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- Even if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in devotional service he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination
- Guru's property
- In the beginning of your life, you are immoral. You are disobeying the greatest authority. There is another example, a story, that a gang of thieves, they stolen some property from different houses
- Krsna is the property of His pure devotee
- My Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, sometimes used to say that if after selling all of my property I can convert one person to Krishna Consciousness factually, then I shall think my mission is successful
- Real property
- A bewildered boy loitering in the street may be reminded, - My dear boy, why are you suffering so much? You are the son of a very rich man who has so much property. Why are you loitering in the street
- A brahmacari is supposed to work as a menial servant of the Spiritual Master, and whatever collection he gets, it becomes the Spiritual Master's property, not the brahmacari's. That is real brahmacari life.
- A citizen may know everything about his patch of land, but the king knows not only his palace but all the properties possessed by the individual citizens. BG 1972 purports
- A conditioned soul considers property for which he is in debt to be his own, and he is very busy acquiring such property. But a devotee considers such property not real property but simply an entanglement in the material world
- A daughter would never inherit the property of her father, and therefore an affectionate father, during the marriage of his daughter, would give her as much as possible. A dowry, therefore, is never illegal according to the Vedic system
- A drop of ocean water has all the properties of the ocean itself, and we, although minute particles of the Supreme Whole, have the same energetic properties as the Supreme
- A learned man treats all women except his wife as his mother, looks on others' property as garbage in the street, and treats others as he would treat his own self
- A living entity desires comfort for his body and makes many plans for this purpose, but actually the body is the property of others. Indeed, the perishable body embraces the living entity and then leaves him aside
- A person becomes materially attached to family, property and children, although all of these are temporary. The possessor unfortunately identifies with his property and wealth
- A person may claim something within this world to be his property, but that is a false claim. It is a fact that it is someone's property, but it is God's property (isavasyam idam sarvam). This does not mean, however, that the property is false
- A person possessing an agricultural field may employ another person to produce food grains from it, but because the grains are produced from the land, they are considered the property of the owner of the land
- A rich man displays his opulence in various colorful ways. He has a good residential bungalow with sufficient property and a well-trimmed garden. The bungalow is decorated with up-to-date furniture and carpets
- A rich man's son, he has forgotten that his father is very rich, or his father has left immense property. But forgetting his real position, he's loitering in the street, hungry. You can call him, "All right, you take some food." That is not real benefit
- A son inherits the property of his father. Similarly, when the devotee is fully Krsna conscious, undisturbed by dualities, he is sure that he will return home, back to Godhead, just as one inherits his father's property
- According to Manu-samhita, a woman is never independent. She must remain the property of the father while she is not married, and she must remain the property of the husband until she is elderly and has grown-up children of her own
- According to spiritual communism, all properties on the surface of the globe belong to the SP of Godhead. The population has a right to use goods only after offering them to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the process of accepting prasada
- According to Vedic culture, a wife is considered the property of her husband, and a son born by illicit sex is called dvaja. The common word still current in Hindu society for such a son is dogla
- Actually, nothing is private property. That is our philosophy. Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1): "Everything belongs to God." That's a fact. Under the influence of maya we are thinking that "This is my property."
- After marriage she (the daughter) becomes the property of the husband
- After the death of his father, who was materially very opulent, Prahlada would have inherited his father's property, which extended throughout the world, but Prahlada Maharaja was not inclined to accept such material opulence
- After the end of his material way of life, he (Bharata Maharaja) divided the property to his sons and left. And he was living alone at Pulahasrama near Haridwar, and undergoing severe tapasya. That is human life, to accept tapasya
- Akrura continued, "I am falsely thinking myself happy in possessing my home, wife, children, estate, property and friends. In this way I am acting as if in a dreamland, because none of these are permanent"
- All persons who are dominated by their wives are generally foolish. Indra thought that Krsna was a henpecked husband who only by the will of His wife Satyabhama took away the property of heaven, and therefore he thought that Krsna could be punished
- All the golden plates and utensils which were used in the sacrifice were also thrown in the dustbins, and all such heaps of gold remained unclaimed property for a long time, till Maharaja Yudhisthira collected them for his own purposes
- All the residents of Mathura, who had not seen Krsna and Balarama for a long time, were very much pleased to see Them again. They felt joyful, like a person who has regained his lost property
- Although all his property was taken and he was thrown into a cave, Bali Maharaja was such a great devotee that he spoke as follows
- Although Maharaja Priyavrata received instructions from the great sage Narada, he still engaged in ruling the earth. After fully enjoying material possessions, he divided his property among his sons
- Although the nectar of Krsna's lips is the absolute property of the gopis, the flute, which is just an insignificant stick, is forcibly drinking that nectar and loudly inviting the gopis to come drink it also
- Although Vidura did not inherit the property of his father (the brother of Bhismadeva), still he was given sufficient state property by Dhrtarastra, the elder brother of Vidura
- Americans, they are also chanting. Why not ourselves? It is our property. But unfortunately, so much dull brain
- An irresponsible king takes the royal position to be his personal property and misuses his treasury for sense gratification
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, we cannot even think of His bamboo flute - what sort of pious activities did it execute so that it is now enjoying the nectar of the lips of Krsna, which is actually the property of us gopis?"
- Another man may see the money and decide to let it remain there, thinking that he should not touch another's property. Although this second man does not steal the money for his own purposes, he is unaware of its proper use
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of Kaviraja Gosvami also accepts the lotus feet of the above-mentioned lords (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, Advaita Prabhu, Svarupa Damodara, Rupa Gosvami, Raghunatha dasa) as his personal property
- As far as possible try to worship the Deity, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. Krsna does not want your whole property. Krsna is open to the poorest man for being worshiped
- As stated in BG, although the conditioned soul is the son of the wealthiest personality - the Personality of Godhead - he does not realize it. Therefore Vedic literatures are given to him to help him search out his father and his paternal property
- As stated in the Upanisads, tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhah kasya svid dhanam (ISO 1). Everyone should be satisfied with the things allotted him by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; no one should encroach upon another's rights or property
- As you want good government or good man as president, similarly, formerly, although there was fight between the two kings, the objective was different, not to occupy one's property, not to become a big thief
- At least those who are Vedic followers, they take cow dung as pure. Anywhere impure, they smear with cow dung. And that is fact also. Cow dung is full of antiseptic properties. It has been analyzed
- At the present moment there is no guarantee by the government of even the primary necessities of life in the state, namely, the protection of the lives and property of the citizens
- Bali Maharaja would lose all his property because of defying orders of Sukracarya, yet because of devotional service to the Lord, he would get more than he expected, and in the future, in the eighth manvantara, he would occupy the throne of Indra again
- Because they are rascals, they are falsely claiming, "This is my country. This is my property. Nobody can come here." This is a dog's philosophy
- Because we are all sons of Krsna, therefore every one of us has the right to use (the) father's property. But we should not encroach upon others. This is the formula of peace
- Being assured by Lord Krsna, all the inhabitants of Vrndavana entered beneath the great hill along with their property and animals, and they all appeared to be safe
- Bird will go to a tree and eat fruit, but not more than he requires; neither he will take the fruit at his home to stock for next day or making black market. We have created this nonsense situation by claiming God's property as ours. This is the mistake
- By killing this demon, O Lord, You have taken back all this stolen property from his abdomen by piercing it with Your nails. We therefore wish to offer our respectful obeisances unto You
- By such activities, he earns his claim to enter into the kingdom of God. The exact word used in this verse is dayabhak. Dayabhak refers to a son's becoming the lawful inheritor of the property of the father
- By this letter of certification I fully authorize my representative, Robert Corens (initiated name, Rupanuga das Adhikary), to negotiate and complete the sale of property owned by ISKCON located, 4544 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, 63108
- Children born of dharma-patni, or a woman married according to religious principles, inherit the property of the father, but children born of a woman who is not properly married do not inherit the father's property.
- Cow dung is full of antiseptic properties. It has been analyzed. So the Vedas gives us injunction both ways that stool is impure but this stool is pure
- Customarily everyone is eligible to inherit his father's property, and Ajamila also inherited the money of his father. But what did he do with the money? Instead of engaging the money in the service of Krsna, he engaged it in the service of a prostitute
- Demons think of their possessions as their property, but actually everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can take anything at any time He likes
- Dhrtarastra was all along engaged in improving family affairs by raising the standard of living of his sons or by usurping the property of the Pandavas for the sake of his own sons
- Don't claim your proprietorship. You are not proprietor. You are falsely claiming; because what you are claiming as your property, it will be taken away by Krsna at the time of your death
- Don't think like that, that "Krsna is Indian, Krsna is Hindu," or like that, or "ksatriya. Therefore He is meant for others." No. Because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is everyone's property
- Doubts due to misconceptions of "myself" and "mine" - in other words, "my body," "my relatives," "my property," "my wife," "my children"
- Dr. Lal Mohan Gosal, he has very minutely analyzed the cow dung and he has found that cow dung is a composition of all antiseptic properties. So similarly, he has also analyzed the water of the Ganges out of curiosity
- During the political upsurge in India and its division into Pakistan and Hindustan, so many rich and influential Indians had to surrender life, property and honor due to the influence of time
- Each child can take advantage of the father's property & instruction, but even though the inheritance and instruction may be the same for all the children, out of their different desires each child creates a different life and thereby suffers or enjoys
- Either now, neither able to enjoy, because it is not your property. If you want to enjoy other's property, then you'll be implicated in criminal offenses
- Even in our rebellious condition we get all our necessities from Him (the Lord), such as food, air, light, water, warmth, and coolness. Yet because we have detached ourselves from Him, we simply mismanage this paternal property
- Everything belongs to God. You are sons of God. You have got the right to use father's property, but do not take more than you need. That is punishable. These things are stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Stena eva sa ucyate
- Everything belongs to the Supreme, and therefore one should not usurp another's property. We have a tendency to manufacture many things. Especially nowadays, we are building skyscrapers and developing other material facilities
- Haridasa Thakura replied, "Immediately go home and distribute to the brahmanas whatever property you have. Then come back to this room and stay here forever in Krsna consciousness"
- Haridasa Thakura's instruction that the prostitute should distribute to the brahmanas all the property she had at home is very significant
- Haridasa Thakura’s instruction that the prostitute should distribute to the brahmanas all the property she had at home is very significant
- Having described the situation of the SP of Godhead as transcendental, Svayambhuva Manu, for the instruction of the sons and grandsons in his dynasty, is now describing (in SB 8.1.10) all the property of the universe as belonging to SP of Godhead
- He (a person) therefore goes to beg money from others, but when his desires are not fulfilled by begging, he wants to borrow or steal the property of others. Thus he is insulted in society
- He (Krsna) doesn't like it that you should dance like that, but he wants. "All right, you dance. You can take the facility, dance." Just like my Guru Maharaja, Tirtha Maharaja wanted his property. "All right, take this property." But what he is doing?
- He (My Guru Maharaja) had so many temples all over India, and he used to say some time that, - If by selling all these properties, temples, if I could turn one man to Krsna consciousness, then my mission will be successful
- He (Siva) does not live pompously in a nice house, etc., nor does he possess any material properties, although he is master of the material world
- He (the living entity) identifies with the material energy and is consequently overpowered by a kind of fear resulting from accepting himself as the material body and considering paraphernalia related to the material body to be his property
- He divided all his property amongst his sons and appointed them to rule the world, and then he went to the forest with his wife. It is significant in this connection that Maharaja Prthu retired alone and at the same time took his wife with him
- He divided his property among his sons, who were equally as qualified, and he himself took the order of vanaprastha and went to the forest to concentrate his mind fully upon Lord Vasudeva
- He does not know that this (valuable things left on road for repairing road or electrical work) is all government property. He takes it away. That is stealing. And when he is caught, he is arrested, and he is punished
- He falls into scarcity & at that time when he is unable to secure the necessities by fair means, he decides to seize the property of others unfairly. When he cannot get the things he wants he simply receives insults from others & thus becomes very morose
- He sees that one who has stolen property, he is arrested by the police and taken into the custody. He has seen it, he has heard it. We experience. We gather our knowledge by seeing and by hearing. So both things he has done, but still he is stealing. Why?
- He thought that he is very good gentleman. (indistinct) property is for isvara? No, he says that "We are one. Your property is my property and my property is my property."
- He wants to purchase a very large property very much suitable for our purpose. He also proposes to have an acredited school there for the society children
- Here Lord Vamanadeva, as an ideal brahmacari, refuses Bali Maharaja's offer to give Him anything He might want. He says that without contentment one could not be happy even if he possessed the property of the entire world or the entire universe
- House, country, family, society, children, property, & business are some of the material coverings of the spirit, atma, & the yoga system helps one to become free from all these illusory thoughts and gradually turn towards the Absolute Person, Paramatma
- How can he claim proprietorship, everything is the property of the Guru
- I (Bali Maharaja) have no other property, but I do have my head. Would You so kindly step there?" Lord Sri Krsna was then very much pleased with Bali Maharaja, and He asked, - What would you like from Me
- I am very fond of mangoes and when they are produced on our own property, then they become more palatable
- I have become profited, profitable, or I have acquired profit. I left my home, my children and everything. I came here as a pauper, with seven dollars. That is no money. But I have got now big properties, hundreds of children
- I have given the example that the Vedas say cow dung is pure. This is axiomatic truth. Now if you analyze cow dung you'll find all the antiseptic properties are there. This is axiomatic
- I have got immense property. Why he goes outside to live independently? - So that is his mistake, the son's mistake. The father is always anxious to get the son back to home, back to Godhead
- I have just received one letter from Mohanananda in Dallas and he wants to purchase a very large property very much suitable for our purpose
- I have only this body, and therefore I surrender it unto you. Now, if you wish, you may sell it anywhere you like. It is your property
- I think legally you cannot now transfer the property to Iskcon because I know it definitely that a lease-holder or a tenant cannot make any such arrangement with a subtenant or sublease-holder. If someone does so, it is not valid
- If he (a living entity) changes from one property to another, that does not mean that he renounces
- If his (the foolish materialist 's) father dies, he wants to enjoy his father's property, and if his son dies, he wants to enjoy his son's possessions as well. In either case, he heedlessly tries to enjoy material happiness with the acquired money
- If human society unlawfully claims that the property of the universe, either partially or wholly, belongs to mankind, all of human society will be cursed as a society of thieves and will be punished by the laws of nature
- If Lord Krsna is very pleased with a devotee, He takes away his material property, as He states in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.88.8): yasyaham anugrhnami harisye tad-dhanam sanaih. "To show special favor to a devotee, I take away all his material property"
- If my father is happy and I am the son of my father, why should I be unhappy? I can naturally conclude that I shall enjoy my father's property just as my father is enjoying it
- If my father is happy, so I am the son of my father - why I shall not be, I shall be unhappy? This is natural conclusion. Because I will enjoy my father's property as my father is enjoying
- If one has maintained a dog mentality, then he'll get a dog's body. All this property he made in this life goes to hell. He becomes a dog if he has maintained a dog mentality. And if he has maintained a god's mentality, then he becomes a god also
- If someone, gives him (rich man's son) information that he is simply suffering because he has left his father's home and that his father, a very wealthy man and owner of vast property, is anxious to have him return - the person is a great benefactor
- If the land is the property of somebody, so whose property is the sea? But there must be somebody. That is faith. Common sense. But they have no common sense even
- If there is any suitable property available, please send me the particulars, what is the description, the price, the income. Please do this at your earliest
- If they (communists or capitalists) do not recognize the proprietorship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all the property they claim to be their own is stolen
- If we can stay at Bury Place that is Krsna's arrangement. Let Mr. Patel purchase the new property. In that case there is no need of sending the pass book. The transfer order may be torn up
- If we take into account how the numberless millions of stars and planets are set in the sky, who has made this universe and whose property it is, we should certainly come to the conclusion that there is a proprietor of everything
- If we take into account whose property is the vast ocean, whose property is the vast land and how the sky exists, we should certainly come to the conclusion that there is a proprietor of everything
- If you argue, "Why it (cow dung) is pure?" then you come to a modern chemical analysis, and you will find the cow dung is full of antiseptic properties. It has been examined in Calcutta by one doctor, Raj Mohan Bose
- If, at that time (death), you are thinking of your pet dog, "What will happen to my pet dog? How he will live? Let me leave some of my property in his name," then you can leave the dog with some property, but you are going to be dog
- In any case, the man always thinks of the woman, and the woman always thinks of the man. Thus a person becomes materially attached to family, property and children, although all of these are temporary
- In any case, the money does not stay in one place. It passes from one hand to another. Ultimately no one can enjoy the money, and it remains the property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In Calcutta, a very prominent scientist and doctor analyzed cow dung and found that it contains all antiseptic properties
- In case you do not like this arrangement, then you may keep the temple as your private property and as my disciple I will give you guidance. But you may not use the ISKCON name to collect funds or to take loans
- In India such vast knowledge, it is kept for professional Bhagavata readers. How much harm they have done! Some professional Bhagavata readers, it is their property
- In material sense, as soon as I say it is mine, it is nobody else's. It is my property. Law of identity or something like that. So Krsna is not like that. So you can say Krsna, "my," there is no harm
- In old age, when the husband has taken sannyasa and left home, she remains the property of the sons. A woman is always dependent, either upon the father, husband or elderly sons. That will be exhibited in the life of Devahuti
- In our preaching work also, we deal with so much property and money and so many books bought and sold, but because these dealings all pertain to the Krsna consciousness movement, they should never be considered material
- In the Bhakti-sandarbha (265), Srila Jiva Gosvami writes: In the verse beginning namaikam yasya, we find the word pasanda (‘godlessness’). The word literally indicates misuse of one’s body or property
- In the interim we falsely claim - This is my country, this is my home, this is my wife, these are my children, this is my property, this is my bank balance, etc
- In the Vedas it is said that cow dung is pure, although it is the stool of an animal. We accept: "Yes, it is pure." And actually you'll find, yes, it is pure. If you analyze, you'll find all antiseptic properties
- In this material world we aspire for a nice house, good property, children, friends and riches, but ultimately all of these will be destroyed, including ourselves
- In your country, the hippies. They have given up everything, but sex is there. They cannot give it up. They have renounced everything, their father's property, their happy life, everything, but the sex is there. They cannot leave it
- Innocent women, they are very much harassed after the war by the victorious party. You know, the soldiers are given freedom to rape the women. And plunder the property. So many things they have
- It advertises its qualities and says to the gopis, 'O gopis, if you are so proud of being women, come forward and enjoy your property - the nectar of the lips of the Supreme Personality of Godhead'
- It has already been admitted that all the King's property belonged to the brahmanas and that Prthu Maharaja was simply using it for the welfare of the state. If it were actually the property of the brahmanas, how could it be offered again to them
- It has been proved by modern science that cow dung contains all antiseptic properties. BG 1972 Introduction
- It is all right to use our father's property, but at the present moment we are not acting as our Father's sons; we are maya's sons
- It is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam that no one should claim anything as his property. Whatever property one claims to be his actually belongs to Krsna
- It is natural that one should accept the wife selected by one's father, just as a son accepts the name given by the father or as he accepts the property offered by the father. That is the general course in increasing the population of the world
- It is said that the dacoits in Bengal used to worship the goddess Kali for fulfillment of their sinful desires to plunder others' property, but they never went to a Visnu temple because they might have been unsuccessful in praying to Visnu
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam that in Kali-yuga the heads of government will be plunderers and thieves. These thieves and plunderers take the money and property of the public by force or connivance
- Just like father's property is meant for the son's enjoyment. That's a fact. So "If other sons, without any labor, without any endeavor, they can get their food, why I am stealing?" This is knowledge
- Just like in hospital there are blankets. It is written there, "Hospital Property." So long you are in the hospital, you can use it. But you cannot take it outside. Then you are criminal
- Just like Ravana captured Laksmi. Defied Rama, Narayana, and captured Laksmi. He thought, "I don't care for Narayana; I care for Laksmi." The result was that he became vanquished. Life, property and everything - sons, daughters, all family
- Khatvanga Maharaja was not a materialist. A materialist is always attached to wife, children, home, property and many other things for sense gratification, but, as stated above (in SB 9.9.44), Khatvanga Maharaja was not attached to such things
- King Gaya gave full protection and security to the citizens so that their personal property would not be disturbed by undesirable elements. He also saw that there was sufficient food to feed all the citizens. (This is called posana)
- Krsna continued, "If a person has no money but after some time accumulates some wealth and then loses it, he will think of the lost property twenty-four hours a day"
- Krsna said, "You (Krsna's boys and family members) should learn from the example of King Nrga that even if someone unknowingly usurps the property of a brahmana, he is put into a miserable condition of life"
- Krsna says, "Renounce your work for Me. Renounce your wealth and property for Me." Krsna is not a beggar, for everything belongs to Him, but He does treat us like small children
- Krsna se tomara, krsna dite para. Krsna is the property of His pure devotee, and if we take shelter of a pure devotee, he can deliver Krsna very easily
- Krsna was present as their (Pandavas') friend, and still they were bereft of their kingdom. They lost their property, their wife was insulted, and they were driven away to the forest
- Law is there - "The father's property must be inherited by the son." Similarly, those who are strictly in Krsna consciousness despite all kinds of hindrances, his liberation is guaranteed
- Let me go out. I shall enjoy life freely. - What freedom? You are already rich man's son. You can enjoy the property of your very, very rich, powerful father, and what independence you will enjoy? This is criminality
- Lord Krsna continued, "If some foolish king who is puffed up by his wealth, prestige & power wants to usurp a brahmana's property, he should be understood to be clearing his path to hell; he does not know how much he has to suffer for such an unwise act"
- Lord Krsna said, "A person who takes away a brahmana's property, whether it was originally given by him or by someone else, is condemned to live for at least sixty thousand years as a miserable insect in stool"
- Lord Krsna said, "He (who even wishes to possess property of Brahmana) will be defeated by his enemies, and after being bereft of his royal position, when he gives up his body he will become a serpent, giving trouble to all other living entities"
- Lord Krsna said, "Not only is he (someone who takes away the property of a very liberal brahmana) put into this hell known as Kumbhipaka, but his family members also have to accept such a miserable condition of life"
- Lord Sri Krsna advised the brothers of Maharaja Yudhisthira to collect the unclaimed property because it belonged to the King
- Many ksatriyas have laid down their lives on the battlefield for their nations, but hardly a person can be found who has given up all his property and his accumulated wealth in charity to a person worthy of the gift
- Material advancement may be very pleasing to an ordinary man, but ultimately he is defeated because he identifies himself with the material body and considers everything related to it to be his property. This is ignorance. Actually nothing belongs to him
- Mayapur we are constructing a big temple. And Vrndavana also. So, for maintenance of the temple perpetually, I want to purchase some property in Los Angeles, because here, Los Angeles, property gets nice income
- Modern capitalists accumulate more wealth than necessary, and the communists, envious of their prosperity, want to nationalize all wealth and property
- My dear Lord, I must admit that due to Your bodily effulgence, unbearable to my eyes, I cannot see You properly. I can fully realize that the influence of Your effulgence has diminished my power
- Nabhaga inquired, "My dear brothers, what have you given to me as my share of our father's property?" His elder brothers answered, "We have kept our father as your share"
- Narottama dasa Thakura says: "My real riches are Nityananda Prabhu and the lotus feet of Sri Radha and Krsna". He further prays, "O Lord, kindly give me this opulence. I do not want anything but Your lotus feet as my property"
- No devotee should claim that any money or property belongs to him. If one thinks that any portion of property of this huge universe belongs to anyone, he is to be considered a thief and is punishable by the laws of nature
- No one can surpass the vigilance of material nature or hide his intentions from material nature. If human society unlawfully claims that the property of the universe, either partially or wholly, belongs to mankind, all of human society will be cursed
- Not coveting or stealing the property of others
- On the basis of the misconception, which ties together the hearts of the male and female, one becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one increases life's illusions and thinks in terms of 'I and mine'
- On the basis of this misconception, which ties together the hearts of the male and female, one becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one increases life's illusions and thinks in terms of "I and mine."
- Once, when there was no rainfall in the kingdom for twelve years and the King consulted his learned brahminical advisors, they said, "You are faulty for enjoying the property of your elder brother"
- One chemical analyzer in Calcutta, Dr. Lal Madhav Ghosh, he tested. He found all antiseptic properties, although it (cow dung) is stool. So that is the nature of Vedic injunction. You accept it. You are benefited. You save the time
- One day it will come there will be no water. That you expect, because you are not paying any tax. You are thinking, "Water is coming, my father's property." But you are not father's son at the present moment. You are maya's son
- One must accept a spiritual master who comes in the disciplic succession and is a servant of the servant of the Lord. Under his direction, one must then engage one's three properties, namely his body, mind and words
- One must judge every action by its result. The members of the self-appointed acarya's party who occupied the property of the Gaudiya Matha are satisfied, but they could make no progress in preaching
- One of the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura wanted to enjoy the property of his spiritual master & the spiritual master, being merciful toward him, gave him the temporary property, but not the power to preach the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- One should accept only that which is allotted to him; one should not desire to infringe upon the property of others
- One should be satisfied with whatever has been allotted by the Supreme Lord and should not encroach upon the property of others. This will lead to peace in the whole world
- One should learn from the Vedic literature that one's body is also not the property of the individual soul, but is given to the individual soul according to his karma. Karmana daiva-netrena jantur dehopapattaye - SB 3.31.1
- One who is entrusted with another's property does not distribute it or use it for his own purposes. Therefore, tell him not to do such an unlawful thing
- One's maternal uncle, the brother of one's mother, is on the level of one's father. When a maternal uncle has no son, his nephew legally inherits his property
- Para-dravyesu lostravat. And other's property? Just like garbage. Nobody goes, but I have seen. Nowadays garbage is also tackled. I have seen in Hong Kong, one woman is finding out something valuable from the garbage. This is Kali-yuga
- Passion means strong desire to enjoy this material world. Generally, the kings, the politicians, they are very much passionate to encroach upon others' property, other nations, like that. And ignorance means they are neither passionate nor good
- People cannot feel secure about their lives and property, yet the so-called governments continue, and government ministers get fat salaries, although they are unable to do anything good for society
- Prahlada Maharaja has here (in SB 7.8.12) been addressed by his father as "the most unfortunate." Hiranyakasipu thought himself extremely fortunate because he possessed the property of the universe
- Prahlada Maharaja, his (Hiranyakasipu's) legitimate son, was to have inherited this vast property, but because of his impudence, he was going to die at his father's hands
- Presently Mahantaji wants to transfer the property to us and wants to go there to Vrindaban on the 8th or the 15th May. So now you can decide when to go there so that he can transfer the property to us
- Professional men recite Srimad-Bhagavatam and discuss krsna-bhakti for an exchange of money. They cannot distribute such exalted transcendental property to everyone and anyone
- Real honesty is that you should not encroach upon another's property. This is honesty. For instance, this is my table. If you want to take it away while going, is that honesty
- Recently there is division of Pakistan and India. Twenty years before, this Pakistan was part of India. Now, these Muhammadans, they did not come from outside. They changed their faith from Hindus to Muhammadans. Now they divided their property
- Regarding our involvement with the property in Bombay: by chance we have been entangled but now a strong committee should be formed of our life members. Let them take it up, otherwise what can be done?
- Regarding the road, you must immediately install at the front of the road a permanent iron gate, like the one on the opposite property
- Rsabhadeva explains the nature of lusty attraction: One becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one increases life's illusions and thinks in terms of 'I and mine.' - SB 5.5.8
- Rukmini continued, "I see, therefore, that a great sage like Narada Muni, who does not possess any material property, is still very dear to You (Krsna). And such persons do not care for anything but Your Lordship"
- Rukmini continued, "My dear Lord, You have stated that the richest section of human society does not worship You. This is also correct, because persons who are puffed up with material possessions think of utilizing their property for sense gratification"
- Self-preservation is the first law of nature. So when there is danger, people will give up their wife and property and go. Just like people are going
- Similarly, we are obliged to our forefathers because we take our birth in a particular family, where we take all advantages and inherit property
- Simply transforming one thing into something else does not make the final product one's own property
- Since everything is the property of God, and all living entities - not only human beings but even animals, birds, plants and so on - are children of God
- Small children or big children, they will address, "Mother, give us some alms." So every woman will give, and they would bring it to guru. And that is guru's property. Not because he has begged this thing from somebody, it has become his property. No
- So for maintaining the Gurukula at least the cost price for the books must be paid. Gurukula can take the profit for its maintenance. BBT cannot pay for maintenance of the temples. BBT can only pay for printing and temple properties and construction
- So many huge empires and lands and properties - all vanished, just like the British Empire. Now we are offering the real solution, so present them our philosophy nicely and they are very intelligent people, they will understand and appreciate
- Some days before we had a talk regarding the property of Kanthaltala (Maternal uncle's house). Please have a discussion for purchasing that land. We want to keep our remembrance with that land
- Sometimes a sonless person offers his daughter to a husband on the condition that his grandson be returned to him to be adopted as his son and inherit his property
- Sometimes we see on the road so many valuable things left there - government property for repairing roads or some electrical work. A man may think, "Oh, fortunately these things are lying here, so I may take them." Is it not stealing
- Sometimes, even after renunciation, one becomes attached to a temple or to the few things that constitute the property of a sannyasi, but such attachment is not as strong as family attachment. The attachment to the family is the strongest illusion
- Special care should be taken that no property can be sold or mortgaged by local managers as was done by Goursundar. This is my only concern
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has accepted your body as His own property. Therefore no one can equal you in good fortune
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said to Haridasa Thakura, "My dear Haridasa, please hear Me. This gentleman wants to destroy another's property"
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura always used to say, Even at the expense of all the properties, temples and mathas that I have, if I could convert even one person into a pure devotee, my mission would be fulfilled
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has sung in many places that his real property is the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna. Unfortunately, we are interested in unreal property and are neglecting our real property
- Suppose somebody advances $200 for purchasing a cow; you will have to repay the debt by supplying $200 worth of ghee. After that, the cow becomes your property
- Suppose you have stolen something from somebody's house or some friends. You will not be happy, even possessing that thing, stolen property. But if someday you come to return that thing to that friend, you will be happy
- Suppose you steal something, somebody's property, and falsely claim, "I am proprietor," you'll never be peace, because it is not your thing; you have stolen it
- Taking on my head as my own property the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Acarya Advaitacandra, Svarupa Damodara, Rupa Gosvami and Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
- Tena tyaktena bhunjitha: "What is given by Him, allotted to you, you enjoy that." Ma grdhah kasya svid dhanam: "But we not encroach upon others' property." This is Isopanisad, Vedas. And the same idea is explained in different Puranas
- The beginning is the tapasya. Tapasya means just like a thief wants to steal others' property, but if he thinks at the same time, "No, no, it will be criminal. Father has said it is criminal. I shall not steal others' property," this is tapasya
- The conditioned soul is sometimes attracted to the little happiness derived from sense gratification. Thus he has illicit sex or steals another's property. At such a time he may be arrested by the government or chastised by the woman's husband
- The defect is that in the root is wrong. Everyone's thinking "It is my country. It is my family. It is my society. It is my property." This "mine" is illusion
- The demoniac father (Hiranyakasipu) considered Prahlada the most unfortunate because Prahlada would not be able to inherit his property
- The demoniac person always challenges others and tries to occupy others' property by force. Here these symptoms are fully displayed by Hiranyaksa, who begged war from a person who had no desire to fight
- The demons, instead of accepting the exclusive proprietorship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, claim the property of the universe for themselves through demarcations of nationalism
- The devotee is expected to accept all nine processes of devotional service, but even if only one process is properly executed, he can still attain the highest position (paramahamsa) and go back home, back to Godhead
- The devotee who renders unalloyed service to the Lord gets the right to be promoted to Vaikunthaloka, just as a son inherits the property of his father
- The educated person is described by Canakya Pandita: "The educated man sees another's wife as his mother and another's property as untouchable garbage, and he sees all others as equal to himself." That is the pandita, the learned man
- The elderly brahmana said, "My daughter is my own property. If I choose to give my property to someone, who has the power to stop me"
- The false prestige of thinking "I am very rich, and I possess such vast property" is another side of material life. Everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no one else possesses anything. This is the real fact
- The gopis of Vrndavana do not like to see Krsna as the husband of Rukmini, nor do they address Him as Rukminiramana. In Vrndavana Krsna is addressed as Radhakrsna, or Krsna, the property of Radharani
- The government administration in the present age (Kali-yuga) is bereft of all godly qualities. Considering all these points, the people today have no alternative but to take to Krsna consciousness for protection of religion, life and property
- The Government of U.K. has passed a bill to hand over the redundant churches to other religious sects, but the Christian authorities want good amount of money for selling these properties
- The jnani, he does not touch anyone's property. That is very good. Then the karmi, because karmi takes other's property and utilizes it for his own purpose. But bhakta is neither karmi nor jnani
- The jnanis, they are very much proud that they are advanced in knowledge and renouncing, but if somebody asks, "Sir, what you are renouncing?" "This world." "All right. When this world became your property that you are renouncing?"
- The king is responsible. The government is responsible that any one of his subject, either animal or man, he is not disturbed; he feels secure of his property, of his person. And it is the duty of ksatriya to save, to protect
- The king or government may levy taxes upon the citizens in various ways provided the king is able to give full protection to his subjects to assure the security of their life and property
- The kings thought that their kingdoms were their personal property. "I have so much property, such a big kingdom," they thought. "I am God. I am the lord of all I survey." But that is not actually the fact
- The Krsna consciousness movement actually started with only forty rupees, but now it has more than forty crores worth of property, and all this opulence has been achieved within eight or ten years
- The ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras eat their food by virtue of the brahmanas' mercy. It is the brahmanas who enjoy their own property, clothe themselves with their own property and give charity with their own property
- The land was there before our birth, before we came to the land. How did it become our property? Such deliberation will help us understand that there is a supreme proprietor of everything - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The newly acquired property I have named as Advaita Bhavan and it sounds very inviting place for me to do my translating work
- The next time I see someone performing such sankirtana, I shall certainly chastise him by not only confiscating all his property but also converting him into a Muslim
- The properties of the jewel (Syamantaka) were known: wherever the jewel remained, it would produce for the keeper more than two mounds of pure gold daily
- The property is very nice. You should take it immediately. Make some bargain as far as possible to get the best price, and take it
- The proprietor of a house may live in one room of the house, but the entire house belongs to him. A king may live in one room in Buckingham Palace, but the entire palace is considered his property
- The revenue of the government is more sacred than the property of a brahmana. One who misappropriates the government's money and uses it to enjoy sense gratification is most sinful
- The sevaitas who have inherited their positions now assume proprietorship of the temples, and some of them are selling the Deities’ property as if it were their own. However, the temples did not originally belong to these sevaitas
- The some rogues and frauds, they will combine together, and make a government, and take others' property, and they will remain honest, and he is fraud. This is Kali-yuga
- The son generally inherits father's property
- The spiritualistic duties, transcendental duties, Krsna conscious duty is so nice that even if you fall down, whatever you have done, that is your guaranteed property
- The Supreme Lord is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, and we are qualitatively one with Him. Although very small, a drop of seawater is as salty as the sea, and although we are but spiritual atoms, we have the same properties as the supreme spirit whole
- The system of management will go on as it is now. There is no need of changing. The money which is in my personal name in different banks, that is being spent for the society, and it will be society property
- The touchstone of Sanatana Gosvami, which was thrown in the rubbish, was not the property of the Gosvami, otherwise it would not have been kept in such a place
- The Vedanta is the medium of philosophical interpretations, and thus the Vedanta cannot be the absolute property of any Particular class of philosopher. A sincere seeker of the Absolute Truth is called a Vedantist. Veda means "knowledge"
- The washerman continued, "They (government men) will arrest You and punish You (Krsna & Balarama), and You will be in difficulty. I have practical experience of this fact. Anyone who unlawfully wants to use the King's property is very severely punished"
- There are varieties of living entities, but no planet is vacant. That is not the fact. This is rascaldom. They are declaring the planets are vacant; only their father's property here, that is full of living entities. This is nonsense
- There is no question of being void, for as living entities our spiritual properties are all there in infinite variegatedness
- There is nothing in the universe that does not belong to either the para or the apara prakrti; therefore everything is the property of the Supreme Being
- There is something ideal that the state property should be equally divided. That's a good thesis. But they do not know that it is not the ultimate solution. You do not know who is the proprietor
- These Africans, they stopped my entrance. These rascals are thinking that Africa belongs to them. It is God's property. These usurpers, these rogues and thieves, a few Africans, they are thinking, "It is our property." Huge state, huge land
- These management affairs sometimes disturb me. Kindly manage nicely. I want that the properties should not be jeopardized
- These visible objects like wife, children and property are like dreams and mental concoctions. Actually what we see has no permanent existence. It is sometimes seen and sometimes not
- They (Raji's sons) considered it (kingdom of heaven) their paternal property (because Raji conquered the kingdom of heaven). Why then should they return it to the demigods? - when Indra, the heavenly king, begged Raji's sons to return it
- They (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) had dedicated everything to Krsna: their lives, property, affection, activities - everything was for Krsna - and when they saw Him in that condition, they became overwhelmed with fear and fell down on the ground
- They (those who imitate Lord Siva) take all of their wives' property and spend on smoking, intoxication and similar other activities
- This (CC Madhya 4.102) is the way to install the Deity, construct the temple and increase the property of the temple
- This body, after all, is produced by the unmanifested nature and again annihilated and merged in the natural elements. Therefore, it is the common property of everyone - SB 10.10.12
- This is because those great kings could not even conquer the false consciousness of "I am this body, and this is my property." Thus they simply created enmity with rival kings, fought with them and died without having discharged life's real mission
- This is to certify that Mr. Brent Selden, whose initiated name is Sudama das Goswami, is the president of our Honolulu Center, and therefore authorized to deal with all lands and property possessed by ISKCON
- This kingdom is my property, and let me enjoy for my sense enjoyment
- This surrender is considered auspicious for the conditioned soul. Our life, property, home, wife, children, house, country, society and all paraphernalia which are very dear to us are expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- To stop the quarreling among different peoples, Maharaja Priyavrata marked boundaries at rivers and at the edges of mountains and forests so that no one would trespass upon another's property
- We are anxious how to protect a property, how to push on this movement, how people will take it, what line of action we shall take; this is also anxiety, but that anxiety is for Krsna
- We are artificially enjoying the stolen property. Therefore if you go on enjoying like that, then this frustration will come. But before coming to that frustration, if we return this property to Krsna, then we become happy
- We are negotiating the purchase of the Bombay property for a lump sum cash payment of about 10 lakhs, which at the official rate amounts to about $130,000
- We come and go, and while one is here, he is absorbed in this thought - This is my land. This is my family. This is my body. This is my property
- We come here as guest, for fifty years or sixty years or hundred years, then we are kicked out, "Get out!" That we do not understand. Because we are allowed to live here for a certain number of years, we think it is my property. This is ignorance
- We have to give some service so long the body is there, otherwise what shall I do with the property?
- We receive heat, light, water and all other natural amenities through the mercy of the demigods. We are also indebted to our forefathers, who have given us these bodies, paternal property, intelligence, society, friendship and love
- We should live by the mercy of God and take only those things which are allotted to us according to our particular living condition. In this way, by not encroaching on another's property, one can enjoy life
- We should live by the mercy of God and take only those things which are allotted to us. In this way, by not encroaching on another's property, one can enjoy life
- We should take advantage of the sastras, Vedic knowledge. It is India's property. Everything was cultivated in India, but because andha yathandhair upaniyamanah. Our rascal leaders (of India), they are leading these andhas, they are not interested
- What Gandhi has done? These things are cheating, spoiled. Then they have now a slogan to drive away poverty. Vivekananda imitated, daridra-narayana-seva. That Vivekananda started his mission in India hundred years ago
- What is false is the claim to the property, which is based upon a puffed up false consciousness that the individual is the proprietor, the master, or God
- What is religious fight? Religious fight means you have got right to kill your aggressor. If somebody takes your property, if somebody sets fire in your house, if somebody kidnaps your wife or somebody is trying to kill you, they are called aggressor
- Whatever is taken from the earth - either from the mines, from the surface of the globe or from the atmosphere - should always be considered the property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and should be used for Yajna, Lord Visnu
- Whatever property one claims to be his actually belongs to Krsna. One should be satisfied with whatever has been allotted by the Supreme Lord and should not encroach upon the property of others
- Whatever property we have now made, Krsna has given us. But now, to maintain this, to save this prestigious position, that is difficult. Little mismanagement, there may be so many difficulties
- Whatever we see existing throughout the universe is intrinsically the property of the supreme enjoyer, and one may enjoy a thing that is kindly given by Him, but one must never touch the property of others
- Whatever you are collecting - suppose you are drinking a glass of water from the river. Is the river your property. Then? It is stealing. You have not created the river. You do not know who is the proprietor. Therefore it is not your property
- When all my material assets were taken away, then I approached Krsna, saying, "You are the only shelter." Therefore Krsna is akincana-vitta, the property of the materially impoverished
- When Lord Ramacandra gave everything in charity to the brahmanas, the brahmanas, being qualified, wisely considered that brahmanas are not meant to possess property to make a profit from it
- When Nabhaga went to his father and said, "My dear father, my elder brothers have given you as my share of property," the father replied, "My dear son, do not rely upon their cheating words. I am not your property
- When teachers, fathers, sons, grandfathers, maternal uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons and all relatives are ready to give up their lives & properties and are standing before me, then why should I wish to kill them, though I may survive? BG 1.32-35 - 1972
- When the Pandavas lost the game, Karna and Duhsasana immediately captured her (Draupadi). "Now you no longer belong to your husbands," they told her. - You are our property. We can deal with you as we like
- When the property is secured, then you can install the Deities. Otherwise, don't take the risk. I have no objection to your taking a loan for your farm project as you have proposed
- When the seven properties of material nature (the total material energy, the ego and the five objects of sense gratification) are in proper order, the living entity within the material elements is happy. Without these seven elements one cannot exist
- When there is an order from the Supreme for one to leave his home, his property, his body, his family, his money and his bank balance and it is all gone, one has to take another place
- When there was fight between two kings, it is on the principle that who is giving good protection to the citizens, not for personal profit. Who is able to give good protection, life, security for life and property, he should become king
- When we are anxious how to protect a property, how to push on this movement, how people will take it, what line of action we shall take, this is also anxiety, but that anxiety is for Krsna. Therefore it is bhakti
- Whenever there is a disturbance in the state, or a panic situation, the property and lives of the citizens become unsafe. This is caused by the uprising of various thieves and rogues
- Who but a rascal claims this property (the body) as his own and while maintaining it commits such sinful activities as killing animals just to satisfy his whims? Unless one is a rascal, one cannot commit such sinful activities - SB 10.10.12
- Why should you want to destroy another's property? Can't you consider what is right and wrong
- Why you are thinking "This portion is Russian," "This portion is American"? It is father's property. So if there is rush in China or India, why not allow them to come to Russia or America? "No. That is my property." What is this philosophy?
- Why you claim it is your property? Why you claim? Everything is belonging to Krsna. That is your fault. So you must suffer. You are a thief
- Within this universe, the SPG in His Supersoul feature is present everywhere, wherever there are animate or inanimate beings. Therefore, one should accept only that which is allotted to him; one should not desire to infringe upon the property of others
- Without providing a share for him, they divided the property of their father among themselves. When Nabhaga returned from the place of his spiritual master, they gave him their father as his share
- Yasoda said, "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Him under whose illusory energy I am thinking that Nanda Maharaja is my husband & Krsna is my son, that all the properties of Nanda belong to me & that all the cowherd men & women are my subjects"
- You are falsely claiming that it is your property. It is not your property. So when Krsna asks you that "Give Me in charity," so that - you are foolishly thinking that it is your money
- You came here in this world from the womb of your mother empty-handed, a child. Then you falsely claim: "This is my country, this is my home, this is my wife, this is my children, this is my property. " All these false. Because you did not brought this
- You can simply use what is given to you. You cannot claim other's property. Just like in animal life, animal life, they do not claim that "This is my country." The birds, they do not claim, but they live very peacefully
- You cannot manufacture bread. You have simply taken the wheat given by God and transformed it, but this does not mean that it has become your property
- You have stolen the property of God, and you are claiming that it is your property
- You may gradually bring that New Vrindaban property to its full potential by stages, and that will please me very much. I always had great hopes for New Vrindaban, and gradually we are developing
- You may love your dog very nicely and leave some property, but where you are going, sir? That is under the nature's law. You cannot say that "I've given so much property to the dog. Why shall I accept the dog body?" No
- You should try to get residency and if you can get property there that is very nice. That is our main business, that by our association we should try to train people up in our philosophy and principles
- You wanted property, take property. All right. - He (my Guru Maharaja) is kind, "All right, this man gave me some service, he wants this property. All right, take this property." But what he (Tirtha Maharaja) has gained?