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Pages in category "Rise"
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- A common man cannot rise to the topmost stage of spiritual perfection simply by following the rituals and religious principles
- A fog disappears as soon as the sun rises, and Krsna rises with the brilliance of thousands of suns
- A man in ignorance does not know that when the sun rises early in the morning it begins to take away the balance of his life. Thus day after day the span of one's life is reduced
- A Vedic injunction supported by Sukadeva Gosvami, one of the mahajanas, or authorities. He says, yathanukirtayanti: one should recite the mantra as it is, without deviation, for then one will be eligible to rise to the platform of all good fortune
- Accepting the prasadam, all the Vaisnavas chanted the holy names "Hari! Hari!" The rising vibration of the holy name of Hari filled the entire universe
- According to its movements in rising above, going beneath or passing through the equator - and correspondingly coming in touch with various signs of the zodiac, headed by Makara (Capricorn) - days and nights are short, long or equal to one another
- According to Sri Visvanatha Carkavarti Thakura, there was a regular psychological reaction on the occasion. First of all, rising from their seats, although they wanted to see their husband, they were deterred because of feminine shyness
- According to the strict principles of the Vedas, the highest attainment is to rise to the platform of sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23), hearing and chanting about the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 1.1.2
- According to the verse cited by Ramananda Raya, one can rise to the point of devotional service by ritualistic performance
- After having his suggestions rejected twice, Ramananda proposed that one should forsake his occupational activities altogether and by detachment rise to the transcendental plane. In other words, he recommended complete renunciation of worldly life
- After testing Lord Brahma, Bhrgu Muni went directly to the Mount Kailasa, where Lord Siva resides. Bhrgu Muni happened to be Lord Siva's brother. Therefore, as soon as Bhrgu Muni approached, Lord Siva was very glad and personally rose to embrace him
- All glories to Sri Caitanya, who acted as the eastern horizon where the sun of the atmarama verse rose. He manifested its rays in the form of different meanings and thus eradicated the darkness of the material world. May He protect the universe
- All places, from where the sun rises on the horizon, shining brilliantly, to where the sun sets, are known as the possession of the celebrated Mandhata, the son of Yuvanasva
- Although by severe austerities they (Mayavadis) rise to the exalted position of brahma-jnana, they nevertheless fall down due to imperfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- Although in its natural state, the ocean is always very grave and unfathomable, when the moon rises, nothing can check the ocean's agitation. Similarly, those who are pure devotees cannot on any account check the movements of their feelings within
- Although Indra saw his spiritual master before him, he did not rise from his own seat or offer a seat to his spiritual master, nor did Indra offer him a respectful welcome. Indra did nothing to show him respect
- Although one rises to the platform of Brahman, one again falls down to the material position if he neglects to worship the lotus feet of Krsna
- Although the sun appears to rise and set, it is continuously shining somewhere on the earth. Similarly, although Krsna’s pastimes seem to appear and disappear, they are continuously existing in one brahmanda (universe) or another
- Although these (brahma-bhuta) living entities undergo severe austerities to rise to the platform of Siddhaloka, they cannot remain there perpetually, for they are bereft of ananda - bliss
- Although they (Mayavadi sannyasis) rise to a very high position by executing severe austerities and penances, they still hover in the material world without the benediction of the lotus feet of the Lord
- Although they accept severe austerities and penances and rise to the spiritual position, to impersonal Brahman realization, they fall down again because they neglect to worship Your lotus feet
- An example of rising to the stage of ecstatic love by executing the regulative principles of devotional service is given in the life story of Narada, which is described to Vyasadeva in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Another devotee once said, "This Supreme Personality of Godhead from whose bodily pores come millions of universes, permanently rising, who is the ocean of mercy, who is the owner of inconceivable energies"
- Another significant feature of the Visnu forms was that all of Them were looking transcendentally beautiful. Their smiling resembled the moonshine, and Their glancing resembled the early rising of the sun
- As He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7): Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- As in the womb of a mother a child gradually grows different bodily parts, so in the universal womb the universal form of the Lord gives rise to the creation of various paraphernalia. The senses appear, and over each of them there is a presiding deity
- As long as one is controlled by the modes of nature, one will be prone to worship the demigods for material purposes, but one who curbs this tendency and worships Krsna exclusively can rise above the modes and attain pure devotional service
- As long as the vital life-force is there, the mind works, and under the mind the senses work, and the senses give rise to so many material desires
- As Lord Krsna states in the BG 4.7: Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself. This is also the case with Caitanya Mahaprabhu's appearance
- As soon as they saw Lord Krsna, their hearts immediately blossomed in transcendental bliss, just like lotus flowers upon the rising of the sun
- As soon as we see the sun rise in the morning, we arise and set about doing our morning duties. Similarly, as soon as a devotee sees the energy of God, he immediately remembers Krsna. This is explained in this verse: sarvatra haya nija ista-deva-sphurti
- As the Lord (Krsna) says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7): "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself"
- As the Lord (Krsna) says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7): Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I appear Myself
- As the rising moon manifests light in the east, so Devaki, who was always situated on the transcendental platform, having been initiated in the Krsna mantra by Vasudeva, the son of Surasena, kept Krsna within her heart
- As the rising sun immediately dissipates all the world's darkness, which is deep like an ocean, so the holy name of the Lord, if chanted once without offenses, dissipates all the reactions of a living being’s sinful life
- As the sky became clear, with the moon rising, the Lord (Caitanya) began dancing very happily with His jubilant and satisfied devotees
- As the sun appears in the morning & rises to the meridian & then again sets in 1 hemisphere while simultaneously rising in the other, so Krsna's disappearance in one universe & the beginning of His different pastimes in another take place simultaneously
- As the sun arises, one should chant the Vedic mantra beginning with the Gayatri. The sun is the symbolic representation of the eyes of the Supreme Lord
- As the sun rises and sets, it snatches away the balance of our life-span. Thus as each day passes, each one of us loses some of life's duration
- As with the rising of the sun the darkness of night is immediately dissipated, with the appearance of Pradyumna the power exhibited by Salva became null and void
- At night there is darkness, but in the morning, as soon as the sun rises, immediately millions of miles of darkness are removed. In the same way, if we try to make the sun of Krsna rise within our hearts, all of our problems will be solved
- At that time (when Madhvacarya’s devotion to the Lord and his erudite scholarship became known throughout India) the followers of Sankaracarya were afraid of Madhvacarya’s rising power, and they began to tease Madhvacarya’s disciples in many ways
- At the time of death, when the temperature of the body rises to 107 degrees, the living entity falls into a coma and is unable to identify his gross body
- Awaking from the dream, the priest immediately rose from bed and thought it wise to take a bath before entering the Deity's room. He then opened the temple door
- Because of this quality, called tamas (ignorance), the living entity considers himself different from the Absolute Whole and forgets his purity, which is like that of the clear sky. This forgetfulness gives rise to separatism in false ego
- Because the blue lotus flower blossoms with the rising of the sun, the sun is the friend of the blue lotus. The cakravaka birds also appear when the sun rises, and therefore the cakravakas and blue lotuses meet
- Being unable to rise to the standard of self-realization, he envies such persons as much as demons envy the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Beyond the intelligence, the living soul is realized by the mechanical activities of the yoga system, or practice of meditation restraining the senses, regulating the breathing system and applying intelligence to rise to the transcendental position
- Brahma is teaching us the beginning of arcana regulations from morning to night. Early in the morning, the devotee has to rise from his bed and pray to the Lord, and there are other regulative principles for offering mangala-arati early in the morning
- Brahma, being very joyful, began to shed tears, and he washed the lotus feet of Krsna with his tears. Repeatedly he fell & rose as he recalled the wonderful activities of the Lord
- Brahma, being very joyful, began to shed tears, and he washed the lotus feet of Krsna with his tears. Repeatedly he fell and rose as he recalled the wonderful activities of the Lord
- By always being in KC, one can get out of all sinful reactions. How? Niharam iva bhaskarah. Niharam means dews. You have seen in this season, so many dews are on the grass. As soon as there is sunrise, everything finished. It is very nice example
- By following the instructions of the bona fide spiritual master in conjunction with the principles of revealed scriptures, the student will rise to the plane of complete knowledge
- By following the regulative principles of human life, one gradually raises himself to the platform of spiritual realization. If one is so fortunate, by such practice, to rise to the platform of KC, then success is guaranteed for him. BG 1972 purports
- By gradual development of transcendental knowledge, one can rise to the stage of the transcendental arts of music and dance displayed by the Lord in His rasa-lila
- By machine the seasonal changes are going on, the sun is rising, the moon is rising, the water in the ocean, the waves are there. Everything, machine working. It is machine. Everything being systematically done
- By practicing the regulative principles, one should rise to the platform of spontaneous attraction for Krsna. Then and only then should one hear about radha-krsna-lila
- By rendering devotional service, one gradually rises to the platform of love of Godhead. That is the chief goal of life. On the platform of love of Godhead, one is eternally engaged in the service of the Lord
- By the evil deeds of those who destroy the family tradition and thus give rise to unwanted children, all kinds of community projects and family welfare activities are devastated
- By the grace of Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu there will be no trouble. You'll be happy. Try to preach this Krsna consciousness movement in India at least for some time, and help them to rise to their standard of Krsna consciousness
- By the order of the spiritual master they immediately rise, and after finishing their morning duties they sit down to study the Vedas or chant Vedic mantras
- By the order of the Supreme it (sun) does not move even one ten-thousandth of an inch from where it should be. It always rises exactly at the correct time. Why? There must be some discipline, some obedience, some order
- Dear Krsna, we are always busy in our family affairs. We therefore request that You remain within our hearts as the rising sun. That will be Your greatest benediction
- Devaki, having been initiated by Vasudeva, became beautiful by carrying Krsna, the original consciousness for everyone, the cause of all causes, within the core of her heart, just as the east becomes beautiful by carrying the rising moon - SB 10.2.18
- Disappointment gives rise to the greatest satisfaction
- Due to their (the living entities') unauthorized plans for economic development, the price of commodities is rising daily all over the world, so much so that is has become difficult for the poorer classes, and they are suffering the consequences
- Even after great austerities and penance, one may rise, param padam, in the, merging into the Brahman effulgence. Still, from there, he falls down. He falls down. Because Brahman, the spirit soul, is anandamaya
- Even if one does not accept all the Vaisnava principles, but still takes the remnants of foodstuff offered to Krsna, or Krsna-prasadam, he will gradually become qualified to rise to the platform of a Vaisnava
- Even if one rises to brahma jnana, understanding of Brahman, one nevertheless falls down because of not taking shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna
- Even if we rise to this stage (brahma-bhutah) and do not take to the loving service of Krsna, there is the possibility of falling down again into the material whirlpool
- Even though material conditions are miserable, if these qualities are developed by practice, by all classes of men, then gradually it is possible to rise to the highest platform of transcendental realization
- Even though they (who think themselves liberated) rise to the highest point of liberation by dint of severe penances and austerities, they are sure to fall down again into material existence, for they do not take shelter at Krsna's lotus feet
- Every one of us is kuyogi because we have engaged in the service of this material world, forgetting our eternal relationship with the Lord as His eternal loving servants. It is our duty to rise from the kuyoga platform to become suyogis, perfect mystics
- Everything is nicely going on. The sun is rising in due time. The moon is rising in due time. The seasons, seasons are changing. There is nice organization. So is it not a bona fide inquiry to - What is the purpose of this organization
- Except Visnu, all separated forms are manifested under the conditions of material energy, and therefore the forms of material energy cannot help anyone to rise to the platform of sattva, which alone can liberate a person from material bondage
- Factually, Krsna's appearance and disappearance are like the sun's rising, moving before us, and then disappearing from our eyesight
- Faltering of the voice resulting from wonder was exhibited by Brahma. It is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Tenth Canto, 13th Chapter, 59th verse that, after bowing down before Lord Krsna, when Brahma began to rise he prayed to the Lord in a faltering voice
- Fire is appreciated by its light and by its ability to cook, to digest, to destroy cold, to evaporate, and to give rise to hunger, thirst, eating and drinking
- For the less intelligent beginners, meditation on the impersonal feature, the virat-rupa, or universal form of the Lord, will gradually qualify one to rise to personal contact
- For those saintly persons who wish to rise to the platform of yogic perfection, the means consists of practicing the yoga system by strictly following its regulative principles and practicing the yoga postures and breathing exercises
- For those who are always engaged in the devotional service of the Personality of Godhead, the duality of the auspicious and inauspicious does not arise
- For those who are very materialistic and cannot understand the situation of the spiritual world, the abode of Krsna, great sages have recommended the yogic process whereby one gradually rises from meditation on the abdomen
- Formerly, especially in Bengal, the higher castes (namely the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas) observed four months after the birth of a child as a quarantine. At the end of the fourth month, the mother could see the sun rise
- From the false ego of goodness, another transformation takes place. From this evolves the mind, whose thoughts and reflections give rise to desire
- Garga Muni argued very soberly that his taking part in performing the reformatory process for Krsna would give rise to many doubts, so that Kamsa might take very severe steps to kill the child
- Generally it is seen that one who has risen from a poverty-stricken life and becomes wealthy creates some charitable institution at the end of his life so that other poverty-stricken men might be benefited
- God is the law-giver, by His order everything is moving nicely. The sun is rising exactly at the time, the moon is rising exactly at the time, the seasonal changes are taking place exactly in due course of time
- Govinda said, "Please rise and take your maha-prasadam". Haridasa Thakura replied, "Today I shall observe fasting"
- Gradually (with mechanical ways of rising to the spiritual platform) becoming free from visaya, or material objectives. Material existence means to be absorbed in the material objective, which is simply illusory
- Gradually one can rise to the platform of spontaneous loving service. A child is sent to school by force to receive an education, but when he gets a little taste of education at an advanced age, he automatically participates and becomes a learned scholar
- Haridasa Thakura said that as the sun begins to rise, it dissipates the darkness of night, even before the sunshine is visible
- Haridasa Thakura said, "As the sun begins to rise, even before it is visible it dissipates the darkness of night"
- He (Bahulasva) was so overcome by feelings of love that after bowing down only once, he forgot his position and could not rise again
- He (God) is just like the sun. The sun does not appear or disappear in the sky; it is only in the experience of men that in the morning the sun rises and in the evening the sun sets
- He (Hitler) ruined the Englishmen, but he also became ruined, finished, Germany finished. But Germany will be able to rise again. Englishmen will not be able to
- He (Krsna) advised Arjuna to rise above the modes of material nature, for the entire Vedic system is filled with descriptions involving sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- Here and there in that palace were multitudes of live swans and pigeons, as well as artificial swans and pigeons so lifelike that the real swans rose above them again and again, thinking them live birds like themselves
- Higher authorities, not the living entity himself, make this decision (what form of body a man will have in the next life). According to our activities in this life, we either rise or sink. BG 1972 Introduction
- His (Krsna's) appearance and disappearance are like the sun's rising, moving before us, and then disappearing from our eyesight. BG 1972 purports
- His (the empiric philosopher's) attachment to the impersonal feature of the Supreme Lord makes him unfit to rise to that transcendental stage of vasudeva understanding
- His eyes and lips are pinkish like the rising sun
- How can you deny that there is no consciousness in the matter of sun rising, moon rising, seasonal changes, and so many planets floating in the air? So many wonderful things are being done in the material nature
- How I can say God is dead? Because if God is the law-giver, by His order everything is moving nicely. The sun is rising exactly at the time, the moon is rising exactly at the time
- How I can say God is dead? Because if God is the law-giver, by His order everything is moving nicely. The sun is rising exactly at the time, the moon is rising exactly at the time, the seasonal changes are taking place exactly in due course of time
- I shall have no perturbation, but I pray that all this may not give rise to pride, as if I were the Supreme
- If a person dies at night the funeral must be completed before the next sunrise
- If one is infected with the desire for material enjoyment or material liberation, he cannot rise to the platform of pure loving service unto the Lord, even though he may render devotional service according to the routine regulative principles
- If one simply chants the holy name of Krsna, this holy name will rise within one's heart like the powerful sun and will immediately dissipate all the darkness of ignorance
- If somebody regularly executes such service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master, then gradually he rises to the platform of serving in pure love of God
- If the material desires of an individual are unfulfilled, he certainly becomes depressed, but when the mass of people remain dissatisfied, the distress is much greater and gives rise to social conflict
- If the sun rises at 5:30 in the morning, at 5:30 in the evening twelve hours have been taken away from the duration of our lives. We will never get this time back
- If there are impediments on the progressive path, anyone, even from the platform of tamas, can gradually rise to the sattva platform by the expert direction of the spiritual master
- If they are graciously offered the advantage of partaking of the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Visnu, gradually they will develop a transcendental sense of spirituality and rise to the same status as that of spiritually advanced personalities
- If we keep our doors and windows shut when the sun rises in the morning, surely the rays of the sun will not enter into our somber room
- If we purify our existence simply by following the basic regulations of KC, which involve abstaining from illicit sexual connection, meat-eating, intoxication & gambling, we will gradually rise to attain our spiritual existence, which is completely pure
- If we remain satisfied with our birth by our father and mother, we will remain in our condition as sudra. We have to rise to the brahminical platform by following the purificatory processes
- If we simply fly in the sky, we can't have ananda. We have to descend to an airport at some time or another. If we simply rise to the Brahman effulgence, we do not experience ananda
- If you at all desire to rise to the throne of the King, then you have to undergo severe austerities
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.45), Krsna advises Arjuna, traigunya-visaya veda nistraigunyo bhavarjuna: one must rise above the influence of the three modes of material nature
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7) the Lord says: "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself."
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that although a person may rise to the stage of impersonal Brahman, without going farther, with no information of the Supreme Person, his intelligence is not perfectly clear. BG 1972 purports
- In the brahmana stage, one's understanding of the Absolute Truth is mainly based on the impersonal view. When a brahmana, however, rises to the platform of personal understanding of the Supreme Godhead, he becomes a Vaisnava
- In the causal ocean there are innumerable Brahmas rising and disappearing like bubbles in the Atlantic. Brahma and his creation are all part of the material universe, and therefore they are in constant flux. BG 1972 purports
- In the Mahabharata, Krsna is present in His different activities. Mahabharata is history, & simply by studying, hearing, and memorizing the transcendental activities of Krsna, the less intelligent can also gradually rise to the standard of pure devotees
- In the material world, desire is a product of rajo-guna and tamo-guna, but desire in the spiritual world gives rise to a variety of everlasting transcendental service. Thus the word svakarthanam (in SB 10.13.50) refers to eagerness to serve Krsna
- In the morning it appears as if the sun is born from the eastern horizon, but actually it is not. The sun is neither rising nor setting; it is as it is in its position. All risings and settings are due to the rotation of the earth
- In the other dissolution, which occurs at the end of Brahma's day, all the lower planetary systems are destroyed. When Lord Brahma rises after his night, these lower planetary systems are again created
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that supreme realization begins from the impersonal Brahman and then rises to the localized Supersoul - but the ultimate word in the Absolute Truth is the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- In the verse 2 of the CC, the author offers his obeisances to Caitanya & Lord Nityananda. He compares Them to the sun & the moon because They dissipate the darkness of the material world. In this instance the sun & the moon have risen together - CC Intro
- In the Western countries this disturbance (of family life) gives rise to the divorce law, and in Eastern countries like India there is separation. Now this disturbance is confirmed by the new introduction of the divorce law in India
- In this age, when everything is polluted by Kali, it is instructed in scriptures & preached by Caitanya that by chanting the holy name of God, we can at once be free from contamination & gradually rise to the status of transcendence & go back to Godhead
- It is as if the sun, after rising, wanted to hide itself. We cannot understand such characteristics in Your behavior
- It is better that he is living little away from your Matha. And when time will rise, he'll do everything. He hasn't got to be advised
- It is for this reason (to liberate jivas) that Krsna incarnates, as indicated in the BG 4.7: Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- It is further comprehended herein (SB 1.2.24) that one has to rise to the platform of the mode of goodness (sattva) so that one can be eligible for the devotional service of the Lord
- It is just like at the rising of the moon, when the ebb tide of the ocean cannot be checked: immediately there must be movement of high waves
- It is not sufficient to rise to the platform of Brahman. Brahman is sat (being), and a partial realization of the Absolute Truth
- It is out of fear of the Supreme Brahman that the wind is blowing, out of fear of Him that the sun regularly rises and sets, and out of fear of Him that fire acts
- It is recommended that one should rise from bed at that time and, after finishing daily ablutions, take to spiritual activities by performing mangala-arati and chanting the Hare Krsna mantra
- It is said that the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening and its business is to reduce the duration of everyone's life. But the sunrise and sunset cannot diminish the life of one who engages in Krsna consciousness
- It is said that when the full moon rises, the lotus petals become expanded. Similarly, when Krsna used to appear before Radharani, Her face, which is compared to the lotus flower, would expand by Her yawning
- Just as the most sinful wretch lives in a ghostly body after death and moves about in the ether, so the impersonalist, although rising to the point of liberation in the transcendental position, falls back down to the material world
- Just like amongst the birds and beasts there is no economic problem. The birds rise in the morning, and they chirp between themselves, and after a few hours or minutes they go away, and they get their food
- Just see, O Bhima, how the she jackal cries at the rising sun and vomits fire, and how the dog barks at me fearlessly
- Just to test the intense love of Vasudeva, Lord Krsna fell down in the waters of the Yamuna while His father was crossing the river. Vasudeva became mad after his child as he tried to recover Him in the midst of the rising river
- King Prthu's body was tall and sturdy, and his complexion was fair. His arms were full and broad and his eyes as bright as the rising sun. His nose was straight, his face very beautiful and his personality grave
- Krsna appears like a newly risen cloud, and the gopis appear like newly grown grains in the field. Constant rains of nectarean pastimes fall upon these newly grown grains, and it seems that the gopis are receiving beams of life from Krsna
- Krsna concluded, "I am the Supreme Lord over all, and I shall thus take away his false prestige, which has risen from his power"
- Krsna consciousness is so nice. Immediately you rise to the transcendental platform simply by chanting Hare Krsna
- Krsna is within your heart, He is everywhere, so He can appear from everywhere. Just like sun rises from the eastern side. It does not mean that eastern side is the mother of sun. We simply see that sun is rising from the eastern side
- Krsna told Arjuna: The Vedas mainly deal with the subject of the three modes of material nature. Rise above these modes, O Arjuna. Be transcendental to all of them
- Krsna, the SP of Godhead, belongs to everyone, but just as the sun rises from the east, although there are other directions from which it could rise, so by His own choice the Lord appears in a particular family, and that family becomes famous
- Last day I cited one example that a great yogi just like Visvamitra, he practiced yoga and he rose to the highest platform, but still, he failed to control his senses. He came in contact with Menaka, a society woman of the heaven, and Sakuntala was born
- Leaders should try always to generate some atmosphere of fresh challenge to the devotees, so that they will agree enthusiastically to rise and meet it
- Lord Brahma thought: Whatever boys and calves there were in Gokula, I have kept them sleeping on the bed of my mystic potency, and to this very day they have not yet risen again - SB 10.13.41
- Lord Caitanya & Nityananda are compared to the sun & moon in that They dissipate the darkness of the material world. In this instance both the sun and moon have risen together, and it is proper to offer obeisances directly to Lord Caitanya and Nityananda
- Lord Caitanya’s mission is the same as that of Lord Krsna, which He states in the BG (4.7-8): Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- Maharaja Bharata worshiped Lord Narayana by chanting the hymns given in the Rg Veda, and he recited the following verse as the sun rose
- Many so-called sannyasis, they rise to the brahma-pada, aham brahmasmi, but because they cannot stay there, they come down again to this material world and they are busy for opening hospitals, schools and philanthropism
- May my (Bhismadeva) Lord, who is four-handed and whose beautifully decorated lotus face, with eyes as red as the rising sun, is smiling, kindly await me at that moment when I quit this material body
- Mechanical ways of rising to the spiritual platform prescribe some regulative principles of taking bath daily three times, fasting as far as possible, sitting and concentrating the mind on spiritual matters
- Modern householders are practiced to different modes of life, namely to rise late and then take bed tea without any sort of cleanliness and without any purificatory practices as mentioned above
- My dear devotee, unto those who rise from bed at the end of night and offer Me the prayers offered by you, I give an eternal residence in the spiritual world at the end of their lives
- My dear friend, where is Krsna, who is like the moon rising from the ocean of Maharaja Nanda's dynasty? Where is Krsna, His head decorated with a peacock feather? Where is He? Where is Krsna, whose flute produces such a deep sound
- My dear mother, in this forest, all the birds, after rising on the beautiful branches of the trees, are closing their eyes and, not being attracted by any other sound, are simply listening to the vibration of Krsna's flute
- Narada Muni continued: The Lord's form is always youthful. Every limb and every part of His body is properly formed, free from defect. His eyes and lips are pinkish like the rising sun
- Neophytes in devotional service must strictly and scrupulously follow the rules and regulations of the scriptures to rise to the platform of unalloyed devotional service
- O King, as the wind promotes friction between two pieces of wood and thus gives rise to fire, Kasyapa Muni, whose transcendental position was fully absorbed in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, transferred his potency into the womb of Aditi
- O My mother, My devotees always see the smiling face of My form, with eyes like the rising morning sun. They like to see My various transcendental forms, which are all benevolent, and they also talk favorably with Me
- Of horses know Me to be Uccaihsrava, who rose out of the ocean, born of the elixir of immortality; of lordly elephants I am Airavata, and among men I am the monarch. BG 10.27 - 1972
- One can rise to this platform of (transcendental) knowledge by the gradual process of advancing in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness
- One can rise to this platform of knowledge by the gradual process of advancing in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness
- One has to rise above the three material modes and become situated in the transcendental position. That is called Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- One may rise to the Brahma effulgence, but because there is no shelter there one will return to the material atmosphere. One may go to Brahmaloka, the highest planet in the material sky, but one's position there is temporary
- One may rise to the platform of brahma-sukha, transcendental bliss, but even from that platform one may fall down to the material platform if he does not engage himself in devotional service
- One should be brought to sattva-guna by the establishment of varnasrama-dharma & should develop the brahminical qualifications of being very neat & clean, rising early in the morning & seeing mangala-aratrika. In this way, one should stay in sattva-guna
- One should begin (thinking of God) from the lotus feet and gradually rise to the upper limbs of the transcendental body of the Lord
- One should begin to see the Lord (Krsna) from His lotus feet, gradually rising to the thighs, waist, chest and face
- One should constantly hear Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam from pure devotees. This practice can help anyone to rise to the level of love of God, and then he is sure of his progress into the spiritual kingdom of God. BG 1972 purports
- One who can rise to that position (rising their attention to the top of the head) is understood to have become perfect and to be no longer subjected to birth and death. Even if such yogis come in contact with pure devotees, they also render causeless DS
- Only the dhiras can accept the orders of sannyasa, and they can gradually rise to the status of the paramahamsa, which is adored by all members of society
- Only those who have passed their lives in practicing the regulative principles of religion, who have acted piously and have conquered sinful reactions can accept devotional service and gradually rise to the pure knowledge of the SPG. BG 1972 purports
- Our faculties, experience, and powers of speculation are always limited. We can only give rise to such frog philosophy. Therefore SB recommends that we give up the method of speculation as a waste of time in trying to understand the Supreme
- Our understanding of this material nature, how it is working, how things are happening in a systematic way, how the sun is rising exactly in due course, due time, how it is setting - there are so many things we do not know
- People living in countries at points diametrically opposite to where the sun is first seen rising will see the sun setting
- Persistently endeavoring on the line of self-realization helps a person to rise to the conditions of a narottama from the stage of a dhira
- Persons who are a little above such gross materialists believe firmly in life after death and thus try to rise a little above the plane of gross sensory enjoyment of this one life. They try to accumulate something for the next life by acts of virtue
- Pradyumna immediately counteracted the mystic demonstration occasioned by the airplane of Salva. By the mystic power of the airplane, Salva had created a darkness as dense as night, but Pradyumna all of a sudden appeared like the rising sun
- Rise (the lower-grade persons) to the platform of worshiping Siva in search for the ever-existing soul, and then to the stage of worshiping Lord Visnu, the Supersoul, etc., without any information of Govinda, Lord Krsna, who is the original Lord Visnu
- Rising and falling again and again at the lotus feet of Lord Krsna for a long time, Lord Brahma remembered over and over the Lord's greatness he had just seen - SB 10.13.63
- Rising very gradually and wiping his two eyes, Lord Brahma looked up at Mukunda. Lord Brahma, his head bent low, his mind concentrated and his body trembling, very humbly began, with faltering words, to offer praises to Lord Krsna
- Rising very gradually and wiping his two eyes, Lord Brahma looked up at Mukunda. Lord Brahma, his head bent low, his mind concentrated and his body trembling, very humbly began, with faltering words, to offer praises to Lord Krsna - SB 10.13.64
- Seated in this airplane under a beautiful protective umbrella and being fanned by the best of camaras, Maharaja Bali, surrounded by his captains and commanders, appeared just like the moon rising in the evening, illuminating all directions
- Seeing above his head the dark marks on the rising moon, which resembled a deer, Bharata said: Can it be that the moon, who is so kind to an unhappy man, might also be kind upon my deer, knowing that it has strayed from home and has become motherless?
- Seeing her, the damsels suddenly rose and said with folded hands, "We are your maidservants. Tell us what we can do for you"
- Seeing that the earth on the ends of His (Varahadeva's) tusks was frightened, He rose out of the water just as an elephant emerges with its female companion when assailed by an alligator
- Simply by one stroke - by accepting Krsna consciousness - one immediately rises to the highest position. By just taking to Krsna consciousness, one develops all transcendental qualifications
- Simply to rise to the platform of Brahman, that is sat, partial realization of the Absolute Truth. Sat. Then cit. Cit means knowledge. That is also partial. Ananda. Sac-cid-ananda. When there . . . ananda you cannot get
- Since bhakti, devotional service, is not ordinary, Pariksit Maharaja was astonished that an asura could rise to the exalted position of a devotee
- Since God is supremely pure, one cannot rise to the highest perfectional stage of love of God without being purified. In the BG (10.12), when Arjuna accepted Krsna as the Supreme Lord, he said, pavitraḿ paramaḿ bhavan: You are the purest of the pure
- Since the potent and potencies are identical, even the conception of His impersonal cosmic feature helps the conditioned soul to associate with the Lord indirectly and thus gradually rise to the stage of personal contact
- Sitting on a rock under a tree on the bank of the Ganges, Lord Nityananda seemed as effulgent as hundreds of thousands of rising suns
- Sitting on Airavata, an elephant who can go anywhere and who holds water and wine in reserve for showering, Lord Indra looked just like the sun rising from Udayagiri, where there are reservoirs of water
- So if you remain on the mental platform, then this business of accepting and rejecting will go on. You'll never come to a conclusion. Therefore one has to rise to the spiritual platform
- So long one is not awakened to spiritual consciousness... "What I am? Why I am suffering? Is there any remedy? How I can save me?" - these questions should arise. This is called brahma-jijnasa. The Vedanta-sutra explains this
- So-called sannyasis, they rise to the brahma-pada, aham brahmasmi, but because they cannot stay there, they come down again to this material world and they are busy for opening hospitals, schools, and philanthropism
- Somehow or other if one gets in touch with a pure devotee and thus develops a desire to render devotional service to Krsna, he gradually rises to the platform of love of Godhead and is thus freed from the clutches of material energy
- Sometimes they (Mayavadi sannyasis) rise to the Brahman effulgence, but because their minds are not completely purified, they must return to material existence
- Spontaneous means when we shall rise to the platform that "Here is a service for Krsna. Let me do it." Immediately. "Let me do it"
- Sri Krsna and Balarama, the PG, who formerly appeared in Vrndavana and were millions of times more effulgent than the sun and moon, have arisen over the eastern horizon of Gaudadesa (West Bengal), being compassionate for the fallen state of the world
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King Pariksit, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, being thus worshiped with prayers by the demigods and Lord Brahma, appeared before them. His bodily effulgence resembled the simultaneous rising of thousands of suns
- Srimad-Bhagavatam says, "Although they (The impersonalists) rise to the transcendental situation of existence in impersonal Brahman, they certainly fall from that exalted position because they deride Your lotus feet"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "In my opinion, no one should hear about Krsna, because as soon as a drop of the nectar of His transcendental activities is poured into the ear, one immediately rises above the duality of attraction and rejection"
- Srimati Radharani expressed Her willingness that "this attraction and affection between Us rise to the highest extent," but the cause of this attraction is Radharani Herself
- Such a big ocean, vast water, it is just on the brink, no more. It is so organized. The sun is rising exactly in time, astronomically. The astronomical watch is one ten-thousandth part of a second. It is so accurate
- Such persons, being unable to rise to the standard of self-realized souls like Lord Siva, are always envious. The example given is suitable. Asuras, demons or atheists, are always envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead they simply want to kill Him
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O best of the Kurus, while Bali Maharaja was describing his fortunate position in this way, the most dear devotee of the Lord, Prahlada Maharaja, appeared there, like the moon rising in the nighttime
- Sukadeva Goswami was blackish and very beautiful due to his youth. Because of the glamor of his body and his attractive smiles, he was pleasing to women. Though he tried to cover his natural glories, the great sages honored him by rising from their seats
- Sunrise, fire and moonlight are so pleasing to the living entities. Without their help no living entity can live. BG 1972 purports
- Suppose for two days he has a 98.6 degree temperature, but with a slight change of diet, a slight change of behavior, the temperature rises immediately to 100. Relapse
- That is not so important. Nobody can rise at six o'clock
- The (Kama-gayatri) mantra depicted in letters is also Krsna, and the mantra rises just like the moon. Due to this, there is a perverted reflection of desire in human society and among all kinds of living entities
- The appearance of Lord Visnu at that time could be compared to the rising of the full moon over the eastern horizon. The objection may be raised that since Krsna appeared on the eighth day of the waning moon, there could be no rising of the full moon
- The appearance of Lord Visnu at that time could be compared to the rising of the full moon over the eastern horizon. The objection may be raised that since Lord Krsna appeared on the 8th day of the waning moon, there could be no rising of the full moon
- The astrologer said, 'The treasure is in this place, but if you dig toward the southern side, the wasps and drones will rise, and you will not get your treasure'
- The astrologer said, The treasure is in this place, but if you dig toward the southern side, the wasps and drones will rise, and you will not get your treasure
- The day and the night are divided into eight praharas - four belonging to the day and four belonging to the night. After eight praharas, the sun rises again
- The demon, who had golden hair on his head and fearful tusks, gave chase to the Lord while He was rising from the water, even as an alligator would chase an elephant
- The devotee is fixed at once in the mode of goodness, and he makes further progress to rise to the position of Vasudeva, or the state of unmixed sattva, or suddha-sattva
- The devotees attain the Supreme Lord only by devotional service. Having such knowledge, one engages in his occupational duty, and that is called bhakti-yoga. By performing bhakti-yoga, one can rise to the platform of pure devotional service
- The distinction between human life & animal life begins with the scientific system of varna and asrama, guided by the experience of the sages in relation with the demigods, gradually rising to the summit of reestablishing our eternal relation with Krsna
- The earth is revolving, and due to the different positions of the revolving earth, the sun appears to be rising or setting. In the same way, the Lord always exists, but for His pastimes as a human being He seems to take birth like an ordinary child
- The eternal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with full potencies was transferred from the mind of Vasudeva to the mind of Devaki, exactly as the setting sun's rays are transferred to the full moon rising in the east
- The example of the sunshine and the material manifestation is very appropriate in understanding the living entity's contact with the material world. In the morning the sun rises, and the heat and light gradually expand throughout the whole day
- The human psychology gives rise to many questions, which various philosophers have considered and answered with various types of philosophy based upon mental concoction. This is not the way of liberation
- The idea is that gradually such neophytes (who are advised to worship different types of demigods according to their situation in the different modes of material nature) may rise to the transcendental plane and engage in the service of Visnu, the SPG
- The idea of society, friendship, and love is not at all false, but the place where we search for it is false. We have to give up this false position and rise to the reality. That is the result of cultivating the human spirit
- The impersonalist rises to the Brahman effulgence and enters into that effulgence, he has no engagement in the service of the Lord, and therefore he is again attracted to materialistic philanthropic activities
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana rise and pursue that sound, drinking the showering nectar of Krsna's bodily luster like thirsty cataka birds
- The intelligence of those who think themselves liberated but who have no devotion is impure. Even though they rise to the highest point of liberation by dint of severe penances & austerities, they are sure to fall down again into material existence
- The intelligence of those who think themselves liberated but who have no devotion is impure. Even though they rise to the highest point of liberation by dint of severe penances and austerities, they are sure to fall down again into material existence
- The intelligence of those who think themselves liberated but who have no devotion is not pure. Even though they rise to the highest point of liberation by dint of severe penances & austerity, they are sure to fall down again into this material existence
- The jnani and yogis may rise to the highest position, Brahman realization, but because of their lack of devotion unto the lotus feet of the Lord, they again fall down into material nature
- The kings who were imprisoned by Magadhendra were put into dark cells, and when Krsna appeared there, the darkness immediately disappeared, just as if the sun had risen
- The language and tone used by Balarama are simply abusive, and due to the influence of this age it appears that the shoes befitting the feet want to rise to the top of the head, where the helmet is worn
- The Lord (Krsna) says in Bhagavad-gita - BG 4.7 "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself"
- The Lord appears perpetually. As Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7): Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- The Lord appears, just as the morning sun rises, to protect the whole universal creation. His arms display different weapons, and His eight hands are compared to the eight petals of a lotus flower. All the weapons are for the protection of His devotees
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7) - Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, & a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7): Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- The Lord was now prepared to leave this particular universe and go into another, just as the sun rises on one particular planet and sets in another simultaneously but does not change its own situation
- The Lord's body is blackish, but is eternal, full of bliss and knowledge, and very, very beautiful. His eyes are always peaceful, and they are reddish like the rising morning sun
- The luster of Krsna's body is as beautiful as the glow of a spotless full moon that has just risen, and the vibration of His flute sounds exactly like the sweet thundering of a newly formed cloud
- The Mahabharata is history, and simply by studying, hearing and memorizing the transcendental activities of Krsna, the less intelligent can also gradually rise to the standard of pure devotees
- The most elevated Mayavadi philosopher can rise to the platform of liberation, but krsna-bhakti, devotional service to Krsna, is transcendental to such liberation. Srila Vyasadeva explains this fact in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 1.1.2
- The neophyte and intermediate devotees can gradually rise to the platform of uttama-adhikari and become first-class devotees. Symptoms of a first-class devotee are given in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 11.2.45
- The next day Gopinatha Acarya took Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to see the early rising of Lord Jagannatha
- The ocean entered His abdomen with hunger and thirst, but the Cosmic Being refused to rise even then. The moon-god entered His heart with the mind, but the Cosmic Being would not be roused
- The principles by which an incarnation of the SPG descends explained (in BG 4.7) by Lord Himself: Whenever & wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- The purport is that even though material conditions are miserable, if these (BG 16.1-3) qualities are developed by practice, by all classes of men, then gradually it is possible to rise to the highest platform of transcendental realization. BG 1972 pur
- The sahajiyas, they think like that, that by sex one can rise to that platform of merging into the effulgence of Brahman
- The soul is supposed to rise from one circle of air to another until it rises to the brahma-randhra, the highest circle. From that point the perfect yogi can transfer himself to any planet he likes
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam says, "Our duration of life is being diminished by the sun, beginning from its rising until the time it sets." Daily we are losing the duration of our lives
- The sun & moon rise exactly on time, without deviating even one ten-thousandth of a second, & the seasons change in the same way, bringing fruits & flowers. In this way the entire cosmic manifestation is going on in a very orderly, systematic way
- The sun in the night may not be visible to the eyes of men in the darkness, but the sun is visible wherever it has risen. That the sun is not visible to the eyes of the inhabitants of a particular part of the earth does not mean that the sun has no form
- The sun is always in its fixed position in the sky, but the earth is revolving, and due to the different positions of the revolving earth, the sun appears to be rising or setting
- The sun is fixed in its own orbit, and it neither rises nor sets. But because we first see it on the eastern horizon we may say that the sun rises on that side
- The sun is rising exactly in the time; the moon is rising exactly in the time; they are illuminating; they are appearing, disappearing; everything is going on, seasonal changes - so if things are going on so nicely, how you can say: God is dead
- The sun is rising in due course, supplying heat for your health, supplying heat to the planetary systems. Everything is arranged very nicely; and yet the fools say there is no brain behind it, but it is all happening automatically
- The sun is rising in time, the moon is rising in time, the seasonal changes are taking place in time, the planets are moving. Everything is in order. How you can say that God is dead
- The sun may appear covered by a cloud, but actually it is the eyes of the tiny people below the cloud that are covered, not the sun. If those tiny people rose above the cloud in an airplane, they could then see the sunshine and the sun without impediment
- The sun rises in steps consisting of sixty palas. Sixty palas equal one danda, and eight dandas comprise one prahara
- The sun rises on the eastern horizon and sets below the western horizon, but actually the sun neither rises nor sets
- The time factor cannot touch the lifespan of the devotees. In another verse it is stated that when the sun rises and sets it takes away the life of all living entities, but it cannot take away the life of those who are engaged in devotional service
- The universal affairs are going on so nicely, with the sun rising just on time, the seasons changing, and the seasonal fruits and flowers making their appearance. Thus there is no mismanagement
- The Vedas deal with the subject of the three modes of material nature. Rise above these modes, O Arjuna. Be transcendental to all of them. Be free from all dualities and from all anxieties for gain and safety, and be established in the Self
- The Vedas mainly deal with the subject of the three modes of material nature. Rise above these modes O Arjuna. Be transcendental to all of them. Be free from all dualities & from all anxieties for gain & safety & be established in the Self. BG 2.45 - 1972
- The Vedas mainly deal with the subject of the three modes of material nature. Rise above these modes, O Arjuna. Be transcendental to all of them. Be free from all dualities and from all anxieties for gain and safety, and be established in the Self
- The Vedic principles certainly prescribe a gradual process for rising to the spiritual platform, but if one remains attached to the Vedic principles, there is no chance of his being elevated to spiritual life
- The vibration of Krsna's flute is like a whirlwind, and the flickering minds of the gopis are like straws and dry leaves. After they fall down in the whirlwind, they never rise again but remain eternally at the lotus feet of Krsna
- The word tamasah is very significant here (in BG 14.18). Tamasah indicates those who stay continually in the mode of ignorance without rising to a higher mode. Their future is very dark. BG 1972 purports
- The yogi is advised to meditate upon the transcendental form of the Lord, beginning from the soles of the feet and then gradually rising to the knees, to the thighs, and finally arriving at the face
- The yogis begin their practice of yoga by worshiping the abdomen, and they try to concentrate their attention on their intestines. Gradually their meditation rises to the heart and concentrates on the mind and the heart
- Their (the gopis) attraction to the vibration of the flute increased a thousand times due to the rising full moon, the red horizon, the calm and cool atmosphere and the blossoming flowers
- Their (the gopis) churning rods, their arms, their earrings, their bangles, their breasts - everything moved, and kunkuma powder gave their faces a saffron luster comparable to the rising sun
- There are also followers of the rsi known as Aruna. Following his path, they observe the activities of the arteries. Thus they gradually rise to the heart, where subtle Brahman, Paramatma, is situated. They then worship Him
- There are many so-called meditators who think, "I am the Supreme Spirit Soul. I am conducting the activities of material nature. Under my direction the sun is moving and the moon is rising
- There are sixty-four categories of devotional service by performance of which one can rise to the gopis' stage of unconditional devotion. Affection for Krsna on the level of the gopis is called raganuga, spontaneous love
- There is a proverb in Sanskrit which says, "Disappointment gives rise to the greatest satisfaction"
- There is rising of the rogues and thieves. And they're enjoying fat salary
- These lower grade persons gradually rise to become sauriyas (worshipers of the sun-god) or ganapatyas - worshipers of the mass of people as janata janardana or daridra-narayana, etc., in the form of Ganapati
- These people (workers in big mills and factories) cannot rise to that exalted position of "Harijans" simply by being rubber-stamped as such
- They (atheists) believe only in matter and hold that matter under certain conditions of amalgamation gives rise to the living force, which then appears as purusa, the enjoyer
- They (Vaisnavas) worship the body by the yogic process of meditation on the different bodily parts, such as manipuraka, dahara and hrdaya, gradually rising to the brahma-randhra, on the top of the head
- They are trying to go there, Mars planet, Moon planet, by rising on the sky by their aeroplanes, sputniks. But they have not been able to understand what is the position of these planets. This is called aroha-pantha
- They say that "Why you criticize others also?" Because we have to vanquish them. Now these people cannot rise. When there is sunrise, there is no use of these glowworms. So this Krsna consciousness movement is Krsna Himself
- This brings to mind the statement of the Bhagavad-gita in which the Lord advises Arjuna to get free from anger, greed and lust in order to rise to the spiritual platform
- This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita in the well-known verse yada yada hi dharmasya glanih. "Whenever there is a decline of dharma and a rise of adharma, O Arjuna, then I incarnate Myself
- This is stated in the SB (6.1.15): Just as when the sun rises the all-pervading fog immediately disappears, so in this Kali-yuga, by the process of bhakti-yoga - especially by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra - all one's sins are eradicated
- This material world gives rise to varieties of manifestations due to the entrance of Garbhodakasayi Visnu within the universe
- This mood of false separatism is called the quality of rajas (in which the forgetful living entities make sounds like thundering clouds: "I am this," or "It is ours,"), & it gives rise to a creative force for separate lordship over the mode of tamas
- This mood of false separatism is called the quality of rajas, and it gives rise to a creative force for separate lordship over the mode of tamas
- This verse (BS 5.52) describes the sun as the eye of all the planets, and if one meditates upon this one can understand that this is a fact, for at night, before the sun rises, one cannot see
- This verse (of SB 10.2.1-2) supports the following statement given by the Lord in BG 4.7-8: Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- This voluntary service (sacrifice some percentage to propagate Krsna consciousness) to the cause of Krsna consciousness will help one to rise to a higher state of love for God, whereupon one becomes perfect. BG 1972 purports
- Those engaged in brahmacarya cannot sleep until seven or nine o'clock in the morning. They must rise early in the morning, at least one and a half hours before the sun rises, and offer oblations, or in this age, they must chant the holy name of the Lord
- Those who are active in the Krsna consciousness movement should not remain in the neophyte stage but should rise to the platform of preachers, the second platform of devotional service
- Those who are engaged in the devotional service of the Lord can rise to the position of unalloyed devotional service by His transcendental attraction
- Those who are regulated by scriptural injunctions and thus gradually rise to Krsna consciousness certainly progress in life. BG 1972 purports
- Though Sukadeva Gosvami tried to cover his natural glories, the great sages present there were all expert in the art of physiognomy, and so they honored him by rising from their seats
- To conceive of oneself as being one with the Supreme is the greatest misconception of self-realization, and this misconception prevents one from rising to the highest stage of love of God
- To control over Krsna is not a very easy job; unless one is a great devotee, he cannot... Just like the cowherd boys. They used to rise on the shoulder of Krsna. Krsna was defeated in play
- To rise to the stage of love shown by the gopis is very difficult, but this stage is attainable for serious conditioned souls
- Too much of an external view of the world gives rise to an overly large-scale and difficult type of industry and trade, known as ugra-karma. The word ugra means "hard" or "difficult," and karma means - task
- We may rise very high in the sky, but if we have no shelter there, if we do not land on some planet, we will again fall down. A simple understanding of the brahma-bhutah stage will not help us unless we take to the shelter of Krsna's lotus feet
- We may see an airplane rise in the sky, but after a while it passes out of our sight due to the dazzling sunshine. The airplane is there, but we cannot see it
- We must rise to the platform of pure knowledge, which is the pure realization that we are the eternal servitors of the SG & enjoyers of His transcendental pastimes. The Supreme Lord is the master-enjoyer of those pastimes, & we are the servitor-enjoyers
- What is filling those two beautiful horns? You seem to have spread fragrant red powder upon them, powder that is like the rising morning sun. O most fortunate one, I beg to inquire where you have gotten this fragrant powder that is perfuming my asrama
- What one fails to comprehend is how the leaders of these (thirteen unauthorized) cults, who have never accept discipleship and tutelage from any bona fide spiritual master, can suddenly rise to the position of spiritual master themselves
- Whatever is being done, it is being done by the expert management of Krsna. The sun is rising exactly in the time, and it is setting exactly in the time. And the temperature - everything is managed so expertly under the order of the Supreme
- Whatever you do should be done with wholehearted enthusiasm and strict adherence to the principles of chanting 16 rounds, rising for mangala arati, following the four basic principles, always remaining clean etc
- When (during the sarat season) the full moon rose in the east, it tinged everything with a reddish color. With the rising of the moon, the whole sky appeared smeared by red kunkuma
- When a husband long separated from his wife returns home, he decorates the face of his wife with red kunkuma. This long-expected moonrise of the sarat season was thus smearing the eastern sky
- When I submitted this proposal, the King immediately became very pleased upon hearing Your name. Indeed, he instantly rose from his throne and embraced me
- When Krsna attained thirteen years of age, His two thighs were challenging the trunks of elephants, His rising chest was trying to come to peace talks with doors of jewels, and His two arms were minimizing the value of the bolts found on doors
- When Lord Nityananda heard this, He was very happy. He rose and embraced Sivananda Sena in great love
- When Lord Sri Krsna stood up with His disc to kill Salva, He appeared just like a mountain with the red sun rising over it
- When one is engaged in constantly hearing the glories of the Lord, he certainly rises above the bodily conception
- When one rises to the perfectional stage of receiving dictation from the Lord, that is greater than any stage of material achievements above mentioned. The breathing exercise of the yoga system which is generally practiced is just the beginning
- When one rises to the second platform of devotional service, his business is to propagate Krsna consciousness all over the world
- When one transcends the competition between these modes (of material nature) and engages himself in devotional service, he rises above the three modes of material nature. In that transcendental position, one is situated in pure consciousness
- When such a materialist is purified, he can rise to the orbit of the pole star (Dhruvaloka). Within this orbit, which is called the Sisumara-cakra, are situated the Aditya-lokas and the Vaikuntha planet within this universe
- When the jiva in the material nature rises to the state of spiritual bliss by means of devotional service, his spiritual consciousness awakens and he becomes oblivious of this phenomenal world
- When the modes of passion and ignorance increase in human society, giving rise to unnecessary economic development, the result is that people become involved with wine, women and gambling
- When the sky became completely cleared of all clouds and there was sunrise again, the strong wind stopped
- When the sun rises, all auspicious things begin. Unfortunately, they have not begun for me. The sun-god is the Vedas personified, but I am bereft of all Vedic principles
- When the sun rises, all the flowers but the kumuda blossom beautifully. Similarly, lotuslike men take pleasure in the advent of a responsible king, but men who are like the kumuda do not like the existence of a king
- When the sunrise became visible, Lord Krsna would offer specific prayers to the sun-god
- When there is fog, you try so many ways; it cannot go. Then, if somehow or other sun rises, immediately clear. That is our motto in Back to Godhead: Godhead is light and nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead, there is no jurisdiction of darkness
- When we are engaged in work, memories of events that happened 10, 20, thirty or 40 years ago may suddenly come to our mind for no apparent reason. These thoughts come from our subconscious, and because they are always rising, the mind is always agitated
- When we transcend the bodily conception and rise to the mental platform, atma refers to the mind. But actually when we are situated on the truly spiritual platform, then atma refers to the soul
- Whenever & wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time descend Myself - BG 4.7
- Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I (Lord Krsna) descend Myself
- Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself
- Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion-at that time I descend Myself. BG 4.7 - 1972
- Whenever there is a decline of dharma and a rise of adharma, O Arjuna, then I (Krsna) incarnate Myself
- Whenever there is a disturbance in the state, or a panic situation, the property and lives of the citizens become unsafe. This is caused by the uprising of various thieves and rogues
- While Bali Maharaja was describing his fortunate position in this way, the most dear devotee of the Lord, Prahlada Maharaja, appeared there, like the moon rising in the nighttime
- While passing on that road to the abode of Yamaraja, he falls down in fatigue, and sometimes he becomes unconscious, but he is forced to rise again. In this way he is very quickly brought to the presence of Yamaraja
- With the rise of the sun, the activities of human beings are set up. They set fire to prepare their foodstuff; they set fire to start the factories, etc. So many things are done with the help of fire. BG 1972 purports
- Within the walls of the houses, fragrant incense was burning, and smoke rose through the windows, making the entire atmosphere very pleasing
- Without the attentive service of his parents, a child cannot grow to manhood; similarly, without the care of the spiritual master one cannot rise to the plane of transcendental service
- Without the mercy of a great soul, one cannot even be liberated from the material clutches, and what to speak of rising to the platform of love of Godhead