subtract | subtracted | subtracting | subtraction | subtractions | subtracts
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Subtract"
The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) am submitting that I personally have no desire to add or subtract anything. I have only written what I have heard in the disciplic succession
- If a devotee is not directly associated with the Lord, it is called subtraction. In this state of love, one is constantly fixed with his mind at the lotus feet of the Lord
- If we subtract Krsna, everything is zero. This is a fact, but people are such rascals that they do not understand this fact. But who can deny it
- If you stick to the principle of following the footsteps of previous predecessor, evam parampara-praptam, don't add anything, don't subtract anything, present as it is and keep your spiritual strength intact, then the preaching will go on
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta says - I beg their pardon (who imitate some smarta-brahmana) with great humility, but I am submitting that I personally have no desire to add or subtract anything
- The Vedas. It is not a thing to be understood by one's erudite scholarship or by the fashionable interpretations of mundane scholars. There is nothing to be added and nothing to be subtracted, because the truth is the truth
- They are not my words (in my books and letters and my speaking at meetings), as I have repeatedly informed you that I am simply the bearer of the message from Lord Chaitanya through the disciplic succession and I do not make any addition or subtraction
- This money must be paid for by BBT and not deducted from the M-V construction funds. So this amount should also be transferred here immediately so that work in Vrindaban may not be hampered
- You must secure document in proper legal form which will insure that the five lakhs will be subtracted from the fourteen lakhs purchase price, not that again we shall have to pay according to Mr. Nair's whims
- You will become perfect preacher. Preach only what you have heard from Krsna and guru, that's all. Don't add and subtract. Then you are secure