Category:Without Hesitation
"no hesitation" | "not hesitate" | "not hesitating" | "without any hesitation" | "without hesitating" | "without hesitation" | unhesitatingly
Pages in category "Without Hesitation"
The following 100 pages are in this category, out of 100 total.
- A dog can mate with a bitch before the public eyes without hesitation, but if a human being does so the act will be considered a public nuisance, and the person will be criminally prosecuted
- A woman does not hesitate to cook in the kitchen in the months of May and June, the hottest part of the summer season. One has to execute his duty in spite of climatic inconveniences
- All the great authorities in the devotional service of the Lord follow in the footsteps of Narada Muni in the order of the Narada-bhakti-sutra, and therefore all the devotees of the Lord are unhesitatingly qualified to enter into the kingdom of God
- Although Hiranyakasipu treated the Lord (Nrsimhadeva) as his bitterest enemy, he was the Lord's faithful servant in Vaikuntha, and therefore the Lord had no hesitation in sitting on the throne that Hiranyakasipu had so laboriously created
- Although Lord Caitanya was born in a high brahmana family and was situated in the highest perfectional stage of sannyasa, He nonetheless showed by His behavior that even an elevated person would not hesitate to take lessons from Ramananda Raya
- Although parents (of the devotees) may be angry at us, we must perform our duty without hesitation because we are in the disciplic succession from Narada Muni
- Although the earth assumed the shape of a cow by her mystic powers in order to be saved from being killed by the King, the King was aware of this fact and would not hesitate to cut her to pieces, just like small bits of grain
- Although the great soul Jada Bharata was unfit for such work, they nonetheless unhesitatingly forced him to carry the palanquin
- Another gopi began to speak. "My dear friend," she said, "He (Krsna) has perfected the art of smiling very attractively, and by seeing His smile women become mad after Him and give themselves to Him without hesitation"
- As soon as the sons of Devaki were killed, they would return to their original place. The devotees wanted to see this also. Generally speaking, no one kills his own nephews, but Kamsa was so cruel that he did so without hesitation
- Bali Maharaja had already offered everything to Your Lordship. Without hesitation, he has offered his land, the planets and whatever else he earned by his pious activities, including even his own body
- Because these people are asuras, they do not know what to do in this human form of life and what not to do. They are killing animals without any hesitation
- Before Maharaja Pariksit he (Sukadeva Gosvami) recited Srimad-Bhagavatam and answered the questions of Maharaja Pariksit unhesitatingly, and thus both the master and the disciple got salvation
- Being situated in devotional service, not caring for the material conception of life, is called amanitva, indifference to material respect; yet a devotee thus situated is called mana-da, for he is prepared to give honor to others without hesitation
- By counteracting with pious activities, when one is completely freed from the resultant action of sinful life, such persons without any doubt, without any hesitation become fixed up in KC and takes Krsna as the life and soul. So this is very difficult
- Damodara Pandita, the tenth branch of the Caitanya tree, was so elevated in love of Lord Caitanya that he once unhesitatingly chastised the Lord with strong words
- Dear Syamasundara, they (the gopis) said, we are all Your eternal servitors. Whatever You order us to do, we are obliged to perform without hesitation because we consider it our religious duty
- Don't be afraid if somebody tortures us, somebody teases us. We must go on with Krsna consciousness without any hesitation, and Krsna will give us protect. If you are more tortured, then Krsna will appear as Nrsimhadeva and give you all protection
- For a great soul like Vasudeva, there is nothing considered to be painful in the course of discharging one's duty. A learned person like Vasudeva carries out his duties without hesitation
- From Revatinandana I can understand that there is immense field for preaching amongst the youth and in all parts of the country, so do not hesitate to take the bold step forward and invite everyone to become devotee of Krsna
- I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it
- I want that you all my students shall very vigorously try for this book distribution. Do not hesitate to use your American and European brains to increase, that is Krishna's special gift to you, now use it
- If a devotee sticks strictly to the principles governing Vaisnava behavior, his bodily luster will naturally be attractive, & his singing and chanting of the holy names of the Lord will be effective. People will appreciate such kirtana without hesitation
- If anyone follows without any hesitation whatever the spiritual master says, naturally he becomes kind
- If we are at all to gather knowledge, we must gather it from these (the four Vedas, with their supplementary Puranas, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and their corollaries, which are known as smrtis) sources without hesitation
- If we want to make the whole world sadhu, perfect human being, then we have to push on this movement without any hesitation
- In other places (books) the same order is there, that one give up all other engagements & fully surrender unto the Lord without hesitation. The Lord will give such a devotee all protection. These are the secrets of attaining the highest perfectional stage
- In the material world there are always dangers at every step (padam padam yad vipadam na tesam (SB 10.14.58)). Nonetheless, if one takes shelter of Krsna without hesitation and keeps under the shelter of Krsna, he can easily cross the ocean of nescience
- In this way the descendants of the monkeys intermingle with each other, and they are generally known as sudras. Without hesitating, they live and move freely, not knowing the goal of life
- In this world of duality, family life is the cause that spoils one's spiritual life or meditation. Specifically understanding this fact, one should accept the order of sannyasa without hesitation
- Indeed, in all parts of the world, in every country where we preach the sankirtana movement, we find that people very easily accept the Hare Krsna maha-mantra without hesitation
- It is understood that the Back To Godhead department is in debt by $52,000.00. I am very sorry that this has increased so much. Therefore I am sending $20,000.00. So please continue to print Back To Godhead magazine without hesitation
- King Rantideva, although on the verge of death because of thirst, gave his own portion of water to the candala without hesitation, for the King was naturally very kind and sober
- Krsna addressed Pradyumna, "You can look straight at Me, and you can place your hands on My body without any hesitation"
- Krsna assures, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah: Don't hesitate. But we are hesitating. So there is no surrender. So all right, you remain under the clutches of maya and suffer
- Lord Caitanya showed by His behavior that even an elevated person would not hesitate to take lessons from Ramananda Raya, although Ramananda appeared as a householder situated in a social status beneath that of a brahmana
- Lord Caitanya was born in a high brahmana family and was situated in the highest perfectional stage of sannyasa, He nonetheless showed by His behavior that even an elevated person would not hesitate to take lessons from Ramananda Raya
- Lord Siva, his good sense taken away by the woman (Mohini-murti) because of lusty desires to enjoy with Her, became so mad for Her that even in the presence of Bhavani he did not hesitate to approach Her
- Lord Siva, his good sense taken away by the woman because of lusty desires to enjoy with Her, became so mad for Her that even in the presence of Bhavani he did not hesitate to approach Her
- My dear devotees, please hear from me, for I insist again and again: please keep faith in these three and render service to them without hesitation
- My point of view is this: whatever money you require I am already sending and will continue without hesitation to send, but I must be satisfied the money is properly spent
- O King with eyes like the petals of a lotus, kindly come sit down and accept whatever reception we can offer. We have a supply of nivara rice that you may kindly take. And if you so desire, stay here without hesitation
- On account of his intense feeling of devotional service, King Mayuradhvaja was always thinking of Krsna, and when he understood that Krsna had come in the garb of a brahmana, he did not hesitate to part with half of his body
- One has to engage himself in Krsna consciousness without hesitation, for this devotional service will instantly help one on to the platform of transcendental consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- One has to receive the transcendental sound from the right source, accept it as a reality and prosecute the direction without hesitation
- One must go on executing his prescribed duties without hesitation, and one should never be influenced by unwanted association
- One must have good faith in the regulative principles followed by the self-realized souls, and one should not be doubtful about the ultimate result of such devotional service. Rather, one must go on executing his prescribed duties without hesitation
- Prahlada Maharaja, you are certainly a self-realized soul and a devotee of the Supreme Lord. You do not care for public opinion or so-called scriptures. For this reason I have described to you without hesitation the history of my self-realization
- Prajapati Daksa sent his second group of sons to the same place where his previous sons had attained perfection. He did not hesitate to send his second group of sons to the same place, although they too might become victims of Narada's instructions
- Radha said, "He has five arrows, and fixing them on His bow, He shoots them into the bodies of innocent women. Thus these women become invalids. It would be better if He took My life without hesitation, but He does not do so. He simply gives Me pain"
- Renunciation was exhibited by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu when He stayed with Advaita Prabhu after taking sannyasa. All the devotees there wanted Him to stay a few days longer, but Lord Caitanya left without hesitation
- Sakuntala said: We (Sakuntala and Kanva Muni) have a supply of nivara rice that you (King Dusmanta) may kindly take. And if you so desire, stay here without hesitation
- Sanatana Gosvami had been a minister under Nawab Hussain Shah, and he was undoubtedly as intelligent as Brhaspati, the chief priest of the heavenly kingdom. Due to the Lord's unlimited mercy, Sanatana Gosvami questioned Him without hesitation
- Since death must take away the living entity without hesitation, it is the ultimate God realization of the atheists, who spoil their lives thinking of country, society and relatives, to the neglect of God consciousness
- Since I have come to the Western countries to preach this cult, my disciples have taken to this principle unhesitatingly although they belong to different faiths and cultures
- So the first step is that one should consider carefully whether here is a bona fide Spiritual Master to whom I can surrender myself without any hesitation
- So we are trying our bit to understand Krsna and to make others to understand Krsna. And therefore we have published about eighty-two books, big books and small books. So we request that you either accept Krsna without any hesitation
- Some people take fruit, others take flowers, others take leaves, others take twigs, and others even cut the tree, and yet the tree gives to everyone without hesitation
- Sometimes the father and the spiritual master may be the same man, and sometimes they are different men. In any case, the order of the father or the order of the spiritual master must be carried out without hesitation, with an immediate yes
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted Bhavananda Raya's offer, saying, "I accept without hesitation because you are not an outsider. Birth after birth you have been My servant, along with your family members"
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King, Maitreya, being thus agitated by the inquisitive Vidura, at first seemed astonished, but then he replied to him without hesitation, since he was fully God conscious
- The Bhattacarya said, "Hearing Vedanta philosophy is a sannyasi's main business. Therefore without hesitation You should study Vedanta philosophy, hearing it without cessation from a superior person"
- The demigods continued (to Visvarupa): Although you are junior in relationship to us, you may become our priest without hesitation
- The grievances of family life are always the same everywhere. There is nothing new in your case. I am very glad you have taken shelter there at our Detroit temple. You can remain there without any hesitation and learn how to become a devotee
- The Lord (Ramacandra), as an obedient son, accepted the order (of His father, to go to the forest) immediately. He left everything without hesitation, just as a liberated soul or great yogi gives up his life without material attraction
- The Lord is very kind to His devotees, and He is very grateful, able and magnanimous. It is our duty to believe His words, and if we are intelligent and educated enough, we will follow His instructions without hesitation
- The Lord's devotees do not mind the offenses of the foolish in their many gross and subtle bodily endeavors. The Lord's devotees continue to bestow the blessings of devotion upon all such offenders without hesitation. That is the nature of devotees
- The mystic juggler Salva, speaking in this way before Lord Krsna, immediately cut off the head of the false Vasudeva. Then without hesitation he took away the dead body and got into his airplane
- The Pandavas were advised by Bhismadeva to accept the responsibility of administration without hesitation
- The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises Arjuna as follows: What is done by the leader is followed by the ordinary man. Whatever the leader establishes as truth, the followers take to it unhesitatingly
- The ultimate goal of life is already indicated by the Lord Himself in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.64), and the Pandavas were intelligent enough to follow it without hesitation
- The word udara-dhih is significant. The wife of the King, Sunitha, was not fit to accept this benediction, yet the King was so liberal that without hesitation he offered to his wife the boiled rice in milk prasada received from the yajna-purusa
- Their bodily effulgence the brothers were dissipating all the darkness of the world, as if They were mountains of sapphire & silver. Without hesitating, Akrura immediately got down from his chariot and fell flat, just like a rod, before Krsna & Balarama
- There is no need of strenuous effort to free oneself from sinful reactions. One should unhesitatingly accept Krsna as the supreme savior of all living entities. With faith and love, one should surrender unto Him. BG 1972 purports
- Therefore after offering obeisances to the devotees, for their satisfaction I shall speak without hesitating
- Those who do not follow the Vedic principles are unrestricted as far as sex life is concerned. Consequently they sometimes do not hesitate to have sex with their sisters. In this age of Kali there are many instances of such incest
- When a person is actually advanced in spiritual understanding, he can accept the transcendental servitorship of the Lord without hesitation
- When he (the living entity) is in contact with the material nature, he acts in many sinful ways without hesitation, and sometimes even against his will. BG 1972 purports
- When he entered the house to kill Satrajit, all the women there cried very loudly, but in spite of their great protests, Satadhanva mercilessly butchered Satrajit without hesitation, exactly as a butcher kills an animal in the slaughterhouse
- Whether that same Lord Visnu has come here to give me all benedictions or to punish me as an enemy, I must carry out His order and give Him the requested tract of land without hesitation
- Within their minds, they (the young princesses) decided to accept Lord Krsna as their husband without hesitation. Each one of them prayed to Providence that Krsna might become her husband
- Without any hesitation, the mother is agreeing to kill the child, and the doctor is killing. And the small child, because it has taken birth in that womb, he is subjected to so many tribulation
- Without hesitation, one should take exclusive shelter of Krsna with full confidence, giving up bad association and even neglecting the regulative principles of the four varnas and four asramas. That is to say, one should abandon all material attachment
- Without hesitation, she (hunchback) caught the rear part of His cloth, began to pull it. She smiled flirtatiously & admitted that she was agitated by lusty desires. She forgot that she was on the street & before the elder brother of Krsna & His friends
- You can accept this proposal without any hesitation and get the loan from him. For service of Krishna sometimes we may agree to act in a way which may not be very agreeable to us. But in all cases, please do not agree to accept meat
- You have written that you are my disobedient son, but I think I am your disturbing father. I am putting more and more burden upon you but you are so tolerant that you have no hesitation to accept my demands even although sometimes they are unreasonable
- You know your President Kennedy. He was going in a procession, and the time came, and he had to leave everything at once, at once, without any hesitation. You cannot hesitate. So we are in the grip of the material nature
- You should know that I am very pleased that you have fulfilled my request without any hesitation. This is your success in spiritual life