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Pages in category "Subordinate"
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- A devotee of Krsna does not worship Lord Siva or Brahma or any other, subordinate demigod
- A person who understands his subordinate position can attain the highest stage of loving service to the Lord
- A responsible personality like Brahmaji refuses to be addressed as the Supreme Lord by his disciples or subordinates, but foolish persons praised by men of the nature of dogs, hogs, camels and asses feel flattered to be addressed as the Supreme Lord
- According to political science, a king sometimes tries to pacify his subordinates, sometimes chastises them, sometimes derides them and sometimes rewards them. In this way the king rules his subordinates
- According to this method, the prominent feeling is called the whole, and the subordinate feeling is called the part
- Actually there is no bondage or misery for the living entity, nor does he ever lose his pure knowledge. In his pure consciousness, when he thinks seriously about his position, he can understand that he is eternally subordinate to the mercy of the Supreme
- All of them (movable and immovable objects) act as His tributaries, just like subordinate kings who offer their annual taxes to the emperor
- All the mystic powers of Brahma, Siva, all the demigods and the twenty-four elements of cosmic manifestation were fully represented in the person of Visnu. By the influence of Lord Visnu, all subordinate mystic powers were engaged in His worship
- All these symptoms (of subordinate ecstatic expressions of love) are divided into two divisions - sita and ksepana. Singing, yawning and so on are called sita. Dancing and bodily contortions are called ksepana
- Although a father, mother, brother or friend may sometimes punish one as a well-wisher, they never punish their subordinate like this. But because You are the most worshipable Lord, I regard the punishment You have given me as most exalted
- Although in the spiritual world there is no such concept of subordination still devotees on account of being very humble and meek think that way
- Although sometimes Vamanadeva is considered to be a subordinate demigod, His actual position is that of the supreme whole, the source of the entire demigod system
- Although the subordinate mellow may be manifested for a certain time, at length it will become merged into the prominent whole. Thus it is called an unconstitutional ecstasy of devotional service
- Anyone who is claiming to be superior, should not claim to become such and such unless they are able to save the subordinate from the imminent danger of death. Because death is there so long one is not spiritually advanced
- Anyone who takes care of his subordinate, he is guru. The first charge is that you should not become a guru unless you are completely in awareness how to save your dependent from the path of birth and death
- As a ksatriya or emperor, Maharaja Gaya sometimes had to fight with subordinate kings to maintain his government, but the subordinate kings were not dissatisfied with him because they knew that he fought for religious principles
- As for the subordinate living entities, they fight under the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Victory or defeat is not actually theirs; it is an arrangement by the Lord through the agency of material nature
- As soon as one declines to remain subordinate and tries to become an enjoyer, he begins his material conditioning. When he abandons this spirit of being an individual owner or enjoyer, he becomes situated in his liberated state
- As You (Krsna) have said, material nature works under Your superintendence, just like a government officer working under the orders of the chief executive. The influence of subordinate activities cannot affect You
- At the time of Maharaja Prthu, the world was ruled by one emperor, although there were many subordinate states
- At the time of Maharaja Yudhisthira, there were no different nations, although there were different subordinate states
- Because of this (if in the household life the husband becomes subordinate to the wife, involvement in materialistic life again becomes prominent), according to the Vedic system, after a certain age a man is recommended to abandon his family life
- Being dependent and being obliged to accept material bodies, belligerent subordinates are sometimes victorious and sometimes defeated
- Bhismadeva advised for all human beings nine qualifications: (7) not to be inimical toward anyone, (8) to be simple, and (9) to support servants or subordinates. One cannot be called a civilized person without acquiring these preliminary qualities
- Both enjoyer and enjoyed have consciousness, but the consciousness of the enjoyed is subordinate to the consciousness of the enjoyer. Although Krsna is the enjoyer and we the enjoyed, the enjoyment can be participated in equally by everyone
- Both the Supreme Brahman & the individual Brahman have been denied spiritual form and individuality, although it is clearly stated that the Supreme Lord is the one supreme living entity & the other living entities are the many subordinate living entities
- Even five thousand years ago, Maharaja Yudhisthira and Maharaja Pariksit were the sole emperors of this planet. Sometimes the subordinate kings rebelled, and it was necessary for the emperor to go and chastise them
- Even in ordinary life the state has a heating department, lighting department, plumbing department, and so on. Why? Because these are amenities we require. But these arrangements are subordinate; the first arrangement is that of God
- Every living entity, however great he may be, even up to demigods like Brahma and Indra, is an eternally subordinate servitor of the supreme father
- Examples of this subordination are Sarana, Gada and Subhadra. They were all members of the Yadu dynasty, and they always used to think themselves protected by Krsna. Similarly, Krsna's sons, such as Pradyumna, Carudesna and Samba, felt the same way
- Father, mother, guardian's duty is to educate the wards, subordinates, in such a way that he becomes fully Krsna conscious
- Father, mother, guardian's duty is to educate the wards, subordinates, in such a way that he becomes fully Krsna conscious and so that he can be saved from this repetition of birth and death
- First of all you understand what is spiritual life, then . . . in the spiritual sense also you are subordinate, because your nature is subordination
- He has already accepted himself as my subordinate by marrying my daughter in the presence of fire and brahmanas. He has married my daughter, who is equal to Gayatri, and has pretended to be just like an honest person
- He himself (a husband) is dependent on time, fruitive results and the modes of nature, which are all subordinate to You (Lord Kamadeva)
- He is the supreme living entity and is never affected by maya, but we are subordinate, minute living entities, prone to be affected by the limitations of maya
- Highly situated person in knowledge, his main business was how to conquer death. Now, at the present moment, that question has become subordinate thing only
- Hiranyakasipu was so alert against being burnt to ashes by the anger of great sages like Bhrgu that by dint of austerity he surpassed their power and placed even them under his subordination
- How one awards fearlessness to his subordinate is mentioned in the Fifth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I want to be subordinate because my nature is to be subordinate. But I do not know. I prefer, I reject this subordination; I accept another subordination. But subordination is there
- If a king, who is desirous of attaining victory and ruling power, chants the narration of Prthu Maharaja three times before going forth on his chariot, all subordinate kings will automatically render all kinds of taxes unto him
- If I am not this body, then why should I act for this body? I should act for myself. Then, how can I work for myself? What is my position? I am consciousness. But what kind of? Subordinate consciousness - I am part of the supreme consciousness
- If one realizes that the individual soul is subordinate to the supreme spirit soul, he achieves self-realization
- If the king's mind is fully controlled, all his family members and governmental officers are subordinate to him. His provincial governors present taxes on time, without resistance, and what to speak of lesser servants?
- If the soul is directly engaged with the Supreme, naturally all other subordinates, namely, the intelligence, mind and the senses, will be automatically engaged. BG 1972 purports
- If the Supreme Being is maintaining millions of trillions of living entities, He is great, or the living entities who are maintained by God, they are great? Therefore God is great & we are subordinate. This is natural conclusion. How you can go otherwise
- If, after a long time, somebody embarks on a homeward journey, the pleasure of being homeward - bound diminishes the accompanying distress of the journey. The inconveniences of traveling become subordinate to the pleasure of heading homeward
- In the same way, a rasa which is actually prominent may sometimes appear to be manifested in a subordinate way, although its actual position is as the main or prominent loving feeling of a devotee
- In the Vedas it is said, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13): the Lord is the chief individual living entity, the leader of the subordinate living entities
- Indra, Varuna and Indra . . . There are big, big stalwart demigods. They also offer their respect. They think themselves as subordinate, humble servants of Krsna
- It is a fact that one may be very happy as far as riches are concerned and one may be very opulent in every respect, yet one has to manage the visayas to meet the demands of the body and of so many family members and subordinates
- It is not that only the brahmanas are powerful enough to award curses or blessings upon the subordinates
- It is not your disease or my disease. Everyone's disease is this, that "Why shall I bow down? Why shall I become subordinate?" But nature is forcing me to become subordinate. Now who wants to meet death? Why people are dying?
- It is the duty of the father, it is the duty of the guru, it is the duty of the husband to see that his subordinate is being trained up in Krsna consciousness in this life, so that there will be no more death
- It is the duty of the father, the spiritual master and the king to regulate their subordinates in such a way that they ultimately become fully unalloyed devotees of the Supreme Lord
- It is the duty of the husband to liquidate his debt to his wife. The wife gives her sincere service to the husband, and he becomes indebted to her because one cannot accept service from his subordinate without giving him something in exchange
- It is the duty of the superior to give fearlessness to the subordinate
- It is the Vedic custom that superiors smell the heads of their subordinates when the subordinates offer respect to the superior by touching his feet
- It might be that Brahma wanted to warn his subordinates (by being sexually inclined to his own daughter) about human frailties in their dealings with women. This is always very dangerous for persons who are on the path of self-realization
- Krsna is the supreme eternal, and we are subordinate eternals. Krsna is the supreme living entity, and we are subordinate living entities
- Kunti addresses Lord Krsna as krsna-sakha because she knows that although Arjuna, who is also known as Krsna, is her son and therefore subordinate to her, Lord Krsna is more intimately related with Arjuna than with her
- Mucukunda continued, "When I come back victorious, all subordinate kings may come and offer their respects, but as soon as I enter the inner section of my palace, I myself become an instrument in the hands of the queens"
- My dear Queen, due to my sinful desires I went to the forest to hunt without asking you. Therefore I must admit that I have offended you. Nonetheless, thinking of me as your most intimate subordinate, you should still be very much pleased with me
- No one can serve the chief simply by serving the subordinates. In other words, it is not possible to satisfy one's inner hunger simply by soaping the outer clothing
- No sane man can look after the interest of the outward paraphernalia while overlooking the chief interest, his very self; the interest of the subordinates, the material bodies, is looked after automatically
- Of course modern government, especially democratic government, is impersonal to some extent, but ultimately the chief executive head is a person, and the impersonal feature of government is subordinate to the personal feature
- One has to select a bona fide spiritual master and become enlightened to his original consciousness. In this way the individual soul can understand that he is always subordinate to the Supersoul
- One leader may have many followers. Similarly, Krsna, the supreme living entity, is the supreme leader, and we are subordinate, dependent living entities
- One should not be puffed up because he is entrusted with certain executive work. Fortunate is he who is so entrusted, and if he is always fixed in the sense of being subordinate to the will of the Supreme, he is sure to come out successful
- One should not become a guru, a relative, the father, the mother, the husband - In this way there is a list. Why? - If he does not know how to guide his disciple or subordinate to stop the cycle of birth and death
- One who always meditates upon Krsna is mainly a devotee of Krsna engaged in His devotional service. Other atmaramas are subordinate in devotional service
- One who trains his subordinate or disciple to worship Vasudeva is the truly bona fide spiritual master. The word jagad-gurum is very important in this regard - SB 8.16.20
- Our eternal relationship with God is sabhajana: God is great, and we are subordinate. He is the predominator, and we are the predominated. The duty of the subordinate is to please the predominator
- Our only business is, we don't talk here politics or sociology or anything. That comes automatically as subordinate things, but our business is to talk about God
- Sanatana Gosvami was a brahmana belonging to the Sarasvata brahmana community. It is said that when he resigned, a subordinate named Purandara Khan, who was a kayastha, occupied his post
- Sankaracarya has indirectly minimized the value of the principal Vedic mantra (omkara) by accepting a subordinate vibration (tat tvam asi) as the most important Vedic mantra
- Since a ksatriya king naturally desires to rule the world, he wishes to make all other kings subordinate to him. This was also the position many years ago when Prthu Maharaja was ruling over the earth. At that time he was the only emperor on this planet
- So if the Supreme Being, who is maintaining millions of trillions of living entities, He is great, or the living entities who are maintained by God, they are great? Therefore God is great, and we are subordinate. This is natural conclusion
- Some of these symptoms (of subordinate ecstatic expressions of love) are dancing, falling down and rolling on the ground, singing and crying very loudly, bodily contortions, loud vibrations and yawning
- Some of these symptoms (of subordinate ecstatic expressions of love) are deep breathing, disregard for others, the frothing of saliva, mad laughter, spitting and hiccups
- Sometimes in love the son is more than the father, but the relationship of father and son is one of the superior and the subordinate
- Sometimes penance and austerity are executed to attract people and receive honor, respect and worship from others. Persons in the mode of passion arrange to be worshiped by subordinates and let them wash their feet and offer riches. BG 1972 purports
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura confirms that the townships of Lord Brahma and the eight subordinate governors of the planetary systems, beginning with Indra, are mentioned in other Puranas
- Subordinate devotee
- Such arrangements (of being worshiped by subordinates) artificially made by the performance of penances are considered to be in the mode of passion. The results are temporary; they can be continued for some time, but they are not permanent. BG 1972 pur
- That is our process. Just like sex impulse is natural for everyone in the material (world), but if we think of Krsna embracing Radharani or dancing with the gopis, then our sex impulse becomes subordinate, no more stronger
- That is the duty of the superiors, and it is the duty of the subordinates to obey their orders perfectly and in a disciplined way
- That is the law of nature. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. Then why don't you accept the supreme authority? This subordinate authority . . . we have to accept somebody as our leader. It is not possible that we can live without leadership
- The anvacaye meaning of the word ca indicates that between the two words compounded by the word ca, one is given more importance and the other is considered subordinate
- The asuras sometimes become so powerful that they can engage even Narada Muni and similar devotees in their service. This does not mean that Narada was subordinate to Hiranyakasipu
- The brahmana is always independent and busy studying sastra and preaching sastra to subordinate social members such as ksatriyas and vaisyas
- The brahmana order of society, or the spiritually advanced caste or community, and the members of such highly elevated families, were always held in great esteem by the other, subordinate castes
- The creator is Para-brahman, or the Supreme Spirit. Matter is not only subordinate to spirit but is actually created on the basis of spirit
- The creator is Parabrahman. Matter is not only subordinate to spirit but is actually created on the basis of spirit. When the spirit soul enters the womb of a mother, the body is created by material ingredients supplied by the mother
- The devotees of the Lord do not want anything like that (material enjoyment or liberation) for self-satisfaction. They want only to serve the Lord because He is great and as living entities they are eternally subordinate parts and parcels of the Lord
- The difference is that the S P of Godhead always exists in the ananda-maya stage, whereas the subordinate living entities, because of their minute position as fragmental portions of the Supreme Lord, are prone to fall to the other stages of life
- The disciples have come to the shelter of guru, the citizens are expecting good government. So they are subordinate, expecting protection from the superior. Therefore the whole scheme should be how to protect them from repetition of death
- The duty of the guardians like guru, like father, like the state, they should look to the interest of the wards, subordinate, that he is developing his Krsna consciousness nicely. That is the duty
- The duty of the state, duty of the father, duty of the teacher - everyone, those who are guardians - they should teach their subordinate how to become faithful to God. This one qualification will make him perfect
- The fifth answer (of Ramananda Raya to the questions of Sri Caitanya) is compared to the most valuable gem, touchstone, because it deals with unalloyed devotion, the ultimate goal of devotional life, and illuminates the preceding four subordinate answers
- The government and the natural guardian, the father, should educate subordinates and raise them to Krsna consciousness. Devoid of Krsna consciousness, every living being suffers in this cycle of birth and death perpetually
- The hunger of the Lord is to accept the fruits of sacrifice. The brahmanas, or the intelligent class, must be very expert in performing such sacrifices, and the subordinate classes must join in such sacrifices
- The idea is when you talk of talking, there must be two. So self, then you have to admit the self becomes two, otherwise there is no talking. This is good, that one is Superself, another is subordinate self
- The impersonalists do not know that forgetting their constitutional position as subordinate to the Supreme Lord is the greatest violation of God's law. BG 1972 purports
- The ingredients for creation and the subordinate creator, Brahma, are first created by Lord Visnu in His first and second incarnations
- The living entities, being part and parcel of the supreme controller, isvara, or Bhagavan, Lord Sri Krsna, have all the qualities of the Supreme Lord in minute quantity because we are minute isvaras, subordinate isvaras. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord is not like the mundane lord. The mundane master or lord never enjoys equally with his subordinates, nor is a mundane lord immortal, nor can he award immortality to his subordinate
- The Lord manifests Himself before the devotee in the form in which the devotee likes to worship Him indicates that the Lord becomes subordinate to the desire of the devotee
- The many external ecstatic symptoms, or bodily transformations which indicate ecstatic emotions in the mind and which are also called udbhasvara, are the anubhavas, or subordinate ecstatic expressions of love
- The master is unlimited and the servant is limited. Consequently the servant always remains subordinate to the master
- The master or king and his subordinates should be interdependent. Through cooperation, both of them can be happy
- The material creation is meant for rebellious souls who are not prepared to accept subordination under the Supreme Lord. This spirit of false lordship is called false ego
- The Mayavadi philosophers' standard of mukti is very insignificant for a devotee, for by devotional service even the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes subordinate to him
- The personified Vedas continued, "One should try to understand the distinctions between the supreme eternal and the subordinate eternals"
- The philosopher Jaimini and his followers, who are all more or less logicians, have abandoned the real meaning of the Vedas (devotional service) and have tried to establish the Absolute Truth as subject to the material world
- The primary principle, to understand God - God is great; we are small, tiny; we are subordinate; we are maintained by God - this idea is everywhere
- The pure devotees of the Lord, like Brahma and persons in the chain of disciplic succession, do not do anything to instruct their subordinates without acting accordingly themselves
- The real constitutional position of the living entity is that of subordination to the Supreme Lord, who is pure knowledge. When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge, he becomes controlled by the illusory energy
- The real master commands, "You must do this," and the real servant immediately obeys the order. Unless this relationship between the Supreme Lord and the subordinate living entity is established, there can be no real happiness
- The rsi prayed to the all-pervading Personality of Godhead to pardon his immature boy, who had no intelligence and who committed the great sin of cursing a person who was completely free from all sins, who was subordinate and who deserved to be protected
- The sense perception is also a source of knowledge, and therefore it is suggested here that physical or physiological knowledge is subordinate to the knowledge of the Self, as above mentioned
- The servant always remains subordinate to the master, and this relationship is eternal and undisturbed. As soon as the servant feels like becoming the master, he falls into maya. Thus it is by misuse of free will that one falls under the influence of maya
- The simplicity of brahmanical culture was an ideal to the subordinate others of the society
- The special feature of the mellow of friendship exhibited by personalities like Subala is that it increases from fraternal affection to counterlove, to spontaneous attachment, to subordinate attachment, and finally to the ecstasy
- The spiritual concept of life, as it is described before: vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam (SB 1.2.11). Tattvam means truth. The truth is spirit, not this matter. Matter is truth, subordinate to spirit
- The spiritual master, is actually the servitor God. As explained in previous verses, in the absolute world there are no such differences, yet one must observe these differences in order to distinguish the Supreme from His subordinates
- The subordinate ecstasies are smiling, dancing and singing, as well as different manifestations in the body. The natural ecstasies, such as being stunned, are considered among the subordinate ecstasies (anubhava)
- The Supreme Brahman and the subordinate Brahman, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities, are both joyful by nature
- The Supreme Lord is the controller of the material energy, whereas the living entities, who are entangled in the material world, are neither masters nor controllers. Rather, they become subordinate to or controlled by such energy
- The Supreme Lord is the enjoyer & the creator & we, as subordinate living beings, are meant to cooperate to satisfy Him. This cooperation will actually help us, just as food taken by the stomach will help all other parts of the body. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Supreme Lord's position is the leadership, and our position is subordinate. Then what is our duty? Our duty is to follow the leader
- The Supreme Truth is the shelter of all manifestations and is called asraya. All other principles, which remain under the control of the asraya-tattva, or the Absolute Truth, are called asrita, or subordinate corollaries and reactions
- The whole process of spiritual culture is aimed at changing the heart of the living being in the matter of his eternal relation with the Supreme Lord as subordinate servant, which is his eternal constitutional position
- The whole system should be so centralized that people may be saved from this process of punar janma. That is real government, real parenthood, real guru-ism - how to save the disciples or the citizens or the son, subordinate
- The wife gives her sincere service to the husband, and he becomes indebted to her because one cannot accept service from his subordinate without giving him something in exchange
- There are occasions when a brahmana may furiously curse a subordinate ksatriya or vaisya, etc., but in the case of Maharaja Pariksit there were no grounds, as already explained
- There are others who make Him (the Supreme Lord) subordinate to the impersonal feature, although the opposite is declared in the Gita. BG 1972 purports
- Thereafter, the demigods, the great saintly persons, the inhabitants of Pitrloka and Bhutaloka, the demons, the followers of the demigods, and also Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the demigods subordinate to Indra all returned to their respective homes
- These are all called anubhava, subordinate signs of ecstatic emotion. They are visible in a person in whose heart the seed of love of God has begun to fructify
- They (members of the yadu dynasty) selected resting places underneath big shady trees, and when they had taken sufficient rest, they prepared to receive visitors, among whom were relatives and friends, as well as many subordinate kings and rulers
- They (the subordinate ksatriya kings) accepted their subordination (to Emperor Gaya) and offered all kinds of gifts to him
- They (the Supersoul and the individual soul) are equal in quality, but quantitatively the Supersoul is always the Supreme, and the individual soul is always subordinate to the Supersoul. That is the conclusion of the Vedas
- They don't know that such a husband cannot actually give protection to them or their children. Nor can he protect their wealth or duration of life, for he himself is dependent on time, fruitive results & modes of nature, which are all subordinate to You
- This (perpetual freedom from all material contaminations) distinguishes the Lord from the individual, common living entities who have the aptitude for being subordinated by nescience and thus becoming materially designated
- This inferior energy, the material things, they are subordinate to the spiritual energy
- This position of our subordination should always be maintained and we should always give respect to our pure devotees who are engaged, in devotional service, that will make us able to make a progressive march in the devotional line
- To desire to enjoy this material world as a subordinate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is godly. The demons, however, want to enjoy this material world without considering the SP of Godhead. This is the difference between a demon and a demigod
- Ultimately, there is no possibility of distinction between You and any other thing on an equal level with You or subordinate to You. You are simultaneously the cause of this cosmic manifestation and its ingredients as well
- Unfortunately, we misuse. We don't carry out the order of the superior. That is misuse. So any subordinate who does not carry the order of the master, he is dangerous
- We are naturally subordinate to powerful living entities, and therefore we can worship the various demigods as living beings who are powerful representatives of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We cannot conceive equal rights of purusa and prakrti. That is not Vedic conception. Vedic conception is purusa, the superior, Supreme, and prakrti means subordinate
- We show our mercy to a subordinate or to one who is suffering more than ourselves. However, if there is a superior person present, the superior person cannot be the object of our mercy. Rather, we are objects for the mercy of the superior person
- What I am? I am not the supreme. This is wrong. I am subordinate. This is the Vedic injunction
- When a person forgets his constitutional position as an eternally subordinate part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and wants to be happy independently, he functions mainly in two ways
- When an offense is done unto the devotee of the Lord, it is very difficult to overcome the reaction. The brahmanas, being at the head of the social orders, are meant to give protection to their subordinates and not to curse them
- When monarchy existed on this planet, the chief member was one of the members of the Surya dynasty, or Surya-vamsa, and the subordinate kings belonged to the Candra-vamsa
- When the artificially dressed personality of Kali saw that to fight Maharaja Pariksit was beyond his ability, he bowed down his head like a subordinate and gave up his royal dress
- When the brahmanas and ksatriyas cooperate nicely, the other subordinate divisions, the vaisyas, or mercantile people, and the sudras, or laborer class, automatically flourish
- When the subordinate self is able to talk with the Superself, then he gets right direction, his life is very successful
- When the transcendental devotional service is mixed with a subordinate process, it is no longer transcendental but is called mixed devotional service
- When various kings or landholders are subordinate to an emperor, they sometimes rebel and refuse to pay taxes. Similarly, there are rebellious persons who deny the supremacy of God and declare themselves God, and Krsna's business is to kill them
- When yajna-pati wants to, He can do anything without the help of any subordinate. Therefore the Supreme Lord is known as almighty
- While Maharaja Yudhisthira was the Emperor of the earth, Lord Sri Krsna was the King of Dvaraka and was known as Dvarakadhisa. Like other subordinate kings, He was under the regime of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- You cannot contact the proprietor directly. There are subordinate officers. Through them you have to take the proprietor's help. The office master is there. You have to satisfy the office master. You cannot directly approach the proprietor
- You cannot declare that "I am free. I am not subordinate." If you are wishing that "I don't wish to be subordinate, don't wish to bow down," that is your disease