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Pages in category "Revenge"
The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.
- Ballal Sena was taking loans from Gauri Sena and spending money extravagantly, and therefore Gauri Sena stopped supplying money. Ballal Sena took revenge by instigating a social conspiracy to make the suvarna-vaniks outcastes
- Because nature is taking revenge on the demonic population malnutrition is also one of the branches of such revenge
- Because of having insulted Dhruva Maharaja, Suruci would become mad upon the death of her son and would enter a forest fire, and thus her life would be ended. This was mentioned by the Lord to Dhruva because he was determined for revenge against her
- Dear Mother - he (Dhruva) said, "my stepmother has insulted me by dragging me from my father's lap." "Dear son," the mother replied, "what can I do? I am helpless, and your father no longer cares for me."Well, how can I take revenge?" the boy asked
- Dhruva Maharaja came to the forest to search out the Supreme Personality of Godhead with a revenging spirit against his stepmother
- Dhruva Maharaja greatly lamented his propensity for ruling the material world and his revengeful attitude towards other living entities
- Dhruva Maharaja regretted that he had rejected the advice of Narada Muni and was adamant in asking him for something perishable, namely revenge against his stepmother for her insult, and possession of the kingdom of his father (King Uttanapada)
- Dhruva Maharaja was the king, and when his brother was unceremoniously killed, it was his duty to take revenge against the Yaksas from the Himalayas
- Dhruva Maharaja, influenced by a revengeful attitude towards his insulting stepmother, did not think of mukti, nor did he know what mukti was. Therefore he failed to aim for mukti as his goal in life
- Dhruva was very much ashamed to think that although he had gone to Madhuvana, giving up the kingdom of his father (Uttanapada), and he had gotten a spiritual master like Narada Muni, he was still thinking of revenge against his stepmother
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) was still thinking of revenge against his stepmother and wanted to occupy an exalted post within this material world. These were the causes for his moroseness even after he received all the desired benedictions from the Lord
- His (Dhruva's) revengeful attitude towards his stepmother and stepbrother was satisfied, his desire for a more exalted position than that of his great-grandfather was also fulfilled, and at the same time, his eternal position in Dhruvaloka was fixed
- Maharaja Pariksit had inquired why Narada Muni was subject to a spirit of revenge (tamah). But this was not tamah, for Narada Muni, in full knowledge of what was for the good of the 2 brothers (Nalakuvara & Manigriva), wisely thought of how to cure them
- Material desires are all most demonic; one thinks of others as one's enemies, one thinks of revenge against one's enemies, one aspires to become the topmost leader or topmost person in this material world, and thus one competes with all others
- My dear boy, you are helpless. Only if God helps you can you take revenge (said by the mother of Dhruva). "Oh, where is God?" Dhruva asked enthusiastically
- Sometimes, if He gets no opportunity to steal butter or milk from a house, He will be angry at the householders, & for His revenge He will agitate the small children by pinching them. Then, when the children begin crying, Krsna will go away - SB 10.8.29
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Once Saudasa went to live in the forest, where he killed a man-eater (Raksasa) but forgave and released the man-eater's brother. That brother, however, decided to take revenge
- The sons of Kuvera, when cursed by the great sage Narada, did not seek revenge in the same harsh way, but submitted
- They knew that if somehow or other Hiranyakasipu escaped from Nrsimhadeva's hands and saw that the demigods were looking forward to his death with great pleasure, he would take great revenge upon them. Therefore they were very much afraid
- When a sadhu chastises or punishes someone, he does not do so for revenge
- When Dhruva Maharaja factually saw the SPG, there was no question of a revengeful attitude towards his stepmother nor any aspiration to lord it over the material world, but the Supreme Personality is so kind that He knew that Dhruva Maharaja wanted these