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- A few persons in the bank, like the manager or the cashier or the accountant, they know everything confidential. Not the clerks or the customers - no. So Krsna concludes BG with these words, guhya guhyatamam. This knowledge is very confidential
- A student and disciple has the right to ask the guru about any confidential service, and it is the duty of the guru to explain these confidential matters to his disciple
- Actually the truth of religious principles is extremely confidential. Nonetheless, it can be understood very easily if one actually adopts the principles of religion
- Advaita Acarya's very confidential servant named Kamalakanta Visvasa knew all the dealings of Advaita Acarya
- After hearing the statement of Kalakanya, daughter of Time, the King of the Yavanas began to smile and devise a means for executing his confidential duty on behalf of providence. He then addressed Kalakanya as follows
- After sending a confidential account to the government treasury, the caudhuri brought the minister in charge. The caudhuri came, wanting to arrest Hiranya dasa, but Hiranya dasa had left home. Therefore the caudhuri arrested Raghunatha dasa
- All the great sages then glorified Lord Sri Krsna, who was present there, by confidential Vedic hymns. Then all of them returned to their respective hermitages, bearing always Lord Krsna within their hearts
- All the pastimes with the gopis that take place in those gardens are very confidential ecstasies of Lord Krsna. No one knows them
- Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions
- Although the subject of such affections and dealings of love are very confidential, Sanatana Gosvami has described them very explicitly
- Although the Supreme Personality of Godhead may be seen, glorified or remembered with an attitude of envy, He nevertheless awards the most confidential liberation, which is rarely achieved by the demigods and demons
- Although this is true, this is but the external reason for the Lord's incarnation. Please hear one other reason - the confidential reason - for the Lord's appearance
- Among the confidential activities of hearing, thinking and meditating, silence is most important because by silence one can make progress very quickly. BG 1972 purports
- An acarya will never speak on rasa-lila to the general mass of people. The rasa-lila chapters of the Bhagavatam are the most confidential part of the scripture, and they are meant for advanced students of spiritual realization
- Arjuna said: I have heard Your instruction on confidential spiritual matters which You have so kindly delivered unto me, and my illusion is now dispelled. BG 11.1 - 1972
- As far as possible, very cautiously and very rarely we shall present. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's life we see that in public He never discussed about Krsna's lila with the gopis. That was very confidential discussion amongst His own circle
- As they were leaving, those bhakti-vedantas, who are very kind to poor-hearted souls, instructed me (Narada Muni) in that most confidential subject which is instructed by the Personality of Godhead Himself
- Bali Maharaja had confidentially decided to give the gift to Lord Vamanadeva without discussion, but because such a decision would hurt the hearts of the asuras and his spiritual master, Sukracarya, he spoke equivocally
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura writes in this connection that Sri Radha-kunda is the most select place for those interested in advancing their devotional service in the wake of the lady friends (sakhis) and confidential serving maids (manjaris) of Radharani
- By argument you cannot come to the conclusion. By simply reading scriptures you cannot come to the conclusion. By following the philosophers you cannot come to the conclusion. Therefore the truth is very confidential. Dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam
- By that confidential knowledge, I (Narada Muni) could understand clearly the influence of the energy of Lord Sri Krsna, the creator, maintainer and annihilator of everything. By knowing that, one can return to Him and personally meet Him
- By the mercy of Vyasa, I have heard these most confidential talks directly from the master of all mysticism, Krsna, who was speaking personally to Arjuna. BG 18.75 - 1972
- Each and every soul has a potent, confidential, eternal relationship with the Personality of Godhead. But due to long association with the illusory material energy, every one of us has forgotten that relationship from time immemorial
- Even in the material world, the father of many sons discloses the secret of his position to the pet sons. The father discloses the confidence unto the son whom he thinks worthy
- Every living entity can, like Uddhava, also become a confidential messenger on the same level as the Lord, provided he becomes confidential himself by dint of loving devotional service
- First of all understand Krsna. Just like if you become a friend of some very big man, so first of all try to understand him. Then you'll try to understand his family affairs or confidential things. But these people jump over to the rasa-lila
- First, He (Lord Caitanya) describes the confidential truth of the Personality of Godhead, and second, He satisfies everyone by knowledge and attachment to Krsna. He is peaceful because He renounces all topics not related to the service of Krsna
- For the present, it is better not to discuss on these confidential things of a higher level, but you are always welcome to put your genuine questions for an answer. Otherwise, how will you know things as they are?
- From revealed scriptures it is understood that Krsna lives in three transcendental places. The most confidential residence of Krsna is Goloka Vrndavana
- Garuda, the constant companion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, knows the confidential part of the Lord's desire
- God is beyond the limitation of our thinking and philosophical speculation. Sambhavanam tava parivradhima-svabhavam - Your very grave and confidential activities, it is very difficult to understand by ordinary men
- Guru is Arjuna. Because a confidential instruction is given to Arjuna, so we accept Arjuna as guru. Or one who is following Arjuna, he is guru
- He (Nanda Maharaj) could understand that Uddhava was a very confidential friend of Krsna's and therefore must have come with good messages
- Hearing all this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was astonished. "These are actually My confidential pastimes," He thought. "How could Haridasa have understood them"
- Her (Radharani's) patient calmness is compared with a covering of cloths which have been cleansed by camphor. Her confidential agony for Krsna is the knot in Her hair, and the mark of tilaka on Her forehead is Her fortune
- Here is that very P of G whose attractive and confidential pastimes are described in the confidential parts of Vedic literature by His great devotees. It is He only who creates, maintains and annihilates the material world and yet remains unaffected
- His success was made possible because he was a reservoir of unlimited glorified qualities. The word upagupta-vittah is very significant here (SB 4.16.10). It indicates that no one would know the extent of the riches King Prthu would confidentially keep
- I am not fit to speak all these confidential words about my visiting Lord Madana Gopala and Lord Govinda
- I am sitting here, and the bug is also sitting here. That does not mean we are very confidential. No. Bug is different visions, and my business different. And bug's business is biting. That kind of association will not help
- I have got some official servant, and I have got very confidential servant. So to my confidential servant everything is disclosed. He knows everything. But official servant, he may not know everything
- I shall request you not to circulate all my letters that I address to you. Letters are sometimes personal and confidential, and if all letters are circulated, it may react reversely
- If one has full faith in Krsna and confidence in Him, one becomes eligible to discharge devotional service confidentially. According to one's faith, one is a topmost, intermediate or inferior devotee
- If you are my confidential friend, then I can take to my family. And if you are outsider, why should you expect to come into my family life? This is common sense. You do not understand Krsna, and you want to understand Krsna's dealings with Radharani
- If you want to know about me, then you must know from me. That is authentic. That is authentic. Or from a confidential person who is confidence of me. Similarly, if you want to know Krsna, then here is Bhagavad-gita, spoken by Krsna
- Impersonalists twist some meanings out of Bhagavatam to suit and support impersonalist views, and the professional readers at once go to the Tenth Canto to misexplain the most confidential part of the Lord's pastimes
- In addition to giving and receiving, in the execution of devotional service one has to submit to Krsna whatever distress or confidential problem he has
- In all ways the confidential part of spiritual knowledge is realization of the Personality of Godhead, and not His impersonal Brahman feature
- In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna refers to bhagavata-dharma as the most confidential religious principle
- In his Bhagavat-sandarbha, Srila Jiva Gosvami says: Omkara is the most confidential sound representation of the Supreme Lord
- In one verse, Srila Rupa Gosvami has explained the confidential meaning of the verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam for the understanding of the general populace
- In order to pacify them (Krsna's associates), Krsna smilingly said to Uddhava, "My dear Uddhava, you are always My well-wishing confidential friend. I therefore wish to see everything through you because I believe that your counsel is always right"
- In the Bhagavad-gita, after teaching so many things, yoga, jnana, karma and so many other things, at last Krsna says, sarva-guhyatamam: "Now I am speaking to you the most confidential instruction." What is that? Sarva-dharman parityajya
- In the Ninth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita this science of Krsna consciousness is called the king of all knowledge, the king of all confidential things, and the supreme science of transcendental realization
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam especially, the confidential parts of His activities are described by the confidential devotee Sukadeva Gosvami
- In the stage of full satisfaction and detachment from the sensory world, one can know the mystery of the science of God with all its confidential intricacies, and not by grammar or academic speculation
- In the Vedanta-sutras or Upanisads there is only a hint of the confidential parts of His pastimes
- In the very beginning, the Lord says that this body is perishable and that the soul is not perishable. That is a confidential part of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- In this statement there are many confidential considerations. I do not write of them all, fearing an unnecessary increase in the volume of the book
- Intimate relationships with Krsna develop from an ordinary conception of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to the conception of master and servant, and, when this becomes confidential, it develops into a friendly relationship
- Is the spiritual master as good as God? The spiritual master is not God, but is the confidential representative of God. The distinction is that between sevya-bhagavan (he who is worshiped) and sevaka-bhagavan - he who is the worshiper
- It is best to avoid association with them (Mayavadis and atheists) completely and never ask them about anything confidential because they cannot give good advice
- It is my confidential advice to you that if he feels any difficulties for money, you may discriminatingly help him, and he should continue as the managing editor
- It is very confidential and difficult for ordinary human beings to understand, but if by chance one fortunately understands it, he is immediately liberated, and thus he returns home, back to Godhead
- It was by Dronacarya's mercy that you learned the military art of throwing arrows and the confidential art of controlling weapons
- Just as the king has the right to keep his treasury confidential and secret, the people should also keep their individual earnings a secret. There is no fault in such dealings
- Just like you brush something with broomstick or something and throw away the dust, similarly, the dusty things, so-called sentimental religionism, is not here in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is a science. Parama-guhyam: very confidential
- King Pariksit said: O Sukadeva Gosvami, why did Vasistha, the spiritual master of Saudasa, curse that great soul? I wish to know of this. If it is not a confidential matter, please describe it to me
- Krsna continued, "You (Rukmini) did not select any one of them as your husband but insisted on having Me. You neglected all the princes present, and very politely you sent Me a confidential letter inviting Me to kidnap you"
- Krsna did not like to instruct the confidential system of yoga to any so-called impersonalist or so-called Vedantist. Arjuna was ordinary householder
- Krsna Himself can explain the confidential loving service performed in the four principal varieties of loving affairs between the Supreme Lord and His devotees. Lord Krsna therefore personally appeared, with His plenary portions, as Lord Caitanya
- Krsna says to Arjuna, "Because you are My very dear friend, I am explaining to you the most confidential religion." Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: (BG 18.66) Give up all other duties and surrender unto Me
- Krsna tells Arjuna, "Because you are My friend, I am revealing to you the most confidential dharma." What is that? "Simply surrender unto Me." This is the dharma taught by the SPG, and Krsna's incarnation and His devotee will teach the same dharma
- Krsna's rasa-lila should not be discussed in public meeting. It is most confidential. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu never discussed. He discussed Krsna's pastimes, lila with gopis, with His confidential, very confidential circle
- Krsna’s pastimes in Vraja are eternal, like His other activities in Goloka Vrndavana. Vraja is a confidential part of Goloka Vrndavana
- Let the leaders be open minded and not be biased by any sectarian thoughts of religiosity. This movement is universal. We invite every one to our feast and Kirtana but when one comes into the confidence we initiate him
- Living entities who are eager to return home to the transcendental kingdom of God, Goloka Vrndavana should take shelter of the confidential serving maids of Sri Radha and under their direction engage constantly in Her service
- Lord Caitanya as the incarnation of Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, is described secretly but not directly in the confidential parts of the revealed scriptures, such as the Upanisads, Mahabharata, Bhagavatam, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Caitanya is undoubtedly Krsna Himself, and He is always nondifferent from Srimati Radharani. But the emotion technically called vipralambha-bhava, which the Lord adopted for confidential reasons, should not be disturbed in the name of service
- Lord Caitanya said to Ramananda Raya: I have come to you upon the recommendation of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. Please, then, do not hesitate to relate to Me all the confidential affairs between Radha and Krsna
- Lord Siva, dressed like a brahmana, gave alms to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and invited Him to spend three days in a solitary place. Sitting there together, they talked very confidentially
- Lord Siva, Narada the sage amongst the demigods, and Kapila, the incarnation of Godhead, all know very confidentially about His glories through direct contact
- Lord Sri Krsna has repeatedly instructed Arjuna, or for that matter everyone concerned with becoming His unalloyed devotee. In the last phase of His instruction in the Bhagavad-gita (18.64-66) He instructed most confidentially
- Narada Muni uses the word japah, which indicates that the mantra to be chanted is very confidential. One may ask, "If it is confidential, why is it mentioned in the writing of Srimad-Bhagavatam?"
- Nihsreyasa means the ultimate benefit. Krsna also says the same thing, that param guhyatamam: I have instructed you so many things, but because you are My dear friend, I am just disclosing to you (Arjuna) the most confidential thing
- No one is superior to you in peaceful life and mercy, and no one knows better than you how to execute devotional service or how to become the best of the brahmanas. Therefore, you know all the principles of confidential religious life
- No one would know the extent of the riches King Prthu would confidentially keep. The idea is that not only the king but everyone should keep his hard-earned money confidentially and secretly so that in due course of time the money can be spent
- No one, not even Lord Brahma, can ascertain or even taste a drop of this confidential ocean of ecstasy, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, out of His causeless mercy, has distributed this love of Godhead all over the world
- Now the question which was raised by the great rsis headed by Saunaka regarding the confidential part of Suta's achievement through the spiritual masters is explained herein (SB 1.5.37) by the chanting of this hymn consisting of thirty-three letters
- O brahmana (Vyasa) , thus by the Supreme Lord Krsna I (Narada) was endowed first with the transcendental knowledge of the Lord as inculcated in the confidential parts of the Vedas, then with the spiritual opulences, & then with His intimate loving service
- O King (Pariksit), kindly hear me (Sukadeva Gosvami) with great attention. Although the activities of the Supreme Lord (Krsna) are very confidential, no ordinary man being able to understand them, I shall speak about them to you - SB 10.13.3
- O lady, even if someone inquires, you should not disclose this fact to anyone. That which is very confidential is successful if kept secret
- Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one's mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting prasada and offering prasada are the six symptoms of love shared by one devotee and another
- On the basis of scriptures like Srimad-Bhagavatam, which reveal these confidential directions, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Sanatana Gosvami regarding all the regular activities of a devotee
- One can, by the mercy of Godhead, pass the transcendental M.A. examination without even having passed the preliminary examinations. But this extraordinary mercy of Godhead is possible only by a confidential relationship with the Personality of Godhead
- One gopi addressed Radharani thusly, "My dear Krsangi (delicate one), just see how Subala is whispering Your message into Krsna's ear, how he is delivering the confidential letter of Syamadasi silently into Krsna's hand"
- One must take shelter of one of these four (the Brahma-sampradaya, the Rudra-sampradaya, the Sri-sampradaya, the Kumara-sampradaya) sampradayas in order to understand the most confidential religious system
- One who lives in that fashion becomes undoubtedly endowed with the blessing of the Lord by achieving the shelter of His lotus feet. There is nothing to doubt about this eternal truth. Arjuna was His confidential friend, the secret was disclosed to him
- Only foolish persons consider Krsna to be an ordinary human being because they do not know the confidential activities of the Supreme Lord and His different energies. BG 1972 purports
- Ordinary devotees bound up by the formalities of Vedic rites cannot enter deep into confidential loving service to the Lord, and thus their realization remains imperfect. Sometimes they even fall victim to the calamity of impersonalism
- Other friends' behavior is on the ground of paternal love or servitude, but the basic principle of the confidential friends is simply friendship on an equal level
- Out of all these confidential friends, Sridama is considered to be the chief. Sridama used to put on a yellow-colored dress
- Sanatana Gosvami inquired into all phases of devotional service, and Lord Caitanya taught him most confidentially from authoritative scriptures like Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Sanatana Gosvami said - You (Caitanya) are the teacher of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and You best know the meanings of the verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is not possible for others to understand the confidential meanings of Srimad-Bhagavatam without Your mercy
- Sanjaya never thought that Dhrtarastra could perform any act without consulting him. But Dhrtarastra's going away from home was so confidential that it could not be disclosed even to Sanjaya
- She (Kunti) is authority, because devotee, every devotee, pure devotee, they are confidential. Otherwise how Krsna has accepted to become her nephew?
- She (Rukmini) wrote Krsna a confidential letter, which was presented and read to Him by a brahmana messenger. This verse (of CC Antya 4.63) appeared in that letter
- Sivananda Sena thereupon developed full confidence in his mind that Nakula Brahmacari was filled with the presence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sivananda Sena then offered him respect and devotional service
- Sivananda Sena, the twenty-fourth branch of the tree, was an extremely confidential servant of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Everyone who went to Jagannatha Puri to visit Lord Caitanya took shelter and guidance from Sri Sivananda Sena
- So this guhya, this Brahman realization, is also very confidential. But Paramatma realization is guhyatara, still more confidential. And to understand Krsna is guhyatama, superlative degree. Guhyad guhyatamam
- Some confidential friends (of Krsna) are - Sridama, Sudama, Dama, Vasudama, Kinkini, Stoka-krsna, Amsu, Bhadrasena, Vilasi, Pundarika, Vitanka and Kalavinka
- Some confidential friends are as follows: Sridama, Sudama, Dama, Vasudama, Kinkini, Stokakrsna, Amsu, Bhadrasena, Vilasina, Pundarika, Vitanka and Kalavinka
- Sometimes a confidential friend would come before Krsna and embrace Him with great affection
- Sometimes professional readers of the Bhagavatam immediately plunge into the confidential topics of the pastimes of the Supreme Lord, which they seemingly interpret as sex literature. Srimad-Bhagavatam is meant to be heard from the beginning
- Sometimes the members and supporters inquire very confidentially about the methods of performing devotional service, and we try to explain this
- Speaking in this way, satisfy the mind of mother Saci. Also, remind her of one most confidential incident with this message from Me
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again entrusted him to Svarupa Damodara. Thus Raghunatha dasa rendered very confidential service with Svarupa Damodara Gosvami
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confidentially prayed, mama janmani janmanisvare bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi: "My Lord, please bless Me with Your devotional service. I do not want anything else"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will accept you and place you under the charge of His secretary, Svarupa Damodara. You will thus become one of the most confidential internal servants and will attain shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, is fully independent. Therefore, although it is the most confidentially stored benediction, He can distribute love of Godhead to anyone and everyone without consideration
- Sri Ramananda Raya was one of the three and a half personalities with whom Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu discussed the most confidential topics of Krsna consciousness
- Sri Rupa Gosvami could understand that Lord Caitanya was none other than Sri Krsna Himself, for no one but the Supreme Personality of Godhead can distribute confidential love of the Supreme Person
- Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami was the principal figure among Lord Caitanya's confidential devotees. The records of his diary have revealed these confidential purposes of the Lord
- Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami was the principal figure among Lord Caitanya’s confidential devotees. The records of his diary have revealed these confidential purposes of the Lord
- Srila Rupa Gosvami writes: There were many previous incarnations of the SPG, but none were so generous, kind and magnanimous as Caitanya, for He distributed the most confidential aspect of devotional service, namely, the conjugal love of Radha and Krsna
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the text of the Personality of Godhead and His unalloyed devotees, who are also known as the bhagavatas, and any outsider should have no access to this confidential literature of devotional service
- Sukadeva Gosvami states, "My dear King (Pariksit), the gopis were always beautiful and decorated with confidential smiles and alluring garments"
- Sukadeva, out of compassion for those gross materialists who struggle to cross over the darkest regions of material existence, spoke this most confidential supplement to the cream of Vedic knowledge, after having personally assimilated it by experience
- Surrender unto Krsna in devotional service in full Krsna consciousness is the most confidential instruction and is the essence of the Eighteenth Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita). BG 1972 purports
- That is a confidential part of knowledge: simply knowing that the spirit soul is different from this body and that its nature is immutable, indestructible and eternal
- That is natural, if a big man, he reveals to his confidential secretaries, not to everyone
- That is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy. He distributed the most confidential part of love of Godhead. Although we are living in this fallen age, Kali-yuga, but He is giving the topmost platform of loving Krsna, anarpita-carim cirat
- That most confidential cause is threefold. Svarupa Damodara has revealed it
- The actual truth of religion is very confidential. How can I know it? You just try to follow mahajana. Never mind if you follow Jesus Christ, you follow Krsna - but you follow the most authorized personality. That is wanted
- The appearance and disappearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His different activities are all confidential, even to the Vedic literatures. Yet they are displayed by the Lord to bestow mercy upon the conditioned souls
- The appearance of Lord Caitanya is both significant and confidential. He can be appreciated only by pure devotees and only through the process of devotional service
- The author requests every reader to hear these talks with faith and without argument. By studying them in this way, one will be able to understand the confidential truth of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The behavior of these confidential friends is described by a friend of Radharani, who told Radharani: "My dear graceful Radharani, Your intimate friend, Krsna, is also served by His intimate boy friends"
- The bona fide spiritual master is the most confidential representative of the Lord, and one must receive direction from the spiritual master in the same spirit that Brahmaji received it from the Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna
- The confidential activities have arisen from the feelings and emotions of those damsels
- The confidential meaning of the Vedas is not easily understood by common men; therefore that meaning is supplemented by the words of the Puranas
- The confidential teachings of the Bhagavad-gita are therefore meant for nothing but attaining the highest perfection of human life - the transcendental service of Sri Krsna
- The confidential treatment of the weapon brahmasira was explained to Arjuna, and Dronacarya was promised by Arjuna that he would use the weapon if necessary when he (Dronacarya) personally became an enemy of Arjuna
- The degree of intimacy shared by Krsna and Subala can be understood by the fact that the talks between them were so confidential that no one else could understand what they were saying
- The description of the dealings of Kapiladeva and His mother is very confidential, and anyone who hears or reads this narration becomes a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is carried by Garuda
- The devotee is accepted in the confidential entourage of the Lord and is entrusted with specific service of the Lord through the agency of the spiritual master
- The discussions between Ramananda Raya & Lord Caitanya deal with the most concentrated form of devotional service. By hearing these discussions one can understand the pastimes of Sri Radha & Krsna as well as the confidential role played by Lord Caitanya
- The emotion technically called vipralambha-bhava, which the Lord adopted for confidential reasons, should not be disturbed in the name of service
- The expression "most confidential" is significant here because knowledge of devotional service is far, far above knowledge of impersonal Brahman
- The fact is that the wisdom of the Absolute Truth is very confidential, but if we follow the authorities, it can be understood
- The Gosvamis carried out the preaching work of devotional service on the basis of an analytical study of all confidential Vedic literatures. This was in compliance with the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The great saint Narada continued: O great personality, I have replied properly about all that you have asked me. Now hear another narration that is accepted by saintly persons and is very confidential
- The idea is that not only the king but everyone should keep his hard-earned money confidentially and secretly so that in due course of time the money can be spent for good, practical purposes
- The immigration department by their confidential conspiracy did not allow me to enter into Nairobi. Therefore, from the Nairobi airport I immediately arranged to come to London
- The knowledge of God imparted in Bhagavad-gita is very subtle and confidential. It is full of jnana, metaphysical wisdom, and vijnana, scientific knowledge. And it is full of mystery also
- The knowledge of the self and the Supreme Self is very confidential and mysterious, being veiled by maya, but such knowledge and specific realization can be understood if it is explained by the Lord Himself. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord (Caitanya) requested that Ramananda Raya keep all these conversations secret and not expose them to the general populace. If one is actually advanced in Krsna consciousness, he can understand these confidential talks; otherwise they appear crazy
- The Lord and His eternal associates appeared on earth to help the administrative demigods in eradicating the burden of the world. He called for some of the confidential demigods to appear in the Yadu family and serve Him in His great mission
- The Lord says that the mystery of the Bhagavad-gita is very confidential. Without being an unalloyed devotee you cannot know it
- The matters which are described in the Ninth Chapter (of BG) deal with unalloyed, pure devotion. Therefore this is called the most confidential. BG 1972 purports
- The matters which are described in the Ninth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita deal with unalloyed, pure devotion. Therefore this is called the most confidential
- The mental speculators can reach up to the standard of impersonal Brahman realization, but, factually, complete knowledge of transcendence is beyond the knowledge of impersonal Brahman. Thus it is called the supreme confidential wisdom
- The message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was to give the same message as Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita: "surrender to Krishna". The pastimes of Radha-Krishna relationship are confidential and are not for the distribution to the ordinary public
- The more confidential friends are called priya-sakhas and are almost Krsna's age. Because of their very confidential friendship, their behavior is only on the basis of pure friendship
- The most confidential part of the instruction is that one should always chant & remember the glories of the Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, along with His different plenary portions expanded as Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha
- The most munificent Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as Gaurakrsna, distributed to everyone - even the lowest of men - His own confidential treasury in the form of the nectar of love of Himself and the holy name
- The pastimes of Radha and Krsna are very confidential. They cannot be understood through the mellows of servitude, fraternity or parental affection
- The path of devotional service is the most confidential means for attaining Brahman realization
- The Personality of Godhead said: Knowledge about Me as described in the scriptures is very confidential, and it has to be realized in conjunction with devotional service. The necessary paraphernalia for that process is being explained by Me
- The personified Vedas said, "Dear Lord, although Brahma, Indra, the predominating demigod of the heavenly planets, as well as the predominating deities of such planets as the sun and the moon, are all very confidential directors of this material world"
- The pious activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are very confidential. It is not ordinarily possible to hear such activities unless one is very, very fortunate
- The purpose, as it will be revealed, was to attend to a confidential letter sent by Rukmini, His future first wife. Krsna's leaving the battlefield is a display of one of His six opulences
- The real mission of life: how to go back to Krsna, how to go back to Vaikunthaloka, the spiritual world. That is real mission. But that we do not know; therefore it is most confidential
- The reciters continued: No one will be able to understand the policies the King will follow. His activities will also be very confidential, and it will not be possible for anyone to know how he will make every activity successful
- The relationship of the Lord with His devotees is extremely confidential. Only the devotee can perceive how the Lord, although full in Himself, depends on His devotee for some particular work
- The statement in this verse (SB 3.16.18) dharmasya paramo guhyah refers to the most confidential part of all religious principles
- The very beginning of Bhagavad-gita, the First Chapter, is more or less an introduction to the rest of the book; and in the Second and Third Chapters, the spiritual knowledge described is called confidential. BG 1972 purports
- The vrndavana-lila, Krsna's lila with the gopis, is the most confidential lila. We should not entertain this confidential lila unless we are liberated. It is very difficult subject
- The word brahma means "perfect knowledge of all activities," and this knowledge is very confidentially described in the Vedic literatures
- The word vipra means brahmana, and at the same time confidential
- The word viviktam is very significant. No one should think of the prayers recited by Lord Siva as being sectarian; rather, they are very confidential
- The worship of the Lord begins with the worship of Narayana, or Visnu, whereas the worship of Lord Krsna and Radha is most confidential
- There are different types of education, different departmental education, but this is the best of the royal education. Raja-vidya raja-guhyam. And most confidential. It cannot be understood by ordinary person
- There are six Gosvamis, direct disciples of Lord Caitanya. Six Gosvamis and three other confidential
- There are six kinds of association - giving charity, accepting charity, accepting food, offering food, talking confidentially and inquiring confidentially
- There was a confidential policy by the British government to kill India's original culture and everything Indian was condemned. From the very beginning they took this position
- There were many previous incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but none were so generous, kind and magnanimous as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, for He distributed the most confidential aspect of devotional service
- Thereafter Sanatana Gosvami inquired from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu about all the conclusive statements concerning devotional service, and the Lord very vividly explained all the confidential meanings of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Therefore Lord Sri Krsna presents His most confidential pastimes as He enjoys them in His transcendental realm. Such pastimes are so attractive that they attract even the Lord, and thus He relishes them in the form of Lord Caitanya
- Therefore one should refrain from hearing the lectures of such professional men. Such men usually go to the most confidential part of the literature without undergoing the gradual process of understanding this grave subject
- These are confidential pastimes of the son of Saci. Other than devotees, no one knows of this incident
- These confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna have expanded through the mercy of the damsels. Without their mercy, they cannot be understood. One has to follow in the footsteps of the damsels of Vraja in order to understand
- They heard confidential narrations about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu from the mouth of Jagadananda Pandita and forgot themselves in the great happiness of hearing about the Lord
- This (follow the path of the Brahma-sampradaya and make it a point in life to realize Lord Krsna) very confidential instruction to the pure devotees of the Lord was also given to Arjuna and to Brahma in the beginning of the creation
- This attachment is very confidentially kept by Krsna and is only bestowed upon pure devotees
- This confidential relationship with the Personality of Godhead is possible only by the transcendental association of the devotees of the Personality of Godhead
- This confidential service (of CC Adi 10.92) was the personal care of the Lord - Caitanya
- This highest form of ecstasy can exist only in the most confidential part of the transcendental world, but by the causeless mercy of the Lord we can have a peep into that invisible Vraja
- This is called raja-vidya, the knowledge, the king of all knowledge. Raja-guhyam, the king of all confidential things. Raja-vidya raja-guhyam pavitram paramam idam, and very pure, and sublime
- This is the middle meaning. Now please hear the confidential meaning. Lord Krsna has three places of residence, which are well known from the revealed scriptures
- This is the most confidential part of the Vedic scriptures, O sinless one, and it is disclosed now by Me. Whoever understands this will become wise, and his endeavors will know perfection. BG 15.20 - 1972
- This is the most exalted method (live at Radha-kunda, and take shelter of the confidential serving maids of Sri Radha) for those engaged in devotional service under the protection of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This knowledge is an extremely confidential secret, but it can be understood if one approaches the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the bona fide agent, the spiritual master in the disciplic succession from Narada
- This part of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes is most confidential. One can derive benefit quickly only by faith; otherwise, by arguing one will always remain far away
- To become pure or to understand the essence of purity is very confidential
- To disclose it is not proper, for it should be kept as confidential as the Vedas, yet I shall speak of it to make His mercy known to all
- To understand the essence of purity is very confidential
- To understand what is actually religion is very difficult even if one is situated in the principles of morality and nonviolence. It is very confidential because as soon as one is conversant with the real principles of religion, he is at once liberated
- Transcendental qualities are certainly present in the santa-rasa and dasya-rasa, but beyond these there is another quality, confidential attachment, which is pure transcendental love. This loving confidence in the God is technically known as visrambha
- Unscrupulous people go at once to the Tenth Canto, especially to the five chapters which describe the Lord's rasa dance. However, this portion of Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most confidential part of that great literature
- Unscrupulous persons go immediately to the Tenth Canto and especially to the five chapters which describe the Lord's rasa dance. This portion of the Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most confidential part of this great literature
- We have to learn from the proper person about Krsna's activities. We should not immediately try to understand Krsna's dealings with the gopis, for they are very confidential
- We should not discuss the rasa-lila generally. Because unless one is advanced in spiritual consciousness and Krsna consciousness, they should not try to understand what is rasa-lila. It is very confidential. It is meant for the liberated souls
- When he (a neophyte devotee) becomes firmly fixed in such devotional service, that assured status becomes a confidential part of his devotional service
- When Krsna is killing Putana, that picture they will not paint, or killing Kamsa, or... Krsna has got so many pictures. These pictures these rascals will not paint. They will simply paint the picture, His confidential dealings with the gopis
- When one is actually situated in that understanding, he becomes eligible to enter into the confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna. There is no alternative to understand Their confidential pastimes
- When one is situated in this confidential friendly relationship with Krsna, one shows symptoms of love such as attraction, affection, affinity and attachment
- When people (who are bereft of spiritual intellect) come under the influence of Sankaracarya's Mayavadi (impersonalist) philosophy before beginning the most confidential Vedanta-sutras, their natural tendency toward obedience to the Supreme is checked
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not accept the food that had already been served, Advaita Acarya said, "Please give up Your concealment. I know what You are, and I know the confidential meaning of Your accepting the sannyasa order"
- When the great sage Agastya, the son of Kumbha, was residing in the Malaya Hills and worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I approached him, and he explained to me this confidential history
- While smiling, they (the gopis) confidentially expressed their suppressed anger and said, “Dear Krsna, we are ordinary women of Vrndavana, and we do not know much about Vedic knowledge - what is right and what is wrong"
- Yajnavalkya and Jaimini and other compilers of the religious scriptures cannot know the secret, confidential religious system of the twelve mahajanas because they are bewildered by the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- You can manufacture so many other dharmas - that is not dharma; that is your concocted dharma. But real dharma this is: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji . . . this is most confidential dharma
- You have done right by removing the pictures which deal in Gopis and Krishna. They are never for public show. They are very confidential & meant for advanced devotees. The neophytes will be misguided by such pictures. I hope you will understand me right