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Pages in category "Chemical"
The following 132 pages are in this category, out of 132 total.
- A chemist can manufacture water in the chemical laboratory by mixing hydrogen and oxygen. But, in reality, the living entity works in the laboratory under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- A drop of seawater is as good as the seawater in quality - the whole seawater is also salty, the drop of seawater is also salty - similarly, we have got all the chemical composition, or qualities, of God. Now, God is eternal; therefore we must be eternal
- A drop of the sea water is also the same, qualitatively. The same chemicals. Similarly, we, being part and parcel of Krsna, we are not subjected to the material condition
- A nondevotee or atheist also cultivates God consciousness - by trying to avoid God in everything. For example, so-called scientists who want to create life by a combination of chemicals regard the external, material elements as supreme
- A person foolishly thinks that the material body has grown from a combination of chemicals, although he cannot find them. The Vedas inform us, however, that chemical combinations do not constitute the living force
- A simple example of the interaction of elements occurs when we mix soda and acid and the movement of effervescence is produced. But one cannot produce life by such interaction of chemicals
- According to modern scientist and materialist philosophers, the body is a combination of physical elements, and at a certain stage the life symptoms develop by interaction of the physical and chemical elements. BG 1972 purports
- Actually, if we examine carefully, chemicals are coming from life, not life from chemicals
- Actually, if we study what is the position of chemical theory, the so-called scientists, they could not produce life from chemicals, although their theory is that from matter life comes
- Although the quantity of salt in a drop of seawater is not comparable to the quantity of salt in the ocean, the chemical composition of both the drop and the ocean is the same
- Analyze the chemicals and combine them and put in the incubator. You get one chicken. Why the rascals cannot do it? And still, they say that life comes from chemicals. What is the answer?
- As an expert mineralogist or geologist can understand where there is gold and can then invest his money to dig there and chemically separate the gold from the ore, an expert spiritualist can understand where the soul is within matter
- As there are schools & colleges to train students to become chemical engineers, lawyers or specialists in many other departments of knowledge, there must be schools and colleges to train students to become brahmacaris, grhasthas, vanaprasthas & sannyasis
- As there are schools and colleges to train students to become chemical engineers, lawyers or specialists in many other departments of knowledge, there must be schools and colleges to train students to become brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras
- Because we are part and parcel of God, therefore we are also have got the same chemicals, but not proportionally the same quantity. That is the difference
- By addition of some chemical, a small reservoir of water like that of a metropolitan waterworks tank can be cleared, but by such a tiny effort it is not possible to clear up all the reservoirs of water like the river
- By chemical manipulation, bell metal is turned into gold when touched by mercury; similarly, when a person is properly initiated, he can acquire the qualities of a brahmana
- By researching into the origin of life, important scientists are finding some chemical compositions or cellular combinations, but actually no one knows the original source of life within this material world
- By undergoing the spiritual disciplinary actions (one can attain the perfection of a twice-borm brahmana) under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master, exactly as a chemist can turn gun metal into gold by chemical manipulation
- (Darwin's) theory that combination of matter makes a situation when living symptoms come out. No, from chemical, life has not come; from life, chemical has come. This is real theory
- Darwin's theory that life is made possible by chemical evolution is not correct. They are missing the soul. That is their mistake. They are simply observing the material cover. That is the basic mistake of modern civilization
- Devotees can see that the original potencies causing the cosmic manifestation are not in chemicals but in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for He is the cause of the chemicals
- Even if they (modern scientists) were to prepare an egg and put it in an incubator, this man-made chemical egg would not produce a chicken. The soul must be added because there is no question of a chemical combination for life
- Even though you think that chemical combination brings the living force, but the chemical is coming from life. Just like citric acid. The citric acid we see practically. There is a tree, lemon tree. This is life
- Everything has a particular original taste, and this taste can be changed by the mixture of chemicals. So everything original has some smell, some fragrance, and some taste. BG 1972 purports
- He (Asvatthama) manufactured this deadly weapon. It is material. Still, it is so deadly weapon, brahmastra. He was not working in a laboratory, finding out so many chemicals to make an atomic nuclear weapon. Simply water
- He (scientist) is mixing the chemicals, hydrogen, oxygen, acid and alkaline. He's mixing, and there is reaction. Then something is coming out. He's doing that. Still, he says, "There is no God." What is this foolishness?
- Hogs work hard day and night simply eating stool, and because stool contains chemicals, hypophosphates, the hog gets strength, becomes very fat and enjoys sex. In any case, human life is meant not for imitating the life of a hog but for tapasya, austerity
- How the material force is working cannot be explained just on the basis of chemical reaction. A suitable example in this connection is that of the potter and the potter's wheel
- I asked one chemist whether, according to chemical formulas, hydrogen and oxygen linked together become water. Do they not
- I do not know how they get Nobel Prize, putting forward a false theory that life comes from matter. So why don't you produce life in the laboratory? Matter is there. Chemicals are there. You mix them and produce a life
- I suggested that a little chemical composition may be made by the scientists with some yellow color, and why not put this artificial egg in an incubator and get more and more chickens
- I was the manager of a big chemical factory. I started my own factory, and the business was very successful. But eventually everything collapsed, and in this way I was forced into the position of carrying out the orders of my Guru Maharaja
- If chemical combinations are the source of life, why don't the scientists manufacture something like an egg through chemistry and put it in an incubator so that a chicken will come out? What is their answer?
- If even an insignificant living entity who is but a part of the Supreme Lord can produce so much of a chemical, how much potency there must be in the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If it were possible to create the living substance by chemical or physical combination or permutation of matter, then surely some disciple or other of these great scientists (Sri Jagadish Chandra Bose, Isaac Newton) would have brought them back to life
- If the child is born dead, then this body will never grow. You can apply any chemicals or any science; the body will remain the same
- If you argue, "Why it (cow dung) is pure?" then you come to a modern chemical analysis, and you will find the cow dung is full of antiseptic properties. It has been examined in Calcutta by one doctor, Raj Mohan Bose
- If you know that these chemicals composes life, so when I give you the chemicals, why don't you produce? So simply theorizing
- If you say: "Life is produced from chemicals," then you must make experimental demonstration: by mixing those chemicals you produce life. That is called vijnanam, practical demonstration. Otherwise it is not perfect
- Imperfect senses. We are gathering imperfect knowledge. But we don't neglect knowledge. We give credit to the philosophers, scientists. But we advise them that "Your research work should be for God, not for any temporary physical or chemical compound"
- In Krsna consciousness we become aware that earth, water, fire, air and every active principle, all chemicals and all material elements are due to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- In my youthhood I was manager in a big chemical firm
- In Sanatana Gosvami’s Hari-bhakti-vilasa, it is stated: By chemical manipulation, bell metal is turned into gold when touched by mercury; similarly, when a person is properly initiated, he can acquire the qualities of a brahmana
- In the embryo, the living entity is present in an undeveloped stage. The modern scientific theory that life is a combination of chemicals is nonsense; scientists cannot manufacture living beings, even like those born from eggs
- In the Western countries the cancer disease. There are so many chemicals and medicines they are discovering, but there is no medicine, no chemical, which can say that no more cancer disease
- In this age so many factories for the manufacture of fertilizers have been opened, but when the Personality of Godhead is pleased by the performance of yajnas, the hills automatically produce fertilizing chemicals, which help produce edibles in the fields
- It is a chemical, theoretical truth that the mercury, molecules of mercury, the molecules of gold are almost similar. Only one molecule is different. So mercury can be turned into gold. That is a chemical fact
- It is very important that we now expose the nonsense theories of these rascal scientists who assert that life comes from matter. They say that life comes from some chemicals, but they cannot say wherefrom these chemicals have come
- King Prthu was presented with various gifts from the general populace and predominating deities of all planets. The oceans and seas were full of valuable jewels and pearls, and the hills were full of chemicals and fertilizers
- Knowledge means you must have knowledge of everything, social, political, religious, cultural, philosophical, chemical, physical, everything. So the Bhagavad-gita is like that. Vedic knowledge is like that. You receive any type of knowledge you want
- Like big gold mine and a small particle of gold. That small particle of gold is also gold. But that does not mean it has the same value as the gold mine. Tat tvam asi. Just like a drop of sea water. Chemical composition is the same
- Living entities are part of the Supreme Godhead, and from their bodies come many chemicals. For example, the lemon tree is a living entity that produces many lemons, and within each lemon is a great deal of citric acid
- Modern scientists are puzzled. They cannot even explain how such a large quantity of chemicals has formed the atmosphere
- Modern scientists imagine that life can be produced from chemical combinations
- Modern scientists try to avoid death by physiochemical advancement of knowledge, but alas, the controller of death, Yamaraja, is so cruel that he does not spare even the very life of the scientist himself
- No one laments the loss of a certain bulk of chemicals and stops discharging his prescribed duty. On the other hand, in modern science and scientific warfare, so many tons of chemicals are wasted for achieving victory over the enemy. BG 1972 purports
- Now the child is dead. Now you give some chemical injection and bring it into life. Why you cannot do that? If you cannot do that, then what is the nonsense, saying that some chemical is missing? If it is missing, you replace it. Why you cannot replace?
- Oceans and seas produce pearls, coral and valuable jewels so that fortunate law-abiding people can utilize them. Similarly, the hills are full of chemicals so that when rivers flow down from them the chemicals spread over the fields to fertilize
- On the authority of Sri Krsna, one has to believe that there is a soul different from the material body, not that living symptoms develop at a certain stage of material maturity resulting from the interaction of chemicals. BG 1972 purports
- On the whole, all the different conditions of the heart mentioned above can be melted under certain circumstances, just as a hard diamond sometimes is melted by a combination of certain chemicals
- One accepts gold by the authoritative statement of the superiors, and one accepts gold by chemical analysis. So one who accepts by the authority's statement, he is more advanced. He immediately gets the gold immediately
- One chemical analyzer in Calcutta, Dr. Lal Madhav Ghosh, he tested. He found all antiseptic properties, although it (cow dung) is stool. So that is the nature of Vedic injunction. You accept it. You are benefited. You save the time
- Our Doctor Svarupa Damodara in the California University... One big professor came to lecture on chemical evolution, and he challenged immediately, that - If I give you the chemicals, can you produce life?
- Scientists cannot perfectly explain where the chemicals of the world (like hydrogen and oxygen) are manufactured, but one can explain this perfectly by accepting the inconceivable energy of the Supreme Lord. There is no reason for denying this argument
- Scientists may promise they can help us in the future, but we may ask them, "What are you giving us right now, sir?" A real scientist will not say, "Just go on suffering as you are suffering now, & in future we shall find some chemicals to help you." No
- Since scientists are now enamored of theories about the chemical composition of the body, we have challenged many scientists to make even a small egg
- So-called scientists have tried in many ways to produce a living body in their chemical laboratories, but no one has been able to do it because unless the spirit soul is present, a body cannot be prepared from material elements
- Somebody says, "No, my father says it is gold. My Guru Maharaja says it is gold. Well, so many acaryas says it is gold," then you accept it, gold. So one accepts gold by the authoritative statement of the superiors, & one accepts gold by chemical analysis
- Sometimes you have got experience: the perspiration is water, is coming from my body. The body is active so long I am there. So how you can say the chemical is coming from matter? No. Chemical is coming from life
- Such scientists (who want to create life by a combination of chemicals regard the external, material elements as supreme) do not like the idea that life is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- Suppose some chemical combined bottle is there; by accident it is broken. Does it mean that I shall give up all my duties to be done? And lament for the bottle only? What is this?
- Surakrtam means things becoming impure simply by touching liquor. Liquor is so impure. Just like you have got a very big pot of milk, but if you put one drop of wine in it, it becomes immediately impure. You can analyze chemically - immediately impure
- Svarupa Damodara, a scientist among our disciples, inquired from a fellow scientist who says that life comes from matter, - If I give you the chemicals with which to produce life, will you be able to produce it
- The Absolute Truth means, the origin of everything. Now the next question would be that "What is that origin?" The modern scientists, they think the origin is chemicals. But we say, "No. It cannot be chemicals."
- The chemical composition of God's body and our body . . . not this body. This is material. I am speaking of our spiritual identification, that body. That is as good as God. The chemical composition is one
- The chemical composition of God's body and the eternal spiritual body of the living entity is the same-spiritual
- The chemical symbolic representation, that is understood by the specialist. But this sutra can be understood by anyone
- The chemicals in eggs can be found very easily. There is a white substance and a yellow substance, covered by a shell, and modern scientists should very easily be able to duplicate all this
- The foolish theory of modern chemists that life can be produced by chemical interactions cannot be accepted as truth
- The idea that scientists can develop a chemical situation resembling that of an egg and bring life from it is nonsensical. Their theory that a chemical combination can have life may be accepted, but these rascals cannot create such a combination
- The living entities have the same qualities as the Lord, just as a drop of sea water is composed of the same chemicals as the great sea itself. Thus there is oneness in quality but a difference in quantity
- The modern scientists say that, "Chemical evolution, by combination of chemicals, everything has come out, but there is no creator." They will deny this. This is the symptom of the asura
- The science of anthropology is based on this philosophy (that the life symptoms develop by interaction of the physical and chemical elements). BG 1972 purports
- The scientist replied, "That (producing life from chemicals) I do not know." This is imperfect knowledge
- The Vedas contain regulated principles of knowledge covering social, political, religious, economic, military, medicinal, chemical, physical and metaphysical subject matter and all that may be necessary to keep the body and soul together
- The water does not change its chemical compound, but these seasonal changes, my body becomes susceptible to the condition. And therefore the same water sometimes gives me pleasure and sometimes gives me distress
- The water, in some season it is comfortable; in some season it is uncomfortable. The water is what actually? A chemical. But the atmosphere makes it comfortable and uncomfortable
- There are many, many learned scientists; they think that the origin of life is chemical combination. So that is not the fact
- There is a vast amount of water in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. What quantity of chemicals was required? How many tons? So who supplied it? Somebody must have supplied it. So that is science. You can teach like that
- There is no such word as "Hindu religion," at least in the Vedas. The religion is translated into Sanskrit as "characteristic." Religion is not a kind of faith. Just like chemical composition. Sugar is sweet - that is religion
- These rascals are simply bluffing that "From chemicals life can be manufactured." No. We challenge
- They (color, shape, taste and chemical reaction) are stated for each and every chemical, and we can understand the purity by the characteristic. The characteristic is also called dharma
- They (the scientists) think that everything evolved from chemicals, but where did the chemicals come from?
- They (the scientists) think that the body is combination of matter and, at a certain stage, these combination of matter develop living symptoms. But that is not a fact. If it is a fact, then the scientists can manufacture with chemicals a living body
- They have not been able to demonstrate that life comes from matter. Let them take chemicals in their laboratory and produce even a small insect with hands, legs, and eyes
- This is a false theory, that chemical can create life. It is nonsense. Life is never created. Life is already there. God is already there, and the part and particles, molecules, of life, was already there
- This kind of answer, that if I ask you that "You produce life from chemicals," and if you answer that "Yes, we shall do it in future," that is not very scientific answer. What do you think? Is that very scientific answer?
- To use another analogy, the quantity of salt present in a drop is never comparable to the quantity of salt present in the complete ocean, but the salt present in the drop is qualitatively equal in chemical composition to all the salt present in the ocean
- We actually see that chemicals are produced from living entities. For example, a lemon tree produces many tons of citric acid. The citric acid is not the cause of the tree; rather, the tree is the cause of the acid
- We have discussed about brahmastra. It is almost similar to the modern nuclear weapon or bomb, but it is made with chemicals, but this brahmastra is made of mantra. That is the subtle way. Modern science has not reached to that point of subtle existence
- What will be their (the so-called scientists and advanced research scholars) credit if they find out the chemical composition of life? All their chemicals are nothing but different transformations of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether
- When Bhava and Bhavani, Lord Siva and his wife, unite sexually, the emulsification of their secretions creates a chemical which when heated by fire can produce gold
- When some such chemist is inquired, "Whether you can produce life if I give you the chemicals?" they will immediately say, "That I cannot say." Then why do you speak like that? So this is asuric
- Where do all these chemicals (hydrogen and oxygen) come from? The answer is that they are produced by the inconceivable energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Wherefrom the citric acid chemical comes? Because the living entity's there in the tree. Therefore the conclusion should be the chemicals come from life; life does not come from chemical
- Who has put this chemical? That is his dullness. They will analyze and say, It contains this chemical, that chemical, that... And who has put this chemical? That they cannot say
- Why do you say that life comes from chemicals? Why do you make this false propaganda? That is our protest
- You are part and parcel of God, the chemical composition in drop of water from the sea is the same. In the sea it is in bigger quantity, and in the drop in smaller quantity. And therefore your composition you can study, and the same things are there
- "You are seeing the extra chemicals. They are not cause, they are effect." Sometimes when a rascal cannot understand two things, which is cause and which is effect, they misunderstand effect as cause or cause and effect
- You are speaking that from chemical combination life is formed. Do it in the laboratory. You cannot do it. Why you are propagating false propaganda
- You cannot manufacture such machine that automatically a rose flower is coming out. You cannot make a chemical combination or a tablet which contains a big banyan tree automatically will come out
- You combine chemical and produce a life. And you are making false propaganda, so you are to be kicked out
- You have asked about "chemical changes of consciousness'' or drugs, and if these may ever be utilized in Krishna's service. To change consciousness, therefore the Spiritual Master is there
- You try to prove that chemical combination can never bring about life; this is our main argument
- Your business should be: "Who is that brain behind it?" That should be your research, not that how chemical combination can be... It is already being produced without your so-called scientific knowledge. It is already going on