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Pages in category "Hesitation"
The following 110 pages are in this category, out of 110 total.
- A ksatriya does not hesitate to kill his own brother. In other words, Balarama wanted to instruct Rukmini that Rukmi, Krsna were right in not showing mercy to each other in the fighting, despite family consideration, they happened to be brothers-in-law
- A learned man who has thoroughly studied the scriptures cannot hesitate to accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If such a man argues about this matter, certainly he must be doing so to agitate the minds of his opponents
- Although I am very busy, still it is my duty to answer all inquiries from my disciples, so you never hesitate to write me letters
- Although in actuality no living entity is killed, the pains of being pierced by the horns of animals will be experienced after death. Not knowing this, rascals unhesitatingly go on killing poor animals
- Although Kapiladeva is her son, Devahuti does not hesitate to take instructions from Him. She does not say, "Oh, He is my son. What can He tell me? I am His mother, and I shall instruct Him." Instruction has to be taken from one who is in knowledge
- Although the sun-god, after appearing before Prtha (Kunti), wanted to give her a child, Prtha hesitated because she was still unmarried
- Although Vrtrasura repeatedly encouraged Indra to kill him with the thunderbolt, King Indra was morose at having to kill such a great devotee and was hesitant to throw it
- Anyone who is hesitating in accepting this principle of knowledge, or Krsna consciousness, for him, - nayam loko 'sti, - not even this material world will be happy. And what to speak of his next life
- Arjuna was hesitating to fight in bodily relationship. He was thinking that he is this body; his other side, the relatives, brothers or nephews or grandfather, the other side, they are also the bodies
- Arjuna was hesitating to fight, "How can I kill my nephew, my brother, my grandfather," and so on, so on. So Krsna was instructing him that, - It is your duty. As a ksatriya, when there is battle, you should fight. You should not deviate from your duty
- Arjuna, you are being carried away by your material affection, and you are hesitating to execute your duty. This is not good. - Anarya-justam - This is befitting for the anarya, non-Aryan
- As a dutiful father, he (Daksa) did not hesitate to allow his sons to receive cultural instructions concerning the perfection of life; he depended upon them to choose whether to return home, back to Godhead, or to rot in this material world
- As far as Indian sages are concerned, knowledge is received from the Vedic literatures, and the authorities accept without any hesitation that we should look through the pages of authentic books of knowledge (sastra-caksurvat)
- Caitanya met Ramananda Raya, and He was talking about spiritual subject matter, very highly elevated, simply. Bcause he was born in a sudra family and a grhastha and a politician, so he was hesitating that, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a brahmana and sannyasi
- Considering your specific duty as a ksatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles; and so there is no need for hesitation. BG 2.31 - 1972
- Dronacarya knew this perfectly well (Dhrstadyumna had the benediction to be able to kill him), and yet, as a liberal brahmana, he did not hesitate to impart all his military secrets to the son of Drupada, Dhrstadyumna. BG 1972 purports
- Duryodhana pointed out this mistake of Dronacarya's (he did not hesitate to impart all his military secrets to Dhrstadyumna despite him having the benediction to kill Drona) so that he might be alert and uncompromising in the fighting. BG 1972 purports
- For one hesitant in taking to Krsna consciousness, not even this material world will be happy, and what to speak of the next life. The material world is already miserable, but if one has no faith it will be more miserable
- For those who are hesitant and have no faith, Krsna consciousness is very difficult. Even in our daily affairs a certain amount of faith is required
- Freedom from doubt and delusion, can be achieved when one is not hesitant and when he understands the transcendental philosophy. Slowly but surely he becomes free from bewilderment. BG 1972 purports
- Giving up hatred and hesitation, try to eat the remnants of the food of Vaisnavas, for you will thus be able to achieve your desired goal of life
- Gopis were thinking at home that "Krsna's feet is so soft that we hesitate to take His feet on our breast, but He is walking in the forest & there were so many stones & pricks, they are giving pain to Krsna's lotus feet." Thinking like this, they fainted
- He (Jarasandha) thought, "Under the circumstances, I am prepared to give them (Krsna, Arjuna and Bhima) anything. Even if they ask for my body, I shall not hesitate to offer it to them." In this regard, he began to think of Bali Maharaja
- He (one yogi) showed some fiery spark coming from his jata. So the constables were hesitating to arrest him, but Bhaktivinoda Thakura ordered, "Yes, immediately arrest him. Handcuff." So he took him away, arrested
- He said, yadrcchaya copapannam svarga-dvaram apavrtam: Arjuna, you are hesitating to fight, but it is a great opportunity for you. Because as a ksatriya, if you kill these cheaters and rogues, that will be a great achievement for you
- I am very much anxious to know how things are going on, who is taking care of the Deities, whether regular performances are being executed etc. I hesitated to install the Deities when I was in Germany on this account
- I have no objection to paying you something monthly for doing the Hindi translating work, thereby freeing you to devote your time 100% in this way, but I am hesitating for one reason only...
- I have offered you my daughter. Do not hesitate. She is my daughter, and I shall give her to you. Who can forbid me
- I remember when I was first called for speaking by one of my senior Godbrothers. I felt very much hesitating because I was not practiced to speak
- If an intelligent person comes to understand that the ultimate goal of life is to surrender unto Krsna, why should he hesitate
- If one remains unwise, not fully in knowledge, he hesitates, "Oh, why shall I surrender to Krsna? Krsna is as like me; He is also a man. Maybe a powerful man, a very learned man." No. Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If this brahmana later hesitates to give me his daughter, my dear Lord, I shall call on You as a witness. Please note this with care and attention
- If Yasoda had been conscious of the exalted position of the Lord (Krsna), she would certainly have hesitated to punish the Lord. But she was made to forget this situation because the Lord wanted to make a complete gesture of childishness before Yasoda
- If you are in danger and if you go even to your intimate friend, "Please give me protection," he will hesitate, because his power is very limited
- In the beginning, no one can be elevated to the highest stage of devotional service. Here (in SB 3.32.42) bhakta means one who does not hesitate to accept the reformatory processes for becoming a bhakta
- It is very cold at that time (during the month of Magha, January-February), but in spite of that a man who abides by the religious principles does not hesitate to take his bath (in the early morning). BG 1972 purports
- Kamsa did not hesitate to kill his nephews and imprison his sister and his father. For demons to do such things is not astonishing. Nonetheless, although Kamsa was a demon, he was aware that Lord Visnu cannot be killed, and thus he attained salvation
- King Prthu was so neutral that if his own son were punishable, he would not hesitate to punish him. On the other hand, if the son of his enemy were innocent, he would not engage in some intrigue in order to punish him
- Krsna assures, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah: Don't hesitate. But we are hesitating. So there is no surrender. So all right, you remain under the clutches of maya and suffer
- Krsna continued, "My full cooperation with you (Maharaj Ugrasena) will make your position more exalted and secure so that the kings of other dynasties will not hesitate to pay their respective revenues"
- Krsna continues, "You should not hesitate to act according to My order. Believing in Me, just do what is needed"
- Krsna is sometimes compared to the moon, which does not hesitate to distribute its soothing rays, even on the houses of the candalas and other untouchables
- Krsna is sometimes compared with the moon, which does not hesitate to distribute its soothing rays, even on the houses of the candalas and untouchables
- Krsna says, "It is (varnasrama) introduced by Me for very good management of the social order." Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. So Arjuna belonged to the ksatriya family. Therefore his hesitation to fight in the battlefield is not befitting the Aryans
- Krsna was inducing him (Arjuna): Never mind. According to ksatriya rules and regulation, even the opposite party is your own son, you should not hesitate to kill him. This is ksatriya's business
- Lord Caitanya therefore requested Ramananda Raya to go on teaching Him without hesitation, not considering Lord Caitanya's position as a sannyasi. Thus Lord Caitanya urged him to continue speaking on the pastimes of Radha and Krsna
- Lord Krsna assured Sudama Vipra that He would be very glad to accept the chipped rice he had brought from home, yet out of great shyness Sudama Vipra hesitated to present it to the Lord
- Lord Krsna knew that Sudama was hesitating to present Him with the paltry chipped rice, which was actually unfit for His eating
- Maitreya hesitated to state this anomaly on the part of Brahma, who was sexually inclined to his own daughter, but still he mentioned it because sometimes it so happens, and the living example is Brahma himself
- My dear Sanatana, "if I could attain Krsna by committing suicide, I would certainly give up millions of bodies without a moment's hesitation"
- My life is dedicated for this purpose, and you have no cause for hesitation; but the process of putting questions is service and submission - that is the injunction in Bhagavad-gita
- Narada Muni said: If you actually want to follow my directions, I can tell you the real path by which you can be freed from sinful reactions. I shall follow whatever you say without hesitation, the hunter agreed
- Nobody should hesitate. Prahlada Maharaja is giving us this assurance, that to serve Krsna, there is no question of hesitation
- Now you have realized Me without doubt; therefore I will not hesitate to lop off My own arm if its conduct is found hostile to you
- One miser who hesitated to purchase a copy of BTG spent $2,000 for a week's supply of medicine and then died. Another man who refused to spend a cent for the service of the Lord wasted thousands of dollars in a legal suit between the members of his home
- One should act to satisfy the Supreme Lord. For example, Arjuna was a ksatriya. He was hesitating to fight the other party. But if such fighting is performed for the sake of Krsna, the SP of Godhead, there need be no fear of degradation. BG 1972 purports
- One should act unhesitatingly to execute the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - that will keep him safe under all circumstances. BG 1972 purports
- Other men, even they are not fighting spirit, we can kill very easily. But own men, although they are fighting spirit, still he (Arjuna) hesitates, because own men
- Others say that Putana hesitated to take the baby on her lap because something extraordinary was being dictated to her from within, and in order to give her assurance, Krsna closed His eyes so that she would not be frightened
- Our general experience is that impersonalists, given as they are to speculation and sophistry, hesitate to accept Lord Krsna as the Supreme Godhead
- People are affectionate to father and mother, and they hesitate how to give up... Especially boys, give up the company of family, father and mother, take to Krsna consciousness
- Please do not be hesitant. I am your servant, and when I serve you my heart becomes jubilant
- Please do not hesitate to answer my letters promptly
- Radharani said, "My dear Subala, you are very fortunate, because even in the presence of superiors you and Krsna have no hesitation in putting your arms on each other's shoulders"
- Ramadasa served Raghunatha Bhatta in various ways, even massaging his legs. Raghunatha Bhatta felt some hesitation in accepting all this service
- Ramananda Raya, he was also a sudra, and he was a householder and a politician, governor, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu took instruction from him. Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave him the preference of being a teacher. Ramananda Raya was hesitating
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu. Equality to all living entities. That is real love. That is real concern, Krsna consciousness. A lover of Krsna will hesitate to kill even one ant
- She (the wife of the brahmana) said, "He (Krsna) will not hesitate to award you some material benefit for the bare necessities of life"
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura specifically hints that since Gajendra was in such a difficult position and was praying for the mercy of the SP of Godhead, the demigods, who could have immediately gone to his rescue, hesitated to go there
- Subuddhi Raya and Sanatana Gosvami had known each other before accepting the renounced order. Therefore Subuddhi Raya showed much affection to Sanatana Gosvami, but Sanatana Gosvami hesitated to accept his sentiments and affections
- Suniti did not hesitate to take the other wife, Suruci, and her son, Uttama, on the same palanquin. That was the greatness of Queen Suniti, the mother of the great Vaisnava Dhruva Maharaja
- The conclusion is that one should unhesitatingly become a worshiper of Lord Krsna, or, for that matter, His plenary expansion Narayana, and none else
- The demigods explained that this (the fact that Visvarupa was junior in age to the demigods) should not be a cause for hesitation; he could become their priest because he was advanced in Vedic knowledge
- The demoniac only thinks how much assessment he has just now and schemes to engage that stock of wealth farther & farther. For that reason, he does not hesitate to act in any sinful way & so deals in the black market for illegal gratification. BG 1972 p
- The duality of the material world is felt in terms of heat and cold, or misery and happiness. A Krsna conscious person is above duality because he does not hesitate to act in any way for the satisfaction of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord says repeatedly, "Don't hesitate. Don't consider that because you are giving up all other engagements there will be some flaw in your life. Don't think like that. I will give you all protection." That is the assurance of Lord Krsna in the BG
- The order of the father or the order of the spiritual master must be carried out without hesitation, with an immediate yes. There should be no argument. That is real service to the father and to the spiritual master
- The particular words used here (in BG 18.66), ma sucah, "Don't fear, don't hesitate, don't worry," are very significant. BG 1972 purports
- The prasadam of Lord Krsna is to be eaten by gentlemen as soon as it is received; there should be no hesitation. There are no regulative principles concerning time and place. This is the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The question is enquired by the student, and the answer is given by the spiritual master. So how is that (Caitanya asking)? - He (Ramananda Raya) was feeling little agitation. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately encouraged him, - Don't hesitate
- The son or disciple should accept the words of his spiritual master and father without hesitation. Whatever the father and the spiritual master order should be taken without argument: Yes
- They (unfortunate people without faith in God) are hesitant and cannot stay fixed in the devotional service of the Lord. Thus faith is a most important factor for progress in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- This hesitation is also a part of the pastimes of Lord Krsna because the horses of Krsna are not ordinary; it is not possible for ordinary horses to go all over the universe and then enter into its outer covering layers
- Those who are hesitant in taking this (Krsna Consciousness) path of knowledge have no chance. Hesitation is due to ignorance - ajnas ca
- Those who are hesitating, those who have no faith, oh, it is very difficult for them. We have to accept. Because the method is standard, and it is given by the highest authority, Krsna, so we must have such faith
- We are getting actual experience that very nice boys coming from very respectable families do not hesitate to do any kind of work here. They are washing dishes, cleansing floors - everything
- We require personalities like you to join this movement wholeheartedly, but because you have got wife and children I am hesitating to ask you to close your business. As a responsible head of a family you should consider this point seriously
- We should always remember that Krsna was playing the part of an ordinary human being, and His horses also, by the will of Krsna, played the parts of ordinary horses in hesitating to enter the darkness
- We should not have any hesitation whatsoever in accepting the statements of the authentic scriptures like Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam
- We should not hesitate, thinking that Krsna's feet are very small. The whole universe is simply resting on His leg
- When Arjuna was little disturbed... Because this battle was arranged between two parties of cousin-brothers... And when Arjuna saw the other party, all his relatives, family members, so he hesitated to fight, and there was some argument
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw that Ramananda Raya was hesitant to give instructions, the Lord said, "Why are you hesitating? Although you are a grhastha and are born in a sudra family, I am prepared to take lessons from you." - CC Madhya 8.128
- When He (Krsna) saw that His horses were hesitant to proceed into the darkness, He immediately released His disc, known as the Sudarsana cakra, which illuminated the sky a thousand times brighter than sunlight
- When Krsna approached the covering layer of this universe, the four horses which were drawing His chariot - Saibya, Sugriva, Meghapuspa and Balahaka - all hesitated to enter the darkness
- When Krsna saw Kubja hesitating to come before Him, He immediately caught hold of her hand, which was decorated with bangles. With great affection, He dragged her near Him and made her sit by His side
- When Sanatana Gosvami saw that a still he was hesitating then he increased the amount to $7,000. When the money was placed before him. He became captivated, "Oh, so much money I am getting. All right." Then he was released. He was taken off the handcuffs
- When Srila Ramananda Raya further inquired about the second introductory verse, Srila Rupa Gosvami was somewhat hesitant, but nevertheless he began to recite
- When the news reached the palace that Dhruva Maharaja was returning, his mother, Suniti, out of her great compassion & due to being the mother of a great Vaisnava, did not hesitate to take the other wife, Suruci, & her son, Uttama, on the same palanquin
- You are coming here to learn something. When you are convinced that "Swamiji knows the thing," when you are convinced, then you accept. Then you ask for initiation. Otherwise don't do it hesitatingly or knowing half
- You know your President Kennedy. He was going in a procession, and the time came, and he had to leave everything at once, at once, without any hesitation. You cannot hesitate. So we are in the grip of the material nature