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Pages in category "Immune"
The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total.
- A drunkard cannot remain without a drink, but a devotee is drunk with Krsna consciousness. The immunization against all material diseases is this Krsna consciousness
- After Lord Krsna had heard the prayers of Mother Earth, He immediately assured her of immunity from all fearful situations. He said to Bhagadatta, "Don't be afraid"
- After taking shelter in the holy name of the Lord and becoming immune, one should strictly restrain oneself from committing sinful acts with a hope that his method of chanting the holy name will give him protection
- Amongst all kinds of living entities begotten by Brahma, namely men, demigods and animals, none but the sage Narayana is immune to the attraction of maya in the form of woman
- Any new brahmacaris who come with good faith should be helped. We are living in the Kingdom of Maya, so Maya's influence is very great in the material world. It is just like an epidemic. So one has to become immune very carefully by Krishna Consciousness
- As a matter of inquisitiveness, she (Prtha) at once called for the sun-god, who desired couplement with her, but she declined. But the sun-god assured her immunity from virgin adulteration, and so she agreed to his proposal
- By such action (by eating food that has been offered to Krsna) not only are past sinful reactions in the body vanquished, but the body becomes immunized to all contamination of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- By taking shelter at the lotus feet of Vasudeva, Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can get released from all kinds of material tribulations, such kind of immunization is not possible by practicing yoga, tapasya, jnana
- By work with transcendental results, or karma-yoga, not only does one become immune from the bondage of work, but also one develops his transcendental devotion toward the Absolute Personality of Godhead
- If one simply engages in Krsna consciousness to understand Krsna, he surely becomes immune to the process of repeated birth and death
- If one surrenders fully unto Krsna - Krsna is Mukunda - then he is no longer any more indebted to all these obligations. He is immune. At one stroke he becomes liquidated from all obligation
- If we chant Hare Krsna mantra or engage our talking for glorifying the Lord, then death cannot touch. Death cannot touch means we are making our way to become immune from death
- If you don't repay your debts, then you become sinful. But Krsna says, "I shall protect for all kinds of sin." So if anyone has surrendered to Krsna, he is no more debtor to anyone. He is immune from all obligation. His only obligation is to Krsna
- If you keep yourself always engaged in Krsna consciousness, in Krsna's business, then you are immune. You will not be infected. This is the process
- If you kill somebody, then you become criminal. But when a soldier kills hundreds of men, he is not criminal. The process is the same, but because one is acting on behalf of the supreme lawgiver, he is immune
- In this connection it is significant that Narada was immune to the attack of jara, or invalidity, and similarly jara, or the destructive force, cannot attack any follower of Narada Muni or a pure Vaisnava
- Innocent citizens were immune from all effects of fighting between the rival royal parties. The citizens had no business in seeing what was going to happen during such fighting
- It is a proven fact that a person who regularly bathes in the Ganges is purified both externally & internally. Externally his body becomes immune to all kinds of disease, and internally he gradually develops a devotional attitude toward the SP of Godhead
- It is a Vedic system for a householder to call brahmanas and Vaisnavas to eat at ceremonial performances in his house because the brahmanas and Vaisnavas can immunize him from sinful activities
- It is not that because you are born in a very rich family, you'll be immune from diseases. It is not that you'll not become old. It is not that you'll be saved from the troubles of birth or you'll be saved from the troubles of death
- Krsna can immediately make His devotee immune from all the reactions caused by sinful life if the devotee simply surrenders unto Him
- Krsna is the ultimate shelter. If he has taken that shelter, he's free, immune
- Kunti continued, "Even ordinary devotees who simply think of You (Krsna) are always immune to all kinds of material danger, and what to speak of ourselves, who are personally remembered by You. So, my dear Krsna, there is no question of bad luck"
- O spotless one (Maitreya), your answers to all these questions will grant immunity from all material miseries. Such charity is greater than all Vedic charities, sacrifices, penances, etc
- One is advised to be situated in suddha-sattva-guna, devotional service, for thus one is immune to the reactions of the three modes of material nature
- One may be a sinful man before chanting the holy name of God but after taking shelter in the holy name and becoming immune, one should strictly restrain oneself from committing sinful acts with a hope that his method of chanting will give him protection
- One may be very proud of his material advancement in knowledge, but he cannot be immune to the four principles of material existence, namely birth, death, old age and disease
- One who has controlled the sitting postures and the breathing process can turn the senses toward the Absolute P of G and thus become immune to the contaminations of the modes of material nature, namely mundane goodness, passion and ignorance
- Only by the propagation of the chanting of the holy name of the Lord can we be immune from all effects of the age of Kali
- That pure spiritual conception makes him (pure devotee) immune to all contamination of material association. The pure devotee never forgets the touch of the Lord in all circumstances
- The devotees are congratulated as being all-successful. A cent-percent devotee of the Lord is immune to the dreadful material miseries of repeated birth and death
- The highest perfectional work of charity is to give people in general immunity from the anxieties of material existence. This can be done only by performing activities in devotional service to the Lord. Such knowledge is incomparable
- The law of nature, however, does not allow anyone immunity from old age, disease or death. Nor has the advancement of material knowledge solved these problems
- The living entity is sanatana, eternal. Because he cannot be killed by any weapon, burnt into ashes by fire, soaked or moistened by water, nor dried up by air, he is considered to be immune to material reactions
- The material world is full of contaminations, and one who is immunized by accepting prasadam of the Lord (food offered to Visnu) is saved from the attack, whereas one who does not do so becomes subjected to contamination. BG 1972 purports
- The messenger said, "(Anyone who surrenders unto Your lotus feet is immediately immune to the reactions of sinful life) We therefore offer ourselves wholeheartedly unto Your shelter, and we hope that Your Lordship will now give us full protection"
- The messenger said, "It may be that Jarasandha has been deputed to give us such trouble because of our past misdeeds, but we heard from revealed scriptures that anyone who surrenders unto Your lotus feet is immune to the reactions of sinful life"
- The purport of this incident is that even a person who is under the regulative principles of the laws of nature, and is therefore punishable by Yamaraja under these laws, can be granted complete immunity by the grace of Krsna
- The sense of eternal servitorship to Krsna makes one immune to all sorts of reactionary elements of work. BG 1972 purports
- The words srotranjalir upasprsya (in SB 9.24.62) indicate that simply by hearing the transcendental activities of the Lord the devotees become so pure that they are immediately immune to the contamination of materialistic fruitive activities
- There are innumerable universes and also innumerable planets in each of them. But none of them is immune to the chief miseries of material existence, namely the pangs of birth, the pangs of death, the pangs of old age and the pangs of disease
- There are many processes of purification; they cannot be as useful as bhagavad-bhakti. Bhagavad-bhakti is so nice that Krsna says that "You surrender to Me", sarva-dharman parityajya" and immediately you become immune from all reaction of sinful activity
- These girls (visa-kanya) had poison injected into their bodies from the beginning of their lives so that in due course of time they would become so immune to the poison and so poisonous themselves that simply by kissing a person they could kill him
- This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita. The Lord says that He takes charge of one who surrenders unto Him, and He makes him immune to all reactions to sinful activities
- To be immuned to the infection of the gunas, we have to engage in bhakti-yoga. Once we attain the perfectional stage, we attain ecstatic love of Godhead. In that state we cannot remain without Krsna for a moment. That is called bhava
- To remain immune from the material qualities, one must engage himself in devotional service - sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23). That is the perfection of life
- When one hears about the Lord and glorifies Him, it is natural to think of Him. This is called smartavyah. All this must be carried out if one actually wants to be immune from fear
- Whoever takes advantage of this offer (of Krsna in BG 18.66) is immediately immune to all sinful activity and returns home, back to Godhead. While present on this planet, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu made the same offer
- Within the spiritual sky is a second manifestation of the quadruple forms of Dvaraka from the abode of Krsna. Among these forms, which are all spiritual and immune to the material modes, Sri Baladeva is represented as Maha-sankarsana