critical |critically
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Pages in category "Critical"
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
- Haridasa Thakura was born in a Muslim family and was later recognized as a great Vaisnava, but nevertheless the brahmanas were very critical of him
- How can you say that the worship of a stone is sinful while a man who is more than a stone shall be considered as the object of love? These are some of the questions that arise out of a critical study of your book
- I (Prabhupada) am pleased to learn that you are conducting classes very nicely and Krishna is supplying you intelligence to answer some critical questions by the audience. It is very good news
- If there are one or two instances of falling down, that may be excused, we are not so overly critical, otherwise who would be qualified of any of us to become devotee?
- Some of the symptoms critically explained in the following verses are kila-kincita, kuttamita, vilasa, lalita, vivvoka, mottayita, maugdhya and cakita
- Sometimes a professor tries to study these transcendental literatures and attempts to put forth a critical analysis from the mundane view, with an end to receiving degrees like a Ph.D. Such realization is certainly different from that of Ramananda Raya
- Sometimes a university student or professor tries to study these transcendental literatures and attempts to put forth a critical analysis from the mundane view, with an end to receiving degrees like a Ph.D
- Srimad-Bhagavatam you should study very scrutinizingly, critically
- The Bhagavad-gita can be consulted in all critical times, not only for solace from all kinds of mental agonies, but also for the way out of great entanglements which may embarrass one in some critical hour
- The King (Priyavrata) thus began criticizing himself: Alas, how condemned I have become because of my sense gratification! I have now fallen into material enjoyment, which is exactly like a covered well. I have had enough!
- The process of changing one's nature at the critical moment of death is here (in BG 8.6) explained. How can one die in the proper state of mind? BG 1972 purports
- These sankhya-yogi philosophers, they may analyze very critically. Even they can count the atoms which is composing this whole material atmosphere. But that does not mean you have understood the original force which has created all these things
- They (Gopis) could not tolerate a moment's blinking of the eyes, for it kept them from seeing their beloved Lord Krsna. So what to speak of others, who are naturally very critical of every action of a responsible man
- Thus Isvara Puri became like an ocean of ecstatic love for Krsna, whereas Ramacandra Puri became a dry speculator and a critic of everyone else