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Pages in category "North"
The following 177 pages are in this category, out of 177 total.
- According to Jyotir Veda, the science of astronomy in the Vedic literature, the sun moves for six months on the northern side of the Sumeru Hill and for six months on the southern side
- After addressing Arjuna in this way, Lord Krsna called for His transcendental chariot. He mounted it along with Arjuna and proceeded north
- After completing the sacrifice, Lord Parasurama gave the eastern direction to the hota as a gift, the south to the brahma, the west to the adhvaryu, the north to the udgata, and the four corners - northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest
- After searching for some time, they came upon Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lying in a corner by the northern side of the Simha-dvara gate
- After spreading kusa with its tips pointing east, the saintly King, himself facing the northeast, sat down on the grass and began to meditate upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, who had assumed the form of a fish
- All the acaryas in South India, especially Sri Ramanujacarya, constructed many big temples, and in North India all the Gosvamis of Vrndavana constructed large temples. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura also constructed large centers
- Along with these seven stars, all the others stars also orbit from east to west. The upper portion of the universe is called the north, and the lower portion is called the south
- Although the thunderbolt revolved around Vrtrasura's neck with great speed, separating his head from his body took one complete year - 360 days, the time in which the sun, moon and other luminaries complete a northern and southern journey
- Another Visnu temple, named Sri Janardana, is situated about twenty-six miles north of the Trivandrum district, near the railway station called Varkala
- As in the ocean there are always different waves, either on the eastern side, the western side, the northern side or the southern side, so similarly Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu has different waves
- At the time of Krsna's birth, the planetary systems were automatically adjusted so that everything became auspicious. At that time, in all directions, east, west, south, north, everywhere, there was an atmosphere of peace and prosperity
- At the time of Krsna’s birth, the planetary systems were automatically adjusted so that everything became auspicious. At that time, in all directions - east, west, south, north, everywhere - there was an atmosphere of peace and prosperity
- Badarikasrama is situated in the northernmost part of the Himalayan Mountains and is always covered with snow. Religious Indians still go to visit this place during the summer season, when the snowfall is not very severe
- Bengalis are habituated to eating cooked rice as their staple food. When they went to Mathura in the north, they found that the people generally ate capatis or rotis made of wheat. The Bengalis could not digest this food
- Dandakaranya is a spacious tract of land which begins north of Khandesa and extends up to the southern Ahammada-nagara through Nasika and Aurangabada
- Dhruva Maharaja went to the northern direction of the Himalayan range. In a valley he saw a city full of ghostly persons who were followers of Lord Siva
- Digging on the northern side, or searching for the treasure by means of the meditational yoga process. By this process a person thinks of becoming one with the Supreme Lord, but this merging into the Supreme is like being swallowed by a large serpent
- Facing the north is still more favorable for attaining spiritual success. Maharaja Pariksit handed over the charge of administration to his son before leaving home. He was thus fully equipped for all favorable conditions
- Formerly great sages performed sacrifices on the northern bank of the Vaitarani River; consequently the place is known as Yajapura - the place where sacrifices are performed
- Formerly Kolapura was a native state, and it is bordered on the north by the district of Santara, on the east and south by the district of Belagama, and on the west by the district of Ratnagiri
- From Karusa, another son of Manu, came the Karusa dynasty, a family of ksatriyas. The Karusa ksatriyas were the kings of the northern direction. They were celebrated protectors of brahminical culture and were all firmly religious
- Gaudiya indicates the part of India between the southern side of the Himalayan Mountains and the northern part of the Vindhya Hills, which is called Aryavarta, or the Land of the Aryans
- Gokarna is situated in North Kanara, in the Karnataka state. It is about thirty-three miles southeast of Karwar. This place is very famous for the temple of Lord Siva known as Maha-balesvara. Hundreds and thousands of pilgrims come to see this temple
- He (Sankhacuda) appeared before Krsna, Balarama and the damsels of Vraja and began to lead the girls away to the north. He commanded them as if he were their proprietor and husband, despite the presence of Krsna and Balarama
- He (Yudhisthira) sent Arjuna, accompanied by the soldiers of Kekayadesa, to conquer the kings of the northern side, and he ordered Bhimasena, accompanied by the soldiers of Madradesa (Madras), to conquer the kings on the eastern side
- He then started towards the north, treading the path accepted by his forefathers and great men, to devote himself completely to the thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And he lived in that way wherever he went
- He wore armor and was decorated with bows and arrows, and he was very beautiful. While following the animals and killing them, he reached the northern part of the forest
- His (Bhagavata Acarya's) monastery, which is situated in Varahanagara, about three and a half miles north of Calcutta on the bank of the Ganges, still exists, and it is managed by the initiated disciples of the late Sri Ramadasa Babaji
- However, when the sun is on the northern side of the hill, the south receives less light, and when the sun is in the south, the north receives less
- I (Narada Muni) took this as the special mercy of the Lord, who always desires benediction for His devotees, and so thinking, I started for the north.
- If you dig on the northern side, there is a big black snake that will devour you if you attempt to dig up the treasure
- In his Anubhasya, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following information about the Gopala-campu. The Gopala-campu is divided into two parts. The first part is called the eastern wave, and the second part is called the northern wave
- In northern India the places (where the panca-gauda-brahmanas come from) are Kanyakubja, Sarasvata, Gauda, Maithila and Utkala
- In northwestern India, vaisyas are divided into various subdivisions. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura points out that they are divided as Agarwala, Kalawara and Sanwad
- In perfect self-control, Maharaja Pariksit sat down on a seat of straw, with straw-roots facing the east, placed on the southern bank of the Ganges, and he himself faced the north. Just previously he had given charge of his kingdom over to his son
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam we have information that as the planets are moving, so also the sun is moving. If one dies when the sun is situated in the northern hemisphere, he attains liberation
- In the country known as Kamarupa she (Mayadevi) is known as Candika, in Northern India as Sarada, and in Cape Comorin as Kanyaka. Thus she is distributed according to various names in various places
- In the North and South Poles of this planet there are sometimes no divisions of day and night; similarly, when the sunlight does not approach the different planets within the universe, there is no distinction between day and night
- In the northeastern direction, they saw the horse near the asrama of Kapila Muni. "Here is the man who has stolen the horse," they said. "He is staying there with closed eyes. Certainly he is very sinful. Kill him! Kill him!"
- In the northern division (uttara-vibhaga of BRS) there is a description of the indirect mellows of devotional service - namely, devotional service in laughter, DS in wonder, and devotional service in chivalry, pity, anger, dread and ghastliness
- In the northern Indian high country, the kayasthas are accepted as sudras, but in Bengal the kayasthas are considered among the higher castes. It is a fact that the kayasthas came to Bengal from northern India, specifically from Kanyakubja, or Kanauj
- In the same way, west and east of Ilavrta-varsa are two great mountains named Malyavan and Gandhamadana respectively. These two mountains, which are 2,000 yojanas (16,000 miles) high, extend as far as Nila Mountain in the north and Nisadha in the south
- In the spiritual sky there are four directions, corresponding to east, west, north and south, in which Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Aniruddha and Pradyumna are situated. The same forms are also situated in the material sky
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Tenth Canto, 86th Chapter, 27th verse, there is a statement of how Srutadeva, a brahmana from the country called Mithila in northern India, would become so overpowered with joy as soon as he saw Krsna
- In the Vedas these times (time of the fire-god's effulgence and when the sun is in the northern horizon) are considered auspicious for quitting the body, and they are taken advantage of by the expert mystics who have perfected the system
- In this (CC Madhya 20.135) connection, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following statement. The northern side represents the speculative method, sometimes known as the mystic yoga system
- It (BRS) was finished in the year 1463 Sakabda (A.D. 1541). This book is divided into four parts: purva-vibhaga - eastern division, daksina-vibhaga - southern division, pascima-vibhaga - western division and uttara-vibhaga - northern division
- It appears that this place is situated in the northernmost part of the Himalayan Mountains, where the abode of Nara-Narayana is situated. This place is still existing and is called Badarikasrama
- It is said in BG that self-realized souls who have exactly identified themselves with the interest of the SL can generally leave the material body during the time of the fire-god's effulgence and when the sun is in the northern horizon
- It is said that on the northern side of the temple (of Ekacakra-grama) there was a Deity of Lord Siva named Bhandisvara and that the father of Nityananda Prabhu, Hadai Pandita, used to worship that Deity
- It is said that the Bengali kayasthas were originally engaged as servants of brahmanas who came from North India to Bengal. Later, the clerical class became the kayasthas in Bengal. Now there are many mixed classes known as kayastha
- Kasyapa Muni received a presentation of the whole world from Parasurama, and later on he asked Parasurama to go out of the world. His other name is Aristanemi. He lives on the northern side of the universe
- Kimpurusa-varsa is situated north of the great Himalaya Mountain, which is eighty thousand miles in length and height and which covers sixteen thousand miles in width. These parts of the world were also conquered by Arjuna
- King Yayati gave the southeast to his son Druhyu, the south to his son Yadu, the west to his son Turvasu, and the north to his son Anu. In this way he divided the kingdom
- Konarka, generally known as Arka-tirtha, is a temple of Lord Surya, the sun-god. It is situated on the seashore, nineteen miles north of Jagannatha Puri
- Ksira-curi Gopinatha is situated in Remuna, about four miles away from the Balesvara (Balasore) station on the Northeastern Railway, formerly known as the Bengal Mayapura Railway
- Kumbhakarna is the name of the brother of Ravana. At the present moment the city of Kumbhakarna-kapala is known as Kumbhakonam; it is situated twenty-four miles northeast of the city of Tanjore
- Kuvera, the treasurer of the demigods, is in charge of the northern part of the universe
- Lengthwise, they extend east and west to the beaches of the ocean of salt water. Going from south to north, the length of each mountain is one tenth that of the previous mountain, but the height of them all is the same
- Lord Ramacandra gave the entire east to the hota priest, the entire south to the brahma priest, the west to the adhvaryu priest, and the north to the udgata priest, the reciter of the Sama Veda. In this way, He donated His kingdom
- Maharaja Pariksit conquered all parts of the earthly planet - Bhadrasva, Ketumala, Bharata, the northern Kuru, Kimpurusa, etc. - and exacted tributes from their respective rulers
- Maharaja Pariksit conquered all the world. He conquered all the continents adjoining all the seas and oceans in all directions, namely the eastern, western, northern and southern parts of the world
- Maharaja Vijitasva offered the eastern part of the world to his brother Haryaksa, the southern part to Dhumrakesa, the western part to Vrka and the northern part to Dravina
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, while leaving home for the north, constantly remembered Lord Sri Krsna within himself, following in the footsteps of his forefathers as well as the great devotees of all times
- Maitreya the sage told Vidura: O annihilator of enemies, while thus speaking to her father in the arena of sacrifice, Sati sat down on the ground and faced north
- Mallikarjuna is also known as Sri Saila. It is situated about one hundred miles northeast of Karnula on the southern bank of the Krsna River. There are great walls all around the village, and within the walls resides the deity known as Mallikarjuna
- My dear King, of the nine doors, five led toward the eastern side, one led toward the northern side, one led toward the southern side, and two led toward the western side. I shall try to give the names of these different doors
- My dear Vidura, the great sage Kapila, the Personality of Godhead, left His father's hermitage with the permission of His mother and went towards the northeast
- Naimisaranya is a place in India still existing.This place is situated near Lucknow in the northern India provinces, a very nice place, sanctified place. Still people go and find peace for spiritual meditation
- Naimisaranya is a very famous and sacred forest in northern India, where all the rsis, the sages, generally go to aid their spiritual advancement of life. This Srimad-Bhagavatam was first discussed in this age in that forest
- Near Rajamahendri is a famous railway station. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati notes that the present Rajamahendri City is located on the northern bank of the Godavari
- North of Kalinga-desa is Utkalinga, or the state of Orissa. The capital of southern Orissa was known as Rajamahendri, but now the location of Rajamahendri has changed
- North of Mallara-desa is South Kanara. To the east are Coorg and Mysore, to the south is Cochin, and to the west is the Arabian Sea. As far as the Bhattatharis are concerned, they are a nomadic community
- Northern side of the universe
- Not even considering human society, if you take the demigods who are more advanced and intelligent, they also don't know Krsna. The seven great sages whose planet is near the North Star also do not know
- O King, Indra first fled to the sky, but there also he saw the woman of personified sin chasing him. This witch followed him wherever he went. At last he very quickly went to the northeast and entered the Manasa-sarovara Lake
- On his path of ascent, the progressive living entity enters the different worlds of fire, the sun, the day, the end of the day, the bright fortnight, the full moon, and the passing of the sun in the north, along with their presiding demigods
- On the eastern side of Sumeru Mountain are two mountains named Jathara and Devakuta, which extend to the north and south for 18,000 yojanas (144,000 miles)
- On the northern side of Ilavrta-varsa are the mountains Nila, Sveta and Srnga
- On the northern side of Sumeru are two mountains named Trisrnga and Makara
- On the northern side of the Simha-dvara, behind the door, there are twenty-two steps leading to the temple, and at the bottom of those steps is a ditch
- On the northern side was the gate named Devahu. Through that gate, King Puranjana used to go with his friend Srutadhara to the place known as Uttara-pancala
- On the western side (of Sumeru Mountain) is the planet known as Nimlocani, the residence of Vayu, the demigod who controls the wind. And on the northern side of the mountain is the moon, which is also known as Vibhavari
- On the western side of Sumeru are two mountains named Pavana and Pariyatra, which also extend north and south for the same distance
- On these two days of the year (the first day when the sun begins to move north and enter the zodiacal sign of Capricorn and the first day when the sun begins to move south and enter the sign of Cancer), one should perform the sraddha ceremony
- On this island (of Pambam), four miles north of Pambam Harbor, is Setubandha, where the temple of Ramesvara is located. This is a temple of Lord Siva, and the name Ramesvara indicates that he is a great personality whose worshipable Deity is Lord Rama
- On this line (the South Eastern Railway) there is a station named Kolaghata, from which one has to go by steamer to Ranicaka. Seven and a half miles north of Ranicaka is Khanakula
- On top of Mount Meru, the Ganges divides into four branches, each of which gushes in a different direction (east, west, north and south). These branches, known by the names Sita, Alakananda, Caksu and Bhadra, flow down to the ocean
- One can go from this (Atisara) village to Panihati and from there to Varaha-nagara, north of Calcutta. In those days the Ganges flowed to the south of Calcutta through Kali-ghata, which is still known as Adi-ganga
- One should perform the sraddha ceremony on the Makara-sankranti (the day when the sun begins to move north) or on the Karkata-sankranti (the day when the sun begins to move south)
- Originally in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, the ocean is divided like the watery ocean into east, west, north and south, while the sub-sections within these different divisions are called waves
- Sankaracarya had four principal disciples, & he established four centers under their management. In North India at Badarikasrama, the monastery named Jyotir-matha was established. At Purusottama, the Bhogavardhana or Govardhana monastery was established
- Seated on His chariot with Arjuna, Krsna proceeded north, crossing over many planetary systems. These are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam as sapta-dvipa. Dvipa means "island." These planets are sometimes described in the Vedic literature as dvipas
- Similarly, in the south is a place known as Samyamani, possessed by Yamaraja, in the west is a place known as Nimlocani, possessed by Varuna, and in the north is a place named Vibhavari, possessed by the moon-god
- Some people say that this (the northern bank of the Vaitarani River) was one of the capital cities of King Yayati and that from the name Yayati-nagara the name Yajapura has come. As stated in the Mahabharata - Vana-parva, Chapter 114
- South of Ilavrta-varsa and extending from east to west are three great mountains named (from north to south) Nisadha, Hemakuta and Himalaya. Each of them is 10,000 yojanas (80,000 miles) high
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu traveled from the source of the Godavari River and eventually visited the northern side of Hyderabad state. He finally arrived at the state of Kalinga
- Sri Vaikuntha - about four miles north of Alvar Tirunagarai and sixteen miles southeast of Tirunelveli - is situated on the bank of the Tamraparni River
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura has actually described the chronological order of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s visit. The Tirupati temple is sometimes called Tirupatura. It is situated on the northern side of Arcot in the district of Candragiri
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - Sri Rudrarama Pandita constructed a big temple at Vallabhapura, which is one mile north of Mahesa, for the Deities named Radhavallabha
- Sripada Sankaracarya established four monasteries in India, in the four directions (north, south, east and west), and he entrusted them to four sannyasis who were his disciples
- Srutadeva, a brahmana from the country called Mithila in northern India, became so overpowered with joy as soon as he saw Krsna that immediately after bowing to the Lord's lotus feet he stood up and began to dance, raising his two arms above his head
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Dear King, the Supreme Lord in His boar incarnation, who accepts all sacrificial offerings, lives in the northern part of Jambudvipa
- Surparaka is about twenty-six miles north of Bombay. In the Maharashtra province, near Bombay, is a district known as Thana and a place known as Sopara. Surparaka is mentioned in the Mahabharata - Santi-parva, 41.66-67
- Surrounding these planetary systems (the three primary planetary systems - Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah) are the eight directions, namely east, west, north, south, northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest
- That Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east and west, and also overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreads throughout both the material and spiritual skies
- The aggregate of two fortnights is one month, and that period is one complete day and night for the Pita planets. Two of such months comprise one season, and six months comprise one complete movement of the sun from south to north
- The astrologer Sarvajna further advised the poor man: On the southern side there are Vedic rituals, and on the western side there is mental speculation, and on the northern side there is meditational yoga
- The branch (of the Ganges that divides into four branches on Dhruvaloka) known as Bhadra flows onto Mount Meru, Mount Kumuda, and the Nila, Sveta and Srngavan mountains before it reaches Kuru-desa, where it flows into the ocean of salt water in the north
- The branch of the Ganges known as Bhadra flows from the northern side of Mount Meru. Its waters fall onto the peaks of Kumuda Mountain, Mount Nila, Sveta Mountain and Srngavan Mountain in succession
- The ear on the northern side is used for taking initiation from the spiritual master and for gaining promotion to the spiritual sky
- The eight stars from Magha to Anuradha, which mark the southern course, are on the ribs of the left of its body, and the eight stars from Mrgasirsa to Purvabhadra, which mark the northern course, are on the ribs on the right side
- The first day when the sun begins to move north and enter the zodiacal sign of Capricorn is called Makara-sankranti, and the first day when the sun begins to move south and enter the sign of Cancer is called Karkata-sankranti
- The gate on the northern side and the gate on the southern side represent the two ears, and the two gates facing the western side represent the rectum and the genitals. All the doors and gates are described below
- The ground at the foot of the mountain is always washed by waves of milk that produce emeralds all around in the eight directions (north, south, east, west and the directions midway between them)
- The Gundica temple is situated two miles northeast of the Jagannatha temple. At the time of the Ratha-yatra festival, Lord Jagannatha goes to the Gundica temple from His original temple and stays there for one week
- The kingdom of Dvaraka is situated in the western part of India, and Vidarbha is situated in the northern part
- The Ksirodakasayi Visnu has His own planet on the northern top of the universe, and there is a great ocean of milk where the Lord resides on the bed of the Ananta incarnation of Baladeva
- The place (house of Sridhara) where they (Lord Caitanya and all the devotees including Chand Kazi) rested is still situated on the northeastern side of Mayapur, and it is known as kirtana-visrama-sthana - the resting place of the kirtana party
- The Pracetas (the sons of Praceta) occupied the northern side of India, which was devoid of Vedic civilization, and became kings there. Yayati's second son was Turvasu. The son of Turvasu was Vahni; the son of Vahni, Bharga; the son of Bharga, Bhanuman
- The proposed farm project in nothern California is approved by me. Such projects as well as constructing temples, protecting cows, gathering milk, then making ghee, then opening Hare Krishna Restaurants are all good programs for grhasthas
- The residence of Lord Ramacandra on this planet is Ayodhya. Ayodhya City is still existing in the district of Faizabad, which is situated on the northern side of Uttar Pradesh
- The river Bhargi, or Bharginadi, came to be known as the Danda-bhanga-nadi after Lord Caitanya bathed in its waters. It is situated six miles north of Jagannatha Puri. The reason for the change in names is given as follows - CC Madhya 5.142-143
- The sun orbits around Mount Sumeru, for six months on the northern side and for six months on the southern. This adds up to the duration of a day and night of the demigods in the upper planetary systems
- The sun spends six months on the northern side of the equator and six months on the southern side
- The sun's path on the northern side is called Uttarayana, and its path on the southern side is called Daksinayana. One side represents a day for the demigods, and the other represents their night
- The sun-god is considered to be the chief of the demigods. He is also considered to be the demigod who watches the northern side of the universe. He gives help for understanding the Vedas. As confirmed in Brahma-samhita - BS 5.38
- The temple of Siyali-bhairavi is located in the Tanjore district, about forty-eight miles northeast of Tanjore City. There is a very much celebrated temple of Lord Siva there and also a very large lake
- The temple of Sri Janardana is situated twenty-six miles north of Trivandrum, near the Varkala railway station
- The two ears are situated on the northern side and the southern side. The ear on the southern side is very strong and is always anxious to hear about sense enjoyment
- The upper portion of the universe is called the north, and the lower portion is called the south. Even in our ordinary dealings, while studying a map, we regard the upper portion of the map as north
- The word ayana means "path" or "going." The six months when the sun moves toward the north are called uttarayana, or the northern path, and the six months when it moves south are called daksinayana, or the southern path. These are mentioned in BG 8.24-25
- Then one should touch kusa grass and sit gravely and silently, facing north. When completely purified, one should touch the mantra composed of eight syllables to the eight parts of his body and touch the mantra composed of twelve syllables to his hands
- There (in the northern division of the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu) are also mixing of mellows and the transgression of different humors. Thus there are nine waves in this part. This is but a brief outline of the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- There are brahmanas known as panca-gauda-brahmanas, who come from five places in northern India, and there are brahmanas known as panca-daksinatya-brahmanas, who come from five places in southern India
- There are seven rsis headed by Bhrgu: Bhrgu, Vasistha, Atreya, like that. There are seven great rsis. The seven planets you see on the northern side, they are supposed to be their abodes, bhrgv-adayah, centering Dhruvaloka, the polestar
- There in the north, at the bottom of Mount Meru, is a forest known as Sukumara where Lord Siva always enjoys with Uma. Sudyumna entered that forest
- These rivers flow down from the top of the mountain to the northern side of Ilavrta-varsa for the benefit of those who live there
- These seven islands (of Earth) are still current, as Asia, Europe, Africa, America, Australia and the North and South Poles
- These two mountains, which are 2,000 yojanas (16,000 miles) high, extend as far as Nila Mountain in the north and Nisadha in the south. They indicate the borders of Ilavrta-varsa and also the varsas known as Ketumala and Bhadrasva
- They (panca-gauda-brahmanas from northern India and panca-daksinatya-brahmanas from southern India) strictly observe Vedic principles and are not polluted by tantric misdeeds. All of these brahmanas respectfully invited Caitanya Mahaprabhu for lunch
- Thinking that because the brahmanas have no material desires they should possess the entire world, Lord Ramacandra delivered the land between the east, west, north and south to the acarya
- This black art of witchcraft is still practiced by some women in the remote northwestern side of India
- This etiquette (to address the members of different castes by different names) is still followed in northern India, where the ksatriyas are addressed as Thakura Sahab
- This method (Hari kirtana) is recommended in the scriptures, and it was given to us by Caitanya Mahaprabhu 500 years ago. He appeared in a town which is known as Navadvipa. It is about sixty miles north of Calcutta
- This tract of land (between Ganges and Yamuna), which is called Brahmavarta, consists of what is known in the modern age as portions of Punjab & northern India. It is clear that the kings of India once ruled all the world and that their culture was Vedic
- Those who know the Supreme Brahman attain that Supreme by passing away from the world during the six months when the sun travels in the north
- Those who know the Supreme Brahman pass away from the world during the influence of the fiery god, in the light, at an auspicious moment, during the fortnight of the moon and the six months when the sun travels in the north. BG 8.24 - 1972
- Thus the time the sun takes to rotate through half of outer space is called an ayana, or its period of movement (in the north or in the south)
- To date, in the Udupi monastery there are another fourteen Madhva-tirtha sannyasis. As stated, Udupi is situated beside the sea in South Kanara, about thirty-six miles north of Mangalore
- Two eyes, two nostrils and a mouth - all together five - are situated in the front. The right ear is accepted as the southern gate, and the left ear is the northern gate. The two holes, or gates, situated in the west are known as the rectum and genital
- Uddharana Datta Thakura was the manager of the estate of a big zamindar in Naihati, about one and a half miles north of Katwa. The relics of this royal family are still visible near the Dainhata station
- Understanding the hearty wishes of the King, his brothers, as advised by the infallible Lord Krsna, collected sufficient riches from the North (left by King Marutta)
- Until the sun travels to the south the days grow longer, and until it travels to the north the nights grow longer
- Uttarakuru: According to Vedic geography the northernmost portion of Jambudvipa is called Uttarakuru-varsa. It is surrounded by the saltwater ocean from three sides and divided by Srngavan Mountain from the Hiranmaya-varsa
- Varuna, the demigod in charge of the waters, is in charge of the western portion of the universe and Vayu, who controls the air and who has wings to travel in the air, is in charge of the northwestern part of the universe
- Vetapani, or Vatapani, is north of Kaila in the Tamil Nadu state. It is also known as Bhutapandi and is within the jurisdiction of the Tobala district
- We have practical experience on this planet that when there is summer in the north there is winter in the south and vice versa
- We know that gambling is allowed on the kali-puja day. We know. Especially northern Indian people, mercantile people, they take it, advantage, gambling
- When the sun enters Makara-rasi (Capricorn) and thereafter travels through Kumbharasi (Aquarius) and so on through Mithuna-rasi (Gemini), its course is called Uttarayana, the northern way
- Where has the Mathura-puri of Yadupati gone? Where has the Northern Kosala of Raghupati gone? By reflection, make the mind steady, thinking, ‘This universe is not eternal - the note written by Srila Rupa Gosvami to Sanatana Gosvami from Bakla
- While Bhismadeva was describing occupational duties, the sun's course ran into the northern hemisphere. This period is desired by mystics who die at their will
- While engaged in performing the sacrifice in the field known as Bhrgukaccha, on the northern bank of the Narmada River, the brahminical priests, the descendants of Bhrgu, saw Vamanadeva to be like the sun rising nearby
- While He was passing in the northern direction all the celestial denizens known as Caranas & Gandharvas, as well as the munis & the damsels of the heavenly planets, prayed & offered Him all respects. The ocean offered Him oblations & a place of residence
- While He was passing in the northern direction, all the celestial denizens known as Caranas and Gandharvas, as well as the munis and the damsels of the heavenly planets, prayed and offered Him all respects
- While Nabhaga was accepting the riches, a black-looking person from the north came to him and said, "All the wealth from this sacrificial arena belongs to me"
- While passing toward the north, toward the south or through the equator, in accordance with the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is said to move slowly, swiftly or moderately
- Witches are called khecari, which means they can fly in the sky. This art of witchcraft is still practiced by some women in the remote northwestern side of India. They can transfer themselves from one place to another on the branch of an uprooted tree
- Without diverting his attention, he (Mucukunda) began to travel north. Eventually he reached the mountain known as Gandhamadana, where there were many trees, such as sandalwood & other flowering trees, whose fragrance made anyone who reached them joyful
- Wrestling matches are still enjoyed by people in northern India, & it appears from the statements of Srimad-Bhagavatam that five thousand years ago wrestling was popular. Kamsa planned to arrange such a wrestling competition & to invite people to visit