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- A child may have some attachment, but by the system of replacing attachment, his attachment is overturned. Similarly, our consciousness has somehow or other become contaminated. Now it has to be purified. Then KC will automatically arise and awaken
- A godless civilization arises from illusion, and the result of such a civilization is lamentation. A godless civilization, such as that sponsored by the modern politicians, is always full of anxieties because it may be crushed at any moment
- A sadhu simply teaches, "My dear human being, my dear friend, just surrender to Krsna." Enemies arise due to man's envious nature
- A sane man must look to eliminate these miseries (three categories, namely miseries arising from the body and mind, miseries arising from other living entities, and miseries arising due to natural calamities) and thereby become happy in life
- According to the devotee, attachment falls within the five categories of santa-rati, dasya-rati, sakhya-rati, vatsalya-rati and madhura-rati. These five categories arise from devotees' different attachments to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After Lord Krsna departed for His abode along with religious principles and transcendental knowledge, this Purana, Srimad-Bhagavatam, has arisen like the sun in this Age of Kali to enlighten those who have no spiritual vision
- After many lifetimes of executing pious activities, when one becomes freed from all contaminations arising from illusory dualities, he engages in the transcendental service of the Lord
- After many, many days, the great powerful sage Kasyapa Muni arose from a trance of meditation and returned home to see the asrama of Aditi neither jubilant nor festive
- After taste is awakened, a deep attachment arises, and from that attachment the seed of love for Krsna grows in the heart
- After they had chanted in this way for a long time, the holy name of Krsna entered the heart of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and He suddenly arose with a loud shout of "Haribol"
- After this devastation (the annihilation of all the lower planetary systems) and after the night of Brahma passes, in the morning when Brahma arises there is again creation, and all these beings come forth
- Alas, the small deer, while playing with me and seeing me feigning meditation with closed eyes, would circumambulate me due to anger arising from love, and it would fearfully touch me with the points of its soft horns, which felt like drops of water
- All acts performed by the living entity - except those with transcendental results - are self - created engagements arising from an abuse of the free will
- All bodies in heavenly planets and hellish planets arise from mental concoctions, and the sufferings and enjoyments of material life are simply on the mental platform. They take place on the chariot of the mind (mano-ratha)
- All living entities are born into delusion, bewildered by dualities arisen from desire and hate
- All of the miseries we experience in the material world arise from the body. BG 1972 Introduction
- Although Krsna is manifested before Arjuna in His universal form, Arjuna remembers his friendly relationship with Krsna and is asking pardon and requesting Krsna to excuse him for the many informal gestures which arise out of friendship. BG 1972 purports
- Although the Sankhya philosophy accepts that the material ingredients are the cause, the creation of the world never arises from dead matter
- An illusion is a misunderstanding that arises from inattention while hearing, and cheating is the transmission of such defective knowledge to others
- Another kind of illusion is to think that one will become happy by trying to satisfy the desires that arise from the illusory body or by attaining elevation to the higher planets or by performing various types of Vedic rituals. This is all illusion
- Anyone who sincerely chants this holy name is quickly elevated to the platform of love of God and becomes mad after God. This madness arising from love of God is the highest perfectional stage for a human being
- Anyone who sincerely chants this holy name very soon attains elevation to the platform of love of God and becomes mad after God. This madness arising from love of God is the first perfectional stage for a human being
- Arjuna addresses the Lord as Madhusudana because Krsna once killed a demon named Madhu. Actually these questions (of BG 8.2), which are of the nature of doubts, should not have arisen in the mind of Arjuna because Arjuna is a KC devotee. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna remembers his friendly relationship with Krsna and is therefore asking pardon and requesting Krsna to excuse him for the many informal gestures which arise out of friendship
- Arjuna says, We have spoken so many subject matter, so there are so many doubts arising in my mind. So out of so many things, whichever is the best process . . . "Kindly speak to me that one with certainty." This is called pariprasna
- Arjuna surrendered to Krsna and said: The questions which have arisen in my mind, it cannot be solved by ordinary person, therefore he selected. He told Him that, I can understand, without Your Lordship nobody can mitigate all the doubts in my mind
- As clearly stated in Bhagavad-gita (mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah (BG 15.7)), the living entities do not arise from a combination of material elements, such as earth, water, air & fire, but are separated portions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As for the agitations of the flickering mind, they are divided into two divisions. The first is called avirodha-priti, or unrestricted attachment, and the other is called virodha-yukta-krodha, anger arising from frustration
- As long as one does not inquire about the spiritual values of life, one is defeated and subjected to miseries arising from ignorance. Be it sinful or pious, karma has its resultant actions
- As long as one is situated in the material world, there must be pleasure and pain arising from the material body
- As long as this question (why am I suffering) does not arise in one's mind, he is simply leading an animal life. But, not when these questions arise: Why am I suffering? What am I? Am I meant for suffering? Am I meant for troubles
- As long as this question (why am I suffering) does not arise in one's mind, he should understand that whatever activities he is doing will lead to his defeat. He is simply leading an animal life
- As soon as he was sprinkled with the water from Lord Brahma's waterpot, Hiranyakasipu arose, endowed with a full body with limbs so strong that they could bear the striking of a thunderbolt
- As soon as the Krsna sun is arisen within one's heart, the darkness of materialistic speculations about the Absolute Truth and the living beings is at once cleared off
- As soon as the queens saw from a distance their husband (Krsna), who was away from home for long periods due to the Battle of Kuruksetra, they all arose from the slumber of meditation and prepared to receive their most beloved
- As soon as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is introduced, they (the Mayavadis) consider that His personality arises from maya, or the external material energy. Such persons consider all incarnations of the Supreme Lord to be contaminated
- As soon as we see the sun rise in the morning, we arise and set about doing our morning duties. Similarly, as soon as a devotee sees the energy of God, he immediately remembers Krsna. This is explained in this verse: sarvatra haya nija ista-deva-sphurti
- As we have already pointed out, these dualities - such as heat and cold, pleasure and pain - arise due to the contact of the senses with their objects. In other words, they are born of identification with the body
- At night we sleep, and all our activities stop, but as soon as we arise, our memory immediately returns, and we think, Oh, where am I? What do I have to do? This is called suptotthita-nyaya
- Because the Mayavadis think that they have become one with Narayana, they address one another as Narayana. They say, "You are Narayana, I am Narayana, everyone is Narayana." From this misconception, the idea of daridra-narayana (poor Narayana) arises
- Because they are ignorant and bewildered concerning the soul and its activities, even though some of them have a vague idea of the soul, many controversies arise, and the philosophical speculators can never reach a conclusion
- Being situated in such a position (boundless transcendental happiness), one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact - Bg. 6.20-23
- Being situated in such a position (trance, or samadhi), one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact
- BG 2.14 - They (happiness & distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed
- Bhagavad-gita confirms that purified intelligence arises in the person of a very wise man. Bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate
- Bodily differences arise from forgetfulness of the transcendental service of the Lord. But when one is engaged in transcendental service through Krsna consciousness, one becomes at once liberated from this illusion
- By spiritual realization, disintegration of our material affinity naturally begins, & the more we become spiritually developed, the less we are affected by the happiness or distress that arise out of sense perception in contact with material association
- By spiritual realization, disintegration of our material affinity naturally begins, and the more we become spiritually developed, the less we are affected by the happiness or distress that arise out of sense perception in contact with material association
- By Your auspicious mercy, quarrels and disagreements arising among different scriptures are vanquished
- Endless waves arise moment after moment in that ocean of love. How could an insignificant living entity estimate their limits
- Envy and friendship arise in one who is imperfect. We fear our enemies because in the material world we are always in need of help. The Lord, however, does not need anyone's help, for He is atmarama
- Even the bare necessities of life, namely food and clothing, become objects of contention and control. And so arise all sorts of obstacles to the traditional, God-given life of plain living and high thinking
- Everything has a relationship with Krsna. When all economic development and material advancement are utilized to advance the cause of Krsna consciousness, a new phase of progressive life arises
- Fear arises because of lack of Krsna consciousness; otherwise there cannot be any fear
- First one devotee shouted loudly, and then a tumultuous uproar arose as all the devotees stood up and began to run after the Lord
- First the total material energy is manifested, and from this arise the three types of egotism, which are the original sources from which all demigods (controlling deities), senses and material elements expand
- From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool
- From anger, delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool. BG 2.63 - 1972
- From quarrel arises intolerable anger
- From the status of pure consciousness, the false ego is born because of misuse of independence. We cannot argue about why false ego arises from pure consciousness
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) was completely free from unnatural pride that might have arisen from his good education, riches, beauty, aristocracy and so on
- He (Sadananda Yogindra) maintains that when all-pervading knowledge is contaminated by the visuddha-sattva, which consists of a transformation of the quality of goodness, there arises the conception of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He arrived at the Bhattacarya's house a little before sunrise, just when the Bhattacarya was arising from bed
- He could understand the intention of Brahma, and thus He spoke in deep, thoughtful words, removing all the illusion that had arisen
- He told me again and again "Arise! Get up!" Upon rising, I was greatly astonished to see His beauty
- He was full in the transcendental consciousness of devotional service, and therefore he was unaffected by the dualities arising from the bodily conception. Actually his body was as strong as a bull's, and his limbs were very muscular
- He who can carry such dust on his head is very soon relieved of all the reactions which arise from sinful life, and eventually he develops all good and desirable qualities
- Herein (SB 1.5.8) arises the necessity of explaining Vedanta-sutra in the form of Srimad-Bhagavatam by the self-same author
- How can you say that the worship of a stone is sinful while a man who is more than a stone shall be considered as the object of love? These are some of the questions that arise out of a critical study of your book
- I (Vasudeva) promise that when she (Devaki) gives birth to the sons from whom your fear has arisen, I shall deliver them all unto your hands - SB 10.1.54
- I beg to inform you that a difficulty has arisen in that we have not yet received visa permission from the Australian government. As such, it may be that I will not be able to meet you in Bombay on 23 June as previously informed
- I hope you are reading my books with interest and any questions that arise out of such studies may be inquired from me directly
- I take this to be an offense by Myself; therefore I seek your forgiveness for the incident that has arisen
- If a sadhu is already delivered, being on the transcendental platform, then where is the necessity of delivering him? This question may arise
- If one does not think or act wisely, as Vedic knowledge prescribes, how can he stop the problems of life? Simply by atonement there may be a temporary suppression of difficulties, but they will arise again
- If one is determined to get out of all the designations that are attached to the pure spirit soul, and which arise due to the body and are always changed when the body is changed, one can attain to bhakti
- If one wants to save himself from material nature's onslaughts, which arise because of the material body, one must become Krsna conscious and try to fully understand Krsna
- If the tenants become devotees and follow our principles, arising early like the others, then we can forgo their rent, but no nonsense concessions of sitting room
- If we agitate a lake or a pond, all the mud from the bottom comes to the surface. Similarly, when the mind is agitated so many thoughts arise from the subconscious that have been stored there over the years
- If we study the history of the world, we see that it is simply a history of struggle. Mankind attempts to relieve its miserable condition, but it simply brings about another miserable condition. As we try to overcome one problem, another problem arises
- If you can pull on with the center without having to work outside, it is the best. If it is not possible, then the question of working outside arises
- Illusory stories opposed to the conclusions of Krsna consciousness concern the destruction of the Yadu dynasty, Krsna's disappearance, the story that Krsna and Balarama arise from a black hair and a white hair of Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord condemned the material conception of Krsna's body which arises because He is apparently present like a man
- In every inquisitive mind the important question of the creation of the phenomenal world arises, and for a personality like Maharaja Pariksit, who was to know all the activities of the Lord from his spiritual master, such an inquiry is not uncommon
- In that great assembly, Maharaja Prthu first of all worshiped all the respectable visitors according to their respective positions. After this, he stood up in the midst of the assembly, and it appeared that the full moon had arisen amongst the stars
- In the Bhagavatam, Twelfth Canto, it is said that in the Kali-yuga marriage will be based on the consideration of sex life; as soon as there is deficiency in sex life, the question of divorce will arise
- In the Chandogya Upanisad (6.2.3), it is said, tad aiksata bahu syam prajayeya. This statement confirms the fact that when the SP of Godhead wishes to become many, the cosmic manifestation arises simply by His glancing over material energy
- In the material world the false ego of the living being trying to lord it over the material nature is something like the moth's falling in a blazing fire
- In the morning, when the sun arises, the darkness of night immediately goes away. Similarly, when God or His incarnation comes, the darkness of material life is dissipated
- In the second (creation), the false ego is generated in which the material ingredients, material knowledge and material activities arise
- In this age there will also be a shortage of rain; therefore a scarcity of food will arise, and the citizens will be very much harassed by government taxation
- In this connection Sri Rupa Gosvami gives an example of the clouds in the sky: the clouds in the sky arise from the ocean, and when the clouds become water again and fall to the ground, they glide back to the ocean
- In this verse (BG 18.17) the Lord informs Arjuna that the desire not to fight arises from false ego. BG 1972 purports
- Indeed, his (the living entity's) whole conception of the material universe arises from this false identification with the body, for he becomes attached to the body and its by-products
- It is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita that when there is an increase of irreligion and discrepancies arise in the real religious activities, the Supreme Lord comes to protect the pious and kill the impious
- It is said that once when a man's son was blind since birth, the father, out of staunch affection for the child, named him Padmalocana, or "lotus-eyed." This is the situation arising from blind love
- It is the opinion of Sadananda Yogindra that , when all-pervading knowledge is contaminated by the visuddha-sattva, which consists of a transformation of the quality of goodness, there arises the conception of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It should never be imagined that various mundane discrepancies arise by the will of the Personality of Godhead - that some are happy by His will, while others are unhappy by His will
- Knowing this perfectly well and hearing their appeal, he (Rahugana) became a little angry, although he was very advanced in political science and was very experienced. His anger arose due to his inborn nature as a king
- Krishna science can be understood through the process of sincere service, and so far any doubt which may sometimes arise in our mind there are the devotees, the Scriptures and the Spiritual Master
- Krsna continued, "You (the gopis) have displayed exemplary attraction for Me, overcoming the greatest difficulties arising from family connections"
- Krsna is the primeval cause of all causes, from whom all manifested universes arise, in whom they dwell and by whom they are destroyed
- Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, enjoins everyone to give up all such conditional engagements dictated by the various modes of nature. Such varieties of engagements of the living entity arise out of ignorance perpetuated by the modes of nature
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is identical with the Vedic hymn known as the Kama-gayatri, which is composed of twenty-four and a half syllables. Those syllables are compared to moons that arise in Krsna
- Lord Krsna advised Arjuna: They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed - BG 2.14
- Lord Krsna further says that when these questions arise, gradually one comes to God. Those who have awakened to these questions are said to lie on the path of perfection
- Lord Krsna thus informed Arjuna: "They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed." All the distresses brought about by the body come and go
- Maharaja Rahugana was very intelligent and conscious of the inauspicious effects arising from insulting a Vaisnava. He was therefore very anxious to be excused by Jada Bharata
- Material bondage is caused by putting oneself under the control of matter because of the false ego of lording it over material nature. Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.27) states, iccha-dvesa-samutthena. Two kinds of propensities arise in the living entity
- Material desire arises when one wants to satisfy one's personal senses
- My (Pariksit) dear Lord, for those who are completely pure in heart, knowledge is attained by the practice of bhakti-yoga, and attachment for fruitive activity is completely burned to ashes. For such people, the powers of mystic yoga automatically arise
- My dear Lord, my tongue is just like a stringed instrument, and You are its player. Therefore I simply vibrate whatever arises in Your mind
- My dear Lord, who are always fully independent, this entire cosmic manifestation arises from You, rests upon You and ends in You
- Narada Muni thought of Brahmaji as the Supreme Person, but when he saw Brahmaji engaged in the process of transcendental realization, doubts arose in him. So he wanted to be clearly informed
- Now, due to your association, another meaning has awakened. It is due to your devotional service that these waves of meaning are arising
- O conqueror of the foe, all living entities are born into delusion, bewildered by dualities arisen from desire and hate
- O son of Prtha, do not yield to this degrading impotence. It does not become you. Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise, O chastiser of the enemy. BG 2.3 - 1972
- One has to get rid of all three stages of material consciousness: attachment to material life, fear of a spiritual personal identity, and the conception of void that arises from frustration in life
- One may say that varieties arise from the planet earth itself. However, although the universe may temporarily appear to be the truth, it ultimately has no real existence. The earth was originally created by a combination of atomic particle
- One tries to satisfy his lust, and when he cannot, anger and greed arise
- One who has sufficiently developed consciousness, who is intelligent, inquires why he is suffering. "I do not want miseries. Why am I suffering?" When this question arises, there is chance for becoming Krsna conscious
- One who is serious about making his life perfect surely adopts the sannyasa order of life in spite of all difficulties. The difficulties usually arise from having to sever family relationships, to give up the connection of wife and children. BG 1972 pur
- Out of the fire came a great demoniac form, whose hair, beard and mustache were exactly the color of hot copper. This form was very big and fierce. As the demon arose from the fire, cinders of fire emanated from the sockets of his eyes
- She (Devahuti) also requested that he arrange for a suitable house because the hermitage in which Kardama Muni was living was very simple and completely in the mode of goodness, and there was less possibility of passion's being aroused in his heart
- Since I have heard the name of a person called Krsna, I have practically lost My good sense. Then, there is another person who plays His flute in such a way that after I hear the vibration, intense madness arises in My heart
- Since Krsna is so expert in killing demons, Arjuna here addresses Him as Madhusudana so that Krsna might kill the demonic doubts that arise in Arjuna's mind
- Since the Lord says that He is suhrdam sarva-bhutanam (BG 5.29), the well-wisher of all living entities, how could He act with partiality by killing demons? These questions arose in the heart of Pariksit Maharaja, and he inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami
- Since Vyasadeva is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord, he cannot be likened to an ordinary person, who has the four defects which arise due to contact with material existence
- So by nature we should be always engaged in pleasure potency. But then why you are in this miserable condition? This question must arise in human form of life. If it does not, then he has not come to the perfection of human life
- Sometimes conditioned souls exchange money, but in due course of time, enmity arises because of cheating. Although there may be a tiny profit, the conditioned souls cease to be friends and become enemies
- Sometimes doubts arise in the minds of neophytes about whether or not the spiritual master is liberated, and sometimes neophytes are doubtful about the bodily affairs of the spiritual master
- Sometimes the question arises why the Supreme Lord has created this material world, which is so full of suffering for the living entities entrapped in it
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was ecstatic in this way because He was presenting Himself in the mood of the gopis. The gopis wanted to drink the ocean of sweetness arising from the bodily features of Krsna, but Krsna did not allow them to come near
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was overwhelmed night and day by these ten ecstatic conditions. Whenever such symptoms arose, His mind became unsteady
- Srila Vyasadeva explains the Vedanta-sutra, in SB 1.1.1: I meditate upon Him (Lord Krsna), the transcendent reality, who is the primeval cause of all causes, from whom all manifested universes arise, in whom they dwell, and by whom they are destroyed
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the science of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such all questions that may arise in the mind of a serious student must be cleared by the statements of the authority
- Students are generally supposed to rise early in the morning. They do not usually arise of their own accord, however, but only when there is a bell sounded in the temple or other spiritual institution
- Such a problem (trouble in the universe) arose when Kamsa and others were ruling over the earth and the earth became too much overburdened by the misdeeds of the asuras
- Such acts or engagements (arising from an abuse of the free will) are never to be considered as if the works and the results were somehow ordained by the almighty Godhead
- Such bodily differences (as men, animals, demigods, etc.) arise from forgetfulness of the transcendental service of the Lord. But when one is engaged in transcendental service through KC, one becomes at once liberated from this illusion. BG 1972 purports
- Such chanting (of Hare Krsna) will release one from designated conditions arising from the gross and subtle bodies
- Such questions (who he is, what the universe is, what God is, and what the relationship is between himself, God and the material world) cannot be asked by cats and dogs, but they must arise in the heart of a real human being
- Such works (arising from an abuse of the free will of living entity) are all material and are therefore conditioned and directed by the modes of nature. The Personality of Godhead has nothing to do with such works
- Sukadeva Gosvami proves that because the body of the conditioned soul is infected by the three qualities of nature, dualities arise such as enmity and friendship, attachment and detachment
- That happiness which is blind to self-realization, which is delusion from beginning to end and which arises from sleep, laziness and illusion is said to be of the nature of ignorance. BG 18.39 - 1972
- The beginning of demoniac life is described herein (BG 16.21). One tries to satisfy his lust, and when he cannot, anger and greed arise. BG 1972 purports
- The Blessed Lord said: O Partha, when a man gives up all varieties of sense desire which arise from mental concoction, and when his mind finds satisfaction in the self alone, then he is said to be in pure transcendental consciousness. BG 2.55 - 1972
- The confidential activities have arisen from the feelings and emotions of those damsels
- The creation does not arise whimsically, as atheistic men think. They say that this world is unreal, that there is no foundation and that there is no God in control. It is produced of sex desire and has no cause other than lust - BG 16.8
- The demoniac conclude that the world is phantasmagoria. There is no cause, no effect, no controller, no purpose: everything is unreal. They say that this cosmic manifestation arises due to chance material actions and reactions. BG 1972 purports
- The devotees arise in the morning, here in New Vindavan they are getting up by four o'clock. But in your country the people are not accostumed to this, and it will take a little time to get them used to it
- The doubt arising in the mind of Narada about Brahmaji's becoming all-powerful is a lesson for the frogs in the well, that they may not be bewildered in misconceiving the identity of the Personality of Godhead
- The doubts which have arisen in your heart out of ignorance should be slashed by the weapon of knowledge. Armed with yoga, O Bharata, stand and fight
- The gopis wanted to keep Krsna at home always, and in this way their minds were absorbed in Krsna consciousness. Such pure Krsna consciousness can arise only in Vrndavana
- The hands of the gopis, which resembled red lotus flowers, arose from the water in pairs to obstruct the bluish flowers
- The heart of Lord Caitanya is the image of Sri Radhika's emotions. Thus feelings of pleasure and pain arise constantly therein
- The holy name of Krsna can drive away all the darkness of ignorance that arises in the heart due to greatly sinful activities performed in previous lives
- The impersonal conception of the Supreme Lord is another form of ignorance, arising from an imperfect conception of the Absolute Truth
- The joy which follows realization arises from understanding - I was illusioned by false notions for so long. What a fool I was! I was thinking that I was God, but now I can understand that I am God's eternal servant
- The living beings also remain merged in the body of Maha-Visnu during the period of annihilation, but as soon as there is another creation they arise to take up their unfinished work. This is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- The living entity can attain the transcendental happiness of being freed from the three kinds of material miseries - miseries arising from the body and mind, from other living entities and from natural disturbances
- The Lord (Caitanya) explained that the symptoms of intoxication had automatically arisen when He had chanted the Hare Krsna mantra, and that upon seeing this His spiritual master had ordered Him to preach devotional service all over the world
- The Lord stood up and asked Ramananda Raya to arise and chant the holy name of Krsna. Indeed, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very eager to embrace him
- The lust, or so-called love, arising out of this body is as temporary as the body itself
- The lust, or so-called love, arising out of this body is as temporary as the body itself, but the love arising from the eternal soul in the spiritual world is on the spiritual platform, and that love is also eternal
- The miseries of life are divided into three categories, namely miseries arising from the body and mind, miseries arising from other living entities, and miseries arising due to natural calamities
- The more we become spiritually developed, the less we are affected by the happiness or distress that arise out of sense perception in contact with material association
- The next morning, when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu arose and prepared to leave for Varanasi (Benares), Srila Rupa Gosvami submitted the following statement at the Lord's lotus feet
- The nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, and one must learn to tolerate them
- The only fear I have is that you may fight. Please do not. That will ruin everything we have done. If there is any misunderstandings which arise, as they will, settle them up
- The progress of loving affairs between a young boy and a young girl is like the movement of a snake. On account of this, two types of anger arise between a young boy and girl - anger with cause and anger without cause
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is all-pervading, but He is also manifested in different types of bodies which arise from a combination of material nature, time, desires and occupational duties
- The threefold material miseries are miseries arising from the body and the mind, miseries arising from dealings with other living entities, and miseries arising from natural disturbances
- The threefold miseries are (1) those miseries which arise from the mind and body, (2) those miseries inflicted by other living beings, and (3) those miseries arising from natural catastrophes over which one has no control
- There are 8,400,000 different species of life, and these varieties are the creation of the material nature. They arise from the different sensual pleasures of the living entity, who thus desires to live in this body or that. BG 1972 purports
- There are 8,400,000 species of life, and all of these arise from one's association with the modes of nature (karanam guna-sango 'sya) - BG 13.22
- There are difficulties arising from so-called happiness, distress, attachment, hate, fear, false prestige, illusion, madness, lamentation, bewilderment, greed, envy, enmity, insult, hunger, thirst, tribulation, disease, birth, old age and death
- There are miseries arising from the body and mind, from other living entities and from natural catastrophes. We are either suffering from all three of these miseries, or at least from one
- Therefore the doubts which have arisen in your heart out of ignorance should be slashed by the weapon of knowledge. Armed with yoga, O Bharata, stand and fight BG 4.42 - 1972
- These (BG 8.2) doubts are like demons. Since Krsna is so expert in killing demons, Arjuna here addresses Him as Madhusudana so that Krsna might kill the demonic doubts that arise in Arjuna's mind. BG 1972 purports
- These questions must arise: Why am I suffering? Wherefrom have I come? What is my constitutional position? Where shall I go after death? Why am I put into a miserable form of life? Why are there birth, death, old age and disease
- These threefold miseries are miseries suffered by mental calamity at the hands of the demigods (such as freezing wind and scorching heat), miseries offered by other living entities, and miseries arising from the mind and body themselves
- They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, & one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed
- They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed
- They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed. BG 2.14 - 1972
- They (heat and cold, happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed - BG 2.14
- They (mayavadis) deny that there is such a being as God. They say, "Everything is void." and sometimes they deny Him in a different way: "There may be a God, but He has no form." These conceptions arise from the rebellious condition of the living entity
- They (non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed
- This (crossing the great ocean of nescience by taking shelter of Krsna's feet) indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact - Bg. 6.23
- This argument (that bodily desginations like pain and pleasure are felt by the soul) put forward by Maharaja Rahugana is correct from the practical point of view, but it arises from an attachment to the bodily conception
- This Bhagavata Purana is as brilliant as the sun, and it has arisen just after the departure of Lord Krsna to His own abode, accompanied by religion, knowledge, etc
- This ghost, however, overcomes me with redoubled strength when I chant the Nrsimha mantra. When I even see the form of this ghost, great fear arises in my mind
- This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact. BG 6.20-23 - 1972
- This question must arise. - Wherefrom I have come? What is my constitutional position? Where I shall go after death? Why I am put into this miserable condition of life? Why there is birth, death, old age, disease? I do not want all of them
- Those who are beyond the dualities that arise from doubts, whose minds are engaged within, who are always busy working for the welfare of all living beings, and who are free from all sins achieve liberation in the Supreme
- Those who are serious students of Vedic literature accept authority. Bhagavad-gita, for example, is not a scholarly presentation which arose out of so much research work
- To commit mistakes is very natural in the conditioned state of life. Indeed, the popular saying has arisen: To err is human
- Understanding the inconceivability of the Absolute is the only solution to the question of duality. This is because duality arises from the inconceivable energy of the Absolute
- Unfortunately, those who are inexperienced in the transcendental science cannot appreciate the different relationships with the Supreme Lord. They think that all such relationships arise from maya
- Upon seeing their sons, the mothers of Rama, Laksmana, Bharata and Satrughna immediately arose, like unconscious bodies returning to consciousness
- We are experiencing the difficulties arising from this material body, but we are not working in a way to become free. This Krsna consciousness movement is giving information on how to become liberated
- We are suffering from miseries caused by other living entities and acts of nature as well as from miseries arising from the body and mind themselves
- We want to see whether that consciousness has arisen. If it is not, then you have simply wasted time
- What I am? Why I have come here? Why I am put into so many miserable condition of life? Is there any remedy? - these questions, when arises, then, practically, his spiritual life begins
- When a man gives up all varieties of desire for sense gratification, which arise from mental concoction, and when his mind, thus purified, finds satisfaction in the self alone, then he is said to be in pure transcendental consciousness
- When a man takes a dead body to the crematorium, he sometimes thinks - This is the final end of the body. Why am I working so hard day and night? - Such sentiments naturally arise in the mind of any man who goes to a crematorial ghata
- When natural love arises, all regulative methods are surpassed, and pure love is exhibited between the Lord and the devotee
- When one can see that the various bodies of living entities arise due to the different desires of the individual soul and do not actually belong to the soul itself, one actually sees. BG 1972 purports
- When one is actually advanced in ecstatic love for Krsna, eight transcendental, blissful symptoms are manifest in the body. Those are the symptoms of perfection arising from loving service to the Supreme Personality, of Godhead
- When one is baffled in his attempt to attain sense gratification, he takes to the cause of salvation in order to become one with the supreme whole. All these activities arise with the same aim in view - sense gratification
- When one is freed from all material contamination, his firm faith in devotional service awakens. When firm faith develops, a taste arises, and by that taste one becomes attached to devotional service
- When opposing elements meet, whether they arise from a common cause or different causes, their conjunction is called bhinna-rupa-sandhi, the meeting of contradictory ecstasies
- When the great sages were carrying on their discussion in this way, they saw a dust storm arising from all directions. This storm was caused by the running of thieves and rogues, who were engaged in plundering the citizens
- When the superior energy is in contact with the inferior energy, an incompatible situation arises; but when the superior marginal energy is in contact with the superior energy, called Hara, it is established in its happy, normal condition
- When these questions (why have I been put into this miserable condition? etc.) are asked, and steps are taken to answer them, our human civilization is the result. If the questions never arise, then that civilization should be known as animalistic
- Whenever a particular sentiment arose in His heart, Svarupa Damodara satisfied Him by singing songs or reciting verses of the same nature
- Whether connected or not connected, the ecstatic emotion arising due to not being able to embrace and kiss each other as desired is called vipralambha. This vipralambha helps nourish emotions at the time of meeting
- While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises
- While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises. BG 2.62 - 1972
- Why is there fighting and why are there miseries? Unless these "why" questions, which in the Vedas are called Kena Upanisad, arise in one's mind, one is not fulfilling the proper function of his human life
- Without our having eyes, the sunlight is useless, and without sunlight the eyes are useless. Thus they are interdependent, and none of them is independent. Therefore the natural question arises concerning who made them interdependent
- Without the Supreme Personality of Godhead's energy, dull matter cannot create the cosmic manifestation. Its power does not arise from the material energy itself but is endowed by Sankarsana
- Yoga means transcending the distress or happiness of the material body. If we connect ourselves with Krsna through the supreme yoga, we can get rid of material happiness and distress arising from the body
- You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the origin and Supreme Lord of all living entities. You have arisen to disseminate the rays of the sun in order to dissipate the darkness of the ignorance of the universe
- You can see Him (God) by His work. Just like you cannot go and see the sun. But when it arises, when it diffuses, the sunshine is there, you can immediately understand that the sun is there in the sky. The sun is always there in the sky
- You just try your best to serve Lord Krishna, and if any perplexing circumstances arise, just pray to Krishna to give you strength
- Your materialistic ideas and anxieties that have arisen from your association with the demons and Danavas will immediately be vanquished because there you will see My supreme prowess