Category:This is the Test
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Pages in category "This is the Test"
The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total.
- A God conscious person cannot be neglectful or envious to anyone. That is the test. Sarvair gunais tatra samasate surah - SB 5.18.12
- A Krishna Conscious person is never tired of working and the symptoms I can see in you as you want to be overloaded with work. This is the test of how one is advancing in Krishna Consciousness. Nobody becomes tired but wants to work more and more
- A person engaged in Krsna consciousness can work with greater vigor without sex pleasure, which he avoids. That is the test in spiritual realization. Spiritual realization and sex pleasure go ill together. BG 1972 purports
- All this eulogization about me, people, outsider, may think that "This man is being flattered and he is hearing his own eulogization." But that is not the fact. It is the test, how they are receiving the message sincerely
- An intelligent man will never aspire to become a devotee to achieve material happiness. That is the test of a devotee
- Arjuna was trained in that way - he was a soldier - but by his soldier's business, occupational duty, he satisfied Krsna. He fought for Krsna, not for his personal sense gratification. That is his test, samsiddhir hari-tosanam
- As soon as we find anyone does not surrender to Krsna, does not understand Krsna, he is rascal. Anyone. It doesn't matter. That is the first test. Then you come to the details
- As soon as you see one man is sitting on the bench of the high court, you must know he is very learned man and learned lawyer - he has passed already. That is the test
- Automatically the symptoms of happiness come unto him, and his distress of material condition simultaneously becomes vanquished if one is elevated to the position of devotional service. That is the test of how one is advanced in devotional service
- Bhakti means one who advances in bhakti, he becomes..., he has no more any taste for material enjoyment. The more one increases in bhakti cult, he decreases his tendency for material enjoyment. That is the test
- Bhakti, love of Godhead, the symptom is that he's no more in love with material things. That is the test. You cannot... Just like you cannot love two persons. That is divided. One love concentrated, that is perfect love
- Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat (SB 11.2.42). Bhakti means the more you realize Krsna, the more you become detestful: "Ah, nonsense." This is test. One side increasing taste, the other side decreasing. This is the test
- Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat. This is the test of bhakti. If one has entered the domain of devotional service, this material world will be not at all tasteful for him. Virakti. No more
- By following any guru or any principle, if you actually develop your love of God, then it is nice. Otherwise it is useless waste of time. That is the test. But they, so far I know, these yogis, they are themselves God. They say that everyone is God
- If anyone has listened from the authority about Krsna, he wants to speak again. That is preaching. Not that, "I have listened about Krsna, that's all right." No. Sravanam kirtanam. That is the test that he has advanced
- If one is actually Krsna conscious, then these qualities will be visible in his person. Yasyasti bhaktir bhagavaty akincana sarvair gunais tatra samasate surah (SB 5.18.12). That is the test
- If there is good response for purchasing our books and asking intelligent questions, that is the test of your preaching capacity
- If we cannot rise early in the morning, that means we are under the clutches of maya. This is the test
- If you are hungry, you know, by eating, how much your hunger is satisfied. You haven't got to ask anybody. Similarly, if anybody increases his Krsna consciousness, the test will be that he will be disinterested with all material pleasures. That is test
- If you eat, you will feel satisfied. Your hunger will be satisfied. You will be getting strength. Similarly, when you'll no longer be attracted by this sex desire, then you should understand that, "I am now making progress in KC." This is the test
- If you have actually tasted bhakti-yoga, then there will be no more material attachment. This is the test. Not that artificially keeping a big tilaka on forehead and thinking within always "How to get money, how to get woman?"
- If you render service to Krsna, then He'll reveal to you. Revelation. So, he, how much service he's giving, that will be tested how much he has, I mean to say, realized Krsna. This is the test. If Krsna is still vague idea to him, then he hasn't advanced
- If you render service to Krsna, then Krsna will reveal to you. So how much service he is giving, that will be tested how much he has realized Krsna. This is the test. If Krsna is still vague idea to him, then he has not advanced
- If you simply know Krsna, then you know everything. And if you know everything and you do not know Krsna, then you are rascal, that's all. Mudha. That is the test. If you know everything but do not know Krsna, then you are a rascal
- In the material platform, if you serve somebody, you will find tired, satiated. You won't like. But if you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find yourself more energetic. You'll like to serve more and more. That is the test
- It is said by Canakya Pandita that a rascal appears very intelligent as long as he does not speak. But speaking is the test. The so-called silence of a silent impersonalist svami indicates that he has nothing to say; he simply wants to beg
- Liberation from material contamination is called anartha-nivrtti, indicating a diminishing of all unwanted things. This is the test of development in devotional service
- Lord Jesus Christ never advised for economic development, for industrial development, or this and that. So many things. He sacrificed everything for God. That is one test, that "Here is a lover of God"
- Na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah. That is the test. One should be very very careful to follow Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction
- Never mind he is M.A., Ph.D., D.A.C. or whatever he may be. But we take him first-class rascal, that's all, because he has not surrendered to Krsna. This is the test
- One cannot understand the value of touchstone until it turns iron into gold. One should judge by action, not by promises. A maha-bhagavata can turn a living entity from abominable material life to the Lord's service. This is the test of a maha-bhagavata
- One who cannot rise early in the morning, he is not spiritually serious. That is test. Brahma-muhurta, this hour, one hour before sunrise, is very auspicious moment
- One who is engaged in Krsna's service with firm faith and devotion, it means he has already freed himself from all kinds of reactions of sinful activities. This is the test
- One who speaks on behalf of Krsna, he is guru. That is guru. This is the test: whether he is aware of Krsna. Then he is guru. Otherwise he's not guru
- Other service, material service, will be checked by material conditions. But transcendental loving service of Krsna will never be checked by any material condition. That is the test
- Our ideal is we are fighting with maya, so the fighting will conquer over maya when we see that we are not disturbed by these four processes: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. This is the test
- Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is the test. A devotee wants to see that everyone is happy. It doesn't matter whether he is a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian. It doesn't matter. We want to see that everyone is happy
- So long we are materially engrossed, bodily concept of life, there will be always anxiety. This is the test. Anyone who is in anxiety, means he is materially situated. And anyone who is elevated to the spiritual platform, he is prasannatma. He is jolly
- That is the test of advancement in devotional service. A devotee cannot be in darkness because the Lord shows him special favor and enlightens him from within
- That is the test of bhakti: How much you have become disinterested with this material advancement. That is bhakti, advancement of bhakti
- That is the test whether one's sex desire has diminished
- That is the test. If one is actually advanced in Krsna consciousness, you'll not find any fault in him. That is Krsna consciousness
- That is the test. Test means bhakti paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat: if you are actually advancing in bhakti, devotional service, then automatically you don't like these nonsense practices: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling, no intoxication
- That is the test; how much you have become advanced in devotional service, you can experience yourself. Just like a hungry man, if he's given food, if he eats, then he experiences himself that he's getting strength, his hunger is being satisfied
- The animal killing is there in the Vedas, but what the purpose? That is to test the Vedic mantra. An animal will be put into the fire, and by Vedic mantra he'll be rejuvenated. That is sacrifice, animal sacrifice. Not that for eating purpose
- The Bhagavata says: "Whether he has given any aural reception about Krsna, that is the test." No. He has no knowledge about Krsna. Then he must be praised by persons who are like camel, asses, dogs, hogs
- The test is there, whether he has become a lover of God or lover of dog. That is the test
- This bhakti-yoga means vairagya-vidya, how to become detached. That is the test. "Whether I am making progress in the bhakti-yoga?" - the test is within yourself. You haven't got to take a certificate from others
- This is the crucial test - If one does not understand Krsna and become submissive to surrender, he remains a demon, however big scholar he may be
- This is the qualification of God: He knows past, present and future. And those who are false God, they cannot say. That is not possible. This is the test. They are claiming, falsely claiming
- This is the test, "I am doing all nasty things, and I am advertising 'I am advanced devotee.' " What rascal you are advanced? You are doing all nonsense and you are advanced? But they have no shame even
- This is the test, that anyone who is supposed to be advancing in devotional service, bhakti-yoga, the test will be how much he has awakened his intense desire for hearing about Krsna. That is the test
- This is the test. Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra . Advancement of Krsna consciousness means he's no more interested with anything material. That is Krsna conscious
- This is the test. If one is actually advanced in Krsna consciousness, then these two symptoms will be visible in his character: no more lusty, no more greediness
- This is the test. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. A devotee wants to see that everyone is happy. It doesn't matter whether he is a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian. It doesn't matter. We want to see that everyone is happy
- Those who are falsely claiming that, "I am Paramatma," this is the test, - Whether you are cognizant of everything?
- Those who have become vasudeva-parayanah and engages himself in the service, for them, janayaty asu vairagyam, very soon they become detestful to all this material way of life. That is the test
- Vande guroh sri-caranaravindam. That means the first qualification of the spiritual master, or guru, is to deliver you some message by which immediately your blazing fire in the heart will be stopped. This is the test
- Viraktir anyatra ca (SB 11.2.42). This is the test - when one is free from lusty desires and greed, then he is situated in bhakti-yoga and is actually a paramahamsa
- We must find out a person who is actually bona fide spiritual master by this test, that he's not, I mean to say, adulterating Krsna's message. He's not playing havoc with the message of Krsna in order to introduce himself
- When one becomes ecstatic, "Oh, now I have to do something for Krsna," then he renounces everything. Only Krsna. Only Krsna's business. That is the test
- When we get attachment simply for hearing Krsna, then you should understand that you have become liberated. These are the test. Everyone can get this position. Because there is process. If you follow the process, then you come to the real stage
- You can discharge your duty very nicely, but you have to see whether you are developing attachment for Krsna. Attachment means love, whether you are trying to satisfy Krsna. That is the test
- You cannot falsely claim that "I am Paramatma," or "I am God." Whether you have got this all-pervading knowledge? This is the only test to the pretenders that he is God, he is Paramatma