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Pages in category "Recent"
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- Above all these (no bare necessities of life), there is always disturbance: sometimes war, sometimes famine, sometimes earthquake, sometimes overflood. Just like recently in New York there was overflood. So in this way we are so much complicated
- According to them (some misled people), the system of nadiya-nagari, which they have recently invented in their fertile brains, is the worship of Gaura, Lord Caitanya, but they do not like to worship Radha and Krsna
- Artistic jewelry and decorations giving the appearance of eyes are not imaginary. Even in recent times the Mogul emperors constructed their palaces with decorations of jeweled birds with eyes made of valuable stones
- Because He has spoken to Muhammad, and Muhammad has come, he is speaking the same thing. So recently... There is no need of God's coming. If Muhammad is speaking on behalf of God, then that is all right. There is no need of God's coming. This is parampara
- Brahmananda in his recent letter has informed that the sanction is awaiting the President's signature. So let us wait a few days more for the final word
- By Krishna's grace, the higher learned section is appreciating our books. That is the only hope for pushing on. But, I am very much depressed by the recent incidences in Germany
- Enclosed you will find one photograph of the Deities there in L.A. recently sent to me. Why is Krishna without a flute? What is the difficulty to make for Krishna a flute? You can take a twig and wrap it in golden lace with a pearl drop hanging
- Every human being is the followers of Veda because the history of all other religions, they are all recent - one thousand year, two thousand years, three thousand years - but you cannot trace out the history of the Vedic religion
- Harikesa was doing nice preaching work and recently he has received one letter from Sucandra. Both of them can work there very nicely
- He (Lord Siva) wanted to see the recent incarnation of Mohini-murti, which Lord Visnu had assumed to distribute the nectar generated from the churning of the ocean of milk
- He (the brahmana) was not very satisfied with the offering because the sweet rice had been prepared recently and it was still very hot
- I am also glad to note that a meeting of all the presidents was held just recently in order to unify the temples. That is the process. Unless we work cooperatively, how this movement will go on?
- I can appreciate that you are traveling widely in your recently expanded zone and you plan to first become acquainted with the temple presidents by traveling is good
- I have recently received a full report from Rupanuga Maharaja on the activities of the Washington D.C. and especially how you are most enthusiastic about book distribution and that you are fixing to purchase the house. I am very glad
- I have seen the pictures of your recent Festival, and it is very, very nice. I have enjoyed the pictures so nicely that I am looking always to them; although I have seen three, four times, still I am not satisfied
- I wish to express my heart-felt gratitude for the kind treatment given me and my disciples, members of the Hare Krishna Movement on our recent two day visit in Tirumala
- If we can perform kirtan following the recently made recording, it will be marvelous
- In Calcutta recently a slaughterhouse was being advertised as a temple of the goddess Kali. Meat-eaters foolishly purchase meat from such shops, thinking it different from ordinary meat and taking it to be the prasada of goddess Kali
- In India there is still that place, Kuruksetra, and religious men go there especially on the occasion of solar eclipse. So recently there was solar eclipse
- In our recent tour of European cities, many learned Christian scholars, priests, philosophers and yogis came to see us, and by the grace of Krsna they agreed that the Krsna consciousness movement, the bhakti cult, offers the topmost conclusion
- In recent history we have seen many political leaders work hard for individual and collective economic development, but they have all failed. This is the law of nature, as clearly explained in the next verse - SB 7.7.42
- In recent years some unscrupulous so-called priests known as caste gosvamis have introduced the worship of demigods privately, but no genuine and rigid Vaisnavas participate in this
- In San Francisco one of our friends told me that long ago he left his young children and went to another country. Recently a letter came from his grown-up son, and at once the father remembered his affection for him and sent some money
- In the more recent songs of Srila Narottama dasa Thakura the spiritual master is always considered either one of the confidential associates of Srimati Radharani or a manifested representation of Srila Nityananda Prabhu
- In the more recent songs Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and other unalloyed Vaisnavas, the spiritual master is always considered either one of the confidential associates of Srimati Radharani or a manifested representation of Srila Nityananda Prabhu
- In the recent history of warfare the Supreme Personality of Godhead created a Hitler and, before that, a Napoleon Bonaparte, and they each killed many living entities in war. But in the end Bonaparte and Hitler were also killed
- In this old age I am going with this party just to set an example to my disciples who have taken recently the Sannyas order
- In Yadu-vamsa Krsna ordered all the devotee demigods to "Go and take birth there to help Me." Similarly, you were born in Europe, America, to help this. Otherwise you were devotees in your past lives. I have explained that in my recent writings
- In your country there is very good system of democracy. As we have seen just recently the people, as the common people have so much power, that they were able to get down this Nixon, who is obviously a rascal
- It is a matter of great regret that recently in my birthplace, West Bengal, there are some who are making agitations and various uncalled for remarks without knowing the real facts. All these have pained me to a great extent
- It is not that the Vedic civilization does not know what is the effect of eating flesh. They have got very broad analytical knowledge, and in the recent years Mr. George Bernard Shaw, he also said that, - You are what you eat
- Just as a person born in a particular family cannot understand the position of his great-grandfather, who lived before the birth of the recent generation, we are unable to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, or Krsna
- Just as a person born recently in a family cannot understand the situation of his distant forefather, no one within this material world can understand the position of the Supreme Lord in the spiritual world
- Just recently we went to Hrishikesh, and in one asrama they have doll exhibits of all the avataras
- Lord Caitanya grew very much agitated, like a person who has just lost a recently acquired jewel. Then He became very morose and returned home
- Lord Ramacandra's kingdom is still existing, and recently there was a political party in India named the Ramarajya party, which wanted to establish a kingdom resembling the kingdom of Rama
- Lord Siva was especially sorry because he had recently lost his dear wife and was also very much afflicted by the unkind words of Daksa. Under the circumstances, Lord Brahma suggested, it would behoove them (the demigods) to go at once and beg his pardon
- Lord Sri Krsna performed this pastime of killing Aghasura during His kaumara age. How then, during His pauganda age, could the boys have described this incident as having happened recently - SB 10.12.41
- Many Mayavadis have recently begun reciting SB in Vrndavana, and because they can present the SB with word jugglery, twisting the meaning by grammatical tricks, materialistic persons who go to Vrndavana as a matter of spiritual fashion like to hear them
- Mother Yasoda continued, "So we had better keep Him (Krsna) locked up within the house. I have been very worried about the recent disturbances of the Kesi demon, who has been assuming the form of a giant horse"
- My dear Nimai Pandita, what You have said is all true. Our scriptures have developed only recently, and they are certainly not logical and philosophical
- O lord, please note that we are not at all negligent in discharging our duties. We have been faithfully carrying this palanquin according to your desire, but this man who has been recently engaged to work with us cannot walk very swiftly
- O my Lord, O head of the Yadu dynasty, recently, however, my intelligence has been awakened, and now I am giving them up
- On the conclusion of the All Religious Conference held at Bombay very recently, I may submit that nothing practical has come out of it for uniting the different faiths of the world
- One foolish scientist recently declared that eventually life will be made permanent through science
- One who chants this mantra to worship that SP three times a day, will surely be freed from all sinful reactions. If one simply offers his obeisances to this form or remembers this form three times a day, all his recent sinful activities will be destroyed
- People followed the Ratha and experienced so much joy as they had never enjoyed at any time within recent memory. The reason is that we are giving people direct contact with Krishna, the Reservoir of all pleasure
- Please always work cooperatively for this end. I know that there has been a great disturbance amongst the devotees caused recently, but now things are being rectified
- Recent acaryas
- Recent indiscriminate issues of checks have perturbed my mind. By indiscriminate issues of checks $1000.00 of society's money have been put into risk
- Recent times have witnessed a concerted and noble effort on all fronts to bring about unity, peace, and harmony in the world, but these are possible only when people worship Lord Krsna and render Him devotional service
- Recent trends show that without probing deeply into a subject, these Westerners uselessly debate direct and indirect meanings ad infinitum
- Recently at Bhaktivedanta Manor they have held one election for President and Hamsaduta was present. But I am receiving so many contradictory reports
- Recently at Mayapur an African devotee wanted to imitate Haridasa Thakura, but after fifteen days he became restless and went away. Do not suddenly try to imitate Haridasa Thakura
- Recently I have given Sannyas order of life to six Brahmacaris. They have been sent in different parts of the country for preaching work
- Recently I have given Sannyas order of life to six Brahmacaris. They have been sent in different parts of the country for preaching work and two of them might go with me to join you
- Recently I have made one record in Los Angeles, so in trying to train our men in that rhythm is not difficult. Just arrange for sixteen men; four mrdangas, harmonium, tamboura, and the rest playing karatalas
- Recently I have received from one Sannyasi complaint about another Sannyasi who is not chanting regularly
- Recently I received a letter from a doctor in Toronto. He suggested that there is body and there is soul. I corresponded with him. Actually, it is a fact. The soul is there
- Recently in California University one professor came. He has gained the Nobel Prize, chemical evolution. They are trying to prove that life is generated by chemical evolution
- Recently Mr. John Lennon had an interview with one of our disciples, Vibhavati, and it appears that he is also sympathetic with our movement
- Recently newspapers are reporting that faith in a personal God is diminishing. This means that people are becoming more and more foolish. This is natural in Kali-yuga, for as the age of Kali progresses, bodily strength, memory and mercy diminish
- Recently one cardiologist, a doctor, he has accepted that there is soul - in Montreal and Toronto. I had some correspondence with him. And he is strongly in belief that there is soul. So that is another point of view
- Recently one lecture of mine is arranged in our Indian Government House (New India House) organized by the Tagore Society of New York who organize such meeting only for the most distinguished persons
- Recently some criticism has appeared in the Illustrated Weekly also. So, such things will go on in this world, but that does not mean we have got any disrespect for any Vaisnava acarya
- Recently some engineers designed an airplane which can fly at great speeds without danger. When the plane flies, however, it breaks windows all over the city
- Recently there is a book, Chemical Evolution. He wants to prove it, that by combination of chemicals the life has come in. That is not the fact. The fact is, life has come from life
- Recently there is a judgment by the Supreme Court in New York. They admitted that Hare Krsna movement is genuine religious movement
- Recently there is division of Pakistan and India. Twenty years before, this Pakistan was part of India. Now, these Muhammadans, they did not come from outside. They changed their faith from Hindus to Muhammadans. Now they divided their property
- Recently there was a scientific meeting here. Where is that Statesman report?
- Recently they (modern scientists) have said that they have gone to the moon but did not find any living entities there. But Srimad-Bhagavatam and the other Vedic literatures do not agree with this foolish conception
- Recently this has been proven in America, where the president had to be condemned and dragged down from his post by the citizens. This is only one case, but there are many others
- Recently too many couples have been drifting into maya's waters, and it is very discouraging. So if he will agree on these points, then you can perform the marriage with my blessings
- Recently we had talks with Christian leaders in Australia, including the Catholic Bishop of Melbourne, and everyone there was pleased with our philosophy of oneness in religious consciousness
- Recently we have published abridged edition of Bhagavad-gita, 350,000 . . . three hundred and fifty hundred thousand
- Recently we have published our "Isopanisad" a Vedic literature and in this small booklet we have thoroughly discussed this point
- Recently we have received many acclaims by prominent educators, scholars and scientists throughout the world for our books
- Recently we have received their picture, how nicely they're looking, the children. Children, they're innocent. If you want to kill, you can kill; if you want to train him just like a perfect man, you can train him
- Recently we were surprised to see, while walking in Central park in New York City, that a group of young American boys and girls were engaged in worshiping hogs
- Recently, before coming here, one of my students, Syamasundara, he took me from the airport on helicopter to my temple, and he spent one thousand pounds for that rascal thing. Unnecessarily
- Recently, I had sent one letter to reply Tusta Krsna's questions about Siddha Svarupa, namely, that Siddha Svarupa may be pure devotee, but so all of you are also pure devotees
- Recently, the Christian world, they wanted support from the Pope of contraceptive method. That contraceptive method is condemned, but they want to be supported by the religious head
- Recently, when I was in Los Angeles, one German scientist came there. He has written one book, Chemical Evolution, and he has got Nobel Prize. Now he's touring for lecturing on his theory
- Recently, within, two thousand years, there have been many acaryas like Sankaracarya, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Ramanujacarya. They have all accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Regarding my plans for January I can not as yet give a definite answer because I have recently been invited to visit the South American country, Guyana at the beginning of the new year. So this too is undefinite
- Regarding the recent upheavals in our Society, that business is finished, now we must all concentrate very carefully on the simple execution of our duty following the principles of regulation very strictly in our daily life
- So because the sweet rice was prepared by the brahmana very recently, he wanted to touch it so that he could know whether it was fit for eating by the Lord
- So far the marriage proposed for 29th August, I have no objection provided they are firmly in agreement never to separate and are willing to sign such a statement. This was done recently by Rupanuga Prabhu and you can get the wording from him
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati writes in his Anubhasya - A rich Calcutta gentleman named Haricarana Ghosa, who resided in the Simla quarter, recently repaired the temple - of Sri Sri Radha-Govinda in Sri-krsnapura, the village of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
- Still, I would have tried to arrange your interview, but He has recently left to tour South India
- The challenge is to the maya, or in other words it is a fight with the maya, and I may inform you that the maya has given me a great stroke very recently
- The copy of my recent speech on Krishna Consciousness I will send to him. Also, I am sending you one copy of said speech, and it may be published in Back to Godhead
- The killing of Sankhacuda by the Lord is a more recent incident, after the rasa-lila, and not exactly a simultaneous affair
- The majority of Indian population, they are personalists. Yes, majority. Either they worship God or demigod, but they are personalists. Recently the Mayavadi philosophers, they have poisoned, the impersonalism, calamity. God is person
- The note also mentioned that Advaita Acarya had recently incurred a debt of about three hundred rupees that Kamalakanta Visvasa wanted to liquidate
- The ornaments on the arms of the Lord are as brilliant and lustrous as if they had been polished very recently
- The recent "Govinda'' record, which your good wife has sung along with you, is certainly super-excellent, and it has become so nice because of George's attention upon it
- The rooms were very dilapitated so he proposed that I fix the rooms and whatever I pay as rent would be all right. I invested about 1,000 Rs/. and paid him 5 Rs/. monthly, recently I have increased the monthly payment to 10 Rs
- The sastras of the yavanas, or meat-eaters, are not eternal scriptures. They have been fashioned recently, and sometimes they contradict one another
- The Tagore Society of New York Inc. Cordially Invites You to a lecture "GOD CONSCIOUSNESS" by A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI Date: Sunday, November 28,1965. Time: Lecture, 3:30 P.M. Tea, 4:30 P.M. Place: New India House, 3, East 64th Street
- The theory of soil experts that the desert developed in recent years is not supported by the statements of Bhagavatam
- There are many similar instances in the history of India. Even very recently, about 200 years ago or less, one big landlord known as Lalababu, a Calcutta landholder, became a Vaisnava and lived in Vrndavana
- There was an article recently, that Jesus Christ, although he was crucified, he did not die. Yes. He went to Kashmir. Some historical references are there
- There were walls like those in the palace of Maharaja Uttanapada even very recently, during the Mogul period. Anyone who has seen the Red Fort in Delhi must have marked that the walls are made of marble and were once decorated with jewels
- They (veda-vasis) have recently made a rule in their group to formally observe daily sacrifice; they simply ignite a small fire and offer something whimsically, but they do not strictly follow the sacrificial rules and regulations mentioned in the Vedas
- This (pancopasana) imaginary deity worship has recently been transformed into Mayavada impersonalism. For want of Krsna consciousness, people are victimized by the Mayavada philosophy, and consequently they sometimes become staunch atheists
- Thus all living creatures within this material world, including Brahma, all the demigods and all the Raksasas, are to be considered modern. This means that they were all born recently
- To become Krsna conscious means there will be so many enemies. Even father, what to speak of others? They will criticize, they will attack. I have recently received letter from Germany. Our devotees were attacked by a gang. So this is the way
- Vedic knowledge is not a recent discovery. It is all old revealed knowledge. Krsna refers to it as puratanah, which means ancient
- Very recently an archaeologist published findings indicating that Lord Christ, after being buried, was exhumed and that he then went to Kashmir
- Very recently the system (of wives entering the fire after their husband's death) was abolished, since the voluntary system had become a forcible social custom
- Vidura said to Dhrtarastra: You have been blind from your very birth, and recently you have become hard of hearing. Your memory is shortened, and your intelligence is disturbed. Your teeth are loose, your liver is defective, and you are coughing up mucus
- We have recently experienced a war between India and Pakistan. Within fourteen days there have been immense losses of men and money, and there have been disturbances to the entire world. These are the reactions of sinful life
- We have recently got a newcomer baby, Srimati Sarasvati devi, and pleased to learn that they are taking all care for you. I am also very glad that your mother is also taking part in Krishna Conscious activities
- We have recently got a testimony of one university authorities, just like one Goswami from Calcutta University, and many others they have got. These copies should be sent immediately to
- We have seen, that in Moscow, all big, big buildings, they are not recent buildings, they are old, damaged buildings, and (indistinct). So that means their economic condition is not so sound. The old buildings are not very nicely renovated
- We would like to quote the substance of a speech delivered by Sri Radhakrishnan at a recent meeting of UNESCO in Paris. He said that when a nation proudly turns away from God and concentrates on worldly success and prosperity, it meets its doom
- While commenting on this particular verse, we have in our presence the statement of a great modern politician who has recently died and left his will, which discloses his poor fund of knowledge of the codes of God mentioned by Maharaja Pariksit
- You can see from the examples of Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Caitanya, Sankaracarya, who were recently within the limit of our historical knowledge. They attained spiritual perfection after undergoing penances for many, many years
- You have tried to explain the reasons for your recent traveling excursions, but there is no need to explain; the reason is that you are restless. I wanted you to concentrate your mind on painting and utilizing your talents for Krishna's service
- You may send to ISKCON Press for any small literatures which are available, such as "Easy Journey" and "Topmost Yoga." I am told that ISKCON Press has recently printed a large stock of these two books
- You try to make successful BTG as you have recently planned and then you may proceed to London
- You'll find, in the recent history, every twenty-five years there is a big war, slaughter, mass slaughtering of the people. How nature will tolerate?