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Pages in category "Facing"
The following 54 pages are in this category, out of 54 total.
- A slight change in the course of God-made law can bring about a massive danger to be faced by the lawbreaker
- According to the Bhagavatam conclusion, we are sometimes faced with dangerous or miserable conditions without endeavoring for them, and similarly we may have prosperous conditions without endeavoring for them
- After spreading kusa with its tips pointing east, the saintly King, himself facing the northeast, sat down on the grass and began to meditate upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, who had assumed the form of a fish
- Although the sun moves counterclockwise, facing the constellations, with Sumeru Mountain on its left, it also moves clockwise and appears to have the mountain on its right because it is influenced by the daksinavarta wind
- Animal, sometimes facing enemy, close the eyes, as if there is no enemy, so they do like that. Children, when there is danger, they close the eyes. They have no other means to escape. So these people, they close the eyes. "There is no life after death."
- I came to Bombay from Vrndavana to see Sri Munshi on the same mission of going back to Godhead, because without this there is no solution of any problem, the world is now facing
- I don't believe all this nonsense (two forces keep the moon in such a way that only one half remains facing the sun). This is unnatural. Every planet is rotating that is called orbit so how this moon can be different from other planets?
- If you are always faced with so many problems and still you say that "Material world is very nice," so what you are? Foolish. You do not know what is the meaning of pleasure
- In perfect self-control, Maharaja Pariksit sat down on a seat of straw, with straw-roots facing the east, placed on the southern bank of the Ganges, and he himself faced the north. Just previously he had given charge of his kingdom over to his son
- It is natural for a person facing untimely death to try his best to save himself. This is one's duty. Although death is sure, everyone should try to avoid it and not meet death without opposition because every living soul is by nature eternal
- It is very good that the Deity is facing East
- Laksmi holds in her two hands lotus flower and offers blessings with the other hand like you see with the murtis of Radha Krsna with palm open and facing forward
- Let us forget our past difficulties and in Krishna Consciousness, if anyone faces difficulties, it is considered as blessings, because without tapasya, or voluntarily accepting some inconveniences, nobody can realize the Transcendence
- Manifesting a full effulgence and a fearsome countenance, Lord Nrsimha, being very angry and finding no contestant to face His power and opulence, then sat down in the assembly hall on the excellent throne of the king
- Many obstacles we are facing. Never mind. Still, we are coming out, gradually. Kuntidevi said, "Krsna, all those dangerous days may come again, so that I can always remember You. Now... When we were in dangerous days You were always with us"
- Material desires in the mind are the trash of material contamination. By such contamination, the living being is faced with so many compatible and incompatible things that discourage the very existence of spiritual identity
- Maya means the external energy. Just like if you stand facing the sun, the back side of your, there is a big shadow. That is maya. So both things are there: the purusam, the Krsna, and the maya also
- Nanda Maharaja and the others said: We must previously have constructing public roads and wells, and also given charity, as a result of which this boy (Krsna), although faced with death, has returned to give happiness to His relatives - SB 10.7.32
- Nanda Maharaja and the others said: We must previously have performed austerities for a very long time as a result of which this boy (Krsna), although faced with death, has returned to give happiness to His relatives - SB 10.7.32
- Nanda Maharaja and the others said: We must previously have worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as a result of which this boy (Krsna), although faced with death, has returned to give happiness to His relatives - SB 10.7.32
- Neither darkness nor reflection has an independent existence. Darkness comes when the sunshine is blocked. For example, if one stands facing the sun, his back will be in darkness
- Nowadays they are facing a scarcity of food. The solution is there in the Bhagavad-gita. Krsna says, annad bhavanti bhutani
- O King, as the demigods and demons sat facing east in an arena fully decorated with flower garlands and lamps and fragrant with the smoke of incense, that woman, dressed in a most beautiful sari, Her ankle bells tinkling, entered the arena
- Of the seven doors on the surface - namely the two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and one mouth - five look forward, and these are described as the doors facing the eastern side
- One may sometimes be faced with a grievous situation created by a brahmana, but instead of meeting him with a similar mood, one should try to pacify him with a smiling face and mild treatment
- Please do the needful. Keep yourself brave and fit to face the situation with faith in Krsna and Spiritual Master
- Prahlada Maharaja said, My Lord, I do have a problem, however, for I am simply thinking of these rascals & fools who are busy with maya-sukha, temporary happiness, without knowledge of devotional service unto You. This is the problem faced by a Vaisnava
- Pushing on this movement, I had to face so many difficulties throughout since I left my home
- So far I am personally experienced, in our childhood there were not so many problems. Now India is faced with so many problems on account of imitating Western civilization
- Srimati Radharani continued, "In that birth, instead of killing Vali, an enemy of His friend, in the manner of a ksatriya, He (Ramacandra) killed him just like a hunter. A hunter takes a secure hiding place and then kills an animal without facing it"
- The best purpose is served when one is directly facing the Supreme Truth, as when one faces the sun
- The cowherd men began to contemplate: It is very astonishing that although this boy Krsna has many times faced many varied causes of death, by the grace of the SP of Godhead it was these causes of fear that were killed, instead of Him - SB 10.11.55
- The Deities should be facing East. If you are laying the foundation stone to this temple there is a ceremony which you can observe
- The demigods & demons performed ritualistic ceremonies under the directions of the brahmanas. Then they dressed themselves with new garments according to their own choice, decorated their bodies with ornaments, & sat facing east
- The gate on the northern side and the gate on the southern side represent the two ears, and the two gates facing the western side represent the rectum and the genitals. All the doors and gates are described below
- The only problem that we face is that we are neglecting to understand the supreme powerful
- The preliminary processes are the sitting posture, meditation, spiritual thoughts, manipulation of air passing within the body, and gradual situation in trance, facing the Absolute Person, Paramatma
- The sadhus who have gone to Himalaya for his personal benefit, that is also good, but those sadhus who are preaching and facing so many difficulties, so many opposing elements, they are better sadhu
- The two gates named Khadyota and Avirmukhi were situated facing the eastern side, but they were constructed in one place. Through those two gates the King used to go to the city of Vibhrajita accompanied by a friend whose name was Dyuman
- The whole world, beginning with the highest planet to the lowest in this material world is facing this problem. Combination of husband and wife is a necessary satisfaction of the sex urge
- The yogi or the devotee is faced with many allurements which can entangle a great fighter again in the bondage of material existence
- There will be so many questions, so many opposing elements. You have to face them by your arguments, by your knowledge. This is required
- To face difficulty in the course of preaching work is a kind of austerity. These difficulties do not go in vain. The more we face difficulties, the more we draw the attention of Krsna
- We have forgotten our relationship with God. Therefore our life is problematic. We are facing so many problems. So again, if we revive our original consciousness, then we shall become happy
- When affection is symptomized by direct happiness and distress, it is called attraction. In such an attracted state of ecstatic love, one can face all kinds of disadvantages calmly
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu observed the dancing, everyone saw that Caitanya Mahaprabhu was facing him
- Whenever the government disrespects the supremacy of the Personality of Godhead and fails to protect the institution of varnasrama-dharma, it will certainly have to face such catastrophes as formerly brought about by Lord Parasurama
- While preaching KC with full vigor, Caitanya faced many Mayavadi philosophers. Similarly, we are facing opposing svamis, yogis, impersonalists, scientists, philosophers & other mental speculators & by the grace of Krsna we successfully defeat all of them
- Why Krsna is recognizing so nicely a preacher? Because He knows that he has to face so many difficulties. It is not easy going. Armchair politician, no. He has to face so many difficulties