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- A pious man who is simply eager to know the science of Krsna also approaches the Supreme Lord. Out of these four classes of men, the last is praised by Krsna Himself in the Bhagavad-gita
- According to His (Caitanya's) own written verse, yugayitam nimesena. He says that for Him, “a moment seems to last twelve years.” Caksusa pravrsayitam: “My tears are flowing like torrents of rain”
- According to his last karma, or action, one gets this body to enjoy, or to suffer. That is the process of birth and death
- According to Sri Narahari dasa, during the last days of his life Acyutananda stayed in his house at Santipura, but during the presence of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu he lived at Jagannatha Puri with Gadadhara Pandita
- According to the Surya-siddhanta, the prathama-sandhya of Kali-yuga lasts 36,000 solar years. Lord Caitanya appeared in the prathama-sandhya after 4,586 solar years of Kali-yuga had passed
- Advaita Acarya then held a festival that lasted two or three days. Thereafter, they all made a firm decision to go to Jagannatha Puri
- After a discussion with Kalidasa that lasted for some time, Jhadu Thakura spoke the following sweet words
- After finishing their family life, which lasted thousands of years according to the calculations of the demigods, the Pracetas decided to leave home, putting their wife in the charge of a son named Daksa. This is the process of Vedic civilization
- After hearing of the incidents described in the last chapter, King Pariksit became more inquisitive to hear about Krsna and His pastimes
- After liberation, which is the last item in the line of performing religiosity, etc., one is engaged in pure devotional service. This is called the stage of self-realization, or the brahma-bhuta stage (SB 4.30.20)
- After setting the fire, the Kauravas were so certain of the death of the Pandavas that Dhrtarastra performed the last rites of death with great cheerfulness
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, Pariksit Maharaja, who was still in the womb of his mother, was the last remaining descendant of the Pandavas, and in mature time, when he was born, only his grandfathers were still alive
- After the last great war the existing body of the present United Nations was formed, but what real benefit there has been to be mentioned of for the worldly people. The ISKCON movement has got together all nations in the world & spreading Krishna's name
- After the last offering of tambula and pan, bhoga-aratrika was performed. Finally everyone offered various prayers and then obeisances, falling flat before the Deity (Madhavendra Puri's Gopala deity) in full surrender
- After the maha-snana was finished, the Deity was again massaged with scented oil and His body made glossy. Then the last bathing ceremony was performed with scented water kept within a conchshell
- Aghasura thought: If somehow or other I can make Krsna and His associates serve as the last offering of sesame and water for the departed souls of my brother and sister - SB 10.12.15
- Ajamila begot in the womb of the prostitute ten sons, the last of whom was called Narayana. At the time of Ajamila's death, when the order carriers of Yamaraja came to take him, he loudly called the name Narayana in fear because he was attached
- All of them (the great sages) consulted among themselves about the great departure of the great King (Maharaja Pariksit), and they wanted to see him up to the last moment because they would no more be able to see such a great devotee of the Lord
- All other (religious) processes may be purifying and may lead to this process (surrender unto Krsna), but the last instruction of the Gita is the last word in all morality and religion: surrender unto Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- All the demigods within the material world are temporary, like ourselves. Our lives last for one hundred years at the most, and similarly, although their lives may last for millions and billions of years, the demigods are not eternal
- Although Krsna previously explained the proficiency of executing Vedic rituals, performing fruitive activity as enjoined in the Vedas, practicing yoga and cultivating jnana, these last instructions are most powerful and stand above all the others
- Although people may be enemies, in order to fulfill their desires again and again, they sometimes get married. Unfortunately, these marriages do not last very long, and the people involved are separated again by divorce or other means
- Although the last child was a daughter, Kamsa could not kill her, and she has entered into the celestial planets
- Among the transcendental mystics, variously classified as karma-yogis, dhyana-yogis, jnana-yogis, hatha-yogis, and bhakti-yogis, the last-named bhakti-yogis are the greatest of all
- An age of Manu, which is the duration of Manu's life, is calculated to last seventy-two yugas. One yuga consists of 4,300,000 years
- Anadi karama-phale, which means that these actions and reactions of one's activity cannot be traced, for they may even continue from the last millennium of Brahma's birth to the next millennium
- Another meaning of the word apratipurusa is "the personality who has no rival." Since Lord Siva could not be persuaded to give her permission, Sati took shelter of a woman's last weapon, weeping, which forces a husband to agree to the proposal of his wife
- Any class man, you can train him. It requires training. Even one is in the last class, fourth class, fifth class, sixth class, if he likes, he can be trained up to become a first-class man
- Any class man, you can train him. It requires training. Even one is in the last-class, fourth-class, fifth-class, sixth-class, if he likes he can be trained up to become a first-class man
- Arjuna is now perplexed, "Whether I shall fight or not fight?" That is also everywhere. When there is declaration of war between the modern politicians, they consider . . . just like in the last, Second World War, when Hitler was preparing for war
- As a last alternative, the wife suggested that the Nawab take away Subuddhi Raya's caste and turn him into a Muslim, but Hussain Khan replied that if he did this, Subuddhi Raya would not live
- As I am planning to go to the United States shortly, and as over one year has passed since I was last there, I am requesting your good office to extend the validity of my Registration Card for another year
- As it will be evident from the Tenth Chapter, Arjuna knew perfectly well that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the fountainhead of everything and the last word in Transcendence. BG 1972 purports
- As Kesi's last breath came, his eyeballs bulged in their sockets and he passed stool and urine simultaneously. Thus the vital force of his life expired. When the horse was dead, his mouth became loose, and Krsna could extract His arm without difficulty
- As mentioned in the last chapter, there was a great rumor that the five Pandava brothers, along with their mother, Kunti, had died, according to the plan of the sons of Dhrtarastra, in a fire accident in the house of lac in which they were living
- As soon as there is spring, immediately thousands and millions of trees, immediately the foliage comes out. Immediately. And as soon as there is fall, September, last, all the leaves fall down, immediately. So this is the process of creation
- As soon as you take birth, then you have to take jara, old age; and vyadhi, and disease; and last, marana. So we do not understand this. This is called ignorance, foolishness
- As the Lord is rarely to be seen by our present eyes, so also are the great devotees. The great rsis, therefore, correctly decided to remain on the spot till the last moment
- Asvatthama knew, - The last descendant of the Kuru family is Pariksit, the son of Abhimanyu. He is in the womb of Uttara, so let me kill him also, and then the entire dynasty will be finished
- At death everything is finished, and one has to begin a new chapter of life in a new situation, perhaps higher or lower than the last one
- At every moment, every second, every day, every hour, the body is changing, so the last change is when one cannot act with the body, and so he has to take another one
- At Hiranyaksa's last moment, his mother, Diti, remembered what her husband had said. Although her sons would be demons, they would have the advantage of being killed by the Personality of Godhead Himself
- At last he found a fault. "How can a person in the renounced order eat so many sweetmeats?" he said. "If one eats sweets, controlling the senses is very difficult"
- At that very moment (Hiranyaksa's last moment), a shudder suddenly ran through the heart of Diti, the mother of Hiranyaksa. She recalled the words of her husband, Kasyapa, and blood flowed from her breasts
- At the end of the last inundation (during the period of Svayambhuva Manu) the Supreme Personality of Godhead killed the demon named Hayagriva and delivered all the Vedic literatures to Lord Brahma when Lord Brahma awakened from sleeping
- At the last stage of his life, when Maharaja Prthu saw himself getting old, that great soul, who was king of the world, divided whatever opulence he had accumulated amongst all kinds of living entities, moving and nonmoving
- At the present moment we have just passed through five thousand years of the Kali-yuga, which lasts 432,000 years. BG 1972 purports
- At the source of the River Sarasvati, this King will perform one hundred sacrifices known as asvamedha. In the course of the last sacrifice, the heavenly King Indra will steal the sacrificial horse
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya used to keep a stock of food grain that would last from two to four days. Where there were no people, he would cook the grain and prepare vegetables, spinach, roots and fruits collected from the forest
- Be seriously engaged in this task, and it will be a great service to Krishna. And try to finish the last act of Caitanya Caritamrta also
- Because I know, I experienced in my last April, May, June, so similarly, this intuition is nothing but experience of my last life. That is called intuition. The rascals, they say that there is no experience
- Because, in the last devastation, knowledge of the Absolute Truth was altogether erased from the universe, Brahma desired that the same knowledge again be renovated; otherwise there would be no meaning in the creation
- Bhagavad-gita is popular in your country, at least amongst the scholars and theosophists and theologists, going on, for the last two hundred years at least. But nobody understood Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita states in the last verse of the Sixth Chapter that the greatest yogi is he who constantly thinks of Krsna within himself, or he who is Krsna conscious
- Bhisma said, "I was opposing Krsna's most intimate friend, Arjuna - I even tried to kill him! I have so many disqualifications, and yet the Lord is still so kind that He has come to see me at the last point of my life"
- Bhismadeva was always a sincerely sympathetic well-wisher, grandfather, friend and philosopher to Maharaja Yudhisthira, even up to the last moment of his life
- Bhismadeva will also offer his last prayer to the Lord on the verge of passing away from this mortal world and thus become liberated from the bondage of further material engagements
- Brahma was surprised. The original cowherd boys and cows, he thought, are still where I put them last year. So who is it that is now keeping company with Krsna exactly as before? Where have they come from
- Brahmaji wanted to create the whole cosmic situation as it was in the previous millennium, and because, in the last devastation, knowledge of the Absolute Truth was altogether erased from the universe, he desired that the same knowledge again be renovated
- By acts of so-called benevolence the leader may get recognition from his followers for some time. But the followers for whom this kind of leader has endeavored to do good will never get any lasting benefit out of such temporarily beneficial work
- By chanting Hare Krsna mantra they (the boys) are becoming God-realized. Even last night we had meeting with the Christian Fathers; they very much appreciated
- By his causeless mercy he ordered me to write about the last pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- By their mercy, all these devotees ordered me to write of the last pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because of their order only, although I am shameless, I have attempted to write this Caitanya-caritamrta
- Caitanya is talking on the position; He is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is asking, demanding, "You rascal, give up everything. Just surrender to Me. Then you'll be happy." This is the last instruction of Bhagavad-gita
- Complete surrender is desired by Krsna, as He indicates in the last chapter of Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.66): sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. The word saksat, meaning "directly," is very significant
- Death is devouring every living entity at every moment, but the last stroke is called death itself. That death is Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Devahuti is saying, "You have given me all sorts of material comforts by your yogic power, and since you are now prepared to go away, you must give me your last award so that I may get free from this material, conditional life
- Devotional service to Krsna without deviation means engaging oneself in the nine processes of devotional service, chanting, hearing, worshiping, offering respect, etc. That process should be followed. BG 1972 purports
- Dog is also begetting children, man is also begetting. What is the difference? The difference is man should be responsible that, - This child who has come to me, this is his last birth. No more birth again
- Dr. O.B.L. Kapoor is a Vaisnava. Although by age he is my younger, we are Godbrothers, for the last forty years, since he was a student at Allahabad & I was doing some business there, we are known to each other. His association is a great blessing for us
- Due to my incessant hard work for the last two years, my health has been shattered
- During the last few months I was very much mentally depressed. I do not wish to discuss those points, but simply request all the members of the Governing Body Commission to organize this institution very uprightly
- During the last Magha-sankranti festival, you cooked varieties of vegetables, condensed milk, cakes and sweet rice for Me
- Each Manu's period lasts seventy-two times the cycle of four ages, and one cycle of ages equals 4,320,000 solar years. Thus 4,320,000 x 72 solar years is the reign of one Manu
- Enclosed please find clippings of our New York Rathayatra which was held last Sunday. You can show these to your friend Mr. Choudhary and others. I always remember Mr. Choudhary and his good wife
- Even after being switched off, an electric fan moves for some time. That movement is not due to the electric current, but is a continuation of the last movement
- Even in Australia there also we have got four branches-Melbourne, Sydney - and we have got a very big building, very big temple of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Last year I established, and many hundred thousand devotees are coming
- Even Ramakrishna Mission. They are working for the last eighty years, and I have worked only for six years. And my result is eighty times more than them. They also acknowledge. Phalena pariciyate
- Every one of us is giving up his body at every moment, and the last phase of giving up this body is called death
- Everyone of you should think that every moment, whatever asset you have got, the most valuable asset is the life, duration of life. That is being taken away. That is the law of nature. And the last taking away is death
- Everyone's life must be so arranged that the last stage of life, say at least the last fifteen to twenty years prior to death, can be absolutely devoted to the devotional service of the Lord to attain the highest perfection of life
- Factually Lord Brahma does not create the living entities. In the beginning of the creation he is empowered to give different bodily shapes to the living entities according to their work during the last millennium
- Finally in Kali-yuga (the yuga we have now been experiencing over the past 5,000 years) there is an abundance of strife, ignorance, irreligion and vice, true virtue being practically nonexistent, and this yuga lasts 432,000 years. BG 1972 purports
- For a fighter, for a ksatriya, to fight in the battle: either gain victory or die. No via media. Fight to the last point if you are able, then become victorious. Or die. No stoppage. All this fighting were meant like that
- For as long as the body lasts, one should engage minimally in social and political activities and in such matters as eating
- For so long I have wanted to have Rathayatra in New York and now at long last you have helped me fulfill this long-cherished dream. The Ratha-carts were very strong and attractive and I thank you and all of your assistants
- For the last 50 years Gaudiya Math people are there but their relationship with local inhabitants is not so cordial. If we continue this philanthropic work to give them enlightenment & food without any discrimination, it will be appreciated by all people
- For the last few weeks we have been learning that we are not this body; we are consciousness. Not exactly consciousness, for consciousness is actually the symptom of our real identity: we are pure soul, now merged within this material body
- For the last twenty years the United Nations are trying to unite, but the result is we are disunited. Instead of making one flag, the flags are increasing every year: - This is Pakistan, this is Hindustan, this is this, this is that, this is
- For the last two hundred, three hundred years, from India so many svamis, yogis came. But because they missed Krsna, it was all useless
- For the last two thousand years, they could not change that policy. And they are claiming "civilized" They could not follow Jesus Christ's instruction. It is two thousand years. And they are maintaining slaughterhouse. Hmm? What do you think?
- Full of jealousy and madness symptomizing neglect by Krsna, Srimati Radharani, criticizing a bumblebee, talked just like a madwoman. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in the last days of His pastimes, exhibited all the symptoms of such ecstasy
- Gadadhara Pandita, in the last years of his life, also lived with Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Jagannatha Puri. There is no doubt, therefore, that Acyutananda was a disciple of Pandita Gadadhara
- Ghosts are bereft of a physical body because of their grievously sinful acts, such as suicide. The last resort of the ghostly characters in human society is to take shelter of suicide, either material or spiritual
- Grtsamada used to visit the royal assembly of Maharaja Yudhisthira, and he also visited the place where Bhismadeva breathed his last. Sometimes he explained the glories of Lord Siva before Maharaja Yudhisthira
- He (Dhrtarastra) was no longer attracted to so-called wife or relatives, and he decided to start alone, but as a chaste lady Gandhari decided to follow her husband till the last moment
- He (Jayadeva) passed the last days of his life in Jagannatha Puri
- He (Krsna) has described the symptoms of sadhu. By the last three, four slokas, He has described what is the symptom. Everything should be accepted by the symptom, characteristic
- He (Maharaja Khatvanga) was not as anxious to accumulate some material benediction from the demigods as he was to prepare himself for the next life. He was informed by the demigods, however, that his life would last only a moment longer
- He passed his time, which lasted seventy-one cycles of the four ages (71 x 4,320,000 years), always thinking of Vasudeva and always engaged in matters regarding Vasudeva. Thus he transcended the three destinations
- He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes. BG 9.31 - 1972
- He said first-class food is Marwari, and last class, Madrasi
- Here is a person coming near. He will give me something. This person gave me something last night. Now another person is coming near. He may give me something
- Here is an instance of such friendly feeling, When Krsna was holding up Govardhan Hill with His left hand, the vayasyas said, "My dear friend, You have been standing for the last seven days and nights without any rest
- Hiranyakasipu's last exploit would be to torment his own son Prahlada, who was a maha-bhagavata, an exalted Vaisnava. Then his life would end
- His (Lord Caitanya's) sesa-lila, or the final portion of His activities, lasted twenty-four years
- His childhood lasted until the date of hate khadi, the beginning of His education, and His age from the end of His childhood until He married is called pauganda
- His Divine Grace wanted this mission to be fructified during His presence but He was so much disappointed in the last days of His life for many of His follower's indisciplinary activities
- How one can understand what is actual Absolute Truth, what is the religious path? The last instruction is mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (Cc. Madhya 17.186). Therefore you have to follow the footprints of authorities
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have already given a synopsis of all the facts and figures of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's last pastimes, and I have a desire to describe them elaborately
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have briefly described the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu known as the madhya-lila. Now I shall attempt to describe something about His last pastimes, which are known as the antya-lila
- I am an old man - seventy-two years old. I have been away from my family during the last fourteen years. Yet sometimes I also think of my wife and children. This is quite natural. But that does not mean I have to go back. This is knowledge
- I am getting old day by day, and I do not know when the last moment will come, but before the last moment will come, I wanted to fulfill my desire in the matter of developing the establishment of Sri Sri Radha-Damodara Temple
- I am so glad to learn that you are active in preaching Krishna Consciousness in London. You all 3 couples are expert in the matter of preaching Krishna Consciousness, and your last effort in the matter of performing Ratha Yatra festival was so successful
- I am very glad to learn that your last responsibilities in family affairs are now discharged, your two daughters are now married. Now in this ripe old age you can devote yourself for spreading Krsna Consciousness Movement all over the world
- I am very much pleased to hear that your German BTG distribution has gone up to 50,000 last issue, and I very much approve of your ideas for improving it more and more
- I am very pleased with the book distribution that you are doing there, and I was especially glad to know that 160 Srimad-Bhagavatams were distributed in Melbourne alone last Friday. There is good potency, please try further
- I beg to inform you that I have arranged for the opening of the temple in Vrndavana on Sri Ram Navami day by the 20th of April 1975. Perhaps you know it that the ceremony was to take place on last Janmastami
- I had also very much affection for Amrtananda, but if, as you report, there was some connection with Krishna at the last moment, then we have not to doubt that he will get good opportunity to advance further in Krishna Consciousness
- I have already written you about this in my last letter, that we require many Deities for our temples as well as for our many devotees who want to worship Radha Krishna at home. So we want to introduce this Deity worship in this country
- I have also noted that you are going to spread this mission of Lord Chaitanya to South America and factually this is our last unconquered continent and I think there is great potential there
- I have been in extensive touring and then I came back to Bombay on the 16th March, 1971 and then on 24th March we held a very successful Hare Krishna Festival at Cross Maidan here in Bombay, and it lasted for eleven days
- I have been living alone for the last twenty years, but I have no difficulties. Before taking sannyasa I was living in Delhi. So I had no difficulties, although I was living alone
- I have not received any letter from Vasudeva in reply to my last letter. If perhaps there was some delay, you can send the letter to Paris as I am leaving for London tomorrow and shortly thereafter to Paris
- I have thus given a synopsis of the madhya-lila. Now please hear the pastimes the Lord performed during the last twelve years
- I shall be the last man to give up the Hare Krishna Land to the rogue Mr. Nair. He has taken our money but tactfullly has not given us the conveyance
- I want that we shall excel the Caitanya Math. They have been struggling for the last 50 years, and we shall surpass them in two years
- I was discussing this point in my lecture last night here in Bombay, that human life means tapasya, and tapasya must begin with brahmacaryena, life at Gurukula
- I was seriously ill for the last few days, so that I could not attend the meeting, but I sent a message through my disciple, and when the message was read it was received with great applause
- I wish to die in the last days of my life at Vrindaban. If you (Sumati Morarjee) kindly, therefore, cooperate with my mission of spreading Krishna Consciousness in the western world, then I wish to return to Vrindaban
- If a child is born, I shall educate him in such a way that this birth will be his last. Next he is going to back to home, back to Godhead, - then produce a child. Otherwise don't produce. This is spiritual contraceptive. This is real father and mother
- If and only if we can establish our relationships with one another upon the central attraction of Sri Krsna, the prime cause of all causes, will we really turn the concepts of fraternity and equality into workable means of lasting peace
- If I did not travel there would be no nice organization. Traveling and preaching, that is the Sankirtana movement. But now I am old man; let me retire for writing books in my last years
- If one is actually serious to attain mukti, he must worship Lord Krsna. That is Sripada Sankaracarya's last instruction
- If you want a religious system, Bhagavad-gita is coming without any contradiction, change, for the last five thousand years. You accept it. Other scriptures are newly introduced, and there are so many doubts, so many interpretations
- In 1967 I gave this idea to Syamasundara when I was in San Francisco. So it was promptly executed. Similarly last year in London also he promptly executed
- In another version, the last line of this verse (of CC Antya 19.95) reads kamadevera mana kaila curi. This means - the scent of all these substances mixes with the previous scent of Krsna’s body and steals away the mind of Cupid
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that at the time of death one will be absorbed in the thoughts which he cultivated during his lifetime. A person who had no other idea than to properly maintain his family members must have family affairs in his last thoughts
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna's last instructions were that everyone should give up all other engagements and render devotional service unto Him
- In Bhagavad-gita the last instruction is to give up all other engagements in the name of religion and take shelter of the Personality of Godhead
- In conditioned life the soul is under the impression that he can become the lord of the universe, and the last point of this misconception is to think oneself the Supreme
- In continuation from my last letter to you, I wish to inform you that I have now arrived in Bombay a week ago. I would like to meet with you
- In continuation of my last letter, upon opening further the box sent by you along with your letters to me I have found the necklaces and handkerchief made by you for Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, and they are so wonderful
- In every transformation, the last finishing touch is the glance of the Lord, who acts as a painter does when he mixes different colors to transform them into a particular color. When one element mixes with another, the number of its qualities increases
- In his commentary on this occasion (of last bathing ceremony of Deity), Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura quotes from the Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- In Kali-yuga, the last millennium of a round of four millenniums, the power of all material objects deteriorates by the influence of time
- In my last meeting with Prabhupada in Radha Kunda he advised me to print some books if I get money. I took it very seriously and by His grace we have now published my translations of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc
- In order to manage things very nicely, you cannot make classless society. Four classes. The most intelligent class, brahmana, and then next intelligent, the ksatriyas, and the next intelligent, the vaisyas, and the last one, who has no intelligence, sudra
- In our government, central government, there is a planning commission. Perhaps every one of you know it, planning commission. From. . . for the last twenty years they are making simply plans, and no plan has become successful
- In some editions of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the text of the last line of this verse reads anyatra kupitad dvijat, which means that the King might be overwhelmed by the thought of his imminent death by snakebite
- In the Bhagavad-gita the personal feature of the Supreme Lord is especially mentioned, so much so that the last portion of the great literature has emphatically stressed that one should surrender unto the Personality of Godhead to be saved
- In the Bhagavad-gita, in the last meeting, I have described to some extent what is the qualification of a sadhu. Sadhu means saintly person. Titiksavah karunikah suhrdah sarva-dehinam - SB 3.25.21
- In the First Chapter I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have given a synopsis of the last pastimes (antya-lila). Within this chapter is a vivid description of some of the pastimes of the Lord that took place toward the end of His life
- In the last great war, people in concentration camps sometimes ate their own stool, so there is no wonder that in the Yamasadana, the abode of Yamaraja, one who had a very enjoyable life eating others' flesh has to eat his own flesh
- In the last line of the verse (CC Adi 16.41) quoted by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the letter bha is repeated many times, as in the words bhavani, bhartur, vibhavati and adbhuta. Such repetition is called anuprasa, or alliteration
- In the last line of your letter you say that you wish to write me very soon to tell me that the Berlin branch of ISKCON has been opened. This is very nice
- In the last phase of dissolution, all the planets become inundated with water, and that inundation is caused by the dancing of Lord Siva. This dance is called the pralaya dance, or dance of dissolution
- In the last portion of the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna very plainly says to Arjuna, "My dear Arjuna, now I have spoken everything to you. Now you may choose to accept it or not"
- In the last verses of Bhagavad-gita Krsna says to Arjuna:Just give up everything and surrender unto Me. I will take care of you and protect you from all the reactions to sinful activities. (BG 18.66)
- In the last year you have changed your engagement so many times, it is not good, better to stick to something and complete it than constantly changing
- In the material world the living being is still more conditioned, until he surrenders unto the Lord by reviving his original state of eternal servitorship. That is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita and all other recognized scriptures of the world
- In the materialistic way their last point of happiness is sex life. That's all. So they have enjoyed sex life in this way; now they are trying to enjoy sex life in that way. But the enjoyment is the same. There is no more enjoyment
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the science of God, the first nine cantos prepare the ground for hearing the Tenth Canto. This will be further explained in the last chapter of this canto. In the Third Canto it will be more explicit
- In the Treta-yuga vice is introduced, and this yuga lasts 1,296,000 years. In the Dvapara-yuga there is an even greater decline in virtue and religion, vice increasing, and this yuga lasts 864,000 years. BG 1972 purports
- In their last birth, Jaya and Vijaya did not become demons or Raksasas. Instead they took birth in a very exalted ksatriya family related to Krsna's family. They became first cousins of Lord Krsna and were practically on an equal footing with Him
- In this area (Pambam) there are twenty-four different holy places, one of which is Dhanus-tirtha, located about twelve miles southeast of Ramesvara. It is near the last station of the South Indian Railway, a station called Ramnad
- In this Kali-yuga, Ksemaka will be the last monarch
- In this Kali-yuga, Ksemaka will be the last monarch. Now I (Sukadeva Gosvami) shall describe to you (Maharaja Pariksit) the future of the Magadha dynasty. Please listen
- In this verse (SB 4.22.27) Svayambhuva Manu seeks to eradicate the last tinge of false ambition in Dhruva by explaining the position of the supreme controller
- In this way, after killing Salva and destroying his wonderful airplane and then killing Dantavakra and Viduratha, Lord Krsna at last entered His city, Dvaraka
- In this way, one can repeat the word 'atmaramah' with 'ca' for each of the fifty-eight meanings. By following the rule previously stated and rejecting all but the last, we retain that which represents all the meanings
- In Vrndavana there were also many other great devotees, all of whom desired to hear the last pastimes of Lord Caitanya
- In your last letter I understood that you are collecting at least $70 to $80 weekly by selling books. That is a great service to the society
- India was under subjugation by so many foreigners: Mohammedans, Greeks, and so many others. Lastly, the Mohammedans ruled for eight hundred years. And the Britishers ruled for two hundred years. So now they have got independence, India
- It (this unique gift of Lord Caitanya) is a very simple method which has actually been carried out during the last four years in the Western countries, and there is no doubt that this movement can satisfy the dormant loving propensities of humanity
- It is a common sense affair that if somebody takes the trouble of doing so many things for the last ten or twenty years and go there and touch the moon planet, come back, it is successful. So it may be complacence for him, but I don't think it is success
- It is not necessary for a Vaisnava to keep a stock of food for the next day. He should receive only sufficient grain to last one day. The next day, he must again depend on the Lord’s mercy. This is the instruction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- It is pleasing and encouraging to me to hear how all your programs, book distributing, temple worship etc., are going on so nicely in our Cleveland Center. That you have distributed 10,000 pieces of literature in the last month is very impressive
- It is still, such kind of astrology there in India. They will speak what you were in your last birth and what you are now, and what you will be in your next birth. That is astrology. So still there are Bhrgu-samhita
- It is the duty of the spirit soul to surrender, for only then can he be happy. The last instruction of Bhagavad-gita is that the spirit soul surrender completely unto the supreme soul, Krsna, and in that way realize happiness
- It was a great boon to Bhismadeva that an equally great son of the family undertook the last rites of a great man
- It was a night of Brahma, and lasted millions and millions of years. Everything is possible for Krsna, for He is the supreme controller
- Just because Krsna is not personally present before us, we should not assume that there is no direction. Indeed, there is direction. In the last chapter of Bhagavad-gita the proper work which we are to perform is given - BG 18.68-69
- Just like the United Nation: they are trying for the last thirty years to become united - but simply it is illusion. On that platform we cannot be united. On political platform or social platform, that is not possible, because the designations are there
- Just now we have received a letter from one of our students reporting that his grandmother is paralyzed and has been suffering for the last three and a half years. So, in old age, everything is finished as soon as you are eighty years old
- Kalki's nature is described in Bhagavata. He will come just like a prince, royal dress with sword, and on horseback; simply killing, no preaching. All rascals killed. No more preaching. That is the last. There will be no brain to understand what is God
- King Pariksit was the last remaining descendant of the Kurus and the Pandavas - SB 10.1.5-7
- Krsna consciousness is the last link in the yogic chain, the link that binds us to the Supreme Person, Lord Sri Krsna. Without this final link, the chain is practically useless
- Krsna has said that at the last point of your death, if you are in full Krsna consciousness, then your next promotion is to the equal status of Krsna
- Krsna is known as Yogesvara, as stated in the last portion of the Bhagavad-gita. Yogesvaro harih: all mystic powers are under His control
- Krsna was sent by Arjuna into the assembly as the spiritual master of the whole world, & although His words were heard by some (like Bhisma) as pure nectar, it was not so for the others, who were completely bereft of the last farthing of past pious works
- Krsna, when He appeared on this planet, He, last instruction was that, You just surrender to Me, and after giving up all your mental speculation, so-called religious system . . . This is real religious system
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, in the last section of the CC, mentions the names of Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Srila Jiva Gosvami and offers his respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of these three spiritual masters, as well as Raghunatha dasa
- Last and ultimate feature is Krsna's personal body, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah. Vigrahah means form. That form is not like ours. That is sat, cit, ananda
- Last ceremony of Haridasa Thakura
- Last day I cited one example that a great yogi just like Visvamitra, he practiced yoga and he rose to the highest platform, but still, he failed to control his senses. He came in contact with Menaka, a society woman of the heaven, and Sakuntala was born
- Last evening we held a very successful meeting at Conway Hall, and several hundred young boys and girls, as well as many Indian people, were chanting and dancing in transcendental ecstasy with us
- Last Monday I lectured on "Teachings of the Vedas", and it was very much appreciated by the audience. I spoke for about one hour and after that they continued clapping, which confirms their appreciation
- Last Monday we were at a law college and at least one hundred law students were up and chanting and dancing along with us
- Last night the topic of my lecture at our Delhi pandal was the necessity for teaching Krishna Consciousness in all our schools and colleges. This is a revolutionary thought
- Last night there was sugar candy here, he said. "Therefore ants are wandering about. Alas, this renounced sannyasi is attached to such sense gratification!" After speaking in this way, he got up and left
- Last night you were disappointed. Please excuse my offense. I shall certainly accept you
- Last night you were present in the meeting? Read our books very carefully, and as soon as there is some doubt, inquire
- Last teachings
- Last week we have acquired with Krishna's grace a very large plot of land for raising up a very excellent center to revive the spiritual life of Vrindaban
- Last year we introduced Ratha-yatra in Philadelphia. It was very successful. And this year we have introduced in New York. It is also very successful
- Last year when I was in India, I thought that Acyutananda would publish them in India but this boy could not help me in the least, and the net result is that I have lost my typewriter, and Rs 2000 are now in the dark well of Hitsaran
- Let us study the laws of God." So jnani, karmi . . . and yogi, they are also of the same view. So karmi, jnani, yogi, and the last is bhakta
- Lord Krsna appeared to be cruel to Canura, and He immediately struck him thrice with His fist. The great wrestler was jolted, to the astonishment of the audience. Canura then took his last chance and attacked Krsna, just as one hawk swoops upon another
- Lord Krsna, Vrajendra-kumara, first caused countless devotees to appear, and at last He appeared Himself
- Lord Siva then took to his last resort. He released his greatest death weapon, known as Siva-jvara, which destroys by excessive temperature
- Lord Sri Krsna has repeatedly instructed Arjuna, or for that matter everyone concerned with becoming His unalloyed devotee. In the last phase of His instruction in the Bhagavad-gita (18.64-66) He instructed most confidentially
- Maharaja Pariksit associated with the Lord even from the womb of his mother up to the last day of his valuable life, and thus he acquired all the essential good qualities of the Lord in all perfection
- Maharaja Pariksit placed these two questions before Sukadeva Gosvami also on his arrival, and practically the whole of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, beginning from the Second Canto up to the last Twelfth Canto, deals with these two questions
- Maharaja Pariksit's behavior, his remaining patient even at the last point of his life, his undisturbed condition of mind, is an example of reservation. This is one of the characteristics of a devotee who has developed ecstatic love for Krsna
- Maharaja Pariksit, as a perfect king, followed the principles by consulting the authorities, even up to the last days of his life
- Many great saintly persons, sages, brahmanas, kings and demigods came to see him (Maharaja Pariksit) in his last days
- Many svamis have adopted this hypocritical means of preaching for the last eighty years or more, but no one could preach the real cult of Krsna consciousness all over the world
- May the SPG, who bears the Srivatsa on His chest, protect me after midnight until the sky becomes pinkish. May Lord Janardana, who carries a sword in His hand, protect me at the end of night (during the last four ghatikas of night)
- Motorcar civilization will be finished within another hundred years. It has begun, say, for the last hundred years, and after a hundred years, when... The scientists say the petroleum will be finished within fifty years or like that, so, say hundred years
- My last request to you both is that if you find such difficulty to live with your God-brothers, you can live with me
- My lord (Kamsa), my brother, I (Devaki) am very poor, being bereft of all my children, but still I am your younger sister, and therefore it would be worthy of you to give me this last child as a gift - SB 10.4.6
- Nanda Maharaja consoled his younger brother Vasudeva by saying that destiny is ultimately responsible for everything. Vasudeva should not be unhappy that his last child, the daughter, had gone to the heavenly planets
- Nanda Maharaja replied: My dear Vasudeva, I know that you are very much aggrieved because the cruel king Kamsa has killed all your sons born of Devaki. Although the last child was a daughter, Kamsa could not kill her
- Naturally the last son, the youngest son is very father's pet
- Not only Satyabhama but also Jambavati, the daughter of Jambavan, was married to Krsna on account of the Syamantaka jewel. These two marriages took place before the appearance of Pradyumna, which was described in the last chapter
- Now work very strenuously. You are all young men, and somehow or other, dead horse, you have given life. Otherwise the last fortnight I was thinking I am dead now. I was thinking like that, 'Now life is finished"
- O muni (Vyasadeva), in the last millennium I (Narada Muni) was born as the son of a certain maidservant engaged in the service of brahmanas who were following the principles of Vedanta
- Of words having the same form and case termination, the last one is the only one retained. For example, the word "ramah" is used to stand for "ramas ca, ramas ca, ramas ca, etc"
- On the birthday of Lord Caitanya we have installed the deity Jagannatha (in three) in the temple of the San Francisco Branch & the celebration of feasting was nice last night. People are taking interest in the temple and are attending meetings regularly
- One cannot remain there for a very long time. Life on the moon is said to last ten thousand years according to calculation of the demigods. The demigods' time is calculated in such a way that one day (twelve hours) is equal to six months on this planet
- One may perform all the methods of devotional service or may accept only one. Simply hearing is enough. Pariksit Maharaja did not do anything else but sit down before Sukadeva Gosvami and hear for the last seven days of his life
- One of my German Godbrothers said that in Germany during the last war, Second World War, many women used to go to the church to pray to God to get back their husband, son or brother. But nobody came back, and they became atheist
- One of my German Godbrothers, he told me in 1935 that in the last world war, many people became atheists
- One of my students told me that in the last war in the concentrated camp, the human being, they also ate their stool out of hunger. You see? There was no food, so they ate their own stool
- One of the acaryas, known as Narahari Tirtha, who was in the disciplic succession of Madhvacarya, received these Deities (of Sita-Rama which were in the palace of last king of the Pandavas, Ksemakanta) from the King of Orissa
- One should begin yoga practice as directed in the last verse of the Sixth Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita). BG 1972 purports
- One verse is sufficient for understanding the essence of Bhagavad-gita. One must be engaged in "My work." And what is this work? It is indicated in the last instruction in Bhagavad-gita in which Krsna tells Arjuna to surrender unto Him - BG 18.66
- One who listens to it (the narration of Lord Varaha killing Hiranaksya) at the last moment of his life is transferred to the supreme abode of the Lord, O dear Saunaka
- Our body has taken birth at a certain date, it lasts for some years - ten years, twenty years, fifty years, or whatever, according to the body - and then it will be finished. Where did this body come from, and when it is destroyed where will it go
- Our preaching on the basis of Personal God is almost revolutionary in India also. Last night somebody said that Aurobindo is greater than Krsna. So this is the world situation
- Out of these five liberated stages the one which is known as sayujya, or to merge into the existence of the Lord, is the last to be accepted by a devotee
- Pandava brothers, Maharaja Rsabhadeva, King Bharata, so many great kings & saintly persons finished the last part of their lives living as mendicants, sannyasis. Following in the footsteps of the authorities we should understand the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- Pariksit Maharaja because of his many obligations to Krsna, intelligently decided to think of Krsna constantly during the last days of his life
- Pariksit Maharaja felt obliged to think of Krsna in the last days of his life. This is the ideal result of Krsna consciousness: ante narayana-smrtih - SB 2.1.6
- Pariksit Maharaja was eager to hear about the Manus of different ages. There are fourteen Manus during a day of Brahma, and the age of each Manu lasts for seventy-one yugas. Thus there are thousands of Manus during the life of Brahma
- Pariksit said, "I only request that at the last moment of my life all of you will kindly chant the holy name of Visnu, so that I may realize His transcendental qualities"
- People are planning for peace in the world, but they do not know how to formulate that peace formula. You know. The United Nations are trying for the last twenty years or more than that for peace, but there is no peace actually in the world
- Perfection of desires may be achieved when one desires to serve the Lord, and the Lord also desires that every living entity banish all personal desires and cooperate with His desires. That is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita
- Persons who are intelligent take serious notice of this (surrender unto Me) last instruction of the Lord
- Please assist me in the management so that I can be free to finish the Srimad-Bhagavatam which will be our lasting contribution to the world
- Prahlada Maharaja is submitting that, "I do not require to be highly elevated to offer my prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead." Nobody requires any material acquisition to approach God. We have been discussing this point for the last few days
- Puru, Yayati's last son, immediately accepted his father's proposal, for although he was the youngest, he was very qualified
- Sadhu means who is trying to make others sadhu. He is sadhu. Krsna likes such sadhu, as He has described in the last portion of Bhagavad-gita
- Sages said, "Our dear Lord (Krsna), You are the last word in good fortune and the last resort of all saintly persons; therefore we all consider that we have achieved the perfection of our life"
- Sanatana Gosvami replied, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead has saved me from the sinful life of material existence. By His desire, my last piece of material attraction is now gone"
- Satyavrata, the saintly king of Dravidadesa who received spiritual knowledge at the end of the last millennium by the grace of the Supreme, later became Vaivasvata Manu, the son of Vivasvan, in the next manvantara
- She (Damayanti) made long-lasting cheese, many varieties of sweetmeats with milk and cream, and many other varied preparations, such as amrta-karpura
- She (Damayanti) made many sweetmeats in the shape of balls. Some were made with powdered coconut, and others looked as white as the water of the Ganges. In this way she made many varieties of long-lasting sugar confections
- Simply we are under false impression that, "I am this," "I am that," & lastly, "I am God" What kind of God you are? If you get immediately little toothache, you go to physician-god, the dentist-god & you're claiming that you are God. This is called maya
- Since I have come to America in the last year (September 1965) I have traveled many parts of the country and some of the local papers have published articles on me and they have designated me as the Ambassador of Bhaktiyoga
- Since I wrote you last an important negotiation is going on in respect of purchasing a very nice house for the ISKCON H.Q. in New York
- Since our money and possessions do not last but will somehow or other be taken away, as long as they are in our possession it is better to use them for charity to a noble cause
- Since the sons and grandsons of Dhrtarastra were all killed in the Battle of Kuruksetra, the last son of the dynasty is designated as the son of the Kurus
- So do you think param gatim is available for the third-class, fourth-class, last-class men? No. Krsna says in another place - these things are to be studied very minutely
- So far Krsna Consciousness philosophy is concerned, it is now tested by my last three years' experiment that this philosophy will be accepted in any part of the world irrespective of caste, creed, color, and language
- So far your son is concerned, last year when I was in Los Angeles I invited your son to come and see me; and if he comes to me, surely I shall try my best to bring him into our line of devotional service
- So just last evening one boy was criticizing Krsna that "Why Krsna makes this distinction stri-sudra-vaisya as papa-yoni?" So this is Godlessness, that we dare to criticize Krsna. We should not criticize Krsna
- So long as Krishna will keep me fit I will go on working. So you devotees should pray to Krishna that I can go on giving Him service up to the last point of my death
- So long we have got this body, we must suffer. This is the truth. Asann api klesada asa dehah (SB 5.5.4). We are getting different types of bodies, tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). Each body is for a short period. It will not last forever
- So Srimad-Bhagavatam is the last gift of Srila Vyasadeva to represent an authorized commentation of the Vedanta Sutra and Lord Caitanya's mission is to preach this cult in every corner of the world in order to make the people really happy
- Some time ago, the zamindars of Bajaravana Kabasi, the Mulliks, constructed a big house for the purpose of a temple, but for the last sixty-five years the temple has been broken down and abandoned
- Sometimes it so happens that in the last war in the concentrative camp, the human being was obliged to eat his own stool. So this is called karma
- Sometimes retired men are bewildered about how to engage themselves for the last days of life
- Sovereignty over the three worlds is very insignificant because whatever material opulence one may possess lasts only for an age of Manu, which is but a tiny fraction of endless time
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "I have already deliberately considered this matter. Since Lord Krsna is very merciful, He has nullified your attachment for material things. Why should Krsna allow you to maintain a last bit of material attachment"
- Sri Krsna says: "He (one who has decided to refrain from his immoral habits and make progress in Krsna consciousness) quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes." - BG. 9.31
- Sri Maitreya Muni, out of compassion for the suffering men in the world, proposes to speak on the Srimad-Bhagavatam first and last
- Srila Sivananda Sena had three sons, named Caitanya dasa, Ramadasa and Paramananda. This last son later became Kavi-karnapura and wrote the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is Srila Vyasadeva's last, mature contribution, and one should read and hear it in an assembly of realized souls while engaging in devotional service. At such a time one can be liberated from all material bondage
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the last contribution of Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva is the original compiler of all Vedic literature. So he wrote so many books - all the Vedas, four Vedas, 108 Upanisads, eighteen Puranas, Mahabharata
- Srimad-Bhagavatam teaches us how to reestablish our eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord, how to act in that relationship, and, lastly, how to achieve the highest benefit from it
- Such an incident took place on the last Vijaya-dasami day. You can ask her about this incident and thus make her believe that I actually go there
- Suffering humanity must surrender to Krsna, as Krsna Himself demands in the last instruction of Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.66): "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear"
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: In Ramyaka-varsa, where Vaivasvata Manu rules, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared as Lord Matsya at the end of the last era (the Caksusa-manvantara)
- Sukadeva Gosvami, being a recognized liberated soul and the topmost transcendentalist, was accepted by all of the topmost sages present in the meeting during the last seven days of Maharaja Pariksit
- Systems of religion that do not concentrate upon service to the Supreme are temporary and cannot last for long because they are full of envy
- Tell them, this United Nation Organization, that "You are all bogus. You cannot do it. Come to this platform, and you'll be able." They have proved themselves bogus for the last twenty-five years, I think. Thirty years. Uselessly. Wasting money and time
- That (searching after spiritual realization, self-realization) is the way of Vedic culture, or Indian culture. Not that up to the last point of our death we shall stick to the worldly affairs
- That (some prasadam are too spicy) is also due to not appreciating, but the cook should have consideration. Krsna must be offered first-class foodstuffs. So if he offers something last class, he is not performing his duty
- That was the first and last of playing in dramatic drama in my life
- The age of the current Manu is calculated to last some 305,300,000 years, of which 120,400,000 have passed. BG 1972 purports
- The American boys are being trained up strictly on spiritual line, which I have already explained to you in my last letter. Similarly, the Indian boys or girls must be spiritually trained
- The beauty of transcendental literatures like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam is that they never become old. They have been read in the world by civilized man for the last five thousand years, and they have never become old
- The bona fide spiritual master is a true Vedantist, for he actually knows Vedanta and the Vedas and understands the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. The word veda means "knowledge," and anta means - last phase
- The British government fabricated the Hindu-Muslim riot, and lastly, at last also, their purpose was fulfilled by partition of India - Pakistan and India
- The Christian people, they go to the church, confession, "Sir, I did this, all these sinful activities last week." "All right, pay me something." Again, from Monday, beginning sinful activities; come on Sunday. These are not allowed
- The Communists, they're trying for the last fifty years to become happy, but are they happy actually? No. The Russians and the Chinese, they are now differing, "No, this is not the standard. This is standard." So the same thing is going on
- The complete text of Srimad-Bhagavatam, beginning with the janmady asya (SB 1.1.1) verse up to the last one in the Twelfth Canto (SB 12.13.23), was spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami for the attainment of salvation by Maharaja Pariksit
- The conclusion arrived at thereof is that devotional service of the Lord Sri Krsna, as it is confirmed by the Lord Himself in the last phases of the Bhagavad-gita, is the last word in relation to everyone's permanent duty in life
- The conditioned souls who rested within the body of the Personality of Godhead after the dissolution of the last creation came out in the sum total form of the lotus. This is called hiranyagarbha
- The devotees' disagreement does not last long because they patch it up for Krsna's sake, because they are all working for the same end - Krsna's service
- The duration of the Treta-yuga is 3,600 x 360, or 1,296,000 years. The duration of the Dvapara-yuga is 2,400 x 360, or 864,000 years. And the last, the Kali-yuga, is 1,200 x 360, or 432,000 years
- The etiquette is if one presents his identification, he has to give his father's name. In India it is very essential, and the father's name or the title is the last name of everyone
- The expert knowers of the Vedic conclusions say that one enjoys or suffers the results of his past activities. But practically it is seen that the body that performed the work in the last birth is already lost
- The father & mother's duty is that "This child has come to my womb," mother, "this is the last. He will have no more to come back to the womb of mother. I will teach him in such a way that he will be liberated." That is the duty of the father & mother
- The father and mother should be so enlightened and educate the son in such a way that this is the last acceptance of material body. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti (BG 4.9), he may not accept again this material body
- The fifth part (of this drama the Vidagdha-madhava) radha-prasadana, the sixth part sarad-vihara, and the seventh and last part gauri-vihara
- The final pastimes of the Lord, occurring in His last twenty-four years, are called madhya (middle) and antya (final). All the devotees of the Lord refer to His pastimes according to these divisions
- The first-class faithful men are the Vaisnavas and the brahmanas, then the ksatriyas, then the vaisyas, then the sudras, then the mlecchas, the yavanas and at last the candalas
- The four ages of earth (Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali) last only twelve thousand years according to the time scale of the upper planets. Such a length of time multiplied by one thousand constitutes one day of Brahma, and one night of Brahma is the same
- The Gosvamis are crying, "Where is Krsna? Where is Radharani?" They're crying: ghosantav iti sarvato vraja-pure khedair maha-vihvalau. Mad. Mad after. This is the process of krsna-bhajana. Not that "I've seen just last night Krsna dancing with the gopis"
- The greenery of the rainy season is but a temporary show. It looks very pleasant, but we must remember that it will not last. Similarly, there are persons who undergo severe austerities for some material gain, but those who are sane avoid this
- The holy name of Lord Rama certainly gives liberation, but the holy name of Krsna transports one to the other side of the ocean of nescience and at last gives one ecstatic love of Krsna
- The idea is that in this old age I do not know when death will overcome me, and I wish to die in the last days of my life at Vrindaban
- The impersonalists, who try to lose their individuality, also lose both material and spiritual pleasure. The last destination of the Buddhist philosophers is to become just like a stone, which is immovable and has neither material nor spiritual activity
- The Kauravas were so certain of the death of the Pandavas that Dhrtarastra performed the last rites of death with great cheerfulness
- The Krsna consciousness is existing since the creation, but at least for the last five thousand years, when Krsna was present on this planet, He personally instructed Krsna consciousness, and the instruction is left behind Him, this is Bhagavad-gita
- The land is purchased, and there were many opposing elements, but they are being satisfied, with the last one being satisfied today
- The last class fools and rogues, they cannot take to Krsna consciousness
- The last class of duskrtina is called asuram bhavam asrita, or those of demonic principles. This class is openly atheistic. BG 1972 purports
- The last class of egoistic conditioned souls - those in the mode of ignorance - are misguided by identification of the gross body with the self. Thus, all their activities are centered around the body only
- The last danger was drauny-astra, the weapon of Asvatthama, the son of Drona. Asvatthama performed a most abominable act by killing the five sons of the Pandavas
- The last desire... Because if you become addicted to certain type of desire, that is prominent at the time of death
- The last destination of the Buddhist philosophers is to become just like a stone, which is immovable and has neither material nor spiritual activity
- The last five items - mentioned after the first thirty-nine - are very important and essential. If one can simply discharge these five items, he can be elevated to the highest perfectional stage, even if he does not execute them perfectly
- The last incarnation of Krsna is Kalki. Kalki will come on this planet about 400,000's of years after. But his name and address is also given. Don't laugh. That is sastra, they can speak of future which will happen hundreds and millions of years after
- The last instruction in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.66) advises fully surrendering unto the Lord, leaving aside all other engagements or different processes for self-realization and liberation from material bondage
- The last instruction of Bhagavad-gita is sarva-dharman parityajya. You have created so many religious principles, so many concocted spiritual ways of life or material ways of life. Somebody are materialist and somebody are so-called spiritualist
- The last instruction of Bhagavad-gita is this: Give up all your manufactured engagements in the material world and just surrender unto Me. I shall protect you from all sinful reactions
- The last instruction of Lord Sri Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita is that one should give up everything and should follow in the footsteps of the Lord alone
- The last instruction of the Gita is the last word in all morality and religion: surrender unto Krsna. This is the verdict of the Eighteenth Chapter
- The last item taught by Bhismadeva was the process of pleasing the Lord
- The last king in the dynasty of Iksvaku will be Sumitra; after Sumitra there will be no more sons in the dynasty of the sun-god, and thus the dynasty will end
- The last king of the Pandavas, Ksemakanta, worshiped the Deities (of Sita-Rama) in that palace (where Bhimasena brought the deity). Later, the same Deities were kept in the custody of the kings of Orissa known as Gajapatis
- The last phase of the pastimes of Lord Krsna is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam as mausala-lila. This includes the mystery of Krsna's disappearance from this material world. In that pastime the Lord played the part of being killed by a hunter
- The last two disastrous war was waged only for this (demoniac) industry. This is the cause. German, they are actually in Europe very intelligent, and their machine products and other things, they make very nice things
- The last two items are sańga-tyaga, giving up the association of nondevotees, and sato-vrtti, following in the footsteps of the previous acaryas
- The last two verses (CC Madhya 22.99-100) appear in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa - 11.417-18
- The laws of material nature impose this punishment (as birth, old age, disease, and death) upon the living entities who have forgotten the Lord and who are busy making plans for lasting happiness in this desert of distress
- The living entity is bewildered in so many ways. For instance, when he thinks himself God, unceremoniously, he actually falls into the last snare of nescience. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is wandering or transmigrating from aquatics to trees, plants, then insect, then birds, then beasts. In this way the last is human form of life
- The Lord (Caitanya) stayed at Sri Advaita Prabhu's house for a few days, and knowing well that the Lord was leaving His hearth and home for good, Sri Advaita Prabhu sent His men to Navadvipa to bring mother Saci to have a last meeting with her son
- The Lord said, "Last year in the month of Pausa, when Nrsimhananda gave Me varieties of sweetmeats and vegetables to eat, they were so good that I felt I had never before eaten such preparations"
- The Lord says: Even if one commits the most abominable actions, if he is engaged in devotional service he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination. He quickly becomes righteous & attains lasting peace - BG 9.30-31
- The medicines include hearing & chanting & remembering the glories of Godhead, worshiping the transcendental form of Godhead, offering Him transcendental service, accepting Him as one's supreme friend & lastly, surrendering unto Him in all circumstances
- The names and descriptions of the horses of Krsna's chariot, the first one, Saibya, was greenish; the second, Sugriva, was grayish like ice; the third, Meghapuspa, was the color of a new cloud; and the last, Balahaka, was of ashen color
- The other methods of purification may be helpful to come to this stage of life, but ultimately one has to come to this last point before he attains actual perfection. Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19) confirms this truth
- The period of passion is called Treta-yuga, the period of mixed passion and ignorance is called Dvapara-yuga, and the period of darkness and ignorance (the last period) is called Kali-yuga, or the age of quarrel
- The prathama-sandhya and sesa-sandhya, the last division of the preceding age, form the junction of the two ages
- The present Kali-yuga lasts 432,000 years, out of which we have passed only 5,000 years after the Battle of Kuruksetra and the end of the regime of King Pariksit
- The remnants of food left by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were later distributed among devotees who begged for them, and finally Govinda personally took the last remnants
- The signs pointed out by Vidura in the body of Dhrtarastra were signs of apaksaya, or dwindling of the material body before the last stroke of death. The body is born, it develops, stays, creates other bodies, dwindles and then vanishes
- The sixteen energies headed by Canda are all present there (Vaikuntha). Canda and Kumuda are the first two doorkeepers, at the middle door are the doorkeepers named Bhadra and Subhadra, and at the last door are Jaya and Vijaya
- The so-called learned scholars, Vedantists, so-called Vedantists . . . one who is actual Vedant . . . knower of Vedanta, he understands the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. Because veda means knowledge, and anta, "The last phase." Knowledge
- The so-called liberation of thinking oneself God is that last reaction of avidya by which the living entity is entrapped
- The soul is permanent, and only the body has changed. This is a very easy thing to understand. And the last change of this body is death
- The temple room is also improved in the last year. And go on, improve it. The more you improve the temple worship, the more you become improved in Krsna consciousness
- The tenth and last offense is to maintain material attachment even after hearing and chanting the holy names of God
- The time for administrative rectification and the time for Lord Sri Krsna's appearance coincided at the end of the last Dvapara-yuga. Therefore when Sri Krsna appeared, Visnu, the Lord of maintenance, merged with Him
- The United Nation is giving service in so many big, big building in New York, for the last so many years. What service they have given? The war is going on. Instead of being united, the flags are increasing
- The United Nation is there for the last twenty or thirty years - before that, there was League of Nation - to unite. "This portion is, sir, mine. This portion is mine." Why do they not agree that every part of this universe or this planet belongs to God?
- The United Nation is there, working for the last thirty years, but there is no solution because it is all zero without God. Bring God and everything will be nice
- The Vedic promises of elevation to higher planets for a better standard of materialistic life are compared to flowery language because in a flower there is certainly an aroma but that aroma does not last for a very long time
- The whole system is how to approach the lotus feet of Visnu. So this is the last ceremonial performance. Etam samasthaya paratma-nistham. Paratma-nistham, Visnu, to keep firm faith in Him. So it is not a new thing. Purvatamair upasitam mahadbhih
- The whole world is turning in accordance with that competitive mood. But this kind of name and fame is temporary, for it lasts only as long as the temporary material body exists
- Then one should chant the mantra in reverse, beginning from the last syllable (ya), while touching the parts of his body in the reverse order. These two processes are known as utpatti-nyasa and samhara-nyasa respectively
- There are four points of instruction one should consider in the story of Saksi-gopala. Lastly, brahmanya-deva indicates Lord Sri Krsna Himself, who is worshiped thus: namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca - jagad-dhitaya krsnaya govindaya namo namah
- There are many demoniac people, and each is enemy to the others. This enmity becomes more and more deep-between persons, then between families, then between societies, and at last between nations. BG 1972 purports
- There are many improper explanations of the last portion of Lord Krsna's pastimes (such as descriptions of the incarnation of Krsna's hair), but Lord Caitanya properly described these pastimes and gave them the right interpretation
- There was a slight indication of heart attack but Krishna saved me. It was not very acute. So long Krishna will keep me fit I will go on working, so you devotees should pray to Krishna that I might go on serving Him up to the last point of my death
- These boys and girls are also initiated for the last two years only - they are not very great scholars in theological studies, but still by the Grace of Krishna they have created some impression in a city like London simply by their sincere effort
- These Communists country, they have struggled for the last sixty years. They started from 1917. How many years
- These last three creations (immovable entities, lower species of life and human beings) and the creation of demigods (the tenth creation) are vaikrta creations, which are different from the previously described prakrta (natural) creations
- These last two awards (material opulence & merging with Supreme) of pious activity are not actually fortunate. Pious activities are fortunate when they help one become Krsna conscious
- They (foolish politicians) stick to those posts even up to the last moment of life, without knowing that achievement of liberation as one of the associates of the Lord in His eternal abode is the highest gain of life
- They (the counselors of Kamsa) were not very experienced or learned, they began to give instructions to Kamsa as follows, Dear sir, let us now make arrangements to kill all children who were born within the last ten days in all towns, counties & villages
- They (the gosvamis) never at any time said, "Last night I saw Krsna dancing with the gopis." Such claims are not made by a mature devotee, but by one who takes things very cheaply
- They are so expert, in one day they will make one doll. And as soon as it is little dried up, then there are cracks, then they will finish it, fill up these cracks, and then at last they fix up the head. Head at last
- They are trying for the last fifty years. Why the capitalism is not yet gone? Fifty years at least. They started their movement in 1917. Huh? So how many years? More than fifty. Sixty years. What they have done, progress
- They have been trying for the last twenty years to go there (moon) and stay, but they are simply seeing, - Not this, not that. There are no living entities, and there is no possibility of our living here
- They have not acquired the qualification of Vaisnava. Simply vesopidin, by dress. So what is there? They could not do for the last fifty, sixty years. Still . . . they wanted to exchange. I stopped it, the Mohini Babu
- This (becoming a pure, unalloyed devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna is the topmost perfection of all religious principles) is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita directly presented by the Personality of Godhead
- This (one who surrender unto Krsna is the topmost yogi) is confirmed in the last verse of the Sixth Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita). Yoginam api sarvesam. BG 1972 purports
- This child is born out of my womb, and this is the last phase of his life, to come into this womb of any animal or man - no more material body - That should be the responsibility of father and mother. That is the direction of Bhagavata
- This example of Maharaja Pariksit's behavior, his remaining patient even at the last point of his life, his undisturbed condition of mind, is an example of reservation
- This food distribution program is to be done very, very nicely as I have already written in my last letter. Generally people make a plea that why are there so many hungry and naked. So we invite all hungry and naked people to come to us
- This is the last instruction of Bhagavad-gita (to give up all engagements and unto surrender to God), the most authorized and widely read book on all varieties of yoga. Thus the last word of Bhagavad-gita is the last word in the perfection of yoga
- This is the Lord's last instruction in the Bhagavad-gita (18.66): sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. "Give up all other processes and just surrender unto Me alone"
- This last class of men (who are too materially attached) take to the shelter of some kind of intoxication, and their affective hallucinations are sometimes accepted as spiritual vision. BG 1972 purports
- This life is meant for perfection in self-realization or Krsna consciousness, their dull brain does not allow to understand this fact. Therefore I was explaining last night, su-medhasah good brain substance
- Those who are filled with love of God see God constantly before them. It is not that we saw God last night and He is no longer present. No
- Those who come to the human form through the quality of rajo-guna were lions in their last animal incarnation
- Those who come to the human form through the quality of sattva-guna were cows in their last animal incarnation
- Those who come to the human form through the quality of tamo-guna were monkeys in their last animal incarnation
- To be determined that the child will have his last birth into ignorance is very good. It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death
- Trial is going on, first of all the judge charged that, "I see you are witness in every case." He was a professional. So, "You are speaking he is sixty years old for the last five years. You do not increase your age
- Try to execute Krsna consciousness somehow or other. Even whatever you have finished, that is your lasting credit. Don't be neglectful. Tyaktva sva-dharmam. Svalpam apy asya - this is the most important line in Krsna consciousness
- Uddhava continued, "They are meant only for realizing Krsna and dovetailing oneself in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead." This is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita also
- Under the direction of his (Ajamila) father, as a brahmana boy he was being trained up to become a devotee of Narayana, but unfortunately, he was misled by a prostitute, but still, he was saved at the last moment
- UNESCO resolution is going on for the last twenty years, and where is the peace? That is not the way of peace. Here is the peace. Try to establish your lost relationship with Krsna, or God. Then there will be peace
- Vasudeva replied, "Only in the last few days have we returned to our own places, by the grace of God (Krsna)"
- Veda means knowledge, and anta means the last. That Krsna explains, Vedanta explains. Bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate (BG 7.19). This is Vedanta
- Vedanta indicates that the last word of Vedic knowledge is the understanding of Krsna. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham: By all the Vedas am I to be known; indeed, I am the compiler of Vedanta & I am the knower of the Vedas
- Vidura never became an enemy of Dhrtarastra but continued to be his well-wisher, & at the last stage of his life, it was Vidura only who proved to be his real friend. Such is the behavior of Vaisnavas like Vidura: he desires all good even for his enemies
- Vidura was overwhelmed by the ecstasy of love when he understood that Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, thought of him at the last moment. Although he thought of himself as insignificant, he was remembered by God, by His causeless mercy
- We are all fools, because we do not realize that because these things are material they will not last. Because of ignorance we think, "This will be very nice. That will be very nice." Kama-karmabhih
- We do not say that Vedic religion is first-class or Christian religion is last-class. We do not say that. We say that religious system is first class which teaches the followers how to become lover of God. That is first-class religion
- We have had actual experience of how Americans and Europeans, because of their full Krsna consciousness, have purified their whole families, so much so that a mother of a devotee, at the time of her death, inquired about Krsna with her last breath
- We must adopt civil disobedience. There is no other, second way. "Capriciously you cannot impose anything against the law, against the judgment. If you do, then we shall also disobey." That should be the last resolve
- We seek happiness by some extraneous, artificial means, but how long does it last? It will not endure. We again come back to sorrow. Suppose, by intoxication, we feel happy. That is not our actual happiness
- What is that real religious principle? That is stated in the last instruction: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja - BG 18.66
- When he was cursed that he would die within seven days, he became very serious, and all the sages and saintly persons agreed that, Maharaja Pariksit, for the last remaining days of his life, seven days, he should hear attentively Srimad-Bhagavatam
- When I met with you last in Calcutta I wanted to know whether or not you could organize the sales of our books. If you are interested in this connection, I can help you up to the extent of Rs. 500 per month
- When I was alone there were three volumes published but during the last two years I could not publish a single volume more. It is a great defeat
- When Lord Balarama visited that place (Naimisaranya) there was a great sacrifice being performed by a great assembly of transcendentalists. Such meetings were planned to last thousands of years
- When Prthu Maharaja was performing the last horse sacrifice (asvamedha-yajna), King Indra, invisible to everyone, stole the horse intended for sacrifice. He did this because of his great envy of King Prthu
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was in ecstasy, He considered one moment to last as long as twelve years. After seeing the Jagannatha temple from a distant place, the Lord became so ecstatic that He considered the six-mile path many thousands of miles long
- When the last illusion is also cleared off by the mercy of the Lord, the living entity again becomes reinstated in his original position and thus becomes actually liberated
- When you become Krsnized, then you'll get more comfort than at the present moment. That's a fact. I am living alone for the last twenty years, but I have no difficulty
- When you hear the chanting, that is transcendental meditation.This process is recommended in all scriptures of Vedic literature, and it is followed by Caitanya & His disciplic succession for the last five hundred years, & people are achieving good result
- While eating, Krsna was thinking, "These boys believe that I have come back within a second, but they do not know that for the last year I have been involved with the mystic activities of Lord Brahma"
- While relating in synopsis form the last division of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in this chapter I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall describe the Lord's transcendental ecstasy, which appears like madness due to His separation from Krsna
- Who cares for Ramakrishna Mission? Hindu monk, but who cares for the Ramakrishna Mission? For the last eighty-five years they are working. How many Hindus they have made? Simply bogus propaganda
- Yes, we die - to live forever. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti (BG 4.9). We die for that. This is the last death
- Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious
- You all 3 couples are expert in the matter of preaching Krishna Consciousness, and your last effort in the matter of performing Ratha Yatra festival was so successful. So I am sure by your combined effort in London, there will be a great successful center
- You are a great president of a great nation. In this age of unrest and quarrel, your strength, as well as the strength of your nation, will be lasting if it is built upon the pillars of spiritual knowledge and Absolute Truth
- You are claiming "God." Because you do not want to serve God, that is your mentality. So for these last, lowest class of men, there is external energy
- You are with us practically for the last four years and still if you think you cannot surrender to Krishna without any doubt, then what kind of progress you have made by this time?
- You have to work for Krsna sincerely, intelligently, and victory or defeat, it doesn't matter. Just like Jatayu was defeated fighting with Ravana. His wings were cut off. Ravana was very strong. And Lord Ramacandra, He did his last funeral ceremonies
- You put one iron rod in the fire. It become warm, warmer, at last red hot. When it is red hot, it is no longer iron rod; it is fire, by association with the fire. Similarly, if you remain always, constantly, in association with God, then you become godly
- Your description of different fruits and flowers, especially mangos, are very attractive for me. Last year, when I went to your place, I was attracted more from the same description, but it was rainy season and there was not much of the local fruits