebuked and cursed by his spiritual master, Bali Maharaja, being fixed in his vow, did not give up his truthfulness
- Amongst great personalities, Maharaja Prthu was the chief by virtue of his fixed position in relation to spiritual enlightenment. He remained satisfied as one who has achieved all success in spiritual understanding
- Amongst self-realized souls, the Lord is known as the perfectly self-realized soul. When the individual soul is fixed in his knowledge of the Lord as the Supreme Being, he actually becomes established in an all-auspicious position
- Another significant word is yoga-kaksam. Yoga-kaksa is the sitting posture in which the left thigh is fixed under one's tightly knotted saffron-colored garment
- Anyone who is fixed in the service of the lotus feet of Govinda is called tirtha-pada; he does not need to travel on various pilgrimages, for he can enjoy all the benefits of such travel simply by engaging in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord
- Anyone who knows that this material body, made of the five gross elements, the sense organs, the working senses and the mind, is simply supervised by the fixed soul is eligible to be liberated from material bondage
- Anyone who thus engages in the devotional service of the Lord, seriously and sincerely, with his mind, words and body, and who is fixed in the activities of the prescribed devotional methods, is blessed by the Lord according to his desire
- Arcana-marga means practice. Immediately you cannot expect that your mind is completely fixed up with Krsna. But if we follow the regulative principles, then it will mature. Mature. And mature stage, there will be love
- As a Sannyasin, I should not fix up at a certain place and take your service comfortably. It is not the desire of Krishna
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.52): I (Brahma) worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, under whose control even the sun, which is considered to be the eye of the Lord, rotates within the fixed orbit of eternal time
- Atma, in the material sense, means the body or the mind, but when referring to one whose mind is fixed on the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, atmarama means "one who is fixed in spiritual activities in relationship with the Supreme Soul
- Balarama again turned toward Rukmini and informed her that the current duty of the ksatriya in human society is so fixed that, according to the principles of fighting, one's own brother may become an enemy
- Because I have no fixed aim in life, people may call Me a vagabond. Therefore, I am surprised that you could select such a vagabond husband
- Because of her movements, her hair was loose, and the belt holding her cloth was giving way, as if the cunning wind were trying to make her naked. Yet she (Purvacitti) paid no attention to arranging her hair or fixing her dress
- Because of these floral decorations (the dais, the throne, the walls and the ceiling are all fully decorated, and a small, aromatic fountain of flowers is fixed in the center), the people, fatigued from the heat of the summer, become refreshed
- Because we are so advanced, there are so many hundreds and thousands of men, there is no fixed purpose of life. Even in your rich country we see such men without any purpose, without any aim of life. So they are called manda-bhagyah, most unfortunate
- Because we, with our teeny brain, we cannot find out what is the actual niscitam, fixed-up sreya. That we do not know. That you have to ask from Krsna. Or his representative
- Bhismadeva, fixed his wide-open eyes upon the original Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, who stood before him, four-handed, dressed in yellow garments that glittered and shined
- Brahma-samhita states, yasyajnaya bhramati sambhrta-kala-cakrah: the sun rotates in its own orbit according to the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The conclusion is that the sun is not fixed in one place
- Business offices close at a fixed hour no matter what balance of work remains. Similarly, after the age of fifty one must retire from the active, external life and devote oneself to the introspective cultivation of the human spirit
- By advancement of education one becomes fixed up to take things by judgment. That is called vicara. And acara means cleanliness or behavior. The first-, second- and third-class human being, they are situated in acara and vicara
- By cultivating such knowledge (of God's pastimes and activities) one gradually becomes advanced on the path of liberation, and thereafter he is freed, and his attraction becomes fixed. Then real devotion and devotional service begin
- By ignorance we take this spot life as permanent settlement, & we think "We shall live here permanently & make arrangement to live here permanently, % make assets for my children, for my nation." But we do not know cycle of transmigration is not fixed up
- By such conclusive studies I know the glories of Lord Caitanya. Only by knowing these glories can one become strong and fixed in attachment to Him
- By the supreme will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they (the stars located above the moon) are fixed to the wheel of time, and thus they rotate with Mount Sumeru on their right, their motion being different from that of the sun
- By these processes, or any other true process, one must control the contaminated, unbridled mind, which is always attracted by material enjoyment, and thus fix himself in thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By worshiping, executing austerities and following the regulative principles, King Malayadhvaja conquered his senses, his life and his consciousness. Thus he fixed everything on the central point of the Supreme Brahman (Krsna)
- Destiny fixed the time for Maharaja Bharata's enjoyment of material opulence at one thousand times ten thousand years. When that period was finished, he retired from family life and divided the wealth he had received from his forefathers among his sons
- Devotees sometimes pray, "Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto the vayasyas of Krsna, who are firmly convinced of Krsna's friendship and protection and whose devotion to Krsna is ever-fixed"
- Devotional service which is based on the foreground of full knowledge combined with detachment from material association, and which is fixed by dint of the aural reception of the Vedanta-sruti, is the only perfect method
- Dhrtarastra replied, "I can understand that your instructions are valuable. Unfortunately, they do not stay in my flickering mind, just as the glittering lightning in the sky does not stay fixed in a cloud"
- Dhruva Maharaja was given a specific arrow made by Lord Narayana Himself, and he now fixed it upon his bow to finish the illusory atmosphere created by the Yaksas
- Dhruva Maharaja's heart, which was pierced by the arrows of the harsh words of his stepmother, was greatly aggrieved, and thus when he fixed upon his goal of life he did not forget her misbehavior
- Do not misunderstand that we are trying to spread Hinduism. Hinduism is a fictitious term. Because there is no fixed-up conclusion
- Don't mind very much that I have not received the permanent visa. I think it is Krishna's desire and blessings; as a Sannyasin, I should not fix up at a certain place and take your service comfortably
- Either materially or spiritually, one should be very alert in utilizing the time which he has at his disposal. A conditioned soul lives in a particular body for a fixed measurement of time
- Even as Dhruva Maharaja fixed the weapon made by Narayana Rsi onto his bow, arrows with golden shafts and feathers like the wings of a swan flew out from it. They entered the enemy soldiers with a great hissing sound
- Even if there appears to be some discrepancy according to an imperfect devotee’s estimation, the devotee should be fixed in the conviction that even if his spiritual master goes to a liquor shop, he is not a drunkard; rather, he must have some purpose
- Even in the paramahamsa stage, one cannot give up chanting. Haridasa Thakura and the Gosvamis were all engaged in chanting a fixed number of rounds; therefore chanting on beads is very important for everyone, even though one may become a paramahamsa
- Even the largest and most powerful planet, the sun, rotates within a fixed orbit, or kala-cakra, in obedience to the order of the SPG. This has nothing to do with gravity or any other imaginary laws created by the material scientists
- Even though he is child, he is repeating the words of the father. He is fixed up, that "My father has told me this thing. It is perfect." He is convinced. So he says, - This is microphone
- Every day the Lord would take His meal at a different place, and if someone was prepared to pay for a meal, the price was fixed at only four panas
- Every living being within this material world has a strong desire to enjoy matter to his fullest satisfaction. For this purpose, the conditioned soul must accept one body after another, and thus his strongly fixed fruitive desires continue
- Every month Gadadhara Pandita and Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya had fixed dates on which Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would accept their invitations
- Everyone worships the Supreme Lord with great reverence; therefore the Lord sometimes wants to enjoy the chastisement of His devotees. In this way the relationship eternally existing between the Lord and His devotees is fixed, just like the sky overhead
- For the people in general the highest perfection of life is to cease from material activities and be fixed on the path of self-realization
- Freed from the contamination of the modes of nature, the speaker and hearer (of Srimad-Bhagavatam) are fixed in a transcendental mentality, knowing that their position on the transcendental platform is to serve the Supreme Lord
- From the description, it appears that the sun moves. According to modern astronomers, the sun is fixed in one place, surrounded by the solar system, but here we find that the sun is not stationary: it is rotating in a prescribed orbit
- From this verse (of CC Madhya 7.37) it is clear that Caitanya Mahaprabhu was chanting the holy names a fixed number of times daily. The Gosvamis used to follow in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Haridasa Thakura also followed this principle
- Haridasa Thakura made Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sit down in front of him, and then he fixed his eyes, like two bumblebees, on the lotus face of the Lord
- Haridasa Thakura was chanting three hundred thousand holy names a day, but we have fixed the number at sixteen rounds. Nonetheless, we are so unfortunate and fallen that we cannot even perform them
- Hayasirsa is very dear to the devotees, & He is the director of all religious principles. Fixed in the topmost trance, Bhadrasrava and his associates offer their respectful obeisances to the Lord and chant the following prayers with careful pronunciation
- He (a devotee) is a completely perfect mystic because he is fixed in the instructions received from the spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- He (a devotee) is called fixed because he is fixed in his determination and knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- He (A living being) must always know himself to be transcendental to the bodily identity. This is the path of knowledge, and complete knowledge fixes the living being in the orbit of spiritual activities
- He (Banasura) was very intelligent and liberal also, and his activities are all praiseworthy because he never deviated from his promise and word of honor; he was very truthful & fixed in his vow. In those days, he was ruling over the city of Sonitapura
- He (Maharaja Ambarisa) was fixed in understanding, and it was certain that he was simply thinking of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the core of his heart
- He (Rukmi) was personally degraded and very sorry, but by the grace of the Lord he could continue his life to its fixed destination
- He (Uttanapada) was certain that Dhruva was dead. He therefore could not fix his faith in the message that Dhruva Maharaja was coming back home again. For him this message said that a dead man was coming back home, and so he could not believe it
- He fixed his sitting position and by yogic practice controlled the breathing process and the air of life; in this way his senses were completely withdrawn
- He is firmly fixed in His mission of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, and He is firmly situated in His dualistic conclusion and in His peace
- Here (SB 2.2.21) akuntha-drstih is mentioned. Akuntha & vaikuntha convey the same import only one who has his aim fixed upon that spiritual world & personal association with God can give up his material connections even while living in the material world
- His (Dhruva's) revengeful attitude towards his stepmother and stepbrother was satisfied, his desire for a more exalted position than that of his great-grandfather was also fulfilled, and at the same time, his eternal position in Dhruvaloka was fixed
- His (Patanjali's) proposal is that when one is freed from material desires and fixed in spiritual realization of the self and the Superself, that is called cit-sakti
- His ears are fixed on the string of that bow, and when His eyes spread to His ears, He pierces the hearts of the gopis
- How much foolish we are that we are getting a particular type of body, and the sukha-duhkha, happiness and distress, is already fixed up. That is called destiny. As soon as I get a particular type of body, my happiness and sufferings are all destined
- I (Lord Brahma) worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, under whose control even the sun, which is considered to be the eye of the Lord, rotates within the fixed orbit of eternal time
- I am presently fixing a traveling schedule for visiting Paris, France in the second week of May. Then I will visit, Geneva, Rome, Stockholm, and three or four cities in Germany, each place for no more than four or five days
- I am so glad to receive your letter dated 15th March, 1971. I am so glad to learn that you are in Bombay and are eager to see me. I have therefore fixed up time on Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. It will be very pleasant to see you from 9:00 A.M. to 10 A.M
- I saw that one friend asking another friend, "Can I take my showers in your room?" Then I understand, - Oh, there is no fixity of even taking bath
- I think you may introduce the ceremony of strolling the Deities round about the temple. If not every evening, then it can be done at least one day per week at a fixed up time
- I want Englishmen to join more than from the Indian community because they are not fixed up, neither they are very serious about Krishna Consciousness. They are more interested in something else
- I want to know immediately what kind of monthly interest I would receive if I was to put this amount in a fixed deposit for five years
- I was so glad to read as you write to say, "I opened the temple on Thursday and am in the process of fixing it up." It is so much pleasing to me and what can I give you?! I can simply pray to Krishna for your long life and prosperous service to Krishna
- If a devotee is not directly associated with the Lord, it is called subtraction. In this state of love, one is constantly fixed with his mind at the lotus feet of the Lord
- If one cannot complete the fixed number of rounds he is assigned, he should be considered to be in a diseased condition of spiritual life
- If one is fixed at the lotus feet of Krsna, he can control the tongue
- If one is fixed in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord, there is unlimited transcendental bliss, and as such there is no need to ask for further benediction
- If the conveyance is not yet signed or there is difficulty, then immediately take back the money from the attorneys (3 lakhs), and make a fixed deposit with the bank for six months
- If we simply understand that we are not the body, that we are spirit soul, our knowledge is insufficient. We must also act as Brahman; then our position will be fixed
- If we want to keep our minds completely fixed without deviation, we must engage them in devotional service full time
- If you are fixed up in God consciousness, then nothing of these material disturbances can agitate you
- If you can earn money, you can make a good bank balance, that does not mean that you will get bodily comfort. That is not. That is already fixed up, according to your karma. So don't waste your time for improving bodily comforts
- If you go deep into the water, and if you have means to examine how many fishes and aquatic animals are there, you can count. But in the Vedic literature it is already counted, and the exact fixed number is given - there are 900,000 forms of aquatics
- If you have sex life in regulated married life, fixed-up husband and wife, then it is austerity
- In addition to other duties, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the system of chanting the holy name of the Lord a fixed number of times daily, as confirmed in this verse (of CC Madhya 7.37) - tomara dui hasta baddha nama-ganane
- In all of these groups there are some who by nature are fixed in Krsna's service and are always engaged in giving counsel; some of them are very fond of joking and naturally cause Krsna to smile by their words
- In brahminical culture, you will find even he is very poor brahmana, no source of income, no fixation of foodstuff even, but he is happy. He is happy by his knowledge. He'll satisfy himself
- In India still, because they are not so materially advanced, even the poorest man has got some certain fixed-up place, his cottage, he has got his wife, he has got his child, and he works, whatever he can do
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we have fixed sixteen rounds as the minimum so that the Westerners will not feel burdened. These sixteen rounds must be chanted, and chanted loudly, so that one can hear himself and others
- In our lifetime, if we can fix up at least one soul in Krishna Consciousness, Krishna immediately recognizes the service
- In the dictionary also, it is said: "Krsna is a Hindu god's name," in English dictionary. But actually, if there is any name or if there any name can be fixed up for God, it is Krsna
- In the fourth month Dhruva Maharaja became a complete master of the breathing exercise, and thus he inhaled air only every twelfth day. In this way he became completely fixed in his position and worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the material world, the opulences possessed by a material person are never fixed. Today one may be a very rich man, but tomorrow he may become poor; today one is very famous, but tomorrow he may be infamous
- In the Vayaviya Tantra, it is said that Brahma, the engineer of this particular universe, contemplated a great wheel which could enclose the universe. The hub of this great circle was fixed at a particular place known as Naimisaranya
- In this age the mind is so much agitated that it cannot be fixed up on the Supreme Objective. Real meditation means to fix up the mind on Krishna or on Krishna's Expansion, Lord Visnu
- In this material world, all living entities are disturbed due to their flickering position. A devotee, however, is fixed in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord, the master of the senses
- In this position (of santa-rasa), one is freed from all material enjoyment. When one is not agitated or disturbed, he can immediately realize his relationship with Krsna. A santa-rasa devotee is therefore always fixed in realization
- In this verse (SB 3.25.38) Kapiladeva addresses His mother as santa-rupa, indicating that the opulences of devotees are fixed because devotees are eternally fixed in the Vaikuntha atmosphere
- In this verse (SB 3.28.12) it is clearly stated that one must meditate by fixing the vision on the tip of the nose and concentrating one's mind on the kala, or the plenary expansion, of Visnu
- In this verse (SB 4.16.20) the word yatharkah indicates that the sun is not fixed but is rotating in its orbit, which is set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita and also in other parts of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In Vaikuntha Laksmiji is fixed in the service of the Lord. In spite of her being the goddess of fortune, she cannot be happy without the grace of the Lord. Even the goddess of fortune needs the Lord's grace in order to be happy
- It (to decorate with flowers) is called phulla-badi. The dais, the throne, the walls and the ceiling are all fully decorated, and a small, aromatic fountain of flowers is fixed in the center
- It is better if one fixes up a regulative principle according to his own ability and then follows that vow without fail. That will make him advanced in spiritual life
- It is the duty of the pure devotee to be fixed in the discharge of the duty entrusted to him by the Lord or the Lord's bona fide representative, the spiritual master. The rest is carried on by the Lord without a break
- It is very important to fix oneself at the lotus feet of a bona fide spiritual master who is a representative of God so that one will not be carried away by sex agitation
- It was fixed that Vaidarbhi, daughter of King Vidarbha, was to be married to a very powerful man, Malayadhvaja, an inhabitant of the Pandu country. After conquering other princes, he married the daughter of King Vidarbha
- Jnana-karmady-anavrtam (CC Madhya 19.167). As bhaktas, we should have no desires for jnana and karma. We should be without attachment for material things, but we must have attachment for Krsna. In this way our detachment will be fixed
- Just like I am talking some nonsense. That is the vaco vegam; it has no value. We should fix something which has value, one who can control. It is better not to talk than to talk foolish
- Kartaviryarjuna, with his one thousand arms, simultaneously fixed arrows on five hundred bows to kill Lord Parasurama
- Keep yourself always fixed in Krsna's service. Don't let even a spit moment go by being engaged in the service of maya
- Krsna and Balarama learned the art of dressing hair in various styles and fixing a helmet in different positions on the head
- Krsna continued, "Although I got a kingdom by killing My maternal uncle, Kamsa, the kingdom was to go to My grandfather; so actually I have no possession of a kingdom. Besides that, I have no fixed aim in life. People cannot understand Me very well"
- Krsna continued, "You (Rukmini) had simply heard about Me from a third person, and still your faith in Me was so much fixed that even in the presence of many qualified, rich and beautiful men of the royal order"
- Krsna has sent you some new devotees, now keep them and train them. They should not feel inconvenience. As a matter of etiquette you should tell them that if they feel any inconvenience they should inform you and you can fix their situation
- Krsna replied, "One should not be disturbed by duality but should always be fixed in My devotional service and thus remain balanced in mind and satisfied in all circumstances, considering all things to be given by Me"
- Krsna told the messenger brahmana who came from Rukmini, "My dear brahmana, just like Rukmini I cannot sleep at night, and My mind is always fixed on her"
- Like the original moon in the sky, the moon reflected on the water should also not quiver, but because of being associated with water, the reflection appears to be quivering, although in actual fact the moon is fixed
- Lord Brahma prays in his Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38): I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead under whose control even the sun, which is considered to be the eye of the Lord, rotates within the fixed orbit of eternal time
- Lord Caitanya prayed in His Siksastaka verses, "If You kindly pick Me up and fix Me as an atom of dust at Your lotus feet, it will be a great favor to Your eternal servant"
- Lord Krsna's reputation is fixed, and His book of wisdom, Bhagavad-gita, is still honored. Everything pertaining to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is eternally existing
- Lord Siva never desires to merge into the existence of the Supreme Lord like the impersonalists. Rather, he thinks that it would be good fortune for him to continue to be fixed in the understanding of the Lord as the Supreme Being
- Madhavendra Puri cried for some time, but then he fixed his mind on executing the order of Gopala. Thus he became tranquil
- Maitreya answered: Dhruva Maharaja's heart, which was pierced by the arrows of the harsh words of his stepmother, was greatly aggrieved, and thus when he fixed upon his goal of life he did not forget her misbehavior
- Maitreya continued: The instruction of Dhruva Maharaja's mother, Suniti, was actually meant for fulfilling his desired objective. Therefore, after deliberate consideration & with intelligence & fixed determination, he left his father's house
- Manoratha, when you drive on the chariot of mind, you cannot get any fixed idea, because mind is flickering
- Materially obtained opulences are never fixed, but all six opulences perpetually exist in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not only in the spiritual world, but also in this material world
- Meditation upon voidness is a modern invention of the fertile brain of some speculator. Actually the process of yoga meditation, as prescribed in this verse (SB 3.26.28), should be fixed upon the form of Aniruddha
- My dear Lord, I am Your eternal servant, but somehow or other I have fallen into the ocean of this material world. Kindly pick me up and fix me as a speck of dust at Your lotus feet
- My final decision is that the universe is just like a tree, with root upwards. Just as a tree has branches and leaves so the universe is also composed of planets which are fixed up in the tree like the leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. of the tree
- My program in India is not yet fixed up. I may go out in December to Honolulu. Anyway Yasomatinandana dasa has written you to come, if he has written you to come, then you can come immediately with the Hindi typewriter
- Narada Muni, being fully qualified, was fixed in tolerance, he accepted Daksa's curse (in the future he would not be able to stay anywhere)
- Nature's law is so strict, a little deviation will put you into suffering. This is going on. That is Yamaraja. And if you violate more and more and more, then you suffer more and more and more. This is the law. You cannot escape. So that is fixed up
- Near the Gundica temple is a place known as Aitota. This place was fixed up for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to rest in
- No extraneous effort is required for the maintenance of the universe. It's at its own time, fixed up by the energy of the complete whole, and when the time is complete, these temporary manifestations will be annihilated by the complete arrangement
- No ordinary man is allowed to enter that planet (the moon). Even those admitted there after death must have performed the prescribed duties to satisfy the pitas and devas. Yet even they are sent back to earth after a fixed duration of life - on the moon
- No other unit in the universe need make an extraneous effort to try to maintain the universe. The universe functions on its own time scale, which is fixed by the energy of the Complete Whole, and when that schedule is completed
- Nobody is free from material disturbance. That is not possible. So if you actually want freedom from material disturbances, you have to come to the spiritual platform and cultivate spiritual knowledge and be fixed up. Then your life is successful
- Not only was Raghunatha dasa Gosvami chanting a fixed number of rounds, but he had also taken a vow to bow down many times and offer obeisances to the Lord
- O Brahma, just follow this conclusion by fixed concentration of mind, and no pride will disturb you, neither in the partial nor in the final devastation
- O chief (Pariksit) amongst the protectors of religion, please fix some place for me where I can live permanently under the protection of your government
- O King, by this system of remembrance and by being fixed in the habit of seeing the all-good personal conception of the Lord, one can very soon attain devotional service to the Lord, under His direct shelter
- O King, the SPG, Vamanadeva, then spoke to Bali Maharaja, the most liberal and celebrated personality whom He had arrested with the ropes of Varuna. Bali Maharaja had lost all bodily luster, but he was nonetheless fixed in his determination
- O son of Maharaja Nanda, I am Your eternal servitor, & although I am so, somehow or other I have fallen in the ocean of birth & death. Please, therefore, pick me up from this ocean of death & fix me as 1 of the atoms at Your lotus feet - Caitanya prayed
- O son of Nanda, I (Caitanya) am Your (Krsna's) eternal servitor, and although I am so, somehow or other I have fallen in the ocean of birth & death. please, therefore, pick me up from this ocean of death and fix me as one of the atoms at Your lotus feet
- Of course, everyone has got interior tendency, but by practicing actually, exteriorally, that interior also is reformed. It is, by external behavior, the interior behavior also becomes fixed up. By practice. Therefore there is regular class
- On the ground there was a waterpot in which the target and wheel were reflected, and one had to fix his aim towards the target by looking at the trembling water in the pot
- One good news is that our temple which was being checked by the planning commission for possession has now been released and we are now able to possess it. So our temple at 7, Bury Place is now fixed up
- One has to fix his faith staunchly in the bona fide guru. So if one has got bona fide guru, and if he follows that bona fide guru, then his life is success
- One has to fix the lotus feet of the Lord within his heart. Then he gets the strength to be freed from material entanglement
- One must continue to follow scriptural injunctions even after one is fixed up in determined certainty that devotional service is the only means for reaching the perfection of life
- One must love the spiritual master with unflinching faith, and one must be very steady and fixed
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: In order to approach the platform of self-realization, one must follow the regulative principles enjoined in the revealed scriptures. One must be fixed in the tenets of the revealed scripture
- One should fix his mind on the lotus feet of Krsna or His incarnation. To be fixed steadily in that freedom is the way of liberation
- One should not be puffed up because he is entrusted with certain executive work. Fortunate is he who is so entrusted, and if he is always fixed in the sense of being subordinate to the will of the Supreme, he is sure to come out successful
- One should therefore understand the fixed position of the spirit soul and how he is carried away by the waves of material nature to different bodies and different situations under lamentation and hankering
- One who doesn't care for any residence, who is fixed in knowledge and engaged in devotional service, is very dear to Me. BG 12.18-19 - 1972
- One who has come to the right conclusion of life, he is called vyavasayatmika buddhir eka. Eka means that Lord Visnu. When our desire will becomes fixed up in Lord Visnu, then our life is perfect
- One who has firm faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes fixed, and his attraction for association with the Lord and the devotees increases. Association with devotees means association with the Lord
- One who has understood the fixed position of the soul should not be disturbed by the incoming and outgoing interactions of the modes of material nature in the form of happiness and distress
- One who is actually intelligent will refrain from the flickering sensual enjoyment of this material body and fix his enjoyment in spiritual life. His participation in spiritual life with the Supreme Lord is called rasa-lila
- One who is always free from contamination, always silent and satisfied with anything, who doesn't care for any residence, who is fixed in knowledge and engaged in devotional service, is very dear to Me. BG 12.13-20
- One who is driving on the chariot of mind, mano-rathena. The chariot of mind will take him, will fix him only on material conditions. So long one remains in the material conditions of life, he cannot have good qualifications
- One who is fixed in mystic power is not disturbed by the allurement of this world or that world; he is interested in the matters of spiritual understanding or the spiritual situation
- One who is freed from the designation and situated in his real, constitutional position, that person, when he is fixed up, when he renders service in that way, hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate - CC Madhya 19.170
- One who is fully satisfied in knowledge obtained and practically applied in life, who is always determined and fixed in his spiritual position, who completely controls his senses, stones and gold on the same level is understood to be a perfect yogi
- One who is steadily fixed in the Supreme Soul with determination, concentrating one's mind, life and sensual activities on the Supreme, engages in Krsna consciousness. That sort of determination is in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- One who is vipra, these twelve qualification: dhrti; he is fixed up in his vows; and srutam ca, has got sufficient knowledge in the Vedas; vratani, and he has followed all kinds of vrata
- One who knows his real identity and is fixed in his particular occupational duty, who is always happy in spiritual understanding, is called Svarupa-brahmacari
- One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and in full devotion engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord (Krsna) will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and in full devotion engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord, will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and in full devotion engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord, will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 8.10 - 1972
- One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and, by the strength of yoga, with an undeviating mind, engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord in full devotion, will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Only by Your mercy have my bad intentions vanished. Kindly favor me so that my devotion may always be fixed upon You
- Only one who has his aim fixed upon that spiritual world and personal association with the Godhead can give up his material connections even while living in the material world
- Our actual duty is to carry out the supreme order of the Personality of Godhead. If we are fixed in our determination to carry out the supreme order of the Lord, we are always secure, regardless of where we are situated, whether in hell or in heaven
- Our children are going, these boys, they are taking prasadam, we are taking prasadam, we are traveling all over the world, spending, as I told you, over 700,000's of rupees per month, but we have no source of income fixed
- Our lord, Bali Maharaja, is always fixed in truthfulness, and this is especially so at present, since he has been initiated into performing a sacrifice. He is always kind and merciful toward the brahmanas, and he cannot at any time speak lies
- Our Madras programme has been fixed from 11th to 14th of this month, then on the 16th I shall be free to come to Vishakhapatnam along with a party of some of my American and foreign disciples
- Out of many thousands of Vaisnavas, one who is completely fixed in the service of Lord Krsna is most famous. Indeed, a person who is completely devoted to the service of the Lord certainly returns home, back to Godhead
- People are, in modern day, they cannot sit down in a place for a long time. Therefore so much traveling. The traveling business is very prosperous. Everyone wants to travel. They cannot fix, fix up
- Philosophy is there, direct, you should do like this, that's all. You do it and get the results. You go to purchase something, the price is fixed, you pay the price and take it. Where is argument?
- Prahlada Maharaja prays that everyone's mind may become gentle by being fixed at the lotus feet of Krsna - bhajatad adhoksaje
- Prahlada Maharaja says that everything about material pleasure is already fixed
- Realization is possible when one works without attachment to fruitive results and is situated in the fixed conception of the real self
- Remain sincere and fixed up and enthusiastic by following the rules and regulations and chanting 16 rounds. Then you will remain spiritually strong
- Require staunch faithful devotion. Then you are perfect. Then doesn't matter what you are, what you are doing. Whether the real point is fixed up
- Requires staunch faithful devotion. Then you are perfect. Then doesn't matter what you are, what you are doing. Whether the real point is fixed up. Bhajate mam ananya-bhak
- Rukmini addresses a letter to Krsna as follows: "My dear unconquerable Krsna, my marriage day is fixed for tomorrow. I request that You come to the city of Vidarbha without advertising Yourself"
- Rupa Gosvami said, "And the process of bhakti-yoga, by which one is always thinking of Krsna and fixing His lotus feet in the heart, is also lacking in me"
- Sanatana Gosvami comments that because the desires of devotees whose attention is fixed on Krsna have already been fulfilled, the Lord's sidelong glances create variegated desires in relation to Krsna and devotional service
- Sastra says that don't bother about this so-called distress and happiness. They are already fixed up. If you have got some energy, please utilize it how to develop in Krsna consciousness. Don't spoil your energy for so-called distress and happiness
- Satisfaction is the beginning of transcendental bliss. One should progress by attaining neutrality and equality in the relative world. And passing this stage of equanimity, one is fixed in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Since Krsna is prepared to give Himself personally to His devotee, there is nothing wonderful in giving some material riches. Of course, He does not give much material wealth to His devotee if the devotee is not very much fixed
- Since mind is a product of the mode of goodness, if it is fixed upon the Lord of the mind, Aniruddha, then the mind can be changed to Krsna consciousness
- Since the material body is sure to be vanquished and the duration of one's life is not fixed, neither death nor life is to be praised. Rather, one should observe the eternal time factor, in which the living entity manifests himself and disappears
- Someone may have longevity but not have auspiciousness or good behavior. Someone may have both auspiciousness and good behavior, but the duration of his life is not fixed
- Sri Maitreya said: My dear Vidura, when Dhruva Maharaja heard the encouraging words of the great sages, he performed the acamana by touching water and then took up his arrow made by Lord Narayana and fixed it upon his bow
- Sridhara Swami said in his verse, "My dear Lord, I wish that my mind may also be fixed somehow or other on Your lotus feet, at least for some time"
- Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana has explained that the word nistha indicates His (Lord Caitanya's) being rigidly fixed in chanting the holy name of Sri Krsna
- Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami had no fixed residence. They stayed beneath a tree for one day only and wrote huge volumes of transcendental literature
- Srila Vyasadeva and his representatives are pure in thought due to their spiritual enlightenment, fixed in their vows due to their devotional service, and determined to deliver the fallen souls rotting in material activities
- Srotriyam. And brahma-nistham means not that simply he has heard, but the result is that he is firmly fixed up in God consciousness. These two qualifications
- Sthita-prajna means one who is steadily situated in the platform of consciousness. Prajna means consciousness, and sthita means steadily fixed up
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King, although the SPG was superficially seen to have acted mischievously toward Bali Maharaja, Bali Maharaja was fixed in his determination. Considering himself not to have fulfilled his promise, he spoke as follows
- Sun is fixed up. Everyone can see that it is lying in one insignificant corner of the sky, but his sunshine is distributed all over the universe, and everything, all planets, all vegetation, all seasonal changes, they are depending on the sunshine
- Superficially one may show himself to be very much faithful to the rules and regulations, but at the same time not be fixed in the regulative principles. This is called niyamagraha
- That (twenty to thirty years) will be duration of life, because people are becoming more and more sinful. So that is fixed up
- The Absolute Personality of Godhead, although fixed in His transcendental abode, can diffuse His different energies everywhere
- The actual yogis, with half-closed eyes, fix on the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not upon anything void or impersonal
- The anchor (of attachment) is being more and more firmly fixed because they (the mistaken leaders of our present civilization) have structured the social order on the basis of sense gratification
- The bhakti-yogi accepts the Deity of Krsna as worshipable because there is some bodily conception fixed in the mind, which can thus be applied. BG 1972 purports
- The boys surrounded Prahlada Maharaja, giving up their playthings, and sat down to hear him. Their hearts and eyes being fixed upon him, they looked at him with great earnestness
- The brothers actually have no fixed residence. They reside beneath trees - one night under one tree and the next night under another
- The chariot itself was situated on two wheels and one revolving axle. On the chariot were three flags, one rein, one chariot driver, one sitting place, two poles to which the harness was fixed, five weapons and seven coverings
- The clock goes on, tick-tick, tick-tick, tick-tick. As soon as the tick-tick stops, then whole thing is lost. Similarly, our breathing is going on, tick-tick, tick-tick, tick-tick, a fixed time
- The conclusion is that as long as one is fixed in the bodily conception, he has to suffer birth and death
- The conditioned soul may have one kind of body in the present birth, but he has a different body in the next birth. In the material world, the living entity has no fixed body but transmigrates from one body to another. BG 1972 purports
- The cost for the food needed to invite Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was fixed at two panas of kaudis (160 conchshells), and that food would be taken by two men and sometimes three
- The devotional service most suitable for different types of devotees is determined and fixed by the mercy of the spiritual master
- The duration of life is limited. It is already destined. According to our past activities, we have got a body whose duration of life is already fixed up. The standard of happiness and distress, that is also fixed up. You cannot change it
- The enlightened person should endeavor only for the minimum necessities of life while in the world of names. He should be intelligently fixed and never endeavor for unwanted things
- The first regulative principle is that one must chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra loudly enough so that he can hear himself, and one must vow to chant a fixed number of rounds
- The fortunate King Pariksit, inquiring further, said, "O brahmana, please describe in full detail how and where the mind has to be applied and how the conception can be fixed so that the dirty things in a person's mind can be removed"
- The fruitive worker aspires after a big fortune in the matter of wealth, woman and worldly adoration, but those who are fixed in perfect reality are not at all interested in such false things. For them it is all a waste of time
- The hill known as Meru is fixed in the universe as a universal pivot, and no one can move it an inch from its position; similarly, no one could ever dissuade Maharaja Prthu when he was determined
- The Lord concluded, "Now, therefore, please reduce the fixed number of times you chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra." Haridasa Thakura replied, "Kindly hear my real plea"
- The luster of the hosts of jewels fixed on the chest of the Lord can defeat even the luster of the sun, and still, when compared with the bodily luster of the Lord, that crest of jewels appears to be only as bright as one of the stars in the sky
- The material mind is not fixed, but the very same mind can be fixed when engaged in the activities of Krsna consciousness. Otherwise, as long as the mind is on the material platform, it is hovering and all this rejection and acceptance is asat, temporary
- The meeting will take place in New Vrndavana. I have also promised that I shall go to New Vrndavana. So if everything is fixed up, then you can send me the travelling tickets
- The mind belongs to the mode of goodness and therefore is called devamaya, or godly. Perfect purification of the mind is made possible when one is fixed in the conviction of being the eternal servitor of the Lord
- The moon is far away from the clouds and is fixed in its own orbit, but illusion presents a scene in which the moon appears to be moving. A living being should not float with the misconception of the temporary body
- The most powerful and able Lord Siva reassured them and said, "Do not be afraid." He then fixed his arrows to his bow and released them toward the three residences occupied by the demons
- The mundane wranglers are surprised that one can detach himself from the world of sense gratification, and thus any attempt to be fixed in God realization appears to them to be mysticism
- The opulences of devotees are fixed because devotees are eternally fixed in the Vaikuntha atmosphere, which is called santa-rupa because it is in the mode of pure goodness, undisturbed by the modes of passion and ignorance
- The pastime of the breaking of the staff is very deep. Only one whose devotion is fixed upon the lotus feet of the two Lords can understand it
- The personified Vedas ccontinued, "It is created, and it is annihilated. Because of its different conditions of existence, the cosmic manifestation has no fixed position"
- The personified Vedas continued, "When one's mind is thus fixed on the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one does not take to any kind of inferior worship or inferior process of self-realization"
- The planet awarded to Prince Dhruva Maharaja is a fixed Vaikuntha planet, installed in the material atmosphere by the will of the Supreme Lord, Vasudeva
- The process of meditation recommended in the Srimad-Bhagavatam is not to fix one's attention on something impersonal or void
- The proof is that when Durvasa Muni created a demon to kill Maharaja Ambarisa, the King stayed fixed in his place, praying to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and depending solely and wholly on Him
- The psychology is the girl, after first menstruation, she enjoys sex life with a boy, she will never forget that boy. Her love for that boy is fixed for good. This is woman's psychology. And she is allowed to have many, oh, she will never be chaste woman
- The readers should relish this wonderful nectar because nothing compares to it. Keeping their faith firmly fixed within their minds, they should be careful not to fall into the pit of false arguments or the whirlpools of unfortunate situations
- The relationship between the living entity and Krsna is fixed eternally; it cannot be forgotten, as we can see from the behavior of Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- The sankirtana movement started by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is described in the Caitanya-bhagavata, Madhya-khanda, 23rd Chapter, beginning with verse 241, which states - My dear Lord, let my (Vrndavana Dasa Thakura's) mind be fixed at Your lotus feet
- The sex demand is inevitable for everyone, but one who has a fixed wife is saved from the onslaught of the sense enemies. A man who possesses a good wife does not create a disturbance in society by corrupting virgin girls
- The soul is called dehi, or one who possesses the body, and the material body is called deha, or the embodiment of the soul. The body is changing at every moment, but the soul is fixed; therefore the soul is called kuta-stham
- The spiritual master, Sukracarya, being inspired by the SL, cursed his exalted disciple Bali Maharaja, who was so magnanimous and fixed in truthfulness that instead of respecting his spiritual master's instructions, he wanted to disobey his order
- The subtle subject matter of creation, on which the Lord's attention was fixed, was agitated by the material mode of passion, and thus the subtle form of creation pierced through His abdomen
- The sun is always in its fixed position in the sky, but the earth is revolving, and due to the different positions of the revolving earth, the sun appears to be rising or setting
- The sun is fixed in its own orbit, and it neither rises nor sets. But because we first see it on the eastern horizon we may say that the sun rises on that side
- The sun is not fixed up; sun is moving. The modern scientists or astronomers, they say, "Sun is fixed up. The earth is moving." So we don't say that
- The sun is present everywhere and anywhere all over the solar system, but it so appears that in a particular place the sun appears in the morning and also disappears at some fixed time in the evening
- The Supreme Lord is the total body, and the demigods are the different parts of that body. Consequently, by worshiping the Supreme Lord, one does not need to worship the demigods. The Supreme Lord becomes fixed in the heart of the devotee immediately
- The Supreme Lord never bestows His benediction upon those fixed in the bodily conception. As Krsna clearly states in the BG 18.66: Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead says: Unless one is elevated to the platform of santa-rati, he cannot be fixed in knowledge of the greatness of Krsna or of the diffusion of His different energies, which are the cause of all manifestations
- The Supreme Soul, the Personality of Godhead, is compared to the moon in the sky, and the living entities are compared to the reflection of the moon on water. The moon in the sky is fixed and does not appear to quiver like the moon on the water
- The transcendental worker, or karma-yogi, has no such fear of falling down (like mystics yogis), for his attention is already fixed in the transcendental service of the Personality of Godhead. Thus, he does not need to enter separately into trance
- The ultimate state of this pranayama system is to be fixed in trance, technically called samadhi. But experience has proven that even the samadhi stage also fails to control the materially absorbed mind
- The whole yoga system means training - our senses, our mind, our this, that, so many things - then we are fixed up in the self. Do you think that simply by fifteen minutes' meditation we realize? And do all nonsense all the day? No. It requires training
- The word susamahitah means "very attentive" or "fully fixed." The ability to fix the mind in this way is a result of yoga-siddhi, mystic perfection. As it is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 12.13.1), dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah
- The words or songs of a person not fixed in Vaisnava behavior, not strictly following the rules and regulations and chanting the Hare Krsna mantra should not be accepted by pure devotees
- The yogi has to fix up his sitting place. What is that? Sucau dese. He should select a place which is very, very pure
- The yogi should fix in his heart the activities of Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, who is worshiped by all demigods and is the mother of the supreme person, Brahma
- There are many grammarians & nondevotee material wranglers who have tried to present false interpretations of four verses of the Srimad-Bhagavatam but the Lord Himself advised Brahmaji not to be deviated from the fixed conclusion the Lord had taught him
- There are many stars located 200,000 yojanas (1,600,000 miles) above the moon. By the supreme will of the SPG, they are fixed to the wheel of time, and thus they rotate with Mount Sumeru on their right, their motion being different from that of the sun
- There is another example of steady and fixed love for Krsna in the instance of Arjuna's informing Him of the death of Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu, who was also the nephew of Krsna
- There is no difference between Lord Jagannatha and Krsna, but here Lord Jagannatha is fixed as the Absolute Person appearing in wood. Therefore He does not move
- There is no fixity of where to sleep. There is no fixity where to satisfy sex. Everything, although such a rich country (America). Why? Because the leaders are rascals
- There is no rigid fixture of time, and anyone can chant the holy name with attention and reverence at his convenience. The Lord is so kind to us that He can be present before us personally in the form of transcendental sound
- There is nothing extraneous; nor is there anything needed. This manifestation has its own time fixed by the energy of the supreme whole, and when its time is complete, these temporary manifestations will be annihilated. BG 1972 Introduction
- These qualities of a devotee, twenty-six in number, are listed as follows: (1) kind to everyone, (2) does not quarrel with anyone, (3) fixed in the Absolute Truth, (4) equal to everyone, (5) faultless, (6) charitable, (7) mild, (8) clean, (9) simple
- They (the Bhattatharis) camp wherever they like and have no fixed place of residence. Outwardly they take up the dress of sannyasis, but their real business is stealing and cheating
- They (the human society) have no fixed place to live. Today in this hotel, the next day, another hotel. The so many restaurants means that people have no fixed place where to eat
- They are so expert, in one day they will make one doll. And as soon as it is little dried up, then there are cracks, then they will finish it, fill up these cracks, and then at last they fix up the head. Head at last
- They are working on the mental platform. Therefore today they fix up, "This is the conclusion," and tomorrow, another conclusion, another conclusion, because it is mental platform
- This (self-)realization is made possible by working with the fruitive being situated in the fixed conception of the real self. BG 1972 purports
- This change of body, that is our anyatha rupa. We must be fixed up in our own rupa, svarupa. Svarupa-siddhi
- This fact is corroborated by Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38). Yasyajnaya bhramati sambhrta-kala-cakrah: the sun is rotating in its fixed orbit in accordance with the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This fixed meditation is called samadhi, or trance. A person constantly engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord cannot be deviated from meditating on the form of the Lord, as described herein - in SB 4.8.52
- This manifestation has its own time fixed by the energy of the supreme whole, and when its time is complete, these temporary manifestations will be annihilated by the complete arrangement of the complete
- This position, forgetfulness, can be changed, and human life is meant for that purpose. So far improvement of economic condition or other condition, that is already fixed up. One cannot change it
- This standard of morality, there cannot be fixed up if one is not God conscious. There cannot be
- Those who are fixed up in the words of guru, so - Guru has ordered me to do it. Oh, that is my life. I do not know whether I will be promoted to heaven or hell. It doesn't matter. I shall execute
- Those who are too much addicted to sex life, they cannot be determined. They cannot be fixed-up. They are fluctuating, changing
- Those who take pleasure in sense enjoyment, or those who are fixed in material bodily welfare work, are called karmis
- We also have information from the Bhagavad-gita that all the planets within the material world, including Brahmaloka, are but temporarily situated, and after a fixed period they are all annihilated
- We are followers, rupanuga. We are followers of the Gosvamis. So their behavior, sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih kalavasani-krtau. The whole time, 24 hours, was used in Krsna consciousness by chanting Hare Krsna mantra regularly on fixed up big beads
- We get different types of body, and according to the body, our material sufferings and enjoyment are fixed up, already
- We have to get rid of this rajo-guna and tamo-guna. We have to be fixed up in sattva-guna, pure life
- We have to practice. This arcana-marga means practice. Immediately you cannot expect that your mind is completely fixed up with Krsna. But if we follow the regulative principles, then it will mature
- We must be purely chanting. But we should not be disappointed. Even impure . . . therefore we must have fixed chanting process. Because we are not in the pure stage
- We must first activate our dormant love of Godhead by following the prescribed rules and by following in the footsteps of the authorities who are actually fixed in love of Godhead
- What is the symptom of such a rascal government? That is also stated. There will be no fixed position of these things. Just see. What are these? Eating, drinking, residence, taking bath, sexual intercourse
- When he (Pariksit) was assured of his death on a fixed date, he became more determined in the transcendental loving service of Lord Krsna by complete fasting on the bank of the transcendental River Yamuna, which flows down by the capital of Hastinapura
- When one is bereft of all his possessions, he is certainly reduced in bodily luster. But although Bali Maharaja had lost everything, he was fixed in his determination to satisfy Vamanadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When one is fixed in the understanding that he is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul and that his eternal position is to serve in association with the Supreme Lord, he becomes self-realized
- When one is fixed up on the platform of goodness, the other two qualities - namely, ignorance and passion - cannot disturb him
- When one is transcendental or surpasses the material qualities, he is simply fixed in the worship of the Supreme Personality
- When one is under the shelter of this internal potency, the darkness of material ignorance is at once dissipated. And even those who are atmarama, or fixed in trance, take shelter of this maya, or internal energy
- When one male finds out another woman, or one finds out another man, they unite. So this attachment becomes fixed up again. Already there is attachment, and as soon as they are united, that attachment becomes more firm
- When one's intelligence, mind, faith and refuge are all fixed in the Supreme, then one becomes fully cleansed of misgivings through complete knowledge and thus proceeds straight on the path of liberation. BG 5.17 - 1972
- When something is reflected on the water, it appears to be moving. When it is reflected on ice, it appears fixed. When it is reflected on oil, it appears hazy. The subject is one, but under different conditions it appears differently
- When the animal's head was fixed on the body of King Daksa, Daksa was immediately brought to consciousness, and as he awakened from sleep, the King saw Lord Siva standing before him
- When the bridegroom finds the bride very beautiful, the attraction between them immediately becomes very strongly fixed
- When the sun is out of sight, we think that the sun is set, and when the sun is before our eyes, we think that the sun is on the horizon. Actually, the sun is always in its fixed position. BG 1972 purports
- When the yogi regularly practices in this way, in a short time his heart becomes fixed and free from disturbance, like a fire without flames or smoke
- When women become polluted, no fixed-up husband - that is pollution for a woman; no chaste, no chastity - then this varna-sankara will come out
- Whenever he was determined to fix his arrow upon his bowstring with his two powerful arms, all opponents of the regulative principles of religious life would flee from his presence in fear of the unparalleled prowess he displayed in ruling the universe
- Whenever there are discrepancies in the human society - tadatmanam srjamy aham - at that time He appears. Paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (BG 4.8). This is the program. And when He comes, the time is fixed
- With tears in his eyes, he immediately fell down at the lotus feet of his guru, his spiritual master. He then fixed the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the core of his heart
- Without a fixed wife, a man becomes a debauchee of the first order and is a nuisance in society unless he is a trained brahmacari, vanaprastha or sannyasi
- Yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei 'guru' haya. Anyone who is fully Krsna conscious and fixed-up in devotional service, knowing fully well what is Krsna, he is guru. It doesn't matter whether he is a sannyasi or grhastha or brahmana and sudra. It doesn't matter
- Yoga system, adhyatmika, is being explained by Kapiladeva, that you'll never fall down. Permanent, fixed-up position. Once begun, it will continue. Even if you fall down, then you are given chance again
- Yogic exercise means to control the mind, dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa (SB 12.13.1). In order to make the mind controlled and fully fixed up on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that is required in yoga meditation
- You (Lord Caitanya) have simply been listening, fixed in Your silence. Since You do not say whether You think it is right or wrong, I (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya) cannot know whether You are actually understanding Vedanta philosophy or not
- You are the original rsi, and because your mind is always fixed on Me, even though you will be engaged in generating various progeny, the vicious mode of passion will never encroach upon you
- You cannot do (to become smaller than yourself); you are fixed up. Your position is fixed up, because you are not God. But God can become. That is greatness
- You get another body (after our death). Just as when you change your apartment: you fix up your new apartment first; then you leave this one and go there
- You have no fixture anything - where to live, where to take bath, where to eat, where to have sex life - nothing fixed up. Everything catastrophe, chaos. What more inauspicity you want? Everywhere
- You have simply been listening, fixed in Your silence. Since You do not say whether You think it is right or wrong, I cannot know whether You are actually understanding Vedanta philosophy or not
- You mention that you are fixing up your temple for nice Love feast program and this is cent per cent approved by me. Try to have very nice Love feasts
- Youngsters who have had no taste of sex life can easily follow the vow of celibacy, and once fixed in the principle of such a life, one can very easily continue to the highest perfectional stage, attaining the kingdom of the three-fourths energy of God
- Your decision to fix up the feast room first is approved by me
- Your mind was not disturbed by My tricks. Rather, you stayed fixed in your simplicity. In this way you have purchased Me