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Pages in category "Impediment"
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- A devotee does not indulge in unnecessary talks of politics or economics. Nor is a devotee very strict in following ritualistic rules and regulations mentioned in the Vedas. Becoming enamored of these rituals is the next impediment, called niyamagraha
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Arbuda-arbuda - Various types of sravana and kirtana of the Supreme Lord's name, quality, form and so on, Ari - Impediments like disease
- A human being is thus impeded (by the desires for acquiring a house, possessing land, having children & becoming prominent in society, the affection for community & the place of birth & the hankering for wealth) in his progress toward self-realization
- A living entity is conditioned by a particular type of body. The body is certainly an impediment, but one who associates with a pure devotee & follows his instructions can avoid this impediment & become a regular brahmana by initiation under his guidance
- A paramahamsa like Madhavendra Puri is always satisfied in the loving service of the Lord. Material hunger and thirst cannot impede his activities
- A pure devotee, by devotional service, is able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead despite many material impediments, which are all various energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Accusing others. You cannot become happy in that way, then he will be accuse, "He is the cause. He is the impediment of my perfect happiness." Envious, the same enviousness
- Although you are getting some impediments from the authorities, you don’t mind for that. You go on with your business and nobody can check you. Krsna is there. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is there
- An intense lover of Krsna does not care for any number of material discomforts, scarcity, impediments or unhappiness
- Another meaning of antara (in CC Madhya 16.72) is - this body. The body is an impediment to self-realization because it is always engaged in sense gratification
- Antara may mean - greed, greed to acquire more money or enjoy more sense gratification. Finally, the word antara may also mean - atheistic ideas, by which one considers the temple Deity to be made of stone, wood or gold. All of these are impediments
- Antara means - money. If money is not used in Krsna’s service, it is also an impediment. Antara also means janata - people in general - The association of ordinary persons may destroy the principles of devotional service
- Any process that helps us to increase our love of Krishna, that is the best system of religiousity. Such system cannot be checked by any material impediments, and such development of love of Krishna is without any cause
- Arjuna is attracted to things that are impeding the execution of his own duty, Krsna severs these things. To cut something, a sharp instrument is required; and to cut the mind from its attachments, sharp words are often required
- As long as a child is alive we can take it along by one hand, but when the child is dead it is heavy. So now we are heavy, but when we are spiritually advanced we will be free from impediments
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.6): That religion is best which causes its followers to become ecstatic in love of God that is unmotivated and free from material impediments, for this alone can completely satisfy the self
- Because it is (Krsna consciousness movement) being properly conducted under the guidance of the Panca-tattva, strictly following the regulative principles, it has nothing to do with external impediments
- Because knowledge is taken away by illusion, the universities are simply presenting impediments on the path of God consciousness
- Because the word "love" can be engaged only in relationship with Krsna. Otherwise, there is no question of love. So when the love, love of Krsna is transcendental, there is no material impediment
- Being an ordinary living entity, he (Indra) became envious of King Prthu, and, making himself invisible, he stole the horse and thus impeded the yajna performance
- Bhakti-marga cannot be checked by any material impediments. Simply we have to become very serious and sincere. So I am very glad to see that you are doing nice
- Dear King (Prthu), Indra's powers are already reduced due to his attempt to impede the execution of your sacrifice. We (the priests) shall call him by Vedic mantras which were never before used, and certainly he will come
- Devotional service is so strong that it cannot be checked by any material impediments
- Different people have different theories regarding the supreme cause, but none of them are genuine. The only supreme cause is Visnu, and the intervening impediment is the illusory energy of the Lord
- Easily making his way through these impediments, a devotee comes directly in contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. After all, the material impediments described in these verses (SB 6.4.27-28) are but various energies of the Lord
- Envious people create many impediments to the Krsna consciousness movement, but we have to tolerate them. There is no alternative. One must be peaceful and depend on Krsna in all circumstances. These are the ornaments of a sadhu
- Faith means that you are meant for giving some service to Krsna. You should stick to that service, that path, in spite of all impediments. That is the passing of test
- False prestige due to advancement of material prosperity is a great impediment for spiritual emancipation
- Finally he (Emperor Bharata) thought of all this (his great kingdom and unconquerable soldiers. His sons and family) as an impediment to spiritual advancement, and therefore he ceased from enjoying it
- For making advancement in spiritual knowledge, there may be many impediments, but we should be tolerant and continue our progress with determination. BG 1972 purports
- For the living entity who desires to return to Godhead, material desires are impediments. BG 1972 purports
- From a spiritual point of view, a great kingdom, beautiful wife and wonderful material activities are all impediments to spiritual advancement
- He (Krsna) can have knowledge merely by glancing over an object, whereas innumerable impediments block the cognition of ordinary living beings
- Here (in CC Adi 1.56) the words anvaya-vyatirekabhyam suggest that one must learn the process of devotional service in its two aspects: one must directly execute the process of devotional service & indirectly avoid the impediments to progress
- Hiranyakasipu tried to kill him in so many ways, but Prahlada tolerated him. So there may be many impediments to making advancement in spiritual knowledge, but we should be tolerant and continue our progress with determination
- His beautiful features, His cheeks and His playful smiles all combined to form a constant festival for the eyes, and the blinking of the eyes became obstacles that impeded one from seeing that beauty
- I am glad to hear of the book distribution success of Tripurari in Chicago. It is reported that he did it dressed in dhoti, but Karandhara says that dhoti is an impediment
- I pray to the lotus feet of the six Gosvamis - Sri Rupa, Sanatana, Bhatta Raghunatha, Sri Jiva, Gopala Bhatta and Dasa Raghunatha - so that all impediments to my writing this literature will be annihilated and my real desire will be fulfilled
- I want to travel continually to see my centers. Now there is little impediment on account of my old body. Still I am trying and will continue to try to see you again and again
- If one wants to benefit the entire world, he will certainly find persons like hogs and pigs who will put forward many impediments. That is natural
- If there are impediments on the progressive path, anyone, even from the platform of tamas, can gradually rise to the sattva platform by the expert direction of the spiritual master
- If you are engaged in the service of the Lord without any motive and without being impeded, spontaneously loving, then you will feel complete satisfaction. Svamin krtartho 'smi varam na yace - CC Madhya 22.42
- If you don't perform yajna, then nature will restrict supply and put so many impediments. That yajnad bhavati parjanyah (BG 3.14). If you regularly perform yajna, then there will be sufficient rainfall. There is sufficient water
- If you find somebody diseased, still, spiritual consciousness is not hampered. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, ahaituky apratihata (SB 1.2.6). Apratihata means without any impediment
- Impeded by this ignorance and passion they are working very hard, just like an ass, and still they are thinking that "I am happy"
- In pure devotional service one simply serves the Supreme Personality of Godhead as a matter of duty, without reason and without being impeded by material conditions
- In spite of any suffering, you can make progress in spiritual life. Just like Prahlada Maharaja himself. His father put him into so many suffering conditions, but he was not impeded - he made spiritual progress
- In the five principal transcendental relationships, awe and veneration are sometimes impediments obscuring the Lord's actual greatness and sometimes they actually impede one's service to the Lord
- In the five principal transcendental relationships, awe and veneration are sometimes impediments to one’s service to the Lord
- In the higher sky there are living entities who can travel through the air without being hampered. Although we can travel in outer space, we are hampered by so many impediments, but they are not
- In the material world every planet has a specific advantage (vibhuti-bhinna). In the spiritual world, however, all the planets and their inhabitants are composed of spiritual energy. Because there are no material impediments
- In the Siksastaka (8), Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has also instructed, aslisya va pada-ratam pinastu mam (CC Antya 20.47). The intense lover of Krsna is never deviated from his service, despite all difficulties and impediments brought before him
- In this way they both presented many impediments, indirectly not granting the Lord permission to go to Vrndavana. They did this because they were afraid of separation from Him
- It is natural for those who have developed intense love for Krsna not to care for personal inconvenience and impediments
- It may be that one is unable to even sympathize with the activities of Krsna consciousness because of social, familial or religious considerations or because of some other impediments. BG 1972 purports
- Killing an animal or any other living being simply places an impediment in the way of his completing his term of imprisonment in a certain body
- King Prthu's opulence, however, could not be tolerated by the King of heaven, Indra, who tried to impede the progress of his opulence
- Kunti prays: O my Lord, may You kindly remove this glowing effulgence that impedes my seeing Your sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, Your eternal form of bliss and knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Looking on women is not an impediment to spiritual progress, but looking on women with a view of sense gratification is detrimental
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Gaurahari, came here personally to deliver you. Now rest assured that all the impediments meant for your bondage are gone
- Love of God cannot be checked by any material impediments. You cannot say that "I am very poor. Oh, how can I love God?" You cannot say, "I am very rich," or "I am black," "I am white," "I am this," "I am that." No. In any condition you can love God
- Lusty desires are very strong in everyone, and they are the greatest impediment to the discharge of devotional service
- Material bondage is due only to sexual bondage, and therefore unrestricted association of man and woman is surely a great impediment. Maitreya cited this example on the part of Brahma just to bring to our notice this great danger
- Material existence is a struggle to conquer the impediments put forth by material nature
- Maya is very strong; she is expert in putting impediments in the way of this understanding. Sometimes one comes to the Krsna consciousness movement but again falls into the clutches of maya, not understanding the importance of this movement
- Maya will place so many impediments. She does not like that so easily you go back to home, back to Godhead. That is maya's business. Daivi hy esa gunamayi (BG 7.14). Just like police
- Mayavadi philosophers regard even Lord Krsna's body as material, but their opinions cannot impede the spiritual activity of the Lord
- Mother loves child. It is not like the maidservant who is paid. Mother loves spontaneously child, as duty. She loves to serve the child. Similarly, our love of God will be spontaneous, without any motive, and without being impeded
- My dear King, do not be agitated and anxious because your sacrifices have not been properly executed due to providential impediments. Kindly take my words with great respect
- On the western side there is an impediment in the form of a yaksa, an evil spirit who protects the treasure
- One can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead after transcending all material impediments
- One has to follow the footprints of the great Acaryas then everything is all right. I was also a married man - my family is still existing. So you should always remember that marriage is not impediment
- One must sacrifice everything to realize Krsna, just as Arjuna did. He did not want to kill his family members, but when he understood that these family members were impediments to Krsna realization, he accepted the instruction of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- One will gradually come to understand his real position in life and be elevated to the transcendental position above the mode of goodness. Thus all impediments to his progress will be cut to pieces
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is being pushed in the Western countries, where the modes of passion and ignorance is very prominent. But this KC movement does not depend on these material modes of nature. It is above. It is without any impediment
- Our preaching work is going on successfully, in spite of the many impediments offered by antagonistic demons, because we are getting positive help from our previous acaryas
- Please go kill him and thus regain Your wife, Sitadevi. O great hero, although my water presents no impediment to Your going to Lanka, please construct a bridge over it to spread Your transcendental fame
- Priyavrata Maharaja having been completely trained by the great sage Narada, revived his Krsna consciousness in spite of all impediments
- Priyavrata might have thought that although a conditioned soul is forced to act according to the laws of nature, why should he, who was far advanced in spiritual understanding, accept the same kind of bondage and impediments to spiritual advancement
- So our movement gives practical proof that there is no impediment of body or mind. That is the proof it is enacted from the spiritual platform wherein there is no distinction of material higher or lower gradation
- Sometimes a neophyte devotee does not keep the rules and regulations. Sometimes he yields to intoxication or is trapped by some feminine attractions. These are impediments on the path of yoga perfection
- Spiritual consciousness is not dependent on material impediments
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that if something impedes the execution of devotional service, it should be understood to be impure. Pure devotees of the Lord do not accept impure principles
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has advised that atyahara, too much eating, is an impediment to advancement in spiritual life
- Srimad-Bhagavatam confirms that the highest perfection of religion is that which leads to the devotional service of the Lord, unmotivated and unhampered by material impediments
- Such a stricture (to become a brahmana) is not an impediment in the path of progress for anyone and everyone, but it is necessary for an unqualified understanding of a particular science
- Such impediments (of demoniac blood) on the spiritual path could not stop him (Prahlada Maharaja) from progressing, for he was directly in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sukadeva Gosvami qualified them by saying that a person who has once absorbed his mind in the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead may sometimes be influenced by impediments, but he still does not give up his exalted devotional position
- That is spiritual life. One has to take order from the spiritual master and execute it, despite all impediments. That is determination
- The affection for community and the place of birth, and the hankering for wealth, which are all like phantasmagoria or illusory dreams, encumber a human being, and he is thus impeded in his progress toward self-realization, the real aim of life
- The asuras are always fighting to overcome these impediments, and by the illusory power of material nature the foolish living entities work very hard within this material world and take this to be happiness. This is called maya
- The Bhagavata says that system of religion is the first class wherein love of Godhead is aroused spontaneously without any material impediment. So our movement gives practical proof that there is no impediment of body or mind
- The brahma-jyotir is the covering of the internal potency. May You kindly remove this glowing effulgence that impedes my seeing Your sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, Your eternal form of bliss and knowledge
- The Deity in the temple is not material - He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. Similarly, considering the spiritual master an ordinary human being (gurusu nara-matih) is also an impediment
- The desire of the Lord is another kind of impediment. But in both cases, the pure devotee, once advanced in Krsna consciousness, cannot be lost
- The elevated transcendentalist can surpass all the regulations of the Vedas, just as the demigods traveling in space surpass all the jungles and rocks on the surface of the globe, although a common man, has to face all those impediments
- The enchanting vibration of His (Krsna's) songs became a great impediment to the young girls, who were supposed to remain chaste and faithful to their husbands
- The first impediment is atyahara, overeating or accumulating more wealth than we need. When we give free rein to the senses in an effort to enjoy to the highest degree, we become degraded
- The gopis were so attached to Krsna that they could not even tolerate not seeing Him momentarily when their eyelids blinked and impeded their vision
- The Lord can act without regard to material impediments or inconveniences, but to prove that He (Lord Ramacandra) is the SP of Godhead and was not merely advertised as Godhead or elected by popular vote, He constructed a wonderful bridge over the ocean
- The Lord is so merciful that even if there is some impediment for the devotee, He Himself manages matters in such a way that the devotee is not bereft of having audience at His lotus feet. There is a very good example in the life of Haridasa Thakura
- The mark of a spot which may be seen on the moon does not become an impediment to the moonlight. Similarly, the accidental falldown of a devotee from the path of a saintly character does not make him abominable. BG 1972 purports
- The material world is an impediment for the ordinary living entities because they are under its control, but Krsna, being the controller of the material world, has nothing to do with the impediments it offers
- The meat-eating demons (in the forest of material existence) are the government officials, and the pricking thorns are the impediments of material life
- The mental state experienced before meeting is called purvaraga. The obstacles which sometimes impede the meeting between lover and beloved are called mana, or anger. When the lover & beloved are separated, the mental state experienced is called pravasa
- The person who is Krsna conscious has the supreme guide; therefore, he has no fear. For example, as long as a child is under the care of his parents he has no fear. But as soon as he becomes free, he finds many impediments
- The shadow is maya. It has no existence. It is simply impeding the sunshine; therefore it is shadow. Maya means which has no existence of its own accord
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, is the original Supersoul, the father of all living entities. Consequently there are no impediments to pleasing Him or worshiping Him under any conditions, whether one be a child or an old man
- The ultimate principle of religion is to engage oneself in devotional service to the Lord. Maharaja Yadu was very eager to engage himself in the Lord's service, but there was an impediment
- There are many impediments, especially in this age of hypocrisy, to practicing hatha-yoga, dhyana-yoga, and jnana-yoga, but there is no such problem in executing karma-yoga or bhakti-yoga. BG 1972 purports
- There is no expense, there is no impediment, there is no caste, there is no creed, there is no color - anyone can do it. Just chant (Hare Krsna) and hear
- There is no harm for having children, that is no impediment for preaching endeavor
- There is no impediment to become divine. Simply you have to practice for the post. Just like everyone can become high-court judge. Everyone can become the president of United States. There is no bar. But you have to be qualified
- There will be so many impediments in pushing on our movement, therefore Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has already advised us to be tolerant more than the tree and humbler than the blade of grass and give all respects to Karmis without expecting any respect
- This chanting of Hare Krishna and our sincere desire to serve Krishna will make everything clear, even if there is some impediments
- This is an instance of a marriage negotiation between an elderly brahmana & a youthful one. The elderly brahmana was certainly willing to give his daughter in charity to the young brahmana, but his son & relatives became impediments to this transaction
- This misconception (of bodily conception of life) is the strongest impediment, and it must be removed. That is the instruction of Bhagavad-gita and of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Thus I was going to Vrndavana with a big crowd, but through the mouth of Sanatana, Krsna taught Me a lesson. Thus by making some impediment, He has brought Me on a path through the forest to Vrndavana
- To be too fat is not very good for spiritually advanced life. One should reduce because if one becomes fat it is an impediment to progress in spiritual understanding. One should not eating too much, sleeping too much or remain in a comfortable position
- We can perceive the action of the air when the branches of a tree move or when dry leaves on the ground collect together. Similarly, it is only by the action of the air that a body moves, and when the air circulation is impeded, many diseases result
- We have seen in the dispute between Maharaja Prthu and Indra that when Maharaja Prthu wanted to perform one hundred asvamedha-yajnas, Indra wanted to impede him, for it is because of such great sacrifices that Indra was made King of heaven
- We may think to do something, but there are so many impediments, and sometimes it is not possible to do as we like. But when Krsna wants to do something, simply by His willing, everything is performed so perfectly. BG 1972 purports
- We may thus struggle to counteract impediments offered by material nature, but our attempts cannot be successful unless we are favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We should always remember that sex life in spiritual advancement is great impediment. So keeping this point of view in front, we should intelligently manage things with great care. So that our aim of life may not be missed
- When enjoying this sight of Krsna's beauty, they (the gopis) used to criticize the creator Brahma for causing their vision of Krsna to be momentarily impeded by the blinking of their eyelids
- When one is situated on the platform of devotional service, one is freed from impediments and completely satisfied
- When one surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Lord, these impediments (Attachment, greed and lust) are withdrawn, and one can realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore the Lord is the protector of the surrendered soul
- When there is no these material impediments, naturally the life is eternal, the knowledge is eternal, the bliss is eternal
- Without sannyasis, the preaching work will be impeded
- You can think of Krsna without any impediment. Who can check it if you think of Krsna? This is favorable. And what is unfavorable, that should be rejected. What is favorable, that should be accepted
- You should always remember that marriage is not impediment. The greatest enemy is forgetfulness of Krishna
- You will put forward so many impediments to understanding these three things (Krsna is the enjoyer, proprietor, and friend), and that is the cause of our trouble