delay | delayed | delaying | delays
- VedaBase query: delay or delayed or delaying or delays not "without delay" not "Without further delay" not "without any delay"
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Pages in category "Delay"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.
- Actually I am the most unworthy servant of His Divine Grace because I delayed to execute His order by so many years. But it was better I began late than never, and therefore He has kindly sent to me so many young hearts to cooperate with me
- As soon as you have passed your examination of the civil service, the civil post is ready, immediately. There is no delay. Simply you go and take your seat. So what is that examination? Just try to understand what is Krsna
- Because this exchange (Yadu's youth for the old age of his father Yayati) would delay his complete engagement in devotional service, he did not want to accept his father's old age, for he was eager to achieve freedom from disturbances
- Bhima was sent to call them (the disciples of Durvasa Muni) from the river. Bhima said, Why are you delaying, sirs? Come on, the food is ready for you
- Brahma requested, however, that since the demon was more wicked and undesirable than a serpent, there was no need to play with him. It was his wish that he be killed at once, without delay
- But Krsna replied, "My dear father, don't delay. The sacrifice you propose for Govardhana and the local brahmanas will take much time"
- Enthusiasm does not mean if I attain something immediately the result is immediate. No. The result may be delayed but we should not be disturbed. But we must go on working with enthusiasm. This is called patience
- Even by conversing with such great souls, one can without delay cleanse oneself of all disqualifications resulting from lower births
- Everything was done within the water, and as soon as she (Devahuti) thought of her beloved husband, Kardama, she was brought before him without delay
- I am very much anxious to go to London, but I do not know why you are delaying to call me. The legal documents being submitted, there is no impediment to rent a nice house
- I beg to inquire whether you have taken possession of the house at 5th Avenue, and if not please let me know why it is delayed. Please send Bali Mardan with detailed information and necessary documents
- I have not received any letter from Vasudeva in reply to my last letter. If perhaps there was some delay, you can send the letter to Paris as I am leaving for London tomorrow and shortly thereafter to Paris
- I may instruct you, if somehow or other this Scindia Steam Navigation Company delays the matter, you may advise your shipping agents to dispatch without delay
- If we take the public's money, and then delay too long in filling the orders, this will give us a bad reputation. So be very conscientious and hard-working and Krishna will give you the ability to do everything nicely
- Mahatma Vidura knew all this, and therefore he addressed Dhrtarastra, saying: My dear King, please get out of here immediately. Do not delay. Just see how fear has overtaken you
- Mr. Nair has purposefully delayed with a motive to cheat us as he had done with some others in this connection
- My spiritual master used to say me: Strike while the iron is hot, so if we delay the matter too long it may not remain a favorable proposition
- One (the yoga practitioner) should be sure of success at the end and pursue this course with great perseverance, not becoming discouraged if there is any delay in the attainment of success. Success is sure for the rigid practitioner
- One should be sure of success at the end and pursue this course (practicing yoga) with great perserverance, not becoming discouraged if there is any delay in the attainment of success. Success is sure for the rigid practitioner. BG 1972 purports
- Simply by offering prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is immediately freed from material contamination, the material bodily concept, by the blazing fire of ecstasy. This effect takes place immediately, without a second's delay
- Srila Rupa Gosvami had been delayed in Bengal for a year because he was dividing his money among his relatives to situate them in their proper positions
- The heavenly planets are known as Amaraloka, the planets where death is very much delayed, because the people there live for ten thousand years according to the calculations of the demigods, in which our six months are equal to one day
- The holy name is so powerful that it must act, but when one utters the holy name with offenses, its action will be delayed, not immediate, although in favorable circumstances the holy names of the Lord act very quickly
- The more you delay accepting Krsna consciousness, the more you are put into sufferings of this material world
- The Supreme Lord is worshipable, and everyone worships Him directly or indirectly. Those who worship Him directly get the results of liberation quickly, whereas the liberation of those who serve Him indirectly is delayed
- The yogic process is like that. But that is not the process of check, stopping death. You can delay death. That you can delay, so it's a hundred years, two hundred years, five hundred years, or even more than that
- There was some delay because of the death of Anupama, and therefore when Rupa Gosvami went to Bengal to see the devotees there, he could not get in touch with them because they had already left
- They are all coming here to see You, but seeing that they were delayed, I came alone very quickly
- We have got the plans drawn by Saurabha and that architect, Mr. Suri, still, if we have not got sufficient funds and if there is long delay to get them, better to go ahead and build something little cheaper and very simple
- When the desire to see the object is very prominent, or when one is unable to tolerate any delay in seeing the desired object, the incapability is called autsukya, or eagerness