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- A brahmacari is supposed to serve the spiritual master; therefore Mahaprabhu did not negate that relationship of servitude to His spiritual master. Accepting such a position is favorable for the relationship between the disciple and the spiritual master
- A brahmana is never supposed to engage in anyone’s service. Serving others for a livelihood (paricaryatmakam karma (BG 18.44)) is the business of sudras
- A devotee is determined to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead to His full satisfaction. Anything that hampers such determination should certainly be rejected. This is the principle of bhakti. Anukulyasya sankalpah pratikulyasya varjanam
- A devotee should try to understand everything in relationship with Krsna and try to serve everything in that spirit. To serve everything means to engage everything in the service of Krsna
- A devotee's always servant of God. Whatever service is required, as a brahmin, as a ksatriya, as a vaisya, it doesn't matter. We are ready
- A disciple should serve the spiritual master as a menial servant, and whatever he has in his possession should be dedicated to the spiritual master
- A faithful servant of the Lord engaged in the service of administration is the ideal executive head and can well protect the interest of the people in general
- A living entity is eternally a servant and that unless one serves Krsna one has to serve illusion in different varieties of the three modes of material nature, and thus perpetually one has to wander within the cycle of birth and death. BG 1972 Preface
- A man has served the family with heart and soul throughout the whole life, and when he is old man, if he asks permission from his wife, "My dear wife, now I have served so much. Let me take sannyasa now," the wife will never give permission
- A part of the body cannot in itself be independently happy. It can only derive its happiness and pleasure out of serving the entire body. The Supreme Lord is the whole, and we are the parts, but we are all busily engaged in activities of self-interest
- A sincere student aurally receives the holy name from the spiritual master, and after being initiated he follows the regulative principles. When the holy name is properly served in this way, automatically the spiritual nature of the holy name spreads
- A son is indebted to his parents in so many ways, and it is the duty of the son to serve his parents, however great the son may be. Indirectly, Krsna wanted to teach the atheists who do not accept the supreme fatherhood of God
- A student and disciple has the right to ask the guru about any confidential service, and it is the duty of the guru to explain these confidential matters to his disciple
- A woman is generally inclined to serve her own purposes. Kasyapa Muni proposed to train Diti to fulfill her desires within one year, and since she was eager to kill Indra, she immediately agreed
- According to the sastras, a brahmana, or a cultured person in Krsna consciousness, will not enter anyone's service to maintain body and soul together, and especially not for satisfaction of the senses
- Actually Sanatana Gosvami belonged to a very respectable brahmana family. Nonetheless, he submitted himself as a fallen, lowborn person because he had served in the Muslim government
- Actually such planets (as Candraloka, Suryaloka, Indraloka, Maharloka, etc.), being the manifestations of Krsna's energy, are also Krsna, but actually they only serve as a step forward for realization of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- After planting the tulasi tree before your house, you should daily circumambulate that tulasi plant, serve her by giving her water and other things, and continuously chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Aghasura thought: If somehow or other I can make Krsna and His associates serve as the last offering of sesame and water for the departed souls of my brother and sister - SB 10.12.15
- All of these qualifications of a saintly person serve to raise him to the status of santa-rasa
- All purposes served by a small well can at once be served by a great reservoir of water. Similarly, all the purposes of the Vedas can be served to one who knows the purpose behind them
- All purposes that are served by the small pond can at once be served by the great reservoirs of water. Similarly, all the purposes of the Vedas can be served to one who knows the purpose behind them. BG 2.46 - 1972
- All the assembled people got this statement down in black and white and, taking the signatures of agreement from both of them, served as the mediators
- All the bhaktas who have basically accepted that "God is great; I am small, very small particle. Therefore, as the small serves the great, my real duty is to serve God," this is liberation
- All the devotees were served prasadam on plantain leaves, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed on each leaf a quantity suitable for two or three men to eat, for His hand could not distribute less than that
- All the varieties of the remaining prasadam were kept to eat throughout the year. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ate His lunch, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami would serve it little by little
- All the vegetables were served in pots made of banana leaves taken from trees producing at least thirty-two bunches of bananas. These pots were very strong and big and did not tilt or totter
- All the well, all the purpose of different type of well is served in the river of Krsna consciousness
- All this service (to country, people and society, the varnasrama-dharma system, the sick, the poor, the rich, women, demigods and so on) comes under the heading of sense gratification, or enjoyment in the material world
- Although all the events were prearranged by Krsna, a devotee must try his best to serve the purpose of Krsna. Krsna Himself is all-powerful, but it is not that a devotee should therefore sit idly and leave everything to Him
- Although Bhavani was the daughter of a very great king, she used to serve Lord Siva just like a poor woman. Similarly, Devahuti was the daughter of an emperor, Svayambhuva Manu, yet she preferred to accept Kardama Muni as her husband
- Although the duties of a woman are different from those of a man, a chaste woman is not meant to serve a fallen husband
- Although the monist philosopher is elevated to the status of being one with the effulgence of the Lord, his service propensity is satisfied by materialistic welfare activities like humanitarianism, altruism and philanthropy
- Always chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and reminding Sri Madhavendra Puri about the pastimes of Lord Krsna in the last stage of his life, Isvara Puri gave the best service among his disciples
- Another devotee once exclaimed, "Although I can achieve liberation simply by serving the devotees, my mind is still very much anxious to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose bodily complexion is just like a dark cloud"
- Another important pastime of the friends of Krsna was that they served as messengers to and from the gopis; they introduced the gopis to Krsna and canvassed for Krsna
- Another of His incarnations, Laksmana, who is very beautiful and opulent, always serves Lord Rama
- Anyone of us, serving somebody. But the result is, this material service... I have given several times the example that Mahatma Gandhi, he gave so much service. But result was he was killed
- Arjuna serves as another example. He was not willing to fight, but Krsna incited his anger: "You must fight!" To fight without anger is not possible. Anger is controlled, however, when utilized in the service of the Lord
- As by pouring water on the root of the tree one serves and enlivens all the branches and leaves, so by rendering service unto the Supreme Lord one automatically serves every god and goddess without extraneous effort
- As far as liberation is concerned, I (Srila Bilvamangala Thakura) think that liberation stands at my door with folded hands, waiting to serve me
- As long as Draupadi had not taken her meals, food could be served to any number of guests, but the rsi (Durvasa Muni), by the plan of Duryodhana, reached there after Draupadi had finished her meals
- As long as human society works on the basis of false material identification, all the so-called advancements of science and philosophy are simply useless. They only serve to mislead human society. In the material world, the blind simply lead the blind
- As long as one is not transcendental to the service of the limited, he cannot have knowledge of Vedanta
- As long as one's mind remains an unconquered enemy, one has to serve the dictations of lust, anger, avarice, illusion, etc. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as one understands that he is qualitatively the same substance as the Lord because he belongs to the same category of spirit soul, and that his perpetual position is to serve, one attains atma-darsanam & hrdaya-granthi-bhedanam, self-realization
- As soon as you have passed your examination of the civil service, the civil post is ready, immediately. There is no delay. Simply you go and take your seat. So what is that examination? Just try to understand what is Krsna
- Ask your any family member, your wife or your children or any friend, so "I have given you so much service. Are you satisfied?" "Oh, what you have given?" You have to do so many things. You have got so much things
- At the present moment education means to get some service. What is the value of that education? If you become dependent on others, then what is the value of this education? Therefore kalau sudra-sambhavah, everyone is a sudra
- At the present moment, our senses are contaminated. I am thinking, - I am American, so my senses should be used for the service of my country, my society, my nation
- At the same time, the mouth, the legs, the arms and the thighs are all component parts of the body. These limbs of the body of the Lord are meant to serve the complete whole
- Because he has no other alternative. Either he has to serve this way or serve that way. If he is not attracted to serve in Krsna consciousness, then he has to serve in material consciousness
- Because sudras do not have ample intelligence, they should simply engage as workers to serve the higher statuses of social life
- Because the Yamadutas had been defeated and their master could not protect them, they were inclined to say that there was no need to serve such a master
- Because there was no question of personal sense gratification when Sri Ramananda Raya was serving the girls, his mind was steady and his body untransformed. This is not to be imitated, nor is such a mentality possible for anyone but Sri Ramananda Raya
- Being a great yogi, Kardama Muni was not very interested in family life. Nonetheless, he decided to marry, and Svayambhuva Manu brought his daughter Devahuti to him to serve as a wife
- Being illusioned by the conditions of the external energy, one falsely thinks himself to be the served, but actually he is not served; he is servant of the senses like lust, desire, anger, avarice, pride, madness and intolerance
- Between the servitor and the served there is a feeling of oneness (mamata). This mamata begins with dasya-prema, service rendered to the master by the servant
- Bhakti is in a far higher position than mukti because a person's endeavor to get liberation from the material encagement is automatically served in devotional service
- Bhakti means application of love. Bhaja sevaya. When you love you serve somebody. That is called bhakti
- Bhakti-yoga includes jnana-yoga, or, in other words, the process of pure devotional service simultaneously serves the purpose of jnana-yoga; liberation from material conditions is automatically achieved by gradual development of pure devotional service
- Bhakti-yoga means not only dedicating life to Krsna but also to serve the Vaisnava, tat-purusa. Tat-purusa means to serve a person who has dedicated his life to Krsna
- Bharata Maharaja, Rsabhadeva's eldest son, was specifically very exalted. For this reason the other sons were advised to serve him for his pleasure. That was to be their duty
- Brahmin could not accept any service, and they (Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami) accepted service of Muhammadan government. So immediately they were ostracized from the brahmin society
- But, my dear sir, I am obliged to you because now I can understand that this material manifestation is without substance, although it appears real. I am confident that by serving your feet it will be possible for me to give up the false idea
- By discussing spiritual knowledge one can conquer lamentation and illusion, by serving a great devotee one can become prideless, by keeping silent one can avoid obstacles on the path of mystic yoga, by stopping sense gratification one can conquer envy
- By service of the bona fide spiritual master, the Lord consents to reveal Himself in proportion to the service rendered. Utilization of the human energy in the service of the Lord is the progressive path of salvation
- By serving the spiritual master we please Krsna. We cannot please Krsna directly. This is nonsense. It is not possible
- By the grace of Krsna, I am able to serve you with my life's energy. I left the United States in 1967 in poor health; but life and death - everything - depends on Krsna
- By the inclination to serve the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, suffering humanity can immediately cleanse the dirt which has accumulated in their minds during innumerable births
- By this process (reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, and serving the person bhagavata) we can attain the stage of bhagavad-bhakti, but first we must get rid of all these anarthas, unwanted things
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu would have never advised Raghunatha Bhatta to serve ordinary parents, but since his parents were Vaisnavas, the Lord advised him to serve them
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, without discussing all the constitutional position, philosophy, knowledge, and so many other things, yoga system, He immediately begins that the constitutional position of the living entity is to serve the supreme whole
- Circumstantially the water becomes solid, ice, but immediately it melts, similarly, our dharma is to serve, because we are part and parcel
- Concerning Agastya, there are four opinions: (3) Some say that the hill near Cape Comorin known as Pathiya served as Agastya Muni’s residence
- Conditioned soul means we wanted to enjoy this material world, not to serve anyone. Although our constitutional position is to serve, but artificially we want to give up service and we want to enjoy. That is material disease
- Devotee said, "Sometimes I have carried out their orders in a way most abominable. Yet in spite of my serving them so faithfully, they are neither satisfied nor are they kind enough to give me relief from their service"
- Devotees always bathe themselves in devotional service in order to be relieved from the various tribulations of material existence. By doing this, the devotees enjoy supreme bliss, and liberation personified comes to serve them
- Devotees at Vrndavana try to serve the gopis, namely Radharani and Her associates. If one gains the favor of the gopis, he easily gains the favor of Krsna because on the recommendation of the gopis Krsna at once accepts the service of a devotee
- Devotional service is also executed in mixed forms, namely mixed with fruitive work or empiric philosophical speculations
- Devotional service is dormant in every living being, for by nature every living being is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and it is the healthy condition of the part to serve the whole. It is just like the situation of the parts of the body
- Dharma means that our constitutional position is to serve. But our service being misplaced, we are not happy. Actually, we are serving not any person, but we are serving our different types of desires
- Discussion between Advaita Acarya and Nityananda was a mock fight to serve as a great instruction for all devotees. Sri Nityananda Prabhu wanted to point out that Advaita Acarya, a pure devotee, did not agree with the monistic conclusion
- Don't manufacture your ways of Pleasing God. Don't manufacture. Suppose I want to please you. Then I shall ask you, "How can I serve you?" Not that I manufacture some service. That is not pleasing
- During time of war, the government takes care of the soldiers first, and the civilians, their eating, their supply is controlled. But the soldier's supply is never controlled, because he is giving good, better service to the state
- Each one should serve according to his guna-karma, quality and capacity to work. Then the whole society will be perfect, there will be peace, no war, nothing, and gradually making progress back to home, back to Godhead. Otherwise it will be chaos
- Eight symptoms of a jivan mukta - 08 He is satya-sankalpa. Whatever he desires is fulfilled by the grace of Krsna. First of all, he does not desire anything for his material benefit, and secondly if he desires anything at all, he simply desires to serve
- Either you change your faith or don't change your faith, your character is still to serve, will continue. That is the reality. That is sanatana. Sanatana means eternal
- Engaging in the service of low-grade persons, however, is called sva-vrtti, the profession of the dogs. Specifically, brahmanas and ksatriyas should not engage in the low and abominable service of sudras
- Especially in India, there are many such doctors (who becomes a doctor by practical knowledge) who perform their medical services perfectly. They are accepted even by the government
- Even a little of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy serves as a great asset for spiritual advancement. Therefore the Krsna consciousness movement must be spread through the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Even if one goes to a temple of the pancopasana, as mentioned above, one should not accept the deities as they are accepted by the impersonalists. All of them are to be accepted as personal demigods, but they all serve the order of the Supreme Personality
- Even Mahatma Gandhi, the great servant of India He served India so nicely. Still, the master was not satisfied, and the master killed him. He wanted to serve his country, but the result was that his countrymen killed him
- Even though a man is a sudra serving a bad master, he has to carry out the order of the master, even though it shouldn't be done. Despite these flaws, 1 should continue to carry out his prescribed duties, for they're born out of his own nature. BG 1972 p
- Every grass and herb has its use and serves some function, although we may not know what it is. So in Bhagavad-gita Krsna has made some provision whereby the yogi doesn't have to worry about snakes
- Every living being is constantly engaged in rendering service to another living being. A living being serves other living beings in two capacities. By doing so, the living entity enjoys life. BG 1972 Introduction
- Every living being is serving the dictates of desire, anger, lust, illusion, insanity and enviousness - all materially affected. But even while executing such dictations of different temperaments, he is perpetually unhappy
- Every living entity is eternal servant of Krsna. When he forgets Krsna he becomes servant of maya. That is our position. We have to serve
- Everyone is a servant, and no one is a master. Everyone is serving someone or other. Although the president may be the chief executive of the state, still he is serving the state, and when his services are no longer required, the state disposes of him
- Everyone respected Govinda as the dearest servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Govinda served all the Vaisnavas and saw to their needs
- Everyone serves the purpose of the Supreme Godhead, & what to speak of such small and insignificant living entities as ourselves? We are surely eternal servants of the Lord
- Everyone should be engaged according to the particular mode of nature he has acquired, and he should decide to work only to serve the supreme cause of the Supreme Lord
- Everyone wants to be master of another. Actually he does not serve anyone. He serves because he gets some money. So as soon as the money payment is stopped, immediately servant becomes disobedient. Therefore there is no service in the material world
- Fanned by yak-tail whisks and served with all the paraphernalia of a great king, Indra was sitting with his wife, Sacidevi, who occupied half the throne, when the great sage Brhaspati appeared in that assembly
- Farming, cattle raising and business are the qualities of work for the vaisyas, and for the sudras there is labor and service to others. BG 18.44 - 1972
- Following the bodily concept of life, such sannyasis (who do not know the meaning of Narayana) make various programs to serve the body. They conduct farcical missions consisting of so-called religious activities meant to mislead all of human society
- Foolish people say that "If you cannot see God, where is the question of devotion? You want to serve God, but if you cannot see God, then how you can serve?"
- For example, on the material platform, when a servant serves a master, he is trying to satisfy not the senses of his master but rather his own senses. The servant would not serve the master if the payment stopped
- For the sudras the only duty is to accept a master from a higher social order and engage in his service
- Garga Muni had no interest to serve by going to Nanda Maharaja, but Nanda Maharaja, as a grhastha, was always perfectly ready to receive instructions from a mahatma to gain the real benefit in life. Thus he was ready to execute Garga Muni's order
- God is great, and we are dependent on God. Therefore natural conclusion is that we have to serve God. This is the whole problem. Serving means with love. Because it is love. Serving means developing love
- God means the supreme brain, the supreme powerful, and we are teenies, we are subordinate; therefore our position is to abide by the orders of God. That is actually religion. That's all. Less powerful men serves the more powerful. That is the nature
- Govinda mentally replied, "My duty is to serve, even if I have to commit offenses or go to hell
- Grass, plants, trees, cannot move - being eaten up by four-legged animals. And the four-legged animals are being eaten by the two-legged animals, human being. Just try to understand how weaker section is serving stronger section. That is the law of nature
- Hanuman, he was not even a man, he was animal, but his only business was to serve Lord Ramacandra at any risk. He jumped over the ocean. He did not know any Vedanta philosophy, he was an animal
- Having served him for a long time, she grew weak and emaciated due to her religious observances. Seeing her condition, Kardama, the foremost of celestial sages, was overcome with compassion and spoke to her in a voice choked with great love
- He (Caitanya) advised Raghunatha Bhatta to serve his mother and father because they were both Lord Caitanya’s devotees
- He (Gandhi) was disgusted, and his countrymen also became disgusted, so that he shot him down. This world is like that. You give service to somebody - he is not satisfied; you are not satisfied. Frustrated
- He (Indra) had offered his prayer, tipping down his head to the lotus feet of Krsna, but as soon as his purpose had been served, he became a different creature. That is the way of the dealings of materialistic men
- He (the conditioned soul) is actually meant to serve the will of the Supreme Lord, but on account of the dirty things in the heart, he likes to serve his concocted desires
- He (the living entity) usually engages his body for sense gratification, because one who is in the bodily conception of life feels that the ultimate goal of life is to serve the senses. This is the process of karma-kanda
- He (Uddhava) used to play with dolls in the form of Krsna, he would serve the dolls by dressing, feeding and worshiping them, & thus he was constantly absorbed in the play of transcendental realization. These are the signs of an eternally liberated soul
- He carried out Sukracarya's order and served him like a slave. He gave his daughter Sarmistha to Devayani, and Sarmistha served Devayani like a slave, along with thousands of other women
- He served in the place known as Malajathya Dandapata, soliciting and collecting money there and depositing it in the government treasury
- He wants to give service, but because his service is not rightly placed, he is frustrated. Just like in our country, Mahatma Gandhi, he gave so much service to his country, and his countrymen shot him down, dead. Not recognized
- He was perspiring, liquor dripped from his mouth & his vision was overwhelmed by intoxication. He was being served by bumblebees who drank honey & from a distance he could smell the dust of the lotus flowers, which was carried from the lake by the breeze
- He would come daily to the house of Kasi Misra to massage his lotus feet. The King would also hear from him about how opulently Lord Jagannatha was being served
- He's thinking that "Unless I overload my back with this cloth, I cannot get this grass." Although he sees there are so many thousands and thousands of grasses all over, still he'll serve that washerman. Therefore it is called ass. No intelligence
- Hearing and speaking Srimad-Bhagavatam is the religious process which elevates one to the platform of serving and loving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Here in the material world we serve somebody with a motive, for some material gain. But in the spiritual world, to serve God means - It is my duty. I love him. I want to serve Him
- Here Krsna is addressing Arjuna, anarya: non-Aryan. - You are ksatriya. Your service is now required to fight with persons who have created injustice. So what is this, that you are denying to fight
- High qualities in man serve one in the attainment of perfection only when they are employed in the service of the Lord
- Hiranyakasipu wanted to know where Prahlada had gotten this Krsna consciousness. Who had taught him? Prahlada sarcastically replied, "My dear father, persons like you never understand Krsna. One can understand Krsna only by serving a mahat, a great soul
- His (judge's) brother is calling the same man "brother." And the same man, when he goes to the court, he is called "My lord." So these names are in connection with his service. Similarly, Krsna is the Supreme Lord. So He can have many millions of names
- His (the self-realized living being) constitutional position is to cooperate with Him (God) in all respects in the transcendental relation of the served and the servitor
- Human life begins when he is ready to serve the Supreme Lord Visnu. That is human life; otherwise it is animal life. Therefore the whole world is in chaos. They are not eager to serve Visnu. They are simply eager to serve their senses
- Hunting women, drinking different types of liquor, becoming intoxicated, killing animals and enjoying sex all serve as the basis of modern civilization. Vaisnavas are unhappy to see such a situation in the world
- I am also hoping that you will be able to print our books in that part of the world in the local languages. I think there is a Dai Nippon branch in Jakarta. It is a great service to sell our books to educational institutions
- I am eternal part and parcel of Narayana, and it is the duty of the part and parcel to serve the whole - That is correct philosophy. Just like this finger is part and parcel of my body, so it is the duty of the finger to serve the whole body
- I am glad to learn that you are trying to make your service more perfect, that is most encouraging to me
- I am so pleased to see you and your good wife in every picture in different poses of preaching work. That is real Krsna consciousness service to preach the message of the Holy Name to all persons
- I belong to a low caste, and you are a very respectable guest. How shall I serve you
- I can accept the ritualistic process tomorrow of the Christian faith; or a Christian may take another ritual - but his business, to serve the superior, that does not change
- I do not know what is in the mind of Lord Bala Krishna but I think that your attention to give an impetus to the Bhagavata cult and my humble attempt can serve great purpose
- I do not pay these boys. Rather, they pay me, and they engage the service. They pay and serve. In the material world, as soon as you stop payment there is no service. Why? Because they, by serving Krsna, they get transcendental pleasure
- I have nothing to serve, I have nobody to serve except Krsna
- I have repeatedly explained that if somebody has no master to serve, he voluntarily accepts a cat or dog as his master to serve. The nice name is pet dog, but it is serving
- I join some political party because I am finding out the opportunity how I can become a minister or how I can capture some power by going through this political party. This is my real aim. I am not serving that party, but I am serving my ambition
- I love my wife because she satisfies my senses. I love my husband because he satisfies my senses. Actually, we are servant of our senses. As soon as the sense gratification is disturbed, then - No, no, I am not going to serve you
- I serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, the primeval Lord, the effulgence of whose transcendental body is known as the brahmajyoti - Bs 5.40
- I thank you very much for this your service. You are a good lady and a good devotee. Your willingness to serve shows what is your progress in Krsna consciousness
- I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor, who is tending the cows, always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds and thousands of laksmis, or gopis - Bs. 5.29
- If any part of my body is engaged in giving service to the physician, that is not very palatable. But in healthy condition, when the parts and parcels of the body give service to the healthy body, that is very nice. That is pleasing
- If anyone has nothing to serve, he keeps a dog and cat and becomes servant of the dog and cat
- If by Krsna’s mercy he gets in touch with a bona fide spiritual master, abides by his order and serves him, engaging other conditioned souls in the Lord’s service, he then attains liberation and Lord Sri Krsna’s shelter
- If everyone denies to serve, then these so-called industries will fail. Immediately. That is Gandhi's proposal. "Non-cooperate with the British government, and it will wind up." And actually so happened
- If he (the living entity) places himself under the guidance of a spiritual master and does everything sincerely, immediately the Lord, who is situated within everyone’s heart, dictates how to serve Him - dadami buddhi-yogam tam
- If he is attracted by servitorship to Krsna, he will no longer have to serve the material body in the degraded status of material existence, with the false hope of becoming master in the future
- If he is not attracted to serve in Krsna consciousness, then he has to serve in material consciousness. So those who are not fixed up in Krsna, however he may be advanced in spiritual realization, that, there is falldown
- If I am servant, then I have to serve. So why shall I serve the senses' dictation? I will serve Krsna, what He says." So he's self-realized immediately, within a second
- If I say to my father, "Father, this son is stupid. He does not bring any service. So please allow me to cut his head," the father will never agree. The father, either a stupid son or very intelligent son, he is kind to everyone, because they are sons
- If instead of serving maya under different names, one turns his service attitude toward the Supreme Lord, he is then safe, and there is no more difficulty
- If it is interpreted to mean Sanatana Gosvami, then it is because he is so greatly favored by Rupa Gosvami, being always served by him, and because he is the annihilator of all kinds of sinful activities
- If materially they are after material enjoyment, so if he gets hundred rupees, he thinks that, "I will enjoy more. Why shall I be sticking to the service?" Then the village program will fail. They will go for the hundred rupees
- If one bona fide spiritual master is born in a brahmana family & another in a sudra family, one should accept the one who is born in a brahmana family. This statement serves as a social compromise, it has nothing to do with spiritual understanding
- If one cannot find anything to serve, he goes and buys a cat or dog and serves it. Why is this? It is because service is our nature. We are simply lacking the knowledge of where to direct the service
- If one directly engages in the service of the President, when one is in some difficulty he is especially protected
- If one earns his livelihood by displaying the Deity in the temple, he is not an acarya or gosvami. It would be better for him to accept service even as a sweeper in the street, for that is a more honorable means of earning one’s living
- If one has no money, no intelligence, he can use his words. He can go to the people, and he can say: "Please chant Hare Krsna." So this preaching work, the service of Krsna, is not, blocked by any disqualification if one is ready to serve
- If one is actually situated in spiritual life he'll get spiritual pleasure, transcendental bliss, by serving more and more, new and new. That is spiritual life
- If one is engaged in brahminical service or occupational duties, he must be considered a brahmana despite the family in which he is born. That is the verdict of all the sastras
- If one is not a soul surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is understood to be contaminated. Thus a chaste woman is advised not to agree to serve such a husband
- If one sits at home and is served by his beloved wife and children, he certainly becomes weaker and weaker due to sense gratification. When death finally comes, one leaves the body devoid of spiritual assets
- If she remains engaged in the service of her exalted husband, she will automatically attain the spiritual perfections of her husband
- If simply head is there, if there is no leg, then who'll walk? This is the understanding, not equal. Everyone must have his separate duties to serve the whole. That is the arrangement. This is real understanding
- If we have no wife or child, we have to catch some dog or other lower animal in order to serve it. That is our nature. We are compelled to do it
- If we love the supreme consciousness, Supreme Person, who has got universal consciousness, then automatically my service goes to everywhere
- If we worship the hand of a person, we intend to satisfy the person himself. If we massage a person's legs, we do not really serve the legs but the person who possesses the legs
- If you are actually chanting Hare Krsna, you will be enthusiastic, "Oh, I shall serve. I shall..." That is effect. Phalena pariciyate. We have to see by the result. He should be enthusiastic more and more
- If you are fourth-class man, then serve other. If you are fifth-class man, then go to the jungle and hunt some animal and eat. Then these persons, they, cheating, stealing, these are the occupation of the tenth class, eighth class, like that
- If you are taking service from your car, so you don't identify yourself with the car. But you take care of the car to take service from it. Similarly, we are taking service from this body because we are living, so I must eat or I must sleep
- If you do not give service to Krsna, then you must know you are simply spoiling your energy. That's all. Because this service will never give you satisfaction; neither to the served
- If you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find new and new encouragement. That is spiritual. If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you find a person (one who is coming in disciplic succession & fully convinced about the Supreme Absolute Truth), surrender & try to please him, serve him & question him. Surrender unto him is surrender to God. Question to learn, not to waste time
- If you improve in spiritual life, then if you have got any desire for material improvement, that will be automatically served. You don't require to try for it separately
- If you serve Krsna, then your senses become satisfied. Therefore His name is Govinda. Actually, we want to serve our senses, but the real senses, the transcendental senses, is Krsna, Govinda
- If you serve such mahatma, just like Haridasa Thakura, who is always engaged in chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, then your path of liberation is open
- If you take vox populi, out of eight million four hundred, eight millions do not require a rascal like you. And out of the so-called civilized men, a few only, they require your service. So what is the value of your service? Others, they have no problem
- If you try to water one leaf after one leaf after one leaf, your time will be spoiled, and the tree will dry. This is the position. Everyone is trying to give service, but because there is missing the root, Krsna, everything is spoiled
- If you want to realize God, then the other service, seva, not daya. You cannot show your mercy to God. God is full. There is no need of your showing mercy
- In a village of a limited area one may use different wells for different purposes, but when one goes to a river where there is water constantly flowing in waves, that water can serve all his purposes
- In conclusion, I submit to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu and all the other devotees and readers that I accept your lotus feet as the helmet on my head. In this way, all my purposes will be served
- In everyone's life there are two duties: one is to serve the illusion, and the other is to serve the reality. When one serves the reality, he is a real sannyasi. And when one serves the illusion, he is deluded by maya
- In illusion an attached person serves such family members, and by serving them he is destined to enter into a hellish condition of life. For example, a thief steals something to maintain his family, and he is caught and imprisoned
- In India, in British period, every officers had to learn the local language. We were student in the Scottish Church College. Our all professors were Europeans, but during their service they had to learn Bengali
- In Satya-yuga people knew how to fulfill the necessities of life simply by worshiping Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The same purpose can be served in this age of Kali by chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, as recommended in the Bhagavatam
- In spiritual activities there is no barring even in old age because I am also 74 years old but still working by the Grace of Lord Krsna. If you want to help me, there is great need of your valued service
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam Narada Muni states that even if a brahmana is in a difficult position, he should not accept the occupation of a sudra. This means that he should not be engaged in service for another, for this is the business of dogs
- In Stotra-ratna (46), Yamunacarya writes: "My Lord, those who keep themselves independent of Your service are helpless. They work on their own account, and they receive no support from superior authority"
- In the absence of the father it is the duty of the grown son to take charge of his mother and serve her to the best of his ability so that she will not feel separation from her husband
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, The impersonalists think that I have no form, that I am formless, but that at present I have accepted a form to serve a purpose, and now I am manifested. But such speculators are factually without sharp intelligence
- In the Christian Bible there is, "Father, give us our daily bread." That is good - they are accepting the Supreme Father. But grown-up children should not ask from the father; rather, they should be prepared to serve the father. That is bhakti - devotion
- In the material world one serves another for matter of money exchange, reward. But serving God is not that. Here it is stated, ahaituky apratihata. Service of God is without motive
- In the material world, a servant serves the master as long as the servant is pleased and as long as the master is pleased. The servant is pleased as long as the master pays, and the master is pleased as long as the servant renders good service
- In the material world, if one is working as manager and the other is working as menial servant there is difference of pay or difference of service. No. In the spiritual world there is no such thing
- In the sastra it is said, kalau sudra-sambhavah. In the Kali-yuga almost everyone is a sudra. You'll find they're interested in accepting some service
- In the society of the servitors and served in Krsna consciousness, one is not subjected to the pains and pleasures of material society, which functions according to sex attraction
- In the spiritual world, if the servant cannot serve under certain conditions, the master is still pleased. And if the master does not pay, the servant is also pleased. That is called oneness, absolute
- In the state of endurance: "I shall prefer to remain naked, without proper dress of garments. I shall prefer to lie down on the ground without any matress. And despite all these disadvantages, I shall refuse to serve anyone, not even the government"
- In the Upanisads it is stated that the demigods are different parts of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As it is the duty of the parts of the body to serve the whole, it is the duty of Krsna's devotees to serve Krsna as He wants
- In the varnasrama system the student goes to the asrama of the master to take lessons from him and serve him, even as a menial servant
- In the varnasrama-dharma, the sudra is the fourth division in the social status. Paricaryatmakam karma sudrasyapi svabhava-jam (BG 18.44). Sudras are meant to engage in the service of the three higher classes - brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas
- In the very beginning, you may remember, that the constitutional position of the living entity is to serve. This point we have explained several times. So we cannot change that position. If you don't serve Krsna, then we have to serve maya
- In this material condition, we are serving our whims, kama. Sometimes I become angry and I serve my anger - I beat others. That means I am serving anger. I am serving my lust. I am serving my greediness
- In this material existence, I may be engaged in some service to some master, but I don't really lovingly serve my master. And the master also is not in love; he takes service from me and pays me. So there is no question of love. BG 1972 purports
- In this material existence, I may be engaged in some service to some master, but I don't really lovingly serve my master. I simply serve to get some money. BG 1972 purports
- In this material world everyone is trying to be happy by earning more money, by business, by service, by this or that way. But in special cases, Krsna makes his business or service unsuccessful. At that time he has no alternative than surrender to Krsna
- In this material world someone may be my well-wisher, friend or neither friend nor enemy but neutral. Someone else may serve as a mediator between me and my enemies, and in this verse he is called madhyastha
- In this verse (SB 4.22.56) Maharaja Prthu is compared to the kings of the moon and sun. The king of the moon and the king of the sun serve as examples of how the Lord desires the universe to be ruled
- In those days, the Hindus were so strict that if a brahmana accepted service from a non-Hindu, he was immediately ostracized from Hindu society. Despite this, Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis were made principle authorities in the science of Krsna by Mahaprabhu
- Indra addresses to Aditi, "Such persons are actually serving their self-interests and are considered first-class experts in the matter of advancing to the perfectional stage of life"
- Indra served his aunt daily by bringing flowers, fruits, roots and wood for yajnas from the forest. He also brought kusa grass, leaves, sprouts, earth and water exactly at the proper time
- Indra's purpose was to cheat Diti as soon as he could find some fault in the way she discharged the vows of the ritualistic ceremony. However, he wanted to be undetected, and therefore he served her very carefully
- Inquiring about External Religious Principles. In the Naradiya Purana it is said, "If one is actually very serious about devotional service, then all of his purposes will be served without any delay"
- It (mind) will simply be acting to serve the gross body and to further condition the living entity and entrap him in material nature
- It appears that five thousand years ago the society also needed the services of the dramatists, artists, dancers, singers, historians, genealogists, public speakers, etc
- It doesn't matter whether we accept a material body or a spiritual body; our only ambition should be to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is customary in the renounced order of life that one should not take any service from a servant or maid, but Devahuti was being served by the celestial maidservants
- It is for Your sake that Raghunatha dasa gave up all his family relationships. His father sent money and men here to serve him
- It is not possible to give a complete statement about the different types of jealous anger manifest by the gopis, but a few principles may serve as an indication
- It is not that we should meditate for fifteen minutes and then engage in all kinds of nonsense. The more we serve, the more dedicated to Krsna we become; therefore a person should utilize whatever talents he has for Krsna
- It is our constitutional position to serve someone, but when we do not serve Krsna, we serve maya. In any case, we cannot become master
- It is our duty to kill this Vamanadeva, Lord Visnu. It is our religious principle and the way to serve our master. After making this decision, the demoniac followers of Maharaja Bali took up their various weapons with a view to killing Vamanadeva
- It is recommended in the sastra by service, by surrender, by question, try to understand this transcendental subject matter. These are the Vedic injunctions
- It is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam that if one gets an opportunity to serve a great soul - a mahatma - his path to liberation is open. However, those who are attached to materialistic persons are on the path of darkness
- It is said that unless one becomes Brahman one cannot serve Brahman
- It is the custom whenever one goes to see one saintly person, he gives something for service, either fruits or something presentation. That is necessary. Mahat-seva, it is said
- It is the duty of everyone to become Krsna conscious and to serve the cause of Krsna. When one actually realizes this he becomes a mahatma, or a great soul
- It is transcendental and is completely distinct from our experience in material existence. This relation of servant and the served is the most congenial form of intimacy. One can realize it as devotional service progresses
- It is very simple to understand. Suppose this hand, my hand, but how long it is hand? So long it is attached to the service of the body. If this hand is cut off from this body, it may be called hand, but it has no meaning
- Just as disobedient citizens serve the government indirectly. Prisoners come to the prison house on account of their disobedience of the laws of the state. So, in the prison house, they are forced to obey the laws of the state
- Just by supplying foodstuff to your stomach you can serve all the limbs of your body, similarly, simply by loving Krsna you can learn how to love everyone
- Just like if I'm healthy the finger is also healthy. Then what is the duty of the healthy finger? To serve this body. Similarly, we have got this energy from Krsna, from God. So if you utilize this energy for Krsna then it is proper utilization
- Just like mother serves this child out of love. There is no question of salary or remuneration. The mother loves this child. Similarly, you can love the Supreme Lord in many ways
- Just like the finger is part and parcel of my body. Its duty is to serve the whole body. Similarly, if we accept, if we understand that, "I am part and parcel of God," then my duty is to serve God
- Just like this Vivekananda philosophy, daridra-narayana-seva, to serve the poor Narayana. Narayana has become poor. These are manufactured things. This is not with reference to the authorized sastras or knowledge
- Just like you have got a staircase to rise up to the fifth or sixth or tenth floor, or more than that, the whole staircase or the lift service is called yoga
- Kalakanya continued: O gentle one (King of the Yavanas), I am now present before you to serve you. Please accept me and thus show me mercy. It is a gentleman's greatest duty to be compassionate upon a person who is distressed
- Kamalakanta, a very confidential servant of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu born in a brahmana family, engaged in the service of Sri Advaita Acarya as His secretary
- Karma is serving one's sense gratification. And bhakti is serving Krsna's sense gratification
- King Bhismaka was from the very beginning inclined to hand over his beautiful daughter to Krsna. In one way or another his purpose had been served, and so he was pleased to join the marriage ceremony, even though his eldest son was degraded in the fight
- Knowledge means: "Why shall I serve the unreal illusion? Let me serve the reality. If my business is to serve and never to be master, always to serve, then why I shall serve the illusion? Let me serve the reality." That sense is called knowledge
- Krishna maintains 16,000 families, and if you get a chance to serve in one of the families, then your life is a success. Real sannyasa means no more interest in material activities, but simply dedicated to Krishna's service
- Krsna confirms in Bhagavad-gita that the living entity is eternally His part and parcel. The part and parcel is meant to serve the whole. This is individuality. It is so even in this material existence, when the living entity apparently merges in matter
- Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to link up our connection with the supreme controller. Because it is natural conclusion that, If I have to serve somebody, why a petty merchant? Why not take government servic
- Krsna continued, "Until now We have simply wasted Our time; due to reasons beyond Our control, We could not serve you. Mother and father, please excuse Us for Our sinfulness"
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He knew everything about the hunchback. By His inquiry He indicated that there was no use in serving a demon; she would do better to serve Krsna and Balarama and get an immediate result of the service
- Krsna said that what is His mission to come here? Krsna is God. He does not require to come here, but He comes to serve some purpose. If God wants to come, nobody can check
- Krsna said, "My dear chaste wife, My dear princess (Rukmini), I expected such an explanation from you, and only for this purpose did I speak all those joking words, so that you might be cheated of the real point of view. Now My purpose has been served"
- Krsna said, "The spiritual master should always be seen as the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and by serving the spiritual master, one is able to serve all the demigods"
- Ksatriya kings used to obey very faithfully the orders of learned brahmanas and saintly persons, and in this way they would rule their country. Similarly, vaisyas used to follow the king's orders, and sudras used to serve the three higher castes
- Let me become a sincere servant of the devotees because by serving them one can achieve unalloyed devotional service unto the lotus feet of the Lord
- Like a dog, when it serves a nice master, he's happy. Otherwise, it is street dog. Nobody cares for it. Street dog
- Lord Krsna wanted to kill him, but He also wanted that those who served as military men for Jarasandha might not be killed. Therefore a plan was adopted to kill him
- Lord Siva is also called Asutosa. Asu means "very soon," and tosa means "to become satisfied." The demigods were advised to go to Lord Siva and beg his pardon, and because he is very easily pleased, it was certain that their purpose would be served
- Lord Siva is always accompanied by his material energy (saktya ghoraya). Material energy - goddess Durga, or goddess Kali - is always under his control. Goddess Kali and Durga serve him by killing all the asuras, or demons
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also wanted to offer Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya first-class food; therefore, out of affection, He had the servers put first-class food on his plate again and again
- Lusty desire refers to the desire to gratify one's personal senses, and transcendental desire refers to the desire for serving the senses of the Lord
- Many monkeys in India were caught and sent to Europe so that their sex glands could serve as replacements for those of old people. Those who actually descend from the monkeys are interested in expanding their aristocratic families through sex
- Mukti means when we give up the service in designation and we are situated in our original constitutional position. That is called mukti, liberation, or salvation, whatever you like
- Muktih svayam mukulitanjali sevate ’sman: for a devotee, mukti is not very important because mukti is always standing on his doorstep waiting to serve him in some way
- My dear sir, - the youth said, "you are an old man just like my father. It is my duty to serve you. I don't require any reward." "No, I'm obliged to you, and I must reward you," the old man insisted
- My devotees do not accept salokya, sarsti, sarupya, samipya or oneness with Me - even if I offer these liberations - in preference to serving Me
- My hand can take pleasure when it is attached with my body. My hand can take pleasure when it serves my body. It does not take pleasure by serving your body
- My original characteristic is to serve, but I am misplacing my service to somewhere else. Therefore it is said, dharmah projjhita-kaitavah atra. Kaitavah means cheating. So everyone is serving his senses, but he is thinking that he is master
- Narada, the most dear of the inheritor sons of Brahma, always ready to serve his father, strictly follows the instructions of his father by his mannerly behavior, meekness and sense control
- No one can artificially claim the supreme position of the Lord, but everyone is meant to serve the purpose of the supreme whole
- No one can serve the chief simply by serving the subordinates. In other words, it is not possible to satisfy one's inner hunger simply by soaping the outer clothing
- Nobody can say that "Because I am poor, I cannot serve God." No. God can be served both by the poor and the rich without any difficulty, because it is not material affair
- Nobody is satisfied. One cannot be satisfied because we are constitutionally servant of God but we have been placed in this material world to serve so many other things which is not fitting
- Not only does the person who serves the Supreme Lord serve his relatives, but he also serves the entire world of moving and nonmoving living beings. Thus service to Lord Krsna is the prime cause of world peace and harmony
- Not only should we read Srimad-Bhagavatam, but we should also serve the person bhagavata, one whose life is nothing but Srimad-Bhagavatam. Nityam bhagavata-sevaya - SB 1.2.18
- Now I wish to engage in the service of the lotus feet of the SPG and to serve just like the goddess of fortune, who carries a lotus flower in her hand, because His Lordship, the SPG, is the reservoir of all transcendental qualities
- Nowadays they are educated, but they must have a good service. That means he's a sudra. Without finding a master, his education has no value. So therefore in the sastra it is said, - In this age, Kali-yuga, everyone is sudra
- O brahmana, the highest duty of a son, even though he has sons of his own, is to serve his parents, and what to speak of a son who is a brahmacari?
- O King Pariksit, as the hunter of a deer becomes like a deer by covering his body with deerskin and serving the deer, so Indra, although at heart the enemy of the sons of Diti, became outwardly friendly and served Diti in a faithful way
- "Of course I can let you (Sanatana Gosvami) go," the jailkeeper replied, "for you have done many services for me, and you are in government service. However, l'm afraid of the Nawab"
- Offering obeisances to the higher sections of society, being always very clean, being free from duplicity, serving one's master, performing sacrifices without uttering mantras - these are the symptoms of the sudra
- Oh, I have studied high technical education. - But if you do not get a service for using your education, then you are a street dog. Is it not
- Old age is the notice of the arrival of death served by cruel time, and no one can refuse to accept either summon calls or the supreme judgment of eternal time
- Once Durvasa Muni became a guest of Maharaja Kuntibhoja, and Kunti served the Durvasa Muni. He was very pleased, and he gave her one benediction that - You can call any demigod by your sweet will. As soon as you desire, the demigod will come
- One can experience that one man engages in the service of a dog, another serves plants and creepers, another the demigods, and another humanity, or his boss in the office - but no one is engaged in the service of Krsna
- One has to serve the mahiyan, one who is very spiritually advanced. Mahat-sevam dvaram ahur vimukteh: (SB 5.5.2) by serving the mahat, the exalted devotee, one's path for liberation is open
- One has to understand, however, that he is in all circumstances forced to serve. Either he serves the illusion or the reality. The constitutional position of the living entity is to be a servant, not a master
- One is very busy in his national work. Means he is giving service to a designation, falsely thinking that, "I am this body," "This body is American," "This body is Indian," "This body is this." So under this false impression he is giving service
- One may question, "Oh, understanding Vedanta-sutra, one is liberated from this material entanglement? So you are asking me simply to chant Hare Krsna? Will that purpose be served?" Oh, His (Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) guru said - Yes, it will be served
- One Mr. McPherson, Englishman, he was known to me. He was coming to my shop. He stated that in the First World War, he was in the war, service, and some Belgium refugees came to France because Marshall Foch, he was in charge of that area
- One must qualify himself to enter into happy planets by sacrifice and service
- One should (23) attend arati and festivals, (24) see the Deity, (25) present what is very dear to oneself to the Deity, (26) meditate on the Deity, and (27-30) serve those related to the Lord
- One should always serve the person bhagavata or the book Bhagavata. Bhagavaty uttama-sloke bhaktir bhavati naisthiki. Then one will be fixed immovably (naisthiki) in devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One should inquire about the Krsna consciousness movement and open his mind in order to understand the situation of this material world. Thus the guhyam akhyati prcchati principles can be served
- One should know that "I will have simply Krsna, nothing more." Then he is sannyasi. This mentality, that "I have nothing to serve, I have nobody to serve except Krsna." But if you serve Krsna, you will serve everyone
- One should serve the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu through the instructions of the great Gosvamis of Vrndavana. This is called tandera carana sevi
- One who becomes initiated is channelized to the authorities in the disciplic succession. One who isn't initiated may chant Hare Krishna and should certainly be encouraged to do so & serve in his own way. Gradually by doing so he may want to be initiated
- One who does not serve according to his position, then sthanad bhrastah patanty adhah, he falls down from that position, and this falldown is this material body
- One who has got bhakti, for him there is no problem for mukti, because mukti is always at her service. And dharma-artha-kama: and the material opulence to become religious or economically rich, dharma-artha-kama samaya-pratiksah, they are simply waiting
- One who has taken shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is completely protected from all other influences. He no longer serves or is obliged to anyone else. Of course he is not disobedient to anyone
- One who is directly a devotee of the Lord is a person who has automatically both served the purposes of sacrifices and pleased the demigods
- One who serves the government but misappropriates the government's revenue is liable to be punished by the king. That is the verdict of all revealed scriptures
- One's natural tendency is to serve because a living entity is an eternal servant of God
- Ordinarily, if someone can walk, it is illogical to say he cannot walk. But in reference to God, such a contradiction simply serves to indicate His inconceivable power
- Ordinarily, if someone can walk, it is illogical to say he cannot walk. But in reference to God, such a contradiction simply serves to indicate His inconceivable power. With our limited fund of knowledge we cannot accommodate such contradictions
- Our acaryas, sad-gosvami, they left their service, big service, ministership, and by the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu they went to Vrndavana. But what for? Going to Vrndavana and sleeping and eating? No, no, not for that purpose
- Our determination should be to serve the previous guru and acarya
- Our determination should be to serve the previous guru and acarya. Evam parampara-praptam (BG 4.2). That is our determination
- Our dharma, our characteristic, our occupational duty, is to serve. When you stop serving, that is our unnatural state
- Our real business, our real occupation, is to serve Krsna, God. That is our... That service spirit, because we have forgotten God, or Krsna, we are serving somebody else
- Parvati, Lord Siva's wife, asked Lord Siva, - What is this? He (Ravana) is such a great devotee and has served you so much, and now he is in danger and is asking your help. Why are you not going to help him
- Placing their lotus feet on my head, always hoping to serve them, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps
- Please do not be hesitant. I am your servant, and when I serve you my heart becomes jubilant
- Present fighting, the politicians, out of their whims they declare war, that is not religious fighting - that is abominable. That is to serve their political ends
- Process of pure devotional service simultaneously serves the purpose of jnana-yoga; liberation from material conditions is automatically achieved by the gradual development of pure devotional service
- Raktaka is classified among the dhurya, or those who are always attached to serve the most beloved gopis
- Ramadasa replied, "I am a sudra, a fallen soul. To serve a brahmana is my duty and religious principle"
- Ramadasa served Raghunatha Bhatta in various ways, even massaging his legs. Raghunatha Bhatta felt some hesitation in accepting all this service
- Regardless of one's circumstances, favorable or unfavorable, one should use everything to serve the Supreme Lord. That is the perfect way to use one's intelligence
- Rsabhadeva suggested that His eldest son was superior, and He advised the others to serve him. All the brothers of Bharata Maharaja were advised by Rsabhadeva to adhere to Bharata's service
- Rukmini continued, 'My dear Lord, in my previous life I may have done public welfare work, digging wells & planting trees, or pious activities such as performing ritualistic ceremonies & sacrifices & serving the spiritual master, brahmanas & Vaisnavas'
- Rupa Gosvami is the direct disciple of Lord Caitanya. When he retired from his service - he was government minister - oh, he brought home golden coins, full, a boat full, full of gold. Now, just imagine how much the amount was
- Sadasiva Pandita, the twelfth branch, was always eager to serve the lotus feet of the Lord
- Sakti is feminine, and the Lord is purusa, masculine. It is the duty of the female to serve under the supreme purusa. As stated in Bhagavad-gita, all living entities are marginal energies of the Supreme Lord
- Sakuntala said: I am the daughter of Visvamitra. My mother, Menaka, left me in the forest. O hero (Maharaja Dusmanta), the most powerful saint Kanva Muni knows all about this. Now let me know, how may I serve you?
- Sanatana Gosvami compiled many, many books, all with the aim of describing how to serve the principal Deities of Vrndavana - Govinda and Madana-gopala. Later, other Deities were gradually established, and the importance of Vrndavana increased
- Sanatana Gosvami declares that a brahmana cannot be engaged in anyone’s service if he wants to take a leading part in society
- Sanatana Gosvami once said that he belonged to a low-caste family, for although he was born in a brahmana family, he had associated with mlecchas and yavanas in his service as a government minister
- Sanatana Gosvami, Rupa Gosvami, they were originally brahmin . . . but they fell down on account of this association. And formerly, they accepted service
- Sankaracarya distorted the meaning of the Brahma-sutra because he had a motive to serve. He wanted to establish Vedic knowledge in place of the atheistic knowledge spread by Lord Buddha. All these necessities are there according to time and circumstances
- Self-realization is when you actually engage yourself in the service of the Lord. That is your self-realization. Because you are part and parcel, your duty is to serve the whole. If you think yourself, "I am whole," that is wrong conception
- Serve the Lord in transcendental loving service
- Service is the constant companion of the living being and that the rendering of service is the eternal religion of the living being. BG 1972 Introduction
- Service of the individual soul to the Supreme Soul is eternal, as is clearly stated. So bhakti or devotional service is eternal. One should be established in that philosophical conviction, otherwise it is only a waste of time, ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- Service of the senses is neither pensionable nor terminable, for desire and anger are masters who are never to be satisfied. The more one serves them, the more service they exact, and as such the false overlordship continues until the day of annihilation
- Service we cannot stop, but we do have to redirect our service from the illusion to the reality. When this is done, we become mahatma
- Service we must give. That is our constitutional position. But that service is meant for rendering to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Serving the Absolute Truth means rendering service unto the Absolute Personality of Godhead under the direction of the bona fide spiritual master, who is a transparent via medium between the Lord and the neophyte devotee
- Sex serves as the natural attraction between man and woman, and when they are married, their relationship becomes more involved
- Sexual service is considered to be in the mode of darkness. Similarly, in remote villages in India there are worshipers of ghosts. BG 1972 purports
- She (Devahuti) was a king's daughter and was very opulent, but when she joined her austere husband, she had to serve so much that she became lean and thin. In fact, even with insufficient food she was working day and night
- She (Prtha) also served the great mystic sage Durvasa, and being satisfied by her faithful service, Durvasa Muni gave her a mantra by which it was possible for her to call for any demigod she pleased
- She asked her husband what to do, and the merchant simply said, "Serve him." Finally Bilvamangala Thakura came to his senses, and he thought, - These eyes are my enemies
- Since you have come of your own accord from the heavenly planets, who on earth would not agree to serve a demigoddess such as you
- So the speaker and the audience were bona fide in this meeting where Bhagavatam was being recited for the second time. That should be the standard of recitation of Bhagavatam, so that the real purpose can be served without difficulty
- So under the control of the senses, I have served family, so-called family, society, country, nation, up to serving the dog, but nothing has given me the satisfaction
- So we have to purify our feelings. That is Krsna consciousness: "How I can serve?" And if we purify... Purify means purification will be done by Him. We cannot purify. Purification will be done by Him. Simply we have to become purified feelings
- Social service, community service, national service, sacrifice for one's country, etc., may be accepted so that some day one may come to the stage of pure devotional service to the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Society must be divided into four classes. As we have got four divisions in brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra must be there. And each one should serve according to his guna-karma, quality and capacity to work
- Some seek an occupation or the service of a great man; others seek the service of the government or whatever. In any case, the ultimate shelter is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sometimes so-called svamis are very eager to feed poor people, thinking them to be daridra-narayana, the Lord's incarnations as beggars. They prefer to serve the manufactured daridra-narayana than the original, supreme Narayana
- Spontaneous loving service to the Lord is called devotional service with an intimate attachment between the servitor and the served. This intimacy is called mamata
- Sri Bilvamangala Thakur has said, "And as far as liberation is concerned, I think liberation stands at my door with folded hands waiting to serve me"
- Sri Bilvamangala Thakura said, If I have unflinching devotion unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, then mukti, or liberation, serves me as my maidservant. Mukti, the maidservant, is always ready to do whatever I ask
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Raghunatha Bhatta, "When you return home, serve your aged father and mother, who are devotees, and try to study Srimad-Bhagavatam from a pure Vaisnava who has realized God"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then gave Svarupa Damodara residence in a solitary place and ordered a servant to serve him with a supply of water and other necessities
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu thought that all three servings were meant for distribution; therefore He asked for another two banana leaves, saying, "Let Us have a very little quantity of vegetable and rice"
- Sri Naradaji contacted bona fide spiritual masters, served them sincerely and got enlightenment rightly. Thus he began to meditate
- Sri Rupa Gosvami presented himself as an ordinary grhastha and minister in government service but became a gosvami when he was actually elevated by the instruction of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sridhara Swami has said that mukti is also another cheating. Why mukti? Krsna does not demand that "Unless you are mukta, liberated, you cannot serve." No. You can serve in any condition. Ahaituky apratihata
- Srila Bilvamangala Thakura said that if one has unalloyed devotion for the Supreme Lord, the goddess of liberation is ready to serve him, to say nothing of the gods of material opulences
- Srila Rupa Gosvami therefore declares that if one rejects this material world as false, not considering the importance of this material world as a means to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such renunciation has very little value
- Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.23.56 says: Although a person is apparently living, if he does not serve the lotus feet of great devotees he is to be considered a dead body
- Such activities are so nicely arranged in writing by the greatly learned sages that the actual purpose of the ear is served just by being near them
- Suffering and needy men, inquisitive persons or philosophers make temporary connections with the Lord (Krsna) to serve a particular purpose. When the purpose is served, there is no more relation with the Lord
- Suppose you are a government servant. You are serving in the secretariat. But tomorrow you become Hindu or Muslim or Christian. But do you mean to say that your service in the government will be changed also? No. That will continue
- Svarupa-siddhi is not something artificial. When one becomes perfectly spiritually realized, then he understands what is his relationship with Krsna and he begins his service in that relationship as father, as friend, as guru or as servant, like that
- Tadiya means the tulasi leaves, the devotees of Krsna, the birthplace of Krsna (Mathura), and the Vedic literature Srimad-Bhagavatam. Krsna is very eager to see His devotee serve tulasi, Vaisnavas, Mathura and Bhagavatam
- Taking this opportunity, the elderly brahmana immediately confirmed that this was really true. He said, "If Gopala personally comes here to serve as a witness, I shall surely give my daughter to the young brahmana"
- That (reception of the dust of the lotus feet of a pure devotee who has also served another pure devotee) is the way of pure disciplic succession, or devotional parampara
- That is described in the Bhagavad-gita by the Supreme Being, Krsna, duhkhalayam asasvatam: "It is a place of miseries." You cannot make things very rightly going on. It is not possible. Therefore the best purpose will be served - leave this place
- That most ancient person, the Personality of Godhead, will alone come to our rescue. What purpose can we serve on His behalf by deliberating on the subject?
- That original Personality of Godhead, named Sankarsana, first lies down in the river Viraja, which serves as a border between the material and the spiritual world. As Karanodakasayi Visnu, He is the original cause of the material creation
- That princess, O holy sage, will be just the type you have been thinking of in your heart for all these long years. She will soon be yours and will serve you to your heart's content
- The acarya or the spiritual master's duty is to give direction to the disciples how he can fix up his mind always on the lotus feet of Krsna. He should . . . he knows how to engage a particular devotee in a particular type of service
- The administrative class is meant for protecting the living beings so that they can serve this purpose - broadcasting the knowledge of our relationship with the Lord
- The basic principle of Krishna Consciousness is to receive one and all as our Master, and serve them with prasadam as diet and Krishna Kirtana as medicine for being free from materially diseased condition
- The best purpose is served when one is directly facing the Supreme Truth, as when one faces the sun
- The best purpose of Vedic culture is served by chanting the holy name of the Lord, as recommended by Lord Caitanya, the deliverer of all fallen souls. BG 1972 purports
- The brothers Jagai and Madhai belonged to the brahmana caste, and their residence was in the holy place of Navadvipa. They never served low-class persons, nor were they instruments to abominable activities
- The capitalist serves his family and the family serves the head man in terms of the eternal capacity of eternal being. In this way we can see no living being is exempted from the practice of rendering service to other living being
- The caste system has a specific purpose. If this scientific system is followed, human society will get the greatest benefit. Heeding this instruction by the Lord, people should serve cows and calves and in return get ample quantities of milk
- The conclusion is, therefore, that everyone is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, everyone is serving under the supreme direction of the Lord, and everyone is afraid of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The demons were so captivated by the tricks and friendly words of Mohini-murti that although the demigods were served first, the demons were pacified merely by sweet words
- The devotee inquired whether they can wear European and American dress before the general public. From the instructions given to Prataparudra by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, we can understand that we may change our dress in any way to facilitate our service
- The devotees of Lord Krishna may also combine together to start the mission of preaching Bhagavatam cult all over the world. It is not for serving any political purpose but it is necessary to preach cult for saving the people in general
- The dharma of the living entity is to serve, and we can easily see that every living entity has the tendency to serve himself or others
- The difference between the spiritual world and material world is the mentality of service. Nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam ucyate. When there is no mentality of service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's activities are material
- The different parts of our bodies serve different purposes, but any limb of Krsna's body can serve any purpose
- The direct interpretation is called abhidha-vrtti, whereas the indirect interpretation is called laksana-vrtti, The indirect interpretation serves no purpose
- The eightfold yoga mysticism is automatically practiced in KC because the ultimate purpose is served. There is gradual process of elevation in the practice of yama, niyama, asana, pratyahara, dhyana, dharana, pranayama, and samadhi. BG 1972 purports
- The eleventh incarnation of the Lord took the form of a tortoise whose shell served as a pivot for the Mandaracala Hill, which was being used as a churning rod by the theists and atheists of the universe
- The father actually serves the son, whereas the son only demands all sorts of services from the father; therefore a pure devotee who is always inclined to serve the Lord wants Him as the son, and not as the father
- The finger is part and parcel of the total body, and its eternal function is to serve the body. Indeed, that is the very purpose for the finger, and if it cannot serve the whole body, it is diseased or useless
- The first condition of devotional service to the Lord is to be a servant of a pure devotee, and this condition is fulfilled by the statement "reception of the dust of the lotus feet of a pure devotee who has also served another pure devotee
- The forward steps of the Lord are the shelter for the upper, lower and heavenly planets, as well as for all that we need. His lotus feet serve as protection from all kinds of fear
- The four principles mentioned in this verse serve to explain the three main principles, namely the adhyatma, adhidaiva and adhibhutam, as explained before
- The goddess of fortune always chants the glories of Pradyumna in the place known as Ilavrta-varsa, and she always serves Him with great devotion
- The goddess of fortune is evidence of this, for although she constantly lives on the heart of Narayana, she wants to render service to His lotus feet. She therefore considers herself a maidservant and serves Him constantly
- The great sage Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, persons like you, who are pure devotees of the lotus feet of Mukunda and who are always attached to the honey of His lotus feet, are always satisfied in serving at the lotus feet of the Lord
- The great soul Bali Maharaja became a disciple of Sukracarya and began to serve him with great faith, offering everything he had
- The hand and the leg serve the body; similarly, as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, every living entity is bound to serve the Supreme Lord in his healthy condition
- The head of a family thinks of himself as the master of the family, or the leader of a nation thinks of himself as the master of the nation, whereas actually he is serving, and by serving maya he is gradually going to hell
- The highest perfection of human life is to seek some employment under the Lord's supreme service. That will make one extremely happy
- The historical references to exalted kings serve as a good example for present rulers. Those who are ruling the world at the present moment should take lessons from King Gaya, King Yudhisthira and King Prthu
- The hunchbacked woman continued, "The King is very much pleased with me for supplying this nice thing, but now I see that there is no one who can better be served by this pulp of sandalwood than You two brothers"
- The idea is that the Lord does not create the fish incarnation; He eternally has such a form, and the appearance and disappearance of such an incarnation serves particular purposes
- The idea of giving even one's wife to the service of the public is that one's intimate relationship with his wife by which one thinks his wife to be his better half or to be identical with himself, must gradually be given up
- The instructions given herein (in SB 4.14.15) serve as a summary of how the head of government should execute his ruling power and thus attain happiness not only in this life but also in the life after death
- The jiva can never forsake his desire to serve. But if he so desires, he can quit his bad service for a good one
- The ksatriya can serve the Supreme Lord by using his military arts, just as Arjuna served Krsna. Arjuna was a warrior; he had no time to study Vedanta or other highly intellectual books
- The ksatriyas and the government should be advised by the brahmanas. The vaisyas should produce enough foodstuffs, and the sudras should serve the three higher classes (the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas). This is the arrangement of SPG
- The leader of a nation thinks of himself as the master of the nation, whereas actually he is serving, and by serving maya he is gradually going to hell
- The life and dedication of Maharaja Prthu in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead serve as a good example of karma-yoga
- The living being is constitutionally a servitor, and not one who is served
- The living entities serving material energy are struggling hard for existence and happiness, which is presented to them as illusion. But those in the spiritual energy are placed under the direct service of the Lord in eternal life, knowledge and bliss
- The living entity wants to serve, but because of his forgetfulness of his relationship with the Supreme Lord, he serves under the modes of material nature and manufactures various modes of service, such as socialism, humanitarianism and altruism
- The Lord does not create the fish incarnation; He eternally has such a form, and the appearance and disappearance of such an incarnation serves particular purposes
- The Lord says that the service of His servants is greater than His personal service
- The lower animals serve human beings as servants serve their master. BG 1972 Introduction
- The material disease is that everyone is making plan, "How others will serve me." This is called maya. This is called maya. Maya means that artificially we want to be served
- The material nature is a conditional manifestation of spiritual nature, just as smoke is a conditional stage of fire. Smoke is dependent on fire, but in a blazing fire there is no place for smoke. Smoke disturbs, but fire serves
- The materialist is never prepared to give up his body; rather, he wants to continue to live in his body to serve his society, family, friends and so on. Therefore by practicing the mystic yoga system one must become detached from bodily relationships
- The materialists do not know that in the next life they will be degraded and that all their activities simply serve as parabhava, their defeat
- The mind plans material enjoyment, and the gross body serves as the instrument to realize such desires and plans. The mind is the platform onto which all desires come and go
- The mind's natural duty is to serve. When that service spirit is engaged in devotional service to the Personality of Godhead, without any motive, that is far better even than salvation
- The miseries of this material world serve to indirectly remind us of our incompatibility with dead matter. Intelligent living entities generally take note of these reminders and engage themselves in the culture of vidya, or transcendental knowledge
- The Nawab told Sanatana Gosvami: Since I did not know why you were submitting sick reports and not attending to your service, I have personally come to see you. Frankly, I am much perturbed by your behavior
- The next business is to teach others, to make disciple. Formerly, even fifty year or sixty years ago in India, a brahmana would not accept anyone's service
- The parts and parcels are meant to serve the whole, and when they misuse their independence they are subject to the miseries of the laws of matter, just as criminals are subject to police action
- The path of liberation, as recommended by all authorities, is to serve the mahatma transcendentalists
- The people were astonished when they saw Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's ecstatic love and personal beauty. The priests who served the Harideva Deity offered the Lord a good reception
- The person served, the process of service and the servant. These three items are completely spiritual, and therefore the spiritual world is called absolute. There is no tinge of material contamination there
- The politician presents his manifesto for the public to convince them of his capacity for service. The voters therefore give the politician their valuable votes, thinking that he will render valuable service to society. BG 1972 Introduction
- The President gives protection to all the citizens, those who personally associate with him, giving him service, receive special consideration. That is not actually partiality. That is natural
- The primeval Lord assumed the tortoise incarnation in order to serve as a resting place (pivot) for the Mandara Mountain, which was acting as a churning rod
- The propensity for enjoyment may be turned into the desire for serving the mission of the Lord, By doing so, one's activity is changed into karma-yoga
- The real occupational duty of the living entity is to serve the Lord. Even if one prefers to deviate from this principle he remains a servant because that is his eternal position; but one serves maya, the illusory, material energy
- The religion of the finger is to give service to the body. Just like I am giving service this way, this way, and serve this way. So this part of this body is meant for giving service to the whole body. Similarly, we are part and parcel of the Supreme
- The room was so constructed that there was only one door opening on the outside, which served as an entrance for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There was another door attached to the kitchen, and it was through this door that the food was brought
- The sacred meeting organized by you at your place yesterday will be remembered by me with great reverence and I must thank you from the very core of my heart for giving me a chance to serve the cause of the Potency of the Almighty God
- The same purpose (always seeing God within the heart) is served when a devotee worships the form of the Lord in the temple
- The sastras advise that when such a woman (who is attractive and has a beautiful face and sweet voice) comes to serve a man, she should be considered to be like a dark well covered by grass
- The sentiments you express are very praiseworthy in devotional service. Especially it is pleasing to me that you are so happy in your service to the deities
- The separated parts and parcels are the servitors, and the integrated plenary portions of visnu-tattvas are the worshipful objects of service
- The servant serves the master as long as there is payment
- The service is his dharma, not this rubber stamp, "Hindu," "Muslim," "Christian." No. That is designation. Actual dharma means the characteristic
- The service of humanity means they are serving the body. Where is the soul? They do not know how to serve. Just like washing the cage, and the bird within the cage, it is starving
- The shopkeeper serves the customer, and the artisan serves the capitalist. The capitalist serves the family, and the family serves the state in the terms of the eternal capacity of the eternal living being. BG 1972 Introduction
- The so-called national leader or humanist does not serve everyone; he serves his senses only. That is a fact. But the conditioned soul cannot understand this because he is bewildered by the spell of material nature
- The so-called servant means that "Unless you pay me, I am not going to serve you." Strike. "I am your master. You pay me. Then I shall serve you." So nobody is servant actually
- The son serves the father, just as the servant serves the master. There is affection between master and servant and son and father. The father also serves the son in so many ways; therefore the relationship is reciprocal
- The Supreme Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is always fully satisfied in Himself. Therefore when something is offered to Him, the offering, by the Lord's mercy, is for the benefit of the devotee, for the Lord does not need service from anyone
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is actually the master of all sacrifices and preceptor of all the Prajapatis, and He is served even by such personalities as Nanda and Sunanda
- The symptom of unflinching faith in pure devotional service is that one has overcome the many disruptive desires that impede pure devotional service, such as (1) the desire to worship the demigods, (2) the desire to serve someone other than Krsna
- The symptoms of madness served as an impetus for remembering Krsna. The mood of ecstasy awoke love, disdain, defamation by words, pride, honor and indirect prayer. Thus Sri Krsna was sometimes blasphemed and sometimes honored
- The United Nation is giving service in so many big, big building in New York, for the last so many years. What service they have given? The war is going on. Instead of being united, the flags are increasing
- The uttama-adhikari sees the spirit soul within the material body and serves him as spirit. Thus the material aspect is automatically served
- The vaisyas, or the mercantile class of men, trade in commodities, protect cows and develop agricultural produce. The sudras, or laborer class, serve the higher classes because they themselves are not very intelligent
- The Vedas enjoin: yajno vai visnuh. In other words, the same purpose is served whether one performs prescribed yajnas or directly serves Lord Visnu. Krsna consciousness is therefore performance of yajna. BG 1972 purports
- The water that serves as covering for the universe is material, whereas the water of the Causal Ocean is spiritual. As such, the watery covering mentioned herein is considered to be the false egoistic covering of all living entities
- The whole purpose, therefore, is served when everything is done for the will of the Lord (Krsna). This is possible only for the devotees
- The whole world is in chaos. They are not eager to serve Visnu. They are simply eager to serve their senses. Go-dasa, servant of the senses
- The wife of Hlada was named Dhamani. She gave birth to two sons, named Vatapi and Ilvala. When Agastya Muni became Ilvala's guest, Ilvala served him a feast by cooking Vatapi, who was in the shape of a ram
- The yogi should then imprint on his mind the neck of the Personality of Godhead, who is adored by the entire universe. The neck of the Lord serves to enhance the beauty of the Kaustubha gem, which hangs on His chest
- Their only business is enjoying Lord Krsna’s company, and even though such eternally liberated persons come within this material world to serve the Lord’s purpose, they enjoy Lord Krsna’s company without stoppage
- Then in a mirror she beheld her own reflection. Her body was completely freed from all dirt, and she was adorned with a garland. Dressed in unsullied robes and decorated with auspicious marks of tilaka, she was served very respectfully by the maids
- There (in Vrndavana) Krsna's dear friends, the cowherd boys and the gopis, serve Radha and Krsna by singing, dancing, offering betel nuts and refreshments and decorating Their Lordships with flowers
- There are administrative demigods in charge of departmental service of cosmic management, and there are tiny administrative gods in the state service
- There are many jealous people in the dress of Vaisnavas in this Krsna consciousness movement, and they should be completely neglected. There is no need to serve a jealous person who is in the dress of a Vaisnava
- There are many wonderful houses, walls, gates, assembly houses, temples, yards and temple compounds, as well as many hotels serving as residential quarters for foreigners
- There are two kinds of duties in our life. One duty is to serve the illusion, and the other, another duty is to serve the reality. When you serve the reality, that is called real sannyasa
- There are two things: daya and seva. Seva means to give service to the superior, and daya means to give service to the inferior. Both of them are service
- There is another class who are neither intelligent nor martially spirited nor endowed with the capacity for economic development but who simply can serve others. They are called sudras, or the laborer class
- There is no exception in the society of living beings to the activity of service. BG 1972 Introduction
- There is no need to serve the demigods, who are just like the hands and legs of the Supreme Lord. When the Supreme Lord is served, the hands and legs of the Supreme Lord are automatically served. There is no need of separate service
- There should be no question of mating. Simply by engaging in the service of her exalted husband, who must be a pure devotee, the wife will never be agitated by sex impulses
- There was no need for impractical fools to enact daily a new legislative bill and to conveniently alter it again and again to serve some purpose
- These pictures (Krsna painted many pictures on Radharani's breasts) served as subject matter for Radharani's friends to joke about. Thus Krsna was always engaged in lusty activities, and thus He made His youthful life successful
- They (in the Vaikuntha planets) have no revolutionary spirit: "Oh, why shall I serve You? I am also God." This is revolutionary. These things are not there. The so-called rascal declaring oneself that "I am God," no
- They (the impersonalists) say brahma satyam jagan mithya - "Brahman is real, & the material world is false" - they are nonetheless very eager to serve the false material world and neglect the service of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- They have no brain to become brahmana or to become ksatriya or vaisya, they are called sudras. And sudra's business is to serve the other upper three classes, laborer, worker classes, and satisfied with some service
- Thinking to harm the King, he became the cook at the King's house. One day, the King's spiritual master, Vasistha Muni, was invited for dinner, and the Raksasa cook served him human flesh
- This (stopping samsara) can be done only when one is Krsna conscious, or has achieved the service of the lotus feet of the Lord. Otherwise one must rot in this material world and accept a material body subject to birth, death, old age and disease
- This action (sending Apsaras to break the severe austerity of a saintly person called Acyuta Rsi) was typical of Indra, the King of heaven. Whenever Indra discovered someone undergoing severe austerities, he would begin to fear for his post
- This age of Kali, we are condemning so much. But even the demigods, they, I mean to say, highly eulogize this Kali-yuga. Why? Oh, here is a great opportunity. Simply by chanting Hare Krsna, simply by this sankirtana movement, all interest is served
- This demon (Maya Danava), feeling obliged to Arjuna, wanted to do him some service to show his gratefulness, but Arjuna declined to accept anything from him in exchange
- This edition of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta is presented for the study of sincere scholars who are really seeking the Absolute Truth. It is not the arrogant scholarship of a mental speculator but a sincere effort to serve the order of a superior authority
- This is the sign of pure, advanced devotee. He's never disappointed. Ahaituki. There is no motive. "My Lord is there. My duty is to serve." That's all
- This princess, means daughter of Manu, she began to serve Kardama Muni. And in the yoga asrama, it was a cottage, and there was no good food, no maidservant, nothing of the sort. So became gradually very lean and thin, and she was very beautiful
- This system of association (to serve the mahatma transcendentalists) has been recommended since time immemorial, but in this age of quarrel and hypocrisy it is especially recommended by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Those who are not sufficiently intelligent to be brahmanas, ksatriyas or vaisyas are required to serve a master and are called sudras. Thus everyone can engage in the service of the Lord and awaken his natural Krsna consciousness
- Though seemingly attached to his beloved consort while served by the Gandharva girls, the sage did not lose his glory, which was mastery over his self
- Thus Ramadasa carried the baggage of Raghunatha Bhatta and served him sincerely. He constantly chanted the holy name of Lord Ramacandra day and night
- To accept guru, there is also service. And to give service to an inferior person who is suffering, that is also service. The one service is called daya, and the other service is called seva
- To be able to personally serve the Deity is a great privilege and such a person is very fortunate indeed
- To become dependent on another's maintenance is very degrading; therefore, according to the Vedic system, everyone should live independently. Only the sudras are unable to live independently. They are obliged to serve someone for maintenance
- To live in the society of devotees and to become puppet of the predecessor acarya. This is success. So we are trying to do that, Krsna consciousness society, and serve the predecessor. That's all
- To make them (sacrifices) more easily performable, the Veda was divided into four divisions of sacrifice, just to purify the occupational service of the four orders
- To pacify the demon, the brahmacari told him (Vrkasura), "My dear, if you think that you can disclose the mission for which you have taken the trouble to come here, maybe I shall be able to help you so that your purpose will be easily served"
- To say nothing of this, He sometimes serves your family as a messenger or servant. This means He worked just as ordinary servants do
- To serve human beings by medical aid, social help and educational facilities while at the same time cutting the throats of poor animals in slaughterhouses is no service at all to the soul, the living being
- To Serve the Spiritual Master with Faith and Confidence
- To serve under somebody, that is sudra. So at the present moment people are being educated to serve under somebody
- Trained to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Transcendental loving service is never to be compared to the forced service of the material world. In the material world, even if one is under the conception that he is no one's servant, he is still the servant of his senses
- Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti (BG 4.9) - When he (the devotee) gives up his body, he goes directly to become an associate of the Lord and serve Him, although he does the same thing even in a material body in the material world
- Uddhava said, "Although to accept the invitation offered by Narada as primary is quite appropriate, at the same time, my Lord, it is Your duty to give protection to the surrendered souls. Both purposes can be served if we understand the whole situation"
- Uddhava said, "I think that if we can somehow or other gain victory over Jarasandha, all our purposes will automatically be served"
- Unfortunately, being misguided, instead of serving Krsna, we are serving so many other things. Somebody is serving his family. Somebody is serving his country. Somebody is serving his dog. In this way, service is there - but the service is misplaced
- Unfortunately, these materialistic persons, they do not know what is his real interest. The real interest is Visnu, how to serve Visnu
- Unwilling conditioned souls are not allowed to enter into the liberated life of spiritual existence because at heart they are not willing to serve. Instead, they want to enjoy themselves as imitation Gods
- Upon arriving in Vrndavana, he (old brahmana) said to him (young brahmana): My dear boy, you have rendered me so much service, and I am much obliged to you. I would like very much to return that service and give you some reward
- Vasudeva said, "My dear brother, in the beginning, due to my being imprisoned, I could never serve you as a friend, and although at the present moment"
- Vipralambha serves as a nourishing element for future meetings. When the lover and beloved meet all of a sudden and embrace one another, they feel an ecstasy of happiness, and the state of mind they experience in that ecstasy is called sambhoga
- We (part and parcel of krsna) are not working according to our particular duty. Just like this finger is part and parcel of my body. It has got a particular duty: to serve the whole body. When it is unable to do it - it is painful
- We are even indebted to common living entities like cows, from whom we take milk. Because we accept service from so many animals, we become indebted
- We are not meant for enjoying. We are meant for serving. Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, jivera svarupa haya-nitya-krsna-dasa (CC Madhya 20.108-109): "Our real identity is to serve, to remain under the protection . . ." We are always under the protection
- We being spiritual, our only duty is to serve God. We are serving, everyone is serving. That is our constitutional position, to serve
- We find the behavior of Rupa Gosvami to be exemplary; he gave fifty percent of his wealth for spiritual purposes. This should serve as an example for everyone
- We have already discussed developing a taste for hearing and chanting the holy sound. It is done through the medium of service to the pure devotee of the Lord
- We have to accept Krsna as the guru, or Krsna's representative as guru. Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya (BG 4.34). And we have to give service to such guru and we have to surrender ourself
- We have to learn how to forget to serve this material nature. That is bhakti-marga
- We have to remain faithful to our master. We don't mind whether ones taking this philosophy or not, that doesn't matter. We have to try our best. But as soon as this service is done with some selfish motive, personal interest, then it is spoilt
- We require that men of all tongues may know of the great message of Krishna and your rendering our books in the Spanish language will be a tremendous service to our Krishna Conscious movement
- We're the servants of a wife, of a family, of a job, of our own senses, of our children, and if we have no children we become servants of our cats or dogs. In any case, we must have someone, something to serve
- What is our dharma, living entities? We are living entities. We may be in different forms; it doesn't matter, 8,400,000's of forms. But what is the actual business? The actual business is that every one of us giving service to others. This is our dharma
- Whatever austerity, pranayama and mystic yoga practices Prthu performed were performed for the sake of worshiping Krsna. Prthu Maharaja serves as a perfect example for yogis also. Whatever he did, he did to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna
- When he (living being) thinks, feels and wills materially, he becomes entangled, and conversely when he thinks, feels and wills for the service of the Lord, he becomes gradually freed from all entanglement
- When it (finger) is unable to do it (serve the whole body) - it is painful - the physician or the surgeon says that, - This finger should be amputated. Otherwise it will create disturbance to the whole body
- When one goes to a guru-kula, he immediately becomes the menial servant of the guru. If the guru orders him to perform some lowly service, he is prepared to do it. This is the business of a brahmacari
- When one is fixed in the understanding that he is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul and that his eternal position is to serve in association with the Supreme Lord, he becomes self-realized
- When one pours water on the root of a tree, the trunk and branches of the tree are automatically pleased. Similarly, when one becomes a devotee of Lord Visnu, everyone is served, for the Lord is the Supersoul of everyone
- When prasadam is being served, the spiritual master is supposed to call each and every disciple to come eat
- When the demon Jambhasura saw that his friend Bali had fallen, he appeared before Indra, the enemy, just to serve Bali Maharaja with friendly behavior
- When the spiritual master is no longer physically existing, the disciple should serve the instructions of the spiritual master
- When there is a difference of opinion between son & parents, the son leaves home & the relationship is severed. The same with husband & wife; a slight difference of opinion, & there is divorce. No relationship in this material world is actual or eternal
- When there is a river, one can take drinking water, wash his clothes, bathe and so on, for that water will serve all purposes. Similarly, if one worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, all his goals will be achieved
- When unit energy is identified with the service of the total energy, the unit energy becomes as powerful as the total energy
- When Vasistha understood that the human flesh had been served by the Raksasa, not by the King, he undertook twelve years of austerity to cleanse himself for having cursed the faultless King
- When Vasudeva, the all-pervading Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is served in completely pure devotion, detachment from the material world immediately begins
- When water is needed it has to be poured on the root, not on the leaves. Pouring water on the leaves serves no purpose, but pouring water on the root serves all purposes. This is the essence of the philosophy of spiritual culture
- When we agree to serve only, not to be served. Not to accept service from others, but to serve others - that is real liberation
- Where is that intelligent person who is unwilling to serve this divine Radha-kunda, which is situated at the foot of Govardhana Hill?
- Whether one is a ksatriya, a vaisya, or a sudra doesn't matter, if he serves, by his work, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- While Devahuti was thinking of what to do in that great palace in her dirty clothes, there were at once, by the yogic powers of Kardama Muni, one thousand maidservants prepared to serve her
- While in the material energy, the living entity serves the material senses; and while in spiritual energy, he serves the SG directly. In either case the living entity is the servant of God. This vision of equality is perfect in a person in KC. BG 1972 p
- While living, the cows give important service by giving milk, and even after death they give service by making available their skin, hooves, and horns, which may be used in many ways
- While serving the lotus feet of the Gosvamis, one should live in the association of devotees (bhakta-sane vasa). This is the business of a devotee. A devotee should not aspire for material profit or lament for material loss
- While there is life in the body, it is meant for the service of others, and when it is dead it is meant to be eaten by dogs and jackals or maggots. He is sorry because for such a temporary body such a huge massacre was committed
- Who can give better service than Mahatma Gandhi? Who can become such honest man, ideal man. He was addressed as mahatma. Still, his service was not recognized. He was killed. So that is the result of material service
- Why this finger was created? Because I require the service of the fingers. Suppose if I want to press something, if there was no nail, then I cannot press. It is so nicely manufactured
- With an ardent desire to serve the purpose of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps
- With great eagerness Ramacandra Puri seated Jagadananda Pandita and personally served him prasadam
- With such (childish satisfaction) desires in mind, the living entity does not actually enjoy, but he serves the bodily whims unnecessarily, without profit
- Without being one with the Supreme, the Absolute, one cannot render service unto Him. In the absolute conception, there is no difference between the served and the servitor; yet the distinction is there, in a higher spiritual sense. BG 1972 purports
- Worship of demigods may indirectly be worship of the Personality of Godhead, but it is not regulated. By worshiping the Supreme Lord, one automatically serves all the demigods because they are parts and parcels of the whole
- Yes, to make a KC coloring book for children is a very good idea for serving and for spreading KC to the young children. Please do it. It will be a great service
- You be engaged in your service. Don't change your service. But you try to serve the-temple means the Supreme Lord - by your occupational duty
- You can render service anywhere, you get thousand dollars or two thousand dollars every month. But here, you come and give your service without any payment. Why? Because out of love of Krsna
- You cannot make things very rightly going on. It is not possible. Therefore the best purpose will be served - leave this place, material world, and go to the spiritual world. That is our Krsna consciousness
- You cannot non-cooperate with the stomach. You must serve the stomach. Otherwise your position is very precarious
- You cannot take any service from anyone without being indebted. We are becoming entangled, complicated with indebtedness. That is called karma
- You go to the president, Johnson. Ask him, "Don't you serve anybody?" "Oh, yes, I am serving the country." So who is out of service? Nobody is out of service. But he's serving the illusion. And as soon as he serves the Supreme, he becomes mahatma
- You have come out of Your abundant and causeless mercy in order to serve our purpose, our interest, and give us the benefit of Your personal glory called apavarga, liberation
- You have to serve two bhagavata, nityam bhagavata, not the bhagavata-saptaha. This is another cheating. There is no such thing as bhagavata-saptaha in authoritative literature. They have manufactured as a business. But Bhagavata should be served nityam
- Your Lordship can perform one work to serve many purposes, and consequently, although You have punished me in many ways, I do not feel ashamed of having been arrested by the ropes of Varuna, nor do I feel aggrieved
- Your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my first duty is to serve him. How could I leave his service?