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- A devotee, because a nondevotee has become a devotee, he is practicing how to simply accept Krsna's orders. But by his previous habit he's still engaged in "do it" and "don't do it." That is his previous habit
- A horse named Uccaihsrava, which was as white as the moon, was generated. Bali Maharaja desired to possess this horse, and Indra, the King of heaven, did not protest, for he had previously been so advised by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A mellow temporarily appearing transcendental but contradicting mellows previously stated and lacking some of a mellow’s necessities is called rasabhasa, an overlapping mellow, by advanced devotees who know how to taste transcendental mellows
- A pure devotee desires only to engage in loving service to the Lord in the constant association of the Lord and His eternal associates, as stated in the previous verse (SB 6.11.25) - dasanudaso bhavitasmi
- A sincere devotee must be prepared to hear the Vedic literature like the Upanisads, Vedanta and other literatures left by the previous authorities or Gosvamis, for the benefit of his progress
- A sincere devotee who engages in the service of the Lord automatically becomes situated in the brahma-bhuta stage. The devotee's duty is only to strictly follow the principles of regulated devotional service, as previously mentioned - in NBS 12 purport
- According to His previous program, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went forward on His tour and after some days arrived at the place of pilgrimage known as Jiyada-nrsimha
- According to his previous work, the living entity must capture another body before giving up the one he has. This is because the mind is the reservoir of all kinds of desires
- According to Sridhara Svami, although the Bhagavatam (9.1.11-12) has previously included Iksvaku among the ten sons begotten by Manu in his wife Sraddha, this was a generalization
- According to the conclusion of the philosophy known as karma-mimamsa, one's karma, or previous fruitive activity, is the cause of everything, and therefore there is no need to work. Those who arrive at this conclusion are foolish
- According to their previous activities in the modes of goodness, passion or ignorance, they (who do not follow rules and regulations of the scriptures out of laziness or indolence) acquire a nature which is of a specific quality. BG 1972 purports
- Action in KC has to be executed in accord with the examples of previous bona fide devotees. This is recommended in the 15th verse (of BG 4). Why such action should not be independant will be explained in the text to follow. BG 1972 purports
- Actually the example of the rope and the snake is not completely irregular. When we accept a rope to be a snake, it is to be understood that we have experienced a snake previously. Otherwise, how can the rope be mistaken for a snake?
- Actually, pure devotion is explained in the previous chapter: the mind of the Supreme Lord and the mind of the devotee should be dovetailed. A devotee should not wish anything but to execute the desire of the Supreme. That is oneness
- Advancement in spiritual life does not depend on any kind of previous education or qualification. The method itself is so pure that by simply engaging in it one becomes pure. BG 1972 purports
- After Daksa's head was replaced by the goat's head, he was as intelligent as he had previously been. He prayed very nicely to satisfy Lord Siva and Lord Visnu, which is not possible for a goat to do
- After Lord Siva and, previously, Daksa, left the arena of sacrifice, the sacrifice was not stopped; the sages went on for many years in order to satisfy the Supreme Lord
- After one is liberated from the conditions of material existence, i.e., when one is nivrtta, as previously stated herein (SB 2.2.12), or when one is freed from all material necessities, one becomes qualified to discharge the process of bhakti-yoga
- After serving the Bhattacarya with first-class prasadam, Gopinatha Acarya said, "Just consider what the Bhattacarya's previous mundane behavior was! Just consider how at present he is enjoying transcendental bliss"
- After talking with all the devotees for some time, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked them to occupy the individual residences in which they had lived the previous year
- All of the previous instructions imparted by Rupa Gosvami in his broad statements can be summarized thusly: as long as one is materially inclined, desirous to merge into the spiritual effulgence, one cannot enter into the realm of pure devotional service
- All one's activities in a life devoid of Krsna consciousness simply lead to defeat and misuse of one's life. Naturally one who comes to Krsna consciousness regrets his previous sinful activities in the human form
- All plans for material enjoyment, either by worship of different demigods as described in the previous verses of this chapter or by modernized advancement of scientific knowledge without the help of God or demigod, are illusory only
- All the priests of the temple had been previously acquainted with Sri Nityananda Prabhu; therefore they all came to offer great respects to the Lord
- Although Bharata Maharaja was awarded the body of an animal, he did not forget what had previously happened due to his purposeful mistake
- Although King Puranjana was overly absorbed in thoughts of his wife and thus became a woman, he took birth in the family of a king due to his previous pious activities
- Although Maharaja Prthu stopped all practice of mystic yoga after realizing Krsna consciousness, he took advantage of his previous practice and immediately placed himself on the brahma-bhuta platform in order to accelerate his return to Godhead
- Although previously there were attempts to distribute the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, these attempts involved distortion and compromise with mundane knowledge
- Although the cowherd men and cowherd women previously had more affection for Krsna than for their own children, now, for one year, their affection for their own sons continuously increased, for Krsna had now become their sons - SB 10.13.26
- Although the King of the elephants, Gajendra, was put in danger, this was a chance for him to remember his previous devotional activities so that he could immediately be rescued by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although these items (of devotional service to God) are not mentioned here (CC Madhya 22.129), they are to be added to the previous thirty-five items. Thus the total number becomes thirty-nine
- Another significant word in this verse (SB 4.16.20) is naradeva. As described in previous verses, the qualified king - be he King Prthu or any other king who rules over the state as an ideal king - should be understood to be God in human form
- Anyone can take part in vibrating this transcendental sound without any previous qualification. In a more advanced stage, of course, one is not expected to commit offenses on grounds of spiritual understanding
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, that is special facility. In their previous birth, they had performed many austerities, much austerities. Even the demigods, they desire also to take birth in India to get this opportunity
- Arjuna, as a pure devotee of the Lord, never previously saw the contemplated universal form of the Lord (visva-rupa), but when he did see it, his curiosities were satisfied
- Arjuna, as a pure devotee of the Lord, never previously saw the contemplated universal form of the Lord but when he did see it, his curiosities were satisfied. But he was not happy to see such a form of the Lord because of his attachment as a pure devotee
- As described in the previous mantras, the real or ultimate aspect of the Absolute is His feature as the Personality of Godhead, and His impersonal brahmajyoti feature is a dazzling covering over His face
- As described in the previous verse, people who have no taste for the devotional service of the Lord are occupied in material engagements. Most of them engage during the daytime in hard physical labor
- As explained by Krsnadasa Kaviraja in the previous verse & the current verse (CC Madhya 8.138-139): vrndavane "aprakrta navina madana", kama-gayatri kama-bije yanra upasana, purusa, yosit, kiba sthavara-jangama, sarva-cittakarsaka, saksat manmatha-madana
- As explained in previous verses (of SB 10.2.8), Yogamaya was requested to attract Sankarsana, Baladeva, from the womb of Devaki to the womb of Rohini, and this was a very heavy task for her
- As explained in the previous verse (SB 7.7.22): "A spiritually advanced person can understand how the spiritual particle exists within the body, and thus by cultivating spiritual knowledge he can attain perfection in spiritual life"
- As explained in the previous verse, there are three types of devotees - kanistha-adhikari, madhyama-adhikari and uttama-adhikari. The kanistha-adhikari cannot distinguish between a devotee and nondevotee
- As fire in the forest immediately burns to ashes an angry snake, so, by the previous order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, His disc, the Sudarsana cakra, immediately burnt to ashes the created demon to protect the Lord's devotee
- As I have already informed you in my previous letter that your presence or your son's presence as the co-sebait in the temple is very essential
- As I have previously indicated, I am describing the mad speeches and bodily transformations of the Lord only in brief
- As in the previous year, one of the inhabitants of Kulina-grama submitted a petition to the Lord (Caitanya), saying, "My Lord, kindly tell me what my duty is and how I should execute it"
- As in the previous year, the Lord, with all the devotees, saw the Ratha-yatra festival and the Hera-pancami festival as well
- As in the previous year, they all washed the Gundica temple when the time for Ratha-yatra arrived
- As indicated in the previous verse (SB 8.8.8) by the word bhagavat-para, she (the goddess of fortune) is the property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is enjoyable only by Him
- As it is stated in the previous verse (SB 3.32.33), one has to follow the principles of the scriptures. There are different prescribed duties for persons in the different social and spiritual orders
- As long as one is not strong enough to fight the illusory energy, there may be accidental falldowns. But when one is strong enough, he is no longer subjected to such falldowns, as previously explained. BG 1972 purports
- As mentioned in the previous verse, srutena (or with reference to the Vedic conclusions), the creation is made possible from the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly by manifestation of His particular energies
- As previously explained, the demon (Hiranyaksa) was originally a servitor of the Lord in Vaikuntha, but somehow or other he fell as a demon. His fight with the Supreme Lord was meant for his liberation
- As previously mentioned, the jewels on the helmets of all the predominating deities of all the universes and Vaikuntha planets touched the throne and the lotus feet of the Lord when those deities all offered obeisances
- As previously stated, all the residents of the villages visited by Lord Caitanya became Vaisnavas and began to chant Hari and Krsna. In this way, in all the villages visited by the Lord, everyone became a Vaisnava, a devotee
- As previously, He danced in front of the Jagannatha car and observed the festival of Hera-pancami
- As previously, it also has form and touch and is also full of sound. And water, being transformed from all variegatedness on earth, appears odorous and, as previously, becomes qualitatively full of juice, touch, sound and form respectively
- As previously, Raghunatha remained continuously with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for eight months. Then the Lord gave him the following order
- As previously, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees chanted and danced with great pleasure
- As previously, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu converted to Vaisnavism many people He met on the road. After some days, the Lord reached the banks of the river Godavari
- As previously, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed the cleansing ceremony at Gundica and chanted the famous verse jagamohana-pari-munda yau. After kirtana ended, He distributed prasadam to all the devotees and also took some Himself
- As previously, the Lord provided them all with residential quarters. And the next morning all the devotees came to see the Lord
- As referred to previously, the boar incarnation was manifested in two millenniums - namely Svayambhuva and Caksusa
- As stated in a previous verse (SB 4.20.4), those with good intellect (sudhiyah) do not accept themselves to be the body. Being a creation of nescience, the body has two types of activities
- As stated in the previous verse (SB 4.30.2, rudra-gitena), simply by chanting the prayers offered by Lord Siva to Visnu, the Pracetas were transferred to the spiritual world
- As stated previously, we are seeking spiritual variety, and if we do not enter the spiritual world, we will again fall down into the material atmosphere
- As we have already discussed in the previous verses, it is concluded that the Lord is never a product of the material creation
- As we have already explained previously, when a living being is specifically empowered by the Supreme Lord to act for a particular purpose, he is called a saktyavesa-avatara. Prthu Maharaja was not only a saktyavesa-avatara but also a great devotee
- As we have explained previously, in Vrndavana, Mathura and Dvaraka the system is that all the devotees take advantage of visiting various temples situated in those holy places
- As we have learned from previous mantras, the brahmajyoti emanating from the transcendental body of the Lord is full of spiritual sparks that are individual entities with the full sense of existence
- As we have learned from the previous verses, he (Jada Bharata) was very strong and could have very easily avoided being bound with ropes, but he did not do anything. He simply depended on the Supreme Personality of Godhead for his protection
- Asamanjasa was a jati-smara; because of his mystic power, he did not forget his previous consciousness. Thus he could give life to the dead
- At the end of the second, third, fourth and fifth years, when Rohita wanted to return to his capital, the King of heaven, Indra, approached him as an old brahmana and forbade him to return, repeating the same words as in the previous year
- At this time, all the devotees from Bengal arrived, and, as previously, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu met them with great feeling
- Attainment of this perfection of life is easily available to a pure devotee of the Lord without his undergoing any difficult method of perfection. Such a devotional life is full of kirtanam, smaranam, iksanam, etc., as mentioned in the previous verse
- Because of destiny, the touch sensation, the interactions of air, and the situation of the mind, which is produced of the ethereal element, one receives a body according to his previous activities. A living entity transmigrates from one form to another
- Because the sky is transformed, the air is generated with the quality of touch, and by previous succession the air is also full of sound and the basic principles of duration of life: sense perception, mental power and bodily strength
- Before the advent of King Prthu, there was great havoc of maladministration due to the vicious life of the previous king, the father of Maharaja Prthu
- Before winning the Battle of Kuruksetra, all the Pandavas were put into many dangers, as already described in the previous verses
- Beginning with the covering of earth, each covering is ten times greater than the previous one. Thus we can only imagine how great each universe is, and there are many millions of universes
- Being thus covered by material energy, one cannot possibly overcome its influence. As previously stated, both the material and spiritual natures, being emanations from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are eternal. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagiratha had a son named Sruta, whose son was Nabha. This son was different from the Nabha previously described
- Bharata means this planet, and Mahabharata means the complete history of the whole world. Nowadays, at the present moment, history means a chronological record, but previously, history means only the important incidences at different times
- Brahma created the universe as it was before. This means that he created everything by the same name and form as in the previous cosmic manifestation
- Brahmaji previously told Narada that the desires of Brahmaji are never unfulfilled because he is always absorbed in the transcendental loving service of the Lord; nor has he any desire in his heart save and except the transcendental service of the Lord
- Brahmaji wanted to create the whole cosmic situation as it was in the previous millennium, and because, in the last devastation, knowledge of the Absolute Truth was altogether erased from the universe, he desired that the same knowledge again be renovated
- By systematic nurturing, the creeper will grow to such an extent that it will penetrate the coverings of the universe, as we have heard in the previous verses
- By systematic nurturing, the creeper will grow to such an extent that it will penetrate the coverings of the universe, as we have heard in the previous verses, reach the effulgent sky
- By the aid of the microscope and other instruments, many things can be perceived which had previously been denied by the imperfect senses
- By the grace of Lord Caitanya, one who chants the maha-mantra attains the highest perfectional stage, which had previously been attained by people who entered the ocean and executed austerities for ten thousand years
- By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Caitanya dasa understood the Lord’s mind. Therefore he arranged for food that would counteract the heavy meal the Lord had eaten the previous day
- By the order of the Lord, a perfect devotee sometimes comes to this material world like an ordinary human being. Because of his previous practice, such a perfect devotee naturally becomes attached to devotional service, apparently without cause
- Certain moneys should be held for emergency, but not that it should be taken and never given back. That is not good. So this $20,000. should be returned in four months, as I have already described in my previous letter
- China has attacked the border of India with a militaristic spirit. We have practically no business in the political field, yet we see that previously there were both China and India, and they both lived peacefully for centuries without ill feeling
- Ciranjiva's wife was Sunanda, and his father-in-law was Damodara Sena Kaviraja. Ciranjiva previously lived on the bank of the Ganges River, in the village of Kumaranagara. The Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (207) states that he was formerly Candrika in Vrndavana
- Citralekha was a great mystic yogini, and as soon as Usa identified the picture, Citralekha could immediately understand that it was of Aniruddha, a grandson of Krsna's, although neither she nor Usa had previously known his name or ever seen him
- Concerning renaming your temple, if I have already given a name previously, then what is the need to re-name it
- Daksa regained his previous opulence and again begot thousands and millions of children to fill the three worlds
- Daksa, could not tolerate this, and he took it as an insult by his son-in-law. Previously, also, he was not very much satisfied with Lord Siva, for Siva looked very poor and was niggardly in dress
- Dear Sir, You are Vedic knowledge personified and are directly Narayana Himself. Kindly excuse us for the offenses we previously committed by criticizing You
- Devaki and her husband, Vasudeva, were assured that their child was the SP of Godhead and could not be killed by Kamsa, but because of affection, as they thought of Kamsa's previous atrocities, they were simultaneously afraid that Krsna would be killed
- Devaki was thinking of hiding the Supreme Personality of Godhead and not handing Him over to Kamsa as she had all her previous children
- Devotional service is performed on this excellent platform, and knowledge of the devotee's relationship to Krsna as lover and beloved was given by Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It was never given by any previous incarnation or acarya
- Dhruva Maharaja here (in SB 4.9.13) compares his previous state of understanding with the perfection of understanding in the presence of the Supreme Lord
- Dhruva Maharaja should have known that honor and dishonor are both destined only by one's previous actions; therefore one should not be sorry or happy under any circumstances
- Distress and happiness, they're already destined, according to our body. We have discussed this point. Take, for example, you American boys and girls: you have got a body by your previous activities. So your standard of living is better than other country
- Do not be worried by lying down. Chant Hare Krsna mantra and Krsna will help you to be free from this confinement very soon. In my previous letter I informed you that you better stick to the arcana bidhi of the temple
- Does this (the Supreme Personality of Godhead enter the womb of Devaki, which had previously been entered by the six asuras, the sad-garbhas) mean that the Sad-garbhasuras were equal to the transcendental body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- During His previous pastimes in Vrndavana, Lord Krsna desired to enjoy the three different types of ecstasy, but despite great endeavor, He could not taste them. Such ecstasies are the monopoly of Srimati Radharani
- During the time of Ratha-yatra, all the devotees arrived from Bengal to visit the car festival as they had done previously
- Each item is ten times greater than the previous one. Thus all the cowherd boys, who were companions of Krsna, had many calves to take care of
- Each layer (of the universe) is ten times bigger than the previous one, and the final outside layer is covered by pradhana. Within this egg is the universal form of Lord Hari, of whose body the fourteen planetary systems are parts
- Even if an unalloyed devotee is found to be fallen due to a previous material contamination, he is nevertheless to be accepted as fully transcendental because of his being engaged cent percent in the devotional service of the Lord
- Even if we change our body, still we can find out our means of living by that inherent intellect. That is advertised as intuition. But this intuition is previous experience only
- Even one has no previous record of service, still, if he meets a pure devotee, he becomes enthusiastic. Therefore preaching required. Otherwise, one can say that whatever he has done last life, he will begin from that
- Even saintly persons like Bhrgu, born previously, could not perform such severe austerities, nor will anyone in the future be able to do so. Who within these three worlds can sustain his life without even drinking water for one hundred celestial years?
- Even though Lord Krsna, the abode of all mellows, had previously in this way chewed the essence of the mellows of love, still He was unable to fulfill three desires, although He made efforts to taste them
- Every other living entity is forced to accept a certain type of body by his previous actions. But when Krsna appears, He always appears in a body that is not forced upon Him by the action of His past deeds
- Every universe is covered by seven layers - earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego - each ten times greater than the previous one
- Everyone can join in His (Lord Caitanya's) sankirtana movement. No previous qualification is necessary. just by following His teachings, anyone can become a perfect human being
- Everyone can join in His (Lord Caitanya's) sankirtana movement. No previous qualification is necessary. Just by following His teachings, anyone can become a perfect human being - CC Preface
- Everyone is trying to be happy because, as explained in the previous verse (SB 7.13.27), when the living entity is in his original spiritual form, he is happy by nature. There is no question of miseries for the spiritual being
- Everyone receives knowledge from the authority, but general authority, and our process of accepting authority is little different. Our process of accepting one authority means he is also accepting his previous authority
- Finally there (in the Priti-sandarbha) is a discussion of direct transcendental enjoyment and enjoyment in separation, previous attraction and the glories of Srimati Radharani
- Footsteps of the Lord's previous disciples
- For one who very seriously practices devotional service during his lifetime in order to understand the constitutional position of the SP of God, liberation from this material world is guaranteed, even if he has previously been addicted to sinful habits
- For this attainment of liberation from the material clutches, the Lord creates the material world, maintains it for some time (one thousand years of His measurement, as stated in the previous verse), and then again annihilates it by His will
- For those who are completely washed of all material contamination by pure devotional service, who are always satisfied and brightly enlightened in the heart the seed of love (rati) is expanded in the heart by previous and current reformatory processes
- From the other explanations of the previous verses (BG 9.1-10) in this chapter (of BG), it is clear that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although appearing like a human being, is not a common man. BG 1972 purports
- From the previous chapter it is clear that no one can act the way Lord Krsna does. We should clearly note this fact: the activities of the Lord should be followed, but they cannot be imitated
- From the statements of previous chapters, it appears that the festival of Govardhana-puja was performed just after the dark-moon night of the month of Karttika
- From within, the Lord gives the living being the intelligence with which to work. Therefore the previous verse (SB 6.16.51) said that after the Supreme Personality of Godhead endeavors, our endeavors begin
- Fully satisfied by the answers of the sage Maitreya, Vidura wanted to understand the remaining portions of the creative function of the Lord, and he took the clue from the previous topics
- God and His representative also come to help. As stated previously, they descend upon the material world from the superior nature and are not subject to the laws of birth, old age, disease and death
- Gopala Bhatta Gosvami's previous name in the pastimes of Lord Krsna was Ananga-manjari
- Gopinatha Acarya had previously been acquainted with Mukunda Datta, and when the Acarya saw him at Jagannatha Puri, he was very much astonished
- Govinda thoroughly emptied the bags from the previous year and kept them in another room to fill them with other goods
- Having entered the city of Barhismati, in which he had previously lived, Manu entered his palace, which was filled with an atmosphere that eradicated the three miseries of material existence
- He (a Vaisnava) does not suffer the results of his previous pious or impious actions
- He (Brahma) saw that the lotus on which he was situated was spread throughout the universe, and he contemplated how to create all the planets, which were previously merged in that very same lotus
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) should have known that honor and dishonor are both destined only by one's previous actions; therefore one should not be sorry or happy under any circumstance
- He (God) can also run so swiftly that no one can surpass Him. This has already been described in the previous verse - ISO 4
- He (Kalayavana) concluded that this beautiful personality must be Vasudeva, for every description he had previously heard from Narada was substantiated by the presence of Krsna
- He (Kamsa) patiently waited for the delivery of the child, expecting to kill Him (Krsna), as he had done previously with the other babies of Devaki
- He (Samba) was also known as Jambavati-suta for the same reason. As previously explained, all the sons of Krsna were as qualified as their great father
- He does not have a material body subject to the reactions of previous activities, and He is free from the ignorance of partiality and materialistic education
- He is very much anxious to have me visit there, so I have consented that on my way to Russia I will go there for some time. I asked that you correspond with this boy in my previous letter but he makes no mention of it
- Here is evidence that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the supreme controller of everything. As we have previously described, there are two classes of men - the demons and the demigods - but neither of them are supremely powerful
- His previous body had been destroyed, but he, the same Daksa, inspired by the supreme will, created all the desired living entities in the Caksusa manvantara
- How is that there is no news from you about the land? I expected to receive news through Nitai, but there is no news. Please see to this matter as I have requested you in my previous letter, the copy of which is enclosed
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have previously described in synopsis the adi-lila (initial pastimes), which have already been fully described by Vrndavana dasa Thakura
- I am certainly most abominable and unfortunate to have merged in an ocean of sinful activities, but nevertheless, because of my previous spiritual activities, I could see those four exalted personalities who came to rescue me
- I beg to inform you that a difficulty has arisen in that we have not yet received visa permission from the Australian government. As such, it may be that I will not be able to meet you in Bombay on 23 June as previously informed
- I can understand that previously there must have been some quarrel amongst you and that sometimes happens amongst god-brothers. Whatever is done is done
- I have already explained in a previous letter, if we can establish a bona fide language school then our American and European disciples can acquire student visas for coming to India. This will solve our visa problem
- I have previously captivated the mind of even Brahma, what to speak of others. Your mind alone have I failed to attract
- I have previously given an account of my inabilities. Please hear the reason why I nevertheless still write
- I have suggested previously as they do in Christian religion they have so many convent where the women stay and they receive protection
- If one thinks, "According to one's previous fruitive actions, one's material body is created by the father and mother, and the same body is annihilated by another agent, as another animal is devoured by a tiger," this is not proper understanding
- If the husband (in previous ages) was somehow unable to beget children, his brother could do so through the womb of his sister-in-law. This devarena sutotpatti and the sacrifices of asvamedha and gomedha are forbidden in the age of Kali
- Ignorance is removed perfectly by the discharge of devotional service. This is already explained in the previous verse by the Lord. Now by His grace, Arjuna is accepting Him as the Supreme Truth, in concordance with the Vedic injunction. BG 1972 purports
- In a book named Navadvipa-dhama-parikrama, written by Ghanasyama dasa, it is stated: kuliya-pahadapura grama purve koladvipa-parvatakhyananda nama. The town of Kuliya-pahadapura was previously named Koladvipa-parvatakhyananda
- In a previous birth Samba was born as Karttikeya
- In a previous verse it was explained that in dreams we see that which was experienced during the day
- In a previous verse she (Kunit) said, (SB 1.8.18) "You are not seen by ordinary men, although You are everywhere, inside and outside." In another verse also she said, (SB 1.8.19) "Fools and rascals cannot see You." This indicates that Kunti saw Him
- In accordance with the synopsis previously written, I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall describe in detail whatever I have not mentioned
- In accordance with their father's order to beget children, the second group of sons also went to Narayana-saras, the same place where their brothers had previously attained perfection by following the instructions of Narada
- In addition to the nineteen meanings of the verse mentioned previously, there are these four further meanings when the word 'atmarama' is taken to mean 'those laboring under the bodily conception.' This brings the total to twenty-three
- In all living entities, one spirit soul is there, although they have different bodies in terms of their previous work. BG 1972 purports
- In another version, the last line of this verse (of CC Antya 19.95) reads kamadevera mana kaila curi. This means - the scent of all these substances mixes with the previous scent of Krsna’s body and steals away the mind of Cupid
- In continuation of the previous verse, it is specifically mentioned here (SB 4.12.6) that Dhruva Maharaja should engage himself in devotional service
- In each subsequent mellow the qualities of the previous mellows are manifested, counting from two, then three, and up to the point of five complete qualities
- In its present condition, the world can only be saved by introducing this sankirtana, this Krsna consciousness movement. As we have learned from the previous verse (SB 4.18.7), one who is not in Krsna consciousness is considered a thief
- In Kali-yuga, saintly persons are not as powerful as they previously were. They used to be able to burn any sinful man to ashes by virtue of their spiritual prowess
- In one kalpa, or one day of Brahma, there take place the many changes called vikalpas. O King (Pariksit), all of these have been previously described to you by me - Sukadeva Gosvami
- In order to intelligently apply the sixfold loving reciprocations mentioned in the previous verse, one must select proper persons with careful discrimination
- In other Dvapara-yugas, previous to Lord Krsna’s appearance, the Supreme Lord appeared in a greenish body by His own personal expansion. This is mentioned in the Visnu Purana, Hari-vamsa and Mahabharata
- In other temples he (the European gentleman) saw the deity engaged in similar activities (as he saw in the previous temple of Goddess Kali), but when he came to the Radha-Krsna temple, he said - I find that in this temple there is God
- In our next birth we get such desirable positions only by good work. Otherwise, it would not so happen that two persons born in the same place at the same time are seen differently placed according to previous work
- In perfect self-control, Maharaja Pariksit sat down on a seat of straw, with straw-roots facing the east, placed on the southern bank of the Ganges, and he himself faced the north. Just previously he had given charge of his kingdom over to his son
- In previous ages, however, these (great saintly) kings were rsis - great learned scholars and devotees - and because they were not ordinary men the government which they headed worked very nicely
- In previous times, when the ruling class was degraded to the modes of passion and ignorance, the brahmanas, headed by such a ksatriya-spirited brahmana as Parasurama, killed them twenty-one consecutive times
- In previous verses we have seen also that the Lord's engagement in the affairs of the forest fire was described along with His pastimes of punishing Kaliya, similarly the pastimes of the rasa dance and the killing of Sankhacuda are also described herein
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Narada Muni made a statement about the systematic performance of bhagavata-dharma in connection with statements previously made by the nine Yogendras before Maharaja Nimi
- In text 43 of the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, a book written by Kavi-karnapura that describes all the associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and who they previously were
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (14) the killing of Gardabhasura (the ass demon), and the praise of Krsna; (15) the previous attraction of the gopis
- In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (184) it is mentioned that his (Srila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami's) previous name in the pastimes of Lord Krsna was Ananga-manjari
- In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (97) it is said that Raghunatha Puri was previously very powerful in the eight mystic successes. He was an incarnation of one of the successes
- In the morning, after taking His bath in the Ganges, Nityananda Prabhu sat down with His associates beneath the same tree under which He had previously sat
- In the previous chapter (BG 1) he (Arjuna) was arguing with Krsna, giving evidences from sastra on the bodily concept of life. But he does not know the sastras say, - One who is in the bodily concept of life, he is no better than an ass or cow
- In the previous chapter (BG 9) he (Krsna) has clearly explained His different energies to establish devotion in firm conviction. Again in this chapter (BG 10) He tells Arjuna about His manifestations and various opulences. BG 1972 purports
- In the previous chapter (of CC Adi 2) it has been established that Krsna, the son of Vrajendra (the King of Vraja), is the SPG, with six opulences. He eternally enjoys transcendentally variegated opulences on His planet, which is known as Goloka
- In the previous chapter (of SB 9.10) it was said that the prajas, the citizens, strictly followed the system of varnasrama-dharma. The brahmanas acted exactly like brahmanas, the ksatriyas exactly like ksatriyas, and so on
- In the previous chapter (SB 2.4) it has been established that Brahmaji, the firstborn living entity, received knowledge directly from the Supreme Lord, and the same knowledge was imparted to Narada, the next disciple
- In the previous chapter (SB 3.28), material nature, the spirit and the Supreme Lord, or Supersoul, are analytically studied
- In the previous chapters (of Bhagavad-gita) it has been explained that there are many processes by which to get out of the material entanglement. And, up to the 13th Chapter, we have seen that DS to the Supreme Lord is the best way. BG 1972 purports
- In the previous creation the spiritual truth was devastated, but the four sanas explained it so nicely that the truth at once became clearly perceived by the sages
- In the previous mantras it has already been discussed that no living being-not even the powerful demigods-can surpass the Supreme Being in any respect. Therefore ekatvam does not mean that a living being is equal in all respects to the Supreme Lord
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra, just to give evidence of the Vedic mantras
- In the previous verse (1.8.41) of Srimad-Bhagavatam Queen Kunti prayed that the Lord kindly cut off her attraction for her kinsmen, the Pandava and Vrsni families. However, giving up one's attraction for material things is not sufficient
- In the previous verse (CC Adi 1.53) the Absolute Truth and its nature have been explained. One must also understand the relative truth to actually know the Absolute
- In the previous verse (in SB 2.1.11), we have discussed this point to a certain extent, and we may further be enlightened on the different types of offenses committed unto the feet of the holy name
- In the previous verse (in SB 3.28.4) it is stated that one must observe celibacy. The most important aspect of sense control is controlling sex life. That is called brahmacarya
- In the previous verse (in SB 3.29.27) it was explained that living entities should be honored by charitable gifts and friendly behavior
- In the previous verse (in SB 7.10.10) Prahlada Maharaja has explained that a devotee can achieve the platform of bhagavattva, being as good as the Supreme Person, but this does not mean that the devotee loses his position as a servant
- In the previous verse (SB 1.10.5) it has been described that nature was favorable. The river, the hills, the mountains, forest, vegetable, creepers, these are our natural surroundings
- In the previous verse (SB 2.1.10), the great necessity for attaining attachment to Mukunda has been accredited. There are different types of persons who desire to attain success in different varieties of pursuits
- In the previous verse (SB 2.2.6) it is suggested that one should think of the Supersoul, which is one step higher than the impersonal thought of Brahman, as it was suggested in the case of contemplating the virat-rupa of the Personality of Godhead
- In the previous verse (SB 3.15.30) it has been clearly mentioned that the Kumaras were liberated persons. Viditatma-tattva means "one who understands the truth of self-realization."
- In the previous verse (SB 3.25.1), the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Devahuti-putra Kapiladeva has been explained as bhagavan atma-mayaya
- In the previous verse (SB 4.11.13) it has been explained that one should treat all living entities with tolerance, mercy, friendship and equality. By such behavior one satisfies the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the previous verse (SB 4.20.7) two significant words are used: asamsaktah, meaning "without attachment," and budhah, meaning "fully cognizant of everything."
- In the previous verse (SB 4.25.44) the life of awakening was described; that is, the man (Puranjana) and the woman were married and enjoyed life for one hundred years
- In the previous verse (SB 4.29.45), those who are in knowledge have been described as unable to appreciate the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the previous verse (SB 4.30.24) it has been said (grhita-maya-guna-vigrahaya) that the Lord accepts three kinds of bodies (Visnu, Brahma and Siva) for the purposes of creating, maintaining and annihilating the cosmic manifestation
- In the previous verse Kapiladeva instructed: yoga adhyatmikah pumsam mato nihsreyasaya. The soul is entrapped in the body, and the process of perfect yoga is the process of saving the soul from bodily confinement and the four miseries that plague the body
- In the previous verse, the word nimitta-matram indicates that the Supreme Lord is completely aloof from the action and reaction of this material world
- In the previous verses, Kuntidevi has explained that those who have come to this material world are working very hard like asses and have such a hard burden that they cannot bear it
- In the previous verses, the general transcendental qualifications of the Supreme Personality of Godhead were described. Now the specific purpose of the Lord's appearance is also described - in SB 3.33.5
- In the previous year, everyone had his own particular residence, and the same residences were again offered. Thus they all went to take rest
- In the two previous slokas it has been definitely proved that the SB is the sublime literature which surpasses all other Vedic scriptures due to its transcendental qualities. It is transcendental to all mundane activities and mundane knowledge
- In the Vedas it is said that the living entity is always uncontaminated and unaffected by material association. The living entity gets different types of material bodies because of his previous fruitive actions
- In this age it is especially recommended that we all sit down together and chant Hare Krsna. It is very easy, and everyone can take part in it. There is no necessity of education, nor are any previous qualifications required
- In this connection (SB 2.7.49) detailed information is available in the Bhagavat-sandarbha of Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhupada. Once achieving the spiritual existence, the devotee is eternally situated there, as already discussed in the previous verse
- In this connection we may note that previously (4.15.21) it was mentioned that King Prthu was smiling and was in a pleasant mood while speaking to the reciters. Thus we have to learn from the Lord or His incarnation how to become gentle and humble
- In this present age, Kali-yuga, people who are not in full knowledge are still attempting this meditative process which was recommended for a previous age
- In this way all moving and nonmoving living entities will come into existence, and the entire universe will be filled as it was previously
- In this way, one can repeat the word 'atmaramah' with 'ca' for each of the fifty-eight meanings. By following the rule previously stated and rejecting all but the last, we retain that which represents all the meanings
- In Vrndavana there is not a trace of personal sense gratification. It is to advertise such pure love in this material world that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has written the previous verse and explained its meaning
- In your previous letter you informed me that you are not going to pay a farthing unless you are in possession of the house. So you must follow the determination. You should not sign the check if you are not satisfied yourself
- In your previous letter you stated that the deity worship in Detroit was superexcellent and that all programs were being expertly managed by goverdhan. Why should he leave therefore
- Indian sages have exhibited the most exceptional skill in pursuing the esoteric spiritual science. In days of yore, these sages could communicate with the higher planetary systems. But today we are not willing to follow the instructions of previous sages
- Isavasyam idam samam yat kinca jagatyam jagat. Bali Maharaja was undoubtedly the most exalted devotee, whereas previously he had maintained a misunderstanding due to false prestige
- It (Bhagavad-gita) is perfect knowledge that was taught by Lord Krsna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, and we receive information from it that in previous ages Sri Krsna also taught it to the sun-god Vivasvan
- It has already been explained in the previous verses that Prthu Maharaja advised the citizens to become adhoksaja-dhiyah, which means God conscious, or Krsna conscious, and in this verse (SB 4.21.27) he specifically presents the authority of sastra
- It has been explained in the previous verse (SB 4.29.68) that all desires on the mental platform become visible one after another. Sometimes, however, by the supreme will of the Personality of Godhead, the whole stockpile can be visible all at one time
- It is already explained in the previous verse that the Lord appeared like a mundane husband, but factually His relation with His wives was transcendental, pure and unconditioned by the modes of material nature
- It is clear from the previous verse (SB 4.31.20) that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janardana, is very quickly satisfied by the activities of His devotees. The pure devotee is always absorbed in the thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is explained in the previous verse (SB 4.20.25) that one has to hear glorification of the Lord from the mouth of a pure devotee. This is further explained here
- It is necessary to follow carefully in the footsteps of Arjuna. In previous ages, due to interpretation and mental speculation, the real purport of Bhagavad-gita was lost; therefore Krsna re-established the teachings by giving them to Arjuna - BG 4.2-3
- It was Gopinatha who stole condensed milk for the sake of Madhavendra Puri. This incident had been previously related by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself
- Just as a worm on a vegetable transfers itself to one leaf and then gives up the previous one, the conditioned soul takes shelter of another body and then gives up the one he had before - SB 10.1.40
- Just like in the law court. You are lawyer. You are arguing. When you quote from a judgment, previous judgment, it is accepted. Similarly, when you give authoritative statement support of your talking, then it is perfect. That is the way
- Just previously, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had been seeing Lord Jagannatha as Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda, in person
- Kamsa had previously excused Devaki because he thought that a woman should not be killed, especially when pregnant. But now, by the influence of maya, he was prepared to kill a woman - not only a woman, but a small, helpless newborn child
- Kardama Muni, although a great sage, was not a denizen of the heavenly planets, but it is mentioned in the previous verse that Visvavasu, who came from heaven, was also attracted by the beauty of Devahuti
- King Anga was a very pious king in this life, but because of his previous sinful activity he could not get a son. It is concluded, therefore, that if a person does not get a son it is due to his past sinful life
- King Bharata, who took his third birth in the family of a good brahmana, is an example of good birth for the revival of previous transcendental consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- King Kulasekhara has written in his book Mukunda-mala-stotra (5) :I have no attraction for performing religious rituals or holding any earthly kingdom. I do not care for sense enjoyments; let them appear and disappear in accordance with my previous deeds
- King Prthu's statements in previous verses regarding his vast knowledge and perfect devotional service are justified here (in SB 4.22.49), for he is considered best amongst all mahatmas
- King Vijitasva was very affectionate toward his younger brothers, and he wanted them to rule different directions of the world. From time immemorial the eldest son generally becomes king after the death of the previous king
- Krishna Consciousness process is not to be presented in this way as mechanical achievement, at least we find no evidence from previous scriptures to support such technique. So I do not approve of this book
- Krsna confirms this in BG 7.28: Persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in this life and whose sinful actions are completely eradicated are freed from the duality of delusion, and they engage themselves in My service with determination
- Krsna Himself explains the forms of the living entities in the Second Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, where He clearly says to Arjuna that He, Arjuna and all other living entities, who were previously in their original forms, are separate individual identities
- Krsna is eternal, and His selection of a father and mother from among His devotees takes place eternally. Previously also, Devaki had been the Lord's mother and Vasudeva the Lord's father, and they were named Prsni and Sutapa
- Krsna is the Supreme, and He is always glorified as the Supreme Lord and controller. Thus all the previously mentioned transcendental qualities are in Him
- Krsna tells Arjuna that although they both took birth many, many times before, Krsna remembers everything about His previous appearances but Arjuna does not remember
- Leaders who have fallen into ignorance and who mislead people by directing them to the path of destruction (as described in the previous verse - SB 6.7.13) are, in effect, boarding a stone boat, and so too are those who blindly follow them
- Lengthwise, they extend east and west to the beaches of the ocean of salt water. Going from south to north, the length of each mountain is one tenth that of the previous mountain, but the height of them all is the same
- Living beings are proportionately endowed with intelligence in terms of their previous activities. All living beings are not equally endowed with the same quality of intelligence because behind such development of intelligence is the control of the Lord
- Living entities are compared to the sparks of fire. As stated in the previous verse (SB 3.28.40) fire, flame, smoke and firewood are combined together. Here the living entity, material elements and the Supreme Personality of Godhead are combined together
- Lord Baladeva said, "O supreme controller (Krsna)! These boys are not great demigods, as previously thought. Nor are these calves great sages like Narada. Now I can see that You alone are manifesting Yourself in all varieties of difference" - SB 10.13.39
- Lord Krsna made Srimati Radharani close Her eyes in shame before Her friends by His words relating Their amorous activities on the previous night
- Lord Visnu had to think twice about what kind of beautiful form would bewilder even Lord Siva. Consequently He was smiling gravely, as stated in the previous verse (prahasya bhava-gambhiram) - SB 8.12.14
- Love for Krsna, Kesava, as previously described, reaches the supreme state of being composed of mellows when its ingredients are fulfilled
- Maharaja Pariksit admitted in the previous verse (SB 2.4.9) that the Lord is inconceivable even for the greatest learned scholars. Why then should he again request Sukadeva Gosvami to clarify his insufficient knowledge about the Lord? The reason is clear
- Maharaja Pariksit was surprised, thinking - What did mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja do in their previous lives by which they got such a great opportunity, the opportunity to be the affectionate father and mother of Krsna
- Man's activities in agriculture, mining, farming, industries, gardening, etc., were all on the same scale as they are now, even previous to the present creation, and the same activities will remain as they are, even in the next creation
- Many of our students were dry and morose previous to their coming to Krsna consciousness, but having come into contact with devotees, they are now dancing like jubilant peacocks
- Material bodies cannot perform the wonderful acts described in previous verses (of BG 9.11). His (God's) body is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Material wealth and opulence attained through previous pious activities can be fully utilized for one's benefit in this life and the next if one is Krsna conscious. One should not try to possess more than he needs for the bare necessities
- Mayavati knew that she had previously been Rati, the wife of Cupid; after her husband was burned to ashes by the wrath of Lord Siva, she was always expecting him to come back in a material form
- My dear King, the living entity, who has a subtle mental covering, develops all kinds of thoughts and images because of his previous body. Take this from me as certain
- Nanda Maharaja and the others said: We must previously have constructing public roads and wells, and also given charity, as a result of which this boy (Krsna), although faced with death, has returned to give happiness to His relatives - SB 10.7.32
- Nanda Maharaja and the others said: We must previously have performed austerities for a very long time as a result of which this boy (Krsna), although faced with death, has returned to give happiness to His relatives - SB 10.7.32
- Nanda Maharaja and the others said: We must previously have performed pious activities for public life as a result of which this boy (Krsna), although faced with death, has returned to give happiness to His relatives - SB 10.7.32
- Nanda Maharaja and the others said: We must previously have worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as a result of which this boy (Krsna), although faced with death, has returned to give happiness to His relatives - SB 10.7.32
- Naturally one who comes to Krsna consciousness regrets his previous sinful activities in the human form. Only by this process can one be delivered from the clutches of nescience or ignorance in materialistic life
- No one could otherwise understand this meaning. I (Svarupa Damodara) can therefore guess that previously You (Caitanya) bestowed upon him (Rupa Gosvami) Your causeless mercy
- Now people are degraded from their high standard of living, from spiritual point of view, material point of view. And still, they stand, previous social construction, their living condition, their feelings of religion. It is still going on. Climate also
- O father, this performance (being attracted to your daugher) in which you are endeavoring to complicate yourself was never attempted by any other Brahma, nor by anyone else, nor by you in previous kalpas, nor will anyone dare to attempt it in the future
- O great sage (Sukadeva), you are as good as Brahma, the original living being. Others follow custom only, as followed by the previous philosophical speculators
- O King (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva Gosvami) have previously described (in the Sixth Canto) the two daughters of Visvakarma, named Samjna and Chaya, who were the first two wives of Vivasvan
- O lord, you have now been removed by cruel providence to a state beyond our sight. You had previously sustained the livelihood of the inhabitants of Usinara, and thus they were happy, but your condition now is the cause of their unhappiness
- On not finding Indra and the other demigods, who had previously been intoxicated with power, the chief of the Daityas, seeing that they had all vanished before his might, roared loudly
- On the day of the car festival, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began the congregational chanting. As He had done previously, He divided all the devotees into seven groups
- On the disappearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, who is the object of transcendental enjoyment for the senses of devotees, Brahma, with folded hands, began to re-create the universe, full with living entities, as it was previously
- On the previous day, the boy was simply an ordinary prince, and the next day he was counted as one of the topmost devotees of the Lord. This was all made possible by the causeless mercy of the Lord
- On the previous night, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had visited Lord Jagannatha and taken His permission. Now, near the end of the night, the Lord got up and started immediately. He was not seen by others
- Once, at the end of the previous kalpa, a demon named Hayagriva wanted to take the Vedic knowledge away from Lord Brahma at the time of annihilation. Therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead took the incarnation of a fish
- One cannot be purified merely by undergoing austerity, penance, brahmacarya and the other methods of atonement I (Sukadeva Gosvami) have previously described
- One does not know where the money which he earned in his previous body is being kept or how it is being spent
- One has an obligation to one's forefathers, the previous hierarchy
- One has to follow in the footsteps of previous authorities in the line of disciplic succession. BG 1972 purports
- One may ask how the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is always situated transcendentally, could enter the womb of Devaki, which had previously been entered by the six asuras, the sad-garbhas?
- One priest was surprised in Boston that - These boys, they are our boys, Christian boys. They are American boys. So previously they were not coming to the church. They did not care for God or to understand what is God. But why they are mad after God now?
- One should always remember the ultimate end of the demoniac people, as described in the previous chapter (BG 16). BG 1972 purports
- One should be satisfied with whatever he achieves by his previous destiny, for discontent can never bring happiness. A person who is not self-controlled will not be happy even with possessing the three worlds
- One should engage in full devotional service. Then, even though he has no desires, whatever desires he previously had can all be fulfilled simply by his worship of the Lord
- One should follow in the footsteps of previous devotees regarding how to worship the Supreme Lord with the prescribed paraphernalia, or one should offer worship within the heart by reciting the mantra to the PG, who is nondifferent from the mantra
- One should not carry the ideas of imperfection from this world to the transcendental world and not take into consideration the nature of the atmosphere, as completely free from the influence of time, etc., as described previously
- One should not try to understand Krsna as a human being. As stated previously, only a foolish person thinks Him to be a human being. This is again expressed here in a different way. BG 1972 purports
- One should touch the lotus feet of the Lord with one’s head. This may not be possible for everyone, but at least the pujari should do this. (57) The flowers offered on the previous day should touch one’s head
- One who accepts the post of spiritual master neutralizes the sinful reactions of the yajamana, the one on whose behalf he performs yajna. Thus the results of the pious acts previously performed by the priest or spiritual master are diminished
- One with such a good birth should understand that his fortune is due to his previous pious activities and to God's grace. These facilities are given by the Lord, who is always willing to give us the means to attain Him
- One's occupational duty is prescribed in Bhagavad-gita. As already discussed in previous verses, the duties of a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra are prescribed according to the particular modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- Our only appeal to you, all people of the world, that we are embarrassed with so many problems. So we say this is the only solution. There is no price; there is no tax; there is no imposition of previous qualification. Simply chant Hare Krsna
- Our program in Surat is going on very well. I have just finalized the arrangements for my coming to Calcutta and you may revise the information sent in my previous letter
- Pariksit's death is wonderful because he got previous notice of his death, which is wonderful for any mortal being, & thus he prepared himself for passing away by sitting down on the bank of the Ganges & hearing the transcendental activities of the Lord
- Please continue to develop things there for women devotees as previously instructed
- Prahlada Maharaja is the approved maha-bhagavata, the supreme devotee. In the previous verse it was stated that he had natural attachment (naisargiki ratih). The symptoms of such natural attachment for Krsna are described in this verse - SB 7.4.37
- Prajapati Daksa sent his second group of sons to the same place where his previous sons had attained perfection. He did not hesitate to send his second group of sons to the same place, although they too might become victims of Narada's instructions
- Prakasananda Sarasvati then quoted another verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.34.9) regarding Nanda Maharaja's being attacked by a serpent who was previously Vidyadhararcita
- Pravasa is a word used to indicate the separation of lovers who were previously intimately associated. This separation is due to their being in different places
- Previous disciples
- Previous to the appearance of Lord Krsna, this original Sankarsana will appear as Baladeva, just to please the Supreme Lord Krsna in His transcendental pastimes - SB 10.1.24
- Previous to this meeting between Lord Caitanya and Sanatana Gosvami, the Lord met a householder devotee named Ramananda Raya
- Previously all the great sages rendered service unto the Personality of Godhead due to His existence above the three modes of material nature
- Previously Gopinatha Acarya had informed Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya that when he would be blessed by the Lord he would thoroughly understand the transcendental process of devotional service. This prediction was now fulfilled
- Previously he heard you and replied to you, but now, not finding him, you are lamenting. This is contradictory behavior, for you have never actually seen the person within the body who heard you and replied
- Previously I (Lord Caitanya) empowered your brother Rupa Gosvami to understand these mellows. I did this while instructing him at the Dasasvamedha-ghata in Prayaga
- Previously I spoke ill of You (Caitanya) many times, Prakasananda Sarasvati replied. Now in order to free myself from the results of my offense, I fall down at Your feet
- Previously nobody attempted to introduce the supreme authority, Krsna, all over the world. We are just trying to introduce Krsna, following the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who appeared five hundred years ago
- Previously she (Devaki) had heard that Krsna and Balarama were so kind to Their teacher that They had brought back the teacher’s dead son from the clutches of the superintendent of death, Yamaraja
- Previously the Lord gave me maha-prasadam rice one morning, and I ate it just sitting on my bed, without having even washed my mouth
- Previously they (Citizens) had simply heard the names of the great sages but had never seen them. Now, by the mercy of Lord Krsna, they had the opportunity of seeing both the great sages and the Lord Himself
- Previously, a father was eager to give all kinds of help to elevate his children, but at present, because of being misguided, people are prepared even to kill to avoid the responsibility of raising children
- Previously, a great sannyasi named Mukunda Sarasvati had given Sanatana Gosvami an outer garment
- Previously, all the great kings and emperors expanded their kingdoms with a regard for the welfare of the people in general. Indeed, while engaged in such activities for the benefit of the general public, eminent men sometimes even sacrificed their lives
- Previously, being empowered by providence, you defeated a great number of such followers of Lord Visnu. But today those same followers, having defeated us, are roaring in jubilation like lions
- Previously, from the very beginning, the gopis had motherly affection for Krsna. Indeed, their affection for Krsna exceeded even their affection for their own sons - SB 10.13.25
- Previously, great personalities in India used to go to the forest in order to meditate to stop the repetition of birth and death. That is the highest occupation for man, and actually every man is meant for that
- Previously, in India, the brahmanas were interested in understanding Brahman. Athato brahma jijnasa
- Previously, in krsna-lila, when Lord Krsna joked with Rukminidevi, she took His words seriously, and fear awoke within her mind
- Previously, it has been stated that devotional service can be divided into three categories - namely, devotional service in practice, devotional service in ecstasy, and devotional service in pure love of God
- Previously, the mothers of Sridama, Sudama, Subala and Krsna's other friends did not have the same affection for one another's sons, but now the gopis treated all the boys as their own
- Previously, when engaged in sinful activities to maintain his family, Ajamila chanted the name of Narayana without offenses
- Previously, when Lord Ramacandra left this world, He took with Him all the living entities of Ayodhya. Then He filled Ayodhya again with other living entities
- Previously, when Sankarananda Sarasvati had returned from Vrndavana, he had brought the stone from Govardhana Hill and also the garland of conchshells
- Previously, when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had been touring South India, He had met Ramananda Raya on the banks of the Godavari
- Previously, when Srimati Radharani felt the pangs of separation from Krsna, Her constant companion Lalita kept Her alive by helping Her in many ways
- Prthu Maharaja has explained in the previous verse (SB 4.21.37) the importance of devotional service for both the rulers and the citizens of the state. Now he explains how one can be steadily fixed in devotional service
- Prthu Maharaja inquired from the sages about persons entangled in this dangerous material existence because of their previous actions; could such persons, whose only aim is sense gratification, be blessed with any good fortune?
- Pure devotional service is so powerful, however, that one may at once take to it without acquiring the previous qualification of brahma-bhuta life
- Regarding the drawing for the TLC, you can do it in the same lines as it was done previously. Your drawing for the room of Sanatana Goswami is approved by me. Also approved by me is the sketch by Pariksit Das
- Regarding your present edition of Back To Godhead: I have already informed you in my previous letter that it has become very nice, and try to continue the effort improving the quality and I think you are getting good advertisement also
- Returning home that night, Vallabha Bhatta thought, "Previously, at Prayaga, Lord Caitanya was very kind to me"
- Sanatana Gosvami continued, "Previously I have done much for you. Now I am in difficulty. Please return my goodwill by releasing me"
- Sanatana Gosvami said, "My Lord, I have heard that previously, at the home of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, You explained the atmarama verse in eighteen different ways"
- Sankara became celebrated by the name Prabhu-padopadhana ("the pillow of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu"). He was like Vidura, as Sukadeva Gosvami previously described him
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya wanted to know of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s previous situation as a householder
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was previously a smarta-brahmana - that is, one who strictly follows the Vedic principles on the mundane platform
- Sarvabhauma then said to Gopinatha Acarya, "I want to know Caitanya Mahaprabhu's previous situation"
- Saunaka Rsi, after hearing all about the creation, inquired from Suta Gosvami about Vidura, for Suta Gosvami had previously informed him how Vidura left home, leaving aside all his relatives, who were very difficult to leave
- Schooling is meant especially for brahmanas; previously there was no question of schooling for ksatriyas, vaisyas or sudras
- Seeing the condition of his brother-in-law, Gopinatha Acarya said, "My dear Bhattacarya, previously I had said that when one is favored by the Supreme Lord, he will understand the techniques of devotional service. Today I am seeing this fulfilled"
- Siddhavata, also known as Sidhauta, is ten miles east of the village of Kudapa. Previously this place was also known as the southern Benares. There is a great banyan tree there, and it is therefore known as Siddhavata. Vata means banyan tree
- Simply by having previously supplied pulp of sandalwood to the Supreme Lord, Krsna, Kubja became free from all sinful reactions and eligible to enjoy with Him
- Simply by his will, Haridasa Thakura could give up his life and go away, exactly like Bhisma, who previously died simply by his own desire, as we have heard from sastra
- Since everyone had previously tasted these ingredients, why had they become extraordinary and spiritually delicious? This was proof that food, prasadam, becomes uncommonly flavorful and delicious by touching Krsna's lips
- Since it is described in the previous verse (SB 4.21.41) that feeding a living brahmana is more effective than offering oblations in a fire sacrifice, in this verse it is now clearly described what brahmanism is and who a brahmana is
- Since we are eternal spiritual sparks, our spiritual assets go with us, gradually fructifying. In this way those who have previously cultivated transcendental consciousness come in contact with Krsna consciousness through this movement
- So far as your wife is concerned you must be very careful. They are previously two miscarriages, so it is to be understood that she is diseased. A medical practitioner or gynaecologist should be consulted in this connection
- So far I am concerned, I cannot say what I was in my previous life, but one great astrologer calculated that I was previously a physician and my life was sinless
- Sometimes a tithi is less than twenty-four hours. When it starts after sunrise on a certain day and ends before the sunrise of the following day, the previous tithi and the following tithi both "touch" the twenty-four-hour day between the sunrises
- Sri Ananta Acarya is one of the eternal associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Previously, during the advent of Lord Sri Krsna, Ananta Acarya was Sudevi, one of the eight gopis
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in this Age of Kali to exhibit the superexcellence of madhurya-rasa, a gift never previously bestowed by any acarya or incarnation
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu happily returned to Jagannatha Puri in the company of His servant, Balabhadra Bhattacarya. As previously, the Lord performed many pleasing pastimes with the forest animals
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu received them all, just as He had in previous years. The women, however, saw the Lord from a distance
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "In My previous asrama, Sankararanya was My brother and Jagannatha Misra was My father"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy was aroused because of the King's previous service. Therefore, without even asking who he was, the Lord immediately bestowed His mercy upon him
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's touring Vrndavana has been previously described. In the same ecstatic way, He traveled all over Vrndavana
- Sri Narada developed this spiritual consciousness even when he had his material body in the previous kalpa
- Sri Narahari Cakravarti, or Ghanasyama dasa, has written in his Bhakti-ratnakara - He (Lord Caitanya) said, ‘O Srinivasa, just see the town of Kuliya-pahadapura, which was previously known as Koladvipa
- Sri Visvarupa said: O demigods, although the acceptance of priesthood is decried as causing the loss of previously acquired brahminical power, how can someone like me refuse to accept your personal request?
- Sri Yamunacarya has prayed as follows: "My dear Lord, I know that the gigantic universe and gigantic space and time within the universe are covered by the ten layers of the material elements, each layer ten times larger than the previous one"
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - Kasinatha arranged the marriage of Lord Caitanya in His previous asrama, when His name was Visvambhara. Kasinatha induced the court pandita, Sanatana, to offer Visvambhara his daughter
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, who was previously a great astrologer, explains this verse (of CC Adi 13.90) as follows: The sad-varga (six divisions) are technically called ksetra, hora, drekkana, navamsa, dvadasamsa and trimsamsa
- Srila Haridasa Thakura, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami had had previous intimate connections with Muslims
- Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami were previously ministers directly in charge of the government of Nawab Hussain Shah, and they were also householders, but later they became gosvamis
- Srila Rupa Gosvami writes: There were many previous incarnations of the SPG, but none were so generous, kind and magnanimous as Caitanya, for He distributed the most confidential aspect of devotional service, namely, the conjugal love of Radha and Krsna
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami also informed King Pariksit that previously many other kings and emperors went to the jungle to prosecute severe austerities and penances in order to go back home, back to Godhead
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami begins this verse (SB 2.2.36) with the word tasmat, or "therefore," because in the previous verse he has already explained that there is no auspicious means for salvation other than the sublime process of bhakti-yoga
- Srimad-Bhagavatam, however, does not agree with such impersonalists. It is clearly stated herein that the Supreme Lord rests in yoga-nidra, as previously discussed. And because He sleeps, naturally He must breathe
- Success in yoga is not acquisition of mystic power, which is condemned in the previous chapter, but, rather, freedom from all material designations and situation in one's constitutional position. That is the ultimate achievement in yoga practice
- Such acts (abominable acts due to previous habits) should not be taken very seriously because the devotees of the Lord are very powerful, whether they are on the heavenly planets or on this planet
- Suppose if you have to become a medical practitioner or a lawyer. So you have to study the law books by the previous lawyers, by the judgments of the courts
- Thank you very much that you are struggling there alone and silently, and Krishna will surely bless you for this. I suggested in my previous letter that you join the Toronto party if you are feeling alone. But if not, you go on with your present program
- Thanks to that shared central relationship, this previously unknown man's sons and daughters become our nephews and nieces. Again, all these loving relationships center upon our sister. In this case, our sister has become the center of attraction
- That (taking to full Krsna consciousness) is described in the previous verse (SB 4.29.56) as paramahamsa-saranam, taking shelter of the paramahamsa, the liberated soul, and becoming successful in this life
- That incident was not forgotten by Brahma (that Brahma's previous sons the four kumaras, refused to obey their father), and therefore the obedience of Manu Svayambhuva was very encouraging
- That you always remember me indicates the greatness of character for which you were celebrated even in your previous asrama before joining the matha. But I am so unfortunate that I am unable to render any service to you
- The anu, vibhinnamsa jiva, when he comes within this material world, he becomes entrapped or his that jyoti... In the previous verse you have studied jyoti. Vibhinnamsa living entity, we are also jyoti
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta says - I (Krsnadasa Kaviraj) have only written what I have heard in the disciplic succession because I am dedicated to the lotus feet of previous acaryas like Svarupa Damodara, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami
- The caretaker, being thus insulted by Krsna, became very angry, and in order to challenge Krsna, as was previously planned, he provoked the elephant to attack
- The condition of material nature immediately previous to its manifestation is called pradhana
- The cult of bhakti (bhakti-lata) is the first daughter of Malayadhvaja, and as previously described, her eyes are always upon Krsna
- The current issue of Back to Godhead is better than all previous ones. So you are tangibly improving the quality of BTG. May Krishna bless you improve it more & more
- The demigods were harassed by the demons, who were infested with tamo-guna. However, as Lord Brahma has previously described, since the time of sattva-guna had now arrived, the demigods could naturally expect to fulfill their desires
- The devotee who wants to elevate himself to the higher level of understanding must know that the Lord is present in every living entity, and, as stated in the previous verse (SB 3.29.23), one should be compassionate to other living entities
- The devotees mentioned in the previous verse (SB 5.19.27) approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead with material motives, but this verse explains how such devotees are saved from those desires
- The devotees of the Lord never willingly commit any sinful act, but sometimes they commit something abominable due to their previous habits
- The dimensions of the universe are estimated here (in SB 3.26.52). The outer covering is made of layers of water, air, fire, sky, ego and mahat-tattva, and each layer is ten times greater than the one previous
- The facilities of devotional service are denied the impersonalists because they are attached to the brahmajyoti feature of the Lord. As suggested in the previous mantras, they cannot penetrate the brahma-jyoti because they do not believe in the SPG
- The fire-god Agni became attracted by the beauty of Satadruti while she was circumambulating the bridegroom Pracinabarhi, just as he had previously been attracted to the beauty of Suki, the wife of Saptarsi
- The first stratum of the covering (water) is calculated to extend eighty million miles, and the subsequent coverings of the universe are respectively of fire, effulgence, air and ether, one after another, each extending ten times further than the previous
- The future of our movement will be very bright, and similarly your future will be very bright also, so there is no need for you to be depressed about any previous misunderstandings
- The gopis always thought of the Lord's lotus feet when He was walking in the pasturing grounds, and, as described in the previous verse (of SB 10.2.37), simply by thinking of the Lord's lotus feet, the gopis were fully absorbed in transcendence
- The Gosvamis were ministers in the government service of Bengal, and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was the son of a big zamindar of his time. But they left everything to gain something superior to what they previously possessed
- The inhabitants of Kulina-grama delivered silken ropes to Lord Jagannatha, and, as previously, they all danced before the Lord's car
- The instructions given by Narada and Angira Muni (in SB 6.15.2) are the true spiritual instructions for the illusioned conditioned soul. This world is temporary, but because of our previous karma we come here and accept bodies
- The intelligent class of men (namely the sages and the brahmanas) not only prayed for the Lord to come down, but also dethroned the previous king
- The King (Nrga) fervently appealed to the brahmanas not to cause his downfall into hell because of this mistake (that he had taken back a cow that he had previously given in charity)
- The king would give special protection to illiterates, the helpless and widows of the state. Defense measures were arranged previous to any attack by the enemies
- The Krsna consciousness movement, which is spreading throughout the world, is being appreciated by sincere people, although they have never previously heard of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Krsna’s pastimes
- The living entity receives different types of bodies according to his previous fruitive activities. Thus he is seen to suffer with reference to his particular body in all conditions of life, beginning with his infusion into the womb
- The living entity, who has a subtle mental covering, develops all kinds of thoughts and images because of his previous body
- The Lord is conscious of all of His previous appearances and disappearances, but a common living entity forgets everything about his past body as soon as he gets another body. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord is the vanquisher of the distresses of one who is surrendered unto Him. Thus He who desired to destroy His family told me previously to go to Badarikasrama
- The Lord's appearance or birth is not like that of an ordinary man, who is forced to accept a material body according to his past deeds. The Lord's appearance is explained in the previous chapter (SB 10.2). He appears out of His own sweet pleasure
- The loving affairs of Radha & Krsna are transcendental manifestations of the internal pleasure-giving potency. Although They are one in identity, previously They separated Themselves. Now these two identities have again united, in the form of Caitanya
- The mahat-tattva principle is the generating source of all the modes of material nature, and the living entities take birth in the material world in bodies supplied by the mother, material nature, in terms of their previous work
- The Manu-samhita prescribes that a man who has committed murder should be hanged and his own life sacrificed in atonement. Previously this system was followed all over the world, but since people are becoming atheists, they are stopping capital punishment
- The Muslim governor then prayed for liberation from the unlimited sinful reactions he had previously incurred by being envious of brahmanas and Vaisnavas and killing cows
- The next year, all the devotees of Bengal went to visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and as previously, the Lord met each and every one of them
- The next year, as usual, all the devotees from Bengal went to Jagannatha Puri, and, as in previous years, there was a meeting between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the devotees
- The pious and intelligent person thinks that the sufferings inflicted upon him due to his previous sinful activities are only slight because of the Lord's mercy, and that by His mercy all suffering can be relieved in moment
- The prelude of the Srimad-Bhagavatam was spoken in the previous three slokas. Now the main topic of this great literature is being presented. SB, after its first recitation by Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, was repeated for the second time at Naimisaranya
- The present age belongs to the Vaivasvata Manu. Svayambhuva Manu was previously ruling, and his history begins from the Varaha age, or the millennium when the Lord appeared as the boar
- The previous two verses (CC Madhya 8.68 & 69) are included in the Padyavali (13, 14), an anthology compiled by Srila Rupa Gosvami. Verse 69 refers to devotional service in faith, and verse 70 refers to devotional service rendered out of intense greed
- The previous verse (SB 5.1.14) has given the analogy of bulls moving under the direction of the driver of a bullock cart. The bulls, being completely surrendered to the driver, remain wherever he wants to place them and eat whatever he wants them to eat
- The previous verses (previous to SB 6.16.25) described the Brahman and Paramatma features of the Absolute Truth. Now this prayer is offered in bhakti-yoga to the Absolute Supreme Person
- The previous year, Jagadananda Pandita, following the Lord's order, had returned to the city of Nadia to see Sacimata
- The principles of the parampara system were strictly honored in previous ages but in the present age, Kali-yuga, people neglect the importance of this system of srauta-parampara, or receiving knowledge by disciplic succession
- The process of religion is enunciated by the Supreme Lord because He is the supreme authority. This is also indicated in the previous verse (SB 7.7.29) by the word bhagavatoditah
- The promise of Krsna that His devotees are never vanquished had also previously been admitted by Indra when he was defeated in the Govardhana-lila
- The scholar may be born an extraordinary man due to his previous good work, but this conception of Krsna is due to a poor fund of knowledge. Therefore he is called mudha. for only foolish persons consider Krsna to be an ordinary human being. BG 1972 pur
- The sixth island, Puskaradvipa, which is twice as wide as the previous island (Sakadvipa), is surrounded by an ocean of clear water. Its master is Vitihotra, another son of Maharaja Priyavrata
- The spiritual master, is actually the servitor God. As explained in previous verses, in the absolute world there are no such differences, yet one must observe these differences in order to distinguish the Supreme from His subordinates
- The Supreme Lord rests in yoga-nidra, as previously discussed. And because He sleeps, naturally He must breathe, and the Brahma-samhita confirms that within His breathing period innumerable Brahmas take birth and die
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead made it clear that Devaki had not become His mother only now; rather, she had been His mother previously also
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the highest authority in explaining this knowledge. Still, as a matter of course, learned scholars and standard authorities always give evidence from previous authorities. BG 1972 purports
- The supreme time factor, which represents the Supreme Person, was previously in our favor and not in favor of the demigods, but now that same time factor is against us
- The supreme truth has been ascertained in the previous verse (SB 2.6.22) as purusa or the purusottama, the Supreme person
- The ten characteristics, as will be explained in the next chapter, require so many verses just to explain them properly. Brahmaji had also advised Narada previously that he should expand the idea he had heard from Brahmaji
- The thirtieth branch was Bhagavan Pandita. He was an extremely dear servant of the Lord, but even previously he was a great devotee of Lord Krsna who always kept the Lord within his heart
- The thirty-nine items (of devotional service to God) plus these five come to a total of forty-four. If we add the previous twenty items to these forty-four, the total number becomes sixty-four
- The transcendental molecules of that glance of the Lord appear in different species of life according to the seeds of their individual karma from the previous cosmic manifestation
- The universe is covered by the five material elements (bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh kham (BG 7.4)). As stated in the sastra, these elements are in layers, each ten times thicker than the previous one
- The Vaisnava says, "Previously we only talked of nonsense. Now let us begin our real talks, talks of Krsna" - CC Intro
- The Vaisnavas, who are devotees of Krsna, contend that when one reaches the stage of realization, he really begins to talk. "Previously we only talked of nonsense," the Vaisnava says. "Now let us begin our real talks, talks of Krsna"
- The Vedanta-sutra in the very beginning affirms that everything is born from the Supreme, and thus, as explained in the previous verse, all individual living entities are born from the energy of the supreme living being, the Personality of Godhead
- The Visnudutas continued: Even previously, while eating and at other times, this Ajamila would call his son, saying, "My dear Narayana, please come here"
- The watery portion (the water of the Causal Ocean) is beyond the sevenfold coverings (of the universe), and each covering is ten times more expansive than the previous covering
- The wealth and riches acquired through previous pious activities should not be misused for sense gratification. Enjoying them for sense gratification is like enjoying the fruits of a poisonous tree
- The word "ca" ("and") is used to connect a word or sentence with a previous word or sentence, to give the sense of aggregation, to assist the meaning, to give a collective understanding, to suggest another effort or exertion
- The word 'sama-drsah,' mentioned in the fourth line of the previous verse, means 'following the mood of the gopis.' The word 'samah' means 'the srutis' attainment of bodies like those of the gopis
- The word baddha-sauhrdah in the previous verse (SB 4.20.13) is explained herewith
- The word kanai means "Lord Krsna's," and natasala indicates a place where pastimes are demonstrated. So those places which at the present moment are called hari-sabha may previously have been known as Kanai Natasala
- The word purvasrama refers to one’s previous situation in life. Sometimes a person will accept the renounced order from householder life, and sometimes even from student (brahmacari) life
- The word srjami is significant herein (BG 4.7). Srjami cannot be used in the sense of creation. because, according to the previous verse, there is no creation of the Lord's form or body, since all of the forms are eternally existent. BG 1972 purports
- Their (demonaic people's and non-Aryans) method of civilization is condemned in the previous verse (SB 6.16.43). Kah ksemo nija-parayoh kiyan varthah sva-para-druha dharmena: "What is the meaning of a civilization that kills oneself and others"
- Then Ramananda Raya inquired from Rupa Gosvami about the causes of the loving affairs between Krsna and the gopis, such as previous attachment, transformations of love, endeavors for love, and exchanges of letters disclosing the gopis
- Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stopped the dancing of the others, and as He had done previously, He personally began to dance
- There are 8,400,000 types of bodies eternally existing. Not that the appearance of a new form in this world means that form has never existed previously
- There are many descriptions of sacrifices and special functions of the pumundi or special work in which the result of one's previous action may be applied. Thus one may gradually become elevated to the state of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- There are so many things to be learned. This universe we see just like a ball, and this ball is covered by layers of water, fire, air, earth, like that. Circling. And each layer is ten times bigger than the previous layer
- There was arguing and fighting between the two brahmanas, and they came before me (King Nrga) and charged that I had taken back a cow I had previously given in charity
- There were many previous incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but none were so generous, kind and magnanimous as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, for He distributed the most confidential aspect of devotional service
- There were only one or two Raksasas in the previous ages due to negligence of the disciplinary methods, but during the age of Kali there is no discipline in sex life. How, then, can one expect good children
- These last three creations (immovable entities, lower species of life and human beings) and the creation of demigods (the tenth creation) are vaikrta creations, which are different from the previously described prakrta (natural) creations
- They (Caitanya's devotees) said, "Had You (Caitanya) not previously bestowed Your mercy on him (Rupa Gosvami), it would not have been possible for him to express Your internal feelings"
- They (dvija-bandhu, or the less intelligent) argue that birth in a family of sudras or less than sudras is made possible by one's previous sinful acts and that one therefore has to complete the terms of disadvantages due to lower birth
- They are liberated by their nonfruitive activities and they attain the first incarnation of the purusa, but at the time of creation they come back in exactly the same forms and positions as they had previously
- This (when the previous tithi and the following tithi both "touch" the twenty-four-hour day between the sunrises) is called tryaha-sparsa, or a day touched by some portion of three tithis
- This is very important verse. In the previous verse it has been described, dehino 'smin yatha dehe (BG 2.13). Actually, we living entities, we are within the body. The bodily pains and pleasure are not the pains and pleasure of the soul within
- This jnana-dipa (the Lord's given spiritual enlightenment to His devotees) is compared to the fire hidden within arani wood. To perform fire sacrifices, great sages previously did not ignite a fire directly; the fire would be invoked from arani wood
- This kind of dissatisfaction is another feature of the illusory energy; every living entity is controlled by his previous actions, and therefore there are different varieties of life for enjoying or suffering
- This Krsna consciousness movement, although it appears a new movement in your country, but it is known to the world. But nobody had previously attempted to put these ideas and movement in practical shape. So that I am doing
- This mantra (paratma, nistha, adhya, sitam . . . anghri, nise, vayaiva) was previously chanted by Lord Caitanya when He took sannyasa. Therefore we Gaudiya Vaisnava's when we accept sannyasa we follow the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This verse (BG 9.15) is the summary of the previous verses (BG 9.14). The Lord tells Arjuna that those who are purely in Krsna consciousness and do not know anything other than Krsna are called mahatma. BG 1972 purports
- This verse (CC Adi 9.42) cited by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu applies to human beings, not to animals. As indicated in the previous verse (CC Adi 9.41) by the words manusya-janma, these injunctions are for human beings
- This verse (SB 1.7.10) had been previously explained to a great Vedantist known as Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. After taking lessons from Lord Caitanya, Sanatana Gosvami referred to this incident and prayed to the Lord to again explain the Atmarama verse
- Those interested in materialistic activities remain in the cycle of birth and death. Pravrtti-marga, or the inclination to stay in the material world to enjoy varieties of sense gratification, has been explained in the previous verse - SB 7.15.50-51
- Those who are always attached to understanding the transcendental meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam, who are always eager to associate with advanced devotees the seed of love (rati) is expanded in the heart by previous and current reformatory processes
- Those who seriously follow the process of Krsna consciousness, though previously habituated to many undesirable things, are able to stay on a platform where there is no material contamination simply by virtue of practicing Krsna consciousness
- Through His inconceivable energy, a pure devotee can perform tasks that are supposed to be very, very difficult. He can perform tasks not even previously performed by the Lord Himself
- Thus Lord Sri Krsna spoke of the sexual activities of the previous night. In this way He made Srimati Radharani close Her eyes out of shyness. Taking this opportunity, Sri Krsna painted various types of dolphins on Her breasts
- Time was growing short. Kalayavana was already besieging Mathura from all sides, and it was expected that the day after next, Jarasandha would also come, equipped with the same number of divisions of soldiers as in his previous seventeen attempts
- To be free from all material association means to cease completely from committing any further sins. To meditate upon the lotus feet of the Lord means to become free from the effects of all previous sins
- To chant the holy name under the direction of a pure devotee is offenseless chanting. Offenseless chanting of the holy name of the Lord is transcendental, and, therefore, such chanting can at once purify one from the effects of all kinds of previous sins
- To clarify, in the previous chapters, the symptoms of devotional service were explained along with instructions as to how they can be executed with our present senses, gradually rising to the platform of ecstasy of spontaneous love
- To cleanse the heart so that one may become sober and wise in this age of Kali, there is no value to any method other than the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Prahlada Maharaja has confirmed this process in previous verses - SB 7.9.39
- To develop transcendental qualities, as explained in the previous verse (in SB 3.29.18), one must become free from these contaminated qualities
- To hear the activities of the Lord means to associate with the Lord directly, and association with the Lord directly means purification from material contamination. We have already discussed this point in the previous volume
- To see personally the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His pure devotee is not an ordinary incident. When such things happen, they should be understood to be caused by previous pious activity, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- To take birth in such a great family is understood to be an advantage for attaining devotional life. Vidura was given this chance due to his previous greatness
- To unfold the mystery of bhakti-yoga, as it is explained in the previous verse, is the ultimate stage of all inquiries or the highest objective for the inquisitive
- Uddharana Datta Thakura, previously known as Sri Uddharana Datta, was a resident of Saptagrama, which is situated on the bank of the Sarasvati River near the Trisabigha railway station in the district of Hugli
- Uddhava continued, "He (Krsna) does not appear in higher or lower species of life like ordinary living entities, who are forced to take birth on account of their previous fruitive activities"
- Under the circumstances, I have asked Hansadutta to come to me at Hawaii. There I shall try to rectify the mistakes and as previously arranged, the GBC's should act as my secretary at least one month in a year
- Upabarhana was Narada Muni's name previously. Upabarhana was specifically expert in decorating himself to attract the attention of women, and thus he became a playboy, as described in the next verse - SB 7.15.71
- We actually see that the present generation is not as strong as the previous. People also have short memories. We also understand that sometimes people are killed while other people pass by, not caring. Thus mercy is also diminishing
- We cannot manufacture our own idea. That is blasphemy, sahajiya. Yata mat tata pat. These things are not accepted by mahajana. Mahajana means who follows the previous mahajana. This is the system
- We do not know how many births we had previously, but from the sastra we understand crores, many millions of times, we had to take birth. Therefore it is used, janma koti: not one birth or two birth or second birth or fifth birth
- We had previously received copies of the Swahili language publication of Topmost Yoga System from Brahmananda Swami and it is very nicely done. This printing and distribution of our literature is most important aspect of our propaganda work
- We have already described this (the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Bhagavan)) feature of the Lord in the purport to the previous verse (MM 1), in connection with the name Jagan-nivasa
- We have previously discussed that the transcendentalist is required to be self-sufficient and should not beg from the rich blind persons to fulfill the bare necessities of life
- What was previously explained as Candavega, powerful time, is covered by days and nights, named Gandharvas and Gandharvis. The body's life-span is gradually reduced by the passage of days and nights, which number 360
- When Brahma returned, Brahma saw all the calves and cowherd boys playing with Krsna as expansions of Krsna, but he did not see Baladeva. As in the previous year, Lord Baladeva did not go to the woods on the day Lord Brahma appeared there
- When he enters Brahmaloka, he enjoys life for many millions of years, and finally his material designation comes to an end. He then comes to a subtle designation, from which he attains the causal designation, witnessing all previous states
- When He heard Svarupa Damodara recite a verse concerning the rasa-lila or He Himself recited one, He would personally explain it, as He had previously done
- When he met Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Bhattacarya fell down flat to offer Him respects. After offering various prayers to Him, he spoke of his previous bad disposition with great humility
- When higher authorities have decided what kind of gross body the living entity will have, he is forced to enter such a body, and thus he automatically gives up his previous body
- When his intelligence and mind were fixed upon the form of the Lord, the brahmana Ajamila once again saw before him four celestial persons. He could understand that they were those he had seen previously
- When householder devotees perform some Vedic ritualistic duties, they do so to satisfy Krsna. As we have previously discussed, any activity aiming at satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead is considered devotional service
- When one deviates from his original consciousness, he loses the capacity to remember his previous position or recognize his present one. When remembrance is lost, all knowledge acquired is based on a false foundation
- When one is nivrtta, as previously stated herein, or when one is freed from all material necessities, one becomes qualified to discharge the process of bhakti-yoga
- When sandalwood pulp is mixed with aguru, kunkuma, musk and camphor and spread on Krsna's body the scent of all these substances mixes with the previous scent of Krsna's body and steals away the mind of Cupid
- When someone's wealth falls into the hands of his enemy, the money becomes the enemy's friend. Then the enemy can use it for his own purposes. Indeed, he can even use it to harm its previous owner
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Rupa Gosvami to read the verse they had previously heard, Rupa Gosvami, because of great shyness, did not read it but instead remained silent
- When the four previous sons of Brahma, the sages Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara, refused to obey their father, Brahma was mortified, and his anger was manifested in the shape of Rudra
- When the ladies of the city of Dvaraka got up on the roofs of their palaces, they never thought that they had previously many times seen the beautiful body of the infallible Lord. This indicates that they had no satiation in desiring to see the Lord
- When the lover and the beloved meet, they are called yukta (connected). Previous to their meeting, they are called ayukta (not connected)
- When the serpent was touched by the lotus feet of Krsna, he regained his previous body and was freed from the reactions of his sinful activities
- When there is cosmic manifestation, the jivatma, or the individual soul, appears in the creation in different forms, according to his previous fruitive activities
- When Vasudeva, Krsna’s father, asked Devarsi Narada in Dvaraka about devotional service, it was mentioned that previously King Nimi, who was the King of Videha, was instructed by the nine Yogendras
- When we are always absorbed in thought of Krsna in ecstasy, that is the immediate previous stage of love of Godhead, love of Krsna
- While at Kuliya-grama, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bestowed His favor upon Devananda Pandita and delivered Gopala Capala and many others who had previously committed offenses at His lotus feet
- While Nanda Maharaja was returning to Gokula, the same fierce Putana whom Kamsa had previously engaged to kill babies was wandering about in the towns, cities and villages, doing her nefarious duty - SB 10.6.2
- Who were previously accustomed to the culture of mlecchas and yavanas - they are getting purified and reformed when the propagators of the Caitanya cult in the Western countries are spreading the sankirtana movement
- With the direction and help of Vibhisana, Ravana's brother, the Lord, along with the monkey soldiers, headed by Sugriva, Nila and Hanuman, entered Ravana's kingdom, Lanka, which had previously been burnt by Hanuman
- Yajnas were previously performed with offerings of oblations of ghee and food grains, but in this age, of course, this is no longer possible, for the production of ghee and food grains has diminished because of the sinful life of human society
- Yamaraja warned his servants, My dear servants, despite what you may have done previously to disturb the devotees, henceforward you should stop
- Yoga is defined in this way: yoga indriya-samyamah. As previously explained, we are disturbed by the indriyas, or senses. Moreover, we are agitated by the three modes of material nature, which are imposed upon us by the external energy
- You can continue to work at trying to get the park for constructing our temple there as previously planned. Keep me informed as to the progress
- You get good parents, good family, where you'll be allowed to practice this system, & automatically you'll get chance again to revive your same consciousness in which you left your previous body. That is explained here, - by virtue of divine consciousness
- You have now demonstrated Your love for Your devotees, just as when You previously saved the five Pandavas from great danger
- You mention there is fighting and making politics in the temple. But that is your previous qualification. That means you could not give up your qualification. You or anyone. So you should be careful not to revive your old qualifications